All Episodes

January 6, 2025 36 mins

Best of 2024 - Recorded June 2024 - Ms. Pat Talks Healing Through Her Show, Getting Fired From Radio, Marriage. Listen For More!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake that ass up in the morning Breakfast Club, go.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
To hell, greased up like a first school came and
she don't even no introduction.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
She has came in good Morning.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
The season four The Miss Past showing b E T
plus thank.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
You keeping the lights on that b T. You hear me.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
I don't know why y'all keep lying on me. Tyler
parents over. I'm just over there sweeping the floor.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Yeah, I forget Tyler.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Well, I say past sweeping the floor. But I'm glad
to be season four.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
I'm glad. Are you feeling I'm feeling great. I'm feeling great.
I'm just doing TV and I'm doing a tour.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I'm starting my second theater tour called Hide and Flashy,
gonna sell tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Why Flashy because I'm grown?

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Why because I'm hiding flash Why you greased up like
a coming walking looking like a walking walking here? You
look like a deal don't look like oh my god, yes,
breathe up like.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
I don't do deal thoughs. But keep talking. I don't
need their fake but eye lashes in a wig.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
What makes the show so successful Because it's truthful. People
can relate to it.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
You know, it's the first time it's the first time
somebody like me ever being on TV to say what
real people are thinking. You know, we've seen all the
moms before who played mama, who did great jobs, but
you always say that ain't my mom. But that ain't
how my aunt talked to me. And I think when
they put my big, crazy black behind on TV, I
was able to I gave the people a voice that

never had a voice on TV before.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
So that's all.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
And that when people come home and tell me all
the time the things that we dig into, you know,
we dig into chimeless station, abortion, convict fell and everything
that real people go through in life or know somebody
who went through in life.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
So I think that's why people love the show.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
But it's a comedy.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
It is a don't you laugh, Yeah, because I ain't
gonna say he until you read your book, so don't lie.
I ain't read. I read my own.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Book one time because they paid me. The people dog
my behind you read slow. I was getting paid hourly.
I was gonna take all the time I needed to
pay them does.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
And a's and and I don't care. I was getting
paid by the hour and I'm taking.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
At that time, that was the most I ever got
paid by the hour, So you thought.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
I was gonna read that thing.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
I didn't even rehearse the usually I rehearsed to make
sure I pronounce the words right.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
I said, what you paying me an hour? There's gonna
be a long week.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
So the fact that you visit all of those traumas
on the show is has it ever been anything like?

Speaker 3 (03:02):
That's been very emotional for you to film everything. It's
very emotional dealing with Jordani Cooper.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
The first season, we was gonna do an episode about
my mama boyfriend touching us and my mama just turning away,
like cause you know, predators come.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
In and they groomed the family.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
You know, they come in, they see what type of
knees you got, and what we needed. We needed a
father figure, we need somebody to help those grocery rent
and that predator came in and he did what he
wanted to do with my sister and me. And when
I got when we told all moms, she just looked
the other way. So, Jordan, we wrote a whole episode
in the first season and this is my first time
ever being on TV. I'm like, oh, I don't think

I'm ready to visit that. So we visited the second season,
which broke me all the way down because I was
already dealing with a lot of trauma for my kids' father,
who I was twelve he was twenty two, marriage shot me.
So we was telling all those stories, then you want
me to tell the child less station story on top
of I was like, we got to back some of
this up before I have to go counselor. So we

took that out. We did it in the second season,
which which which was great.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
Jordan said, there's a healing that happened this season. What
do you mean by that? You said, there's a healing
that is exact quotes, there's a healing that's going on
in front of the lens.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
It was I dealt with my mom because my mom
used to say really bad things to me.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
You know, I'm lighter skinned.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
My sister's darker skinned, but to me, my sister always
been way more cuted than I was. My sister had long,
curly hell, she was just beautiful. She don't crack now.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
But Jesus cracked. She was beautiful pretty bad.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
So my mama used to say ugly things to me
because I had acting it really bad and she would
always talk about how ugly my skin was. And I'm
fifty two and I still can hear my mom and
my mind saying bad things to me. So I think
that's one of the reason why I worked so hard
in life, is because the things that my mama said

to me. So we did a whole episode where my
mom come back as a ghost and she and she
what she put on me, She want me to put
on my kids because her mom put on her. So
there in the episode, you see me break a generation
of curse. And at the end, I broke down and
I remember fighting and I said, Jordan, don't push me down.
Don't push me down that And at the end, I

just broke down crying and I just just remember saying,
I hate this bitch.

Speaker 1 (05:37):

Speaker 2 (05:38):
All of that came back up, all of that because
you know, I never went to counseling, and I've been
through some stuff. So to deal with what I've been through,
you know, And I told somebody this the other day.
I said, my sister dealt with what we went through
doing drugs and alcohol. I dealed it by just shutting
a door on it. Well, if you shut that door
on it one day that dog gonna open my cup
and all what you had behind that door is gonna

eventually flow out. When I got the Miss Past show
and started telling Joy my life, he just keep bringing
all of this stuff out. But it is a healing
because it's stuff I never talked about. Oh, I never
really dealt with So I think I heal along with
the audience.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
But there was other ways that you like you coped,
Like I know you said your sister did drugs. Did
you do anything else?

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Yeah? I hate look at me. Chick fil A was
waiting on me.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
To say, I'm not no way, I'm gonna come to
her next time, fast, next time.

Speaker 3 (06:30):

Speaker 1 (06:30):
No, it's not that is not true.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
I try it gave me golf.

Speaker 5 (06:38):
Did you did you hear Charlamney when they was attacking
him about the big back comment.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
Yeah, she texted me. What did you text him? It
was funny. People are so sensitive. I mean, you're fat.
I am, I'm fat. I think I'm beautiful and all
the time youful.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
They attacked me all the time, and I tell him,
I said, hey, you're going to clock in at somebody
job my humble sucking my titties.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
So that means I don't have to go to work today.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Damn my system forever erasing what people what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Don't talk to me because I'm not Beyonce.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
I'm gonna talk back because I be reading he come in,
don't be don't be playing with me, so leave me alone.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
They call me fast and that's all you could say.
But you're going to clock in. I'm doing what I love.
So who miserable you are? Me? And I'm gonna tell
your boss you're steal in that chicken up.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
Your mouth water.

Speaker 5 (07:42):
I cannot stand Why did you feel it comfortable where
you could talk about all these stories? Because some of
these stories you be like, damn, you don't know if
you want to laugh with you or you just want
to cry.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
Be sad episode.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
You know, I do it like my comedy. I'm just
an open book. I'm not ashamed of nothing. I've talked,
I've been through.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
You know.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
I was on stage last week.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
I mean the other night, I was like, oh yeah,
I had crabs gonna red flee eybody like what? And
so I was talking about the whole thing about young
girls shaving the vagina. Well, I'm fifty two, nobody your
mama and your mama and me. We didn't shave off
of John unless we had crabs gonna wrist.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
I was born in nineteen seventy. The first points I
saw I had bush. Yes, they had bush, and.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
They only shaved them if they had crabs. But now
that everybody just walking around with a bird vagina, So
I don't get it. Just a ball head COACHINGE look
like a bird. Mine looked like a beat if I
ever seen it. Because I got a flap in the front, y'all.

I put a mirror down now and it don't fog up.
It looked like a little bird. I don't do that.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Are you having fun?

Speaker 3 (08:52):
You know what?

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Life is great? My husband is retired. I just moved
into my house.

Speaker 1 (09:00):

Speaker 3 (09:01):
I finished it.

Speaker 2 (09:02):
Okay, it took two and a half years because I
was too cheap to high contract contractor contract.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
It's like fifteen thousand square feet. Okay, some stuff, put
some stuff back in there.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
I'm a d I WY and I keep telling these
people you need to give me a d I Y
show because that's what I like to do.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
That's what I used to do before.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
When I when I immediately stopped stealing, I started doing
d I y and I love it.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
So I built this house. My husband thought I was crazy.
I know you went over budget because you was there.
What no budget? What no budget?

Speaker 1 (09:34):
You see? You said, like, what else do you like
to do? What you say?

Speaker 2 (09:37):
I used to do all like furniture, paint, stuff, decorate.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
I like it to do all of that. But my
most is like building.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
I like to see a house like my I did
my nephew house and he bought a flip. And then
once you moved in the flip, you realized all the problem.
I said, well, look I had all this stuff for
the house I was building, so look let me do
your house old.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
I told his house up from the rooter to the
two then put it back. It's cute that I do.
I really do. I still do it. I still do.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
I'm doing somebody else's house right now and getting ready
to do somebody else's house right now.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
Wow, you do toy, you do TV. You're a construction worker.
How do you balance that and still be able to
be a wife mom? Like all of that. I've been
married thirty some years.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
So when you've been married thirty some years, you just
really deal with somebody that you know. To watch TV
with so when I come home, I mean, look, I'm
at the point I was just telling somebod. I'm at
the point where I just told my husband we can
no longer sleep in the same bedroom because I'm tired
of sharing toilets with him. I'm tired of sharing a

bed when he snore. Uh, he's on those zimp He
ain't losing nothing but air. So I just want to
be by myself.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
How take wastand you don't work for you?

Speaker 3 (10:55):
It didn't work for me because I like to eat.
I don't want nobody cutting off my appop so you
can't eat with it.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Oh, we'll donna let you eat. Yeah, but I got
goallstones in me there, so I stopped. Damn damn my
gall battle. I don't think it made my gall bladder
went bad. I think the fry food over the years
ship my gall bladder down. So I had my gall
bladder moving. I just kept my husband. I was like,
probably about forty fifty pounds on them.

Speaker 1 (11:18):

Speaker 3 (11:19):
So what did your husband say when you said you
no longer want to be in the same room with he?

Speaker 2 (11:22):

Speaker 3 (11:24):
He facetiming each other.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Square feet?

Speaker 3 (11:28):
Damn right right?

Speaker 2 (11:29):
What he is on one side of the US. So
his band having a ride to the new house. Yep,
So we'll see how that works.

Speaker 1 (11:39):

Speaker 2 (11:39):
We definitely got separate toilets. I'm tired of sharing the
toilet with them. Somethingbody, I'm just I can't, I cannot.
I just want peace, that's.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
All I want.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
You're gonna, y'all gonna eventually get there. You're gonna eventually
get there.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
And that works for both of y'all. You and I
don't know if it worked for him, because I think
you think I'm b.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
You just need breaks from each other every now and then.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
I go on the road every week. My husbands will retired.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
He just take care of the house, so I think
he I think we get enough breaks. I've been gone
since last week, so he won't see me until Monday
next week.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
We talk every day I get up here.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
You don't have a routine that I've always had because
it's the same drug dealing mentality that I got.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
I always wake up early in the morning. I want
to sell drugs anymore.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
But the first person I call is my husband because
I know my dad's gonna get busy. And sometime I'm
on the other side of the world and I just
wake him up every morning at six o'clock it's time.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
And we'll talk for an hour or two. And then
I know, I talked to.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
My husband, you was waking up to do radio. But
what happened?

Speaker 3 (12:39):
They quiet me? You fire me before I could quit.
I knew that was coming from this.

Speaker 2 (12:50):
Yeah, you know, I told I told him, I said,
I'm leaving August, and before August could get there, I
was blown away. I never thought I was gonna get
fired from that job. You had no idea, no with
me and Schmilda have no idea, no idea at all.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
I just knew they was gonna renew her contract.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
And I was gonna go on by my business because
I was never there and I could never be there.
But that's what happened when you work with a hater,
and I'm just gonna go and say it. I don't
even care because that came about what my head. You
know who the hater is, Tiga. Tigger was the biggest
damn hater. I mean, jesz, I mean, you had a
good show and you messed it up because of your ego.
And I think it's because I w was coming there

and saying I know it because I didn't care.

Speaker 3 (13:30):
I said, look, I don't need a jump. I work here.
This my huband chick. I ain't never spent the check
up here.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
I'm working for my husband and a chick. I ain't
never seen it. I ain't never spend a v one
on three checks. This this is my husband chick. And
it is you know when you work with somebody who's
just jealousy to me, it was jealousy. Really, I'm just
gonna go and put it out there and if you
call me, we could fight in the street.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
It was. It was, it was jealousy.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
I bought a g wagon your truck call more than
both of my cars. I said, well, buy you another
car so we could be equal. Damn like yeah, you know,
then you get another. Thing was is that we was
all equal so you couldn't talk down to nobody. And
you won't gonna talk down to me, no way, because
I would have whooped you. Like hey, back in the
day when I went back on Section A, I used

to always want to get fined so my.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
Rent can go back down the free crap. But I was.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
I was really When they walked me in now and
they said we're not renewing your country because I said
I was leaving in August. I was so shocked. I said,
y'all gonna find me. Do you know the people get
up to listen to me. Don't nobody listen to this crap.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
Hit podcast TV shop and you gonna fight a person
who had the most going on.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
With your mee and Shamil. You're gonna leave the DJ.
You want the DJ just to spim rockers.

Speaker 1 (14:52):
At least reach out to you and say thank you.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
For I blocked that niggle.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
He sure did happy. I said, don't you I'm not Smille.
You don't play with me me. I mean, you know,
Shamil was nice. I think she still talked to him
or whatever. She's nice because I still talk to her
all the time.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
But I'm not. I'm not.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
You know, you get one time to play with me.
I'm fifty two years old. I don't have time to
play these games with you. You low down, you're dirty.
And anybody who go over there and work for him
and the show ain't doing the show. Was doing wold
when I got there with that number fifteen. When I left,
we were two and three. You gonna fire us, nigga.
You should have got fined a long time ago, but

keep your little show because I ain't never needed it anyway.
My team was like, why are you going on there
and work for that old dead ass? Station said, I
want to hurt for V one of three.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
I'm from Atlanta. I want to hurt for V one
o three.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Don't made me wake up and take unnecessary balls.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
You know I didn't get up and take a back.
I know it wasn't gonna work. Why when you came
and did the we care, came in did the week here?

Speaker 5 (16:02):
That's competition and she was only supposed to come in
for one day in competition.

Speaker 3 (16:06):

Speaker 2 (16:07):
You was in my city, you because I listened to
I listened to y'all every morning now, and what you
got me fired?

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Y'all out there?

Speaker 3 (16:17):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
When I got back on half broke a loo. Oh
my god, it was only you did the What is
that report? Y'all do the rumor report? I said, what
the hell is the rumor report?

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Report? They pulled on the tape. I said, that's the rumor.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
I thought I was just up there talking.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
I said, that just told me to set in on this.
You know that they gotta understand you a star radio
was promoting her show at the time. I was promoting
my show.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Show just came back.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
I was promoting my show, and I'm always in that,
and you know, he would say, well the show, I said,
this show says your name. It does not say my name.
So I worried about keeping the mispassed show on. That's
why I make my money. I don't make no money here.
I mean I made money that, but it was for
my husband.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
That was.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
I did that because I like doing it.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
And then you're gonna tell me not to go on
one of the biggest shows to promote my show, to
promote my I said.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
I told him this.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
I said, it really didn't hurt you because people would
have liked me and probably would have came over there
listeners in the morning, you're stupid food.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
It's not like you.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
We wasn't shouting them out. It's not like we said, hey,
don't shout out your radio show.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
Yeah, but it was it was a jealous you with
the competition, ain't I don't compete.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
I'm fat. I came over here to tell people watching me,
its past shot.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
I don't compete. I eat. Oh boy, you them.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
Rappers wanting who your as well, I'm completed, gonna have
to get just I wish you weren't pregnant so we
could job.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
You wouldn't want to do your own shows.

Speaker 4 (17:48):
I would want to do my own want.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
I'm a morning I'm a morning person. I'm sleep by
six thirty. Fight if I'm just at home.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
But I do. I did. I learned a lot over there,
and I really like doing radio. But you know, it
is what it is. They let me go. They acquired me.
But it was day lost. It was it was Day Lost.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
I got a fourth season, I got season two of
The Mispass Settles It. I got other things going on.
Shamil became a housewife. I said, well she got that
house wife. I said, ooh, I know you niggas sit now.
You got rid of everybody who could have brought somebody
to that.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Dead ass state.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
Would have been on her fourth season and Sheil would
have been a housewife right now in the morning.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
And I'm the second season of The miss Pass Settles It.
I just finished taping it.

Speaker 5 (18:31):
What was the craziest thing you seen on that show?
This miss Past?

Speaker 3 (18:35):
These people crazy And I don't know if y'all know,
but something these cases be real, say Are you a
real judge?

Speaker 2 (18:40):
No, I'm a convicted feling. No, I'm acting, but those
are real case. A lot of people asking you to
comings like, I think she a real judge. I think
she is really just na, I'm a convicted felling.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
Yeah, that's right. That's what I said when they asked me.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
When when I pitched this idea to BT and they
said you do it, I'm like, but I'm gonna convicted fella,
and they was.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
Like, it's TV.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
I said, well why not the crazy case I seen
on the second season when I these two women got
in the face.

Speaker 3 (19:05):
Her name was Shay Shay and they was in the FEDS.
And I said, what was you in jail for? She
said don't?

Speaker 1 (19:11):
I said, dope.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
This one was scaring the hell out of me.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
But this lady came in on nine and nine. She
was bout. She was ready to whoop her friend behind
and everything. It was crazy fight the what dope?

Speaker 2 (19:28):
No she had she had did some work for and
the friend didn't want to pay her. And Shae Shay
stand by fourth feet tall, by eighty pounds, but she
wanted them people who will fight and baby and the
friend with mild matter and quiet you know, don't want
no don't want no smoke.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
It was hilarious. I said, y'all put her in the commercial.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
Dope with the crack Baby's cartoon.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Crack baby cartoon.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
I thought you had a cracked baby car.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
I'm still working on it. You know how some places
are just slow.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
I got other things I'm working on, like j Yeah,
I just saw the another show, so.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Keep your finger crossed.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
Hopefully get get on up there. But I just sold
another show, So we're working what.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
You're talking about on the hot and flashy to like
what's the content about?

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Uh? Just being a grown ass woman, being being married? Life,
the things that I go through.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
You know, you know one thing I learned about being
in a different tax breaket and then nobody tell me
that you have to give the government half the money
that she made that and the government ain't never wrote
no joke for me.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
I ain't I know them. You know what's crazy? I
called it our ass.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
And I'm telling them all my family members to see
if I can get a cut discount.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
You gonna start snitching on them? Hell yeah, wouldn't you?

Speaker 2 (20:37):
I mean, you know how many of my cousin that
file taxes for kids that ain't they kids?

Speaker 3 (20:41):
Of course, won't that help us?

Speaker 5 (20:44):
You just want a couple percent points off? Should have
taken as to take forty people.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
I know what that body is.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Did you do the PPP longs?

Speaker 3 (20:51):
And I didn't do no PPP long And thank god
I didn't. I don't know. First of all, nothing is
free in this world. I already know that because I
used to steal.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
So if somebody giving you something free is to put
you on a hook. And everybody I seen get them
pp long Now they're out of the trillions a dollar.

Speaker 3 (21:06):
Now they going to the one hundred thousand and a
million dollar people.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
I'm not I told, I told everybody, don't take those loans.

Speaker 3 (21:13):
I'm okay. I went home and paint my whole basement
during the pandemic. You so really?

Speaker 2 (21:20):
I sure did did floors and then ended up. The
show got picked up. In our second season, we moved
back to Atlanta. I won't take no money. I don't
take no free money. Ain't nothing free in this world.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
We made you get into dy so much like when
did you first start?

Speaker 2 (21:33):
Just my husband used to do. My husband used to
work at Simmons Mattress.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Then he went and started building houses, and so we
I bought my house that I was. I was on
Section eight for like ten years, and I lied like
everybody else do.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
And I got a husband and I ain't tell the truth,
and I think my sister will reporting me. So they
took my Section eight, go to hell, Go to hell,
and they cut my food stamps off, so my rent
went from zero. The lady said, well, I just paid
the morning was six hundred. So she was getting older
and she said, look, you really need to buy this

house for me, and I was like, ain't buying.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
This regular house. I said, I think the house got
some good bones.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
So I bought the house. We bought the house, and
I still own the house over there on Hawthorne Drive
in Atlanta, Georgia.

Speaker 1 (22:18):

Speaker 3 (22:18):
And I just told that house. I tore it up
and I said, I want a bigger bedroom. So I
hired an architect. That's when the housing market failed the
first time, like in the early.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Two thousand and I just the house market failed, and
I hired an architect because all of them was laid off.
And he charged me like two thousand dollars to draw
the back of my house. And I just got my
husband boss he was doing house at the time, and
he did it and we did the rest.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Rent the house out now in Hawthorn.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
I do rent the house out for too cheap.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
She I didn't even I lived in Indiana for fifteen
years and I was the rent was eight hundred dollars
and my friends said, do you know what rent costs
in Atlanta?

Speaker 3 (22:58):
And I'm like, no, fifteen years, I rented my house
for eight.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
Square feet that they're stilled out. I would a little bit,
but I look at it like this, I'm not trying
to make a big profit. They take really good care
of my house, so I really have them and that
taking really good care.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Of my house than to be trying to rob them blind.

Speaker 2 (23:23):
So they've been there now for about fourteen years.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
I did. I raised it a little bit. I raised
it a little bit, but you.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
Know, I don't need the money. I just need the
mortgage paid. And what they've done over the years, they're
paid the mortgage. I mean, they're really great tenants. I
think I'm a great landlord. I go over there and
do what I was supposed to do every year without
the masking. I kind of wish they would move so
I can remol it, but I ain't gonna complain.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
Yeah, is it true that you never wanted to be
famous because because your mom used to always tell you
that you wasn't gonna be shit.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
Yeah, it was fame with something and I don't consider
myself famous now.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
I consider myself with a lot of job because you know,
it's just it's the way my mama beat me down.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
She always said I wasn't good enough. She always said
I wasn't shit. So in my head, I never saw
myself like other people. And my husband told me, he said,
that's why you don't want to do a lot of things.
Because I was scared to get out there. I wanted
to make the money, but I didn't want to be
up front. And then when I got this TV show,
it really put me out there and I don't even know.

I was shy, like if you want to take a
picture with me, I'll do it.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
But then I'd be like why. I used to ask
myself why, and.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
People would come up to me and be like, almost,
pay you so great, You're telling my story and I'm like, no,
I'm telling my story. So it Fame is something I
had to get used to, Like I don't go to
the black walmarts because they won't leave me the fuck alone.
So I try to go way out in the white
neighborhood because white people they treat Famee different.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
What's something, Miss Pat? Black people shaking on your pulling.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
On your with look, get your hands on you.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Fuck keeping. I ain't nobody you think I ain't shakeable,
ain't I ain't gonna take you mantle tonight.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
I'm gonna take one of my boobs out and drop
them on your head and break your damn Neck's wrong
with man?

Speaker 4 (25:23):
To me?

Speaker 3 (25:23):
All mar that's so I'm glad when you come up here,
listen you and just got my back.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
I love how b T? How was it at BT?

Speaker 3 (25:30):
I love BT? I do? I really do. I'm being honest.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
You know what I when I first went in my
my hustle versus.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
What they were used to doing was different.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
But since it's my show, I just say, hey, y'all,
if we can work together, this is what I would
like to be done. And so we I've been over
there four years now, so we work together. And they
know what, Miss Pat, won't you know.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
One of the things that tripped me out of the first season,
whatever they did for one show.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
They did for every show, and I said, let me
talk to you. I can't stand alone if all of
us gonna do the same promo.

Speaker 3 (26:05):
So I was start.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
I started coming up with ideals. I started talking to
the promo team or me and Jordan started coming up
ways to make all shows stand out.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
And let me just say that this is our best
season ever.

Speaker 2 (26:15):
I don't know why we why it took for a
season to really get in, for black people and other
people to really get on it, but this season has.

Speaker 3 (26:23):
This is our most watched season ever. Wow. Correct, we
kicked nothing.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
But the ass.

Speaker 5 (26:29):
Get out a lot though yourself though, like you have
done what you had to do. Like most of the
time where I see you or I running to you,
or if I see you on the red carpet or
even if you hit me in the DM, this is.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
Not because BT said it.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
You do it.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
Yeah, And that's the biggest thing. And you've been doing
it from the beginning. And that's what I tell people
who come over there.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
I said, hey, you know that everybody got only so
much promotional money to apply and BT is not CBS,
so I just use my my street knowledge and I say,
you know what give me this. You don't want to
give it, I'm gonna spend my own line. I spent
a lot of my own money. I had a PR person.
I mean, I I hire everything I needed, and people
are like, oh, they bet give some much promotion.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
They do give me promotion.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
But when you see me doing certain things a lot
of its time, it's just it's me out of my pocket.
I don't I didn't wait to bet get me on late. Now,
hire me a PR person late.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
And I didn't even want me.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
But this lady Pam who I hied, she just kept
y'all gotta take her. Y'all gotta take her, y'all gotta
take her. And I ended up in the right place,
and I ended up getting same thing with you guy.
First time I asked to come over here. The note
back was she ain't famous enough?

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Who is she who said? Shut your ass up? You
said that? And then I.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Run into him at a Lite Daniel party and Lee
Dani introduce something, Yeah, he been to a party. Why
is everybody denying Diddy party? Did it through nice parties?
That don't mean you got taken in the room. That
don't mean somebody touch you.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
That just mean it was a didny party.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
I mean everybody act like if you go to a
didnit party, you had to do something that did it
to be at the party.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
I never I don't know, but you probably did go.
But don't deny.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
I've never been to dinny party.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
You never got invited to. You look like you went.
No way you think over that grease.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
You know, I'm gonna tell hi, and I tell.

Speaker 3 (28:17):

Speaker 2 (28:17):
I think you would listen your ass and not tell
you the Windy Williams.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
That is not funny episode.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
What did you have to do to keep that Windy Willis?
I've heard a few things to pick the hairth some
plastic Tennis said, you want to keep digging at me?
What you have to do? Keep that?

Speaker 2 (28:54):
Because that was that's what pop Charlemagne in the world.
You know, I mean one of Diddy pot But tell
us what you did.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
You had to take one for the team. I'm telling
you why this is gonna give us off medicaid me.
I'm telling the truth. Man, all of a sudden, just
let you go. She let you go, and every saying
no more playing contended to pick you. The reason why

she got demensioned. Man down, You forget she had that
to what is it?

Speaker 1 (29:39):
Man? That is funny? And ship didn't start claiming the.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
What if?

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Did he start claiming?

Speaker 3 (29:46):
He battled, you know, he battled, who is joining you on?

Speaker 2 (29:52):
This is wild?

Speaker 3 (30:00):
I wanted to say that to him before, and I've
seen it. But I ain't not gonna walk there, gonna
keep on calling me fat? How much you eat? You know,
can't nobody shake you?

Speaker 2 (30:16):
You don't think I see all the little deals he
had like I was he had like when he first
met me.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
I was one ten.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
All of a sudden, I blew up from stir rods
and some ship. I'm bad, fat, but not been fast
as I had that first baby.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
But nobody ever said Miss pat wasn't famous to come
up here.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
Nobody said yes, you did, yes, y'all because I asked.
I asked, and the answer was no. I saw you
at that lead down your thing and lead down your interduce.
You're like, yeah, come on the show, and I'm like,
and I'm my my my thing was I said, Because
y'all didn't know me.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
Y'all wasn't really for me, And I said, I'm a
walk here.

Speaker 1 (30:48):

Speaker 3 (30:49):
You read rabbit after we sent it to you, after
you let me go. So I had. All I had
was a book.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
I really didn't have no show or anything. And I said,
you ain't gonna never fucking forget me because I was
mad because I tried several times to get on here.
I'm glad I'm over here now.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
But the publishers are lie and say that to the
publisher if they do reach out.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
I ain't have no publishers at the time I could afford.

Speaker 1 (31:08):
Now, I don't who they was talking to the manager.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
I don't know who.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Back then, nobody said that.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
If they did, you said it because you didn't even
know me. I'm sure they did. Thank you. Miss Pat came.
Miss Pat came so early.

Speaker 5 (31:24):
She was introducing her story for the first time to us,
and we would like, in amazing.

Speaker 4 (31:28):
I had read Rabbit already the first time you came here,
I had read Rabbit.

Speaker 3 (31:31):
You came with your you came with your daughter at
the time. Yeah, that was the first time she told
the story. And then it just started going from there.
For Miss Pat.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
Yeah, because y'all said no, because I think it wasn't Yeah,
because I thought you didn't like me, because you were
going to catch a flight and you kept turning around you.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
I'm gonn miss my damn flight. It was just me
and you.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
You know.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
No, he left the first time, and the second time
I came back he was there.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
I'm glad I read the book.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
He ain't read that.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
I didn't read the book as so much in that
book I remember to this day cause I was sitting
there reading, like, damn, this woman that's been through it.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
Have you been through a lot?

Speaker 1 (32:03):
You nipple shot off?

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Yes, I did, hand so dope.

Speaker 5 (32:06):
I then I think a year later, I sent you
the BT Awards, the Red Coffee Awards, and and this
is how crazy it was. B e T didn't even
know who Miss Pat was to show so early, and
I called me.

Speaker 3 (32:15):
I called you over.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
Remember how you knew the story because your show Fox
had picked it up.

Speaker 3 (32:20):
It was Fox Show, and then it was Hulu. Hulu
shot the pilot.

Speaker 2 (32:23):
And then BT and THET got it out of the
vault because they threw it in the vault. When I said,
when I called my son or nigga, that white man said,
ain't gonna be do that. I said, it's just like
all your kids a school shoot the white people. They
threw it in the vault and then BT came and
got it and we've been popping ever since.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
We love you, Miss Pat, and you love Miss Pat.
We support you for anything that you do. We support you.
We appreciate you. You know what he do. He will
text Bank. He used to then text back, not true.
You you famous as fucks.

Speaker 5 (32:59):
Papa. Check up on me, birthdays, holidays. Just make sure
I'm alright.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
I forgot to tell you having to having father day envy.
I forgot to take you yesterday having for all day.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
No, thank you. The YouTube.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Little different than the top of that from Wendy.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
He can never leave you alone? Ya yo, I thank you.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
It's gonna be that headline would be so funny. Ms.
Pattycuses Wendy wimsm.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
What take that? Bat? Don't put that out volitarily right?
He wanted it. That was his first radio job, wasn't?

Speaker 4 (33:47):
Yes, it was?

Speaker 1 (33:48):
I worked in South Carolina.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
Yeah, that don't count. I'm not listening ships please. The
rasts in the New York was more famous than you.
What you have to do big Foot was y'all. I

ain't had to do not that? Oh my god, have
you ever seen the picture of him? Have been naked
with you?

Speaker 5 (34:19):
Of Wendy Williams sitting in the throw pictures of me
sitting on her lot.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
No, you've never seen that picture?

Speaker 1 (34:25):
What pictures of me?

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Nuggive that's why you're in that throne. Ninety.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
I'm about to get out of it. I'm back hurt.
What you had to do?

Speaker 3 (34:35):
How much? How much you make over that? Because I
know you made I worked for free for a year
and a half. That what you thought you show? The
picture showed the picture you were sending the windy laugh.
Look look, look, come on, now you're gonna tell me
this ain't but partners.

Speaker 4 (34:51):
That woman is mispass I know of you.

Speaker 3 (34:58):
I don't memory, right, y'all gonna give me on e
t again, Miss love you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Make sure y'all go to miss pac Comedy dot com
for all the tickets. I'm in your town this weekend.
South Carolina, Uh, Green.

Speaker 3 (35:17):
Greensboro, Green, North Carolina, Carolina.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Okay, I just left Greenville, so I'm going to North Carolina,
Green Greensboro.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
Make sure y'all get your tickets this weekend. On the
one show left.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
We gotta go see miss pat Man. When you're gonna
be close to this area.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
I'm going on tour Martin. I don't know if I'm
coming to New York, but I'm I'm doing I'm doing
like ten dates I think they're doing. I think they're
doing the Barley I thought I saw.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
I don't know if I'm on that show. Ain't you
on a tour with Martin to Yeah? So I don't
know where I'm going. Okay, Miss miss pac Coda comedian,
Miss pat dot Com, make sure y'all keep streaming season
four The Miss Past Show so I can.

Speaker 3 (35:52):
Get season five. Absolutely, that's for my pool. Breakfast Club
is miss Patley, Gentlemen.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
I saw her in the morning at Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club News

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