All Episodes

March 8, 2024 41 mins
Our International Women's Day Show! SISANIE and TANYA tell their stories of how they got to the morning show on KIIS-FM! MORNING HACK - Are you going on a road trip for Spring Break? We’ll tell you the best place to use the bathroom on the road! HOMETOWN HUSTLER - Out of Los Angeles - She quit her gig as a publicist to fully focus on her passion for affordable and easy wearable pump for moms on the “muuve.”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood to you. Thank you for listening to US
Air on Air with Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Good morning, so let's see partly sunny. Hi's in the
upper sixty same thing all weekend. Listen to these words.
No rain starts to warm up next week, so no rain,
get into the warm months. I think we're through winter.
We're springing forward and out, ready to feel those temperatures

for spring too, right, that's right? So yeah, it is
International Women's Day. So we have worked together for so
many years. I don't even know how many years it's been.
And I feel like this is a This shows a
celebration each and every day of positivity and companionship and
relationship and fun at work. And today we highlight all

the women that make the world go round?

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Right, how far we've come as women?

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Got Tanya and Sicey here in the main studio and
in the back room at this hour right now, Ruby
and Mikayla. Who knows who may show up later? Mediana
may show up, Biatta, our boss may show up later,
our leader here at Kiss FM. But yeah, how are
you celebrating your day today? Sisaney?

Speaker 3 (01:17):
I just enjoying my day at work.

Speaker 4 (01:21):
Really, No, celebration, don't I don't think if I don't
think Michael has anything planned for me when I get
Robby has something planned.

Speaker 5 (01:27):
For me later.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Imagine, I bet you Robbie has something planned for you, Tanya.
I hope so you see the sweatshirt? Did he know?

Speaker 1 (01:35):

Speaker 6 (01:35):
I actually left before he woke up this morning, so
he has not seen the sweatshirt. But he's very well
aware that is is International Women's Day today.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
And how is he aware?

Speaker 5 (01:44):
Because I've been talking about it all week. I was like,
I want to do something for your mom.

Speaker 6 (01:47):
For my mom, I want to like text all my friends,
like I want to be intentional about this day.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
I think you called me, uh, and I'm happy with it.
You called me the poster child for being a mama's boy, Systey.
I believe that's what you came up with. And probably
I wear that badge because Connie Seacrest is one of
the great leading ladies of the world, and she is
It's great to have such a close relationship with your mom.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
It's incredible.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
I mean the fact I can say yo to my
mom and she says yo back. Yeah, yeah, the fact
that she knows that feather is a smash Vice apartmenter.
She gets it, she gets it. I mean, it's just
like the greatest blessing. So I slew Meredith, my sister,
my little niece, Flora. I know you're surrounded by women,
surrounded by.

Speaker 6 (02:34):
By the way, your niece is your sister's twin. You
posted that throwback photo of you and Meredith because your
launching your publishing a children's book.

Speaker 5 (02:44):
Yeah, and the photo.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
Of Meredith as a little girl looks just like her daughter.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
It is funny because I actually saw the few I
know where you got that photo from People magazine or something.

Speaker 5 (02:55):
From your Instagram.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
Well, you said a photo like a photo of us
as kids, and I thought I didn't read who it
was from. I thought it was from my mom and
my sister. And so when I responded to you whatever
I responded, I thought I was responding a mom and Meredith.

Speaker 5 (03:12):
Oh no, you're responding to me and Sis.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
You see, I.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Don't read who it's from. I just saw the message
and then I saw Sistney's one hundred percent. I'm like,
my mom doesn't know how to do one hundred percent,
so that must not be from them.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
It's a Sysney right there.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
But yeah, but I don't look at the name sometimes
and when it groups, when it's grouped up, it's not
so clear.

Speaker 5 (03:32):
Well you should look at that, I think before responding,
I figure, if.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
You have my cell phone number and you're grouping it up,
you're either y'all or them.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Yeah, it's one or the other, and either you guys.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
If it's a group, it's either you guys or the family.

Speaker 4 (03:44):
Eventually it'll be the same conversation. We'll all know what
we're talking about.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
It's not like my my dude, my brothers are like,
you know, my guy friends don't group text.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
Really, Michael has a bunch of so Robbie's so many does.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
He really like named? Like, maybe if I didn't have
this show, I would do that. But this show's enough
for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel like I
get enough in here, all right. So International Women's Day
commemorates the movement for women's rights and celebrates the political, cultural, social,
and economic achievements of women. It's a day to continue
fighting for gender equality, for equal pay, work opportunities. In

the last fifty years, women have achieved you know this time,
this is amazing, the last fifty years. But the fact
that it's just been the last fifty years, is what's crazy, right,
gray Z. To get a credit card, yep. To get
an education at an Ivy League school, you literally.

Speaker 5 (04:36):
Have to get like you're a man.

Speaker 6 (04:38):
To get a credit card, you'd have to have a
man sign off on it.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
It just seems I mean, as we sit here today,
it just seems unfathomable not to be charged more for
health insurance.

Speaker 5 (04:49):

Speaker 2 (04:50):
So honor the women in your life this morning, today,
all day. I mean you actually, if you look at
the whole office, there's a lot of powerful women here.
But in the studio you got Tanya, you got Cystiny.
In the back room as we speak right now, Ruby,
Mikayla are there. Let me see how they're celebrating. Mikayla,
how are you celebrating International Women's Day.

Speaker 7 (05:09):
I'm just hanging out at work all day.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
It's a good place to celebrate. Let's see. Kiss you
got Gabby, you got Kayla? Ruby Back in the back rooms,
how are you celebrating?

Speaker 1 (05:20):

Speaker 7 (05:21):
Not sure, just I'll be here and then pilates, maybe
go to dinner later.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Tany you're gonna have a special dinner or are you
gonna eat the same thing like Victoria Beckham in the
story that you have in the training report.

Speaker 6 (05:30):
Okay, no, but I'm kind of I think I'm gonna
become Victoria Beckham because the one thing I learned not
the wrong with that. Yeah, the one thing I learned
this week while I was doing this cleanse is that
I really enjoy not having to think about what I'm
gonna eat for dinner that night, what I'm gonna eat
for lunch. I feel like I I my day is
consumed with like thinking about dinner, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (05:52):
Like, but it was also all prepared for us that
like took it to the next line.

Speaker 6 (05:56):
No, but I can do that, like I am very
I'm that girl. I can pre prep and do all
that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
Like you kind of plan out the week, right, so
you make three chicken breats put in a container.

Speaker 5 (06:07):
Yes, And I want to know exactly.

Speaker 6 (06:10):
I want to know what I'm gonna eat breakfast, luncheon, dinner,
Monday through Friday. Because I loved not having to think
about it.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
It was such and then it makes it special when
you change it up come a Friday or if it's pizza.

Speaker 6 (06:21):
Night, right, Right, and that like you say that for
the weekends, but it's like so much of mine and
you know they say you make like I don't know
what the stat is, but so many decisions in a day.
If I took away the silly ones like what am
I going to eat next? I feel like it would
really free me up to I just felt very free
this week and more kind of focused and take.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Away what are you gonna wear? What are you gonna eat?

Speaker 1 (06:43):

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Maybe we have some extra space totally, but I feel
like like in your world, Tanya, I still think of
you as uh, you know, Tanya.

Speaker 5 (06:53):
That's who I am.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
But that's how I think of you as Tanya. Whereas
I know you're getting married, know you've moved in with
your fiance, I know that he's got kids that you're around,
but I still think of you as Tanya in your apartment,
oh right, right right, you know what I mean? Like,
and then I think of Siciny when she goes home,
she's got kids, dogs, the husband named Michael, Like there's
so much going onto my foot. You couldn't do that.
You couldn't do it, like I think right now in

my brain that way, you can't they do? What are
they like everyding.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
That's like kids don't know what they're gonna eat.

Speaker 4 (07:23):
They literally just what they sit down the table, like
what are we eating? Like you know, that's almost like
going back to your childhood if you don't have to
think about what you're gonna eat.

Speaker 3 (07:32):
It's like this freeing experience on us, totally free.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
I poached some white fish last night and rolled it
in spinach leaves and then I cut it in like
in like a roll, right, so it looked like a log.
And then I cut it in pieces, like not sushi
sized pieces, but bigger pieces that kind of vibe okay
to save And I'm gonna have that again tonight, so
you can put it on a container. And I know

fish doesn't sound.

Speaker 6 (07:56):
Don't here in our kitchen, but that's my favorite thing
to have dinner and make extra and then have leftover
for lunch the next day.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
I don't even think about it. I don't even know.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
I'm terrible at eating leftover, so the leftovers always get
stuck in the fridge.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
I like leftovers, to love them.

Speaker 4 (08:12):
I think they were feeding too many mouths, so like
it will only feed one or two more meals.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
It doesn't. You can't get away with it.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
It doesn't stand to test of time in my fridge.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Basically, the average adult makes thirty five thousand decisions each
days bad so wildes thirty five thousand, including what we'll eat,
what will wear, what we'll say, how we'll say it.
So I guess every time we're about to say something,
we're thinking about that. Of the thirty five thousand decisions
you make, how many you think what percentage are good?

Speaker 3 (08:41):
I think like or right, ninety percent are good.

Speaker 5 (08:45):
I was going to say, yeah, I was gonna say
seventy five, I.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
Was going sixty two percent.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
I live my life with pride.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Guys. Good for you. Nice to be in that present space.
All right, coming up, we have your morning hack. Are
you going on a road trip anytime? So especially I
think about spring breakers right now. Where's the best place quality, cleanliness, plumbing,
safety to use a bathroom when you're on a road trip.
I've stopped before at fast food restaurants where I walk in.

Speaker 5 (09:11):
Yeah, that's kind of my go to.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Probably as well, I.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Should go to the menu board and I pretend I'm
looking at it and then act like I can't decide,
and then you go to the bathroom. They've done this
same way.

Speaker 5 (09:21):
I tried to do this out of Denny's and I
couldn't do it.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Well, Denny's is like a sit down, sit down and
get a man.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
I know, the only one that was around.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
Yeah, you go in, you're kind of like.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
And then there's always a side door you can just
go out because if you walk in and go straight
to the bathroom, they're onto you.

Speaker 6 (09:37):
I literally couldn't do it. They were like, do you
want to get seated? And I was like, oh, I'm
just waiting for my my fiance before I sit down.
So then I was going to go to use the
restroom and then leave and I couldn't do it. I
was like so panicked that they were watching me.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
I like to shout out a couple of taco bells
for that side door.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Yeah, a few Mickey D's, thank you for that.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
So gas station bathrooms rest areas gross. They are sometimes
not the cleanest, right, So your best bet hotel lobbies.
Hotel lobbies close to the highway, plenty of parking, clean
well stock. Since it's rarely used because everyone has a
bathroom in their rooms, they don't use the community so

true common area. I like hotel lobbies, so you are
if it works out, let us know about it.

Speaker 4 (10:20):
You might still have to play a little charade when
you come in there and just be like, oh, I'm
waiting for.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
My home and just go in.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
Yeah, it's just I'm waiting for somebody.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
Yeah, like if there's no one in the lobby and
it's just like the reception is.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Lobbies have enough activity.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Usually that hotel, big hotel.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
All right. Today's quote for International Women's Day A woman
should be two things, who and what she wants. That's right,
So a simple and strong what's up?

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Just FM headlines.

Speaker 2 (10:51):

Speaker 4 (10:52):
President Joe Biden made his case for a second term
during a fiery State of the Union address last night.
A United Airlines plane was diverted to lax yesterday after
a tire felt out of the aircraft shortly after takeoff
from San Francisco on its way to Japan. Anaheim's Planning
Commission is set to vote on the multi billion dollar

Disneyland Forward project that would expand the theme park. The
public meeting is scheduled for Monday at five pm at
Anaheim City Hall. And Ariana Grande officially released her seventh
studio album, Eternal Sunshine her first album in over three years.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
On air with Ryan Seacrets.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
We're going to play the match game coming up for
a Disney gift card and a possible trip for four
to Alani, a Disney resort and spot in Hawaii. But
we're also just taking a beat, stepping back, putting the
spotlight on all of the women here at Kiss and
on the morning show for International Women's Day. And we
thought it'd be fun for Systney and Tanya just to
go back and relive a little their stories because everybody

comes from somewhere.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Right, Yes, that's right.

Speaker 5 (12:01):
We also have a story.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Everybody's got a story. You didn't just end up here
saying the Kiss Call letter, so you literally went from
and this is it's just you can picture, you can
actually smell this story. I smelled this story when you
tell it. We're going at the Cinnamon roll Shop.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Yeah, good time, San Diego.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
And I was where I got my practice of getting
up super early because we'd had to get there, you know,
homies before it was the sun came up.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Was it called homies?

Speaker 4 (12:27):
It was called Homie Cinnamon Rolls. Yes, And it was
like basically on campus at San Diego State.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
And I was.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
Working there while the owner of the shop also did
a shift at the other radio station. It's kind of
like the Kiss FM, but in San Diego channel nine
three three.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
Okay, Eventually he had.

Speaker 4 (12:44):
To shut the shop down and he had to lay
everybody off. And when that happened, he said, you should
go intern at channel nine three to three. I think
you would like it. And being that I did enjoy
in high school doing the morning announcements, I did Griffin
News at Los Salamido all that stuff, thank you, and.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
I wanted to do something in the entertainment world.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
I just was.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
I was eighteen years old, so I really didn't know
like where that path would be at that time. I
was just going to school thinking like I was in
my head. I was like, I'm gonna do my four
years in college and then I'll figure out a job.
But walking into that radio station at nineteen years old,
then it changed my life. It opened up my eyes

to wow, I can actually start my career right now.

Speaker 3 (13:30):
And that's that was the game changer for me.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
But then I didn't know this Mark was telling me,
you applied to be Rick D's co host on Moving
ninety three nine.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
I did, Wow, what was that there was that four
here before here channel Yes.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
During channel I.

Speaker 4 (13:45):
Was still down there. I was a board op. I
was working on the country station on air. I was
doing part time on Channel nine three to three running.
I was running the Chargers Radio Network broadcast, which was like.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
I love your multitasking.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
It was.

Speaker 4 (13:59):
I was basically like the yes woman. I was like, yes,
I will do whatever it is. And at the time
one of my girlfriends, Yes Orthie, who was doing I
believe she was doing the mornings at Power and A
six at the time up here in La She told
me about the Rick D's position.

Speaker 3 (14:14):
She said, you should apply for it, and I was like,
all right.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
So I did that program director of that radio station
decided that I was not ready. I was too green.
I was, you know, not fit for that position. And uh,
I mean, I've got to say. Not less than a
month later, my program director in San Diego told me,
you should have like a demo tape ready for the
PD at Kiss FM. I made that demo that night

up until three in the morning with Frankie V who
is like our coworker here at Kiss and by I
don't even know what time, but it basically didn't sleep
that night, sent the demo and didn't hear anything. It
was crickets for weeks, and so I just kind of
was like, well, you know, I tried, nothing happened, and.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Then be sare the Kiss.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
I sent the demo to Kiss, and uh, nothing happened
for weeks. All of a sudden, I got a phone
call and I got an interview. So I got up here.
I did nights to start seven to midnight, and I
was still going to school at San Diego State, taking
twenty one units.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
I would commute up here, do the.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
Sunday night shift, be done at midnight, drive back down,
get back to San Diego at two am, and then
I had to be in classed by eight am. And
but I needed to graduate that semester, because first of all,
that was my fifth year of college.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
Was like me, I need to graduate exactly later. Wrap
this up.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
And a few months later, the mid day girl here
at Kiss resigned, left, moved to a different city, and
they offered me middays, which I did for almost a
decade before coming and doing mornings with you.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
I didn't realize how much you had on your plate
during all of that. We can add some stuff back
if you'd like. I mean, you know, you want to
do another shift later, we can have that back.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
That's you know, the multitasking.

Speaker 2 (15:55):
That's why I have like the bicycle.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
Now, yeah, you have the bicycle under your workout. I
can take calls, I can do this right.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
To hear the story that because you really you worked
hard and this is something you always want and you're
great at it, and we love having you here. And
now you've been on the One show for so many
years the same way, but now you hustle with a
real life like that was back in the wild. Now
you've got real life responsibilities too.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
But you know, multitasking really just prepares you for the
real world. It prepares you for one day when you
do have a family and kids and juggling it all
because being a working mom is no easy feat and
but at the same time it's one of the most
rewarding jobs that you could ever have, as being a mother.
So to do that and have the career of my
dreams is it's great.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Well, congratulations, that's that's happiness right there, and a great story.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
It really is happiness.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
All right, Let's get to it. We are paying your bills,
celebrating international Women's Day. That's the story of Systney and
how she got the kids FM. So we're gonna play
the match game coming up. That one is always entertaining
and reveals quite a bit about all of us here
in this radio family. But first, tiny is a training report.
Let's get to it.

Speaker 6 (17:03):
Since it is International Women's Day, I wanted to share
this story because a lot of people were disappointed in
the Barbie snubs at this year's Academy Awards. You know,
Margot Robbie was not nominated for Best Actress and Greta
Gerwig was not nominated for Best Director.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Travesty Travesty.

Speaker 6 (17:19):
But about one third of the nominees for the twenty
twenty four Academy Awards are female, which is actually a
higher portion than the last three years at the Oscars.
So it seems not right when you say one third,
like it should be half. But this is much higher
than it has been the last three years. So it
is progress, which is all we are striving for. But

here are some modern women to look out for who
could make her.

Speaker 5 (17:45):
Story this weekend.

Speaker 6 (17:46):
So Lily Gladstone would be the first Native American woman
to win the Oscar for Best Actress for Killers of
the Flower Moon. If she wins, so and she won
the SAG Awards, so fingers crossed for her, and then
Emma Stone could become the second woman in history to
win for Acting and Best Picture for the same film,
as she's.

Speaker 5 (18:05):
Also the producer for Poor Things.

Speaker 6 (18:06):
The first woman that did it was Francis mcdormant for
No Mad Land in twenty twenty one.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
So those are coming up on Sunday. Yes, and yeah,
it's great to see the progress. Yeah, steps in the
right direction, and good luck to all of them. Are
you on the red carpet this year?

Speaker 5 (18:23):
Fore, no, neither. I'll be watching it at home.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
We're gonna watch exactly and see how long it goes.
You know, I heard Shakeshack is doing a bet on
the Oscars. If it goes over under, somebody wins a
chicken sandwich or a smoke shack. Yeah, that's very cute.
I mean regardless, if you're a Shakeshack fan, you can
watch it and somebody you'll win no matter what.

Speaker 5 (18:45):
Yeah, you win, no matter what.

Speaker 3 (18:46):
We've become one because you can walk to one from
our house.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
So well, so pay attention. If it goes over three
thirty one three hours and thirty one minutes. There's one
sandwich and if it goes under, it's a different one.

Speaker 5 (18:57):
Your memories, right.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Chicken shackles, milk shack what's.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
Your favorite things you can remember?

Speaker 2 (19:03):
I can't even tell you about the buttermilk herbo mayo
on the potato botty if you want, If you or
I could just move along, we're gonna play with two
more powerful women. The match game here this morning for
the Disneyland package. You guys, it's one hundred dollars gift
card to Disney and if you win this, you might
be the winner of a trip for four to the
Disney Alauni Resort and spat in Kalina, Hawaii.

Speaker 3 (19:27):
So amazing.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
There, it looks like we lost one of the contestants.
Everybody so panic. But we need to get the contested
number two back on the line. Let's be contested number one.
RAINA in Pasadena, RAINA.

Speaker 8 (19:39):
Good morning, good morning.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Are you doing this morning? Raina?

Speaker 6 (19:44):
Doing fantastic?

Speaker 2 (19:45):
Thank you great, we're doing super. Tell us about yourself, Raina.

Speaker 8 (19:51):
Oh, oh my way to work? I worked at hospital?

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Which hospital?

Speaker 1 (19:58):

Speaker 8 (19:58):

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Oh great? Okay, Well thank you for listening. What do
you do there at the hospital.

Speaker 4 (20:04):
I say, wow easily put so amazing.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
All right, well let's play. Let's have a little fun here,
raina hang on one second, let's get Steve contested number two.
Hi Steve, Hey, right, how you doing? How are you
doing well?

Speaker 8 (20:21):

Speaker 2 (20:21):
We had another woman on the line for International Women's
Day who dropped, so you're in substituting Steve. So Steve, welcome.
Tell us Steve about yourself.

Speaker 7 (20:34):
I'm just hanging out here at the condo today doing
a little bit of cleaning and listening to your show
on the radio.

Speaker 3 (20:41):
Nice I like it.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
Bro alrighty. For the weekend, We've got Rain and Steve.
It's called the match Game. It's very very simple. Have
you heard it before?

Speaker 8 (20:50):
Yeah, no I haven't.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
Okay, let me explain. So we will give you a
phrase with a blank in it, Okay, a blank space.
Our panel here is Sisney tanyat Ruby and our engineer
Tubs will write down what they think should go in
the blank. Then we'll hear your answer and see if
you match. Now, whoever gets the most matches we'll win
the Disney Package, which is the one hundred dollars Disney
gift card and qualify for a trip for four to

the Disney Luney Resort and SPA. Okay, first up is
Raina contested number one, Steve, stand by Raina. Here's yours.
Don't say it out loud, just think about it. Fill
in the blank in your head. It is book blank,
book blank. What kind of book do you think the
panel is gonna say? Stand by Raina? Hold on, and

here we go. What'd you say, Raina? Book Mark, book mark?
Good one, good one. Let's see how you did with
the panel. Let's go to Sysney book bookshelf, Tanya book
book Mark, Ruby book. That's two and Engineer Tubs book

book Club. All right, but you got two Raina. That's
pretty good. Steve, here's your stand by rain of Steve.
It's your turn, and Steve, it is book. No, it's
not kidding. It is high blank high blank. Think about
that for a second. High blank. Not quite as easy

mark as book, but fine spella. To make sure they
are on the same page, h I G H blank
All right, Steve, what you say high velocity? I like it?
Oh hot? All right, it's this any high high school

good one, Tanya high high tide tied. This is I'm
stumped on this one movie. Did you say high velocity?

Speaker 7 (22:52):
No, I said high schools.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
Did you say high velocity? I said high school guys, Steve,
I'm sorry, buddy. All right, big hugs to you, and
good luck cleaning there anyway. Sorry, sometimes the game's not fair. Rainda,
congratulations you win the Disney gift card. And do you

know what, Raina, you're saving lives. I hope that you
win this trip too. Oh, thank you so.

Speaker 6 (23:22):
My god, y happy, thank.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
You so much. Hold on one second, we'll get all
this to you right away. Yeah. Sometimes one round is harder,
like one of the blanks is harder. Hi, I was
stumped on that. I couldn't think of anything. Hi.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
School came to me like in no time.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
No, I didn't didn't dawn on me either.

Speaker 5 (23:39):
High schools not even didn't not enter my brain.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
It's Seacrest with you on this Friday, March eighth, International
Women's Day, and we're going to celebrate another entrepreneurial female here,
which is this is a great story. It's part of
our hometown hustle. Let's do it. I'm a hustle bad.
Jannis got is on the line. So Janis was a
topless that was her day job, and then she realized
that there was a gap in the marketplace for accessible

and affordable breast pumps.

Speaker 4 (24:06):
True, syn'ty well affordable, Yeah, that could be a game
changer because the ones that are available to do wirelessly
and stuff like that are a little bit more expensive like.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
The LV Right.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
So she quit her job as a publicist to focus
on a new company called Moo m You You, which
is an affordable, easy wearable pump for moms on the move.
M you uve and good morning, Janis congratulations, how are you?

Speaker 8 (24:31):
Good morning? Thank you? And you said it perfectly.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Move well, thank you. I've been excited. It's such a
clever It's almost like it's a perfect name for your company.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Thank you.

Speaker 8 (24:46):
I mean, you know, I thought we'd have a little
bit of fun with it. There's there's so many things
out there that don't feel as fun and light around this,
you know, space of parenting, So you know, we thought
why not, why not go that way?

Speaker 2 (25:01):
So I will do my best at asking the questions.
But Cisney and Tanya feel free to time in here.
What's special difference significant about your mood product pump?

Speaker 8 (25:12):
It's yeah, I mean, it's a wearable pump that's it's
a single piece that's easy to wear, and it's affordable.
I think that so much of what's available is out
of reach for so many parents out there. Cost is
a barrier for so many people, and I just wanted

to make something that really I wanted to use myself,
and the fact that we were able to do it
in a way that is accessible to so many other
people is really the cherry on top.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
And Tanya, you invested in this company.

Speaker 6 (25:49):
Yeah, I've known Janis for ten plus years and she
is so She's somebody who when she goes all in
with something, she goes all in. And I feel like
there's not a lot of funding for women in this space.
There's not you know, men don't want to invest, and
so I really just really was passionate about what she

was doing. I obviously have never used a breast pump.
I'm not I've never had a child, And that's how
much I believe in her and I believe in the company.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Channis, you were a publicist before you started your own
business Moo and you you, by the way, if you
want to check this out, you can go to at
mu you moo every day on Instagram, Ormoo Everyday dot Com.
But what were you publicizing before? What was your role? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (26:32):
I was a talent publicist for gosh almost fifteen years,
so I was working in a similar space to what
you do, you know, representing talent mostly in sports and music.
And then I had a kid and everything changed. I

think my brain rewired and what I needed at a change, So,
you know, they it was just this idea that wouldn't
leave me alone. And I think that that was key
is you know, we think of so many different things
that people say, Wendy, idea, won't leave you alone. And
then being able to discern, Okay, is this something I

can really you know, put all all the gas behind
it really helped motivate me to pursue you know, this
shifting career and really a shift in passion.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
Well, congratulations and thank you for coming on. Keep it
up and uh we're happy you our hometown hustle check
out move m you you the affordable, wearable, cool breast pump. Yeah,
where everybody's talking.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
Where can people get it, Jannis?

Speaker 8 (27:42):
They can get it on our website at move every Day.
That's MUU every Day dot Com.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
Thanks Janis, you take your care, Thank you you too,
Bye bye. Well, she's good publicist at publicizing her brand too.

Speaker 6 (27:56):
I know that it's like so crazy that she just quit.
She was doing it for fifteen years.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
And that's the beauty of the hometown hustle. For me,
it's that you just do it. It's in your head.
The universe is telling you to go, and you go
and you make it work. We are celebrating International Women's Day.
We're gonna get Tanya story. We talked about Sisney earlier
in the show and her story from San Diego, from
the Cinnamon Role place to Kiss FM, her story the Mornings,
her story, making her story and Tanya's her story is

coming up just a little bit too. Celebrating the women
here at Kiss FM. Now you are saying, I want
to hear more about this. Anything that is the most
anticipated gets my juices flowing, gets me primed and excited,
right if it's that anticipated. And you're saying, this is
the most anticipated movie of the entire year.

Speaker 4 (28:45):
And of course this is my opinion, so maybe other
people might not agree. But if you have not read
this book, the idea of you I have not go
and read it. It was actually written in twenty seventeen
and inspired loosely from Harry Styles one direction vibes kind

of so it's a it's an old woman in her.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Cent's face just literally turned.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
Because I'm trying to figure out which part of Harry
Style's life. It's inspired by.

Speaker 4 (29:14):
The fact that he's like a mega superstar pop star, right. Oh,
and he's dating so and then so there's this average
mom forty years old, just got divorced and she kind
of yeah, so she goes to the concert and then
starts having a relationship with.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
The lead with thee.

Speaker 4 (29:37):
The book is so good, so I'm really curious how
they're going to make this into the movie or like
what they're going to keep, what they're going to take out,
because the book is so steamy, Like there are parts
that you're like, oh, like I.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
Was actually a movie for whom.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Prime It's going to be on Prime, Yes.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
So they can do what they want, right, I.

Speaker 4 (29:56):
Mean yeah, in theory, I guess I think Anne Hathaway
is a lead here. So she is so shout out
International Women's Day and Hathaway, this is like major amazing
And I'm and it's been a minute since we've seen
her in some sort of like rom com type movie.
But I don't know how much comedy will be in
this movie. It's just more like, like not as intense
as Fifty Shades of Gray, but kind of in that

wheelhouse sort of speak.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
I am you, guys.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
It was like when I was so, I listened to
books on tape. As many of you know, I was
driving to my sister's house in San Diego listening to
this book. And when I tell you, I kid you not,
I looked up and I was in riverside.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Wait, I was sod some distance.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
Into the book that I missed all freeway connections that
I needed to take to go south, and instead I went.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
In Hathaway do the voice of the book. No, it
was Mark, Let's get some of these book I'd like
to hear.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
Oh yeah, well, I mean the trailer is out.

Speaker 4 (30:56):
The trailer is out, and so Nicholas Galastein is going
to play the main role.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
He plays Harry styles ish.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
Guy exactly exactly.

Speaker 5 (31:04):
He was in Purple Hearts.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
He was he was the belief.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Well here's something we can all get behind. I think
we're all very equally aligned to be excited to see this.
The three is which is a rare thing on our wife.
This is like doesn't come all the time.

Speaker 4 (31:18):
We're all just super excited for it. The idea of
you arrives on Prime Video May second.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Earlier, we were hearing from Assistanty about her story here
celebrating International Women's Day. She started in the Cinnamon Rule
shop in San Diego. And then of course is here
as our friend every single day in the morning. And
now it's Tanya's turn to retrace some of the steps
that led you here. I do feel like I've witnessed

a lot of the story now, not to here, but
to hear from here inside of here. You had a
journey to here, and then you've had a journey inside
of here. Yeah, does that make sense?

Speaker 6 (31:54):
Yeah, it's crazy that I've been like working with this
show for thirteen years. That's so wild that I've done
anything for that long.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
It's also so remarkable and cool. Because did you get
a You didn't get a degree in journalism sysany did you?

Speaker 4 (32:11):
It was an art degree with an emphasis in graphic
design and multimedia.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Yeah, right, I dropped out of college. But you are
the journalists of the team. Did you get a journalism
journalism major? Yeah, I graduated. Body did it.

Speaker 6 (32:25):
Funny enough, it was in print, not broadcast, but details details.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
You print your trending reports and then you read them back.

Speaker 5 (32:32):
Then that's right, that's right, that's right. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (32:35):
So it all started for you wear on the.

Speaker 6 (32:36):
Air Tucson, Arizona when I was at the University of Arizona.
So I worked for the morning show ninety two nine
in the Mountain, which was Jenny and Blake in the morning.
And it was my senior year of college, so I
was up at four am. But I was still doing
all my like partying and stuff because I wanted to
live up my senior year of college, so like party
until one o'clock in the morning, and then i'd like

come home, get ready and just go to work in
the morning, and I would kind of sleep nap in
between classes.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
It was pretty wild.

Speaker 6 (33:03):
But what's crazy about my story when I look back
on everything, getting fired and getting dumped were two of
the biggest blessings and best things that ever happened to me.
Because I was working at this morning show in Tucson,
right and they it was two thousand and eight, so
they laid off basically every part timer. Had I not

been laid off of that job. I was going to
stay in Tucson because my friends that were graduating college
were having such a hard time finding jobs. They couldn't
get work because of the recession, and so I was like,
I'm not going to leave this job. I have a
job and they're paying me and part time. Why would
I leave they Had I not been let go from that,
I would never have come back and tried to do

anything here in La.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
So that was like life. It seemed so crazy, can
end up opening open up the next door, especially.

Speaker 5 (33:55):
When you're so young, you know, like I took it personal.
I thought it was me.

Speaker 6 (33:57):
I thought I was doing a bad job, when it
was I was just number at that time.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
You know, so before you started hearing O nine with us, Yeah,
what where? How did you get a job in La?

Speaker 6 (34:08):
So then I came back and I had to pay
to go to Santa Anna Community College in order to
intern here a clear channel at the time, because you had.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
To be at a school yet to be able to
get school.

Speaker 6 (34:20):
So I basically was working for Valentine in the morning
from five to eleven AM, and then I would intern
at MTV in Santa Monica, and then I was living
in Orange County, so I would just kind of spend.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Spend your life in a car.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
Yeah, I kind of spent my life in the car.

Speaker 6 (34:33):
But what was really the changing moment was I got
this idea to put my resume on like a baby shoe,
and I decorated all the baby shoes with like adjectives
that described my personality. So I would put like driven, enthusiastic, positive,
and I set my resume all over Los Angeles.

Speaker 5 (34:51):
I sent it to like.

Speaker 6 (34:51):
Billboard with baby shoes, with baby shoes, Yeah, with my
resume saying trying to get my foot in the door.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
No oh god. I was like, why baby shoe because
that could fit in the mail.

Speaker 5 (34:59):
Yeah right, I'm just trying to trying to get my
foot door.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
Pretty clever, yeah statement.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
And Tim Martinez Kiss FM saw it hired me and
that's when I moved over to Kiss as a promotions assistant.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Shout out to Tim Martinez. Yeah, and also, what a
great clever idea for anybody listening to adopt, which is
to get my foot in the door on a shoe
with all your qualities.

Speaker 1 (35:23):

Speaker 6 (35:24):
I remember when to pay less stands out and bought
just like a bunch of baby.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
Shit, I pay more right exactly, you can pay less. Well,
it's a blessing that that all happened. Yeah, Tim got
you in because then you started on the Street Team
and ended up here on the air in what twelve.

Speaker 6 (35:40):
In eleven, twenty eleven, early twenty eleven. And what's even
crazier is that I was going to quit this job
and move back to Arizona because of my boyfriend.

Speaker 2 (35:51):
And then he dumped you, and then he dumped me,
And I was not saying we had anything to do
with that. No, thank goodness, he did.

Speaker 6 (35:58):
Honestly, you like it's so it blows my mind. I
was gonna leave, moved to Arizona to be with him.
He dumps me.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
I came in.

Speaker 6 (36:04):
I remember, I came in every single morning crying. My
eyes looked like bowling balls.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
Everybody here, Disney, you were not here in the morning
show for this, but I remember this as well.

Speaker 6 (36:12):
And everybody wrapped their arms around me. Everybody was so
sweet and loving and encouraging through that season of life.
And then a year later I became like full time
on the mic, like it. My life completely did a
one eighty thanks to him dumping me, Like Honestly, what.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
Are we sending him as a gift? We need to
send him something, just not to rub it in, but
just what a blessing, What an angel you were, Dumper.

Speaker 5 (36:41):
Yeah, it's so crazy.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
It's a great story, and everybody you know starts somewhere
and you never know where it's going to go. But
it all led to the blessing of us being with
you every morning. So thank you Tanya's story on this
International Women's Day. All right, we're into our celebration of
International Women's Day and coming up this hour, our program
director of one of two point seven Kids FM is
Beata Murphy, a mentor Assistaney tot Ruby. Beata is coming

in love to Beata. Here have this and shout out
our leader Beata Murphy here inside the walls of Kiss FM.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
Like the best leader.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
She's the greatest, and she's also helping us put together
a full speed, full court Press twentieth on Airthrine Secrets
Anniversary tour of Southern California. So maybe we'll get some
more perspective on that from her. The weekend watch le
let's do that.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
The weekend watch list does not go.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
If you got some time and you want to stream something.
Here's some ideas. By the way, there is I'm just
gonna you know, we're in my American Idol. Hot, there's
no American Idol this Sunday. The Oscars are in the
timeslot of American Idol. It's the ninety sixth Oscars Academy Awards.
A lot of the nominees are streaming. Are these going
to be some this is like an Oscar edition. Yeah.

Some recommendations of some of the nominations, okay that are
streaming that we can find if we've got a streamer.
All right, what do you have, Syney?

Speaker 3 (38:02):

Speaker 4 (38:02):
I have heard from so many people that if there's
a movie that you need to watch that's nominated for
Best Picture, it's Poor Things, Okay.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
And it's on Hulu. It's starring Emma Stone.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
She plays Bella, a young woman on a journey from
a frankenstein s.

Speaker 3 (38:17):
Creation to a full fledged woman. But I hear it
is so good.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
It might be a little graphic, but everyone is just
saying that it is an amazing movie. And I'm that
is on my watch list for this second.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
It's up for over ten Oscars, I think eleven. Oscar, Yes, exactly,
Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo both in that movie. That's right,
he's great too, all right and tany what's on your
weekend watch list? Oscar related?

Speaker 6 (38:41):
If you haven't seen Barbie, it is a must see.
First of all, this is like a cultural movement movie.
But it is up for eight Oscars this weekend Best Picture.
Ryan Gosling's up for Best Supporting Actor. America freh is
up for Best Supporting Actress. He will be also performing
I'm just ken and I just think. If you haven't
seen this movie, it is a must see before the

Oscars this weekend, especially for International Women's.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
Day, and that is on Max. You can check it out,
up for eight oscars, all right, Ruby, what's on your
weekend watch list? Okay?

Speaker 7 (39:13):
So mine is up for ten Oscars, including Best Picture.
It's Killers of the Flower Moon on Apple TV Plus.

Speaker 8 (39:20):

Speaker 7 (39:20):
It basically follows the story of Molly Burkhart, who's a
member of the Osage Nation, how she's trying to save
her community. There's a lot of like murders happening in
her community, fueled by oil and greed. De Niro's in it, Dicabrio.
It's Martin Scorsese film he's nominated for Best Director.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
It's really really good.

Speaker 7 (39:40):
It is really long, I will say that, but it's
really really good. It's like two hours and forty five minutes. Oh,
three three and a half.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
Oh, it's as long as the oscars usually are.

Speaker 4 (39:49):
Essentially, Yes, a lot of these movies are long, even
like Barbie was long.

Speaker 3 (39:53):

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Yeah, all right, so Killers the Flower that's on Apple TV.
Plus there's some Oscar streamers for you guys. I don't
know where the time went, but it seemed to have
flown by, which is nice. You know what they say,
time plasure, have fun exactly. My mom said that all
of the time. She also said, uh, don't craver, spilt milk,
and don't procrastinate. All right, let's see, let's say she

was a lot of fun. She had her sayings, are
you procrastinator? I was as a kid. I do have to.
I just just by virtue what we do. I plan now,
But I was a procrastinator as a kid.

Speaker 4 (40:32):
I definitely was when it came to projects and all that.
Oh yeah, up all night the night before.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
Yeah, all right, we're back on Monday. It's Ryan's Roses
obviously on a Monday. Also the number one thing that
couples argue about. It's not money, it's not chores, not kids.
Oh I'll tell you what that is on Monday. So
have a great weekend, everybody. Get out there and enjoy
yourself or be alone, pamper if you're a woman.

Speaker 3 (40:56):
Today, I'm gonna get my hair done.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
Are you what are you gonna do?

Speaker 3 (41:00):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (41:01):
Change it up. I'm coming in money with the new look.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
I'm going to a new stylist. I'm cheating on my girl.

Speaker 2 (41:07):
It's a whole thing. I feel terrible whispered that. Don't
carry Gilts not on.

Speaker 3 (41:13):
The Phoeac on the air. You know what, I am
A truthful person.

Speaker 2 (41:23):
Mark who gets a gold Star for an international women Sierra, Jen, Crystal, Samantha,
everybody gets who needs us. I have a great weekend, everybody.
Thanks for being here this morning. Take care, Thanks for

listening to On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make sure to
subscribe and we'll talk to you again Monday.
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