All Episodes

April 22, 2024 26 mins
What's on YOUR mind?

+ Estella's BFF is SHADY!
+ Tristan needs advice from...Grant...?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'm so glad you're here as theperson who currently occupies your attention. I
would like to thank you for listeningto John Jaye Rich last week. I
was telling you guys about some mentalhealth stuff and then we got into what's
on your Mind? And I thinkwe'd bring it back pay what's on your
mind? Well, I'm really excitedabout this, and I feel like ever
since I turned twenty five, thelittle things in life just means so much

more to me. And that justhappens to be my adult purchases. And
how I got a brand new steammop that was like two hundred and fifty
dollars for fifteen dollars. I'm like, what a win. And I'm just
so thankful for all of the peoplethat put out these bidding sites and these
offer up sites, because you areblessing me. It's a steam mop.
I've heard of a steam train.It's like a like a mop, but

it produces steam, so it likeit cleans it really deep. Yeah did
you get it yet? Yeah?I picked it up so I cannot wait
to go back home and mop myfloor. Video So it's like a hot
mop. It's hot basically. Yeah, So instead of like it's kind of
it's not a swiffer, it's theBistle brand, so it's like good qualities.
Yeah, I'm super Bistle's legit.The woman Kathy Bistles, she's a

friend of my wife's and she donatesso much money to dog rescues. Oh
look at that she gives back.She look at me. I got it.
I got rid a Colin FuG I'veexhausted you, guys. This weekend
was girl scout camp and I chaperundand it was bittersweet because like, I'm

kind of glad I don't have todo that again, because again it's like
you have zero sleep and there's likescreaming girls the whole weekend. But it
was also like such good memories thatI made with my daughter, Like you
know, we took little adventure walksjust together, just me and her,
and I got to see her dothe one thing in the world that I
think she's the most obsessed with.We went on horseback ride, well she

did, and I walked along withher, but part of the trail ride,
and she gets so attached to horsesright away, Like they had a
little trail ride. They got toride bear back in the stable and then
they got to brush the horses.And then as we were leaving, we're
kind of all walking together along thisdirt road and I look at her and

she's in tears, literally in tears, like, oh my gosh, what's
wrong. And she's like, Ijust didn't want to leave Jake. Jake
was her horse. We became bestfriends, like immediately, like I feel
like he's my family. Oh yeah, that's coming. I was like,
yeah, we had no where toput a horse. So anyways, there
was the property was beautiful. Itwas up in Prescott. We walked so

much that I had my Samsung watchon and me and the other moms were
like comparing how many steps we had, and I'm pretty sure my watch is
full of crap because the one momhad the aura ring and she's like,
oh my gosh, I did twentythree thousand steps, and I'm like,
oh my gosh, let me lookhow much I did. It was like
at nine thousand, I'm like,we're all doing the exact same thing together.

No way, half the amount ofsteps you cover a lot of ground.
This is actually a theory I've hadabout my watch for quite some times,
because even like Scott has the samewatch, and he works from a
home Like I'm out in about allday and I'll go home and I'm like,
how many steps did you have today? And He'll be like six thousand.

I'm like, I'm still in fourthousand in the living room. In
the living room. Oh see,if you guys got a horse for your
daughter, you'd be funny if itwas in the backyard and like it would
drink out of your husband's cold punch. Yeah, we really have nowhere to
go. It's so now I'm currentlylooking for like horse camps. I feel
like there's a bunch if I'm inmy neighborhood. When I go walk in,
there's all these people that train andyou can keep your horses there,

like right behind where I live.So I'll have to get some numbers from
get some info for me. Okay, we'll get this real quick. So
I've been telling you about stem cellsfor a while, right, I've gone
down and done stem cells five times, and I don't know what benefits I
have, but there's I'm one ofthe few people where I'm like, oh
my god, I feel so different, but it's like I know it's working.
I believe in a hundred percent Mywife has done stem cells three times
and over the last six years.You know, when you live here,

you got to get checked for skincancer and stuff that She's had lots of
things removed, and she has toshe had a little melanoma a while ago
how to remove so she has toget checked every three months and for six
years, every time she gets checkedthey have to take something off her body.
She also has this thing with hereyes, so it's genetic. It's
like it's like pre glaucoma, whateverthat is, right. And she got

this air pressure in her eye,so I don't understand it right, and
she's been getting checked to see ifit gets He's getting worse, getting worse,
getting worse. So she goes toget her body checked the other day,
first time in six years. There'snothing. They don't have to cut
anything off. She goes to theeye doctor on Friday to get checked to
see the eye pressure thing totally gone. She's fine. Whatever issues has totally
gone. The only thing that wecould think about, can't it be stem

cells. That's what happens. Youget these stem cells in your body.
They don't know what they are justyet. If you get him where we
get them and they they go towhat you need to fix what you need,
which shows you how messed up.I am different after you are everybody.
It's going to place. I knowit's going to places I probably have
probably have like a you know,a seventeen year old liver now, but

I won't know that yet until Ineed the benefits of the liver. Chaos
was a radio show. You're listeningto it eats John Jay and rich Tristan.
Good Morning. You're on their dogGood Morning's So all right, So
I uh, I'm follow your producerGrant. Okay, so I know he's
getting married and I'm getting married nextweek. I got question for you guys.

For him bachelor party, strip club? No strip club? Well,
let's ask Grant, Grant, whatdo you do for your bachelor party?
I have. I have zero plansfor my bachelor party because I'm thirty eight
years old. I'm getting married.I consider the ages one me to about
thirty five my bachelor party. Ilived anything else, Dude, I'm just

gonna, honestly, probably hopefully,just been in the hotel room and stare
at a wall and think about mychoices. Well, great, if you
were having a bachelor party. Wouldyou be down like to go to a
strip club? Dude, I can'tget into strip clubs, not anymore.
They won't let you in. Theyhave your picture with the thirty States anyway

you mean, yeah, you toldyou five years ago out of here and
in Tristan. How old are you? I'm thirty two, so I think
I'm still good, right, Yeah? I feel like, okay, dude,
you got plenty of good years.Yeah you could. Strip clubs are
totally cool for a thirty two yearold. I just feel like you have
to consult with your future wife quitehonestly, like if she has a pretty

hard stance against you, probably shouldrespect that, if not, go for
it. Yeah, and my fianceis actually going to thunder down Under two
nights before our wedding to fulfill afantasy is yeah, I think it honestly

does depend on you know, yourfiance and your future wife and how she
would feel about it. I don'tthink I would care if my boyfriend wanted
to go to a strip club forhis bachelor but then again, I'm not
in that position, so I don'tknow the current way the world is.
Right now. I feel that theright thing to do is to ask the
future wife. So it was backin the day. There's bachelor parties,
and there's bachelor parties, and Ithink bachelor parties a stripper is part of

it or something like that, doyou know what I mean? And I
don't know if you got to dosomething crazy and I went to a batchlor
party where they had a bunch ofthat stuff going on and it was boring,
you know, I don't. Idon't think I went to a strip
club at my bachelor party. Idon't think I did that. But I
did have two bachelor parties who therewas a time, you guys, I
had quite a few friends whoa uhhuh, And one bachelor party was in

Las Vegas and then the other bachelorparty was Marty Gras in New Orleans and
it was magical. That's fun.Yeah, I should shake you guys a
picture. Sometimes you should. Well, Tristan, do you want to go
to the strip club or is itmore of your buddies. I got some
pretty wild friends. Uh So myfuture wife fiance, I love her very

much and she totally knows who she'smarrying. So maybe you guys are probably
right. I should probably ask her. We don't get in too much trouble.
I hope she knows who she's marrying. Yes, guys, I just
thought what my perfect bachelor party wouldbe. Well, I'm just walking out
of the building to leave work forthe day, and then my friends in

mass in a van kidnapped me,and then it's like a whole weekend of
me trying to figure out where Iam and what am I going to make
it. That would be the mostideal. Oh, you're like that movie,
that movie with Michael Douglas, TheGame. You have a gig.
You're just buried in a coffin ofthe dirt mesic. It's party, gret

He's not kidding either. We're alllaughing in here. He's not kidding.
That's perfect for him, Tristan.Is your bachelor party in Vegas? Or
is it wherever you're calling from thecity you're in. We're in Vegas.
We're gonna we're getting married. Well, then you gotta go to that,
you know. There's here's the thingabout the strip clubs in Vegas. I
haven't been a strip club in along time, but the strip clubs in
Vegas are not your normal strip clubs. They're like classy, upscale. My

cousin works, you can go thatway, I guess. Thank god.
Strip clubs that are like is thebiggest cost coast there where there's like hundreds
Where does your cousin work at?Which one? We actually just kind of
like we drove past it. It'sactually right next to a dispensary when you

walk in. Like the strippers,some of them don't have teeth, like
their their toenail paints. Okay,well that's gross. But if you do,
there is like a way, likestrip clubs in Vegas have a vibe,
like a show in Vegas, likegoing to go see Adele, It's
like there's a very big, upscale, crazy thing. I can't remember that.
We go to Grant's wedding. Let'sjust go to Slusarch for it.

Let's go visit your cousin. Shegive us all a show. I'm sure
she would love it. We govisit your cousin, We're gonna walk out
of there like the cast of theHangover Tattoos. She's the one that gets
blown out by like rappers and stuff. Okay, she has a good time.
Well, good luck, Tristan.I appreciate it. Thanks for comment.

Estella, good morning, Okay,so I just have to know your
opinion on this. It might bestupid. I don't know. I'm kind
of I'm really upset because my bestfriend has been hanging out with my eggs
like a lot, and that's whatever. But the worst part of it is
that he's all she wants to talkabout. Like every time I talk to
her, no matter no matter howhard I try to change the conversation,

she always comes back to him somehow, and that's all that we talk about.
And that's her friend and she's doingthat. Yeah, yeah, she's
like, she's my best friend.Have you asked, like, is there
something going on between you? Guysjust seemed to be spending a lot of
time together. She like swears thatthere's not, Like she said that he's
not into him, But right,I don't know it. And it's more

just like that, I just don'twant to think about him, or talk
about him, or have anything todo with him. Two questions. How
fresh is the breakup and was ita bad one? It's been a few
months and it was really bad.It was really really bad. Your best
friend should not be anywhere when she'stalking about him. What is she saying?

How in what ways? Is shetalking about him? She calls him
like every day and talks to him, and she'll be like, oh,
I was talking to Cheto and hesaid this. What do you think that
means? Or like, oh hesaid this about you, or he said
that about you. So is shetrying to get YouTube back together? That's
what I thought, But she shesaid no, and she was like,
no, I know how bad hetreated with you. He treated you,

I'd be furious if you ever gotback together with him. Well, it
sounds like just from what I whatI've heard so far, just sound that
she's like a really bad friend.Yeah, that's a good thing to do.
Do you ever notice that, likeover the period of your friendship with
your best friend, Like, didyou ever feel like she was jealous of
you or like she tried to dothe same things that you did to try
to compete? Did you ever catchthat vibe from her? Yeah? Definitely,

Oh girl, I had a friendlike that in high school and as
awful like as this may come off, or as it sounds, it seemed
like she wanted to be me morethan she wanted to be my friend.
And when that happened, she sleptwith my ex. So like it's a
challenge like I can get him andkeep him, but you couldn't. But
you can't haha. And there waseven a period of time where this breakup

was going down and I was like, girl, can you reach out?
Can you see why he's not talkingto me? And all behind my back,
man, she was setting me up. She was like, yeah,
you guys are going to get backtogether. And then five days later I
get on Snapchat and she's in hisclothes, in his bed. I was
like, oh, well, mybest friend since I was in the third
grade till like my senior year ofhigh school. Now best friend code anymore?

No? And actually I saw herat Target and ran the opposite direction.
I was like, I'm not talkingto you, best friend code.
When you break up with someone andyour ex is dead to you, they're
dead to your best friend. Yeah, Taylor Swift lyrics, Yeah, tortured
poetry. Oh my gosh, girl, I am feeling for you right now.
And then like, in my gut, I think that is bad news

and you need to probably have areal conversation with that friend and also realize
that that friendship is probably gonna end. Can I let me share something with
you guys. Something you just said, Peyton And I hate to bring up
this TV show because I hated it, but it was White Lotus ceson one.
Sidney Sweeney was in it. Didyou watch that at all Acilla,
White Lotus? Yeah? Do youremember that storyline with Sidney Sweeney. She
her and her best friend where theywent on vacation Towahie and Sidney Sweeney kept

stealing, would automatically steal her bestfriend's boyfriend, always flirted with him and
at the end have this huge momentshe breaks up and she didn't even realized
she was doing it, but she'sdone it. Their whole friendship, huh.
And it was just something that subliminalhappens, like like this girl has
got a like disturbed childhood, probablyare a bad a need for something,
you know what I mean. Somethinghappened she wasn't getting love from her father.

So crazy because the girl in mysituation had daddy issues like no other.
Right, And that's what happens toWhite Lotus. And also they confront
each other, they break down,they cry, and then they make it
up. They make up after ofcourse city s White sleeps with their friend's
boyfriend of course, right, andthen they left the brother in Hawaii and
then the guy took a poop ina superface like you liked white lotus.
I did like white loads, butI remember white lotus. Dang. But

anyway, so what do you do. I think you take Kyle payton advice
talk to her first, or yeah, definitely talk to her. Talk to
her, just knowing the breakup ofthe friendship maybe happen exactly, like,
have that in the back of yourhead to always like, you know,
prepare yourself. But this is yourbest friend and regardless of how dirty they
do you, you always will feelsome little bit of love for them in

that moment. So I think youtotally talk talk to her, put your
guard up, you know, inthe sense of that that friendship might not
come out in the same way thatyou went into it. But yeah,
girl, she I mentioned Kyle,and I agree, and probably a lot
of other people listening agree that thatis not a good situation she's putting you
in. Thank you all right,still, I have a great day.

Thanks for listening. Yeah, thankyou. I am really really sorry.
Please email our management at your Momat iHeartRadio dot your mom dot com.
It's John Jay and Rich Are youguys familiar with the suv mom story?
No, okay, it's all overTikTok. They're saying on TikTok that you

are either a white suv mom ora black suv mom. There's two categories,
and I disagree with it because mywife's had both a white Suv and
the black su Well, here thisis them explain this off of TikTok.
Thing of a white suv mom isthat you're like an aesthetic moms, like
perfect, perfect hair, a perfectmakeup, your kids are perfect, your

life is perfect, and you havea perfect white car. Black suv mom
explained is apparently you're like the hotmess mom. You might or might not
have washed your hair in a week. You're just kind of winging it.
You probably have a bunch of feralkids. You probably shop at Walmart a
lot. You're probably not the targettype. So does that ring with anybody?

Yeah, my mom had a whiteCadillac for forever and she totally comes
off. Is that, like everything'sperfect, everything's designer, you know,
like we're pretty well rounded kids.For the most part. I can see
that, but I don't know,I feel like that's just the same thing
that you can say if you wearwhite clothes versus wearving black make sense.
Yeah, my wife has an SUVwhite ISSUV right now and she fits that.

But she also had a black ISSUVand she fit the white essuv.
She's very, very clean. Aschool in Australia broke the world record for
firing con eddie cannons at the sametime, two thy thirteen all at once.
Here's what happened. We are herefor the most people firing confetti cannons
simultaneously, three two one, Whatit all happened? He was like,

Oh my god, this is see. It was really fun and so cool.
I can't believe we got over twothousand. I'm definitely gonna remember this.
Oh they're so cute sounding, aren'tthey. A lot of hype with
this Taylor Swift album that dropped onFriday, But another album dropped that's not
getting a lot of hype, andit should so I'm here to push it.
Let's go. The Wiggles released anEDM version of all their songs Yes,
Yes, like fruit salad but eat, Yes, Yes, the Monkey

commanding to the monkey, the MonkeyMonkey, That's all right, jump,
It's going to be a fruit saladtree salad, yummy, yummy, potto,

potato potato. I don't know ifthis is a X's God. It's
called the Wiggles sound System, Raveof Innocence. There isn't a lot of
people that are bringing their kids toraves though, so it happened on the

trend. I went to it,took my kids to the Wiggles. It's
just crazy how they're still around.It's Earthday. This year's theme is Planet
versus Plastic. It's called on governmentleaders, businesses, every day people to
reduce plastic production by sixty percent bytwenty forty. I thought we'd ask Alexa,
what are some things that we cando to help the planet. Here
are some Earth Day tips. Rememberto turn off the water while brushing your

tooth. Donate to causes that protectour natural resources like rivers, forests,
and the Kardashians. Only flush thetoilet once twice if cops are at the
door and you have a lot ofdrugs. And avoid wasting packaging by only
ordering Taylor Swift's new album on vinylor cassette or compact disc or anthology but

not all four. Oh what theheck? Screw it? Order all four?
Hashtag swifty for life. Oh Alexa, I posted this video this morning.
I saw his video this morning andposted on Instagram. It's so dang
cute. This little girl is reallyexcited about a big potato chips you found
in her ruffles potato chips. Ithink they're going to make a commercial of

this girl. It's so cute.It's on my Instagram you can see it.
But this is her pulling out thisbig potato chip. Guess what I
just now, Well, dig achip. I've never seen a chip this
big. A my life clenzy andthen oh chip, count me three?
So why they're so big? Yureckon of my head? Get this ship

to see if you can find thereal begger chip that's giving its corn kid.
Wait, you see her. She'sso beautiful. You want to hug
her. You's so cute like thecountdown boy. She's ready. She's on
my ig you can see it.John J. Mann ask me, I
don't know how you found us,but I'm so thankful that you did.

It's John Jay and Rich, JohnJay and Rich. Let's get some entertainment
stuff. I know there's is theremore Taylor Swift stuff that we haven't already
talked about I think people are justsort of really dissecting each and every song.
And in the song that we talkedabout, thank You Amy, that's
very clearly about her feud with KimKardashian. There's one line from there that
references Kim's daughter that a lot ofpeople have like, oh, really sinking

their teeth into. I don't thinkyou shanged much, and so I changed
your name. And then a realdefining clues in one day, your kid
comes home singing the song that onlyUS two's gonna know is about you,
because all that time he was throwingpunches, it was okay. That song

is like there was a TikTok ofKim Northwest dancing to shake it off.
So it's like, shake it off? So how about Kim Kardashian. And
then I had to go back inthe whole Taylor Swift timeline and it was
like two thousand and nine, KimKardashian's like the biggest Taylor Swift fan.
She says it out loud, right, And then supposedly from two thousand and
nine till about twenty sixteen, Kimand Taylor were always cool. So I'm

like, I wonder if Kim hadmaybe given Taylor some advice on how to
shake the haters off, because Kim'salways been really good about that. And
then we know, then things fellapart when the Phone Call was released and
Kanye and Kim and everything like that. Right, So I'm like, oh,
there's just little jabs here and therethat Taylor does that's just so cleverly
crafted. In the meantime, obviously, the Tailor Album was basically the biggest

thing over the weekend, right,I mean, you could go anywhere without
hearing people's favorite songs or seeing itall over social media. And so that's
why I find it really creative thatDrake dropped a song, a new disc
track in his feud, his ongoingfeud, and it's called Tailor Made and
references the Tailor Album. The firstone really only took me and I would

so the next one is really aboutto bring out the cow within you.
But now we gotta wait a weekbecause Taylor Swift is your new top and
if you about to drop, shegotta proove. This girl really about to
make you act like you're not ina fud. She tailor made your schedule
with and you out of the loop. Haye A you caught me an industry
of puppet, so I'm not ina mood. Okay, wait, is
that the real song of the AIsex? He dropped a song called push

Ups, which is five. That'sthe one that was like supposedly AI generated
and you couldn't find out real ofthe streaming platforms except for over the weekend.
Drake put push Ups on Apple Music. No, No, this song
right here is Drake Taylor Made Freestyle? Is Drake where you're talking about the
AI? What was I thought wascrazy? Because yeah, you're mentioning Taylor
Swift. Right, So this wholefeud is with Kendrick Klamar. So Kendrick

Lamar is waiting to post this disctrack because basically he didn't want it to
get drowned out from all of theTaylor Swift like mess and stuff like that.
But Drake did use AI in theTailor Made Freestyle, and he used
Tupac AI in Snoop dogg AI,which are Kendrick Lamar is like rap idols,
And he basically like used the AIto tell Kendrick like, come on,

dude, you need to drop thedisc track. Why are you waiting?
So he is now accepted AI andyou used it in the song.
Yep, Drake used AI and usingit on something that's said, the pushup
songs that listen to all weekend,the pushup song other to a weekend is
not Drake, No, it isno. He dropped it weekend. Like,
have you not heard Taylor made Freestyle? I have that clip that she

just played right there. I've heardthat before too. Over the weekend.
It rocked my world when Drake droppedTaylor Taylor Made Freestyle. I was like,
Oh my gosh, is the rapworld okay? Like, what's like?
What is going on between these guys? I mean AI, you could
start a whole like nuclear war withrappers, and I honestly I think that
that might be the star of artistsembracing AI. Like Drake. He was

like, this isn't me, butit's like, then did you see what
snup Dog posted? He was like, they did? What with? Who?
What is is? He's like,I'm just too tired about this.
It's like Snoop can't be cool becauseit's like then you're putting words in his
mouth? So nuts? Okay.Two of my favorite people, David Beckham,
Mark Wahlberg's I hate when I likepeople like just like right now,

the trailer for Wolverine dropped and Deadpool, I like them, And then the
trailer they're fighting. I don't wantto see that, but I think they
come together and they fight together.But yeah, David Beckham actually worked with
Mark Waller when he started up Fforty five. The workout place, right,
and like I guess, Mark Wahlberggoes about thirty five percent in it,
and they hired David Beckham to bethe global ambassador. So if you

if you saw his social media post, it was him in F forty five's
working out and they had promised himten million dollars, and I guess the
stock price went down and he's like, you never pay me my money now
suing him for ten million dollars,which we know David Beckham doesn't need.
But for him, it's probably aboutthe principle you promised me the ten million,
give me the ten million. Callinghim out. That's that's fighting,

damn dude. Okay, what else? Ryan rold Zipple, they dropped them
trailer. Have you guys watched ityet? Yes? So good? But
I saw them fighting. You thinkto become friends. It looks like they
fight at first, and then theybecome friends to go save Deadpool's world.
What about Usher and the hat?Did you see that? Did you see
it? I saw it. Ithought it was a joke too. He's
trying to be too cool, buthe looks Did you see him with the

happen? No? I didn't seehim. My gosh, just okay,
let me show you I've ever seenand he's say, pictures of people and
it looks a little silly's big hat. It's like a ball cap that's just
maybe looks like an inflatable version ofthem, something like that. We have
a hat like that here in thestudio. That's a fan hat hat.

Yeah, so I think he triedto take a fashion risk. It didn't
work out. It was a bigpuffy hat and I don't think lots of
people. But actually, this wouldbe a great Halloween costume. You guys,
that's definitable do this season, allof us, just like the different
stages of Usher,
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