All Episodes

October 10, 2024 39 mins
MORNING HACK- 3 phrases we should be saying to our partners more often! RYAN'S ROSES - In Van Nuys - She had a dream that her husband cheated with her cousin. Now she thinks the dream was actually more of an awakening to what might be going on!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood see you air on air with a Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
So how are we doing.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
You know, it's been a busy week with that launch
of the children's book to Make Believers. So if you
pick that up, thank you very much. If you haven't,
Meredith and I'd put my sister and I put together
a very cute children's book to Make Believers.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Wherever books are sold. I always hear people say that.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
I always want to say wherever books are sold, and
books are sold everywhere.

Speaker 4 (00:28):
Yes, they are.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Everywhere, Target, Amazon bookstores, everywhere.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
I love seeing you. When you were in New York
last weekend and you were reading, just out in the
middle of the sidewalk, reading the Strangers, and then all
of a sudden people just started crowding around Ryan.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
Well, yeah, they yeah, because I was. It was very odd.
I was in my workout clothes reading a children's book
on the corner.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Which I wanted to ask you.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Janya was going to comment on your leggings.

Speaker 5 (00:53):
I took a screenshot actually stand by, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
It was the shorts over the leggings.

Speaker 3 (01:01):
They're built in, so they're leggings and shorts. They look
like two items, but they're sown in. The leggings are
sewn into the workout shorts as long as.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
It take it.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
I really why you got the nickname Bahaddle? Why because
you have little chicken legs?

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Like, that's not why? And that's okay.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
You see Collette gets it like it.

Speaker 4 (01:24):
Looking out under the shorts and.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Wish I had your legs.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Oh, now you're trying to recover that. Okay, No, too late.
I need a full weekend.

Speaker 5 (01:35):
So you're telling me that those leggings are built into
those shorts.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Yes, we see this picture so people can follow along because.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
It's on Ryan Secrets Instagram.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
There you go.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
Uh yeah, those are built in and that's it. That
is an angle that makes them look like little twiggy legs.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
But I didn't say little twiggy legs. I said, I
know why you got the nickname bad? Is that not it?

Speaker 6 (01:55):

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Birds have legs?

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Is that how you got your nickname back in the day?

Speaker 3 (01:59):
No, I got because of Sea Crest Sea.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
No, it was in my legs. It was my name.
Do some due diligence before you come out with that.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
What build in those pants underneath the shore.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Because those become your undies. They have the support all the.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
Way up and it's just being all the way down.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Cold weather.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Yeah, it's cold weather even more short.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
You have a little bit more freedom to move if
it's cooler out.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.

Speaker 2 (02:28):

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Anything else is trying to say is can you send
her the link so she can buy them for Robbie.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
That's the first thing I've ever wanted. She doesn't want
to give a Robbie, which is very telling him my birthday. Anyway,
we have a Ryan's roses this morning. We have five
in bucks and cash cars every single hour to give away.
We're gonna get to your horoscopes here in a second.
But I was looking at you know, Halloween is approaching,
and I was looking at the top selling candies in
every state. Eminem are tops in California. M and M's

are tops in California.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
That's surprising to me. Peanuts, I would think the Reese's
peanut butter cup is just number one overall forever es cups.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Are number two, and they're number one in Florida, Kentucky,
New Hampshire, and Wyoming.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Okay, okay.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
That makes what makes me happy is that the chocolates
and the peanut butters beat out the sour, patchy, fruity,
sugary water always.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
I think so too. I think everyone's starting to realize
that red dye is no good for you. Maybe that
and then die and then there's dye on something something
your teeth.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Then Skittles, star Wars, Yeah, that stuff gets stuck. Then
it's hot to Molly, Candy corn Hershey's and butterfingers at
number ten.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Personally, I would put butterfinger out to number three.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
Yeah, I'm I'm unhappy about the butterfingers showing here?

Speaker 4 (03:49):

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Look at you?

Speaker 1 (03:52):

Speaker 4 (03:53):

Speaker 2 (03:54):
That's criminal?

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Is that because you're married to a lawyer?

Speaker 4 (04:00):
Song does not deal with any of that.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
And you're not married yet, So what are you been
talking about?

Speaker 5 (04:07):
It's finger, It's butterfinger that to me needs to have
number three.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Yeah, yeah, I would go. I think a Reese's Eminem's butterfinger.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
What about this twist?

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Definitely Reeses. I don't know what number two is though, I.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
Don't need the twigs. I like the peanut butter.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Oh twigs is number two for me?

Speaker 3 (04:24):

Speaker 1 (04:24):
What about a kick cat?

Speaker 2 (04:26):
Is that six? The twicks has the caramel, yes, which
gets in my teeth?

Speaker 4 (04:30):

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Snickers is too heavy.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
Snickers is a lot. I mean I do like the
peanut packed with peanuts. Anyway, what are we doing?

Speaker 1 (04:38):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
I want to do horoscopes. How's your Thursday? It's going
to be Thursday, October ten. Horscopes.

Speaker 5 (04:44):
Here we go, Ferries, there's a newness in the air
that is giving you a buzz.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Taurus, you hold all the cards, play them.

Speaker 5 (04:51):
Right, Gemini, lean on a friend today for help with
your to do list.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Cancer, keep up a good pace and you'll get it
all done.

Speaker 5 (04:58):
Leo, think bigger and voice your opinions at work.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Virgo, delegating is your best friend today.

Speaker 4 (05:05):
Libra baking will do you wonders tonight.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Scorpio, cancel your plants tonight you need a rest Sagittarius.

Speaker 4 (05:12):
One smile can change someone's day.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Capricorn, you are entering a new era. Walk boldly.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
Aquarius, you can do it all. Practice juggling emphysies.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
Not everyone who wanders is lost.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
Ah, All right, as we get into this Thursday, there's
a Ryan's roses coming up.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
I just want to put a pin in it and
get it in your head.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
But after seven, it's gonna be seven forty as we
always do on Thursdays. I guess she had a dream
and she had a dream that her husband hooked up
with someone in the family. And that's where we're gonna start.
Oh raunchy Veronica at one eight hundred five through one
o two seven on the line.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Here, Hi Veronica, and good morning. How are you doing?

Speaker 7 (05:53):
And morning good?

Speaker 3 (05:54):
How are you super good? Thank you for listening to us.
How can we help you? Well?

Speaker 8 (06:03):
Recently I went to Universal Horror Nights with my friend
and his new girlfriend to meet her and hang out
with her, you know, meeting her for the first time.

Speaker 7 (06:14):
And basically they were arguing the entire night, which is
really awkward.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Wait, it's your friend and her new boyfriend.

Speaker 7 (06:24):
My friend and his girlfriend. Yeah, my friends.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
Guy, your friend and his new girlfriend got it, Okay,
they were fighting and it was uncomfortable, understood.

Speaker 8 (06:32):
Yeah, And I was just trying to be trying to
act normal, trying to relieviate the tension.

Speaker 7 (06:38):
And I was.

Speaker 8 (06:41):
Driving, and you know, they were they were drinking, you know,
having a good time, and I had just figured that
it was it was maybe that. But then we were
leaving and you know, in city walk walking to the
choir everyone's tired because we've been there a long time,
and we ended up having to wait for five minutes

on city walks because they started fighting again.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
What's the question, because I have an answer already.

Speaker 8 (07:07):
The question is that they want to hang out again,
and they want to do not scary form and they
want a carpool and they want me to drive.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
No, no, no.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
The answer is have you spoken to your friend about
the awkwardness that they created and the sort of.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
In consideration.

Speaker 7 (07:25):
I haven't because I don't want him to think that
I'm not that I'm not like supporting his new relationship,
you know, like she's new, Like she's a new girlfriend.
They just started. I feel like this early, if I
bring something up, he's going to get really defensive.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
Of those Just traveling with couples is a problem because
if you put six couples in a house, one is
always fighting and it changes the.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Whole lit I took a couple. I took a four
person couple trip this summer and it was fantastic.

Speaker 3 (07:59):
You don't I were putting it. One couple was pretending
we had four couples.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
And it was beautiful. Not one person fought.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
How many nights a whole week. Yeah, I should have gone eight.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
It really starts. Yeah right.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
I mean if it were me, honestly, I would say
to your friend, if it's your friend, you can say, hey,
look bro, we'd love to go hang out with you guys,
but it was a little awkward last time.

Speaker 2 (08:22):
Are you guys good? You know, like, here's a very
casual way of saying.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
We just make them an excuse why you can't drive together.
I need to leave early, or I used that I'm
coming from another direction, whatever, just if you don't want
to really get to the root of the problem right now.
I don't want to rock the boat and just do that.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
Yeah, I mean I would say, like I'm gonna stay
for one ride. That's what I would say.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
I mean, that's what you say general.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
Yeah, the appetizer, you know one anyway, Franko, we love
you for listening.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Thank you so much for calling.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
I think you suddenly suggest that it was a little
uncomfortable last time, but you're encouraging them to, you know,
hang out with you. Good luck and enjoy not spun
this time here, not scary farm.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
Okay, No, I just like I like setting up that
there's an out.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
I get it. No, I understand you. I know that
you're not going to change what's then it's accepted.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
I've never seen such a stall like that was car
on the frame with its stall supposed to.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
Be present, and like, why are you going to not
scary farm if you want an exit strategy?

Speaker 2 (09:32):
Well that was an example I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Like he wouldn't even even go in the first.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
When we had dinner at my place, it was like
we sat, we had a drink, we had dinner, and
it's over.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Right, his pajamas on, Like you wouldn't put like maybe
that's a cue or your slippers.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Just come out of the bathroom. My slippers on. That's
a cute. That was fun in my place back.

Speaker 4 (09:58):
Room, it was cute.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
I mean I could have kept drinking for another two hours.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
Yeah, I know. Anyway, we'll have to do a big
staff thing, you know, for like an hour.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Let's do it for forty five minutes. Hit workout class
forty minutes, that's all you need.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
Actually, I want to do that. I want to do
that at DOGTOWND.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Let's go, bro, I'm down. That's my speed to hit workout. Yes,
I can do it. You should do a team building
hit workout. Oh my god, I love it so much.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
Yes, already, Well, let's get it done.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Set it up, all right, I'll call Belinda, I'll call
dog Pound.

Speaker 2 (10:37):

Speaker 3 (10:38):
Recently, we talked about things that couples should never say
to each other, like just don't do it. But here
are things you should say to your significant other. I thought,
maybe it's good just to hear it. I would have
waitn't just do it all once, but follow it away,
you know, just out of the blue.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
These are great. I get excited about these. Out of
the blue.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
You're sitting there, maybe it's traffic, maybe it's in the car,
maybe you're at the table, and you just stop everyone
in their tracks and you look into the eyes of
your lever and you say, I just love having you around.
Oh I do that and move on. Yeah, okay, this
is not a time for you to brag. Sorry, So
you do that one, all right, fine, here's the next one.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
I know you do.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
And I don't advocate this one as much as the
first one, But the second one, less exciting for me,
is I want to know about your day.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Yeah, I mean that's a given, don't we all say that?

Speaker 2 (11:27):
But do you really want to go through it all,
I do.

Speaker 1 (11:30):

Speaker 3 (11:31):
And then finally, and this is a good one too.
They may say something and it may actually be something
that they think you're going to not respond well to,
and you say this, I appreciate you.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
Okay, you can just say I appreciate you with no context.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
You're fine.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
But I think it's like when Michael thinks he's going
to get a response from you that's going to be
a little pushback.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
You don't push back. You say I appreciate you.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
And that goes all around. By this, I added to
a lot of people, coworkers or whatever, I appreciate you,
like the effort that you did to get this done
or whatever.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Sistney tiny, I love having you round.

Speaker 4 (12:05):
I love having you around.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
That's so nice, Mormon Fuzzy.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
We have a quote today, Thursday's quote focusing on your
growth and saying no to people and situations that waste
your precious time and energy is actually top tier for
self care.

Speaker 1 (12:23):

Speaker 4 (12:24):
I need to hear that again.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
It's a long one, can't you read?

Speaker 1 (12:26):

Speaker 2 (12:28):
Could put this FM headlines with siciny well.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Hurricane Milton plowed across Florida yesterday with ferocious winds and rain,
causing at least four deaths, though it tracked to the
south and spared Tampa direct hit three point two million
are currently without power. The City of Long Beach has
issued a boil water notice that affects thousands of residents

after a significant water main break yesterday. The zip codes
affected are nine oh eight oh five, nine oh eight
oh seven, and small part of nine to eight oh six.
The Dodgers beat the Padres eight nothing in Game four
of the National League Division Series. That means a winner
take all Game five at Dodger Stadium tomorrow at five

oh eight pm. And the twenty twenty five met Gala
named Pharrell Williams asap Rocky and Lebron James as the
events celebrity co chairs on air with Ryan Seacrets.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Right now, let's play password for jingle Ball tickets. Let's
who we have here? Good morning? What's your name?

Speaker 1 (13:34):

Speaker 3 (13:34):
My name is Jeni, Jen, And it's Ryan and Sisney
and Tanya.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Where are you?

Speaker 3 (13:38):

Speaker 6 (13:39):
I'm at home right now?

Speaker 2 (13:41):
What part of La Orange County?

Speaker 6 (13:44):
And yeah, Montabello area.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Thank you for listening to Montabello.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
So we're gonna have a little fun here for jingle
Bowl tickets presented by Capitol One. I'm gonna play password
with you, okay, And here's how it works. Those of
us in the room and everybody listening will know the password,
but you will not. And our job is to give
you one word clues so you can guess the password.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
One word clues, one.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
Word clues, got it exactly? All right, Jen, hold on
one sec. We're gonna put you on hold so you
can't hear mark.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
The password is concert.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
God's jingle Bowl one word or two?

Speaker 1 (14:19):

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Is wango tango?

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Two words?

Speaker 1 (14:24):
Well, you could just say, but that's a confuser wango.
You could say wango.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
But let's say, Jen, here we go, all start wango.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
So I give you an answer now, right?

Speaker 2 (14:38):

Speaker 3 (14:39):
Yeah, do what do you think? What do you think
the password is? If I say wango tango?

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Yeah? Good, good. You're gonna close.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
Not the answer, but.

Speaker 2 (14:47):
Not the answer. So now what's your clue?

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Okay? Mine?

Speaker 2 (14:50):

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Music so broad?

Speaker 2 (14:55):
So you have wango and music. What do you think
the password is?

Speaker 8 (15:03):

Speaker 1 (15:03):

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Yeah, Wango and music. Concert.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
And you're gonna go to our jingle Ball concert presented
by Capital One. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
I love you for listening. Jen hang on, I'm on
a bell.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Oh they are, and yeah it's Tate McRae, It's Benson Boone, Madison,
Beer Sizza.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
It's gonna be so good.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
You know, we could have done You could have said
jingle and then she couldna have gone. Then I could
have said ball.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
I was thinking live was gonna be in that my next.

Speaker 1 (15:32):
But next time we could be like more of a
team effort.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
I was gonna say, show.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Well, we're done like we did.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
It always improved.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
Hindsight is twenty twenty. Chanya says, it's the what'd you
call it? The love triangle?

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Heard round world, Heard around the world.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
Round world. Okay, what do you got?

Speaker 5 (15:49):
So I'm gonna give you the quick backstory. I'm not
gonna get into the weeds here. But after Sabrina Carpenter
released her album Short and Sweet, there are a lot
of fans believe many of the songs referenced her brief
stint with Mendes. The song specifically coincidence Sharpest Tool, Dumb
and Poetic and taste. So Sean recently made some comments

about Camille Cobeo on a podcast that he did, and
fans were like tweeting him basically asking him to clarify
what he meant, to which he replied, he said, to
be honest, it came from a place of being a
little annoyed with all of the projection over the last
few months about us. I'm usually pretty good at watching
all the noise go by, but lately it's been kind
of bugging me feeling human, I guess. So this is

really the first time that he's ever Like all these
songs came out, the music video for Taste came out,
it was like, there's this one scene the music video
where the guy they throw the guy in the pool
and the guy in the pool looks like the cover
of one of Sean Mendes's songs, like the It just
it's very obvious. So this is the first time we're
hearing anything. My question is if Sean feel like there's

this false narrative or going out that's bugging him, Let's make.

Speaker 4 (16:59):
A song about it.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
That's your question.

Speaker 4 (17:02):
Yeah, Like, let's.

Speaker 5 (17:03):
Let's if it's really bugging him, and then that's like
how you when you're feeling something, you can get it
out through music, and then we can have like the
Sean version of what's gone.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
On your head? Is down.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I'm contemplating and I'm sure. I'm mean, I'm for it
if it happens.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
Yeah, it seems like he doesn't want to do that.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Well, we don't know. It's maybe too soon to tell.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
Do we do Ryan's roses or do we try and
pick Sean's.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Brain without see Maybe he doesn't.

Speaker 3 (17:36):
I don't know what to say. I feel like if
he is comfortable doing it, he will. If he's not,
he won't. But you know that stuff, then it's in
the list forever. I mean, you know, like do a
lipa says that she doesn't make songs that are so
like that because she wants to make them fun, and
they do. They're like that emotion and that feeling and
all that heartache is there forever. Yeah, I would be

doing a leap in music.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
I mean I think we all would be doing a
leap just in life.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
Write about Yeah, would be Taylor Lyrically, we'd be doing
with lyrics.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
I'd be Calvin Harris.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
You'd beat Calvin Harris leer.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Like hay Time.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
One on two point seven, It's time for Ryan's Roses.
Dear Ryan, Sistey and Tanya right now, let's get into it.
In van Ey's form. Marlene, you guys are gonna think
I'm crazy, she says, but I had a dream that
my husband hooked up with my cousin.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Okay, where is she?

Speaker 1 (18:31):
On? Four?

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Marlene? Thank you for coming on. We just started to
read your email here. Good morning, and we appreciate you
reaching out to us. So you had a dream that
your husband hooked up with your cousin. It was just
a dream, So what's the concern?

Speaker 9 (18:47):
Well, it was just so clear, this dream, you know.
I mean, should I tell you the dream?

Speaker 2 (18:54):

Speaker 9 (18:56):
Okay, So I walk into our living room and my
husband and was there with my cousin on the couch
and they were, you know, together. Yeah, And when I
woke up, I couldn't shake it. I told him about
it because I wanted to get his reaction, and he
laughed like he left kind of a little too hard,
you know, and he was like, oh, wow, you're even

insecure in your dreams.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
So well, that's a rude thing to say.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
So to me, that's more of the smoking gun than
anything else, Like that's harsh and rude and disrespectful, Like
why would he even say that.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
I Mean, we've we've been a little.

Speaker 9 (19:36):
I don't know, like a sort of a little antagonistic
at each other lately.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
Okay, but so do you think he's cheated with your
cousin or you think he's just cheating like maybe it
was just a symbolic dream.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
I don't know, but well.

Speaker 9 (19:51):
Well okay, So anyway, that night I checked his phone
and he had texted my cousin, Marlene had a dream
that were having what And she responded, Lol, And you know,
I mean that seems okay, but that realn't bothered me.

Speaker 6 (20:09):
It seemed too familiar, you know.

Speaker 9 (20:12):
And so the dream was like three months ago, and
they just they just seemed too close.

Speaker 7 (20:17):
For me, like it's family gatherings.

Speaker 9 (20:19):
I found them, you know, off away from the party,
talking together like something is going on. I know it.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Wow, Wow, what's what's your cousin's name, Elena? We are
on with Marlene? She had a dream. She said, she's
been this hasn't been great with her husband lately. They've
been pressing each other's buttons, and she had a dream
that her husband hooked up with her cousin. She found
out then that later that night, her husband texted her

cousin and said, Marlene had a dream that we were
doing things, and she believes it could be true. I
think I'm not so sure it's a cousin, but maybe
or instinct is feeling that he's just doing something with
somebody and happen to be the cousin in the dream.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
But let's find out Marlene is on the phone.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
We're gonna call her husband and offer him some roses
and try and find out who he sends them to.
I mean, you're offered roses out of the blue. You're
gonna send them to your wife unless somebody else is
distracting you and you want them to go to them.
That's sorry what this test is. So let me get

Marlene on the phone. The cousin's name is Elena. If
you get that Elena, h.

Speaker 2 (21:41):

Speaker 3 (21:41):
I need you to say Ryan, you have my permission
to call, and then your husband's name.

Speaker 9 (21:48):
Okay, Ryan, you have my permission to call, and.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
We are going to do that. Now, be very quiet
while Siciny talks to him and let's see what name
we get out of him.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Good luck, okay, okay, thank you?

Speaker 6 (22:12):

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Hi is this Riki This Hi.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
My name is Emma. I'm calling from the Valley Flores.
How are you doing this morning.

Speaker 6 (22:22):
Who is this thing?

Speaker 1 (22:23):
My name is Emma. I'm calling from the Valley Flores.
We're on Burbank Boulevard near Van Eyes, and we're offering
a free promotion today. It's a free dozen red roses
that you can send to anybody that you'd like roses.
No no, no, no, no, no no like look, they're they're absolutely free.
I don't need cash, I don't need credit card or
anything like that. Just the name of the person you
want to send them to in a note. We can
send them out today, or if you want to come

by and pick them up yourself, that's cool too. It's
just a promotion that we do about once a month.

Speaker 6 (22:51):
Three roses to whoever I want.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
That's right, anybody you want to send free roses to
someone's birthday coming up aniversary?

Speaker 2 (23:03):
Her name is Carly Carle great and.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
What would you like to put on the card?

Speaker 6 (23:10):
I'm thinking here, Okay, are they really pretty flowers?

Speaker 1 (23:15):
I mean it's a dozen red roses, I mean they're gorgeous?

Speaker 2 (23:19):
All right?

Speaker 1 (23:19):
Well put this.

Speaker 7 (23:21):
I tried to find something as pretty as you, looks
like I failed.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
Oh. I tried to find something as pretty as you,
but looks like I failed.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
Long card, Ricky, your voice being broadcast on the radio.
I need you to know that I've got your wife
Marlene on the line. Who's Carly? And what is with
this note that you just sent her with the roses?

Speaker 2 (23:41):
What the hell exactly what your wife is probably saying
right now? Who's Carly? Ricky? No, she didn't she's on
the phone, Ricky, she's here.

Speaker 7 (23:50):
You are a cheater.

Speaker 6 (23:52):
I knew you were a cheater.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
Who is Carly?

Speaker 9 (23:56):
She's my cousin's best friend.

Speaker 7 (23:58):
So that's why you know, that's why I had that drink.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
I know it, Ricky.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
You just sent roses to Carly saying I tried to
find something or someone And what you said is pretty
as you looks like I failed very flirting.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
What's going on with you and Carly?

Speaker 1 (24:14):
He's an affair with Carly? It's so obvious.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
How long? How long is? I don't know your answer? No,
I am not cheating on my life.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Well okay, Ricky, come on, you don't have a lot
of credibility here.

Speaker 6 (24:29):
I mean, I'm just being a nice guy, so you know.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
No, that's not nice. There's a line and you've crossed it.
Do you understand.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
I mean listen to her.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
You think I want to send her roses?

Speaker 2 (24:43):
Okay you married her?

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Or yeah, she's your wife.

Speaker 7 (24:47):
Don't you ever come home?

Speaker 6 (24:49):
You see what I mean? You see what I mean?

Speaker 2 (24:51):
Oh good bye?

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Wow, Ricky, Ricky, what a loser?

Speaker 2 (24:58):
Ricky? Now Marlinne, does he talk to you like that normally?

Speaker 7 (25:02):
Yeah, like I talked like I said, you.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
Need to go.

Speaker 3 (25:05):
Thank Carly and get out of that get out of
that life. Thank carl send. Let's get Carly the roses.
Thank you Carly.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
She can have him.

Speaker 9 (25:15):
I can tell you that much.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
By the way, you.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Don't want to be around that kind of energy. Let
Carly have that and get out.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
Yeah, this is this.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Is almost I'm serious. Like, thank thank her, get out. Yeah,
thank you for reaching out to us. I wish you
the best of luck.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Okay, don't spend any more time treated like that.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Yeah, you deserve better, Marlene, you know you do.

Speaker 7 (25:49):
Thank you, Thank you, guys, Thank good.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
Luck, good luck.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
I get out Carly. We're grateful.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
Yeah, thank you Carly.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Where Ryan?

Speaker 3 (26:05):
So Marlene reaches out about her husband, Ricky. She had
a dream that her husband was hooking up with her cousin.
She said, they've not been in a good relationship. He's
just not nice. The way he treated her, talk to her,
very entitled and not good, just not good. So we

get him on the phone. He sends the roses to Carly,
not the cousin. The cousin is Elena. So I mean
there was a degree of relief, but not that much.
Says on the card, I try to find someone something
as pretty as you looks like I failed. And then
we jump in Ricky, what's going on. Well, I'm just
being a nice guy. You're not being a nice guy.

And then he starts talking to his wife in a
terrible way, and then he says, see, why would I
want to send roses to her? So this marriage is done.
It's awful, it's finished. He's awful. He's treating her awful.
And I almost think, as I said, that Marlene should
be eventually glad that all of this has happened, because

she just can step us, just get out, take away
the scene.

Speaker 4 (27:10):
And you know what, it all comes back to the dream.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Well, that's what's interesting.

Speaker 5 (27:14):
So she did have the answers are in our dreams.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
Some and some I hope they aren't.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
But yeah, right, like the dream I had about you
to put makeup on me.

Speaker 5 (27:23):
No, I think there's something rooted there. There's something there's.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
That could possibly be rooted in me putting makeup on Sisney.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
From a dream.

Speaker 5 (27:31):
It's Ryan, it's you helping her in some way. So
maybe there is something lately or like that she feels
like you've been helping her in some way.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
No, never know, I do mean well, I.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Mean no, I don't think that the dreamings anything.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
I think it does.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Okay, well, let's go back to Ryan's roses.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
I think there's relief that it wasn't the cousin, and
there's relief that you have every reason to never speak.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
To that guy again.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
Get out of that relationship as ap.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
It is over. No one deserves to be treated like that.
Anna is in Fullerton. So I think you want to
go back to the dreams part of this.

Speaker 6 (28:07):
Right, absolutely. I am here to say that dreams are
definitely not meaningless. You know, they very much offer insight.
You just have to listen to your dreams. For me, personally,
I had a dream once that my coworker was chasing
me and I didn't understand it, but then I found
out that at work, in real life, she was trying

to get me fired. So you need to pay attention
to your dreams. They really do mean something. She's not crazy, Marlene,
You're not crazy. It really meant something.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
Well, for sure in her situation, it did. I think
that's true.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
You can think a narrative about someone or something, then
go to sleep and then bring that into a story
in your dream, and then that story could be real.

Speaker 4 (28:52):
Because it's your subconscious And thank you for this now.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
I appreciate you absolutely.

Speaker 6 (28:58):
I love the show.

Speaker 7 (28:59):
Thank you, Thank you.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Ryan's Roses, Mondays and Thursdays.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
The thing is, you know how people say, yeah, I
went to bed last night and I had a dream
and I created something, like I had this dream about it.
I created something and it becomes the next gadget. I
don't have dreams that are that deliberate that I could
like follow through on them to become something real. I

don't think it's more.

Speaker 4 (29:26):
I think character.

Speaker 7 (29:28):
I love.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
My dreams are always so vivid. Sometimes I don't want
to wake up. I'm like, I want to finish my dream.
There was a dream where I was like on stage
for something, like the curtains were opening, and then like
I woke up and it all happened.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
We can recreate that.

Speaker 5 (29:41):
But that probably means something too, like they're like, let's
like there's something there.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
We should have a dream expert on.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
We've done that, done the dream, We've.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
Done it, but years ago. Let's do it again. A
little refreshed for people.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
I haven't tell you what the dream it's, Tony, tell
her what the dream expert is going to say.

Speaker 4 (29:58):
It's it's not I have a dream expert. I've done
so much therapy, and.

Speaker 5 (30:04):
Please get it's about the feeling.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
It's about the So what is the stage and the
curtains and she does walk out?

Speaker 5 (30:12):
So in your dream, what did you feel you were
dreamed by the crowd.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
I'll keep this short. No, in the dream, it was
the build up. It was like we were prepping and
prepping and prepping and prepping for this big moment, big moment,
and finally gone on stage, and then the curtains were
about to open.

Speaker 5 (30:25):
And then is there something in life that you're prepping, prepping,
prepping for.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
I think this is envy because Michael's a rock star.
That's what exactly on stage and he.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Gets to do it.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
It's not that.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
She wants one.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
Definitely, I'm the dream expert here.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
If anybody listening it is an actual dream expert, please
call us and we will have you on as a guest.
So much the whole ten o'clock hour we devoted to
dream call after in Charge.

Speaker 2 (30:58):
It's all dreams.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
My sister and I had dinner and we sat at
the bar at a restaurant, yeah, to order food, and
next to us where people all people having dinner alone,
and I thought I should do that. I don't ever
do that, but I should go sit at the bar
and have dinner alone. They were coming a good time
with each other. They were talking to each other, meeting
each other.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
I do that a lot. Brunch, breakfast or lunch is ours?

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Is it weird to go the top?

Speaker 3 (31:23):
Is it weird? Searches of twenty twenty four. Is it
weird to go to a bar alone? Number one?

Speaker 1 (31:29):
A bar, okay, that's different.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Is it weird to talk to yourself? Number two?

Speaker 1 (31:34):
Like everyone?

Speaker 2 (31:34):
I do that all the time.

Speaker 1 (31:35):

Speaker 3 (31:36):
Is it weird to go to a concert alone? That's
the number three most searched? Is it weird to go
to the movies alone? I'd rather go to the movies
alone than a concert, say.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
Michael might have to go to a concert alone tomorrow.
He wanted me to go to Weezer with him, and I,
one don't really want to, two you can't, and two
we don't have a babysitter. And I was like, you
gotta find a buddy or just go by yourself.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
Oh, research for him for his garage path. Okay, let's go, Sysney.
It's called loud budgeting. A lot of people TikTok and
talking about it.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
So I mean, when it comes to saving money, I
think right now, it's all in our headspace. The holidays
are coming up, and that's crazy to even say out loud,
but we're trying to find ways to save and loud
budgeting is a way to do. So it's all over
TikTok this year. And it's a money saving technique that
involves declining social opportunities, so grabbing dinner with your friends

or that destination wedding. It just puts you your financial
goals in jeopardy. And so it's basically telling people that's
the reason you're not going. I'm not going because I'm
trying to save money, which a lot of people usually
don't do or feel embarrassed to say, or for whatever reason,
I feel like society has made us all very hush
about our finances. So I just say, like, forget the fomo,

you don't need to go on that girl's weekend, and
just be honest about it. And it truly does like
help you kind of just stay in line. It's more
of a commitment to yourself because now you set it
out loud, and saying those words out loud, it almost
like just like reminds me.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
I can't coming with you guys. I'm saving for the holidays.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
I'm saving for a trip exactly, I'm doing school tuition.

Speaker 1 (33:15):
Whatever it is. It's called loud budgeting, and it just
involves honesty really and mentally it does something for you
when you actually voice it out loud. It keeps you
accountable for that and then eventually you will start to
save money. I get it. I went to a destination
wedding a few months ago for my best friend in college.
I love her to death. I hadn't seen her in years.
Though I'm glad I went, but it really did set

us back a little bit.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Did we didn't you.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
Know we didn't need to go.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Had you have read this or seen this on TikTok
before would you have changed your mind?

Speaker 1 (33:44):
I don't know, because I love her and I'm happy
I was there.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
That's the problem, right with a lot of this, there's
the emotion of the guilt yes being there, not being there, No,
But there's ad budget than to say it is.

Speaker 4 (33:54):
You can loud budget and stuff like day to day stuff.

Speaker 5 (33:57):
You know, like, no, we're not going to Postmates that dinner,
We're gonna eat what we have in the fridge, or
you know what I mean, don't have to miss out
on events.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
To loud budget, you can do it small things.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
It's Disney.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
It's harder to do than say because you were in
that situation, you could have done it.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
But you didn't.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Yeah, I know, and I feel bad.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
And that's the thing we all are in this, like
all of us have that trade where we feel bad
or you you.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Have the fomo, the fear of missing out when it
comes to a girl's week and all your friends are
going on, they're saying, oh my gosh, it's gonna be
the weekend. We're all we're gonna remember this forever. You
don't want to be the only one that doesn't go.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
But so harder than we say it is hard. We
have a candidate on the line here. Oh yeah, candidates
running for something in seventh grade.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
Hello, Hello, Sophia, Sophia, are you there?

Speaker 3 (34:45):

Speaker 2 (34:46):
What are you running for?

Speaker 8 (34:49):
I'm ready for seventh grade represented as the Shooting Council
seventh grade.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
Oh I remember these days. I didn't have the courage
to do it. So congratulations I.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
Ran and didn't win.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
You don't say that, Sophia, Please don't put that.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
In the mo I'm just saying you got to keep
on going line.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Okay, okay, So Sophia, tell us about your platforming my platform? Yeah, well,
what do you want to do? What's your pitch? What's
your proposal to the students?

Speaker 7 (35:15):
The shorten the lunch line and do so much more
events for practical It's a very smalse community.

Speaker 8 (35:20):
And I love that we're close to each other.

Speaker 2 (35:22):

Speaker 1 (35:24):
I love that shorter lines and more events for the school.

Speaker 7 (35:28):
I really like having events for similar grades. Everybody get
to know each other.

Speaker 8 (35:31):
I love everybody being spending each other.

Speaker 7 (35:33):
I'd be so.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
First of all, you have what it takes. I've talked
to you for a minute. In twelve seconds, I can
hear it in your voice. You've got the spirit, you've
got the charisma. How do we get people to vote
for you? What's the school? Should we give the name
of the school and the voting Yes.

Speaker 8 (35:48):
Program, the Valley School, so everybody to vote for Sophia
used fagame.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
The Valley School. Yeah, okay, Sophia, seventh grade reper. Look
at you. You are enterprising. You took it on your
own to call into here, to use this platform to
publicize your running.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Well done.

Speaker 5 (36:11):
Anyway that gets on the city.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
I love it so good, and we should say equal
time to any of your other you know, candidates, candidates
that are running against you, your opposition.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
We're here for everybody.

Speaker 7 (36:24):
But if somebody put a sticker on my locker, you went.

Speaker 2 (36:27):
For it, Sophia, Well, good luck.

Speaker 9 (36:29):

Speaker 2 (36:30):
When's the vote and when will we get the results?
It's the vote is in nine minutes.

Speaker 7 (36:38):
Yes, my vote and speech is in nine minutes.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
Oh so you can call back and tell us if
you want or not. Yes, all right, well you know
the number. Good luck, Sophia. Let us know everyone will
stand by to see if you win seventh grade representative.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Yes, the Valley School does, Sophia.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
All right?

Speaker 1 (36:54):
I wanted to say thank you so much for letting
us be online.

Speaker 7 (36:59):
You got my daughter Sophia, Dorothy Ryan, Sistany and THEO
and Tanya. She loves you too.

Speaker 3 (37:11):
I love that you're there supporting your little girl and
you do for us. Let us know if she wins,
we're here here for hours. Okay, calls back, We.

Speaker 7 (37:19):
Will call you back.

Speaker 2 (37:20):
We will good luck.

Speaker 7 (37:22):
All right, thank you all.

Speaker 3 (37:24):
On the edge of my set. I mean, that's the
fastest we're gonna get results, faster than anything we've ever done.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
This is what you've come to work for, just to
have stunt men that did stuff like this for radio
Manny on the streets you said, now we're doing it.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
So it's gotten very viral, very popular. Du Lee. But
she was in Austin, Texas, and you saw that.

Speaker 3 (37:51):
You know that last weekend and before her show, she
went out with some people to a local barbecue place. Now,
barbecue for me makes me thirsty. I couldn't sing if
I had a bunch of barbecue. And then how to perform.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
This might have been after performance.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
Fine, that's fair.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
While she was there, she put together a concoction and
she puts on TikTok Step one diet coke Step two.

Speaker 1 (38:09):
Pickle juice, the pickle juice for me. I don't like pickles.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
Oh you don't like pickles? You don't like deal or
sweet pickles? And like, do you like pickled peppers?

Speaker 1 (38:23):
I like a deep fried pickle? Have you ever had those? Like,
like they're a little they're they're cut really thin. There's
a place right across the street that like does them
really well?

Speaker 2 (38:31):
So were you gonna try this? Bless you? He's already
sneezing about it.

Speaker 6 (38:35):

Speaker 1 (38:35):
I like pickles.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
I like pickle.

Speaker 4 (38:38):
The smell. Okay, let's go, everybody go.

Speaker 2 (38:42):
Actually it's great. It's it's great. It's sweet and salty.

Speaker 4 (38:46):
I like it.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
And it's garlicy garlics in that pickled juice.

Speaker 3 (38:51):
Yeah, other minor Yeah those are.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
No, no mind.

Speaker 1 (38:57):
I like it. I need a gum or something because
it's it's got.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
It's sweet and salty. If you like sweet and salty,
you like it. Oh you're such.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
Dramatic and gosh, bro if you didn't like pickles and
you drink that, it would taste like doodoo.

Speaker 2 (39:11):
No it's not. It tastes like sweet and sour.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
I like it.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
Who knew we've been writing so long they could do
it in my mouth for the rest of the day.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
Now, it's a garlic. There's a pickled garlic in that juice.

Speaker 5 (39:25):
It's delicious, all right. Strange floating pickles in mine.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
That might be one step too far from me a
diet coke soaked pickle, but the juice is okay.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
Thanks for listening to On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make
sure to subscribe it and we'll talk to you again tomorrow.
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