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April 19, 2024 28 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Kiss FM, John Jay and RichOkay, Phoenix Suns are in the playoffs
right their first games tomorrow, andyou know, look, I'm on top
of it. Season ticket holder.I tried to go as many game as
I can and and I want Evea little history of of of some stuff
with the Phoenix Suns like we manymany many years ago and this Steve Nash
days, Rich and I did asong and we haven't I can't remember the

dude who wrote the song. Theydude the actual song, but it was
like drums something when it's hot.Remember that guy. Yeahms, miss miss
Mimes came in and cut this songfor us. You listen to the John
Jay and Rich Arizona's morning show,Jim Phoenix Sunset, Steve Nash Hot lb

Set Phoenix. So that song mentions, you know, the current player,
Steve Nash, he was big,right, Uh, Sean Marion big Amorrio
Sodom are big. They're all partof that song. And we were on
top of it. And if itwas such a great series right now,
cut to later, it's I connectedwith this guy, this up and coming
rapper Robbie Tripp and him and Isat down and wrote a song. Is

this is the first one, sonsand four. Yes, because it was
that guy said sons and fourth theNuggets game and it took went viral.
So we sat down and wrote downsons and four. Hey he souns and
hey okay, and that mentioned abunch of the current players too. It
was really, it was, itwas. That song was actually pretty huge.
Uh. Then we did this oneof the Sun boys, hobby boys,

that's what Judy and I call ourselvesboys. See we're talking about the
players, we're talking about coach,right. And then we did what's the
next one? Desert Desert bollers lastyear. They know on the one on
that running guy in the desert likethe Phoenix shouns like the Phoenix suns in

the desert, like the Phoenix shunsnumber one, so that he's talking about
Booker. Right. So I sitdown with Robbie Tripp, you know,
over FaceTime a couple of weeks ago, and we're hammering out this new song.
You know, they're going in theplayoffs. What can you do?
So I did some stuff with him. It was great. I was really
excited aboutre the song was going.He sends me the song, it's all

done. He went to LA andproduced, I mean had a big time
producer, right, And I lovethe song. I actually really loved the
song. To me, there's aproblem with the song, of course there
is. It's John Jay. Heonly talks about Steve Nash and Tom Chambers.
What there's no mission of Booker,Kevin Durant, Bradley Veal, Kevin

Durant and Booker are going in theOlympics. Right, So Robbie sent me
a song and I go, Ilove the song. Go, but dude,
what the hell? We gotta berelevant, right, And he's like,
oh, sorry, it's already cutproduced. Nothing we can do about
it. Oh she can't like replace? No. The only way around it,
I think is if we were totake some audio of Booker and mix
it into the game. Song.But it's a really good song here.

It is called fun the FLT question. I got my boy robbing drip back
for this one. There, mysons, Phoenix, my whole squad's up
for the maineness. Go get usin me grind no free past bowling in

my own lane like the steam Nash. There, my sons, Phoenix,
my whole team Fresh, we thecleanness show time. So you better take
a seat fast falling in my wholelane like a steam Nash. Yeah,
I did that, Buddy does amissmatch. Now they know they you're in
trouble, coming dispatch. They donegave up on the team down, They
detached down Tom Shavers in the nineties, Nice Coach, I've been in the

gym, which is not nice,getting shot up, earning on my lot
of light. I'm my own boss, Babe. You want my hustle,
gang, I wanna start till mywhole team get a ray. It's not
a side hustle. That's my maindream. Get read it all a guy
that's on every day crunch time.Is my time coming next Lee, I've
been betting on myself from investing there, my sons Phoenix, my whole squads

to go, get us in theground, no free past bulling in my
old lay like scene, my sonsthies, my whole scene fresh clean show
town. So you better take aseat fast falling in my old lay like
see ys in the ninety one NiceCoach from One Nice Curse on One Nice

course. In the ninety one NiceCoach from One Nice Curse on One Nice
Coach told that all those songs havedifferent flows. You know, it's like
all about the Suns, which isdope. But to be able to like
redo that five different times is impressive. I want to play Suns and floor

you like senseu. Yeah, thisjust admit you're right. There's the references
make it sound older or something.Yeah, so that's why I said to
it, right, he goes,He goes, Haha, trust me,
the nineties two thousand retro flavors sucha vibe right now. Well he's not
wrong, Yeah, he's not wrongwith that. But like it's KD,
Bradley Beal and Devin Booker. That'sthe big three right now. Like the
Sun should be the best one ofthe best teams in oh and they're not

think of it more as a momentshout out for the city rather than a
specific Sun song for this specific Sun'steam. Then he's like the Sun's the
song is already mixed, mastered anddistributed. It's going back. It's no
going back to. You don't knowwhy you do a new one. That's
why you're doing new one, rightis this specific place? That's how That's
how I look at it now.The song, by the way, he's
out, like you get it,Apple, music. It's already, it's

good. It's everywhere. It's like, you don't like if you go,
what's that song? I think it'scalled Phoenix. You can search Robbie Trip
it's out, and then I thinkwe're gonna play it on the radio station
days of the games. But Iwas just like, I did not mention
Booker. I mean, here's anotheropportunity to just make another Phoenix song right
now? You mean yeah, Imean, just you and Robbie Tripp just
make another song. Yeah, buthe's he was in LA. He already
spent all the money with LA,with the studio time do whatever, Like

I mean, you know what I'msaying like that, So anyway, I
just want to know if any Isee his point though, you know,
like a nice, nice love letterhip hop vibe from the nineties feels good.
I get it. So shoot medim or shoot me be a talk
back. Let me know what youthink of that song. So, if
you're on the iHeart app, youtapped the microphone and say what do you
think of the song? Could shouldbe played? Should we not play it?
Should we just play? I likesounding for you, right, We're
so catchy, so catchy, socatchy that you sing in the stadium while

the game is going on. Ye, so either's that? Shoot me a
dm at John J VanNess what youthink of the song? Maybe it'll get
some airplay. I don't know,and maybe I'm wrong, but it turns
into a smash, you know.I mean it's competing right now with the
Dead Poets Society. Oh it's DepartmentNo. No, the movie Dead Poets
Society that popular right now, Luna, thank you so much for holding you

on the air. High Hi guys, So I could use some advice.
Okay, So I'm supposed to goout with this guy this weekend that I
met on Bumble. He seems reallygreat, Like we've been texting for a
couple of weeks, but in thelast few days he's made some like comments

about us being exclusive and like wehave not met in person yet. I
just can't tell if I just sogo out with him or if this is
like a huge red flag, likeis he being manipulative? Like he seems
so nice. I want to giveit a try, but like, I
just have a weird feeling about it. How does that come up? Though?
Give us the context of that?Like he was like, yeah,

it'll be so great when we meet, since you know, I'm obviously not
going to be seeing anyone else.And I was like, okay, I
mean that's like I don't know,it's like not is it nice? Or
is that just weird? Like literallyhaven't met, Like I don't like that.
I don't either, I know.I was like, yeah, choking
though, like are you doing thisover text? Could he be joking?

Like he's trying to be like reallyit's over text, so maybe, but
like isn't that a weird joke?You know? And I literally was just
like I just didn't say anything becauseit was like, what do you mean?
He kind of was like, well, you're not. I mean,
I know I'm the only person you'reseeing. Oh but you don't know that.
Yeah, you don't either. He'slike kind of socially awkward, and

that's no good because you don't reallywant to teach him how to be a
person. Or he means it,which is creepy, or he's joking,
but two out of three of thoseoptions aren't very good. Like, I
don't know though, because it's likeI've been single a really long time and
he's the first guy I've connected within like a while. So I'm kind
of like, do I give ita try? Or do you think this

is like he's gonna love bomb meand be insane? Honestly, if I
feel like if I was in yourposition, I think I would give it
a try, but also like Iwould have a friend on speed dial,
like to get you out of thatdate. If he oh, I was
like, make it a group date, don't go alone. I would say,
you said you're sickly, you gotnothing to lose, go on the
date, and then when you staywith the me you kind of be a

graph. I thought were exclusive?What are you doing? Where are you
going? Would they be over acontribute? Controlling the bathroom? You call
him somebody? I thought we're exclusive? Can't you go to the bathroom in
front of me? Told that thatmeans you have someone else on your mind?
Are you kidding me? Did youbring me a key to your apartment
yet? I need that now?You like scare on the way? Try

you said, Hi, do whenyou sit down and meet for the first
time, you sit down on thetable. Hey, by the way,
my parents will be here in tenminutes. I want to meet you.
How many kids do you want tohave? There you go, So flip
the script, Luna lunatic. That'show you introduce yourself to him. I'm
Luna tick yeah, M a littlebit. You're good. Okay. Well,

I hope you gave to give advice. I hope we talk to you
again. I don't know. Idon't go alone. I'm going to give
it a try, but I'm gonnalike be aware, separate meet from public
place like all thanks for listening.Okay, think, Hey, how are
you guys up. I'm just youknow, basking and a little love right

now. Did you just get engaged? No? Okay, you said happened.
It's not that good. What happened? I just okay, So this
just happened, and I don't know. I call my best friend and she
didn't get excited for me. SoI'm calling you guys. It's something you
either. So yesterday it worked literallythis calendar invite like pops up through like

you know, the Google calendar like, but it was linked to my work
email and this guy from work absolutelyasked me on a date by scheduling it
with me on my work calendar.Literally it said date question mark and I
was like, and I thought theywere like you know, gonna like ask

about a date of something like aproject we're working on. And then I
cooked it and the address was alocal bar. It said six pm.
It's a dress to oppress, can'twait to see you, meet you there.
That's so cool. Have you guysbeen like flirty at work? Has
this been something you've been waiting for? Well, here is the part that's
a little weird, Like he isdefinitely flirted with me a little bit,

but I never really thought he waslike my type. It's like, okay,
scale of one to ten, i'dgive him maybe like a seven in
the looks department, so I'd probablytake that great, he'd like that.
But I'm going to tell you rightnow, I get this calendar invite and
I'm like, okay, you justturned into like a nine. Like yes,

I was like personality, I'm likethe cahoons on this guy to say
I'm going to send her a dateinvite through work. And the fact that
it was so like confidently written likebe there, dressed to impress, can't
wait to see you, it kindof like maybe so excited. So yeah,
that is a really cool thing todo. I mean, I'm assuming
because you you you know, youhave vibes for the guy. It's cool

if you didn't have vibes for likeright, I mean, he had to
know that you were into him forhim to do that, do you think,
Yeah, yeah, probably. Myboyfriend Kadeem kind of did something similar,
like you were friends before anything,but once he did the one thing
to kind of shoot his shot,I was like, oh, yeah,
I'm ready. I'm ready for you, sir, when we can kick it
anytime. And we played basketball incollege, so we played that like a

small little nai a. So Iwould have games before him, and I
would stay and watch his games becausethey would play right after. And I
was in the stands. Kadeen wasin the middle of a basketball game and
he's like in the middle of afree throw and he looks over to me
and he's like, if I scoretwenty, I'm coming over tonight. I
was like, yeah, sure,okay, whatever, dude. I left
the game and I got home,I'm showered, I'm in bed. I

got a screen shot from Kadeen.He had twenty eight and he was like,
I'm on my way. I waslike, absolutely, Oh my god,
You're like already ready for bed,like nightmare, and I'm like it
was just something about like the gutsto be able at this swag. So

I'm rooting for you, Steve.That's gonna be a good relationship. I
love that it's not a date.I did something like that with my wife
just yesterday. She had woke upin the morning, like can we get
up early early? And she hasa list of things to do, and
on her list of things to do, I wrote something perverted and sexual for
her to do to her husband andshe ignored it. Oh man, Actually

she sent me a screenshot and shesaid she actually played along. She said
yes or something like that, butthen she said a gift and then it
went sideways and she misunderstood what Isaid, and then I had to be
like, well, I'm sorry.I was just having fun and she was
I was like, oh, you'renever mind, never text her mind.
Look, just get the groceries.You guys are reminding me of this guy
that I used to date, andI shouldn't be thinking about him because I've

got an upcoming date. But it'skind of along those lines. So we
had a dog together, and likeanytime I would give it'd be like,
you know, you're supposed to giveyour dog raw hide bones too often,
like every once in a while,and so it'd be like a random like
Friday night. It would be justlike kicking it Netflix and Shale or whatever,
and I'd be like, does Ellaget a bone? Like my dog

or dog's name was Ella or Ellig'sthe bone? And then my boyfriend at
the time would like look at meand be like, does Tommy get a
bone? Like every time? Yes, that's your type of man, obviously,
the ones that got the gut stuffthere. What happened with you and
Tommy? He's like, Tommy,not get a bone? What happened?

No? I actually funny enough.I was the one to be like,
I'm too young, I'm not readyto settle down, Like there's more fish
in You're great, but I needto go out there and shoot my shot
and another bone. Yeah, goodluck on your date. That's really cool.
Yeah, updated stuff. Thank you. I'm totally going to call you

guys back with that's cool. Iwant to ask we are excited for you?
We are excited? Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully it doesn't like mess up
like you know they say, don'tdon't blank where you eat, So hopefully
it does go well and it doesn'tlike make work awkward, because then that
would like suck. Yeah, I'moptimistic. Have a great day. Thank
you for listen. Oh my god, I love you guys. Thank you
for taking my car all right?Bye? John j Rich Sarah shot me

dem was like, I need someadvice. I'm like, let's go,
Sarah. What do you got?What kind advice you need? Sarah?
Oh, I need some advice.Don day. So good to talk to
you guys. I've been listening toyou guys for years, and every now
and then I'll have a question andI'll be like, I should call John
Dane Rich and I never have andnow I am so awesome. So I
am a fitness instructor. I teachdance fitness and I recently had a friend

past and I'm putting together a tributeclass for her. And I wanted to
get your guys's opinions on the songP Diddy is Missing You? Is it
appropriate to put that on my playlist? With all the controversy controversy with P
Diddy? Right now? What areyour guys of thought that just wanted to

hear? Is it a song thatwas really special to your friend that passed
you? Good question? Yeah,she it was that genre was one that
she did like. I don't knowif that specific song was special to her,
but the message is a beautiful Ijust really loved the song. We
played it in class or when wetalked together, so it is one that

we've choreographed. So how good ofa friend is she was? She was
really close. We met in thefitness room when I was teaching class.
I met her, made eye contactwhen she was on the floor taking class,
and I helped her become an instructor, and we taught for a couple

of years together. She's such abright, bright light. She's a nifty
thing. This is the sweetest personyou could have ever met. Right around
her thirty third birthday, she gotdiagnosed with a rarey rare form of leukemia
and ten months later, Well okay, so my thought is just the p
didny thing. Whatever your opinions arein the case, he hasn't been tried

did he hasn't been found guilty Asfar as a loophole were playing the song.
I don't know where you do thetribute. But the other thing is
maybe there's a differ a song youcan play listen to justin you Billy have
dead and gone said a song beadand Gone. I mean the Justin Bieber
song, the the one with thevideo. I'm sorry, No, just

kind of oho always Rode Kyle,Yeah, I can't remember that one.
You were gone with the time forthe longest time when I was all bumped?
Yeah? Or what about hated doingthe show about you? What about
see You Again Charlie Pooth? Whatabout that would be a good one for

that. What's off on the danceto? Yeah? Would would be a
cool down. It would be afull hour playlist and it would be the
cool down is what what about GoodbyeEarl by the Dixie Chicks? No,
what about the Taylor Swift song whereshe kills a guy? Usually? I

also know? What about kill Bill? I think I think that of you
if you think that that song hitsfor you and your friend, I don't
see a problem in it. Imean, it's a song. You could
also even just be like, hey, I know that diddy thing's kind of
weird, but this was a reallymeaningful song for us if you wanted to,

if you felt the need to likeexplain yourself. But I honestly feel
like if it's a fitness classic,people are focusing on those apps. You
know, they may not even noticethat it's a diddy song. That's a
good point, right, You're right, Yeah, they might not even know
it's an older song. It's funnyfor the melody of But yeah, what
about Tears in Heaven? That'd befun? That's really depressing? What about

If I Die Young by the bandPerry? That song in elementary school and
my dad told me to stop singingthat song and he like banned it from
our call, Yeah, because hedoesn't want to hear you sing you you?
What about wake Me Up with thePember Ends, that's about a dad.
If you get to Dick A Gradybetter Dick two. I'm sure there's
a lot of songs, but Ithink specifically you were thinking of this song

because of the connection you had withyour friends, and they're just saying there's
other options, but if you dofeel like it's on your heart to put
it in there, I think asimple explanation would be understandable for like anyone
there. Yeah, awesome, Thankyou guys so much. Also, one
more thing, if you want tocome to my class and do a schwanding
event, it would be amazing.So this whole thing was a plug for

your class, your friends not evendead. I would just say it would
just be amazed. I've always thought, I'm like, gosh, you guys
would have so much fun in myclass. I would love it only if
you play when when what win?Beneath my wings? It must have been
cold there in my shadow. Ido have a good one this September.
Young. Oh yeah, okay,I think we're down. Let's take your

dance class. Rich has to bein front and help you leave. Yeah,
I'm down. You know you're agood human being. We were having
some fun with some of the songtitles, but that's I think you're good
with missing you. It's a greatsong, Yeah it is. You sound
like a great friend too, anda great instruction. In fact, when
Rich dies, will you come teacha class roller coaster? I would like

my cool on song to be wakeme up before you go. That'll be
the song go go to hev funclass. You too are ridiculous. I
got you? Thanks all right,bye, thank you for listening. By
Tomor's four twenty Big holiday, Bigholiday for Grant Peyton. Yeah that's that's

very So. There's this thing onReddit. It's like everyone knows the stereotypical
signs that someone smokes. A lotof pot people on social media are talking
about the ways you can tell theperson secretly is a closet stoner, closet
stone, sunglasses at work, turingright down. It's not really a closet.

Ya I know, I know.So are you amped? Are you
amped about four twenty? Dude?I got amped yesterday? Okay, I
want to I want to get backto that. It says this, If
they're apped about four twenty, that'swhat you can tell they're a stoner.
If their most relaxed, reasonable personin the group who laughs at your jokes,
it doesn't give a crap. Theyalways gone on their lunch break.
You have no idea where they go. If they have an unusual affinity for

band t shirts, family gatherings,they are the ones playing with the kids.
If someone says to you hate,do you smoke? What do you
say? Yes? Okay? Ifyou say do you smoke and they say
smoke, what it means that theydon't smoke. If they say yes,
they smoke with it. Stoners tendto gravitate to each other, whether it's

at work or elsewhere. I eatpaint in a Grant proof through. Okay,
if they're American, they know offhandhow many grams are in announce Oh
no, dude, I'm always badtwenty four sixty four. I don't know.
I don't know a stoner. Getout of here. I don't I
think half an ounce of fourteene twenty. If they call it marijuana, then

they don't smoke. They call itweed. They smoke. Yeah, call
it marriag Jehuba. Tell us howhappy your paid? Show me this video
of Grant yesterday, and it islaugh out Have you seen it? Have
you guys seen that? Studios?Laugh out out funny? What happened?
It's so funny. So yesterday themint came in and brought Grant and I
Jamaican styled cuisine to like celebrate.I keep saying unique. I do not

say the words. They brought it. So we were eating it and it
was all like cannabis and fused.So after the show, Grant and I
are like going in on jerk chickenwings and beef patties with THHC. You
guys got waste stone, Oh yeah, we were waste shows. Yeah yeah
yeah. So in the afternoon,another radio station down the hall was putting
on one of those private performances,and the artist that was performing his name

was Knox, and Grant actually playedone of his songs for me like last
week because he's in town and apparentlythis is like some upcoming artists, right,
But I'm obsessed with Knox. I'vebeen obsessed with Knox for probably three
or four months. Yes, sohe was too excited about him. I
was excited, but I was alsohigh enough that I was like, I'm
not going to this performance and I'mnot talking to anyone until I leave.

I stayed here until I felt comfortabledriving home. Yeah, we ended up.
We ended up staying for the performanceand Grant comes in. He whispers
in my ear. He's like,dude, I was just talking the knock
for like fifteen minutes. Read soexcited to not run into this guy.
I literally ran into this guy,and he like insisted I walk with him
down the hallway and continue the conversation. I was like, dude, your

whole album is so good. Ilistened to it at the grocery store,
and then he brought up a songand I was like, oh my god.
The first time I heard that song, I was picking out avocados,
and this guy is like looking atme, like and meanwhile, I have
sunglasses on talking to this guy becauseif I take my sunglasses off, my
eyes are just like an insane They'reall swollen and red. Yeah, it

was. It was epic. Butwhat what put the cherry on top is
in the middle of Knox's performance,he points to Grant in the back.
He's like, that man back there, that man back there, he stopped
me and he said, this entirethis entire record is amazing. Nobody's ever
told me that. And he goesand I meanwhile, I walk in and
I sit next to Peyton, andI was like, I'm so stoned right

now. I'm so uncomfortable. Ifeel like everybody's staring at me. And
then Knox points to me and he'slike, brother, what's your name?
And I just am Stone and I'mlike, my name's Grant And everybody turns
at this meeting and just looks atme. And I'm wearing sunglasses and I'm
just high there and I are inmatching one loved T shirt. It was

it was crazy, but what Ithought was so funny, John Jay,
you mentioned a video the entire fifteenminutes performance of Knox grants just nodding his
head a video and you look likejust a proud dad in the Bodge's so
amazing. You had a magical moment. I literally was like, this is
my worst nightmare. And then whenhe started singing, I was like,

Wow, you know, music reallydoes heal all of us. I was
too. I was like, somebodysaid hi to Susette in the hallway and
I said hi back, as ifthey were talking to it were loaded loaded.
Did Knox do any Tator Swift songsor anything. No, he didn't
time his career in the tear Swift. No, he has a really cool

song. It's like called like theNot the nineteen seventy five or something,
and it's a cool lead singer DadyTator Swift. Oh he is, so
he is kind of getting off theTator Swift but Tator Swift adjacent. Oh
we got to get this some Taylorstuff. What do we got, Kyle?
Okay? So, as you know, the first single off Taylor swifch

new album, The Torture Poets Departmentis her song Fortnite with post Malone and
post Loon. Actually did an interviewa couple of days before it released,
and they were like, how didthat all happen? How did you get
hooked up with Taylor? He's amazingone. I don't know, it's really
nice. She is so so sweetand so kind and talented. And she
hit me up and said let's doit, and I was like hell yeah.

Yeah. So he just rolled inthe studio and hung out and it
was a good day. Yes,sir, it was amazing. Easy is
that You've seen the picture of them, Yeah, in the studio. It
looks so fun. My sister,you know, just woke up. I
was listening to the second half ofthe album now and she's texting me notes
and I think we talked about this. I'm not sure, but she goes
so high school it's about Travis.Is that the song about Travis? Yeah?
And then she goes, you know, how to ball? I know
Aristotle, she's a genius. That'sone of them about Travis. The other

one's the Alchemy. Yeah. Ilove how like like, Taylor and Travis
has only been dating for you knowmonths, It hasn't even been a year
yet, right, because she's hadrelationships before. Now she's got a few
songs about him on the album.Already. I think I figured she'd have
a separate album about him, notput it on this album. They got

thirty songs, she got to putsomething on there? What else? Why
not? Right? Well? Howwe want to break down any of the
other Taylor Swift songs? Yeah?You want anything? Is there anything off
topic? I mean a lot.We got lots going on. What I
mean as far as Taylor goes whatelse? What do you think is the
highlight what she get into? Well, I don't know. I mean my
favorite songs are like Love of MyLife and So Long London. And I
thought it was interesting because So LongLondon. I guess his track five,

and I guess Taylor Swift always reservestrack five for her most heartbreaking songs.
Real yeah, And if you ifyou read the lyrics too, So Long
London, it's like, wow.It really was about the end of the
relationship with Joe Allen and how hisshe was and how he ruined London for
her because it was like such aspecial place for them because she lived there

for six years and that's when shekind of ducked off, was living in
the country a little bit. SoLong London is my favorite song on the
album. Yes, So Long Londonand Love of My Life. Those are
my two favorites and they're like themost sad songs on the album too.
She lived there, Does she everlike did you ever hear in an English
accident? In her No? Idon't know. How could you not start
to talk like that? She doesn't. Let's break
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