All Episodes

August 6, 2020 73 mins

This pandemic has forced people to make a lot of changes especially Dj Envy and his beard which Charlamagne is convinced its fake with some beijing in it. So we opened up the phone lines to see if our listeners believe Envy or Charlamagne when it comes to the beard. Moreover, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to another Floridian who was mad that he could not have it his way and fatally shot an employee at Burger King, and Angela helped some listeners out during "Ask Yee".

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
She taking from a league, and Charlotmagne and the guy
my dad asked up. The breakfast club is a r
I love coming here. I'm never not gonna come here.
You guys are good to me and lieutire them always
gonna be good A lot of people in hip hop generation.
The breakfast club is where people get the information on
the topics, on the artists and everything like that. In

that aspect, radio is still important. The breakfast club with
my name come up respected, Good morning USA. Yea you there,

I'm here, Okay, what up? Yea? It is Toronto was good,
damn happy Thursday. I thought it. Charlomagne yeah, well yeah,
he's having technical different cots still. You know, he had
technical difficulties yesterday was why he couldn't join the program yesterdays.

And he's still having problems. You know. They said in
a letter that Power by Me might be out until
August eleventh. What yes, August eleven. They said that the
grid that the power company hasn't has nothing to do
with down trees or down lines. They said, the grid,
I guess exploded. I had a problem and they have

to redo the grid. So they said maybe August eleven.
So I don't have any power, so I have a generator,
but the generator only does the hallways my bedroom of course,
and the refrigerators so we can keep the food fresh
and the kids can see in the hallways. But other
than that, everything else is down. The cable is down,

the AT and T tower by me is down, so
I haven't like once I leave here, I'm not online.
I can't do anything. I can use the call, I
can use the phone to call, and I do get
some text messages, but there is no social media, no
going on the internet, none of that. We are what
about it? What about in the new house? I know
you're moving, Yes, the new house. I have a generator

for the whole house. But the problem with the new
house is I don't there's no furniture yet, like we
were in. We're in the process of moving, so if
we can go there, but there's there's nothing to lay on,
there's nothing to sit on. This okay, So that there's
power there, That is power there, Yeah, it is power there. Well, no,
there's no power there. But I have a generator for
the generator for the full house on the new house,

but there's no power there either. So it's been crazy,
and there's a lot of people going through a lot
of people are losing food. A lot of people like
it's crazy. Charlomagne canears. No, Charlomagne is still owed, so
it's definitely nasty, they said over. I think they said
close to million people still don't have power in New Jersey,
I believe. So it's pretty nasty. And they said this

all over. I know people in Virginia that don't have power,
people in Maryland, DC that don't have power, people in
the in Atlanta, they said that don't have power. So
it's it's nasty. It's disgusting out there when they sit.
In August eleven, I was like, oh my god, this
is this is real, And yesterday I realized how real
it was. And this is gonna sound crazy, but to
have five kids with no power, oh my gosh, Like

the kids are living like I'm bored. I'm like, read
a book. I'm bored to read a book. I'm bored
to go outside. I'm bored. Like, thank God is not raining,
because if it was raining, it made a lot worse.
Thank God is not freezing it. Thank God is not
freezing outside. Yeah, no, absolutely, how's everything by you everything's
fine here. Everything. The only problem I had my internet
was a little bit spotty yesterday, but that was about it,

all right. Yeah, you know, it's crazy living in Brooklyn.
A lot of times things will happen, like even when
Hurricane Sandy hit, a lot of people lost their power then,
but we always still have power here. Yeah, a lot
over here. My parents called me every day from Queens
and they just laugh at me, be like, hey, would
you like to come over and get some of this energy? No,
I'm fine, I'm fine at keep you updated on. I'll

keep you updated on what's going on on cable. All right,
Well let's get the show cracking front page news. What
we're talking about. Well, Donald Trump was restricted by Twitter
and Facebook removed one of his claims. And this is
all has to do with coronavirus. We'll tell you what
he had to say about children. All right, we'll get
into that next. Keeping locked this to Breakfast Club. Good
morning morning, everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Charlomagne the

guy We are to Breakfast Club. Charlomagne, you're back, yes, sir,
all right, it's happening alright that what did you lose
power and not something yesterday. What happened yesterday? Wifile was out.
Wifile was out in my area. WiFi outage. Okay, because
we don't have power, I think to August eleventh. But
all right, yeah, yeah, pretty much. I got a broadcast

from the office, my office. Yeah, all right, Well, let's
get in some front page news where we're starting. You Well,
the NBA announced yesterday they're gonna donate three hundred million
dollars over the next ten years, and that money is
going to help found the NBA Foundation, which will help
create great economic empowerment in the black community. So specifically,

they'll increase access in support for high school college Asian
career ready black men and women, and assist national and
local organizations that provide skills training, mentorship, coaching, and pipeline
development in NBA markets and communities across the US and Canada.
A bunch of three hundred million dollars over the next
ten years, that's not a lot of money at all

from the NBA. And that's like, the NBA is a
billion dollars, billions of dollars a season business over the
next teen years. Three hundred million dollars, that's not a
lot of money at all, not like nowhere, not from
that corporation. Come on. Well, they've also said they'll increase
hirings a black men and women in coaching, in front
office roles around the NBA, and work more with more

black businesses and vendors in their communities. Now, Donald Trump
has said that NBA players who kneel during the anthem
are disgraceful. Listen to this. I think it's disgraceful. But
when I see people kneeling during the playing and disrespecting
our flag and disrespecting our national anthem, what I do
personally is turning off the game. And the ratings for

the basketball are way down, if you know, and I
hear some others are way down, to including baseball, because
all of a sudden, now baseball's in the act. We
got to stand up for our flag, We have to
stand up for our country. We have to stand up
for our anthem. And a lot of people agree with me. Hey,
if I'm wrong, I'm gonna lose an election, Okay, And
that's okay with me. Yeah, I mean he's right. I

mean the ratings aren't way down. You know the ratings
that the NBA lifted ratings on TNT. I think it
was like two point nine million viewers. They weren't large,
but they were cool. But it could be it's reasons
for that. Folks are used to watching basketball this time
of year, and once they get into the playoffs it
probably will. I'm sure it'll shoot up. Well. According to Neilson,
they said the games over the weekend, the seeding games

were up fourteen percent compared to the average audience last year.
And that's of course, ABC, ESPN and t N team. Yes,
last year, you don't play at all, but seasons well
for the twenty nineteen twenty twenty season, all right now.
Lebron James responded to this Fox and Friends interview and
said this, I really don't think the basketball community are

sad about it, and as view were shooting, our game
is in a beautiful position and I hope everyone see
what what what leadership that we have in at the
top of our country and understand that that November, um,
that's right around the corner. Yeah, they're not pressed about that. Now.
Twitter has temporarily restricted Donald Trump's Campaign's ability to tweet,

and Facebook actually removed a post. And this is off
from that same Fox and Friends, Fox News interview, and
this is what he had to say about coronavirus and children.
This thing is going away. It will go away like
things go away. And my view is that school should
be open. If you look at children, children are almost
and I would almost say definitely, but almost immune from

this disease. So few. It's they've got stronger. Hard to believe.
I don't know how you feel about it, but they
have much stronger immune systems and we do. He's bugging,
he's crazy, he is crazy. I believe that the the child
just died yesterday in Jersey. A child died yesterday in Jersey.
I believe, yeah, I believe when I when I heard

it on the way in this morning, they said there
wasn't there was a thing when it first started though
initially coronavirus, that it didn't impact kids in that way.
Remember they were always saying an older adults and that's why,
you know, the kids can be asymptomatic and be around
the old folks and give it to them and they
could die. That was the thing. I don't I don't
know if that's true. Let's say it's irresponsible to say

they're almost immune to coronavirus, because that's just simply not true. Now,
what he is trying to refer to, I think is
that children are less susceptible to coronavirus and that particulated.
That's all. Yeah, So yesterday this said a seven month
old baby who recently died test positive for COVID nineteen.

So he had COVID nineteen. The baby had COVID nineteen
and just passed away, all right. And this is also
at the time when we're trying to figure out what
to do with schools reopening, So you can't put out
that false information. All right, Well I'm angela ye, and
that is your front page news, all right, get it
off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five one oh
five one. If you need to vent, hit us up

right now. Maybe you had a bad night or a
horrible morning, or maybe you, like me, have no power.
I know they said. I think close to a million
people that had no power in Jersey or whatever it
may be. But I am one of them. But if
you don't have power and it's fed up, call us up.
Or maybe you feel blessed you just happen to be alive.
Eight five eight five one oh five one is the
breakfast Club, God Morning the breakfast club is your time

to get it off your chests, whether you're man or blast,
so you better have the same minute. We want to
hear from you on the breakfast club. Hellow who's this good?

Every good morning? Good morning? Get it off your chest?
What's up you? Hey? Trap? Shoot? Travel up trap? If
I didn't know it's him. Yeah, where's Charlotte Agne? Right
here is this? He's Charlomagine? How are you girl? Peace?
I ain't blessed black and Holly favorite? How are you?

My girls are great? Good? I'm doing good, y'all. Everybody. Yes,
I want to let you know that I've been looking
at your little beard lately, Envy looking good. You like
his painter, like the graffiti artists that did his beard.
See See, that's how I know. Charlemagne really gets jealous
when other guys and other girls flirting with me. As

soon as he said you like me, you you went
right to the you like. It's like, let me tell you,
let me tell you yours in your mind, don't worry
about let me let me tell you something old Envy Hardwick?
All right, oh, Envy Hardwick, you better take that paint off.
And I took the paint off his y took the
paint off his stop and put it on his face.

You're so jealous. I like this. I'm not gonna lie
every Yeah the bear, the beard looked good, but I
was looking a little too dark. Yeah yeah, if you
try to lie to us and tell us that's real,
come on now, trying from Philly. You know Beijing when
you see it, this is I don't have Beijing in
my bed and mind. This is my head. It's not
a trap to pain. If you don't stop, I'm not

gonna lie. We're not watching that video yet. Today I
was like, all right. I was like, he is the
Beijing king over there. Goodness great, and it's not. It's
not Beijing. So what are you using. I'm not telling
you my beauty secrets. I get a haircut every week. Man,
look at the look at the Paya eight. That's what
you needed to a song, not the hated tram call

me said, I looked, and Charlomagne, you know what I'm
calling to talk about the RS Dreamers. Shout out to
j Cole. I've been trying to get his shoes. I'm
wearing size ten. They're all sold out. If anybody has
a size ten and the RS Dreamers not on stock
because I'm not playing one thousand, a thousand dollars for

one hundred and twenty five dollars pair of shoes, So
please DM Mers, Dreamers and a size ten. Did you
order your hold jersey? Yeah? Oh and shot to the
lebron James right, because my man about to start playing
in the NBA. Okay, by I keep telling you he's
the Tim Duncan, which is a great compliment, by the way,

but you refuse to accept that. Get it off your
chest eight hundred five eight five one oh five one.
If you need to vent, hit us up now. It's
the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club. I'm hey,
what's you doing of yo? This is your time to
get it off your chest, whether you're mad or blessed.

Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. We
want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club. Hello.
Who's this? It was going on? This is front thing? Oh?
I got what's up? Brother? Get you off your chest?
Oh yeah, man, I was listening to um you know
your listeners. Man, I just feel back with them. Because
the confusion as far as sending your children back to school,
I have six myself, and my thing is this, if

this is the new normal, we're talking to new normal,
then absolutely not. You can not send your kids back
to school because if this is a new normal and
corona's out here and we've got to be dealing with it,
it's impossible for them not to catch the vices. It's impossible.
So this should be a no brainer in my opinion,
you know, Peace King, and I agree with you man,

you know, because you know, if you read about corona,
you know that children of all ages can become infected
by it, and some don't become as sick as adults,
and some might not show any symptoms at all. But
think about how much they'd be spraying it just around
the community to other people, especially older folks. You know, absolutely,
So there's no should be no reason why parents should
be confused. They're only thinking about financial gain and I

gotta go back to work and I gotta do this,
but your children are gonna die, So I mean, it
makes no sense to me, and I don't people shouldn't
be confused. I was looking at pictures in other countries
and the teachers had on like hazmat suits and things
like that, and yeah, so imagine if you could get
your kids like and geart like that. But that's just
a lot for kids. All right, Well, thank you, Hello,

who's this? This is Whitney. Hey, Whitney, get it off
the keys and queens. How are you? I'm good, I'm good. Okay.
So I'm having a little trouble finding a job. I'm
a marketing and sales rep and I support the Black
Lives Matter movement. I do a lot of social media,
I do a lot of protesting and all that. And
I've seen that since i've been putting in applications, putting

in my resume, that nobody's called me back. I've had
nobody called me back. I have a very good career.
I've got fifteen years experience, i have a bachelor's degree.
I've had no problems before COVID. I've always been hired immediately.
And it seems like to me that since I've been
doing this and I've become an ally to the movement,

that nobody is willing to hire me. And it's so
funny to me that they're they're crying about all this unemployment,
people you know, not wanting to come back to work
because they're making more money. And here I am haven't
been on unemployment for three months, been looking for a
job for three months actively and nobody wants to hire me.
And that just been with people hating on you because
of your support for black Yes, yes, and I can't

I can't obviously prove that, but it's just it's really
downheartening to really see where a lot of y'all no offense,
but where a lot of y'all have been come from.
Because now I'm getting it too. And I'm happy about
that part because I feel that, you know what I mean,
it makes me open my eyes to that. But it
just it's really just downheartening. I mean, I have I

have three kids that I'm a single mom. I don't
know what I'm gonna do next month. You know, I'm
gonna lose my house, my car, everything. Well let's see,
what's city? Are you in? Haynesville, Georgia. It's about forty
five minutes from Savannah, Okay? And do you have an
Instagram so people can see who you are? Maybe somebody
that's hiring in that area? So what is that? So

people can see who you are and maybe somebody listening
is hiring. And we'll reach out. Yes, yes, it's Whitney
in Grider on Instagram Whitney Pictures. Yes, when you give me,
leave your cash too, I'm gonna put a little something
in your cash. Apt I'm gonna put a little something
in your cash. I give you a little something. Now
when I say a little something, no, no, no, listen, listen.

I don't you know, that's not why I'm calling. I don't,
that's not I don't. I'm not trying to reach out
to get money. And I just really just I think
people need to understand that this is a very big deal,
you know, and they don't realize the effect that this
has on people. For you to stand up for something
that you believe in and then your children, except for

your family, I think your your bills. I think that
the universe will will will will be kind to you,
and I think that God will be kind to you.
I don't think that you ever, you know, uh, go
wrong doing the right thing. Things may be a little
tough right now, but I think that you're gonna come
out clean in the end. But I really do believe that.
Just don't hold on. You know, people don't realize that

they feel like you know that this systemic racism isn't real,
and it is. It is so real, and I'm watching
it happen to myself just for being a hell up.
If that caps me enough proofing itself, I don't know
what is well you and thought contact out there too.
Maybe somebody want to hit her up. I don't know
if they're like an email is something that you may
want somebody to do. Yeah, it's it's um. It's Whitney

and Grider at gmail dot com. Um, okay, and you
I was gonna say to make it public, but thank
you so much for hearing me out. I really appreciate it.
Whitney and writer at gmail dot com. Yes, and my
cashop is um Whitney holds all right. It's Whitney and

writing um at cashop. You know. So I really appreciate
all y'all's help and I support y'all. Y'all keep doing
what y'are doing. Man, Informed people educate people. They need
it right now, you know, and these hard times they
need to be their eyes need to be opened. Absolutely, Whitney,
make sure you get all producing your cash ap too,
because I'll forget it to give it to them when

you when you put a hold okay, right, hold on, mamma,
get it off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five
one o five one. We got rumors on the way. Yes,
and let's talk to more about Ellen DeGeneres. We'll discuss
her DJ, who has admitted that yes, he did experience
and failed toxicity on her talk show. And we'll tell
you what Tyrese had to say about all this. All right,

we'll get into the next. What Tyres had to say.
We'll get into it next. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
the breakfast Club Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee,
Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get
to the rumors. Let's talk Juel Santana. Oh gosh, got

the report guys to put Angela Angela Breakfast Club. Well,
welcome home to Juel Santana. He is back home with
his family. He went on his Instagram yesterday and said,
free at last. I'm back Santana. Free, I miss my family.
God is good. Free at last, I'm back. How much
you got in this sto. He was supposed to be

in jail until twenty twenty one, but because of coronavirus,
they actually let him out early he was supposed to
get out in February. Yeah, shut well, saying teda mappy,
he's home a mappy, he's seeing his kids and hopefully
gets back slutely. Absolutely all right. Chance the Rapper and
his wife Kirsten Corley Bennett were on the cover of

Parents magazine along with their two daughters, Kensley and Marley.
And here's what Chance the Rapper had to say about
raising daughters right now. If you're a parent of black children,
it's important that you empower them and explain to them
the beauty that's within their blackness, because that's not going
to really come outside of the home. It's not a
lot of representation of beauty within the mainstream media that

looks like us. Yeah, I want the same for my daughters,
So salute the Chance. I mean, that's why we gotta
be all hands on deck, because whatever we can do
to change the future is making the future a better
place for them. All right now, let's discuss Ellen DeGeneres,
her former d DJ Tony is speaking out and he
wrote on Instagram, Hey guys, I hope you all are

keeping safe out there during these trying times. I've been
getting calls asking me about the Ellen degenerous show, and
I would like to address the time I spent there.
I was on their talent from two thousand and three
to two thousand and six, from two thousand and seven
to two thirteen. While I'm grateful for the opportunity it
afforded me, I did experience and feel the toxicity of
the environment, and I stand with my former colleagues in

their quest to create a healthier and more inclusive workplace
as the show moves forward. That's a very vague statement though,
like like toxicity from where from who? Like what exactly
needs to change? Who needs to go? Like you can't
just release a blanket statement like that, like name names.
Are you talking about the EP? Are you talking about Ellen?
Like what are you talking about exactly? Well, there's been

people who are speaking out about the alleged toxic environment,
and one former employee you said, they hire people who
maybe are inexperience with how a functional, non toxic work
environment actually is, or someone who just wants to be
in that atmosphere so bad they'll put up with it.
They kind of feed off of that, like this is Ellen,
This is as good as it gets. You'll never find
anything better than this. If it's the EP or who

it is, because if it's your show, show, because if
something's not right on our show, we have to make
sure that that's not there anymore. Correct. Yeah, not who
the person is. Yeah, because one of the producers, and
it's a known one of our producers is being an
ass or you know, producer Gota goals. That's why you
gotta name names like you can't be vague and just
say toxicity. It's like, okay, maybe from where, from who?

Maybe he didn't want to do it on social media.
Maybe he's getting ready to speak more. You know, it's
just social media. It wasn't a huge statement yet. And
Ellen DeGeneres did put out a memo to her employees
where she addressed these allegations, and she says she took
responsibility because she said, my name is on the show
and everything we do, so therefore she does take responsibility. Now,

Tyrese jumped in, he said, I agree, Ellen is super
sweet and kind. If I could call her on phone,
I would say the words elf and don't swap flies.
They just keep walking. God made the feathers on the
duck's back to somehow have the water to roll off
and not penetrate people in this town, and fans will
build you up. As they watch you climb all the
way up the ladder. They will stand at the bottom
of that same ladder and pull out their biggest gun

and shoot you in the ass, over and over and
over until you fall. Well. Reach caping for Ellen if
Ellen wasn't a rich white woman where it hit TV
show because because all these black people who'll be getting canceled,
and I'll put canceled in from mephecs all the time
for no reason. I don't see Reach rushing to the defense.
They don't even know Ellen. He said, I would call
you if I could. He said, Ellen, would you see

this message? You are a gem of a woman and
a wife. I'm not one of the lucky ones who
have hung with you forty to fifty times over the years,
but I know a kind hearted, than giving person when
I see one, and you fit the bill. Last time
I've seen you, you you were at the Soho House rooftop
in Beverly Hills, and I literally sat there and said,
there is no way I'm not going to speak to
and hug the great Ellen on the way out. It's

sure enough. You stood up and hugged me and smiled
and did that usual beautiful Ellen thing. You would be
just fine. I haven't had the pleasure of hanging out
with you forty or fifty times, like black Tie, knock
it off. You don't even know Ellen degenerous, and you
don't even know if what these people are saying is true. Okay,
And this is exactly like when Tyrese spoke out against
the Rock and people came to the Rocks defense and
told Tyrese to shut the hell up, just dismissing Tyrese's claims.

Tyrese is doing to those folks coming at Ellen what
people did to him. And once again, what the hell
did Tyrese have to cape on for Ellen? Fall like
like Ellen will be fine without you, Tyrese, You'll need
you rushing to her defense. King like, stop it, man,
what's that y'all? It look weird to y'all yesterday? Yeah,
a little bit, a little okay, it was a little
weird when you know, when I heard Kevin say something

in the reason being, even though she's nice to certain people,
that doesn't mean that she's not mean to other people,
you know what I mean? I think Kevin felt like
she had his back at a time when exactly that's
why Kevin, exactly Kevin made perfect sense to me, for
exactly what you just said. Ellen stood up for him
when his old tweets came out, and she took a
lot of heat for them. So I understood why Kevin
and did it. But Tyrese, No, Tyrese would not be

doing that if that wasn't a white woman worth all
that money with a hit TV show like Stop It
Knock It Off. I didn't that. I thought. I thought
I was just hey, I was like I almost being
in a mood today. Let me go sit outside and
take some deep breasts. We're gonna go hug a tree.
You want to go grab that wood. I didn't hug
a tree. After that, I got therapy the data. All right,
well let me angela ye and that's your rumor report.
All right, thank you, miss yee. Now when we come back,

we got front page news what we're talking about, yes,
and we'll talk about a new TikTok arrival that just
launched yesterday. All right, we'll get into that next. It's
the Breakfast Cloud. Good morning, good morning to you, you, you,
you and you. We are the Breakfast Club. DJ Envy,
Angela Yee and Charlomagne the guy. Let's get some front
page news. Where were taughting you? Well, yesterday Facebook launched

their TikTok arrival. It's called Instagram Reels. So that has
launched and over fifty countries. You just can create a
fifteen second video using editing tools that are embedded in
the camera, like a countdown clock, a timer, a new
mine tool, and then there'll be a big library of
titles and Instagram recently licensed from different music labels. And yeah,

so that's the that's the thing right now. It makes
sense because who knows, with all the drama with TikTok,
with Donald Trump trying to get it banned here mine
as well, Instagram is the one stop shot, bro. Instagram
got everything I need. I like, I like the pictures,
I like the videos. You can there's no length to
your captions. You can go to your ig stories. Instagram

got everything I need, bro, Bro. Now, I suppose at
least Snapchat is testing a TikTok style design for exploring content,
so we'll see if they're going to come out with something.
But there's already Trailler, dub Smash, other apps that you
can use too. I know, I like, I like the
one stop shop idea. Also, I now Donald Trump on

Fox News he had an issue with Barack Obama's eulogy
for the late Congressman John Lewis. Now, if you recall,
this is what Barack Obama said, George Wallace may be gone,
but we can witness our federal government sending agents to
use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators. But even

as we sit here, there are those in power who
are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting, by
closing polling locations, and targeting minorities and students with restrictive
idea laws, and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision,
even undermining the postal service in the run up to

an election. Now, Dana Chump says, he thought that was
a terrible speech. Listen. I thought it was a terrible speech.
It was an angry speech. It showed this anger there
that people don't see. He lost control, and he's been
really hit very hard by both sides for that speech.
That speech was ridiculous. But no, I thought that speech
was totally inappropriate, very bad. He thought very hard. A

lot of people don't realize that. I think, and I
said it the other day, he fought just as hard
or harder than Hillary so that Hillary won. Yeah, I mean, listen,
I don't think. I didn't like about Obama speeches that
he didn't name names, like I wanted him to name names,
because now is not the time to be vague. You
have to tell people exactly who they are up against.

But you know, a hit dog will hollow. Because Trump
didn't have to reply to that at all, but he did,
all right. Another accusation is that Donald Trump is helping
Kanye get on presidential ballots. I see a lot of
people talking about this, and a reporter actually asked him
during a press conference if he was encouraging Republican operatives
to help Kanye listen to this, are you aware of

or have you encouraged? And he wanted the party to
help him get on the ballot, He couldn't other than
I get along with him very well. I like him,
I like as what. No, I have nothing to do
with him getting on I like his wife. This guy's
crazy that that that probably is true, and you know,
because you know, Kanye could be used and those absolutely
nothing about it because those GOP operatives, those you know, strategists,

those organizers, whatever, they'd be happy to help Kanye because
in their mind they feel like he may take some
votes from Biden because they think black people are that's
stupid enough to vote for Kanye was. And they can
do that by simply offering assistance. So it's not like
Yay sat down with Trump and said, look, here's what
we're gonna do. You know, they can do that on
their own without Kanye even knowing anything about it. All right,

well that is your front page news. I mean, Angela yee,
all right, thank you, miss ying you know you know Angela,
Angela yee, yeah, yee. I need to talk to you
for a second. All week, I know you've been seeing
what I'm seeing. I've been seeing people comment on it
on social media. We don't have to do this topic.
If somebody on this show would just admit right now

that he's got the pay. Ain't that he's got the
pay ain't okay in his beard? Okay, Because last hole
was somebody called up and commented on DJ Envy's bing
tra His name is trash Trav, and he had the
nerve to double down and act like that's real. Ye
am I tripping? Did you notice somebody in my DMS? Right?

I have am my Instagram. There's like a group chat
and people sent a picture like okay, and we gotta
admit it. I agree that paint that Envy had in
his head he put on his face, but he's still
trying to act like it's real. So, you know, unless
Envy wants to admitch something to us now, I think
think we need to open the phone lines and ask

people's opinions. What do you mean? Are you asking me
a question? Think Envy's here is real? It's just died.
It's the paint, ain't not the pain, ain't Envy. I
can either confirm nor denye. Wow, call up right now
and tell us if you think Envy's bid is real,
call us right now. Think exactly if you if you're

gonna go for the colors, don't trick us with that
dog black alright? Call of now? Is it just whack
that you got somebody? As your co host has always
come implementing and talking about your body, good or bad.
Charlomagne always talks about me, Oh you're looking good today,
Oh you got this short, you look nice in those
booty shots. Oh, you look last like I think you don't.

Why does Charlomne keeps flirting with me? Listen, I'm looking
right now by the fact, Joe leave a comment when
you posted your beard and say just beautiful? No you
did it. Why do you say stuff like that? You
see you all always think it too far? That's not
what happened. What is it envy? Is it beige? Is

it beige jing beijing beigeing? No? No, it's probably beigeing
with envy. What is it envy? Huh? Right now? I
just don't have to run hell, you'rene hundred five and five.
You're not my wife. You're not You're not my girl.
I don't have to I don't have to tell you.

I don't do it. Give the name of the painter,
just like when I want my bikey you you you
did say he was your work wife. Whoa you said that?
I can say that he said my work wife. Doesn't
feel like that's how you feel about me. Listen, don't
use gayness to distract from that bid this morning? I

right right, und five and five one oh five one,
And tell us if you think old envy Hardwick Juniors
bid is real? Okay? Or do you think it's stop pay,
ain't not that pay, ain't call us. This is bullying.
It's the Breakfast Club. Come on your phone, call in
right last you call me at your opinion to the

Breakfast Club. Top breaking down. Eight hundred and five eight
five one on five one the Breakfast Club. It's topic
times the phone called eight hundred five eight five one
oh five one to join it to the discussion with
the Breakfast club. Talk about it morning. Everybody is DJ

Envy Angela ye, Charlemagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
You see, that's what I'm talking about, ladies and gentlemen. Well,
he died. God did not want this topic. That happened
because God didn't like what was going on. God didn't
like the fact that I was being bullied. So God said,
make Charlemagne's WiFi not work. Charlemagne's WiFi is not working.

He has technical difficulties. He tried to create a topic.
And what did God do? God shut his ass down.
And you know what's sad is that we could watch
him on the Revoke camera and see his struggle he's
experiencing at home. That's right. So we're not talking and
we're not talking about my dark brown beard today. How
you like those apples? Charlemagne? Oh my gosh. So let's

I'm lost for a second. They were going back. So
I'm listening. What do you want to talk about today?
What do you want to talk about today? Ye? Well
I wanted to talk about Oh Man, fall on this
dude trying to get me cut off because he walking
around with the bay ain't and you sound crazy. It
doesn't sound clear, God, what this topic to happen? I

don't care if it sounds clear. You're gonna cut me
off and and and try to get me disconnected because
you got the pay ain't in your heir because you're
walking around with the Beijing beige boy, huh got m
you got phone calls? If you don't what this topic
to happen? God, Now that phone calls, drum phone lines
are lit up. I don't think we ever seen this
kind of response before. Sup never then dry And you know,

I know Drama is upset about this because Druma is
the bard in the room. But here you go, here
you that's not that's not what he said. I'm not
proving that message. Cut me off again, Dram, don't let
infiltrate your bid game like your phone to your phone
game is look and us shot and match your topic.

And God is saying no, and I'm not even I'm
not even doing anything. God is going through the phone
drum go to the phones drop or the phones? Hello
is this? Oh up? You don't got this slomn. Let's
starlom An talk. God is not letting them talk. God
has not let them step right here. I'm right here.
God is God. God is right here speaking through me.
Who's this on the phone? Uh? This shit? Rebar this kid?

Jay Dash, Man, I appreciate you. On the Mentoring Program
with Steve Harvey, Man, I meant to tell you that, Hey,
Jay Dash, thank you King. We was on there talking
mental health and all kinds of good stuff emotional well being,
but today we're talking about beards. All right, hey man
and man, y'all y'all don hey, I hope y'all stand
saving healthy, But y'all don't bring another shot be to
this to the show. It's just you look good for

every time I ship mister Sharp and then he got
Here'll got a lot for you, though. Man, you know
we're just talking to top see you just you just
called in talking about the mental health. But yeah, you're
breaking me down and you're disturbing my next to the
help brother Jap, brother Jay Dash, jay dash. You wanted something,
You wanted something because the NBA in his office. Hold
up that couple of shot he's on your desk, gave

me water. J I don't want to to anymore. You
call me you messing up health right now? Goodbye? That's
that God damn Beijing and your chain going to your brain,
messing up your mental health. If it rains, does it
run down your neck with the color? Yes, it does, clearly,

I'm sure. Answer the question if you sweat on your bike,
does things do things get like a running and YoY?
Imagine what the inside of his mask looked like after
a bike ry go to another car drop hello, Hello, Hey,

good morning. So we're no longer taking calls on this topic.
It's a lie. What's your name? King? Hey, my name
is Chris. I'm from Jersey. Chris from Jersey. You like
to comment on DJ and V's beard color. Yes, I'm
telling you one hundred percent. I'm starting to believe Charlotte Magne, Yo,
you look at more and more Dominican every day out

of nowhere. You had a hairline, then you got a
thick as beard. I don't know, brother, I don't know
if he look like you got a fruit stand. He
look like he sell oranges. That's why he definitely got
a couple. That's where he with these comperty rentals. He
got a couple of biggas somewhere out to all my

Dominican on a bagel right now, toasted, thank you, So
you have a great day. You have a blessed morning.
Eight hundred five eight five one on five one, guys,
feel about ten minutes and put him back? Is DJ
Envy's bid. Real callers right now? Okay, callers, right now

and tell us what you think about that. Ain't I feel? Pa,
ain't like I feel the way I gotta talk to
my producers because right let's say, let's say let's say
I have fake boobs. I had a fake butt, and
you say, is Envy's butt or boobs? Real? I don't
know that that might be coming next the way you
going in, you know where you going? You might I

might I have a case. Man, any attorneys out there,
please call me because this is I'm Dominican. Listen, it's
some Dominican woman's body out there, you eyeing and you're like,
that's what I'm getting next. You know what? It's the
breakfast slogan on you know a lot of girls. It's
topic time on the phone called eight hundred and five

and five one oh five. Want to join it to
the discussion with the breakfast club, talk about it morning.
Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Ye, Charlomage ni guy, We
all the breakfast club. I'm looking for an attorney out there.
I work with a co host that is talking about
my fake boobs, my fake butt, and now my fake beard,
and he's looking I'm looking for an attorney. He's looking

for an attorney because he was in a store after
a long bike ride to Beijing and his beard hit
the floor. He slipped on his own Beijing. Now he's
trying to sue the store, but he really doesn't have
a case. Okay, and tag the doctor Envy. That's all
we want you to get. People need help. And yeah,
why don't you tag the graffiti artists? Bro, Why don't
you tell us the painter who put that on your

chin and around your neck area? Why don't you shot
him out? Why you don't get no love? But why
she don't get no love. I'm realizing that you don't
like me. You know, I had hid and then you
said it was face. He said, like Donald Trump. I
did my squats and he was like, I gotta fake butt. No,
I just figured it out. I'm a Marvel guy. I
love comic books. What if Envy's not using Beijing, but

he got a little piece of venom, and so the
venom started in his hair and now smooved on down
into his face around his chin area. That's why it's
so black. What if that's the case? Bro, it's not
bras black is dark brown? Forty five is dark brown? Hello?
Who's this? Okay? Are you admitting this? Fake final? I'm

not admitting anything. I'm not I'm not confirming or denying.
You don't have to we got eyes. Hello, who's on
the phone. Hey, we're no longer having this conversation on
my bed, but I would like to talk to you.
How are you doing today? Look like, what is it
any bed? Real? I ain't gonna lie. It's clean, but
it's gene. What do I mean? I don't know gaming us?

What I mean he's gaming us? It was Beijing, that's right?
Can't spell Beijing without the beige. Goodbye, sir, you have
a great morning. Hello. Who's this? Sure, Sean, come onring Sean,
you sound like an intellectual brother. We're no longer having
this conversation on d Do you think Nvy's bid is real?

A fake? Sir? Yea. He woke up fresh out of
bad I was like, I'm just the first thing I'm
doing this morning is calling the breakfast club to tell
Envy his bid is phoney, it's faith. It's the type
of bid that Hey, thanks, thank you, Sean. Yeah, you
have a great morning. Hello. Who's this? This is Mark?

Mark Kis come more than markis. You know what? It's
a damn Shane Marquis that all these other these men
are calling up here talking about how another man looks
like I'm not taking like I'm not married, that this
is so disrespectful to my wife. And I know you are.
I know you don't do the same thing. Marquise. Hey, man,
like I got a ticket to the seminar, to the

webinar or Sunday like you my guy, But bro, you
got you know that that yes, yes, yes, I'm doing
the real estate webinar this Sunday when we're talking everything
in generational Well, and I'm gonna, I'm well, what what
is your name, Marquis? With you know, I am so storry.
We're gonna have to charge you triple Marquis. Keep talking, Quis,

that pay ain't cost, bro, That's why you gotta charge
your trip with that pay ain't ain't cheap, all right,
It's because you definitely got five times five times the
price that Marquise is that if you can keep me
not the bayangs, ain't the pay ain't. Goodbye, Marquise, see

you on Sunday. Listen. When y'all see Envy in the streets,
that's what y'all gotta roll up on him and stay
not the pay ain't not the pay ain't Listen. And
we've both been arrested before. Don't you think that the
ink they use the fingerprint us is very similar to
what you got on your chin right now? That ink
is dark as black. My bed is dark brown. Brother, boy,

have you better shut up and stop lying you what
do you see? Um? It's some type of die. I'm
not sure if it's like one of those what is
it called the gray just gray or whatever, But I
don't know what he's using but it's something means Beijing
are your friend? Just for men? Just for men? Yeah,
is that what you're using? I can either goddess bottle
one just for men. I can either need to confirm

or deny. Wow, all right, just for men forty five?
You said, right, Oh my goodness, are we taking more calls?
And we're not taking a more more called? What's the
moral of the story? You asked more of the stories? Here?
It is what is for men? Beard? Just for men beard?
You're using M forty five dark brown. There's an M
sixty jet black, m okay brown. He's doing it himself,

and that's why it looks so dark and so fake.
That's what it is. But the moral of the story
is you can't spell Beijing without the beige. Gratulations in.
I'm glad we solved this mystery. I am too. Oh
my goodness, oh good. We have rumors on the way.
We already solved one. But let's go to another one,

and we're gonna tell you about a very well known
music producer who just got arrested, yeah, yesterday, after fifteen
sexual assault charges and five separate felony assault charges. Thanks,
all right, Well, we'll get to that. Next, it's the
breakfast Club. Good morning you bullies. Morning. Everybody is cj
Envy angela Ye, Charlomagne the guy. We are the breakfast Club.

Let's get to the rumors. Let's talk take Off from Amigos.
This is the rum of report with a yeah. So
Takeoff is being sued by a woman and the woman
is saying that he raped her at a party in
La She's been listed as Jane Doe in the lawsuit.

She said that he made her extremely uncomfortable at a
party back in June and then raped her in the
bedroom of the person she says invited her to the party. Now,
Takeoff is denying these allegations, and he is saying, according
to its attorney, we have reviewed the allegations and have
similarly done our own due diligence. What has become abundantly
clear is that the allegations made against Takeoff are patently

and provably false. The claims and statements made regarding this
laws to indicate that the plaintiffs representatives have not spoken
with relevant witnesses or reviewed available evidence. So I guess
this is something that we will see. She is doing
for sexual battery, assault, emotional distress and more, and she
also wants damages. And she also says she went to
a nearby hospital that same day and that she was

observed by hospital staff who found physical evidence of forceful rape.
You know, my model, listen to all women, but believe
all proof. For Takeoff's sake, I hope that's not true,
all right, and for her sake and for her sake,
I hope she get the healing she deserves, all right. Now.
Detail the music producer who worked on Beyonce's Drunken Love

he's worked with Nicki minas at Owayne was Khalifa Drake.
He was arrested yesterday and that is for fifteen sexual
assault charges and five separate felony assault charges and those
charges were filed against him five days earlier. He's being
held on six point three million dollars bail. According to
the report, these incidents occurred between twenty ten and twenty eighteen,

and based on the nature of the allegations, they believe
there may be additional potential victims, so they want the
public's help and identifying any such victims. Now, if you'll recall,
Jesse ray Is actually spoke out about Detail on her
Twitter after her single gatekeeper. Listen to this. Oh, I'm
the gatekeeper. Spread your legs open up. You could be

famous if you come up anywhere else Sally racing drink
up its wee guy Jampaigne by their cases. Don't you know?
Don't you know? We are the gatekeepers. Bring your legs
open up, you could be famous. You know where holding
it dreams at you're chasing, you know you're supposing get drunking,
you're naked, million dollars in a car. Girl, tell your

help if you want to fish staff lady. She did
reveal it with detail. She said, one night over six
years ago, no all detailed. Fisher tried this on me.
I was and I got out before it got to this.
I don't know what. I didn't know what to say
or who to tell. I was scared. Fear as a
real thing. The girls that came out are brave as hell.
After that, Bb Rector and to Nashe came forward as well, Wow, wow, Yeah.

I don't know why I thought he was already in jail.
I guess, I guess I just was confusing the accusations
for him actually getting arrested. Right. And Nicia Nashe from
Detroit also talked about her own trauma. She wrote in
the caption, y'all, remember when I went to work with
detail in La mind you. My team of four men
were there with me. I was there for twelve hours.
I recorded nine records, he wrote, I have not seen

or heard one of those songs. Not only that, he
did come into the booth while I was working, touching
on me and trying to convince me to keep working.
Amidst that I didn't know what to do. I didn't
know what to say. I was frozen and hurt, and
I was even more sick. I never got my songs,
probably because I didn't throw my p which I never
had to do to get where I am. So oh,
those women get the healing and the justice they deserve.

And after all that, artists was still working with him
regard of all these accusations. That's even crazy. Yes, all right, now,
let's talk about Michelle Obama. On her Michelle Obama Podcast,
second episode, she talks about experiencing low grade depression during
this quarantine, they are not fulfilling time spiritually, So I
know that I am dealing with some form of low

grade depression, not just because of the quarantine, but because
of the racial strife and just seeing this administration, watching
the hypocrisy of it day in and day out, is dispiriting. Hey, man,
I know exactly how she feels. I got therapy today. Okay.
I am sad, and I've been sad, very sad since June.
Like the energy, understand right, but the energy on this

planet is terrible right now, and it's a lot of
death around us. I had two friends commits suicide in June,
and then, you know, you think about the anxiety of
the future because it's it's gonna get real around election time. Like, so, yes,
I totally understand what she means. I've been in a
semi semi dark place myself. I get it. You know,
she sits around and does puzzles. I wonder if that's helpful.
I was thinking about getting a puzzle the other day,

like maybe I sit at home, and I'm like, I
wonder if I really do that though it's worth to try.
Why not? I used to love puzzles growing up. All right, Well,
I'm Mandela Yee and that is your rumor report. All right,
thank you, missie Charlemagne. Yes, indeed, can you give me
your donkey too? Kelvis Rodriguez Thomas. He's from Orlando, Florida. Yes,

this is a Florida man, Ladies and gentlemen. He went
to Burger King and couldn't have it his way. And
I'll tell you the rest four after the hour. All right,
we'll get into that next keeping lot. This to breakfast club,
good morning. Make sure you're tell him to watch out
for Florida man or morder. The craziest people in America
come from the bronx in all of Florida. Yes, you

are a donkey. A Florida man at tapped and ATM
for a very strange reason. It gave him too much money.
Florida man is arrestied after definitely saved he rigged the
door to his home and an attempt to electric kate
his credit wife. Police arrested in Orlando man for the
Breakfast Club bitchy donkey other day with Sharlom haying to God,
I don't know why y'all keep it letting him get

y'all like dunkey today for Thursday, August six, goals to
an Orlando, Florida man named Kelvis Roderiguez Tormaz. What did
your uncle Shalla always tell you about the great state
of Florida. The craziest people in America come from the
Bronx and all the Florida. Okay, Florida, for whatever reason,
has to remind us of that fact way more often
than the Bronx does. And today is no different, just

more evidence of the crazy that exists in Florida. Now.
Every now and then, these kinds of stories pop up
where they serve as teachable moments, and I am forced
to remind y'all to not make permanent decisions based off
temporary feelings. See Kelvis is thirty seven years old, and
he was at a world famous fast food restaurant, A
fast food restaurant that advertises having it your way. Yes,

ladies and gettlemen, I'm talking about Burger King, the home
of that savory, flame grilled beef burger topped with cheese,
juicy tomatoes, fresh lettuce, cream, mayonnaise, ketch up, crunchy pickles,
and sliced white onions on a soft sesame seed bun.
Oh yes, indeed, Okay, they have been curing the hungers
of the high amongst us for years. Okay, I can't

tell you the last time I've been to Burger King,
but back in the day, a whopple with cheese, onion
rings and a chocolate milkshake was my go to. Okay.
I used to like that OLG chicken sandwich with cheese
cut in half. I would get fries with that though,
and probably a vanilla milkshake and I would dip the
French fries into milkshake. But see when you advertise that
you can damn, my mouth started water and thinking about that.

Lord have mercy. But see when you're advertised that you
can have it your way? Okay, when people don't get
it their way at Burger King, they tend to get upset.
And you know, Florida upset is different than everybody else's upset. See,
there was a woman who didn't get her away, so
she came back with this full kelvis and the tragedy happens.

Let's go to wis TV NBC ten for the report.
Police family friend tam Tilman Edwards was overcome with emotions
speaking about twenty two year old Desmond Joshua Junior, who
was shot and killed Saturday while working at the Burger
King drive through. Orange County Sheriff deputy say it started
Saturday night at this burger King on East Colonial after
a woman was upset about the drive through line taking

too long. The arrest affidavit says the woman got a
refund and left, but came back a few minutes later
with a man driving a work truck with an SGL
logo on it. They go on to say the driver,
identified as Kelvis Rodriguez Dormes, demanded to fight Joshua Junior.
A fight between the two broke out. The report states
the suspect was heard saying, you got two seconds before

I shoot you. Joshua Junior was shot and killed. Deputy
say Rodriguez Dormez and the woman drove off to a
house about two miles away on Ventana Lane. They were
found and detained. The suspect is charged with murder, destruction
of evidence deputy say he hit the gun, and possession
of a firearm by a convicted felon. Yeah, rest in

peace the Desmond Joshua. My sincere condolences go out to
his family and friends. Young man was twenty two years old,
just got hired at Burger King, shot and killed because
that woman couldn't have it her way. My brothers, my sisters,
There's absolutely no way to justify a man being dead

for hamburger. Okay, I don't care if it's a rodeo burger,
all right, Kelvis, I pray that you go to prison
for the rest of your life, and every day for
the rest of your life you think about the fact
that you're in prison, that you threw your life away
at thirty seven years old because you killed a man
over burger. Here, I don't care if it was a
big king, an angry wopper, a halapeno cheese chicken burger.

Like I'm all for brothers standing up for his woman,
coming to the defense of his woman, speaking for his woman.
But if you love your woman that much, I don't
think you would be throwing your life away for a
crispy cheese chicken sandwich and forty dollars. Where is the
common sense in the situation like this, Like, just good
old fashioned common sense. At what point does a cooler
head prevail. I know it's Florida, okay, I know it's

summertime in Florida. I know it's hot down there, so
it's it's hard to have a cool head. But do
things just have to continue to escalate? Woman gets mashed,
she doesn't get it her way at Burger King, They
refund her money, give her her forty dollars back, women
goes to get Kelvis. Kelvis comes back to Burger King,
gets into a scuffle with young Desmond. Kelvins then goes

to get his gun and shoots young Desmond for what.
At no point is there no type of intervention if
you know not how many things you have to be
ignoring in your head to just continue to let things
escalate like that that either one of them say to
themselves forty dollars and from Burger King is not worth this.
Why couldn't you take your forty dollars to Chick fil

a McDonald's. Hell, the licking just opened in Orlando. It
was so many options on the menu of life that
you could have chose from, but you chose a first
degree murder, no cheese, and that comes with a capital
felony and death penalty. Florida, Ladies and gentlemen, Florida, please
give Kelvin Tormaz the biggest he hall. All right, Jesus

christ Man all arresting piece to Desmond, Joshua Man. Do
I have to really tell y'all that it's never ever
that serious? Do I have to say, oh my god.
All right, well, thank you for that. Donkey Today. Now
when we come back, ask ye eight hundred five eight
five one oh five one if you need relationship advice,
any type of advice. He e, now it's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, what what what? What? What you wanna know?
Baby mama issues sneak some words of wisdom? All up
now for asking eight hundred five eight five one oh
five one Breakfast Club the relationship advice, need personal advice,
just need real advice? Call up now for ask ye

morning after. Anybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee, Sharlomane the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club. It's time for asking ye. Hello.
Who's this your boy? Donald? Man? Don't know what's up?
What's your question for you? Bro? Yeah? Man, I've been
with my girl for about five years now, man, and
I've been struggling with romance. Man, Like she wants me

to be a little bit more romantic, and like that
ain't really up my eye. So like, oh my gosh,
clue on how to do that? Like you know what
I mean? So like I just need a little pointer,
you know, tell me some things that you've done that's
been romantic. I mean like the things I think about.
You know, I picked on a few days like we
don't went out to eat and stuff like that, like

you know, movie days, uh, junior days. I then took
on a picnic, you know what I mean, things like that,
but like it won't really be nothing extra like and
I can't understand that even me because I don't really
be feeling it either, you know what I mean. So
like I don't really know, I don't really know, like
you know what I'm saying, a little lover boys stuff
to do, Like I ain't really had no girl that
I felt like this about, Like you know what I'm saying.

So it's never you know what I mean, well, what
you feel like doing Donald. So I'm gonna tell you
this romance is all about the planning too, right. It's
really important to us to see that you put in
some effort and plan to do something. So that means
not just being like, hey, let's go to the movie tonight,

but maybe there's some little special surprises along the way
that we know it took you some time to plan.
That means you had to go out in advance and
get this and get these things. So you know, I
think that's important. Um, what are some things that she
really enjoys and likes. That means you're paying attention to her.
You're paying attention to her taste, You're paying attention to
what she's saying. Maybe there's something that she saw she's like,

oh that's cute or I like that, and then you
manage to get it for her or do something along
those lines. What's her favorite television show, what's her favorite song?
Or maybe you could put together a playlist of her
favorite songs and make dinner at home. Or maybe you
go on a picnic and you bring a little speaker
and you have a play list put together of songs
that remind you of each other, and then you sit
there and you have her favorite wine and things that

she loves and dessert that you know she likes because
she called her mom or her best friend to ask.
It's things like that. Okay, okay, I can see that.
I can see that. I could definitely try to do that.
It's all in the details. Yeah, yeah, man. She'd be
telling me, like you know what I'm saying, like, oh,
you gotta be more romantic. Things like that, Like you
know what I say, be hurting me to hear that.

You know what I said, because like I know, i'd
be cliping and I'd be like trying to think outside
of the box. But it's like I don't really normal
what to think, so like hobby really having some struggles
with that. But I would definitely get with her best
friend or her mom and like, see, you would see
some things I can do. I appreciate that, man, Yeah,
aspe some advice. They know her better than anybody, you know,
and just as well as you do, so I'm sure

they could give you some insight on maybe there's a
restaurant that her mom used to take her to when,
you know, to celebrate things when she was growing up.
And she can tell you, oh my god, she loves
this and she'll be surprised. You won't even know how
you knew it. And that means you went and asked
my mom what my favorite deserted Like that's cute. You know.
That means you care, and that means you're planning. So
you just have to do little things like that. Definitely, man, Okay,

I appreciate that. Man, I really do. Well. Good luck
and I'm glad to see you put it in the effort.
I think that you'll really enjoy it, and you see
how how much it pays off when she appreciates it.
All right, man, I appreciate that. Man. Shout out to Envy. Bro.
How that's you, big Romie And all right brother, Um,
y'all be safe man, you too, brore you too, take
care of the wife. Thank you? Yeah? Ask ye eight

hundred five eight five one oh five one. If you
need relationship advice? Hee? Now is the breakfast club? Good morning?
Coma keep for real, way some real advice with anthela
ye gets ask ye morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela Yee,
Charlomagne the guy. We are the breakfast club. We're in
the middle of ask yee. Hello, who's this? Hey? What's up? Man?

This is really? What's up? Bro? What's your question for you? Um?
First of all, I gotta say I love the Birthday club.
A look all three of y'all you're doing an awesome job.
Well on your brother. My question to see us like
you know, I'm not saying it's nothing bad about females
or go to the club like. I like that atmosphere,
but it's easy to female. It's easy to approach your
female there in that atmosphere of alcohol and all that.

But now when I want I want a just in
quality of female. Sometimes, like I like, I won't find
a lot, so I like to talk to a female
in the gym, But sometimes I feel like approaching a
female in that setting was a little creepers sometimes and
maybe all it is. Well even yeah, so I want
to know what like as a female, I know you're
going to the gym, or at least be trial to
like in the gym, how I was investiate to approach

your female in that atmosphere. But I'll be no, but
I'll come Alongso creepers, you know what I'm saying. Well,
I think the best way to do that is, Hey,
don't approach somebody while they're working out. I can't stand
when people talk to me if I'm on the treadmill
or in the middle of doing something, because you really
are going there to get your workout on. It's you know,
you're thinking about not trying to look cute, but you're
just trying to work out. So you're there for a

purpose that has nothing to do with meeting members of
you know, somebody that might want to date you. I
would say that if you want to try to y'all
do look cute, though y'all do doll up a little bit.
Sometimes y'll doll up a little extra. Did we go
to the gym? Just to say? Anyway, what I'm gonna
say is this, if you want to talk to somebody
in the gym, wait till her workout is done, and

don't approach it like you're trying to date her. Maybe
just have a normal conversation so that way, I don't
want to keep running into somebody in the gym that
try to talk to me and now I'm trying to
avoid them if I didn't like them, because now that's awkward,
and now I'm not comfortable in the space that I
went to for the purpose of working out. What you
can do, though, is just give a little hey, you know,
how is your workout today? Something like that, and then

let things progress because you know you're gonna see her
again because you guys go to the same gym, and
if she's just making pleasant conversation back with you next
time you see her, then you know, it's an indication
that okay, we can you know, maybe you can be like, yeah, something,
you have you ever been to this restaurant and just
kind of feel it out like that. But I wouldn't
be too direct because if she's not into that, it
could be awkward. Okay, so don't ask if you think

of the spot the spot rack, don't don't ask if
she needs a spot yeah at the spot rack. That's
not a pull bate. I wouldn't do that unless we
already have had some conversation, you know, I think after Okay, yeah,
I don't do that, but yeah, I just don't think
you want people to feel awkward, especially when you know
you're gonna keep on seeing them in a space. So

just a regular how is your workout today? I saw
or you did this workout? Or you know, what do
you think about this? Just some regular little conversation. Next
time she sees you, maybe she'll come up and say
hi and just feel it out like that. Other than that,
don't ever make anybody feel uncomfortable in that space as truly.
All right, I appreciate that. Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks,

no problem, he said, Girls get dolled up to go
to the gym. It started to look cute when you're
running and sweaty eight hundred five five one on five one.
If any relationship advice to any type of advice. Now
we got roomors all the way, Yes, and Ti and
Fab there's talking about basically trying to make sure that
they were look appeared to be single for the public.

We'll tell you what they had to say about this
business and relationships. All right, we'll get into that next.
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club. D
j Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne, the guy we all the
Breakfast Club. Let's get to the rumors. Let's stall Christian Cobs.
It's about Angela Yee on the Breakfast Club. Yes, so

Diddy's son, Christian Combs, we know him as King Combs
also was reportedly hit by a drunk driver in Beverly Hills.
A man in a tesla lost control and smashed into
his Ferrari. Now fortunately he only suffered minor injuries and
he was able to be treated on the scene. He
did also post a picture of himself said I'm good,
Thank you God, thank you to everybody who reached out.

Last night was crazy, seeing my life flashed before my eyes.
I was hit by a drunk driver. Everybody out there,
do not drink and drive. Thank God. I walked out alive.
Now back in the two Blessings to that young man,
glad he came out relatively unscathed. All right, Now, let's
talk about comedian Jeff Ross. There's details of him having
an alleged relationship with the teenage girl in the early

two thousands, according to Vulture, and they actually published a
story about this yesterday. The woman Jessica Racky did a
video summary of their relationship that started in nineteen ninety
nine when she was fifteen and he was thirty three.
She documented their relationship via a public Facebook page, and
she started last year in September called I was fifteen,

he was thirty three. So just on Jeff Ross's behalf
and we know him from all these comedies, Central roasts
and everything. He's denying that this happened. He said, let
me be clear, Yes, he said, let me be clear,
These disgusting allegations asserted against me are absolutely not true.
I've never engaged in any sec true a relationship with

the minor. He adds that he does intend to take
legal action against her as well, saying that she has
mental health issues and accused her and her husband of
harassing him over the years. Sure simple as that if
somebody's gonna play with his name in that way, So
it's just that simple, all right. Now here's some good news.

Jason Momoa surprised Lisa Bone by fully restoring her nineteen
sixty five Mustang. It's the first car that she ever bought,
so that's a really Joe gift. He posted a short
film that was made by his production company up the restoration,
and Lisa Bone surprised, and he explained why the car
meant so much to them. He said, to be in
this passenger seat with my wife here and surprise her

and our babies in the back, riding in her first
car when she was seventeen. I'm excited to see her face.
It's come a long way. I love it. Stoke. That's
a nice, sweet, thoughtful gift, all right. Calisa is pregnant.
She has a third baby on the way. She posted
a table for five. Please we are adding one more
happy to Ana. I'm expecting and I'm partnering with First
Response Pregnancy as they are committed to supporting healthy, equitable

pregnancy journeys and understand the importance of a nurturing environment
for black women and mothers. Police congratulations police. Now get
ready tonight the versus battle is going down, Rick Ross
versus Two Chains. Now that there's a dress code everything
Gucci for Thursday night for tonight according to Rick Ross,
so everybody's supposed to be at home wearing their Gucci.

And I saw the post about the numbers right between
the two of them. So two Chains number one albums
he's had one. Rick Ross has had five number one songs.
Both of them are zero on that for top ten hits,
they both have two of those. And I saw these
numbers posted also for Hot one hundred hits. Two Chains
has thirty nine, Rick Ross has forty nine. None of

that mass comes to the battle. Yeah, it's gonna be
a great versus. I still give Ross the slight edge,
but don't sleep on Two Chains at all. I was
thinking about how long I've been listening to Two Chains,
and you can go back to play a circle days.
He got records like Duffel Bag Boys and DJ Know
Me with Young Droe, the Trap of Velly, mixtapes like

After Rooms, the True Religion mixtapes. It be great battle, yeah,
because because Ross got a lot of joints too, you know,
so it's could be a great battle, and two got
a lot of features because they both had some really
like songs that we love. So it's gonna be which
songs they put against each other, Like I always say,
but I think there's are so close, Like as far

as I might love this song, but then I equally
love this song, it's gonna be a hard one. I
think that they both um they both have you know,
luxurious trap rap. I think that Ross has always and
it's not even no, no disrespected two Chains, just Ross
has always had better production than a lot of rappers,

do you know what I'm saying? Like Ross's production is
usually really phenomenal, but Two Chains got a lot of
really dope features, y'all. It's a lot of record y'all
forgot two changes on Man Mercy r ip, problems with
Asat Rocky, no problems with Chance to Rapper all me,
that's the journey you got with Drake the Sacrifices record,
Like it's gonna be a great battle, And they both

got great is and they got great people around him.
What good is like my man teching my man saying sneaks.
So yeah, Ross has a lot of records that that
people probably forgot. You know he's on the single with
French Montana Pop that. Of course he's on I'm a Boss,
He's on Tupac back. He got a lot of joints
ro It's gonna be a great battle. I can't wait here. Yeah,
I don't even the creativities. I don't even know if

Ross even gotta get to all of those because Ross.
I really do think Ross has one of the best
catalogs and rap music ever. But I'm not I'm not
sleeping on two chains at all. Be a good versus
a great right, and of course we're already thinking the
head to what's next. Mario says he's down for a
versus battle if it's on, Marian, so just putting that
out there. What he joined U. Maybe I gotta look,

I gotta go through there their numbers because recently they
got torn Mario and Lloyd to go hit for hit.
But Mario saying to Marian he wants I don't know
if they got twenty O. Marion definitely probably got closer
to twenty because of B two K and his solo career,
even the stuff with Bay. I don't know if um
Mario Mario has twenty Yeah, I don't know all right.

Also expeditiously, Ti and Fabric are there, and they were
talking about how basically earlier on in their career they
had to pretend to be single because that's what the
public wanted. Listen to this. You know, even when I
first came in baby, at the same time when you
was coming in, family life wasn't at the forefront of
your career or who he was at all as an artist,

you know what I mean, you was even supposed to
be projected as a single man. That's right for I remember,
I remember, I remember when Atlantic didn't really want people
to know that I had, like, you know, a girl.
They were trying to I know DMX was married or
Jarru was married. But I was wrong. Those key figures

if we would have seen them, I have a family,
would have known that. Else cool. I mean, they're right,
that's a fact. That's a fact. Absolutely. That was a
thing in the music industry, and it was one of
those things that if you if you got into the
industry period, you thought you had to give the appearance
that you was just single, wild playboy. But they always
did that, especially with the R and B singers. That's
what they look at met that man with all. I
need that song, and that was about his wife. That

was nobody knew that was about his wife that I
didn't know everybody the wife about his wife. Nobody knew that.
But you you were about record. Yeah, it's like LL
record R and B singers. You had woman record, you
had to make a radio record, you had to make
a street record, like it was just the formula that
they did. Yeah, but I'm just glad we grew up.

I'm glad we grew up because the way we was
living was whack. And now I can't wait to say
I'm somebody's husband. I can't wait to say I'm somebody's father.
That that's that's my identity now. And fab also was
right too. You know, we're visual people. If the images
that were put out there where were images of healthy,
strong marriages back in the day, it would have changed
the whole generation. But where's the generation that's changing things now?

So absolutely all right, Well I'm Angela Yee and that's
your room report. All right, Revolt, We'll see you tomorrow.
Everybody else the People's Choice mixes up next. It's the
Breakfast Club. Good morning morning, everybody is DJ Envy Angela
yee schlamna gay. We are the breakfast Club. Good morning.
What happened now? What's going on with Donald Trump? Are

we hearing some news about Donald Trump? Coming up today?
Hear something? Well? New York Attorney General Lutitia James has
a major announcement at eleven thirty am this morning, and
people are speculating that she will be indicting, for the
first time ever, a sitting president, with tax fraud, bank fraud,
and money laundering the most likely charges. I don't know

if that's true. I'm just saying that's the rumors that
people are throwing around because it's something about a bank
he was involved in and they subpoenaed the bank and
it had Trump's finances, So that's what they're saying that. Uh,
Latitia James could be announcing that they're indicting Trump full
tax fraud, being fraud, and money laundering. Wow, I'll be

tuned in. I mean, it don't matter because whatever they
do the Trump he ain't gonna comply and he's not
gonna it's not like they're gonna go get them. But
it's gonna sound good for a couple of days. But
we'll see what's right. All right, and also shout out
to Levi's You know, Levis is teaming up with Rock
the Vote to help get as many people as possible

registered and ready to vote this fall. Right, So as
we talk about things like this, just remember that you
have to make sure you stay informed on who's running
for office, being involved in the whole process. And you know,
along with being involved, one of the fundamental things you
have to do is vote. So you can text Levis
to seven eight eight six eighty three and get registered.
You can find out key dates, find out all the

things you need to know to make sure that your
vote actually goes through accounts. It matters and all that's
from Rock the Vote. All right, Now keep a lock
when we come back. We got the positive notice to
Breakfast Club. Good morning bringing everybody is the I mean
the guy we are the Breakfast Club that you guys
have a great day today. I know a lot of
you guys still have no power like myself. Just try

to enjoy the day. Man. Just imagine having five kids,
no power, no WiFi, no TV. Lights go dark at
about nine o'clock. Yes, so we are outside. I'm just
I'm just praying that it don't rain today. So at
least I can keep the kids outside and just try
to that's why you're being so dark. Goodness gracious, we'll

give us on a positive note. M. The positive notice
simply this. I want everybody to remind other folks that
the version of me you created in your mind, it's
not my responsibility.

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