All Episodes

May 17, 2021 90 mins

Today's Interview filled show features Interviews With, Chris Rock about his latest film, and with Coach Gessie & Dr. Amun about COVID experiences. Don't Forget To Check Out The Rumor Reports & Who Made Donkey Today!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
W w p r F m h D one New
York and i Heeart Radio Station. This is your week
of Hall Breakfast Club to show you love to Hate
from the East to the West, Coat d J M,
D Angela, y, Cholomagne, the gud, The rule is show
on the planet. This is where I respect this show
because this is a voice of society, change in the game.

Guys are the coveted morning show. What y'all earning? Impacting
the coach week up in the morning in h day,
want to hear that breakfast the world's most dangerous morning showing.

Good morning usc yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo. Angela, Yeah,
I don't think she's on yet. What up, Cholomagne, Peter
to the Planet? Is Monday? Yes, it's Monday. That's right,
start of another work week. How does everybody feel out there?

When I asked that question nowadays, I'm really asking because
I want to honest answer. You know what I mean?
Because none of us are the same the way we
were before the pandemic. Right, So when I asked that question,
how are you? I'm asking because I really truly want
to know how you feel mentally, emotionally, spiritually. How are you,
dj Envy. I'm doing pretty good, you know what, I'm

doing great right now. So right now I'm broadcasting from
Cabo out in Mexico. And the reason being is, you know,
my mother in law passed away a week ago, and
I didn't want that to be what my wife thought
of when she thought about twentieth anniversary. So we made
these plans. We had to cancel a couple of them,

and I begged her to come. She didn't want to come.
But now that she's out here, I think it was
actually better for her to grieve because she's by herself,
there's no kids, there's no phone call. She can just
really take it in and really, you know, really think
about it and and you know, we go through everything
and you know, the highs, the lows, the emotions. So
it's been really really great for her, and you know,
and just the way that you know, step away for

a couple of days, just away from the world, and
you know, because we're not on our phones out here,
we're just kind of just enjoying life. So it was
pretty good. So so we're out in cobble. So it
sounds like a good little mental health retreat. Yeah, absolutely absolutely.
What about you? How was your weekend? My weekend was good.
I was in Orlando all weekend because my daughter is

a competitive cheerleader and they had a competitive cheerleading competition
this weekend in Orlando, Florida. So I was I was
down in Orlando. You know, I'm a cheer dad. Yeah,
you chair. What do you do during the downtime? Because
if you are appearing and you have to take a
kids to these events, that travel is a lot of downtime.
What do you mean? I sleep? I laid in the bed.

Who are you talking about? I was on the couch.
I was watching the NBA Hall of Fame uh ceremony.
I was watching a zweed this weekend. What was I do?
I mean? Whenever we was in the crib, he was
in the crib. I went to the licking or they
got a licking in Orlando. Drop on a clues box
from my main e class to everybody that listens to
us one one on four point five to beat in Orlando.
But yeah, I went to I went to the licking.

That was about it. Other than that. Yeah, I was
walking around, um your Disney World doing my chair dad thing.
All right, did you do? Did she wind? They placed one?
Because she's on two different teams. One of her teams
I think placed. They tied for second, that's what it was.
A yeah, they tied for second. Oh okay, we'll drop

a bomb for her. Man that that's a lot of practice,
that's a lot of dedication. So drop a bomb for her.
What up? You you back? Yes, I'm here. My battery
was dead. Oh my goodness, good morning. Ye how are you?
I'm doing well? Thank you. I am spent this begin
just doing some work stuff. You know. I have this
coffee shop that I'm opening, so I was dealing with
a lot of stuff with that. But it's exciting. And

you know, I had a little photo shoot for Whole
Foods because it's in our coffee in stores in the
New York City area. Okay, that's it. Let's get the
show cracking. Chris Rock will be joining us this morning.
Chris Rock. He got the number one movie in the
country this weekend. I saw Yes and y'all. Now, I
love a good Hiror movie. So that's part of the
Saw series. That's right. We kicked it with him on Friday,

so we're not gonna be able to talk about number
one movies, but we spoke to him Friday and all chill.
Coach Jesse's joining us, right, Yes, Coach Jesse and doctor
Amun And you know I'm big on every now and
then making sure you detox your body. A lot of
people going on vacations doing different things, and sometimes you
need to just give your organs a break. So we'll
talk about that and the vaccine because there's all these

new CDC regulations. All right, we'll get into front page news.
Next to Don't Move, It's to Breakfast Club, Good morning,
m Owning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the
guy we all to Breakfast happening, Good morning. Let's get
in some front page news where we're starting. Ye, Well,
you know today you gotta do your taxes if you

hadn't done them yet. Now they had extended that tax
deadline until May seventeenth, and there's some exceptions. So if
you're in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana because of the storms
in February, the i RS did extend the federal tax
deadline for those residents until June fifteen. And if you've
got some stimulus payments, you do not have to pay
taxes on that? Just FYI, So what's that mean? If

you've got PPP, you don't gotta pay taxes on it. No,
I didn't say pp that's alane. What's the stimulus? Oh,
the stimulus? The stimmy's okay, the fourteen hundred fifty ull
dollar checks, got you right? I meant to say stimmy, Yes,
I know. Now I wonder what PPP did you have
to pay taxes on that? I wanted did they send
um the DIRUS and people who got PPP loans something, Well,
that would be for small businesses, right, and that they

didn't extend that. We're supposed to be using that for
employees and your businesses. So I'm sure if you have
to pay your employees, they gotta pay taxes on it.
But I would talk to your account. Yeah. So all
you scammers out there who don't actually have businesses and
created those fake LLCs, don't try to duck the RUS. Okay,
it's impossible. They coming. And if you need to file
for an extension of some make sure you do that
as well. But remember when you do file for that extension,

you are going to still have to pay interest if
you owe money on your taxes. All right, are you're
ready for the playoffs? As we're trying to figure out
what two teams from each conference will be the numbers
seven and eight seeds, and we'll find that out tomorrow.
That Charlotte Hornets are going to be playing the Indiana Pacers,
and the Wizards will be playing the Celtics. Also the
Spurs against the Grizzlies and the Golden State Warriors versus

the Lakers. That's right, I'm not gonna lie Lebron was
dead wrong when he said whoever created the play in
tournament should be fired. The play in tournament, you know,
it gives the games, the last games towards the end
of the season. It gives them a lot more meaning
because yesterday was a fun, fun day in the NBA
just to watch yes and finally think about, um, who

your top picks are? Congratulations? Yeah, congratulations four number four.
Salute the worldwide one, and just salute to everything the
Knicks organization is put together this year. Because nobody expected
them to win what they won forty one games. I think, yeah,
something forty one and thirty one, I think with their

final records something like that. But yeah, nobody expected that
this season. So to salute to the Knicks, Yes, the
hospitality has to change, but you know, um no, no,
I'm being honest, Like I love I grew up all
the Knicks. I love the Knicks, but the hospitality of
inviting people and the way they make people feel has
to change it. Like you know, I go to both
Knicks games and Nets games, and just being in New York,

the Nets arena and the Nets organization just treat you better.
And I hope that that changes with the Knicks. Listen,
hurt people, hurt people. You know, the Knicks have sucked
for a long time, so maybe they was taking out
a lot of that trauma, projecting that trauma on people.
They shouldn't have been projecting that trauma on you know
what I mean. But now that they're winning, maybe they'll
be in better spirits over there, right and about and

you're absolutely right, all right, Well that is front page news.
Get it off your chest eight hundred five eight five
one o five one. If you need to vent, hit
us up right now. Phone line to wide open again.
Eight hundred five eight five one on five one is
the Breakfast Club. Good morning the Breakfast Club. Wake up,
wake up, wake your time to get it off your

chest is your man or blast. We want to hear
from you on the breakfast But hello, who's this man? Mike?
Was happening king get it off your chests? Mike. I
just want to tell about this weekend. Man. Listen, man,

Like I said I tell you before, my dad never
told me how to change to tie it And for
twenty minutes on that bridge, now mine, you're on my
way to the airport, so I got to figure it
out my own. I was tightening that nut pause for
about twenty minutes until I realized I was going the
wrong way. I think he was on. I don't know
what what that nut was telling you. You better learn
how to At least I know how to change the

tie and my dad I had to. I figured it out.
I had to figure it out fast. But my feel
it on YouTube, I mean I know the concept of it,
like you know that you know the concept. Last thing
I want to talk about, man, I want to try
to challenge all I got an orders that I got man,
I want him to tell one of them guys that
be are rampant. I know they got all I know trail,
I be getting to up, so we might not want
to challenge? Wow try no, no, no, no, you're talking

about I can't remember to dude name man? What to do?
That be trave Nick G? But try me try travel
one one too, trive one against Sean Stone. He did
so so so so do what I do? So I
do what I do. I want to. I want to trail.
Listen to tra we want to let us know what
the telen being sil I think I think you should
challenge the champion, Nick G. Champion right now. But let's see.

Let's hear how he sound. We got a hold on.
You can't just challenge someone. We don't know what you
sound like. I don't want to waste anyone's time. What's
this Platts? What's his instagram? I'm gonna go take a look.
Let's see if he's worthy. Oh yeah, yeah you in private?
He most definitely worthy private? Why oh you and see
I r b angeo b stop young and prodigy and

let's see how good he is? All right? Brother? Hello?
Who's this? Good morning? My goodness? Is this snack man?
Yes it is? Yeah, I got I got a new
joke for you. Okay, so hold on. Snack Man is
our resident comedian. We haven't heard from you in quite
some time. Glad you comed how's the family? Very good?
You're ready? Let me know when you're ready. Okay, okay,

we're ready, We're ready. We all know there are side
effects to the covid B team. You know the research
says that pregnant women who get back to when they
give birth the baby is more with a man, new joke,
same old, horrible delivery, same old, same old, no talent

ass snack Man Man, he always gets e for effort.
But does it is true? That's that old gold stars
for this guy? Does he ever perform? I can't see
people class. There's some footage of him performing on YouTube. Yeah,
and I see. I need to see that because one
of my favorite things in the world is to see
comedians bombing. I know with his delivery he bombed badly

on stage. I need to see it. Please see me that.
I would love to see that. My goodness, get it
off your chests eight five eight five one five one.
If you need to vent me this up now, it's
the Breakfast Club. Good morning, The Breakfast Club. This is
your time to get it off your chests, whether you're
mad or blast. So we better have fam. We want

to hear from you on the breakfast club. Hello, who's
this Hey? Good morning? My name Miss Jay from Georgia.
Good morning Jay from ATM, Good morning, get him off
your chests last morning. Because I'm an bring any YSM survivor,
it happens to me back in June at twenty twelve,
and wow, I had to have three brain surgeries and
all of that, I got my spins and my coils going.

Everything is for me. So when I quote to talk
to my my healthcare prograd to my ignorance surgeon, they
wouldn't talk to me because they hadn't seen me to
this pointy seventeen. So they told me to call the CDC.
I called the CDC and they didn't have any information
for me. All they could tell me or give me
what the information about people who had a stroke. Now

I almost had a stroke, but that didn't happen. All
I had was the anurism. So nobody can give me
good information and it stays for me to take it.
So I don't know what to do because we're not adopted.
But I do want to I get it. I get
it that you'll not doctors. I was just hoping maybe
since y'all had more contact, maybe I'll have more info

somebody that could lead me to get the real health
that I need because I don't want to take it.
And God for this happened to me. Yeah, coach to Jesse,
who was joining us, she had actually a brain annuraism too.
We'll throw your information out there. Maybe, um, you know,
somebody will contact you on my information or book Instagram.
Is you are under or jiggern As to j I

g g a anys and question, Yeah, there were there
any symptoms before you had a brain aneurysm. I know
they say that it's usually not, but did you feel
any different headaches or anything? You know? I felt it
when it topped, like it was like you know howhen
you cranking uncles. Yeah, I felt like a little snap

like that, And the next thing I know, my whole
entire body just got ridiculously hot and I couldn't do nothing.
But like I said, well, it took from true surgery
just to find where it bursts. And then the third
when they finally was able to put this stent in
the coils in. But well, thank you. We thank god
that you're hair with this, because that could be off.

That could absolutely I know that's right. I don't want
to hold y'all for ella, but Missy, I wanted to
tell you thank you for everything that you do. And
I wanted to ask you if you could check out
East Eat in Detroit. It is my cousin's restaurant. Is
East Friendly East Eat. Okay, all right, I sent up
to you, damn and Charlomagne follows day is coming up.

First of all, congratulations on y'all on your doctor, Doctor Charlomage, y'all,
thank you. I wanted to see maybe you could send
my husband a book. Yeah, that's easy. I send him
a few. I got't send them mom, doctor Rita Walker,
unapologetic guy in the black Meat to help man. I'll
send them to Mika Mallory State of emergence. Hold doors,
we can get your info. Okay, yes, hold on, we'll

get your addie and stuff. Get it off your chest.
Eight undred five eight five one O five one if
you need to vent and you could hit us up
anytime now. We got rumors on the way, yes, and
unblocked me. We'll tell you who is asking for Nicki
Minaj to please unblock her because she didn't do anything wrong.
No up, Charlomage and harun that one. But we'll get
into the next. It's the Breakfast Club, Go morning, the
Breakfast Club. I'm wanting everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee,

Charlomagne the guy we are to Breakfast Club. Look, get
to the rumors. Let's talk Young Miami. She's filling the team.
This is the rumor report with Angela Yee on the
Breakfast Club. Well, Young Miami tweeted out can you unblock
me on Instagram? At Nicki Minaj and then she said,

I'm not obsessed, desperate, none of that for real. I
just asked her to unblock me. I ain't do ish
the f And she also responded to a user who
said she looks delusional, and she said the only thing
she's delusion about is d and my money and that's that.
So people don't understand why Nikki has her block on Instagram,
but they did bring up in the comments an interview

with Young Miami on The Breakfast Club where she was
asked about Cardi versus Nikki No your labelmate QC. He
said he wouldn't work with Nikki because of the beef
with Cardi, So would you work with Nikki? I just
want to stay away the question, like I don't want
to get into that. But I am teen Cardi. City
Girls is teen Cardi. Cardi support the City Girls absolutely,
was saying like she we don't have to ask, We'll

just wake up. We need to tweet about the City Girls,
like she you love City Girls, she supports City Girls.
What am I missing with that? Though? I mean young
Miami didn't say anything bad about Nikki. She just said
she rather stay away from the question and then team call. Yeah,
she tried to avoid answering that, but she did want
to make sure that people know that they are a

team Cardie and Cardie had done the song to work
with them so around that time. So I'm sure she
felt away because they know each other personally. And in
the second half of the video, by the way, she
did they do show an interest in working with Nikki
and said they do want to work with Nicki Minaj.
She did on Bref Club. She said that we had
a situation. Yeah, she has said that, so people don't

hit that side. I don't listen with Charlemagne asking about
exactly you should have played the other clip too, because
I like my thing is. You know, even if they
did have an issue, Folks can't evolve, Folks can't change
their mind. They're both from mothers. She probably see the
world different. She probably like, I didn't hear anything, nothing
dispect about I don't think so. And then the Neighborhood

Talk posted it and said, y'all give Young Miami a break.
It was the label pressure not hear. Young Miami responded, no,
not at all. I said I'd rather stay away from
the question. Kartie gave us one of our biggest songs
and supported me through everything I went through when everybody
told me I couldn't do, she was in my air
telling me I can, and I'll forever love her for that.
It's nothing personal. That's it, and that's all. That's what
I took from it. And I mean the fact that

she said I'm gonna stay away from that question lets
me know she did not want to disrespect Nicki Minaj
in any way shape before, or even have it come
off like she was disrespecting Nicki in anyway shape before. Now. Nikki,
in the meantime, went live and she had to respond
to rumors and Azilia Banks really hyped this up that
she was addicted to cocaine and that she was because
she was sniffling while she was on live. And here

is what Nicki Minaj had to say about that rumor.
That's just never been my drug of choice. I do
take Allegra every day, and also I have to take
Allegra now sometimes twice a day. Yes, I've said lyrics
like keep the snow white by a Bond, I'm talking
about weight. In fact, I've only ever even seen coke

and bricks. I want to know my drugs and all
of that. Just listen to Mammy music popping them things
to go up and smoking and smoking Los Angeles Bud.
I say like that because that's what I'm actually doing.
It's been a it's been a crazy season as far
as allergies because I don't have allergies, but I've been
stuffed up crazy, which is which is crazy. And Nikki's right,

Nikki rare with a lot of people that push made
your weight, so she would know it. She said she
didn't at all. She said was she only saw cocaine
and bricks that could have been in movies. You're right,
you're right, al but she wrapped about it before. It's
this entertainment. Ni right, you're right, it's entertainment. Let me
shut up. Nick too late but allegedly all right now

Realmeo and Ball in the meantime, you're here for this
Romeo versus No Wow Now. Romeo was on Fox Soul
on his show The Mix and said this, if Bow
Wow do a goddamn battle and it's not with me,
don't do it. I'm just saying, so, if thou do
a battle, I'm open for it. Listen. I love Romeo
and I love everything the Miller standing for salute to

my guy Romeo. But Romeo cannot see ba wow and
no musical verses at all. Don't y'all don't stop acting
like bay waw. Don't got some slaps? Yeah, responded you
sure you want this smoke? I see you calling me out.
You sure this is what you want to do? And
he put hashtag versus I don't care how y'all feel
about Shad Moss, but y'all ain't gonna disrespect by wow

Wow got slaps okay now, Romeo replied in his Instagram
story regarding this versus talk. I've gave this man Boo
ak At Shod Moss his roses since he was kids,
and even reached out myself multiple times to celebrate him
in our era together in a creative way, I could
put my pride to the side if it means doing
something positive and bringing back nostalgia for dope ass generation. Now,

if you think this is smoked, my brother, we could
hit up Logan Paul and got on one of those
boxing tickets. You know me in real life, bro We
and kids. No more. Leave that for the fans. This
ain't about the competition for me. This is about showing
the impact that two young black kids had on the
entire industry. That's the wind to inspire the next It's
no limit. You've got my number, hit me drop on
a big Romeo. Romeo was like, you know what, let me,

let me let me think, let me think this through.
I can't beat him in music, but I'll beat that
after the ring. Go ahead, Romeo after don't talk about
but they should do it, SWI should create a versuss
not twenty songs like it's just ten because there's a
bunch of artists to do it. Yeah like verse like
because some artists don't have twenty joins. I don't care
if you do. Let me say, I don't care. If
Romeo five ten fifteen twenty Romeo is not seeing musical catalog, Okay,

that's just what it is. Y'all gonna stop playing with
ba wahla. He didn't write let me hold you? Okay,
A fresh as I is all right? Bounce with me?
Did he write in? And do you know if he
really really don't matter? He performed it? Got damn it?
All right? Right, all right? Now. In some TV news,
Tianna Taylor and Emon Shopperd have a new reality show,
We Got Love Emon and Tianna. That's gonna premiere on

e It's a documentary reality show, specifically how they balance
multiple ventures. Nice black love Love to see it. Yeah, lord,
Junie gonna be the start that show if she's gonna yeah,
she are ready to start on social media seeing her
dances and everything. And Blackish is gonna be ending with
season eight on NBC. So they have announced the eighth

and final season and renewal for Blackish. End of an
error for that, Yeah, I cancel it. They canceled Mixtures
too after two seasons. Wow, yes, so yeah, that's not
coming back either, um and other news. For Life has
been canceled by ABC after two seasons, but they're going
to shot that show now. So I saw a fifty

cent posted. I'll tell you where you can tune in
to see for Life shortly check out my new show
Family Affair on ABC coming soon. So yes, all right,
and that is your rumor report. All right, thank you, missie.
Shout out to Anthony Anderson. When I caught my flat
tidy over day, he called me. It was like, you
need help, bro. I'm like, bro, you're in LA. How
are you gonna help? What's he gonna do? Yeah, he said,

righty Tidy, lefty lucy dull. Flatty said, I'll figure that
out already. All right, we got front page news. Next.
What are we talking about? Yes, and the New York
City Pride organizers are banning the NYPD from their events
from the parade, So we'll tell you about that. You
could do that they did. All right, we'll get into

that next. Don't forget. Chris Rock will be joining us
next hour. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, So Breakfast Club,
your mornings will never be the same. Angela yet here
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W WPR FM HD one, New York our heart radio station.
Let me put a little bit of a breakfast club
your lifestyle. J Angela, Ye Charlomagne. The guy wanting everybody

is DJ Envy Angela, ye Charlomagne, the guy we all
to breakfast club. Let's getting some front page news where
we're starting. Y man, Well, y'all know I've been watching
this whole Bill Gates, Melinda Gates divorce and everything that's
going on with them. So now there are other reports
coming out. In one of them is that Bill Gates

had a lengthy affair with an employee at Microsoft, and
that woman wanted his wife to know she wanted changes
to her Microsoft job, and she also asked that Melinda
Gates read the letter that she wrote. So we don't
know if that really happened, but they had a sexual
relationship allegedly over the years. I did not know that
Bill Gates had holes allegedly an couldn't control them. She

writes letters Bill gatecag controllers holes. There's no whole anybody, right,
I mean, God, damn. If a couple hundred billion don't
control your holes, what will? All right? They also said
that he was also seeking relationships allegedly with company employees.
And you know, they said there was a thorough investigation.

They said they did provide extensive support to the employee
who raised a concern that he sought to initiate an
intimate relationship with the company employee in the year two
thousand and so on his behalf. You know, they're saying
that there was people that are quote insiders, are weighing
in on things that they have no idea about. So
what they're saying is these stories are false, that situation

was over twenty years ago, and the claim of mistreatment
of employees is also false, and that the rumors in
speculation surrounding Bill Gates is divorced to becoming increasingly absurd. Absurd, absurd. Yes,
so there you have it right now. Network net Worth is,
by the way, one hundred and forty four billion dollars

one hundred and forty four billion dollars. A few billions
should be able to keep some side chicks quiet. Bill Lord,
have mercy. Probably he's probably cheap as hell. That's probably
what this is all about, okay, because there's no way
that your side chicks should be saying anything. She shouldn't
even be living in America. She liked Valentine's unit. Give
enough of Valentine, get this letter together, all right. Organizers

of New York City Pride have banned the NYPD from
participating in the parade in June and all the related events,
and they're trying to reduce their presence on scene. They're
saying that their appearance has threatened members of the community.
According to a statement that was released Saturday, New York
City Pride seeks to create safer spaces for lgbtq I
a plus at a time when violence against marginalized groups

and trans communities has continued to escalate, the sense of
safety that law enforcement is meant to provide can instead
be threatening and at times dangerous. Interesting. I mean it
could work. I mean I read that they have private
security they hired, and they have volunteers that will be,
you know, holding things down. The only thing I community leaders. Yeah.

The only thing I'm concerned about it that, you know,
the LGBTQ community is talking to hate crimes often, and
now that this has been announced to the world that
they won't have police security, I feel like folks might
try to target you know them in this moment. But
but also they have the security. They do have community
leaders and police will be there by the way to
control the traffic and other things like that. Then just

not going to have that huge, large scale presence. But
aren't they trained to look for bombs and look for
certain things and people carrying certain things that I thought
that's what they specifically are trained for. I would think
the city would do that anyway though, right, I mean,
even even though they're not working the event, they would still, like,
I would think, try to secure the area to make
sure there's nothing crazy going on. Right as far as stuff,

I would yeah, I would think, though I don't know
all right now, more than eighty percent of gas stations
in DC are out of gas, as well as fifty
eight percent in North Carolina forty eight percent in South Carolina.
Even though the Colonial Pipeline is up and running after
being shut down for six days. Some gas stations are
still struggling with shortages. That fuel pipeline is the largest

in the US, and after those cyber attacks shut it
down with ransomware. Now they are back open, but it
does take a while for all the fuel to get
back through and for it to be transported. And while
they have made substantial progress and fuel has begun flowing
to most of the markets it serves, they said, you know,
it's going to take a little bit of time for
that to get back to normal, and some gas stations

are still struggling with supply. You know, it floats at
just five miles per hour, so it could take days
or even weeks for that gas and diesel and jet
fuel to flow through the most places. Damn with daddy,
Yankee when you need them troubles, where's your gout yet? Huh?
What was happening? That was horrible? U terrible? That was horrible.
That joke. You know what you can do? No, it

was a daddy. That one was better in the first one,
that was better, all right? And again just one more reminder, guys,
taxes are due today in most places. So unless you're
in what is it in Texas, there's there's only a

couple of exceptions, that's Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Uh, those
states were hit hard by the storms in February, So
those tax deadlines are extended till June fifteenth. But for
everybody else, you gotta pay your taxes or at least
how for an extension. Do not ignore it, do not
avoid it. Just making sure you guys do that. I mean,
you can ignore the RUS all you want. That don't

mean they're not gonna come for you. Okay, Just could
you ignore a problem doesn't mean it will go away?
All right? And the IRS is triple that whatever. Okay,
could you ignore the RS does not mean that they're
gonna go away. Okay, they're definitely not going away. Did
they get what they want? That's right? And with interest
if you don't give it to them all time and penalties,
that's right. Play with them if you want to, play
with earth if you want to. Yeah, and you know,

it's a lot of complications this year. So if you
still haven't filed your taxes, just make sure you look
and see what you don't have to pay on. Make
sure you see what kind of relief you're getting. You know,
all kinds of things happening with taxes, So make sure you'
all filed properly incorrectly. You got that stimmy. You don't
got to pay taxes on stimulus payments. That money is
tax free. The pp wasn't no stimmy either. Okay, you're

going to prison, all right. That fake PPP you got
because of that fake LLC, You're going to jail. So
I don't think the PPP was a STIMMI okay. And
your first ten thousand, two hundred dollars in unemployment benefits
will be exempt from federal income tax. Just FYI, So
you know that too. So make sure you know what
provisions are available if you're eligible for certain exclusions. Look

all that up. Make sure you know what exempt taxes done.
I have a feeling that the people who are doing
these scams don't even know what exempt me. Probably not.
Probably not. All right, Well, that is your front page news.
And also shout out to Jermaine Cole. J Cole. He
finished up. He had his first game over the weekend.
Of course, he plays for the Patriots basketball club. He
had three points, three rebounds, and two assists. So yeah,

Jay Cristal had one of the best rollouts for in
the album that I can remember in a long time,
and it's all rooted and things he loves. That's right.
Music and basketball, that's it. He gave us the interlude
the documentary. He announced me that he's playing ball in
the BA. L Slam magazine cover dropped the album album fired,
and two days later he's playing pro ball and the BA.

That is right, phenomenal rollout all right. When we come back,
Chris Rock will be joining us. We'll kick him with
Chris Rocks. That don't move. It's the Breakfast Club, Go Morning,
the Breakfast Club Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee,
Charlemagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We got
a special guest on the line, Chris Rock. Yes, what's up? Well, listen,

I'm excited to have you on today because you know
I'm here hire movies are my favorite genre of film,
and so you're doing spiral right, and so you are
a big fan of the whole Saw franchise. Yes, yes,
I love the Saw franchise. I love to see people
like boiled in oil and like put in the traps

and like I think we need more traps, more traps. Yeah,
I think we need traps. In life. I think we
need them in court. I think there'd be a good deterrent.
We need traps. We need traps, and when a man
is cheating that way or something, we could put his
thing in the trap and then like if you try
to put your Yeah, that'd be a good one, right, Yeah,

for women cheating too. Now, the first ten minutes of
the movie is it's intense. It's disgusting and intense. So
what makes you like scary movies so much? You're from
the hood, so you shouldn't like, you shouldn't want to
be scared anymore. Oh no, no, no, no, no no, Angela
knows what I'm talking about. When you're getting the theater together,

it's not even about a scary movie. It's a scary
movie with a bunch of people. Is like like an
experience like no other, you know what I mean, because
you all get scared together and all like no, no, no,
don't don't open that door, don't open that door. It's fun.
It's that going on a ride, you know what I mean.

I love it, man, I love it so for most
people that don't know, explain what the movie is all
about besides being scary, because it's not just that it's
a little bit of everything in the movie, it's a
little bit of everything. It's I mean, how do you
even explain Saw Saw? It's like the bloodiest episode of
Law and Order you've ever seen. Okay, And I'm the

cop investigating the crime, hunting down this serial killer, and
I'm a serious cop and at the same time, I'm
funny and you know, it's it's a good ride. Sam
Jackson plays my dad, and he's you know, he's Sam.
He throws down, you know, he's he's a messod actor.

So he insisted on having sex with my mother, which odd,
but I want you know, she agreed, so we're okay. Whatever.
How's everything been with you with COVID, because I know
at one time when it first on, was like, look,
because Rock is serious about this COVID thing. If any interview,
he's shooting outside. He doesn't want to be inside. He

wants you know, they said you were very serious. So
how are you now with COVID? Or you start a
little bit, I'm you know, I'm vaccinated, I'm you know,
they call me two shots Rock. You know, I got
my maderna and you know, I'm I might even get
the I might even get the fires as a backup. Johnson,

Johnson and Johnson the food stamps um a vaccine, you know,
just because now the CDC is saying that if you
are vaccinated, right, you can go out with no mask,
no social distancing indoors and outdoors. Are you still are
you comfortable with that? You know what? I'm still I'm

gonna carry the mask. I mean, it's like a weird
policy because it's like we're on an honor system all
of a sudden. You know, it's a lot of people
still ain't vaccinated, and they still you know, I don't
know what's up with people not wanting to get vaccinated. People.
I don't know what's in there. I don't know what's
some fruit loops. Okay, you know what. I don't know

what's in a lot of stuff. And you know how
many drugs I've bought at strip club bathrooms? Like how
many times you haven't used a condom? Yeah? Like, oh,
I'm having sex with a girl I met half an
hour ago at freak Nick. I'm not gonna take a vaccine.

I've done far more dangerous things. Right, because you recently
got a tattoo, you don't know what's in that needle?
I don't know what's in that needle. I don't know.
I don't know. Angela tattoo? I had a Jerry curl.
What the hell was I think I knew what they
were putting in my scalp. And now all of a sudden,

I'm farm to table. Now. Was that your first tattoo
you got? Yeah, I got a I got a boscuyot
crown over here, and then I got a prince symbol here,
and I'm, uh, you know, once you start getting them,
what made you get a tattoo? Now? Like now, my daughter,

she was like, when I turned eighteen, I'm getting a tattoo,
whether you like it or not, you know, and you
can't say you know you got you know, you got
a nineteen year old. We got the same, you know,
kids at the same age, and you can't say nothing right.
So the day she was going, she was like, she
got scared, and she was like, you know, if you
come with me, I want don't go crazy, because she

was like, I might get four tattoos on their hues
out of your life, Ddy get one too. So we
got them together, you know, we got we kind of
got the same one, and it was it was like
a bonding thing. Daddy daughter tattoo days. So you got
two at the same time while you were there. I
got one and she got one, so we got you know,
we got we both got our first tattoo together, and

then you got a second and then you went back. Yeah.
I went back and didn't know me and my daughter
went back and got another one. So my daughter, yeah, yeah,
Lola is my tattoo daughter. Now what if she said
I want to get my boyfriend's name tattooed on me. Ah,

that would not happen, that would I would? You know
that is not No, that's what I would. I wouldn't
pay for it. Put it that way, you got to
pay for that one yourself. Now, last time we were
talking about how you've been going to therapy, So how
has that been going, and how have you been changed
since then? How have I been changed? I don't know.

I'm you know, you know, you know what you would
have to ask the people around me. But uh, I
feel like I can connect more. I'm more patient, I'm
less uh distracted and jumpy, and I'm just more comfortable
in my own skin. I can I'm more empathetic. To others.

You know what I mean, you know, I can, I can,
I can feel your pain. Angela. You've been doing a
lot during the time story, Angela, how does that a
feel comedy? Now? Can you still do comedy because you're empathetic?
You know, Oh I'm um, I'm you know what it is.
It's just the therapy just clears out, you know, all

all this garbage you've been piling up over the years.
So it's not you don't get less funny. You actually
get to a state, You get to that place where
you remember why you started this got you you know
what I mean? You know what I mean, Like you
DJ n B and you're great right now, but it
was like there's an essence that made you want to

be a DJ that sometimes you forget, you know what
I mean, you know what I mean? That why you
got into it. So now yeah, I'm I'm I'm kind
of back to that guy. So it doesn't make you easier, Like,
you know, we use your crack ass cracker drop all
day long. Lapill On readers, thank you, thank you. What
do you think you're like? You know what, I'm not
gonna use crack ass cracker because I could be no, no, no, no,

I'm not that guy. I'm not no, no, no, Cracker
asked Cracker. I'm like, we got a new job. Yeah,
I'm like every day anybody I talked to anybody, I mean,
my black friends. Don't let these crackers get you down.
All right? We got more with Chris rock when we
come back. It's the Breakfast Club morning. Everybody is DJ

Envy and Angela yee. Charlemagne the guy we are the
Breakfast Club were still kicking him with Chris Rocky, how
was it your first time back on stage, like after
being not on stage for a few months, And I said,
like you had your notes and everything, like, what was
that experience like when you you know, it's good. It's
where I'm most comfortable, fortunately or unfortunately. Uh yeah, I've

been having a I was. I was in the summer.
I was going on stage with Dave out in Ohio,
you know, so we were doing that thing and it
was just great being out there. You know, everybody's tested. Uh.
Now the Comedy Seller just opened up downtown, so I'm
messing around now. I did a set with John Mulaney
the other night, so I'm I'm trying to get my

act together, so going tour next year, you know, really
sum up everything that's happened in the last year and
a half, you know, kind of give like a state
of the Union tour, you know, and what are your
thoughts on the cancel coaching? Like you know, if you
say something wrong, people will trying to cancel you immediately.
You know. You even see Ellen dealing with it with

her workplace. It seems like it drove up crazy, but
she's like, you know what, I'm retiring, you know, so yeah,
I know. It's it's it's it's weird when you're a
comedian because like when you're a comedian, when the audience
doesn't laugh that we get the message right, Like we
you don't really have to cancel us because we get

the message right. They're not laughing. Our feelings hurt, right
when we do something and people aren't laughing, we like,
we get it. I don't understand why people feel the
need to go beyond that, you know what I mean.
It's honestly to me, it's it's a disrespect. It's people
disrespecting the audience. Like, oh, you think you know more

than the audience. The audience knows more than everybody, right, Okay, Um,
you know, but hey, some things don't need to be said.
Some people need to be looked out for. I definitely
understand that, but um, not letting comedians work is you know,
what happens is everybody gets safe, and when everybody gets

safe and nobody tries anything, things get boring. Absolutely. So
I see a lot of unfunny comedians. I see unfunny
TV shows, I see unfunny award shows. I see unfunny
movies because no one's everybody's scared to like, you know,
make a move, you know, and that's not a place
to be. You know, we should have the right to fail,

right to because failure. Failure is a part of art,
you know what I mean. It's like it's the ultimate cancel,
you know what I mean. But but now you know,
you got a place where people are scared to talk.
That's not you know, especially in America, you're scared to talk.
But you know what people want. You know, you got

to make adjustments and you know, let's do it. But
when you're when you're working on material, sometimes it's not
very right and you have to do it in front
of an audience to see what their reaction is. When
is the last time that people haven't laughed And the
other night, the other night, I had a couple that
didn't work. I mean everything you see, especially with my act,

I love to talk about things that aren't funny and
bringing light to them, you know what I mean. When
the first time I probably did crack ass crack, it
probably didn't get laughs for months, you know what I mean? People, Yeah,
you know, like what's he talking about? You know what
I mean? But you gotta work through it, and you
gotta figure out the exact wording of things, you know
what I mean. And I'm sure people were offended the

first time I started doing that or a lot of
the stuff I did, you know, but it takes a while,
and you know when you see it, when you see
the finished product. Here's the thing with comedians, if if
I can say, don't judge a comedian by what you
hear in the club. Okay, the club is the gym,

the club is the studio. Those are demos, Okay, judge
us by our specials. You know. So when you see
the Netflix, specially when you see the HBO special, that
is that is real work. That is like, Okay, I
tried this joke. It is refined. But you know, putting

people on blasts for stuff they made that they did
in the club. You know, that'd be like getting j
Cole's demos and go yo, this is trash right right man,
demo has been dope though, I mean, you know what
I mean, like probably like you like get the Beyonce demos.
This single Ladies is horrible. It might have been horrible

the first time. You know, she was working on it,
you know what I mean. Halo might have sucked, you know,
week two, you know, but I'm saying no, no, because
Beyonce is a perfect example. Like she really works on
the stuff. She takes her time on her albums, and
if you heard it in the middle, it wouldn't sound

as good. Like you know, like like like when you
like staying in a hotel and they're cleaning your room, right,
you have a comeback early and they're not done yet.
It looks horrible, right, that's me cleaning my house everything.
And to properly clean, it has to get dirtier, right,

it has to get messier. And to properly make good art,
you have to get dirty. It has to get bad.
You got to be able to see it from every angle.
You got to examine every word, and you know, hey,
if cancel culture helps out you know, people that are marginalized,

that's good. That's that. That's a great thing. If you're handicapped,
if you're trans, if you're you know, uh, you know,
Native American, And that's great if you feel that the
fact if people are nervous of fa ending marginalized people
is a good thing. Okay, But anything that stops artists

from trying from from you know, from reaching, that's not good.
Now would you would you do more serious roles? You know,
because in the beginning of Spiral, right, I'm not without
giving up everything. I like who you were right in
the beginning, Like that reminded me of when y'all set
things up and you're about to do the robbery. I'm like,

that's dope. Like I like you in that role. Like
I'm doing a lot of serious roles later. You know,
as you get older, you know people people, even when
you do comedy, you know, like life isn't that silly anymore,
you know what I mean, Like like we got mortgages
and kids, right, the voices and like all this stuff

going on. So even in your comedy, you kind of
want a dramatic undertones under it, you know what I mean?
You know what I mean, like it's I'm too old
for Poti tang at this point. I saw that in theaters. Hey,
I know you gotta go. So just tell them where
they can see spiral it's out. Tell them where they

can see it, where the cold download the where they
could watch Hey, spiral, Chris Rock Sam Jackson part of
the Saw franchise in theaters. Theater turns Okay, yes, oh
my goodness, it's time the CDC said it. You can
go out and see Spiral in a theater and get

scared and laugh in a you know, together and be kind.
Let's try that for you know, for a change. And Chris,
with all these first that you've been doing right, like,
you know, getting your first tattoo, is there anything else
you're about to do for the first time? Um, I
don't know. What do I want to do? What do

I want to do? I'm actually I'm I'm going I
don't know, I'm going to Did you see that movie
The octop My friend the Octopus? No? Oh, Netflix documentary.
You gotta say it anyway, I'm just I'm diving now
and I'm like just diving. You bored man. You have
nothing to do tattoos women. Yeah, when your kids go

to college, you'll be doing this too. You got a convertible. Yeah,
I've been at a convertible SMS. He did it all,
Yeah did Iawuasca. I'm oh, I'm going in. Ladies and gentlemen,
it's Chris Rock. We appreciate you for joining us. Brother,

Thank you all right. Yes, morning, everybody is DJ Envy,
Angela Yee, Charlomagne Nica. We are the breakfast Club. Good morning,
slute to Chris Rock. I wasn't here for the Chris
Rock interview with slut to my guy, Chris rock Man.
Number one movie in the country with h what is
it called spiral sawt spiral A spiral. Yes, he actually

was the one that wanted to do that. He went
up to them and was like, we got to bring
back the soft franchise because he was a fan and
salute the Slaughter Game to twenty one Savage and in
his in his crew. They they did the soundtrack right yep, yeah, man,
and I gotta check it out this weekend. It's it's gruesome,
that's all I can say. Gruesome, real that's like a

gruesome movie. No, I don't pay. I just want to
tell you guys on The Breakfast Club, y'all were nominated
for an Ambie's Award. What is that? And they actually,
that's a podcast awards. I thought Amby was the bleach
cream that used to bleach your skin back in the day.
What Well, it's a newly foreign podcast academy. And so
last night was the Ambi's. We did not win, by
the way, we were nominated, but we did not win.

Who won? Just fyi it was Conan O'Brien's podcast White Privilege,
Conan O'Brien. I gotta see the numbers on Conan O'Brien's podcast.
Does Conan O'Brian do those kind of numbers? Yeah, nobody
talks about the Colona O'Brian podcast. But let's the reason
I don't be tripping when we don't win those podcasts awards,
because The Breakfast Club is not really a podcast where

a radio show, but we put the radio show in
podcast form because nowadays you have to meet people where
they are. That's just the truth didn't matter, correct, correct? Correct?
All right, well, rumors all the way. What we're talking
about easy we are gonna be talking about the Hall
of Fame, and Vanessa Bryant gave her incredible speech honoring

Kobe Man. That was all right, we'll get into that
when we come back. Don't move. It's to Breakfast Club.
Come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, morning everybody in DJ Envy
Angela Yee, Charlottagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
Let's get to the rumors. Let's talk Fat Joe Listen
got Breakfast Club. Well, Fat Joel was on Drink Chap

Champs and he was giving flowers to DJ Khaled and
even compared him to Quincy Jones. Here's what he said.
So when I make reference to Calid being the Quincy
Jones and hip hop, because he puts it together. Now
there's a million guys putting a bunch of rappers together,
and they come together, big guys, and they're not hits.

This is my point. Callip, what's out number one albums?
Number one hits? The album is incredible for me? Does
he get him in its credit? We give Kalid all
the credit in the world. Fat Joe Kalin is a
great producer, but he is not the Quincy Jones and
hip hop Like, come on, man, Quincy Jones produced Thriller,
amongst other things, but not the Quincy. Maybe the Quincy
Jones of the DJ mixtasee, but not yet, Like you said,

not a hip hop man. He's created Thriller and multiple
selling crazy records, and I would like to say, I
think when Kalid gets it right with a record, he
rarely gets it right. Big anthems, you know, all that
good stuff, but sometimes Calida records are more hype than hits. Well,
Fat Joe did go on social media to defend his statement.
He said, all these backseat drivers Monday morning quarterbacks always

got an opinion, but can't do it themselves. It's crazy
to me. The term Quincy Jones of this time was
used in reference to the word Kalid has put in
years and years of hits. Obviously there's only one Quincy,
but effort tune in tonight explosive Lol. Kllid is the
first Calid and that's enough drop on a clues bombs
for DJ Khalid. Yeah, absolutely, Kali does what he does,

but Quincy Jones is he's a great That's I guess.
When people compare like R and B singers to Michael Jackson,
there is no other Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones made thriller
bro Thrillo all right. Now, Vanessa Brant was accepting Kobe's
induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame with Michael Jordan
at her side by the way as part of the

Class of twenty twenty. And here she is accepting the
honor on his behalf and talking about Kobe just looking
down and seeing all this happen. I used to always
avoid praising my husband in public because I felt like
he got enough praise from his fans. Right now, I'm
sure he's laughing in heaven because I'm about to praise

them in public for his accomplishments on one of the
most public stages. I can see him now, arms folded,
but the huge grin saying, isn't this man so sadly new?
Vanessa Brian also talked about inviting his parents in that conversation.

My husband and I were sitting at our kitchen island
any and I had a conversation about my mother and
father in law attending to night's enshrinement. I invited my
mother and father in law to tonight's enshrinement to thank
them for bringing one of the most amazing human beings
into this world. Pam and Joe, thank you for raising
Kobe to be exceptional. Thank you to all of Kobe's family. Shariah,

you've gone above and beyond. I love you. I know
it's hard to listen to and it was. I'm sure
it's so hard for her to get on stage and
give this speech. She got very emotional. Of course, she
was wishing that Kobe and DJ were there as well.
I wish my husband was here succept this incredible award.
He and Gigi deserved to be here to witness us.

Gigi would be so proud to watch her daddy getting
shrined into the Basketball Hall of Fame. I know Kobe's
really looking forward to being here. He asked the Hall
of Fame to specifically add a sixth ticket for Kaprie.
He was so happy. He didn't really talk about upcoming awards,
but he did mention this one a week before he
and Gigi passed. Yeah, I mean it was very difficult

to watch. I just sent healing energy to Vanessa and
you know, their family, because I couldn't imagine how much
her life changed in the past year. And all I
kept thinking was, man, we got robbed from seeing Kobe
Jelly being Brian give his Hall of Fame speech because
NBA players give the best Hall of Fame speeches. And
I know kobees would have been one for the books,
but God had other plans. And watching all the other

players talk about Kobe, you could tell, you know, they
were getting choked up. Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan and the likes.
So it was just yeah, man, that's just a terrible situation.
All right, Well that is your ruler report. All right,
thank you, miss ye Charlomagne, who you give it that? Donkey?
Two man. There is a brother in Florida named Elijah Shelton.
He needs to come to the front of the congregation.

We like to have a word with him this morning.
All right, we'll get to that next it don't move.
It's to Breakfast Club come morning. So Breakfast Club, your
mornings will never be the same With the new Audible
Plus plan, audiobooks are just the beginning. With Audible Plus,
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dot com. Slash Breakfast Club r f M HD one,
New York at iHeart radio station. Let me put a
little bit of the Breakfast Club your life stop dj
MP angela. Ye, Charlomagne's the dot with the best. Make
sure you're telling them to watch out for Florida. The

craziest people in America come from the Bronx and all
of flour Yes, you are a donkey. The Florida man
a tap and at n for a very strange reason.
It gave him too much money. Florida man is arrested
after definitely say he's rigged the door to his home
and an attempt to electricate his pregnant wife. Police arrested
in Orlando man for talking a flamingda to Breakfast Club

Bitchy Donkey of the Day with charlom haying to God,
I don't know why y'all. Well, Dunkey of Today for Monday,
May seventeenth goes to a twenty four year old Florida
man named Elijah Shelton. Now, what did your uncle Charlotte
always say about the great state of Florida. The craziest
people in America come from the Bronx and all the Florida.
And this story just further proves my point. This isn't

just my point, though, it's our point because we all
know the truth. Florida is one of the most beautiful
places in the world with some of the most nut
ass people, and if it makes sense in Florida, it
probably won't make sense anywhere else except the Bronx. Now
let me tell you about Elijah Shelton. He's in jail
right now, charged with robbery, grand theft, in drug possession.
See Elijah Shelton. Much must have watched the classic film

set it off one too many times. Elijah Shelton decided
that whatever Leo, Frankie, Stony and Tt could do as
a collective, he could do as an individual. So he
decided to rob a bank. Now, I'm not the highest
grade weed in the dispensary. In fact, yesterday I hit
myself in the head with my bathroom door, left a
little mark of I don't even know how that happened,
so I don't even know how my brain is working

at this point. I always thought hitting your head in
the bathroom would lead to me coming up with an
idea that would change the world. I've had that thought
in my head since I heard doctor Emmett Brown say
he slipped and hit his head on the toilet, which
caused him to come up with the idea for the
flux capacitor. But even my medium stupid ass knows the
basics of a bank robbery. Okay, I mean the whole

point is to get in and get out as fast
as you can. To getaway is the most important part,
because that's what you want. You want to get the
way with the crime. That's why to get the way
car is the most important part of the crime to me. Okay,
you need a fast car. Damn near a NASCAR so
you can haul ask after you haul in the cash. Correct, Well,
sure that's correct everywhere else for Florida. Okay, this is flawed.

Are we talking about They do things a little different
down there. Let's go to war ABC three ft report police.
The bank robber took a cab two and from the
scene of the crime. Okay, stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop stap stap. That was a very important line.
The bank robber took a cab two and from the
scene of the crime. Started again. The bank robber took
a cab two and from the scene of the crime.

It's a master plan. Even Sheriff Johnson finds hard to
believe twenty four year old Elijah Shelton is now behind
bars for robbing Senova's bank in Navarre. Sheriff Johnson says
the taxi driver had no idea Shelton robbed the bank
when he got back in his car. Johnny Bartel is
the owner of Johnny on the Spot taxi service. He
says Shelton was only inside the bank for about four

minutes before coming back to the cab. Once deputies saw
the security footage, they called Fardel to return to the
bank and he helped point investigators in the right direction.
The sheriff says Shelton stole eighty four hundred dollars from
the bank. They're still working to locate the money now.
Shelton was arrested in Okaaloosa County, so he's currently in
jail there. He's being held on a two hundred and

sixty thousand dollars bond. Now, I tried to see this
from Elijah Shelton's angle. Maybe in his mind he said,
you know, people always cause a scene when they rob
a bank. Okay, you don't want to drive through the
window of a bank in a suburban like Cleo didn't
set it off. That's too much of a scene. If
a bank robbery gets reported and then you see a
car speeding away somewhere in the vistinity of the bank,

that's a red flag to police. So if I'm Elijah,
maybe my mindset is call a cab is discreet, slip
in and slip out. Nobody will be the wiser, but Elijah, Elijah, Elijah,
Why oh why would you call the cab to pick
you up from your house? Why would you have the
cab drop you back off to your house after robbing

the bank. Santa Rosa count of Santa Rosa County Sheriff
Bob Johnson said that they apprehended him pretty quickly. You
think I have a theory that some people feel like
if they aren't acting like they are committed a crime,
they don't think it's a crime. Like in Elijah's mind,
he was just making a withdrawal from some money that
wasn't his. I actually did something like this when I

was young. We had a weed with no blunts, and
there used to be a local store in my community
called the Scotchman, And I went to the Scotchman and
walked in, grabbed me a twelve pack of Corona, a
box of blunts. I don't remember if it was white,
I was temper nuggets of phillies. But I grabbed a
box of blunts and twelve pack of bill and just
walked out. Didn't try to hide it, conceal it, didn't
even look at the cash yet, just walked in and

walked right out. So in my mind, I didn't really
commit a crime. I was just in need and I took,
you know what I needed. Okay, I'm sure this is
what Elijah was thinking, you know what. Never mind, here
I go again, trying to get into the mind of
a Floridian, trying to make sense of a Floridian. I
don't know what Elijah was thinking. Okay, Elijah, you might
as well have dropped your location for the police. You
might as well have left a business card with your

name and addressed on it. Hell, you might as well
have had the cab bring you and have the police
pick you up, because all you did was just make
a little detour to the house before you off to jail. Now,
I know some of y'all might be thinking, maybe the
cab driver wasn't in on it. Well, listen to the
cab driver. His name is Johnny Bartell. Well. I think
he actually intended to rub the bank on Thursday, because

he called Thursday and I couldn't get to him. He
called back and cut an appointment for nine o'clock Friday morning.
He's wearing a turban and a scarf and gloves, and
I thought, well, you know, I've seen a couple of
where off. He didn't act nervous at all. He was
just as cool as he convened. He said, he just

went intimated the bother. Clearly the cab driver wasn't in
on it, okay. And I know you're trying to understand
the why in this situation, and we have to stop
looking for the why. It's the what or should I
say the where? One word, two or three syllable, depending
how you pronounce it. Flow Rye d please give Elijah

Shelton the BC all you know, we'll play game. No,
I don't want to play a game. Okay, I don't
want to play a game. I don't want to play
a game because I'm not sure what this guy is.
I would he looks a little miscellaneous in the face.
Dann'll come up. Dann bring me his picture again, Dan,

I want to play a game. Dan, let me see check. Oh,
you put it on my phone. Let me see is
it worth for me? Is it worth a game? I
want to play a game. I don't know what this is.
Do you know what that is? Then? I don't know
what it is. So I can't. We can't play the
game because I don't know what this is. Because because
I looked it up right, and it was like, if

you look up the names, no, no, I just looked
at alijacent. I don't sixty percent white, four to four
point two percent Hispanic, twenty four percent Black, one percent
one one point eight percent Asian, and point eight percent
Alaska Natives like the name a lot name Elijah. When
I think Elijah, I think the honor Bolijah Muhammad. So wow,

that's interesting. I was gonna go Alaska native on this one,
but I don't know. He might be he got a
little He looked like a little Eskimo. He look like
a hood Eskemo. I'm gonna send you the picture, man,
I don't know what race it is. If you if
you if you know, on YouTube, let me know when
we post this on YouTube. Lady, y'all tell us what
race this is, because I really don't know. He looked
very miscellaneous in the face. He could pass for a

number of different things, Cuban, some type of Latino, black,
I don't know what this is. All right, all right, well,
no game today, all right, thank you for that donkey today.
Oh he could you see a little hood? Yeah, it
could be a little hood, esmoes, I'm telling you got

graffiti y'all over his igloo. It's something happening here. Oh
my goodness. All right, when we come back, we have
coach Jesse and doctor a Moon joining us, right, yep, yes,
from the dtox now. So this should be interesting information
about the vaccine as we're all arguing about what's going on.
I'm a getting vaccinated. And also we're gonna talk about

detoxing because a lot of people are asking me about
this dtox and we'll have some more information and you
guys can perhaps join. Yeah, they have the dtox now,
and that's I usually do that once or twice a year,
and this cleans out everything the body and I lose
a lot of weight doing it. So we'll talk to
them next and don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning.
The Breakfast Club morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee,

Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We got
some special guests joining us this morning from dtox. Now
we have Coach Jesse and doctor mun Hey the dtox. Now,
y'all know that I always swear by this detox and
the reason why I do, and I just want to
put this out there is so many I've done it,
but a lot of people I know personally have done
it and it's helped them. We started during Ashanti's verses.

She actually did the dtox and talked about it during
the verses. Yeah, I think the best the best evidence
of y'all to y'all look younger than the last time
I've seen y'all. Man, I was gonna talk. Yeah, I
take that as a company. I mean, it's been a
rough year, but I guess just trying to live that lifestyle.
We had a conversation on the phone when I reached
out to you to make sure that you and the

family was doing well. And again, it's just a lifestyle.
And if you're living right, even with this pandemic, come
through the pandemic, you find that you know, you get
the benefits, and that's all we can say. We're just
trying to keep our head above water. Man. Now I
ask everybody this question, and I want a real, honest answer.
It's a simple question, but the honest answer, how are
you well? It's been rough. Honestly, I'm so grateful that

we have the community and the lifestyle that we preach.
And really it was an opportunity to say are you
going to practice what you preach in the middle of
a real storm? Right personally, at the top of January
twenty twenty, I actually know for certain I contracted COVID
nineteen coronavirus. But remember I have pre existing conditions because
of all of the fibroid surgeries I had. I have

something called immuno suppression, so my immune system is compromised
because of it. Okay, so not knowing any of this,
nothing has been known. I was down for two months
in terms of severe, severe symptoms, and I'm like, why,
something's really wrong. Then it came out about the virus,
and then with everything that erupted with George Floyd and

Brianna Taylor, and you know, cortisol is a chemical reaction
in our body, right, and when we look at the
implications of being black here in the world. In America,
we already live around, walk around in this inflammatory state
because we're always in a trauma state. Right, But then
there are things that take it to what we call

skyrocket levels. Right. And when that happened, Now, mind you,
I live clean, I clean everything I practice, and I
preached my clients. I developed an aneurysm. Okay, today, I
was not going to get emotional. Today is actually nine
months to the day I was diagnosed with a brainurism.

And that was from the implications of the radical cortisol,
the stress trauma on our bodies. Here are we're quarantine
everything happening with our kids. Right. And then on top
of that, now, because my body had the immuno compromise state,
because of all of the feet of small intestines that
have been cut out of my body from the previous surgeries. Again,

this is why we do what we do, educating and
empowering women. I didn't know. Had I not known this,
my life would not have been even saved. First of all, right,
so then make it worse. I remember the day August twelfth,
I'm in the hospital, and thank God, you know, I
preach listen to your body. I had what you would

consider the worst headache of your life. I woke up
that morning and all I could say is I said
a prayer. Oh my God. And I had an interview
that morning, but I said, God, what's going on? And
I heard the word aneurysm, and that was like out
of nowhere. I emailed my doctor call. He said, go
to the er because I have a pre existing kidney
condition that makes me even more at high risk for aneurysms.

And sure enough, I remember them walking into this. They said,
missus Thompson. They had to put me on the monitor
to keep my blood pressure under control so that it
wouldn't cause it to rupture. All right, They said, you
have a significant aneurysm. And from there I thought, okay,
this is going to be taken care of rapidly because
it's an emergent state. Right, But here it is. I

actually had to deal with medical bias in the hospital
where I had to try to convince the neurosurgeon to
prioritize my case. They wanted to send me home, come
back in eight days to have this surgery. Now you know,
if I'm Becky, all I have to do is to
have some little becky tears and oh, put you in
right away, right, And I just said, listen, I will

go as soon as you get my pain under control,
because then we know we can control my blood pressure.
And he said, oh, sure, no problem. Days later, my
pain level still level twenty blood pressure. They've had to
come in and give me IVY and intervention of blood pressure.
Now I knew I had played the movie forward. I said,
if I go home and my pain is untreated right

and my blood pressure cannot be controlled, that thing's gonna
rupture and nobody can help me at home, I will
be debt. Right. How many of our people would have
gone home and doctor he got COVID too. Yeah, I
mean I don't have a story like that. I can't
talk that story for you, brother. No. I mean I
was doing great for the whole year. I was basically

just going to work or my business, coming home. But
I was around certain people that did not take the
virus seriously. And I just remember sitting down and having
some pineapples and mangoes in front of me, and I
was like, I can't smell these things. And then when
I started eating them, I was like, I can't even
really taste them. And then that night I had a fever.
That was like whoa. When I got the test came

back positive. So I'll put together a little cocktail. Where
is in it all? I had some D free, I
had some I had some selenium, I had some vitamin
C and then some of THO the supplements that we had.
So it was like a nice little concoction I put
to myself. So after ten days I went back, got retested,
came back negative. I waited under the ten days and

then I did the antibody test with the blood. Now
I want that to come back positive because I want
the antibodies there, which it did come back positive. So
apart from that, I was like, okay, I've had my
COVID experience and what that did. It compelled me to say,
get back in these books. I need to start revamping.
I need to start reformulating, I need to start restudying, researching.

For me, I had a very mild case of it,
so I was fortunate. But I would have wished this
on somebody who has you know, who might be soft
with healthy. So that's why you're fortunate, right, you know
for yourself. Now let me ask you this you guys
got vaccinated. No I haven't. Okay, so doctor I did.
I just got actually the second dose to about two

weeks ago, a week and half ago. I thought that
goes against everything holistic. The thing is that when you
say holistic, right, I feel what people have to understand
is that we still have science that we have to
deal with. Okay, So if there was a plant or
a herb that is out there to prevent or to
substitute a vaccination or you know, eliminate COVID, then hey,

please inform me because I don't know about it. And
I'm a herbalist, so I have to be real. Now.
Even the concoction that I made, I shared that with
friends and family, even my neighbor, and they were calling
me doctor. I'm a man that worked. Wow, Man, you
saved my life. I had hundreds of cause because that
went around. Now I could take that and say, hey,

don't get a vaccine. I got the formula here, But
that wouldn't be the way how science works. You see
what I'm saying, Because there's millions of people out there
that didn't take my cocktail and guess what they recovered
from COVID? Right, So what we have to do, and
what we want to do today is just present the

misinformation and education about vaccinations right about the virus. We're
not here to say we're pro vaccine or anti vaccine.
We're not here to say anything. Besides, we just need
to educate ourselves with science because science and the data
is going to eliminate all this misinformation that's out there
circling for our community, especially the black community. We are

more with Coach Jesse and doctor a Mood when we
come back in order from d Tax. Now was the
breakfast Club morning? Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne
the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We're still kicking
it with Coach Jesse and doctor Amo. Yeah, but are
you getting vaccinated? I'm not against it. I'm not against
it seriously. And again, like I'm trying to say to people,

and you made a great point, Charlemagne about holistic and herbalist,
and I think people have to understand it is that
herbs is provided by nature, but it's also backed up
by science. You see what I'm saying. You have different
types of health differ and part of the plants, so
science is always there and one of the things that
I think we suffer in our black community is the miseducation. Okay,

we don't get the resources like the STEMPS schools in
our communities. You don't get pompless you don't get the
encompissment our communities right be leaders in the science world.
And that's what it's going to, you know, break that
distrust because should we feel apprehensive, absolutely, it's a black people.
Come on, this is the same institution that is that's

killing us. Now you're telling us we gotta kill you know,
or we've got a solution. So but you know, what's
important also is that we have to we have to
be intentional to make sure that that fear is not
radicalized against us, to keep us from making decisions that
actually will save our lives. When the percentage of white
people who are getting vaccines, they are getting it at

alarming rates compared to our community, they're coming to our
community that they're coming to take it from our community exactly,
and we have to be you know, there is a
real irresponsibility to me in the even in the holistic
community and the conspiracy theory community, where it's like this
is this is coming out to kill us and The
truth is they're not looking at look at the facts,

look at what's happening. You know, Angela, you asked me
about getting vaccinated, and the other thing we have to
think about is not just doctor immune has a wonderful
immune system. We're working on helping everybody to stay healthy.
But you have to also think about your community. Right.
I got vaccinated because I had to think, Okay, what
has the advantage in my body? Is it the vaccine

that's going to have the or the virus, And in
my scenario, the actual virus is more dangerous to me.
So I took it for my daughter, right, I took
it from my family. Yeah, I mean I got half
vaccinated so far, and my next shot is next week.
But it was a hard decision for me to make,
also for me to do a lot of research. I

really want to go back to the point what you
made about the holistic side of it too. You know
what's so funny, this is something I'm going to drop
about this so called herbalists, especially in the black community. Right.
You get them to say, well, where's your data, where's
your where's your proof? Okay, go to the CDC website,
and that's establishment I ain't listening to them. Okay, you

go on their website and you see a product that
they're selling and they would say, according to the CDC
because it supports what they're selling. So now the CDC
is a reliable source. But now you can't cherry pick
like that. So if they're not producing clinical data with
clinical trials to say we have taken this amount of people,

we have done this for this period of time. This
is how science works. You participate in a clinical trial
because they say enough, there's not enough African Americans also
who participate in these trials, understandably, understandably right now. One
of the things that's going to bridge that gap is
getting our generation of children educated in these fields. That

when I could look kind and say, well, Charlemagne's daughters
my doctor, or she's a research or she's a scientist,
and she's telling me, let's let's acknowledge the fact that
there is a growing number of black scientists and physicians
that are at the table right now, right but we're
not deeply represented. And that is going to break down
the bary of distrust. And that's part of the reason
why I do trust Coach Jesse and doctor A Moon

when you guys come on the show, and I actually
tried my first every trust you know, I did my
first ever detax with you guys and it really helped.
And then I recommended you to so many of the
people who have really literally called me and Coach Jesse
knows I always hit a like leg this person hit
me and my dms. They're having issues with their five words,
whatever it is. And now I want to make sure

we talk about the detox now because part of making
sure that even if you do get infected with something,
you can recover from it better because your body is
more equipped and prepare. Question. And I'm just gonna say
one last thing, and the whole point of us being
here is this. Whether you want to take the side
of I'm not going to get vaccinated. I think my
immune system is strong enough to fight it off. But

there's some information you need to know about that. Do
you know that people who vitamin D deficient suffers fifteen
times at risk more we're catching COVID people who are
zinc deficient, that's free to five times even more. So,
if you're going to take that route of I'm going
to rely on my immune system to fight off this virus.

Then please do the right things, not just social distancing,
wearing a mask, washing their hands, but have a clean lifestyle.
I like to take some seams, drink this juice, right,
you know to think I'm glad you mentioned the seamoss
because again because of lack of scientists and we don't
have our labs, there's all of this misinformation about seamoss
having ninety two minerals, and you know, it's like, come on,

I mean, come on, we just got to get down
to the science and mis but I mean there's not over.
I mean we had a conversation on the phone about that.
Right another, I think you told me a brother told
you had one hundred and five. You had to see more. Plus,
you know, the body only needs anything between eighteen to
twenty three or central minerals for it's a function. So

the more ingredients you have in a product is the
more difficult and complicated for your body to digest it.
Because the detax now has been so beneficial to people,
and because my juices are a bad drink fresh juice,
we're actually teaming up to do a detax together because
we know people want to have these juices and so
we are going to be using the ginger apple lemon

and the daily green glow yes as light of the
juice detox. I'm so excited about it because it really
makes detoxing easier. It puts together two of the powerhouse
detox organs, which are it really stimulates the digestive system
and the liver. Right, so the digestive and liver detox. Truly,
you're talking about major impact. And there are studies around

juicing right, which you can get into. But the four
keeps the reasons people say it eliminates the barriers. The
barriers that people say they why they can't do a
detox so they can't live healthy is because it's difficult
the taste or the time, and then accessibility and the
people affordability, right, and affordability, so this is portable, no prep.

People hate the fact that they have to do prep.
So the fact that it's already organic, fresh pressed, healthy ingredients,
healthy and nutritious, it's delicious, right, Yeah, it's not like
that tagline health is not the enemy of that, right.
I love that. And it's only seven days. There's actually
studies done where people have done juice fast and they're

not just lost weight, but Also they've the benefits of
God flora what we called um good got bacteria, right,
that that helps, and that's where all your digestions and
your nutrients and your immunes. Eighty percent of your immune
system is from the God. So there's a lot of benefits.
And that skin hair, yeah, the skin, the here and

a lot of it being you know, antioxigen, anti microbe,
anti bacteria, anti cancer, et cetera. So there's a lot
of benefits doing that. I'm excited about the official name.
The name is the Detox Now Drink Fresh Juice Fast
and I'm gonna started and listen, I decid, I'm gonna
do this too. I'm gonna I'm gonna pay for five

people to do it with us. Yeah, Okay, where do
they sign up? Oh, it's exclusively at where at Drink
Fresh Juice dot com and the detox Now dot com.
We're gonna do a private club and a member club
to actually help people to get it to the end,
to actually do it with Angela, and I'm gonna be
coaching her through to it. Right. Well, I'm excited for

us to get started, and I thank you guys for
coming up this morning. Thank you. Wait, wait, drink Fresh Juice.
I finished mine. Cheers. Hit guys, what's the website again?
Drink fresh Juice dot com and now dot com and
show them the liver supplement. Send your little boxes. My
goals with it. These are the supplements in here that
you take. Okay, all right, it's Coach Jesse and doctor

a Moon. Thank you very much for coming. It's the
Breakfast Thank you for having us the Breakfast Club. This
is the Rumor Report with Angela and Yea. Let's go

ye come on, ye like you got he was gonna
teach its different all right now. Jay Carl was on
Kevin Durant's podcast and he was sucking to co host
Eddie Gonzalez as well, who asked him about his relationship
with Drake and Kendrick and how that has evolved. And
here's what he said. I was so competitive early on,

you know what I Mean's almost like working out together
in the NBA in the past. It was like that
was un hurd you mean, like why would I work
out with it? Like I'm trying to destroy it, you
know what I mean? Like, and that was kind of
my mentality. But as I gotten older, I realized, You're, like, no,
one is truly my peer or can relate to what
I'm going through in life more than these people right here.
And I really genuinely these dudes, so like I've been

trying to, you know, absolutely make an effort like as
time goes on to like strip the competition from him,
like y'all submitted forever. I'm more interested in the relationship
because I also see a time when I'm not doing this.
They are all cemented forever. Kendrick, Cole and Drake are
the certified goes at this point, right, I mean teams
in we can all say that each and every one

of them are legends. Now it's just a matter of
how far can they take it. But we do like
the competition. The competitions keeps everybody sharp, still sharp and
still right yep. Now. Jko also has gotten a lot
of praise following his basketball African League debut, which was yesterday.
He's playing for the Rwanda Patriots and they did win
eighty three sixty over the Nigeria River Hoopers. And you know,

he had some big NBA dreams. Here's what he had
to say. My sophomore year in college, I had a
chance to walk on at Saint John's. I missed tryout
to my freshman year because I was so brand new
to New York. I just got lost in the sauce.
And there was a few guys that made it from
my freshman class where I was like, oh, I put him,
But if he made it, I'm damn sure should have
made me. See like if I would have went out
automatic team, like in my mind and I was at

this time, I was like bloshemy. So I go out
my sophomore year like yo, I'm not gonna miss the
boat again. And there was like maybe sixty kids at
the tryouts and I was bawling. All right, Well, it
looks like he's bawling out, living out all his dreams.
He was three three out thinking two. So that was
his first game. So I'm excited to see what j
Cole does. All right. Now, we do have a story

that's breaking which I'm watching right now. Olivia Dope. Now
you know, she was on the Joe Button Network and
she had the podcast with Mandy and with Bridget Kelly Jos.
She's a DJ. She's really really dope, right, And so
now she's done a post and the post is about
twenty five minutes long, so I'm trying to watch the

whole thing as we're doing this, just because I want
to make sure we get this right. But she talks
about why she left this show and the sexual harassment
that she had to deal with. As far as Joe button,
here's what she said. He goes down the line to
give everyone their accolades, and then once he gets to me,
the scene is ended again because he says Olivia is
unique because I want to find Olivia and the fans

love her. The words are edited out, but what's left
there is me widening in my eyes in shock and
embarrassment because after he asks if I was okay, and
he said he would come back to light in the mood.
I didn't think he would once again reference to wanting
to have sex with me. Joe asks if he can
give me an our on air hug My co host

said yes, they insist, and I slowly get up to
hug him, still apprehensive. I give him a hug somewhat
of a distance. It's unbeknownst to me until I actually
watch back episode that he was moving his hips while
he was talking me. We'll talk about an awkward, awful
work environment to have to be a part of. And

she goes down and she breaks down a lot of
different inappropriate things that happened. That was sexual harassment that
she was uncomfortable with, that she expressed her discomfort with.
And so if you guys have a chance to go
to her page, Olivia Dope and watch the whole thing.
She said. At the end of it all, she did
end up getting an attorney who reached out to his
attorney to let them know she would not be returning

to the show and the reasons why, and so just
really awful that she had to go through something like this,
But she said part of her healing process is being
able to speak on it and discuss everything. A lot
of stuff was edited out of the shows, and she
breaks down, like minute by minute, each second of the
set where they took out certain parts where he was
saying things to her about always wanting to have sex

with her. She also talks about when she quit the show,
how he then guests went on and said on his
podcast as anybody he hires, he's gonna want to have
sex with, or something to that effect, and she plays
that on that clip. So, Olivia a dope, but you
are sending you. You know so much strength and healing.
I know it's not easy to speak on those types

of situations. Yes, and love, light and healing energy to
Olivia A dope. I mean, there's a lot going on
in some people's life. It's a it's a real state
of emergency. And that's the name of timkam Mallory's book,
which is the first book off my book in print
Black Privilege of publishing. It's available everywhere you buy books now.
Just want to throw it out there, Yes, definitely, And

you know, I saw that she was saying that she
should have done some more research on what it's like
to work with this person. But you can't blame yourself
when things like, oh this is what I should have done.
This is my fault. It's not your fault. That should
not be happening, all right, and that is your rumor report.
All right, jeeh, all right, we'll revote. We'll see you tomorrow.
Everybody else to People's Choice mixes up Next, don't move.

It's to breakfast Club. Good morning, wr FM HD one
new Yard and I heard radio station. Let me put
a little bit of the breakfast Club your life stop
angela ye, Charlomagne the morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee,

Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Now I'm
broadcasting out of Cabo Um. You know, last week was
my wife's anniversary and her mother passed away, and I
had a conversation with her. I didn't want her to
remember our twentieth anniversary that way. I wanted her to
I know, it's it's it's a hard time. It's a
tough time for her and she's grieving. But I kind
of wanted some positivity in her. So I talked into UH,

allowing us to just go out and just let her
heel on her own. No kids, no family members, no
phone call. So we're out in cabbos. Were at the
hard Rock Uh the next couple of days. Shout out
to everybody at the Hard Rocks and shout to a
grace who set this up for me. When I called
the last minute, she was able to put all this together.
So I just wanted to say thank you. Travel a
lead getaway. She put this together, and we just relaxing, man,

just enjoying our time. It's two hours earlier here, so
it's it's seven am now, So shout to everybody out here.
I've been running into a lot of people out here
to Actually a lot of people are here vacationing, so
I just want to say that, just just reconnecting. All right, Well,
I hope y'all are having an amazing time. Twenty years married,
another baby on the way, new chapter. Yes, yes, yes,

it's all fun, all fun. And don't be asking the
older kids to babysit. That's your responsibility. No, no, no,
I got the grandparents for that one. I ask, and
the grandparents got The grandparents got their own life going on.
They don't want to be bothered, like I'm done. That's
what grandparents having to watch these kids. Now, come on,
and that's what grandparents is for. Watch these babies for
me for a little bit. I'd be back that in

then he's all right when we come back. Positive note,
it's the Breakfast Club. Good morning morning. Everybody is DJ
Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
That's shout to Chris Rock for joining us this morning. Yes,
it's always entertaining. And that movie My Role is out
right now from the Book of sal Yeah, and it's
the number one movie in the country. I haven't looked
to see you know, what it did at the box office,

because I haven't even you know, seen that stat in
a long time number one movie at the box office,
so you know, but now that theaters are back open,
you know, I guess people going, so salute to Chris
rob It's nice and gory too, you know. I love
a good gory movie. It's disgusting, definitely gory to also
shout to a coach Jesse and doctor Moon for joining
us as well. That's it, right, and we are going

to be starting this dtox. I guess I might as
wells start today because I haven't had anything to eat yet.
So yeah, let's do it. If y'all want to do
it with us, you know, you can just check our
sol I'm about to post it on social media for
everybody that's hitting me and asking me how they can
join the dtox. The dtox now when the juice d
tax we're doing with Drink Fresh Juice. Yeah, I'll stop
mine next week after I had all this crazy food

out here, so I'll start my next week. And listen, man,
I gotta say a salute to a man that I love,
a man that is always there to give you know,
give me a ice on on other things, especially radio related.
The Godfather Elvis Durand. Drop on a clues bab for
Elvis Durant. Today, Elvis Durand is celebrating twenty five years

of the Elvis Durand Morning Show. Lord have mengragelations. I
think they actually all came in the studio and it's
their first time skiing, all seeing each other since the
pandemic for one day only employs, I mean. And the
reason you got to salute that because you know, we
live in this era where people, you know, love waves,
right like they love to jump on what's ever hot.
But you gotta think, keep thinking, keep in mind that

the real success is longevity, correct, real success is consistency.
And Elvis Durant twenty five years on the radio, and
Elvis is about seventy six years old and he is
still the number one, the number one morning show eighteen
to twenty four in New York City. So dropped on
the clues babs for the Godfather Elvis Durand. Loved that

guy man absolutely. All right, We'll leave us with a
positive note. Listen, a leader, let's talk leadership. A leader
takes people where they want to go. A great leader
takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but
ought to be breakfast club, y'all finish or y'all dumb.

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