All Episodes

February 12, 2024 89 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Listen to your shirt every single day.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Breathless clue, God, damny, the breakfast clue.

Speaker 3 (00:06):
What that ass up on a breakfast club?

Speaker 4 (00:09):
Baby, I can't say breakless club without being workless club.

Speaker 5 (00:14):
You're like this rare air.

Speaker 6 (00:16):
She got platforms and partners all over the place because
your man is so high.

Speaker 7 (00:21):
People want to be in business with the breakfast buck.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
I don't think white people know how popular that's are.

Speaker 8 (00:28):
DJ Envy just hilarious.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Charlemagne the God.

Speaker 8 (00:31):
You guys really are like the hip hop early morning
in late night talk.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
Yo, y'all know what y'all talking about? Yo, good morning.

Speaker 4 (00:40):
Usa yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo.

Speaker 8 (00:48):
Just hilarious.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
What's going on?

Speaker 7 (00:50):
Charlomagne is running late and.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
It is Monday, Monday after Super Bowl? Man, I know, right,
did you watch the game?

Speaker 3 (00:59):
I did?

Speaker 9 (01:00):

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I watched the game?

Speaker 10 (01:00):
It was a little boring. I ain't gonna like, well,
not boring. It just wasn't what I expected it to be.

Speaker 7 (01:05):
Yeah, you wanted to see a lot of scoring.

Speaker 9 (01:06):
It was.

Speaker 7 (01:06):
It was a good defensive game.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
I liked it.

Speaker 10 (01:08):
After the halftime, after that like the Chiefs want to recharge.
It was like all right, because I was like, I know,
they're not just gonna keep kicking in storing kicking, but
you know, and and for me not to know like
enough about or a lot about football, I was, I was.

Speaker 7 (01:21):
I know what I was doing.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
I was like, yeah, because the forty nine ers office
was a little trashy.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
That wouldn't well well, my son said that that was
a little trashy. The defense of both sides were pretty good.
It was a good defensive game, and and the Kansas
City Chiefs pulled it out in overtime. I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it. What do you think about Usher performing God?

Speaker 10 (01:39):
I mean, it was great to see that he wasn't
sending you with the stage. She brought out a lot
of artists that he had hits food over the years.
I loved it. I loved it.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
I didn't yo.

Speaker 10 (01:47):
He started with my favorite song me and my father
favorite song of his is caught Up.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
That's one of the confessions. I'm just seven on.

Speaker 10 (01:52):
The track, I mean, you know, track wise, and I
loved it. I loved it.

Speaker 9 (01:57):

Speaker 4 (01:58):
I thought it was, yeah, we're gonna break it down.
If we're gonna break it down. I love what he did.
I love the fact that he kept his sword Atlanta,
that he brought out the roller skates.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
He brought up the stripper poles. I thought it was dope.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
I thought he kept it true to who Usha was
and demolished it.

Speaker 7 (02:12):
The only thing I missed was lovers and friends.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
It wasn't. Yeah, it wasn't. And I just was waiting
for him and lord, y'all are good.

Speaker 7 (02:19):

Speaker 10 (02:19):
Yeah, if he had the black leather then the black
leather boots. I was like, well, I'm surprised i ul
adin't come out with leather. You know, leather be his thing.
But he probably was like, I'm gonna be hot out there.

Speaker 4 (02:28):
And I got to perform for the eighteen minutes. But
he killed it last night. If you ever got a
chance to see it, definitely pull it up online right now.
But he definitely killed it. He the dope thing about
I think the performance. He went through so many songs.
I know, he did so many songs. I had to
go back to watch some of the I went back
to watch Prince. I went back to watch Beyonce. I

went back to watch. I went, I watched Michael Jackson
just to see how they did it. And Usha did
Mad Song.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
He did a lot.

Speaker 4 (02:56):
He did a lot, a lot of his catalog last night.
So congratulations to Usher. You listen to the album over
the weekend.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
I did.

Speaker 10 (03:02):
I was listening to the album over the weekend, and
I actually love it. I actually did my makeup to
it this morning. My favorite song when it already is
ruined by him and Fields.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
It's the afrobeats type of song.

Speaker 10 (03:10):
You know, I should, I should avoways can just slide
on anything, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
And I just listen.

Speaker 10 (03:14):
I was doing my little afrobeats dance, the two I
know how to do, and I was killing it, you know.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Yeah, it's a vibe, it's a.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
I'm gonna get into it this week. I'm gonna get
into it this ship. And then Beyonce announced that.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
Yeah, Beyonce said, Usher, I'm gonna let you finish, but
I got a country album coming out, So we're just
gonna let the people know right here, right now.

Speaker 7 (03:34):
I got a country album.

Speaker 9 (03:35):

Speaker 11 (03:37):
She knows she could have waited to day to make
that announced. Yeah, well here it is right here. We
got the record right now. What yes, Beyonce single, what's
it called? Texas hold Texas whole? Hot Dog, hot Dog
Hot dig.

Speaker 4 (03:52):
Figures up next from the Rectors Club. Oh this is
country Country, Yes.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Country're gonna play it right now.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Okay, okay, morning everybody. It's J MV, Jess Hilarious, Charlomagne
the guy. We are the Breakfast Club, and let's get
in some front page news.

Speaker 12 (04:08):
Morning tests, Good morning DJ and be Good morning, Jess Hilarious,
Hey Charlotte, Hey sweety.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
I guess Charlemage to join us in the morning.

Speaker 13 (04:15):
So, good morning, Charlemagne.

Speaker 7 (04:16):
You're listening.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
I love your Haridas. Thank you like thank you.

Speaker 12 (04:23):
I'm so glad to have a woman around to get
a compliment every now and then.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Thank you, Jess.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
Let's jump right in the front page news now. Over
the weekend was the Super Bowl. If you haven't seen it,
the Kansas City Chiefs beat the forty nine is twenty
five twenty two in overtime. They're the Super Bowl champions
back to back, and they're going for three. They say
they want a three peach, so we'll see how that
works out.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Great game.

Speaker 7 (04:43):
I loved it.

Speaker 4 (04:44):
A very defensive game. I thought it was pretty dope.
Congratulations to Taylor Swift. Hey y'all sh mahomes and of
course tell USWI. They showed Taylor Swift so many times
on that damn screen.

Speaker 10 (04:56):
Why in the beginning they did it? They only showed
her one time when she was chugging a beer, the
chugging a bed like that. Then they showed a bunch
of pictures with I spiced in the second half. It
was a bunch of though and never looked like she
know what she had yo, but it was nice.

Speaker 12 (05:10):
Let me say this, Let me say this about Taylor Swift.
They said the Tailor Swift advertising effect. There were record
breaking numbers and advertising. They spent nine hundred and ninety
six million dollars on TV slots.

Speaker 2 (05:20):

Speaker 12 (05:21):
Advertised they spent about seven million to thirty second commercials,
up ten percent increased from last year's event. And they
are literally calling at the Tailor Swift advertising effect.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
Wow, oh wow nice.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
Well let's jump right into the news. Let's talk about
Joel Ostein's church.

Speaker 13 (05:35):
Yeah, sad news yesterday.

Speaker 12 (05:36):
You know, folks is out of nowhere that saw breaking
news yesterday about a woman in a tren's coat, armed
with a long rifle and accompanied by a young child,
entered Pastor joe On Olsting's Laywood Church on Sunday afternoon
and began firing.

Speaker 13 (05:50):
Take a listen a peaceful day of prayer.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
Active shooter out of central area lake with church turning violent.

Speaker 14 (05:58):
Around two pm local time, Houston police see a female
shooter entered Lakewood Church, the worshiping home of televangelist Pastor
Joel Ostee, a megachurch that can hold sixteen thousand people.

Speaker 15 (06:10):
He was armed with the long rifle and a trench
coat with the backpack, accompanied by a small child approximately
four to five years old. Once she entered, at some
point she began to buy.

Speaker 7 (06:22):
All of a sudden, we just hurt in the backstage,
somewhere around the back out there a few shots fired.

Speaker 14 (06:27):
This man says he was waiting for a Spanish service
to begin when gunshots rang out.

Speaker 15 (06:32):
Officer and agent Gates striking the female.

Speaker 14 (06:36):
Police said the shooter died at the seat, adding the
young child with her was hit and is in critical condition.

Speaker 12 (06:44):
Wow, you know, so sad news with that with that
child now again, as of last night, anything can change.

Speaker 13 (06:51):
The child was still in a critical condition.

Speaker 12 (06:53):
There has not been a motive yet, but again as
the history continues to develop, you know, they may find
out if there was some reason behind what she did. Now,
another man was also shot in the leg, who's doing
okay as a result of that. He's not in critical condition.
They don't believe that he was involved. Now, she said
she had a bomb when she entered the church, so
they did go and as search your car. They didn't

find anything there. She was spring some type of substance.
But the investigators believe that this is an isolated event
and again no motive at this time. It was two
off duty law officers as well that I want people
to know. So it was a Houston police officer and
an agent with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission that engaged
and struck the woman who died on the scene. Think
people were just really shocked that she was a female.

She was about thirty to thirty five years old. From
not understand now the other people that got shot.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
Was it friendly filed meaning was it you know, them
trying to shoot her and they got hit or oh,
we don't know as yet.

Speaker 12 (07:46):
It says it's unclear if who fired the shot who
struck the child, you know where they came from, they said,
at this moment, it is unclear, and it's also unclear
what the child's relationship was to the shooter. Right, and
then the fifty seven year year road they have not
at least as a last night, because you know, these
reports got to continue to update throughout the day. They

are not sure, you know, they're just saying he was
shot on the leg and seeking treatment at the hospital.
They didn't specify whether it was from her or from
friendly fire. So I'm sure that'll change, you know, this
morning when they go through the new cycle.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
I mean, when I see things like this, and you know,
of course, Texas is a place where you can carry, right,
and I'm sure a lot of people in that congregation
had weapons, and I always think like if they didn't,
what she'd been able to kill many people, you know
what I mean, we'd be talking about a different situation.
If it would have been a place like New York
where you can't carry like that, or a place where
you know, in other areas where you can't carry, if

the situation would have been a lot worse, you know.

Speaker 12 (08:41):
Well, you know, the churches are on high alert, they've
been on high alert, especially since we've been having this war.
It's constantly been on high alert, but especially since we've
had this war because remember Vish of TDJAS talked about this.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
I guess when they were when he was.

Speaker 12 (08:54):
Trending online about you know, his involvement and all the
other meths that they were talking about, and he actually
said that day that they were upping security. They've been
up in security lately because of the threats they've been receiving.
So the way these megachurches are set up, I've just
belonged to one for years.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
When you walk in, you're just not walking in.

Speaker 13 (09:12):
They're they're they're looking.

Speaker 12 (09:13):
They're looking at a lot of churches won't allow you
to go in with trens coats, they won't lay you
to have big bags, they won't have so they are
really you know, about their business on security, so you're
not just walking in and just you know, doing whatever,
and you know they look out for suspicious activity, so
she will stop, you know immediately. Now, Pastor Olsen said
that this had been when they were changing you know,
like you know, people walking through changing services, it could

have been much worse. So the timing of It was
also helpful as well, according to what they said.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
All right, well, thank you, chess. We'll see you next hour.
What we're talking about next hour?

Speaker 3 (09:45):
Oh man?

Speaker 12 (09:45):
Donald Trump went in on Nicki Haley's husband and he
made a shocking statement encouraging Russia to quote do whatever
the hell they want, So tap in at the top
of the hour, I'll tell you more.

Speaker 4 (09:55):
All right, everybody else, get it off your chest. Eight
hundred five five one oh five one. Let us know
how your week it was. Did you watch the game,
what were your thoughts? Whatever it may be, Get it
off your chest. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the
Breakfast Club. This is your time to get it off
your chest. Eight hundred and five eighty five one o
five one. We want to hear from you on the

breakfast Club. Hello, who's this's what's up?

Speaker 9 (10:22):

Speaker 16 (10:23):
What's up?

Speaker 17 (10:23):
Miss hilarious?

Speaker 16 (10:24):
Are you baby?

Speaker 3 (10:25):
I'm good, baby? How are you?

Speaker 16 (10:27):
I'm doing good in my mind? Where where's Charloe?

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Where you're out here? Sis?

Speaker 8 (10:31):
Just what's happening?

Speaker 9 (10:33):

Speaker 16 (10:33):
There they're going my messy bottom?

Speaker 3 (10:35):
What's up?

Speaker 9 (10:35):

Speaker 2 (10:36):
I would never be a bottom, Okay, I would never.
I would never be gay. No disrespect to the game,
but I would never be a bottom tram Tom.

Speaker 3 (10:43):
What you told me last week, I mean when he
wasn't here, what happened then?

Speaker 8 (10:46):
Oh oh oh, so happy.

Speaker 16 (10:48):
That he did so sorry, what's up?

Speaker 18 (10:50):

Speaker 2 (10:51):
What's up?

Speaker 16 (10:52):
I know you were tuning it on Friday.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
No, I wasn't well.

Speaker 10 (10:57):
Refreshes memory because I don't like what happened, so you
can tell them refreshing.

Speaker 16 (11:03):
The last time I was up there in person, I
showed you a picture of my man. I talked to you,
and do you remember what you said when I showed
you the picture of him?

Speaker 2 (11:11):
You know what I said?

Speaker 16 (11:12):
You said he looked like Jeff boyfriend.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
I don't remember that. I'm not I'm not gonna say
I didn't say it, but I don't remember saying it.

Speaker 16 (11:21):
The man just asked what the people with my man?

Speaker 13 (11:24):
That's all.

Speaker 8 (11:25):
When you asked jess with just he looked like that's
what he was. But I don't remember.

Speaker 13 (11:33):
I don't remember the.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Way it came off.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
It was like, oh my god, whoa is that?

Speaker 19 (11:36):

Speaker 16 (11:37):
We had just good Now we worked it out, you
know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (11:40):
We worked it out.

Speaker 16 (11:40):
We good seeking with my man.

Speaker 18 (11:42):
Ain't people hurt?

Speaker 8 (11:44):
What's your man name?

Speaker 16 (11:45):
Don't worry about all that.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Don't worry about man.

Speaker 8 (11:48):
Name is just man. I think, y'all fine, that's what.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
Your man name? Chris?

Speaker 8 (11:53):
So was mine by right.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Playing you the one to say that you confirmed the
looks so I.

Speaker 8 (12:03):
Don't want to remember that might be lying. Hello, who's
this all?

Speaker 19 (12:07):
Good morning, y'all? Sony from Indianapolis, Indiana.

Speaker 7 (12:12):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (12:12):
Get it off your chest?

Speaker 19 (12:13):
I gotta get it off my chest, y'all. Watched the
Super Bowl, my first Super Bowl, hey, and I was
so mad at us that came out and his grandmother's
good child that she wears a Sunday go to meet
with that good broach on the side. And then he
parked around and put on his feelings with his simmery

popped it off by the man's head trying to fly through.

Speaker 8 (12:39):
Y'all, ain't got nothing good to say this morning.

Speaker 7 (12:40):
He had roller skates on the mot off the chest.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
That was the first before was she like usher blows
all right.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
Get it off your chest. Eight hundred and five eight
five one O five one. If you need to vent,
hit u up now. It's the breakfast slog, Good morning,
the Breakfast.

Speaker 7 (12:56):
Club for your time to get it off your chest,
your man or.

Speaker 3 (13:05):
Black, time to get up and get something.

Speaker 7 (13:07):
Call up now eight hundred five eighty five one O
five one. We want to hear from you on the
breakfast club.

Speaker 2 (13:12):

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Who's this yo?

Speaker 16 (13:14):

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Just hilarious.

Speaker 7 (13:17):
Good morning morning, good morning, good morning.

Speaker 16 (13:19):
All right, So this morning I'm lookening to y'all. I'm
just like Y'a'm not gonna drink house minister society man.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Usher is a terror man.

Speaker 9 (13:30):
Wow, what.

Speaker 8 (13:33):
I saw it?

Speaker 2 (13:33):
I saw it too. I saw it. I saw what
Swiss be said this morning too. I understand what Swiss
is saying.

Speaker 9 (13:38):
But damn.

Speaker 8 (13:41):
Like that was worse than anything I've seen us should.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
Do with his residence.

Speaker 7 (13:44):
Oh my god, I'm calling this morning.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Damn Usher gave my wife some roses at his residency.
I've seen him, you know, sing the women and serenade women.

Speaker 8 (13:57):
He went crazy.

Speaker 9 (14:00):
That was.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
But yo, well Swiss Swiss was find and I'm sure
we'll get into it with Jess with the mess.

Speaker 8 (14:08):
The thing I don't understand.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
I just says, don't leave your girl around me, right,
something else for He's talking about miniester, But.

Speaker 8 (14:14):
You think that should be in private? I thought he
meant in private, you we.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Give the Usher flag. Alicia looked like she was in
a dream.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
Lord have mercy. Hello, who's this?

Speaker 16 (14:27):
Hey? This is SHAMAI calling again from North Carolina, North
Carolina University.

Speaker 7 (14:31):
What's up, ND, Shama?

Speaker 3 (14:33):
How you doing?

Speaker 7 (14:34):
I'm doing good, doing well, doing well.

Speaker 16 (14:36):
Listen, this is what I want to get off my chest.

Speaker 18 (14:39):
Usher is the kid of R and B.

Speaker 16 (14:41):
He just proved that he is.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
And I love Jess hilarious.

Speaker 3 (14:44):
How you doing, I'm good, baby, Thank you.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
The fact that you think he just proved it is crazy,
he I you're just there.

Speaker 16 (14:54):
No, No, it's not the fact that I think he
just proved it.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
It's the fact that he just solidified that he is.

Speaker 16 (15:00):
Yeah, yeah, we already knew, but he I loved that
he played homis for the agent for you by having
a son and going from.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Back to state there and they had by Rich fresh
with a black old business.

Speaker 20 (15:15):

Speaker 18 (15:16):
And then he has the Cappa there.

Speaker 16 (15:18):
That's the dnon black folture and it was just it
was was great for coaster and he did it.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
He looked up the expectations, but I just loved it.
Some of those suits looked ridiculous, though, I mean when
luc said, watch out my outfit ridiculous, I was like, yeah,
enjoy place.

Speaker 4 (15:36):
Thank you so much for one more Callerton.

Speaker 16 (15:39):
Hey, some blessings. Man, Good morning, Ivy, how you feeling?

Speaker 7 (15:42):
Good morning about how you're feeling.

Speaker 16 (15:44):
I don't go, man, I just want to shout out
chess man, Jess, welcome to the breakfast club.

Speaker 3 (15:49):

Speaker 16 (15:50):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm out here at work right now.
I had a great weekend. Man, I just wanted to
say that.

Speaker 9 (15:56):

Speaker 16 (15:56):
I just want to show some love towards my girl.
She just lost to her grandfather. You know what I mean.
I appreciate that. Charlotte man.

Speaker 2 (16:06):
Yeah, he just walked in.

Speaker 16 (16:09):
Finally, finally you have word, brother, I see that. That's
what's up.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
My car wouldn't start this morning. Man, My car is
sitting there since Wednesday. I don't know if it's cold
or what you.

Speaker 16 (16:18):
Should have that for.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Cadle yep, cad yep. Cad yep.

Speaker 8 (16:27):
He got it in sixteen thousand miles on it.

Speaker 7 (16:29):
He would smoke up and hat and if he's still
had that Cadillac.

Speaker 16 (16:32):
Who said, Hey, I wanted I want to congratulate my
tool man because I'm about to be a girl, dad mans,
no congrats, man, I have no idea what to expect. Man,
So maybe you guys could coach me. Man Envy in
Charlotte Mane Man.

Speaker 8 (16:47):
Expect a lot of love, A lot of love. Yeah,
I don't know what to expect.

Speaker 7 (16:50):
He's a lot of love.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
I got four and still don't know what to expect.
That's the beauty of having thought this, having kids period.
You never know what to expect from day to day.
Just a lot of love.

Speaker 16 (16:57):
Brother, that's true.

Speaker 4 (16:59):
Man, you're gonna be a cheered dad or you're gonna
be a dad's dad. I was at a competition all
weekend this week.

Speaker 16 (17:05):
I'm gonna do whatever she want me to do. Man,
I just didn't gonna put on you know what I mean.
I'm just saying, you know, I gotta be I got
to remain a man.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
You feel me?

Speaker 9 (17:15):
All right?

Speaker 16 (17:15):
What's that, y'all?

Speaker 7 (17:16):
Whatever your daughter wants you to do, you're gonna do.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
I didn't put my daughter in and put the paint
on my nails because you want to do daddy's now.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
Hey, look it's your daughter. Whatever she wants, baby girl.
If you don't need no excuse to cross dressing.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
Oh wow, Oh wow, I said, Oh wow, you've never
seen me to day.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Yeah yeah, get it off your chest.

Speaker 7 (17:34):
Eight hundred and.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
Five eight five, one oh five. Now we got just
with the mess were talking about, Jess.

Speaker 3 (17:38):
We're breaking down the super Bowl.

Speaker 10 (17:39):
We breaking down the super Bowl halftime to be more specific, all.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
Right, and we'll get to that next. It's the Breakfast
Club the morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 3 (17:51):

Speaker 4 (17:51):
Everybody you see j n V jess hilarious, charlamage the guy.
We are the breakfast Club. Let's get to Jess with.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
The mess, Jessica, robber Lord, don't gonna bring numbers.

Speaker 13 (18:07):
Clubs status.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
All right.

Speaker 10 (18:11):
Last night was the fifty eighth Super Bowl and the
halftime went to Usha. Listen, I'm gonna just say that
the Chiefs and the forty nine ers, they they came
to Usher's concert and they were able to ball it
out or whatever, and of course the Chiefs took it.
But let's break down the halftime, y'all. I was I
was excited to see, like I said, he didn't. He
wasn't stingy with the stage like he he shared his

stage with people that he had hit twift over the past,
you know, over the past years or whatever he brought
out her, I was I was so happy.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
I was excited to see her and she did her thing.

Speaker 10 (18:41):
Ludacris, Lord John Jermaine Duprie, will I am who I
thought was Kanye for a minute.

Speaker 7 (18:47):
When I was at the masking.

Speaker 10 (18:48):
Yeah, I was like, oh my god, I didn't know
that they did had something together. But then I heard
the song, Oh my gosh, I was like, no, that's
what I am and Alicia Keys, which is the most
talked about performance between him and his Axe. Now, for
those who don't know he did, they hurt like when
they was younger, younger. Charlamagne didn't know that.

Speaker 9 (19:05):
But I.

Speaker 8 (19:07):
Think y'all made that up.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
We made it up.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Well, that's why they said, just what the mesa news
is real?

Speaker 3 (19:11):
Alegend I ain't the only one who knows this, y'all.

Speaker 13 (19:15):
Y'all know.

Speaker 8 (19:16):
I never heard that, told y'all yesterday. I ain't never
heard this in my life.

Speaker 10 (19:20):
Apparently Swizz Right didn't know even but no, but no, listen,
everybody made an usher for the performance because of course
he was, you know, touching in Philly.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
He you know, he he was being usher.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
He was being usher.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
That man is a minute, but domestic terrorists. They had
to practice that though.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
Guy, you know, Alicia looked surprised when he hugged up
from behind.

Speaker 8 (19:42):
What Frother was like. That didn't have any rehears I
was there all weekend.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
I ain't see that.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
But a little recap played number four. They did sound all.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Right, him young.

Speaker 10 (20:00):
Now she ain't hit the note that she was supposed
to say, because when he said you in mind, she
was gonna say you were.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
She ain't hit that.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
And then and then when she when she came in,
I loved how she came and when she.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Had that ricks.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Yeah, y'all keep saying this is dresses, not it was
a cape.

Speaker 7 (20:15):
But she I loved the trust.

Speaker 3 (20:17):
The rib piano was dope. That was the play number one.
That's how she sounded.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Yes, yes, she killed it.

Speaker 7 (20:28):
It was the first the first note.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
It was the first note.

Speaker 9 (20:30):
She got it.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
What I found interesting is that you hit the right
notehere somebody hugging me from behind. That's when she wasn't
even I'm just trying to shoot.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
No, it's okay, no.

Speaker 10 (20:39):
But on YouTube, if you go and look at the recap,
I mean the halftime show, they actually cleaned up her vocals.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
I think it was like a play number two. That's
what you got. Yeah, so they cleaned it up for
but but play number one again just so they remember.

Speaker 7 (20:56):
Can't do that.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
Plate number one.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Yeah, that's the I'm I'm blaming us you. You know,
I had her feeling nervous because he was coming up
behind her grabbing the ads and stuff. You know, she
had married woman. I'm blaming us you for the bad note.

Speaker 12 (21:12):

Speaker 3 (21:12):
Oh no he did. Oh he did go back and
watch that, ain't ai. That's the real that's the real one,
all right now?

Speaker 2 (21:21):

Speaker 10 (21:21):
Swiss Beats responded this morning, he was like, he said,
y'all talking about the wrong damn thing. Y'all don't see
that amazing dress covering the entire stadium.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
That's what I like to swizz.

Speaker 10 (21:31):
He also said tonight's performance was nothing but amazing with
two amazing giants. Congrats Usher and my love Alicia Keys.
That song is a classic. We don't do negativity vibes
on this side. We make history.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
Go see giants, Brooklyn Museum whatever. Whatever. He killed it,
he uh and she killed it too. Okay, that's fine.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
What's Saint Trivis? So we shouldn't need to don't need
to be tripping.

Speaker 3 (21:51):
Yeah, but I think he shouldn't even have said nothing.
It's like whatever, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
But it's perfectly okay for us men to look at
our women and say you better not even think about it.

Speaker 9 (21:58):
All right.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
Still, last talk about Jamaine Duprie coming out looking like
a pilgrim.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
I said, what are you doing here?

Speaker 8 (22:05):
He was dressed like he was going to a funeral brunch.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Wasn't heah from the same sock that my mother used
to put me on for Eastern I said, why he
did that?

Speaker 2 (22:15):
He was dressed like a youth past daddy'st to Sunday
trying to relate to the kids in this congregation.

Speaker 7 (22:18):
I know her.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
I know he's like, I'm there with so many other things.
He cut water.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
He was dressed like he thought Beyonce was putting out
a Thanksgiving theme album. That's what was going on, Lord Jesus.
When Lucri said, watch out my Alpha, ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
I was like, yep, yeah, it plays to the it
plays to the lyric.

Speaker 10 (22:39):
Because he said watch out my office ridiculous, jamamespre should
have said the same thing, should Jesus disclaiming yes you should,
But it is alright, it's all right, and then Beyonce.
Beyonce said, all right, Usha, I'll let you finish, but
I got a country album I'm dropping. And then I
loved her her commercial, her super Bowl commercial. Yeah, Verizon

got some money, they got some money, lessen, and it
was good to see her play like she was having
fun in the commercial. Obviously her personality see through, like
she wasn't just all serious b she actually had some personality.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
And actually her.

Speaker 10 (23:13):
Song text hold Him dropped shortly after last night playing
It's like it's like real, real country.

Speaker 2 (23:23):
We stirrups, cowboy hats and riding horses by March guaranteed.

Speaker 10 (23:28):
I see we're gonna see some girls out here doing it.
But I mean she's a trendsetter. I think this is
like a part of her acts, you know what I'm saying. Like,
so remember Act one was Renaissance the house music, and
then Act two was gonna be a country album.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
She's from Texas.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
I mean, she she tied all this Beyonce versus Taylor Swift.
She was like, now I'm gonna go into your genre,
do it better than you the country.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
She do that, and then I think Act three will
be rock and roll.

Speaker 10 (23:53):
I mean before she retired on us not to speak
it up too soon, but that's what I think that
she's doing.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
And then if you if you really want to dig deep,
we're into it. I think that she is.

Speaker 10 (24:04):
Putting out albums like for everything they stole from black
people because we had rock and roll, we had country first,
we had all of that, so you know, house music
was first, we had, We got a country coming up,
and then the third and final album will be the
rock and roll.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
So I like that conspiracy theory right there. I like
that that's a good one.

Speaker 10 (24:19):
Big ups to be even though she should have made
she could have made that announcement today, just.

Speaker 7 (24:23):
Let us have it.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
They should have coordinated. She got paid thirty million for
that commercial too, and got to promote her new music.
So how you know what she got paid thirty million? Yeah,
the same way you know Usher and Alicia Keys used
to date.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Oh I just read, well allegedly that is just with
the mess?

Speaker 7 (24:43):
All right?

Speaker 2 (24:43):
Can we get into Are we going to still talk
about it in the next room? The Ushers? Super Bowl?

Speaker 3 (24:48):
What you want to talk about?

Speaker 7 (24:48):
What you talk about?

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Well, I was born in nineteen hundred and seventy eight.
In my professional opinion, not to be a prisoner at
the moment. That show last night, it is either the
greatest halftime show of all time, are in heavy, heavy
heavy contention for greatest super Bowl performance of all time?
It was an instant classic. To me, it's top five
for me, and if I'm being if I'm be an objective,

Number one to me is Prince in two thousand and seven.
But the thing that Prince had on his side is
remember it started raining during purple rain. My god, you
can't really beat that.

Speaker 7 (25:20):
Out of Michael Jackson in ninety three.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
He got he got Michael in ninety three.

Speaker 4 (25:24):
Do you think he got Michael in ninety three? Michael
stood there for two minutes long, the crowd going crazy.
It was crazy before was standing that he had fireworks.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
To me, is better than Beyonce in twenty thirteen. To me,
is better than drants. My top five, I'm just saying.
The only one to me is Printing O. Seven. But
that's only because Prince had the natural elements.

Speaker 16 (25:45):
On his side.

Speaker 8 (25:47):
Maybe I'm being a prison at the moment, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
To me, it was the best I would say top five.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
I would say top five now putting the five in
order as something else.

Speaker 4 (25:54):
Let's let's talk about that after the front page news
eight hundred and five eighty five, one oh five.

Speaker 7 (25:57):
Well, what were your thoughts? Where do you rank this
usher performance?

Speaker 8 (26:01):
You got to be a certain age to have this conversation.

Speaker 7 (26:03):
People that are not gonna see Michael Jackson.

Speaker 8 (26:04):
I remember Michael.

Speaker 21 (26:05):

Speaker 4 (26:06):
Well how about they pull it up on YouTube and
then call in right, they got eight hundred five eight five,
one on five.

Speaker 7 (26:11):
I got one question in the group chat.

Speaker 4 (26:13):
I said, I was gonna standing with my legs open,
and you were supposed to slide through my legs on
the way in this.

Speaker 7 (26:17):
Morning like you did?

Speaker 9 (26:18):
What I am?

Speaker 2 (26:18):
Yeah, you didn't see me ignoring the group. I never
replied to that. Y'all ain't see that, no.

Speaker 7 (26:22):
But I know you saw it.

Speaker 3 (26:23):
Yeah, So we are your skates and nigger his legs.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Front faced, dudes, is nexus the breakfast cloak Aboy?

Speaker 11 (26:31):
You're checking out the breakfast club morning everybody.

Speaker 4 (26:34):
It's j n V Jess hilarious, Charlamagne the guy. We
are the breakfast Club. Now let's get in some front
page news now over the weekend. Again, if you missed it,
the Chiefs beat the forty nine. It's twenty five, twenty
sou great defensive game, and of course I should.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Killed the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (26:51):

Speaker 2 (26:52):
Yeah, suit to the Kansas City Chiefs. Man, they're officially
a dynasty now. I mean, you know, you went back
to back Super Bowls. What three see in the last
four years. Hasn't been a team more dominant in the NFL.

Speaker 10 (27:15):
And I love it because my son is a Ravens fan.
But his favorite he has like favorite players and his
favorite quarterback is Patrick Man.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Really, so he really was happy.

Speaker 7 (27:24):
So I had.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
Patrick is that dude? He wanted it ones once in
a generational talent.

Speaker 4 (27:30):
But Patrick Mahomes talks after the Super Bowl and talks
about being a dynasty.

Speaker 8 (27:34):
I'm just proud of the.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Guys that kept believing.

Speaker 12 (27:36):
I'm and I'm probably the coaches for calling up those players.

Speaker 8 (27:38):
And got some touchdowns there at the end. You know,
you go on and win the championship.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
Being the underdog the last three games in the playoffs,
maybe a lesson learned for everybody else out there.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
In the future.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
Yeah, I just know that the Kansas City Chiefs are
never underdogs.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
Just know that I'm I'm just glad Travis Kelsey didn't
score the touchdown to win the Super Bowl. If Travis
Kelsey was scored the touchdown to winning Super voting Beyonce,
they would have dropped two songs for nothing, nothing.

Speaker 8 (28:02):
Usher would have performed for nothing.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Because it really would have been all about Travis Kelsey
and Taylor by the way it already is. But if
Travis would have scored the touchdown to win the Super Bowl,
oh my god.

Speaker 3 (28:15):
And do you know that we're making it more about
her with all these hypotheticalnesses.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
Scored a winning touchdown and by the way, he almost
did the play before the touchdown yard.

Speaker 8 (28:27):
I was like, here go, he was almost go.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
But clearly the Roughs wasn't on their side in the
first half.

Speaker 2 (28:33):
We actually knew that we threw you that.

Speaker 3 (28:35):
Yes, I know, so all right, so much. I'm sorry,
and I'm writing it down like I can't.

Speaker 7 (28:43):
Wait to see this on the Well, let's jump right
into Trump test.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Let's jump right into it.

Speaker 12 (28:49):
As Donald Trump and Niki Haley prepare to see who wins.
In South Carolina on February twenty fourth, Donald Trump got
personal with Nikki Haley's about Nick Haley's husband. This weekend
in South Carolina at a rally at the Coastal Carolina
University in Conway.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
Uh, let's take a listen to what he said.

Speaker 13 (29:06):
And then Nicky Haley's response.

Speaker 20 (29:08):
Where's her husband?

Speaker 3 (29:08):
Oh, he's away, he's away.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
What happened to her husband?

Speaker 8 (29:12):
What happened to her husband?

Speaker 13 (29:13):
Where is he?

Speaker 2 (29:15):
He's gone?

Speaker 7 (29:16):
He knew, he knew.

Speaker 22 (29:18):
Donald Trump had a rally today, and in that rally,
he mocked my husband's military service. And I'll say this, Donald,
if you have something to say, don't say it behind
my back. Get on a debate stage and say it
to my face. If you mock the service of a
combat veteran, you don't deserve a driver's license, let alone

being president of the United States.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
I'm one hundred was in positive. Donald Trump had no idea. Nikki,
he Nikki Haley's husband is in the military. I don't think.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
She talks about it all the time.

Speaker 8 (29:52):
He don't have a clue. I don't believe he has
a goddamn.

Speaker 12 (29:58):
Telling people in the military that they're losers. You know,
he did that with John McCain saying that he you
know that he got taken by the POW So he.

Speaker 8 (30:04):
May know Now, I didn't hear the whole audio.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
So did he reference her her husband being away in
the military in that audio? He did not. He was
just saying was And that's my problem with that's my
problem with people. That's my problem with the media. But
you can't say how a person feels. She said, he's
mocking the fact my husband is in the military. How
is that mocking the fact her husband is in the military.

Now she just saidr husband not around exactly, are you
how do you jump to the conclusion, I mean, how
do you jump to the conclusion that he's mocking my
husband being in the military.

Speaker 8 (30:37):
That in a way it is kind of fake dus yo, Well,
I mean.

Speaker 12 (30:41):
She said it multiple times that her husband is in
the military, active duty. Now whether he listened to that
or not. And again in this campaign, you're gonna use
whatever you can. But just for the point of reference,
he is serving active duty deployment in Horn of Africa
for South Carolina Army National Guard. He responded on x
formally known as Twitter, showing a photo of Woolf saying
the difference between healans and animals animals would never allow

the dumbest ones to lead the pack. So to your point, Charlemagne,
she has said this multiple multiple times. You're saying that
you don't think that he did know, and that.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Connection of I don't think he knew, and even if
he did know, he never said anything about her him
being away in the military.

Speaker 8 (31:18):
All he said was where is Nikki's husband? Where is it?

Speaker 7 (31:21):
Where is he?

Speaker 2 (31:22):
For people who don't know, who haven't been paying attention,
they probably like, damn, where is he? All y'all do
to answer the question, my husband is away in the military.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
But well, let's see about this.

Speaker 12 (31:30):
And let's see this is a little bit more clear
about what Donald Trump said when we talk about his
comments of NATO.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
Now at the same encouraged Russia.

Speaker 8 (31:38):
Those were one hundred percent clip.

Speaker 9 (31:40):
Yeah, So he.

Speaker 12 (31:42):
Encouraged Russia to do whatever the hell they want to.
Any NATO country that does not pay enough to take
a listen to that.

Speaker 9 (31:48):
One of the.

Speaker 20 (31:49):
Presidents of the big country instead up said well, sir,
if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will
you protect us? I said, you didn't pay your delinquent.
He said, yes, let's say that happened. No, I would
not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to
do whatever the.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
Hell they want. Those comments were one hundred percent clear,
and that would absolutely lead to World War three.

Speaker 12 (32:12):
Absolutely, And just so people understand, NATO does not have
a bill that they pay. They are encouraged to invest
two percent of their gross domestic product into this fund.

Speaker 13 (32:23):
And many of them have not been meeting that target.

Speaker 12 (32:25):
But it's not a delink when you know bill type
of thing, you know, so they haven't been meeting a
lot of them haven't been meeting the target for years.
And Trump has always complained about that that other countries
in NATO don't spend the amount of money that the
United States have, which is, you know, a Vatican plaint.

Speaker 3 (32:39):
But just want to be clear that it's not a bill.

Speaker 12 (32:41):
He's always threatened to withdraw the US from NATO, but
it's comments Saturday with the most direct indication that he
does not intend to defend NATO allies from Russian attacks.
President Joe Biden says Sunday that Trump is making it
clear that he will abandon our NATO allies and that
Trump admits that he intends to give pood In the
greenlight for more war violence to continue his brutal assault

against a free Ukraine and to expand his aggression to
the people of Poland are appalling and dangerous.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
Yeah, now several other people's focus on. Yeah, and that's
what the media should be focused on, Like, those are
comments that will one hundred percent lead the World War
three if they were to ever happen, like if he
was to ever do that. So it's just like that's
who people, that's what people should be focusing on. That
is a comment that people should take and posterize and
play in media over and over and over and over, especially.

Speaker 4 (33:27):
The Biden campaign. Now, for people that don't know what
NATO is, I mean we all learned it in school.
You want to break down what NATO is and why
NATO was you know, they have to protect some of
those countries.

Speaker 13 (33:36):
Mm hm yeah, thank you.

Speaker 2 (33:38):

Speaker 12 (33:38):
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was founded
in nineteen forty nine. It's a group of thirty one
countries from Europe and North America that exists to protect
the people and territory of its members. The alliance is
founded on the flux. So saying oh, you on your own, yeah, Russia,
not only you know you are you on your own?
But do whatever the hell you want is a really

alarming statement.

Speaker 9 (34:00):

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Trump is really the worst bill collector ever. I mean,
he'd be a terrible landlord. I mean, we know he's
already been a terrible landlord. He won't give you no grace.
You laid a little bit, you delink with a little bit,
you let a whole country attack you attack them. That's crazy. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (34:14):
And the thing is, it's not delinkent that.

Speaker 12 (34:15):
That's the whole thing is.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
It's a fund.

Speaker 12 (34:17):
You know, you put money into a pot in simple terms,
you know that saying everybody should pay their fair share,
and you know which. I get the gripe of it all.
But it's certainly not a requirement. It is just a request.

Speaker 7 (34:29):
So all right, there it is, and that is Front
page News.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
Thank you, tes absolutely, And make sure you follow a
Teling Figure on all social media platforms and subscribe that
Telin Figure's podcast is great shot, no chase of podcasts,
the black Effect.

Speaker 8 (34:42):
I Heeart Radio podcast network.

Speaker 3 (34:44):

Speaker 4 (34:47):
All right, let's open up the phone lines. Eight hundred
and five eight five one oh five to one. Usher's
performance last night? Where do you rank that in Super
Bowl performance?

Speaker 7 (34:56):
I got it.

Speaker 8 (34:57):
I maybe I'm being a president of the moment.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
To me, it looked like and felt like the greatest
Super Bowl halftime show I've ever seen. Now I got
in top five. My top five is and really in
no order except for number one. I got Michael Jackson
in ninety three, two, Beyonce in twenty thirteen, and Prince
in seven was my number one because you go back

and watch that, Prince started playing purple.

Speaker 8 (35:24):
Rain and it started raining it like, that's just God.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
I watched it this morning too, But usher Man last night,
just the production, the showmanship, the catalog of music he got.

Speaker 8 (35:37):
I felt like it was the best one I've ever seen.

Speaker 7 (35:39):
I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (35:40):
In ninety three this is before I mean, I said,
Michael Jackson in ninety three, this is before.

Speaker 7 (35:44):
They had all the things that they can do.

Speaker 3 (35:46):
And that's number one for me.

Speaker 7 (35:47):
Like that, I didn't have none of that.

Speaker 4 (35:48):
No, that's why it's hard to compare. But Michael Stull
had stun doubles popping up on top of the stage.

Speaker 2 (35:53):
He was in the crowded stunt doubles looks so terrible.
Now go back and watch now, you like that clearly
was not Mike h Okay.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
Well, when I was in the moment, I thought it
was and he just stood there for mad Lung and
people cried, like.

Speaker 10 (36:04):
Crazy time, what are you talking about? They was more
They was there for him. That's right, football players cried.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one is
the breakfast Sluggle Morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 6 (36:22):
It's topic time called eight hundred five a five one
five one to join into the discussion with the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 5 (36:30):

Speaker 4 (36:30):
Everybody's d j Envy jets, Hilarry Charlamage the guy. We
are the Breakfast Club. If you're just joining us, we're
talking about the super Bowl. Last night, we're actually talking
about Usher Bowl.

Speaker 9 (36:40):

Speaker 4 (36:40):
We were talking about where do you rank Usher's performance?
Uh from I guess all the Super Bowls that you've
seen or are in Google, And that is the question
this morning. Eight hundred and five five one five one.

Speaker 7 (36:51):
Let's talk with you.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
Yes, you're much younger than us, right, what's the best
Super Bowls you see?

Speaker 10 (36:55):
I'm sorry because I'm gonna say I'm sorry firstcause you're
going to agree. But Beyonce and Bruno killed her with
a little bit of cold play at the end.

Speaker 7 (37:04):
I remember that, Yes, Rihanna.

Speaker 2 (37:06):
You didn't like to Beyonce when she brought out Shot.

Speaker 10 (37:09):
Yeah, but I just liked Beyonce when she when she
did Formation and then she it was mixed with Bruno
and because he can dance too, he's sat a powerhouse
and then cold Play, it just seemed like he was
just there, but them too, like collectively, that was dope, Rihanna,
I actually liked that even though everybody was talking, you know,

crap a little because Shanet really Shane really liked dance.

Speaker 3 (37:33):
She was pregnant, but it was unity.

Speaker 10 (37:35):
It was like it was so uniform that everybody had
on red and it was like a big statement and
she sounded good and last night and usha to be
honest that yeah, Michael Jackson, because I did watch that me.
I was one year old when it happened, but I
watched it over the years, and yeah, I would say
those are my full favorite.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Yeah, mine is, like I said, Michael Jackson in ninety three,
Dre Snoop twenty twenty two, Beyonce in twenty thirteen. Number
one for me has been Prince for a long time because,
like I keep saying, he played Purple Rain and it
started raining, not no freaking not effective. God like little.

Speaker 8 (38:14):
Show Prince that you can't beat that.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
But man, usher Man last night, that was the best
production I've ever seen it the Super Bowl Man.

Speaker 4 (38:21):
I would do, I would do top three. I think
for myself, Michael Jackson is still number one. I just
remember that feeling of watching it and then wanting to
do the moon walk and everything after when.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
You go back and watch his production Pales and Coperson,
it was nineteen ninety three.

Speaker 4 (38:34):
The technology was different, technology, way different then. And then
I think Prince is up there, Prince, because the Prince
with the purple rain, it was just like I couldn't
believe it. Yeah, and then you got Usher, like Usher
killed it. Just the roller skate in the strip of
poles and dancing. It was like, I forget the circus,
like a you know, like a soul circus.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Yes, so much going on a lot?

Speaker 10 (38:55):
Yeah and I didn't mean that and you know, in
a crazy way, but yeah, like it was a lot.
It was like a big party. It was performance like
you said it was effects all of this.

Speaker 7 (39:03):
Yeah, it was a lot.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
It was a lot.

Speaker 8 (39:04):
Usher performance was so good it actually made the major
priets outfit.

Speaker 7 (39:08):
Look no it didn't Okay, what he talking about?

Speaker 3 (39:12):
I don't know what hate. He's better not come here.
Weainhing it?

Speaker 8 (39:16):

Speaker 2 (39:18):

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Who's this Rachel?

Speaker 18 (39:20):
How y'all doing?

Speaker 7 (39:21):
Rachel? Good morning? What do you think about usher halftime performance?

Speaker 1 (39:24):
I didn't wait to get him my part this morning.
I prayed this was the question. Charla Maine has never
been more right in his life. Nobody messing with us?

Speaker 7 (39:33):
How old are you, mama?

Speaker 1 (39:35):
I am forty nine fifty this year. I called y'all before.
I'm from place in Harlem, the Juice Bar.

Speaker 9 (39:41):

Speaker 2 (39:42):
So you've been around you you see it like you've
seen a lot of these super Bowl halftime shows, a
lot of them, and.

Speaker 1 (39:48):
I don't care to be high gets mad?

Speaker 12 (39:50):
The swift?

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Whoever swift?

Speaker 1 (39:53):
I just took some that he did his thing to
make you emotional.

Speaker 7 (39:57):

Speaker 2 (39:59):
Yeah? Hello? Who's this?

Speaker 18 (40:01):
Coach? Wall?

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Wall WHOA? What's up?

Speaker 16 (40:03):

Speaker 7 (40:04):
What you think about Usher's performance last night? How do
you rank it?

Speaker 9 (40:07):

Speaker 5 (40:07):
I rank it? I don't know the main tripping on
that one.

Speaker 16 (40:10):
It was not top three, but it was good.

Speaker 18 (40:12):
He put on for Georgia, though.

Speaker 2 (40:13):
So where's it that definitely dead?

Speaker 3 (40:15):
Put on for Atlanta?

Speaker 8 (40:16):
If it ain't top three.

Speaker 2 (40:17):
You gotta name me three better right now, and don't say.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
For decent hanging upside.

Speaker 8 (40:21):
Down, you gotta name me three better.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
I like Michael okay?

Speaker 16 (40:28):
Oh, Beyonce?

Speaker 5 (40:29):

Speaker 2 (40:30):
What's Beyonce one? Twenty thirteen? Yep, okay, I'm not mad
at any of those, even though I think Usher was
better than all of them.

Speaker 10 (40:37):
I need to go back and watch the twenty thirteen one. Yes,
because what year it was Heran Bruno?

Speaker 2 (40:41):
Ian Bruno was after twenty thirteen twenty It might have
been the very next year, twenty fourteen, twenty fifteen, maybe.

Speaker 7 (40:48):
It was sixteen.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
Hello, who's this TJ?

Speaker 12 (40:51):
From Atlanta?

Speaker 4 (40:52):
Hey from Atlanta? What's up, man, TJ? We're asking Usher's performance?

Speaker 7 (40:55):
What do you rank it?

Speaker 16 (40:56):

Speaker 1 (40:57):
Top three?

Speaker 16 (40:58):
Definitely between him, Mike and Print.

Speaker 18 (41:01):
I gotta kind of give it to Mike because if
you remember, no one knew which Mike was coming out first,
like your pusin like two different spots.

Speaker 7 (41:09):
That's what I was saying.

Speaker 17 (41:09):
That was Andy popped it off and popped it off.

Speaker 7 (41:13):
Yes, that was the stunt double.

Speaker 4 (41:14):
They saying that performance actually made a performance start really
putting money and investing into the halftime performance.

Speaker 7 (41:21):
It was like that was the start of it.

Speaker 13 (41:22):

Speaker 2 (41:23):
Yeah, you gotta give it to Mic.

Speaker 1 (41:24):
Even though Prince had that purple rain, I don't know.
Everyone got a goosebump during that time.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
But see, but see that's what I mean, like we're
basing it off nostalgia, right, Like I got Prince number one,
but I got it because he was playing purple rain
and it started raining. I'm just talking about a pure production.
Prince production wasn't near Michael and Usher's.

Speaker 7 (41:42):
They didn't have.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
Technology like that pressure in twenty two thousand and seven. Yeah,
but with twenty twenty three, it's not like uh, Usher
was out there with a I bro. He just had
a big production. He had a big production I got.
I don't know, man, I got us your number one.
I gotta give it to Usher. I don't want to
say right now, because present number one.

Speaker 8 (42:00):
It was an instant class for me.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
I watched it and I said, this is the best
halftime show I've ever seen. That the first thing my
mind said, well, this is the thing. Did you watch
it again? Did you watch it for the second time?

Speaker 8 (42:10):
I watched it.

Speaker 7 (42:11):
It's even better the second time.

Speaker 3 (42:12):
Because the original one. All overall, when you.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
When they live. Actually enjoyed the live singing. I was
happy that Usher saying live. I was happy Alicia saying live,
even if her voice cracked a little bit. That's the
one time none of that bothered me. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (42:28):
Well, eight hundred five eight five one five one, we're
talking about the super Bowl last night, Usher's halftime performance.

Speaker 7 (42:34):
Where do you rake it? What's your thoughts? Let's discuss.
It's the breakfast oogomning.

Speaker 6 (42:43):
Let's say if you're all talking about it, you know
we talking about it. It's top time called eight hundred
five eight five one five one to join into the
discussion with the Breakfast Club Morning.

Speaker 4 (42:55):
Everybody's DJ n V Jess Hilarious, Charlamage the guy.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
We are the breakfas Fist Club.

Speaker 4 (43:00):
If you're just joining us, we're talking about Usher's halftime
performance last night. We're just asking where do you rank it?
And we got Jania on the line. Is that your name, Mama,
Jena Jennay? I'm sorry, Jania? What do you rank Usher's
halftime performance?

Speaker 18 (43:14):
That I'm a dancer, I'm your pictures old and from
the entertainment standpoint, he's definitely upstairs. Top three.

Speaker 16 (43:25):
Who else you got for sure Michael in.

Speaker 8 (43:28):
Prince Michael and Prince okay man over Beyonce.

Speaker 18 (43:33):
I mean, Beyonce is definitely in the conversation, She's definitely
top five. But entertainment wise, like what he did last night,
the way he bought Atlanta.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
That man had stripper poles on the Super Bowl Sunday.

Speaker 2 (43:46):
I have blood usher for.

Speaker 18 (43:47):
That and he took his shirt off. Forget Jennet Jackson,
he shot him.

Speaker 4 (43:54):
Now definitely show now you know on the side note,
that was a bet if I she was gonna show
with nipples and now really yeah.

Speaker 7 (44:04):
When my son came and it's like, Dad, you think
gonna show his nipple?

Speaker 2 (44:06):
I'm like, what how much?

Speaker 8 (44:07):
How much you're logan one.

Speaker 2 (44:09):
He was like nah, because it's a bet.

Speaker 7 (44:10):
I'm like, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (44:11):
I said, I don't think you known show nipp I
said with all the nipple gy stuff, he's gonna shows
nipple and he did.

Speaker 2 (44:15):
He did.

Speaker 7 (44:15):
My son lost log Yeah done on.

Speaker 5 (44:20):

Speaker 2 (44:21):
Put Logan in the group chat now man, Logan as
the kind of compsations you're having with your daddy. Didne
turned you out?

Speaker 9 (44:25):

Speaker 2 (44:27):
He was keeping them straight? Logan, Now you got your
little crooking?

Speaker 12 (44:30):

Speaker 17 (44:30):
Was this Detroit?

Speaker 2 (44:32):

Speaker 9 (44:32):

Speaker 2 (44:33):
What up?

Speaker 9 (44:33):

Speaker 7 (44:33):
We're talking about Usher last night? It's half time performance.
What's your thoughts?

Speaker 3 (44:37):
I wasn't doing press man, You wasn't impressed?

Speaker 16 (44:40):
Yeah, I wasn't doing Why not?

Speaker 17 (44:42):
Brother? I feel like he could have did better?

Speaker 9 (44:45):

Speaker 2 (44:47):
When when when you when he when he took your
shirt off and your girl was like, oh my god,
and you was like, yeah.

Speaker 17 (44:56):
Actually I'm actually single though, so I wasn't even worried about.

Speaker 2 (45:00):
So what specifically about?

Speaker 3 (45:02):
What specifically do you think he did he miss songs?
What you think he could have did better por.

Speaker 17 (45:08):
The songs or or probably even performed the song was
even better because it was like a six minute show,
and I just it was too short.

Speaker 8 (45:18):
It was fifteen minutes.

Speaker 2 (45:19):
It was the longest halftime show in Super Bowl history.
It was the hater. No, it would just be talking, man,
it want to be different.

Speaker 9 (45:28):

Speaker 2 (45:28):
Who was this?

Speaker 7 (45:29):

Speaker 3 (45:30):

Speaker 9 (45:31):

Speaker 2 (45:31):
What's your name?

Speaker 9 (45:32):

Speaker 3 (45:32):
My name is.

Speaker 7 (45:34):
Hey Freddy.

Speaker 4 (45:34):
What's your thoughts on US's halftime performance?

Speaker 18 (45:37):
I think it was good. I would probably give it
like a seven and half eight actteens only because I
think with some of the performances. I like the one
when ho mad Alicia Keys. I didn't understand the one
when he heard Yeah. I don't know if he did
a song one have before or I don't know. I
just know she was playing a guitar and w I
think when the end was the best part of the

show to me. I just feel like, you know, it's Usher,
so I feel like there's the old school something to
remind them, like you know who you are still today
because he have new songs out, and I just didn't
understand why he didn't perform some of these new songs.
And then to find out at the end of the show,
like in the commercier, I say, they say that he

have an album coming out, and I'm like, well, why
he ain't performed some of his new songs, so why
not why? I just didn't understand why he didn't perform,
Like I don't know. I was like I was looking
for him to play good good. You know, he could
have brought out the song I like you son. He
did the See the Girls. But then I also let
the you know gen z don't know like who Usher
is because you know, they probably don't know about you know,

all the good muses that we know if usher're coming up,
so you know, for us, we should have got some
of the new songs for the for the new generation
that she got some of the old stuff, which was good.
But then it was just a lot going on with
the show as well.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
He was twitching and and now I think, like he'll
play a song.

Speaker 18 (47:00):
And three or five seconds later this week, and I
was like, wait, wait wait. I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
what's going on here? I say, like, it was good,
but I think he should have put some different songs
in and let them play longer, especially some of the
good ones that he had.

Speaker 2 (47:15):
Okay, but also say.

Speaker 18 (47:16):
Like he should have performed some of his I think
he should perform some of his new songs that he
have out.

Speaker 7 (47:22):
I mean with you, I think I.

Speaker 9 (47:26):

Speaker 3 (47:26):
Now what I will say, I think him and Alicia
went too long.

Speaker 10 (47:29):
I mean like because that took like maybe three or
four minutes of his performance, you know what I mean,
It was like three minutes because she came on with
some people.

Speaker 8 (47:38):
You know, she didn't left like that.

Speaker 3 (47:42):
I mean, well some people, you know, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (47:45):
They could have left that part out and then maybe
he could have got lovers and friends.

Speaker 2 (47:50):
Maybe he could have did that, but either way, yeah,
we didn't need.

Speaker 8 (47:53):
It didn't hurt, but we didn't need.

Speaker 3 (47:56):
Yeah, no, it didn't hurt.

Speaker 10 (47:57):
Yeah, but my boot was one of my extra was
one of my favorite songs by them both so but.

Speaker 2 (48:03):
Just her song and Usher and her two episode together.
It's on the color Propo song Oh my God.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
Alicia and Usha.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
Singer Oh yeah yeah, I like. I like what he
did with her.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
Let her do her thing.

Speaker 8 (48:16):
Hello, who's this.

Speaker 16 (48:18):
From Inglewood?

Speaker 2 (48:20):
Nay Michelle from Singlewood? What's your thoughts?

Speaker 4 (48:22):
Mama the top?

Speaker 17 (48:23):
I agree with Charlotte.

Speaker 18 (48:24):
I agree. It is the top three for me. And
he showed up and showed out. He showed up here
and showed out. But I just want to say to
you guys. I love you guys.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
Just my little niece from another sister, congratulations, thank.

Speaker 9 (48:39):
You you are.

Speaker 1 (48:41):
You remind me of a cousin that I have here,
and I'm like, oh my gosh.

Speaker 17 (48:46):
She has been bodied from Pia.

Speaker 18 (48:48):
But I am so happy for you.

Speaker 2 (48:50):
You are the great fit.

Speaker 17 (48:51):
I'm glad they picked you and.

Speaker 1 (48:54):
I got that family from eighty four three Someonville, South Carolina.
One of my first cousins has a pest Control business,
one high Way seventeen.

Speaker 8 (49:06):
Okay, what's his name? Okay, okay, yes.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
But I will say RB saw over there, right, Mama.

Speaker 9 (49:20):
I was.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
I was on a Jet Blue flight coming back and
I was watching the super Bowl on the flight, and uh,
the woman named Beth was raving about Jess to the
flight attendant named Bef. She lived in Connecticut.

Speaker 9 (49:32):
L Be.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
Beth was like, I love Jess. That's like my cousin
in my head. I'm glad that y'all picked her. Thank you,
Ben from jet Luther Be from JEM Are you going
to discuss next time?

Speaker 7 (49:42):
Why you went a not right now?

Speaker 2 (49:43):
And then another one of the flight attendants said to me,
what did you think of the super Bowl performance? I
was like, I don't know, man, that might have been
the best one I ever seen. He goes relaxed, relaxed, Okay,
all right, Beyonce was better.

Speaker 8 (49:54):
I don't think what's better than Beyonce?

Speaker 3 (49:57):
So yeah, like you said, the more other story I
think is we do We can't do a top three.
It has to be a top four.

Speaker 10 (50:03):
Michael Jackson, Prince Beyonce usher, I mean not in that order,
but whatever you want to do.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
The Greatest Prince tied for number one for me right now,
and then in no order Beyonce Dre and Snoop Michael Jackson.

Speaker 8 (50:16):
But to me, I was an instant class watch.

Speaker 2 (50:19):
I got the instant classic last night, and in my mind,
that was the best halftime so I've ever seen in
my lifeline.

Speaker 7 (50:25):
Okay, okay, all.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
Right, well we got Just with the Mess coming up.
What we're talking about?

Speaker 10 (50:28):
Yes, oh my god, it's Raby Real Juice, all right,
documentary out here.

Speaker 3 (50:33):
Look, it's a documentary on the Loose Show. It's gonna
be so good.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
All right, Well we'll talk about the next do move.
It's to Breakfast Club from marn Warning everybody, it's c
J m V. Just hilarious, Charlamagne the guy. We are
the Breakfast Club. Let's get to Just with the Mess.

Speaker 16 (50:48):
Real, Robbert Liwid just don't do Just.

Speaker 7 (50:52):
Is gonna bring you numbers.

Speaker 8 (50:55):
On the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 7 (50:58):

Speaker 10 (51:00):
Okay, So there is a documentary called The Dark Side
of Kids TVs Investigation Discovery release the trailer for the
upcoming documentary Quiet on Set.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
The Dark Side of TV is a full part documentaries
that were revealed and.

Speaker 10 (51:12):
Inappropriate dynamics with its underage stars and crew.

Speaker 3 (51:16):
We got audio for it. Working for Dan was like
being in an abusive relationship. Dan's treatment of people on
your shows was an open secret.

Speaker 4 (51:27):
There would be even bigger problems down the line with
actual pedophiles on set.

Speaker 15 (51:32):
These are three predators who worked at Nickelodeon, all in
a short amount of time.

Speaker 13 (51:37):
Eleven charges of.

Speaker 3 (51:38):
Child sexual abuse related to a child actor, Wow and
in shows.

Speaker 10 (51:45):
The series will feature cast and crew members from popular
Nickelodeon show Who's Like All That, The Amanda Show, Double
Dare Zoe?

Speaker 3 (51:52):
Want to One? I, Carley, and Victorious What.

Speaker 2 (51:55):
A hell of dance nighter right now?

Speaker 3 (51:57):
I don't know. You gotta see what you get, you know.

Speaker 2 (52:00):
Damn Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52:01):
I don't know where he at now though.

Speaker 2 (52:02):
But I really hope that's not where the concept of
sliming someone came from. I know, and I don't know.

Speaker 3 (52:08):
I'm at the call Nick Canna. Don't wonder if Nick
cannas seen anything.

Speaker 7 (52:12):
Before Nick time. All right, this way before Nick Time.

Speaker 3 (52:15):
It was yeah, he was on it, but it was
like it was all throughout, you know, it said all
that and like that wasn't that was back, but that
wasn't like Nick cann was on all that. No, no, no, no,
he wasn't on all that, but he was very much around.
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 10 (52:30):
That's scary, Yeah, because I call it is rather new
Zoe wan to one is rather you know, these these
shows are like shows that my sons still watch, you
know what I'm saying. So yeah, although he was on
all that, well yeah, but he just wasn't a main character,
but he was there Amanda buying and.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
Looking at it.

Speaker 7 (52:47):
Yeah, yeah, that is scary.

Speaker 4 (52:48):
Be could you imagine you have kids and you think
nickelode is this happy, fun place. Yeah, I guess anything
could happen anywhere your kids around.

Speaker 8 (52:55):
Nobody, especially in Hollywood.

Speaker 10 (52:57):
Absolutely, it's the kids coming out over the years. I
believe a man Bids is the first one actually speak
well not not the first, but she's the most popular
kid to actually speak about something like this, and it
just kind of fell to the wayside.

Speaker 3 (53:08):
Nobody ever like paid it any mind.

Speaker 10 (53:09):
But yeah, I'm glad there is a documentary shutting like
on something like this, especially if it is true.

Speaker 7 (53:13):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (53:15):
More news.

Speaker 10 (53:16):
A Lotto denies Sunday service as a dis track A
Loto A lotto wanted to clear up some things about
her new single, Sunday Service.

Speaker 3 (53:23):
She went on Live Baby, didn't nobody say that song?

Speaker 13 (53:27):
Didn nobody say that? Y'all just be just jumping to conclusions.

Speaker 5 (53:31):
Then be mad at me.

Speaker 3 (53:33):
I ain't never said that it's.

Speaker 10 (53:35):
In there, but I ain't say that one did song
And and I didn't not say that was how much
in the song?

Speaker 16 (53:43):
They asked me?

Speaker 3 (53:43):
Blog said a lot of new track through I'm written,
like who said that?

Speaker 13 (53:49):
And be mad at y'allself for believing your own assumptions.

Speaker 3 (53:53):
And I ain't never saying that song on this song, song,
this song, y'all know how I get done with a
this song?

Speaker 2 (53:59):
Stuff playing?

Speaker 10 (54:00):
Yeah, I mean And to her point, when I heard
Sunday Service, I mean, I did say it was like
I say, it was weak, but I was just like,
I mean, those two or three little bars or four
bars about bar I just felt like, you know, that
was a little smack on the wrist.

Speaker 3 (54:15):
She could really go in if it was a distance,
like we know a lot of it.

Speaker 4 (54:19):
But then I remember I said last week, I said
she was in a sprinter and she was playing a snippet?
Is this probably the video that the sprinter beat having
because if you ever going to sprinting, they just always
have videos on, right, right, And that's the exact same
thing she said.

Speaker 2 (54:29):
She said wasn't full fledged this track, but she did
imply that it possibly could be a lot of smoke
to the Bronx and twenty different ubers services, but this was.

Speaker 10 (54:43):
But Ice is the one that went and you know,
made it like that, you put me in the back
of your little week I snipper, Like that's what she said,
you know, yeah, you put me in the back of
your little week I snipper one.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
Last night the Super Bowl tail a cousin I don't
tail on on tour they.

Speaker 7 (55:01):
Did, remember y'all remember that.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
I actually reported that up there. Yeah, they had a song,
they had a phone. Damn Taylor gonna be on fart
Remix America.

Speaker 8 (55:10):
Y'all know that.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
But that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 10 (55:12):
Ice Ice Spikes actually said funk was a distract before
anybody even figured that out, and people were still like
in question, like it is you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (55:20):
So, I mean that could have been about anything.

Speaker 10 (55:22):
But Lotto also went on a million dollars with a
game shout out to Gillian Wallow and she.

Speaker 2 (55:27):
Clarified it more Ice Spikes being in the back of
that video.

Speaker 8 (55:30):
Was that the wreck head?

Speaker 2 (55:33):
Right, I did not do that on p but like,
and she took it like you did it on purpose. Well,
then let's stupid like.

Speaker 3 (55:41):
It wasn't like that, you know what I'm saying. It
wasn't like that sort of god like.

Speaker 7 (55:44):
It wasn't like that.

Speaker 3 (55:45):
My draw me Houston having a ball leaving the club drunk.

Speaker 13 (55:49):
Let's make a little TikTok to this song.

Speaker 9 (55:50):
I like.

Speaker 3 (55:51):
So before she came out and said she was talking
about you, did you know she was talking about you?

Speaker 9 (55:55):

Speaker 3 (55:55):
No, I didn't know that song was about me till
she said it was about me.

Speaker 8 (55:58):
I don't mind the happened sport of it.

Speaker 2 (56:01):
This is a sport.

Speaker 7 (56:02):
This is like basketball.

Speaker 8 (56:04):
You say you better than me.

Speaker 2 (56:06):
Take these bars, now, let me get what you've got
she get and she did give Ice Spice bars on
this record.

Speaker 3 (56:12):
She did a couple of them.

Speaker 10 (56:15):
I mean, if somebody tell me, if somebody said, like,
because what I think is Sunday Service was probably already done.

Speaker 3 (56:22):
Like she was already done. It was done. She was
just probably like waiting to put it out.

Speaker 10 (56:25):
You know what I mean, doing all the promo for it,
and then Ice Spice says, part was about you, all right,
let me go back in the move. You know what
I mean, let me go back in the boy give
you a bar to like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (56:36):
I just I feel like, so it's hissing NICKI Minaj
dis record cause he got with a bar.

Speaker 10 (56:42):
It was a disc record, But I think she dissed everybody.
He was just the only one who hit who felt
it that hard and talked about it for a week.

Speaker 2 (56:48):
That was it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 10 (56:49):
But nobody else that she talked about other people in it.
They just didn't say anything.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
That's true.

Speaker 10 (56:54):
Moving forward, Jada Pinkett Smith scares off home invaders. So
TMZ reported that two men in hoodie show up to
Jada Pikett Smith's house. Uh, it wasn't the Calabasas home
that she shared with Will Smith. They climbed up on
her balcony, but Jada reported, Uh. Jada reported scared them.
She reported, lee, y'all come on, spell it right, scared
them off before they could enter the home. I wonder

what she did from Baltimore, I understand, but yeah, she mean,
but at the same time.

Speaker 17 (57:22):

Speaker 10 (57:25):
So, this is not the house that she has will
no no, no, no no no, and police were called,
but the men were gone by the time the police arrived.
It's unclear if the men specifically targeted targeted Jada's home,
or if.

Speaker 3 (57:35):
It was just a random targeted that specifically targeted Jada's home,
or if it was a random attempt to rob a
wealthy home. But we got audio bat and then for yeah,

I wish.

Speaker 2 (57:58):
You had audio the tardet burglar your that would be
amazing audio drum.

Speaker 8 (58:05):
I haven't drunk dealer energy.

Speaker 16 (58:06):
I never.

Speaker 9 (58:08):
I never.

Speaker 2 (58:08):
When I when I read that in the book, I
was like, Pink and Smith was in the streets like that.

Speaker 8 (58:12):
But when you walked in, I'm like, I see it,
my guy.

Speaker 2 (58:21):
My guy, why you hear my? That's New York.

Speaker 9 (58:24):

Speaker 3 (58:24):
So she was like, why are you here, dummy? What
you doing?

Speaker 13 (58:29):

Speaker 9 (58:30):
What was you?

Speaker 2 (58:31):
Baltimore has some of the toughest softest women I ever met.
But soft now, I don't mean soft like you know
they push over, I mean like soft hearted.

Speaker 3 (58:40):
Yeah you know I would say I'm one of them,
but yeah, I just want to know how it happened.
How she's scared off to the niggas.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
To tar hood, no, no, to tarded dummies and hood.

Speaker 4 (58:55):
Oh my gosh, I'm just with the mask, all right,
Charla Mane, give me a donkey to man four after
the hour.

Speaker 2 (59:00):
We need representative Matt Gates, Representative Mike Leoyd Chick and
conservative pointed in TJ. Pearson to come to the front
of the congregation. They have a problem with the Black
National anthem, y'all. We'll discuss this, my boy, all right,
we'll get to that next.

Speaker 9 (59:12):
It don't move.

Speaker 2 (59:12):
It's the breakfast club.

Speaker 7 (59:13):
Good morning, you're checking out the breakfast club.

Speaker 2 (59:17):
This is a miracle, there is no question.

Speaker 22 (59:21):
And there are problems in this country between police and community.

Speaker 7 (59:26):
Yes, you are a donkey.

Speaker 8 (59:29):
The latest on that police killing of a black man.

Speaker 2 (59:31):
Now the new developments in the deathly spawshooting rampage.

Speaker 11 (59:34):
Many say it was a really bad day for him
and this is what he did, and so we are
in a state of emergency.

Speaker 2 (59:40):
Okay. White supremacist violence is always have been the number
one threat to our society.

Speaker 8 (59:45):
But I'm also very proud that my wife was white.
The breakfast club bitch.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
Chrenny please tell me why was I your donkey of
the day. Well donkey today from Monday, February twelve, go
to the Representative Matt Gates of Florida. Excuse me, so
I'm discussing this discussed so sorry, Representative Mike Lloyd, Chick,
Conservative fue Date, C J. Pearson, and everybody else who
had their fruit of all looms and a bunch. Because
the NFL let Andre Day perform lift every voice and

commonly lift every voice and sing commonly known as the
black national anthem now last night, just like at many
a sporting event, more than one national anthem was saying okay,
they do it all the time, especially in boxing. If
there's a fighter from another country, someone will do their
national anthem. I've seen the Canadian national anthem, the Mexican
national anthem saying it happens all the time. And in
a sport that has a very high percentage of black

players performing the black national anthem makes sense to me.
And Andrea Day performed it last night. Can we hear
a little bit of the black national anthem? Please come
through Andrea to with okay now. Representative Matt gab said

on X they're desecrating America's national anthem by playing something
called the Black National Anthem. Mike lud Chig said, there's
no such thing as a black national anthem. We are
all Americans, united by our great and beautiful Star Spangled banner.
The Super Bowl is supposed to bring us together. It's
a disgrace that the NFL decided to push the politics
of racial division again. CJ. Pearson wrote on x before
Tonight's Super Bowl, as a young black and proud American,

let me make myself clear.

Speaker 8 (01:01:34):
There is only one national anthem.

Speaker 2 (01:01:36):
There is only one United States of America, and it's
for everyone, white, black, yellow, and even maroon. He said.
The left agenda of division isn't just needless, it's exhausting. Listen, man,
have any of y'all ever stopped to think there would
be no division if y'all didn't cause it, If they
would simply acknowledge it, the Black National Anthem for what
it is, Okay, they wouldn't be an issue. And what

it is is a promise of the freedom, liberty, and
justice America promised all people under the Constitution. Okay.

Speaker 8 (01:02:04):
It was written at a crucial time in American history,
all Right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:07):
When Jim Crow was replacing slavery, and African Americans was
searching for an identity of their own. Author and activist
James Weldon Johnson wrote the words as a poem, which
his brother John Rosamond Johnson then set the music. So
if you believe in the freedom of all Americans, if
you believe in equality for all Americans, if you truly
do believe in liberty and justice for all, to lift
every voice and sing wouldn't bother you, not even a

little bit?

Speaker 9 (01:02:30):

Speaker 2 (01:02:30):
It was first performed in Jacksonville, FLOYDA, to celebrate President
Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Abraham Lincoln, you know him right, He
issued the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves. The song
was written as a hopeful appeal for the liberty of
black Americans.

Speaker 8 (01:02:42):
It was the promise of freedom.

Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
If you don't like the song, then you simply don't
like seeing black people free. How don't expect Mac Gates
and Mike Lloyd Chick to notice. But TJ.

Speaker 8 (01:02:51):
Piarson, you're a black person. You have to notice.

Speaker 2 (01:02:53):
Okay, Lift every voice and sing is so American and
it's not something you should look at as anti American.
If you do, indeed, belie believe that this should be freedom, liberty,
and justice for all people. If you believe that, then
you should look at this song the same way you
look at the national anthem and the Star Spangled Bannon
not to mention Reeba McIntyre saying the national anthem and
post Malone did America beautiful? So all aspects of America

will represented last night. So I don't understand how come
when people from other countries come here and participate in
sporting events and their national anthem is saying it don't
bother nobody, But anytime black people give some acknowledgement as
proud citizens of this country, it's a problem. Imagine Matt Gates,
Imagine Mike Lloyd Chick, Imagine she J. Pearson. Imagine y'all
simply said it's great to see the black national anthem

acknowledge that the Super Bowl. Think about how that acknowledgment
would bring people together. You know, we live in a
world full of sheep and folks just be sitting around
waiting to know how to feel about things. They literally
go on social media and wait to know how to
feel about certain things and events. If you all that
simply said, good for the NFL to acknowledging our Black

Americans with the Black National Anthem that would collect bring
people together. But like most things black in this country,
you simply try to write it out of history and
tell people that it doesn't really exist. You all could
have created energy and rhetoric that caused unity, but instead
you decided to cause division. Please give Matt Gates, Mike

Lloyd Chick, and CJ. Pearson the biggest he hull. Yeah,
I mean, that's that's just as exhausting as y'all think
the left agenda of division is in my opinion.

Speaker 7 (01:04:31):
All right, well, thank you for that. Donkey to day.

Speaker 4 (01:04:34):
Now when we come back, doctor Kamisha Grant will be
joining us. She is the vice president for a Community
Impact and Investment food Bank for New York City.

Speaker 2 (01:04:43):
That's right, salute to the food bank.

Speaker 9 (01:04:44):

Speaker 2 (01:04:45):
I'm doing a very great partnership with the food Bank
that we'll talk about next.

Speaker 7 (01:04:50):
YEP, So don't move.

Speaker 2 (01:04:50):
It's the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 7 (01:04:51):
Good morning.

Speaker 8 (01:04:52):
Thank you for not calling the Brother Death the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (01:04:58):
Good morning everybody.

Speaker 4 (01:05:00):
DJ n V Charlamagne to gud We are to Breakfast Club.
We got a special guest in the building. Yes, indeed,
is the vice president of Community Impact and Investment Food
Bank for New York City.

Speaker 7 (01:05:09):
Ladies and gentlemen, we have doctor Camishia Grant.

Speaker 13 (01:05:12):
Welcome, good morning, good morning, thank you so much for
having me morning.

Speaker 2 (01:05:15):
How are you today?

Speaker 13 (01:05:16):
I am good, I am well, thank you, I feel good.

Speaker 21 (01:05:18):
I'm excited to be here, and I'm looking forward to
talking about the work that we're doing up through Bank
of New York City and our partnership.

Speaker 2 (01:05:25):
Let's talk about it. What does the Food Bank do
so Food.

Speaker 21 (01:05:27):
Banked New York City. We are the largest hunger ely
organization in New York City. We serve one point two
million New Yorkers every year who struggle to afford enough food. So,
simply put, we have eight hundred organizations across the city
that provide free food to anybody in need.

Speaker 13 (01:05:43):
All you need to do is just get online and
you attest to need just by being there.

Speaker 2 (01:05:47):
I was blown away when I went, you know, last
year in Harlem, because you know, not only like you said,
not only do y'all have a line of people that
y'all serve hot meals too, you actually provide groceries.

Speaker 13 (01:05:57):
We absolutely do, Charlomagne, and thank you for coming out
and doing that. Is it?

Speaker 21 (01:06:00):
Groceries are so important because they allow families to cook
at home, and that's where we want people to eat.
We want them to be in their kitchens, over their tables,
with their families eating together, loving on one another. And
so it's really important for us that we're not only
providing that individual who shows up on the line with
that grocery bag, but in that bag there's enough food
for their entire family.

Speaker 13 (01:06:19):
That's the last over a number of days.

Speaker 7 (01:06:21):
How been around?

Speaker 13 (01:06:22):
Wow, we've been in existence for forty years. We celebrated
forty years.

Speaker 21 (01:06:25):
This year and in that time, we've done free meals
for every year since our existence, and so we're going
to continue to do that work.

Speaker 2 (01:06:35):
How did you get into that work?

Speaker 17 (01:06:36):

Speaker 2 (01:06:36):
How did you get into that form of stuff?

Speaker 21 (01:06:38):
So I've been with the food line for ten years now,
and for me, it's personal. I grew up in Nightscha housing.
We were on food stamps. My mom was a single mom,
and you know, we worked. She worked really hard to
make sure we have what we needed. And so for
me it's very personal and it's my passion and I
want to make sure that I can give back the
same way that when we needed help, we.

Speaker 13 (01:06:56):
Were able to get that help.

Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
So you always had an interest in like hungary leaf
and food security prior or even being.

Speaker 7 (01:07:02):
With the Food Bank, Yeah, I have.

Speaker 21 (01:07:03):
My interest in passion is about service, right, and so
for me it's service and being able to serve wherever
that is needed. My background is in social work, and
so my heart is really into serving and making sure
that everyone has exactly what they need. And so through
the Food Bank in New York City, I'm allowed and
able to.

Speaker 4 (01:07:20):
Do that through food How does the Food Bank get
its food? How do they get their resources? Is it
the government program or is it all independent?

Speaker 21 (01:07:28):
It's a combination of both, right, And so we work
with New York State, New York City, private donors, and
so every dollar helps and affords us to be able
to do the work that we do. It's really important
for us that we're able to get donations, and every
dollar that we get allows us to buy five meals
for somebody who's hungry. And so it's every dollar, every

dollar five meals, and so no amount is too small, right,
there's no donation that's too small. We encourage anybody who's
willing to support our mission. To come on and help
us out, because any amount can actually make a great impact.

Speaker 2 (01:08:01):
I have hunger and like food issues changed for better
or worse since since working there.

Speaker 21 (01:08:06):
You know, I think the pandemic as we all you know,
saw and witness, really made more people end up on
our lines. A lot of people lost their jobs during
the pandemic and are still reeling from the impact. And
so loss of work I think coupled with increased cost
of living, rent increases to a lot of the families
that we work with, they're making really tough choices should

I pay rent or should I buy food? And you know,
seniors are looking at medication costs, are like can I
get my medication today or should I eat? And so
we know that our families are making really tough decisions
every day.

Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
Correct me if I'm wrong in this, But it feels
like organizations like the food Bank, like they're the ones
that should be getting all of the funding, right, Like,
if like these elected officials can't figure out how to
you know, put food on people's plates, just give the resources,
meaning the money to the people who are already doing it,
so y'all can just continue to do what y'all do.

Speaker 21 (01:09:00):
Yeah, and you know, thankfully we are we are getting
a lot of resources and support in our work. You know,
we know our constituents and their needs, and so that's
a really important factor.

Speaker 13 (01:09:10):
We want to make sure that we can meet them
where they are.

Speaker 21 (01:09:13):
It's not just food, right, anybody can help to you know,
give people just food, but we want to make sure
they're getting the types of foods that they want. We
want to make sure that the food is nutritious, so
we give a large percentage of produce, fresh produce because
it's super expensive to buy in a supermarket. We want
to make sure that there's culturally relevant food. And so
we know that New York City is a melting pot,

and so we want to ensure that not only are
people getting a meal, but that they're getting the types
of foods that really work for themselves and their family.

Speaker 4 (01:09:40):
I was going to ask, when people need food, how
does it work. Do they have to write you a letter?
Could they just come online? How many times can they
come online per week?

Speaker 7 (01:09:49):
How does that work?

Speaker 4 (01:09:49):
Because you know it's you know, the sad thing about
it is is you know, back in the day, people
might look down on it, so they might be they
might not want to go online and be seen online.

Speaker 7 (01:09:58):
So how does that work with the Food Bank?

Speaker 21 (01:09:59):
Yeah, absolutely right and V I mean, the first word
that comes to mind for me and for Food Banker
York City is dignity. And we serve with dignity. And
so you attest to me by just showing up. When
you show up on any one of the lines of
our over eight hundred puntries across the city, You're not
going to be asked a bunch of questions, right, You
are going to get what you need. There are two
questions that we want to know how many people are

in your household? One because we want to give you
enough food to serve your entire household, right, and so
just some basic information. And if you don't want to
give us your name, you don't even have to do that.
And so it really is using discretion to ensure that
when people come, they get what they need and they
feel good about coming back, because that's what's most important.

Speaker 4 (01:10:40):
I We have more with doctor Kamisia Grant when we
come back. She's the vice president for Community Impact and
Investment Food Bank for New York City. We'll kick it
with help some more when we come back. It's the
Breakfast Club. Good morning morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Jesse,
Hilarry is Charlamagne the God. We are to Breakfast Club.
We're still kicking it with doctor Kamisha Grant. She's the
vice president for Community Impact and Investment and Food Bank
for New York City. Now you mentioned food, Is it

outside of food as well? Is it a toilet paper
or is it you know, feminine products things like that
as well, and no.

Speaker 21 (01:11:08):
Yes, absolutely, And so those items and thank you for
asking that are really important for people who are food
and secure. One because you cannot buy those non food
items with your SNAP benefit and SNAP, as you know,
i'm sure, is previously known as food stamps, and so
it's really important for us to be able to have
those non food items, including baby items and diapers. Many

of our families have small children in their homes, and
so you can go to any one of our pantries
and also be able to receive those items as well.
And additionally, we also at Food Bank for New York City,
our goal is to ensure that we're helping the whole person,
and so we have the food, but we also can
assess your needs for SNAP, your eligibility for SNAP and

make sure that you are connected to that benefit, because
SNAP is the leading benefit that allows anyone who's food
and secure to shop in a supermarket. And that's where
we want people on pantry lines. You want them in
the supermarket and so you can go into any one
of our pantries and they can actually work to ensure
that if you are eligible, that you can get connected to.

Speaker 4 (01:12:08):
Now, the food bank has been around for you said
forty years, and I've been doing radio for twenty years,
and I remember partnerships and hearing about the food bank
a lot early on. Then it kind of slowed down
a little bit and you didn't hear about it as much.
Was it because of the funding, Was it because of COVID?

Speaker 7 (01:12:23):
What was the reason why? Because it seemed like it.

Speaker 4 (01:12:25):
Slowed down, And I'm starting to hear it more and
more and more now.

Speaker 21 (01:12:28):
Yeah, we've been doing this, right, We've been study for
unfortunately for the past forty years. And I think, just
as you said, the increase and the influx really tied
to the pandemic and also tied to the migrant crisis, right,
And just to really you know.

Speaker 7 (01:12:43):
Ask the score and I'll ask that after migrant school
as well.

Speaker 13 (01:12:45):
Yes, yes, anybody, anybody can go.

Speaker 2 (01:12:48):
Don't let them cut the line. Yeah, overal people, anybody
that's from here. Anybody can go through World War three
if you do that.

Speaker 21 (01:12:55):
Yeah, there's a very there's a very Our organizations have
a very fair process and so they are very intentional.
They form and you've seen our line, Charlotte Mane, you've
been out, and so they form the lines and just
make sure that everyone is there, they're getting what they need.
You can get water while you're waiting in line. Again,
it's about dignity, it's about service. It's about people feeling
comfortable and knowing that this service is here for you.

And we want to make sure that you understand that
and if you need it again, that you feel good
to come back.

Speaker 2 (01:13:23):
And what are we doing because you know, I saw
the work that the food bank was doing, man, and
I feel like that's one of the biggest things. You
know that people are that just want they're trying to
keep food on the table. So you know, y'all are
doing that. So I want to help, you know, you know,
amplify that as much as I can. So what are
we doing?

Speaker 21 (01:13:38):
We are working together, Chariamaine, We are so excited for
this partnership. As you just stated, you have seen what
we do and you have come on board to be
one of our ambassadors, and we're so excited to have you.
Your platform is one that will help us to elevate
the voices are really around this issue, and so we're
really grateful to have you as a partner.

Speaker 13 (01:13:58):
We're going to put you to work. Now, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (01:14:00):
Ready, let's do it.

Speaker 13 (01:14:01):
Get ready.

Speaker 21 (01:14:02):
But we want to make sure that we can keep
the word out there about the need in our city
around food and security. And we want to make sure
that it's many people who want to get involved as
many celebrities, there's many just every day people walking around
who want to get involved.

Speaker 13 (01:14:17):
Know how they can do that.

Speaker 2 (01:14:18):
And Keenan, Keenan Thompson is one of the ambassadors.

Speaker 13 (01:14:21):
Resolutely, Keenan is our ambassador as well.

Speaker 21 (01:14:23):
So you guys will be working together and as I said,
we're going to keep you busy, so we'll hope you
up for it.

Speaker 9 (01:14:28):
Let's do it.

Speaker 2 (01:14:28):
I mean, I'm all about keeping food on people's tables,
keeping food in people's stomachs. Man, exact, every time you
have conversations with every day working class people. All they
care about is up with mobility, and it's the basic necessities,
right keeping the roof over their head, keeping food on
their plate. So y'all do a great job of doing that.
So I'm very happy to be a part of what
you're doing.

Speaker 13 (01:14:47):
What's so excited? How excited to have you on board?

Speaker 4 (01:14:49):
How can people get involved? If they want to get involved,
how can they help? How can they donate? How can
they volunteer?

Speaker 21 (01:14:54):
How can they great Questionevie, I would say, the first
thing you want to do is go to our website,
so www dot FOODBANKNYC dot org. On our website, you
can actually find ways to donate, You can find ways
to volunteer, and to get involved in the fight and
really elevate your voice using our advocacy platforms and so
that is really those are the three key ways that

anyone who is interested in helping can join the fight.

Speaker 2 (01:15:18):
And I think the donation part is, you know, great,
because like you said, anybody can help. One dollar can
provide five meals to people, Like come on, go donate
to Tyler right now?

Speaker 12 (01:15:28):
Like that?

Speaker 2 (01:15:29):
Nothing right now?

Speaker 4 (01:15:30):
Absolutely all right, Well, we appreciate you for joining us. Again,
that's doctor Kamisia grant and give them the website one
more time.

Speaker 13 (01:15:36):
Www dot food Bank NYC dot org.

Speaker 4 (01:15:39):
All right, it's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, thank you
for the Breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It's DJ n V, Jess,
Larry and Charlamagne the gud.

Speaker 2 (01:15:50):
We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get to Jess with
the mess.

Speaker 3 (01:15:56):
Just rober Lord just don't do the live.

Speaker 2 (01:15:58):
Just is gonna bring numbers.

Speaker 7 (01:16:01):
On the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 10 (01:16:03):
US Stocks, Donna Summers, and Ozi Osborne didn't clear samples
for Kanye West, so Ozzie Osbourne was the first person
to speak out against Kanye using his record without clearance.
Kanye sampled a live Black Sabbath performance of War Pigs
in a song talking once again that he got with
tdy dollars sign in Northeast, and Ozzie Osborne went on

Instagram and said he asked to use permission to sample
a section of my song blah blah blah, and was
refused permission because he is an anti semite and has
caused untold heartache too many. He went ahead and used
the sample anyway at his album listening party last night.

Speaker 3 (01:16:42):
I want no association with this man.

Speaker 2 (01:16:45):
Well, Kanye can't be surprised at that. Yeah, it was
interesting though that, you know, Ozi odd One made those
statements about Kanye. But then immediately the Internet started pulling
up reheats on him, and they said in a nineteen
eighty two interview, he said he kind of admired Hitler.
They asked him who do you think it influenced your
stage showed the most, and he said, Adolf Hitler has
charisma in a bad way, and I kind of admired him. Wow, Okay,

you know they're pointing out what they what they call hypocrisy.

Speaker 3 (01:17:09):
That's one thing the Internet will not let you do.

Speaker 2 (01:17:12):
Be a hypocritic.

Speaker 3 (01:17:13):
They will not.

Speaker 7 (01:17:13):
They'll find it yep.

Speaker 10 (01:17:15):
Shortly after Donna Summers, Estate also revealed that they denied
Kanye clearance of I Feel Loved by Donna Summers, but
he still used it on his song Good Don't Die.
They shared a statement on the official Donna Summers Instagram
story said Kanye West asked permission to use Donna Summers
song I Feel Love.

Speaker 3 (01:17:32):
He was denied. He changed the words, had someone else
re sing.

Speaker 10 (01:17:35):
It or used AI, but it's I Feel Love copyright infringement.
Take a listen to the original number two mm and
then now let's play what Kanye did to it. But

I could just feel that it's gonna be lit, that
it was gonna be lit. He is a genius. While
a lot of people was arguing in the comments like, wow,
her state just let Beyonce use it, But I mean
they have the right to.

Speaker 8 (01:18:19):
Didn't make antisomatic statements?

Speaker 2 (01:18:21):
Shall man? Why we so stupid and cool?

Speaker 3 (01:18:24):
I didn't.

Speaker 4 (01:18:26):
It's her song. She could, she could decide who she
wants to clari for who she doesn't want to clar
she can.

Speaker 2 (01:18:32):
This might impact Kanye more than anything, like because if
he can't sample the music he wativity because you know,
at the end of the day, music is like the
thing that he has left. But if they're blocking him
from not being able to sample records, oh man, that
might impack him more than anything, because then what did
you do is walking around looking stupid and all other
in the summer with a face mask.

Speaker 10 (01:18:53):
No, I think you just create that push him in
his creative bag. I think the answer to this is
people just start sampling.

Speaker 2 (01:19:00):
This stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:19:03):
They do, but you know is like a sampling. Yeah,
Like he's been able to pull out sounds that nobody
has ever heard. And the way he puts them together
just sounds amazing. And like Charlamagne said, if he can't
do that, and that's what he does and that's what
he's been doing, that's gonna hurt.

Speaker 8 (01:19:16):
But he did a forty minute apology. He was coming out.

Speaker 2 (01:19:19):
Well, then they said it was a four hour apology,
wasn't It's supposed to be some long apology, like a
two hour I thought they said, what happened to it?

Speaker 10 (01:19:24):
I don't know, Jesus, I know we better be included.
That's a long time God all right.

Speaker 9 (01:19:30):
O J.

Speaker 10 (01:19:31):
Simpson undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. O. J. Simpson is
currently battling prostate cancer. For those who didn't know, he's
receiving chemotherapy treatment in Las Vegas. Reports for circulating that
he was in hospice and he said this to.

Speaker 9 (01:19:43):
That, Hey, ex world hospice, hospice, you're talking about hospice.

Speaker 2 (01:19:49):
No, I'm not any hospital. I don't know who put
that out there.

Speaker 9 (01:19:53):
But whoever put that out there, I guess it's like
the donalds S can't trust the media, an idiot, man.
I'm hosting up a ton of friends for for the
Super Bowl. Here in Las Vegas all as well, you know, so, hey, guys,
take care and have a good super Bowl weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:20:09):
Yo, he sound like Goofy. Don't he sound like cash?
He sounds just like Goofy.

Speaker 10 (01:20:15):
It's good to see that he's in good spirits though,
even with battling the prostate cancer and everything.

Speaker 2 (01:20:20):
Whe who stabbed him in his butt to check the prostate?

Speaker 3 (01:20:22):
First of all, you don't get stabbed in your butt
or poked.

Speaker 2 (01:20:25):
Oh my god, I just got a protet exam three
week ago. It was definitely a pope.

Speaker 3 (01:20:28):
You got stabbed in your butt.

Speaker 8 (01:20:29):
It was a pope.

Speaker 2 (01:20:31):
Was with a finger?

Speaker 3 (01:20:32):
What did it feel?

Speaker 7 (01:20:32):
How many things?

Speaker 2 (01:20:35):
And is that what makes uncomfortable? No, that's they've been
him over the Oh is that the finger?

Speaker 9 (01:20:42):
One? Two?

Speaker 2 (01:20:43):
Though? Shut up? It was one and you need to
go get your checked if you haven't already.

Speaker 13 (01:20:48):
Was a man, Yes, he was a man.

Speaker 3 (01:20:52):
Would they like lub it up?

Speaker 8 (01:20:54):
You don't do that.

Speaker 3 (01:20:55):
Oh my god, what if your butt los like they
gonna need to feel around.

Speaker 2 (01:21:01):
So it's like a golden and you feel a pope
and pull right out.

Speaker 3 (01:21:06):
You ain't really feel nothing.

Speaker 2 (01:21:07):
I felt. I felt. Took the picture after I felt
it for a few days.

Speaker 7 (01:21:14):
Wow, But you are free.

Speaker 3 (01:21:19):
So I'm glad to see y'all black men getting y'allselves check.
That's good. That's one thing that we need to do,
I said, we.

Speaker 2 (01:21:33):
Every day.

Speaker 8 (01:21:34):
You reinforce that, yo.

Speaker 10 (01:21:37):
Anyway, Shauncey reacts to Nelly losing his tooth in Vegas.
Apparently over the weekend he was having a little too
much fun in Vegas and apparently he lost a tooth.

Speaker 8 (01:21:46):
How old are we getting that we losing teeth?

Speaker 2 (01:21:50):
Oh my god.

Speaker 10 (01:21:51):
He called Shauncey on Instagram to show her what you
could have called on the phone because they together, but
he called on Instagram and he showed her that he
was missing the tooth.

Speaker 2 (01:21:59):
We got the audio. I didn't knock my goddamn.

Speaker 3 (01:22:03):
Where is it?

Speaker 12 (01:22:04):
I found it for you.

Speaker 16 (01:22:09):

Speaker 3 (01:22:10):
Where are the spaars?

Speaker 2 (01:22:13):
I know, tell what you're talking about?

Speaker 3 (01:22:17):
The spare So clearly this this ain't the first time
he lost the tooth, yo.

Speaker 7 (01:22:22):
So do you go partying after that after you lost tattoo?

Speaker 3 (01:22:25):
I mean, you better go find it first. I wish
never would walk up in my.

Speaker 7 (01:22:28):
Face because it's the wind. Because where you gonna get
that tooth?

Speaker 9 (01:22:30):

Speaker 7 (01:22:30):
You can't just order a tooth off Amazon.

Speaker 2 (01:22:32):
I don't know what I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:22:34):
He ain't got no grills to just put him in
real quick.

Speaker 2 (01:22:37):
Nearly only forty nine, he's talking like he's seventy three
years old. I did knock my goddamn, I know he
did that hole he did.

Speaker 8 (01:22:45):
Then felt out.

Speaker 9 (01:22:46):

Speaker 3 (01:22:47):
All right, well that was Jess with the mess.

Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
But today, thank you Jess. Now you've been riding around
with Usher's album, right what you want to hear? Let's
start to mix off with Usher's new one of his
new joints off his new album, which One Ruined featuring
we'll get into that next and we'll get in to
the mix it don't move.

Speaker 2 (01:23:02):
It's the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 7 (01:23:03):
Good morning, you're checking out the Breakfast Club Morning.

Speaker 4 (01:23:06):
Everybody's DJ NV, Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne, the guy we are
the Breakfast Club is Black History Month?

Speaker 7 (01:23:12):
What we're doing man?

Speaker 2 (01:23:13):
You know every day during Black History Month, my man
be Dot drops a podcast called I Didn't Know Maybe
you didn't either, and he talks about things that you
may not have known about black history. And today he's
going to tell you about the summer of nineteen eighty
five with the bombing of the Move organization in Philadelphia.

Speaker 5 (01:23:30):
Listen, massacre, Monday City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, year nineteen hundred and
eighty five.

Speaker 7 (01:23:41):
Now this was crazy to me. In nineteen eighty five,
a lot of us were alive. You did, you know
what I'm saying? Living life.

Speaker 5 (01:23:47):
Also in nineteen eighty five there were folks dying a
bout the city of Philadelphia while living in Philadelphia. I
first have to introduce you to the Move organization MOV Move.
It's not an acronym. John Africa founded it, and he
said he wanted the name of the organization to be
exactly what they intended to do.

Speaker 2 (01:24:08):

Speaker 7 (01:24:09):
Everything that's alive moves.

Speaker 2 (01:24:11):
I respect it. Now.

Speaker 5 (01:24:13):
Everybody that was part of the Move organization that was
founded in nineteen seventy.

Speaker 2 (01:24:17):
Two all warlocks.

Speaker 5 (01:24:18):
So this group moved into some row homes in the
Cobbs Creek neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now, in nineteen seventy eight,
they did have a stand off with the police Department
of Philadelphia which resulted in the police officer being killed.
They deemed about ten people responsible for that and gave
them all between thirty and one hundred years. So from
nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty five there were still

some things going on, but Move, the group had actually
moved to the Cobbs Creek neighborhood. Now, if you're like
me and not very familiar with Cobbs Creek, that area's
in West Philadelphia.

Speaker 7 (01:24:53):
Now be clear.

Speaker 5 (01:24:54):
The neighbors had to complain to the city for years
about trash around the build, confrontations with the neighbors, bullhorn
announcements of political messages by the MOVE members. So the
police got arrest warrants and by nineteen eighty five they
was charging four of the MOVE occupants with crimes, noise violations,
contempt of court, illegal possession of firearms, terroristic threats. Now,

the police evacuated the residents of the neighborhood before they
mobbed on the row of homes occupied by the MOVE members.
They told those residents you can come back home in
twenty four hours Monday May thirteenth, nineteen eighty five, five
hundred police officers. City Manager Leo Brooks is out there
and their attempting to clear the building and remove the

MOVE members and execute these arrest warrants. They cut off
the water, they cut off the electricity. This is five am.
And they tell the move members, attention.

Speaker 2 (01:25:50):
Moves members, this is America. You have to abide by
the laws of the United States.

Speaker 8 (01:25:57):
You have fifteen minutes to come.

Speaker 5 (01:26:00):
And when they didn't, they decided to forcibly remove those
people in there, seven adults, six children. They throw tear gas.
The police used over ten thousand rounds of m By
two pm.

Speaker 2 (01:26:11):
The order was.

Speaker 7 (01:26:12):
Given bomber compound.

Speaker 5 (01:26:14):
It was a Pennsylvania State Police helicopter and they dropped
two one and a half pound bombs of FBI supplied
C four on the roof of that house. The bombs
exploded after forty five seconds. The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department
dropped two bombs on the residents in its own city

where they knew seven adults and six children were They
killed eleven people in that house, six adults, five children.

Speaker 7 (01:26:44):
Two hundred and fifty people were homeless.

Speaker 5 (01:26:47):
At sixty one of the neighboring houses were destroyed because
of the fire. They weren't able to come home. Twenty
four hours later, Philadelphia, the city that bombed itself.

Speaker 2 (01:26:58):
And I didn't know, maybe you neither, I know, all
right to be dot yes and listen. I want to
tell y'all too, man, if you want to know more
about the bombing of move In nineteen eighty five, me
and Kevin Hart, we put out a project called Summer
of eighty five on audible through our company, SBH Productions.
We put that out, oh, I think, like like a

year ago, and it's narrated by Kevin. So it's on
audible right now. It's called some of eighty five if
you want to know more about that. But you can
always just subscribe too.

Speaker 8 (01:27:27):
I didn't know. Maybe you didn't either.

Speaker 2 (01:27:28):
On the Black Effect, iHeartRadio podcast network hosts about my guyb.

Speaker 4 (01:27:31):
Dot all right, when we come back, we got the
positive notice to Breakfast Club.

Speaker 7 (01:27:35):
Good morning morning.

Speaker 4 (01:27:36):
Everybody is DJ Envy, Jesse, Larry Shallaman the guy. We
are the Breakfast Club. It's time to get up out
of here. How you feeling, Jess.

Speaker 3 (01:27:43):
I'm good.

Speaker 8 (01:27:44):
And tomorrow is Esse's Bond Day. Tomorrow is Justice Born Day.

Speaker 3 (01:27:48):
Yes, I would be thirty two, y'all.

Speaker 10 (01:27:50):
I'm an aquarius thirty Yeah, yeah, I'm really really, Oh
my god, I'm growing up.

Speaker 2 (01:27:58):
You don't you said you.

Speaker 3 (01:27:59):
I'm growing up? I said, I am growing up. I'm
thirty two.

Speaker 2 (01:28:07):
Well, y'all make sure y'all have your messages ready for
just Hilarius tomorrow if you want to send gifts and
gifts all that good stuff.

Speaker 7 (01:28:13):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (01:28:13):

Speaker 7 (01:28:14):
It was on a positive note.

Speaker 3 (01:28:15):
You should have heard mine from last week.

Speaker 8 (01:28:17):
What was your positive last week?

Speaker 10 (01:28:18):
It was like, if you don't own nobody business, don't
repeat it and be who you want to be.

Speaker 2 (01:28:28):
Real, I'll tell you something. Trust that everything is happening
in your life for a reason. That is the positive note.
Don't god, what is it? Trust that everything is happening
in your life for a reason. A lot of people
have a resistance to trust, you know what I mean,
because of things that have happened in their life. So
they're resistant to trust. Trust that everything is happening in

your life for a reason.

Speaker 4 (01:28:50):
It's not like something you said last Searson did and
take your Christmas treet down while you're at it.

Speaker 2 (01:28:55):
Toe, Oh my god, I got two of them.

Speaker 16 (01:28:58):

Speaker 2 (01:28:59):
I know, drink water, breakfast, curd bitches. Do y'all finished?
So y'all done,

The Breakfast Club News

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