Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake that ass up in the morning.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
The Breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It's DJ Envy, Jess Hilarious,
Charlamagne to God. We are the Breakfast Club. We got
a special guest in the building. We got Zoe Lay Welcome.
That'sa your last name, right, Lee Lee, Zoe Lee. How
you feeling.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
I'm well, thank you, Thank you for having me.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Thanks for coming, thanks for joining us. You got your
folder out, like you got stuff to talk about today,
like you're not coming to play.
Speaker 3 (00:26):
There's not too many people I like to watch more
on Instagram because you know, we always had these conversations
about you got to be involved, you know, with your
local politics, and you know, you got to be on
top of your local government. Zoe be at these city
council meetings in Chicago every week, every week, raising holy hell,
Holy hell. So I want her to talk about all
of that. What happened between you and the City of Chicago,
the whole city.
Speaker 4 (00:51):
Huh yeah, the whole city. So in twenty seventeen, the
City of Chicago elected officials the Building Department unlawfully demolished
my family's property. And that is the violation of the
Fifth Amendment. And the City Chicago manipulates the Fifth Amendment
because they say that it really wasn't the Fifth Amendment
because there wasn't a roadway or there wasn't a railroad,
so technically it's not that. But then they have demolition laws,
and demolition laws is you still have to compensate the person,
and we have yet to be compensated.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
Now now for people that this is all over the country.
So to break it down in simple terms, if you
own a property, the city cannot just take your property
unless they say they have to build a roadway, a
highway or something like that, or some type of public
transportation to get people from left to right, whether it's
a train system, subway system, or something like that, but
they're not allowed to take it. If they do, they're
supposed to give you market value for your property or home.
We see it happening all the time. But they didn't
give you anything. And you're saying there was no subway
or highway or trade system or nothing like that there.
So why did they say they demolished the property.
Speaker 1 (02:06):
They said building violations.
Speaker 4 (02:08):
And it's crazy because my mother was fixing up as
a commercial property. At that commercial property at the bottom,
it's four apartments at the top and my mother was
working on it. And how we found out that the
building was unlawfully demolished was the electrician.
Speaker 1 (02:25):
He called.
Speaker 4 (02:26):
He said, hey, miss marsh the building isn't here, and
my mother called the city.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
They had no information, but you owned so you didn't
even know they were going to demol it. They didn't
tell you that they were going to demolish the building.
They just you just drove by one. The building wasn't anything.
Speaker 4 (02:41):
Yeah, the electrician that's crazy, and said that it was
no longer there. So my mother at the time, she's
seventy three, She's like, no, they're not you know, they're
not supposed to do that. So she went, you know,
down the city hall. She spoke to the law department.
They really couldn't give her any information, but one person
in a law department told her to go get a
police report. So she did go back and get a
police report, and then they told her to file a claim.
She filed the claim and they said that the reason
why we weren't paid out was because of building violations.
And I said, well, where are the building violations? You
have to go to buildings Court, you have to go
through a whole lot of stuff. You just can't knock
down a building. And come to find out, my mother
was fighting this by herself. At that time, I was
managing and I was working, doing my own thing, and
I kept telling my mom.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
I'm like, well, you know, just get a lawyer. And
in Chicago they have it.
Speaker 4 (03:38):
Well, you can't get an attorney. You can't get in
the black communities. They what they have done is they
prey on Black seniors. They play on our communities and
on buildings and properties that are already paid off, so
not mortgages. And that's what I think a lot of
people don't understand. You know, you own a home, but
if you're still paying a mortgage, do you really own
the home? You know, these homes are already been paid.
This has been in my family since nineteen sixty five. Okay,
it's a Sam pipe of lounge. It was it was
a landmark before that. It was Fanny made candies.
Speaker 2 (04:13):
You know. So there was no there was no tennis.
They didn't have to take nobody.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
No, no, My godfather was living in there.
Speaker 4 (04:18):
They told him he had ten minutes to get out
and he's eighty, you know, ten minutes to get out
and he's eighty now, min you they don't have social media,
they don't, you know. And then at the time, the
only attorneys that you can get for stuff like eminent
domain or them stealing our properties. It's two. It was
two and it was a Vodoliac. It's Vadoliac and ed
Burd Now they both have been convicted of stealing properties.
Like they're both like we're alder men at the time.
So Chicago has a thing that no matter what, you're
not gonna get no justice, Like Chicago's one of the
most corrupt cities on earth. And they put my mother
in the hospital twice. So I had to leave Atlanta,
put myself in storage, and I've been fighting ever since. Now,
mind you, while I'm fighting, I'm dealing with this immigration
invasion that's coming in. I have other black seniors that
are coming down to city to city council as well,
because they're still in their properties too. And it's only
in certain areas. It's in tiff districts. Now New York
is the difftrict district.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
Or the unitsity.
Speaker 4 (05:23):
You know what that is, noct it's tax increment finance,
So they're supposed to give you money in blighted areas
and predominantly black areas, and they're supposed to help you
build your community up, but.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
The month tax breaks things like that, they want to
encourage more people in the community to invest back in
the community.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Yeah, and what they're doing is they're taking the money.
You call it a piggy bank, and they're now they're
giving it to predominantly white areas. And now Hispanic areas
and our black areas are not getting anything. But it's
in certain areas. Englewood, my property was in Auburn. Grissom
Shouse or South Shore is the only black area still
in Chicago that's by Lake Michigan. Everybody knows about summertime shot.
So they're taking our properties. You can't get any help,
you can't get any media, you know. And I'm not
from Chicago. My mother's from Chicago. My mother left there
in nineteen seventy eight because it was so racist. I'm
from Albany, New York, and I just fight different. You know.
When I first started this, everybody was like, Oh, you're
gonna need one hundred people, and I'm like, nah, because
everybody it's different times, different generation. Everybody not gonna fight
like me, you know, and I've always been that person
that question to challenge. I know how to read. We
have to know our constitution. A lot of people do
not know the US Constitution.
Speaker 5 (06:39):
Speaker 2 (06:40):
The crazy thing is, if you had squatters in it,
it probably would have took them a lot longer to
get it out because a lot of times squatters have
more right than the actual homeowners and business owners. Let
me ask you a question. I know when they said
to violations, I know a lot of times, especially the government,
what they do is is they'll give you violations, like
they say you had trash on your property, they'll give
you a ticket for that. Was was that part of
the violations? Things like that now they're.
Speaker 4 (07:02):
Giving us were still on the land, so now they're
giving us violation for that. No, it was they said
it was abandon It wasn't a band.
Speaker 2 (07:10):
And then they do that if the doors are not
locked or the windows broken.
Speaker 4 (07:14):
Basically abandoned. That was the main thing. They said that
one of the doors was messed up. It was not
messed up.
Speaker 1 (07:20):
It's yes.
Speaker 4 (07:20):
So they wanted that property. They wanted that property because
it was in a tiff zone. And they continue to
do this and they do it they pray on seniors.
Speaker 2 (07:28):
I've heard that before. What is what is the property worth?
What would be the value of the property if it
was and everything.
Speaker 4 (07:35):
Probably about ten to fifteen million, wow, And it has
to be it would have to be more than that
because you would have to also count in the fact
that if you had tenants and you had a rent. Yeah,
especially now with this immigration situation, like you know, like
that's one thing my mother said, like, damn, if we
had the building, we'd be able to house because they're
giving so much money out, you know, so the rent
rent is expensive.
Speaker 1 (07:58):
Like the fact that the fact that I have.
Speaker 4 (08:00):
To pay rent a month when I have four apartments
and a commercial property. I have a lot, I have
my own brand. I'm into comedy, I'm in a lot
of uncomfortable truth lifestyle. My model is paper pussy Piece,
you know.
Speaker 5 (08:14):
And to man is Dick Gregory.
Speaker 4 (08:17):
And I just I just feel like I am like
I'm just not being I'm being heard, but I'm shadow
band as well, because at the end of the day,
this is a thing that happens in Chicago. And if
I get heard or if you know, thank you. I
appreciate you guys for letting me on this platform because
Chicago's scared, you know, and they're scared because they know
this is what they do.
Speaker 1 (08:42):
We have one.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
Hundred and ten Illinois state black representation in Congress and
they don't do anything. And this is a democratic city.
So you know when people talk about democrats, you know
how the democracy and how they cared Chicago different.
Speaker 2 (09:05):
So what what are they say in the building is
worth and what are they saying or they just saying, well,
we just molished f you and your family.
Speaker 4 (09:13):
That they were not under the impression that we owned it.
So that is one of the arguments. And it's been
in a trust the whole time. So they went and
got a fraudulent document and said that, oh, a guy
named Timothy owns it. But the person Timothy is the
same person that So back in the day when you
would get deeds from like it was LaSalle Bank, the
South Bank is now Bank of America. The the the
they nominated some they nominate somebody, and the person who
they nominates usually a bachelor or a wider. So they
so back then the deeds would have this name on
there that the bank nominated. So they're trying to use
that as this is the person that owned it, and
it's like, no, we own it. It's Timothy, Timothy, Timothy
ninety and no, no, Timothy's dead. First of all, Okay,
that's not one. And number two is that's what they
used to do back in the day, Like if you
look up how they used to do it. So the
thing is, my mom's seventy five, my godfather's eighty. They're
not supposed to, you know, they just take our properties
and they're going to continue to do it if no
one does not fight for it and we get some legislation.
Speaker 3 (10:24):
So when you're down there at you know, the city
council meetings, are you alone in this fight?
Speaker 5 (10:29):
Are there other people that's experiencing like a legal Yeah.
Speaker 4 (10:32):
There's a lady named miss Well. She's not experiencing legal
eminent domain. She's experiencing they're trying. Her name is Jessica Jackson.
She they're taking they're trying to take her property through
probate court. Now, her mother had no debt. Her mother
left the three family building in south Shore. South Shore
is still only one of the places that black people
have for the lake, and they're trying to take her property.
And that's and she said, you know that's when that's
that has been paid off since she was sixteen.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
She's sixty one.
Speaker 2 (11:04):
So who's the because you know it's it's the somebody
behind it, right, So I'm sure it's some white men
that get nothing, or it could be black because that
happened to my parents in Brooklyn. So my parents had
a brown son in Brooklyn grip. My grandfather passed away,
left it down to it was like twelve of them,
and he finagled his way on the deed and then
was almost like part of the kids, part of that process.
And I see them do that a lot, especially when
they feel like people don't understand, don't know the laws,
and they get it in and they're able to get this script.
So have you figured out who's behind trying to buy
the script? Because somebody seems like they're.
Speaker 4 (11:35):
Trying to develop her and that's what they do the
and you know, unfortunate, it's unfortunate, unfortunate, but our aldermen
make deals behind our back and for you know, paybacks
whatever they want to call it, and they promised our
properties to them, and you can't get any help, you know,
my mother, we have a federal core it's sort of
it's like pro sae. We do have an attorney, but
you know, I'm still you know, skeptical when it comes
to him because they pay out like they pay. But
there's a there's an act called Light Property Act nineteen
forty seven, nineteen forty nine and the Blighted Property Act
nineteen forty seven nineteen forty nine that a lot of
people don't talk about is even if they felt like
it was an abandoned building or they felt like it
was something wrong with it, they're supposed to go to
the governor, and the governor is supposed to ask the
Attorney General to imminent domain it, and you still have
to compensate. They don't do no law like no policies.
And I say this all the time, Chicago policies do
not trump the US Constitution. It is not trump federal laws.
And that's the problem I think with America, Like we
don't understand that the Constitution is for us, regardless of
what color we are.
Speaker 5 (12:51):
What can be done now? Like what can be done
right now?
Speaker 1 (12:54):
They can settle my case.
Speaker 4 (12:56):
But I know the reason why they won't settle it,
I feel like is because it'll be.
Speaker 1 (13:02):
A line down in Cook County and.
Speaker 4 (13:03):
City Hall because they they black people have normalized that
this is just what Chicago do. Iago just steal properties,
you can't get no help.
Speaker 3 (13:12):
It ain't just at Chicago, you know, he was doing
that in South Carolina, Detroit.
Speaker 4 (13:16):
Yeah, Atlanta, somebody's just send me something. In Atlanta, they're
doing it. So it has to be some type of legislation.
And that's my issue, like with this this election that's
coming up, like we need something. As far as Black America,
I don't know whatever you guys identify ass, because it's
like a pronoun situation if you're a freedman, freed woman, whatever,
you know, ady os whatever. But as me, I'm a
Black American. That's why I'm born and raised here my family.
You know, that's what I That's what I identify ass. But
there needs to be some type of legislation when it
comes to our housing, and it's no legislation.
Speaker 2 (13:50):
So what are they trying to build there now? Because
they demolished it.
Speaker 4 (13:53):
They tried to they tried to sell it behind our
back twice the land, but.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
We were able to take care of it.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
How do they sell it behind your back?
Speaker 4 (14:04):
Because they played with d so you can go into
you can go to Cook County right now, right and
you you may know the guy and you may find
somebody that's a notary and you paid him something and
you say, hey.
Speaker 2 (14:15):
This person signed. Yeah, how much is the property worth
right now as it sits? Well, there's no property, well,
just the land. How much is the landworth as it sits?
Speaker 1 (14:25):
To me, it's three billion dollars?
Speaker 2 (14:27):
Imagine it's three land.
Speaker 1 (14:29):
It's land.
Speaker 4 (14:29):
I need my money, I need I need. That's my
generational well.
Speaker 5 (14:33):
Like the realistic number.
Speaker 1 (14:35):
The realistic number.
Speaker 4 (14:38):
I think probably about a million, but I think land
is worth probably a minimum million dollars. Yeah, it's it's big.
First of all, it was ten lots they took. They
already took six of the lots and only left us
with four lots. The lots behind us is all lots too,
but they put a save a lot there, so paying all. Yeah,
this is just what they did. They put up and
it's not even there no more. They put a business
on your property. Yes, they took half the lots and
we have a parking lot. So like I write save
a lot like every month and let them know. Play
with me if you want to, because I'm not playing
with y'all, Like, y'all, this is this is not what
you guys do, Like this is not I don't know what.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
I'm so confused. I really don't know how people could
build on a piece of property that they don't have
a deed.
Speaker 4 (15:29):
On Chicago do whatever they want to do, and it's
and it's a cycle. Like I was talking to somebody
the other day, she says she's been fighting for her
grandmother's properties since nineteen sixty two. I mean it's been her,
it's been her house is nineteen sixty two. She's been
fighting for ten years, and she said she just gave up.
Speaker 2 (15:44):
This might be a funny question, but where's the elected officials?
Speaker 5 (15:46):
Speaker 2 (15:46):
There's no elected still.
Speaker 4 (15:48):
In stealing money, still in this immigration money Jesus, Like,
that's that's the problem too. We have to change the
culture of these politicians because they both trash.
Speaker 1 (15:59):
On both sides.
Speaker 4 (16:01):
You know, the Republicans is terrible, the Democrats is terrible.
But the issue with Chicago is Chicago's turned to a
communist city.
Speaker 1 (16:11):
Like it's only Democrats.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
You cannot even if you want to run as a Republican,
you're not gonna win.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
They have it as just democrats.
Speaker 2 (16:20):
So what what names can people go at? Because you
just can't.
Speaker 4 (16:23):
Say the City of Chicago got to be Marlene Hopkins.
That's the Building Department with her date.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
Let's go one by one explain what that person does
and how they involved so people understand.
Speaker 1 (16:35):
Okay, because you got to break it.
Speaker 2 (16:36):
Down because a lot of people will be confused, like me, like,
how how the hell does this even happen?
Speaker 4 (16:40):
Okay, So you got Marlon Hopkins. Marlon Hopkins is now
the commissioner of the Buildings Department.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
She should have been fired when.
Speaker 4 (16:48):
There was this little village explosion back three years ago
when she was negligent with that. So what happens is
anybody one of her friends or I'll say my aldermen
alderman David Moore, can call up and say, hey, I
need you to put this in for the building's apartment,
say that it was building violations, that's why we demolished it,
and people go with that instead of knowing like you
have to go to building's court. Now, my mother received
a voicemail from the law Department and they gave her
three options. The first option was that she was supposed
that our Alderman, which was David Moore the seventeenth ward
was supposed to reach out to us and offer us
some type of money. Conversation, had conversation. He was supposed
to go through the chairman of the City of Finance,
and at that time it was ed Ed Burke is
now convicted. He's eighty years old now convicted of taking
bribes and taking property. Then you have the next one
was file a claim. We filed acclaim with the city.
Now the city said that my mother's claim it expired
and it did not expire the statute of limitations. That
the statue of limitations for Illinois for any type of claim,
it's two years. And they told my mom that she
didn't get her claiming in time. They knocked the building
down December eleventh, twenty seventeen. Right my mother put the
claim in October fourth, two thoy eighteen. They gave us
back a letter December eleventh to eighty and I got
everything that says that the claim was not put in time,
and that it does the statute ofations expired. That's insurance frog,
that's bad faith, insurance frocks. My mother put it in.
So then when my mother went to hire a lawyer.
They told the lawyer the same thing, and a lawyer
put it in on the letterhead like, look, they're saying,
the statute of limitations had expired. However, you still have
time to file a lawsuit. My mother filed the lawsuit.
And when my mother filed a lawsuit, they still try
to deny the lawsuit because they said, well, we don't
know who owns it. You know who owns it, you
know who owned you know who owns it. Now we're
fighting with the ownership part.
Speaker 1 (19:03):
Speaker 4 (19:03):
They put in a fraudlent deed this but they didn't
record it. What they did was they went and got
a stamp of the person who was the recorder of
deeds at that time. His name was Edward Moody.
Speaker 1 (19:15):
Edward Moody.
Speaker 4 (19:16):
He went and got he got He was on trial
for Steve for Michael Madigan. Michael Madigan is about to
be on trial. He was an They all ain't ships.
It's it's public corruption. It's just big public corruption. There's
Tony Preckwinkle, who is the Cook County president who needs
to retire, and anybody can go up to the second floor,
the fifth floor and change out deeds and you can't
get no help.
Speaker 2 (19:47):
It really seems like big bank take little bank, right,
because the amount of money I'm hearing that you have
to pay attorneys.
Speaker 5 (19:54):
Yes, but you said you can't even get in the turn.
Speaker 4 (19:56):
Yeah, because they don't want to touch this case because
this first of all, you know, uncomfortable truth is I'm black.
Speaker 1 (20:04):
You know my family's black. There's number two.
Speaker 4 (20:07):
Number three is but number two is Chicago is still
one of the most segregated cities in America, and they
work with each other.
Speaker 1 (20:16):
We have no civil rights attorneys. There's no civil rights attorneys.
I know, I don't.
Speaker 4 (20:22):
I don't even fuck with being crump. You know I'm
saying what I'm saying, like there's no civil rights attorneys.
I reached out to being crump.
Speaker 1 (20:27):
We don't have. The only time we have civil rights
attorneys is.
Speaker 4 (20:30):
If we get killed. Okay, I call it the hashtag package.
I gotta get killed in order to get a civil
rights attorney, in order to get some type of compensation
and some type of justice.
Speaker 1 (20:42):
And some media.
Speaker 4 (20:43):
I gotta go, Why do I have to get killed
or my family member has to get killed in order
for me to find a civil rights attorney and that's
the problem. Our civil rights are being violated on the
regular and we cannot find any attorneys. So for this
election coming up up, and you've got all these people
that want us to the Democrat, Democrats, Democrats, Democrats, the
Democrats is fucking me over in Chicago. You know, we
have the most representation in black Democrats. And I can't
get no help. Even they'll tell us, you know, the
aldermen and stuff, you need to get a lawyer. How
the fuck can I get a lawyer? There's a civil
rights attorney, Matt Martin, he is an alderman. You're a
civil rights attorney. You see me coming in there every week.
It doesn't matter that you can find somebody, you know.
You're like, like, it's just it's just messed up.
Speaker 1 (21:33):
Like you're hearing this. You're hearing this, but you're.
Speaker 4 (21:36):
Fighting for affordable housing. Like how do you fight for
affordable housing as a as a civil rights attorney, as
an alderman, as.
Speaker 1 (21:42):
A public servant? Right?
Speaker 4 (21:45):
But you see three people coming down there about their
properties for a year and you have nothing to say.
Speaker 2 (21:51):
How can people help you if they want to get
in touch with you, Let's say they want to help
let's say there is a way they know a civil attorney.
Maybe that is a real estate attorney that can help you.
How can people help it, oh, even financially, say look,
I want to throw some money in your thing to
make you support because this is gonna be a long fight.
It's gonna be a costly fight. How can they help you.
Speaker 4 (22:07):
Well, I have a brand, y'all can purchase a shirt.
I'mcomfortabletruthlifestyle dot com. My instagram is mister steal your Wig
at gmail dot com. And I have my mother as
a nonprofit. It's Notre Dame Affordable Housing and it's n
d a h I n C dot com online and
she just really wants to build her building back, like
until this is settled, because we've been waiting over one
hundred and twenty days. I argue this case November first.
I was able to argue this case to the judge,
and the judge was so surprised, you know, because I'm
not a lawyer. But this I know how to read,
I know how to comprehend, and I know that this
is not what's up. And I know that there's too
much money out here in the government in a mayor,
our paying dollar that I have to continue to fight
and not get no justice.
Speaker 3 (23:04):
You know, it's also interesting too because uh, you know,
I follow her, I follow you, and I saw not
just this fight, but what you've been saying about the migrants.
Speaker 1 (23:13):
Yeah, the Margarets.
Speaker 4 (23:14):
They spent too, Like I know, doctor Umar was here
and he was saying that they spent over four hundred million.
Speaker 1 (23:19):
No, they spent two point two billion.
Speaker 4 (23:21):
And I have it like I got all of it,
like I have been keeping like records like it's two
point two billion dollars.
Speaker 3 (23:30):
And I was saying all of this back in January
because of the activists like Zoe, but also because of
who we talk to here in New York, what we
see in New York going on. And when I'm bringing
up these issues, people say it was maga messaging.
Speaker 5 (23:40):
It's not maga messaging. Black people in this industry.
Speaker 4 (23:44):
Now, we are at a like honestly, like like all
jose aside, we are at a race of emergency when
it comes to Black America whatever you call yourself, because
I don't that's another argue to the moors and stuff
they want.
Speaker 1 (23:55):
I don't want to argue with y'all.
Speaker 4 (23:57):
But whoever, then, black people we are at a race
of emergency when it comes to these immigrants, and that's
just what it is.
Speaker 1 (24:04):
We give our vote.
Speaker 4 (24:06):
And I'm just saying, I'm not saying vote for whoever you
want to vote, but we continue to vote blue and
we do not get anything. We just watched George Floyd, right,
get killed in front of us. We just watched Sonya Massey,
that's an Illinois just get killed in front of us,
and we still do not have a hate crime bill. Now,
the Asians then got a hate crime bill during COVID. Okay,
the Jews anti Semitism, they just gotta they just that
just passed through Congress. So how many times do we
have to get killed to get some type of legislation.
But we continue to vote blue, and if we don't vote, it's.
Speaker 1 (24:39):
Turned to a cult.
Speaker 4 (24:40):
I'm thirty eight years old, right, and I have common sense,
and I think this is the election of common sense. Okay,
we just watched we have I'm watching our our I'm
going to these meetings, right. Finance meeting is very important.
The budget meeting is very important. Housing in real estate
is very important in your local your local state. And
you're watching all this money being passed. Right, You're watching
all this money being passed for housing, for resources. They're
using our statistics like we're the highest in everything, shooting,
we even get hit by bicycles, like.
Speaker 1 (25:16):
How to bicycles? Like you know what I'm saying, Like
you where we're for everything? Right? So you get this
money and then none of it goes to our community.
Where's the money at? Where is the all? Where's IRS
Criminal Division?
Speaker 4 (25:30):
Like there was in nineteen eighty four in Chicago there
was something called Operation Grade Lord, Operation Gray Lord is
when they went and got they picked up judges, they
picked up police officers, lawyers, all that for all the corruption, right,
and it needs to be another Operation gradye Lord, but
this time with the city and.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
But the IRS.
Speaker 4 (25:49):
The IRS was involved, the fans were involved because IRS
Criminal Division needs to be involved because there's too many
people sleeping on the street, migrants as well. For you
to have two point two billion dollars, you're spending seven
hundred thousand dollars a month, I mean seven hundred thousand
dollars a day on shelters.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
Where is this money at?
Speaker 4 (26:08):
You're dumping these undocumented immigrants in our communities that are
already under resource. You're pushing us out. There's been mass
illegal evictions, right, and they're not even putting that online.
They're not even putting that on the news because they
get more money with the illegals, you know.
Speaker 1 (26:25):
So like we're messed up, and this is our election.
Speaker 4 (26:28):
So like my thing is, people will say, oh, you
know Trump is racist, the Republicans are racist.
Speaker 1 (26:35):
Well let's get into the Democratic party.
Speaker 4 (26:37):
Like when the last time y'all really did something for us,
Like when I talk even about crack epidemic, every person
that was that that family member or a main guardian
was on crack. Every child should have been able to
go to school for free. Like that messed us up.
We prevailed, We prevailed slavery, the race riots, Jim Crow, crack,
mass incarceration. Now we're dealing with illegal, invasive illegal immigrants.
Y'all have all this money, you know, and they go
back and forth. Well it was a Republican, it's a Democrat. Well,
at the end of the day, you know, Kamala, like
there was an executive order, the Executive Order one four
zero one zero that was issued by President Biden, but
she was supposed to oversee when it came to these
immigrants coming over here from South America and stuff like that,
Like if and I understand you the Vice president, Well,
who did you have to help you oversea? Because I'm
an I've been an assistant. I've been assistant to Killer Mike,
I've been I've been managed. I've been a management manager
to Dig Gregory and assistant and when they need me
to do something, I go ahead and do it. So
if you put somebody else in charge, they just opened
up the border on our asses, you know, understanding.
Speaker 1 (27:46):
But then when in twenty twenty one, when the Haitiens
was trying to come over.
Speaker 4 (27:49):
Here, they was pushing them back. So you got to
keep the same energy. And but you find all this
money two point two billion dollars seven hundred thousand dollars
a day on my grand shelters. But we're supposed to
continue to vote the way that we vote.
Speaker 1 (28:05):
No, what are you going to give us? We need legislation.
We need a hate crime bill today.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
You know, people keep talking about, oh Trump wants to
give immunity to police.
Speaker 1 (28:13):
Police already have immunity.
Speaker 4 (28:15):
Look at your look at your look at your your
your US, look at the constitution, look at the civil
rights that will be violated.
Speaker 1 (28:22):
I sued Delta by myself. Okay, I have my shirt
on papersy.
Speaker 4 (28:26):
Piece and they said, oh, you can't have that on
da da da da. Show me in a policy where
I can have it. Show me in a posse where
I can have I wont twenty thousand dollars.
Speaker 2 (28:35):
Okay, but they made me take on my hat one day.
That's why I said. I had said sex and it
made me take Yeah.
Speaker 1 (28:41):
But there's no policy.
Speaker 4 (28:42):
Just like how they telling people that they can't wear
the Palestine flag the employees. What like, what happened to
freedom of speech? It's twenty twenty four, Like it's twenty
twenty four. We're not living in nineteen hundreds. We're not
living in nineteen oh one. Like this is crazy. So
my thing is I've always said we I have a
black agenda. We don't have a black agenda. I have
a black agenda. And my thing is we need where
it's supposed to be. Twelve percent of America is black, right,
we need twelve percent jobs, we need twelve percent of contracts,
we need twelve percent. And if they if neither one
of these parties can give us twelve percent, what are
we voting for because people say, oh, our ancestors die
for this.
Speaker 1 (29:19):
Our ancestors. Our ancestor is looking at us like, bitch,
what are y'all doing? I know for sure Dick Gregory
is not like, yeah, just continue to vote because you
just want to vote. Yeah, just continue to ote. No, Like,
what the fuck is you gonna give us? Give up?
We don't have Our kids are are beating what's that?
What's that game? That video game? Mind graphs, the other one,
call of Duty? They beaties in a day. Why don't
we have video.
Speaker 4 (29:46):
Game developing developers or any thing like that in our communities.
Why don't we have any STEM programs in our community?
Apps y'all are making they making a killing off of
us on on Instagram. Do you see how much the
pennies that we get in social media, the pennies.
Speaker 1 (30:03):
That we're getting. Why don't we have our own social media?
Speaker 4 (30:06):
And I know fan base, but fan base, well, I'm
just saying like that, we don't have we don't have
the resources. But we are the bank of America, we
are the culture of America. We are America, and we
continue to get penny I'm tired of it. The black
the Democratic agenda is the LGBTQ agenda, and I'm I'm
part of it, but that's a white agenda, okay, abortions
as well, in immigration, Okay. The Republicans is these extreme
crazy Christian reviews when it comes to, you know, the
women's rights, and my thing is women rights should be
off the table. There's no way in the world that
they should be arguing back and forth. And that's our fault,
you know. And we continue to allow little things like
how we let Bruce Jenner what was his named? Kaitlyn
Jenner be Woman of the Year? What the fuck was
wrong with us? What the fuck was wrong with us? Yeah, like,
none of this makes any sense, and this is common sense.
Pretty soon the Democratic Party. Men ain't gonna have no voice.
Y'all can't say ship if y'all say anything, Here come
a rape charge, Here come a hole like groupies. Group
has been out here, hole has been out here, and
they're gonna continue side bitches for life.
Speaker 1 (31:21):
They're never going nowhere.
Speaker 5 (31:24):
Let's bring it now. How can people help you with
your illegal I need a civil.
Speaker 4 (31:32):
Rights attorney, and and I and I and I feel
like it. A civil rights attorney. There's plenty of other
people that do need help out there. But there's a
legal foreclosers. They're stealing properties through taxing through delinquent taxes,
but it's really not delinquent. But yeah, I need an attorney.
I need an attorney that that's not scared to go
up against the.
Speaker 5 (31:56):
City comfortable giving out of something.
Speaker 4 (31:58):
Oh yeah, l E I g h z O E
two three at gmail dot com.
Speaker 2 (32:05):
Wezoe. We appreciate you joining us and keep us abreast
of what's going on.
Speaker 3 (32:08):
And I hope, I hope, just you know, just providing
this platform gets the word out because like I said,
I've been watching you fight this fight for a long
time on IG.
Speaker 4 (32:17):
So I thank you so much. You do not even
understand like you were the first. I've reached out to
plenty of other black journalists, black influencers, and people are
scared to take this story.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
To be your only thing. I was black. I know
you're black, but now we appreciate you Dominican. So I
am black. I'm not Dominican, but thank you. No, but
thank thank you and good luck. We wish you the best,
lucky and keep us a breast. Like I said, like,
let us know what's going on. Because I'm sure, just
like what the city is doing it to you, I'm
sure the city is doing somebody else out there, and
you can be able to guide them of what to do,
and hopefully you know you can save your your family, property,
your generational All right, ladies and gentlemen, it is Zoe.
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning. Wait that ass up
Earth in the morning, Breakfast Club
Speaker 4 (33:06):