All Episodes

April 24, 2024 31 mins
Look, we're all for a good conspiracy theory...but this one involves Johnjay's FACE!

+ Gracie's construction went SIDEWAYS.
+ More of your BLIND DATE calls!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You've got questions, and we havefour unqualified people to give you answers.
It's John Jay and Rich. It'sJohn Jay and Rich. I have deleted
fifteen thousand emails and my emails arestill full. That's insane. That's how
many you am. Oh my god, man, I started this thing that
last week or we were kind ofgoing around the room saying what's on your
mind and a lot of positive feedbut a lot of people ask, can

you guys do that every day?Just kidding, what's on your mind?
I was thinking about when I wokeup this morning, as I was looking
at all of the Chipotle that wasleft out on my kitchen counter last night,
if I should invest in one ofthose like meal delivery things because I
don't like cooking, and I don'treally like spending time on cooking. I'm

not interested in trying to learn howto cook. But I know these are
like healthier, quicker options that arebetter than like getting take out every day.
So I don't know. Have youguys ever gotten into those before?
Oh yeah, I think all ofus have. Right, I use one
to have stuff in there right now? Is it worth it? Though?
Because I care cheaper than groceries.Now, I don't let like my food
needs to be good, like Idon't want any like gross food, you

know, And I feel like maybea meal thing wouldn't be as good as
like if I were just to whipit up. I don't know. I've
tried life a bunch of them,like a bunch of them, and they're
all good for a little while.But I need variety. So after a
while I tend to get sick ofthe choices, and then I would try
a different one and a different Butit is, I mean, it does
make life pretty convenient, gonna beup at three in the morning, like

cooking eggs and making sandwiches exactly youwant. So I usually grabbed like whatever
is lunch is what I have deliveredlike once a week, Okay, cool,
Maybe I'll do like one week on, one week off. We'll see.
My wife just does it for me. If I get in this,
I wish I had a life.Whatever, whatever trend I was going through,
should just do it. But it'sKyle. We had a pretty big

moment yesterday morning. I wasn't there. Scott texted me. Easton, who's
six, he's my son, wokeup and he's like, Daddy, look,
he lost a tooth in the middleof the night. Empty tooth right,
And he's like, I was lookingaround for the note from the tooth
Fairy and Scott's texting me. He'slike, I don't know what to say.
What do I say? There's nofrom the tooth Fairy. I was

like, well, you just tellit. You have to put your tooth
underneath the pillow for the tooth fairyto come. So we'll look for the
tooth and when we find it,we'll do that, and then the tooth
Fairy will probably come tonight, whichwas last night. So I get home
from work and Scott goes the toothis nowhere? Did he swallow the tooth?
Is the tooth gonna randomly pop upsomewhere at some point, don't know.

Maybe we'll never know. Couldn't findthe tooth, makes Scott misplaced the
tooth? No, he woke upand there was no tooth. There was
no no tooth in his mouth,no tooth in the bed, no tooth
in the bed. To have isthat a thing? I figured? Tooth
fair pillow? Random and maybe grossstory, But our tooth fairy keeps a

log of teeth. What our toothFairy sent a substitute tooth for Easton to
put under his pillow last night.So our tooth Fairy was in the middle
of writing a fun little note,you know, reminder to brush your teeth,
you know, all these fun things, and my nine year old walked

in on the tooth fairy doing saidnote. And now my nine year old
has revealed the true identity of thetruth the tooth Fairy. Did she reveal
the true identity to her little brother, No, no, okay. I
had to tell her that. Iwas like, wow, you are now
part of a secret society and thisis a big deal, and you were

in the fold and there are rulesthat come with the fold. Yeah.
No, she was all in doingit. She was really into a secret
society and she was into like theknowing things that other people don't know.
I told her, you know,it's a really exclusive group of people who
know the identity of the tooth Fairy. So congratulations, I feel like I
should throw you a party, Ithink for that. Yeah, I think

I found out at eight you did, okay, So because I was I
was like kind of shocked. Andthen she goes, mom, I'm old
enough to know and I was like, well, welcome to the crew.
Well smart, I found out ateight. But I found out the big
one that, I mean, eventhe tooth Fairy remember that was so bad,

big moment. So I feel like, I feel like the tooth Fairy
and Addie should like make notes aheadof time just in case we run into
this situation again. I agree,you know, I agree. What's on
your mind? Rich I was thinkingabout when really cool people lose their ish
for no reason. How there's certainthings that even if you are the coolest

of the cool, you just can'tlook cool doing. I was having lunch
with my buddy DJ, who istruly one of the coolest looking guys I've
ever seen, and it was nobig deal. But a fly got in
his face and a guy who's chilland just hanging out, okay, he's
one of us. I enjoy that. I enjoy that. That's like anything

anything you try to be cool.If you're strutting across somewhere, you trip,
and then you look to see ifthere was something on the ground when
you tripp but there's not. It'sjust that you can't walk. That's that's
that's God's great equalizer. It's similarto like a cobweb. A cob web,
it's not a cobweb in a parkinglot. I don't care how slick
you are, and sometimes the worldjust has to bring you down a little

bit. And I enjoyed those moments. So when you see those, appreciate
those and tell us about that.What's on your mind, John Jay?
Not much anyway. Now I havesomething on my mind. I'm want to
tell you, guys, but it'sa little bit more detailed than to take
to. Well, I can tellyou this Dutch has prom on Saturday.
Right, He's going with a bunchof buddies and prompt. You know,
he goes star Katie High and promis at someplace in Gilbert, which I

think is silly. That's usually harddrives. I feel like our prom was
always in Phoenix. It's too farof a drive for kids, all right.
I just feel like, I'm like, I don't want you on the
freeway at night. And all ofa sudden, I thought, that's what
you do for prom. Well,let me finish telling my story. So
one of the one of the kidssuggested getting a party bus. Right,
And now, by the way,these guys don't have dates there's like seven

kids. That's fun. Yeah,so that we're gonna get a party bus.
And and then my wife and anothermom were like party bus, that's
gonna incurreage drinking. So long storyshort, I called a friend of mine
John at Luxury Auto Collections and he'sletting me borrow a sprinter van and I'm
driving them me and there's another kid, a Gavin, you know, Dutch's

friend Gavin, his dad Chad.Both of us are gonna drive them.
You guys have to like dress uplike I wanted to dress like dumb dumber
that's what I want. And thendriving to the to the prom, and
then both of us get out andopen the door and have the canes.
That's so funny. So Saturday we'regonna that's amazing. So I thought I

was gonna save the story and tellyou until a Monday. But it's happening
now. And I think the Sprindervan'sgot like Xbox in the back and all
this stuff, you know. Butthen they're like I thought it was,
They're like, what about the afterparty, Like, yeah, we'll take
it after party. We don't wantyou to take it to the after party.
The after party Yeah, if thatlast segment offended you, I am

really really sorry. Please email ourmanagement at your mom at iHeartRadio dot your
mom dot com. It's John Jayand Rich Eric. Good morning. You're
on the air. Dog. Hey, good morning. Was a longtime listener
since I was sixteen twenty six now, so I messaged John Jay about a

week ago. I said, Hey, I was never one to believe in
any conspiracies or any anything about outpeople building up to like a brand they're
gonna promote or later or something.Yeah, until I started listening John Jay
and he came out with something new, and I wondered, like, why

why would John j want a beardafter thirty eight years old? Later?
And I was like, now,he says he's never wanted one because he
had a seapap machine, which Icould debunk because I have a full beard
and I have a seapap Okay,But thirty eight years later, John jays
like I never wanted a beard,and then he finally grows one, and

I'm like, nice, he oppedon the trend finally until Hanson shaving.
I'm like, okay, I wasnever want to believe anything, but Hanson
shaving right there, that got meI'm like, maybe John Jay. Hollywood
got John Jay. So you're sayingyou think that I grew beard the whole

time, knowing I was gonna shaveit off with Henson shaving the whole time,
John Jay, I'm not wondering tobelieve it. I have no idea
that you are your conspiracy theory forJohn Drey, because he said something about
like every time we talking about celebritiesand the gossip, that it's stuff,

that it's all set up. Soyou think the beer. I gotta be
totally honest with you. First ofall, that's a great suggestion. Sadly,
I believe it. I believe youthink you might still be trying to
fool us. I'm with him.You think I started growing my beard December
fourteenth, twenty twenty three. Factthat you know the day is suspicious to
you, because well, because Iwas, I was wondering how it was

very difficult for me. There's acertain way to grow beard. It gets
real itchy after a certain point,and for some reason it didn't get itchy
for me, And I think I'mguessing it's because I was in Hawaii seeing
camp during that time, and Iremember I got to Hawaii December fourteenth,
and that's when I didn't shave.Sure it's for real, So then I
will tell you something. Eric,in the middle of all this, you're
saying it sounds like a great plan. But Rich, I think all of
you guys could be witnesses to whenthe Hntson people came and said, can

you guys do this commercials? AndI was like, great, I need
an excuse to shave. And Iwas like, I can use this to
shave. That's the truth. Youguys remember that. No, I wasn't
there when I think you guys,but I remember them sending you guys stuff,
right, and I already had abeard. You did already have a
beard. Yeah, however, Iremember December fourteenth, you were in that
board meeting with Henson shaving. Yeah. I to god, now one to

think, who's an advertiser that wedon't even know exist right now in the
next six months and we can saywe do their commercials right now? So
you see. Yeah, No,I can't take that head. I got
nothing. I'm telling you the truth. Taylor Swift, Oh yeah, play
will play. I swear to you. The two aren't related, but they
became related at the end. Listenif this makes you feel better. Eric
seven, We don't even know whatwe're doing at a twenty much less planning

that far. Yeah, now,but it won't turn out that way.
But then you really do pay payattention good detail. And by the way,
I was blown away that the seapapworked with my beard. That was
weird. That never happened before.So I've had it for about going on
three years now. It was toughto getting used to, but you get
used to it. Yeah, Idid. You don't sound like you have
a beard. I just figured likeyou hear something ruffling, well, Eric,

blowing through it. Thank you forlistening, dude, and thanks for
calling in, brother, appreciate you. Thank you very much. All you
too. Bye bye. But it'sJohn Jay and Rich. You come for
the John Jay and Rich, butlet's be honest, if you stay for
Kyle and Pete. It's John Jayand Ridge. Hi, Gracie, thanks
for holding Honnie. How are you? What's going on? All right?

So we're doing a construction in myattic and I thought it was gonna be
like, you know, just runon the mill, normal, like maybe
a mouse or two. But thethings that we've found are so creepy,
it's not even funny. In onecorner we found up like a lot of
cash. It's like that a lotof cash is like maybe eighty ninety bucks

and like a little dimebag of hillsand like I don't know what they are.
And then these thirties like if youhave the wall paper and there's like
stains on, like I using seriouslysuper creepy. So like in your head,
are you picturing like a drug dealgone wrong in the attic? Pretty

much? And like who's coming backto this? However? Eighty bucks?
Seriously, and like I don't knowis there gonna be costent taped? Maybe
a chalk outline at some point.Well here's my first thought was a how
long have you lived in this house? Almost two years? Two years?
Is it old house? It's anold house, like nineteen twenty four,

Okay, it is old. What'sthe dollar on the on the bills of
the years? Like if it wasthe twenty twenty three? Oh my god,
they were in your house while youlive there, you know what I
mean? Oh God, that's evencreepier. Well, I'm like, I'm
wondering how much money like eighty toninety dollars in the nineteen twenties. Was

that's true? What's the value dollarof it? Now? You gotta find
out what the year was because shemoved to the house two years ago,
so it could have been someone fromfive years ago, three years ago.
Just like old bills, it doesn'thave to say they're old bills. Oh
yeah, they're old. Yeah,I mean they look old. Yeah,

nineteen twenty three, that was theirlife savings and they forgot about it exactly,
or like, because I'm assuming thatmuch amount of honey is a lot
more now than it was back then. I just looked it up. Okay,
they said ninety dollars today had theequivalent in spending power as fourteen hundred
dollars in nineteen twenty So that's fourteenhundred bucks back then. Yeah, I'm
gonna go if you just got fourteenhundred bucks, like that's pay day.

Yeah. And the pills, Imean if those are forty years old,
who knows what kind of effects thosecould have. Definitely not gonna we're gonna
get rid of the bill. Yeah, that's a good idea. I think
you should get five for like bonesor anything like. I don't know,
you should get fined for remodeling aclassic house. You have a classic house
from nineteen twenties and you're remodeled.How dare you? Okay, we got

permit, don't yell me. Ohmy god, that's so funny. Oh
my gosh. You have to callus back if you find anything else.
If you do find by will Iknow it's gonna get creepy. Right.
And that's also how every great cartoonstarted when we were kids. As a
mouse somebody's remodeling in the mouse hasto get rehome because they're remodeling, and
then you're never gonna be able tocatch the mouse. No, I'm gonna

live with the mouse, all right, GRACEI Well, thanks for sharing this
story with us. Have a greatday, Thanks for listening. Thank you.
Eight seven seven ninety three seven oneto four seven. You ever find
anything in your house? You knowwhat? My parents move into the house
that I grew up in. WhenI was a kid, there was an
old car, a jag Jaguar ishow you say Jaguar, and it was

buried in the dirt. The carwas in the buried in the dirt,
and my uncles wanted to take thecar and rebuild it and then my dad
had it pulled out of the backyardand sold the got rid of it or
something I know it was. Andthen when I was a kid, I
was like digging in the backyard andI found a bathtub part of crimes.

Yeah, I was just I don'tknow, is that weird? I know
what if your dad did it,like just to give you something to do.
I got that either. I remembermy mom doing that to me.
My mom told me one time,she was you want to catch a bird.
I'm like yeah, So she toldme she would get a shoe box
and a stick, and I hada string on the stick, and I'd
go hide in a bush and Iwould wait for hours for a bird to

come. And a bird never cameand never got never got But I think
that was one way. When Ilooked back, it was a way of
her, He's outside trying to getShe's like, She's like, he was
out there for hours yesterday. Inever caught a bird, never cut a
bird. I'm so glad you're here. As the person who currently occupies your
attention, I would like to thankyou for listening to John Jaye Rich.

Good morning, Sarah, Hi,good morning, How are you good what's
going on with your face? Well, I just wanted her laugh, because,
you know what, your mama wasa clever lady, just like mine
was. I grew up in Montana, and my mom used to try to
keep on three girls busy when theywere in her hair, and she planned
out to the yard with a faultshaker because she tells us that if a

bird got salt on their tail featherthat they couldn't fly. So we would
be out there for hours trying tosalt the bird. Oh stick, But
you know, I think I thinkfalt shakers forty years ago were pretty cheap,
so she's probably like, here,the three of them, take them,
go, get out of my hairs. That's so funny. Well,

thank you, Sarah, thanks forsharing that story with us. You too,
And I keep thinking about my momwhen I was younger. I think
I was literally a classic case ofadd and she would try to get me
to calm down all the time,and so I think that stuff like that,
Like that's so when I look backat me just waiting for a bird
to crawl in this box, Ifeel so stupid. All we were getting

into, Like what did you findin your house? Right? Because what
they find, They found some money, they found some pills, hills and
stuff, and I was telling youabout my dad. We had this car
in the backyard, h Porsche.Where'd you find So Hello again, guys.
No, it's okay, Hello again, guys. I've called in before
and spoken with you guys and gaveyou that story about when I had actually

gotten shot and drove myself to thehospital. We're going to be taking that
trip that I won with you guyspretty soon, so thanks again. But
just just to get into what wehad found in an apartment that I lived
in when I was really little.It was in a really really ghetto spot.
It was in a really bad partof town, and we were going
through the attic being noby little kids, and we actually found a bunch of

guns, like machine guns in theattic and my mom like freaked out and
had to get rid of them.And then come to find out, the
owner of that little apartment complex thatwe were living in, he actually ended
up being like a dread dealer,come to find out, and they did
like a drive by on foot onenight. He must have burned somebody,

and they did a drive by onfoot one night and they actually shot him.
It was. It was so crazy. That was the worst like apartment
complex we ever lived in. Wouldthat be a walk by? Wouldn't be
drive by? Relief here on footexactly that To this day we joke about
that too. They say it,Matt. Gas prices are high now,
but they must have been. Somethingmust have been going on when that happened,

because they didn't drive by. Itwas a bunch of deep running by
that. And I think we hadfound the guns like after that incident and
stuff. So it's just like alltitles that this guy was just like he
was running like an operation in theapartment complexes. And I don't know what
other tenants could have found, butthat's what we found. An argument,
So your name is Porsche. Howdo you spell it? P O r

T I A no it t no? I said, how do you spell
it? And I'm just kidding.No, okay, okay, So it's
p o r T I A.Okay, I get see. I would
have said Porsche, but Grant putthrough Porsche like you would spell a Porsche,
you know what I mean. Sothat's why I said, So I'm
sorry about that, but now you'rePorsche like portrait of ROSSI yeah, we
won't forget about you. That's yeah. Well, thank you Porsche, thanks

for listening. Thanks guys. Speakingof detectives and cops, I'm watching season
two, almost done with season twoof American American Rust, and it's I
think it's a great show. Butthere's a scene where they're detectives and they
walk in to go interview this professorat a school. They think she's a
cute part of this murder if yougot this party yet. She's in class.

She's in class and the detectives walkin and she's teaching a class and
the professor says, uh, detectives, he'll be with you in a minute,
and detective goes class dismissed and everybodyleaves. It's like, man,
you're powerful, you could do that, or you're a detective, you know
what I mean. And I thoughtI'd love to be detective, but I
don't want to do the stuff beforelike could you should be a detective?
Or you can think so like canyou go to police academy? You have

to be a you have to bea walking cop and then a drive cop
and then before you get to bea tie. Yeah, Like I wanted
to be a detective. That's whatI wanted to do with my life,
right and then I finally found outyou have to be like a police officer
for twenty years and then you haveto go through the whole thing. But
if you can become an FBI agentor a CIA agent right away, then
you're already into the detective stuff.You don't have to do all that extra.

And I can't be an FBI agent. Wore a cop probably when I
watched the show, and they're tryingto solve this murder a lot of time,
there's a lot of downtime, andI think I couldn't handle that,
Like I'd want to go and solveit right away. Yeah right, Yeah,
I know, you just got eightepisodes about a project right away.
CI, I don't know. Ithink that's like a whole other thing.
Well, John Jay is a privateinvest I was a private investigator. I
don't my license. I didn't renewit. Yeah, I was for real.

If you can't renew your license,how could somebody Why would somebody hire
you to follow up on something asa PI If you don't even get your
license, I don't even know howto renew it. You have an idea
for the show today. You usethe iHeartRadio app and talk back to us.
Right now, it's John Jay andRich, John Jay and Rich.
Hannah finished this sentence. I knewmy blind date was over before it started

when my date showed up wearing whatwhite tennis stew white tennis shoes, white
tennis shoes. Why is that bad? I'm wearing that right now? Well,
I date men who are men andgenerally wear cowboy boots and jeans.
Oh so when he showed up wearingwhite tennis shoes and jeans, there is
a reasonable chance he's a bigger girlthan me. All right, Well you

know what that? You like?What you like? Absolutely? Did you
finally find yourself a cowboy? Oh? Did I ever? Yes? I
did? Man, I feel likeso, I feel so less than a
man. I only wear white tennisshoes and jeans. Well, you can't
wear white tittis shoes and jeans,and you have to be more capable than
me. Oh well, I'm outanyway, he was neither, all right,

Hannah, Well, thank you forsharing that with us. Have a
great day, Thank you for listening. Thank you you guys too. Trisha,
I want you to finish this sentence. I knew my blind date was
over when he showed up wearing whathe had no teeth? Oh explain please.
Yeah, So I used to goon the dating side. This was

like fifteen years ago. I goon the dating sites and I came up
with this idea that I'd go tothe same restaurant and I knew the servers
and everything, and they knew tokeep an eye on me. And I
show up and he has like notop row of teeth. He told me
the story about why he didn't andit had something to do with him.
They fell out when he was growingup. It was very bizarre. So
I felt bad. I couldn't justleave, So I came up with this

plan to just go up to thebar and I started doing shots and they
were in on it, and thenthey helped me get out Kneuverer and I
just ghoasted him. You would thinkif you don't have if you're missing a
front row of teeth somehow, Ithink that would come up in conversation before
you're meeting somebody. Everything's got alittle warning, Yeah, hey before we

meet, just to did you havean actual conversation? Because I would almost
think that you would almost hear that. Oh yeah, good point. No,
we did talk, Yeah, wedid talk on the phone. It
never came up. He didn't soundI mean, I probably talked this again.
This was a long time ago.I talked to him for two or
three weeks before i'd actually meet himin person, and it never came up.
I was mortified, but I didn'tknow how to handle it. If

you don't have front teeth at all, wouldn't you be like like hop Row
bottom Row might have might have hadhim talking really good top Row, though
you'd be like whenever you say anythingwith the thh if no, I don't
think they'd be a whistle, andyou would have just that whole mouth would
go under like old people when thatreally really old people different teeth, Yeah,
like, which is a whole othersegment, Joe, when he was

there, I think, and youprobably weren't looking for it or listening for
that either, you know, Soeven if it did sound a little weird,
you probably don't think he doesn't haveteeth, right, And and it
was a it was at a periodwhere I was going on quite a few
dates all the time, you know, So it wasn't that wasn't something I'd
focus on. I wasn't just talkingto him, you know, I was
just meeting people, so it wasn'tit was nothing I even paid attention to.

And then when we got there,that's all I could pay attention to.
Of course, I felt that Icouldn't leave until I basically had to
leave. But he's a hell ofa lover. Though you missed out absolutely
not hard past hard putrition. Thanksfor listening. Have a great day.
Thank you too. Hi, Cindy, So you knew your first date or
blind date was over before it started? When what he showed up wearing black

dress stocks, the ones that kindof come to the middle of your cash,
and he was wearing Bert and Ernieslide that were blue, and I
had a picture of Bert on onefoot and a picture of Ernie on the
other foot. He walked and heshuffled his feet like he was trying to
keep his shoes on, and Iwas just like, what is this?

And then at first I thought,well, this isn't the person I'm meeting,
because like, why would you goout on a date with Burt and
Ernie slides on? But but hedid, and so basically it was just
like oh, hi, yeah,hello, and we met for iced tea,
so I said, yeah, no, this is great, and then
I just basically picked up my icedtea and told him, oh, I

have to go. I have toget back to work. Oh my god,
what is stupid? Fool's put hisbest slide forward. It was crazy,
it really was. I love youguys. I just want you guys
to know I've been listening to you. I moved to the valley in two
thousand and eight and started listening toyou guys on my drive to work way

back then. Thank you side,thank you so much for listening. Cindy,
have a great Thank you for callingin Arceenia. Yes, okay,
so you went on a blank dateand you knew it was terrible before it
started, Oh so not so muchthat I knew too, it was terrible
before it started. However. SoI was living in California in Anaheim.

This was twenty nineteen, and Iwent on a date with this guy and
he took me to this really nicerestaurant, bought me flower. We went
walking on the beach like super romantic. He said, do you want to
go back to my place and watcha movie? And I said sure,
why not? He took me backto his place. When I tell you,

I walked into this place and Iwas flabbergasted. I could not believe
what I saw. I literally saidno, thank you and walked away.
I stopped myself and I said,no one's going to believe this. So
I walked back and I snapped thepicture, and mes's the picture I sent
to tea in on Instagram. Isthat his living room? That is his?
So when you walk in, it'slike a hallway and it's like die

yet his living room. Yeah,it's like grossness, like just do he
used his living room as his garbagecan. Literally there's like an empty thing
of of eggnog awful, and helike has, like you know, a
nice car and it's like brand namedthis, brand name that. But in
this picture, so he actually walkedyou Oh my gosh, No, no,

no I did. I literally said, no one's gonna believe me,
and I said I need a pictureof this, and I stepped a picture
right there with him right next tome. But why wouldn't you like roll
around and just do it now infront of all that garbage? There's probably
roaches. That's what I would havedone. That's how horny I am maybe
even cleaned up before he brought youover. That's probably how it since that's
probably good looking for him. They'llmake it and they'll make it out.

Nothing nothing happened between you two.No, nothing happened, Thank goodness.
I went to Disneyland after that toget myself away from all that nastiness.
You're like, I need the happiestplace in the world right now. I
need it a cleansing big time.We just want to hear from you,
and I don't think that's too muchto ask. It's really stressing me out
that you're not calling eight seven sevennine three seven one oh four seven John

Jay and Rich Let's get into someKim Kardashian Kyle Okay, So she lost
about one hundred and twenty thousand followersafter Taylor Swift dropped her album You Can
Thank the song Thank You Amy forthat because everyone's like, wow, we
do still hate Kim Kardashian on thename of Taylor Swift. So now Kim
Kardashian has entered the I'm still likableto her. So she sat down with

Jimmy Kimmel and I like the waythat they pitched it because it really drew
you in to hear the rumors aboutKim Kardashian, She finally admits are true.
It's like, oh, is shegoing to get into the drama with
Taylor Shift? No, No,she isn't. Although supposedly she's told her
friends she's over it. That dramawas years ago, almost a decade ago.
She says she's over it and shewishes Taylor would get over it too.

Yeah, but like she divorced Kanye, like that's the whole thing.
I'm sure she just wants to getpast that part in her life. That's
what she says. So the rumorswere Kim Will brings up, is it
true, Kim Kardashian that you hatethe sound of cardboard so much that you
pay someone to take the cardboard offof your coffee cups? And I guess

that's true? And I hate thefeeling? Is that a like? Is
that somebody's only job? Is thatthat? Like whoever I'm with, I
just can't see it being done orI can't hear it, and I can't
feel it. It just irks her. He said, then says, is
it true, Kim Kardashian, We'veall seen the picture that you have six
toes. Is it true that youhave six toes? No, but that

was a thing like everyone thought Idid. She's a levable. I've seen
her feet, got great feet,she got great feet, like she's got
gorgeous feet. I think it wasjust what she should have said is Yeah,
that was a photoshop error. Everyoneknows it now, Like, Ah,
how about Kanye. Kanye has beendoing interviews and he's been talking trash
about Drake, and he's been doingall kinds of things, including standing his

ground in what he's actually been accusedof battery. So the story is he
was walking out with Bianca Sensory,his wife, and she was wearing a
short skirt and they ran into abunch of people and this guy reached up
under her skirt and basically it's sexuallyresulted her right touched where he should not
have touched, and then Kanye punchedhim. And Kanye isn't really denying it.
This guy just grabbed my wife.I didn't see it directly, and

she started just explaining to me whathappened. So then I walked over and
found him and I talked to theguy and say, you know, I
need you to just you just needto leave right now. He's like,
Oh, it's okay, it's okay, and it's like, no, it's
not okay. It wasn't okay,and so he said, you know,
and then I put him to bed. What about I read yesterday or today?

Well, first of all, youread yesterday about the threesome you wanted
to have with Michelle Obama, andthen I saw today it's about a porn
thing. Yeah, supposedly. Seewhat I'm wondering is like, supposedly Kanye
found God a couple of years ago, right, you put out that whole
gospel album, and now he wantsto start a Kanye West porn site.
Is that against Yeah? I meanI think there would be some moral issues

with that. I really think aboutit. If that just doesn't show us
how all over the place Kanye's brainis, I don't know what else does.
And that's a good point. He'sall over the place, literally,
and we've known this for years.Yeah, but he's also probably doing this.
Everyone talks about it to gain Kanye'sname is genius. Kanye's name has
been in the news since at leasttwo thousand, Yeah, for sure,
like every day. That's why ininterviews he says he's uncancellable, and the

fact that same interview that we justplayed a clip from, he was like,
even if I die, I don'tdie because my name and my likeness
will live on. True. Doyou know that he has a pair of
shoes because you know when he signedstarted doing shoes, the shoes he did
first were the Yeezies with Nike.Those shoes are the most expensive pair of
shoes in the world if you canfind them. Really. Yeah, well,

because Yeezy is Indeidas. So firstday we did with Nike and he
made a few pair r Wow,that's crazy.
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