All Episodes

April 18, 2024 20 mins
Ooohhhhhhh, boy....

+ Payton's Predictions!
+ Rich's big purchase!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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He wakes John Jay and Rich.You're like, what's crack alike? And
this is the big boss does snoopydeagle double gigsel dang boom? What you
don't do? We're not talking aboutrid ten team. We're not talking about
last year. It's the one andonly. Do y'all look last day's last
They big smooth eagle, double gigselin your face to me and in the

place to be. And you're listeningto John Jay and Rich, Wake yous
one o four seven, kiss thatfab John Jay and Rich. It's Thursday,
April eighteen, twenty twenty four.Our phone number eight seven seven nine
three seven one oh four seven.Sometimes sitting in the studio and I see
the phones ringing, pick up thephone and I'm talking to Timothy here.
And he told the most the crazieststory. Because we're talking about social media

and posting stuff when we're not KyleKyle waits to post stuff on social media.
If I wait, I forget andTimothy calls up. Timothy, good
morning, day, good morning.How you guys judge that good? You
gotta tell that story, man.Okay, So here's what happened. Our
neighbors, their kids, would poston social media whenever they go and do
stuff whatever. And the one timethey came home, they were out,

you know, having fun or we'renot. They came home, they stole
their barbecue gas grill off their porch. So talk with the neighbors. They
come over like, yeah, someonestole our grill. We can't believe it,
you know. And about a coupleof weeks later, they're out doing
their thing. They come back home, their grill is back, but whoever
stole their grill that time left thenote inside that said, hey, we

apologize for stealing your grill or borrowingyour grill. Ours broke. We saw
yours was sitting there and so wejust borrowed it and brought it back.
But to make up for us borrowingyour grill, here are complimentary tickets to
the Arizona Cardinals football game. Sothe people waited until they saw that they
were posting that they're at the footballgame. And they came back and they

cleaned out their house. Right,it's a different neighbors came over, and
neighbors came over and asked like,hey, did you guys see anything.
We're like, actually, we weregone. You know, what's going on.
They're like, they cleaned their houseout, everything's gone, but they
left the barbecue grilled. I mean, that's why I don't go to Cardinals

games yet. There it's freaking out. Just a good lesson. Just post
later. Oh yeah. Ever sincethen, you know, my daughter doesn't.
Plus she posts on, but shedoes the delay thing, so you
know, do content. Then whenwe go someplace, she does the pictures.

And when we come back then wepost you know some ways everyone's home
or what's safe and nobody knows whatwe're gone. But yeah, it freaked
us out, and you know,my daughter learned from it and everything.
But uh, yeah, it was. It was a life lesson. Timothy
Man, thanks for calling you.Where you head right now? Headed to
work in Chandler. What do youdo for a living? A lot of

people ask me this and they couldnever figure it out. I process us
groceries, but like, like,I do that too, but I don't
get paid for it. Run.I processed used groceries, So everyone asked,
like, oh, you you helpedthe homeless. You do the food
bag right now? I run wastewatertreatment plans. Uh he runs a water

treatment plan, so it is usegroceries water that we know that. Now
that we know that your work oreven a Rugger house, you shouldn't have
told us that. All Right,dude, thanks thanks for listening. Brother,
had a great day, you too, Hey. So yesterday I was
in this meeting for love Pop withthis I met this this amazing these amazing
people, some of the nicest.I've been meeting a lot of nice people.

Wait, I wonder if I canmarry I told you when I went
to that March Madness season finale,like like I was with these three guys
that were really really nice, right, So I've been a run nice people.
So I had this meeting for withlove Pup yesterday, this company called
McCarthy. They build a lot ofstuff, right, And I'm sitting there
at the meeting and it's with twopeople got named Justin and a woman named
Michelle. Michelle says to me,she gets up, you know, and

I'm nervous and this meaning pitching LovePop and she says, so you're still
wearing your belt? And I go, I am day two wearing my belt
and she I looked, sure mybelt and I was like, then it's
broke, right, And I waslike, so now I'm here I am
today, day three of wearing mybelt. Going pretty well so far wearing
a belt. Keep a little bummerwhen you got a time your pee,

you know, like we only havea certain amount of time when the song's
playing, I gotta go pee.And is it to take the belt?
Undo the belt? It's like,you know, a little frustrated and still
have you tried to just like slideit off with the belt on like their
joggers? And I got my belton pretty tired. Yeah it's not gonna
work. I can't. It's likeno, no, no, no no.
So what happened Richard with you atthe Apple Store? Well, I

went into the Apple store to buysome chargers for my my computer because I
don't know what Apple's doing. Butno, two laptops apparently have the same
charger, and I got the wrongone on mine. He looked up what
my computer was and still got thewrong one. So I decided to go
in take pictures of my computer andshow them. On a rare occasion,
the Apple store wasn't that crowded,and they say to me, have you

tried out our our Apple Vision goggles? Have you seen the goggles we've talked
about them on the show before,Like, no, I really don't even
understand the v I said, Idon't even understand what I would do with
those, Like, well, youjust got to take a tour, just
take the demo. We want toshow you how cool these things are.
So I did, and it waslike jumping into the future two hundred years

from now. I was astounded withall the things that you could do when
you're like you wave your hands andyou do all this stuff and all the
three D images and all the Icould wave my hands without the VR,
I mean, the three D allimmersive thing that these things do. I've
never seen anything like it. NowI know that we've done what I mean,
Like, are you in also inthe mall? You're at a basketball
game. They put you on themoon and everywhere you look is three D

images of the moon. Or theycan put you in a volcano, or
they can put you in Jurassic Park. Well, anyway, I bought the
goggles and I was trying to explainthem to my wife's stay, see,
who is technically really technologically not thatproficient at things, Because as you learn
to use the goggles, you're notclicking on anything. You're basically clicking in

space. You're like snapping your fingersto make things go. So I took
some video of her in Jurassic Parkand we will post it here in a
minute. But she didn't know Iwas videotaping her because she has the goggles
on and she is now fully immersedin Jurassic Park. Oh my gosh,
it's a little baby and a butterfly. Oh my gosh. This dinosaur is

really cute. Oh it's like it'slooking at me and we're it's almost like
we're communicating. But now it ranoff. Okay, I want more creatures.
It looks super cool, but Ireally I want to see more.
So you're in Jurassic Park, socan you have said it so that the

dinosaur are trying to kill you andyou had a run. The one did
try to kill her. It cameat her, and then so I started
playing around and you can watch there'sa bunch of free movies that are three
D, like mad Max is inthere, avatars in there. I didn't
bring them this morning because I stillgot to figure out how to set it
up because it took a long timeto get them to fit her face.
But when you see it. You'regonna be blown away. I just can't

believe. First of all, Ican't believe I bought them. That was
kind of dumb, but it wasreally really cool. Kyle on Thug,
what are three things we need toknow? This is gonna be a really
fun way to annoy you guys andall your friends. So Google is going
to allow you to record like threesecond selfie jiffs. So it's not out

yet, but it's coming that whenyou're in when you're going to put your
text, you click on the picturething and it pops your face up and
it'll record for three seconds, andthen all of a sudden, you're the
I love it. That's cool.Could go viral. I think it's so
fun. Kyle has like a jifffor everything I love. I love using
jeffs and it's probably annoying to everyone, but I just feel like the gifts

say so much. This is kindof scary because of how many people are
using it. Oh zempic seems tobe changing people's personalities. Seems to have
caused anxiety, depression, and suicidalthoughts. Even as these patients shed the
pounds, they found these treatments actuallyimpact like dopamine levels, which are responsible

for a range of functions like feelingsof reward, pleasure, motivation, and
movement, and it's sort of suppressingthat, and so it's suppressing it everywhere
because it makes you not want toeat the fun foods. It suppresses that
emotions, but then it's also suppressingthose emotions everywhere else in your life.
So I was sorry you guy yesterdaythat's on it and lost thirty pounds him
and his brother and they talk abouthow great it is to take it and

eat whatever you want, is whatthey said. Well, that's a different
take. That's like the Oprah's sideof the story. Hey it works,
Yeah, and he has no sideeffects. Then you know there's like negative
side effects. He hasn't had any. Well, I think it's so interesting
because like everyone's bodies so different,and everyone's body's going to be affected in
a different way by I have afriend who went on it and he said
it made him like more sick thanhe's ever been in his life, and

so he got off of it rightaway. And then there's another friend of
mine who's used it and has hadlike the best luck ever. So if
if you are one of the peoplethat are experiencing these changes and feelings and
stuff like that. It's just agood idea to know that you should go
to your doctor and say, couldit have anything to do with what I'm
taking for this? Uber released theirannual lost and Found list, and it's

hilarious what some people have left insidethese vehicles. Like why were they carrying
these things in the first place?So there were police grade handcuffs, writer's
girlfriend, pregnant pills, whatever thatis, a paddle board paddle, a
ceramic cat, a twope, ajar of oysters, a live turtle.
Someone literally forgot their live turtle.The turtle crawled in the tray of meat

pie, Like, maybe just throwthat away. I don't think you have
to bring the tray of meat pieto the Lost and out? How did
how did that person? Not like, you know, a great type of
surgical implants. I mean, thelist goes on. It's just like so
bizarre but so fun and interesting tolook at. You can find the fullest

online. And that's three things youneed to know today. I'm going to
tell you what your number one lovelanguage is based on your zodiac sign.
What is to Are you a sellinary? Yeah, we're selling airy seas until
tomorrow. Tomorrow's last day sees.Say man, Hi, Michelle, what's
your side, Capricorn, it's agood Capricorns. Your love language is acts

of service Capricorns. You, guys, are someone who not only values hard
work, but helping the people thatyou really care about. So for someone
as focused and goal orientated as you, you guys tend to have a lot
of things on their plates. Sowhen a person that you love steps up
and does something for you that's helpful, it just speaks volumes. This is
true. Yeah, Michelle, thankyou for listening. Ye, thank you,

Bye bye, Kayla. What's yoursigning? Good morning? Good morning.
I'm an Aquarius, Aquarius. Yourguys' top love language is words of
affirmation. You guys may cringe atthe idea of cheesy and romantic things,
but that isn't what words of affirmationare completely Aquarius. You guys, spend
a lot of time inside your ownhead, and you genuinely want the world

around you to be a better place. So it does make you feel secure
and loved when someone tells you thatyou're doing a good job or just encourages
you while you're doing the best thatyou can I totally agree anytime I hear
and show me there proud of me, I start crying. Hi kid,
I have a great day. Thankyou for listening. Thank you so much.

What's up November? The Taurus?Yeah, tomorrow tour season? What
was I know? Not to getwild tomorrow? But for now we're still
in airy seasons. But I'm gonnatell you what are taurus number one love
languages? And it's physic touch atorus. You guys are significantly in tune
with your senses. So while youcan appreciate a thoughtful gift or kind words

from someone that you love, youfeel a specific type of way when you
can be physically close to them,whether that's holding hands, whether that's like
a simple brush of an arm orcuddling after a long day. That's your
thing. Yep, that's it,yeah, physical touch. I know my
tours they just need some love.It's all good, that's right, loving,

all right. Well, thanks guys, good to November. This is
a good one. I think wehave to revisit it. We want you
to be part of the show.Call us eighty seven seven nine three seven,
one oh four seven Get on theair with John Jay and Rich Jennifer,
good morning, you're in the air. Oh my goodness, hello you
guys. I love you guys somuch. You guys are amazing. I

listen to you guys every single morning. I'm a landscaper and I have been
for like the past few years,so I've been listening to you guys every
single morning. It's amazing. ButI have a question to ask y'all.
So when you guys do the thousanddollars giveaway, you guys call from a
block number. I think it depends, I think whichever phone calls you.

So I've been trying to win that, Like I think I religiously said the
keyword every single time. You guyshave done it like, and it's like
blocked me now to where I can'tput it in anymore for some reason.
But I used to get so manymissed calls that were like from a private
number, and I was like,dang it, that was my chance.
Well here's what I would do.Then. I don't know if we call
you from a block number, butit does make sense that we would do

that. So if we do,why don't you just answer it? Once
you enter the keyword, just answerevery phone that comes your way. Well,
for some reason my I don't knowif it's Verizon or something, but
I don't know how to change thatsetting on my phone. It won't let
me answer it. It doesn't ring, and it goes straight to like voicemail.
I guess that's so you have likethe unknown number that goes straight to
voicemail. I know you have aniPhone. I haven't Android, but I

okay, I don't think I Iwant to shift gears for saying I'll get
actually being a landscaper. You saidyou'd be doing it for two years.
Yes, yeah, I'm not tryingto sound is it sexist? But I've
never really met or heard of afemale landscaper before. Is that? Is
that very It's pretty unique, right? Yeah. I mean I'm like a
one a one gal show. Iwork for a company, but I basically

do it on my own. Ihave about like five or seven clients a
day, like a really big job. I'm there by myself, but I
love it. It's I get tolisten to y'all every day, every every
day from Monday through Friday. WellI listen to you on the weekends as
well, but in my headphone.So it's super nice. Yeah, do
you do. Do you spend likea whole day at one house if you're

by yourself, Usually not at onehouse. No, Usually each house is
about an hour. But if Ido like a big corporation, like a
like a big plant area, I'musually there all day. Well, I
need a new landscaper in my house. I interviewed Nick Nick on the show's
Got Edgar? You know Edgar thatcalls in? Yeah, so Edgar came
to my house? Did any value? Never heard from him? Again?

We have we have. We haveone dead palm tree in the backyard needs
to be removed and we need justsome of a little extra tilcce in our
yard. So Jennifer from Palm Treesfrom Costco, Jennifer, why don't you
cruise over and evaluate? Can youdo my house? Are you good?
Are you an organ er? Yes, of course I'm an organ donor.
What does that have to do?What does that? What does that have

to do? Of course, boy, you must be out of control landscaper.
Danger at the weed whacker? Ohmy gosh, get his liver.
Jennifer, Thank you, thanks forlistening, and have a great day.
Yes, you all too, Andjust let you know I'm also a Leo

like, all right, all right, thanks, hold on the line,
thank you very much, love youtoo, and you guys are amazing,
Thank you so much. John Janerich tid for sax and hacks. I
have sacks of information rich as lifehacks. Check out this infomer. My
dad used to tell me that whenhe would always pick up a penny or
any kind of change he sees onthe floor in the street, always picks

up and he said he knows sona million dollars in pennies just thrown away
every year. And I was like, WHOA, So I pick up change
anytime, I don't care. Right, Apparently Americans throw away sixty eight million
dollars in coins every year. Ihad a friend in high school that if
we went out to go get somethingto eat, fast food or something and
she got changed, she would alwaysliterally throw her change in the trash can.

And I thought it was the weirdestthing. I was like, why
are you doing that? There's likethree quarters right there like a tip jar.
At least, yeah, she wouldthrow them in the trash. That's
sick. A restaurant in Italy istrying something very cool. They will give
you a free bottle of wine ifyou give up your phone when you come
in no strings attached, and theresponse from diners has been very positive.
I like that. New reporters foundthat the average one way commute in America

is Cole Hollings, you drive thirtyminutes, Payton Hollands, you drive twenty
two minutes, Rich Halngs you driveseven hours. In fact, I'm still
on the way here. Hey Noah, how long is your drive here to
work? Thirty thirty minutes. Theaverage one way commute in America is twenty
seven minutes. Oh, you're allin there. I mean that's six minutes

for me. I'm about forty ifpolice in Ohio are investigating a scam where
someone's pretending to be Aaron Rodgers.They tricked the woman into sending him hundreds
of dollars. Be careful when AaronRodgers calls you, be careful. Couple
from Florida came back from a threeweek trip to Switzerland and they noticed their

T Mobile build them one hundred andforty three thousand dollars for using nine point
five gig bytes of roaming data whileoverseas. They were upset. T Mobile
canceled the charge. They're also remindingpeople to know the travel details of their
plan. Right. Yeah. Ahigh school student in Ohio, I don't
know how I feel about this.A high school student Ohio is going to
miss out on her senior prom aftergetting suspended over bringing a bag of corn

chips to school. The snack wasnot permitted because the tea were severely allergic.
There were signs detailing the rule overcampus, and parents signed a form
acknowledging it. What are your thoughtson that Peyton to make her miss prom?
If she did it on purpose,I can see where there's an issue.
But if it was just something likeshe's just grabbing out a snack,
I think that's extremely extreme. Thisis the mother saying what happened. She

missed out on going to the NVCTCprom, and now we have found out
that she's not going to be ableto go to her homeschool prom over a
bag of potato chips. Ali hadhad taki chips on the school bus.
She was hungry. Somebody gave hersome chips. She opened them on the
school bus. She ate them.She had two chips left back in her
bag. She got off the bus. She ate the remainder of the two

chips. She put the trash ina trash can. She went to her
class. The school principal caught herdown to the office and at that point
they asked her if she ate thechips. She said yes, and they
suspended her for five days. That'sterrible. It's like you're taking your kid
away. They're taking her away froman education too at that point, spending

for five days over a bag ofchips. I understand the allergy, but
that's switch schools, Twitter schools.Let her go to a promitted different school.
Bring all your friends, right,That is so dumb. Wow.
A woman in Indiana, where Grantis from I was arrested after she called
down to one to complain that herdrug dealer sold her a bad batch of
mess. A Target employee went onTikTok to complain about having to close an

entire store almost alone by yourself.She's only been there. Is there a
second month of the job. Thatwould be so scary? Scar Reddit threads
of like people that work at Targetthat they say like it is not an
enjoyable experience for them, that thatkind of stuff happens all the time.
Crazy and close it down by yourself? Yeah, just put you in crappy
situation. It's a grocery store.I thought it was fun. Would I
get up in the morning. Thekitchen lights are always on because Dutch is

the last one to go to sleep, but he doesn't want to walk to
his room in the dark. Ican't imagine the targets. You need some
little lights. Life acts. Okay, you know that feeling like I don't
want to like make you feel it. But think about like when you've been
nauseous at work or nauseous in thecar, where it's just like, oh
uh, oh, oh, thisdoesn't feel good. So here's the quick
fix for at car and at work. In the car, all you really

need to do is look out thewindow and tilt your head from left to
right and the nausea will go away. But if, like you smell something,
it work. Like we've done thatwhen you open up the fridge and
you smell somebody's lunch that's been sittingthere for like five weeks and it's terrible.
The quick fix, it works withinseconds, is to smell rubbing alcohol
and that will cure your nausea.I hope you don't need it today,

but when you need it now,you've got this little, hot, little
life hack that will help you getrid of that nausea. And that life
hack and many more can be foundat John jaynrich dot com
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