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November 6, 2023 12 mins
Buck Sexton breaks down the latest headlines with a fresh and honest perspective! He speaks truth to power, and cuts through the liberal nonsense coming from the mainstream media. Subscribe to never miss an episode of The Buck Sexton Show

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Make sure you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to the
Buck Brief. Let's dive into it. First off, updates on
the Biden crime family, and then the realities of the
Democratic Party with Cuomo out there making the pitch to
people that you know, he would have been a position

to run. Yeah, that's right. He would have been in
a position to run against Biden in this election, which
would seem to be rather bold. But when you understand
what the plan is here, what the plan has been
all along, it actually makes some sense. So we're going
to dive into it. Let's do it. First off, Biden,
the Biden crime family.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
You have.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
James Comer out there here here he is saying the
Bidens have two problems, the crime and the cover up.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
We're working with Judiciary Committee. Jim Jordan's really investigating the
Department Justice more than we are. He's on the Oversight committee,
so we're coordinating everything. We communicate daily. You've got two
problems here for the Biden You've got the crime and
the cover up, and I'm focused on the crime. Jim
Jordan and the Judiciary Committee's focus on the cover up.
We're going to work together and our efforts to hold

this family and this administration accountable for wrongdoing.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Okay, now, yes that's all true. But they're never going
to get the DOJ to move on Biden. And it's
not even clear they could move on Biden given that
he is the president right now, and they're just going
to put up this wall, which is what we talked
about the other day of Oh, it's not Biden's fault.
He didn't know, and he just loves his son, and

his son is an addict, and his son didn't know,
So yeah, that's where all of that is, right, that's
how all of that shakes out. They're not going to
be able to bring Biden down. I mean, here here's
Comer saying that it's the lies never stop, which is
also true.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
When I said the laptop is legitimate, they said it
was Russia disinformation. When I said we you know, they
said that Joe Biden had never met with or spoke
to any of these people that sent his family money.
Through our seven month investigation, we've proven he met with
and spoke with every single person. We've proven that most
of the money happened while Joe Biden was Vice president.

We've proven that the Biden family got millions of dollars
from China, even when he lied to the American people
in the Trump debate and said his family never took
a penny from China. I mean, the lies that we've
exposed are never ending.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
So the lies never stopped. Yes, But that's how the
Democrats roll. That's not going to change any times. And
there's nothing about that that we can look at and say,
you know what, enough is enough. The Democrats are willing
to push aside in this decrepit incumbent president and do something. Oh,
that's just not going to happen. Joe Biden is the

incumbent and he is their guy for this election. That's
increasingly clear. I've been saying it on this on this
podcast series for a long time, as you know, got
a lot of heat from people. They're like, oh, no,
it's going to be Newsome, it's going to be Michelle Obama.
Now now it's going to be Joe Biden. Barring a
major health issue, a true major health issue which could

happen to anyone at any point in time. But when
you're in your eighties. Obviously it is a much more
likely scenario that health could fail in a major way.
So you have you have Joe Biden, more information coming
out about you know, the money, and it's all about
repayments of loans. Where's the original loan? I would ask

that question. This week there was something about how Biden
you know, in the finances, Joe Biden got money, but
it was repayment of a loan. Where's the original loan?
It just doesn't hold together, folks, It doesn't make any sense.
But they were trying to almost like a mafia boss
needs to be far enough away from the realities of

the you know, the real getting the hands dirty stuff,
so that he can't get sent away for it. You know, Hey,
do the thing with the guy for the thing, you know,
and then it's like, oh, I didn't give the order
for you know that mob hit right. This is Joe
Biden was the frontman in a sense, and he was
what they were selling. But the people who were doing

the selling, namely you know Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's brother,
they you know, the other people who were Hunter Biden's
business partners, they were the ones making the day to
day decisions on the ground, if you will. And so
that way, Joe Biden is somewhat insulated. Where did all
the money come from for all these homes Biden has

and you know, millions and millions of dollars and paying
all these expenses. Yeah, that's not something that they're going
to look too deeply into. But as I've said all along, Democrats,
corruption doesn't bother them at all as long as it's
their team in power. They wouldn't even care. It would
not bother Democrats one bit if they found out that
Joe Biden had gotten directly a check for ten million
dollar from a Chinese communist party cut out. They want

Joe Biden if it's that or Donald Trump as president.
They don't care. It's Joe Biden all the way. That's
not like it would change any of their minds. I mean,
what I'm really saying is even a smoking gun situation
of Biden corruption wouldn't really change anything for Democrats. And
you'd say, oh, but what about independence? They won't Republicans win,
you know, because the media will just lie about it.
We'll see, that's not a smoking gun, that's a piece

of artwork, that's a replica of a firearm that has
you know, false false smoke coming out of it. It's
a it's a projection, it's a three D image, it's
a mirage, it's an NFT whatever, that doesn't matter. They'll
just lie about it, just like they lied about the
Hunter Biden laptop. So that's why when we talk about
a smoking gun, people say like, oh, well, when that happens,

as far as Democrats are concerned, there's no such thing.
They will go Clintonian on this, meaning well, that depends
on what the meaning of is is right, Remember that
they'll just say, yeah, no, I don't see any smoking gun.
I don't even see what you're talking about. And they
absolutely will not care. There is no level of Biden
corruption that could be exposed that would change Democrats opinions

of how they would vote when it comes to Biden
and Trump. You would see almost no change with all.
I mean, I think you would see a ninety nine
percent continued support for Joe Biden, even if there was
something that showed that, yeah, this guy was just getting
payoffs from foreign governments to sell influence. Because you know what,
the Democrats would also say, did he do anything, did

he do anything in favor of those companies. Oh okay,
well that certainly wouldn't be the standard under Donald Trump. Right, well,
where's the quid pro quo? It certainly wouldn't be this center.
They were running stories in the Washington Post on how
Trump was corrupt through the Emolument's clause of the Constitution
because there were foreign dignitaries who would eat meals at

the Trump hotel. Think about that for a second. You
sit down, you have a stake at the Trump Hotel,
you know, eighty dollars on it or something or whatever
it was, and you know, you get your tab. What
do you think, What do you think happens? Then you
spend one hundred dollars at Trump will tell you think
you get to walk over to the White House banging
the door, be like, I spend one hundred dollars, so
sign the treaty. No, right, that's idiotic. But these are

the kind of arguments that were being made about Trump,
very different when they're making arguments about Biden. Look, this
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I'm such a believer in this kind of defense. I'm
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That's patriot deefender dot com and this is something you
just need to have. Need to check it out patriotdefender
dot com. All right, Cuomo, Governor Cuomo, remember him from
New York State Governor Cuomo. He was doing presentations during

COVID like this, Well, what do I mean by what
do I mean by presentation? By presentation, I mean he
would have the slide up on the screen and he
would say, look at the numbers, high numbers, a lot
of COVID, a lot of COVID. We need ventilators. Turns
out ventilators are actually horrible and killed a lot of people.
But we need you know, they'll bring the COVID numbers down.

I'm giving you a daily update. He was horrible on COVID,
but they didn't fire him for that. They find him
because he touched the stomach area of a woman on
a security detail and kissed another one on the cheek
I think at a wedding or something like that. Nothing
that anybody I think ever heard, and they said, oh
my gosh, that's really that's super serious. But that's why
they got rid of him. And he's out there now

trying to make a bit of a comeback. Here he
is saying saying that if he were still in the
Mixes government New York, he'd actually be running running against
Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
Hey, what Biden's calculus was? He was accused of Tara Reid,
other women came out, he smelled my hair, et cetera.
He wanted quickly to distance himself from this, which is
ironic because this same attorney who represented the Tara Reid
case is the main attorney who drove this case against me.

And he could have said, you know what, I went
through this. Let's take a deep breath and actually get
the facts before we ask a governor to resign.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
So would you be running against him right now?

Speaker 1 (10:19):
If? Probably? Probably would even with him sitting in office. Probably,
And do you think some other Democrats should do that?
I think this should be a democratic now, my friends.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
That's interesting, isn't it. If he could make a comeback,
or rather, if you were in a position to make
a run at the presidency. The comeback might come later,
he says he'd be willing to do so. That's shocking,
isn't it. That's pretty amazing stuff. It means that he
thinks he could be a part of the new Democratic
Party realignment that may come if Biden loses. You know,

what I think is very much hoping that there's a
Biden loss here. Clay and I've talked aout this on
the radio show. He says, Newsome, I totally agree with that.
I think Cuomo wants Biden lose as well, because if
Biden loves he's gonna remember there's all these people around him,
and the Biden orbit and the Obama holdovers, the Obama
administration there, they're out of power, right, They're not able

to sort of ensconce themselves deeper into the system over
four years, and so you could have a whole new
apparatus on the Democrat side, a Newsmian Newsomian apparatus, a
Cuomo these are hard ones to do, Quomian apparatus, quomo Ian.
You could have these Democrats in an open twenty twenty

eight field, again assuming Trump wins, trying to create their
own dynasty. So I think that's a big part of
what Cuomo is trying to gear up for here. We'll
see absolutely see more of that in the days ahead. Look,
have you ever been to believe my friends, it's an
amazing country. It's fun, it's beautiful, it's really you know,

a great value you should check it out. Belize is
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in the same day. But don't take my word for it.
Go check it out. Learn a little bit about this

wonderful country. I'm sure you're gonna want to visit, and
maybe you want to invest in some property there.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Go check it out.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Belize isfun dot com. That's the website, belize isfun dot com.
Thanks for hanging for the buck brief, Have a great weekend.
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