All Episodes

April 18, 2024 34 mins
+ WAR of the ROSES!
+ We've got TAYLOR trivia for Baby Noah!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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John Jay and Rich. Do youguys see that email for management about mental
health awareness and all that stuff?I did not. I didn't know.
So apparently mental health awareness is extremelyimportant in the building and they want all
of us to go do the mentalhealth thing. But apparently the budget they
spent all their money building a garageand that private interest for Rich so he
doesn't have to talk to people jokes, funnies, but mental health is important.

I was watching the stand up comediantalking about mental health and I was
like, hey, you know,and then we talked about that Elmo twitter
als said how are you? Andthen I was thinking about I posted something
down on Facebook too, and hekind of blew up, and I just
thought, I wonder, like sometimeswe get it, we go on the
show, we talk about the stuff, and I just thought, what's on
your mind? What's on your mind? Like sometimes that it was on Rich's
mind sometimes usually Peyton's what's on yourmind, Kyle? So I thought,

maybe Peyton, what's on your mindright now? Old people are on my
mind? Right now? Yeah,old people? Because you know, I'm
in the middle of watching this OJSimpson thirty for thirty on Netflix, and
I noticed that, like oj Simpsonat twenty three years old looks like a
fifty year old man. And Ijust want to know why. Back in
the day, it seems like theyounger people look like old people. Now,
you know what I mean, botox? I'm like, why why do

we why's old now? I thinkit's botox. I think it's people trying
to eat healthy, doing all thestuff that you can do nowadays. You
think, I'm so like, fashionwas so different too, and I think
that played a role in it.Yeah, so teeth whitening. If you
watch a movie from back in theday, all the actors teeth are like
discolored and yellow, and now noweveryone's got like if you look at a
movie and they're trying to do it'sa movie from the eighteen hundreds, but

they made it. Now everyone's gotbeautiful white teeth. Oh yeah, If
you watch a TV show, peoplelook normal. But if you know,
you watch Outer Banks, everybody's Gordgeops. That's what I'm saying. But I
don't know, Ritchie know it's promptseason. I saw a picture of you
and your prom date yesterday. Iwas like, why does she look like
she's fifty? Literally, she lookedlike she could be your mom. I
mean like, I was just like, why is this the thing so younger
than me today? Okay, sothat's on your mind? What about Kyle,

what's on your mind? Hearing aidsspeaking of old people. So I
feel like we've been really open onthe show about like how I feel like
I'm losing my hearing, John Jay, you do too, because I mishear
things all the time. But it'sbecause of age. It's because it's because
I like my whole life, I'velistened to really loud music and headphones over
and over again, and I'm surealong the way there's been a lot of

damage from that. So the otherday, I was on the phone with
my mom and my niece got engaged. She's eighteen, and we love her
so much and we're gonna support whatevershe decides to do, but we were
kind of hoping it was going tobe a long engagement. It's not.
She basically let my sister know she'sgonna get married in November, like a
couple months from now, and we'relike having different conversations, and I'm on

the phone with my mom and I'mlike, oh, I just wish they
would just wait a little bit longer, like, what's the rush? You
know, you don't have to rushinto things. And I hear my mom
and she goes, yeah, Ijust think it's because they want a bone,
and that's probably it. And I'mlike a little jarred because my mom
doesn't talk like that. My momdoesn't swear like. She has a very
clean vocal fabulary, if you will. And I was like, Mom,

I mean to be honest, Ithink they're probably already boning. And she
goes, I didn't say bone.She goes, I said, I think
they want to own each other,like it's an ownership thing. And I
go, you know, kind ofthink of it. I do think that
was weird that you say that youwant to get a hearing ache. No,

because now I'm like, I can'tget it hearing it. I'd rather
hear my mom say that because theywant to bum what's on your mind?
Rich? So I told you guysout of time, all right. The
other day is at the gym andthe guy who is the trainer said,
hey, you want to get tear. Your ears waxed and your nose waxed.

So I'm telling my wife Stacy aboutit, and she happens to have
uh in her in her ownership amedi spa, and so she said,
why don't you come by today whichwas yesterday after the show, and we'll
take care of you. And soI did it. I actually kind of
enjoy it. I've done it before, but now I feel like I'm the
best smeller in the room. Ican smell everything right now. It's like
super it's clean as a whistle,clean as a whistle. Any sense sticking

out to you? Well, actually, you know, our bathroom smelled really
good in here. They put likethat cherry stuff in the toilets. Our
bathroom smelled tremendous. Can you smellthe bathrooms? No, I can't smell
anything. They're amazing. It's likeI smell when Kyle eats something, you
know, or Nick was eating somethe other day. It's very weird.
Will be your smeller today. Ican smell through time. Sometimes when we're

doing a photo shoot, because youguys are so much shorter to me and
I'm standing behind Colum Pain, Ican smell them. Oh yeah, they
sometimes, you know, Kyle usesweird a good lotion. It's a really
what's on your mind, John Jake? I don't really have much on my
mind. Except I mean, butsome of my mind is stupid. Like
there was a you know, I'lltake it something my mind. I'll tell

you what something something happened with mymy Instagram was like red flagged or whatever,
because what didn't call that shadow badghat. For a long time,
I had no growth. Then allof a sudden, something happened six months
ago and my growth was on fire. Man. My videos were taken off.
I was, I mean, thereweren't my videos. I was like
reposting other people's videos. So Ithought, that's the key. That's the
key. So I've been reposting afunny video once a night, and now

about a week ago, everything juststopped again, just stopped. It's like,
I feel like I got shadow bandagain. Did you piss off a
country the first time? That wasthe first time, So I don't I
don't understand, you know, Idon't. Do you guys have that problem?
Do you know what I'm talking about. I don't really pay attention to
my growth. I ever on theshow got a little a little when you

pissed off a foreign country. Yeah, I think I'm probably still shadow band
from when you But there was amoment where it was like rocking, and
I was like so excited, andnow it's just stopped and I don't understand
what happened. And I look backat my posts. I mean I had
I've had a couple of There wasone guy management over here made a comment
about one of my posts that itwasn't very I forget how he said it

was said it was cringe or somethinglike that, but it's the post has
one hundred and twenty million views andI said, I can't people are watching
it, and he was like,do you think that our audience would?
Yeah? I know. On Instagramthe other day and one of your videos
came up and it had this issensitive morning. Are you sure you want
to watch this? And I've heardif those come up that that's like a
flag, so maybe that's a reason. Why damn it? Did you watch

it? Oh? I did?Which it was yes, Yeah, that's
the guy getting hit by the personcoming down the water slide. Unbelievable.
I'm terry you post that O way. My Instagram is Johnjyvanas you can see
that that's been the video of thiscausing problem. So I'm a follow so
he can get out of the banning. Not only do you need to know
if they're cheating, you deserve toknow the truth. War of the Roses

right now with John Jay and richOne O four seven Kiss FM, John
Jay rich teph for War of theRoses. Let's have had a Brandy.
She thinks so much cheating on it. We're gonna help you find out,
Brandy. Good morning, Good morning. That's what happened over the past weekend.
My best friend and I went forthis little weekend trip. We went
to San Francisco. Anyway, itwas really fun and we did wine,
pieting and stuff, and I wasreally excited because it's just my boyfriend and

I are just in this really weirdplace right now. So it's just I
don't know, the honeymoon's phase iskind of like over, and we're living
together and things are just not easy. So anyway, keep that in mind
when I tell you that we sortof drunkenly went to one of those palm

reader people, and so when Iwent to the palm reader, she basically
told me that he was cheating onme in that exact moment that she was
reading my palm. So I'm justtrying to do this and see if I
can call her bluff and yeah,so he's not with you, you're with
a friend getting your palm read Theperson says, that's so like rude of

the palm reader. But I alsothink palm readers. I don't necessarily believe
in them, but I also thinkthey've got like statistics on their side,
so maybe it's a good chance.And every time we like, did you
say, is my boyfriend cheating onme? Did you lead her down that
path? I mean, I don'tthink I did, but like I'm replaying
it in my head and I'm notseeing something that I let hurt. I
just I don't know. Yeah,it's not something I would be able to

shake off obviously either. I'd belike, how do you know if I
don't tell you that, how doyou even know I have a boyfriend?
How do you like? What?How do you know we're in a weird
space? What if the palm readerwas the one hooking up with it in
the back When you say how dothey know that? Because I feel like
a lot of these people there's theselarger situations, it's easier to guess that,

just like when they say somebody withan m is trying to come through.
Is there anyone in your life withan M and you're like Marjorie,
Martha mom is with my mom.That's how because that's how I feel they
do it. Now, maybe I'mwrong and they're all real, But either
way, I don't want to goin and check because I'm afraid that they
are real. I don't want tohear it. Right. Okay, So
what's your boyfriend's name, Brandy?His name is Jacob. Okay, so
you're okay with us calling Jacob andon this whim from the palm reader seeing

who he sends the flowers to.Yes, all right, let's call Jacob.
Are you ready? I is Jacobavailable? Yeah? M perfect,
Jacob. It's kind of your luckyday. My name is Nadine. I
work with the company called JNR Flowers, and you've been chosen to be part
of our social media campaigns. Whatthis means for you, Jacob is you

get to send our most romantic bouquetof flowers anywhere you want and it's totally
free for you. We just kindof ask that you tell your friends on
social media about us, post onwhichever platform you use the most. Oh,
so, do I have to payanything like I said, it's totally
free. I really don't need anypersonal information from you, like credit card
or anything like that. You canget as personal as you want on the

little card that we're going to sendout with the flowers. This is where
some people get, you know,fun, a little flirty, little dirty.
They are really romantic flowers on theirown. So it just depends on
you know, your personality, andI can actually get that started. I've
got the card here, so justlet me know the message that you want
and then we can do like nameand address and get them sent out.
Oh yeah, sure, that soundsgreat. Okay. For the message,

can say hopefully these flowers make youfeel as good as you make me feel
that's sweet, make you feel asgood as you make me feel? Perfect?
And then would you like to loveJacob? Yeah? Sure okay?
And who do you want to addressthis to? Can you send it to
Sydney? Sydney? Okay? Yes, I can't wait. Who the hell

is Sydney? Who? What?Who the hell is Sydney? No?
Like, I really suggest you startexplaining yourself if you're going to send flowers
to someone other than your girlfriend,Who the hell is Sydney? Surprise Brandy,
Great, yeah, okay, yeah, Well, I mean you told
me you needed space, and Igave you the weekend to spend whoever the

hell you were with when you werein San Francisco. Yeah, and of
course you're trying and you did thisto me. Hey hold, let me
jell it for one second, realquick. Jacob, you're on the radio.
You're on the John Jay and Richardradio program. And Brandy thought you
were cheating on her, because well, should can explain why, But it
looks like she was right dang tothe reason she knows. Go ahead,
Brandy explain. Uh. Yeah,So when I went San Francisco, I

went to a palm reader and theyliterally told me you were cheating on me
at the exact time that they werereading my palm. Dang, we gotta
get hurt numbers. Okay, weokay, Well, let let's let's clarify
that when you went to Simpcisco,who did you go there with? You
said you went there with your bestie. Because I didn't see you posting the
pictures. I didn't see you postanything like that, and you were really
secretive about the entire Yeah, reverse, who excuse me, Like I haven't

posted yet. No, I haven'tposted yet. I don't post at the
exact same time I do things.Plus, I was a little bit worried
about what I heard about my boyfriendcheating on me, so I was a
little bit more focused on that reversereverse who knows. Yeah, but you've
been secretive. You've been secretive thiswhole time. Plus you've been pulling your
phone away from me and stuff likethat. I'm trying to like move the
view, Like when you look atyour phone, it's totally angled towards you

and everything. I know something isgoing on, So I'm just stepping ahead
of it. And you know,I know you were doing that you look
at your phone. I don't likelet me see you don't let me see
your phone either. Damn my gush. Why don't you guys just talk?
Like Jacob, you think she's cheatingon you, so you just go cheat
on her? Like why not talk? Hey, I know you're going to
space, but to ease my word, like, who are you going to

San Francisco with? So I don'tgo bang this girl, you know,
a day with soupy on the side. Yeah, but I asked her and
she was like really pulling aside andshe was like, don'torry about it,
don'try about I'm going to my besties. Don't worry about it. And I
was just like, come on,man, that's that's not that's not how
with my bestie if you don't knowthat, if you know their name,
if you're all friends, you allknow each other. She he knows you're
bestie, So why would you sayI'm going with Missy? I think the

whole thing is messy, and Ithink Missy, I feel like this whole
thing is messy, and I feellike there's probably some other things that we
haven't heard that is going on behindthe scenes from both sides. And you
weren't there with the guy, wereyou, Brandy? No, Holly?
And don't you think that if Ihad said like Holly, like that would

be more likely than I was lyingbecause I'm like throwing in actual man.
So he's trying to turn it aroundon you by telling you that you're turning
it around on him. That's ashe's been like leading up on it,
So it's like she's been super deceptiveleading up into this, so I know
something else is going on. Itdoes sound a little gas lighting, but
listen, why would you go toSan Francisco in the first place. It's

falling apart. San Francisco is beautifulthere. I've never been. I mean,
they do have a real problem withpeople pooping on their sidewalks right now.
Outside of town are probably still nice, but not the point though.
You got dog poop, human poop, and seal poop all Fisherman's Wharf right
now, then close it down.I'm sure it was a beautiful weekend for

you, Brandy. Either way,let's not bag on Brandy's vacation. Just
out her boyfriend's cheating on her.As soon as she said go to San
Francisco, He's probably like that,she's cheating on me. No one's going
to San Francisco anyway. Are youguys gonna break up? You stay together?
What are you do? Brandy?I think I want him to write
me an itemized list of everything hedid this weekend and what time he did

it. I know, are youwilling to do that? Jacob vote to
save your relationship even though you basicallydogged her out. I mean, you
guys don't even know what I did. I just went I just went out
and met somebody, that was all, and I didn't do anything Okay,
So you guys need to communicate.So you didn't hook up with Sidney yet,
did you? Did you? Didyou see there? Okay, okay,

all right, so Brandy, there'ssome information for you, So why
don't you take that? You guysmake a decision. But you're right,
he said the flower somebody else.So that's palm readers down grills. Okay,
thank you, thanks for going onthere with his Brandy. Thank you,
Jacob, you've got it all right. The roads. That's time,

John Dane, Richard, John,Jay and rich We are like a whole
vibe. We have a really coolprize to give away, really really cool
prize. Can we give it awaynow? Nick? Can we give away
the cool prize now? Or doyou think for anything? He's got the
official word? Guys, I thinkwe should wait until after we play the
Taylor Swift song because that's the nextsong. Oh okay, so played tyrorsfift
song and then yeah, so whenwe play the Taylor Swift song, we'll

give away the we'll come out ofTaylors and then we have to say it.
Yes, okay, all right,all right, good, all right.
In the meantime, Noah is Iwant to make sure you're listening.
No do you want to run inhere? Just do over the walkie talkie
because Noah's running in here. He'srunning. Noah is like one of the
biggest Swifties we've ever met. Heknows so much about Taylor Swift, so
much so that, I mean,the album comes out tonight at nine,

and he is celebrating in a veryunique way. I think. In fact,
you're in Taylor Swift pajamas today.My god, Taylor Swift pajamas everyone,
those are handsome. What do youjust look right now? Fascinating?
Okay, so tell us how you'recelebrating Taylor Swift's album. So you know,
a normal person when an album comesout at midnight would listen to it
maybe Friday morning on the way towork. Yeah. Well, I'm one

of those people that have to listenright when it comes out, so much
so that I over complicate every singlerelease of a Taylor Swift album. So
this is gonna be my fifth TaylorSwift album in a row where I am
taking the Friday after off because youhave let it soak in all day long.
I have to soak it in andI have big plans. This actually
might be my biggest Taylor release nightever. Oh really, so just like

this is Taylor's biggest album ever,it's for you personally, it's a big
night too. It's a big night. And for some reason, we're basically
gonna have a seance in my livingroom tonight with me for some reason,
because the Tayor Swift was seance forwhat what Are You Okay? So usually

I like to have these albums below key, kind of intimate. But
I contacted one of my friends andshe's like, can I invite three of
my friends? So my friend Leonoraand Kaylee and her friends, They're all
coming over. We're gonna form acircle in the living room. We're gonna
light our Taylor Swift prayer candles,and we are going to you pray to
the spirit of Joe Alwin, herlongest relationship. But well, the album's

about you, all right, right, so maybe praying did Joe Allwin.
So at the Eras tour, Taylorswipos burned down the lover House as one
of like the designs on the screen. And to see such a happy,
positive album lead us to where weare now five years later, it's really
sad but also you know the albumis gonna be good cathartic. Yeah,

so this, this lover House burningdown is kind of like spiritual in a
way. The lover house burned forour sins? Are you gonna burn your
house down and pray? I guessTravis Kelcey the new god on top that
Travis Kelsey guy better hope works outforever. They may get married, had
kids because she is I mean,the fact that she's like, does it

like move on, that she burneda house, like she's in a happy
relationship. But he has an albumdropping about somebody else, you know what
I mean. It's so crazy.Are there anything anything leak yet? An
album? No songs, nothing Iheard the entire album has leaked. So
I've been trying to stay off socialmedia and avoid these. Uh. The
guy who throws my Taylor Swift nightsat the Van Buren Downtown, He's like,
people are messaging me like MP threefiles, stay away, you don't

want them, you want it aroundTaylor Taylor release. Well, just to
see what a good Swift y arewe have put together Taylor Swift trivia.
We'll quiz you later, though,we'll quiz you later, but be ready
because if you don't I think,if you don't, if I think,
we do this tarror swift trivia andif you don't win, consider winning.
Or if you don't do a goodjob a certain percentage, you need to
come into work tomorrow. Fair.That's a deal, right then you're not

a real Swiftish. I don't knowif I can make that deal because I've
lost every tailor, so trivia.You'll never given kind of swiftly? Are
you Swiftish? Alright? So week, here's what we're gonna do. We're
gonna play a song from Taylor.Then we're gonna come out and maybe have
this really cool gift we're gonna giveaway. Sound good, all right?
So here's Taylor Swift joh Dane RichKiss. You know when it gets the

last call and all the dudes kindof start creeping up on you, we
have shit. Give them the JohnJay and Rich Drunk Dial Line six two
eight, nineteen thirty three. It'sJohn Jay and Rich one O four seven
Kiss FM. It's John Jay andRich. We just play Taylor. We

have Phantom Clear Target Edition vinyl ofTortured Poets Department right now for caller thirteen.
That's her number right eight seven sevennine three seven one o four seven.
I want to do some trivia tosee if Noah is really a good
swifty or not, and I isnot one of the questions. This seems
impossible. I mean, you gottabe a real swifty, I think to
know these and Noah, you are. You weren't swifty pajamas, You're doing

everything. You saw the stuff inthe office over there, right, Yeah,
probably that sweater a garbage bag fullof things, like an industrial sized
garbage bag full of swifty things.So I made this hard, like,
admittedly, this is very difficult trivia, but uh, you know, we'll
just we'll just see Noah, youcan put up or shut up. I
make the argument with no whether I'mactually the bigger swift because I've seen her

twice live and he's only seen heronce. But you know, I know
all the answers to these questions.Hold second, hey, Jenna, can
you hear me take all the wayto call her twelve and then we'll take
Carr thirteen live on the air.Okay, so just let me know when
you're ready. Okay, So we'lldo this trivia. Okay, go ahead,
let's see now, Noah do youagree to come into work tomorrow?
If you suck? I do not? All right? Crazy Taylor Swift trivia

for Noah Lashley, Noah, whatmake and model this Taylor Swift's first car
a Honda Pilot. Dude, yousuck? Wow? I'm sorry, Noah,
that's incorrect. You're looking for aLexus SC three forty. I knew
it was a big car. Shegot it. She bought it with the

with the stuff from her first albumsOh for While? Okay, Hey,
hey, Noah, right now,you can come in late tomorrow. What
mean girl shared the same make andmodel of car? What mean girl like
from the movie Regina George, ReginaGeorgie. Oh You're back to have it

tomorrow? Off one for two?Noah. In two thousand and eight,
Taylor tolds Women's Health what her favoritecountry song is. Do you know what
her favorite country song is? Uh? Something by Shania Twain? Oh No,
you didn't even get the tender?Correct? No? I guess Kyle

his best friend Kenny Chesney. Shethinks my tractors sexy sexy. I looked
it up, Noah, Noah,what album did Taylor write every single one
of her songs for? Speak?Now speak now is correct? Okay,
you're back to have off two forfour Noah. As we all know,

Taylor is a huge fan of therestaurant the Cracker Barrel. What from Cracker
Barrel does she say? She alwayshas in her fridge a Salisbury steak.
A Salisbury steak is incorrect, kindof fakes swifty. This is embarrassing.
Apple butter? Oh really looking forapple buttery? I don't have apple butter

j okay. Taylor did an interviewin twenty nineteen with Rolling Stone. In
that interview, she revealed her lovefor one specific pop punk band, who
was it? And bonus points ifyou can name the lyrics she referenced.
I'm gonna guess fallout Boy. FalloutBoy is correct. Okay, Sugar We're

going down. It is from Sugar, We're going down. Okay, look,
don complex cock it and pullar.She was like, and I heard
that. I was like, I'mdreaming number seven, Noah, accent.
Taylor has an old school view ondating. Her mom gave her a piece
of advice on romance, and shesays it works. What advice is that

to love gently? Okay, it'snot even a good guess. Never call
a guy first. That is agood That is a good answer. You
have to come in tomorrow and Saturdaynumber eight. What is the name of
the book? Taylor wrote at theage of fourteen, Oh, No,

you're not a swiftie? Wow?You are? You are? What do
you call those when you're a opposer? Wrote, just like swift because it's
the thing to do. It's reallyreally cool. It's really cool. Yeah,
it's been a swiftye since two thousandand nine, so you probably went
through that overall phase too. Shewouldn't know the book. She wrote a

dress like TLC back in the day. I'm gonna call I'm gonna say it's
called the Pink Elephants. We arelooking for a girl named girl Saturday.
You're coming tomorrow Saturday. I'm gonnaI'm gonna get together with the janitor and
figure out some tasks like Noah.In twenty twelve, Taylor Lanner voice to
an up and coming hip hop artist. This song debut at number eighteen on
the Billboard Charts. Oh that isbo b. The song is called Oh,

hang On, hang On. Shedid Eyes Open for the Hunger Games,
and then she did this song withBob. I can't think of the
title. Now you gotta hurry.We're running out of time, both of
us, both of both of us. Yes, yeah, I can sing
it. That's okay, one more, one more, one more, This
is the most important one. Intwenty twenty one, Taylor did an interview

with Variety. She revealed her favoritefood. What is that food? Green
olives? Green olives? My god, A, it's like chicken tend she's
your chicken tendes a ketchup. Isaw that at a booth, which is

like so gross. Oh, youdon't have to come in tomorrow. You
are everyone. So we're giving awaythe vinyl to Color thirteen and this is
you, Kate. Is this you? Yes, you're Color thirteen Kate.
Yes, you get the Taylor album. Oh, you're the first person to

get the Phantom Clear Target Edition vinylof Tortured Poets. Congratulations. Oh my
gosh, Kate, what's your favoriteTaylor Swift song? Probably like something from
lover Here. It is on KissFM. Just kidding. That's when I

was a kid, listened to radiothat always happened, and I want to
know how they did it. Hecan do it? No, Okay,
Well, congratulations, Ky, Wheredo you go? To school Western Sky.
Perfect, that's perfect. Well,you're the first person to get that
album. Thank you for listening,and hold on the line. We would
get some information. Okay, okay, thank you, you're welcome. How

many didn't know what? Get rightout of that? It was ten questions
he didn't get He didn't even scorefifty percent. Know somehow I got all
a's in college. Yeah, butthis is important. Is that's why,
that's why it's iron anything to dowith than you look great though. We

got to get pictures of your wholeoutfit. That's quite an outfit, my
friend. All Right, we're gonnaget some entertainment news. We got what
what we have? What's coming upin your here? What's a little bit
of something? Travis Kelsey talking aboutCoachell. It's pretty good stuff. Oh
I can't wait to hear about that. That's he actually talks about Taylor.
Okay, good, that's coming upnext. I'm one to four seven Kiss
Fmrich Jah, J and Rich justgetting some entertainment news like what is the

ladies to Travis kelce So on thelatest episode of their New Heights podcast,
Brothers Travis and Jason Kelcey, we'redigging into all kinds of different things.
So the first was Coachella, andof course Taylor and Travis did Coachella together,
and we were all kind of shockedthat they were just in the crowd
with all the regular people, like, how did that even happen? And

actually Jason asked Travis the same thing. He's like, like, how did
that all work out? I'd liketo see it front from the fans perspective,
like the people that actually like becauseI am I'm a I'm a fan
of the music, I'm a fanof live shows. I want to see
it from the front of the stage. Yeah, we probably could have finessed
it that way, but I thinkit's just that much more of an experience
if you're in the if you're inthe pit, man, if you're in

the madness with all the fans.So right now, their podcast is being
shopped for a new deal, andthey're thinking it's probably going to be like
a multi million dollar deal because there'sso much attention on it. And if
you've noticed, Taylor Swift was actuallywearing a new Heights podcast hat and they
said they sold out of it likepretty much immediately. Also, kind of

a funny part of the episode isthey recently did like a live podcast in
Cincinnati, I think it was,and they played this game there because I
guess Jason Kelsey always loses his superBowl ring. So they decided to play
this game where they had two big, like like blow up swimming pools full
of chili, and they apparently hada couple of socks at the bottom of

the chili vats and people had togo in and sift through the chili to
try to find the ring. Nobodyfound the ring in the game, so
they saved the chili and apparently startedsearching for it but could find it.
This game existed because I continually losemy super Bowl ring. And I don't
even know if Travis still knows this, but I legitimately lost my super Bowl

ring in this event. They couldnot find it. All of this stuff
has been thrown away, so Ithink we can safely assume that my super
Bowl ring is now in a landfill, uh someplace in the Cincinnati Tri state
area. So they he's like,he's like he went on. I mean,
he was like, they did everything, they emptied it out, they
got a metal detection. Someone probablydid steal it. Yeah, you found

it. Really quickly put in theirpocket and I can't find it. Oh
my gosh. Totally. They gotto look back at the tape on that
I'm earlier this week you brought Ithink it was early this week you brought
up that Kate Hudson stuff. Right, her brother, it's somebody Oliver Hudson.
Right. Was there somebody else onthe podcast too? It was like
it was two people talking about Oh, it was Blake Lively's sister and it

looks like my wife. Oh,that's stuff they're in the podcast. I
didn't know she was podcast yet.Well, in that part of the podcast,
they had Kate Hudson's brother on OliverHudson, and he was like basically
saying that he cheated on his wifebefore they got married, like right before
they got married. He was like, I was kind of freaking out.
Once I put that ring on,something in my head switched and I was
unfaithful. And he ended up sayingthat he ended up confessing to his wife

because he just couldn't deal with theguilt of it. But he has received
a lot of hate since then,as you would probably expect it to happen
online. But Kate Hudson's like,I just have some advice to just sort
of shake it off. No onereally cares, and those who are writing
all that stuff and it's like loudand it feels bad, and you think

it feels bad, Just remember rememberwhat I'm saying. These are not people
you'd hang out with. These aren'tpeople you'd break bread with. These aren't
people who will enrench your life.So just block them, block delete.
But it's kind of good advice foranyone who's getting a little had I mean,
she's been in it for a minute. What about Zindia and Euphoria three?
Okay, so everyone wants Euphoria seasonthree? We all do. It

was such a great show, andit was like angelis Angus cloud passed away
and the writers basically moved on.And so the day it was on the
red carpet and they asked her,like, so is Euphorias season three happening?
I don't know. I am,I am, I am not in
charge. You want it, butof course I you know, if it's
right for the characters and every thingturns out the way it should, of
course, but it's beyond me,I know. So speaking of that,

what about Sidney Sweeney who's on Euphoria. I saw, Yes, she was
everywhere that somebody says something bad abouther. That's so crazy. So there
was this producer, this female producerwho was asked about Sidney Sweeney, and
she's like, I just don't getit, Like, why is she so
hot? She's not attractive, shecan't act. What's the big deal about
Sidney Sweeney? And she said shesaw the movie and it was terrible,
Like she said, all the badthings, all the bad things. And

so I feel like Sidney Sweeney's clapbag was in the best way possible.
It wasn't even from her, itwas from her rep that was like,
it's kind of interesting that a fellowfemale producer would take the time to basically
slam someone else in the industry assomeone who has had experience and has had

to go through the same things andsame challenges that Sidney has. It says
a lot about that woman's character.It really that's it because it does well.
Sidney Sweeney is hot and she canact. Did you see how she
was with Nate Jacob's and Euphoria seasontwo? Like that girl got her.
She has the best ugly cries.She makes you feel like you were in
it with her. Yeah, I'mjust mad that she said she wasn't hot,

Like who is she looking at?I feel like whenever you do something
like that, it just comes offas like jealousy, Like maybe she's upset
that she had to grind in theindustry before she had like a hit and
City's already producing. And to me, that's what it feels like. I
don't know, but it is likeit is that whole thing. What Susie
says about Sally says more about Susiethan it does about Sally. And that

happened in this case. What aboutwhat's with Kanye and his wife at jes
Lane? Oh my gosh, didyou guys see the picture naked up?
Ye? Know it was She's atappropriate first side boom going on, Yeah,
a little bit of side boom.But she was wearing those like bottom
shoes, the sock shoes that Kanyehas that are like twenty dollars on his

easy site. But her toes areall out. But I was like,
Disney obviously doesn't play because if Biancatried to walk in there in the attire
that she usually does, I feellike Disney would ban you for Yeah,
yeah, I mean, she didnot I have any body parts showing like
she normally does, but like,I just felt bad for her, Like
it sucks walking around Disneyland in goodshoes, let alone shoes that like,
your toes are out there, You'reher feet are walking on the ground,

Like yeah, okay, her ankleswere covered, but it literally looked like
when you sprain your ankle and theyjust wrapped it. Like literally her toes
were out that it bothers me whenI see toes sticking on shoes not as
bad. But also now apparently afterthey went to Disneyland, some guy like
there was like scuffle like people therewas in a like a crowded area,

and apparently some guy, according toBianca sensory like went up under her dress
and like touched her, and Iguess she told Kanye, and Kanye punched
the guy. And now the copslike say, he's wanted for battery,
but they want to talk to himto get his side of the story.
YEA, yeah, I think ifthat's the case and that's true, Kanye
should have punched. I know,I know, he's just looking out for

his girl, right,
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