All Episodes

September 3, 2021 74 mins

Today on the show we opened up the phone lines to see what our listeners thought of Lil Nas X "pregnancy photo" after social media seemed to have a lot to say about it. Moreover, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to a man who quit his 100k job to try to work with Logan Paul, which Logan was not scared to shut down. Also, its not a Friday if it is not some what freaky! So for Freaky Friday they opened up the phone lines to see if out listeners ever had a condom stuck in them after a story broke out about a man that ended up having one stuck where the sun don't shine!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Dan dank everybody coming to the breakfast club. I call
this the hot season. Yo yo, you control, I'll even doing.
You'm so bad yo are yo so bad? The world's
most danctious morning jo dj N this bitch, Angela. I
stay in everybody's business, but in a good ray. Chelomagne,

the the ruler rubbing you the wrong way. The breakfast
club ain't for everybody. Good morning us a yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo. Good morning, Charlomagne, piece Angela,

Ye piece to the planet. Is Friday? Good morning. How's
everybody feeling today? Man? I'm happy it's Friday, let's just
say that. And it's a holiday weekend, and it's a
long week. You sound exhausted, Yet what happened? I am? Now.
I've been working a lot. I had to work all

day yesterday. Then I was at my coffee shop. Then
we had some you know, we're still getting on this
flooding issues taken care of. There was a car that
was stalled in front of my house because of the
flood out here in Brooklyn and they were out there
for more than twenty four hours waiting for BMW service
to come and get them. That's how crazy it was.
It was just too many stalled out cars. It took

them about I think about twenty six hours that they
were in front of my house. It's just been a lot.
So basically, it's Friday. You had a long week, and
it's Labor Day weekend. It's a three day holiday. Actually shoot,
I think four if you celebrate the Jewish holiday on Tuesday, right, so,
so so you need to break. Basically, I definitely need

the day. And today's Envy's birthday. Today is Envy's born day.
I don't know where he is. He's supposed to be
on there to day, but I maybe he's sleeping in there.
You go, damn suck his teeth one time. I just
liked the intro. You gotta get me a nice intro
for my birthday? Did I heard that? Fake that fake

suck of the teeth like a Jamaican? I heard you
do that before you came on. I just mean you
ain't brush yet. Happy born day though, thank you so much,
Thank you. Happy birthday to to old the Virgels shout
to Danny frand shout to Wax, shout my brother Wax,
little key, my daughter Paige. I don't I don't even
know if I can say that anymore. Why that story

you reported earlier this week was Kelly, Yes, r Kelly
and how everybody called him daddy Wow, nothing that everybody
don't call me that. But that's my that's my family
for real, for real. But that that was a running
joke because when we were all on vacation, uh, me
and this, she told this white couple that she was
our adopted daughter. So we always ran with that, said

that about me and my wife. So that was hilarious.
But happy born day to page, Happy born day to Wax.
Have you born? I did it? Danny? Have you boar?
Did the loke? Said Loki? Okay, yeah, Loki. Malcolm Gladwell's
birthday August. We have a gift for you guys this morning.
What were you got? Drake? Oh Drake? Yeah, album certified

lover Boy is out. What listen? Okay? My son hit
me at album came out at two in the morning. Okay,
came out one actually came out of one and came
out a little earlier. My son called me at like
four eight am. He listened to the album numerous times,
and he was very excited. He said, Drake's album numerous
times in the morning. Yeah, he hit me like four

thirty and he heard it twice time twenty not yet
they started school next week. Okay, well that's different. Yeah
he was twice. We're not numerous times. Twice is twice two,
three times? Yeah, but Drakes is one of his favorite artists,
so he was very excited about this album. So I
told him, you know, tell me what what what's your
favorite cut? And he never hit me back, so I'm
sure he fell asleep. But I think, yes, I think

you guys should start with seven am on bride Path.
That's the name of the song. Yeah, yo path let
me But I'm just telling you guys, just listen to that. Yeah,
he's correctly. That day said today is uh Drake days
that they're playing twenty four hours of Drake only in
New York. Well, let me ask you a question. What's

what's new we play? We played at least nineteen hours
Drake any other day, so usually it's pop smoke. We
usually do about nineteen hours a pop smoke. But I
but to day they go, it's nineteen hours a Drake.
It's well deserved. I think he's the biggest last escape
that's never happened for anybody. So usually it's we did

twenty Yes, we did that for whole Okay, So it's
the home of hip hop, R and B and Drake
to any other day, So the day is just the
home of Drake, Drake and more Drake. Correct. So let's
get into some Drake and we'll be playing first. What
are we playing first? What are we playing first? I
have no idea. Just oh, I said we were playing first.

I was just telling people what to listen to. I
didn't say what. I don't know what we played. Now
you've I listened to a few songs. I listened to
the Champagne poetry. He's tired of all your people who
are under him, talking about y'all over him. I'm hearing
Dad Yeah, talking about people saying that Drake ra is over.
But it's in the golden age. I heard him a
seven am on Bridlepath. It feels like he's talking a

lot about Kanye too. Well, that's the intro to the album.
Do we have that? Do we have that? Ready? Then?
Champagne poetry. You see how the show works. Usually they're
supposed to let us know what we're about to play
before we just do it. But just nobody is said anything.
We're just guessing and say, hey, we're gonna play Drake.
Work it out for yourself. Morning, Yeah, day, were the
home of hip hop Drake and I love when Drake

raps like that. Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne,
the guy. We are the breakfast club. Today. We're playing
nothing but Drake all morning long. All right, but let's
get some celebrate DJ v's birthday. He requested this right
now we started, y'all. Baige God is back. That's right, Okay,
the Yellow God is back. So y'all have to kneel

at his altar. And Envy wants nothing but the Yellow
God for his birthday for twenty four hours. Goddamn right?
All right, Well, well, let's give you a hurricane New York.
What are you talking about? We did it for Hove
al right, the remnants of Hurricane Ida. At least fifty
nine people have died across eight states all because of Ida,

and there were dozens of deaths in the Northeast so far.
There were at least forty six deaths that have been
attributed to the storm in the northeast by fifty nine
all together, nine confirmed tornadoes in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland,
and Joe Biden did a prove New York and New
Jersey emergency declarations. They were also people who were trapped
in the subways. I don't know if you guys saw
this footage, but that was a really difficult one. There

was even a person that was trapped on an actual bus,
a city bus. There were people trapped on a bus
because of all the water. There was a trooper that
died that was actually trapped in his car and was
unable to get out. But they were eight hundred and
thirty five subway passengers who had to be rescued during
the flooding, and nearly five hundred abandoned cars. Yeah, that's

why there was a lot of abandon calls. Yesterday. Had
to go to the airport, and usually it takes me
about thirty minutes from the station, maybe forty to most
yesterday it took me two hours. Nothing but abandoned calls
on the roll, just sitting in the middle of the highway,
usually where you would be going fifty sixty miles an
hour just CAUs and like dodging cars the whole way through.
So it was disgusting yesterday. And I've been hearing a
lot of this is not the last of this. So

in our juice bar, the whole basement flooded. And now
what they're saying you have to get palletts that are
six inches above the ground because they anticipate there will
be more situations like this in the future. And that
is your front page news. Wow, do y'all feel like
y'all got the proper warning for this? I mean, I
know that you know now first time New York have
an issue to flash flood, but you don't feel like
you're right. I didn't think it was gonna be this bad.

I mean, they kind of did say the hurricane was coming.
They didn't doubt and say maybe they said the hurricane
has come and prepare yourself. But we've just never seen
anything like this. So usually when they say this, we think, Okay,
it's a little rain, we keep it moving. But I
don't think anybody expected a hurricane. Yeah, no, it wasn't
a hurricane. It was still just a you know whatever.
They called it. Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna I'll just

hearing so many stories about people being flooded out and
I'm like, damn, I wonder did you go like I mean,
I know it's never happened before in New York like this,
but did the people feel like they got the proper warning.
I'm gonna tell you what the problem was on my
block the way that the reason it flooded is because
the sewer, the sewers, the drains are all clogged up
and no one cleans them. And so that's really why

my block flooded. So they got to make sure they
take care of that. All right, we'll get it off
your chest eight five eight five, one oh five one.
If you need to vent, phone lines a wide open
call us. Now listen to the Drake album. Let us
know what your favorite song on that new Drake certified
lover Boy is. All right off your chest? You man

from you on the Breakfast Club? You got something on
your mind? Let hello? Who's this and what's going on?
Breakfast Club? Is Nick G from Michigan. Man, Nick, what's up? Man? First?
And firmost Now. I hope everybody being safe out there.
I know it's crazy flooding nerthing going on out there,
so I hope everybody is safe. Good morning to y'all.
But man, this Drake album is crazy. Okay, haven't had

the chance to listen to it. Came out in the morning. Wait,
you aren't sleeping. I tried trucks man, so I'm up
at okay thing, But this Drake album is fired. But
I just want to know which'll like better? Y'all Like
Island Drake, Hood Drake, Heartbreak Drake or R and B Drake.
I like rapping the question at the first one on

the album seven Am whatever that is. I like when
he's rapping if Hood drinkings the rapping Drake. I like
rapping yeah Hood Drake. Okay, so y'all don't get a
lot of that on this album. It's albums also like
I do. Also like R and B Drake as well.
I like both. I think my favorite is Island Drake.
I ain't gonna lie with he on them, man, that

the Island beats are vibe to me. I like the
way he I know it ain't like the traditional Island
music or whatever, but he'd be floating on them like
those are good songs. Me an example, um, anyone with
Rihanna fire um man off. I don't know the name
is off the top, but I know what you mean. Yeah,

anyone with that Caribbean song he goes off on for
real m I got you all right? Well, thank you brother,
Ye you too. I tell you my son thinks the
same way. My son said. This drake does not miss
He loves this drake out and I haven't heard a
chance to listen to her the first joint and I
heard the one with hold, but I haven't heard the
whole thing yet. I haven't heard nothing. Illo. Who's this?

This is super Mike from Dallas, Texas. How are you doing?
Boer Mike? What up? Get it off your chest? Are
you doing? Happy birthday? Bro? My birthday Tuesday, September seven?
So it's Virgos season. Thank you, Charlemagne. Did you ever
find that video of that lady who says, uh, he
put my leg on my side and go bomb bomb
bomb man? I got it saved. I love that video.

That video is hilarious to me. Oh Mark, God, you
got where it was. Our producers didn't know where it was.
Last thing I angels uh so as an uber driver
in Texas, we could be sued for taking somebody for
an abortion or whatever. How do you feel about that? Man?
I think that's terrible. I think that is a complete violation.
And we're gonna talk about that in Front page News

some more too. But Joe Biden have to say about that.
But there needs to be some action that a complete
stranger can because I can ask Arab. So now I
have to ask a person where you're going or whatever
because I have to worry about being sued. Now that's crazy,
all right, So I'm sorry, y'all. Have a good morning
YouTube bro get it off your chest eight five eight
five one oh five one. If you need to vent

full line to wide open, It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
The Breakfast Club. That Rea's about your studying with playlists
all three and waiting for you on the iHeart app
number one for music radio and podcasts all in one,
apt power one five one. Wake up, wake up, wake ya,

You're time to get it off your chat with you,
man of blank. We want to hear from you on
the Breakfast Club. Hello, who's this yo? Man? Your boy?
Two times? You already know what it is. I just
dropped my first Smith mix tape. Um, it's all platforms.
I want everybody to go mess with. It's called rich
Off the Mac Treaty two. Terrible Day to do that.
You dropped it the same day to Drake dropped this album.

That was terrible day, terrible day. I have my day though,
I've been my date like a month ago, and then
you're independent. Yeah, depending you're in the back, bro, But
let's make it go. Let's see if we can make
it go. What's it called again, rich Off MA. That's

the name. That's the name of it, because you know
I do everything off my Mac. That's how I make
most of my mother And you know I've just been
saying that for the longest. Yeah, Angela, he says, let's
see if we can make it go. As you play
twenty four hours of Drake, I don't know, maybe while
you're on there, maybe while you're on there listening to Kanye,
you go listen to rich Off of Mac as well.

Come on back. I mean you can find my Instagram
at Jabari Doc Brown with two ends can spent something
off the Uh let's say for you not told Drake today, Bro,
I'm sorry, only Drake today. Some people let him go,
let him go ahead. Hello, who's this? Hello? Who's this? Yo? This? Shock?

What's up? Shock? What up? Get it a features bro? Yo,
Drake really say, get that address to your driver and
stop posting on social media. Yeah, you did say something
a bad pusson. Damn, that's a hard ball. Hey, I'll
talk to y'all about a month ago about my wife's
just being a psychotherapist and you told me he's gonna
get that. Man, I haven't heard back from you. Did

you email email? Did you email us? Man? You don't
check that thing? Man, Gosh, did you leave me a
contact I'm supposed to get at you? Yeah, I don't
hit you email. I'm gonna email on your link. Well, yeah,
I never got that. Leave the email. Leave the email
with our leave the email with our producers, right now,

hold on it, right, no, hang up? All right, let's
go to one last line. Hello, who's this? This is time?
How are you doing? Let's up, bro, get it off
your chest. I just like to get off my chest.
It's not another thing bad, you know, Good morning breakfast,
first time calling a long time listener. Uh, DJ is
our baptista. Let's get it our birthday day, man, virgos,

that's right. What you're doing for your birthday? What you're
doing for your birthday? Bro? Right now, I'm a trucker,
so I'm at work right now, both tools. I get off,
my girl taking me out, you know, to you know,
the dinner. Then we're gonna head down somewhere like close
to I guess Virginia beast to do a couple of things,
you know. Okay, okay, do me your favorite though you
congratulations brother Jr. Day blow that home for me. One

time for your birthday, broy, time for your birthday. Let's
get it a happy birthday, brother. Shout to Olive burghers
out there celebrating their birthday today. All right, now, we
got rumors on the way here, Yes, and you can
buy this a man's boxers. They're up for auction and

the starting bid is five hundred dollars. All right, well,
we'll get to that next. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
the Breakfast Club Morning. Everybody is stej Envy angela Ye,
Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get
to the rumors. It's Strake all day, by the way,
so if you keep hearing Drake, join and tell them

to do it. On the breakfast club. If you're talk,
may hear you talk. I was just saying that today
is Drake all morning. So if we don't care what
you were saying, clearly that is the reason why. Now
let's get us let's talk Drake all right. Well, yes,

Kanye's manager, since it's all about Drake versus Kanye right now.
And some people feel like, by the way, this whole
thing is just a marketing scheme, just to put that
out there and that there's not no real issues. But anyway,
um TMZ caught up with Kanye's manager, Boo, and he
asked him about, you know, what's going to happen between
the two of them once Drake dropped his album Certified
lover Boy. Here is what Boo had to say. I mean,

what's going on? I don't you know. I mean, listen,
it's two creatives, you know, taking jobs at each other.
But I think you're rectified man. You know what I'm saying, Like, yeah,
of course, I mean you know, we'll see. I mean
his album comes out, I think, all right, so depending
on what he says on his album, I mean, we'll see,

all right, Well, now that album is out, he's talking
about we'll see like if they can clear things up
and be and be cool again. I mean they live
right down the block from each other, so they sure do, right,
So they're asking about whether or not this feud is
gonna go and get even worse, or if they can
clear things out. Now Here is a lot of people
are saying this song on certified lover Boy on Drake's

album is about Kanye. And I'm sure you can imagine why.
This song is seven am on Bridle Path. And if
y'all recall, Kanye did post Drake's address and then took
it down. So here's what happened in the song Hot
to them little kids, you ain't famous to me, told
y'all aiming straight for their head, not aiming to please.
I could give a bodle designing your sneakers and teeth.
Have somebody put you on a guilt and you play

with my seat. Kanye goes right and writing me for
what I heard so far, Drake, Mike's patting on this
one respectfully, yes, But then it was there was also
the part about give that address to your driver, making
your destination. I don't know if we have that all right.

I didn't hear that point well, yeah, so we had
clip two. Do we have it? No? All right, of course,
Well maybe we'll flash back to that now. Doctor Dre's
divorce drama is heating up. He is suing his ex wife,
Nicole Young, and he says that she allegedly stole money
from his recording studio company, and so he's suing her

for embezzling funds from that studio. They were both given
access to the business funds. His lawsuit says that she
decimated that account. He withdrew over three hundred and fifty
thousand dollars at the start of their divorce proceedings. She
claims she was justified in taking that money. Her name
was on the account and she was still married to
doctor Dre at the time. So he also, as you know,

in July of this year, was ordered to pay her
nearly three hundred thousand dollars a month in spousal support.
This is so messy, man, I don't know if you've
ever seen this. You know, my question is if we
both if both our names on the account, I can
take out what I want and she could take out
what she wants, like really right, correct, periodically, right, that's
what That's what she's saying she could take out that money.

But I guess he's trying to say because but she's
on her names on the account, so she can. And
people do it all the time. Yeah, people do it
all the time. I don't know legally what the ramifications are. Yeah,
at this point, I think we just need to stay
out of billionaire's business, you know what I'm saying, Let
the work, Let them work that out amongst themselves. I
can't even imagine what they're dealing with financially, all right,

And it looks like Emon shumperd is joining Dancing with
the Stars. And listen, if Tianna Taylor is gonna help
him out to it's over for everybody. Imagine if Tiana
Taylor did it. But anyway, Yeah, so he's joining the
new season of Dancing with the Stars, and other celebrities
so far that they have confirmed include Kenya Moore, Jo
Joe see what. There was a rumor that Carucci was joining,

but then that has not been confirmed. And that is
your real import. Yeah, and you don't have to know
how to dance to win Dancing with the Stars always.
You remember my guy Bobby Bones one Dancing with the
Stars case, the popular vote. That's it, right, people have
to vote, so yeah, if you can get them votes up,
but usually it helps. All right, Now we got from

page News. Next what we're talking about Texas. All right,
we'll get into that next. It's the Breakfast Club. God Morning,
So Breakfast Club, your mornings will never be the same.
You're one of jaalas, DJ and B. Now you like
attention because you'll be getting all the looks with the
new Simsung Galaxy Z Fold three five G or z
Flip three five G one literally unfolds into a tablet

and the other fits into your Palm shop. Now at
TIMS will not come five G. Connection and availability may vary.
Check with carrier w W p r F M HD
one New York and our heart radio station. A little
bit of the Breakfast Club, your life stock anthemy Ye Charlemagne,
the more Drake and more Drake. That's right. That's what

you're gonna hear all day long on the Breakfast Club
and Power one on five point one. That's right because today,
by the way, we remember, we're nationally syndicated. What you
know if if if you are in New York and
listening to Power one on five one, you know that's
what we do any other day anyway. No, we don't
the home of hip hop Drake R and B Drake.
Now we do pop smoke Drake. All right, well, let's

get into front page News. What we start with? Ye, Well,
let's start with Joe Biden's response to the new law
in Texas that says, basically, it basically bans most abortions
anything after six weeks, and anybody who assists someone in
getting an abortion, even driving them to a clinic. Private

citizens can now bring civil suits against anybody who assists
a pregnant person seeking an abortion. Now, Joe Biden says
that this enforcement structure is a bizarre scheme with the
potential to unleash constitutional chaos. He said complete strangers will
now be empowered to inject themselves and the most private
and personal health decisions faced by women. And he said
he's launching a whole of government effort to respond to

that law, tasking in the Department of Health and Human
Services and the Justice Department to see what steps the
federal government can take to ensure that women in Texas
have access to safe and legal abortions. Now. When asked
Wednesday by Report, is what options that Joe Biden has
available to him. White House Press Secretary Jansaki said the
President would push Congress to codify Roeue versus. Wade as

a law. She said, there is a specific course of
action that can be taken to help protect these types
of lawsuits in the future. And then she spoke to
a reporter and here's what happened. Why does the president's
support abortion where his own Catholic teacher's abortion isn't waly wrong.
He believes that it's a woman's right, it's a woman's body,
and it's her choice. Food born truck. He believes that

it's up to a woman to make those decisions, and
up to a woman to make those decisions with her doctor.
I know you've never faced those choices, nor have you
ever been pregnant, But for women out there who have
faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing. President
believes that right should be respected. Man, they pick and
choose when it comes to the Bible. They don't feel
that way about the death penalty. They don't feel that
way about police officers who killing on black and brown people, Like,

how do they just pick and choose? Yeah, when it
comes to the bidy just work for them. Yes, yeah, real,
I don't. I still don't understand why things aren't just federal.
Like you look at something like how can something be
okay in one state and not in another state? That
doesn't make sense to me that we all live in America.
Why should something be legal in New York but illegal

in Texas. That that's that's why that doesn't confuse anybod
That's why you got That's why you got local. That's
why you got local. And but but that don't make sense.
You can smoke weed in certain states, but if you
go to a certain states you get locked up for
that same thing. That's why I get what you say
that don't make sense because we're in America, right, We
don't know. I don't know if I would want to.
I don't think I would want the federal government to

be able to govern you know, all of the local
and state governments. But I understand what you're saying. Yeah,
I think certain things. People regionally have certain things that
are necessary, and that that's why you do have local
laws and governors just because they live there, they know
exactly what that area needs more than federally. Sometimes you

gotta break it down right, all right. And in Texas
now they have opened they can openly carry guns in
public without a permit or training. I don't know that
I would want that in New York. But there's a
new pro gun law in Texas that went into effect Wednesday,
so most Texans who own a firearm can carry it
openly in public without obtaining a permit or training, and
experts are saying that will make it more challenging for

law enforcement to protect the public from gun violence. The
number of shootings in Texas has increased fourteen percent this year.
There's been roughly thirty two hundred shootings compared to the
same period last year, which was about twenty eight hundred shooting. So,
you know, no permit, no training. Yeah, you can openly
carry guns but without a permit. Always got an open

carriage state, but just now you don't need a permit.
But now you don't need a permit. Before you needed
a permit, like I have a permit. But now they're
saying that you don't have to have any training. As
long as you own a gun, you can just carry
it out. You don't have to do anything illegally own
a gun though correctly, Yeah, so most I mean, I'm

not I don't know. I don't have no statistics to
back this up, but most people who legally own a
gun know how to use their gun. Most people who
legally own a gun have gone to do some type
of training to know how to fire their fire on. Yeah,
I would say, I would say majority of people who
own a gun know how to use their gun. I
would think so, yes, I would hope so. But you

don't have to. All right, well that is your front
page news, and that's actually stupid for a gun owner,
like you know, you should want to you should want
to have some type of training, Like why would you
walk around with your gun on your hip if you
don't even know how to use it? If you don't
even know how to pull it out and take the
safety off, you know, cocky back whatever you or It
might be a revolve like you don't know how to
if you don't know how to use it, what's the
point of walking around carrying it? I don't know how.

I just think that owning a I do think owning
a gun is a responsibility that does require training. It
does so, and yeah, absolutely, all right, well that is
your front page news now, let's open up the phone lines.
People have been talking about little nas acts. He posted
on his Instagram, surprised. I can't believe I'm finally announcing this.
My little bundle of joy Montero is due September seventeenth,

and he's uh. I guess he's by his pool on
his knees and he's pregnant. So let's open up the
phone lines and say, what are your thoughts? I see
so many different people have comments exactly what little NASAs wanted.
By the way, this is exactly his his what he wanted.
He's trolling, y'all. And once again, like he said, everybody's

talking about him, all right, even call it troller. I
just think it's marketing. All right. Let's get to a
NeXT's to breakfast club. Good morning, Call in right now,
call me at your opinion to the breakfast club topic
breaking down eight hundred five eight five one oh five
one the breakfast club. It's topic time called eight hundred

five eight five one oh five. Want to join it
to the discussion with the breakfast club. Talk about it morning,
everybody in stej Envy, Angela Yee, Charlemagne the guy. We
are the breakfast club Now if he just joined us
with talking Little nas X. The Little nas X just
posted on his Instagram a day ago, he said, let me,
I just want to quote it the right way. He said, surprise.

I can't believe him finally announcing this. My little bundle
of Joy Montera is due September seventeenth. Now he's uh
on his knees by his pool, and he's pregnant, and
so many people had so many different things to say
about it. So we're asking, what are your thoughts? Eight
hundred five A five one oh five one now Ashy
Larry Donal rawlings h he reposted it. Yeah, what he said? You? Um?

He said something about how's he gonna explain this to
his son? You explain it by saying this photoshop? What
do you mean then? Het? Yeah, he deleted both of them,
so somebody must have gotten on his desk. He must
have been getting at a social media smoke. But you know, man, listen,
here's the thing. Everything Little nas X is doing is working,
you know what I mean? And I see people calling
it trolling. I wouldn't even call it troll. In his marketing,

he did this to promote his upcoming Montara album and
it worked and to be able to cut through on
a week that's dominated by Drake and Kanye talk and
have people talking about you and knowing your album is
coming out. It worked, and people say they're projects and
their babies all the time. He just he just just
say sho. I didn't have a problem with it. Well,
Donnelle said, I'm with freedom or whatever. But at this point,
Little Nasax is FFing with the minds of kids. What

are your thoughts? How do I explain this ish to
my son? That's what Donell Rawlings said. Uh, and I
agree with Charloman. I mean this is everybody talks about
their album as their baby. This is a marketing tool.
We know that man is not pregnant, So what's the problem.
I love the fact that Little nas X is shupping,
makes people talk about it. I don't have no problem
with it. Now. Little NASA's responded too. He said, if
I take an issue of myself, am I gonna have

your kids? But it's their pants And then he said,
let me get offline. All of this negative energy is
not good for the baby. Yeah. I think he's messing
with the minds of adults more than kids. I don't
I don't think the kids care like that, you know what,
and you know what to the point about you know
him posing, pretending to be pregnant or whatever. You know.
One of my favorite episodes of The Cosby Show is

when Cliff has the dream that all the guys are pregnant.
It's hilarious and it's the same concept. All the guys
are pregnant and they end up giving birth to their
favorite things. Now, I was much younger back then, and
there was absolutely no social media, but I don't remember
people seeing that as anything but comedy, as anything but acting.
Nobody said it was disrespectful the women. Nobody said that
episode was ruining the kids. Why old wy Dos just

bother older people who I know lift through that air
because God did. Why. Little Nasa reposted a picture of
a movie called Junior, and you can see on the
cover of that movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger is pregnant and Danny
DeVito is there in the doctor's office. Little nas x alone,
let's let's go to the phone lines. Hello, who's this

It's Nathan. Ain't Nathan? What are your thoughts? A little
nas x uh, I guess uh posting a picture of
him being pregnant. Well, good morning to you all. First
of all, DJ n V, Charlotte Magne and Angela Ye morning.
Um yeah, I like to I like the point that
Charlottagine Barter. I can understand the fact that it's it's
it's advertising and marketing. That's a good point, but it's
still just a little too much, man. I think he's

going too far. And uh, I want to kind of
comment also about the little the comment that Charlotte Againe
man to POUCHI when when he was on saying that
back in the days when we were growing up and
we listened to hip hop music, that it was negative. Well,
back then, people were just rapping about what they saw
in their neighborhoods. I understand that it was negative, but
at the same time, that's not it. That's not all

the way true, though, bro, because a lot of these
brothers and a lot of these brothers and sisters were
straight up lying because they knew that the gangster image
was profitable at the time. That's what the whole movie
ce before was about. And that's why rappers that were
really from that lifestyle used to call out other rappers,
you know, for for just straight up marketing you know,
trauma and the gangster stuff that they know they wasn't living.
So we can't sit here and say that people would

you know all rappers were actually reporting what they lived,
because that's not true. Well, you just taught me something
because I thought that, you know, fact then according to
like my favorite rapper like Nab, now, it was all
about what they saw when it was growing up. So
I figured back then, yeah, it was negative, but we
could relate because you know, that's what we saw when up.
It's the same thing as you know, not what you've
been through a lot of times watched the local drug

dealers and then they rapped about the local drug dealers
at time. That doesn't mean they necessarily did it. And
a lot of artist stuff in that before that had
nothing that was good kids with the good schools, but
they knew it so and Naas always had that proper
balance too though my brother, like Nas always had socially
had things of socially redeeming value in his music. I
learned a lot from Nabs growing up. Me too, Me too,
And that's what I thought. I thought that, you know,

if I listened to the music until you just explained
that point that they rapped about what they saw versus
what little Bussy was trying to say about a little
knas as. I mean, that's a different type of vibe,
you know what I mean, Like like I can understand,
you know, it was a long negative to all the
man he shut up with my guards and girls and
all that. But we knew that they were just talking
about that, and I didn't believe that they actually went.
I did that they saw that like you damn be

just said, you know, there's a lot of kids that
went to jail following their favorite rapper. Thinking that day
he literally said that in the interview. Bussy said he
came home and he saw a lot of his fans
were in jail are dead because of his music. He
said that, So I would think that if I was
the type of rapper who was putting that kind of
music out and I went to jail and I came home,
I would be speaking out against that. I would be

speaking out against people who pushed that lifestyle that sending
kids to jail or the funeral home. But what do
I know? All right, well eight hundred five eight five
one oh five one, we're talking little nas acts. He
posted a picture of himself pregnant on the social media.
What are your thoughts, let's talk about it. It's the
breakfast Club. Good morning, call me and your opinions to

the breakfast club topic on eight five five one five
one morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club and now if you just
joined us, we're opening up the phone lines eight hundred
five eight five one oh five one asking what your
thoughts on little nas acts. He posted a picture of
himself pregnant and people have a lot to say. What

did Boosey say? Ye? Boosey posted NAS times, WTF you
just don't stop. I think he's gonna turn around, and
I guess f one of his backup I don't know
what he says here. One of his background dances on
National TV, Protect Yours. God turning over in his grave.
God is far from Daddy. God is not turning over.

God is not in no grave. Jesus Christ, God is
not dead at all. What are we talking about here now?
Dona Rawlins also said something you have what he said
to you? He said, I'll do it well. Donna Rawlins
also said I'm with freedom of whatever but at this point,
little nas X is fing with the minds of kids.
What are your thoughts? How do I explain this to

my son? But then he posted a picture of you
and Charlemagne, and this makes more sense now that has
nothing to do with this we're talking about Little nas
X and Bobby Lights also responded. Bobby Lights responded and said,
I'm the father. I'm the father. So we're asking eight
hundred five eighty five one oh five one, what are
your thoughts? What do you say? Charman? I mean, it's
just really nuts to me that this upsets people more

than a rapper standing with a gun a bunch of drugs.
It's like we've normalized so much trauma and passed it
off his culture, but this upset you. Like he's clearly
just marketing the fact that his album, which is his baby,
comes out, you know, in a couple of weeks. He
did just just to promote his upcoming album, Montero, and

it worked, yes, it did. Like I don't understand why
he's upsetting people, Like why is this enraging you? Why
is this the end of the world? Why is this
what's going to you know, cause your kids to just
be all screwed up, Like, you know how you explain
this to your kids by simply telling them it's photoshopped
if they even care enough to ask you about it? Right, Hello,
who's this? Hey? What were your thoughts? A little nus

ex posting them on social media? I don't. I'm a
gun with people just trying to have attention on their
own selves, Like, okay, do you make your music, put
out your albums, talk, you know, looking life, have fun,
but actually touch you for no reason? Is I'm over

that I didn't want to get something off my chest earlier? Okay?
What's up with people want to don't want to do
their jobs? Like I go to McDonald's. You got an
attitude with me because I'm hungry in the morning. What's up?
You don't want to work at McDonald what's up? All? Right?
You know? To your point, though, it's not extra attention

for no reason, it's extra attention because I'm coming out.
Everybody gets attention. That's why Kanye did three listing sessions.
That's why posted billboards in every city. That's right, That's
why to promote the album. That's right. They was all
trying to get extra attention for their albums. That are
out and coming out like this. These are artists were
talking about Hello, who's this? Hey? This is Ray? What

how y'all doing it? Ray? Good morning? What are your
thoughts on little Nasacs posting the pictures himself being pregnant?
Marketing genius? Man ain't letting up to say everybody's talking
about it. I see. I don't see anything wrong with it,
you know what I mean. People want to say what
they're gonna say. But it's marketing at this best, that's all.

But it's not even by the way, it's not even
it's not even something I have never seen before. I
remember when Oprah did a whole episod sold back in
two thousand, early two thousands about the pregnant man. You
know the Cosby Show episode I referenced earlier, when Cliff
had the dream that all the guys were pregnant and
they gave birth to their favorite things, like I'm forty
three years old. I've seen this before, right. And by

the way, all the people who are mad, we're not
going to listen to the album anyway, I'm sure. So
that's another reason why y'all even commenting, you know what
I mean? If you if you don't like something, you know,
just don't pay any attention. Like I'm serious when I
say I'm at the point in my life. While I
don't hate you, I don't dislike you. I either love you,
wish you well, or send you healing energy. That's it,

all right, Well, what's the moral of the story? That
was it? The story is a little everything. Little NOSX
is doing his work and I don't call the troll
and I call it marketing. And like I said earlier,
if you cut through on a week that Drake and
Kanye West both got projects out and people talking about
you and your album coming out, trust me, it's some
albums that came out to day I don't hear nobody
talking about. And also, mark my word, that record that

he just put out with Jack Harlow, it's gonna be
a number one record in the next couple of weeks.
It's a dope record. It's a dope record, so it's
gonna be number one. Yes, it's a dope record. And
I can't wait to see when it's number one, when
people go safe. But all right, we got rooms on
the way. Yes, the next versus Live from New York.
Let's see what y'all think who you got, all right,

we'll get into that next. It's the Breakfast Club com
One Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne, the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club. Good morning. You know, if
you just tune in and you're hearing Drake, we're playing
Drake all morning along for the release of his album.
I it's also my birthday, so shout to all the
virgos out there, Shout to anybody that celebrates their birthday today,

Shout to my brother Danny Frand, Shout to Wax, Shout
to Paige, Shout to August Alsina, Shout to low Key,
and anybody else that celebrates their birthday. Yeah, but we're
not playing Drake everywhere, right, just in New York, justin
Well for the Breakfast Club. We're playing all morning long,
and then after that for the breakfast for the Breakfast Club.
So it's all morning long, Drake, Drake, Drake and more

Drake all right, and his album is out today. I
haven't heard it yet, but my son seems to love
and my son's a huge Drake fan. I could see
that he's heard it a couple of times already, and
he oh hey, oh oh get it, Envy go go go,
I see go, oh you can see me. That's right,
you can see me doing the funky Chicken. Now that

was the Beyonce funky Chicken. Yeah. I don't even know
what the funky chicken is, but that's what you look like.
All right? What we got roomors on the way. What
we're talking about? Yes, and you know one of my
favorite shows is coming back and they put the trailer
out yesterday, so we have that for you. All right,
we'll get into that next. Keep a lot. This to
Breakfast Club. Good morning, hey more Drake morning. Everybody is

DJ Envy Angela Ye, Charlomagne the guy. We are the
Breakfast Club. And yes, we're playing Drake all morning long.
His album is out right now. It's my birthday. So
I made a light skin call and we're playing Drake
all morning long, playing the new records. Then we all
playing a new records. We'll played after Rumas. So let's
talk rumas. Let's get to let's talk versus. Go It's

reports club. Alright, A new Versus has been announced, the
Summarine Over. According to Swizz Fat Joe Versus job Rule. Tuesday,
September fourteen Live from New York City, like that one.
I like that one you know on papers here, anything
with versus. We love the verses that have a backstory

behind them, that have a history. That's why you know,
Gucci Jeezy was so successful, Brandy you know, uh, Monica, Um.
But this is just one. That's just two guys who
have catalog. That's what makes the dope too. Yes and
sounds together. They got New York, Yeah, they got New York.
I can't think of anyone fat Joe's biggest record, what's

the longest left? I forgot? Job was one, he said, yeah,
and Goody produced it. Mm hmmm, I think, but I
think it's gonna be a good one. I think a
lot of people are gonna sleep on a lot of
the records Joe has, because Joe has a long catalog too.
Things Joe. I remember one time Joe came out, I
forgot what it was some show and he kept saying

HiT's Mania, hits Mania, mafte b all the way like
eight years ago. So rue got a lot of records, though,
joall got a lot of record job, man, I don't
know why y'all front on Jeffrey acting so much I
understanding the whole thing with him in fifth p Damn man,

don't they both got records? Jall? Catalog is serious, bro,
hands down. Yeah, it's gonna be time, all right'll be
fun and they're pretty entertaining, both of them, so high energy.
All right, Right now, let's talk about Drake and a
certified lover boy album. Some more people are talking about
the song that jay Z's on love All, and they're

speculating who is he discussing in this verse? Want to
kill me? And y'all still with him, y'all chair with him,
and y'all wonder why we're not French. The best thing
I could do was not build with you. We're not
gonna destroy you. That takes some discipline. I could send
the team to come trail you. Mm dropping the clues,
Sean car I have not heard that song all that

verse and full yet, but that sounded me. Who you
think he's talking about? Everybody? On social media like you
talking about Damon Kanye. I saw a lot of people
weighing in. You know, that's what happens. People put out
a verse, they know people are going to talk about it.
They know that. I wonder if people realize that these

men and these women have lives we know nothing about,
nothing about it. There's people to these people that have
been in their lives and done things to them that
we know nothing about. We just know what we see
in media. But there's a big world out there. People
could be a family memory. But artists also know that
when you put out a verse like that, people are

going to talk about it and come to their own conclusions.
You know that too, right, They're smart enough to know
I'm gonna put this out and everybody's gonna be talking
about it and speculating on who I'm discussing all right now? Insecure?
Oh my gosh, I'm so sad that it's the fifth
and final season of Insecure coming up, but they have
released the trailer and here it is. Well, hes, you
were self simple man. I just want to be drama

free and happy. I keep front of everybody like I'm
not scared about what's next for me, but I'm terrified.
So what am I supposed to do? Now? Maybe there's
a little voice in your head that's telling you that
you're not done. That's you. You're the voice in the
back of my head. Tea he Oh my god, what's

gonna happen. Well, get ready for season five to premiere
October twenty fourth, an HBO all right, jerker, man, real
kid jerker. When y'all when y'all find out who passed
away on the show? Wow? Wow, don't do that to
people A character everybody loves. Man. Stop it, man, that's
not nice. Don't do that to people. Man, don't do it.

Gonna be nuts, bro, Stop it's you're giving your donkey too.
I shouldn't even be giving out no spoilers like that,
but man, will you giving your donkey too? You know what?
Today is a good day to have a conversation since
this Labor day weekend. Right, labor is all about work. Right,
let's talk about people who aren't doing any work but

want to be rewarded for not doing any work. There's
a young man from Ohio named Austin Wallace. This is
a very teachable moment. He needs to come to the
front of the congregation. We would like to have a
healing word with him. All right, well we'll get into
that next. Keep a lock this to Breakfast Club. Go morning,
So Breakfast Club, your morning's will never be the same.
Angela here, and did you know that the General Insurance

has been saving people money for nearly sixty years. Take
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can help you save two. Call eight hundred General or
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dunkey at the dates, you get dunky at day you are?

Or don't you hun? I'm gonna fatten all that sit
around your eye. This man to donton blowers. Many wait
for Charlomagne. The You had to make a judgment who
was going to be on the donkey of the day.
They chose you because the breakfast club bitches, Who's donkey
of the day to day? Wow? Donkey of today for

Friday September three goes to a twenty two year old
Ohio man named Austin Wallace. Austin Wallace, God bless you brother.
Austin Wallace is a man who took a leap of faith. Oh,
he stepped on the first step, even though he didn't
see the rest of the steadcase. See, Austin was making
one hundred thousand dollars a year working. I don't know
what his occupation was, but he decided to quit that

one hundred thousand dollars a year job because he had
a vision. He had a dream he wanted to work
with Logan Paul. Now he doesn't know Logan Paul has
zero connections to Logan Paul other than following him on
social media. But according to the Sportsbible dot Com and
I'm quoting them right now, he decided he wanted to

work for Logan Paul. So he quit his job, drove
down to Cleveland where the Jake Paul Tyrone Woodley fight
was this past weekend, and he scammed his way backstage
end quote from the Sportsbible dot Com. Now, why did
he scam his way backstage? Well, he wanted to ask
Jake Paul for work, and this is what happened. I

quit my job in Legit two days ago. I came
up here, took a rest. I'm Herginally from Ohio. In here,
I didn't think, what do you mean stink like on
stage or He's just like yes, really, I'm trying, brother,
I'm trying to talk about business, trying to talk about
trying to get a job like I want to. I
want to do media. I want to. I've been trying
to get good at I was having to dances. I

did like that I did that video, you know, like,
oh yeah, you know she really got what it takes.
I don't don't. Why would can't be a mentor right now?
Right in my life? I'm myself. I need a mentor,
you know what I'm saying? Like I need to imagine
many people be around you, right, No, I didn't have
connections and people around I have jape? Is it you? Brother?
People don't You don't have friends? I don't. I swear

to God, you're a good looking guy. Bro, you have friends. Bro,
you're lying gold, make concept do stuff with your friends.
I'm glad you quit your job and takes to do that, bro,
But like now you gotta act to try to make
a stuff. Why would I give you a job? What
are you good at? Logan Paul asked Austin very great questions.
What are you good at? Austin didn't even know, Like
he literally had no clue what he's good at. He

started talking about TikTok dances and just admitted that he
doesn't even have what it takes. It doesn't even know
what he wants to do. And Logan Paul said to him,
something that I think to myself often when it comes
to certain individuals, then why would I give you a job?
Trump on a clus bombs for logan Paul. That's just
really as it gets, Okay, this encounter is exactly what

I'd be talking about when it comes to certain individuals. Now,
it's easy to say this is something the young ns do.
It's the kids, you know, who want all the spoilers
of success but don't want to do any real work
to get there. But it's not just the kids, it's everybody, Okay.
It's something about this era of social media and instant
gratification that has put a sense of entitlement in people,
and they all want to be successful by simply doing nothing. Now.

I don't know if it's because they look at some
of these you know, YouTube was the social media influences
and think these folks are living the life and it
looks like they don't, you know, really do anything. But
I wish people understood that ninety five percent of what
you see on social media it's smoking mirrors. It's not real.
We talk about negative influences on the kids, there is
no greater negative influenced than social media, simply because social

media doesn't show you the process. You have to see
how the food is cooked in order to know how
to whip up a meal yourself. Social media, all they
do is show you what they want you to see.
They show you the final product. As my Monk's Corner
Brethren Pastor Stephen Fredi troping the clues Moms Pastor Stephen Fredick, Okay,
as my Mom's Corner Brethren Pastor Stephen Fredick always says,

you are comparing your every day, behind the scenes life
to someone else's highlight reel. These people y'all idolize on
social media who look like they got the world in
the palm of their hands, really don't, okay, And being
them that a lot and being that a lot of
them don't show you the process, don't show you the
steps they took to get where they are in the

world of being successful via social media. Guys like Austin
think they can get a job just because what happened
to having some type of skill set. This is why
I'd be pushing trade schools on people. This is why
I'd be pushing stem engineering on people. Learn to do something.
We all have a gift to contribute to the world,
and when you recognize your gift, your purpose is born

Austin Wallace ran up on Logan Paul asking for a
job and didn't even have a skill set. He damn sure,
I didn't have a purpose for doing what he did
because of his purpose is just to hang around Logan
Paul and be famous just because potentially get some type
of cloud just because he's in Logan circle. That's not purpose. Now,

would you like to hear how Austin reacted to Logan
telling him the truth. Listen, I start to Logan Paul,
I'll make a hundred thousand dollars here twenty two. I
do make a one hundred thousand. That's cool. And I
want to I want to act, I want I want
to do these things. I got to break down right now. Oh,
I'm sitting the casting I don't know what to do,

Like I did, come up here by myself. I do
have family, but we're not the closest and I don't
have really close friends. You know, there's millions of people
trying to do what I'm trying to do. The crying, Austin,
sit down for a second where you're already sitting, let
me talk to you. You're crying because you're entitled, Okay,

you think because you quit your job and ran up
on Logan Paul asking for a job with no skill set.
That's gonna be a good enough reason for Logan Paul
to hire you. That's the story you want to tell,
because you've heard those types of stories, and nobody tells
you the truth for the process. I quit my job
and drove down to Cleveland and ran into Logan Paul
and told him I quit my job, and he hired me. No, Austin,

what do you do? What do you bring to the table?
Run up on Logan Paul with an idea, run up
on him with a product, have something that can help
him help us? Okay, all right. Also, kids, if you're
making a hundred thousand a year, why would you quit
that job? I wrote about this in my first book,
the New York Times bestseller Black Privilege. Okay, there's one

hundred and sixty eight hours in a week. That is
more than enough time to chase your dreams and work
a job that pays your bills. You can chase your
dreams and deal with your reality one hundred and sixty
eight hours. Let's just say you do forty hours at
a job. You still got another one hundred and twenty
eight hours left. Okay, let's say you in school for
forty hours a week too, you still got eighty eight

hours left. What are you doing with that time? Now?
Mind you, that's just me, including school and a job.
If you just got a job, you got you got
one hundred and twenty eight hours. What are you doing
with that time, all that free time? I can tell
you what you were doing with that time. Nothing. And
you want to be successful from doing nothing, and that's
not how this works. Okay, doing nothing gets you nothing.

And there's a definite cost to doing nothing. And that's
why you're sitting in your car crying because Jake part
didn't give you nothing because at the moment, and I said,
at the moment, you have nothing to offer. Please always
remember that entitlement is delusion built on self centeredness and laziness. Austin, I,
since silly, send you healing energy. And I hope this

was a learning experience for you because it should definitely
be a teachable moment for the rest of us. And
the teachable moment is simple, in the words of the
late great Forever legend Nipsey Hustle, find your purpose? Are
you wasting air? Please give Austin Wallace, the sweet sounds
of the Hamertones. Oh no, you are the dogee of

the day, do Gee, oh the day. Ye all right, well,
thank you for that donkid today. That kid's gonna be
a star. Did y'all want to play a game? Okay

with logan? Paul wrong? No, he's not wrong to come on.
Relax it. If you come on, we're we're sending healing energy.
All right. What I just said, he's not wrong, That's
all I say. He's definitely not wrong. Said. If you get,
if you get the opportunity to be around somebody that
can potentially provide you an opportunity, you just make sure
that you come with something that's gotta be prepared. That's all.

That's all. All right now, speaking of prepared, tell us
about the story we see on ball Alert. Ye Emmy,
you are the one that actually was very excited about this.
And do we have the audio? What happened at this
young woman? Uh? She was away? Wait wait wait wait
wait wait, let's do this right. It's Friday, so you
know what that means. All right, now, tell us the

story we see alert. Well, she said her husband went
to Miami for his frat brother's wedding. She said she
hates the room, so she stayed home. Now her husband returned,
obviously drunk her high. She said, I get in the
shower with him and see a used condom slide out
of his butt. He argues the condom was mine. Excuse me?
Say what? Excuse me? And say what what happened? What

happened in the shower with her husband? And I used condoms?
It out of his butt, h his button, his butt? Yes,
which city? You can see this on baller Alert. But
he went to a wedding in Miami. Well, let's open

up the phone lines. Eight hundred five eight five one
on five one. Has a condom ever slipped outside out
of you? That is the question this morning. It's freaky
the women. I've never heard this story at all in
regard to a man. I've heard this. I've heard women
say this before. I've never heard a man say this. Ever. Well,
it can happen to us, it can happen to you.

But we'll talk about it when we come back and
we're taking your calls. Eight hundred five eight five one
five one. It's the breakfast Club. Good morning. Put on
like one of those furry butt plugs too, mournament for
your ass. It's freaky Friday. Goddamn the breakfast club morning.
Everybody is DJ Envy and Charlomie. God, it's a Friday, Davin's.

You know what that means. It's pretty yes, And the freaky, freaky,
freaky Friday question is comes from a story we've seen
on ball Alert. Shout everybody over at ball Alert, shout
the robin and the robin happen. Robin. Now explain the
story you well. A woman said she her husband went
to Miami for his frat brother's wedding. She hated the room,

so she didn't go to the wedding. Husband returns, obviously
drunk or high. I get in the shower with him
and see a used condom slide out of his butt.
He argues, the condom was mine seven years gone. Advice now,
she said, And say, but she said, butt cheeks. Well,
I'm reading what she wrote. She said, she wrote, but
what's wrote? But okay? Eight hundred five five one five?

This ever happened? Yes, sir, what's happenings happened? Now you're
talking about bro No, no, shut up. Number one. I've
never heard this in regard to a man. I've heard
women say that, you know, they've had condoms asting them.
But say Angelie's point, if it can happen to a woman,
I guess it could actually happen to a man too. Now,

Angelie said something that triggered something. She said to me
that the bride, you know, his wife hated the groom. Right,
why did she hate the groom? Because it sounds to
me like she may have hated the groom, but clearly
her husband didn't. Well you think he didn't have six
with the groom he was getting married. Had to be
someone else. But we don't. I don't know. I didn't

smell anybody's finger in this situation. I don't know who's
I don't know who's who and who did what. But
I'm just saying, putting contact clols together. Now, has this
happened to you before you? Yeah? I think every woman
at some point has had a condom kind of get
a little stuck in them. So, because usually what happens
is it's little condoms don't get stuck in people, right,

A little bit of a condom stuck in you. I
would think that because when he gets when he gets
flaccid and and comes out of you. Sometimes it stays
behind because man put out the happen. You got to
be deep in that thing right now. I think that um,
it just and it could just be like kind of
hanging out of you. But if he pulls it out,

you got to think he's not no longer erect and
so it doesn't fit the same way. It's not snug anymore.
So when you come out of there that it sometimes
it stays behind because it's not snug. So it's not
about the size. It depends on if you're a shower
or a grower. If you're a grower, then that can
definitely happen if it gets a lot got see. I

was thinking, okay, I thought it was all about the
size of the man. And I was sitting there thinking, like,
this guy has a bottomless booty. If that condom got
all the way over, my goodness. Never mind, Let's go
to the phone lines. Hello, who's this? It's Red? Red?
What up? Bro? Has this happened to you before? Bro?
Come on, man, you call it I'm disaster. I thought

you were. Charlo Man probably told her that no story. Okay,
a little booty joke, uthing, man, we don't play booty jokes.
We played gay games. Get the get the name right? Yeah,
I can feed Hey, Sean, let me check this out, man,
I need two of them books. Man, I got you,
my brother, which one you need? He said, what you're

gonna do? I bought? I bought bought something from you, Right,
you got some good books dogs, So I thought, man,
but I would like to have that hag. You know
what I mean. I'm gonna say so you want. I'm
gonna saying, y'all got you? That's right? I got you? Hello?
Who's this? Avery? Avery? Good morning? Has this happened to
you before? Yes? It has. First of all, I want

to say, this is the first time I've ever gotten
through to you guys, and I love it. And today
it's my birthday, so thank y'all. Right, it's all about
the Virgo nation. But this thing I talk of the
leader before, I was like, I'm ting nine now, But
it was like eighteen when this happened. I was like
eighteen years old, me and this guy where um, yeah,

I just got done and he pulled. I was like,
what the fuck is the cone met you? My bad?
I was like, where is the calm that you head on?
Or whatever? He was like, oh, it kind of busts.
I was like, well, you aren't gonna say nothing. So
when he when I got done and I wanted to
go use the restroom, it just kind of slipped out.
I was like, well I found it. He has a
question how old is your child? Now? Oh? No, no child?
By that? Yeah, man, listen, you gotta watch. I may

destroy you because that happened on on there. He actually
took the kindom off. You can't do that, okay, Oh yeah,
thank you. That's crazy, thank you, that is crazy. That's
a violation. And happy birthday to you. I really wanted
to fight yet, but you know that that's just that's
just how I go. Is that the man's fault when
that happens though, But yeah, if a guy knows that

that happened, yes, that's absolutely your fault. If you can
tell it broke and you just keep going and don't
say anything, all right? Well eight on five day, five
one oh five one is freaky freaky, freaky Friday. Now
for you guys to just join us. This story was
on ball alert and you want to say what the
message was? What the lady said, ye on boil alert. Yes,
and this woman says that her husband went to Miami

for his frat brother's wedding. She said, I hate the groom,
so I stayed home. Husband returns, obviously drunk or high.
I get in the shower with him and I see
a used condom slide out of his butt? Who has
this ever happened to you? Eight on Drid five eight
five one oh five on it is to Breakfast Club,
Go by morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne,

the guy we all to breakfast club. Now if he
just joined us. We're talking about a story that was
on ball Alert. Now you want to tell them the story. Yes,
this woman says that her husband went to Miami for
a wedding. She didn't go because she couldn't stand the groom,
and he came home drunk or high. They got in
the shower together and they used condom slid out of
his butt. Now, let me ask you all the question.

Can you not feel that? Ye, because you said it
happened to you? Can you not feel like something in you? No?
You can't really tell until he pulls out of you
and then you're like, where is it? So no, you
can't really tell. And it's always fun when y'all gotta
like fish around for it together, because then you gotta
be like, okay, you gotta find it, and then he
has to. And I think the butt is more sensitive because,
like you know, at least the vagina is you know,

things going to vagina. The but is usually you know,
exit only. I would think you would feel something just
sitting in your cheeks like that. Well, just to clarify
that particular area did not happen to me, Well, let's
go to the phone line. Hello. Who's this Hey, this
is chelf Willm. Hey, good morning. Now has this happened

to you? Um? No, But I have an old childhood
friend that kind of happened to her boyfriend six four
and shoes five five, and the connor slipped off at
him and it went in her and she took it
literally went up in her and got it out. You
got to get that out of you, Jesus. All right, Well,

thank you, Bama. Hello? Who's this? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey,
good morning? What are you calling for, Broning? I'm calling
from Houston, bro Houston. Now has this happened to you? Never,
never in my life happened. Okay, it's why you called. Yeah, okay,
but this is what I want to do, is what
my bad? My bad, I just got off work. I'm

kind of slump, you know what I'm saying. But I
do want to say that Bro definitely, Bro definitely took
it through that back though he took some backshots, most definitely. Okay.
I think I think I think that's the whole point
of the story. Really, I think that I think I
want to understand that. I think about it. I think

I think I think you know what I'm saying. It's
I don't. I don't know, Like, but one, where was
he yet for that to happened too? Why did he
let that happen? In three? What was the whole entire
thing that let up to that? Like, that's I don't
know that. I don't want you want to you want
to see the whole thing play out? Whoa angela, I
ain't say all that. You definitely just said that, and

it's fine. You want to see the four play No,
come on, charlote man, come on, you want to know
all the specifics, not to decidects, but like you know
what I'm saying, likes as a married man, what made
you go ahead beside Joe still and beside Joe marriage
to go ahead and not only do it with a man,

but not even thinking about doing it with a woman
at the time. Like, this is just mind boggling to me.
I don't know. I don't know because because clearly he's
not just into women. You're a genius, bro, I'm be
honest with you, like, you are a genius. You are
one of the smartest people that have ever called to
radio station. A detective right now. I mean, wow, way
he's putting this together is incredible. Yeah, let's do it more. Hello.

Who's this? This is Kim Kim, Good morning. What are
you calling from? Good morning? I'm calling from the ground. Hey,
has this happened to you before? No, this hasn't happened.
But it's so ironic me listening to the show because
I've just seen a TV show on bt M Double Frost,
and I think, like the first or second episode, that's
the exact scene. I just watched week and that's the

exact scene. It's one of the main characters. She's a doctor.
Her fiance to get in the shower, and while they're
in the shower together, he like turns his back and
she sees it and then the TV show, she like
goes to pull it out and you know, interrupts and
she wound up killing them. You know what, I bet
you any amount of money that I'm gonna go on
ball alert and click on this story. And that's exactly

what they're talking about. I'm sure, I bet you this
is old. You know, it's not old, but it's you know,
it's fairly new, but it's old. They probably great rolling
to season two, but it's like the first or second episode,
and that's the exact scene. Yeah, I did say. It
says it's been watching Double Cross unless this is common ish, okay,

all right? Oh, and she's ruined it for us man,
all right, Well, what's the more little story. The mold
of the story is, uh, just know this weekend, this
three day holiday weekend, if a condom gets stuck in you,
man or woman, know that this too shall pass. All right. Well,

we got rumors on the way, yes, and we're talking
about new music. Well, this Jamaican sprinter has dropped his
debut album and you all know him probably one of
the most legendary Atlantic Olympic spriners of all time. All Right,
we'll get into that. Next is the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
the Breakfast Club. Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, angela Ye, Charlomagne,

the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. It's a Friday,
old day, It's my birthday. And let's get right to
the rumors. This is the rumor report with angela Ye. Well,
Michael Jordan's used underwears being auctioned off. They said he

wore them regularly, and they described it as underwear compression shorts.
They had some loose threads evident at the scenes. And
the bidding started at five hundred dollars so far as
up to nine hundred and seventy six dollars with eight
bids admitted. And you have until September twenty fifth to
wear his drawers. All right now, Candy, Why no, no, no, no,
you're not going to speed by this. Why for an NFT.

You know what I'm saying is that this is not
an NFT. It's his real underwear. It's an NFT nasty
funky testicles. Okay. And by the way, Michael Jordan's DNA
will not make you Michael Jordan. The only way that
investment makes sense is if you can buy those drawers
and use Michael Jordan's juices his DNA to clone another
Michael Wow. All right, now, Canny Burris revealed that she

wanted to commit suicide as a kid, but couldn't find
her mom's gun. She made that revelation while speaking with
her friend Este Farrow about a lot of different topics
on her show on YouTube Speak on It. I understand
depression and different things like that because I tell the
stuff like that at a younger age. I had about
in middle school where I actually wanted to commit but

for He is the Lord, I wasn't able to find
my mom's gun when I wanted to do it. And
as I got a high school is when I started
finding myself. But then I also lost my brother in
high school. So it was deal a dealing with about
a depression and pushing through. Dan sending that Queen Candy
Birds healing energy always man the pain in her voice

and she's even trying to talk about it. And Oscar
de la Joya says that he was raped when he
was a young teenager. Now he was talking to reporters
leading up to his comeback fight that's going to be
happening on September eleventh, and he said the incident took
place at a boxing competition in Hawaii. He said he
was thirteen. It was an older woman, and he said,
I lost my virginity over being, you know, being raped. Basically.

He said she was over thirty five at the time.
He said, you suppress everything. You're living this life the
golden boy. But oh ish, wait, there's still that's still there.
I never thought about it. I never processed it. I
never really thought how my feelings are until one day
just comes out and you don't know how to deal
with it. So he talks about dealing with all kinds
of childhood traumas that he had, and this was in
the La Times. Well I'm glad, all right, you know

he's speaking on it because people be having all kinds
of traumas they don't talk about, and when you don't
deal with your traumas, they ultimately deal with you. Some
people act like it's cute when you're like a young
boy and you lose your virginity to an older woman.
It's not cute. There's nothing cute about that. Oh yeah,
I mean that's what I thought for years. I didn't
even start referring to it is molestations. So I got
way older and started, you know, going to therapy and

stuff myself. Before that, I never even referred to it
as a molestation. All right, Now, you saying Boats has
put out his first ever debut album. You know he
loves music and he's been talking about putting this album out.
It's called Country You. And here's a preview of a song.
By the way, it sounds good. It's called Lockdown. I
don't give him off floor. I don't give we need

a little fun before walk. I don't give him off floor.
I don't give him off the drink dance hall. But
that's that's that's not that's not your saying Boat, that's
it he produced. That's that's sham. That's sham he's doing.
I guess. I guess he's doing like a Callida Day did,

not saying we played behind the Sea. I said, how
we know that? You're saying both Now, that's not what
you're saying, Boat. That's sham. That's that's sham. Yeah, that's
a whole album out right, he produced it. You just
produced that record he's doing. I guess like a calid
album like he's doing. You saying Boat presents God. All right, Well,
it sounds. It sounds really dope, So make sure y'all
pick that up. And Bobby's Murder has a new song out,
his first since being released from prison. He's finally put

out a freestyle. It's called No Time for Sleep A
Lot of any five five? All right, well that is
your rumor reports Happy Friday? All right? You're not gonna
play my song? I mean it's my birthday? Yeah, I

mean you got a request. It's only right. Can we
start the song off at least play the first verse
of it was gonna be the new light skin anthem.
Right now? Happy one day to my guy Envy? Have
you born day to my brother Wax? Have you born
day to page er my page? I love my people's man.
Not turn that on? Yeah, birthday, dropping low Envy, I'm

gonna go dropping low. I make that condom fall out?
Are you stupid? All right, well revote, We'll see you
on Monday. Can we start off to the mix with
with with um. Can we start it off right now
and then play top of out and get to my
mixes that all right? Can we play like a sixty
seconds of it and you can you start It's off
Drake's album. It's off Drake's album. We've been playing Drake
all day. Can we play a little bit of it?

It's called I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt? Can we
play it? Come on Birthday boy, Let's get it together. Yes,
all right, it's to Breakfast Club to mix this up. Next,
yoll the Breakfast Club. Your mornings will never be the same. Hey,
what up? Y'all? Is DJ Envy here? Listen? Mediocre phones
are out. The new Samsung Galaxy Z you Flip three

five G is in. It folds clothes and fits in
your palm and even better to stand up on its
own for hands free selfies, group shots, and videos. So cool.
Shop now at Samson dot com. Five G connection availability
may vary. Check with Carrier Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy,
Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.

Shout to everybody in Florida. I'm gonna be all over
Florida this weekend. I got a lot to do this weekend,
and of course planning for the car Chella car show
in Miami, so I'm gonna be out there. So if
you haven't got your tickets for car Chella Detroit, all
car Chella Miami please get your tickets. I'll be out
there planning, measuring, and doing everything I have to do
to make sure that car show is a success. So

I'll Birthday weekend for you. I'll be in Washington, DC
this weekend doing the Rose festivals outdoors so you can
see me out there, my girls style, DJ Jazzy, Jeff Lupe, Fiasco.
It should be really fun. So if y'all want to
come out outdoors daytime Rose Festival in DC, I will
be at home in my backyard, barefoot, walking through the grass,

meditating and uh doing doing healing uh energy cleansing work
this weekend. One of my no I would not be
a no Maid of America with I'll be in the
backyard with my one of my spiritual advisors getting my healing,
healing cleansing, spiritual cleansing, energy cleansing. All right, well, during

that cleansing, make sure nothing comes at you. But like
the story earlier, right, oh my gosh, this is crazy,
this is wild. You need healing, bro. I'm sending you
healing energy this weekend. Okay, I want everything I would listen.
I want everything to heal, except for your butt. I
want that to hurt all weekend. Man, look you up.
I'll be here. I'll be in there, trying to be

grown to mature and here you go. Could you stop?
We are forty plus years old. Stop no, alright, it's
the Breakfast low Get Boy Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy,
Angela Yee, Charlemagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
All right. Now, you got a positive note? I do, man.
The positive note is simply this. I want y'all to

really think about this this weekend. But just know everything
will happen the way it has to happen. Everything you're
stressing about will eventually fall into place, and you will
be able to see that you're guided and protected. There
is nothing to worry about. Just be present and be
the best you you can be. Breakfast Club. You know
I'm finish for y'all. Dumb

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