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Ron picks up the phones right away this hour. Dan from Wisconsin is first up in this look back to October 10, 2014. Dan is considering buying a 2013 Cadillac buyback vehicle. A  good deal based on a cheap price, or not? Is it worth its advertised "ridiculously low price".  Its a new car turn in from the first owner that GM is selling but now repaired. Is it really fixed? How can Dan be sure?  Ron walks Dan and all of us through his thought process and concerns. Then  Ron talks to a listener from PA about  his 2010 Chevy Malibu discussing air filters; when to change, what to use, high flow filters and and the benefits of all of it. After the break the Car Doctor goes back to Wisconsin and talks to Jason about his 2001 Ford Taurus with both EGR and miss fire fault codes. Its a diagnosis on air as Ron takes us all along with both specific and general diagnostic routines to properly repair a vehicle. There is also a second half to this last call for this segment which will be posted in the next edition of Classic Car Doctor. Look for it soon. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
Ron An Aian. You fell in love with this car.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
It's pretty nice it.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
You're already emotionally attached. This is bad, bad, bad bad.
The Car Doctor hond does have a problem with exhaust
system heat shields, and I don't know why Honda owners
never really like to talk about it. I'm starting to
come to the conclusion that Honda owners are in denial.
And to me, denial is more than just a river

in Egypt. It's really what you need to not be
in in order to understand and realize that all cars break.
Welcome to the radio home of ron Anian the Car Doctor.
Since nineteen ninety one. This is where car owners the
world overturned to for their definitive opinion on automotive repair.
If your mechanics giving you a busy signal, pick up

the phone and call in. The garage doors are opening,
but I am here to take your calls at eight
five or five nine hundred and now he.

Speaker 2 (01:05):

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Hey, welcome on naming in the Car Doctor here. Listen,
I need your help this hour fast. Harry doesn't think
I can answer all the questions you guys can throw
at me this hour, So we have a bet. If
I win and I answer all the calls to call
in fast. Harry's gonna wash the plow truck outside. We're
gonna wait for the first snowfall, and he's gonna wash
the plow truck outside in his shorts and no T shirt.
And if I lose and I can answer all the questions,

then I'm gonna wash his mercury sable in the shop
in eighty degree weather in the heat on. Because Harry
really doesn't have to make a bet, but you get
the idea. So keep those calls coming this hour at
eighty five five five six nine nine zero zero. Let
me know what's on your mind. Let's talk about your
car and your car problem right here, live on here.
Before we kick off this hour, the calls are already
lined up. I want to do a quick shout out

to the littlest Dananian. She's out there studying late this
weekend afternoon by herself in her dorm room somewhere out
in the wilds of Pennsylvania or wherever as we sent
her off to school. I'm not really sure. We pointed
her in the car West two months ago and we
said go. She's like the Mars probe. She's out there
circling the universe, and we just want to say hello
and we love you, and we miss you back here

at the Ananian Homestead, and we wish you, we wish
you well, and make sure that you come home soon.
We all want to see your smiling face. We love you. Rah.
Let's get over and talk to Dan online one from
Wisconsin with a twenty thirteen Cadillac or Cadilliac as we
say here in New Jersey and see what's going on.

Speaker 3 (02:29):

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Welcome to the car doctor. How can he help her?

Speaker 3 (02:32):
Hey, thanks for taking my call. Looking at a thirteen
Cadillac ats I think it at twenty nine hundred miles
and it's a buyback, okay. Therefore, they're telling me the
title is red dotted or something. And they're also telling
they showed me the list of discrepancies that the first
owner had a bunch of electrical stuff that look like
about eight items, right, minor items the way it look

to me, I'm a little knowledgeable about them. But they
tell me there's still a one hundred percent warranty on
that car. Is that correct?

Speaker 1 (03:01):
I don't know. I don't know the answer to that,
but I'm wondering why you want to buy something that's
you know, a known problem, because my first question is
you know where the where the problems resolved. I'm guessing no,
because the owner turned the car back in.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
Yeah, well they showed me the list of discrepancies that
we're all corrected with new items. Okay, wiring blocks and
weiring this and that. And suppose they were all corrected.
They did buy it back, and that's what I asked.
You know what's going to happen if it does it again?
But it's supposedly one guaranteed and that's a ridiculously low price.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Well, what's what's the you know, this sounds like my
snap on tool salesman, this week's ridiculously low price of
four hundred dollars for a screwdriver. You know what's well,
you know, let's call it like it is. You know,
what's what does a non buy back car go for
it at this model level? And what's this car going for?
I mean, how big of a difference is it?

Speaker 3 (03:59):
I can't answer. I can tell you this one. Suppose
they listed for over fifty and.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
What are they trying to sell it for?

Speaker 3 (04:06):
Thirty one?

Speaker 2 (04:07):

Speaker 4 (04:07):

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Okay, So you know, if if a similar car that's
not a buyback, meaning one that was assembled correctly is
another five thousand dollars. I don't know that. I wouldn't
hesitate to spend that five grand because you know, somewhere
after dollar two hundred, it sort of becomes obvious you're
making a major investment and you don't need the headache.

Let me let me ask, Let me answer the question
this way for you, Dan, in that I would take
the seventeen digit VIN and go see your mechanic. Do
you have a local mechanic outside the dealership network?

Speaker 3 (04:40):
Yes, yes I do.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
And you know most well all good repair shops, and
I consider myself one of those. I think we're a
good repair shop. We have a relationship with our GM
dealer that we buy parts from. I can give a
VIN to my guys over there. I've known Dennis for
thirty five years and say, hey, Dan, run this VIN
for me, and you know, what is this car? Show you?

And at that point, you know, can you tell me
what the internal documents say from GM? And that gives
me the answer? All right, that's step one. Then second
step is all right, you know that the car was
in for the eight problems. Here's the eight resolutions. Here's
the eight solutions. But the other side of that is

how well were the repairs done. Did the mechanic take
the time, did he tuck all the wiring harnesses back
in or all the clips supposed to be where they go?
You know, I've seen some dealer guys, and I'm not
picking on dealerships. I'm just talking mechanics in general. I've
seen some guys take wiring harnesses apart. We'll talk dealer
level for the moment, and we'll get the car in afterwards,

and it looks like they put it back together with
their feet. And then there are some guys that we'll
see that you can't tell it was ever apart. They're
model builders and all of that is important. So you know,
it's not just a matter of what's wrong with it
wasn't fixed? What's wrong with it wasn't fixed? And how
is it reassembled? And then the last part of this is, okay,
fair question, what is the buy back? What if you

find that it's still got those problems? Are they going
to are they going to give you your money back?

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Looking down the road when you get rid of it,
it's going to be a problem with the title too.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Well, before you go to that point, let me ask
you this, how old is the car that you're replacing.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Twenty twelve.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
So you get rid of your cars relatively quickly or yeah, okay,
Well if you're just looking to roll it over, well,
if you're looking to drive, so you're telling me you're
looking to drive a Cadillac for two years and then.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
Flip it, well, posha, that's our normals.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Yeah, this may not be the car. This may not
be the car for you because you're going to lose too.
You know once once it's a buy back. It's a buyback.
If you told me you were buying this car and
keeping it for eight years, trust me, Yeah, trust me.
Alfter five, it's not gonna it's not going to make
a difference after five years old. You know, all the
chips are worn out and you got to recomputer it anyway,
so it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
I'm just curious. I got a chance to get through
to you. So I'm glad I got a chance to
talk to you.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Listen, Dan, I appreciate the call. It was very interesting.
Let us know what you decide to do.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Would you let us know what you decide to do.
Drop us an email Ron at cardoctorshow dot com and
then we'll I'll announce it here on all right, thank
you very much, You're very welcome. You take good care.
Let's get over and talk to Ron in Pennsylvania with
a twenty ten Chevy Malibu and some questions. Ron, Welcome
to the car doctor. How can I help?

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Yes, my question is a couple of questions. Worth the
extra cost to buy a free flowing air filter like
cann or some other free flowing filler. Well, those filters
give better gas image and more parr. Also, will it'll
affect the car's warning and will bring the engine warning
light on?

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Okay, let me answer the second half first, the properly
installed and I'm gonna talk from a Canaan experience, because
there are a lot of gypsies on the market. There
are a lot of imitations. There are a lot of
cheap filters on the market that are pink in color.
They look like a Canaan, but they're not a Canaan.
And I know this is I don't know how they're
going to react. Reproduction imitation parts is becoming such a

problem now that I understand through some friends in the
performance business, I think it was MSD. MSD recently had
a problem where control boxes, their ignition control boxes for
the hot rods. A shipment was seized coming into the ports,
and when federal authorities went through it, they sent some

of the samples off to MSD. MSD couldn't tell the
difference between that component and one of their own until
they physically took it apart and looked at the circuit boards.
That's how to what such lengths the imitators are going
through to create duplicate parts. That being said, to answer
the question from a CA and N perspective, a can

in air filter, to me is the best there is.
I've been using them since I was a kid back
in the seventies. To answer your question, if it's properly
installed and a CANN filter, it should not have any
reasonable effect or cause to turn on a check engine
light or void manufacturer's warranty. And that's just not me

saying that. Ron. If you go out to knfilters dot com,
it's all over their website. They're putting it in writing.
As a matter of fact, K and N. This will
raise I'll tell you what I'll do. I will send
this clip off to K and N. This will raise
a comment from them because they take not allegations. I'm
not saying you're saying that, but they take concern about

this very seriously. They want people to know that, in
no way, shape or form does a K and N
filter compromise vehicle warranty. So no, it has no bearing
on it, and it will not cause the check engine
light to come on if it's properly installed, and it's
pretty easy to install, so I can't imagine how you
would do it incorrectly. The first part of your question.

A K and N filter is designed to improve performance,
to provide better filtration, to give the engine more power
as a side effect. They don't make claims about mileage increases,
but I will tell you point blank every CANN I've
installed on vehicles over the years, most recently, everybody here

at the car doctor put a can in filter on
their vehicle. Everybody reports mileage increases of anywhere from one
to three. Tom actually got four and a half almost
five miles per gallon better out on the highway on
his FOURD escape. CANN doesn't sell it to you as
a mileage improver. They sell it to you as a
performance enhancer as never have to replace the air filter again,

and all the benefits of the maintenance that you no
longer have to do to an air filter by means
of replacement. So would your Malibu enjoy the benefit of
a can in absolutely? Does that answer your question?

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yes? And I have one mortal question. They have two
different filters. You can put the whole intake manifold replaced,
or just replace with the same size as the original
filter and still use their filter.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
That's that's just a matter of how big is your checkbook,
and if you're looking for more, if you're looking more
for a performance gain versus just no more filter maintenance
and a better filter, you do the air intake system.
If you want just the benefit of not having to
replace the filter, the better filter, a cleaner air charge

into the engine, just use the base filter. Otherwise, put
the air and take performance kit on and enjoy it
that way, all right, sir, thank you very much. You're
very welcome. I'm run any of the card doctor eight
five five five six nine nine zero zero the card
Doctor's twenty four to seven number. Call leave a message.
If we're not on the air, we'll be back right
after this. Oh good, grief. Hey, it's Ron and Andy

and the car Doctor here at eight five five five
six oh nine nine zero zero. I should point out
if you're looking for podcasts of this radio show, they
will be up a little bit later on this weekend
at Cardoctorshow dot com as always Cardoctorshow dot com, but
we're also available a couple of different places on the web.
If you want to subscribe to podcasts, you can get
out to iHeart dot com. We're on iHeartRadio naturally. We're

also at iTunes for all those young people with the
ituners as I call them, iTunes dot com, and you
can also find us tune in dot com. You can
find an affiliate list and talk to the card Doctor
over that way and to figure out where we are
in your neck of the woods. And if we're not
in your neck of the woods, then you can send
an email to me Ron at Cardoctorshow dot com and say, hey, Ron,
I want to hear you in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, And actually

I think we are on in Pittsburgh. I'll have to
think of a different place and give me about a
minute and let us know that you want to hear
us there and we'll do our best to talk to
a radio station in your local market. Right now, let's
get back to what's going on here locally and talk
to Jason in Wisconsin with a two thousand and one
four Taurus and some problems with a misfire. Jason, welcome
to the car doctor.

Speaker 4 (13:20):
Oh thanks for having me make sure.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
How can I help?

Speaker 4 (13:23):
I have a two thousand and one four Taurus and
as my daughter's car. Hey check into the night, comes
on and it stays on, but now it's starting to
flash on and off. I was told there's a sign
of a misfire, so I went in. I got the codes.
I have three different codes that it came up. One

is for the EGR and so yesterday I plugged the
vacuum line on the top of the gr and it
seemed to make a little improvement, but then the misfire.
I replaced the coil and it's still the same problem.
I can spark to THEE.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Well, it's still not it's that cylinder still isn't contributing.
Let's say it like that, right, In other words, let
me let me let me start the conversation here. Jason,
you've got a misfire fault on which cylinder number one?

Speaker 4 (14:17):
Number one?

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Okay, you've got a misfire on cylinder one. That doesn't
necessarily mean it's just spark all right. You ever you
ever start a small engine a lawnmower? Yeah, okay, you
ever leave the choke on when the engine warms up,
what does it do? Right? It runs rough right, starts
to miss So that's a fuel related or a fuel

induced misfire. If the spark plug doesn't work, if the
coil goes bad, yeah, that's ignition. And if the small
engine had a valve train issue or a mechanical problem
with missfire, that's a mechanical issue. So there's three different
ways an engine can missfire. Is my point. That fault code,
by definition does not say no. Where in that description

does it say ignition. It says misfire on cylinder one.
Now you've got to determine just which it is. So
you replaced the coil correct?

Speaker 4 (15:12):

Speaker 1 (15:12):
All right? Now, the fault code for eger do you
remember which number that was?

Speaker 4 (15:19):
That is P zero four zero one.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Okay, P zero four zero one. This is going to
be a DP or digital pressure feedback transducer system. If
you look where the EGR valve. Is this must be
a twenty four valve dual overhead cam motor, correct, Yeah,
all right. If you look where the eger valve is,
there's a small black diaphragm or a small black rectangular
sensor mounted on two rubber tubes just to the left

of the valve. Do you recall seeing that, right?

Speaker 2 (15:47):

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Okay, there's three wires going there. One's going to be
five vault reference or five vault power. One's going to
be ground, the other's going to be signal or reference
voltage back all right, measure the voltage keon, engine off.
Measure the voltage on that wire. My bet is it's
going to be under three tenths of a vault. Typically,

it has to be over a half a volt point
five or up, all right. And if it's under if
it's under three tenths of a vault, that sensor is
most likely shorted and bad. That's what they did. Now,
If that sensor checks out, good, and we've got a
flow problem and the EGR valve is somehow leaking and

inducing an issue on cylinder one, creating that problem, but
generally we would have a misfire on more than one cylinder,
all right, What I'd like you to do is take
that coil that you just replaced, stick it in another cylinder.
Does it fire on that cylinder? Okay? All right? If
it fires on that other cylinder, take the coil from

that cylinder that was working, swap it and put it
in number one. The cylinder number one still not fire.
If that's that's the case, we know, because new doesn't
mean good, we know that a working, existing coil will
not work in cylinder one. At that point, you've got
two wires coming into the coil connector correct, Yeah, all right,
one side's going to be hot. That's twelve vault feed

the power the coil. The ground side is the driver
from the PCM. All right. I want to know. And
the only real way to test this safely is using
a labscope to see do we have a waveform? Do
we have the circuit turning on and off? To use

anything else is a little dangerous because we can create
an issue. And what I'm trying to do is find
out do we have an ignition fault there? Or do
we have a fuel fault there? Now, one last thing,
you can take that coil out of cylinder one and
put a spark tester across it all?

Speaker 4 (17:54):

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Do you know what a spark tester is?

Speaker 4 (17:56):
You know what I mean when I say that, Well,
I took the wire off when I was running and
there was no spark in there, and all the rest
of them had spark like in the coil. You can
see the spark when you pull the plug layer off.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Is this a coil on plug motor or is this
a spark plug wire motor? Do you have a Do
you have a coil wire coming out of the coil
pack on the back of the cylinder head or do
you have individual coil packs up front?

Speaker 4 (18:20):
It's just one okay, right, Dual.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Overhead cam motors had two variations of that. I'll tell
you what, Jason, stay put. I'm gonna hold you over.
I don't want to let you go and send you
in the wrong direction. Stay put. We're gonna talk about this.
Uh right after the break. I'm running ending in the car.
Docter eight five five five six nine nine zero zero.
Get your problems answered and questions resolved. Give us a call.
We'll be back right after this. Than by name
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