All Episodes

April 18, 2024 70 mins
Shame, Noah... SHAME.

Rich's BIG purchase!
WAR of the ROSES!
Johnjay wants to know what's on YOUR mind?!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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He wakes John Jay and Rich like, what's crack aleg? And this is
the big boss does snoopy deagle doublegigsel dang boom? What you don't do?
We're not talking about rid ten team, We're not talking about the last
year. It's the one and only. Do y'all look last day's last They
big smooth eagle, double gigsel inyour face to me and in the place

to be. And you're listening toJohn Jay and Rich, wake youssu one
o four seven kiss that fab JohnJay and Rich. It's Thursday, April
eighteen, twenty twenty four. Ourphone number eight seven seven nine three seven
one oh four seven. Sometimes sittingin the studio and I see the phones
ringing, pick up the phone andI'm talking to Timothy here. And he
told the most the craziest story becausewe're talking about social media and posting stuff

when we're not Kyle Kyle waits topost stuff on social media. If I
wait, I forget and Timothy callsup, Timothy, good morning, day,
good morning. How you guys judgethat good? You gotta tell that
story, man, Okay, Sohere's what happened. Our neighbors, their
kids would post on social media wheneverthey go and do stuff whatever. And
the one time they came home,they were out, you know, having

fun or we're not. They camehome, they stole their barbecue gas grill
off their porch. So talk withthe neighbors. They come over like,
yeah, someone stole our grill.We can't believe it, you know.
And about a couple of weeks later, they're out doing their thing. They
come back home, their grill isback, but whoever stole their grill that
time left the note inside that said, hey, we apologize for stealing your

grill or borrowing your grill. Oursbroke. We saw yours was sitting there
and so we just borrowed it andbrought it back. But to make up
for us borrowing your grill, hereare complimentary tickets to the Arizona Cardinals football
game. So the people waited untilthey saw that they were posting that they're
at the football game. And theycame back and they cleaned out their house

right neighbors came over, and neighborscame over and asked like, hey,
did you guys see anything. We'relike, actually, we were gone.
You know, what's going on?They're like they cleaned their house out,
everything's gone, but they left thebarbecue grilled. I mean, that's why
I don't go to Cardinals games.Hut there. It's freaking out. Just

a good lesson. Just post later. Oh yeah. Ever since then,
you know, my daughter doesn't.Plus she posts on, but she does
the delay thing, so you know, do content. Then when we go
someplace, she does the pictures.And when we come back then we post,
you know, some way everyone's homeor what's safe, and nobody knows
what we're gone. But yeah,it freaked us out, and you know,
my daughter learned from it and everything, but uh, yeah, it

was it was a life lesson.Timothy Man, thanks for calling you.
Where you head right now? Headedto work in Chandler. What do you
do for a living? A lotof people ask me this and they could
never figure it out. I processus groceries, but like, like,
I do that too, but Idon't get paid for it. Run I

process used groceries. So everyone asked, like, oh, you you helped
the homeless. You do the foodbag right now? I run wastewater treatment
plans. Uh he runs a watertreatment plan, so it is use groceries
water that we know that. Nowthat we know that your work door even
a rugger house, you shouldn't havetold us that. All right, dude,
thanks thanks for listening. Brother,had a great day, you too.

Hey. So yesterday I was inthis meeting for love Pop with this
I met this this amazing these amazingpeople, some of the nicest. I've
been meeting a lot of nice people. Wait, I wonder if I can
marry I told you when I wentto that March Madness season finale, like
like I was with these three guysthat were really really nice, right,
So I've been run nice people.So I had this meeting for with love
Pup yesterday, this company called McCarthy. They build a lot of stuff,

right, And I'm sitting there atthe meeting and it's with two people got
named Justin and a woman named Michelle. Michelle says to me, she gets
up, you know, and I'mnervous and this meaning pitching Love Pop and
she says, so you're still wearingyour belt? And I go, I
am day two wearing my belt andshe I looked, sure my belt and

I was like, then that's broke, right, And I was like,
so now I'm here, I amtoday day three of wearing my belt going
pretty well so far wearing a belt, keep a little bummer when you got
a time your pee, you know, like we only have a certain amount
of time when the song's playing,I gotta go pee. And is it
to take the belt? Undo thebelt? It's like, you know,
a little frustrated and still have youtried to just like slide it off with
the belt on like their joggers?And I got my belt on pretty tired.

Yeah, it's not gonna work.I can't. It's like no,
no, no, no no.So what happened Richard with you at the
Apple store? Well, I wentinto the Apple store to buy some chargers
for my my computer because I don'tknow what Apple's doing. But no,
two laptops apparently have the same charger, and I got the wrong one on
mine. He looked up what mycomputer was and still got the wrong one.

So I decided to go in takepictures of my computer and show them.
On a rare occasion, the Applestore wasn't that crowded, and they
say to me, have you triedout our our Apple Vision goggles? Have
you seen the goggles? We've talkedabout them on the show before. Like,
no, I really don't even understandthe V I said, I don't
even understand what I would do withthose, Like, well, you just
got to take a tour, justtake the demo. We want to show

you how cool these things are.So I did, and it was like
jumping into the future two hundred yearsfrom now. I was astounded with all
the things that you could do whenyou're like you wave your hands and you
do all this stuff, and allthe three D images and all the I
could wave my hands without the VR, I mean, the three D all
immersive thing that these things do.I've never seen anything like it. Now

I know that we've done what Imean, Like, are you in as
you in the mall, you're ata basketball game, they put you on
the moon, and everywhere you lookis three D images of the moon.
Or they can put you in avolcano, or they can put you in
Jurassic Park. Well, anyway,I bought the goggles and I was trying
to explain them to my wife's stay, see, who is technically really technologically

not that proficient at things, becauseas you learn to use the goggles,
you're not clicking on anything. You'rebasically clicking in space. You're like snapping
your fingers to make things go.So I took some video of her in
Jurassic Park and we will post ithere in a minute. But she didn't
know I was videotaping her because shehas the goggles on and she is now

fully immersed in Jurassic Park. Ohmy gosh, it's a little baby and
a butterfly. Oh my gosh.This dinosaur is really cute. Oh it's
like it's looking at me and we'reit's almost like we're communicating. But now
it ran off. Okay, Iwant more creatures. It looks super cool,

but I really I want to seemore. So you're in Jurassic Park,
So can you have said it sothat the dinosaur are trying to kill
you and you had a run.The one did try to kill her.
It came at her, and thenso I started playing around and you can
watch there's a bunch of free moviesthat are three D, like mad Max
is in there, avatars in there. I didn't bring them this morning because

I still got to figure out howto set it up because it took a
long time to get them to fither face. But when you see it,
you're gonna be blown away. Ijust can't believe. First of all,
I can't believe I bought them.That was kind of dumb, but
it was really really cool. Kyleon Thug, what are three things we
need to know? This is gonnabe a really fun way to annoy you
guys and all your friends. SoGoogle is going to allow you to record

like three second selfie jiffs. Soit's not out yet, but it's coming
that when you're in when you're goingto put your text, you click on
the picture thing and it pops yourface up and it'll record for three seconds,
and then all of a sudden,you're the I love it. That's
cool. Could go viral. Ithink it's so fun. Kyle has like

a jiff for everything I love.I love using jeffs and it's probably annoying
to everyone, but I just feellike the gifts say so much. This
is kind of scary because of howmany people are using it. Oh zempic
seems to be changing people's personalities,seems to have caused anxiety, depression,

and suicidal thoughts even as these patientsshed the pounds. They found these treatments
actually impact like dopamine levels, whichare responsible for a range of functions like
feelings of reward, pleasure, motivation, and movement, and it's sort of
suppressing that, and so it's suppressingit everywhere because it makes you not want
to eat the fun foods. Itsuppresses that emotions, but then it's also

suppressing those emotions everywhere else in yourlife. So I was sorry, you
guy yesterday that's on it and lostthirty pounds him and his brother and they
talk about how great it is totake it and eat whatever you want,
is what they said. Well,that's a different take. That's like the
Oprah's side of the story. Heyit works, Yeah, and he has
no side effects. Then you knowthere's like negative side effects. He hasn't
had any. Well, I thinkit's so interesting because like everyone's bodies so

different, and everyone's body's going tobe affected in a different way by I
have a friend who went on itand he said it made him like more
sick than he's ever been in hislife, and so he got off of
it right away. And then there'sanother friend of mine who's used it and
has had like the best luck ever. So if if you are one of
the people that are experiencing these changes, and feelings and stuff like that.
It's just a good idea to knowthat you should go to your doctor and

say, could it have anything todo with what I'm taking for this?
Uber released their annual lost and Foundlist, and it's hilarious what some people
have left inside these vehicles. Likewhy were they carrying these things in the
first place? So there were policegrade handcuffs, writer's girlfriend, pregnant pills,
whatever that is? A paddle boardpaddle, a ceramic cat, a

twope, a jar of oysters,a live turtle. Someone literally forgot their
live turtle. The turtle crawled inthe tray of meat pie. Like,
maybe just throw that away. Idon't think you have to bring the tray
of meat pie to the Lost andout? How did that? How did
that person? Not? Like,you know, a great type of surgical

implants. I mean, the listgoes on. It's just like so bizarre
but so fun and interesting to lookat. You can find the fullest online.
And that's three things you need toknow today. I'm going to tell
you what your number one love languageis based on your zodiac sign. What
is to Are you a sellinary?Yeah, we're selling airy seas until tomorrow,
Tomorrow's last day sees say man,Hi, Michelle, what's your sign

Capricorn? It's a good Capricorns.Your love language is acts of service Capricorns.
You, guys, are someone whonot only values hard work, but
helping the people that you really careabout. So for someone as focused and
goal orientated as you, you guystend to have a lot of things on
their plates. So when a personthat you love steps up and does something
for you that's helpful, it justspeaks volumes. This is true. Yeah,

Michelle, thank you for listening.Ye, thank you, Bye bye,
Kayla. What's your signing? Goodmorning? Good morning. I'm an
Aquarius. Aquarius. Your guys' toplove language is words of affirmation. You
guys may cringe at the idea ofcheesy and romantic things, but that isn't

what words of affirmation are completely Aquarius. You guys, spend a lot of
time inside your own head, andyou genuinely want the world around you to
be a better place. So itdoes make you feel secure and loved when
someone tells you that you're doing agood job or just encourages you while you're
doing the best that you can.I totally agree anytime I hear and show
E there proud of me, Istart crying. Hi kid, I have

a great day. Thank you forlistening. Thank you so much. What's
up November? The Taurus? Yeahmorrow, tour season? What was I know?
Not to get wild tomorrow, butfor now we're still in airy seasons.
But I'm gonna tell you what aretaurus number one love languages? And
it's physic touch a torus. Youguys, are significantly in tune with your

senses. So while you can appreciatea thoughtful gift or kind words from someone
that you love, you feel aspecific type of way when you can be
physically close to them, whether that'sholding hands, whether that's like a simple
brush of an arm or cuddling aftera long day. That's your thing.
Yep, that's it. Yeah,physical touch. I know my tours they
just need some love. It's allgood, that's right, loving, all

right. Well, thanks guys,Good to November. This is a good
one. I think we have torevisit it. We want you to be
part of the show. Call useighty seven seven nine three, seven,
one oh four seven Get on theair with John Jay and Rich Jennifer.
Good morning, you're in the air. Oh my goodness, hello you guys.
I love you guys so much.You guys are amazing. I listen

to you guys every single morning.I'm a landscaper and I have been for
like the past two years, soI've been listening to you guys every single
morning. It's so amazing. ButI have a question to ask y'all.
So when you guys do the thousanddollars giveaway, you guys call from a
block number. I think it depends, I think whichever phone calls you.

So I've been trying to win that. Like I think I religiously said the
keyword every single time. You guyshave done it, like, and it's
like blocked me now to where Ican't put it in anymore for some reason.
But I used to get so manymissed calls that were like from a
private number, and I was like, dang it, that was my chance.
Well here's what I would do.Then. I don't know if we
call you from a block number,but it does make sense that we would

do that. So if we do, why don't you just answer it?
Once you enter the keyword, justanswer every phone that comes your way.
Well, for some reason, myI don't know if it's Verrizon or something,
but I don't know how to changethat setting on my phone. It
won't let me answer it. Itdoesn't ring, and it goes straight to
like voicemail. I guess that's youhave like the unknown number that goes straight
to voicemail. I know you havean iPhone. I haven't Android, but

I okay, I don't think II want to shift gears for saying I'll
get actually being a landscaper. Yousaid you'd be doing it for two years.
Yes, yeah, I'm not tryingto sound is it sexist? But
I've never really met or heard ofa female landscaper before. Is that?
Is that very It's pretty unique,right? Yeah. I mean I'm like
a one a one gal show.I work for a company, but I

basically do it on my own.I have about like five or seven clients
a day, like a really bigjob. I'm there by myself, but
I love it. It's I getto listen to y'all every day, every
every day from Monday through Friday.Well I listen to you on the weekends
as well, but in my headphone, so it's super nice. Yeah,
do you do do you spend likea whole day at one house if you're

by yourself, usually not at onehouse. No, Usually each house is
about an hour. But if Ido like a big corporation, like a
like a big plant area, I'musually there all day. Well, I
need a new landscaper in my house. I interviewed Nick Nick on the show's
Got Edgar? You know Edgar thatcalls in? Yeah, so Edgar came
to my house, did any value? Never heard from him? Again?

We have we have. We haveone dead palm tree in the backyard needs
to be removed and we need justsome of a little extra tilcce in our
yard. So Jennifer from Palm Treesfrom Costco, Jennifer, why don't you
cruise over and evaluate? Can youdo my house? Are you good?
Are you an organ er? Yes? Of course I'm an organ donor.
What does that have to do?What does that? What does that have

to do? Of course? Boy, you must be out of control landscaper
danger, the weed whacker. Ohmy gosh, get his liver. Jennifer,
thank you, thanks for listening,and have a great day. Yes
you all too, And just letyou know I'm also a Leo likes all

right, all right, thanks,hold on the line, Thank you very
much, love you too, andyou guys are amazing. Thank you so
much. John Jane rich tid forsax and hacks. I have sacks of
information rich as life hacks. Checkout this infomer. My dad used to
tell me that when he would alwayspick up a penny or any kind of
change he sees on the floor inthe street, always picks up and he
said he knows son a million dollarsin pennies just thrown away every year.

And I was like, WHOA,So I pick up change anytime, I
don't care. Right, Apparently Americansthrow away sixty eight million dollars in coins
every year. I had a friendin high school that if we went out
to go get something to eat,fast food or something and she got changed,
she would always literally throw her changein the trash can. And I
thought it was the weirdest thing.I was like, why are you doing

that? There's like three quarters rightthere like a tip jar. At least,
Yeah, she would throw them inthe trash. That's sick. A
restaurant in Italy is trying something verycool. They will give you a free
bottle of wine if you give upyour phone when you come in, no
strings attached, and the response fromdiners has been very positive. I like
that. New reporters found that theaverage one way commute in America is Coyle

Hollings, you drive thirty minutes,Payton Hollands, you drive twenty two minutes,
rich Hallings, you drive seven hours. In fact, I'm still on
the way here. Hey, Noah, how long is your drive here to
work? Thirty thirty minutes. Theaverage one way commute in America is twenty
seven minutes. Oh, you're allin there. I mean that's six minutes
for me. I'm about forty.Police in Ohio are investigating a scam where

someone's pretending to be Aaron Rodgers.They tricked the woman into sending him hundreds
of dollars. Be careful when AaronRodgers calls you, be careful. Couple
from Florida came back from a threeweek trip to Switzerland and they noticed their
T Mobile build them one hundred andforty three thousand dollars for using nine point
five gig bytes of roaming data whileoverseas. They were upset. T Mobile

canceled the charge. They're also remindingpeople to know the travel details of their
plan, right. Yeah. Ahigh school student in Ohio. I don't
know how I feel about this.A high school student Ohio is going to
miss out on her senior prom aftergetting suspended over bringing a bag of corn
chips to school. The snack wasnot permitted because a tea were severely allergic.
There were signs detailing the rule overcampus, and parents signed a form

acknowledging it. What are your thoughtson that peyton to make her miss prom?
If she did it on purpose,I can see where there's an issue.
But if it was just something likeshe's just grabbing out a snack,
I think that's extremely extreme. Thisis the mother saying what happened. She
missed out on going to the NVCTCprom, and now we have found out
that she's not going to be ableto go to her homeschool prom over a

bag of potato chips. Ali hadhad taki chips on the school bus.
She was hungry. Somebody gave hersome chips. She opened them on the
school bus. She ate them.She had two chips left back in her
bag. She got off the bus. She ate the remainder of the two
chips. She put the trash ina trash can. She went to her
class. The school principal caught herdown to the office and at that point

they asked her if she ate thechips. She said yes, and they
suspended her for five days. That'sterrible. It's like you're taking your kid
away. They're taking her away froman education too at that point, spending
for five days over a bag ofchips. I understand the allergy, but
that's switch schools, Twitter schools.Let her go to a promitted different school.
Bring all your friends, right,That is so dumb. Wow.

A woman in Indiana, where Grantis from I was arrested after she called
down to one to complain that herdrug dealer sold her a bad batch of
mess. A Target employee went onTikTok to complain about having to close an
entire store almost alone by yourself.She's only been there. Is there a
second month of the job. Thatwould be so scary? Scar Reddit threads
of like people that work at Targetthat they say like it is not an

enjoyable experience for them, that thatkind of stuff happens all the time.
Crazy and close it down by yourself? Yeah, just put you in crappy
situation. It's a grocery store.I thought it was fun. Would I
get up in the morning. Thekitchen lights are always on because Dutch is
the last one to go to sleep, but he doesn't want to walk to
his room in the dark. Ican't imagine the targets. You need some
little lights. Life acts. Okay, you know that feeling like I don't

want to like make you feel it, but think about like when you've been
nauseous at work, are nauseous inthe car where it's just like h oh
uh, oh oh, this doesn'tfeel good. So here's the quick fix
for at car and at work.In the car, all you really need
to do is look out the windowand tilt your head from left to right
and the nausea will go away.But if, like you smell something,
it work. Like we've done thatwhen you open up the fridge and you

smell somebody's lunch that's been sitting therefor like five weeks and it's terrible.
The quick fix that works within secondsis to smell rubbing alcohol and that will
cure your nausea. I hope youdon't need it today, but when you
need it now, you've got thislittle hot little life hack that will help
you get rid of that nausea.And that life hack and many more can

be found at John Jaynrich dot com. You've got questions and we have four
unqualified people to give you answers.It's John Jay and Rich John JAYE Rich.
Did you guys see that email formanagement about mental health awareness and all
that stuff? I did not.I don't know. So apparently mental health
awareness is extremely important the building andthey want all of us to go do
the mental health thing. But apparentlythe budget they spent all their money building

a garage and that private interest forRich so he doesn't have to talk to
people jokes, funnies, but mentalhealth is important. I was watching the
stand up comedian talking about mental healthand I was like, hey, you
know, and then we talked aboutthat Elmo twitter Wye Mos said how are
you? And then I was thinkingabout I posted something like that on Facebook
too, and he kind of blewup, and I just thought, I

wonder, like sometimes we get it, we go on the show, we
talk about the stuff, and Ithought, what's on your mind? What's
on your mind? Like sometimes itwas on Rich's mind. Sometimes usually snacks
Peyton's what's on your mind, Kyle? So I thought, maybe, like
Peyton, what's on your mind rightnow? Old people are on my mind
right now? Yeah, old people, Because you know, I'm in the
middle of watching this OJ Simpson thirtyfor thirty on Netflix, and I noticed

that, like OJ Simpson at twentythree years old, looks like a fifty
year old man. And I justwant to know why. Back in the
day, it seems like the youngerpeople looked like old people. Now,
you know what I mean, botox? I'm like, why why do we
Why Now I think it's botox.I think it's people trying to eat healthy,
doing all the stuff that you cando nowadays, do you think I
also like fashion was so different too, and I think that played a role

in it. Yes, so teethwhitening. If you watch a movie from
back in the day, all theactors teeth are like discolored and yellow,
and now now everyone's got like ifyou look at a movie and they're trying
to do it's a movie from theeighteen hundreds, but they made it.
Now everyone's got beautiful white teeth.Oh yeah. If you watch a TV
show, people look normal. Butif you know you watch outer Banks.
Everybody's gorgeous, That's what I'm saying. But I don't know. Richie know
it's prompt season. I saw apicture of you on your prom date yesterday.

I was like, why does shelook like she's fifty? Literally she
looked like she could be your mom. I mean like, I was just
like, why is this the thingyounger than me today? Okay, so
that's on your mind? What aboutKyle, what's on your mind? Hearing
aids speaking of old people. Ifeel like we've been really open on the
show about like how I feel likeI'm losing my hearing, John Jay,

you do too, because I mishearthings all the time. But it's not
because of age speak, because,like my whole life, I've listened to
really loud music and headphones over andover again, and I'm sure along the
way there's been a lot of damagefrom that. So the other day I
was on the phone with my momand my niece got engaged. She's eighteen,
and we love her so much andwe're gonna support whatever she decides to
do. But we were kind ofhoping it was going to be a long

engagement. It's not. She basicallylet my sister know she's gonna get married
in November, oh, like acouple months from now, and we're like
having different conversations, and I'm onthe phone with my mom and I'm like,
I just wish they would just waita little bit longer, Like what's
the rush? You know, youdon't have to rush into things. And
I hear my mom and she goes, yeah, I just think it's because
they want to bone and that's probablyit. And I'm like a little jarred

because my mom doesn't talk like that. My mom doesn't swear like she has
a very clean vocabulary, if youwill. And I was like, Mom,
I mean to be honest, Ithink they're probably already boning, and
she goes, I didn't say bone. She because I said, I think
they want to own each other,like it's an ownership thing. And I

go, you know, kind ofthink of it. I do think that
was weird that you say that toget a hearing age. No, because
now I'm like, I can't getit hearing it. I'd rather hear my
mom say that. She said,want to buy what's on your mind?
Rich? So I told you guysout of time, all right? How

the other day is at the gym, and the guy who is the trainer
said, hey, you want toget tear. Your ears waxed and your
nose wax So I'm telling my wifeStacy about it, and she happens to
have UH in her in her ownershipa medi spa, and so she said,
why don't you come by today whichwas yesterday after the show, and
we'll take care of you. Andso I did it. I actually kind

of enjoy it. I've done itbefore, but now I feel like I'm
the best smeller in the room.I can smell everything right now. It's
like super it's clean as a whistle, clean as a whistle. And he
sent sticking out to you, well, actually, you know, our bathrooms
smelled really good in here. Theyput like that cherry stuff in the toilets.
Our bathroom smelled tremendous. Can yousmell the bathrooms? No, I

can't smell anything. They're amazing.It's like I can really smell when Kyle
eats something, you know, orNick was eating something the other day.
It's very weird. I will beyour smeller today. I can smell through
time sometimes when we're doing a photoshoot, because you guys are so much
shorter to me, and I'm standingbehind Colum Paint and I can smell them.
Oh yeah, smell sometimes. Youknow, Kyle uses weird a good
lotion. It's a really what's onyour mind? John Jake? I don't

really have much on my mind exceptI mean, but this souf on my
mind is stupid. Like there wasa you know, I'll tell what something
my mind. I'll tell you whatsomething. Something happened with my My Instagram
was like red flagged whatever. Whatdo you call that? Shadow band?
For a long time, I hadno growth. Then all of a sudden,
something happened six months ago and mygrowth was on fire. Man.
My videos were taken off. Iwas, I mean, there weren't my

videos. I was like reposting people'svideo. So I thought, that's the
key, that's the key. SoI've been reposting a funny video once a
night, and now about a weekago, everything just stopped again, just
stopped. It's like, I feellike I got shadow band again. Did
you piss off a country? Thatthe first time? That was the first
time. So I don't I don'tunderstand, you know, I don't.

Do you guys have that problem?Do you know what I'm talking about.
I don't really pay attention to mygrowth. I ever on the show got
a little a little when you pissedoff a foreign country. Yeah, I
think I'm probably still shadow band fromwhen you hear. But there was a
moment where it was like rocking andI was like so excited, and now
it's just stopped, and I don'tunderstand what happened. And I look back

at my posts. I mean Ihad I've had a couple of There was
one guy management over here made acomment about one of my posts that it
wasn't very I forget how he said. It was said it was cringe or
something like that, but it's thepost has one hundred and twenty million views,
and I said, I can't peopleare watching it, And he was
like, do you think that ouraudience? Yeah? You know, M

on Instagram the other day and oneof your videos came up and it had
this is sensitive morning. Are yousure you want to watch this? And
I've heard if those come up thatthat's like a flag, So maybe that's
a reason. Why damn it?Did you watch it? Oh? I
did it? Yeah, that's theguy getting hit by the person coming down
the water slide unbelievable. I'm carryyou post that way. My Instagram is

Joaja Vanash. You can see thatthat's been the video of this causing problem.
So I'm a follow so you canget out of the banning. Not
only do you need to know ifthey're cheating, you deserve to know the
truth. War of the Roses rightnow with John Jay and Rich one a
four to seven kiss John Jay richstaph for War of the Roses. Let's
have had a Brandy. She thinksso much cheating on it. We're gonna
help you find out, Brandy.Good morning, Good morning. That's what

happened over this past weekend. Mybest friend and I went for this little
weekend trip. We went to SanFrancisco. Anyway, it was really fun.
We did wine pisting and stuff,and I was really excited because it's
just my boyfriend and I are justin this really weird place right now.
So it's just I don't know,the honeymoon phase is kind of like over,
and we're living together and things arejust not easy. So anyway,

keep that in mind when I tellyou that we sort of drunkenly went to
one of those palm reader people andso when I went to the palm reader,
she basically told me that he wascheating on me in that exact moment
that she was reading my palm.So I'm just trying to do this and
see if I can call her bluff. And yeah, so he's not with

you, you're with a friend gettingyour palm read. The person says,
that's so like rude of the palmreader. But I also think palm readers.
I don't necessarily believe in them,but I also think they've got like
statistics on their side, so maybeit's a good chance. Every time we
like, did you say, ismy boyfriend cheating on me? Did you
lead her down that path? Imean, I don't think I did,
but like I'm replaying it in myhead and I'm not seeing something that I

led her. I just I don'tknow. Yeah, it's not something I
would be able to shake off.There, I'd be like, how do
you know? If I don't tellyou that, how do you even know
I have a boyfriend? How doyou like? What? How do you
know? We're in a weird space? What if the palm reader was the
one hooking up with it in theback? When you say, how do
they know that because I feel likea lot of these people there's these larger

situations. It's easier to guess that, just like when they say somebody with
an M is trying to come through? Is there anyone in your life with
an M and you're like Marjorie,Martha Mom is with my mom? That's
how because that's how I feel theydo it. Now, maybe I'm wrong
and they're all real, But eitherway, I don't want to go in
and check because I'm afraid that theyare real. I don't want to hear
it. Right. Okay, Sowhat's your boyfriend's name, Brandy? His
name is Jacob. Okay, soyou're okay with us calling Jacob and on

this whim from the palm reader seeingwho he sends the flowers to. Yes,
all right, let's call Jacob.Are you ready? Hellhi, is
Jacob available? Yes? Perfect,Jacob, it's kind of your lucky day.
My name is Nadine. I workwith the company called jan R Flowers,
and you've been chosen to be partof our social media campaigns. What

this means for you, Jacob isyou get to send our most romantic bouquet
of flowers anywhere you want and it'stotally free for you. We just kind
of ask that you tell your friendson social media about us, post on
whichever platform you use the most.Oh so do I have to pay anything?
Like I said, it's totally free. I really don't need any personal
information from you, like credit cardor anything like that. You can get

as personal as you want on thelittle card that we're gonna send out with
the flowers. This is where somepeople get, you know, fun,
a little flirty, little dirty.They are really romantic flowers on their own.
So it just depends on you,know, your personality, and I
can actually get that started. I'vegot the card here, so just let
me know the message that you wantand then we can do like name and
address and get them sent out.Oh yeah, sure that sounds great.
Okay, for the message, canyou say hopefully these flowers make you feel

as good as you make me feelthat's sweet, Make you feel as good
as you make me feel? Perfect? And then would you like a love
Jacob? Yeah? Sure, okay, And who do you want to address
this to? Can you send itto Sydney? Sydney? Okay, yes,
I can't wait. Wait, whothe hell is Sydney? Who?

What who the hell is Sydney?No, Like, I really suggest you
start explaining yourself if you're going tosend flowers to someone other than your girlfriend,
Who the hell is Sydney? Surprise, Brandy? Great? Yeah,
okay, yeah, Well, Imean you told me you needed space,
and I gave you the weekend tospend whoever the hell you were with when

you were in San Francisco, youknow, And of course you're trying to
wait now you do this to me. Hey, hold, let me jell
it for one second, real quick. Jacob, You're on the radio.
You're on the John Jay and Richardradio program, and Brandy thought you were
cheating on her because well sheold can'texplain why, but it looks like she
was right dang to the reason sheknows. Go ahead, Brandy, explain.
Uh. Yeah, So when Iwent San Francisco, I went to

a palm reader and they literally toldme you were cheating on me at the
exact time that they were reading mypalm. Dang, we gotta get hurt
numbers. Okay, okay, well, let let's let's clarify that when you
went to Simpsons Go, who didyou go there with? You said you
went there with your bestie, beau. I didn't see you posting the pictures.
I didn't see you post anything likethat, And you were really secretive
about the entire reverse. Excuse me, like, I haven't posted yet.

No, I haven't posted yet.I don't post at the exact same time
I do things. Plus I wasa little bit worried about what I heard
about my boyfriend cheating on me,so I was a little bit more focused
on that reverse. Yeah, butyou've been secretive. You've been secretive this
whole time. Plus you've been pullingyour phone away from me and stuff like
that. I'm trying to like movethe view, Like when you look at
your phone, it's totally angled towardsyou and everything. I know something is

going on, so I'm just steppingahead of it. And you know,
I know you were doing your phone. I don't now let me see you.
Don't let me see your phone either. Dang, my guess why don't
you guys just talk? Like Jacob, you think she's cheating on you,
so you just go to eat onher, Like why not talk? Hey,
I know you're going to space,but to ease my word, like,

who are you going to San Francisco? With so I don't go bang
this girl on a date with soupyon the side. Yeah, But I
asked her and she was like reallypulling aside, and she was like,
don'torry about it, don'try about I'mgoing on my bestie, don't worry about
it. And I was just like, come on, man, that's that's
not That's not how you with mybestie if you don't know that, if
you know their name, if you'reall friends, you all know each other.
She he knows you're bestie, Sowhy would you say I'm going with

Missy. I think the whole thingis messy, and I think Missy bed
I feel like this whole thing ismessy, and I feel like there's probably
some other things that we haven't heardthat is going on behind the scenes from
both sides. And you weren't therewith the guy, were you, Brandy?
No, Holly? And don't youthink that if I had said like

Holly, like that would be morelikely that I was lying because I'm like
throwing in actual names. So he'strying to turn it around on you by
telling you that you're turning it aroundon him. That's a double She's been
like super soon leading up at it. So it's like she was super deceptive
leading up into this, so Iknow something else is going on. It
does sound a little gas lighting,but listen, why would you go to
San Francisco in the first place?Is falling apart? San Francisco's beautiful there.

I've never been. I mean,they do have a real problem with
people pooping on their sidewalks right now. Outside probably still nice, but not
the point though. You got poop, human poop and seal poop all Fisherman's
Wharf right now they close it down. I'm sure it was a beautiful weekend
for you, Brandy. Either way, what's not bag on Brandy's vacation?

Her boyfriend's cheating on her. Assoon as she said go to San Francisco,
He's probably like that she's cheating onme. He's going to San Francisco
anyway. Are you guys gonna breakup? You stay together? What do
you do? Brandy? I thinkI want him to write me an itemized
list of everything he did this weekendand what time he did it. I
know, are you willing to dothat? Jacob? Vote to save your

relationship even though you you basically doggedher out I mean, you guys don't
even know what I did. Ijust went I just went out and met
somebody. That was all. AndI didn't do anything. Okay, So
you guys need to communicate. Soyou didn't hook up with Sidney yet,
did you? Did you? Didyou see brother? Okay? Okay,
all right, so Brandy, there'ssome information for you. So why don't

you take that? You guys makea decision. But you're right, he
said the flower to somebody else.So that's palm readers please, Dan Gibbs,
okay, thanks for going on therewith his brandys. Thank you,
Jacob, you got it all right. The Roski that's the John Dane Rich,
John, Jay and Rich. Weare like a whole vibe. We

have a really cool prize to giveaway, really really cool prize. Can
we give it away now? Nick? Can we give away the cool prize
now? Or do you wait foranything? He's got the official word,
guys, I think we should waituntil after we play the Taylor Swift song
because that's the next song. Ohokay, So we played Taylor Swift song
and then yeah, so when weplay the Taylor Swift song, we'll give

away the we'll come out of thetailors and then we have to say it
yes, okay, all right,all right, good, all right.
In the meantime, Noah is Iwant to make surestening. No do you
want to run in here? Justdo over the walkie talkie because Noah's running
in here. He's running. Noahis like one of the biggest Swifties we've
ever met. He knows so muchabout Taylor Swift, so much so that

I mean, the album comes outtonight at nine, and he is celebrating
in a very unique way. Ithink. In fact, you're in Taylor
Swift pajamas today. My god,Taylor Swift pajamas everyone, those are handsome.
What do you rich this look rightnow? Fascinating? Okay, so
tell us how you're celebrating Taylor Swift'salbum. So, you know, a
normal person when an album comes outat midnight would listen to it maybe Friday

morning on the way to work.Well, I'm one of those people that
have to listen right when it comesout, so much so that I overcomplicate
every single release of a Taylor Swiftalbum. So this is going to be
my fifth Taylor Swift album in arow where I am taking the Friday after
off because you have let it soakin all day long. I have to
soak it in and I have bigplans. This actually might be my biggest

Taylor release night ever. Oh really, So just like this is Taylor's biggest
album ever, it's for you personally. It's a big night too. It's
a big night. And for somereason, we're basically gonna have a seance
in my living room tonight with mefor some reason, because the Taarror Swift
was seance for what what Are YouDead? Swiss? Are you Okay?

So? Usually I like to havethese albums be low key, kind of
intimate, but I contacted one ofmy friends and she's like, can I
invite three of my friends? Somy friend Leonora and Kaylee and her friends,
They're all coming over. We're gonnaform a circle in the living room.
We're gonna light our Taylor Swift prayercandles, and we are going to

pray to the spirit of Joe Alwin, her longest relationship. Well the album
right, so may be you prayingdid Joe Alwin? So? At the
Eras tour, Taylor Swift burned downthe lover House as one of like the
designs on the screen and to seesuch a happy, positive album lead us
to where we are now five yearslater. It's really sad, but also

you know, the album's gonna begood cathartic. Yeah, so this,
this lover House burning down is kindof like spiritual in a way. The
lover house burned for our sins?Are you gonna burn your house down?
And I guess Travis Kelcey the newgod on top that Travis Kelsey g better
hope works out forever. They mayget married to have kids because she is

I mean, the fact that she'slike, does it like move on,
that she burned a house, likeshe's in a happy relationship. But he
has an album dropping about somebody else, you know what I mean. It's
so crazy. Are there anything anythingleaked yet? An album? No songs,
nothing I heard the entire album hasleaked. So I've been trying to
stay off social media and avoid these. The guy who throws my Taylor Swift
nights at the Van Buren Downtown,He's like, people are messaging me like

three files, stay away, youdon't want them, you want it Taylor
Taylor release well just to see whata good Swifty are we have put together
tetor swift trivia. We'll quiz youlater, though, We'll quiz you later,
but be ready because if you don'tI think, if you don't,
if I think, we do thisterror Swift trivia, and if you don't
win, consider winning, or ifyou don't do a good job a certain

percentage, you need to come intowork tomorrow. Fair. That's a tail,
right, Then you're not a realSwiftish. I don't know if I
can make that deal because I've lostevery Taylor so trivia. You'll never give
kind of swiftly? Are you justSwiftish? All right? So here's what
we're gonna do. We're gonna playa song from Taylor. Then we're gonna
come out and maybe have this reallycool gift we're gonna give away. Sound
good, all right? So here'sTayror Swift, John Day Rich Kiss.

You don't when it gets the lastcall and all the dudes kind of start
creeping up on you, we havethe solution. Give them the John Jay
and Rich Drunk Dial Line six twoeight, nineteen thirty three. It's John
Jay and ridg one O four toseven Kiss FM. It's John Jay and

Rich. We just play Taylor.We have Phantom Clear Target Edition vinyl of
Tortured Poets Department right now for callerthirteen. That's her number, right eight
seven, seven nine three one Ofour to seven. I want to do
some trivia to see if Noah isreally a good swifty or not. And
I just saw one of the questions. This seems impossible. I mean,

you got to be a real swifty, I think to know these and Noah
you are. You weren't swifty pajamas, You're doing everything. You saw the
stuff in the office over there,right, Yeah, but that switter a
garbage bag full of things, likean industrial sized garbage bag full of swifty
things. So I made this hard, like admittedly, this is very difficult

trivia, but uh, you know, we'll just we'll just see Noah,
you can put up or shut up. I make the argument with Noahether,
I'm actually the bigger swifty because I'veseen her twice live and he's only seen
her once. But you know,I know all the answers to these questions.
Hold on a second, hey,Jenna, can you hear me?
Take all the way to Carr twelveand then we'll take Carr thirteen live on
the air. Okay, so justlet me know when you're ready. Okay,

so we'll do this trivia. Okay, go ahead, let's see now.
Noah, do you agree to comein to work tomorrow? If you
suck? I do not o?All right? Taylor Swift Trivia for Noah
Lashley? Noah? What make andmodel this Taylor Swift's first car? A

Honda Pilot. Dude, you suck? Wow? I'm sorry, Noah,
that's incorrect. You're looking for aLexus SC three forty. I knew it
was a big car. She gotit. She bought it with the with
the stuff from her first albums Ohfor what? Okay? Hey, hey,
Noah, right now, you cancome in late tomorrow. What mean

girl shared the same make and modelof car? What mean Girl like from
the movie Regina George, Regina Georgia. Oh You're back to tomorrow? Off
one four two? Noah. Intwo thousand and eight, Taylor tolds Women's

Health what her favorite country song is. Do you know what her favorite country
song is? Uh? Something byShania Twain. Oh No, you didn't
even get the tender? Correct?No, Kyle, his best friend Kenny
Chesney. She thinks my tractors,Sexy Sexy. I looked it up,

Noah, Noah? What album didTaylor write every single one of her songs
for? Speak Now? Speak Nowis correct for four, Noah. As
we all know, Taylor is ahuge fan of the restaurant the Cracker Barrel.
What from Cracker Barrel does she sayshe always has in her fridge a

Salisbury steak? A Salisbury steak isincorrect? Kind of fake swifty? This
is embarrassing. Apple Butter? Ohreally looking for Apple Butter? I don't
have Apple Butter. Okay. Taylordid an interview in twenty nineteen with Rolling

Stone. In that interview, sherevealed her love for one specific pop punk
band, who was it? Andbonus points if you can name the lyrics
she referenced. I'm gonna guess falloutBoy. Fallout Boy is correct. Okaym
Sugar, We're going down. Itis from Sugar, We're going down the

Okay? Look done? Complex cockit and pullar. She's like when I
heard that, I was like,I'm dreaming number seven, Noah accent.
Taylor has an old school view ondating. Her mom gave her a piece
of advice on romance, and shesays it works. What advice is that
to love gently? Okay, it'snot even a good guess. Never call

a guy first. You might haveto That is a good That is a
good answer. You have to comein tomorrow and Saturday number eight. What
is the name of the book?Taylor wrote at the age of fourteen,
Oh, No, you're not aswiftie? Wow? You are? You

are? What do you call thosewhen you're a opposer? Wrote just like
swift because it's the thing to do. It's really john, really cool.
It's really cool. Now. Yeah, it's been a swiftye since two thousand
and nine, so you probably wentthrough that overall phase too. She wouldn't
know the book she wrote, dresslike TLC back in the day. I'm

gonna call I'm gonna say it's calledthe the Pink Elephants. We are looking
for a girl named girl Saturday andSaday. You're coming tomorrow Saturday. I'm
gonna I'm gonna get together with thejanitor and figure out some tasks like Noah.
In twenty twelve, Taylor lanter voiceto an up and coming hip hop
artist. This song debut at numbereighteen on the Billboard Charts. Oh that
is b o B. The songis called Oh, hang On, hang

On. She did Eyes Open forthe Hunger Games, and then she did
this song with Bob. I can'tthink of the title. Now you gotta
hurry. We're running out of time, both of us, both of both
of us. Yes, yeah,I can sing it. That's okay.
One more, one more, onemore, This is the most important one.
In twenty twenty one, Taylor didan interview with Variety. She revealed

her favorite food. What is thatfood? Uh, green olives, green
olives. My god, all right, it's like Martin Chicken Tendees, Chicken
tendies, catch up. She's herChicken Tendyes, a ketchup. I saw
that at Ah Yes Booth, whichis like so gross. You don't have

to come into Worrow you are.So. We're giving away the vinyl to
Color thirteen and this is you,Kate? Is this you? Yes?
You're Color thirteen. Kate. Yes, you get the Taylor album. Oh,

you're the first person to get thePhantom Clear Target Edition vinyl of Tortured
Poets Party. Congratulations. Oh mygosh, Kate, what's your favorite Taylor
Swift song? Probably like something fromlover Here. It is on Kiss FM.

Just kidding. When I was akid listening to radio, that always
happened, and I want to knowhow they did it. No, okay,
well, congratulations Kate. Where doyou go to school? Western Sky?
Perfect? That's perfect. Well you'rethe first person and get that album.
Thank you for listening, and holdon the line. We would get
some information. Okay, okay,thank you, you're welcome. How many

didn't know what? Get right outof? That was ten questions he didn't
get He didn't even score fifty percent? Know somehow I got all a's in
college. Yeah, but this isimportant. I know. That's why.
That's why it's iron anything to dowith thanks. You look great, though.

We got to get pictures of yourwhole outfit. That's quite an outfit,
my friend. All right, we'regonna get some entertainment news. We
got what what we have? What'scoming up in here? Here? What's
a little bit of something? TravisKelsey talking about Coachell. It's pretty good
stuff. Oh, I can't waitto hear about that. That's he actually
talks about Taylor. Okay, good, that's coming up next. I on
one of four seven Kiss FM,Rich Jah Jan and Rich just getting some
entertainment news like what is the Ladiesto Travis Kelsey. So on the latest

episode of their new Heights podcast,Brothers Travis and Jason Kelcey, we're digging
into all kinds of different things.So the first one as Coachella, and
of course Taylor and Travis did Coachellatogether, and we were all kind of
shocked that they were just in thecrowd with all the regular people, Like,
how did that even happen? Andactually Jason asked Travis the same thing.

He's like, like, how didthat all work out? I like
to see it front from the fansperspective, like the people that actually like
like cause I am, I'm afan of the music, I'm a fan
of live shows. I want tosee it from the front of the stage.
Yeah, we probably could have finessedit that way, but I think
it's just that much more of anexperience if you're in the if you're in
the pit, man, if you'rein the madness with all the fans.

So right now their podcast is beingshopped for a new deal, and they're
thinking it's probably going to be likea multi million dollar deal because there's so
much attention on it and if you'venoticed Taylor Swift was actually wearing a new
Heights podcast hat and they said theysold out of it like pretty much immediately.
Also kind of a funny part ofthe episode is they recently did like

a Lie podcast in Cincinnati, Ithink it was, and they played this
game there because I guess Jason Kelseyalways loses his super Bowl ring, so
they decided to play this game wherethey had two big, like like blow
up swimming pools full of chili,and they apparently had a couple of socks
at the bottom of the chili vatsand people had to go in and sift

through the chili to try to findthe ring. Nobody found the ring in
the game, so they saved thechili and apparently started searching for it but
couldn't find it. This game existedbecause I continually lose my super Bowl ring.
And I don't even know if Travisstill knows this, but I legitimately
lost my super Bowl ring in thisevent. They could not find it.

All of this stuff has been thrownaway, so I think we can safely
assume that my super Bowl ring isnow in a landfill someplace in the Cincinnati
Tri state area. So he's likehe's like he went on. I mean,
he was like, they did everything, they emptied it out, they
got a metal DETECTI then someone probablydidn't steal it. Yeah, you found
it really quickly put in their pocketand oh my gosh, totally. They

got to look back at the tapeon that I'm earlier this week you brought
I think it was early this weekyou brought up that Kate Hudson stuff.
Right, her brother, it's OliverHudson. Right. Was there somebody else
on the podcast too? It waslike it was two people talking about Oh,
it was Blake Lively's sister. Oh, and it looks like my wife.
Oh, that's so they're in thepodcast. I didn't know she was

podcast. Yeah. Well, inthat part of the podcast, they had
Kate Hudson's brother on Oliver Hudson,and he was like basically saying that he
cheated on his wife before they gotmarried, like right before they got married.
He was like, I was kindof freaking out. Once I put
that ring on, something in myhead switched and I was unfaithful. And
he ended up saying that he endedup confessing to his wife because he just
couldn't deal with the guilt of it. But he has received a lot of

hate since then, as you wouldprobably expect it to happen online. But
Kate Hudson's like, I just havesome advice to just sort of shake it
off. No one really cares.And those who are writing all that stuff
and it's like loud and it feelsbad, and you think it feels bad,
just remember remember what I'm saying.These are not people you'd hang out

with. These aren't people you'd breakbread with. These aren't people who will
terrench your life. So just blockthem, block delete. But it's kind
of good advice for anyone who's gettinga little had long. I mean,
she's been in it for a minute. What about Zindia and Euphoria three?
Okay, so everyone wants Euphoria seasonthree? We all do. It was
such a great show and it waslike angelis Angus cloud passed away and the

writers basically moved on. And sothe DAYA was on the red carpet,
they asked her like, so isEuphoria season three happening? I don't know,
I am I am, I amnot in charge. You want it,
but of course I you know,if it's right for the characters and
everything turns out the way it should, of course, but it's beyond me,
I know. So speaking of that, what about Sidney Sweeney who's on

Euphoria. I saw Yester, hewas every where. Somebody says something bad
about her. That's so crazy.So there was this producer, this female
producer, who was asked about SidneySweeney, and she's like, I just
don't get it, Like, whyis she so hot, She's not attractive,
she can't act. What's the bigdeal about Sidney Sweeney? And she
said she saw the movie and itwas terrible, Like she said, all
the bad things, all the badthings. And so I feel like Sidney

Sweeney's clap bag was in the bestway possible. It wasn't even from her,
it was from her rep. Thatwas like, it's kind of interesting
that a fellow female producer would takethe time to basically slam someone else in
the industry as someone who has hadexperience and has had to go through the
same things and same challenges that Sidneyhas. It says a lot about that

woman's character. It really does it, because it does well. Sidney Sweeney
is hot and she can act.Did you see how she was with Nate
Jacobs and Euphorious season two, likethat grew up got her? She has
the best ugly cries. She makesyou feel like you were in it with
her. Yeah, mad that shesaid she wasn't hot, Like who's she
looking at? I feel like wheneveryou do something like that, it just

comes off as like jealousy, likemaybe she's upset that she had to grind
in the industry before she had likea hit and said he's already producing.
And to me, that's what itfeels like. I don't know, but
it is like it is that wholething. What Susie says about Sally says
more about Susie than it does aboutSally. And that in case, what
about what's with Kanye and his wifeat Ze Lane? Oh my gosh,

did you guys see the picture nakedup? I know it was. She's
a lot appropriate first side boom goingon, Yeah, a little bit of
side boom. But she was wearingthose like bottom shoes, the sock shoes
that Kanye has that are like twentydollars on his easy site, but her
toes are all out. But Iwas like, Disney obviously doesn't play because

if Bianca tried to walk in therein the attire that she usually does.
I feel like Disney would bam youfor some Yeah yeah, I mean she
did not I have any body partsshowing like she normally did. But like
I just felt bad for her,Like it sucks walking around Disneyland in good
shoes, let alone shoes that like, your toes are out there, You're
her feet are walking on the ground, like yeah, okay, her ankles

were covered, but it literally lookedlike when you sprain your ankle and they
just wrapped it. Like literally,her toes were out. That bothers me
when I see toes sticking on shoes. Yeah, it's not as bad.
But also now apparently after they wentto Disneyland, some guy like there was
like scuffle like people there was ina like a crowded area, and apparently

some guy, according to Bianca sensorylike went up under her dress and like
touched her. And I guess shetold Kanye, and Kanye punched the guy.
And now the cops like say,he's wanted for battery, but they
want to talk to him to gethis side of the story. Man,
Yeah, I think if that's thecase, and that's true, Kanye should
have punched it. I know,I know he's just looking out for his

girl, right. Yeah. Ifthat last segment offended you, I am
really really sorry. Please email ourmanagement at your mom at iHeartRadio dot your
mom dot com. It's John Jayand Rich. Hi, Crystal, what's
up. You're in the air.Good morning, Good morning. How are
you doing? How are you good? I was calling in because I was

wanting to ask Kyle how Scott isdoing and if they ever went to the
doctor and kind of figured out whatwas going on. Oh my gosh,
Crystal, you're so nice for caring. Scott is doing okay, but still
the same, Like, we're stillwaiting to get in with his doctor.
He said he doesn't want to goto urgent care, so I've been trying

to push him. He did texthis doctor again, and we're just we're
kind of in limbo. We're justwaiting and it's nerve wracking. But like
he says, I'm listening to myown body. I don't feel like I
need to go to urgent care.He says, it just like that,
Crystal. He always has a realproblems. His heart's racing like all that

stuff, right, has equal off. So we've had like so many people
call it. It's so nice tohear everyone care. But like it's like
he's either diabetic, or he hassomething wrong with his vagel nerve, or
he has like something wrong with hisears, or he's having a heart attack
or something. I mean, there'sso many things that everyone has said that
they've had the same thing going onwith them, and it was this,
I'm like, he just needs toget in. So if you can't put

the good vibes out there that likethey can just get him in today or
tomorrow or somewhere for sure. Iknow, I was listening to the podcast
and I was hearing your story aboutthe church and about how his dad was
a diabetic, and that put alarmbells off. I was like, huh,
an easy thing that he'd be ableto do is that his dad has
a meter to test his blood sugar. Just change the landset, gives Scott

a new landset and a new testtrip and have him test his blood sugar
and that will just kind of tellit. At least that could eliminate one
thing without you know, being afeel that's so interesting you say that because
they actually they took a road tripup Norse together the other day, and
they did that, but did itright after Scott says, we stopped at
McDonald's. It got McDonald's for lunch, and then they took his blood sugar

and it was obviously through the roofbecause he just had like a soda and
like, dude, you should noteat. And then but then I guess
they did it a few hours laterand his blood sugar was normal. So
I don't think that that was thegreatest I don't know test of it,
but it was normal when it shouldhave been normal. You know, I
don't want to get involved with otherpeople's health issues, but if you want,

I wasn't gonna say this, butI feel like I should because I
have access to certain things. Wouldyou like it if I went over and
gave Scott a prostate exam? Yes? Okay, now he would like it.
Okay, do your givers what youwant. I'll do that and I'll
do I don't know. You mighthave a sore throat, you know,
That's what Jonjre does. He findssolutions. Chrys will have a great day.

Thank you for listening. Peyte.What's going on with your neighbor?
What's that whole story. Well,I guess that's kind of a question for
the room and if you guys haveever been in this kind of situation.
So, my boyfriend Kadem and Iwe live in an apartment building, so
we have somewhere on the second floor, so there's someone below us. And
every morning, for probably the lasttwo and a half weeks, I walk

past our downstairs neighbor's door, andon our doors for our apartment complex,
there's like a little like clothes pintype of thing so you can put up
letters or like things like that that'sgoing on around the building. So on
the neighbor's clothes pin is their apartmentnumber. But it's a letter from the
apartment complex and I pass it everysingle morning for literally the last two and

a half weeks, and I havepracticed so much self control to not take
that letter down and read it.I want to know what I want to
know what that letter says. Iwant to know if they're in trouble.
I want to know if they're gettingevicted. I want to know what is
going on. And when I telly'all, I have seriously had to stop
myself because I know it's illegal toread other people's mail, Like, come

on now, I'm not gonna doit. If it was mailed, If
it's just an envelope they put there, maybe that doesn't make an illegal for
you to open it. I don'tknow, but I am like dying.
What if you're avoiding it because theyknow it's bad and the once they open
it, they receive like when youget when you get served. Once you
see it, you've been served.You can't say you didn't know that.
So they know that if they keepthat letter on the outside, that the

apartment complex knows they didn't see ityet, right, And I'm just like,
what is going on? I'm definitelythat nosy neighbor right now. I
have figured out that the people thatlive diagonal from us, she's a nighttime
nurse. Like I'm starting to detectiveout like my neighbors and what they do
for a living. And I'm like, what mysterious thing is going on downstairs?
I need to know? Are youtight with anybody at the complex where

you can just ask somebody? Idon't talk to anybody now. I'm pretty
sure they don't like us. Doyou get a wandering and be like friendly,
Hey guys, No, the envelopeis sealed. It's not sealed.
Okay, so why don't you Iknow it? I feel like right at

that moment, they would walk outright at that moment, excuse, Yeah,
it's open. I want to know. It's probably business. It's probably
something routine. It's probably not anythingjuicy. Maybe they're evicted or don't have
your towels on the balcony, youknow what I mean. It's got to
be something like that. And CenkoDomyo apartment party And why haven't they yet?
Why haven't it's been there for likea week. It's been there for

two and a half weeks literally,and I haven't seen my neighbor. I
don't know what's going on. I'mjust I'm nosy neighbor Peyton right now,
and I'm okay with it. I'mso glad you're here as the person who
currently occupies your attention. I wouldlike to thank you for listening to John
Jay and rich Katrina. Good morning. How are you? I am great?

What's going on? I had aquestion for Kyle Okay, Hi,
Well, you're really good with weddings, and you go to so many weddings
and you have so many girlfriends.My girlfriend's getting married in August and I
want to sew her a bashrett party, and I just wanted to see what
you're saying, congestions where Okay?So recently Peyton and I were introduced to

this amazing girl group called Girl aboutTown, and I suggest hiring them because
they're a relatively new business and ifthey were available the last time I threw
my friend a bachelorette party, Itotally would have hired them because they take
care of everything for you. Everythingthey do is like such high quality.
They'll help you think of a funtheme, they'll help you with the decorations,

They'll get the booze there for youif you want, They'll find a
good place for you. They're sucha good resource when it comes to bachelorette
parties, all parties. They're actuallydoing just graduation. Yeah, they did
Kemp's graduation party and Jake's graduation party. Yeah they're legit. Yeah. Is
that is that? Like? Arethey everywhere or just where you are?
They're all over the place. Imean, they're in a bunch of different
cities. You should just google themGirl about Town and see if they if

they're in the city you're in,because I know that they're in Nashville,
the Chicago. They just open SanFrancisco. Where do you live, Katrina,
Well, I live in Houston,but I'm somehow pasto and my friend
lives in al Pasto, so Ikind of want to do something there in
a pasto or outside. Well,if you can't find Girl about Town for
Apasso, look for uh Homie aboutTown, okay, Mato, look for

oh my gosh, that's too funny, look for way Way about Town also,
like if they if they aren't there, like Pinterest is your best friend
because that all the ideas, allthe di y stuff, ways to save
money, cute, fun party ideas, you can find it there too.
That's like my go to wonderful Thankyou for it all, thank thank you

for listening. Have a great day, guys. I love you guys every
day. Thank you, love youtoo. Bye. Lauren, Hello Lauren,
Hello Lauren. We're going to playa game. Yo, Mike check
Mike. We're gonna play Switcheroo.So for ever Levin tickets, right,

you're playing for ever Leben tickets?Right? Yes? Please? Okay Yo,
Mike check Mike check. Yeah,I heard he got the hot new
thing going. Yes, Okay,we're playing Switcheroo, Lauren. This is
how we get down. I'm gonnatell you a song title, but it's
gonna be the opposite of what theactual title is, and you just gotta

give me the real thing. Now, keep in mind, guys, Billboard
Hot one hundred, all of thesesongs fall on that list. Okay,
John Jay, we're gonna start withyou. I feel like this one's a
little bit easy, So I feellike I feel like you should get this
one and set the set the thevibes for this game. All right,
gain chaos, lose control. Okay. On the board, John Jay,

win one. So good, You'reright. Okay. So, Lauren,
are you catching the vibe of howwe play Switcheroo? Okay? So it's
songs, yep, yeah, songtitle, So get your mind right because
these are all popular songs. RichI like to throw you my tricky ones
because I think you're smart. Allright. Yours is Awakening, the opposite
of Awakening that is also on theBillboard Hot one hundred, Awakening, Sleeping

Deadening Awakening. Yeah. On theboard, the boys are tied up,
Kyle. I think this one willbe good. I feel like we should
be playing more of her Listen,I can be enemies is the song that
I could be friends. I canbe enemies. You can be a friend.

You can be a friend, mybest friend enemy. Yes, Lauren,
you can steal what's up? Whatis it? Yes? Ariane off
her album exactly, Thank you?Now I feel really smart. Lauren has

a bonus point. You're doing reallygood going into this game. All right,
Laureni, you have the chance totake the lead right here. Yours
is ugly nothings. Ooh that wasa good, good guess, but unfortunately
no, can anybody help her doit again? Pretty something ugly nothings?
This person is actually gonna be inthe valley next Monday. I think two

mondays ugly pretty wik three or fiveparty something beautiful things but people, Yes,
I was thinking everything, no,no, beautiful. Tell me he'll
be here on the twenty ninth.Okay, we move over to around too.
I'm gonna need y'all to do alittle bit better. Okay, Kyle,

you have a chance to get backright Lauren, John Jay and Rich
you guys are all tied up.John Jay, how do I hope you
get this one? Because this isone of my favorite songs right now.
Lose me ugly, win me pretty. It's tricky. These are so the
Billboard Hot one hundred, Lose meugly and you lose me so it would

be win me pretty, win mebeautiful. You're so beautiful, You're beautiful,
James James, Allen James, youever heard of sexy Red Jenny Sexy
Sexy? Yeah, that's the songget in Sexy. It is what I
was looking for. John j waslose me beautiful, lose me ugly is

getting sexy? Yeah, yeah,exactly. All right, Rich, I
told you guys like I'm tricky overhere. I kind of pull out of
my out of my knick bag whenI think Peyton exactly exactly. Alright,
Rich, you forget nothing. Iremember everything. Good job, Rich,
Billboard Hot one hundred. Rich hastwo points right now, Kyle, Now
you really got to get in mymind for this one, because this one's

tricky. Okay, okay, okay, murderer, I need the opposite now.
If you've seen the shining, thenyou'll get this read well, rad
round Tony and savage. All right, Lauren, you got the chance to
take it away with this one andbeat Rich. All right, Yours is

Rhode Island. Grab me Yeah thealbum Texas. Hi Lord, you got
the tickets album Levine? Congratulations?Oh cool, your scanner stopped. It's
John, Jay and Rich show ThreeThings We Need to Know. Literally,

just like a scene from Weekend atBernie's the movie. A Brazilian woman was
arrested after bringing her dead uncle intoa bank, pretending he was alive and
attempting to secure alone in his name. It's terrible. She brought him in
a wheelchair, was holding up hishead, even at one point put a
pen in his hand and was tryingto like sign something, and obviously the
bank employees were like, this guydoes not seem like he's alive, and

she's like, he's just quiet,and they're like, yeah, I don't
think so. They called the ambulance, they called the police, the people,
the EMTs came by an They're like, yeah, he's obviously been dead
for several hours. So just hoursafter he passed away, she wheeled under
the bank and tried to get awaywith this. Like I said, she
was arrested and is now facing possiblecharges of attempted fraud and abuse of a
corpse. That's disturbing that she wouldeven think to do something like that.

I know, it's so crazy.A new survey actually found one in five
people that have been recently married confessedthey nearly skipped out on their own wedding.
In that survey, twenty percent ofthose people actually did actually walked out
of their own wedding and just wordof canceled it. Man, I wonder
if anybody's ever been to a weddingwhere it just you're there at the wedding,

you're in the church or whatever,and they're like, sorry, no
wedding. I know, I mean, I'm sure that happens on love is
blind. Yeah, I'm try.They still probably have the wedding, right,
you pay for everything, maybe justthe brighter groom, isn't there some
people? How do you do that? No, just turns into a party,
turns into a big party. Mark. Yeah, So this is a
cool job opportunity. John d islooking for their first ever Chief Tractor Officer.

As the CTO. Your salary willbe one hundred and ninety two thousand
dollars and what you'll do is youwill create social media content. You'll travel
across the country making John Deere lookcool to the younger people. Also the
job. Also the that's uh Peterso'sfavorite song, she thinks my tractor sexy.

You could totally use that. Icould try to hit on Taytor Swift
with that role. Absolutely. Youcan apply now until they narrow it down
to five finalists May seventeenth. Andthat's three things you need to know.
Okay. So we got Shakira tickets. We have lots of prizes right now,
lots and lots of prizes. Soright now we'll give away Shakra tickets.
All you got to do is becollar fourteen right now eight seven seven

nine three seven one oh four seven. We also want to pay your bills,
so you got to keep listening forthe nation ye keyword, we'll do
that about twenty minutes. When youhear it, you enter it on our
website at one O four seven KissFM dot Comy Queen one thousand bucks.
Also, it's Taytor Swift Week.We're celebrating the release of her new album,
Tortured Hearts Department. It's out tonightat nine Tortured Poets Department. What
did I say? It's his TorturedHearts right here. I didn't read it

wrong. I'm I got this emailabout having you know, don't screwed it
up. I already screwed I alreadycallthe Tortured Pets Department, and now here
it's this tortured Hearts department. Weknow it's tortured poet's department. They wouldn't
have said, don't screw up thetitle. I don't think I would have
screwed it up, but I screwedup twice a far so much pressure.

I'm sorry. You're broadcasting live acrossthe world right now. This is the
John Jay and Rich radio program.
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