All Episodes

October 10, 2024 46 mins

The Breakfast Club Sits Down With Stephanie Ike Okafor To Discuss 'The Power Of Your Dreams,' Encountering God, Morality, And Deja Vu. Listen For More!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake that ass up in the morning.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
The breakfast Club Morning, everybody in CJ N V jess hilarious,
charlamage the guy.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
We are the breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Yes, as on maternity leave, so Laura Ross is filling
in and we got a special guest in the building.
We have passed Stephanie E. K okafor did I say right?

Speaker 3 (00:17):
You said it?

Speaker 4 (00:18):

Speaker 3 (00:18):
Okay, thank you so much, welcome, thank you to be here.
I feel good.

Speaker 5 (00:22):
You related to the basketball player? No, okay, got you,
got you, got you, got you. You got a new
book out and not a power of your dreams. Yeah,
I love a good dream book. I'm the type of
person that I keep dream books by my bedside. When
I wake up, I can look and see what certain
things mean that will got you into wanting to write
this book. No.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
So, I encountered God when I was nine years old,
and one of the ways that was so consistent was
that He will speak to me through dreams. And it's
interesting when you talk about, you know, using like having
books that tell you about symbols and things like that,
because I think one of the reasons why maybe sometimes
people don't even understand the fullness of dream is because

they pick it apart, and the whole dream is telling
the message. So if you only pick it apart, you
may not understand the fullness of it. But dreams has
been so consistent for me ever since nine years old.

Speaker 5 (01:13):
That is a great point because I never looked at
the whole totality of my dream.

Speaker 6 (01:16):
I find like one thing that that stood out.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
It's like a web MD of dreams where people like
get books or go on Google and you're like, you
only look at one thing. And that's one of the
things I talk about in the book, where you have
to look at it like a whole story and to
understand in each symbol to tell the you know, kind
of like tell what is the dreams really saying?

Speaker 2 (01:37):
That you said you had an account with God at
the age of nine, Yeah, what was that encounter?

Speaker 4 (01:41):
What did he say? What was that conversation? What just
enlightened us with what it was?

Speaker 3 (01:46):
Yeah? So my father was murdered when I was eight
months old, and so I grew up with like a
lot of anger. And there was one day that you know,
my mom was looking for this document and I was
just like it was something that she really needed, you know,
just for the times that we were in and I
was like, man, God, you know, if you didn't take
my father, it was just another reason why I got

angry again. But that day literally like, I remember being
in my room and I could feel like a presence
in my room, but it wasn't scary. But then for
a nine year old, it's like, bruh, who's in my room?

Speaker 7 (02:18):
You know?

Speaker 3 (02:19):
And I won't I go to my mom's room because
I'm like, whatever is going on there, I don't want
no part of it. So I got my mom's room.
She's and she's up, she's in her bed. She's like,
what are you doing. I was like, oh, and I
just want to, you know, sleep, sleep in your room.
She's like, okay, hop in. So the moment I hop
in her bed, she's out cold, like not moving, not responding,
and I feel the same presence again in her room.

And I didn't really believe in God at that age,
but my mom has always been a strong believer, and
so I didn't even know. Now I knew what was
the Holy Spirit, then I didn't realize what made me
ask the question. And I was like, God, if this
is of you? Because I was thinking, okay, if this
is my Mom's God, he can't harm me. I'm like,
if this is of you, cause win to float through
ru my ankles and they were out of nowhere. The

windows are not open, nothing there was like this wind
that just flows through me. Because with my eyes closed,
I could see a man sitting but his home makeup
was like light. So then I removed like the covers
of my eyes and I see him with my eyes open,
sitting there and he gets up. He walks over to
my mom and I start asking him questions because I

thought it was God. And I was like, where were
you with my dad? Dad? D da da da da,
And he starts saying something. I had no clue what
he was saying. He walks over to my mom. He
opens her hand, he puts like this piece of paper
in her hand, closes, it disappears. So when that happened,
my mom gets up and I was like, Mom, so
I opened her hand, there's nothing there. I'm like, Mom,
like this just happened. Da da da da dah. She

was like, Stephanie, I thought it was God. I was like,
God was in the room. And she's like, I don't
think it works like that. So she goes back to bed.
She's like, Stephanie, I think you're tripping. She wakes up
that morning, her pastor calls her and he was like, Hey,
I was in prayer and I just feel like to
tell you that there was an angelic encounter in your home.
But he didn't know to the degree of what he
was even saying. And I was like, Mom, I'm telling you,

this happened randomly. The document we had been literally ripping
the whole house apart for just shows up on the
table and then I'm like, wait, was that the document?
Like was that what it symbolized? Like they put in
our hand? And so I'm like, oh my gosh, I
met God. And then I stooded hearing the voice of
God and it was like, dude, that was not me.
That was an angel. And then he starts describing to

me who angels are, but then points me to read
the Bible. I had never really read the Bible, tells
me what scriptures to read. I could hear it so clearly,
and I'm like, Mom, I need a Bible. I need
like a study a kid's Bible. And I'm like, so
she's the one guiding me where to go to to
read those scriptures and I'm literally seen in the scripture
when it talks about angels and X, Y and Z.

And after that, it was like something just unlocked for
me spiritually. I said, at hearing the voice of God,
I will have encounters and dreams. Some dreams was like
a very like you know, just it didn't even need
to be explained. The dream was literally like an encounter.
And then some dreams were just like symbols that had
hidden messages in it, and that became like my life

ever since.

Speaker 7 (05:11):

Speaker 6 (05:11):
What did the angel look like?

Speaker 5 (05:12):
It looked like Homie from the Crossroads video.

Speaker 3 (05:16):
It was so he had like as he had a
human form, but the only difference his home makeup was light.
That was everything about him was like light radiating. So
I couldn't even tell you what he how to describe
his features because it was just light y.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
I'm sorry, I just won't to say I believe her
because I've seen the same thing exactly like that.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
How old were you?

Speaker 5 (05:40):
I was actually old. That was in my teenage years,
and I remember laying in the bed sleeping, and I
thought I was dreaming, and it looked like my bedroom
door burst it open, And when it bursted open, it
was just this figure that was light.

Speaker 6 (05:54):
Yeah, it had a human form. I couldn't see a phase,
but it had a human form, but it was just light.

Speaker 1 (05:59):

Speaker 3 (06:00):
What happened after that?

Speaker 4 (06:01):
Seeing aliens? To an alien came and got them too.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
I could tell you stories. We call them aliens, but
they're really just monic spirits.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
Oh, I believe you aliens shot him in the lake.

Speaker 5 (06:14):
Tell the story that we're having a real conversation about God,
but he would try to interject you.

Speaker 7 (06:22):
She said that, like when she confirmed that you probably
saw demonic it just I don't know.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
It sits well with me, Like yeah, because angels really
come in a way that their their presence, their essence
is so radiating, but then they're also you can also
have encounters with demonic spirits. That's also I've had. I
could tell too many stories.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Is it a mission that you feel like from seeing
that and from having those conversations, do you feel like
you were sent on a mission to do something?

Speaker 4 (06:50):
And do you know what that mission is?

Speaker 3 (06:51):
If so, I think not even I think everyone has
their angels assigned to everyone on this earth. Like life
is not just physical, it's actually more spiritual than physical.
I think the difference is that there are times that
you know, based on how God is working with someone,
that he might open your eyes to see things at
a younger age. And if you're not scared of it,

if you don't run from it, and even if you do,
you can always come back to the place where you're like, God,
maybe I was scared, but show me again. And I
believe that part of my calling, even on Earth, it's
really to awaken people to the supernatural because it governs
everything that we do in the natural realm. I was
going to say, like for you, it was a lot
more clear, but like I've had like not encounters or

I saw something, but where things have happened, I'm like,
there's nothing but God. And I'll be like, God, do
it again, so I know that this is like the thing,
and then He'll do it again. So I myself, I'm
always like, no, my faith is strong because He's talked
to me shown that.

Speaker 7 (07:47):
But it took a couple of times. Some people think
they're hearing things, but it might not be clear that
is God to them. How do you coach people through
being able to let that voice break through and understanding
it is God.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Yeah, I think one of the key things is from
this the foundational element of it. Right, you don't need
to read the Bible for God to speak to you,
but you need to have an understanding of His voice
in the Bible so that you're not deceived by the
voices you hear. And so when you have a good
foundation of knowing the voice of God, even in his word,
then when you begin to hear him or you see

things in the book. One of the things I talk about,
even before I get into the subject of dreams, are
the different ways we experience God's voice. Yeah, the four
primary way. So there are some people who they are feelers, right,
they can you know, God has emotions. The Bible talks
about so many types of emotions. Peace, you know, love, anger,
all these things. So there are people that you might

walk into a room there's a deal on the table
for you, everything checks off, But then you don't. You're
not at peace with this. Something is like messing up
with you, Like, I don't think this is for me.
The problem is that if we don't have a god
consciousness about life, we think it's us feeling that way.
But the Lord is trying to share his emotions with you, like, hey,
I'm not in that. You know, it might look good

on paper, but I'm not in that. So those are
people that feel. There are people that know. There's some
people that just have an instinctive knowing, and for many
that is more heightened when you're a kid like you
and Mede a child and you're like, what do you
want to be? You know, sometimes they just say random stuff,
but they're kids that just know what they want to
be and it has nothing connected to their parents, like

their family members were never in that field of work.
But they see something, they're exposed to something, and they
just have a knowing. Wait, I'm supposed to be in
this field. I'm supposed to do this. I'm supposed to
be an actress. And it's just this instinctive knowing. Because
there's a beauty with being a child, there's not Your
intelligence is not in the way the older we get

our wisdom blocks us from discerning the voice of God
because we're trying to, you know, I'll think it. We're
overthinking it, rather like where did this come from? Where
did that come from? And then there's the hearers. There
are people who you know audibly. It's more rare to
hear the Voice of God audibly now, but you can
also He also speaks in the form of thoughts. So
there are these distinctive thoughts or series of thoughts that

you would really like hear in your head. And it
has nothing to do with how you will naturally think,
how you will naturally like, you know, think about a matter.
The same way that anxiety has a voice, you know,
pain has a voice. The Lord also speaks to you
through your thoughts and then they're seers. And that's where
dreams come in. Right There are people where you're dreaming,
you see visions. There's something called open visions where you

might even be you feel as though you were somewhere
and then you're back in your body, you know. But
all these things are ways that we can experience the
voice of God. But the foundation is if you don't
know how he speaks in the Bible, then you can
easily get deceived.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
So feel knowing, hearing, seeing and seeing.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Yes, So how do you break down some of those
those dreams? Right cause you talk about the power of
your dreams? Yah, I'm sure probably the biggest dream that
people have.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
I'm sure somebody falling.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, And so what does that mean when somebody is falling,
or when you when people feel like they see somebody
coming in from their past life.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
You said, passed like like a loved one who passed away.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
Yeah, like a loved one that passed away. You know what,
For me, it's I remember when my my wife's father
passed away, right, And it was the weirdest thing.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
We had balloons downstairs.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
Yeah, and it was her birthday, and my wife, out
of nowhere, just started thinking about her dad. And I
don't know if this was whatever it was, but out
of nowhere, like midnight one am, the balloons that were
in the kitchen actually blew.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
Up the stairs and came into the bedroom.

Speaker 5 (11:27):

Speaker 6 (11:28):
It freaked me.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
The fuck out freaked me to fuck out.

Speaker 6 (11:32):
That helium balloons.

Speaker 4 (11:33):
Yeah, they were healing balloons.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Yeah, of course they would rise. He would think, fish.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
Up the stairs and.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
Experience with God.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
But it could have went to any one of the
bedrooms in the house.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
It went right to the bench. That's why you're talking
an alien shot him.

Speaker 5 (11:57):
In the foot exactly. No, I believe I believe that
was I believe that was it. I believe that was
a sign. I believe that was him.

Speaker 6 (12:05):
I really do. I'm not doing it this sound.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Yes, no, but it was out of my house, out
of any where those balloons could have went. And the
fact that she was talking about her dad and crying
over him several hours earlier just made me feel like them.
There are signs and there are angels. So how do
you you know, I guess.

Speaker 4 (12:25):
Break down different dreams. What do the different dreams mean?

Speaker 3 (12:28):
Yeah, So in the book I talk about just different
types of dreams, because the key thing, even before you
get into that, is to know why we dream, right God,
I mean? And their dreams can come from different places.
A dream can come from you, a dream can come
from God. A dream can come from you know, the enemy.
But when it comes from God. God has a desire
to has a desire to speak to us more than

we even desire to hear from him. Because regardless of
where we find ourselves in life, regardless of how successful
we perceive ourselves to be, regardless of all the things
we have going on, we are first His creation and
there's something there. Your life is not random. He desires
to do life with you, He desires to partner with you.
And so there are types of dreams like especially when

people see their you know loved ones who had passed on.
Those could be encouragement dreams. Now, how the dream is
presented matters, because when someone passes away, they are they
lose consciousness of the physical realm. But that does not
mean that who they are, their essence is gone, right.
They're transitioning to a different life, you know, whether that's

with the Lord or you know the opposite. Nobody wants that,
but they're transitioning now to like an eternal life, you know,
in the spiritual realm. But they don't technically have You
can see them in dreams and most people would have,
you know, these dreams where they don't speak, they just appear,
They just show themselves, right, because those realms are now

they're different realms, right, So you might see them in
a dream, and the purpose of that dream is just
the Lord trying to bring comfort to you and encourage
you that, yes you don't have your loved one with you,
but they're not fully absent. They're not fully just gone.
You know who they are, the core of who they are,
like their spirit man is still with him.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
What about the opposite side of that scale, the dream
where you dream that you die.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
That is a dream that now that could be warning dreams.
So we had this was president This was President Lincoln,
I believe. So he had a dream right before he
was assassinated. He literally had a warning dream. And in
the dream, he's walking, you know, through the White House
and he hears people mourning and he's like, hey, what's
going on? And somebody tells him in the dream the

president has been assassinated, and he's like wait what And
he's literally watching them mourn him, and he's like almost
like a funeral service. He wakes up. The problem is
he has that type of dream. So it's recorded that
he told people close to him the dream. But then
if no one understands, like, hey, regardless of who you are,

God is still trying to get a message to you.
If he understood the weight of the dream, he would
have counseled every activity that was coming up. But he
kept his scheduleized normal, and a few days after that
he was assassinated.

Speaker 5 (15:11):
Doesn't that doesn't that, I guess the right word is
in the gate. Doesn't that negate your faith in God?
If you do that, if somebody, if you have a
dream and something bad it's gonna happen to you. And
then you just automatically cancel everything. It's like, where does
God come in the plane.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
So here's the thing. You know, we have this thing
where we say, like, you know, is God in control
of life and all these things? Yes, But the Bible
says the earth has he given to man. Now what
that means is that let me even go go back
a little bit, even Jesus. Right before Jesus could do
what he was purpose to do on earth, he had

to come through a human vessel in order to execute it. Now,
this is God. God is eternal, God is all powerful.
He could have just spoken and rewritten history. But in
order for us to be real deemed, Jesus had to
come through the flesh. Why because the flesh gives you
legal rights to do things on earth. So when we

look at God, there's a reason why God desires to
partner with us. It's just like even the reason we pray.
You know, why would Jesus tell us when you pray?
Not if you pray. The reason we pray is because
we're saying, hey, God, I'm in agreement with what you're
doing and you can do it through me. The Bible
also talks about that before God reveals, before God does anything,

he reveals it. The Bible says to his servants, the prophets,
it's not even about people being prophets per se, but
that there is this prophetic stream that someone needs to
be aware of what God wants to do so that
they can partner with him in prayer. And so when
God reveals something to you in a dream, God doesn't
speak to gossip or just to be like, hey, heads up.

He speaks so that there is partnership. There is something
that needs to be counseled, there is something that needs
to change. I'll give you an example. I had a
dream one day and in the dream I saw a
calendar and on the calendar there was a particular date
circled in red. And then in the dream, I hear
pray for your brother concerning that day. So I wake
up from the dream. My brother's in Chicago. He flips

properties in Chicago, and I tell him I was like, hey,
on this day, be really careful about your movements, right,
And so I just start praying, and I just start
praying for God's protection over him. I'm like, whatever has
been a sign to his life because I literally saw death,
and I'm like, whatever is trying to, you know, take
him before his time. God just cancel it in prayer.

That day comes, my brother is going to his property,
just a regular checkup, and a car starts following him.
He didn't notice it at first, and then he makes
a turn. He's like, wait, let me just make sure
he makes a random turn. Dayturn. He makes a left turn,
dayturn left, He makes another right on dayturn right, and
then he looks and he's like, oh, they're probably trying
to like steal from him. And this is Chicago, Chicago,

even they might want to steal bread from you and
shoot you, you know. So now he's like he just
comes to a place where he's like okay, Like God
give me wisdom and how to navigate this. And he
mentioned like he didn't even know. Something just took over.
It's almost like telling him how to drive right. And
then he loses them. So he calls me right after.
He was like, Yo, the craziest thing happened today. And

I told him, I said, bro, what's today? And I'm like,
go go back to the message I sent you, like
what's today? And he looks. It was that day that
God literally showed me in the dream circled and read.
So how I partner with God was to say, God,
your purpose is that nothing happens to my brother, But
someone on earth needs to come in agreement with that

because there is something Because even when you look at
terrorist shootings and all these things, it goes beyond a person,
you know, a mental health issue, you have someone who
is influenced by a spirit to do that. And so
that day why God gave a warning ahead of time,
it's because there is something that is beyond people just
trying to steal from him. There is a spirit that

has influenced those people because of an agenda that was
not of God. And so that is why prayer is important.
You see a dream and you see yourself dying, or
you see a family member dying, doing nothing is coming
in agreement with that narrative and in pray against pray
against it and with Jesus. It's so simple. It's not
even like you got to do all this hoopla. It's

literally coming in agreement to say, you know what, Lord,
I'm speaking life into this person's life. No harm will
come before them. And so that shows us the supernatural
powers of God that even when we feel like we
got it all together. He's like, no, if I partner
with you, we could, you could, you would really get
this life right. The reason why when another coming dream

is when people see themselves in school or in a
classroom and they're trying to take a test and they
keep failing the test because God is trying to tell them, hey,
there's a different season of life you're supposed to be
stepping into, and you're you're not. You're you're missing it right.
You're still in an old season and you're still stuck there.
And so he's trying to show people like, there's more
I have for you. But because you're not seeing it right,

you're so comfortable where you are that you're missing the
test to get you to the next place.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Talk about if you if you feel comfortable about the
time you went to the doctor and God told you
something different than what your doctor told you.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Oh that that happened to me. You know. So when
I was pregnant, I have I have a daughter. When
I was pregnant with my daughter, I started experiencing like
a lot of pain, and you know, we go rush
the go to the go to the we are O
B G Y N rather and he's like trying to
you know, even confirm the pregnancy. And he's like, man,

I don't see a pregnancy here. I just see some
things that does not look good, Like you need to
go to the er. So we rush to the er.
They tell me that I have like these fibroids that
have gone, you know, gotten really big because of the
pregnancy and the blood flow going like to the womb.
So they you know, we share the results of the
doctor and he literally calls me. He was like, because

of the size of these fiboards, because of the location
of these fibroids, you need to terminate the pregnancy. And
you need to terminate this, because he was from his analysis,
the baby won't have room to grow and the firewords
could cause and even if you know, we take the
baby to term, the bleeding is going to be too excessive.

And he was like, and he called back to back,
he was like, I'm telling you you need to terminate
this and try again. Let terminate it. Let's take the
firebirds out and try again. Now, before that, how I
even knew I was pregnant. Now, from nine I started
seeing angels and all those things. So right before I
found out I was pregnant. I was in my closet.

I was getting ready for something, and this angel appears
in my closet and doesn't speak. They don't speak like
how we're talking. It's almost like spirit to spirit. And
I just had this knowing that I'm pregnant, and I
was like, and I run downstairs to my husband. I
was like, Babe, I think we're pregnant. So when the
doctor is telling me this, and then I used to
see my daughter in dreams a lot, and I'm like, God,

you will not go through all of this just so
that I have to terminate this pregnancy. But I also
believe that there are some things we experience in life
that reminds us that we are not doing life by
our own intelligence, because that's to be self dependent. But
I'm doing life with God. So there are things I'm
going to experience in life that only God can see
me through it, and he designed it to be that way.

And so I remember like I'm stealing a lot of pain,
and I just like I'm praying and calling out to God.
And that night I have a dream and the Lord
comes to me and says, do are two key things?
He says, no harm is going to come to your child.
And he hands me a Bible, and when I woke up,
I knew that the Bible was represented stand on my word.
So then I started opening scriptures. I spoke about healing

and I'm like, okay, God, no harm will come to her,
and this is what your word says about healing. And
so I got another obgyn because I'm like, God has
shown me like no harm is going to come to
this child. And the other obgyn she was like, you know,
I'm going to be optimistic, but I'm going to tell
you there is a scare and a concern. So we
need to get a specialist doctor, you know, involved, and

we need to work watch this carefully. All of a sudden,
everything that was a concern started being reversed. So initially
they're like, we don't have that. You're gonna have room
for this baby the girl. The doctor is like, oh,
you got room for two. You know. There were things
about what the location of the fibers. The fibers said
that moving on their own. They stead of calling my
daughter a soccer player, they're like she's just kicking them

up and down. Everything that they said, God turned it around,
you know. But the keithing is getting that word from God.
And I believe that's why in the business of our lives,
God still finds that place when we're sleeping to speak
to us and show us, like, I know, everything in
your world is telling you this is not going to work.
But I'm showing you that I'm with you.

Speaker 5 (23:40):
You talk about it in the book about how the Bible,
the Bible, and science talk about the benefits of getting.

Speaker 6 (23:48):
I never heard that from the Bible.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
Yeah, because biblically, you know, we are body, soul, and spirit.
And I think so many times, even in like Christianity,
we only focus on like, you know, the things we
got to do, like the spirit realm, the soul realm.
But there is like your body and in other force,
you have to be a good steward over your body,
you know, you have to. There are things that even
as believers, is just as important and eat eating well

just as important as working out, because the body is
the vehicle. It's the thing that carries your spirit. There's
a thing that embodies your soul. So if your body
is not healthy, that's not good stewardship, you know. So
when you're able to get proper rest and it's there's
such a connection between you know, science and even you know,
our spirituality because from a scientific standpoint, when you don't

have enough rest, you have brain fog. That that affects
your ability to even remember your dreams because when you
wake up and you come out of this place where
you had an encounter or X, Y and Z, your
body needs to be healthy enough to process what was
just deposited. And so if you're not getting enough rest,
it's very similar to you know, a computer, like if

you only allow your computer to die every single time,
it causes memory loss over time. Same thing. If you
only go to bed when you feel like shut down,
like your ex completely exhausted and you just crash, it's
harder for you to remember your dreams because that also
affects memory loss, you know, when you're waking up from

those moments. And so being a good steward is looking
at every part. Even the Bible talks about, you know,
when the Lord this talks about you prospering you know
in all things right, not just in your spirit, but
in your soul, in your body. So there's a scripture
that talks about bring your whole body, your whole soul,
and your whole spirit blameless before God, so he's after

everything that be a good steward because it all connects.

Speaker 7 (25:42):
There's a part of your book where you talk about
part two, like I guess it's part three of part
I mean part four of part two. The source of
your dreams are there bad sources of dreams where it's
like this dream comes from this, you should not try
to interpret it and leave.

Speaker 3 (25:57):
It there, no absolutely, And the key thing sometimes you
may not even know exactly where the dream came from,
because there's some things that people call nightmares and they're
really warning dreams. So when you that's why, like I go,
I have this whole process of like you know, step
by step when it comes to interpreting, and there's a
part where by that time you might be able to
discern like did this come from God? Did this come

from the enemy. But in the beginning, I always tell
people write every dream down because on surface level you
may never see it right until you get into the
weeds of it. But a dream can literally come from Satan,
and how that happens is based on what you agree with.
You know, the Bible talks about how can two people
walk together except they be agreed and we don't find out,

we don't recognize the times where we are opening ourselves
up to agreement with things that come from a demonic realm.
And what that looks like is some horror movies. Even
in the industry, they will tell you there are directors
that will literally tell you that when they were writing
the script, there were real spells, real you know, real
spells and witchcraft used in the script. And so when

you're watching the movie before going to bed or in
the afternoon, you're opening yourself up to something that is
beyond entertainment. And then when you go to bed now
you start having some weird dreams and you're like, wait,
where did this come from? Like what is going on here?
Because there was an access given to that, you know,
it's the same reason why someone would just start having
like there are these weird scenarios like even when you

think of you know, families, for example, like when people
want to question, you know, things with the demonocrame when
you see some weird patterns in families. You know, every
man at this age something happened to them the moment
they hit thirty. This happened to him the moment they
hit forty. This happened to them all the way back
to their great great grandfather. But that shows you demonic
influence and how it happens for us is that there

are all kinds of things, whether it's in media, it's
in you know, the things that we're consuming, reading, watching,
listening to and we don't see that we're opening ourselves
up and then the enemy starts showing us things and
dreams that we're like, wait, how, like where's this coming from?

Speaker 6 (27:58):
You know, what about djavel oh?

Speaker 3 (28:00):
Deja vu? I think has been so misinterpreted. You know,
when people think deja vu, they make it seem like spooky,
and it's really not. You know, you're dealing with a
god who knew your end from your beginning. And there
are times most people have DejaVu doing the most random things.
It's like you're shopping and then you're like, I've been here,

Like what is happening? And what God is communicating to
that person oftentimes is your life may feel mundane, your
life may feel boring, you may feel like there's nothing
going on for me. But this place in your life.
I wrote it even before you were born. I knew
this moment in your life and it's an encouragement to
people to know that even though it just feels like

nothing is really happening, or I don't feel like I'm
where I'm supposed to be, God is showing you. But
this moment of your life is known by me. You're
on track, You're in the right place at the right time.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
A long time ago.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
Now, the power of dreams is fascinating because I do
believe that it's just it's God speaking to us. I
think it's glimpses into other dimensions. Like I've never had
somebody that I was close to past and they.

Speaker 6 (29:11):
Haven't visited me in a dream at least at least once.
And some of them are more clear than others.

Speaker 5 (29:16):
Right Like my grandmother came to me and told me
she saw my niece when my niece was born. Right
are my homegirl Michelle came to me and told me
thank you for something right I've had. But my homegirl
Jazz came to me in a dream. I went chasing
after her. She didn't want to be bothered. That's the
only one out of all.

Speaker 6 (29:32):
Of them that confused me.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
That's a good thing.

Speaker 6 (29:34):
You literally didn't want to be bothered. He was like,
let me alone.

Speaker 2 (29:36):

Speaker 3 (29:36):
But that's a great thing because again, when dreams with
people that have passed on, the things that you should
be worried about if you see in the dream is
if they're leading you somewhere, if you're chasing them and
they're kind of telling you come on, if they're driving
a car, you're in the car. Those are scared. You
should pray about that. So you chasing her and she's like,

leave me alone. It's so that because where she's going
you should not be there because you still have an
assignment on this earth. So you're chasing her. It's almost
like you're trying to like, hey, let me go with you,
and she's like no, no, no, no no. So it's
not even about her not wanting to be bothered. It's
the spirit behind that, like, yo, you should not be
wearing I'm at right now. So I think it would

be interesting if you think back on where you were
in that time of life headspace, because that could even
speak to you about why you saw that in your dream.

Speaker 6 (30:27):
What about car accidents?

Speaker 3 (30:29):
Car accident is something to really like pray for, just
for direction in your life.

Speaker 6 (30:34):
If you're a passenger, you know I'm driving, but.

Speaker 3 (30:36):
You were a passenger then, like it depends on you
were in a bus. Okay, explain the dream. Let's do
a dissection.

Speaker 6 (30:43):
I was I was just in a bus, and I
don't remember.

Speaker 5 (30:48):
For some reason, I feel like I remember the person
being intoxicated that was driving a bus. I don't know
why that was a thing. Yeah, and I was on
a bus and then the bus went it started driving,
then it started to like fish tail and then it
flipped over.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
Yeah. So when you're looking like a bus, when it's
a card, it's very lot Oftentimes it's more personal. Right
when you're looking at a bus and you're looking at
a corporate setting, and then the person who is in
leading driving the bus is not even in their right mind,
so they're intoxicated. So that could speak to several things. One,
it could speak to something that you are a part

of that It's like, it could be a corporation, it
could be something that you're connected to, something that has
a corporate sett into it. But the person who is
in charge, whether it's the CEO, whether it's you know, whoever,
is making the decisions, calling the shots. Because everything, anything, that,
everything in life has movement, right, So even the things
you're part of In the natural, it could just seem
like you're part of a company or you're doing X,

Y and Z, But all of this is speaking to
movement in your life. And so on one hand, that
could be the Lord's showing you like, hey, this, then
you're a part of the person who is the head
is not the person that should be leading this. And
if you are connected to this, when they crash, you
all are going to be affected. Right, So that's one side.

Another side of it could also be and it's just
to see where you are in life, what is really
speaking to you more right, So then you examine your
life like, hey, what am I part of? What company?
Am I a part of? What business am I involved in?
And who is who is the head? Because whenever this crashes,
I'm going to be involved. Or if you're in a
space in your life, because then it's entertainment and there

was something maybe you were going out in a few
weeks and if there was a party bus and that
could just be a sign where the Lord is like, hey,
don't be a part of that. So when you also
look at what's taking place in your wake in life,
it helps you also discern like what God could be
speaking to.

Speaker 7 (32:42):
This feel like the conversation with you about dreams in
the book feels like how people go and get like, hey,
you read my palm, and but it's I know it's different.
And growing up in a church, my grandma, she don't
play that we're not allowed to do that type of stuff.
But then pastors will prophesize to you, what is why
can we do one thing or not the other?

Speaker 3 (33:01):
That's a great question. So when you look at the
spiritual realm, just like in life, right, there's good, there's evil.
The spiritual realm, there's good, there's evil. So you know
when you are doing things from and evil is really
just a counterfeit of that good. So from a Christian perspective,
you know, Jesus, God speaks to us, right, and even

like prophecy. Prophecy again is that it's not even like
this weird thing is literally just accessing the mind of
God concerning the person. So it's just like if you're praying,
Let's say you're praying for envy, right, and you're like, God,
what are your thoughts about envy? And then all of
a sudden and we all have access to this. When
you have the Holy Spirit, because there's so many things

God wants to show you about people, and so it's
just like, God, what are your thoughts about envy? And
then the Holy Spirit might start showing you things about
him envy that is, get it together, that.

Speaker 6 (33:59):
Is what I pray.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
This is that.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
Figure out like when somebody's being evil or they joking,
like because she pray for her eyelashes, right, and it's
to the point where it's like, just joke too much.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
There's no baby with me, continue on, none of that.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
But then.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
But the beauty is it's coming from God, right, and
what comes from Him is for your good. This is
and first of all, it is the source that you
can trust because it's the source that created you. It's
a source that knows your life. It is a source
that is for you. When you go to someone reading
your palms, a terror card reader, a psychic, the source

is demonic. Now I grew up, i grew up in
Nigeria and we've seen it though I've seen it even
in from from even some family members right who are
not on the other side. But the source of that
is very demonic and the goal. So for example, but
someone goes to a psychic, the psychic can tell you
everything about your life that has been is known. What

your grandmother were when she know she got married. It's
a known information in the spiritual realm. So yes, God
can reveal that to someone, but the enemy can also
reveal that to someone as well. The enemy can tell
someone where you live, your address, how many kids you have,
what you were doing yesterday, because it's past information, it's
past knowledge. It's known now when you don't know. That's

why the Bible believer in says you shall know them
by their fruits, not by what they tell you, not
by the fact that they have knowledge about you. Because
many people can have knowledge about you, but the source
of it can either be demonic or it can be God.
But the motive is where it changes. So when you're
receiving a message that's coming from God, the motive is

for your growth. Right, Jesus will say that I have
come to give you life and life more abundantly. But
then when it comes to say and he has come
to steal and destroy. So the psychic comes, you go.
Someone goes to a psychic, the psychic tells them what
their grandfather wore when they died. They start crying. Now,
they're open. They're like, oh my gosh, how did you know?

And the psychic just keeps going, keeps going, buys their trust,
and the motive is to curse you. It may not
happen that day, but it happens over time. Then from there,
the psychic would say, oh, you're gonna have three marriages.
But what did they just do? They cursed your first marriage,
So they just spoke to you that you'll get married
the first time, but it's not gonna work out. You

get married the second time, it's not gonna work out,
and then you're gonna get married the third time. So
they just and you're in agreement with it, you're eating
it up. So you literally opened yourself up for them
to curse you. So it takes they want to get
you in and then but the spirit behind it, Satan
cannot can only take you where he's going. He cannot

give you anything else, so he can tell you all
these nice things you want to hear. But after they
buy your trust, then they start telling you things that
now you're scared. You're like, oh my gosh, you're like, no,
but X, Y and Z. But what they're doing, the
motive of that is to get you off track. It's
so that you don't know where you're like, you're not
walking in the path that God has for you. And

that's the difference question.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
You know, when people do pray, it's some of the
prayers frivolous. Like for instance, like if somebody prays for
their team, right not pray to be healthy or to
be safe during the game, or pray the team wins.
Or Lauren prays for a man or Charlamagne praise to
be a little taller and pray for that.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
Like how do.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
Those type of prayers work when it comes to it's
one of those things where write it off or is
it one of those things to honestly to pray for
things that like I pray that the Giants win next week.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
Is that's a real prayer or is it?

Speaker 3 (37:43):
No? I think wherever God is so kind, you know,
just like when you have a kid. When a child
is a baby, you know, they want to get into
all kinds of things. You don't get mad about that.
There's some things they want to get into if it
doesn't really hurt them. You even help them, like let
me lift you up so you can paint the walls.
You know, as you get older, you naturally grow to

a place where you're like, I don't want to paint
the couch, Let me paint on the paper, right, the
same thing, and I'll walk with God. When you come
to know the Lord in the beginning, those beginning stages
of growing and getting to know him, they are random
things you can ask for and sometimes he would just
randomly do them, you know, And there's some things you

know liked these people at all, But it's like God
is just so kind in that way. Now, it doesn't
mean that just because you're like, man, I pray the
giants win and guys, I all get the giants gonna win.
But as you grow in God, you start to understand that.
You know, the power of prayer is when you pray
in alignment with His will. But you have to first

know his will, so that takes maturity, right. But when
you're still in that, like you know, stage of being
like a baby, they're random things you can ask and
sometimes he will do some random things just to show
you he hears you and he loves you.

Speaker 5 (39:02):
How can he follow you, Stephanie, Well, look at the
first day I pick up the book.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Yeah, yeah, here, I used to watch you preacher. I
love that. No, I'm on Instagram Stephanie E k I
k E And then have a YouTube channel Stephanie A
k okafor yeah TikTok Stephanie K.

Speaker 5 (39:22):
Yeah you preach to Yeah Okay, okay okay.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
One church, one name of the book and where people
can get it.

Speaker 3 (39:29):
The Power of Your Dreams, and it's available everywhere books.
So then it has a Spanish edition coming out in November.

Speaker 5 (39:37):
A guide to hearing and understanding how God speaks while
you sleep.

Speaker 4 (39:40):
All right, Well, before we get about here, let's let's
close on the prayer.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
Yes, yes, yes, And even before we close, I just
want to share a few things because every time I
come to a place, I'm always asking the Lord just
to show me, like what he's showing about not just
the people that will listen to this, but the people
that are on here and very quickly, Charlottagne, even when
you share that story about what you saw as a teenager,
there is a protection that has always been around your life.

And this is a general everybody has got protecting them.
But what I'm saying is that what God showed me
concerning you is when you think about some of the
things that you got yourself involved in. You should not,
by any right be where you are today, and there
is a covering. There are things that God has saved
you from. There are things that God has protected you
from when you think of your physical life and also

your image, and it's because there is something very unique.
There's a very unique assignment to your life that has
to be fulfilled. And I believe that it's not things
that the way he showed me, it's almost as dope.
Because you're a very smart man. You might see it
and you'll question yourself out of it. And it would

be your kids that will tell you what it is,
and to not discount their voices when they tell you, like, hey, Dad,
I think you're supposed to do. But it's literally the
voice of God to you because there's something that God
has been preserving you for that you must do on
this earth. And what he showed me is that the

confirmation of what that is. You wouldn't you know it,
but you reject it. But your kids will be the
one that will tell you that very thing. And when
they do, and maybe they have walk in that path
because there is you're going to see so much favor
beyond what you've ever known and amen. And even when

I was praying, first of all, I love you know
how you've been on the show, and there's just such
like this journalist and maybe you I don't know if
you are okay beautiful because I'm like, oh my gosh,
like how she thinks, how.

Speaker 7 (41:48):
She's which I used to help me because would be rough,
you would be on You're always so happy.

Speaker 3 (41:56):
Oh thank you. But even when I saw concerning you
was how like God is going to bring you in
their rooms, whether it's like the breakfast club and different things,
but there are rooms that God is going to bring
you in. And there is such a light about you.
You're more grounding to the Word than people know you
to be. But the reason that God is opening doors
for you is because of the world that He's put

in you. And so it goes beyond what's on your resume,
It goes beyond what you have experience, and it goes
beyond the people that you know. But that to not
shy away from speaking his word, to not shy away.
There are moments I just kept seeing how the Holy
Spirit would even give you words about people like you
be around them and there's something you're sensing but it's

like should I say it? Should I not say it?
And He's like no, But that's why I brought you
in the room, so that you can say what I
put in your heart. It's beyond me just adding something
else to your resume. It's because I need your There's
an influence that sometimes we would have because of the word.
God wants to get out there. And I remember even

as I was out, God showed me this. Not you,
if anyone who knows the story, I'm not talking about
you in the way of Pharaoh, but it was literally
like Pharaoh in the times of Egypt where there was
gonna be a famine, and the person God brought the
word to was not Joseph, the person who was like
walking with the Lord, but it was Pharaoh because he
had influence over nations. He had influence to execute the

plan of God. And then Joseph was able to interpret
the dream that helped him to do that. But when
he showed me this, it was in the sense where
God will bring you to places because you have influence
in the room, you have influence with people, but it's
because of what he wants you to execute with your voice,
so to not shy away from that, and then finally

DJ envy with you. It was so beautiful because the
first thing I saw was God's love and it was
almost this thing where you not It's like you had
this wall right and it's like you used to protect yourself.
You're used to kind of like keeping people out so

you can control the narrative. But as you're doing that,
you're also keeping yourself out of the reckless love of
God and how he wants to show up for you.
And what I kept seeing was, yes, you have questions,
Yes there are things, because I saw it almost like
where you know, even when it comes to faith, Like
one of the things is like, you know, but if

this person who didn't know you dies, like what happens
to them? You know? Where you have all these questions
that are intelligent and smart questions, but to really step
into the why behind it requires surrender. And what I
just kept showing, what God kept showing me, was you
come into a deeper place of surrender in your life

and it is going to open. It literally felt like
a damn bursting out what he wants to do, because
there are many things he wants to bring you into
that you don't even know about yourself yet, but that
if you have this wall, then it's not just keeping
people out, it's keeping his voice out, kipping his word out.
But I just saw like this love of God that
is chasing after you. And it was almost like someone

just like, hey, let me in. I'm right here, and
regardless of the things you've experienced in life, their answers
that it's almost like their questions, he's not afraid to answer,
but you have to. There's a surrender that needs to
take place first. But yes, yes, yes, Heavenly Father, we
thank you for just everything you've done in this moment.

Lord God, we thank you even in talking about this book,
because it's really not about just getting a book out,
but it's really about getting people to be awakened to
knowing that you speak and you desire to speak to them,
whether they're awake or whether they're asleep. But even the
power of their dreams. Many people are ignoring their dreams
in this time, and there are world You're trying to

alert them about their warnings. You want to make them
aware of their ways. You want to prepare them, there
are ways you want to encourage them. And to Lord
that just pray that you will continue to be glorified
in and through everything that we do. We love you, Lord,
We thank you in Jesus' name. Amen.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
Amen, well, thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
Thank you e k ok for Yeah, come on, it's.

Speaker 6 (46:13):
The breakfast on.

Speaker 1 (46:14):
Thank you, wake that answer up in the morning.

Speaker 6 (46:17):
Breakfast Club

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