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April 19, 2024 62 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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John Jay and rich Our phone numbereight seven seven nine three seven one oh
four seven. It's Friday, Aprilnineteenth. That Terror Swift album's out.
So has everyone in the room listenedto the whole album? I listened through
it. Yeah, Yeah, allthirty one songs, so many songs,
A lot of song that's my favorite, by the way, fortnite on the
whole thing, the whole thing.There are thirty one songs. Is that

it's a double album. So yesterday, Kyle, you and I kind of
had an advance. It was theauthor that was half of it. It
was because my sister and my nieceare hardcore swifties. My sister like nuts,
right, so let me let meread you. I want to read
you some of my text less mysister. I woke up to all this
last night from my sister. Shesays me a picture and she's like,
just listen to the whole thing.Sad lyrics but up beat l O M

L. Is that a song asloss of my life? She's so relatable.
Everything she says is so girl woman, I can do it with a
broken heart. Listen to that.She says she's depressed, but acts like
it's her birthday does it in stillettos. Woman vibes like a badass who's
also crumbling inside. She's a voiceof vulnerable women. Smallest man who ever
lived? Oh my god, myfavorite. She puts the guy down in

the best, most harsh way.I can fix him the best bait,
and switch goes with the guy whoshe's been warned about. At the end
she realizes she can't fix him.Storyteller, She's an icon, and then
she goes, I just dance inthe kitchen to the whole album. By
the way, she does cuss alot in one song, but considering she's
like Shakespeare and every other song outthere is all about men, about bitches

and hoes. This is so tenread the lyrics smallest men who Ever Lived?
And then all in caps, allcaps, this is now at eleven
eleven o'clock last night, Oh mygod, double album and I need to
go to bed. You know,I was like really excited to see you
when the double album dropped, becausedid you guys see the thank you Amy

song on there? So it's thankyou Amy the K and thank you is
capitalized and Amy is spelled a IM E E with the im capitalized,
which smells Kim and I was like, oh, yeah no, And if
you listen to it, like you'veheard, the lyrics are like she drops,
they put snakes and then add tochange. But then she says actually
at the end, she says thankyou because you actually helped me heal exactly.

And it was like, it's likeall about the growth that that whole
reputation album put her through, likefascinating. I was totally in on the
Taylor Swift Easter eggs in that moment. I thought that was really cool.
And ever I came across a tweetand I feel like it really wrapped up
the album. It's like Taylor's rangeis really insane. Who else can be
introspective, psychotic, empathetic, poetic, silly, energetic, sarcastic and sincere

in one album? That's true?Yeah, like that's legit. Yeah.
I saw a meme that said Ican't believe this is the same catalog and
it was like a song called HelloLondon or something. I do a song
called London yeah, and then anotherone say no No, there's two ones
called Hello London I think when shestart dating the dude, and then one's
called so Long London. Like,I guess she wrote a song or London
Boy. I think it's London Boywhere she's so she writes about the guy

and then she writes about him leaving. It's fascinating. I just feel like
I was totally expecting the whole albumto be about Joe Alwin, but the
fact that it's like Mattie Heally,Joe Alwin, Kim Kardashian and Travis Kelsey.
The Alchemy is basically all about theirlike budding relationship and how great it
is, like she drops like touchdown, she talks about putting those other bloots

on the bench and how like we'reon a winning streak and they like trying
to be the best in the league. Where's my trophy? And that's cool?
Is that like the last song?No, I think it's like,
oh, I figure she made thelast song as is the stories goes on
and then the next album football,Oh I didn't know that. That's very
cool. It's good. It's good. I like it. But that's still
my favorite, the post Malone song, and that sing's about matt Heally.

It is, yeah, because Fortniteis like two weeks it's like talking about
how their relationship is really short,but a lot. I didn't know that.
I was like really full of emotions, and you know what, I
didn't realize that her mac he actuallydated way back in the day, like
in twenty thirteen. So the mostrecently we saw them together wasn't like the
first time they were together. Ithought it was about the video game.
No. Do you hear the Lantadel Ray influence right on Taylor? Right?

Like oh yeah, yeah, firstsong, it's like, well,
that's like a Lanta del Ray sunk. But okay, it's Taylor doing her
like everybody's inspired by somebody. Yeah, so that's pretty cool. Well,
we're gonna play her new album likeevery track all day, long time,
so keep listening. If you're aTaylor fan, keep listening. What are
the three things we need to know? This is so annoying? So Netflix

wanted to brag a little bit abouthow they forced you to shut stop sharing
your password and how much it's benefitedtheir business. They're like, you,
guys, it's really been working outfor us, this crackdown on sharing passwords.
We got nine point three million extrasubscribers in the first quarter, which
was five times the amount we gotlast first quarter. High five. Everyone
high five, patting themselves on theback. Yeah, totally. I roll

my eyes. I'm like last shareof passwords. Now it seems like every
day there's a news story about ozembicand how it made with your body.
Now it's ozempic babies. Women aresaying that the weight loss drug leads to
unexpected pregnancies. Now, the breakdownof that is weight loss can actually improve
your menstrual irregularities. And like theysaid, if you have a certain BMI,

you are more likely to not beable to have babies. So as
your BMI gets lower, your fertilityraises. And therefore all these people are
not a beast anymore and they're havingbabies. Like whoa, hey, well
I know someone that actually has anozempic baby right now. And she went
on, she's like a TikToker andshe's pretty big, and she was like,
I started taking ozempic like four monthsago and she's lost so much weight.

And she was like, but surprise, I'm pregnant. And she's like,
okay, so I lost all thisweight and now here I am about
to have a baby. When whenyou said ozempic baby, I immediately thought
of you know how when you geta baby and they're so beautiful, those
chubby little legs. I thought itwas like, now all these babies are
being born, they're so skinny.Oh no, no, no no.

So if you have tattoo regret,you may want to enter this contest.
It's pretty funny. Pet Smart actuallypartnered with a tattoo studio in La to
let you cover up unwanted ink.So part of the contest is is you
send him a picture of the tattooyou absolutely hate and why you want to
get rid of it, and thenthe winner gets their their pet tattooed over

like terrible picture. Remember that's whatSemester Saloon did. He's getting a divorce
and he got a bulldog and tattooeda bulldog over his ex wife's or his
divorcing wife's face, and then theygot back together. Jeez. But then
you still have your pet. It'slike it's a safe one to cover up
one you don't like. They're they'retaking applications until May thirty first, But

I mean, it's just a greatidea. If you don't want to go
to the tattoo parlor in La,there's plenty of great tattoo parlos all over
the place that you could go.Yeah, you know what, I'm just
gonna cover up that tattoo that Ihate with my pet that three things you
need to know. The vibe NewTaylor Swift is out right now the Tortured
Poets Department. So I'm going totell you the Taylor Swift song that fits

you best based on your zodiac sign. And if today is your birthday,
last day of airy season, youshare it with Kate Hudson and James Franco.
You know who else who? Nike? Yeah, I'm still he killed
Tupac. But eight seven seven ninefour seven, Hi, Michelle Hi gone

from pier from Yeah, that wouldbe Pennsylvania, Yes, which, by
the way, is one of thecities featured in the hit TV show American
Rusty. Oh yeah, yeah,yeah, all right? What's your signcorn?
All right? So for you,the Taylor Swift song that fits your

vibe is Shaken Off. I knoweverybody loves this song. Capricorns, you
never let jud just stop you fromgetting things done. Shake it Off is
basically your life's anthem. So continueto move past the problems and focus on
solutions instead. By never letting theproblems hold you down. Oh, I

like it. Yeah, it's agreat one. Solutions. Thank you,
Michelle, have a great day.You're welcome by bye bye. Jody.
What's your sign? I'm a VirgoVirgos. Your Taylor Swift song is love
Story Friends, Love Story Baby.Yeah. That is one of my favorite

Taylor Swift songs ever, So Virgos, You're not really one to pine over
another, but hear me out.You admire hard work and dedication, a
story that struggled to get what itwas trying to achieve in the first place.
So despite your struggle, you knowthat with the right amount of perseverance,
you always get what you want perfect. I like it. Yeah,

hell yes, Thanks Jody, havea great day, you too, John
Jay, Adriana. What's your sign? Hi? Good morning. Hi.
I'm doing this for my son.He's a Gemini, all right, Geminis.
Your Taylor Swift song is get AwayCar, We get away. Well

we never get you feel I feellike that's a slipt on Taylor Swift song.
Yeah with that, Yeah, it'sa good one. Gemini is because
of your restlessness, It's never aboring moment with you. Taylor Swift uses
her lyrics and get away car topayt an action filled image of two former

people who had a rollercoaster Abbert relationship. So Geminis, you guys have the
tendency to put yourselves in situations fordrama. Awesome, Thank you so much,
love you guys. Thanks Adriana,Hello November, Good morning November.
The Taurus got you, Taurus.The song gorgeous is the one for you.

You're so good I can't say anythingto your face. Yeah, that's
perfect for you, guys, Becausetorrens you usually have a taste for the
finer things in life, so youhave a strong sense for aesthetic, which
isn't a bad thing at all.So people think you may be a little
bit shallow, but you just knowtrue beauty when you see it, very

true. Always yep right cool,Thank you guys. What about for Kyle
the Libra Swifty Kyle for Libra,Your Taylor Swift song is blank Space.
They'll tell you want to say,but I've got a blanks baby space and

all write to name such a goodone now, the most agreeable of the
zodiac sign Libras, you're never shortof potential lovers. So even though Taylor
swa or Taylor Swift wrote blank Spaceto make fun of all the rumors about
her and her long list of exboyfriends. There's a chance that you probably
have your own list too, Brus. You know what's funny, because you

said blank space for Kyle. Iactually thought of her like trying to order
food at a restaurant and she's like, uh, I'll go last, I'll
go last, I go last,I'll go last. That's what I thought
it was about. I'll write yourname on the list of exes. Wow.
I was like doing my like someprep for today, like just going
through and trying to figure out theTaylor Swift album. And my daughter,

she's nine years old and she islike a budding swiftie. She was like,
I was on an article and itwas like talking about one of the
songs on her album about Joe Owen. She's like, who's Joe ow That's
one of Taylor's exes. She goes, hm, she has a lot of
exes. She I'm like, don'tjudge kids. Billionaire above for Rich,

Yeah, you're a Taylor Swift song. Rich is wildest dream Time the clothes.
Yeah, you guys are always daydreamingand sometimes you might have a hard
time keeping in touch with reality becauseof your high sensitivity of emotions. But
this Taylor's song is dreamy and idealistic, just like you question did anybody get

bad blood? Actually? Aris gotbad blood? Like this blood? Well,
I guess we won't take this ariescall what Leo? Yeah, Leo's.
I feel like this one's perfect forLeo's. Our song is Fearless in

canon Daddy. All right, verygood. So if you if you didn't
get your sign red and you wantto know what your Swifties song is,
go to Jo Jay and Rich dotcom. Jojan Rich, what up,
Breck, you're on the air.What's up? John Jay? What's up?
I've been waiting for you and Richfor a long time. I spend
years. I've been Here's fine ofyou, guys. I worked morning so

I listen to you guys every day. I just wanted to say hi,
finally you how many years it's takingme to be able to say Hi?
What's you? I got a phone? I got a phono. I just
I always miss you guys. Onetime you went live and you called me
will or something, and my kidwas there. She was making fart of
me. Yeah, what's wrong withyou? Eric? Let's say hi,

you got stronger names. Eric,Will take care well well, I screen
recorded my kids, was like hecalled you Will like I yeah, lets.
It was a high because you werelike what's up, Will? And
I was like, no, sorry, I'm sorry. Eric. Well,
hey man, that's cool that youcalled to say hi. Thank you for
listening so much. It's very verycool. Thank you guys. You guys

are awesome. Kyle, you guys, paying all you guys. I love
you guys. Thank you. Ijust wanted to say, and I feel
I'm full of joy right now,so I'm still awesome. Thank you guys.
Bye, guys. Our heart isfull, Our heart is full.
Eric all right, Will Will goall right, Thanks brother, I have
a great day. Thanks for listening. John Jay and Rich Canter Swift Day

today, Kenner Swift Week. We'regonna play tracks for a new album all
day today. But it's time forSTACKSONNAXT where I have stacks of information and
Rich has life hacks. Tomorrow iswhat's called for twenty, right, Hey,
how do you describe for twenty?For twenty is a holiday for all
of the cannabis people. It's likeit's like our birthday, basically our birthday.

Do you know that it's a palodrome? What is that? A paldrome
is forward and backwards, So whenyou write down for twenty twenty four,
it's also for twenty twenty four backwards. Oh that's cool. Yeah, I
think every day every twenties in Aprilis a paldrome. It won't happen again
for another one thousand years until Apriltwentieth of thirty twenty four. It's pretty

sweet. According to new survey,fifteen percent of American state people should have
the freedom to legally grow cannabis athome for personally use. The number jumps
eighty one percent among cannabis users.There's a lot of specials going on too.
For tomorrow. Popeyees has a Munchie'smenu that offers any of its chicken
for four dollars and twenty cents eachdel taco offering the rewards members eight snack

tacos for four to twenty All right, this is hilarious. I'm about to
tell you, okay, and Ithink you can feel this woman's pain.
Twenty one year old college kid appliedfor four different jobs but doesn't expect to
hear back because she realized she accidentallyattached a photo of Miley Cyrus to her
resume es so she looks like anut. You the pain you have in

your stomach, especially if you hadpotential for these jobs, Miley should hire
her for some time. I know. I'm hoping the story was to get
that big where Smiley hears that'd begreat. She's like it was on her
desktop, she would attach it,but she attached it the resume instead of
that. So funny. These arefive things a date is going to immediately
notice about you. Your body language, your facial expressions, you're grooming and

hygiene, your outfit and your manners, and how you treat a server.
Something think about when you go ona date. The big science stories this
week include a study that found bumblebeescan survive underwater for up to a week.
What. Yeah, we we havebumblebees that go in our pool all
the time, and when they goin they we're like we have to save
them right, fish them out nowand be like they're fine, They're fine.

Mumble bees are fine. I don'tknow if you have you ever found
a drowned bumble bee. I've seennormal bees in the water, but not
a bumblebee. Also, I don'tknow if you guys, do you see
that robot that is like a securityrobot? Oh Man Boston Dynamics and able
to terrifying robot. It's like security. It's little. I gotta show you
as a video, like you comeinto the house and it will kill you.
It should like one of those dogrobots, like a little bit bigger

than that. But it walks upstairsand it's crazy. When I saw the
day, it's crazy. I don'tI know. I know. Alaska Airlines
number one on the new list ofbest Airlines despite that minor door plug blowout
earlier this year, which I wouldthink is not minor. But who did
that list? Alaska Airlines. SkyWest is followed by uh and then a

second, then Spirit in last place, ranking twelve Southwest Airlines. Oh,
there used to be number one.What happened? Three hundred and fifty three
ballerinas broke a Guinness World record inNew York City. They all went in
point dancing on their toes for afull minute. That is so hard?
Oh it is. Yes. Adiscussion of the most shameful lines of work

involves paparazzi, insurance claim deniers,unethical lawyers, and any profession that engages
or profits from the invasion of privacy. This is this next ra is repord
Kyle. She's been pushing the fourday work week for a long time.
Have Well, guess what if youmoved to Ecuador, they're doing a three
day work week by Kyle Satellite.All right, so this may surprise you,

but you will live longer if yousleep naked. Anybody in here sleep
naked? Everybody? Well, that'sprobably I have before this. Does it
feel good? Or are you likeafraid the place is gonna catch on fire
and then you're gonna be out therenaked. No, I just I'm always
sleeping thinking I'm naked. You know, it's uncomfortable, you know, you
know I don't. I don't.I'm not naked ever. But this is

the big thing. Dermatologists say,if you want to prevent acne, the
best way to do that at nightis to sleep naked. I don't even
understand why that works. It worksfor me because I cover my face and
wearing a mask over my face,which, by the way, when I
put my mask on my seat popmachine, that's apparently when my wife wants
to start talking. Well, ifyou want to live longer and have less.

It's sleep naked. But then again, you know, keep close close
by and case you gotta leave acase of an emergency. That life hacking
anymore could be found to John Jayand Rich Dog Come Kiss FM, John
Jay and Rich. Okay, PhoenixSuns are in the playoffs right their first
games tomorrow, and you know,like I'm on top of it, season
ticket holder. I try to goas many games as I can and and
I'm gonna give a little history ofof of some stuff with the Phoenix Suns

like we many many many years agoand the Steve Nash days, Rich and
I did a song and we haven'tI can't remember the dude who wrote the
song. They did the actual song, but it was like drums up them
when it's hot, remember that guy. Yeah, Mims, miss miss Mimes
came in and cut this song forus. You listen to the John Jay
and Rich Arizona's Mornings show, JimPhoenix sunst Hot LB set. So that

song mentions you know, the currentplayer, Steve Nash, he was big,
right, Uh, Sean Marrion big, Amri Stdom are big. They're
all part of that song. Andwe were on top of it and if
it was such a great series rightnow. Cut to later, it's I
connected with this guy, this upand coming rapper, Robbie Tripp, and
him and I sat down and wrotea song. Is this is the first

one? Sons and four? Yes, because it was that guy said sons
and fourth the Nuggets game, andit took went viral. So we sat
down and wrote down suns and four, Hey, sound and fury okay,
and that mentioned a bunch of thecurrent players too. It was really it
was, it was that song wasactually pretty huge. Uh. Then we
did this one of the sun andnot boys. That's what Chung and I

call ourselves boys. See we're talkingabout the players, we're talking about coach,
right. And then we did what'sthe next one? Desert Desert bollers
last year. They know on theone on that running guy in the desert
like the Phoenix change, like thePhoenix change in the desert, like the

Phoenix chunge number one. So thathe's talking about Booker, Right. So
I sit down with Robbie Tripp,you know, over FaceTime a couple of
weeks ago, and we're hammering outthis new song. You know, they're
going in the playoffs. What wereyou do? So I did some stuff
with him. It was great.I was really excited aboutre the song was
going. He sends me the song. It's all done. He went to
LA and produced, I mean,had a big time producer, right,

And I love the song. Iactually really loved the song. To me,
there's a problem with the song,of course there is. It's John
Jay. He only talks about SteveNash and Tom Chambers. What there's no
mention of Booker, Kevin Durant,Bradley Veal. No, Kevin Durant and
Booker are going in the Olympics.Ye. Right, So Robbie sent me

a song and I go, Ilove the song. Go, but dude,
what the hell? We got tobe relevant, right? And he's
like, oh, sorry, it'salready cut produced. Nothing we can do
about it. Oh she can't likereplace? No. The only way around
it, I think is if wewere to take some audio of Booker and
mix it into the game. Song. But it's a really good song here.
It is called fun a man.We want to win as the filth

quishing. I got my boy Robbydri back for this one. There,
my sons, Phoenix, my wholesquad, tough me the mainess, go
get us in me grind, nofree past bowling in my old lane like
the Steam Nash. There my sonsPhoenix, my whole team fresh me the

cleanness show time, So you bettertake your seat fast falling in my whole
lane like the Steam Nash. YeahI did that, buddy. This is
a missmash Now they know they you'rein trouble Color Dispatch. They don gave
up on the team down the detachedNow Tom Shavers in the nineties a nice
coach. I've been in the gym, which in my lights, getting shot
up, earning on a lot oflight. I'm my own boss. Maybe

you want my hustle gang. Iwon't stop till my whole team get a
hun It's not a side hustle.That's my main dream, giving it all.
A guy that's on every game.Crunch time is my time coming next
leave. I've been mating on myselffrom investing de Mysus Phoenix, my whole
squad's tough, the go get usin the ground, no free past falling

in my old lay like sEH,my son Phoenix, my whole scene fresh
for me to clean this show town. So you better take your seat fast
falling in my old lay like tosee nose the nineties One nice Coach and
one nice course on one nice coach, the ninety one nice coach from one
nice course on one nice Coach.What I told that? All those songs

have different flows, you know.It's like all about the Suns, which
is dope. But to be ableto like redo that five different times is
impressive. I want to play Sunsand floor you like sens and for it.
Yeah, this just an't You're right, there's the references make it sound
older or something. Yeah, sothat's why I said to it right,
And he goes, he goes,haha, trust me, the nineties two
thousand retro flavors such a vibe rightnow. But he's not wrong. Yeah,
you're not wrong with that. Butlike it's k D. Bradley bel

A Devin Booker. That's the Bigthree right now, Like Son should be
the best one of the best teamsin the league. Oh and they're not.
And then you think of it moreas a moment shout out for the
city rather than a specific Sun songfor this specific Sun's team. Then he's
like the Sun's the song's already mixed, mastered, and distributed. It's going
back. It's no going back todon't know why you do a new one.
That's why you're doing new one?Right is this specific place? That's

how That's how I look at it. Now. The song, by the
way, is out, like youget an Apple Music. It's already,
it's good. It's everywhere. It'slike, you don't like if you go,
what's that song? I think it'scalled Phoenix. You can search Robbie
Trip. It's out, and thenI think we're gonna play it on the
radio station days of the games.But I was just like, I did
you not mention Booker? I mean, here's another opportunity to just make another
Phoenix song right now? You meanyeah, I mean just you and Robbie

Tripp just make another song. Yeah. But he's he was in LA.
He already spent all the money withLA, with the studio time do whatever,
like I mean, you know whatI'm saying like that, So anyway,
I just want to know if anything, I see his point though,
you know, like a nice,nice love letter hip hop vibe from the
nineties feels good. I get it. So shoot me a dim or shoot
me a talk back, let meknow what you think of that song.
So, if you're on the IHEARTPP, you tapped the microphone and say,

what do you think of the song? Could should be played? Should we
not play it? Should we justplay? So? I like sounding for
you? Right, We're so catchy, so catchy, so catchy that you
sing in the stadium while the game'sgoing on. So either that, shoot
me a DM at John j VanNesswhat you think of the song. Maybe
it'll get some airplay. I don'tknow, and maybe I'm wrong, but
it turns into a smash, youknow. I mean it's competing right now

with the Dead Poet Society. Ohit's Department No No, the movie Dead
Post Society. That's really popular rightnow. Luna, thank you so much
for holding You're on the air highHi, guys, So I could use
some advice. Okay, So I'msupposed to go out with this guy this

weekend that I met on Bumble.He seems really great, like we've been
texting for a couple of weeks,but in the last few days he's made
some like comments about us being exclusiveand like we have not met in person
yet. I just can't tell ifI just still go out with him or
if this is like a huge redflag, like is he being manipulative?

Like he seems so nice. Iwant to give it a try, but
like I just have a weird feelingabout it. How does that come up?
Though? Give us the context ofthat? Like he was like,
yeah, it'll be so great whenwe meet, since you know, I'm
obviously not going to be seeing anyoneelse. And I was like, okay,
I mean that's like I don't know, it's like not is it nice?
Or is that just weird? Likeliterally haven't met, Like I don't

like that. I don't either,I know. I was like choking though,
like are you doing this over text? Could he be joking? Like
he's trying to be like really it'sovertext, so maybe, but like isn't
that a weird joke? You know? And I literally was just like I
just didn't say anything because it waslike, what do you mean? He
kind of was like, well,you're not I mean, I know I'm
the only person you're seeing. Ohbut you don't know that. Yeah you

don't either. He's like kind ofsocially awkward, and that's no good because
you don't really want to teach himhow to be a person, or he
means it which is creepy, orhe's joking, but two out of three
of those options aren't very good.Like, I don't know though, because
it's like I've been single a reallylong time and he's the first guy I'm
connected with in like a while,So I'm kind of like, do I

give it a try? Or doyou think this is like he's gonna love
bomb me and be insane? Honestly, if I feel like if I was
in your position, I think Iwould give it a try. But also
like I would have a friend onspeed dial, like to get you out
of that date. If he oh, I was like, make it a
group date, don't go a low. I would say, you said you're
siingly you got nothing to lose,go on the date, and then when

you stay there with the me,you kind of be a grap I thought
were exclusive? What are you doing? Where are you going? Would be
over the bathroom? You call himsomebody I thought were exclusive? Can't you
go to the bathroom in front ofme order that that means you have someone
else on your mind? Are youkidding me? Did you bring me a
key to your apartment? Yet?I need that now you like scare them

away? Definitely try, you said, hi, do when you sit down
and meet for the first time,you sit down on the table. Hey,
by the way, my parents willbe here in ten minutes. I
want to to meet you. Howmany kids do you want to have?
There? You go, so flipthe script, Luna lunatic. That's how
you introduce yourself to him. I'mLuna tic. Yeah, rim a little

bit. You're good? Okay.Well, I hope he gave you good
advice. I hope we talk toyou again. I don't know if we
do. Don't go alone. Igive it a try, but I'm gonna
like be aware, separate me frompublic place. All right, thanks for
listening. Okay, think good.Hey, how are you guys up?

I'm just you know, basking anda little love right now? Did you
just get engaged? No? Okay, you said basking in love? What
happens? What happened? I justokay, So this just happened, and
I don't know. I call mybest friend and she didn't get excited for
me. So I'm calling you guys. It's sounding weed for you either.

So yesterday it worked. Literally,this calendar invite like pops up through like
you know, the Google calendar,like, but it was linked to my
work email. And this guy fromwork absolutely asked me on a date by
scheduling it with me on my workcalendar really date question mark, And I

was like, and I thought theywere like, you know, gonna like
ask about a date of something likea project we're working on. And then
I cooked it and the address wasa local bar. It said six pm.
It's address to oppress. Can't waitto see you meet you there.
That's so cool. Have you guysbeen like flirty at work? Has this
been something you've been waiting for?Well, here's the part. It's a

little weird, Like he has definitelyflirted with me a little bit, but
I never really thought he was likemy type. It's like, hmm,
okay, scale of one to ten, I'd give him maybe like a seven
in the looks department, so i'dprobably shake that great, he'd like that.
But I'm going to tell you rightnow, I get this calendar invite
and I'm like, Okay, youjust turned into like a nine, Like

yeah, yes, I was likepersonality, I'm like the cahomones on this
guy to say, I'm going tosend her a date invite through work,
and the fact that it was solike confidently written, like be there dressed
to impress, can't wait to seeyou. It kind of like maybe me
so excited. So yeah, thatis a really cool thing to do.

I mean, I'm assuming because youyou you know you have vibes for the
guy. It's cool if you didn'thave vibes for you, like right,
I mean he had to know thatyou were into him for him to do
that, do you think, yeah, yeah, probably. My boyfriend Kadeem
kind of did something similar, Likewe were friends before anything, but once
he did the one thing to kindof shoot his shot, I was like,

oh, yeah, I'm ready foryou, sir, when we can
kick it anytime. And we playedbasketball in college, so we played that
like a small little nai a.So I would have games before him,
and I would stay and watch hisgames because they would play right after.
And I was in the stands.Kadeen was in the middle of a basketball
game and he's like in the middleof a free throw and he looks over
to me and he's like, ifI score twenty, I'm coming over tonight.

I was like, yeah, sure, okay, whatever, dude.
I left the game and I gothome. I'm showered, I'm in bed.
I got a screen shot from Kadeen. He had twenty eight and he
was like, I'm on my way. I was like, absolutely, You're
like already ready for bed. Thatwas a nightmare. I'm like no.

It was just something about like theguts to be a swag. So I'm
rooting for you, Steve. That'sgonna be a good relationship. I want
to know something too. I didsomething like that with my wife just yesterday.
She had woke up in the morning, like can we get up really
early? And she has a listof things to do, and on her
list of things to do, Iwrote something perverted and sexual for her to

do to her husband, and sheignored it. Oh man, Actually she
sent me a screenshot and she saidshe actually played along. She said yes
or something like that, but thenshe said a gift and then it went
sideways and she misunderstood what I said, and I just then I had to
be like, I'm sorry. Iwas just having fun and she was I
was like, oh, you're nevermind. Never text her mind. Look,
just get ther groceries. You guysare reminding me of this guy that

I used to date and I shouldn'tbe thinking about him because I've got an
upcoming date. But it's kind ofalong those lines. So we had a
dog together, and like anytime Iwould give it'd be like, you know,
you're not supposed to give your doglaw hide bones too often, like
every once in a while, andso it'd be like a random like Friday
night. It would be just likekicking it Netflix and Shale or whatever,
and I'd be like, does Ellaget a bone? Like our dog's name

was Ella or Ella gets a bone? And then my boyfriend at the time
would like look at me and belike, does Tommy get a bone?
Like every time? That's your typeof man, obviously, the ones that
got the guts. What happened withyou and Tommy? He's going to get
a bone? What happened? No? I actually funny enough. I was

the one to be like, I'mtoo young, I'm not ready to settle
down, like there's more fish inthe sea. You're great, but I
need to go out there and shootmy shot and bone. Good luck on
your date. That's really cool.Yeah, updated stuff, Thank you.
I'm totally going to call you guysback with an update. That's cool.

I want to like ask we areexcited for you. We are excited.
Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully it doesn'tlike mess up like you know they say,
don't don't blank where you eat.So hopefully it does go well and
it doesn't like make work awkward,because then that would like suck. But
I'm optimistic. Have a great day. Thank you for listening. Oh my
god, I love you guys.Thank you for taking my call. All

right, bye? John j RichSarah shot me dem was like, I
need some advice. I'm like,let's go, Sarah. What do you
got? What kind of advice youneed? Sarah? Oh, I need
some advice to day. So goodto talk to you guys. I've been
listening to you guys for years,and every now and then I'll have a
question and I'll be like, Ishould call John Dane Rich and I never
have, and now I am soawesome. So I am a fitness instructor.
I teach dance fitness and I recentlyhad a friend past and I'm putting

together a tribute class for her,and I wanted to get your guys's opinions
on the song P Diddy's Missing You. Is it appropriate to put that on
my playlist. With all the controversycontroversy with P Diddy right now, what
are your guys of thoughts that justwanted to hear. Is it a song

that was really special to your friendthat passed? Is good question? Yeah,
she it was the that genre wasone that she did like. I
don't know if that specific song wasspecial to her, but message is a
beautiful I just loved the song.We played it in class floor when we

talked together, so it is onethat we've choreographed. So how good of
a friend is she? She was? She was really close. We met
in the fitness room when I wasteaching class. I met her, made
eye contact when she was on thefloor taking class, and I helped her
become an instructor and we taught fora couple of years together. She's such

a bright, bright light. She'samaking. This is the sweetest person you
could have ever met. Right aroundher thirty third birthday, she got diagnosed
with a rare, rare form ofleukemia and ten months later, Well,
okay, so my thought is justthe P. Diddy thing, whatever your
opinions are in the case, hehasn't been tried, did he hasn't be
found guilty as far as a loopholeplaying the song, I don't know what

you do tribute. But the otherthing is, maybe there's a different song
you can play. Listen to Justinyou Blake have Dead and Gone? Is
that a song Dead and Gone?I mean the Justin Bieber song, the
the one with the video. I'msorry, no, dar, just kind
of although there was Roger Kyle,Yeah, I can't remember that one.

You were gone with the time forthe longest time when I was off about
the ghost? Yeah? Yeah?Or what about hated doing the show without
you? What about see you againCharlie poo Yeah? What about that would
be a good one for that putsoff on the dance to. Yeah,

it would be a cool down.It would be a full hour playlist and
it would be the cool down.Is what what about Goodbye Earl by the
Dixie Chicks? No, what aboutthe Taylor Swift song where he kills a
guy? Also? Know? Whatabout kill Bill? I think I think

that if you if you think thatthat song hits for you and your friend,
I don't see a problem in it. I mean it's a song you
could also even just be like,hey, I know that Diddy thing's kind
of weird, but this was areally meaningful song for us if you wanted
to, if you felt the needto like explain yourself. But I honestly
feel like if it's a fitness classic, people are focused on on those apps.
You know, they may not evennotice that it's a Diddy song.

That's a good point, right,You're right, Yeah, they might not
even know it's an older song.It's only for the melody of But yeah,
yeah, what about Tears in Heaven? That's that's really depressing? What
If I Die Young? By theband Perry? I was like that song
in elementary school and my dad toldme to stop singing that song, and
he like banned it from our call, yeah, because he doesn't want to

hear you sing you You? Whatabout wake Me Up with September End?
Because that's about a dead dad?Though this is the band very have if
you go to Dick A grade betterDick too. I'm sure there's a lot
of songs, but I think specificallyyou were thinking of this song because of
the connection you had with your friends, and they're just saying there's other options.
But if you do feel like it'son your heart to put it in
there. I think a simple explanationwould be understandable for like anyone there.

Yeah, awesome, Thank you guysso much. Also, one more thing,
if you want to come to myclass and do a schwanding event,
it would be amazing. So thiswhole thing was a plug for your class,
your friends not even dead. Iwould just say it would just be
amaded. I've always thought, I'mlike, gosh, you guys would have
so much fun in my class.I would love it. Only if you

play when when what win? Beneathmy wings? Bat Middler? It must
have been cold there in my shadow. I do have a good one this
September. That's one of your Ohyeah, okay, I think we're down.
Let's take your dance class. Richhas to be in front and health
you leave. Yeah, I'm down. You know you're a good human being.

We were having some fun with someof the song titles. But that's
I think you're good with missing you. It's a great song, Yeah it
is. You sound like a greatfriend too, and instruction. In fact,
when Rich dies, will you cometeach a class? Roller Coaster?
I would like my cool song tobe wake me up before you go that'll

be the song go go to happyfun class. You too are ridiculous.
I got you? Thanks all right, bye, thank you for listening.
By Tomorrow's four twenty Big holiday,Big holiday for granted Peyton. Yeah,
that's that's very Twitter. So there'sthis thing on Reddit. It's like everyone

knows the stereotypical signs that someone smokes. A lot of pot people on social
media are talking about the ways youcan tell a person secretly is a closet
stoner, closet stone, sunglasses atwork. It's not really a closet.
I know, I know. Soare you amped? Are you amped about

four twenty? Dude? I gotamped yesterday. Okay, I want to
get back to that. It saysthis, If they're amped about four twenty,
that's what you can tell they're astoner. If their most relaxed,
reasonable person in the group, wholaughs at your jokes and doesn't give a
crap. They always gone on theirlunch break. You have no idea where
they go. If they have anunusual affinity for band t shirts, uh,

family gatherings, they are the onesplaying with the kids. If someone
says to you hate do you smoke? What do you say? Yes?
Okay. If you say do yousmoke and they say smoke, what it
means that they don't smoke. Ifthey say yes, they smoke with it.
Stoners tend to gravitate to each other, whether it's at work or elsewhere,
I e. Painting a grant.Okay. If they're American, they

know offhand how many grams are inannounce. Oh nodude, I'm always bad.
It's twenty four sixty four. Idon't know. I'm not a stoner.
Get out of here. I don'tknow. I think half an ounce
is fourteen twenty. If they callit marijuana, then they don't smoke.
They call it weed. They smoke, Yeah, call it marriag Jehuba.

Tell us how happy yes day?Paid? Show me this video of Grant
yesterday and it is laugh out Haveyou seen it? Have you guys seen
that video? Is laugh out outfunny? What happened? It's so funny.
So yesterday the mint came in andbrought Grant and I Jamaican styled cuisine
to like celebrate. I keep sayingunique, I do not say the words.
They brought it. So we wereeating it and it was all like

cannabis and fused so after the show, Grant and I are like going in
on jerk chicken wings and beef pattieswith THHC. You guys got waste Stone.
Oh yeah, we were waste showed. Yeah yeah yeah. So in
the afternoon, another radio station downthe hall was putting on one of those
private performances and the artist that wasperforming his name was Knox, and Grant
actually played one of his songs forme like last week because he's in town

and apparently this is like upcoming artists, right, But Grant not, I'm
obsessed with Knox. I've been obsessedwith Knox for probably three or four months.
Yes, so he was too excitedabout him. I was excited,
but I was also high enough thatI was like, I'm not going to
this performance and I'm not talking toanyone until I leave. I stayed here
until I felt comfortable driving home.Yeah, we en. We ended up

staying for the performance and Grant comesin. He whispers in my ear.
He's like, dude, I wasjust talking to Knox for like fifteen minutes,
so excited, wanting to not runinto this guy. I literally ran
into this guy and he like insistedI walk with him down the hallway and
continue the conversation. I was like, dude, your whole album is so
good. I listened to it atthe grocery store and then he brought up

a song and I was like,oh my god. The first time I
heard that song, I was pickingout avocados and this guy is like looking
at me, like and meanwhile,I have sunglasses on talking to this guy
because if I take my sunglasses off, my eyes are just like an insane
They're all swollen and red. Yeah, it was. It was epic.
But what what put the cherry ontop is in the middle of Knox's performance,

he points to Grant in the back. He's like, that man back
there, that man back there,he stopped me and he said, this
entire this entire record is amazing.Nobody's ever told me that. And he
goes and I meanwhile, I walkin and I sit next to Peyton,
and I was like, I'm sostoned right now. I'm so uncomfortable.
I feel like everybody's staring at me. And then Knox points to me and

he's like, brother, what's yourname? And I just am Stone and
I'm like, my name's Grant,and everybody turns at this meeting and just
looks at me and I'm wearing sunglassesand I'm just there and I are in
matching on love t shirt. Itwas it was crazy, But what I
thought was so funny, John Jay, you mentioned a video, the entire
fifteen minutes performance of Knox grants justnodding his head this video and you look

like just a proud dad in thepockets. So amazing. You had a
magical moment. I literally was like, this is my worst nightmare. And
then when he started singing, Iwas like, Wow, you know,
music really does heal all of ustoo. I was like, somebody said
hi to Susette in the hallway andI said hi back, as if they
were talking to me. Those wingswere loaded loaded. Did Knox do any

Tatarswift songs or anything. No,he didn't time his career in the tear
Swift. No, he has areally cool song. It's like called like
the Not the nineteen seventy five orsomething, and it's a cool lead singer
day Tator Swift. Oh he is, so he is kind of getting off
the Tator Swift but Tator Swift adjacent. Well, we got to get this
some Taylor stuff. What do wegot Kyle. Okay, So, as

you know, the first single offTaylor swift new album, The Torture Poet's
Department is her song Fortnite with postMalone and post Loan. Actually did an
interview a couple of days before itreleased, and they were like, how
did that all happen? How didyou get hooked up with? He's amazing
track one? I don't know,it's really nice. She is so so
sweet and so kind and talented,and she hit me up and said let's

do it, and I was like, hell yeah, yeah. So he
just rolled in the studio and hungout and it was a good day.
Yes, sir, it was amazing. Easy is that You've seen the picture
of them, Yeah, in thestudio. It looks so fun. My
sister, you know, just wokeup. I was listening to the second
half of the album now and she'stexting me notes and I think we talked
about it. I'm not sure,but she goes so high school it's about
Travis. Is that the song aboutTravis? Yeah? And then she goes,

you know, how to ball?I know Aristotle, She's a genius.
That's one of them about Travis.The other one's they alchemy. Yeah.
I love how like like Taylor andTravis has only been dating for you
know months, it hasn't even beena year yet, right, because she's
had relationships before. Now she's gota few songs about him on the album
already. I think I figured she'dhave a separate album about him, not

put it on this album. Theyget thirty songs, she got to put
something on there? What else?Why not? Right? Well, how
we want to break down any ofthe other Taylor Swift songs? Yeah?
If anything? Is there anything offthe topic? I mean we got a
lot, We got lots going on. What I mean as far as Taylor
goes. What else? What doyou think is the highlight we shed get
into? Well, I don't know. I mean my favorite songs are like
Love of My Life and So LongLondon. And I thought it was interesting

because So Long London. I guesshis track five, and I guess Taylor
Swift always reserves track five for hermost heartbreaking songs. Yeah, and if
you if you read the lyrics too, So Long London, it's like,
Wow, it really was about theend of the relationship with Joe Allen and
how his she was and how heruined London for her because it was like
such a special place for them,because she lived there for six years,

and that's when she kind of duckedoff, was living in the country a
little bit. So Long London ismy favorite song on the album. Yeah,
So Long London and Love of MyLife. Those are my two favorites,
and they're like the most sad songson the album too. She lived
there. Does she ever like,did you ever hear in an English accident?
In her Hello? I don't know? How could you not start to
talk like that? Did she does? John Jay Richie, I saw yesterday?

You say who? What did Isay? Do you know who I
saw yesterday? And I'm got tosay, do you know what I saw
yesterday? You don't know? Youknow? I saw no? So its
driving home. My wife and Ihad like a couple of meetings back to
back. So I was downtown.I'm driving up this street right over here,
right forty fourth Street, and there'sthat Scientology building right. We were
talking about gramp being a scientist.We were talking about that. I think
it's come upsually. So there's aScientology building. I drive by it all

the time, and there's a ladyout there by herself with the whole contraption
of like a board and written onthe in a bullhorn, and it says,
Hank, if you think Scientology isa cult, And I was like,
oh, by herself just there,like isn't that weird? So you
met Denise, No, because Idon't care, and I was kind of

like, what what goes through someone'slife? Like I'm gonna go out today
and I'm gonna go park out thereand tell people that this place is a
cult with with a visual presentation.Yeah, with a whiteboard. He said,
yeah, it's like a whiteboard inthere, and then just trying to
help le remedy a nice afternoon tobe outside. I guess the rules.

But what happened with Grant and Kyleand you? Kyle and Grant? So
the other day, Grant and Iwere leaving the building and we're waiting for
the elevator and these two guys walkout of the elevator as it arrives,
and as we're walking in, Igo hi, and I said pretty loudful,

hell right, nothing. They saidnothing to me, the exact same
you said to that hello. Andthen just imagine two guys walking right by
you they looked at you and thenwalked by eye contact Hello, zero response,
and they keep walking and I lookat Grant, I'm like or not

Yeah, she goes under her breast. She's like, so no, hello.
Yeah. I was like, Kyle'sas mad? Like were you as
mad as I was? In thatmoment? I was just like what gigs
I saw red. It was likenobody disreflected, you can really loudly as
they haven't walked too far away.He's like, okay, guys, take
care, no reason, no reason. So do we know who they are?

No? I reckon they were.They were a couple of fellows wearing
polo shirts and pleated khakis, hadfrom the bank. Did something similar happened
to me this morning? What inthe elevator as I got here, I'm
riding up with someone. I've neverseen this person before. They're on the

third floor, We're on the fourthfloor. So as he was getting off,
like neither one of us said anythingto us to each other in the
elevator ride, but as he wasgetting out, I go have a great
day. Nothing response. What iswrong with people? The elevator first?
Or you first? He was first? Oh god, I'd wait, but
it was like we were both thereat the same time. Whatever shows up,

everyone gets hit. I always pretendsomething else happened. I on my
phone and I, my god,I can't go in the elevator with somebody
else. But sheally that early youdon't do. Some negative things happen,
and then positive things happen. Theybalance out. As soon as Kyle and
I get on the elevator after beingblown off by these two guys, uh,
we stop at the third floor andwe both look at each other like,
oh great, what's this going tobe? And then a lady gets

on with the beautiful puppy Yeah,and she's like, this is my dog.
I bring her to work every day. You can bring a dog work
every day. Dogs was Daisy,just like that beautiful story. He didn't
those guys probably would have. Areyou, Kyle? Will you track the
neighborhood like I do? When yousee somebody and you're outside and you throw
up the peace sign, see ifthey wave back peace, they hello away.

Whatever. Well, if you're driving, if you're driving, rock at
them. It's two fingers on thedashboard. If you're driving, it's the
two fingers over your steering wheel.I just wave with the other hand,
she goes like this, hello,No, actually I wave. I kind
of do like a hand up right, just like a hand up hello.
And I've noticed that, like yourkids really do watch and copy you.

Because when we were on a bikeride actually with you, John Jay and
Blake last weekend, I noticed Eastonwas riding in front of me and every
car that rode by, he wavedit. Oh yeah, it's so funny.
I was racing your daughter and shewas beating me, and I was

trying to pretend that I was lettingher beat me. He actually very proud
of that. She goes John Jaywas going as fast as he comes,
and I still beat him. Shereally did. Was god. I was
like, oh, you know,I was like, hopefully everything's just an
adult electric bike as well. Ifshe beat an electric I was like,
I was like, do you havecures? You have gears of that bike?
She's like, yeah, all right. You know, I was just

thinking about the elevator thing means tome, it either means that their ghosts
or your ghost Oh man, Ididn't even think about that, but that
made me so happy. Kyl andI are ghosts. You guys can see
ghost you can if you can hearus, you can hear ghosts. Right
now, John Jay and Rich we'regonna play a game right now. We're
gonna play four second rule. Christian, good morning. You're a contestant.
How are you? I'm doing well? How are you this morning? Good?

So you canna play for aber Levinetickets? Okay? All right?
Gay? Great? Oh it's it'sfour second role time, which is probably
the funnest game we play on theJohn Jay and Rich shows shade intended on
all the other games. Uh excuseme. So we're gonna go around room.
I'm gonna give everyone a category andyou have four seconds to name three
things in that category. You're probablywondering, what does four seconds sound like?

Rich? Could you play it?That's four seconds? It happens fast.
Christian, You good on the rules? Brother? All good? All
right, John J. Van As, we start with you, John J.
Vanas. In four seconds, namethree types of pasta. Go for

silly Pennie spaghetti with the flex atthe end. Very nice, John Jay
on the board with one point,Rich Barrow, we move over to you.
Rich. In four seconds, namethree superpowers go see through, time
fly and mind control. I'll giveit to you see through time, Yeah,

I can. I can't conceive ofit as a superpower, so I
will give you the point. Youknow, multi dimensions. Yes, you
can see through clucks clucks on theother side of that clock, Doctor Strange,
see through time, Peyton whitmore,we move over to you. Peyton.
In four seconds, name three famouslandmarks go the Grand Canyon, Niagara

Falls, and the Eiffel Tower.I would have backed out, Hot start
Hot started the game. You saidyou would have blanked out on that last
one. Kyle, Well, you'reup next, so let's see how you
do here. Kyle. In fourseconds, name three types of hats,
top hat, paper boy, hadand bukat. Interesting. Yeah, yeah,

very good. We all know whatyou meant. Yeah correct, they
say, newsboy, newsboy, paperboy, same thing, paper boy.
Christian, are you ready? I'mso ready? I love that energy,
all right? Christian. In fourseconds, name three things you'd find in
a toolbox, A drill of rentand a hammer. Everybody on fire after

the first round. I love it, great work, everybody, were move
into round two. We're gonna havelots of fun here. John Jay,
I picked this specifically for you.Yeah, John Jay, thanks and force
it you're welcome. In four seconds, name three items you'd find it A
makeup bag, a brush, makeupand a bag. I don't know makeup.

I don't have another little bag thatholds that A little part. My
wife's purse is full of bags hermakeup. Well with that explanation, I
will give you the point for that. I think. Yeah, you can
bag inside a bag. Yeah,all right, Look I got a bag
inside my bag right now. Youguys are so cool. I'm so dialed

into the woman lifestyle. All right, Rich bear similar theme. Are you
ready? Sure? Rich? Infour seconds, name three breakfast cereals.
Cheerios, uh, crisp, wegot all, we got all sauted played.

I couldn't even go on honeynut,cheerios, Peyton more. We move
over to you. Wheat dins themilk but it's not sorry, Wheat thens
gross. All right, Peyton.In four seconds, name three items you'd

find in a first aid kit.A band aid, nias born in an
ace, rap brandage, love it, nice job, Peyton, perfect game
today? All right, Kyle,we move over to you, similar vein
as Peyton. Are you ready,Kyle? In four seconds, name three
types of sauces spaghetti sauce, Alfredosauce, and Penny sauce. This game

is getting nuts, guys, nuts, all right, Christian, you could
win it all here. This one'sworth ten points today. Are you ready?
I am so ready? All right, Christian? In four seconds,
name three sports played with balls?Basketball, baseball, sucker Joe, Christian,

Christian, you're all set up withapple lebeing tickets. Congratulations. Thank
you so much. I appreciate youguys so much. Thanks for listening.
You're fine. Hold on, Kyle, what are three things we need to
know? Sleep well tonight? Beckyou thank you you too. The United
States is building our first nuclear warheadin forty years. Oh WOWDS. The
W ninety three warhead will be usedon submarine launched ballistic missiles. It's being

built with a nineteen point eight billiondollar budget. It's been requested by our
National Nuclear Security Agency. Not gonnalie. I thought we were always making
nuclear bombs. Me too, Ithought they were always being made. But
maybe they didn't they watch Oppenheimer.What the hell? Maybe perhaps like all
our bombs are like from the seventies, like you know, like we're just

losing. Well. I don't knowif you should start new technology. Comcasts
wanted to make it more affordable forphone and internet, so now they're offering
prepaid plans for both phone and internet. Never heard of the prepaid internet,
So this is pretty this is prettybig. New Internet plans actually started thirty
or forty five bucks a month,depending on how much data you want to
send online. Check this out.How many times a day do you think

you check your phone on average?One hundred and fifty Yeah, it's got
to be, it's got it's gotto bend pretty close. They've estimated one
hundred and forty four times a dayis the average of how many times that
we check our phone. They're saying, constantly looking at our smartphones are negatively
impacting the depth of our conversations.And this is true even if the phone

is just on the table. Thisis true even if the phone is upside
down on the table. Really,because your phone is top of mind and
it's always there reminding you, andthen somebody you're like, oh, I
have to check. Oh, Buteven if it's on silent, nothing's there,
You're still checking just to see.It's terrible. I'll put my phone
in the kitchen, then I goin the living and watch TV and I'll
be like, if I'm alone,I'm like, oh man, I probably

gotta go get my phone because whatbike calls? You know what I mean?
Right? And I look and doyou guys ever get like those phantom
buzz Like you hear your phone buzzand then you look and there's nothing there.
Yeah, it's the pocket the pocketthing. When that's right, I
keep mine. Yeah, I gotaway from that because I don't have my
ringer or buzzer on's which wakes mecheck my phone. I have to check
my phone more often. I havelike this silent version of that, Like
if my phone lights up at all, it's like it could be just a

notification about an email, but I'mlike, it's probably a textual call my
doctor instead of a ringer. Shehas her phone to flashlight ring so oh
it goes off. Yeah that beforesee flashlight. But it makes you panic,
I know. But it's like Idon't even want to hear when people
call anyways, because it's usually likelya scam or or whatever. Right.
Yeah. The fact that one hundredand forty four is just the average,

I feel like I could probably doublethat, and that's more realistic for me
because I use my phone all dayfor multiple things, social work, you
know, I like my social life, so comma work, Comma. Anyway,
they're saying it's really bad for us, so we should take those breaks
where you just put your phone outof sight, don't worry about it.

The messages and the phone calls,most of them can wait. And that's
three things you need to know.You know, if you think back to
certain TV shows, I don't thinkany TV shows that make you, like,
like tense, so tense that Ikeep thinking of that show that we
watched on Showtime with Claire Danes witha guy was a spy and it was

like episode two where he was ina bunker with the president and he had
a suicide vest On. Yeah,I can't remember then of that show.
Do you remember that show Homeland Homeland? Yeah? I remember that's right.
Yeah, it was called the Homelandand I remember watching that show being sick
to my stomach so involved. Whatwas happening that, my friend? Is
season two of American Rust really?Yeah? Like I turned it off because
I was like, I need totake a break the stress, because season

one isn't bad in tense. Imean there's some intense moments. Yeah,
it's a really artful show. It'son Amazon right and it's called American Rust.
And I finished season one a whileago and season two came out and
it's really really good. I recommendit. It's for good binge. Yeah,
like if you have a while andthere's not a lot of great TV
shows out right now, it's agood binge watch because, like we've said

this before that the first part movesa little bit slow. There's things happening,
but it's still kind of slow,which is why it's like it's for
the binge. Right. There's alsoyou guys started watching Good Times? No,
like what Good Times was the showin the seventies. I was a
little kid. I used to watchthe reruns all the time and Seth McFarlane,
JB. Smooth redid it as acartoon. Oh that's the one.

Yes, and Steph Curry has somethingto do with it. I started that.
I didn't know that's what it wascalled Good Terms. It's funny.
It's okay so far, but Iused to love Good Times. Yeah,
I didn't know that it was likea reboot. I got into it.
Yeah, I didn't realize though thatthat was like Norman Lear, who is
ninety nine years old, created thatshow and he's still alive and he's the

executive producer of the show. Dida Guy's Family Guy? Right? Yeah, yeah,
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