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April 18, 2024 15 mins
+ More questions for Kyle!
+ 3 Things YOU Need to Know!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's John Jayne Rich. Hi,Crystal, what's up. You're on the
air. Good morning, Good morning. How are you doing? How are
you good? I was calling inbecause I was wanting to ask Kyle how

Scott is doing and if they everwent to the doctor and kind of figured
out what was going on. Ohmy gosh, Crystal, you're so nice
for caring. Scott is doing okay, but still the same, like we're
still waiting to get in with hisdoctor. He said he doesn't want to
go to urgent care, so I'vebeen trying to push him. He did

text his doctor again, and we'rejust we're kind of in limbo. We're
just waiting and it's nerve wracking.But like he says, I'm listening to
my own body. I don't feellike I need to go to urgent care.
He says, it just like that, Crystal. He always has a
real problem being like all that stuffright has equilibriums off. So we've had

like so many people call it.It's so nice to hear everyone care.
But like it's like he's either diabetic, or he has something wrong with his
vagel nerve, or he has likesomething wrong with his ears, or he's
having a heart attack or something.I mean, there's so many things that
everyone has said that they've had thesame thing going on with them, and
it was this, I'm like,he just needs to get in. So
if you can't put the good vibesout there that like they can just get

him in today or tomorrow or somewherefor sure. I know, I was
listening to the podcast and I washearing your story about the church and about
how his dad was a diabetic,and that put alarm bells off. I
was like, Huh, an easything that he'd be able to do is
that his dad has a meter totest his blood sugar. Just change the

landset, gives Scott a new landsetand a new test trip and have him
test his blood sugar and that willjust kind of tell it. At least
that could eliminate one thing without youknow, being a feel. That's so
interesting you say that because they actuallythey took a road trip up north together
the other day and they did that, but they did it right after Scott
says, we stopped at McDonald's.It got McDonald's for lunch, and when

then they took his blood sugar andobviously through the roof because he just had
like a soda and like, dude, you should not eat. And then
but then I guess they did ita few hours later and his blood sugar
was normal. So I don't thinkthat that was the greatest I don't know
test of it, but it wasnormal when it should have been normal.
You know, I don't want toget involved with other people's health issues,

but if you want, I wasn'tgoing to say this, but I feel
like I should because I have accessto certain things. Would you like it
if I went over and gave Scotta prostate exam? Yes, okay,
now he would like it. Okay, I'll do your givers what you want,
I am, I'll do that,and I'll do I don't know.
You might have a sore throat.You know, that's what Jonju does.
He finds the solutions. Christ willhave a great day. Thank you for

listening. Peyte. What's going onwith your neighbor? What's that whole story?
Well, I guess it's kind ofa question for the room. And
if you guys have ever been inthis kind of situation. So my boyfriend
Kadem and I we live in anapartment building, so we have somewhere on
the second floor, so there's someonebelow us. And every morning, for

probably the last two and a halfweeks, I walk past our downstairs neighbor's
door, and on our doors forour apartment complex, there's like a little
like clothes pin type of thing soyou can put up letters or like things
like that that's going on around thebuilding. So on the neighbor's clothes pin
is their apartment number. But it'sa letter from the apartment complex, and

I pass it every single morning forliterally the last two and a half weeks,
and I have practiced so much selfcontrol to not take that letter down
and read it. I want toknow what I want to know what that
letter says. I want to knowif they're in trouble. I want to
know if they're getting evicted. Iwant to know what is going on.
And when I tell y'all, Ihave seriously had to stop myself because I

know it's illegal to read other peoplemail, Like, come on now,
I'm not gonna I think if itwas mailed, if it's just an envelope
that they put there. Maybe thatdoesn't make an illegal fore you to open
up. I don't know, butI am like dying. What if you're
avoiding it because they know it's bad, and the once they open it,
they receive like when you get whenyou get served. Once you see it,
you've been served. You can't sayyou didn't know that. So they

know that if they keep that letteron the outside, that the apartment complex
knows they didn't see it yet,right, And I'm just like, what
is going on? I'm definitely thatnosy neighbor right now. I have figured
out that the people that live diagonalfrom us, she's a nighttime nurse.
Like I'm starting to detective out likemy neighbors and what they do for a
living. And I'm like, whatmysterious thing is going on downstairs? I

need to know? Are you tightwith anybody at the complex where you can
just ask somebody? I don't talkto anybody now. I'm pretty sure they
don't like us. Do you geta wandering and be like friendly, Hey
guys, No, the envelope issealed. It's not sealed, okay,
so why don't you I know Ishould be open it, take a picture

of it. I feel like rightat that moment, they would walk out
and see right at that moment,excuse, yeah, it's open. Want
to know, it's probably business.It's probably something routine. It's probably not
anything juicy. Maybe they're evicted ordon't have your towels on the balcony,
you know what I mean? Yougotta be something like that. And Cenko
Domyo apartment party And why haven't theyyet? Why haven't it's been there for

like a week. It's been therefor two and a half weeks literally,
and I haven't seen my neighbor.I don't know what's going on. I'm
just I'm no the neighbor Peyton rightnow, and I'm okay with it.
I'm so glad you're here as theperson who currently occupies your attention. I
would like to thank you for listeningto John Jay and Rich Katrina. Good
morning. How are you? Iam great? What's going on? I

had a question for Kyle Okay,hey, well you're really good with weddings
and you go to so many weddingsand you have so many girlfriends. My
girlfriend's getting married in August and Iwant to sew her a bachelerette party,
and I just wanted to see whatyour suggestions were. Okay, So recently

Peyton and I were introduced to thisamazing girl group called Girl about Town,
and I suggest hiring them because they'rea relatively new business and if they were
available the last time I threw myfriend a bachelorette party, I totally would
have hired them because they take careof everything for you. Everything they do
is like such high quality. They'llhelp you think of a fun theme.

They'll help you with the decorations,They'll get the booze there for you if
you want, They'll find a goodplace for you. They're such a good
resource when it comes to bachelorette parties, all parties. They're actually doing graduation
Yeah, they did Kemp's graduation partyand Jake's GA party. Yeah they're legit.
Yeah that is that. Like arethey everywhere or just where you are?
They're all over the place. Imean they're in a bunch of different

cities. You should just google themgirl about Town and see if they if
they're in the city you're in,because I know that they're in Nashville,
the Chicago, San Francisca. Wheredo you live, Katrina, Well,
I live in Houston, but I'msomehow pasto and my friend lives in al
Pasto, so I kind of wantto do something there in a pasto or
outside. Well, if you can'tfind Girl about Town for a passo,

look for uh Homie about Town okay, mato, look for oh my gosh,
that's too funny, look for wayWay about Town also like if they
if they aren't there, Like Pinterestis your best friend because that all the

ideas, all the di y stuff, ways to save money, cute,
fun party ideas, you can findit there too. That's like my go
to wonderful Thank you for it all, Katrina, Thanks, thank you for
listening. Have a great day,guys. I love you guys every day.
Thank you love you too. Bye. Lauren, Hello Lauren, Hello

Lauren. We're gonna play a game. Mike check Mike. We're gonna play
Switcheroo. So for ever Levine tickets, right, you're playing for ever Levien
tickets? Right? Yes? Please? Okay yo, Mike check Mike check.
Yeah, I heard he got thehot new thing. What's called going?
Yes, Okay, we're playing Switcheroo, Lauren. This is how we

get down I'm gonna tell you asong title, but it's gonna be the
opposite of what the actual title is, and you just gotta give me the
real thing. Now, keep inmind, guys, Billboard Hot one hundred,
all of these songs fall on thatlist. Okay, John Jay,
we're gonna start with you. Ifeel like this one's a little bit easy.
So I feel like I feel likeyou should get this one and set
the set the the vibes for thisgame. All right, gain chaos,

lose control. Okay? On theboard, John Jay, win one good.
You're right? Okay. So Lauren, are you catching the vibe of
how we play switcheroo? Okay?So it's songs, yeah, yeah,
song title, So get your mindright because these are all popular songs.
Rich, I like to throw youmy tricky ones because I think you're smart.
All right, Yours is Awakening,the opposite of Awakening that is also

on the Billboard Hot one hundred,Awakening Sleeping Deadening A yeah. On the
board. The boys are tied up, Kyle, I think this one will
be good. I feel like weshould be playing more of her. Listen,
I can be Enemies is the songthat I could be friends? I

can be enemies. You can bea friend. You can be a friend.
I best friend enemy. Yes,Lauren, you can steal what's up?
What is it? Yes? Arianeoff her new album exactly. Thank

you. Now I feel really smart. Lauren has a bonus point. You're
doing really good going into this game. All right, Laureni, you have
the chance to take the lead righthere. Yours is ugly nothings. Ooh,
that was a good, good guess. But unfortunately no, can anybody

help her do it again? Somethingugly nothings? This person is actually gonna
be in the valley next Monday.I think two mondays, ugly pretty,
three or five beautiful things, butgood people. Yes, I was thinking
everything, No, no, beautiful. He'll be here on the twenty ninth.

Okay, we move over to roundtoo. I'm gonna need y'all to
do a little bit better. Okay, Kyle, you have a chance to
get back right Lauren, John Jayand Rich you guys are all tied up.
John Jay, how do I hopeyou get this one? Because this
is one of my favorite songs rightnow. Lose me ugly, win me
pretty. It's tricky. These aresongs of the Billboard Hot one hundred said,

lose me ugly and you lose me, so it would be win me
pretty, win me beautiful. You'reso beautiful, You're beautiful, James James
Allen James, you ever heard ofsexy Red Jenny sexy? Yeah, that's
any sexy. Yeah, that's thesong. Geting sexy is what I was
looking for, John j Lose mebeautiful, lose me ugly. Ugly is

getting sexy? Yeah? Yeah,exactly? All right, Rich, I
told you guys like I'm tricky overhere, I kind of pull out of
my out of my nick bag whenyou got to think like Peyton exactly exactly
alright, Rich, you forget nothing, I remember everything. Good job,
Rich, Billboard Hot one hundred.Rich has two points right now, Kyle,
now you really got to get inmy mind for this one because this

one's tricky. Okay, Okay,murderer, I need the opposite. Now.
If you've seen shining, then you'llget this read well Red round Tony,
I'm savage, all right, Lauren, you got the chance to take
it away with this one and beatRich. All right, yours is Rhode

Island, grab me. Oh yeah, the album of Texas. Hi.
Lord, you got the ticket albumof being Congratulations. Oh cool, your
scanner stopped. It's Joy and Richshow Three Things We Need to Know.

Literally, just like a scene fromWeekend at Bernie's the movie. A Brazilian
woman was arrested after bringing her deaduncle into a bank, pretending he was
alive and attempting to secure alone inhis name. It's terrible. She brought
him in a wheelchair, was holdingup his head, even at one point
put a pen in his hand andwas trying to like sign something, and
obviously the bank employees were like,this guy does not seem like he's alive,

and she's like, he's just quiet, and they're like, yeah,
I don't think so they called theambulance, they called the police, the
people the AMTS came by and they'relike, yeah, he's obviously been dead
for several hours. So just hoursafter he passed away, she wheeled under
the bank and tried to get awaywith this. Like I said, she
was arrested and is now facing possiblecharges of attempted fraud and abuse of a
corpse. That's disturbing that she wouldeven think to do something like that.

I know, it's so crazy.A new survey actually found one in five
people that have been recently married confessedthey nearly skipped out on their own wedding.
In that survey, twenty percent ofthose people actually did actually walked out
of their own wedding and just wordcanceled it. Man, I wonder if
anybody's ever been to a wedding whereit just you're there at the wedding,

you're in the church or whatever,and they're like, sorry, no wedding.
I know. I mean, I'msure that happens on love is blind.
Yeah, I'm trying. They stillprobably have the wedding, right,
you pay for everything, maybe justthe brighter groom, isn't there some people,
how do you do? That?Just turns into a part Yeah,
turned into a big party mark.Yeah. So this is a cool job
opportunity. John Deere is looking fortheir first ever Chief Tractor Officer. As

the CTO. Your salary will beone hundred and ninety two thousand dollars and
what you'll do is you will createsocial media content. You'll travel across the
country making John Deere look cool tothe younger people. Also, the job
also the that's uh Teoso's favorite song, She thinks my tractor sexy. You
could totally use that. I couldtry to hit on Tato Swift with that

rule. Absolutely. You can applynow until they narrow it down to five
finalists May seventeenth. And that's threethings you need to know. Okay,
So we got Shakira tickets. Wehave lots of prizes right now, lots
and lots of prizes. So rightnow we'll give away Shakra tickets. All
you got to do is be collarfourteen right now eight seven seven nine three
seven one oh four seven. Wealso want to pay your bills, so

you got to keep listening for thenation ye keyword, we'll do that about
twenty minutes. When you hear it, you enter it on our website at
one O four seven Kiss fm dotcomquin thousand bucks. Also, it's Tanner
Swift Week. We're celebrating the releaseof her new album, Tortured Hearts Department.
It's out tonight at nine Tortured PoetsDepartment. What did I say?
It's his Tortured Hearts right here.I didn't read it wrong. I'm I

got this email about having you know, don't screw it up. I already
screwed. I already called the torturedPets Department, and now here it's a
tortured hearts department. We know it'stortured poet's department. They wouldn't have said,
don't screw up the title. Idon't think I would have screwed it
up, but I screwed up twicea far so much pressure. I'm sorry,
Taylor. Broadcasting live across the worldright now. This is the John,

Jay and Rich radio program.
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