Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On with Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Finally Friday, Mario backroun the Micael We got a lot
of fun to get to. A couple of great guests
to zed joining us a little later to talk music
and a few songs away from. Actress and director Lucy
Lawles zooming in with a scoop on her new documentary,
plus a fake debate, our comment of the week, and
all your favorite music.
Speaker 3 (00:18):
So turn it up. You're on with Mario Courtney Lopez.
Speaker 2 (00:23):
Toy with Mario Lopez joining me right now on Zoom.
Actress and director Lucy Lawless.
Speaker 3 (00:27):
How are you, Lucy?
Speaker 4 (00:28):
I'm great, all the better for seeing you.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
Ah, thank you so much. Congrats.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
I know you just directed a new documentary called Never
Look Away about the New Zealand photo journalist Margaret Moth
who documented all kinds of stuff including wars I Love
Me a documentary. What inspired you to make this particular film?
Speaker 4 (00:45):
Well, in part she was a New Zealand's Lisa and
famous person, so there was a cultural aspect to it.
To bring Margaret home because she left in nineteen seventy
nine and wasn't seen.
Speaker 5 (00:56):
For a lot of years.
Speaker 4 (00:58):
And what happened was she landed in Houston, Texas and
took up with a much younger man. In fact, he
was only in his last year of high school. He
was seventeen, and they embarked on this crazy odyssey of
just outrageous behavior. And eventually she went to work for
CNN and found her a new drug, which was war.
And by and by she found a conflict where death
came for her and a sniper's bullet took off half
her face. So from being this extremely powerful, charismatic, beautiful,
very sexual being, she was turned kind of into a
monster and she had to fight back, and in fact,
she did survive and went on to shoot another sixteen
years and lived a really just an extraordinarily inspiring life.
Speaker 3 (01:49):
That is unbelievable. Shot in the Facebook Never in the War,
My goodness again.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
The doc is called Never look Away. We're going to
come back with director Lucy Lawless in just a bit more.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
Mario Lopez on the.
Speaker 2 (01:59):
Way catching up with Lucy Lawless, this Houria on. Mario
Lopez just directed a new doc called Never look Away.
And Lucy, I know this was the first time you
ever directed something. Do you have plans for more of it?
Did you enjoy the experience.
Speaker 4 (02:12):
Yeah, it's pretty giddy, you know. I'm giddy with the
power of it all and directing. Oh my gosh. I
don't love getting up at four am for you know,
to sit in a makeup chair to go and be
an actor. But I would get up at four am
to direct any day of the week.
Speaker 3 (02:29):
Very good.
Speaker 2 (02:30):
I like it all right, Lucy, hang on, please, We're
gonna have more with Lucy Lawless after a little more.
Musicis All with Mario Lopez. Actress and director. Lucy Lawless
on Zoom with me and tell me about this. I
know you're staring a new movie called Pike River about
the New Zealand mining tragedy.
Speaker 3 (02:46):
That is another fascinating story.
Speaker 5 (02:49):
Speaker 4 (02:50):
It was where collusion of the government kind of stopped
people being a extracted, their bodies being extracted, and a
big cover up of what happened there and in New Zealand.
It's a small country, you know, the truth will get out.
So it was a very interesting I was honored to
be part of it.
Speaker 3 (03:10):
I'm looking forward to that. Well, Lucy Lawless is with
us more when they're coming up. But first some mornings.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
Wrapping up with Lucy Lawless, who's on Zoom Mario Lopez
here and Lucy. Next year will be thirty years since
the premiere of your iconic shows Zena Princess Warrior.
Speaker 3 (03:26):
I know reboot almost happened. Do we ever see you
Zena again?
Speaker 4 (03:30):
Gosh, people are trying, they keep trying, but somehow it
sort of gets ah like canceled at the last one.
They're trying to make it, but they can't figure out
how to make it fresh and make it better, reimagine it,
make it at least as good and hopefully better than before.
So I'm all for it. I'm behind them all the
way and let's see what happens. It won't be me,
but I'll be part of passing on the baton somehow.
Speaker 3 (03:56):
That sounds great.
Speaker 1 (03:57):
Speaker 2 (03:57):
Meanwhile, we will check out your new docum entry Never
Look Away. It is all digital platforms, so be sure
to check that out. And Lucy, thanks so much for
taking the time.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
It's nice to see you. Hopefully we'll see in.
Speaker 4 (04:09):
Personal My Pleasure, Cheria.
Speaker 1 (04:12):
You're the full interview now on with Mario dot Com.
More Mario Lopez on the Way.
Speaker 2 (04:17):
Mario Courtney Lopez putting a spotlight on my wife, who's
got a random thought?
Speaker 3 (04:21):
What you got, honey.
Speaker 6 (04:22):
Okay, this is a random thing I've been doing in
the car all by myself.
Speaker 3 (04:27):
You can say.
Speaker 6 (04:28):
I'm weird, but I just want to know if you
guys have ever done it yourself. Okay, So my water
bottle is in the cup holder, okay, and I pretend
it's to stick shift.
Speaker 3 (04:39):
What Why did do that? No?
Speaker 6 (04:43):
I started doing it, and then I did it when
my mom was in the in the passenger seat, and
she busted out laughing like I was the weirdest.
Speaker 3 (04:50):
See were you were you downshifting and stuff.
Speaker 6 (04:52):
I was like.
Speaker 3 (04:54):
You to drive to No, I don't.
Speaker 7 (04:56):
Oh so you don't even know if you're doing it correctly.
Speaker 6 (04:58):
No, I'm just moving it around. But it's right in
the right place where a s.
Speaker 2 (05:01):
I did show you, and I still have a car,
my dad has it, but I still have a cards
to stick ship. But I would show you, but it's
not very practical now.
Speaker 6 (05:08):
No, I know who who wants to have to do
all that stuff.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
It's a good you know, it's a great security system
for your car because there's no kids are going to
steal that.
Speaker 3 (05:15):
They don't how to drive it.
Speaker 6 (05:16):
Well, that's true, but I just need to know has
anyone ever done this?
Speaker 3 (05:19):
Nope, No, it's fun.
Speaker 6 (05:21):
You should drive.
Speaker 3 (05:24):
Mario Lopez here.
Speaker 2 (05:25):
And this is a pretty wild fun fact. The movie
The Sandlot came out in nineteen ninety three, but it
took place in nineteen sixty two, And if they made
the movie today, it would take place in nineteen ninety three.
Oh my god, we're getting so old.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
That's a classic. Fol like this too.
Speaker 7 (05:42):
In fact, it's not very fun.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
Speaker 2 (05:45):
Mario Courtney Lopez and Apple's list the greatest albums got
everyone all worked.
Speaker 1 (05:49):
Out on with Mario Lopez Hollywood Bus.
Speaker 2 (05:53):
So we've seen these kind of lists before, but this
one skews a lot younger than others. Apples great albums
of all time according to them, of course, this is
their top ten.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Who do we got Honey?
Speaker 6 (06:05):
All right? So ten is Miss Beyonce with Lemonade.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
I ran off the bat. There wasn't that many hits
that came off that album. I'm very confused by that.
Speaker 6 (06:16):
Number nine Nirvana with Nevermind, very influential. Okay, number eight,
Amy Winehouse back to.
Speaker 3 (06:23):
Black, fantastic album.
Speaker 6 (06:25):
Nice, number seven Kendrick Lamar, good Kid, Mad City.
Speaker 2 (06:30):
Again, not that many hits that came off of that,
which I think is the barometer for the criteria.
Speaker 6 (06:35):
Here Stevie Wonder with Songs in the Key of Life.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
Awesome album. He's had so many great ones, that's probably
his best one.
Speaker 6 (06:42):
Number five. Top five Frank Ocean with Blonde.
Speaker 3 (06:46):
Great album, but wow, top five, our daughter would be PLoud.
Speaker 6 (06:49):
Yes, very happy. Number four Prince with Purple Rain.
Speaker 3 (06:54):
No issue with that, absolutely.
Speaker 6 (06:56):
I wish Rain was purple. Number three Beatle with Abby Road.
Speaker 2 (07:02):
Another great, solid album. No argument so far with four
and three.
Speaker 6 (07:06):
Number two Michael Jackson Thriller All This is.
Speaker 2 (07:09):
Not number one is beyond me greatest selling album of
all time, so many hits, that is a crime that
it's not number one.
Speaker 6 (07:16):
Number one is laurn Hill Miseducation. I know you're happy
with this one.
Speaker 3 (07:22):
Well, I love me. Sammelboguie.
Speaker 2 (07:24):
That got so much playing My Ride back in ninety
eight when it first dropped. I absolutely love that album.
It's great top to bottom. However, with all due respect,
I don't feel it needs to be number one. I
have no problem with it being in the top ten.
I can't believe the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack is not
there too. With so many great songs. And that's also
I believe the second greatest selling album of all time,
that behind the Eagles. Maybe it's in the top three
for sure, but it's greatest soundtrack for sure. So yeah,
I could see the controversy.
Speaker 1 (07:54):
More Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 2 (07:57):
You're on Mario Lopez And this caused a lot of
conversation on my social media.
Speaker 3 (08:01):
I was as my.
Speaker 2 (08:03):
Top five favorite fast food restaurants in no particular order.
Speaker 7 (08:08):
Hold on, did you say fast food like that? Because
because not.
Speaker 2 (08:11):
Just for it, No, because not just restaurants. Oh okay,
people were coming out with like legit restaurants. I was like,
this is a very specific category, yes, fast food, fast food.
So I said Chick fil A, which if I had
to rank, that'd probably be number one, to be honest,
and I wanted to spread the love. I also do
love Popeyes and Raising Canes. I do love those two,
but Chick fil A is the og. I like that,
although I'm mad they took away their cool slack. Also, Arby's,
a lot of people came out of the woodworks. Nobody
gives Arby's love. I always give Arby's love. They're very underrated.
The Cheddar and roast beef.
Speaker 3 (08:46):
Slaps and the Arby's sauce is delicious, it really is.
And they have curly cue fries in and out.
Speaker 2 (08:52):
Great Burger Place. They tend to populate the West coast.
Down south they do Water Burger is a little more
White Castle. I like those two Jack in a Box.
I went Jack in a Box over McDonald's simply for
the fact that they have the nighte and nine Sense tacos,
which are incredible.
Speaker 3 (09:09):
It's not real meat in there.
Speaker 2 (09:10):
I don't know what's going on, but they're so tasty,
especially in the middle of the night. Later in Cressible
and then this one had a lot of controversy cheapole,
and I'll be honest, it's only because I thought Long
John Silver was no longer in.
Speaker 3 (09:22):
Business, which I think they aren't. Right, they aren't in business.
Speaker 7 (09:25):
There's still saw I think, but I think they're few
and far between.
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Yeah, so Chipotlet's kind of there, But I would have
traded it out with Long John Silver now that I
think about it more.
Speaker 1 (09:34):
Mario Lopez coming.
Speaker 3 (09:36):
Up, Marrio Courtney Lopez.
Speaker 2 (09:38):
You are good news for all the Sex of the
City fans who are team Aiden. Looks like John Corbett
is back on the set o in just like that
for season three.
Speaker 6 (09:46):
Carrie and Aiden parted ways at the end of season two,
so maybe they'll reconsider.
Speaker 3 (09:50):
Who knows she bounced back quick when Big died. She
went back to her Rex quick. She just moved.
Speaker 6 (09:56):
You gotta keep them, You gotta keep some in your
back pocket, you know what I mean?
Speaker 8 (10:00):
Speaker 5 (10:00):
Is that right? No? I don't know.
Speaker 6 (10:02):
I would not even look at any of my exes.
I was the wreck. In fact, I'm about to throw up.
Speaker 3 (10:07):
Okay, let's keep it moving. Mario Lopez. Here my wife Courtney.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
Netflix serving out more romance from Kristen Bell and Adam Brody.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
Streamer is greenlit.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
Nobody wants this for season two and they're switching showing
hers though producers from Girls are now joining the team.
Speaker 6 (10:37):
Okay, I'm sad how you said the title, because normally
you would have said nobody wants.
Speaker 3 (10:42):
This, nobody wants this.
Speaker 6 (10:44):
She just kind of like glazed over.
Speaker 7 (10:45):
Actually my daughter is that movie last week?
Speaker 2 (10:48):
Well that's because that was the Actually nobody Actually I
actually would have going back and doing it again actually
would have hit.
Speaker 3 (10:54):
Him with nobody wants this to lean into this. Nobody
wants this.
Speaker 2 (11:01):
Yo Mark Courtney Lopez top for another fake debate where
the topics are made of on the spot, but the
passion is very real.
Speaker 3 (11:07):
Who's prone Who's con today?
Speaker 9 (11:09):
I think Courtney will be pro, you will be conn.
You'll have fifteen seconds to make your case ten second rebuttal.
Your topic today is people being rude to you in
your own home.
Speaker 6 (11:19):
I'm probe people being rude to me in my.
Speaker 7 (11:21):
Own home, Yes you are, and go.
Speaker 6 (11:24):
People being rude to me in my own home is
a blessing I feel because I'm not a hope. I
don't like to host.
Speaker 3 (11:32):
I don't like Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
Speaker 7 (11:34):
Go on being rude to you in your own studio.
Speaker 6 (11:36):
Yes, I don't like coasting, I don't like people over,
I don't like communicating. So if you're rude to me,
that just allows me to go about my day without
caring about you.
Speaker 2 (11:48):
Mister Lopez, how dares someone come into your home and
be rude to you? They would be asked politely because
you don't reciprocate the rudeness to leave. If they're not
going to be respectful enough to greet the matriarch of
the home, I will not.
Speaker 6 (12:02):
Put up with that, yet you keep inviting her because
I goes, you just are missing the whole point. I
will gladly have people over if they're rude to me,
so I don't have to talk to them and I
can go to home goods.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
Mister, there's no room for rudeness at Casa Lopez. Come
over and try that. See how it works.
Speaker 8 (12:24):
Out for you.
Speaker 1 (12:26):
Tell Mario what you think on Twitter at On with
Mario More Mario Lopez on the Way.
Speaker 3 (12:32):
Time to get your vote on for all your favorites.
Speaker 2 (12:33):
Nominated for a twenty twenty five iHeart Radio Podcast Awards,
Mario Lopez here, It is all going down March tenth,
live from Austin, Texas. Just hit Uponmaro dot com right
now to check out a fullest nominees, to vote for
Podcasts of the Year and find out everything you need
to know about our twenty twenty five iHeartRadio Podcast Awards.
Speaker 3 (12:53):
So how are we doing all those New Year's resolutions?
Mario Courtney Lopez here?
Speaker 2 (12:56):
You know, resolutions always sound great on paper, but real
and of course takes time. Research actually shows it takes
sixty six days for resolution to become a habit. That
is a little over two months. That kind of makes sense.
It takes about that time to really get in shape.
If that's your goal, which is a lot of people's. Absolutely,
you're all Mario Lopez.
Speaker 3 (13:19):
Before we take off of the weekend, I'm gonna give
you them comment of the week. What do we get?
Speaker 9 (13:23):
This is from Yeehaw Chakra yeehaw. There needs to be
a Yelp for coworkers. I'd give Gary three stars. He
never responds to emails, but he brings in donuts.
Speaker 3 (13:33):
I like that idea.
Speaker 2 (13:35):
The problem is your coworkers can't know who it's coming from.
Speaker 7 (13:38):
They would have to be anonymous.
Speaker 2 (13:40):
It would have to be anonymous because oh, I know
exactly how my rating system would go. But shout out
to Gary bringing donuts. You know what, I'm Gary in
real life. I'm always bringing donuts or food for the homies.
Speaker 1 (13:56):
I want to be the tweet of the week. The
tweeters on with Mario and hang on. Mario Lopez will
be right.
Speaker 3 (14:02):
Back, wyl Courtney Lopez. Here, let's take a look what's training.
Speaker 6 (14:05):
On the iHeartRadio app, comedian Deon Cole talks about how
Stevie Wonder once stole his girl search club Shay Shay
to hear that.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
Now, hold on, do you know how much game you
have to have to steal another man's lady while you're blind?
Speaker 6 (14:20):
It's Stevie Wonder.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
It is Stevie Wander.
Speaker 6 (14:22):
You don't have to have any game.
Speaker 3 (14:23):
It is Steve Wonder. That's true.
Speaker 6 (14:25):
I'm not saying this to be funny or anything, but
if I was with a blind man, I'd never have
to put on makeup.
Speaker 3 (14:33):
That's true.
Speaker 6 (14:34):
I mean to me, that's like a win win, that's true.
Speaker 3 (14:37):
Stevie Wonder is a legend. So you're right. I think
the keywords are Stevie Wonder.
Speaker 6 (14:41):
Former NBA star Stephen Jackson finally reveals his role in
the infamous two thousand and four NBA brawl. You can
hear that by searching for Breakfast Club. I remember that
and Chila, you told us what we are the world
doc got wrong. You can listen to that by searching
for on with Mark.
Speaker 3 (14:57):
Marrio, Courtney Lopez. Here, today's guest is going to be
in just a few minutes. It is producer and dj Z.
Speaker 6 (15:03):
You may remember his big hit with Maren Morris, The Middle.
I like that one for his latest album, He's teaming
up with John Mayer and the guys in Muse. We'll
find out all about it after a few more songs.
Speaker 2 (15:15):
It's every all Mario Lopez driving out on Zoom, Grammy
winning producer and DJ Z.
Speaker 3 (15:20):
Welcome the show man.
Speaker 8 (15:21):
How are you.
Speaker 3 (15:22):
I'm doing well.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
Hey, I gotta tell you, I'm a fan and I
listened to you a lot while I'm doing jiu jitsu
because I have I'm a big music lover, and I
have different music for different activities. Right I'm out there
playing bachi and smoking and drinking and hanging out pop,
So I'm listening to some yacht rock if I'm training,
I like upbeat.
Speaker 3 (15:42):
Kind of music with I keep going. So during jiu.
Speaker 2 (15:45):
Jitsu, I'm listening to to I'm listening to his head.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
I'm listening to kind of house music. And also it's
so I'm very familiar with your stuff.
Speaker 5 (15:51):
Thank you very much. Man, that means a lot. That's awesome,
Thank you.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
I just wanted to tell you that that's real talk
right there. Congrats on the latest album, Tilos. It's your
first album in nine years too.
Speaker 8 (16:02):
Why the long hiatus, Well, I have released music since,
but I think in order to make an album that's
really meaningful and really purposeful, you've got to be in
a certain state of mind, and I truthfully just haven't been.
Reasons are that I've played a thousand shows, I've had
very many Vegas residencies, I've released tons of singles, but
I didn't feel inspired enough to sit down and make
a full body of work. And honestly, I really didn't
want it to take the song. I didn't think it
was going to take the song, but sometimes you got
to listen to your inner voice. And just after the
pandemic is when I started feeling like, oh, I might
have finally the time and the creative juice to sit
down and really create something meaningful.
Speaker 5 (16:52):
And I didn't want to rush it.
Speaker 8 (16:53):
And there was no reason to do that either, because
I think in today's day and age, you could argue
that just releasing songs makes more sense. But I got
hungry to tell a story that's a little bit deeper
than you know, give you forty minutes of music to
listen to why you do tune instead of just three No, you.
Speaker 2 (17:09):
Know what, I totally respect that as an artist too,
because you're right as opposed to just kind of throwing
something out there. The fact that you're passionate about it
and you care, I think will tell all the differences
in the world where you can listen to t Lo's
on iHeartRadio or wherever you get music.
Speaker 3 (17:23):
Let's take a quick break. We're going to come back with.
Speaker 1 (17:25):
More Z more Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 2 (17:30):
Mario Lopez here talking about the new album t Los
with DJ and producer Z. Your album features a bunch
of collabse including John Mayer and Muse. How do you
go about selecting your the guests you'd like as a
relationship or does it have to make sense with the label.
Speaker 5 (17:47):
The label was not involved whatsoever in a respectful way.
They left creative control.
Speaker 8 (17:54):
These artists that I worked with are the ones that
I honestly grew up with and that have inspired me
the most, and people that I love working with that
I would reach out to to work.
Speaker 5 (18:03):
On these songs with.
Speaker 8 (18:05):
I used to be in a band before I was Z,
and my very first concert I was twelve years old.
Speaker 5 (18:09):
I was a drummer, was a cover of MWS. So
when I was.
Speaker 8 (18:13):
Working on sixteen eighty five, to me, there was only
one single artist that I would collaborate with and I
told my manager it's either going to be featuring Muse
or it's going to be just me solo. Then no
other artists would make sense on this song. John Mayer
is another artist that I just adore and admire, and
Jeff Buckley as an artists that I grew up listening to.
Remember in our band times, we would drive ourselves in
advance to concerts and.
Speaker 5 (18:36):
That's the kind of music we were listening to. So
it's a really personal album.
Speaker 8 (18:40):
It's music and musicians that I worked with that have
inspired me to become the artist I am today, And
in a sense, it's an homage to all of them,
and I see it as an album of all of
us and not just a Z.
Speaker 5 (18:52):
Album featuring them.
Speaker 8 (18:53):
It's really a collaborative project and I see them as
my band.
Speaker 3 (18:56):
Oh that's cool. I can't wait to hear it. Man,
the album's t loos.
Speaker 2 (18:59):
Hold On Zez got to play more music, Mario Lopez here,
I got DJ and producer zed.
Speaker 3 (19:05):
On Zoom with me. And you just wrapped a sixteen
day tour. What's your favorite part about hitting the road.
Speaker 8 (19:12):
I think when I'm in the studio for too long,
and you could say working on this album, I was
in the studio for too long. I get really hungry
to finally play out those songs. And I'm really involved
in my live shows in a sense that I sit
down with my team for we sat down for a
month and program all the lights and I get to
really present a show. And I'm excited about that because
I feel like this is the best show I've ever created.
Speaker 5 (19:35):
And I have a live moment where I.
Speaker 8 (19:37):
Played drums in the show currently and that's cool and yeah,
and I've never done this besides in my band days,
and it's really special, and it's been going over really
well and nervous because I haven't mostly DM crowd and
drums aren't normally what they're used to and it's a
full life moment and it's been really really awesome.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
I bet it's because the drums, as opposed to you
can I kind of like syncopate with the beat and
the whole that I think that's.
Speaker 8 (20:02):
Yeah, yeah, I actually literally took the drums out of
the songs that I'm playing, so if I stopped playing,
then there's no drums in the music. But we've been
able to make them sound so big, and I think
people get really excited to see something different, and yeah,
it's I'm really really excited. This is the most fun
show that I've ever played.
Speaker 3 (20:21):
Nice. Well, We've got more to talk about, but right
now we got to get back to music.
Speaker 2 (20:25):
You're a Mario Lopez been hanging out with z all
Hour and Kelly Clarkson recently covered your hit The Middle.
Speaker 3 (20:31):
Which is very cool. Wait, wait, at what point did
you realize that song.
Speaker 8 (20:36):
Was going to be a hit.
Speaker 5 (20:38):
I think there's two points.
Speaker 8 (20:39):
At one point when we were trying to find the
perfect singer and we're months and months in and the
people that we wanted to be on the song didn't
want to be on the song, and then there was
a million people that wanted to be on the song
that I thought wouldn't really fit the song. There was
a moment in time where I was sitting at the
kitchen table and I was like, guys, why does it
matter who sings the song?
Speaker 5 (21:01):
It's a smash. So there was this one moment.
Speaker 8 (21:03):
It was a little arrogant to say, but I was
really annoyed with the fact that it was so hard.
Speaker 5 (21:07):
To find the perfect voice.
Speaker 8 (21:09):
And then I think shortly after we released it, people
would hit me up on Instagram and ask if they could,
like post a video of themselves singing the Middle. And
it was such a strange moment for me because first
of all, I was like, why are you? Like you
can do whatever you want on social.
Speaker 5 (21:26):
But like a lot of my friends were like, hey,
could I also post a video?
Speaker 8 (21:29):
Because somebody posted a video miming like singing the Middle
and I reposted and they're like, hey, could.
Speaker 5 (21:33):
I do one too? I'm like, of course you could
do it. You don't have to ask.
Speaker 8 (21:36):
And it took this viral moment of everybody just asking
and posting, and that hasn't usually happened with a lot
of my music.
Speaker 5 (21:43):
So I think there was this.
Speaker 8 (21:44):
Moment where I was like, Okay, I think there's more
to the song than just a regular release.
Speaker 3 (21:48):
Yeah, what a cool moment right there.
Speaker 5 (21:50):
Yeah, it was really awesome.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Hey man, it was really nice talking to you, and
I look forward to the to the album I'll be
listening to tomorrow morning when I train listen to Telos
on iHeartRadio or wherever you get new music.
Speaker 3 (22:04):
Thanks for hanging out, Zed, Thank you so much. Nice
to see you too, man, Take care.
Speaker 1 (22:08):
You're the full interview now at on with Mario dot com.
More Mario Lopez on the way.
Speaker 2 (22:14):
All right, full steam ahead into the weekend. I'm gonna
be back Monday with more music in Hollywood Buzz. Until then,
Mario Lopez, have a great weekend
Speaker 1 (22:22):
With Mario Lopez.