All Episodes

April 24, 2024 22 mins
Someone is feeling a little more spooOOooky this morning than normal!

+ Should house-sitting INCLUDE dog-sitting?!?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wake us up, John Jay andFritz, what's cracking like? And this
is the big bulls dove snoopy deagledouble gigsel bang boom. What you don't
we're not talking about rid ten tand we're not talking about last year.
It's the one and only. Doyou know the glasses lastly fixed? New
people double giggle in your face tome and in the place to be.

And you're listening to John Jay andRich, wake us sucks one O four
seven Kiss FM, John Jay andRich eight seven seven nine three seven one
O four sevens that phone number.You jump on the air with us.
You can also text us text jjRD whatever you want to say to the
number nine six eight ninety three.You know, see good to Miles right
around the corner, right, yeah, And I'm Mexican, but Sie Good

to myle, I believe is prettymuch an American holiday, So it doesn't
make a bit like a lot ofpeople like Saint Patrick's Day's big and suit
in Ireland, right Peyton, sure, right, but I don't see it
to Mile in Mexico it's just thefifth May. But here in the United
States it makes such a big deal. A lot of it. In fact,
Rich was cutting commercials because now he'syou're doing something for a restaurant,
right, Yeah, for Barrio Queen. They have at their big party May

four, May five. They gotlike fans and specials and giveaways and all
that. So I got asked todo a commercial and the beginning of the
commercial says, hey, amigos,Cinco Demayo is around the corner. So
I send the spot and the salespersonsends back, why don't you say that
you're rich from the John Jay andRich Show. Why do you tell people

at the beginning of the commercial thatyou're a ghost? She says that she
hears the commercial and she hears mesay hey, I'm a ghost, sink
to Mayo's coming up. But I'mnot saying hey I'm a ghost. I'm
saying hey, amigos. The waythe commercial does, you pulled the clips.
So this first time we're going toactually haven't heard the commercial. I

remember cutting it saying hey, Ihaven't heard it yet. So you're saying,
hey, Ago, but hey,I'm a ghost. Well, she's
not being funny. She asked meto redo the entire commercial. She's like,
I don't think you should say hey, I'm a gat. Hey,
I'm a ghost, Come join me. Mego, get ready for the ultimate
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta at all eightA ghost, a ghost, ghost,
Get ready for my ghost like Italianaccent is coming again. I'm a ghost.

I'm a ghost. I won't bethere because I'm a ghost. Okay,
but in this Italian ghost invite youto a Cinco de Mayo party.
You should go a good party.Let me go. Now that we heard
I'm a ghost, let's hear itagain. Mego get ready for the ultimate
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta at all eightBarrio Queen locations. It's funny there's eight

of them, right. I wasjust thinking about this and Nick said something
the other day about about olive garden. Hey, Nick, Nick, remember
what you were saying about olive gardenthe other because I have there's something you
brought up about olive garden closing.What Oh yeah, exactly. That's exactly
my reaction to the olive garden thatwe frequent near our home closed like arbitrarily,
and like of all the restaurants andthe entire United States, have you

ever heard of an olive garden?I got one for you to check this
out first, of all, Ilove the use of arbitrary. Second of
all, Starbucks closed by my house. I know when he said that about
Olive Guard, and I was like, oh my god, Oliveuard doesn't close.
Starbucks doesn't close. What's going onin the world? And me ghosts,

ghosts go to these stores? What'sgoing on? Yeah, Blake and
I went to go. We wentto Rubio's right for dinner, and and
next door to Rubio's is the Starbucks. And it was just everything was gone,
and I go, wasn't this aStarbucks. She's like, yeah,
closed like a week ago. I'mlike, what what's going on the economy?
You guys Bucks? You're like,what is it? Wait a second,

this doesn't happened. Are the Starbucksindividually owned, I don't know,
franchise I don't know what about OliveGarden. I never see those. All
you see is a line outside goingon. What's going on? This is
when you know things are really wrongright now. Starbucks and all of change.

They don't have a franchise model,by the way, so then the
Starbucks people own Starbucks. So thenfor some reason they close the Starbucks.
They close it for some reason.That's so weird. What about olive Garden?
Actually, you know, I've metsomeone that owns Chick fil A.
I met someone with McDonald's Burger King, and there are many one that owns.
You can own Olive Garden. TheirTV commercials say that, really,

Yeah, they're TV commercials like,hey, here's how much our managers make
you can own. Yeah, ourfriends own the one by our house.
It's pretty cool. Yeah, thepeople one of Dutchess teammates owned the one
by our house and that one.Like, they they hit so many goals
and stuff that they give them carsfor being the most. Like the guy
the dad has, it's a car, and then he's number one in the

state. Again, they give himanother car, so he is. His
kid drives a car. All cars, but they all say Chick fil A
on them to make friends own,let me meet them. Kyle and Johns
are hobnobbed with the Chick fil A. Gotta love Chick fil A man,
Kyle unfugged mother of two. Whatare three things we need to know today?

Okay, TikTok is still inching towardsgetting banned, and now it's another
step closer. The Senate just passedthe bill forcing TikTok's parent company to sell
or face ban. Next up ithits the President's desk, he is expected
to quickly sign the legislation. Now, when that happens, the bill will
give TikTok one year to separate itselffrom China or else it will be banned.

So you got a little bit oftime to enjoy the app, and
then if they if they do endup separating from China, then we'll still
be able to enjoy TikTok. Butuntil then that that's it's getting real.
It's getting real real. This isgood to know, especially if you are
on the hunt for a new jobor if you're currently in a job trying
to get out of it. TheFTC has narrowly voted to ban nearly all

non compete employee agreements. Basically,these deals stop you from joining a competing
business or launching one of your own. The policy will take change effect later
this year, so that's kind ofhuge for people who are like, feel
stuck. They want to go somewherein their field, but they can't because
they've got this non compete. Well, now you'll be able to x Or

formerly known as Twitter, plans onlaunching a video app to sort of compete
with YouTube. And when I saysort of, it's kind of a different
concept. So they announce a newvideo app that will allow you to see
more video options from X on TV. So they're going to add this app
to pretty much all smart TVs soon. It's still kind of in developmental stage,

but they're like, this is goingto be high quality, immersive entertainment
experience on a larger screen. Okay, kind of cool to see where they're
gonna take it. I like watchingYouTube on my TV. Yeah, I
do too. Yeah, so it'llbe kind of like like that. And
that's three things you need to know. What's a vibe for predictions, Peyton,
I'm gonna tell you if you're popularbased on your zodiac sign. And

also if you're a tourist today andit's your birthday, you're sharing one with
Joe Kiy who's Steve from Stranger Things, and Kelly Clarkson, so really cool
birthdays today too, and Kilannie andKilanie Yuh and Cedric the Entertainer and Barbara
streisand look at that. Okay,Okay, hi, Michelle, Hi am

playing from PA I'm Capricorn, allright, Michelle? So for Capricorn,
you guys actually come in at numberten on the popular list. So Capricorns,
you guys don't really have time tobe popular because you guys have things
to do. It's not to saythat you don't have friends, because you
do. But you Capricorns, youtend to have few close friends, and
then consider some of your co workersfriends too. But you Coppricorns, you

just don't have that natural ability tokind of just like pop off the way
some of our higher signs do.Yeah, sadly, it's true, but
you got a good group around youalready know that. Michelle, Yeah,
Michelle, thanks for listening. Thankyou so much. Okay, no you
Blanca, good morning, happy people, and I'm Agittarius, Sagittari. So

you guys are actually number two onthe list of being one of the most
popular signs. You Sagittarians, Youguys have a lot of fun, You
look forward to life, and youalways add your sense of humor to whatever
you're doing. You guys have reallybig hearts and you're really generous, which
makes sense onto why you're so wellliked. Thank you, Bye bye,

bye, hy brit I know Ihaven't Hello, she's busy man, I'm
sorry, what's your sign? Mysign is a Turus. Okay, so
Taurus, you guys are number eighton the list of being the most popular
sign. You guys have a lotof style, and you guys have that

ability that that just draws people toyou. But you aren't shy and you
do like being the center of attention, which is good because you actually are
really interesting. People love Taurus aslong as you don't get into an argument
with them. If you get intoan argument with a Turus, it's not
very fun for anyone. Yeah,I definitely agree with that. I'm not
very popular. I don't have alot of friends, but when I do

go out, I tend to havea pretty good group of good people around
me. And when I get mad, watch out. Yeah that's exactly it,
Britt all right, thank you forlistening. Guys by Andre Andrea.
What's your signed? PI? Justlike Rich? All right, Rich,

you guys come in at number threeon the most popular list for Pisces,
which is pretty fitting for our guyRich right here. Pisces, you guys
would do anything for anyone. You'revery selfless, which makes you super popular.
You're usually creative and you help ussee the world from a different perspective,
and Pisces are typically social and theyget along with everyone. I think
the best. Yeah, we'll takethat one, Yes we will. I'm

a day right after you rich lookat that. Oh well, happy birthday
on whatever whatever day that is,March ninth. You're like, well,
my dad used to get it wrongall the time, so now I get
it wrong. Jennifer the Gemini,My good morning. I'm excited for this

one, but scared at the sametime. Oh my gosh, Well,
don't be scared, because Geminis.You guys come in at number five on
the list. Geminis, you guyscan find a common interest with anyone and
everyone. You guys have that specialtalent of making anyone feel interesting and worthy
of themselves. So people love Geminisbecause of their ability to turn anyone's bad
mood into a good one. Whatyou do for us every morning, Jennifer,

Well, thank you so much.I appreciate this. I'm gonna go
with my number five and have afantastic day. What about for Kyle,
the Libra of the group. Yeah, Libras, you guys coming up at
number six, so right in themiddle of the list of being the most
popular libras. You tend to bepopular because you're actually really likable. They
actually take things to heart if someoneisn't your biggest fan, because having a

lot of friends and being well likedis really important to a Libra. You
agree, yeah, yeah, Iwant people to like me. Who wants
people to hate them? Totally?There's some people like that out here though.
Oh that's sad. I don't thinkthey're libras though. What about for
you the Leo guys, take aguess, that's my ridigious category. Leo's

are number one on the list ofbeing the most popular out of all of
the zodiac signs. We come outon top. We're known for being extremely
popular and the life of the party. Where friendly, We're outgoing, and
people just love us. So oneof the best things about being a Leo
is that we show the same amountof love and loyalty to everyone in our
corner. Guys, I just lovethis. I feel like I should have
a crown of the most popular inthe room today. Who are other popular?

Like? Who are celebrities that arethat are Leos? Kylie Jenner,
we share a birthday? Oh yeah, okay, so if Leo's number one.
You have ever done last place yet? Have you? I haven't done
last place. I'm Virgo. It'sVirgo. Last. Virgo isn't last,
but you're pretty dang close. I'mnumber eleven on the list. Jump almost
at rock bottom. Virgos. Youguys don't sugarcoat anything, so being extremely

popular isn't always a good fit foryou. Virgos. You have friends,
but you're not always instantly likable,so you guys can be harsh and critical,
which can push off friends. Soit's okay if a Virgo isn't the
most popular sign, they're fine withbeing by themselves anyways. That is also
a great reading of it. Yeah, all right, if we didn't get
to your sign, they're all postedon our website, John dy and Rich

dot com. Myra, thanks forholding what's up you're on the air.
Yeah, So I was really excitedbecause in a couple of days I'm gonna
be house sitting for a friend forlike two weeks. And now she has
two dogs that were not part ofthe deal when I made this commitment like

a month ago, and I wentover yesterday to meet them, and they
just they're terrible And I love dogs, but they are awful. They like
jump on me and they're barking atme, and now I have to deal
with it for two weeks when Iwas supposed to be laxing. I feel
like once you hang out with thedogs, they get used to you.

They realize, oh, this isthe friendly person that's feeding us and giving
us a little bit of love.I feel like they'll totally calm down.
And you know, what they sayis that petting like a dog or an
animal actually relieves your stress. SoI feel like you're looking at this all
wrong. I feel like, giveit a day or two, the dogs
will get comfortable with you, andyou just like sit and pet and you'll
be at heaven. I hope you'reright, because they are. So they

do not like me right now,they learn to love me. Can I
rephrase this to you and make sureI understood it? So you agreed to
stay someone's house and then in themeantime they went and adopted two dogs?
Yes, okay, So why wouldthey adopt the dogs that leave town?
Like be like, we're like me, I'm in the dog rescue world,
and a lot of times people belike, I want that dog. I'm
going on vacation. Can you holdit for me, I'll give when I

come back. You know what Imean? Like, would they like it
was a shelter situation, and likeI think that they may have been like
in a kill shelter. And myfriend is wonderful, like she's got the
biggest heart, but also sometimes atiny brain. And she did not think
this through and definitely didn't ask meabout it. So I'm going to do

my best. But like, doyou have any tips for taking care of
dogs that are like, yeah,I have lots of trips, trips,
trips and ticks, trips and ticksand tips of trips. You said what
you said, do you have anyany tips for what dogs that are like

anti human? I don't. Yousaved so many dogs, John Day.
You gotta get down. You gotto get down to their level. One
of the things a lot of peoplego, you know, because you're so
much taller and you look down andput your hands in front of their face,
and they're like, so you gotto get squat down, talk to
them, talk to them like yourequals. What if they nip you in

the face because you get down low, then don't do that. I also
think Rich said something that is importantwith dogs is bring treats, Bring lots
of treats. Don't they say thatboth dogs are sponding either food or chasing
the ball. I have a dogthat likes both. Yeah, you know
how like people have like those richanties that always give them the good birthday

presents. Like you're just gonna bethe rich anti to these cute little puppies
with your little treats. They're gonnalove you, okay and high value,
yes, chicken, those are highvalue treats. Well, good luck,
Myra, Thank you, thanks forlistening. By the way, if you're
looking for a dog, we've gotquite a few at the Love Pup Shelter.

We got some puppies too, actuallyhave six new puppies, so check
them out at Love Pup Foundation onInstagram. It's John Jay and Rich.
Stopped just yelling at the radio.Call us eight seven seven nine three seven
one o four seven. It's JohnJay and Rich. So later this morning
we want to get into you know, I knew my blind date was over
before it started. But Tracy hasone right now. Hi Tracy, Hi,

So you knew your blind date wasover before it started? When what
when he showed up in a killare you going to an Irish event.
No, we went out to dinnerto Applebee's, and then friend was having
a party at her house, andyeah, she uh, we went to

dinner. I was trying to justnot let it affect me, you know
whatever, and went to my friend'sparty and she came over to me about
an hour later and asked me toask him to close his late. YEA,
all right, Tracy, thank you. You're gonna be kicking it off.

Thank you very much. We're gonnaget into it probably forty five minutes
fromw I we want to hear aboutlike you knew your first date was over
before it started when he did what? All right? Now, Staxson hacks,
I have sax of information. Richhas life hacks. So the sax
of information I have is this.This is so fascinating. I think new
research claims and I think we canall relate to this. The average person
spends four hundred and fifty four dollarsa year tipping more than they'd like to.

Yeah, twenty six percent people reportthey're always or often guilted into tipping
more than they want. I didthat yesterday. I was so irritated.
Where were you? It was aplace called Lucy's. You've been to Lucy's's
right comstock? Yeah yeah, andI stood in line, I did my
food, and then then the optionwas twenty five percent. Oh so up
the balls on this anyway? Robotdogs with flamethrowers attached to their head?

Or now are thing you can bie? Do you guys? See this thing
trending yesterday? Videos? Frightening companyis called throw Flame. It's selling one
called a therminator for nine four hundreddollars. Humanity had a nice run,
but it's over. It's all overdown. Oh my gosh. Yeah,
they're pretty terrible. I'm literally aflamethrower, but it's a dog. Shouldn't
be able to just buy those things? Oh mg? Did you get that?
Over? A pit bull? Afemale door dash driver claims she was

penalized by the company she works forfor refusing to drop off an order to
a male nudist. Are you feelingannoyed by the new norm? Two thirds
of people say in a poll thatthey're generally annoyed more now than ever before.
These are the top ten everyday irritationsyou might encounter today. Think about

that for a second. All right, slow walkers especially when you're in a
hurry. This is a big onefor me cyclists who hogged the road when
someone could hold the door for youbut they don't. Yeah, I think
that's so rude. I held thedoor open for someone yesterday. They're they're
parking. I was sitting there holdingthe door. There it was they were
too uncomfortably too far away. ButI was like, so they held it

on and then they kept they weregoing somewhere else. No awkward, you
know what's the worst. So likeI've hold held doors open for people and
then they use the other door.I'm like, okay, so that's cool.
They don't want to say thank you. Avoid These are the top every
day irritations you might encounter today.When someone doesn't clean up after their dog,
potholes, being stuck on hold,people who don't use turn signals,

bad parkers who take up more thanone space, when someone the last person
in the bathroom uses the toilet paperdoesn't replace it. Didn't something happen to
you this morning, Papon, Likecoming in this morning, you're like like
super irritated. Actually listening to Liz, I got a little fired up again.
So when I go like, getoff to come to the station for
work. I take a left offof the freeway and the light that comes

after the light that you get offof the freeway, it goes to red
really quick. So there was thiscar that was moving so slow in front
of me, and I'm like,dude, obviously you don't take this route
every single day, because if youdid, then you would know that we
need to kind of go a littlequicker so we can make it through to
the next light. And I wasso mad and I had to get over
and I just I looked at himand I was like, dude, I
like, did the little hand thing. I was like, man, I

was so upset. All right,so the one more thing for sex and
acts. The Internet is pretty weirdsometimes, and especially with memes. These
memes are trending. Yesterday it wasmemeo on social media where people were posting
names for baby girls, ridiculous names. Do you guys see this? No?
All right, It's like, isthis a beautiful name? If youre
wondering, it says, here aresome of the best ones, like Activa

would be a beautiful name for ababy girl. That nice Ramen would be
a perfect name for a baby girl, Sega Dreamcast. Peanut butter Bagel would
be a beautiful name for a babygirl. Velvita, Calamari, Britta,
filter kitchenette, Marshmallow Morning would bea beautiful name for a baby girl.
Telapia would be a beautiful name fora baby girl. Roth Ira, Circadium,

rhythm, totality. Oh my gosh. Anyway, it's the meaning that
was going viral. They said thatwas kind of funny. What do you
go for live hacks richer? Youever buy something online and then you keep
on getting ads for the thing thatyou just bought, and like, I
already bought that. In fact,that water thingy I bought. But John
Jay, you have the hydrogenated waterI bought. When I see ads for
them every day, I'm like,no, man, I already got one,

it's good. And then you buyone. Then you get text messages
from all the time. Well,that's because companies use cookies to tract people
that have already been to their website, and then they re target you on
other platforms like Instagram, Facebook,YouTube, Google all that. So if
you're not shopping in incognito mode,which you should always do your shopping in
incognito mode, how do you dothat it's a private browser that you set

up and then you shop. Butthat's complicated, So alternately I would say
I thought that was porn. WellI'm talking about shoppings. You know,
get ads. But after you completeyour purchase, just delete your browsing history
and you can get the same resultand then you won't see a So buy
something, delete your browsing history andyou're all good, and we will do
you show you step by step onhow to do that on John jayand Rich

dot com. You know what reallybothers me is when I'm going on a
website to look at a product orsomething, but they put that big thing
in front that says get ten percentoff, but give us your email.
I'm like, okay, but Idon't know what I'm gonna buy yet,
or maybe not buy something, soI've already fallen for and given him my
email. Then not want anything andthen I get inundated with the other.
Oh yeah, then you're in Likeright now, I have two email accounts
right now, both of them aretwo full, and I've been deleting all

morning long and it's still not working. How many unread emails do you have
now right now? Currently? Yeah? Just so everybody knows where you're sitting
with your unready email On my Gmail, I have ninety four thousand, oh
my god, and I don't knowhow to tell my four thousand
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