All Episodes

June 17, 2024 46 mins
The Morning Hack: If you're having someone over for the first attention to these 3 things, because you will be judged on them. Ryan’s Roses: Her husband took a phone call in front of her that set off a whirlwind of suspicion. Find out what set her off and where we go from here. Shay Mitchell- her new show "Thirsty" is on Max!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood to you, thank you for listening to us.
Ryan Air on Air with a Ryan.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Seacrest sipping our coffee since he's got her tea tea,
I know you've got Yeah, I can see the bag
hanging out.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
I know. Well, it's not the bag, it's the little.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
The label the bag, the bags inside, but the paper
I always the label always gets inside my tea, which
I think is pretty toxic. But good morning, good morning,
How are you? How is everybody good? Big family weekend?
Father's Day yesterday? Yeah? What did you do for daddy?

My no, no, I mean what did you do as
a kid? Dad? What'd you do for Michael? That really
threw me off, Not for your dad, but you know
how you have to write the cards sometimes from your kids.
You have to shop for for your kids, for something
you celebrate.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Exactly, we gave him a few gifts and and we
made breakfast for him and let him sleep in. And
it's funny because he was apparently awake the entire time
that we were cooking the breakfast, because he could hear
us rumbling and may be like, should wake up daddy,
don't wake up daddy, And so it was really cute.
We just had a nice day at home.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
I guess you celebrated it too, Tanya, right with Robbie's kids.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
Yeah, but I mean I also have a dad, I.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
Know, but I'm not gonna I'm not going to assume
that you were with your dad.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
Well, my dad is in Serbia, and so I spent
like a very long time talking to him on FaceTime
and I got like very emotional buckets.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Really yeah, there so far away. Yeah, it's been a
long time.

Speaker 4 (01:34):
It's they're always gone for long periods of time. And
I don't know, just like hit me yesterday because I
think because it was Father's Day. But we did like
a thing. We also made him breakfast and then we
celebrated with his dad and his family and we just
like barbecued and literally we ate like from like noon
till six.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
We just like ate outside.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
My dad loves the waffle House. He loves the waffle house,
and so he likes to go to the waffle house
for Father's Day.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
Does he like the Jonas Brothers song the waffle House?

Speaker 2 (02:02):
He doesn't know. I don't think he knows.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Send it to him.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
But he's got a waffle House apron, which is so cute.
So he actually made homemade waffle house yesterday and facetimed
them as well. And then my niece cooked breakfast too.
She's five and a half. She cooked breakfast for Jimmy
her dad, just as just a good day to celebrate.
And you know, life is precious, So when you've got
time with those parents, make sure you show them the love.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Yeah, so true.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
So we got clouds this morning, sunshine later. But June
gloom is on its way out. We need to celebrate that.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Right, how much more of you do it?

Speaker 2 (02:37):
It should be gone by the end of the week.
High's today mid seventies eighties Inland.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
That's very specific.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Yeah, just the weather forecast.

Speaker 4 (02:47):
I feel like yesterday was the first day, the first
day I woke up and I didn't see June gloom yesterday.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
It's so life changing to get rid of it, you know,
just puts you in a definitely here right now. I'm
looking out for that, all right. So that's going to
move on. We got four packs at Disneyland every hour.
This Ryan's Roses. Her husband took a phone call in
front of her. That's set off a WorldWind of suspicion.
I'll tell you more about that. But that's just if
you're planning your morning is seven point forty. I want
to shout out the lions Den Jim on Center Street

in Pomona who have us on very early, and good
on you. If you're in your workout this morning getting
it out of the way, Good for you. You're getting it
done on a Monday morning, which is great. All right.
So we've got the Ryan's roses this morning. Find out
what set her off and where we go from here
as her husband took this call in front of her,

that is on the way this morning, Sidney, what we
missed while were sleeping last night.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Well, firefighters continued battling a fast moving brush fire that's
burned more than fourteen thousand acres and force evacuations in
the Gorman area of northern La County. Meanwhile, in Lancaster,
the Max fire is one contained after breaking out at
three forty five yesterday. And Disney and Picks our animated
sequel Inside Out two scored a huge one and fifty

five million in its first weekend, making it the biggest
opening of the year. And that's what happened overnight.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
So yeah, this morning, hack is coming in a few minutes.
If you are having someone over for the first time,
soon pay attention to these things because you will be
judged on them. Then I've got a good quote for
the day. Wow, we got a real trouble maker around here.
We got a real trouble maker around in me. Well,
I didn't know the story. Mark just says, you got
to ask Sydney why she got kicked out. Kicked out
of a recital?

Speaker 1 (04:30):
Your kids recital, Yeah, Maxim's piano recital. That's recital season. Okay,
So the girls just had their dance recital. It was
Savella's first one. She's like only two and did such
a good job. So now we're at Maxim's piano recital.
And have you ever been to a kid's piano recital.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
I've only seen them on video, Like my sister sends
me video recitals. Right, Yeah, would you have to be
very quiet or what would Yeah?

Speaker 1 (04:54):
They gave like the in the school that he goes
to is like very They're just like a very proper,
stric piano school. And at the very beginning, the instructor
told everybody listen, like we just you know, clap, no cheering,
like we're just going to keep it moving. They don't
even they don't even introduce their names. They're all like
number for speed.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
I don't know if it's speed.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
It's like they come and they bow before and they
then they play the piano. And so it's just like
very strict and it's cute. I like the discipline of
this place. And so he Maxim was number eight of
twenty two kids. So well in theory, no, you want
to stay till the end.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
And I look a blessing to be number eight out
of twenty something.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
So we got there so early.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
We actually were in the front row, so prime seating,
and I have Surveyor with me, who's two, and our
whole family and both we're taking almost two rows at
this point. And and so he she's like squirmy, you know,
I'm trying to like kind of feed her little like
cereal or something just to keep her quiet because she's
so talkative. She's just like oh, and they're like, a,

you have any children that are gonna be loud, please
just remove them from here. They're not gonna stop crying,
they're not gonna blah blah blah. And this is what
they said at the beginning. And so it gets closer
and closer to him. And as soon as Maxin goes up,
of course she sees her big brother and she's like, hi, Max,
And I mean, you could hear a needle like drop
in this place. It's so quiet.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
It's a quiet place day one the movie totally.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Yeah, exactly exactly.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
And so he's coming up to do his bow and
he's so like a true professional, is ignoring the noise
and his little sister going.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Max and Max and max In the whole time. So
he does.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
His does his piano and does a great job, comes
back and you can see the instructor just like looking
over at us and just gives me a look like
you guys are done. And I was like all right,
and I just picked up some in and we walked right, and.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
We walked right.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
I mean, I have to I don't have kids. One
day I'm in, one day I'm out. You know, I
don't know, I know what I'm gonna do.

Speaker 3 (06:58):

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Time be running out, but I don't. There's so much
I no, no, but do you know what I'm meaning? Yeah,
but there's so much. It's like your weekend recitals, soccer, sports,
all the different things that the weekend activities. It is
so much, so busy, but I would have appreciated getting

just give her to me. Let me go. Let's just
move things along, all right, Let's get to this morning
hack coming up next. I also have the quote of
the day, one of two point seven kiss it's a
Ryan's roses Monday morning. That's at seven point forty. So
let's get to the morning hack. Moving through a Monday
morning seacrest with you. Today's National Each Vegetables Day. I

was just reading about this America's favorite vegetables here onions,
green beans, and carrots. I could I don't like carrots.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
I don't like beans.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
I love onions, onion onions.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
I love carrots, like carrots.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
I like raw onions too.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
I'm getting there with the raw.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
To be honest, america least favorite vegetables turn ups, beets
and radishes. Okay, I could do without all those.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
I do love a beat and I am. I am
thrilled with a turn up every now and then.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Well, good gets your thrills with your turn up? All right,
big moment, big moment here we go. Want to get
to the hack. Big moment when you're dating someone, This
is interesting. Mikayla listen up, Mikayla. When you're dating someone
and you bring them to your place for the first time,
I feel experts say there are three things your date

will notice first, so make sure you are ready before
you go out, so when you come back it's all sorted.
How clean your bathroom is, Oh yes, I've been to
people's apartments where that trash can is overflowing by the toilet.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Not even that like facial little like remnants of them shaving,
all the hairs still in the sink. That is like
a deal break.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
So clean bathroom one. Two? What books or photos they
have on display? I was once judged by a book.
I was once judged by you because I have these
like spiritual books, you know, I like all the spiritual books,
you know, the self guide books. Anyway, so I had
I had one on my coffee table, and I remembers

a while ago somebody said, are you one of those people?
I'm like, what do you mean? One of those people
those books? Read those books for self help. So that's it.
What books and photos you have on display? And the
condition of your furniture. They say, the condition of your furniture,
so be aware.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
That's interesting. I would say, dirty dishes.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Yeah, I think the sink is something too.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
I think so too interesting.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
It's stacked up there. They say, people don't care about
what you've got in your fridge, although I do like
a good fridge search too, So good luck daters there.
Today's quote deep down you know exactly where you stand
with someone. Hope blurs the lines a bit, but you
know so. That's from one of my health books that

I was judged by.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
And when you have a whole bookshelf of self help by.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
Just FM headlines with siciny well.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Firefighters continued battling a fast moving brush fire that's burned
more than fourteen thousand acres and force evacuations in the
Gorman area of northern LA County, about halfway between Santa
Clarita and Bakersfield. LA County's pool season just got a
whole lot longer. All public pools will now be opened
six days a week through the end of October instead

of the usual ten week swimming season. Dodger star Mookie
Bets suffered a fractured left hand after he was hit
by a fastball in the seventh inning yesterday. He's going
to be out for a while, but not expected to
need surgery, and the City of Long Beach has opened
two free, family friendly aquatic playgrounds for the summer at
Alamito's Bay and Bay Shore Beach, open daily through Labor Day.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
On air with Ryan Seacrest one eight hundred five to
one O two seven at Kiss, Nicole is on the line.
Good morning, Nicole. You got all of us here? How
are you hi?

Speaker 5 (11:09):

Speaker 2 (11:10):

Speaker 5 (11:10):
How are y all?

Speaker 2 (11:12):
We're doing fine. Okay, we're stepping in for some life advice.
We're unqualified to give it, but we love to. What's
the issue with your friend's boyfriend?

Speaker 6 (11:21):
So my friend has been dating her boyfriend for about
a year now, and he just parties way too much.
Like whenever they go out or do anything, they end
up just having a wild night no matter what they do.
And I mean I've witnessed this firsthand. Whenever they invite
me out to dinner, we somehow end up going out
afterwards to bars and it becomes such a crazy night.

And it's honestly gone to the point where I don't
want to hang out with them anymore because this has
become the norm. They keep inviting me to hang out,
but I keep coming up with like excuse out their
excuse and just telling white lies because I just can't
do the partying anymore. It's really exhausting. I guess I'm
not really sure how to bring it up to my
friend without insulting her or like her choice of her boyfriend.

So what what do y'all think is the best way
to handle the situation?

Speaker 5 (12:13):
Because I am.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Absolutely set up? You're done? Two things here. One don't
care like you you don't care so much about being
direct and honest with them. And two, don't spend don't accept,
don't spend time with them. But I think there's nothing
wrong in saying, hey, look, you guys are a little wild.
The tempo is a little too much for me, and
you're a good friend, truly. If you can be open

and honest and say that, don't you think isn't it?

Speaker 1 (12:37):
Or you could have the self power to just go
out to dinner and then not go out to the
bars and all that, just call it a night, like
like Tanya does that with me sometimes. You know, I'd
be like, you go out to dinner, like I want
to keep going, and then she's like, you know, I'm done,
I'm going to bed. So you just have to stop
yourself as well, Nicole.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
Yeah, that's so true, and I guess I don't think
she realizes just how much like they really are partying
and how it's truly affecting not only our relationship, but
a relationship with our other friends and everything else.

Speaker 7 (13:08):

Speaker 2 (13:09):
I mean, a good friend is being a direct and
honest friend, right, and so I think that you have Yeah,
you have reason, you have, you have reason to to
have that conversation. By the way, I would probably avoid
saying it's her boyfriend also, right, I mean on him

becomes that becomes defensive.

Speaker 5 (13:31):
Yeah, right, Yeah, it really does.

Speaker 6 (13:34):
And that's where it gets like tricky, because it is him,
Like he's kind of the one who started this. She
wasn't really like that before.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
She but she knows. If you just say to her, look,
you've seen a different side of her and it's becoming
a little bit of an issue, and you just want
to make her ware. I think that's the best way
to handle it. Be direct, to be honest. Thank you
for calling, Nicole. You have a great Monday.

Speaker 6 (13:54):
Thank you all have a great day.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Right, everything is as life goes on. Friends like that
don't always stick around, now exactly, you don't, I mean
you don't have the same number as time goes on
and every now in the universe makes you edit your friends,
and maybe that is somebody that doesn't need to be
in her life. It's taking away from so well being
and her wellness. I hate direct conversations.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
Ignoring this could just happen naturally. That's what happened to me,
Like all my friends from like ten years ago that
I used to kind of party with and all that.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Yeah, it's so funny. I can say to anyone listening,
just look them in the ye talk directly. In my
own life, run from conflict. So are you dating or
trying to date? And how do you feel about it?
It's just not It's just not so easy most of
the time. So there is this trend. Tanya clearly is

for it. Sistney's gonna explain it and then we can
all weigh in. But it is a new dating trend
here in Los Angeles where you give a PowerPoint presentation
about well your friend and why they shouldn't be single
ex exactly exactly.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
I think dating in general has probably got a big struggle,
especially here in LA.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Why why do we say that? Though? I mean I
say it too, but why.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
Here in La, I think because this is such a
fast moving city. And then also public transportation here is
not the easiest, so you need to have a car
to get to somebody on the west side, and then
you're dealing with traffic, and so then you just.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
Give up and the city is like the bigger, better
deal syndrome.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Not everywhere, that's that's the blocks you walk. Okay, just
saying that's not the blocks everywhere, all right, So explain
this to me.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
So now I imagine you're instead of having to do
the apps, your best friend is the one that's pitching
you to strangers. And so this group in La called
the Next Fun Thing throws regular dating events.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
I just did one.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Yeah, well yeah, and they actually just did this specific
one this past weekend.

Speaker 6 (15:53):

Speaker 1 (15:54):
But before this they've done like speed dating, like the
traditional speed dating and all that stuff, or mingles and
things like that. But this is the first power point
one where your friends are just explaining to a.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
Whole group of strangers.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Are up on stage and they're explaining to a group
of strangers why.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
You are personal?

Speaker 3 (16:10):
Why is it so insane that you're still single?

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Why, like you just go on and on and on
about your best friend to like shine this huge light
on them. And I think coming from a friend or
a family member or whatever is is so much better
than you on a dating app because you're kind of
just like speaking for yourself on a dating app, You're like,
this is why I'm great, and it's kind of if
you were to do.

Speaker 4 (16:30):
This for me, yeah, oh my gosh, I would be
what what would you say?

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Because I mean, I will tell you a week doesn't
go by where someone doesn't say to me, how come
you've never been married?

Speaker 7 (16:41):

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Every week, every single week. I mean I circulate, I'm
out in the wild. You know these people I don't know,
they're just curious why, and I don't have all the answers.
But I say, if you were to do this for me, Tanya, yes,
what would you say?

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Okay, Well, first of all.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
Have some time to come back next week.

Speaker 4 (17:01):
Yeah, because I would do like a full presentation, like
I would have to really think about it, but I'd
say at the top, I'd put one of the tough
things at the top of my list. I would say
you're very loyal, and then I would go in to explain,
like my PowerPoint would have different like how.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Long does a presentation, There must be a time.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
Let me just say it's three minutes, right, she has
three minutes.

Speaker 3 (17:20):
You have to have like bullets.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
So like loyalty would be at the top of my list,
and I would say, how long you've worked at this show,
how long you've worked on other shows, like your commitment,
So that is huge loyalty right there, bing bing bing.
I would say you're romantic, and I would go and
explain some of the.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Very don't give examples of him why he's romantic with
ex girlfriends.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
Well, I love that.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
I'd love to hear about candles and like romantic weekend,
like getaways.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
What are you doing for the next forty hours? What
a great line.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
Yeah, So I'd put that in there, and then i'd
button it up with your relationship with your mom and
say everybody wants a mama's boy, and he is the
quintessent mama's boy.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
He loves and take.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Needy, not needy like a mama's boy.

Speaker 3 (18:04):
No, no, no, I didn't say needy.

Speaker 2 (18:06):
See I sometimes I love I love a thing. It's
not so good.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
It could be a negative.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
By the way, Remember it was like viral news that
I said, I call my mom every day. Actually, we
talked about it here. All of a sudden I read
it on.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
ET or Oh that's so funny, you know, you know,
I would add that you're also witty. So like, if
you want to laugh in a relationship, this guy will,
this guy will crack you up.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Humor humor.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Gosh, all right, do you know the founder? I think
you do.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
Actually, do I know the the founder of the next
We should have found her. We should have her on and.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
That's a great idea, and let's find out the success
rate and hear what the presentations idea?

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Who is she?

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Actually just was on a talk show because one of
the couples that met at one of our events is
now married and like they're having inky babies.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
It's just it's so beautiful. I love it.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
The next fun.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Thing, this is the new dating trend here in l A, Okay,
friends gather around. It's time for Ryan's roses on Kiss FM.
So here's what we got here. This is what came
into us, Dear Ryan, says Anitania. My husband took a
call in front of me and clearly was trying not

to say anything. I could hear a woman yelling on
the other end. I asked him it was. He said
it was George, as friend George. She heard a woman's voice.
So here we go.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
Penelope, George has like a high pitched voice.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Look at you defending him. Let's get to the bottom of.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
This andosen until proven guilty.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
All right, Penelope, thanks for writing to us. You ask
your husband who it was, he says, George. What happened next?

Speaker 8 (19:46):
Yeah, So we were in the kitchen. I was making dinner,
and he was, you know, helping one of our sons
with his homework. And then so soone ring and I
could just see that something was like of wrong when
he picked it up, and he was trying really hard
to like not say anything, which I thought was kind.

Speaker 9 (20:05):
Of just like a little weird.

Speaker 8 (20:07):
But I could hear the person on the other end,
and it sounded like a woman, and it sounded like
she was screaming at him, and I didn't really.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Know, like arguing with him, like mad.

Speaker 8 (20:20):
Yeah, Like she sounded like she was like yelling at him,
and it was like he didn't want to say anything,
so he was just kind of like sort of silent
or saying like okay, you know, like just kind of
trying to like make the conversation go away, it seemed like.
And I could hear like yeah exactly, and I could
hear like a few like s bams and stuff, and

so I kind.

Speaker 6 (20:42):
Of just like wasn't really sure what to do.

Speaker 5 (20:43):
So I sort of just.

Speaker 8 (20:44):
Like played it cool so that I could, you know,
not like make him be suspicious or anything.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
And then he.

Speaker 8 (20:50):
Said, oh, that was just George.

Speaker 5 (20:52):
There was this big mess up at work.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
I need to go check it out.

Speaker 8 (20:54):
And then he went into his office where his laptop is,
and so then I did pick up his phone and
I looked at it and it said the call was
from George. So then I was like, okay, maybe code
name maybe right. I was like, maybe I'm wrong or
yeah exactly. So then I checked tests with quote George

and there are no texts on his phone like with
that person like at all.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
But let me just cut to something here. Why do
you think so he's lying? But why do you think
he's cheating? Like you really don't trust your husband clearly
to think to be here now.

Speaker 8 (21:31):
There was just something in his eyes that just like
he looked panicked in a way that like he didn't
want me there with this conversation happening.

Speaker 6 (21:41):
I could just tell.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Okay, so something is going on behind your back. You
don't know if it's infidelity. It could be, but also
could be something else. I mean, this sounds like at
could be a broader issue. So here's the gist. She
thinks her husband's lying because he was on the phone
with a woman who was screaming at him. He was
trying to get rid of the car conversation. She asked
him who that was. He says it was George, a guy.

She was positive it's it's just a woman's voice. Who
is Matt like? Who was intense? I'm not so sure
that we know enough to think he's cheating, But why
is he lying about who's on the phone. We're gonna
try and find out. That's what we do, Penelope. I
need you to say, Ryan, you have my permission to call,
and then your husband's name.

Speaker 8 (22:23):
Go ahead, Okay, Ryan, you have permission to call him.

Speaker 5 (22:29):
That's totally fine.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
We're gonna do that right now. Be very quiet, Penelope.
We're gonna offer him roses. We're gonna find out who's
top of mind. Who is he thinking about? George? Penelope?
I mean, what's gonna happen? All right, quite quiet, here
we go sicinying no, good luck.

Speaker 3 (22:59):
How is this seth?

Speaker 7 (23:01):

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Hi, my name is Serena. I'm calling from Wild Roses.
How are you doing this morning?

Speaker 7 (23:08):

Speaker 2 (23:08):

Speaker 7 (23:09):
You know.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
We're actually a flowers shop delivers in the South Bay
and parts of Los Angeles and even Orange County. We're
offering a promotion today. It's a free dozen red roses
that you can send to anybody that you'd like, just
promoting our business. Hopefully you're pleased with our arrangements and
you refer to friends and family.

Speaker 7 (23:27):
You're saying, wait, what what do you say?

Speaker 1 (23:30):
It's a free dozen red roses that you can send
to anybody that you'd like. I don't need cash from you,
or credit card info or anything like that, just the
name of the person you want to send them to,
and a no.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
We can start there. They're free.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
They are absolutely free.

Speaker 7 (23:45):
How did you get this number?

Speaker 1 (23:47):
You may have purchased something online in the past six
to eighteen months and click to receive promotional offers from
local vendors. Okay, is there anybody you want to send
free flat for free flowers too?

Speaker 3 (24:02):

Speaker 5 (24:04):
Actually, yeah, great, yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 3 (24:08):
What's their name.

Speaker 2 (24:09):
We can.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
We can write the note and then send them off
today or whatever day's were convenient for you.

Speaker 7 (24:15):
Yeah, okay, send them to Anna.

Speaker 1 (24:18):

Speaker 3 (24:19):
Is that two ends are one in?

Speaker 5 (24:22):
It's a na a n a okay?

Speaker 1 (24:25):
And then what would you like to put on the note?

Speaker 7 (24:29):
Just put We can make this work. Don't give up
on me.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
We can make this work. Oh that sounds intense. I
hope everything's okay, Seth.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Your voice is being broadcast on the radio. I have
your wife, Penelope on the line. We need to understand
what's going on here. Who's Anna? And why the note? Seth?
Are you there?

Speaker 7 (24:59):

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Yuh, that's just explained to us what's going on your
Your wife has reached out to us saying that you
your wife thinks that you're cheating on her boat.

Speaker 5 (25:11):
Are you is on the line?

Speaker 2 (25:13):
Yes, Yes, Penelope is on the line.

Speaker 8 (25:17):
Yes, I'm on the line.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Who's Anna?

Speaker 7 (25:21):
Hey, look she pursued me, all right, I just.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Explain like this was not my doing.

Speaker 7 (25:31):
She pursued me.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
You're doing you're married.

Speaker 8 (25:36):
You're doing roses and you said we can make Yes.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
You're pursuing her.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
At this point, you're a victim in this actor. You
can't help yourself.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
Listen, she was really upset when I ended it, and
I'm just trying to make her feel better, all right.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Let me go back a step. So,
if you're married to Penelope, you had an affair with Anna,
you broke it off, and now you're trying.

Speaker 5 (26:01):
To be a good guy guy O, Yeah, I feel bad.

Speaker 7 (26:07):
We were friends and before.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
Wait, you feel bad for Hannah? What about your wife?

Speaker 5 (26:17):
Okay, I feel bad all the way around. I just
I'm pop.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Could you respond to this? I mean, what do you think?

Speaker 5 (26:25):
Did you sleep with her? That's not important, obviously, of
course it's important.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
What do you Penelope?

Speaker 1 (26:34):
Do you know Anna?

Speaker 8 (26:37):
No, I don't know who this is.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
Well, let me tell you what I'm hearing here. I
hear your husband had a relationship, are romance, had feelings
for this woman? Because he just said, wait, say we
can make this work. Don't give up on me. What
do you mean you're and you just said you're trying
to let her like a thing for the past, but
don't give up on me.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Said that she was a friend that your wife clearly
didn't know or meet.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Every she pursued you so said, Look, I got a
lot to do. Just tell us right now, what's going on.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Look, I'm not I'm not cheating at my wife. I'm
trying to make things right.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Well, who what do you do with Dana?

Speaker 8 (27:19):
What are you doing? What do you think right with?

Speaker 7 (27:20):

Speaker 1 (27:21):
With who?

Speaker 8 (27:21):
Who are you trying to make It's not me?

Speaker 5 (27:26):
I'm look, I'm sorry, I'm just I'm I didn't want
I don't want anybody to get hurt, and I'm trying
to figure out a way that nobody gets hurt.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
Too late.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Well for that, all right, here's the thing, Penelope. Your
husband is having sounds like a relationship with another woman,
and his heart's in it. I mean, listen out how
he's saying I didn't understand you and how you can
be so calm in this moment. But he's seeing another
woman named Annie to find out who it is and
he needed. Is that what you want to do with

your husband?

Speaker 8 (27:58):
I think I'm just kind of like an shock right now.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
I would be too.

Speaker 9 (28:02):

Speaker 2 (28:03):
And he's having two relationships. He's in two relationships at
the same time.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
A relationship with her anymore. I'm not in a relationship.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
We just said, don't give up on me, Well, am
I hearing making things?

Speaker 8 (28:16):
He's like getting caught up in the semantics of this,
and like the semantics don't matter. I just feel like
he has like completely destroyed our family, and I just
I hope this was worth it because everything is ruined.

Speaker 6 (28:32):
Like, good for you.

Speaker 7 (28:36):
To explain?

Speaker 2 (28:39):
All right, will you guys explain off air, We've got
to move on. Pathological, Yeah, pathological and delusional.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
And narcissist and calm and calm.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
Penelope found out that her husband sent roses to another
woman named Anna, and he says in the card, we
can make this work. Don't give up on me. Then
he says he didn't want to hurt anyone, That's why
he's sending her roses. And he says he's not having
an affair. And one asked if he's sleeping with her.
He says, that's not important. I mean, the guy made

no sense. It was like we were speaking two different
universes of languages. So she's found her husband who has
like his heart's in this with the other woman. His
heart is in it with your own. Say, okay, what
do you do?

Speaker 1 (29:33):
They have kids, she said, ruined the family, So.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
What do you do? This is like, what what is
the next step for Penelope? Do you track down Anna?
Do you want to know who that is?

Speaker 1 (29:43):
I mean, if you really want to go down that
rabbit hole, fine to get more details of like when
it began and like whatever, But I just cut your
losses at this point.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
But how is it good if you didn't hear this.
I've never heard, or rarely have I heard someone who
can be so calm a matter of fact and make
no sense while explaining he's not having an affair but
sending roses. We can make this work. Don't give up
on me. And that answered the question if they were.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Like, remember he kicked off the whole argument with she pursued.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
Me, right, No, go back and listen to this. Go back, yeah,
and listen to this. It made no sense if I
were to read the words on a piece of paper, don't.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
That's what narcissists do. That's what they do. They create
these narratives that.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Are actually fast flighting.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Yes, it is so wild, it's scary, actually any of
these people in my life.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
No, but here's the thing. Penelope obviously thought she was
marrying a good guy. How awful is it to like,
I mean, like if it were me, I would say,
how do I suck so bad in judgment? In the
judgment department?

Speaker 1 (30:45):
I know what you mean, right?

Speaker 2 (30:47):
How could I? How can I be so nice not
to see exactly this gus pathological and delusion.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
The red flags?

Speaker 1 (30:53):
Or maybe she did say the red flags and just
chose to ignore them, or maybe she can change Culver City.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Well, I spent a lot of time in Culver City
to tell you, I love it down there, cut.

Speaker 9 (31:12):
There, it's I mean, that's where I grew up, So it's,
in my opinion, the best, A lot.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Of great spots to walk to. Okay, that's not where
we're here. We're talking about Ryan's roses right now. And
you heard Penelope, and you heard this, you heard Seth.
What's your view?

Speaker 9 (31:30):
I mean, the least I can say is that it
was fascinating because he's trying to make it seem like
he's innocent, but he's like one because he he broke
it off, you know, good for you, buddy, But also

that he didn't pursue her, so it's like he thinks
he's this big hero in this situation.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
Really, you're calling it heroes complex?

Speaker 1 (32:06):
Is that a thing?

Speaker 9 (32:07):
Absolutely? Oh yes, I don't know, is it.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
I don't know what a hero complex.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
I never heard of that.

Speaker 9 (32:13):
When I was listening to it, that was my first thought.
I was like, this guy has his total hero complex
like and is just like a like a dictionary nursissist.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
Did you looking up ton is it? Is there something
called that?

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Yeah, it's a actual thing.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Yeah, what does it say about anything else?

Speaker 4 (32:33):
It's a psychological disorder that causes a person to seek
recognition for heroism. So basically, they create.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
These things to be they create tragic issues to be
the problem solver.

Speaker 7 (32:46):

Speaker 2 (32:46):
I don't like it. As a matter of fact, it
scares me. That guy's frightening. What he was able to
do was frightening. Natalia. Are you in a relationship?

Speaker 9 (32:56):

Speaker 2 (32:56):
Actually, oh well good for you. You don't have to
deal with the sex of the world. Thank you for
listening to.

Speaker 9 (33:03):
Taking care, Thank you, Bye bye.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
Heroes complex. That's a first same, never heard that.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Yeah, but so.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
It's like, I mean, there are people in my life
that I know like to create a little problem to
then solve it and then tell you about it.

Speaker 3 (33:25):
You can't care to explain.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
It's one of the people here.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Matter of fact, it's one of the people here.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
I'm not putting I'm not naming names. Yes, okay, you
got it. It's not Kanye and it's not here in
the show, but here on the iHeart Team. Not a detail.
Yeah yeah, yeah, you know who it is. Yeah, all right,

thanks for being here on Monday. If you missed, Ryan's
Rose to stick around next hour. Also our podcast every
Day on Earthryan Crest, wherever you get your podcast. Shane Mitchell,
who's doing this show first with Shane Mitchell on Max
is coming up. It is a dream job. She goes
travels the world and explores the cocktails. Yeah, I love it.

I mean that's like that is a great, great job
and talks about the stories behind it all. Uh okay,
Tani's been excited to share this. I don't even know
that the details yet. But Taylor Swiss ex boyfriend, who's
been pretty quiet about yes anything for a long time,
as she's been in the headlines for a long time,

has done what now, Tanya, He has spoken.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
And no, it's like a big deal because he really
never doesn't speak much like we've been dissecting his Instagram
posts and things like that. Rece we have not, yes,
we have and I have no, I have not well,
I mean the collective.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
We as in like the Swifties.

Speaker 4 (34:55):
But so he did an interview with the Sunday Time
Style magazine and he he declined to talk too much
about his past relationship, but he did give quite an
interesting quote. And I really want to hone in on
one word choice in particular. So he said, I would
hope that anyone and everyone can empathize and understand the
difficulties that come with the end of a long, loving,

fully committed relationship of over six and a half years.
You have something very real suddenly thrown into a very
unreal space tabloid social media press, where it is then dissected,
speculated on, pulled out of shape, beyond recognition. And so
the word choice for me was when he said, loving, fully.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
Committed, committed relationship. Do we think someone cheated in the relationship?

Speaker 4 (35:41):
Yes, we did, right, Yes, So, like there was a
lot of suggestive lyrics in the Tortured Posts department that
people like he said, pulled apart, dissected, speculated on, and
have created this narrative that we think he cheated, possibly
with somebody that lives in Florida or in.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
Florida this is the movie in our head? Correct?

Speaker 3 (35:58):

Speaker 4 (35:58):
And so that is Joe kind of really hitting the
hammer on those rumors because he said fully committed relationships.
So it's like he wasn't acknowledging the cheating, but he
was like shutting it down.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
I think it would be so anxiety filled having the
world see think create in hearing songs and then just
like whether it happened or not, just the pressure of that,
and then to be quiet for so long and being
judged by what we don't even know because we don't.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
Know, no, totally, just hearing like all these narratives about
your life like and what. It's almost like a Sophie
Turner when she said she was like watching a movie
of her life and she wasn't even like living in it.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
Wasn't it was fiction. Yeah, right, we're gonna bring in
Shae Mitchell, Shaye Mitchell, who, by the way, has the
greatest I mean, we have great jobs, but she also
has a very good job. And didn't you tell me, Sisney,
weren't you telling me that you're a big fan of
her brand?

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Oh my gosh, Shae, Hi, Hello, she's here, Hi, guys.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
I was like, although I loved hearing this, I.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
Was a walking advertisement for you in Europe. I did
two weeks with your carry on roller and the mini
weekender on top. I made my husband wear the backpack.
We I got stopped by girls and were like, I'm
so jealous of your luggage.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
You have the whole sundy. Why were they whispering.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
Because I don't know you're in like the airport, but
you know it was just and I did carry on
the entire two weeks.

Speaker 10 (37:27):
So wow, Okay, that's impressible.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
And the packing cubes that's what what's the name of it?

Speaker 2 (37:33):
How do you say it? What's the name of the
luggage base? Ba? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (37:37):
Ye, we have all of your basics.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
Yes, yes, So there I am on my TV flipping
through the things that are being recommended to me. You
know this. We think you're gonna love this one, right,
they tell you all that stuff. I'm flipping for further
and I see your SERI your face right first with
Shane Mitchell, and I think to myself, that is a
job I have auditioned for. That is one I didn't.

That's one I did not. I want that one. Kay.
So but it just seems like such a cool concept too.
Tell us about it.

Speaker 10 (38:11):
It is, but it's also kind of like, how has
it not been done? You know, I'm such a big
fan of watching food shows, and we all know there's
so many of them, rightfully so, because they're all incredible,
But there wasn't anything that specifically spoke about beverages, right
and traveling and getting to understand cultures and human and
history through the lens of beverage.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
So I don't know.

Speaker 10 (38:31):
We were like in COVID and I was just watching these
food shows. I was getting really hungry, but I was
also really thirsty and I wanted to travel, and I'm like,
there's no show that kind.

Speaker 3 (38:40):
Of combines both of those.

Speaker 10 (38:41):
So then it was like ding ding thirst.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
But it's so interesting to think about, you know, an
indigenous drink, right and what history is behind that. I mean,
that's the fascinating part.

Speaker 3 (38:55):
One hundred percent.

Speaker 10 (38:56):
Even if you look at tease, you know that's hopefully
we get picked up when we go to a But
I mean, if you even look at tease, how we
consume them, you know, in China and Japan and Morocco,
like everybody has their own ways of making it and
how they share it, and it's it's really really fascinating.
So yes, I selfishly created this this position for me.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
Well, thank you. Have you ever seen tea poured in
moroccoc insane?

Speaker 7 (39:24):

Speaker 2 (39:24):
They do it.

Speaker 10 (39:24):
They I don't know, but I do attempt it every
time I have it myself, and they just the higher
you go, the more skilled apparently.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
So yeah, it's a talent.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
It's a talent.

Speaker 2 (39:35):
So it's called first with Shame. So that's streaming on Max.
It seems like you you mean you you're entrepreneuring it,
aren't you. You're doing a little a little power business move.

Speaker 10 (39:47):
Yeah, I mean, listen, I think this was kind of,
you know, the trajectory of where everything else is going.
I have Base, which is my firstborn, you know, it's
an on the go brand. Then I started Onda during Covid,
which is a tequila seltzer, and now are on tequila
and so it was kind of like, okay, travel drinks first,
and honestly, Thurst isn't just alcohol. I have to call
out because we did have incredible drinks that didn't have alcohol.

But it was wonderful because we chose a place. We
went to South America first, so we actually had four
episodes air and they're all out now, but it was
just so cool to see the difference based on the
ingredients that different places have right what they can come
up with, and just the history behind these drinks. And
I learned so much with even Ada learning about tequila.
I just knew I liked it.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
I didn't know how.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
It was made.

Speaker 10 (40:31):
I didn't know the whole process, but when I did
and I came to understand it, I was like, this
is really cool. I would actually love to know what
all these other things and how they're created. You know
that I love to drink, so yeah, you.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
Know what I loved.

Speaker 1 (40:43):
You were actually drinking like in all these places. You
weren't just like selling it like you. She'd be like, okay,
we have to gounod.

Speaker 10 (40:52):
I don't like to waste food and I don't like
to waste a drink, so every drop is getting consumed.
They chose the right host when it came to that.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Yeah, yeah, it's like it's it's such a fun thing
to check out and to watch on Max Shane Mitchell.
So you're hapen to get picked up for more? You said, yeah,
I mean.

Speaker 10 (41:10):
You know, yeah, it would be an amazing show. I mean,
this is kind of like dream job here, right, So
along with the drinks, sometimes they bring up food. I
never say no, but it's fun. I'd love to continue
to travel and drink around the world.

Speaker 2 (41:22):
Right, Shaye, I you know, love to audition for roles
as a co host. If you ever are in me
a duo.

Speaker 10 (41:32):
Brian that you would like to like, is there like
a dream destination?

Speaker 2 (41:37):
I mean I love South America, I love countries in Africa.
I mean I've done a lot of exploring, so I
think it's yeah, you know where I am right here?
Kiss anytime?

Speaker 1 (41:48):
You know you would have let her in Colombia because
she did like this coffee inside a beer.

Speaker 10 (41:52):
It was like, oh my god, it was fabulous. It's
a shot of coffee in a beer. But I'm telling
you it sounds crazy and people are like, was that
actually good? Was fantastic, but so much so. I don't
think anybody here should you know, we'd be opening up
here and coffee places. It wouldn't really be good, but
it was amazing.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
Well, it's great to see you continued success with all
those adventures you have, Shaye. Thanks for having you. Thank
you guys.

Speaker 3 (42:15):
Good to see you you too.

Speaker 2 (42:17):
Shane Mitchell first, it's awesome on Max. What's your drinks?
Isn't he?

Speaker 1 (42:21):
My drink is always like if we're out and about
it's a night out, I would do tequila, either on
a big rock or if I'm trying to like slow
slow pace it tequila, soda.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
The soda, Fiells, Tony. What's your go to?

Speaker 4 (42:33):
I think I have to stick to wine because the
minute I do tequila, I am such a slob.

Speaker 3 (42:37):
Comebob, it's bad.

Speaker 2 (42:41):
You get you get tipsy fast.

Speaker 4 (42:42):
Yes, Like this weekend, I got accidentally drunk on tequila.

Speaker 2 (42:46):
How do you accident?

Speaker 3 (42:47):

Speaker 2 (42:47):
How do you accidentally do it?

Speaker 4 (42:49):
Because so I was asking for mostly tequila with a
splash of like the margarita mix, so like it mastered
the taste of it, and I was just chug chug chugging.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
It was like basically all tequila. What about you?

Speaker 2 (43:04):
I like wine, I like rose, I like red wine.
But if I have a cocktail of tequila, I like
tequila and I like it pretty clean. I got like
a stuff, a lot of stuff in it, you know.

Speaker 1 (43:14):
After doing my trip, I'm an apparel sprits kind of
going right now.

Speaker 4 (43:17):
My gosh, it's such a fun draft such a fun Yeah,
just go little sprits.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
Yeah, I got everybody awake this morning extra being with
us Disneyland tickets. If you're wondering when those are gonna happen,
they are in just a second. These are some of
this stuff just strikes me as nuts. But let's get
into it. So these are the most talked about TikTok
trends right now. Some are dangerous, some don't work, some
do work. But the one I that struck me the

belly button one. I don't like my belly button.

Speaker 3 (43:46):
Okay, tell me why.

Speaker 2 (43:48):
I don't know if I've ever told you that I
don't like it.

Speaker 3 (43:50):
Why isn't it ny?

Speaker 2 (43:53):
It goes so far in.

Speaker 1 (43:55):
Oh, it's like a deep one.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
It's a deep one. Sometimes I don't even see the back.

Speaker 7 (43:59):

Speaker 3 (43:59):
Mine, it's kind of like that at too.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
And then and then when I was pregnant, it like
reversed out.

Speaker 3 (44:05):
Oh, and it goes back in.

Speaker 2 (44:07):
I always wanted I always like looked up to people
that had Audi's really not the car, the Audi. Yeah,
I always felt like, gosh, I wanted an outy anyway.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
I never wanted an OUDI castor oil in.

Speaker 2 (44:17):
Your belly button a TikToker with a bunch of followers,
says it fights bacterial infections, improves gut health, and stimulates
weight loss. Why is it safe? No? And does it work?

Speaker 7 (44:32):

Speaker 2 (44:32):
It can cause irritation and clog your pores cause acne
does all this stuff you don't want. But I think
common sense says putting oiled cast or oil deep in
there probably yeah, a bad idea.

Speaker 3 (44:41):
It's so weird.

Speaker 2 (44:43):
Next one, this is about coffee. Part of my morning,
look forward to it every day. But if you ever
put brood coffee on your scalp is a TikTok trend.
Some people put brood coffee in a spray bottle spray
it on their hair, and they say it encourages hair growth.
It does well. Is it safe Yes, it's caffeine. It's

safe and it could has lots of benefits for the hair.
It just feels weird to me.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
Like there's other options.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
It feels like a little grosser Spray coffee into my
natural I don't know, just coffee. It's a cidic. It
doesn't feel right.

Speaker 3 (45:20):
I know I'm in like too much caffeine, but in
just into your body.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
It scares me. Tanya who tapes her mouth shut at night.
Have you heard about this one? Duct tape to remove warts?
By the way, if you haven't heard, Tanya has a
sleeping ceremony where she likes to tape her mouth shut
for some Do you still do.

Speaker 3 (45:41):
That every night?

Speaker 4 (45:42):
And let me tell you, I sleep like I am
under a rock under a dark, dark tunnel, and I'm
not this morning.

Speaker 2 (45:51):
Yeah, that's why you got here so late.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
It is the best sleep ever. Maybe too good a sleep.

Speaker 2 (45:56):
Maybe it's the sleep at half the tape. So you
get here a few minutes earlier.

Speaker 3 (46:00):
Life changing, all right?

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Duct tape to remove warts? Listen to this. They say,
putting duct tape over a wart once every four to
seven days will remove them from your hands or your feet.
It is safe and dermatologists agree that it does work.
So if you are warting right now, ducts gross, but
duct tape it du.

Speaker 3 (46:21):
Warts are gross. Not the duct tape.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
Duct tape to remove your warts, the derm say, is okay.
The weirdest trends on TikTok right now. Thanks for listening
to On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make sure to subscribe
and we'll talk to you again tomorrow.
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