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May 20, 2024 • 39 mins
The Ireland Game is when? Age Restrictions, and more - Monday Hour 2
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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From the Jetro's Barbecue Studios, whereevery Monday get one of Jethrow's world famous
meal deals are. This is DesMoines Sports Station one O six point three
kxn OL. Jeez Murphy, isyour Andy Fails? Where's the bo Let's
have some PRIs you going off with? Let's It's the Murphy Show on fourteen

sixty and now one oh six pointthree FM Hour two. Here on one
O six point three kxn O.It's the Murph and Andy Show, Andy
Pails, Lucas Strain and his Timberwolves, Jersey and Keith Murphy. You find
our podcast on iHeart, Spotify,iTunes and everywhere else. So Lucas you
you did you watched Unfrosted. Yeah, checked out on Frosted this weekend,

the Jerry Seinfeld movie directed starred,starring Jerry Seinfeld, and you thought it
wasn't bad. I liked it.There wasn't any parts where I was really
laughing per se. But there wasa certain moments where I was like,
oh, yeah, I get thatjoke, I get that reference. There's
there's really good references and nostalgia andas I said, it's it really looks

good and it's got a lot ofbig stars in it. It's just not
funny. Yeah. There wasn't anymoments where I was just where I was
like, oh, I should belaughing right here. Well there's moments where
I was like I should be laughing, but I never was incredible ensemble of
it. It does stars like everybodyis in it, and they I know,
how they have time to fit allthose people in. We did a

story recently, maybe it was thisweekend on WHOT thirteen. They got some
of the vintage clothes from that placeacross the street from our televi TV station.
Yeah, right there in the FunkyFines. Yeah. Yeah, you
know, they got thousands of dollarsworth of clothing there from from right here
in des Molin and then just chippedit out to California and then they came

back for another round. Yeah,and it it looks great, like I
mean, it's a rush of nostalgiafor me and some of the references I
really enjoyed. And uh, youthink that just fuels the hoarders out there,
you see, that's why you canI'm never getting rid of this stuff.
I will never know you got aquality item. It doesn't matter how
the date it is. Maybe maybeI can understand it. Let's get to

trending IOWA. Here in our twotime now for Trending Iowa powered by IOWA.
One call on Trending Iowa. MRVan eighty show one six point three
cakes No. Kate Martin got herfirst action of the season this weekend with
the Aces. In twenty six minutes, she scored three points, got five
boards forsis, and was plus eighton the game. That's great to see,

she was. She's the lowest draftedplayer to make an opening day roster,
Yes she was. I mean it'sreally really tough as a second round
draft pick to make a w NBAroster. They are expanding by two teams
next year. That's that's great.She hurt her photo. What's more a
photo Kelsey Plum, but it's it'safter Kate Martin's block. She blocks a

shot of somebody six inches taller thanher and Kelsey Plum's reaction is kind of
the sports photo of the weekend.Have you seen that? Yes? I
did. I saw some people comparingit to the Lebron Dwayne Wade al up
dunk, the iconic picture. Youknow what I'm talking about? The one
off the board. People were comparingit to that. I mean, I
wouldn't go to that stretch. Yeahno, but she got a good wind

up into that block though. Imean, it's it's just made for a
photo, it is, Yeah,and Kelsey Plum just flexing on it.
Yeah, it's good to see KateMartin doing well all right. An article
came out this weekend where Jamie Pollerpredicted how many Iowa state fans would be
in attendance for the Ireland football gamein twenty twenty five. Oh, hang
on, hang on, let's guess. What do you guess? But I

got to make it there. Theyjust started selling the package deals there.
I don't know, between twenty thousand, maybe twenty twenty five hundred to four
thousand or so dollars for the forthe package deals. It's always it's going
to be some number higher than youthink. Five thousand, twelve to fifteen

twelve to fifty cheese that would be. That's a lot of people. So
not twenty, no, not notquite twenty. Still a lot I can
see, just start, a lotof people, I think a lot of
and you haven't. This is important. You need advance warning on a trip
of this expense you can't find outtwo months. I think Bowl games are

a challenge sometimes, like three weeksgot to put together this money to go
to this destination you weren't sure whereit was going to be or how much
it was going to cost, andthen the price gouging sets in. But
here you have what four, fouror five? How far away is that
May? June July? You havethree months? Three months, Lucas,

You're not going, well, isn'tit in twenty twenty five? Are we
one year away from this? It'snot this seasoneh No, it's not until
it's not until next year. Yeah, you got fifteen schedule. You've made
me really nervous for a second there, Murph, Is that right? This
is a year and a half away. It's not this season? I feel

like I missed that. I'm kindof surprised that they would start selling them
that early. You sure it's notthis season? It's in twenty twenty five?
Really, okay? And we arein twenty twenty talk right, we're
in twenty twenty four. Okay,good, we're on the same page there.
No, it's in twenty twenty five. It's not this season. And
he's fact checking right now. It'stwenty twenty five. All right, that's

a lot of time to plan.That's good. Fifteen months to give you
plenty of time to get going overthere. You sure about that? It's
next year, that's the according tothe school's website. Well in the school's
website would know they might be wrong. No, I doubt it. That's
good, all right? All right? And then lastly, the Big Ten
Baseball Tournament in Omaha starts tomorrow.Iowa gets the five seed and we'll face

Michigan Wednesday afternoon. Took two tothree this weekend at Principal Park. Five
seed. Doesn't seem that bad?Why? Why is it put out there
like this season has been this crushingdisappointment because they were pre season number twenty,
were predicted to run away with theBig Ten, and then the season

really turned into fighting to make surethey even got into the Big Ten tournament.
The tournament only consists of eight teams. Every team doesn't make it into
postseason play. So just for howhigh the expectations were for the talent that
they were supposed to have returning,things just never turned out to be.
Well, a chance to turn itaround here right, Yeah, you would

hope. So, yeah, theyplayed good in Principal Park. They played
well, that'd be good. Allright, that's it'ding Iowa powered by Iowa
one call call eight one one orclick Iowa one call dot com before you
dig. All right, so youhave now you have a year and three
months to get ready to make thisbig, expensive trip to Dublin, Ireland.

Andy, that's that'll be Jbie Pollard'sright. With that amount of warning,
you're gonna get You're gonna get tenthousand cyclone fans. Uh didn't they
already get interest from more than that? Isn't he predicting how many? Predicting
he's predicting how many? Yeah,twelve to fifteen called? Yeah, Ok,

I didn't get anybody reserving a spotor something. I'm sure there's some
saying yes, they started selling thepackages to a Viva stadium in Dublin.
Don't watch Angela's I was watching Angela'sAshes yesterday. I don't know why anybody
would ever want to go to Irelandfor anything. Well, that's because you
were watching Angela's ashes, just pouringdown rain all the time. Yeah,

and it's filthy all live right nextto the toilet. Do you know Ireland?
Also when you go there, everything'snot in black and white. It's
like bright green. No, Isaid this was in color. Angela's ashes
is in color. Yeah, it'sin color. Prab, It's drab.
It's depressing. It's a depressing movie. What air was that depression? It

was? Yeah, started like inthe late thirties. So it's everybody's eating
potatoes. No, they're I mean, they're like just absolutely just abject poverty.
And the dad is just could notbe a bigger loser. There's nothing
more than drink his his welfare checkevery time and then sleep in the middle

of the soaking wet street with animaldung all around him. And I mean
their beds, it flees in them. They have like eight kids, but
like six of die. This isnot It's to go to iron O for
this. Iowa State cancers. Don'tread the book. The book is incredible.

The book is and the secret.I think the Great Book might have
won the Pulletzer Prize. It shouldhave. It was its aminal book.
Also depressing. Yeah, my god, but you watch the movie and it
just kind of brings it all thelife. Just like you guys, they're
just they they they live in thisapartment where it's at the bottom of a

hill, and all the water fromthe rain that's constantly coming down just goes
under their door floods the entire firstfloor of their apartment, so they just
have to live on the second floorwith the fleas. And then right across
the street, the little lane isthe toilet for the entire street, the
lavatory where everybody has to empty theirtheir buckets, watch the commitments or waking

ned Divine or something. It justseems like everything is just in stone and
it's soaking wet. You've green becauseit's rained all the time. You've got
fifteen months to get ready for thistrip. Yeah, I'm not. I
gotta stop watching Angela's ashes. Don'tkeep watching that, all right, that's
twenty twenty five. I don't knowhow I got that twisted in my head,

but glad to have that right.Caitlin Clark in the Fever play again
tonight. Doesn't this seem like forsomebody who's clearly physically and I'm sure mentally
exhausted and not the first one togo straight from the championship game into the
WNBA practice in preseason and regular season. People. Certainly players have done it

before. I don't think any player'sever done it before with having this amount
of attention and weight of a leagueon her shoulders. And I think it
shows some to me. Caitlin lookslike she's down five to ten pounds from
like her peak. Well she shejust looks small in THENBA bigger, faster,

stronger, older. Yeah, nodoubt about it. But the game
is tonight. It's the Sun again, named after the Mohegan Son in Connecticut.
That's a that's a really good defensiveteam. First game did not go
well. Son versus Fever. That'ssix pm the Sun two and oher fever,
oh and three oh and three andand haven't have the fever come within

double digits. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't
think so. Yeah, double checkit right now. But then I was
headed to Ireland in three months,so you know I got their mistake.
Their closest loss was an eleven pointloss last game against Liberty, and that
didn't feel like eleven. So Clarkand the fever game they did look slightly

better Saturday, and a big reasonfor that Clark had the ball more and
she came out on fire. Clarkon a three. Clark cix got a
T three day he's here with IndianaClark a deep one. You p four

threes, twenty two points, eightassists, six rebounds in the three games.
Spin Up and Down hasn't always lookedlike the Caitlin Clark we've come to
expect from her college days. Butonly Candice Parker in the history of the
WNBA has had a better three gamestart for overall statistics. So we do

need some context here. It's threegames. You need some context, and
we don't have our WNBA memory goesback to Game one of the City preseason.
We don't have a prior reference pointto really compare her to. All
we know is that she doesn't lookthe same as she did in college,
which was not very long ago.But you know, she did look better.

She did look like the team wastrying to run the offense through her
more she did. He had acouple of logo threes, air quotes that
brought the crowd alive, you know, I mean, it looked like she
was getting some some things figured out. It didn't look like as lost as

the last game, where you werejust I think people left out and they're
like, oh my god, Idon't know if this is going to happen,
because she just really looked like notonly was she not comfortable, it
looked like Christie Sides was like,Okay, Caitlin Clark is just gonna be
a floater. She's just gonna bean accessory. She's gonna be out there
to as a as a shooter,which makes no sense. But no,

but you know, and John hada good commentary last time on Sound Off
about that. But it's just youreally run the risk of sounding like a
total rube right now saying what we'reall saying, Well, this is Christie
Sides. Lady, you don't knowhow to use Caitlin Clark. We do,
we watched her in college. Youknow, it's just we we know
how we sound when we're saying sure, you know, you sound like you

know, first of all, youjust are not recognizing the difference between the
WNBA and college basketball, and thensecond of all that just you just truly
know how to coach basketball better thanChristy Sides does. But you know,
it's it's still though when you watchit, it just also seems like the

fever don't have a better option thanthis doesn't look like they've got a good
game plan that Caitlin Clark needs towork her way into. No, they
played better when she had ball inher hands, other than it looked like
being over in the corner. Sure, they look like a bad team now,
and when she's not really involved,they look like a worse team.
Yeah, it's it's the photo ofthe Lamborghini in the carport. I mean,

that's that's what it feels like.We're just sitting over there in the
corner. But we all you mentioned, you talked about it last week,
John and I talked about again lastnight on SoundOff. You know, everything
Diana Tarassi said was fair and hasaged well, it is an adjustment there
is. These are grown women,as Diana Tarassi said, they're bigger,

faster, stronger, older, andthere will be there will be a little
bit of a reality check and adjustment. She was right. Ironically, I
think Caitlin Clark's fans are now lovingthat she said that because it gives you
an excuse, right, I meanit's saying, well, you know,
down down at Tarassi said it herself. It was gonna be an adjustment.

She said it was gonna be tough. Yeah, it is. It's not
easy. It's this is a fullyestablished league full of grown women who were
almost all of them were great incollege. Yes, and uh it it's
three games in more tonight. Butit did it look better? Also?

That looks like a team that maywin. How many games are there?
Forty looks like a five win team. I had never looked into the history
of the Indiana Fever. I'm lookingat it right now. They haven't made
the playoffs, and remember, twothirds of the league makes the playoffs.
They haven't made the playoffs since twentysixteen. They've come in the last in
a majority of the seasons. They'llget better, but it's been a rough

start, and it's a rough schedule, rough start. To get the sun
tonight, you get this defensive teamagain. I don't know what the line
is, Lucas, but five anda half six, which seems really low
to me, does to me too. But the line was thirteen against the
Liberty, and I was like,that's that's easy money. And they ended
up losing by eleven, though itdidn't feel like eleven. No, anyway,

they were down the entire game twentymost of the time. It wasn't
looking good. Andy. For thefirst time since nineteen ninety nine, that's
twenty five years, we have anundisputed heavyweight boxing champion. Did you look
in on any of the highlights fromthe Tyson Fury Alexander Usik did fight over
the weekend? Fight? Didn't did? Not really interesting to seek out.

I would look at the high Imean, you can look at the highlights
of stuff and yeah, you know, no one is gonna say, oh
my god, I didn't take advantageof every opportunity to watch Tyson Fury fight.
They're not gonna say that. Imean, he is not a fun
fighter to watch. I mean,it's interesting because he's so tall. He's
so tall, and he's so muchtaller than this guy. He looked like

he might have been a foot tallerthan Usik. I mean, he's way
bigger, and he doesn't have anykind of you know, classic boxers moves.
I mean, he's he's a giant. Yeah, and he's not cut.
But you can tell that when hethrows a body blow. Oh my
god, oh that I mean that'sjust a huge arm just throwing all that

weight forward. But he almost Imean, if weren't for the ropes.
He'd have been totally knocked down,probably knocked out in this fight. But
Usik just gets him on the runlate in the fight and is pummeling him
and Fury is falling into the ropes. And when that guy falls into the
ropes, they almost touched the ground. I mean, he just lead it

agains like the entire ring is aboutto come off its bearings, but it's
moorings. He didn't have all thebelts. I guess not. I don't
know. I can't even keep trackingkeep tracking it either. And it's a
split decision, soah, oh yeah, yeah, And I mean Tyson Fury
was it looked at the end likehe was acknowledging that he lost. But

then of course when he started talking, he was like, well, no,
they they voted for him because everybodyfeels sorry for Ukraine. But which
you have. I guess you haveto say if you're you're a box,
but nobody takes it seriously. Butanyway, it's just so funny to watch
a guy that is that much shorterfight let alone, you know, beat

a guy that's that much bigger thanhe is. But yeah, I mean
they it's not since Lennox Lewis andholy Field split uh or what is Lennox
Lewis and Holyfield. They had athey're the ones that split up the belts.
They and Okay, before then itwas unified. Yeah, this is

the first time apparently it's been thatlong. This is the second big fight
of the other of the weekend,the other one Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse
Junior. That's pause that. ButI did see the actual fight where where
all the cameras are on it.You know, there's even an ESPN guy
with like a like a boom micwalking into the situation where it was almost

like they had to fight, likesomebody had to take a swing or they
were both gonna look like they werescared of the cameras. Yeah, and
Stenhouse like came out looking like hewas planning to fight in a tight T
shirt. He's not in his gracinggear any Kyle Busch has still got his
full gear on and his dad bodYeah, he's out there, he's got

a little Stenhouse is out there surprisedhe didn't have his helmetal and it was
like the only thing he didn't stillhave on. But Stenhouse, what do
they start jawing and then finally hehe fled out clocks, he swings yeah,
and then he's gonna get it.He's gonna get in more trouble.
And then guys from each team juststarting to In fact, they have the

cameras on it, you know,they're like, oh, okay, well
we're gonna fight right over here.Okay, come on, cameras, follow
us over here. You think thiswas all done for net, I don't.
I don't think it was done onpurpose. I just think that the
cameras having the crowd there like insuredthat it happened. Also, rest in
peace, Jim Otto for those ofus old enough to remember Jim Auto one

of the more memorable NFL figures fromthe seventies. Did he He might have
started in the sixties, which isjust such a memorable The double zeros he
had, Like there's so many therethere. He had like ten iconic things
about him all rolled into one.He's a center who's also a kicker,

which I don't think that's happened beforeor said he's and he's not just a
kicker. He's kicking straight on withhis toe right. He's wearing that crazy
old face mask that just absolutely didnot provide enough protection, plenty of room
to be punched by Tyson Fury rightin the didn't he have that like little
u thing that came down from hisbrow? Also, that thing was like
the Larry Zanka thing, Like howmuch good does that do? Not much?

It was like, basically, that'sjust a hook. But we all
hang up. We all wanted thatwhen we were playing big but didn't had
it. Yeah, because those guyshad it. And then he had that
neck roll, that big thick neckroll. Yes, and I think he's
the first, least the first reallyfamous player that that had that. So

from then on it's just like thegym auto neck roll. And they hadn't
figured out how to make it fashionableor really fit with the equipment very well
yet. No, it's just addit on to keep his head from snapping
back, because that's probably during thetime where the center snaps the ball and
the defensive tackle could probably just kickhim right in the forehead and snap his

head back and kill him if hewants to. It's football is so rough
then. And then he's double zeroalso, which is from his name auto
Otto, So he's got oh oneach side of his name, and he's
there's there. Yeah, but he'sgot yeah. Yeah, they did not
let him put the t's. Buthe's double zero. And who else is
double zero? Kenny Burrow, theOilers. I don't remember anybody else being

double zero. No, and reallyand now there's zero guys are zero?
Yeah no, uh, I thinkthe NFL is allowing zero, but they
control those numbers. But he hejust had all those things to and then
he was you know, with somesome pretty iconic teams, Raiders teams in
the early seventies, and the Raidersteams just their their reputation for just yeah,

they're all bloody, they're almost meanbloody. They've all got one finger
that goes to a ninety degree angle. The Wright. Now they're in Las
Vegas. Yeah, just so notright, but yeah, rest in peace,
Jim Otto. Jim was eighty six, eighty nine a long time for
That's that's incredible that a guy,anytime, a guy from that era lives

that long. Yeah, that's that'spretty remarkable and even more unlikely if he
didn't have major problems. Do youknow how his health was near the end?
I don't know. I mean,I just would assume that if you're
in your late eighties as a formerNFL football player. You've been through some
stuff, something going on. Wehave a keyword for you here an hour

two of the win one thousand dollarsnow from one oh six point three k
xtion O kxtion ohs bonus bunks.Keyword is Bank's the keyword. If you're
under thirty, you're not welcome.That's next. Maury is brought to you
today by Either Or Eatery and Patiosixty two to twenty two. Grand Avenue

open seven days a week, kitchenopen tonight till nine. Today's blue Jean
Day. And you know why youlook better in blue jeans because back on
May twentieth of eighteen seventy three,we had the birth of the blue jean
who was on that day the LeviStrauss and Jacob Davis obtained a US patent

on the process of putting rivets inmen's work pants. Was it coal mine
related? Probably something, yes,some kind of tough. I wanted to
make him tough. Levi Strauss wasa Bavarian born dry goods merchants came to
San Francisco in eighteen fifty three,the age of twenty four to open a

store basically made a name himself asa well respected businessman. So Jacob Davis
comes in. He's one of Levi'scustomers. He was also a tailor,
so, as the story goes,a local woman approached Jacob about making a
pair of work pants that would notfall apart. Jacob came up with the
idea to put metal rivets at thepoints of greatest strain in the pants,

like the pocket corners the base ofthe button fly. The riveted pants were
an instant hit. Those rivets workedstill are. Jacob decided to take out
a patent, but he needed abusiness partner to help get things rolling.
He reached out to Levi Strauss,from whom he purchased the cloth to make
the first pants. Just to thetwo men hold the patent together, Levi

accepted. Two men receive the patent, and the rest is history, except
that the heck knows who Jacob Davisis. Yeah, Levi Strauss is like
such a common name that almost doesn'tseem like a real person at this point,
it's a brand. Just stole itaway from it. If it's all
Levi Strausstone, Rest in peace,Dabney Coleman. So many movies and TV

shows in the seventies and eighties.Flint lived in ninety two. It was
really funny. He was even inone of the most recent seasons of Yellowstone.
He was in as well. He'splayed Kevin Coster's father. It was
pretty good in that as well.But he was so funny. Here he

is in nine to five on thereceiving end of an angry Dolly parton.
I've been telling everybody I'm sleeping withyou. Huh, Well, that explains
it. That's why these people treatme like some dime store losing I think
I'm screwing the boss. That's notgood at all. Oh, and you
just love it, don't you.It gives you some sort of cheap thrill,
like knocking over fences. I'm takingover. Get your scummy hands off

of me. Look, I've beenstraight with you from the first day I
got here, and I put upwith all your panting and staring and chasing
me around the dance. I needthis job, but this is the last
straw. Let's let's let's just sitdown. Look, I got a gun
out there in my purse, andup to now I've been forgiven and forgetting
because of the way I was broughtup. But I tell you one thing.
If you ever say another word aboutme or make another indecent proposal,

I'm gonna get that gun of mineand I'm going to change you from my
rooster to a hand with one shot. Don't think I can't do it.
It's more of a tribute to DollyParton I was looking for. Uh,
there's there's a few great Dabney Callmanlines in there, but they're nowhere on

YouTube right now. I don't knowwhat happens. Every now and then somebody
goes through and takes off a wholebunch of movie clips and they get replaced,
and they always don't get the onesI think are my favorites don't always
get get replaced. But oh yeah, he's so just as a total sexist
pig boss. Do you know they'reremaking nine to five? God, I

don't want to hear about it.I don't want to hear about it.
I mean, it's been a Broadwayproduction for a long time. Meanwhile,
last Sunday at church, he wentfor it and it wasn't there. No,

he did go for this, wasn'tthere. It wasn't there. That
That's that's like me trying to sing. He wound up and just threw it
into the bullpen. Yes, hejust threw it into the stand. He
hit the ball. Victor wemban Yamasays the first thing that he bought with
his NBA paycheck was an eight hundredand fifty dollars Lego Millennium Falcon. This

guy just went up in my books. That's such a kid with money purchase.
And you know, it's just like, well, it looks like I'm
going to be able to buy thatreally nice Lego set. Now, jeez,
I never thought I'd have the moneyfor that Millennium Falcon. You love
that, right, because the kidin you is the one that dreams of
that day. Yeah, practical yet, I mean, and it's only eight

hundred and fifty bucks. He couldhave bought that with his pocket change.
It's go in there and just buythe big Lego set. Well, he's
probably still putting that thing together too, though it's about a million pieces in
those things. Some on the flooralways an Ohio Barr's new policy banning customers
under thirty years old on weekends,it sparked a heated debate on the business's

social media account starting this weekend thirtyand up on Friday and Saturday nights.
Cover charge starts at ten pm andthe doors close at one fifteen am,
no exceptions. That's from Donna Rick'sPub in Groveport, Ohio. Interesting when
speaking of Ireland where Iowa State willplay in twenty twenty five, when we

were there in Dublin with Colin afterhis graduation was eighteen. Many of the
pubs in Dublin say no one undertwenty five. But since he was with
his parents, no one ever turnedhim away. They didn't care. But
like if a young man who lookednineteen or twenty and his buddies came up,

they would turn you around. Theyjust feel like it's from the just
too much fighting and vomiting, fighting, getting too drunk. Probably just you
know, most of us are knuckleheadsat that age. But yeah, they
have that up in many of thebars in the cities there is like a
minimum age even though the drinking ageis eighteen, that mean you necessarily go

in the bar. Yeah, didn'twant an older clientele. Yeah yeah.
The business owner did not explain whatthe reason for the change was. However,
in replies under the post, thebar said the new policy was to
enforce safety after experiencing a surge incustomers on weekends. Keeping our customers safe
is our time priority, it added. The policy announcement came three days after

an apparent naked brawl happened outside thebar, and the people that were fighting
were a couple of women. Wenormally have to pay extra to get that
kind of stuff at a bar.Yeah, stripes, but apparently or at
Zora, I think apparently this thishappened against their will. This doesn't seem

like women got in a naked fightout front and now everybody needs to be
twenty five to come in. There'sgot to be something else here that we're
missing, right, thirty thirty.I'm sorry I was twenty five in your
story there. Oh yeah, underthirty you just want, you know,
I guess you want to keep thingssafe. And then also maybe the clientele

there is like forties and fifties.They're out there single. Maybe they want
people that are actually in their wheelhouse. Yeah, maybe maybe they open up
like a brown banana. I yeahright. Silver Fox Night from the files
of some headlines don't need stories.We bring you this boy eats passes four

inch pencil without medical problem. Doyou understand that I do he ate a
four inch pence pencil. This isnot the normal type of passing the pencil
that you would do. He passedthe pencil out the other end. Four
inch pencil. That's what you know? Yay, long, that's that's it.
Never like a little pencil at church, you know that goes into the

little donation uh cart yeah, golfcart pencil. Yeah, that'd be a
good one. He ate it.He's into Paul by the way. I
don't know if it had maybe somethingto do with the altitude. Uh.
But then he he ate the fourinch pencil and his parents like immediately knew
that he ate the pencil, sothey took him to the doctor, and
apparently the doctor was just like,well, let's wait, just see what

happens. Did it come out sharpand on the other end, Well,
the kid, this is Andy'll getto this. But the uh, the
amazing the pencil and he just putit in too far. This kid is
now doing sketches with his poop,and they're they're they're selling what do you
do with the pencil? You draw? Will you wash it? Obviously?

But I mean, you do youkeep that pencil? I mean he passed
that thing. He it was chewedup though, right. He didn't swallow
the four inch pencil, did he? I think he swallowed the pencil intact.
I don't think he chewed and likedigested the pen and then he just
pooped a pencil. Yeah, itwent through him intact, came out.

Yeah, Which what Lucas is asking, was it sharper when it came out
our dollar? Like because a diamond? You know, I was there an
eraser on it? A four inchpencil? I mean, just swallowing a
pencil, would you want that?Would you want to come out? Or
people put pencils in their mind.I don't think those have erasers on them
though, right, those not.Usually you would want the You would want

the flat end to come out first, right, That would make it easier
because you get that, you getthat, you get that sharpened pencil on
your O ring, and you're insome discuss. I think you want the
flat end first, all the waythrough the entire experience. You want that
flat end coming down first. Youdon't ever want it to get turned sideways.
You don't want it coming no,no, no, that's when that's

when they have to start an emergencyprocedure. That it's funny that the doctor
is like, you know what,wait, let's just see what happens.
But you know from your pencils inthere, because they see it with the
X ray. I mean they definitelysee it. Oh yeah, it's in
there. But you know from yourlove of dogs, dogs can eat some

stuff and sometimes it is dangerous,but something like socks or something very dangerous.
Yeah, it can be really dangerous. But sometimes the vet will say,
you just gotta you know, tryto wait for it to run its
course and see if it comes out, and it will. We had I
had my friend from high school,Marty Welsh. He had this really fat

yellow lab named Woody. Great dogs. Wood He yeah, but wood he
was always hungry. I mean hewould eat everything. One time, he
ate like a two pound bag ofuncooked rice, the entire thing. It
got to his stomach and expanded,you know, and would he looked like

he was, you know, liketen months pregnant. Poor Woody. He
was just enormous. I mean,his stomach looked like a I mean,
his stomach looked like a giant balloon. I mean, and he just was
laying on his side just and thenall of a sudden boom. He was

like a soft served ice cream machine. He filled their lawn. Oh bit,
he just like was that thing crappedfor like two days? Kids?
Look an ice cream? Oh no, that's not ice cream. And then
after he was done, he waslike visibly thinner, like what do you
could just look at him and you'relike, well, that ice cream machine's

finally empty. That dog on ozempicNo he went on the two pound uncooked
rice dyant. Yeah, all right, Oh that's your more. Everybody up
next on the Audio Drop Stupid questionor snarky answer? It is time for
the audio drop of the day.It's presented by the Cellular Advantage thanks to

longtime sponsor US Cellular and the CellularAdvantage. What do you have for us
today? Lucas Uh. Yesterday,after the Nuggets lost to the Timberwolves in
Game seven, Michael Malone got aquestion he was not a fan of during
the postgame, and he didn't givea great response either. So I want
your guys opinion, Is this abad question from the reporter? Ormues Michael

Malone get if too snarky? EveAn answered or was it a combination of
both? How hard is it justto absorb ale loss like this after going
ahead by twenty Next question, Man, the season's over. That's what's hard
being that money. The season's over. You don't understand that the season's over.

It's hard, stupid ask questions.It's a it's a fair question.
He's emotional, he's upset about losing, but they were at home with a
twenty point lead in the second half. It's fair to ask how you feel
have away, like, how theperson is going to react to that?

Yeah, I get that, there'ssome way to explain it. Well,
some people could give you a reallygood answer to that, you know,
and just be like, yeah,that makes it worse and just you know,
we were right there. Feel badfor the fans that we did that
to them. He's mad. Othersjust aren't ready for that at that point.
The Quickie Pull Today brought to ustoday by wc I and SPAS.
Of the four teams remaining, whodo you want to win the NBA Championship

Celtics, Pacers, MAVs, Timberwolves, Timberwolves. With a healthy lead in
this one, fifty percent forty onepercent say Pacers. I guess that's all.
The cyclone fans vote for the Pacers. Well you're your your yeah,
manage the champion. We got realreally good ties to two of these teams.
Uh, the Celtics are at fivepercent, four percent for the Mavericks,

four percent for the mavericksh Okay,all the Drive with Heather and Shawn's
coming up next, and we've openedan investigation. We came in today in
the Uh the refrigerator was unplugged andeverything in it was warm and Uh,
Murphy, you're a hero, bythe way, thank you for plugging it

back in. Well, thanks forfinally noticing and then I I plugged it
in and eighty hasn't turned off sinceas it that's like an hour. It's
trying to catch up, trying toget stuff inside. Well, who unplugged?
So what we gotta get a listof suspects. You can't just come
in here and unplugged theerator. Asstrange as it is to have a refrigerator
in the radio studio Friday night,when I left here, it was plugged

in and going. So somebody onSaturday need to who's in here on Saturday
the wrestling show. It wouldn't havebeen turned off during the morning or Miller
and Connon because I reached in andall the cans were warm. It's been
it was shut off a long timeago. Fridge Gate. Fridge Gate.

I had said something about maybe maybewe need to move it from there over
to there, or I could seesomebody saying, oh my god, it
turned on and I can hear it. I'm gonnaunplug it now. I think
that's what happened. Yeah, allright, Well the drive with Heather and
Sean Fridge is back up and running, and so are Heather and Shaw.
And that's next
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