All Episodes

April 23, 2024 21 mins

+ Pebbles got DRAMA!
+ Payton's Predictions!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wakes, John Jay Rich and what'scracking leg? And this is the Big
Boss? Does snoopy diego double gisseldang boom? What's you don't do?
We're not talking about Rich ten ten, We're not talking about last year.
If the one and only do youknow last fix some degle double jist in
your face to me and in theplace to be And you're listening to John

Jay and Rich Wakes one oh fourseven Kiss FM, John J. Rich
Tuesday, April twenty third, twentytwenty four. Our phone numbers eight seven
seven ninety three seven one o fourseven call us jump on the air with
us. You know how I havemy routine, my morning routine, right,
very specific morning routine. Everything isdown to the minute for me with

my routine, which sounds insane bythe way, which and part of that
is I go in a hot tuband then I jump into a cold plunge.
Right, that's my routine. Somy wife I get up this morning,
my wife's having this coughing attack.She comes into the bathroom and she's
like, oh, guy's coffee sobad. And I was in the middle
of this dream where I was reboundingfor Grayson Allen from the Phoenix Suns,

and the basketball was flat and hewas pumping. I was holding the ball
and he was pumping the ball.But then I started coughing and woke up,
and I never got to finish reboundingfor him. And I'm standing there
like in my underwear, like,oh okay, Like how am I having
this conversation in free fifteen this morning? Right then I'm like, hey,
well, I'm gonna go. Nowshe's standing there. I'm like, I'm
gonna go do my routine. I'mgonna go get in the hot tub.

And she looks at me. Igo, do you wanna come with me?
Just okay? And I'm like what, Like we don't talk at the
of the morning. I'm just impressedthat Blake would wake up and choose to
stay awake and not just go backto bed. I know I would be
going right back to bed after mylittle coffee attack. Well guess what.

She joined me in the hot tubthis morning, right and like talking and
having a conversation. I'm like like, I like if it's noon or something,
and I'm like, hey, canyou turn it down? We're like
it's quiet out here. I domy meditation at piece. So we talked
for a little bit. Then Igo get in the cold plunge. And
the problem with the cold plunge is, like I realized this morning, is
I probably don't go as long asI normally do, or I think I

do, because she was in there. She wasn't in the co plunch.
She was in the hot tub.I'm in the cold plunch, and I
didn't want to get out when Iwanted to get out because I wanted to
be more manly because she was therea little freezing. I was in there
way too long that I know.Normally I must be in there normally for
a minute or two, and Ithink I was in it between three and
five minutes, and it was fortytwo degrees. Isn't that the magic at
three minutes? It is? Butat three o'clock, like when you're on

the routine mo bus like me,I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
I'm like, I get in there. I don't have a timer on,
so I'm like, that's probably abouttwo minutes. I'll get out.
But today I know that it wasway way, way longer because I was
trying to be subtlely for her.Anyway, the hot t I highly recommend
the hot tub. My problem withthe hot tub is I don't have one,
but my neighbor does, and helikes to invite me over with him

almost weekly. Now that I've justyou know, it's nice outside, I'm
out in the front yard. Italked to the neighbor. And now it's
gotten to this awkward thing where itstarted with why don't we meet and have
drinks by the bonfire on a Saturdaynight. Now it's to the point where
he gets in my face a littlebit and he says, i'd like you
on the semi regular basis, justyou and me to get in my hot

tub and talk about the neighborhood.And I've said to him, I do
not want to do that. Idon't want my shirt off anywhere, anytime,
anyplace. But now it's gotten tothat really, really awkward spot where
I feel like, now he's inmy space and he wants to me eat
his hot tub, like what what? Actually? And you say no?
Weekly? Why does he It's almostlike he thinks I'm gonna change my mind.

Is he a single guy? No, he's married. I think he's
got grandkids. He's an older gentleman. But I don't know what it is,
and maybe maybe that maybe part ofhis world is we all staying out
in the hot tub. He wantsa new friend, he wants you to
be You can have friend. Youcould be a friend and talk in the
front yard just fine. It islike you're almost like you're really crossing a

certain boundary. Don't you go intothe pool hot tubb lane with anybody right
because you're really getting down to yourskivvies. Basically, Hey, we're all
going swim and the whole families goingswim and wy don't you come over and
have some drinks? Sure? Okay, but I wouldn't want to do that
either. But just you and me, let's hang out and talk about the
neighborhood. And the hot tub freaksme out. It depends on if he

has the above ground hot tub,the kind of or the kind of slippery.
I can see it from my windows, like it's like a hot like
the way we know it built inor did he buy it? No,
it's built into the part of pool. Yeah. Yeah, you like walk
down the stairs into the just becausethe other ones are slippery and then feet
touch. I've had that happen atthat that place. Where you go to

the cold plunge in the hot tuband people walk in and your feet touch
Oh god, I don't ever goin I don't ever go in there.
Anyway, there's a couple of waysof looking at it. With the hot
tub, I think it's like likefor me, if I ever said someone
you come over cold plunge, hottub, it's like a therapeutic vibe.
Your guy's more like he's wearing arobe Will Ferrell that sketch Farrell and started
a lag. Remember they're like,oh he's got that, and my lover

he's got a cold punch. Butit's just a it's just a freezer in
his garage. This is the firststep of him trying to get you to
swing, Like, this is thefirst step to get you comfortable with your
shirt off. This is this iswhere I helped make these decisions in my
brain, like if I were you, I would do it? Well would
Why would you do it? Becauseyou have a story to tell on the

I always like, that's why hetold my wife the other day we were
going to go to this event.She didn't. She was like, why,
I can't believe you want to go. I go because I'll have something
to say. It is I reallyhad you. It was funny. I
went to this event on Sunday andI thought I have something to say,
and I had nothing to say.I went to I had lunch with Maximum
Dancing with the Stars, but thatwas it. But I had no reason
to bring that up except right now. See it worked, so you got
something. Now, if you goin the hot tub with your neighbor,
you're gonna be like, oh mygod, guess what happened yesterday? I

guess, And then we could gowow, which has got great stories.
All right, Well, just bemore uncomfortable because the ask is uncomfortable.
To go is super uncomfortable. Iwill do it for the show. There
you go. Oh my gosh,video pictures please, you're braves. Now
here's the thing. My wife doesn'tknow that. I was like freaked out
about her ruining my routine. Andguess what she texted me, and she

just said, loved hanging with youand make it worth it. Yeah.
Sure, the whole day. NowI'm freezing. It's all good. Kyle
Unfugged, the healthy kyleludfugg I sayI'm healthy. I'm healthier than yesterday.
But I don't know if I'm healthy. Kyle lovefug with what you need to
know. The financial website Financial Buzzis looking for someone and I know,
Peyton, I believe you fit.This spill someone who has never seen a

single Star Wars movie to watch allnine films and they're going to pay you
one thousand dollars. Let's give youan extra one hundred bucks towards streaming costs
or whatever other costs you might haveduring this adventure. You will watch all
nine films by release date, andthen in the upcoming twenty fifth anniversary re
release, they want you to actuallygo to episode one, The Phantom Menace.

It's going to be back in theaters. They want you to see it
in theaters. And then what theywant you to do is just ratom just
say what you think about the moviesbecause they want an outsider's perspective. I'm
so down. I think I waslike, I was like, I know
this applies to Payton. This islike an extra thousand bucks totally. So
if you want to apply, youhave to do so. Buy Star Wars
Day, which happens to be Maythe fourth. The fourth be with you.

The new it bag is actually alunch box. Apparently, if you
want to be a part of acool club, you have to have design
a lunch boxes. Now, whyPrada, Blood's Yaga. They've all released
like lunchboxes that all run right aroundtwo thousand dollars, and then they have
special cutlery sets that you can getalong with them for about five hundred dollars.

But it's the same side, likea little kid's lunchbox. Yeah,
I get like the Prada one lookslike like a Nihila, like your regular
nylon lunchbox. I think the yslone almost looks like an adult happy meal,
but luxury ish Celesiagas looks like atoolbox. This tells me that there's
some sort of trend happening slowly andbefore you know, we're like all in
the middle of it. It's likethese Dayley cups. Those Stanley cups are
like services that construction workers and workersyou've always taken, and then they made

them all fancy now and now it'slike lunchboxes. Construction workers have these lunchboxes,
these lunch pails they take and nowit's like they're making them fufu.
I feel like you were in youyou just gave us the inside scoop of
these meetings that these launch brands.How what's the next Stanley? Although the
Stanley's like thirty five forty five bucks, these are two grand, So it's

a totally different level of elite.If I had that kind of money,
though, I would totally buy aLouis Vuitton lunchbox. Yeah, but why
not just walk around with your ScoobyDoo lunch box? Just be cool because
it's Louis Vuitton. I mean,I think Peyton's, like, you know,
just HiT's nail head and that's whatthey're doing. So check on your
friends that may be lonely, specificallyyour female friends, because they actually found

in a recent study lonely women aremore likely to eat unhealthy food. They
did a study on the brain ofwomen who were experiencing loneliness and found an
increased brain activity and areas associated withcravings, which actually caused these women to
go for the less healthier options ratherthan the women who felt fulfilled and not

lonely. So give your friends somecompany so they can be on a better
track of eating. Or maybe youare kind of like, why do I
keep eating these terrible things? Youmay be lonely and then sell that and
then it helps and it's like adomino effective health. So if you're walking
around like a fair and you seea girl eating like a twinkie, a
deep fright twink and go, heygirl, I understand your little Now hey

girl, No, some people justwant to, you know, indulge once
in a while too. That studiesreally interesting to me because I feel like
all of my like single quote unquotelonely friends are totally in their like workout
girl, healthy girl era. They'relike trying to better themselves. So that
was interesting to hear. I knowI thought so too, But lonely,
yeah, they may be fulfilled.They may be wanting a boyfriend, but

they may be they have their girlfriendsor their workout friends or something like that.
They're alone, but they're not lonely. There you go, and that's
three things you need to know.Let's get the horoscopes. If you ever
wanted to Peyton to read your sign, right now is the time call us
at eight seven seven nine three sevenseven pay what's the vibe today? We're
finally in tourist season, so I'mgoing to tell you what you can expect

over the next couple of weeks basedon your zodiac sign. And also if
you have a birthday today, you'resharing it with Gigi Hadid, George Lopez,
and John Cena. All good ones, Lonnie, good morning. What
you're signing? Uh, Capricorns?All right, So this is what you
can expect out of tours season.You guys, Capricorns, you need to
take a leap of faith and expresswhat's actually in your heart. This tour

season. You'll be a little bitnervous, but speaking honestly is the best
way to deepen those existing bonds orspark a new one if you're into that.
So let people know how you feeland don't keep things bottled up this
tours season. Okay, all right, all right, love it you,
Daisy? Good morning. What's yoursigning, Leo? Yes, all right,

Daisy, just like me, Sofor Leo's this tour season. If
we love our jobs but we wantto be considered for maybe a promotion or
a raise, it's important that weget our game up before approaching the people
that you need to. So justmake sure, Leo is that we're fully
committed to staying in our current position, because you might find that other opportunities
speak to you more. I honestlythink I'm at that point. I think

theater opportunities are coming for me.Honestly, I don't think I'm sitting well
with my job right now. Iyet, Daisy, you deserve better job.
Well, okay, you know you'regonna think I complain. I worked
from home for a big corporation,you know. But they're just rotating my
schedule. I now rotate every sixweeks, and I don't It doesn't work

with four kids, you know.Ye yep, thank you, Adam.
What's your sign? Virgo? Allright, John, Jay and Adam.
Do you guys ever dream of likehaving a brand new life life? Yeah?
No, No, you'd be likeadding to dream about adding to them.

Yeah, sure it could be abrand new life. Yeah sure,
Adam, you said you do?Uh. I know. I have times
where I make decisions and I thinkabout it later on, I'm like,
maybe I should have just done this, right? Okay, Well if you
do. If you're a Virgo andyou have those dreams of a brand new
life, it might seem like adistant one, but changes have domino effects,
and this is going to go downthis tour season, So make sure
you Virgos you're taking small steps guidedby enthusiasm. If it brings you joy

and it doesn't harm other people,then you guys definitely need to take that
risk and go for it. Okay, let's go at them. Yes,
let's start this new life together,you and me, husband and husband.
All right, see your brother,Laura, what's your sign? Good morning?

Hi, This is Lauren Sagittarius.All right, Sa, this is
what you guys can get out ofthis tour season. You may discover that
you're developed stronger connections with their coworkers, So consider organizing an event to go
out and socialize and get to knowpeople better. So not only is this
going to help like break up theweirdness that an office environment can bring,
but it'll also create a more positiveand friendly atmosphere among your colleagues. So

it makes going into work not asbad. Oh, that sounds like a
great plan. Yeah, you shouldgo see that. This tour season today
or in a couple of days foundsgreat. Thank you, Thanks Laura.
What do you got for Kyle?For the Libra of the group. Yes,
Libra, Kyle, it's time toface those issues that you've been pretending
don't exist. So if you don't, Kyle, They're going to continue to

cause some frustration for my libras.This is the time to just do it
instead of avoiding doing that whole thing. You know what I mean? Okay,
Yeah, step one? Find theissues. Yeah, find the issues.
There's a lot of issues in yourlife that you're just not aware of
quite yet. Yeah, I eitherknow what they are. I'll start digging.

What about for for a Rich?Yeah? Rich, your to do
list is never ending. So whileit may seem important to accomplish everything,
the truth is you just can't.The list will always grow, which is
why you can't put your obligations beforeyour sense of health. Rich. Constantly
rushing is gonna drain your energy andleave you feeling overwhelmed with this tour season.
Take some time for yourself because it'sessential. That's interesting because I don't

think that applies to me. Butmy wife Stacey is also a Pisces,
and that's just like her. Youtell her take a break. He's got
a never ending list, all right. So if you can get to your
sign there, I'll post it onour website at John Jayrich dot com.
I saw this story about this clubin New York City, right it's like
kind of an upscale club, andthere's lots of fights like you would see
at the bar, right, butlots of fights at this club. So

the owners did their research on thepeople that started all these fights, and
they realized that it was always everyfight was started by one particular zodiac sign,
one sign. So they've banned thatsign from coming in. Whoa,
So when they check your ID,if you're born on these certain days,
they don't let you into the club. Right, the club's called Zamboni.

So take a guess what sign isthe sign that starts all these fights?
One guess each? Should I golast, you go first? I think
okay, Oh I was gonna say, I had two guesses. I'll Scorpio,
okay, rich Leo. Now whydo you say aries? Because aries
are hot heads. They get soangry all the time, Scorpios with the

stings behind your back, like ifyou if you haven't arias in your life,
they will argue with you till noends, Like it's like yeah,
they dig their heels into the ground. My wife is an aries. I
did not see her starting a fightat a club, maybe maybe back in
the day job something. Well,when I told her that She said something
like her I told her this morning, and she was like, I can't

remember her phrase, something like well, yeah, you don't mess with us.
Aries. She wasn't denying it.She's like, yeah, it's a
peaceful now. Yeah. But ideafor the show today is your use the
iHeartRadio app and talk back to us. Right now. It's John, Jay
and Rich. Good morning, you'reon the air. Good morning. My

husband, his mother basically destroyed mymarriage, straight up destroyed my marriage.
She facilitated his affair with this rolesthat he worked with, and then proceeded
to bad mouth me with my kidsand kept them from me for twelve years.

Oh man, that's that's a bunchof doozies in a row. What
do you mean she facilitated it.She would pick up my kids, take
them to those see their dad andhis new girlfriend. And we were still
married and yeah, okay, solet's get to how she got involved with
you and a coworker. How didyour mother in law or how did your

mother in law ruin the relationship betweenyour husband and you? Specifically, she
was fully supportive of his affair,Uh, something that she herself had tried
to do with my ex husband's dadand let's just getting married and they'll live

separate lives. Are you remarried,Yes, I recently got remarried again.
How's your new mother in law?My new mother in law? Unfortunately she
passed seven years ago. Yeah,or maybe fortunately you have to deal with
it now. Well, my husbandsaid that, He said, uh,

I don't know if my mom wouldhave liked you or not. He said,
wow, So people doo have justpat mouthy behind your back. They
do it right in front of yourface. You know what, I've taken
everything with the brain of salt.I can't change other people's opinions of me.
As long as I am okay withmyself, that's all that matters.

All right, Pebbles, Well,thank you for listening. All right,
thanks for calling. And Rich Chisfmjoh Ja Rich, it's tough for stacks
and ax I have stacks of informationand Rich has life hacks. So,
Kyle, yesterday I had a reallybad headache, right yeah, all day,
all day. Four percent of peoplesay they never had a headache.

Never. I lucky. In asurvey, about twenty percent of Americans say,
and my wife is one of them. They're always thinking about their next
vacation. While on vacation. Alwaysmy wife always let me go here,
like chill, let's enjoy this.I feel like I'm one of those because
you want more of that, Likewhere are we going to go next?
There's a trend on social media wherepeople are washing their shredded cheese before eating

it. What washing their their shreddedcheese? That's weird. Wash this shredded
cheese. There it is cloudy comingup there. Yeah, look you can
see the difference. Look at that. Now you can actually feel all that

stuff, all this cheese. Nowyou're thinking about it, you feel it.
I feel so much cleaner, it'smore smoother than this cheese right here.
See there's these anti caking agents theyput on the shredded cheese. So
another way, it's just this shredand cheese yourself. I feel like that
has to be sad tire because like, of course it's going to be cloudy

like milk, or like milk isn'tcheese, that's dairy. But they said
there's anti caking stuff because thatch.I actually love grabbing shredded trees and squeeze
its shded shredded cheese and trees squeezingit together and eating it back when I
used to eat cheese. California mightban the Clear feature at airports. That's
where you pay one hundred and ninedollars a year and you get Clear.
I have Clear and I have aTSA pre check, and I'm obsessed with

trying to see which is faster.And almost every time pre Check beats Clear.
Oh for sure, almost every timewill be for sure for sure.
That's not the point. The pointis that Clear beat beat that it does
it, It does a difference.I know, Stacy, my wife has
Clear and I have the TSA precheck, and we race all the time,
and I beat her all the time. I've never lost to Clear.
Well, it's supposed to be faster, and it doesn't work every face.

They have eye technology to take youto the front of the line to go
into security if you pay one hundredand eighty nine dollars, right, But
then how do you get TSA precheck that you got to go to the
airport and get interviewed and they skateit takes forever. Oh well, then
I would think that one would bemore legit, right, And then you
can have both and then you getsee if you have clear and not pre
checked. Clear just gets you tothe security guy, but pre check then

get you to the You don't haveto take your shoes off in that.
Yeah. Which you want is globalentry because that's international for your next vacation
where you go somewhere exotic co internationaltravel. But should you that's the one.
The new study says that the livelyer your front yard is with gnomes
and open spaces, the more contentor the more content sorry, more content

you neighbor. Content, your neighborwill hit. Your neighbors seem to think
you are. You're a happy guy. What do you have for a life
acts? Speaking of headaches, thatis today's life hack of Kyle. You
said you had a headache yesterday,but they say that now most headaches.
Most people who get headaches get themone at work, and they get them
because of screen time for staring ata screen either your phone or your computer

or whatever's happened, and screen timecostan the most headaches. So let me
introduce to you this live hack thatwe call the twenty twenty twenty. Here's
how it works to prevent ice,train and fatigue headaches, which is the
biggest headache that you get look atsomething twenty feet away for twenty seconds every
twenty minutes that you're at work orlike in a tight spot, if you're
just staring at a screen, sotwenty feet away twenty seconds every twenty minutes.

If that is very complicated, wehave it all for you, laid
out on the John Jay and Richwebsite Johnjynrich dot com
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