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April 22, 2024 18 mins
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Episode Transcript

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We just want to hear from you, and I don't think that's too much
to ask, and it's really stressingme out that you're not calling eight seven
seven nine three seven one four sevenJohn, Jay and Rick. There's this
company this I think they're advertising agentrycalled on Advertising, oh N exclamation Point
Advertising, and they're working with uswith a Love Pop for Love Pup family

Fest, which is November ninth,by the way, November ninth, So
put that down in your counter.And they had this open house on Friday,
and my wife and I went,and it was downtown. It was
bumpered a bubber traffic getting there,right, and it's one of those deals.
I had to go park onder ground, you know, and parking was
a pain, right. So I'mbumpered over traffic get there and I'm behind
this car that is exactly my car, but electric. Right, I'd never

seen one before, and everywhere thatthis car went was where I was going.
They were in front of me turningbefore I would turn, like I
thought they were going to the sameparty. We park underground, can't find
parking, and I see the guypull into a parking space and I'm like,
dang, he got that space.But then he pulled forward and moved
into the next space. You knowwhat I'm saying. So that I pulled
in, I was right behind it. I was right behind him, and

I was like, Wow, samecar as mine, but electric never seen
that before. So he gets upand I want to make a comment like
hey, same kind of car.But he was walking really fast and he
went to another area. Blake andI go and we go to this party.
We're there for like a half hour. Now it's time to leave,
and I can't find my car.So I'm doing that thing where you unlock
your car, so the lights turnon and you go beep bip, be

bip, and I'm walking around,where's my car? Is kinda go be
bip, I go, I hearit. I hear it. And I
walk over to my car and hiscars parked in front of my car and
his lights are on, like mykey worked in his cars, right,
So I go, whoa. Iget in my car and I'm like and
I'm like, I can't believe it. My car unlocked his car because the

lights are on anything. And thenhe takes off. He was in the
car and he drove oh, andI was like, for the whole time,
going exactly. That was another thing, because he was going somewhere else.
He didn't go to the same partyI went to. He went some
other some other things. I probablythought you were following him. He's like,
what is wrong with speaking of electriccars? And get this? So
that my wife, who's that safewayyesterday? She's getting groceries and she does

not have an electric car. Shesaid, This old man walks up to
her and goes, excuse me,mass, is that one of them there
electric vehicles? She goes, no, sir, my car is a gas
powered car. Okay, because it'selectric power vehicles a ruin in the world,
run county. Donald Trump is acriminal. Joe Biden is an old

man. We need a young president. My wife's just putting groceries in the
car. You would imagine if shedid say that her car was election exactly
what happened? Answer? Watch outanyway, some way that happened. Oh,
we need to get test her.What game? What's our price today?
The prize is Charlie I see X, which is like, really,

I mean, that's pretty dope.She just performed at Coachellato and had an
insane crowd. She's always fun andChrye Von like he's on the come up.
He had that good SNL episode acouple months back. He's he's on
the come up. I really likehim, all right, so we need
to contest at eight seven seven nineone four seven. We got some talkbacks
too, so if you ever wantto participate in the show, you just
tap the microphone on the talkback featureon the iHeart radio app and you could

just jump in with what we weretalking about. I love you you busy
pup up all right, we werereally talking about that. But that's good
morning everybody. Uh So I wasjust listening to uh, you guys are
playing Olivia Rodrigo that good for you, and I'm standing here do my makeup,

and I'm like, Peyton, gotit sounds like Peyton. Sounds a
little like Peyton, Like if shewas singing Hello. Just a thought,
anybody else hear that good fool you. I'll take that compliment. I'll be
Olivia Rodrigue any day. That's notthat. I wonder now if every time
I hear that song, I'm thinkingJohn Jay and Rich like a whole y

D and Rich, Hi, Jessica, good morning, good morning. So
I was calling to tell you guys, even though I've been listening to you
like my whole life and you guysare all my best friends. My daughter
is very mad at Kyle, andI'm not allowed to listen to you guys
anymore. Why is that? Becauseshe was listening, she was using rain

sounds to go to sleep, andnow mad because all she can hear it's
fried chickens. So she's like,I didn't need to know that, Kyle
did not need to tell me that. Now I can't listen to any rain
sounds when I go to sleep,And I said, well, what about

maybe a thunderstorm. Thunderstorm, shegoes it still sounds like food, or
maybe she just flips her mindset intothinking she's comforted by the fact that dinner's
on the way. She's hungry,and then she can't go to sleep,
so she's mad at thank you.I'm sorry, Kyle. Well it sounds

like you're still listening, so good. Don't listen to your daughter if it
helps it all. Tell her itannoys me too. And I listen to
rain sounds every night and I thinkabout that every night as well, So
at least, okay, Jessica,So if I play a clip for you.
You tell us if it's rain orif it's chicken cooking. Okay,

okay, you're all right. Soif you get this right, then you
get to listen. You can tellyour daughter you got it right. You
get to listen to us. Ifyou get it wrong, then you still
have to listen. Okay, Sowhat is it? Is this chicken or
what is it rain? Chicken orrain? Rain? That was? That

was rain? You don't get down, I said, you have to listen
again. Heay, all right,Jessica, I have a fantastic day.
Thank you for listening. All Thankyou. B It's John Jay and Rich
in the eternal battle of morning showsupremacy, we are one of them.

It's John Jay and Rich, JohnJay and Rich. Good morning, Emily,
Hey, good morning. Okay,we're gonna play game. You're gonna
play for tickets to see choice ofonon and Charlie xc X. Nick Is
said, host, what what that'sall I heard when I turned on the
radio was the tickets. I didn'teven know what the game. We don't

really know the game. We knowthe name of the game. It's a
new game, so we'll all learnit together. Yeah, it's brand new
Okay, Hi, Kyle Queen,please get to the game. Okay,
so this game, you guys,everybody's talking about Taylor Swift. Am I
right, everybody is tortured. PoetDepartment is out right now. This game

is called Poet Tortured or One HitWondered. Here's the point of the game.
You. I'm gonna read you somelyrics here. You guess if this
is a one hit Wonder or alyric from the Tortured Poets Department that makes
sense. Okay, We're gonna startwith John Jay. I beg and borrow

and steal at first sight, andit's real. I didn't know I would
feel it. Kenner Swift dead PoetSociety. I'm sorry, John Jay,
that's incorrect. We were looking forCarly Ray Jebson call me. Maybe don't
get how this game works, guys, Yellow all right? Rich dressed sorry,

dressed up like a million dollar troopertrying hard to look like Gary Cooper.
Oh, come, let's mix whereRockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas in
their midst. Although it sounds veryTaylor Swift, I believe that it's Taco
was putting on Rich. Oh mygosh. Three points and I heard nothing

but Taylor Swift all weekend that album. Okay, well, we're gonna keep
any of the tests and Taco Peyton. Everyone we know understand why it's meant
to be because we're crazy. Sotell me who else is gonna know me?

Tortured Poet, poet Tortured not aone hit wonder correct. It is
from the song Tortured Poet's Department.Wait to go, Kyle, this whole
damn world could fall apart. You'llbe okay, follow your heart. You're

in harm's way. I'm right behindnow, say you're mind. Oh my
gosh, these are hard. Theyare to all be from the album.
I'm gonna I'm gonna say that's atailor line. I'm sorry, Kyle,
I'm sorry, Kyle. I believethat's the new radicals it is. It's

a good, good child. Allright. All right, here we go,
Emily, and for a fortnight therewe were forever run into you sometimes
ask about the weather. Now you'rein my backyard, turned into good neighbors.

I don't listen to Taylor, butit's got to be her. It
is Chris with a commanding lead,heading into round two. We're gonna start
with John Jay hope you like MmmBop Bob? How dare you call Hanson
a one hit wonder? Bestow uponmy faces smiles. Scandal does funny things

to pride but brings lovers closer.I mean, that's got to be Swift.
It is Taylor Swift, Daddy,I love him. Rich, You
slide it in boxes and slipped throughthe bars. You crash my party and
your rental car. You said normalgirls were boring, but you were gone
by the morning. Why do Ifeel like that's I don't care? I

love it. I kind of pop. I'm sorry. Rich apparently didn't listen
to enough Taylor Swift this weekend,and he goes that one is called smallest
man who ever lived. That Baydenshould be your favorite song, Rich,
there should be. I don't benefitfrom the height Bayden. A woman who

looks quiet but has fun when sheplays. A woman who takes down her
tied up hair whenever she feels itis the right time, even though she's
covered. She's more sexy than moremost people. Such a sensuous woman.
I'm gonna go with poet tortured becausenone of those rhyme and feel like I'm

sorry Peyton. We were looking forcy Gangnam style translated. That's from this
century. You guys, here comesthe next one, Kyle, go to

see him when the sun goes down. Ain't no finer boy in town.
You're my guy. You're what thedoctor ordered. So sweet, you make
my mouth water. I don't thinkthat's Taylor, that's one. It is.
I want candy from No. OneHit Wonders in the last couple of
years. And the thing is isthat they're all one hit Wonders from the

last All right, Emily, youcould win right here. For so long
London stitches undone, two graves,one gun. I'll find someone. It's
a one hit wonder. So bros, that's Taylor's swift. So long,

London. You're gonna stay home allof October. You're not allowed to the
Charlie XCX concert. See. Ibet you if it was like Charlie XCX
or one Hit Wonder, Emily wouldbe yeah, yeah, well that's not
the name of the game. Youanyone, and we'll set you up with
the tickets anyway. So hold online, okay, hold on, hold on.

You don't when it gets the lastcall and all the dudes kind of
start creeping up on you. Wehave the solution. Give them the John
Jay and Rich Drunk Dial Line sixtwo eight, nineteen thirty three. It's
John Jay and Ridgy I three thingswe need to know off the cusp.
Most people would say they consider sexyTimes workout, and now the experts have

weighed in on the opinion and theyagree. Depending on how long the session
lasts, positions, et cetera.They say, listen, it could be
a full body workout depending on whatyou're doing. Can demand flexibility, strength,
endurance, although don't consider it aworkout if you're not really working,
if you know what I mean.Yeah, I got a Whoop band,
you know, and I we kindof flell around one day and I was

like, Ooh, I wonder howI did on the stress because he monitors
your stress and everything is strained,and you know, like eleven to twelve
is the highest I've ever been.Was it a two? Yeah? That
was not a workout for you thatColleges and states where recreational weed is legal
over the past decade have seen asignificant boost in applications from top notch students.

They also get more applications in general, more than colleges and states that
did not legalize marijuana. Just alittle PSA. I guess people want to
go where they can smoke weed legally. This is kind of funny because I
don't know what they were thinking,like, we're actually going to fool them,
but they tried it. A couplein Florida were arrested after they tried

to cash in on a fake milliondollar lottery ticket. They took two tickets
that had the million dollar winning numberson them and like pasted them together,
and the lottery people were like lookingand expecting the tickets. They're like,
oh, this is kind of weird. There's different serial numbers. Oh,
this is kind of weird. Onthe back of the ticket there's mismatched words.

So what if they'd really done theirwork and spend like twenty thousand dollars
on a printer, they probably couldhave pulled it off. Probably, but
yeah, it didn't work out wellfor them. And also just a worded
wise, not something you should tryat home either. And that's three things
you need to know. What's up? Ronald you on the air, Hi,
I had just heard the song thatsays so sorry for your loss.

If you listen to that, itsounds just like they so sorry for your
lost sid Brindy Carpenter Feather, I'mlike all the pop stars. Yeah,
listen to it. And when shesaid so sorry for your loss, am
like when the paytents start being onan album? What's that about? Two
people called that? I am well. I mean if you saw art TikTok

trying to be Mariah Carey with thehigh note, Peyton hit it. She
hit it like dead on so Icould see it. It's like you are
also Mariah Carey. A record labelwants to sign me. You just let
me know. I need a ghostwriter. Okay, So real quick Rich
says he ate the best chicken sandwichof all time and paints that you had

the best would you have tea?I had ice coffee? Wore was your
ice coffee? My ice coffee?So over the weekend, I was doing
an event for one of my littleside hustles and it was like they had
a bunch of food trucks and stuff. So it's from this food truck.
It's called Halo Bean and I it'slike gourmet coffee. Right. It was
literally probably the best ice coffee I'veever had in my life. It was
the Maui ice coffee. So it'slike coconut and chocolate sounds my goodness delicious.

Well I got two. Well,I work for Modern West Photo.
It's a photo booth company, sowe do weddings and events and things like
that. And then I coach girlsbasketball. Also was one of those two
things. Yeah, I was doingthe photo booths for a grand opening of
like a dealership or something like that. I was at an event where the
Modern West Photo booth was there,at the couple's baby showering. Well,

they were there and it was like, what I don't understand about that photo
booth, which I like, isit I'm too tall? Yeah, it's
just like a little bit before andit's like I have to squat down.
It doesn't make sense, but theywould make it. But you make the
best picture. But that photo boothis the same one that the Kardashians use
at all of their stuff. Well, I was at I was at another
one yesterday and they had a moremodern modern photo and it worked. It

worked better, it was taller,it was better. It was people are
like, how I cut my wholebody off? It's in my head?
What about you? Rich? Yousaid you had the best chicken sandwich.
Yeah, let's just say for me, I would say the the the quintessential
chicken sandwich is a Chick fil A. That's great. I would say if
Chick fil A went totally pro andreally like really used really awesome chicken that

was bigger, and the bread wasbetter and the sauce was like spicier.
So I only think they have onelocation. It just opened last Saturday.
It's called INGOs, and it's it'sdown here. There's one right here,
there's one where right here, theoriginal one right down across. There's two
of them now, and there's onein l a Well. The owner then
goes to my cold plunge. Okay, I only knew about it. I
only knew about the one that justopened because somebody said you should burgers too.

Well. I I only had thechicken sandwich, but it was outstanding.
So now you have three places togo choose. I mean, like
I'm thinking about it now, Likeif you guys are like, let's go
right now, well, there's oneclose, I would go get with right
now. It's so good. Also, I was really hungry, so that
might be part of it too.There's a restaurant I go to over Easy

Monica. You guess she also worksthe INGOs. Oh yeah, but ask
her about that. Around for along chicken sandwich, Well I know,
I tell you there's three. WhenI went there, they said they just
opened that Saturday, so I didn'teven know if they had another location.
Great fries, Oh really, Ididn't have that back where you see fries?
Well, come back, we missyou. Broadcasting live across the world

right now. This is the John, Jay and Rich radio program.
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