All Episodes

April 23, 2024 29 mins
Kyle got something...unexpected...

+ Finish this sentence: MY BLIND DATE WAS OVER BECAUSE HE WORE _____
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Lots going on on the show.By the way, dog Mom's Day.
My wife's hosting this thing, thisdog Mom's Day, right, and one
of the things that it's a reallycool thing. Kyle's going, Payton's going,
Rich's Wife's gone, a handful bunchof people going, and you can
get tickets and the money goes tohelp rescue dogs. Right, So go
to Love Pup Foundation. But we'rethey're giving away a bike from Bicycle House,
a really cool women's bike. Andthen I just got a message from

Mirravall and Mirravall is going to giveaway like a two day stay. There's
magic, yeah, and there's alot. The goodie bag is tremendous.
There's stuff from skin Better in thegoodie bag there. It's a really cool
thing. So go to Love puffFoundation dot org from more info, or
go to the Love Pup Foundation Instagramaccount. Okay, caw, would you
get the mail? Isn't that crazy? The mail? Don't get much mail

ever, really often at all.Every once in a while, I think
maybe once or twice over the lastten years, I've gotten a letter from
someone in prison, which is coolthat people are listening there too, right,
So when I got this on mydesk. This envelope on my desk.
I was like prison letter, serialkiller. I watched two many Netflix

shows. So I'm like, okay, what I gotta open this up.
What this is gonna be good?Right, preparing myself to be a little
uncomfortable but grateful, I guess atthe same time. And I open it
up and I'm like, what isthis And there's pictures inside and it's literally
a handwritten letter from my second gradeteacher. Oh I know I was not

a prison letter, not anything disturbing, actually something quite incredibly thoughtful and totally
moving at the same time. Andshe sent my second grade picture, so
you can buy me. That isso cool because when you started to pull
this out, Kyle and take outthe pictures, I was like, definitely
prison and maybe someone's like taking picturesof me walking like side of the road

or something very weird. That isso but I was. And then she
has like pictures of me in theclassroom back in the day. And so
she actually saw me do a segmenton Your Life Arizona on Channel three and
she recognized my name. Here's mea Halloween is with you back here Kyle

with the bangs. Yeah, Ihad. That's Addie Adamson right here.
So she's she had seen me ona segment on Your Life Arizona. She's
like, I had a student namedKyle and FuG and so she went back
through and she I apparently took allthese pictures back in the day and has
so many of them and has madea hobby of tracking down her old students.

And in the letter she describes thatone of her old students is living
in Portugal and one of her oldstudents is now in Wisconsin or something like
that. What an awesome human beingshe is to keep all is this she
in the guest shirt? Yeah,wasn't I know? It totally looks like
okay, wait Kyle. So inher letter when she saw you on TV,

was she like, oh my gosh, when you were a kid,
I could totally see you, youknow, becoming a star in the way
that you are. Did she everdid she say anything like that? I
know, she was like, Ijust remember it's like a really fun,
smart and spunky kid following my exstudents once in Portugal, once here,
one's there and apparently you never left. But I was like, oh my

gosh, that was just like themost beautiful surprise. So that's she left
her email. She was like,please let me know if this is the
right Kyle. Did I get theright person? I was like, her
name was missus Shooter and John Jay, you would appreciate it. She always
had she was she was Dutch,so she had like the little wooden shoes
everywhere in the room and always taughtus like about like the Dutch tulips and
stuff. She was such a greatteacher. So I wrote her an email

and I was like, thank youso much. Tried to get her on
the air, but she says she'sa night out and she's leaving town for
three weeks. Don't contact me,beautiful moment, don't contact contacted. Speaking
of Dutch, Speaking of Dutch,this is what I wanted you to think
about when you're a teenager. Letme tell you the latest with this kid.
The latest Saturday night Saturday morning,so like Friday, you know,

Friday night, early morning and Saturdaymorning four am. Dog stars parkship.
Ah, my wife. She wakesme up and all the dogs jump on
our bed and she's like Dutchess inhome, Dutches at home, but his
phone is home, right, andso I'm like, She's like, what
do you do? He's not here? What if he's dead in the pool?

What if he's dead in the pool. And I'm like, hold on,
He's not dead in the pool.He's seventeen. He's somewhere at a
girl's house or something. Left hisphone so that whatever. So I know,
I look and I see that hishis car is not in the driveway.
I know, I know, andyou can't call him. We wait

in the living room because we don'tknow where it is. It's four o'clock
when this happens. And at fourten he pulls in the driveway. Right,
So he pulls in the driveway.I'm watching him. I'm in the
living room now right. The lightsare kind of on, but he pulls
the driveway. My wife and aresitting in the living room. He comes
in from the hallway, I mean, not from a door. He comes
in from a hallway and a Tshirt and pajamazon. He goes, what's

up, guys, like, likehe just woke up? So how did
he How did he sneak his wayback through the Like did he go through
the doggy door or something? Heleft the back door open, right,
so that he's like, so he, so I gotta go through all the
security cameras. My wife's having tomelt, she's crying. I'm thinking,
I'm just thinking this is hysterical,right, So she's like, what if

you were ten in the pool?Just keep putting that up right. So
it turns out he he snuck agirl in at ten thirty at our house
and I don't know what happened,but she eventually fell asleep, and then
he plays video games as his friends, and then he took her home at
four and came back at four ten. So when he took her home,

that's when the dogs went nuts.Got you. He went to go pick
her up at ten thirty. Theguts though, to sneak someone in,
though, is like another level,especially when you know you have a million
dogs that are gonna make noise.Did he get in trouble? Is he
in trouble? No? What?No? My wife's like, you need
to give him safe sex speech aboutcondoms. You were a condomy, and

I'm like, I've done that before. So then I'm like, all right,
So were at breakfast and I waslike, hey, so listen,
do you need to borrow some ofyour dad's magndum condoms is wrong and he
goes He's like, no, Ihave my own Magnum condoms. And then
I'm like, I look at yeah, I don't have MAGDM condoms. That's
a joke. There was a way, Joe, there wasn't anything in there,

like maybe we shouldn't be sneaking thegirls in the house at three am.
Oh, I'm glad he did thatinstead of sneak out and go to
a party or something. What father, Father lets the girl go and spend
that It is gone till four familyboy, oh, I said. I

was like, hey, man,I've been through this before. You can't
you can't preach. I was like, I've done that. I used to
see in my room all the time. And I was like, but you
know, come on, my girlswere a lot more attractive and there was
more of them. I got waymore game than you. She's like,
am I the only parent here?Of course you turned out in competition.
Of course for me, I hadmy room is a garage, so I

had a I had a side doorto the garage, so I just come
into the side door. Do youwant to move into the garage. Then
there was waking up the dogs andthere was no those doors don't go Yeah,
no dogs, no alarms. Wehad it easy. It was supposed
to be the start of a beautifulrelationship, but somebody screwed it all up.
Second date up day Right now withJohn Jay and Rich one of four

seven Kiss f M John J.Rich. Time for second and update.
Good morning, diego, Hey,good morning? What's your story on meta
cirl? We had a connection.I got her number. We're texting the
The face time was really fun andfinally we went out. We had like
dinner and drinks. You know,it went really good. But then she

goes to me, Okay, maybebecause you've talked too much. I mean,
he gave us a broad view.Where did you take her for dinner
and drinks? We went to thebrewery near where I live, and we
were laughing and I had a goodtime. And I don't know why I

hadn't heard from her because we weretexting and she said she would text me
later and that she never did.All right, well, let's call her.
What's her name, diego Ariana?Okay, let's get Ariana on the
line. Hello, Hey, isArianna available? Uh? Yeah, this

is she. Hey, my name'sPeyton. I'm with John Jay and rich
and when you just wanted to talkto you on the radio really quickly this
morning. Okay, I'm on theradio. Yes, So a couple questions.
Want to ask you about your datinglife if you don't mind, Okay,
I guess we were talking to aguy named Diego. He says that
you guys went out and now you'reghosting him, and he was given us

details of the date and stuff.Maybe you could tell us what your vibe
was of the date because he likesyou. Yeah, I remember my date
with Diego. Okay, your thoughts, Yeah, I mean, well,
dinner and drinks were like really greatbefore. But honestly, I was caught

off guard, and it's actually reallyfunny now that it's been a few days,
but I was kind of really annoyedwhen it happened. And so he
told me he was going to takeme to a Bulls game, and so
I was like, I was soexcited because I've never been to an NBA
game and we live about two hoursfrom the arena, so it was like

a bit of a drive. Sowhen we got there, it was like
a little weird because I noticed therethere like wasn't a lot of people around,
but I thought maybe everyone was insidealready. I don't know. But
you guys, when we got there, the game was just starting. But
the Bulls weren't even playing at home. They were at an away game.

And this man brought me two hoursaway to the arena to watch it on
the big screen. Like, whatthe f? You know what I mean?
I get that if it's the NBAFinals, I mean, was it
the NBA Finals? Was it alike it wasn't even like packed or anything

like. It was just like bizarre, And I just like, I feel
like you got me am, Like, I don't know, I felt like,
oh, he's out, he's actuallyon the phone. He was,
He's Diego's on the line. Boy. First of all, you were laughing
when we started this conversation. Yousay it was kind of cute. Now
you're loosening up, but at thetime of you're pissed, right, oh,
one hundred piss because like it wasa two hour drive. It's a

first date. You tell me,I'm going to an NBA game and I'm
watching it on a big screen,you know what I mean? Like,
what was the point of that?Like imagine, if like you were some
big, huge Bulls fan, youcome all dressed up with the nine yards
Bulls everything, first game and there'slike two hundred people there. I would
be I have like secondhand embarrassment foryou right now. I'm sorry, But

if you were a huge Bulls fan, you'd be like, what do you
in this? An away game today? Yeah? Sure, so you go.
But if you were a huge fan, maybe you'd rather watch it there
than like at home or a sportsbar. I don't know, so Diego
arian I was saying, Diego's onthe line, So what's your take,
Diego? Oh, I don't know. I thought she knew just a very

like common way to enjoy basketball.I'm sorry, a lot of places right
with this two hours you knew thatI really don't watch sports like I just
thought like that would be a reallycool experience to have. And I just

have a feeling that you tried tomake me think you would do something like
that for me, but deep downyou knew what you were doing. Like,
I don't know, I just it'sa little weird. Yeah. Well,
I mean we're driving two hours andwe were talking the whole way,
and I cleaned my car, andyou know, I asked what kind of

songs you like? Try to putthem on the you know, on the
radio. So take us a sweetguy. He's a sweet guy. He's
just not on the same level asArianna. Yeah, they're just not on
the same page all of this,awkwards. Okay, So what happened in
the two hour drive back? Youknow, now it makes sense because she
was real quiet. Now he's readingthe room, I think, diego.

She kind of felt misled by you, and then it felt like a little
waste of time, like you weretrying to trick her or something. Oh
I didn't try to trick her.Okay, do you want to see him
again, Ariana, because we couldsend you to a real game where watching
the rich House. No, I'mgood. Zero. All right, you

guys, thanks for jumping on therewith us, both of you. Thank
you. That's a second D update, John Jay and rich In just a
little bit we want to get into. In fact, I'll give it to
you right now. Get rid ofthis, finish this sentence. I knew
my blind date was over before itstarted, when my date showed up wearing

blank So call eight seven seven ninethree seven one four seven Okay, we'll
do that right now. Eight sevenseven nine seven I knew my blind date
was over before it started when mydate showed up wearing blank. In the
meantime, it's Tuesday today, It'sTuesday, and John a game for you.
Okay. This game is called TheMakings of Kyle Okay, because it

all started about this town in Texascalled Kyle, Texas, trying to have
the gathering of all the Kyle's,and I started to come out games I
have to do with Kyle's. This. We have someone on the show named
Kyle. This is a hard game, Kyle. All these answers have the
letters k y L E and them. Okay, you better get this rich.

When you come home, you putthe device that unlocks a door into
this. When you come home,you put the device that locks the door
into this a pile looking for keyhole. Oh my god, hard k E
Y H O L E N Yellat the contestants, Peyton, if something

is certain to happen, it is, oh for sure, Kyle likely likely
what the level extreme this? OkayKyle and older spelling of the word used

to describe a witches laugh. Yes, but it is spelled back in the
day see a k Y L Ek Kyle Kyle Okay, Payne. Here's
anum for you. The view ofa row of buildings in a city in
the distance, a nile skyline skylines k y l I m E Kyle,

I get it. So we're almostwas doing like Taylor Swift. Thank
you, Amy, Yes, we'repicking out the ky Okay, thank you?
Okay, you ready? You ready? Okay, that was it.
That's all I had. I'll justgo a game, okay eight seven seven
nine three seven one four seven.That's about a date you're on. You

knew it was over before it started. Okay, the exact phrase. I
want you to finish the sentence.I knew my blind date was over before
it started when my date showed upwearing blank. Oh we got Michelle Firt's
okay, Michelle, go ahead,Michelle, No, go ahead, explain,
Okay, finish the sentence. Iknew my blind date Hello, yes,

Michelle, Hello, I'm here.Finish the sentence. I knew my
blind date was over before it startedwhen I my date showed up wearing what
that's all? Thank you? Sweatpants, a Holy T shirt and flip flops.
I mean yeah, flip flops forsock. Yeah. He like like
cleaning out the garage or something.That's what it seemed like, because I

walked up to the Starbucks and Iwas like, what's okay, I'm looking
for him and everything, and I'mdressed going nicely and like a nice blouse
and everything, and he he toldme in I told him I was there,
and he told me to text message. He goes, I'm here,
I'm dressed sexy, I look reallygood. And I was like, who
are you lying to? All right? That's perfect? Okay? What what

are you doing right now? Areyou at Starbucks? Right now? I
wrapped? What does your order?What's the Michelle drink? It's a Vente
whitemocher freppuccino with two pumps of vanilla. Let's go, no whip cream.
Good? All right, Michelle,have a great day. Thank you for
listening, Thanks for calling it.Bye, Thank you bye. Eight seven
seven nine three seven one o fourseven. Tell us about the blind date.

You knew it was over before itstarted because of what the person was
wearing. Hi, carry, hey, Well, he used to have really
long, nice hair, and heshowed up with the dumb and dummer haircut,
the tie haircut. Oh no,I couldn't even sit with him.

I didn't even want to take pictures. I was dying. I dismissed.
Did you tell him you were like, I'm not really into this haircut?
No, absolutely not. I wasjust weird the whole night. I was
just weird. Th thank you,Claudia. All right, so finish this
sentence. I knew my blind datewas over before it started when my date

showed up wearing what dress socks andsandals? Ooh, dress socks and sandals,
dress socks. Clearly listen, I'msporty. I've been around the block
a few times. You know,a nice perst sports socks with a pair
of slides. That's fine whatever,if you're kind of in that era,
I guess. But with that beingsaid, they were clearly dressed socks,

like the thin black dress socks,shorts were a little too short Star Wars
T shirt and yeah, pull onthis this is He tried to dress it
up. But my thing was like, it's Arizona. It's eighty seven degrees
outside, you know, like,what's wrong with your feet that you had
to cover those things up? Gosh, I feel like you went on a

date with Nick. Like I feellike that's an as ye, Like I
could get past the Star Wars aspectof it all. But man, those
socks. I was just like Icouldn't all night long and black like you
just yeah, he was all inthough, I mean no, no shame
in his game. That was fordamn sure. Do you talk about it?

Do you say what's with this?Or do you just go with it?
Thank you? Just kind of gowith it. And after that we
clearly weren't a match. I meanhe's like, hey, you know,
after dinner, let's go to amovie. You know, first date for
a movie. That's also wrong.I'm like, I don't want to go
and sit in a movie and nottalk. But at that point I was
absolutely let's go. You can payfor my movie movies or come too.

So thank you, I'm dealing withyour socks. You pray for my movie.
Thanks for listening to claud Have agreat day. Have a good day,
guys. Crazy By the way,I posted on Facebook, I should
just have him call in. Butlike Lindsay, it was like I knew
my blank date was over before itstarted. With my date showed up wearing
Lindsay says, roller blades. Ididn't have a pair and had a walk

next to him to the restaurant.He didn't take them off. I wonder
if he was walking in the rollerblades, like you know, that awkward
walk where you kind of have topick your knees up. Lala says he
showed up wearing a wife beater.Amanda said he showed up wearing an iguana
on his shoulder. I'm not kiddingyou. And Alisa says, a ruffled

white, shining tuxedo. And hewas shorter than me. I'm five to
four. A ruffled black taxedo.That's an interesting choice. Kim says,
a giant belt buckle I could seeacross the entire parking lot. Extremely dirty
fingernails. And he showed up lateto the coffee shop because he had a
terrible he had terrible listening skills,and he didn't have cash for the coffee.
Britney says, she's twenty two.She goes to issue, she goes

with my date shows up wearing anold T shirt that says rice is Life,
with a bowl of rice on thefront. Lisa Kelly says, a
pleath sports coat. He was thespitting image of my dad. She goes,
I'm not kidding you. All hismannerisms to everything even down for what

he ordered. I was freaking out. My cousin is my cousin said any
Mexican soccer team item? What aDallas Cowboy shirt? Clive says her ex
boyfriend's T shirt. Through brief conversationsand discovery questions, I learned she knew
nothing about football first dates or nothing. She shows up wearing her ex cowboy

shirt. It was the only day. So there you go. All right,
we want you to be part ofthe show. Call us eighty seven
seven nine three seven, one ohfour seven. Get on the air with
John Jay and Rich. If youlisten to our show, you know we
do this thing called Stacks and Hackswhere I go over stacks and information to
Rich has life hacks. We didit about an hour ago and I had

so much information I didn't get toit all. It's very important. So
if you dies, if you guyswill indulge me, sure this is information.
It's very important. There are thingsaround your house you can sell for
parts. Did you guys know thatcomputers, board games, electric guitars,
and pieces of old Lego sets Andif you go to eBay, people are
buying those things up like crazy.I guess which having three kids. I

have all those. I just havemissing pieces of everything. We got electric
guitars and legos in our house byby a lot. You guys both have
treasure tis. Let's go. Sothere's this. I only have the headline
of this story. It says Testlascyber trucks are breaking down. Do you
to car washes? I don't knowwhat that means. I don't know if
the water is getting in there andthey're breaking down. Also, health officials

in Australia are telling people, ifyou are bitten by a venomous snake,
don't bring it with you to theer. Right, good advice. I
mean I would think maybe that wouldbe a smart move because I can't think
of the anti venom with the veniceif they don't want that, because then
the snake bites everybody in the er. Also, Jerry Seinfeld, apparently I
don't know the story. The partabout click on the link. I didn't

want to click on it. JerrySeinfeld says the movie business is over.
That's what he says. I didn'tclick on the story. It doesn't seem
like it. I mean, thatWolverine trailer got like three hundred and fifty
million views. Or something like thatthis first day. So they're in my
last piece of entertainment information. Kyland Payton have more Taytor Swift, Kyldish
Gambino dis tracks. By the way, I got so many messages about the

break we did on distracks for Drakethat the push Up song's real. I
got that back too. Everything thoughtit was real. I totally thought it
was Ai. That's all I said. I thought it was right, all
right, I stand corrected, allright. So we'll get more Tea next.
John jayd Rich KISSFM. Stop justyelling at the radio. Call us
eight seven seven nine three seven oneo four seven. It's John Jay and

Rich just a been a taman news. And I'd like to start by asking
you guys about because Kyle, Isaw you sent this last night about Titter
Swift's purse in the Easter Egg andI will so badly wanted to research it,
but I just want to hear itfrom you. How genius is Taylor
Swift that in October of last yearshe was seen out wearing a purse.

It was a I Lose a ycel bag and the name of the purse
was Cassandra, which is one ofthe names of one of the songs on
her album. So she was wearingan Easter egg letting us know that one
of the songs on her album isnamed Cassandra. I love the genius and
always that kid, always looking forward, what are the time swift? Stuff's

going on? Well, she didlike a track by track for Amazon.
She broke down kind of like themeaning of some of the songs. And
since we've been playing Fortnite a lot, that's her song with post Malone,
So the first single from her album, we kind of know now that it's
about her relationship with Matt Heally,and knowing that, listening to her describe
where like what perspective she was writingthe song from, I'm like, just

just talk about him. But here'swhat she had to say about Fortnite Fortnite.
I've always imagined that it took placein this like American town where the
American dream you thought would happen toyou didn't write, You ended up not
with the person that you loved,and now you have to just live with
that every day, wondering what wouldhave been maybe seeing them out, and

that's a that's a pretty tragic conceptreally. So I was just writing from
that perspective, but think about it, it's like mag Heally was someone she
thought she loved wanted to be with, and she does kind of run into
it because they're both in the musicindustry, so they have to be at
some of the same events and someof the same concert stuff. And so
I just thought, I'm like,oh, okay, I get it.
I get it you're writing from aperspective, but almost also just be like,

it's just about someone I loved,you know what, it was just
for a little bit of time.Yes, Nick, Hey, guys,
I try to use Fortnite as aas like a password for my email,
but the website said it was tooweak. Good fun, right, Fortnite?

Got it? A second, whatis the issue you have with Taylor
Swift say we could be in eighteenthirty? Yeah, what the heck is
that about? So I guess inone of Taylor Swift's songs, she says
like we could be where like wecould be in the eighteen thirties, except
for with all the racism. Andit was like a like a lyric that

was just thrown in the middle ofone of her songs, and I was
like, now, why would shedo that? She said, without the
racism. Yeah, like why shewas saying it was like an era.
I think the song is I can'tremember which song it is, but I
think in it she's talking about howshe doesn't want to live in this era.
She'd rather live like back in theday. She'd right back in the
day, but without that part ofit, right, But like, why
even put that line in there,like because you know something to be like,

oh, you want to live backwhen there was like slavery and that
exactly almost had you. I meanI get the reason why. I get
I get the reason why saying notthe racism, but I'm like, why
even put eighteen thirty without the race? Like did it rhyme with something?
I mean no, not really,Like there was no point for that lyric
to be in there. So Idon't know. She's like, I just
think that's a really weird thing toput in a song. And it just

was like glazed over. It wasodd to me. I mean I could
see that perspective for sure, butI think she had to put it in
there otherwise people would be like,really you want to live back then?
Totally? Noah, go ahead,what do you have? Swifty? So
the lyric goes. My friends usedto play a game where we would pick
a decade we wish we could livein instead of this, I'd say the
eighteen thirties, but without all theracist and getting married off for the highest

bid. Nostalgia's a mind trick.If I'd been there, I'd hate it.
And I'm going through a thing withnostalgia right now. Whereas the times
if you good, not the hurts. So I actually relate to this song,
Oh, I think, I think, I think I understand where the
lyric's coming from, even though itis definitely very well. First of all,
it does a rhyme, so ifI was if I was her poetry
teacher, I would write Mark thatMy point is just like it was you

like you don't need like find likeyou. I don't know. I just
thought it was like a weird thing. Why don't you weird? Okay,
okay, what about a DRI's Albutit's all Tayor Swift. I love so
Adris. Actually it's kind of likein a bragging moment because he's featured on
Taylor Swift's London Boys song, andit was like, well, how did

that even happen? So Taylor andI were cool, and she's like,
you know, I'm doing this recordand I love this sample of your voice.
Can I use it? Yeah,so I can say I was.
I've been on the Taylors Swift album, a really good album as well.
So in London, boy, it'slike a very beginning. He's like,
well, rob My Scooter, that'sdanger Zella. I guys remember when we

had him on our show. Hey, this is Albert and you're listening to
John Jay and Rich. Uh,that's really good.
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