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February 9, 2024 81 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bast club breakfast clubs very very very very big.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
You have to change in the entire scene.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
Wall y'all, it came a long wait.

Speaker 4 (00:10):
They might be watch the news, but you know they're listening.

Speaker 5 (00:12):
To the record.

Speaker 6 (00:13):
Brother just d J M Big, just hilarious.

Speaker 7 (00:18):
And Charlemagne the God, y'all all like a name before
the club.

Speaker 8 (00:21):
That's how we got out.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Good morning us.

Speaker 9 (00:26):
Say yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
Jes laros, good morning. Charlomagne is out.

Speaker 10 (00:37):
Today and it's Friday.

Speaker 11 (00:42):
Are you feeling just listen, it's the fifth day. I
can't even figure it. I'm tired.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
It's child.

Speaker 12 (00:48):
Yes, I'm sorry, yo, but I bought my badge today
and listen every other day, right, I had the badges
like last week. I've been forgetting it every morning. Yes,
so like people, I gotta called in one of the producers.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Like you open the door, open the door, come down
and get me the door.

Speaker 12 (01:04):
Right, it's crazy, but you know what I realize I
don't like I mean, well, I have to adjust to
I actually drove UH from the station to New Jersey yesterday.
It's it's cool once you get in the tunnel. Yo,
getting out of New York is the worst thing ever.
Like the GPS. I don't know if anybody else got

this problem, but Apple GPS it has a problem finding
where you are.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Really Yeah, I don't know. Like she used ways, you
don't use ways.

Speaker 12 (01:33):
No, I stopped using Ways. But I'm gonna have to
download it again because Apple need to update or something.

Speaker 10 (01:38):
It's like it gets lost in New York. Yeah, no,
ways usually works, usually works.

Speaker 8 (01:43):

Speaker 11 (01:43):
Yeah, I hated it, Yo.

Speaker 12 (01:44):
I had it was like thirty minutes getting out the
city and then I was on E and I.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Got a problem. New York City is bad because there's
no gas.

Speaker 12 (01:53):
There's no gas stations until you get in New Jersey
and then I don't like niggas pump with my gas
show that.

Speaker 10 (01:59):
I don't know what you mean. That's the best thing
about Jersey. When it's cold outside, they gotta pump your gas.
You're not allowed legally to pump your own gas in
New Jersey. They have to do it. Okay, what's wrong?
You think somebody gonna steal your gas? You think you're
gonna put the wrong gas or not. They're gonna steal
your gas. But but like what, I don't know. You
gotta pay them to do it, right, No, you don't
pay them, that's part of it. I'm gonna get twenty
dollars on pump six or whatever. So I was like,

give a little time.

Speaker 12 (02:24):
Yeah, but it's like I'm gonna need gas a lot
and I ain't got I don't want to tip everybody
every time because I didn't ask you to do this.

Speaker 11 (02:30):
I'm from Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
We pump our own gas.

Speaker 10 (02:33):
I'm sorry everybody out there. I don't tip nobody. I
give me forty dollars, give me forty dollars, and I
keep it moving.

Speaker 11 (02:39):
Now, I just feel bad because that's a service.

Speaker 12 (02:40):
I'm like, it was cold, this nigga got this, that's
all look hungry, like I don't.

Speaker 10 (02:46):
I never took the gas, guys, it's forty dollars, keep
it moving, dollars, super keep it move.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
I never filled my tank up.

Speaker 10 (02:52):
It's always forty and sixty just the case somebody need
an extra forty later on.

Speaker 12 (02:55):
So that g wagon is a gas couz a gas
I'm like, man, I'm gonna have to get a car for.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Shout out to the Brooklyn Nets.

Speaker 10 (03:04):
Last that I took my daughter on a date, we
went to the Brooklyn Nets game. We had a great time.
My boyfriend came too, though, so I was kind of
like a chaperon, you taking on a day. It was
got like a chaperone. It was right, you know what
I mean. But we had a great time. He is
from Ohio, so anytime with the Cleveland Cavaliers comeing town,
I take them to the game. So they lost by thirty.
I think it was the Nets lost by thirty. But

we had a good time and it was just bonding.
It was just a great time. I love spending time
with my daughter because I know there's gonna be a
time when she's gonna get married one day and have
kids and not gonna hang out with me anymore. So
I'm trying to just take all those moments. But I
got three other daughters, so I ain't worried about it.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
I got to choose. You leave right about the next
fiem comes right up.

Speaker 11 (03:42):
You got an army.

Speaker 10 (03:44):
Well, let's get the show cracking. T Grizzly will be
joining us this morning. He has a new project that's
out right now, we're gonna be kicking in with T
Grizzly and up next we got front page news teslam
Figureo be joining us and it's Friday. Rush just performing
at the super Bowl this Sunday, and he released a
new record. We going play every hour on the hour.
What's the name of this record, Red Stone Cold Freak.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Oh lord, it's the Breakfast Legal Morning right. That's Usha
Stone Cold Freak. His album is out today.

Speaker 10 (04:11):
He's gonna be performing at the super Bowl list Sunday,
and for the People's Choice Mix, we're gonna do an
Usher mix. All right, whatever your favorite Usha mixed song is,
we're gonna get on this morning, all right. It's DJ
m v Jess Larry Charlamagne to God and let's get
in some front page news now. Yesterday Kobe Bryant, they
released his statue in front of the Lakers Arena and

his wife was talking about it and she said that
Kobe actually picked the statue pictures.

Speaker 13 (04:36):
I don't want to reveal too much about the statue
before you see it, so I'll leave you with one
of my husband's amazing quotes. Leave the game better than
you found it. And when it comes time for you
to leave, leave a legend, and that he did. And
for the record, Kobe picked the pose you're about to see.
So if anyone has any issues with it, tough.

Speaker 10 (05:02):
So congratulations, I mean absolutely. Not too many people that
have statues, right, I know, Michael Jordan has one. I
think Shaquille O'Neal has one. Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, I
think Wilt. I think that's shit.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Not too many people have statues sosolute and always rest
in peace? What up?

Speaker 11 (05:18):
Test? What's going on?

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Dj MV?

Speaker 14 (05:21):
And let me say this.

Speaker 12 (05:22):
You guys have heard me say, the Queen of the
breakfast Club Jess hilarious.

Speaker 14 (05:26):
It was confirmed yesterday.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
Exactly why I.

Speaker 12 (05:28):
Call this woman the Queen of the breakfast club. Y'all
give a round of applause with Jesslarios.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Yes, man, Yes she is.

Speaker 12 (05:36):
She had y'all up here apologizing to Daddy and all
types of stuff. I love it.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
We'll get into that in the rooms. But let's talk
about Biden.

Speaker 15 (05:44):

Speaker 12 (05:44):
The Special Counsel decided not to charge the President in
a case of yesterday, primarily because they found nothing wrong
that he proved. They did not prove that he had
wilful intent for Biden to illegally hold onto classified information. Now,
the Special Council wrote that one reason Biden wasn't going
to be prosecuted for these classified documents was because he

would present as an elderly man with poor memory to
the jury. So let's take a listen to what he
said about his memory.

Speaker 16 (06:12):
President Biden, something the Special Council said in his report
is that one of the reasons you were not in
charge is because, in his description, you are a well
meaning elderly man with a poor memory.

Speaker 17 (06:27):
I'm well meeting, I'm an elderly man, and I know
what the hell I'm doing. I'm in president. I put
this country back on his sheet. I don't need his
recommendation to your memory.

Speaker 8 (06:37):
And can you continue as president?

Speaker 17 (06:39):
My memory is so bad, I let you speak.

Speaker 12 (06:45):
What Big Joe was upset yesterday. He can tired of
y'all bringing up his memory. Now, while making reference to
the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, he appeared to confuse, well,
he did confused, not appear. He confused Mexico with Egypt.
He said that the President of Mexico did not want
to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to
get in. Take a listen to what he said on

how he made that mix up.

Speaker 17 (07:07):
As you know, initially the president of Mexico c C
did not want to open up the gate to allow
humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I
convinced to open the gate. My memory is fine, my memory.
Take a look at what I've done since I become president.
None even thought I could pass any of the things
I got passed.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
How'd that happen?

Speaker 17 (07:26):
You know?

Speaker 8 (07:27):
I guess I just forgot.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
What was going on last thing.

Speaker 8 (07:32):

Speaker 14 (07:33):
Yeah, he definitely said he got tired.

Speaker 12 (07:35):
He was definitely like, you know, let's let's put this
memory issue about it. And again he made a mistake
even while he was talking, which happens, and it's just
all a matter of how you you know, how you
want to look at that.

Speaker 14 (07:43):
But this part I found interesting.

Speaker 12 (07:45):
He was very upset that the Special Council basically said
he forgot when his son died.

Speaker 14 (07:50):
So take a listen to that.

Speaker 17 (07:52):
I know there's some attention paid to some language and
the report about my recollection of events. There's even reference
that I don't remember when my son died. How in
the hell dare he raise that, Franklin. When I was
asked the question, I talked to myself, wasn't any of
their damn business. Let me tell you something, some of
your comment I wear since the day he died. Every
single day, the rosary he got from our lady of

every Memorial Day, we hold a service remembering him, attending
by friends and family and the people who loved him.
I don't need anyone could remind me when he passed away.

Speaker 8 (08:22):
That's the way.

Speaker 12 (08:25):
So inconclusion, guys, just to make sure it's very clear
with this was about. This was about classified documents, the
classified documents that they found at President Biden's house. Obviously
we know they did the same thing with former President Trump.
So this conversation, this was all about, you know, why
isn't he getting charged the same way President Biden is

being charged? And I just want to point out a
couple of differences between the two. President Biden. They found
a small number of documents, less than twelve at his
pen Biden Center. It was discovered by attorneys, and he
turned it over to the National Archives immediately and participated
now President Trump a form. President Trump, three hundred plus

documents were found, including twenty five that was marked top
secret and the documents were demanded by the National Archives.
They had to seize the documents by the FBI, and
that's what prompted the obstruction of justice investigation because he
refused to turn it over. So those are the difference
between the two for folks that are saying, you know,
why isn't he getting in the same type of trouble

that form President Biden is.

Speaker 10 (09:30):
Yeah, I mean he made a mistake, right, he referenced
Mexico when he was supposed to say Egypt or whatever
it was. We all make mistakes, but you know, with
the president, you look at it a little differently, right,
You look like he should be prepared when he does
these speeches.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
This is his job. This is what he should know.
This is his business.

Speaker 10 (09:44):
It's kind of like just with comedy, right, if Jess
goes out on stage, she might forget a line, but
she does it so much that it should it should
come so natural, you know what I mean? And saying
that with the president, what I don't like, do I
tell you test, I feel like they don't respect the president,
regardless if you like him or love more or hate
him or whatever it may be. I feel like there's
no respect. Like even when he was answering the first question,

the reporter just cut him off asked another question. I
just feel like there's no respect. You wouldn't do that
to your teacher. Yeah, you have more respect for your
teacher than the president, which is crazy to me.

Speaker 14 (10:14):
Yeah, and I would say this.

Speaker 12 (10:15):
You know, it's a lot of information, and you know,
again I'm making an excuses, just calling what it is.
When he did make the mistake, you know about the
switching up the names, it was him answering a question.
It wasn't necessarily in the speech or prepared and you
got a lot of information coming at you. Sometimes you
make a mistake earlier this week? Was it this week
or last week? I said Georgia instead of Jordan's just
my mouth just said Georgia.

Speaker 11 (10:37):
It was a mistake, and people off with her head.

Speaker 12 (10:39):
She should know better, she should and you know, not
taking into account it's two am in the morning when
I'm asking you this. You know, in la so sometimes
you have a slip of the tongue and so they
do it to us.

Speaker 14 (10:49):
You know, Oh, Jess, you've got.

Speaker 12 (10:51):
To say this, Oh you got to say that exactly.

Speaker 14 (10:57):
So at the end of the day.

Speaker 12 (10:58):
And you know what's funny about it, envious the people
in the comments. I want to see them go live
on Instagram and not make a mistake, you know, So
when you're processing up they can't do it. It's very
easy to say what somebody would do. And then when
you're doing this and like we're doing in front of
ten million people live radio on this microphone, sometimes you
just you have a slip of the tongue.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
That's right, and we all try to be best.

Speaker 12 (11:19):
And again I'm not discounting all of the issues that
people have with him and his age and all of that.

Speaker 14 (11:24):
Those are, you know, real issues and real concerns.

Speaker 12 (11:26):
But I think when we start niitpicking a word or
two or missed, we're just being extra at that point.

Speaker 10 (11:32):
So yeah, all right, well that is front page news Wire.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
We talking about next hour.

Speaker 14 (11:37):
Yeah, we got some good stuff we're talking about next hour.

Speaker 12 (11:39):
Florida parents are having to get permissioned for people to
participate in Black History months, So we're gonna talk about that.
And then there was again an election yesterday that nobody
knows about, and so I'm gonna give you that information.
Trump did win in the battle, so we'll talk about that.

Speaker 10 (11:53):
All right, get it off your chest eight hundred and
five five one oh five one. If you need devent
phone lines wide open, It's to Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 6 (12:04):
Wait, this is your time to get.

Speaker 7 (12:08):
It off your chest? Five eight five five one. We
want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Hello, who's this year?

Speaker 18 (12:16):
What's that interview?

Speaker 2 (12:17):
What's up?

Speaker 19 (12:17):

Speaker 18 (12:18):

Speaker 15 (12:19):

Speaker 11 (12:21):
Good morning?

Speaker 10 (12:22):
Tait's Charlotte?

Speaker 1 (12:27):

Speaker 2 (12:27):
I guess.

Speaker 11 (12:29):
Hi baby?

Speaker 15 (12:30):
Yeah see, And Charlot wouldn't be there today, So I
feel like now I got a call back because I
have to talk to you, jes And the old reason
I have to ask you a question is Charlemagne's fault.
Oh my god, Okay, I have to come to you
as a man to d jair.

Speaker 11 (12:44):

Speaker 15 (12:46):
The last time I was up there, about a month
and a half or so, I showed Charlemagne the picture
of my boyfriend and this man double plant, and he
got all heightened, was like, oh my god, have you
ever seen Jeff boyfriend? I was like, oh no, he
was like your boyfriend and just boyfriend look just for
like I said, Oh no, I think that's like I

need to have a conversation with Jess and make sure
she's not sleeping from my man.

Speaker 11 (13:09):
Ain't nobody sleeping with your man, travl You ain't sleep.

Speaker 15 (13:12):
You gotta ask you, Jesse, Doctor Charlomon.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
Good bye, trap travel.

Speaker 10 (13:16):
I know you're not doing much this week because your
cowboys and not in the super Bowl. I know you're
planning to go to Vegas and everything like that, but
you're not going to Vegas.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
So enjoy Philly. Huh, goodbye every fight. Don't bite me.

Speaker 11 (13:28):
I'm a smack charlam man.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Hello, who's this? Hey?

Speaker 8 (13:32):
This is uh?

Speaker 18 (13:33):
This is a shell from.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Dear shell from a t Get it off your chest. Brother.

Speaker 20 (13:37):
Hey, I ain't got pa to study, but I'm blissed.
And let me say we all are blessed because we
have just on the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 11 (13:43):
Hey man, right, thank you?

Speaker 20 (13:45):
Hey, hey, real quick, one of the beift moments too
far of twenty four. What's how just came on the
Breakfast Club and made that condition for all of my
dj I don't think that it would have happened and
not be as successful. We was not blessed with miss Yes,

we love you, going do keep being you, and we
love listening to you in the morning.

Speaker 11 (14:11):
Thank you so much. What it is being you?

Speaker 20 (14:16):
Hey Friday, we blessing.

Speaker 15 (14:18):
I'm gonna do what he do.

Speaker 2 (14:20):
Here you go.

Speaker 11 (14:21):
I love you.

Speaker 10 (14:22):
Get it off your chest eight hundred and five eight
five one oh five one. If you need to vent,
hit it up now.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 18 (14:33):
Ray right, Ray Yo, Charlot mac davy, What.

Speaker 15 (14:36):
Up are we list?

Speaker 6 (14:37):
This is your time to get it off your chest?

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I got an indoor pool to pool.

Speaker 6 (14:41):
We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 12 (14:43):
Get on the phone right now here, tell you what
it is we live.

Speaker 2 (14:47):

Speaker 19 (14:47):
Who's this?

Speaker 8 (14:48):

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Good morning m V.

Speaker 9 (14:49):
This is Dreams from Brooklyn.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
Hey, what's up?

Speaker 19 (14:51):

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Get it off your chest?

Speaker 6 (14:53):

Speaker 9 (14:54):
I really just want to get flowers to just hilarious
and her amazing job on the Breakfast Club actually getting
the job. The first time I heard y'all on the radio,
chemistry was unmatched, and every other guess you guys had
it was cool and all, but jess as like y'all
melted together since day one, and seeing the hate online,

I didn't understand it. It just showed me people wasn't
listening because they just hated to hate. So you know,
I'm having suggestions. I'm so glad that you're permanent here.
You know, the show just it wasn't the same with
other guest host as when you came on. But I
just really want to give you a flowers, Queen and
say good morning. And I also want to shout out
Charlotte Maine too. We met back at the book a

Whole supplies party for Jay back in July. We got
a couple of pictures like a post whatever, but it
was a pledge of me in you as well. But Jess,
I definitely want to get those flowers.

Speaker 11 (15:44):
Thank you, sir.

Speaker 10 (15:47):
See the dope think about Jess is like what I
told when Page six asked me, I said, not only
is she a committee a comedian, she's witty, she's fast
on her feet and just don't back down. Like what
you see on the camera and on it is the
behind the scenes. Just don't back down. And that's the
best thing about it. She don't back down to me,
not to Charlemagne, not to a guest up here. And

she's funny, is hish, thank you. So I'm excited, man.
Every time I come to work, I'm excited with Jess.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Hello, who's this is?

Speaker 11 (16:15):
Mad man?

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Matt, what's up? Get off your chest.

Speaker 21 (16:17):
I'm just saying I don't want to elaborate on what
I talked about earlier with the whole Violin and Trump's situation.
Trump didn't get charged like buying date I just because
Trump trumps out all that money. Man, So he got
the hush money.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
That's all you got.

Speaker 15 (16:34):
No, it's not all I got.

Speaker 21 (16:35):
And plus they just these white people, man, they still
take it from us.

Speaker 19 (16:38):
Get them out the office. I want no white people
in there.

Speaker 15 (16:40):
Put somebody black in there.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
All right.

Speaker 10 (16:42):
Well, I mean, they just don't like Trump, and they're
gonna try everything to make sure Trump doesn't run.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
And like you said, both of them.

Speaker 10 (16:48):
Had paperwork at the house that they shouldn't have had
at their house. I don't understand why they allowing these
people to take classified paperwork home anyway. If it's that classified,
it shouldn't be out of it shouldn't be and nobody
so it shouldn't leave the White House, honestly, And that's
with with Biden, that's with Trump, that's with any elected official.
They shouldn't be taking us off anywhere that somebody could
break into somebody's house or somebody's family member or kids

could could take that paperwork and it could go into
the wrong hand. So I don't understand why any of
that paperwork is allowed to lead the White House.

Speaker 21 (17:18):
Now, how they've been getting the paperwork that would be inside.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
Job Broday the President.

Speaker 10 (17:22):
Yes, that's how they got They got it, forget forget it. Thanks,
thanks Lamar, get it off your chest. Eight hundred five
eight five, one oh five one. Now when we come back,
we got just with the mess what we're.

Speaker 12 (17:31):
Talking about, Yes, we do, Monique, Thanks, Jess, hilarious and
the Breakfast Nubs.

Speaker 10 (17:36):
We'll get to the next. It's the Breakfast Luve, Good morning,
the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Good morning everybody.

Speaker 10 (17:43):
It's DJ M V Jets Hilarious, Charlomage the god we are,
the Breakfast Club. Charlamagne is out today. He'll be back
on Monday. And let's get to Jess with the messages.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
The best don't do is gonna bring.

Speaker 6 (17:57):
Numbers onto.

Speaker 12 (18:05):
Jonathan May just accused of abuse by two more of
his ex girlfriends. I ain't mean a chuckle. I didn't
mean a chuckle, but this this story is interesting. While
Jonathan Majors is awaiting his sentencing for his domestic violence
case against his ex girlfriend Grace Jabbari. Now we got
two more exes popping out the woodwork, and let's play
what race is this?

Speaker 2 (18:25):
His exes? All?

Speaker 12 (18:26):
Yes, I gotta give you the name, all right, Emma
Duncan and Maura.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Hooper, I have to go with Caucasian.

Speaker 11 (18:38):
Caucasian, Caucasian, not take it up.

Speaker 12 (18:44):
Yes, exactly, So, Emma Duncan, they actually were dating back
in drama school. They took acting classes together back in
twenty fifteen, and she's actually an actress and a director.
And she alleged that Jonathan threatened her with violence and
threw her across the room one time. She said, he
will always he started how with violence or whatever, But
the only time he actually put his hands on her
was when he threw across the room one time. And

then the other woman, Marl Hooper, says that she dated
Jonathan from twenty thirteen to twenty fifteen, and she claims
that she got pregnant during the relationship and he allegedly
dropped her off to the abortion clinic and never came
back to get her.

Speaker 11 (19:17):
Jesus, I've said, you know how many sisters. No went
through that baby Lord.

Speaker 12 (19:24):
But Jonathan, his attorney stated that the abortion was a
mutual agreement and it's still a very painful memory for him.

Speaker 11 (19:31):
So you know, this is something that he don't even
want to address.

Speaker 17 (19:33):

Speaker 11 (19:34):
Attorney also said.

Speaker 12 (19:35):
They won't He could bring up the toxic behavior and
the troubling behavior of Emma Duncan and Mara Hooper, but
he is choosing to take responsibility for his own part
and just focus on himself and addressing his lifelong depression.

Speaker 10 (19:48):
So Megan got a lot of work to do, honey,
she So, I mean, the sad thing about it is, right,
there's three sides of every story people. We say, is
her side, his side, and then is the truth whatever
that is, because we haven't heard what he had to
say yet. No, But you know, the sad thing about
it is is regardless, Uh, he's guilty into proven innocent.

Speaker 11 (20:08):

Speaker 10 (20:08):
So anything that he tries to do until theast cases
it done, he won't. He will lose sponsorships, yep, he
won't get jobs, he won't be able to feed his
family until all this is done. And we don't know,
we don't know the facts, we don't know the truth.
All we know is just what one side says, which
is the sad part about everything.

Speaker 12 (20:22):
Yeah, and then we we see what this is. And
I see exactly what this is. I mean, this is
what we've been saying all along. I know one thing.
He better not go back better go back over Yes,
you better not go back over there, Megan, you better
put them shackles on him. You better chain them to something,
because lord, now they're coming out, all right. Monique praises

the Breakfast Club yesterday recover Monique's Club Shasha interview, and
Charlemagne made himself Donkey of the Day, as he rightfully
should have for making Monique Donkey of the Day. A
few years ago, Monique and her husband Sidney Hicks went
live on Instagram to thank us lay number one.

Speaker 8 (20:58):
I want to talk to he's at the Breakfast Cloud.

Speaker 2 (21:01):

Speaker 22 (21:02):
Oftentimes people don't know what a genuine apology will do.
They don't even understand. It allows us to say, we
accept that apology and we move forward. Because today y'all
own that. And I want to speak to my baby.
Just hilarious. Come on and let me speak to DJ
and Leonard first. She's a beautiful asset sitting in that seat,

and she's gonna bring something very.

Speaker 8 (21:23):
Special to that show.

Speaker 22 (21:25):
And I know the community is agreeing with what I'm
saying right now, because what that sister did when she
sat in that seat, she was able to get y'all
to see something and understand something that nobody could get
you to see for years, and just that baby sitting
there with nothing but honesty and said, no, we gotta
deal with this.

Speaker 5 (21:45):

Speaker 22 (21:46):
You don't understand what that baby's bringing to that show.

Speaker 12 (21:49):
When I tell you, I really really appreciate that. Monique
is an o gene, you know, along with Kate Williams,
and both of them had said some really really nice
things about me, and I love that.

Speaker 11 (21:58):
But I am not enough.

Speaker 12 (22:01):
Yeah, one of the Breakfast Club, I mean, one of
the producers will come in here like, hey, nubs, No,
I'm not enough.

Speaker 11 (22:07):
Yeah, and the main nub is gone. Yeah.

Speaker 12 (22:10):
But just to see her and Sydney really sit there
and really give me my props and I even, you know,
made him emotional. They had some other good things to
say about me playing number two.

Speaker 22 (22:19):
Right, it's right and wrong, it's wrong and because you
babies owned it and you apologize.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
We loved you, and we loved you. Then just hilarious.

Speaker 5 (22:27):
Keep that going because you are a great addition, because
there were others that would have set in that seat
and would not have set a word.

Speaker 6 (22:36):
So nothing but love and respect, and one.

Speaker 5 (22:41):
Last thing, thank you Charlemagne for not calling the brother daddy.

Speaker 11 (22:46):
I loved it. I love saying how did you feel
when you saw it?

Speaker 1 (22:49):

Speaker 10 (22:49):
I mean I thought it was dope. I wish Charlamage
would have said, you know, he apologized daddy. But I
will say, you know, when you grow up and you
start learning things, you learn that, like I just said,
this different sides to people saying things like you know,
it's we've all been in the news for different things,
and a lot of times people don't know the full story.
And I think with Monique, I don't think we got

the full story. And when she was able to put
out the full story, you realize you're wrong. And when
you realize you're wrong, doing a grown up thing is apologizing.

Speaker 11 (23:18):

Speaker 10 (23:18):
It's not about ego, it's not about well, no, that's
not what I'm doing. No, if you're wrong, apologize. It
doesn't make you soft, it doesn't make you weak. It
makes sure a stronger person. I tell that to my kids.
I'm sure you tell that to your boy I'm sure
Charlamagne tells that to his girls.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
But that's what it is.

Speaker 10 (23:31):
If you make a mistake, you apologize and you say
you're sorry, and you know, you keep it moving. And
that's what big boy men should do. That's what big
boy women, big women should do, big boy women should do.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
It's start that.

Speaker 11 (23:43):
No big boy women, all all right?

Speaker 12 (23:46):
But no, yeah, and then just to add to that
last thing, you cannot tell somebody when to stop being hurt.
You can't tell somebody how to be hurt and all
of that. No, no, no, it's it's about integrity and
what is good for us.

Speaker 10 (23:57):
So against the Luta, Monique and Saluza Sydney, we appreciate
you guys, and it seems like they accepted apology. So
I'm glad they accepted out.

Speaker 12 (24:04):
There, and I'm glad I was able to push that
for that to happen, I was gonna have to whoop
a little ball head ass for that, but yeah, I
appreciate it, and I love my brothers as well.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
So all right, and that is just with the mess.

Speaker 10 (24:16):
Now when we come back, we got front page news,
settling figure oh be joining us, and then T Grizzly
of be in the building.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
It's a Friday. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, you're
checking out the Breakfast Club. Good morning everybody. It's dj NV.

Speaker 10 (24:28):
Jess Hilarious, Charlamage the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
Let's get in some front page news.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
Welcome back to this.

Speaker 14 (24:35):
Good morning, dj MV.

Speaker 12 (24:36):
Good morning to the queen of the Breakfast Club, Jess Hilarious.

Speaker 11 (24:39):
Good morning.

Speaker 10 (24:40):
Now for everybody out there listening to Super Bowl, is
this Sunday at six thirty pm? Six thirty pm is
the time they say they're selling chicken wings like crazy,
So six yes, there's some people are selling. It's pounds
and pounds of chicken wings they're selling right now. So well,
they're seeing people are doing a lot of Super Bowl
parties all right now.

Speaker 12 (24:59):
I wonderf he gon have the strippers. I know y'all
talked about that. I'm interested to see what this show
is like.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
Oh, I'm sure they won't be strippers.

Speaker 10 (25:06):
They'll be dancing the travel there but wearing a little
bit to none clothes and no clothes, but they won't
be strippers.

Speaker 12 (25:13):
Okay, I know y'all made a big deal about it,
so I'm looking I'm looking forward.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
To it and me too. Now let's jump right into it.

Speaker 10 (25:18):
You want to talk about these Florida schools making kids
signs slips, but parents sign permission slips.

Speaker 14 (25:23):
Yeah, let's talk about that.

Speaker 12 (25:25):
So in Florida, parents have to sign permission slips to
get their kids to participate in Black History Month.

Speaker 14 (25:31):
Take a listen.

Speaker 23 (25:32):
The permission is asking parents if they want their kids
to participate in class and school white presentations showcasing the
achievements and recognizing the rich and diverse traditions, histories, and
innumerable contributions of the black communities.

Speaker 4 (25:47):
This is a policy that's an extension of a new
state board rule.

Speaker 23 (25:51):
School Board member Steve Gallen says it all has to
do with getting parental consent when individuals come on campus.
A policy that was just enacted last year in November,
an extension of the parental Bill of Rights.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
We have to follow the law.

Speaker 4 (26:04):
We have to implement the rules that are adopted by
the State Board of Education. But we cannot throw the
baby out with the bathwater, and we have to square
some obligations. We have to academic freedom.

Speaker 23 (26:15):
But Gallon is concerned about the unintended consequences this may
have on children whose parents choose not to have them attend.

Speaker 12 (26:24):
So this is, you know, something that you even heard
Governor round DeSantis talk about when he was running for
president of the United States, how this is something that
he thinks should happen, you know, all over the country.
I want to explain to you what the Florida Bill
of Rights is, because that's what this is about. Is
that is a bill that establishes provides a state and
its political subdivisions and any other government entity or institute

institution may not infringe upon the fundamental rights of a
parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental
health of a minor child. So this is just about,
you know, making sure that parents are involved and being
able to say if they can participate in black history
or not. It's something that they think should be asked permission. Now,
obviously those who disagree said that black history is American

history and it should actually be something that is required
and not a permission. So this goes into you know,
the conversation in Florida about the woke ideology and you know,
saying that it shouldn't be something special, you know, basically
black history you need to have asked for permission to
be involved because they think that, you know, the things

that are pushed during Black History Month.

Speaker 14 (27:31):
Disagrees with a lot of people's ideology.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
Basically, I think it's yes.

Speaker 12 (27:35):
I think that's fine, you know what I'm saying, Because
then you have things like we just had a story
where this guy, this eighteen year old kid or something
like that they had to play a slave or something,
or the stuff going on even elementary schools and middle
schools and stuff like that. I think if it's stuff
like that going on, I would want to be able
to say, nah, don't y'all don't have permission to put that, know,

I mean to do stuff like that.

Speaker 10 (27:58):
I agree with you when it comes to my children,
my children acting in a play or something like that.
But when it comes to academic freedom, right, it's generally
protected because you should be able to teach the kids
what's history.

Speaker 6 (28:08):

Speaker 10 (28:08):
They don't make you feel out a permission slip when
they teach you about George Washington. They don't make you feel
out a permission slip when they teach you about Christopher Columbus.
So why do I got to do a permission slip
when they when they got to learn about Malcolm X
or Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks or any of
those people.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
So I think it's bull crap.

Speaker 10 (28:25):
Like when it comes to like Jess said, if it's
acting out and plays and you want my child to
be a slave, yeah you need a permission slip for that.
But if it's just natural teaching history, yes, because black
history is American history as well, we're part of American history,
they should be able to teach that without getting permission slip.
Because what's gonna happen is white parents could be like, no,
I don't want my kid to know that on Tuesday.

Speaker 12 (28:46):
That's exactly. And not all black people know black history,
you know. So it's an opportunity. You know, a lot
of it's easy to say, you know, teach your kids
at home that, but everybody doesn't know it to even
teach their kids at home. That's just the reality of it.
So if they don't hear it at all, you know,
during this one month, where do they get that information?
And again, ju your point DJNV other kids, if white
parents aren't taking out the time, hey, you know, I

want you to know who Malcolm makes it. That's important
to know because that is a part of the fabric
of this country. So no, absolutely, I think I was
just thinking about it on that side, on that one side,
but I definitely agree with you and vntas well.

Speaker 14 (29:18):
I want to tell you.

Speaker 12 (29:19):
Quickly about an election that happened yesterday in Nevada. There
was a caucus Donald Trump one that he was the
only one on the ballot, though by the way, Nikki
or not the only one. There was another candidate on it,
but Nikki Hayley was not on the ballot. Who is
you know, supposed to say, his biggest opposition. So yesterday
he did win by sixty percent. Now, we reported our
earlier reported earlier this week how there was a Nevada election.

Now there's a difference between the caucus and an election.
So in the Nevada election, I told you guys that
there was a candidate by the name of none of
these candidates that was on the ballot. So yesterday, during
Trump's speech, he did want to thank none of these candidates.
Take a listen, and last night you know what happened
last night, right, none of the above.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
So I'd like to congratulate none of the above. I
was one of those, none of ever above.

Speaker 8 (30:15):
I was one of them.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
No I So I watched that last night and they
won't buy forty four points none of the above. So
I wanted to congratulate.

Speaker 10 (30:23):
You know, the crazy thing about Trump is Trump stumbles
his words a lot as well.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Yeah, Trump makes a lot of f ups. He says
a lot of the wrong things all the time.

Speaker 10 (30:32):
And they don't go at Trump like they go at body,
which is which is sad because Trump as up a
whole lot.

Speaker 11 (30:37):
Yeah, he's so cocky, he's so arrogant.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
I think that's part of it, you know.

Speaker 12 (30:42):
Yeah, and people pick and choose, you know, they you know,
people say, you know, why don't you talk about Trump more?

Speaker 14 (30:48):
Why don't you talk about Biden Moore?

Speaker 12 (30:49):
Why don't you talk about you know, It's literally like
a team sport to a lot of people, unfortunately, and
so people they hear what they want to hear and
can critique what they want to critique. So you're right,
but he did win the Nevada caucus. They'll continue, you know,
moving forward to the Republican nomination. Yesterday there was some
news I'm still watching the Supreme Court decision to decide
if he will be on the Colorado ballot. So I

did not report that this morning because I want to
wait for that story to actually develop a little bit
more and see what they're gonna do.

Speaker 14 (31:16):
So I'll give you that update on that next week.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Now I'll test. How can people follow you?

Speaker 12 (31:21):
Oh yeah, please follow me on Instagram at Teslim figure O.
And I'm gonna say this because every time somebody comes
to follow me, they always say tests you don't look
like you sound you know so, And that's called pitch bias.
By the way, we talked about that Tess hilarious and
I remember when we did the Black Effect Podcast net
work up panel and they talked about pitch bias. So
follow me at teslim figure Oh. No need to say

you don't look like us sound I get it, I know,
But just follow me because we have a good time
on Instagram and be you know I do so we
have a lot of chats, debates, we really really discuss
these stories and subscribe to the Straight Shot and on
Chase of podcasts on the Black Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
All right, I have a great weekend.

Speaker 10 (31:56):
Now when we come back, t Grizzly will be joining
us we got a new project out today, gonna kicking
with T grizzleyes it don't move.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 19 (32:06):

Speaker 10 (32:07):
Everybody is Steve j M v Jess hilarious, Charlamagne the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guest
in the building, Grizzly don't real man.

Speaker 8 (32:18):
How you feeling about it?

Speaker 19 (32:19):
Feeling good, feeling great all that.

Speaker 10 (32:22):
I'm glad you put down the joysticks a little bit
to start up rapping again.

Speaker 8 (32:26):
He was making that much money on video games?

Speaker 19 (32:28):
Yeah, man, wasn't it was about it?

Speaker 2 (32:30):

Speaker 19 (32:33):
Okay, Yeah, it's crazy because before I was a rapper,
I was a gamer. I feel like we all was,
you know what I'm saying, just drawing up playing a game.
So just like music and something, I put a lot
of passion into how do.

Speaker 8 (32:42):
You make a career that though, Like that's what I
always be.

Speaker 19 (32:45):
Honestly, I had to be coach through it because when
I first started playing like online, I was just meeting
different people who was already doing and they kind of
taught me how to do it, and it just too.

Speaker 10 (32:54):
I'm surprised that the numbers that game is makee So
it's this is it gambling or is it tournaments?

Speaker 2 (32:59):
Or how does how does it work?

Speaker 19 (33:00):
No, it's just it's just you build the community and
the audience, you know what I'm saying, and they they
paying to subscribe to your content.

Speaker 8 (33:07):
Yeah, and that translating to record sales, I wonder.

Speaker 19 (33:12):
Yeah, if you do it right for sure. Yeah. So
if I if I drop an album and I'm in
GTA and I have a listening party, I'm like, all
of us got to listen play it at the same
time on our own and come back and give our
feedback on the songs and stuff like that. Then you
get everybody engaged and everybody streaming it.

Speaker 10 (33:27):
What platform is that? Because I mean I'm sure messing
with the labels because once that's played in a Twitch
or played in one of those streaming platforms, that gotta
be a spin, right because.

Speaker 19 (33:35):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure Twitch YouTube the year is
the spin for sure, because I'm getting everybody to do
it on their own, you feel, instead of me just
listening to it for y'all y'all hearing it with me,
that's only one stream.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
What's the most If you don't mind to asking because
your diamonds all shining, brother.

Speaker 19 (33:49):
I appreciate it. It was a lot, I don't I
don't know, it was a lot. Yeah, it was a lot.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
How do regular kids get to do that with that?

Speaker 2 (34:00):
And that's what what game that's playing?

Speaker 8 (34:01):
G T A G T A Yeah, so are you
ready for g T A six?

Speaker 19 (34:04):
Then yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, super ready for that for sure.
It took him long enough, but shout the rocks started.

Speaker 10 (34:09):
My people though, Now Tea's Coney Island. You're not from
from New York, so why is it called Tea's Corney Island?

Speaker 19 (34:17):
You know, I had this. I don't never have to
have this conversation in the Middle West, you.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
Feel, because you don't know?

Speaker 19 (34:23):
Is that?

Speaker 15 (34:23):

Speaker 19 (34:24):
So look, so Conney Island, now, y'all got you all
Bodega's right, we got them in Detroit too, But it's
just called Coney Island. So it's a bunch of different
Corney Islands, you know what I'm saying. If you're from
them areas, you got your own county.

Speaker 8 (34:34):
So it's like a dog a little convenience though.

Speaker 19 (34:36):
Like a diner, okay, you know what I'm saying, where
you get.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
Food, what's the significance of that to you for me
growing up?

Speaker 19 (34:43):
You feel me, I ain't always like have a home
cooking meal. I never ate out, you know what I'm saying,
stuff like that, So I scrape up on a couple
of dollars. I know, I go to the coney and
get some good food, you know what I'm saying, a
lot of it, but not that much money.

Speaker 8 (34:55):
You know, can you take a woman there? Would she
be fine going to corny for sure?

Speaker 6 (34:58):

Speaker 8 (34:59):
Okay, yeah definitely? You know they boogie nowadays?

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Coney ain't bad though, I took my wife to have.
You invested in one, that's why you call it tease cone?

Speaker 19 (35:09):
Yeah, I invested. I invested in one in my area.

Speaker 8 (35:11):
Okay, okay? Smart?

Speaker 19 (35:13):
So the one I the one I grew up walking
to like before school type?

Speaker 8 (35:17):
You know, how do you just approached them?

Speaker 9 (35:19):

Speaker 8 (35:19):
Yo, man, I want to I want to buy a
part of the business, though.

Speaker 19 (35:21):
No, like I want to be a part of this.
Like this, this Coney right here is significant, you know
what I'm saying. To me and my upbringing, you know
what I'm saying. So I just want to be a
part of it. You feel me. They was rocking with me.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
You know, the First Day Out was your biggest record, right.
Did you ever think that you would beat the success
of First Day Out because it's it's a club staple
radio record, but you did it. Did you ever think
that you would be that?

Speaker 6 (35:47):

Speaker 19 (35:47):
That's one song I can say, like I performed that
song that the reaction is like it came out yesterday.
You feel me? My goal in life, you know what
I'm saying, when it comes like chasing my dreams with
this music, it was. It was never to outdo anything.
It was to get that in the first place, you
know what I'm saying. So I'm just happy to have that,
you know what I'm saying, and continue to let that

be the car that drive the other content that I
put out.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
Did that song put pressure on you, like because you
know you came out to gay Jaz tweeting about it,
like it didn't put pressure on you to keep making
that level of music.

Speaker 19 (36:20):
No, because I don't see I don't look at it.
I don't look at it like that. I look at
it as the blessing that it is, and I'm just
grateful for it. If anything else come, then it come.
If not that, I'm grateful for it because It's saved
and changed my life to this day.

Speaker 12 (36:33):
We got a big record move right now. I don't
give an f with Chris Brown and Mariota Sciences. How
did it come about? How y'all income?

Speaker 2 (36:40):
Number one record by the way too, number one?

Speaker 19 (36:41):
Yeah, yeah, for sure, definitely definitely thank you. So I
rock with with Chris Brown and I had one to
his crib. We was in La chilling at his crib
when we was in the studio just cooking and throwing
around ideas, and we had came up with that one
and we knew we needed a female on it, you
know what I'm saying. And my wife had put me
hip to the writer A Scientists and I've been a

fan every since. So I had shot it to her
and she loved it, kilt it did her thing. After
that we went number one.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
You got a couple of records with Chris Brown on
the project. What's y'all energy?

Speaker 19 (37:11):
Like, I mean, just bro, just a genuine dude, you
know what I'm saying. Our energy A lot of times
when we kick it it don't even be about music,
you know what I'm saying. We just kick it. Like
how we talking right now? We just be chopping it up.

Speaker 10 (37:22):
Now, you got married pretty young. Most people say that's
pretty young, especially in this industry. Twenty eight years old.
How did you know she was the one? You mentioned
her twice because I know you, I know you love
We seen on the wedding photos. How did you know
she was doe?

Speaker 19 (37:32):
It's no such thing as somebody being the one, you know, but.

Speaker 8 (37:36):
Just on social media with that one.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Listen, it's no such thing as somebody being the one
man this, This takes effort.

Speaker 19 (37:45):
There got to be something you want to do. You
gotta be the one. You know what I'm saying. You
gotta be the one that want to do it, because
they don't propose you do? You feel me? This? This's
gotta be something you want. There's gotta be something you
want to do. There's gotta be something that you're willing
to stick with no matter what, and it's got to
be you make a choice to put effort into you
feel me.

Speaker 8 (38:03):
I agree with that. I agree with that.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
But she still gotta be special enough for you to say,
this is what I want to spend the rest of my
life with.

Speaker 19 (38:10):
Yeah, for sure, for sure. I mean everybody special you
feel me, It's nobody out here that's that's not special
in their own way.

Speaker 12 (38:18):
I don't know, but I like your take on that though,
Like you gotta be the one, you gotta you know,
because a lot of men always put it on a
woman like you know, she she she was the one,
and she wasn't it. But you're talking about the other
side of it, which I appreciate that we don't.

Speaker 11 (38:37):
We don't hear that.

Speaker 19 (38:39):
For sure. For sure, you gotta you gotta want it,
You gotta want it, definitely.

Speaker 10 (38:43):
When did you realize what made you want to do
it at that particular moment in that particular time.

Speaker 19 (38:47):
So this has always been a dream of mine. I
always know I was gonna do this, you know what
I'm saying, because the household I grew up in was
it was a lot of dysfunction, you know, and I
knew that's not what I wanted. I know, I wanted
to have a two parent household because that's what I
wish I had, you know what I'm saying. I knew
I wanted to be married and carry myself a certain
way because that's what I wish I saw coming up.

So growing up for me, it was a kind of
like a lot of what not to do, and that
made me want to do this.

Speaker 1 (39:15):
That breaking generational cursies my brother. They said, if you
come from a broken home, make sure a broken home
don't come from you.

Speaker 8 (39:21):

Speaker 2 (39:21):
Yeah, all right, we got more with T. Grizzly. When
we come back, don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
Good morning everybody.

Speaker 10 (39:27):
It's the j NV Jess Hilarius Charlamage, the guy we
are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
Were still kicking it with T. Grizzly.

Speaker 10 (39:33):
I know we talk about a lot of the success
that you had with gaming and your records, but you
also had some some down well I wouldn't say some downfalls,
but some negative stuff around you as well.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
How have you been dealing with all that? Because I
know it could be a lot, especially in this industry.

Speaker 19 (39:46):
Yeah, man, I just I just try my best not
to feed into it because I know how far it
could go. You know what I'm saying. It could go
too far, you know what I'm saying, And things can
be broken beyond repair. So I just try my best
to just stay positive and deal with it the best
way I can.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
I feel like you've been giving, uh, you know, you've
been giving yourself. You give becoming a life of service.
Basically you've been a public service because I saw you
giving out free meals, you know, people, the people in Detroit.

Speaker 8 (40:13):
You know what made you want to do that? What
was that? What did I feel like?

Speaker 19 (40:16):
Yeah? So I've always been big on community service. Like
a lot of stuff I do be it be things
that I wish somebody would have did for me. So
you might hear me say that a lot one of
my guys he opened up a restaurant, hood botch you
in Detroit, and that's hard in the hood too. So
I'm like, this food is amazing that you're cooking up here.

You know what I'm saying, I want to feed a
lot of people. Let's do an event where we just
bring all the people. I pay for all the food.
It wasn't even a big put together thing. It was
just let's just do this.

Speaker 8 (40:46):
That's dope hood watching. It's just in the hood.

Speaker 19 (40:49):
Yeah yeah, yeah, that's hard. Yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 10 (40:52):
I'm noticing a lot of Detroit rappers. You guys have
been squashing up your beefs.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Was it where?

Speaker 10 (40:57):
Was it a meeting or was it a conversation, because
it seemed not just what you inside of baby and
a lot. But it seems like everybody's doing it, which
I think is dope for the city because one time,
if you're on one side of the on side of town,
you can't go on this side of the town.

Speaker 2 (41:07):
But now it seems like you guys have been healing
that those negativetgies. How has that been and how was
those conversations?

Speaker 19 (41:13):
I mean, it's it's been good. You know. Some stuff
went too far to turn back from and some stuff
can still be reconciled, you know. And we love our
city and whether we say it or not, we love
each other, you know what I'm saying. And everybody want
to see everybody win because it just make us look
better as a whole, you know what I'm saying. When

something good happened for the city and make all of
us look better and do better, the Lions would have won,
My prices would have went up, you know what I'm saying.
So it just urged that's what we all want to see. No,
it ain't hurt me. I was happy they had a
great season. Man, you know what I'm saying. At this
Since before I was born, did you bet on it
with anybody?

Speaker 12 (41:50):

Speaker 19 (41:50):
I ain't bet on it though, Okay, I ain't bet
on it.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
No, how do you deal with the situation when you
know it's gone too far? Like like like when you
say it's certain things have gone too far and you
can't reconcile them.

Speaker 8 (41:59):
So what do you do? Just leave it alone? Ignore it?
What do you do?

Speaker 19 (42:03):
Unfortunately, it just gotta it gotta be somebody gotta come
out a winner. No, unfortunately, I mean it's too far
to okay, So listen, if something went too far to
turn back from, and we both have to be here,
we both know we're gonna eventually run into each other.
Somebody gotta win, somebody gotta lose. That's life. Though this

been happening since the beginning of time.

Speaker 8 (42:26):
What's a win?

Speaker 6 (42:27):

Speaker 1 (42:28):
A win is, especially if that win could It depends
on what you see as a win, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 19 (42:32):
A win can't be squashing it. That can be a
win because when you when you let stuff like that go,
you feel a wait come off your shoulders. Like man,
I ain't got to deal with that no more. I
ain't got to worry about that no more. Or a
wind could be something else, A win could be I
don't know, it could be something else.

Speaker 11 (42:47):
Because did they let it go just because you let
it go to me and he let it go?

Speaker 19 (42:50):
Exactly? So yeah, exactly.

Speaker 6 (42:52):

Speaker 1 (42:52):
A win can't be putting yourself in a position to
where you're not here.

Speaker 19 (42:56):
No, for sure, I mean yeah, for sure. Yeah. But
also so some stuff can't be reconciled because even if
it do, things might have went too far for you
to even be comfortable around this person. So you might
still feel something, some tension, and you will always feel that.

Speaker 8 (43:10):
So at what point do you stop the robbery series?

Speaker 19 (43:13):
I don't know. I think I think when they stopped,
when they stopped asking me for it, when they asked
me to end it because they they yelled me about
the robbery.

Speaker 8 (43:20):
You don't feel like you might be speaking things into
existence a little.

Speaker 19 (43:23):
Bit, no, because I've started like speaking the third person
on there Got You. You know what I'm saying, making
up characters and fake name. So none of this stuff
is happening in the tea. You know what I'm saying.
These happening to the characters I made up, so I
ain't speaking it toward me, toward myself.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
Is that something you're gonna turn into one of them?
Detroit hood movies like like to B movie, but because
Detroit got their own genre, like yeah, yeah, yeah, I
don't know. The opportunity presents itself there probably so m But.

Speaker 12 (43:48):
To me is like popping. I would like to see
that as the movie like is like Detroit Holly between
Detroit and you know, you know the same niggas. But
I'm telling you it is definitely one of the most popping.

Speaker 11 (44:06):
Uh networks that I'd be on. I'd be watching. I
watch TV every day.

Speaker 1 (44:09):
I put it more with yeah, yeah, no to be
like that, to be like that, yeah, everybody know about TV.

Speaker 11 (44:15):
I love it.

Speaker 8 (44:16):
How's fatherhood changed you? Like two?

Speaker 1 (44:18):

Speaker 19 (44:19):
Yeah, he just turned three. Fatherhood I wouldn't even say change,
I say like enhanced what was already there, you know,
because I already was kind of polished a little bit
from the learning from the mistakes I made and just
knowing how to move and stuff like that. And I
would say it enhanced all of that, enhanced my heart,
enhanced my wisdom, you know what I'm saying, and enhanced
my empathy all that type of stuff.

Speaker 8 (44:40):
How important is it for you?

Speaker 20 (44:41):

Speaker 8 (44:41):
Your Sonny carry your name, but he's the third Yeah, he's.

Speaker 19 (44:44):
The third it's it's it's it's super important. It's so
crazy because I was real young. I don't even remember
how old I was, but my granddad who passed told
me to do that, and I always told myself like that.
I hope I remember this a by the time I
have a kid, because I was so young and I
remember to do it.

Speaker 8 (45:00):
So he told you that, like, yo, make sure your son.

Speaker 19 (45:02):
Yeah, yeah, he told me to do that for sure.

Speaker 8 (45:05):
Wow, dope.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
And one time he said, you wish you could take
back all the d ms you sent?

Speaker 19 (45:10):

Speaker 8 (45:10):
What was it?

Speaker 2 (45:11):
M dms that you were sending in the mass? Dms?

Speaker 19 (45:13):
Just anything, y'all? Not even that the reason I said
I want to take it away. It ain't even because
I was saying nothing crazy, you know what I'm saying,
because I don't like to say nothing. I don't say
nothing crazy to where. You know what I'm saying, regret
you feel me to be your paper trail. I want
to take all them away because I don't know who
I said something to. You know what I'm saying. It's

people out there who I forgot. I even Dad. I
just wish I could take you all of it back.

Speaker 12 (45:38):
What was you saying to them what it got unsende?

Speaker 19 (45:41):
The thing? I don't know who I d am.

Speaker 11 (45:44):
Yeah, and if they already opened them and stuff.

Speaker 6 (45:46):
You feel me.

Speaker 19 (45:46):
Yeah, it might be somebody out there like look this
him right here, and I don't even I forgot about it. Yeah,
it probably would never even go on they page again.

Speaker 1 (45:55):
You can say it's Ai now that's about Yeah, you
gotta claim it was you.

Speaker 12 (46:00):
Yeah, it's a song on the album. What's that feature
in the Late panb Rock? How did that come about?
Did he record that before his passing or did Yeah?

Speaker 19 (46:09):
So, yeah, we made up together before his pass And
so when I was I was in the I was
living in the valley at the time and Kelly bro
stayed next door to me. I didn't even know he was.
He had told me come up in his house like
a few months before I moved in, And when I
was moving I'm like, dang this, please look here. I've
been here before, but I ain't pay too much attention

to it. Then I've seen him taking out the trash
and his girl house shoes. I climbed on them for
that three months. You know what I'm saying, We're taking
out trash girls. Oh, they said that his girl's house.

Speaker 8 (46:41):
I don't even hit it.

Speaker 19 (46:42):
He had her house shoes all taking out the trash
and I was just you know what I'm saying, that
was some little insider. But he had a studio in
his crib and we had one of there. We just
always record stuff.

Speaker 8 (46:52):
Yeah, he was.

Speaker 2 (46:53):
He was at your wedding right, one of the one.

Speaker 19 (46:54):
Of the engagement party.

Speaker 2 (46:57):
Keep a lock. We got more with T. Grizzly is
the Breakfast Club?

Speaker 10 (47:00):
Good morning every envy just hilarius, charlamage the guy we
are to Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (47:05):
We're still kicking it with T.

Speaker 10 (47:06):
Grizzly And how you're dealing with all your trauma with
with all p and b Rock was a close friend
and you manage that past, Like how are you dealing
with with that trauma?

Speaker 6 (47:15):

Speaker 19 (47:15):
So I do a lot of healing things, you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 8 (47:21):
I love to hear that.

Speaker 19 (47:21):
Yeah, I do a lot of healing things for sure.
A couple of people I want to just shout out
with that, my sister to your We we do certain
things that kind of heal traumas, you know, like sit
down with certain medicines and just get that stuff, release
all that stuff.

Speaker 8 (47:38):
Would you do d M T shrooms?

Speaker 2 (47:43):
Tell us about that experience?

Speaker 19 (47:45):
Man? It was powerful, man, Yeah, it was super powerful. Yeah,
it's it's it's something in us right that already knows
what to do with the medicine once it's inside you,
and it does exactly what it's supposed to do, you
know what I'm saying. And it's it just works perfectly.
You know what I'm saying. The medicine is perfect for you.
It's kind of like a facial recognition on your phone

once you get inside your body and it just unlocked things.
You feel me. And the thing about it is once
it teach, once you learn what it teaches you, or
once it show you whatever you need to see. Because
it works for everybody individually different ways. It's on you
to remember this stuff.

Speaker 1 (48:21):
Did you did you de talk beforehand and like because
you set your intention and all of that.

Speaker 19 (48:25):
Yeah, Yeah, for sure we did it. It was very
ceremonial how we did it, you know what I'm saying.
Like it was a room that we was in. You
couldn't even bring certain technology devices in here. You couldn't
even step in here if you was in a certain frequency,
like the super positive when you step in this room.
We want to keep this energy a certain way.

Speaker 2 (48:43):
Did you poop environment on yourself as well? They said,
that's that's.

Speaker 19 (48:46):
You know, that's that's that's what the duck flower. I
ain't did that one yet.

Speaker 11 (48:50):
It's different kinds, different types to do.

Speaker 3 (48:52):

Speaker 2 (48:53):
Yeah, it turned you onto it?

Speaker 19 (48:55):
Who turned me onto it? My wife turned me onto it?

Speaker 8 (48:57):

Speaker 1 (48:58):

Speaker 8 (48:58):
Yeah, you can't do it with you, are you?

Speaker 21 (49:00):

Speaker 19 (49:00):
But she knew about it, and she was like, we
should do this together.

Speaker 8 (49:04):
Did it make you anxious?

Speaker 19 (49:06):
No, It ain't made me anxious at all. It just
it just it just made me like it just woke
me up to a lot of stuff. It woke me
up to not only how powerful we are, but how
certain things shouldn't even bother us, and how great life
can be once you see it a certain way.

Speaker 8 (49:22):
Did you see God? Yeah? Everybody everybody that doesn't they
saw Yeah, for sure. Look like it was just light
that somebody else do the exact same thing.

Speaker 19 (49:32):
It was just light, bro. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
And you did it where because a lot of people
go overseas. You did it in California.

Speaker 19 (49:36):
I didn't.

Speaker 6 (49:39):
Wow? Wow?

Speaker 8 (49:41):
Did did God spots speak to you?

Speaker 19 (49:42):
Yeah? It's crazy because when it's when when when he spoke,
I didn't I couldn't hear it, and it was like
it was an angeler. And I asked, like, well, I
can't hear what he's saying. It was like because his
voice is too powerful, Like you couldn't handle hearing that
you was talking to the Sean. No, I was talking
to who the other figure? And to see that, I
saw that was there with me.

Speaker 2 (50:01):
So there was another figure with you while you were talking.

Speaker 19 (50:03):
Yeah, that took me up to God like like, let's
go see them. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (50:07):
And you were having conversations like this while you.

Speaker 19 (50:09):
Were Yeah, because I'm asking. I'm a person who asked
a lot of questions, so I'm asking a lot of
questions where we're going that you know what I'm saying, because.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
People told me when you do it, it's not you
don't feel like high. It's like you're fully aware of
where you are, but someplace else because it's not high.
It's not high.

Speaker 19 (50:26):
It's like imagine you going into like a body of water,
you know what I'm saying, and your purpose of going
in here is to come out with some jewels, some knowledge,
you know, what I'm saying. So you're not getting high
as long as you can for me like four, but
for everybody it's different. Though. One thing about ayawatcha, it's
not gonna let you go into it's ready to let

you go like you're gonna get everything you need to get.

Speaker 8 (50:48):

Speaker 19 (50:49):
Yeah, you're not in no type of control.

Speaker 1 (50:50):
You did it for multiple days and just that we
did two days when you come down and did like okay,
you know it's just like done, like.

Speaker 19 (50:58):
Yeah, you know you out of it? Really, you know
you out of it?

Speaker 2 (51:01):
Could you do it again?

Speaker 19 (51:02):

Speaker 2 (51:02):
This is a one time thing. This is something you
only do once.

Speaker 19 (51:04):
No, you do it again, it again.

Speaker 12 (51:06):
But this is nothing that you This is not something
that you do like like I do shrooms all the time.

Speaker 11 (51:11):
This is not something that you just do like that.

Speaker 19 (51:13):
No, no, no, no, yeah, ain't. It ain't nothing you
do recreational. You're not even gonna want to do it recreation,
right because it's like that was deep. You know what
I'm saying. You're gonna face some stuff like that was powerful,
you know what I'm saying. But see what with the
psilocyby and like the shrooms and stuff like that, with that,
do I feel like that's like a heart medicine. It
just makes you, like it happy and make you you

able to smile at things and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (51:35):

Speaker 12 (51:36):
But like even with my experience on you know, the
sido simon, I've had like come to moments as well
even with that.

Speaker 11 (51:43):
So I would like to do ioask.

Speaker 12 (51:44):
I just don't feel like it's a time for me yet, because,
like to Charlotmage's point, you got you'll know when you
have to do it.

Speaker 11 (51:50):
I'm excited to do it now, I hear.

Speaker 12 (51:52):
But I I've had like some of the things that
you're talking about. I've had that with shrooms, Like I've
been on shrooms and I've been my mother, I've been
my grandmother who's passed. I've been my little sister, I've
been my dad, and I could see generations and generations
before me like stuff like that. And that's only on shrimps,

So I can only imagine.

Speaker 19 (52:14):
How the Yeah, No, that's deep, that's deep. Even with
they say you go through generations of people and you
can heal like generational traumas through the medicine.

Speaker 1 (52:23):
Yeah, yeah, you did a therapy too, like any just
regular therapy sitting down with a psychiatrist or.

Speaker 19 (52:29):
No, I ain't did that. I ain't did that.

Speaker 8 (52:32):
So everything has been plant based for you. Yeah, that's dope.
That's dope.

Speaker 2 (52:36):
That just last question. So when you when you do
go through the ceremony, are you sitting down? Are you
laying down? Are you sitting in you know?

Speaker 19 (52:43):
So for me they made me sit up, like sit down,
and for the women that was in the room, they
laid down. They gave me the option to lay down.

Speaker 8 (52:51):
Though have you have you wanted that to reflect in
your music in any way yet.

Speaker 19 (52:55):
It hasn't yet because it ain't really the creator the
creativity and music and that as at Bridge did for me.

Speaker 1 (53:02):
A lot of people tell me when they do it,
you know, the things that they experience, you may.

Speaker 8 (53:07):
Not want to share.

Speaker 1 (53:08):
You know, they tell you to write it down in
a journal, but you probably wouldn't want to share that
with the world just yet.

Speaker 19 (53:13):
Yeah, yeah, I mean I ain't really. It wasn't really
nothing that was worth sharing. And one thing I learned,
like like how you say, like people wouldn't want to
share certain things because they ashamed of it. Shame was
a big lesson when I was under the medicine. You
know what I'm saying, because just growing up, I always
cared about like what people think and all that. One
thing that the medicine talk is like, it's nothing to
ever be ashamed of because anything about you, you didn't

ask for it, but it's perfect for you, so you
should never feel shamed.

Speaker 10 (53:39):
Did you see anybody that passed away? Did you see
your manager? Did you see P and B At the time, I.

Speaker 19 (53:44):
Didn't see them too, but I did see some other
people who passed away though, for sure.

Speaker 6 (53:48):
Damn Wow.

Speaker 11 (53:50):
From the album No Yahuascar.

Speaker 8 (53:51):
That was good though, because he gave some healing tips.
But you know what I mean. But once again, you
got to do it when it calls you.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
That's not something you just say, oh, I need to
go out there and heal, Like no, oh, when it
calls you to it and you got brought to it
by people that you trust and love.

Speaker 8 (54:04):
So that's a whole different ballgame.

Speaker 19 (54:05):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 10 (54:06):
Well, the album Coney Island T's Coney Island is out
right now, and we appreciate you.

Speaker 2 (54:11):
For joining us. It's been a long time. I'm not it'
supposed to be a couple of times, but thank you.
For joining us.

Speaker 19 (54:15):
Brother. Yeah, man, I appreciate you all for having me grabs.

Speaker 2 (54:17):
On the number one record again.

Speaker 19 (54:18):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (54:19):
All right, it's the Breakfast matter of factlet's get into
the record. I know you got a new record. You're
working on. What you wanna get into.

Speaker 19 (54:23):
Now, CA get into that loophole, man, loophole. Yeah, feature
A twenty one.

Speaker 10 (54:26):
Twenty one Savage Breakfast Club. Good morning, let's get it
correct morning everybody. It's j MB just hilarious. Charlomagne, the
guy we are the Breakfast Club. Charlomagne is out today.
So if you want to give somebody donkey today, we
open up the phone lines and allow you to do so.
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. If
you can give donkey to day, to whoever you want,
your football team or your mama, your baby mama, your

baby daddy, your coworker, it don't matter. You want to
give somebody donkey today. Eight hundred five eight five one
oh five one. You got to be fast, though, so
get your stuff together, get be concise, and get it
in and we're gonna try to get as many other
people on the phones as we can.

Speaker 2 (55:01):
All right, Ye, Now, let's get to just with the.

Speaker 14 (55:02):
Message just a robber Nord, just don't do is gonna
bring numbers.

Speaker 6 (55:11):
Breakfast Club.

Speaker 12 (55:14):
Started, so we had some rap girlies dropped today, a
lot of drops Sunday Service, and she threw a couple.

Speaker 11 (55:22):
Of jabs at Ice Spice.

Speaker 12 (55:23):
Earlier this week we talked about the beef between I
wouldn't even consider it a beef, but the little uh
squirrel between.

Speaker 11 (55:30):
A lot of and Ice Spice.

Speaker 12 (55:31):
When she dropped the snippet of her song Sunday Service,
we just got all there.

Speaker 11 (55:36):
Let me play number one.

Speaker 2 (55:37):
Be corny as soon as mkey seed. Then you know,
monkey do it? Do you wrap her? Do you tweet?
Because I can't tell?

Speaker 3 (55:42):
Get in the boot, stop out a muddle yelling hope wow,
because I ain't.

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Paying, which is selling? Hope? Think on this hitch, I
know it, hope Jesus swatted on water. I got ice water.

Speaker 12 (55:56):
Don't okay, It's like on the wrist, a little tappy tax,
a little tappy tack, because you know, she could have
went in.

Speaker 2 (56:03):
But I like that.

Speaker 10 (56:04):
I like the fact that she puts it in her music.
She's not tweeting, she's not putting it on ig she's
not going live. I like rappers to rap.

Speaker 12 (56:10):
Yeah, yeah, and that's what it is. And it seems
kind of like fun loto. It just seems fun. I
means she don't seem bothered at all by any of
the speculations of anything that's ever said about her.

Speaker 7 (56:21):
And uh.

Speaker 12 (56:22):
She also talked about the cover because remember earlier this week,
everybody was speculating she got all the rap girlies in there,
from the ogs to the new girlies right now, and
this is what she said.

Speaker 6 (56:30):
About it to you posted on what's that photo about?

Speaker 3 (56:34):
It's really just like female rape from Nanton now. I
feel like, you know, we were the type of conversation
we the whole movement right now. So it's really like,
what's the homage to, OK, you're more rap from nanton now,
even though.

Speaker 2 (56:48):
It's on meeting with.

Speaker 11 (56:52):

Speaker 12 (56:52):
I ain't never say I never heard it like that.
I like Hama, so yeah, So, like she said, she's
paying homage. And then also what she said is very true.
Even the girls that like that she don't I guess
particularly care for.

Speaker 11 (57:05):
They're all still.

Speaker 12 (57:06):
In like they're relevant right now, and everybody's being talked
about whether it's beef or not. So like I said,
it was a plot on promo and I think it
was great to roll out Sunday service. Congratulations to Young
Miami on her fifty to fifty free style she drops
today as well as y'all heard that academics disc was
very very likely.

Speaker 11 (57:26):
Yeah, she already you a beat, period. I love it.
I lot it. Some be busting.

Speaker 10 (57:32):
Just remember today that's the only line. And going into
Young Miami, I'm sure she's listening right now. She's probably
taking us on the school.

Speaker 12 (57:38):
That's my girl right there. All right, So we're gonna
dive into Nick Cannon. He opened he is open to
another relationship with Mariah Carey. He has never said anything
other than that though, when asked about Mariah Carey. He
was in a recent interview with Justin Sylvester from E
and they asked him, Nick Cannon if he if you
would given a relationship with Roy Curry, and he said,

I mean, you got to ask her, let me know
what she say. And look, Justin revealed that he was
actually going to be speaking with Mariah in a few
weeks or whatever, and Nick said, okay, ask her and
text me and then we can talk through it.

Speaker 11 (58:09):
Valentine's Day is in the air. You can be the
chocolate Cupid. Let's do it. I'm with it now. This
is the thing.

Speaker 12 (58:15):
Okay, just extra kids to get on the parent trap
type of situation.

Speaker 2 (58:20):
You got to go through it because obviously, mommy, what's up?

Speaker 10 (58:27):
Well, this is the thing. If Nick really wanted to
get back with Mariah, right, don't you think you stopped
having kids?

Speaker 2 (58:32):
Yeah, I mean because you was, you know you?

Speaker 12 (58:36):
And then I don't know if this is like like
a pun on her getting attention from her or whatever,
because how many times have we seen Mariah speak about
Nick since they divorced. Very few, very few, Like seriously, like,
she don't she don't talk about this man. She don't
even allow people to ask her about this man.

Speaker 2 (58:54):
I mean.

Speaker 12 (58:55):
And then what she says, she she don't like even
being asked about anything or anybody other than herself. So
you know, but I know that that is the one
that he was always in love with, like you can
literally tell.

Speaker 10 (59:08):
Yeah, absolutely, And like you said, Mariah Carey is about
Mariah Carey. You know, you know what happened when she
came up here for an interview, right, oh my god,
no story, she came she came up with her own
light person. They had the light shining on her and
then she turned off the rest of the lights and
Charlamane was like, but you can't see us, and she
was like, exactly, it's.

Speaker 11 (59:26):
Not about y'all.

Speaker 2 (59:26):
Exactly, y'all was really and she had she was all
lit up. Nice shout Mariah.

Speaker 12 (59:35):
Shout out to Mariah. But nick, I wish you well
with that. I mean, I hope you got too many kids.

Speaker 19 (59:40):

Speaker 11 (59:40):
I was like, what's she even come back?

Speaker 19 (59:42):

Speaker 2 (59:42):
My god?

Speaker 11 (59:43):
Who knows though? Who knows?

Speaker 12 (59:45):
Monica is joining Nicki Minaja's Pink Friday tour.

Speaker 11 (59:48):
Monica was on Jennifer Hudson Show.

Speaker 12 (59:50):
Shout out Jennifer Hudson, and she announced that she's joining
Minaja her tour. The tour starts in Oakland on March first,
and uh, yeah, we got audio, but I don't we
don't even really need to hear it now. Yeah, it's
like whatever, But yeah, she did say that she would
be joining her. So that's actually some some good girl
news that we got going on today. Congratulates the Monica

and Nikki.

Speaker 10 (01:00:11):
Yeah, I think that's dope. I would love to see
one of the newer UH rap women as well on that. Yeah,
I think that'd be dope if if you, like you
said an ice spice on there, because I know they're
cool even JT JT.

Speaker 2 (01:00:23):
It's the record or man and me. I would love
to see that with Nicki as well. If it's gonna be.

Speaker 11 (01:00:28):
Different to see Nicki mixed with R and B.

Speaker 12 (01:00:30):
So yeah, I mean it's not going to be like crazy,
but it's like, yeah, I think she should add another
rap girl to it that she likes.

Speaker 10 (01:00:38):
And that is just with the mescaus her news is
rare period now Charlemagne is out. So if you want
to give somebody donkey today eight hundred five eight five
one oh five to one, whoever you want to give
donkey to call us up.

Speaker 2 (01:00:48):
Now it's the Breakfast Club. Good morning.

Speaker 6 (01:00:53):
It's your time to nominate a donkey of your own.
Remember now, that's it's how they choose.

Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
Eight hundred one.

Speaker 14 (01:01:04):
Who is shah.

Speaker 11 (01:01:09):

Speaker 14 (01:01:09):
You'll be.

Speaker 9 (01:01:13):
Number one.

Speaker 14 (01:01:14):
You don't go for he's a punk.

Speaker 9 (01:01:16):
To go for a female, you know, come at her
and numba two who went for her kids.

Speaker 12 (01:01:21):
You couldn't cuss at somebody all day, read them all day, but.

Speaker 24 (01:01:25):
You never go for their kids you don't do stuffing
like that.

Speaker 11 (01:01:28):
That's one thing I don't do when I cut the other.

Speaker 14 (01:01:31):
If I'm mad at you and I'm.

Speaker 9 (01:01:32):
Cussing at you or reading you, I never go for
your kids, especially if.

Speaker 22 (01:01:37):
They're young, if they're disabled, or if.

Speaker 9 (01:01:40):
They got some medical condition, I don't go for them.

Speaker 14 (01:01:43):
Now, if your kids are known, they're.

Speaker 18 (01:01:44):
Twenty six years old, and they really did something to me,
and they really a free I'm gonna say it because
your kids are grown and they respond to go for themselves.

Speaker 22 (01:01:52):
But when your kids are young, or they're old and
disabled or got.

Speaker 9 (01:01:56):
Some medical condition, you don't go for people kids.

Speaker 18 (01:01:59):
He could have read all day young, but he's one
for her kids, and that's wrong.

Speaker 14 (01:02:03):
You're neverble okay by dogs do holler.

Speaker 11 (01:02:07):
So I agree with her.

Speaker 10 (01:02:08):
I don't know what he said about money kids. I
don't even know if he said anything about money que
but I don't want nobody kids.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
What you go for? The kids love this off? It
is what it is.

Speaker 6 (01:02:17):
Hello, who's this?

Speaker 15 (01:02:18):

Speaker 2 (01:02:19):
We're gonna give donkey too?

Speaker 18 (01:02:21):
You mane, I get donkey they did. I'm don't care
of the universe tho to kill O'Neil killing never mind
the basketball clone. Why man, I'm in no like in
child you no see meal advice?

Speaker 1 (01:02:40):

Speaker 18 (01:02:40):
No, oh my nare's a big millia. No, I can't
get no glory. Were called that glad clone almost millia.
I don't care, I'll get no. Oh my very man
that man I'm.

Speaker 25 (01:02:49):
Married for years.

Speaker 2 (01:02:50):
So he could give advice about his relationship.

Speaker 18 (01:02:53):
Sha lets him up before people see him. Five people
see him to.

Speaker 10 (01:03:01):
Get it out of relationship with the hoops in and
he had relationship with shiney.

Speaker 11 (01:03:04):
You don't know what that mind?

Speaker 18 (01:03:05):
Relationship with the money that from my my from mine
crutches it off? No, no, no, no, instead broad my No,
I'm talking that we can kill the white people live.

Speaker 2 (01:03:17):
We're not talking about white people. We don't even know
if he dated the white people?

Speaker 18 (01:03:21):
Am I from in my in the to my my
fortified with them? Hold him hunting in public?

Speaker 2 (01:03:28):
See you?

Speaker 18 (01:03:29):
I dumb, cloned up matter. I can't let me even
let the biggest go.

Speaker 9 (01:03:32):
My Doug called to do it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:33):
I don't care, Thank you, brother, No, you won't let
to do it.

Speaker 10 (01:03:37):
I don't care, thank you? Are you going to see one?
Love by Molly hung up on him? Damn hello, who.

Speaker 25 (01:03:44):
This is Andrew Blounson. Just hilarys.

Speaker 10 (01:03:49):
Hello, baby, were gonna get donkey tool man to god?

Speaker 2 (01:03:52):
Wow? What shall doing?

Speaker 23 (01:03:54):

Speaker 15 (01:03:55):
For the sake down the road?

Speaker 25 (01:03:56):
Man, I get Monique kidding Lances with that apology that
works today.

Speaker 2 (01:04:02):
You know he had that on the schedule a while ago.
He just ain't take it off because of Bonique.

Speaker 25 (01:04:06):
Now, yeah, oh man, you're looking out for your man's
I already know just you know what the deal is, right,
we know what.

Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
The deal is.

Speaker 25 (01:04:12):
Boom, we already know what the deal is, Monique. Can
I guess that out to the two five to one
Mobile Alabama?

Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
Okay, go ahead, brother, shout out to.

Speaker 25 (01:04:22):
Mobile Alabama two five one. But I currently stand Seattle, Washington.

Speaker 2 (01:04:26):
Okay, thank you, Andrew. Andrew. Let me ask you a question.
You ever sent a penis picture a girl?

Speaker 25 (01:04:32):
Think I just did one of those yesterday, But the
load my daughters might be in a call listening, so
I'm gonna keep that on.

Speaker 2 (01:04:39):
Look, Thank you, Andrew.

Speaker 25 (01:04:40):
All right, one more thing, Hold up autumn a lady Johnson,
have a good day of school, baby dad, love y'all.

Speaker 10 (01:04:48):
After that, Well, that's what it is. That's Donkey of
the day now, when we come back. It's Friday, so
you know what that means. It's freaky, freaky, freaking Friday.
And it comes from Drake's allegedly playing with his.

Speaker 11 (01:05:03):
Meat on socialie on social media.

Speaker 10 (01:05:05):
So we're asking the ladies out there, do you like
getting d picts? Eight hundred five eight five one oh
five one, women, do you like getting d pics? Andrew
just called he sends him all the.

Speaker 2 (01:05:14):
Time, Drake. He got called allegedly playing with is and
that's what we're asking yo.

Speaker 11 (01:05:19):
Y'all know if he gets if he sent them all
the time.

Speaker 10 (01:05:22):
Or Andrew said he just sent it a minute ago,
right all right, I don't know if he said he
just sent it a minute ago.

Speaker 2 (01:05:26):
But that is the question. Let's discuss. It's the Breakfast Club.
Good morning, the Breakfast Club, big freaking club. Set Murden,
It's freaky Friday. He got that look sat.

Speaker 6 (01:05:43):
Call in down. Eight hundred five eighty five one oh
five one. We want to hear from you on the Breakfast.

Speaker 2 (01:05:47):
Club Morning everybody. It's the j M V.

Speaker 10 (01:05:51):
Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
It's Friday, so you know what that means. It's freaking
freaking Freaky Friday.

Speaker 2 (01:05:58):
And the freaky freaky Freaky Friday.

Speaker 10 (01:06:00):
I actually goes to all the women out there, all
the ladies out there, do you guys love receiving d picks? Now,
this comes from, of course Drake's picture allegedly. I don't know,
we don't know if it was Drake or out, but
it was a video release that people.

Speaker 2 (01:06:11):
Are saying, it's Drakes. That's what you're asking, So jess
do you It depends on who it's.

Speaker 11 (01:06:16):
From, Like if I like you and then yeah, if
it's if I asked for one, okay cool? And if
I like you, okay cool.

Speaker 10 (01:06:22):
I tell you somebody caught me one time on the plane.
I'm on a plane and somebody hit me with a
air drop, right, And this is when the air drops
was early on, and I was like, I was curious.
I'm like, who sent me air drop? I been thinking
one of my people on the plane. I click it
in band.

Speaker 2 (01:06:35):
It was just like it's just a big piece, just
there and a plane I wanted.

Speaker 10 (01:06:41):
I was trying to look and see who sent me there.
I was trying to see who was giggling and laughing.
I can't find nobody but I was like, I would
use my ear drops. But yeah, but don't send random
deep deep piece.

Speaker 11 (01:06:49):
Yeah, don't do it.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
We got Ashley on the line.

Speaker 10 (01:06:52):
Ashley, good morning, Hello, good morning, good morning, good good.

Speaker 2 (01:06:59):
Do you like receiving deep So I.

Speaker 24 (01:07:01):
Do like to see from my man and significant other,
but not just random from somebody else? Right, I got
I mean somebody that I might you know what I mean?

Speaker 6 (01:07:11):
I got you?

Speaker 2 (01:07:12):
Thank you, Mama Jay?

Speaker 22 (01:07:15):
Yes, yes, good morning morning Jay.

Speaker 24 (01:07:18):
So what I was telling my mass before is like,
you know, I'm not ashamed to say it.

Speaker 5 (01:07:23):
If you're feeling fancy thinking of threads, send me, send
me some attackments.

Speaker 15 (01:07:27):
Let me see it live.

Speaker 20 (01:07:28):
If you got an iPhone, I want to see your
hand move on it a little bit.

Speaker 11 (01:07:31):
You know what I'm saying. All right, just sounds spicy girl.
I know that's nice.

Speaker 2 (01:07:35):
She said, let me see it live. I want to
see it moving, Okay, I.

Speaker 16 (01:07:38):
Want to see your hand move.

Speaker 24 (01:07:40):
And then if you're really feeling fancy, you can send
me a little video.

Speaker 2 (01:07:43):
Of you doing you know, your little thing thing.

Speaker 26 (01:07:45):
Ah Mad at it?

Speaker 24 (01:07:47):
I wouldn't be mad at it. I'm just saying, but
I do like a good DP call it freaky DP.

Speaker 10 (01:07:52):
Okay, okay, well Jay, do you send it back? When
your man send you sell us some random sending you back?
You said one back.

Speaker 24 (01:07:58):
Sure, listen, I have an iPhone and I'm new to this,
not true to this, so I will quickly reply to
the images that I have received and.

Speaker 9 (01:08:07):
Send a little image back.

Speaker 24 (01:08:08):
You know what, if you have work, Jake, I mean,
that's the best time to do it.

Speaker 11 (01:08:13):
Look, she got an only than I don't do that.

Speaker 23 (01:08:18):
Don't do that.

Speaker 15 (01:08:18):
I tried it for a week.

Speaker 12 (01:08:19):
It was too much work.

Speaker 15 (01:08:20):
So I will sneak off.

Speaker 22 (01:08:23):
I will sneak off to the bathroom.

Speaker 11 (01:08:25):
And take a little quick flick just to hit the
reply button back.

Speaker 3 (01:08:28):
You know, I know what he likes.

Speaker 11 (01:08:30):
She's like, that's fice. Okay, Well, happy freaky Friday girl.

Speaker 19 (01:08:33):
How old are you?

Speaker 2 (01:08:34):
J How old?

Speaker 6 (01:08:35):
J All right?

Speaker 11 (01:08:37):
Thirty two?

Speaker 2 (01:08:37):
You all look up, you all look up, and you
see your pictures online, so just be carefu.

Speaker 11 (01:08:41):
Yeah, be careful girl.

Speaker 25 (01:08:43):
Sorry, all right, alright, thank you?

Speaker 8 (01:08:46):
That was cute.

Speaker 11 (01:08:47):
She's cute.

Speaker 2 (01:08:47):
Slosha. Hey like receiving d picts.

Speaker 9 (01:08:51):
So if it's unsolicited and you know you ugly and
you ain't got at least the contrast, remote, don't.

Speaker 15 (01:08:57):
Piss me off. Okay, some in bugs. But if you
tell her you know you're working with something, you go here,
you won't.

Speaker 9 (01:09:05):
I ain't got no problem with it.

Speaker 11 (01:09:07):
Okay, So you can't. So you don't like them. If
the guy's ugly, yeah no.

Speaker 9 (01:09:10):
Don't pay me off. If you're gonna send it to me,
obviously you're trying to invite me to something.

Speaker 20 (01:09:14):
You're gonna send it to me.

Speaker 15 (01:09:15):
I'm gonna go to your page and seed it to ugly.

Speaker 11 (01:09:17):
It'm gonna be mad, oh man.

Speaker 12 (01:09:20):
But what if it's a good looking meat, Like it's
good looking meat, you can't put the face aside?

Speaker 15 (01:09:25):
That funny?

Speaker 19 (01:09:25):
That be funny.

Speaker 18 (01:09:28):
Something I know.

Speaker 11 (01:09:30):
That's right. It got to be something that a tricks
because the deed just there.

Speaker 10 (01:09:34):
Okay, thank you, Sasha, all right. Eight hundred and five
eight five one oh five one. It's freaking, freaking freaking Friday.
We're asking ladies, do you like receiving d picts?

Speaker 2 (01:09:41):
That is the question. It's the Breakfast Club to freaky
five by freaky.

Speaker 7 (01:09:47):
Fright call in that eight hundred five eight five one
oh five one, and you want to hear from you
on the breakfast club.

Speaker 10 (01:09:57):
Warning everybody, it's j N v J. It's hilarious, charlamage
the guy. We are the Breakfast Club and it's Friday,
so you know what that means. It's freaking freaking freaky Friday.
And today's freaky freaky Friday question comes from Drake allegedly,
you know, his pictures were a video was released and
we're asking ladies, do you like receiving d pics? Es
says she doesn't mind as long as it's Hume in yeah,

or somebody she's attracted to.

Speaker 2 (01:10:20):
Yes, and we got Lady Diva on the line. Lady Diva,
good morning.

Speaker 15 (01:10:23):
What's up?

Speaker 14 (01:10:24):
Good morning, Good morning, Jess, hilarious.

Speaker 11 (01:10:27):
I love you.

Speaker 26 (01:10:28):
Congratulations on your position.

Speaker 5 (01:10:30):

Speaker 24 (01:10:30):
I'm for you the whole time.

Speaker 11 (01:10:33):
Thank you, baby, I appreciate you.

Speaker 2 (01:10:35):
Okay, Lady Diva, do you like receiving d picts?

Speaker 24 (01:10:39):
I mean, honestly, if you're gonna stand and make sure
that thang off little Torottle, Yes.

Speaker 11 (01:10:45):
Girl, I understand.

Speaker 15 (01:10:47):
I need to see the day stopping out.

Speaker 2 (01:10:50):
Yeah, Oh my goodness.

Speaker 12 (01:10:51):
Yes, so you don't want to see No, just I
just woke up, or I don't need that's slinky Drake
trying to put in the mirror.

Speaker 24 (01:10:59):
Baby, you can put that up.

Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
Damn all right, lady Diva, Hello, who's this?

Speaker 8 (01:11:05):
This is Christina?

Speaker 2 (01:11:07):
Hey Christina, good morning. Do you like receiving dpicts?

Speaker 11 (01:11:10):
Good morning? Good morning?

Speaker 18 (01:11:11):
Hey Jazz?

Speaker 9 (01:11:12):
Hey girl, have you there?

Speaker 11 (01:11:13):
Thank you?

Speaker 13 (01:11:14):

Speaker 11 (01:11:14):
I don't.

Speaker 14 (01:11:15):
I don't.

Speaker 15 (01:11:15):
It's disgusting, not even from your man.

Speaker 9 (01:11:18):
Nah, not for the man.

Speaker 19 (01:11:19):
What do we send it to?

Speaker 18 (01:11:20):

Speaker 21 (01:11:20):
Are you sending me that because you're letting me know
you know how to how to do something with it?

Speaker 15 (01:11:24):
Like I don't know, like you're sending me that.

Speaker 9 (01:11:25):
I don't know if you even know how.

Speaker 18 (01:11:27):
To use it.

Speaker 10 (01:11:28):
D don't you have like if your boyfriend, let's say,
your boyfriends in the mood you want to send you
a picture of is me?

Speaker 11 (01:11:33):
No, she's like, I see it at home.

Speaker 9 (01:11:35):
No, that's my man, that's my man.

Speaker 11 (01:11:36):
I could take that.

Speaker 15 (01:11:37):
I know what he's doing with that.

Speaker 12 (01:11:38):
But I'm saying random people that they is.

Speaker 15 (01:11:40):
We don't want that, we don't need that. That's your
ego and.

Speaker 11 (01:11:43):
You can hold that, yeah, especially if it's unwarranted. Nine
X for it. Don't ever let me open up my
phone and just see it.

Speaker 2 (01:11:48):
Hey, Hello, who's this? They CC? Do you you like
receiving d picts.

Speaker 9 (01:11:53):
No, I don't like receiving dps.

Speaker 8 (01:11:55):
They don't.

Speaker 21 (01:11:55):
They don't do nothing for me.

Speaker 2 (01:11:57):
I feel you, not even your man, your boyfriend, No,
not even my man.

Speaker 12 (01:12:01):
I'd rather you send me a picture of how you
look today, or French chilhood or something that will turn
me on more than a.

Speaker 11 (01:12:07):
Depict, okay, m or when a man is in the
gym and he just got finished working out, like.

Speaker 25 (01:12:13):
Yeah, yeah, it'll turn me on.

Speaker 11 (01:12:16):
Okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 12 (01:12:18):
If the depict is ransom, it's definitely not gonna turn
me on.

Speaker 10 (01:12:24):
Man just woke up he horn. He said, Babe, I'm
sending this you nah, no, last time you had sex?

Speaker 3 (01:12:30):
Tell me in the first week in day ary.

Speaker 8 (01:12:35):
All right about the.

Speaker 2 (01:12:37):
Mother oker, you need to get more depicts into your CC.

Speaker 11 (01:12:44):
Yeah, she's gonna block I have a go ahead.

Speaker 2 (01:12:46):
Hello, who's this?

Speaker 15 (01:12:48):
Good morning?

Speaker 20 (01:12:48):
This is money.

Speaker 2 (01:12:51):
We're talking depicts this morning. You like him?

Speaker 15 (01:12:53):
No, No, you do not like depicts.

Speaker 25 (01:12:57):
Females do not prefer depicts.

Speaker 2 (01:12:58):
You got your kids in the car to about depicts
this morning?

Speaker 9 (01:13:01):
I do, like I got my little baby, So you
don't how to say it?

Speaker 15 (01:13:04):
So like I'm from Charleston, right.

Speaker 20 (01:13:06):
And we used to have this group called Charlton te
y'all would not believe how many dudes got exposed in
that group.

Speaker 15 (01:13:12):
So it's in boxing the boll.

Speaker 2 (01:13:13):
It's called Charleston D.

Speaker 11 (01:13:15):
Charleston T. Charleston D, Chauton T, Charleston T.

Speaker 20 (01:13:19):
South Carolina Town Baby, and.

Speaker 11 (01:13:22):
It's the Tea of Charleston going around up in there.

Speaker 2 (01:13:24):
Charlamage in there right, No, just making sure I gotta
keepa d out of there. No, I have ago. What's
the roll of the story, Jess.

Speaker 12 (01:13:36):
Don't send them unless you asked, unless that's your woman,
because you could end up online, just like these girls
be ending up online.

Speaker 19 (01:13:42):
That's true.

Speaker 10 (01:13:43):
Yeah, all right, Now when we come back, it's time
for past the aucs.

Speaker 2 (01:13:46):
Now, let's here.

Speaker 10 (01:13:47):
She's playing some of the newest music to some of
the music that she needs to put up on, put
us up on. So we're gonna talk to Nolage when
we come back Past the auxes in minutes. It's the
Breakfast Club one morning.

Speaker 6 (01:13:56):
The breakfast Club.

Speaker 10 (01:14:00):
Everybody is the DJ n V. Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne the guy.
We are the breakfast club. But it's time for past
the auks.

Speaker 2 (01:14:18):
Yeah, DJ, what's uthing?

Speaker 11 (01:14:22):
Hey girl? What at that new intro?

Speaker 26 (01:14:24):
Congratulates, Thank you, boom, congratulations.

Speaker 11 (01:14:27):
Appreciate that. All right.

Speaker 26 (01:14:28):
So I was really looking forward to today because of
this lotto record. I've been I've been here for the
back and forth because I think we're talking about it before,
how like we just wanted people to get in the booth.
I like that a lotto it's actually coming with this energy,
so obviously I'm coming with Sunday service.

Speaker 10 (01:14:45):
I got Ice boiling though. I mean, I love the
fact that she's rapping. I like rappers rapping, and the
fact that she's in the booth spitting. I love it,
and hopefully you know Ice spic to get back in
the booth, and I.

Speaker 2 (01:14:55):
Just love it. I love I love rap.

Speaker 26 (01:14:56):
Yeah, you think it's gonna keep going back and forth.

Speaker 11 (01:14:59):
You think Kirk said of that, I think is gonna
say something else.

Speaker 12 (01:15:02):
I mean, like she she's younger, she's like not and
then you know, you got friends and people probably like
you say, she got you born, and she probably gonna
come back with something else because I honestly didn't know
that part was about her until she was about a
lot of until she said it.

Speaker 11 (01:15:18):
I didn't know either. I would have never thought listening
to that she's talking about she definitely talking about.

Speaker 26 (01:15:21):
Lot On And honestly, I feel like even in this record,
it's not just about Ice.

Speaker 11 (01:15:26):
I feel like some bars kind of his other other things.

Speaker 26 (01:15:29):
Gonna let I catch that.

Speaker 2 (01:15:31):
I like that, Okay, But so you guys.

Speaker 26 (01:15:34):
Know, this is my last week in Atlanta, well, my
last week on the Triut period in Atlanta. And while
I was out there, I tapped in with this artist
named b.

Speaker 5 (01:15:42):
H M p Z.

Speaker 26 (01:15:42):
And he has a record out there called Webby Flow
that's really going crazy right now.

Speaker 6 (01:15:47):
That's dope.

Speaker 11 (01:15:47):
That girl give me that.

Speaker 2 (01:15:49):
Yeah, Webby Flow.

Speaker 26 (01:15:51):
They pulled up on me at apartment for being off
DJ in the basement, so and after I used their
record to promote the Flyer, So I thought that was cool.
Like the record shout out to Louis V.

Speaker 11 (01:16:01):
Of course that's my guy.

Speaker 26 (01:16:03):
Lastly, I'm gonna go with I'm sorry I don't have
my contact, but lastly I'm gonna go with the new
Glorilla record.

Speaker 11 (01:16:09):
Yeah Glow, oh good.

Speaker 12 (01:16:10):
I haven't heard this one. She reminds me of Project
pat Man. I just yeah, I just her voice.

Speaker 11 (01:16:15):
Cadence all that.

Speaker 2 (01:16:16):
Yeah, Yeah, I really really like Grilla to me too.

Speaker 9 (01:16:19):

Speaker 26 (01:16:20):
And the very beginning of the record has this what
is it, run up, Get done Up, Get done Up slip?

Speaker 11 (01:16:28):
Yeah, brought me joy.

Speaker 26 (01:16:29):
I don't know, but you're like super flashout yees shout
out to Glowrella. If you guys liked what you guys heard,
definitely make sure you tune into the Certified Vibe playlist.
You can do it by following me on Instagram and
clicking the link in bio at n Y L A
S Y M O N E E E. Also catch
me in Brooklyn next Friday DJ and at Babble Off

we have another Vibe check.

Speaker 2 (01:16:50):
And yes, you've been doing good.

Speaker 10 (01:16:53):
Every record you've been picking been home runs last the
last four five weeks. Every record run it was it before,
someone was a little if you every once in a while,
but you've been home runs ever.

Speaker 2 (01:17:04):
Since, home runs ever since.

Speaker 11 (01:17:06):
I think it.

Speaker 16 (01:17:06):
Thank you.

Speaker 11 (01:17:07):
I'll be tapping into the vibes. That's what's good.

Speaker 19 (01:17:09):

Speaker 2 (01:17:10):
Now, let's get to the mix.

Speaker 10 (01:17:11):
You know, Usher's performing at the super Bowl this Sunday,
so it's only right we do a Usher mix. Hit
me up right now, eight hundred and five five one
oh five one. Let me know your favorite usher joint.

Speaker 2 (01:17:19):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, you're checking out the
Breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It's DJ n v J. Just hilarious.
Charlamagne the God we are.

Speaker 10 (01:17:27):
The Breakfast Club is Black History Month and every day
for Black History Month. B dot fills us in on
some black history. That's right with the podcast. I didn't know,
maybe you don't either.

Speaker 2 (01:17:38):
Let's check it out now.

Speaker 5 (01:17:40):
Wait a minute, season two. If I didn't know, maybe
you didn't either. Write here on the Black Effect Podcast Network.
I've told you about my borderline obsession with the Black
Panther Party for self defense, but I've recently learned that
their genesis is Oakland, California, just as much as it.

Speaker 2 (01:17:55):
Is Lounges County held I never even heard of a
Lounge County. Lounges.

Speaker 5 (01:18:00):
The county is described as a rural, economically deprived county
sandwiched between two historic giants, Selma and Montgomery, Alabama. Now
you need to know the Lounges County Freedom Organization, the LCFO.
They were a local political party, and the LCFO chose
the Crouching Black Panther as its symbol. Now Stokely Carmichael,

who's the originator of the phrase black power, was in
Lownes working with the SNICK.

Speaker 2 (01:18:27):
They were trying to register voters.

Speaker 5 (01:18:28):
Now the SNICK is the SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee SNICK. They were a group put together to help
register voters and galvanize that black enthusiasm around voting.

Speaker 2 (01:18:40):
Stuff we're gonna need this year twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (01:18:42):
Now, Alabama laws required political parties to have a symbol,
so the new party chose the Black Panther, which was
eventually adopted by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal when
they created the Black Panther Party for self Defense. They
said they chose the Black Panther because, like the panther,
Lownes Counties, Africa and Americans had been pushed back into
the corner and would come out fighting for life or death.

The media dubbed the LCFO the Black Panther Party. The
spirit of the LCFO spread across the country, and so
did their party's Black Power slogan and their black Panther emblem.
Hence the similarities. When Bobby Seals and Huey P. Newton
founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in nineteen
sixty six. But folks ain't like that down there in Lowns.

Speaker 19 (01:19:26):
No, no, no no.

Speaker 5 (01:19:26):
See, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was to
militant for their liking. See, the LCFO viewed themselves as
a political party that didn't encourage the use of violence
at all. Black Panther Party for Self Defense viewed themselves
as a political party as well. However, they wanted all
the smoke, no provocation. However, always with retaliation. Hawsn't that
thing constantly plugged us all? When we're deciding how to

attack this visceral plague of a disease called racism, should
we be nonviolent like Martin? Or get freedom by any
means necessary like Malcolm, a non violent political already like LCFO,
or revolutionary political party like the Black Panther Party for
Self Defense. There's a book called Bloody Lowndes, and it
has a careful analysis of the nineteen sixty said Hassan

Kwame Jeffries.

Speaker 6 (01:20:13):
And I didn't know. Maybe you didn't either.

Speaker 2 (01:20:16):
No, I will sove to be dot and don't forget
he does the podcast each and every day. I didn't know.

Speaker 10 (01:20:21):
Maybe you didn't either his podcast on Black History for
Black History Month. All right, now when we come back,
Jess Hilarious has the positive notes, you don't move.

Speaker 2 (01:20:30):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning morning everybody.

Speaker 10 (01:20:32):
It's DJ MV, Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne the God is still here.

Speaker 2 (01:20:36):
What you doing this week and anything?

Speaker 8 (01:20:38):

Speaker 12 (01:20:38):
I'm actually gonna go home this weekend, you know, and
then come back up here. I gotta come back a
day early since I gotta be in here Monday at
three am, So I'm just don't go home for two
days and just enjoy my son or whatever and then
head on back.

Speaker 26 (01:20:51):
That's it now, look you on this weekend, I'm actually
going home too. I'll be in Maryland, hey, watching with
my parents.

Speaker 2 (01:20:57):
That's what.

Speaker 19 (01:20:58):
That's what.

Speaker 2 (01:20:58):
Okay, Well, yeah, got for this super.

Speaker 12 (01:21:01):
Well, we got sat down a long time ago. I'm
a Staale this fan for those who don't know. And
then the Ravens they just got sat down to you, sorry, Baltimore.
So I don't know who I'm gonna take. I'm just
there for usher, to be honest with you.

Speaker 2 (01:21:14):
All right, all right, I want to see mahomes win again.

Speaker 8 (01:21:16):
Why not?

Speaker 10 (01:21:17):
I want to see the chiefs win my giants out
of it. I would love to see my home, but
I just want to see a good game. And of course, Usha,
of course, all right, you got a positive no jest.

Speaker 12 (01:21:25):
Yes, if you don't know nobody business through and through,
don't get in it and just be yourself and I
follow your dreams.

Speaker 2 (01:21:36):
Keep God first.

Speaker 11 (01:21:38):
Yes, Breakfast Club, you don't finish for y'all.

Speaker 15 (01:21:42):

The Breakfast Club News

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