All Episodes

November 16, 2017 94 mins

Sean covers the press conference issued by Alabama Senatorial candidate Roy Moore including some of the moves his legal team are making to try and prove his innocence. "They've painted themselves into a scientific corner," offered Hannity, "The truth should all transcend politics because there is a special place in Hell for child predators." The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to
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glad join us right down our toll free telephone number.
You want to be a part of this extravaganza, one Shawn,
if you want to be a part of the program.
All right, we got so much happened. Jim Jordan, who
took on yesterday the Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He will
join us. Uh, I have I can't believe I'm actually
starting the program with some good news for once today,

because you know, I've I've just come to realize that
there is absolutely nothing that is gonna stop the furious
pace that is this news cycle in America today. Isn't
It's just it's absolute insanity. It's just I've never seen
anything like it. I've been in radio thirty years and
now on my twenty three year at Fox, and it's

just fast and furious and it never it just never
seems to stop. Um. Now, I want to talk about
a lot of different things today. Now, we do have
conreens been Jim Joe on the program. Also have legal
analyst Greg Jarrett is going to join us in the
program today. You know, there's so much legally at stake
as it relates to Hillary Clinton and Fusion one, Fusion GPS,

and then we've got an update on de w Wassum
and Schultz, but also Uranium one, and then of course
the email server scandal that has never been you know,
we've never gotten to the bottom of any of these things.
So the good news today is the US Senate today. Yeah,
that U S Senate that doesn't get a whole lot done.
This is this is momentous, This is incredible. They're on

the verge of realizing a long sought goal for those
of us that know and understand the number of career,
high paying jobs that would be available to the forgotten
men and women of this country that are in poverty,
on food stamps, and out of the labor force. And
that is all of the energy resources this country has.

I've always been in all of the above. You figure
out a better way to tap for energy that is
cleaner burning and more efficient, I'm all for it. But
in the meantime, the life blood of capitalism in our
economy is energy. Oil, natural gas, coal, that's it, nuclear energy,

which we could do and do safely if we wanted to,
but you know, because you've got so much environmental input
on all of these issues, you're not allowed to do
the basic, simple, fundamental things that create jobs, high paying
jobs for people. Anyway, legislation now to open. This is
a President Trump initiative, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to

oil and gas exploration. We've actually gone there, taking videos
of it, showing them on TV. And it's a wilderness,
a vast wilderness. I actually talked about this in my
first book, going back however two thousand and whatever, you know,
two thousand and one or so. I don't even went
two thousand and anyway, So it's gonna happen. Even Joe Manson,

a Democrat, he actually joined with g OP lawmakers while
he's from West Virginia. He's he's looking at his potential defeat,
so I'm suing politics played a part in that. Anyway.
They passed it the legislation thirteen to ten vote. Mansion
was the only Democrat to join Republicans and passing the bill,
and it is a one point one billion dollar budget

reconciliation bill. Now heads to the full center per a vote,
clear sign that that likely will happen. So we're gonna
wait watch all of that carefully. Um So, a lot
of you got annoyed with me last night, which, by
the way, I knew it happened when I said, you know,
all of a sudden, Judge Roy Moore. So there are

two issues that concerned me that I said he needed
to address in twenty four hours, and I said otherwise,
you know one, let me let me back try. Let
me just say this. I have in these thirty years
in radio, and I have in my twenty three years
at Fox. This is not my first rodeo. Okay, this

is not the first time in my life. We have
dealt with what we call October surprises. You know what
was the October surprise in t That was the Access
Hollywood tape. It was designed to be the not to
use a bad analogo kill shot, to to politically destroy Trump.

That's what that was. And there was digging and digging
and digging into everything Trump every have ever said, every
interview he ever did, and then they got raw footage
he doesn't know his MIC's on locker room talk goes
into the second debate. This this broke what two days

before that debate. There were people even debating whether or
not he'd show up that night. I remember, and I thought,
by far that was his best debate in my opinion. Yeah,
I'm guilty. I said at the locker room talking was
just stupid, and that was that just totally diffused it.
Now if you listen to the the experts, the experts

were telling you, oh, he's done, that's it, he's finished.
And by the way, mathematically, it's not a bad observation
of a tape like that comes out on the eve
of an election. What is an October surprise that was
supposed to be about In October surprise is meant to
manipulate the voting population on the at a close proximity

to the actual election in the hopes it will tip
the balance to the person that is sitting on the
information or the associate that is sitting on the information.
It happens almost every election cycle. And I'm hearing something
in my ear back there now, George W. Bush on

the eve of the two thousand election about a lot
of you probably forgot what happened to joy A d U.
I A d We showed up from when he had
been much younger, and it comes up. It's like the
weekend before the election. Why was it released that did
people not know until the last day. These elections, now

you gotta understand the Senate election, they go on for
months and months and months. Presidential elections, we begin the
process we began in March for crying out loud in
terms of seventeen candidates rolling them out. We traveled around
the country, so we've seen plenty of October surprises. It
also happens. Look at the case of Clarence Thomas. That's

a classic case, Clarence Thomas on the verge being a
Supreme Court justice and ups last minute, you know, here
comes Anita Hill and then ah, you know, Democrats are giddy.
Politics is a dirty, brutal, ugly blood sport. There's nothing

nice in the world. The politics. Your opponents, politically speaking,
I'm putting emphasis politically speaking, want to destroy you and
kill you off. They want you done, they want that power,
they want to win. And in the course you know
of elections, basically there are no lines for many candidates,

none whatsoever. And we saw it with Herman Kine another example.
I look, I can go through these examples all day
here today and so now we have and I have
an affinity for Alabama. Why because my first professional radio
job was in Huntsville, Alabama, and I as somebody that

grew up in New York. You ever see the movie
My Conney, My cousin Vinnie? Do you ever see that movie?
It's hilarious. Buck Sexton is in the student. Hey Buck,
how are you you ever see my cousin Vinnie? All Right,
Joe Petchy, I'm in freak and Alabama? And then um
Marisa tour. May you know possy traction? You know you
spin it and you clay? You ever have that happen

and one wheel spins and the other wheel doesn't? If
both wheels spin, that's pozsy traction as best. It's one
of my favorite movies. She's like everybody knows you've been
stuck in the mud in alabamahel states big. I love Alabama. No,
I was a kid growing up from New York. My
accent was a shock to the people in Alabama. And

it was almost Linda like in terms of fist four fee,
much much worse than yours. Yours is, yours is nothing
coffee talk radio? How you doing? First of all, so
I'm not no, I I love Alabama. I came to
love that state. I know the people in that state,
and it was so different than where I grew up.

Now they are hit with their own October surprise in
a sense, and that is these charges against Judge roy More.
And here's where we are with this. The charges are serious.
There is nobody in this audience that would ever want
to vote for at all somebody that, in any way, shape,

matter or form as a thirty two year old man
was responsible for groping and grabbing a fourteen year old girl.
And if you and if and if you knew that
and you still wanted to vote for it, I'm sorry
that is that is just morally repugnant. And you hope
somebody like that gets arrested because their predators. It's evil,

all the things that I have been saying. Then you've
got to balance that between all of false charges that
are often made as October surprises. And that is now
the people of Alabama, which I have faith in, I
really do have faith in, and the people this is

really this shouldn't be Mitch McConnell's decision or the Republican
Can Party's decision. And what I said last night is
when the Gloria already brings out an accuser that said that.
Then in his thirties, Roy Moore, that's not the word,
assaulted her and when she was sixteen, and Roy Moore

said that he had never met this woman. And then
we see an entry in a yearbook. And I know
everybody's been using the handwriting experts, etcetera, etcetera. I already know,
so I said last night, I want answers, I said,
the people of Alabama, the Republican party that he represents

the country, deserves answers. We have way too many problems,
and I have felt that the answers have been inadequate
when the interview that I had, I felt up to
that point. And when he when I first asked Roy More, said, Roy,
you know I would it have been your practice to
data thirty two as thirty two to date a girl

seventeen or eighteen or inter late teens. Not my usual practice,
That would not be And then I and I'm like,
what does that mean? Not my that's not a no.
And then I asked, okay, would you you know I
not without the permission of her mother. And it creates
in a lot of people's minds, including mine, confusion. Now
the third time I asked, he did say, I said, unequivocally,

can you tell me no? Now, some people aren't good
at interviews. I'm not making Actually I don't know the
full truth here. I don't know and anyway, so without
giving away details, you know, I have gotten an answer
from the Roy Moore campaign on the questions that I had.

And like everything else, the sad part about any late
allegation against anybody, what if the person is innocent, like
the Duke Lacrosse kids. What if what if it's George
Zimmer and everyone thought George Immer and guilty? What he
has proven innocent, you know in the trial jury of

his peers. What if in the case of it. I
mentioned so many examples, this can happen, you know. So
unfortunately for the people of Alabama, they're now gonna have
to listen to these answers. I was told that explanations
are coming today and at the end of the day,

my thoughts are these. It doesn't matter what the media says,
It doesn't matter what Mitch McConnell says. Who cares what
Mitch mccomay. He's tried to influence the people Alabama the
whole time in this election, and I just have faith
to the people of Alabama. They're the ones that will

and should decide, not Sean Hannity in a studio in
New York. And what I try to do is give
you in form ation that you can make an informed,
best decision. And they're gonna give you that explanation. Will
come out publicly today and it's gonna be up to
the people of Alabama, which is the right thing to do,

or the people of any state. And uh, at the
end of the day, you know, and then that while
we won't see it, we won't you know, you have
to deal with it at the time I have, but
I have gotten an answer, and the answer is they
will address this today, alright, eight nine one, Shawn. But
at the end of the day, I love the people
of Alabama, and I trust the people of Alabama. And

you know what, if they decide this is the person
they want, they believe this or they don't believe it.
I don't know if there'll be any more evidence, any
more allegations. Nobody knows who knows what these things. And
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John dot com slash Hannity. So in light of all
of this, let me tell you there's a couple of
stories today. One is a female female congressional staffers say
that Capitol Hill has a creep list. Wow, but I

want to say, I gotta tape. I'm gonna play you
at the bottom of this half hour right after the news,
you know, And why does so many men get the
idea that they could get away with sexual harassment, sexual
assault or worse? Where does this all begin? In our lifetime?
It was actual John put Heart. It's not exactly my
biggest fan points the finger at the world's most famous

sexual predator who indulged in everything from indecent exposure Paula
Jones to the Oval office Monica Lewinsky and then the
allegations by one need a product of rape. And thanks
to you know, all his adoring liberal fans. Well, guess
what many of them, female Bill Clinton, got away with
all of it. Now, this is a time of reckoning,

and now most people are beginning to say, Wow, all
these Democrats that stand in their sanctimony, self righteousness, etcetera, etcetera,
how many of them defended? Way do you hear what
I'm gonna play at the bottom of the hour? And
that is The New York Times published an op ed
this week. I believe Juanita Us accepting the the most

incentive he was charged with rape. That was in the
New York Times this week. Now, this one was not
about propositioning. This was not about you know, showing dropping
his pants or having affairs with Jennifer Flowers, or consensual
sex or groping, grabbing, fondling, kissing against her will. Kathleen Williel,
though that was close. New York Times Michelle Goldberg said

she believed Juanita Broderick, who said that Clinton violently raped her.
This was in the New York Times, and it was painful.
She acknowledged to bring these matters up because she didn't
want it to appear that she'd somehow surrendered to a
right wing lynch mop way, do you hear the tapes
we've got, and when you put it through the prism

of what we discussed every day, it's going to be
enlightening to you. That's next alight to the top of
the hour that the President takes some questions will probably
dip in and out of that in a second. Here,
So here you have now um the New York Times
publishing an outbed. I believe Juanita. I want you to

just take this in through the prism of how the
Clintons have been revered for all of these years. And
I brought some of this up yesterday, how they have
been defended all of these years. Uh, you can start,
you can go back to the National Enquirer when Jennifer
Flowers talked about the affair that they had. By the way,

he eventually admitted that it was only one time under
oath in the Monica Lewinsky case, but for the for
the interim period all those years, they referred to her
as a liar. That's what they did with Jennifer Flowers.
And then of course you have the case of Paula Jones.

Paula Jones was paid out a massive sum of money,
he lost his law license as a result, and he
was impeached as a result. Against all of the Democrats
that all surrounded the wagons and defended Bill Clinton on
the issue of Monica Lewinsky. Okay, you could say it
was consensual, she's Is that not a position of power?

She's an intern twenty whatever years old? You know? Is that?
Is that not similar to what we're talking about today?
In that sense the question of I'm asking Roy more
about and I'm not listen, I'm just I am making
a point about a double standard and how did we
get here? And can you thank Bill Clinton for the
fact that, you know, people thought they can get away

with sexual harassment as long as you have the right
political point of view. This are pretty This is a
watershed moment. I've got to give the New York Times
some credit, although I gotta say also a little late
to the game. But anyway, they you know it is
um you know when you go on to read this
the Times, Michelle Goldberg said she believed one Nita one

AA brought her a claim that she was raped by
Bill Clinton. And I was the second interview of one
AA Broderick. And this one was not about Clinton propositioning women.
This was not a Jennifer Flower is a consensual relationship.
This was not as we are told, um Monica Lewinsky.
In the case of Paul Jones, he had dropped his

pants as and said, you know whatever in front of somebody.
I mean, all like similar, We're all creeped out by
Louis c k. That's what we're talking about here, exposing
oneself to a woman. So it was painful, she said, well,
she didn't want to surrender. The right wing lynch mob

I guess she's admitting that conservatives, I don't call conservatives
right wing lynch mobs, that they told the truth. And
what's more is Goldberg said that liberals were right to
be skeptical of women's claims against Clinton during his presidency
due to the right wing campaign to delegitimize him. In

this environment, it would have been absurd to take accusations
of assault and harassment made against Clinton at face value.
These women withstood more smears, more slander, more besmirchman, more
character assassination, and in many ways, they they took more

than anybody that I've ever said, I'm in that sense
for them to speak up and go through what they
went through. And it was done by Clinton's team, it
was done by all of those around him. He was
enabled by Hillary Clinton himself. And I'm not even talking

about Hillary Clinton taking money from countries that abuse women,
practice shariah, killed gays and lesbians, people that persecute Christians
and Jews anyway. So, she said she cannot keep herself
from seeing the truth that was evident during the Clinton
presidency to anyone with eyes to see. Bill Clinton was

a sexual reprobate whose ascension to the Democratic nomination after
the revelation of his relationship with Jennifer Flowers during the
primaries was a hinge moment in American history. No one
before him would have survived it. He did by denying
it hotly. Was saved by the by the flames of

all this by Hillary Clinton, and she sat there on
sixty minutes supported him, even as she said she wasn't
the type of woman who just stand by her man.
Remember that infamous interview when the news of the liaison
when Lewinsky became public. She did it. At end, they
did it again. Bill said he didn't have sexual relations

with that woman. That woman, I'm gonna get back to
your talk with American people. He went out. Hillary goes
on the Today's Show and talks about a vast right
wing conspiracy. Now, in that sense, how does this impact
where we are today? Now? I do think people can

make charges. Later, I said that since Day won with
this issue of Roy Moore, I do think that people
could be so traumatized by the evil of an assault. Yeah,
I do think that that can happen. I've said from
the beginning that I only want the truth, and I
guess you know if um you know And this is

where these October surprises I was talking about becomes so
difficult for everybody. You know, you have a story the
Daily Caller in January, well, the Democratic media amount of
a full o press to spread the allegations that you
know on on Roy Moore here, etcetera, etcetera. But not

only do court documents you know, filed by the Obama
Justice Department, do you know they actually claim that Senator
Bob Menendez had sex with underage Dominican prostitutes. Those same
documents say Menendez and encounters with these underage girls have
been quote corroborated by federal investigators. Reading from the Daily

Caller January. Now we have a report where one woman
who says she was sixteen when Menendez first had sex
with her, actually gives her firsthand account of what happened.
Anyone's gonna ask Chuck Schumer about that today, anybody. Then

you have these groups, like you know, media matters defending
Robert Menendez us. Let me go back to that line
quote it says the Obama Justice Department contained they can
claims that he had this sex with these underaged Dominican prostitutes.
Same documents say Menendez encounters with these underage girls have
been quote corroborated by federal investigators. He's on trial now.

As we all know, Senator also likes the youngest, the
newest girls, the woman wrote on April. According to an
English translation provided to The Daily Caller and native Spanish
speaker Little Noticed email published online by the group Crew
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington At, this woman

wrote nine months ago that she had slept with Menendez
at a series of sex parties organized by this doctor
guy that's involved in this whole thing, this mess. You
get where I'm going. I want to just go back
and this is what this is what you know with
all these Octobers, right, this is what now the people

of Alabama with an October surprise have to sort through
and try to get to the truth. And that's why
I'm saying that it is. You know, for anybody looking
on the outside, you want to be sensitive. Obviously, if
anybody is guilty of something that he's being charged up,
they you you never want somebody like that. They should

be in jail. If you offend a child like this
or abuse a child like that. I know I'm not
talking about Statute of limitations. I'm talking about just truth.
On the other hand, you know these October surprises, they
pop up a little too often anyway. So they're gonna
explain it later today, and I'm at the end of
the day, it's going to be the people of Alabama

as it should be, and all these people in Washington
that well, I didn't hear the same criticism of Menendez.
I didn't hear any criticism of Clinton coming out of
these Democrats. Just listen to what I we put together
for your husband. You're not going and necessarily embraced them.
I think I wonder why she didn't have That's why
when he brought up this these allegations. I wonder if

she missed the opportunity to address it in a way
that the public would understand that that's just not how
you behait. I would like to apologize to those tramps
that have slept with my husband. Whatever she could have
said that her husband's affair or affairs, alleged affairs. He's
going right for the juggular when it comes to Hillary

Clinton and going after Bill Clinton and alleged misconduct with women.
Last night, Trunk fired a shot squarely at Clinton's husband
former President Bill Clinton. In one case, it's about exposure.
In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching
against a woman's will and rape and rape. Donald Trump

using that word unprompted during an interview last night with
Fox News, is Sean Hannity bringing up a discredited and
long denied accusation against former President Bill Clinton dating back
to nineteen seventy eight when he was Arkansas Attorney general.
I'm not going to let you all continue to say
that she allowed him. She No, she didn't. And how

does she want to know? I don't know, because it's
not that that's rape culture. Kenthy. You're blaming someone who succumbed.
To me, someone committing adultery on her. We're Christian, was
like that, she was accused of facilitating it last night
and she was definitely and she did not deny. But
you know why being ridiculous. It's so ridiculous. Do you

think Donald Trump used you as a political prop today? No?
You there to scare Hillary Clinton. Their presence at the
debate seen as a political stunt and distraction by top
Clinton campaign officials. Do you worry you're being used as
a distraction? By Donald Trump changed conversation. The rape accusation
is decades old and discredited. They were referring to a

trio of women who say Bill Clinton made unwanted sexual
advances in the d s and nineties. Mr Clinton denies it.
Two of the cases were plagued by factual discrepancies. The
issue of Bill Clinton's past is that is that fair game?
And it would be if he were running for president,
but he isn't. Hillary Clinton is running for president, but

he's a chief surrogate for her. So it's what do
you do now that Trump has opened this up? Well,
I think that you stick with what is important to
the American people, and what is important to American people
is their financial stability. That's what this election should be about,
not about what Bill Clinton did two decades ago. She
was not implicated in any misconduct. She was not someone

who was accused even of doing anything untoward. With regard
to these women, I mean they have been that Donald
Trump is raising, you know, the specter of ms. Connert.
I mean, there is just not even an allegation. There
are allegations by the women. I mean the women say
that they felt intimidated by her. There's no evidence of that,
I want you to broader. It says that, you know,

she gave her a sort of a side glance and
shook her hand too long and lingered and said something
in a coded way. The wind. By the way, another
matter investigated by Ken's Starr the alleged sexual misconduct of
Bill Clinton with regard to one wanted to Broderick, which
he did not decide to bring any charges from innual book,
the three women brought on to stage by Trump attacking

your husband, and you kind of dismissed them. It was
not the right thing to do. Are you sure about that? Well, yes,
because that had all been litigated. I mean, that was
the subject of a huge, you know, investigation, as you
might recall, in the late nineties, and there were conclusions drawn,
and that was clearly in the past. The great story
here for anybody willing to find it and write about

it and explain it, is this vast right wing conspiracy
that has been conspiring against my husband since the day
he announced for president. Yeah. Well, now the New York
Times looks at it, you know, so when people politicize
these types of things, that the point I just think,
and I said this at the beginning of this whole thing,
is it related to the charges with more as it

got away for the evidence to come in ceratceter cter.
So I said last night, all right, give me some
I want these questions answered because it's too serious. And uh,
they're gonna give answers today. And you know what the
bottom line here at this is when when you're balancing
October surprises, believability of women, the desire to get to

the truth. You know, now, this is what the people
of Alabama have to face, and it really is gonna
be their decision at the end of the day. But
you know the fact that liberals who defended the indefensible
all these years are lecturing, lecturing everybody about oh their sanctimony,

and they have the high road Boulogne E. They just
voted for a woman that defended somebody she knew had
to be guilty, she knew, and she took money from
countries that abused when man, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. I
trust the people of Alabama. They're gonna have some more

time to sort through this, and I hope and pray
we get to the truth for their sake. In the
country's sake, and that's my position. It's gonna be up
to them. Kind a lot coming up Sean Hannity Show,
we shall check in with Congressman Jim Jordan. He's the
one that had the the shootout with Attorney General Sessions yesterday.

He'll join us. Also, Congressman Biggs will join us later on.
We got analysis on uranium one and update on Fusion GPS,
and we've got an update today. Investigative reporter Luke rosie
Ak will join us as it relates to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
We have an amazing Hannity about democratic hypocrisy tonight. I'm
telling you wait till you hear it and see it.

Thanks Christopher Steele, the author of the docier doesn't matter.
You'll have to direct to the I think maybe the
Special Council. And why is that? It's just I'm just
asking if someone able to reveal uh internal investigatory on
matters you know here that's under the investigation of anybody,

but particularly I think that's happened in the summer team.
We know the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee paid
through a law firm, Fusion Gps to produce the dossier.
We know the author was Christopher Steel. Has been reported
that he was on the payroll of the FBI. I
just want to know if, in fact that is the case.
I'm not able to provide an answer to you. The
FBI present the dossier to the FSI court, I'm not

able to answer that. Do you know if the FBI
did the established process protocol in evaluating claims made in
the dossier? I'm not able to answer that. On January six,
then FBI Director James Comey brief President Elect Trump up
in New York about the dossier. Shortly thereafter that, the

fact that meeting took place and the subject of the
meeting was the dossier was leaked to see in you
know who leaked that information? I do not. Are you
investigating who leaked that information? That would be a matter
within investigatory powers of the Special counselaid You've got a
number of investigations going on, Mr Attorney General, regarding leaks.

Is that likely one of those that you're investigating. I'm
not able to reveal the existence of investigations or not.
But my concern is we sent you a letter three
and a half months ago asking for a second Special counsel.
And if you're now just considering, I, what's it gonna
take to get a special counsel? We know that former
FBI Director James Comey misled the American people in the

summer sixteen when he called the Clinton investigation a matter
obviously an investigation. We know FBI Director Comey was drafting
in his honoration letter before the investigation was completely We
know Lauretta Lynch, one day before the Bengazi report came out,
five days before Secretary Clinton was scheduled to be interviewed
by the FBI, met with former President Bill Clinton on
a tarmac in Phoenix. What's he gonna take to actually

get a special counsel? And well, take a factual basis
that meets the standards of the appointment of a special
Is that analysis going on right now? Well, that's in
the manual of the Department of Justice about what's required.
We've only had to the first one was the Waco
Janet Reno U Senator Dan Fords who took over that

investigation as special counsel, and Mr Muller, each of those
a pretty uh special factual situation, and we will use
the proper standards. And that's what the only thing I
can tell you, Mr Jordan's Well, I appreciate you can
have your idea, but sometimes we have to study what
the facts are and to evaluate whether it meets the standard. Well,

Special Council, Well, we know one fact. We know the
Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee paid for through the
law firm, paid for the dossier. We know that happened.
And it sure looks like the FBI was paying the
author of that document. And it sure looks like a
major political party was working with the federal government to
then turn in opposition research document equivalent of some National

Enquirer story into an intelligence document, take that to the
FISA court so that they could then get a warrant
to spy on Americans associated with President Trump's campaign. That's
what it looks like. And I'm asking you, doesn't that
warrant in addition to all the things we know about
James colem in sixteen, doesn't that warrant naming a second
Special Council? As twenty members of this committee wrote you
three and a half months ago asking you to do well,

Mr Colomy is no longer to director the FBI, and goodness,
we have an excellent man of integrity and ability and
Chris Ray and I think he's going to do an
outstanding job and I'm very happy he's not here today.
I would say, I'm here and I'm asking for a time,
and the gentleman, I would say, it looks like it
is not enough basis to upon a special council a right.
That's from yesterday's hearing. Congressman Jim Jordan was going to

join us in a minute to discuss that exchange with
the Attorney General joining us now, though in the meantime
is Congressman uh Andy Biggs is with us. Andy, how
are you come back to the program. What did you
think of that exchange? Well? I think that first of all,
thanks for having me, But I I think that I
was a little bit um um disappointed because I think

what Jim Jordan was talking about when he said it
looks like this, it looks like that. What he was
doing is he was laying out the factual basis for
probable cause of a crime or multiple crimes that have
been committed. And if that is the case, which I
think it is, then the Attorney General at that point
when he says, well we're going to look at it
on the factual basis, well, you've had it for months

and months and months. You should be appointing a special counsel.
That's that's the position I took yesterday when I heard that.
That's why my questioning with the way it did, and
and I didn't get that from the Attorney General Sessions.
So I think it's a good man. But here he's
he's he can't defer to his second in command, who
is Rob Rosenstein. For Pete's sakes, this he can't do that.

He has got to make the tough decision. That tough
decision is we need a special counsel to investigate this
whole series, this litany of corruption and what I what
I've said, is the scandal of our time. He needs
he needs to point someone. Oh, like I listen, I
think so too, um. But I'm also being told, and
I'm kind of getting very strong feedback that in fact,

there is an ongoing investigation that he never recused himself
from uranium one or the whole issue is that it
involves fusion gps um. And he was asked specifically yesterday
by John Conyers, you know, about the issue of whether
he's recused himself of the investigations involving Hillary. He said
he couldn't answer that. He said he didn't recall talking

about George Popadopoulos, by the way, He said he can't
answer of recusal, impacts, investigation and diffusion, GPS or uranium one. Uh.
The man that was questioning him, so uh in a
tough way yesterday is Jim Jordan of Ohio Freedom Caucus.
Of course, how are you, sir? With you? Let's all right,
let's talk about what did you think of those answers? All?

I mean, I think maybe the most telling part was
when Matt gave asking a few questions uh too in
particularly said are you rechoose from the uranim more issue?
And he said no? And then later in the in
the questioning, later in that five minutes, he was asked
the same question. He says, I don't know. So that's
the point. We don't know what Jeff Sessions is refused
from what he isn't We do know Bob Mueller is
inherently compromised on the uranium one issue. So I would

prefer we didn't have to name a special council. But
I don't see how you can avoid it. The logic says,
if the Attorney General doesn't know what he's refused from
what he isn't and if Bob Mueller is inherently compromised,
we're not going to get the answers to all those things.
And he just talked about unless we have a special counsel,
and if it's someone with inside the department right now,
no one will believe what those investigations produced because oh,

the Jeff Sessions appoint this guy or was there a
career person. So the only way to get this done,
and I think done in a way that Americans will
accept the verdict of accept the findings of the investigation
is to have a special counsel. Well, I agree with
you on the special council I've been calling for for
a long time. What if it does turn out, I mean,
you know, here's the difficulty when you interview Jeff Sessions.

I mean, okay, he he said, and then he clarified
his remarks, as you know after the exchange that he
had with you, is that he was just talking about
what the standard for a special counsel, which means that
he hasn't decided if a special counsel is going to
be necessary. I'm also hearing a lot of rumors that
there's gonna be dramatic changes at the FBI in the
next week or so, So that should be interesting. But

more importantly, you know, if he's sitting there knowing that
there's an investigation into fusion, GPS, Russian interference as it
relates to Hillary or uranium one, he can't tell you that. Yeah,
but well maybe that's the case, But that was not
the impression we got im Christian, We got his The
facts have to be there to warn a special counsel,
And I would come back to how about these facts?

How about the fact that the Democrat National Committee in
the Clinton campaign or paying for the for the dossier
and at the same time, it sure looks like the
FBI was paying Christopher Still, the author of that dostier
and it was taken legally to decide the court to
a federal and it was the basis for expying on
people associated with the Trump campaign. How about that? If
if that's not a fact happen, everything points to that

took place. We don't know for certain, but it sure
looks like it was. That's what happened. If that's not
that's actual enough information to say we have to look
at this and it requires a special council. I do
not know what does. I do not know what does
and that's what we're trying to get out. Yesterday so
and he was trying to get that. Mr de Sains
and all of the shop called to this. Yeah, well,
I I agree on so many fronts, but so much

has happened, so much has you know, gone on, And
every time the Clinton Eskate, Congressman Jordan, every time, I
don't think you know at this point in time. You know,
here we spent a year investigating Trump Russia collusion. Now
we know Hillary and the d n C funded this
phony dossier full of Russian lies and propaganda and sellasious
you know, misinformation to influence our election. And then she said, well,

there's a difference between up research and uh and uh
a collusion. Meanwhile, that's the very thing they were accusing,
you know, Donald Trump of. And yet we don't we
don't see the investigation on the other side, and people
like me and obviously you are getting frustrated. And you
said it bestselling. You said this last night on your shell.
You just you said it there too. Uh. They were

doing the very thing that they're accusing us. Up and
frankly that shouldn't surprises. This is how the left operate.
To again, all the more reason why we need someone
from the outside that everyone respects, who can come in
here and objectively investment. We're going to continue to investigating Congress,
We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna do everything. We can't
uncover everything, but we need a special counsel. That's that's obvious.
Let's let's make it happen. Let's move on. Yeah, all right,

look and let me go to you, Congressman bigs Um.
You know Congress has to get a response when they
asked for a special counsel. Isn't that the standard operating procedure? Yeah,
that would be normal, that's right, Okay, yes or no? Alright,
So three and a half months ago the first request
went in, okay, and now you get these answers yesterday,
which is, well, I can't talk about if there's an investigation.

I'm not sure there's rises to the standard of a
special council. There's certain criteria that it's got to meet.
What's your reaction to that answer? Well, I think it's
it's inadequate. I mean, you couple that Sean with the
fact that the day before the hearing we got a
letter from the Attorney General saying that, well, we'll, we'll,
we'll consider it. That's pretty weak. And then when he

talks about who's going to be involved in considering it,
he's referring to Rob Rosenstein. And so we have the
same people who have the same conflicts as in the
in the Muller incident. We have this going on over here.
It's it's, in my opinions, willfully inadequate. Yeah. Well, I
mean it's really this simple. We know Killery mishandled classified information.

We know that that that information was picked up by
five foreign entities and intelligence agencies. Then we know that
she destroyed classified, top secret special access information. Uh, these
were subpoenab emails. And then she just destroys them, deletes
them at said, washes, bleach, bits them, and and bashes
up devices with hammers. That to me is a classic

case of obstruction. And I don't think I would not
be in jail over that. Would I be in jail
over that? Yes you would, and so would I, and
so would most every other American. And but for some
reason people just jump on and protect the Clinton's and
that's and that's what we have said. Look, we just
want a fair and objective investigation, and we haven't had it.

Clint's haven't had it. Evidence keeps coming out. We've induced
all kinds of evidence indicating both obstruction on the part
of Hillary Clinton and the election collusion everybody's talking about
with Russia. It turns out it's with these guys, the
d n C and Hillary Clinton's campaign, and we want
that to be investigated. That that isn't too much to
ask in a free society that honors and reveres the

rule of why. I don't think all right, now, let
me ask about James Come in particular, I mean and
Robert Muller, Jim Jordan's. Robert Muller was the FBI director
in two thousand and nine. He knew that Vladimir Putin
was trying to get a foothold into the uranium market
in America. We know that those his agents in America
were involved in bribery, pickbacks, money laundering, extortion, and other

racketeering crimes. And they do in two thousand and nine,
and we have an informant that was on the inside
asked by the FBI to stay there. So we have
first hand account, we have documents, emails, and tapes, and
with all of that information acquired, knowing this is happening,
why would anybody sign off on giving away of our
uranium when we don't have enough uranium in the country.

We have to import it anyway. Exactly right, Sean. It's
been also reported that he didn't share that knowledge. He
just went through with any He didn't share it with Congress,
he didn't share it with the American people. But probably
most importantly, it's been reported that it was not shared
with the Commity, This Committee on Foreign Investment in the

United States made up of folks from federal agencies, several
federal agencies. He didn't share that information with them. You
gotta informat giving you all this kind of information at
a time when there's this uranum one deal that's moving forwards,
and there's a committee who decides whether the deal happens
or not, and you don't share the information with him.
Why didn't you share that information? And now we have
an informan who and then informer who gave him all
this was put under a gag order. Again, how can

Robert Mueller, that special counsel looking at that situation. He
was part of the whole deal, part of the part
of the investigation at the time. So again just underscoring
why we need a separate special counsel to look at
that issue in conjunction with everything else involving involving Mr
Comy All, I will take a break, we'll come back
more with Congressman Andy Biggs and Jim Jordan's. I'll take

it this way. Well, back in two thousand and ten, yes,
your federal government took over the student loan industry. Well,
guess what happens, wouldn't you know? It's student loan debt explodes.
In fact, there's over forty four point two million Americans
today that have student loans and it totals over one
point three trillion dollars. To tell you how big this is.

As we continue, Congressman Jim Jordan's as well, those Congressman
Andy Biggs is with us, you know, as it relates
to Mueller. Let me just dig a little bit deeper
into all of this. If he's involved himself in and
knowing all of this about, you know, Putin and Russia
and their desire to get ahold of uranium, and he
didn't do anything about it, and might himself, if there

ever is an investigation, I have to answer questions himself.
Does that Does that warrant a recusal of him in
any way, shape or form. Congressman Andy Biggs, Yes, it does, Sean.
In fact, the federal statutes are very explicit that you
cannot conduct an investigation if you're either the subject of
the investigation, which Mr Mueller would be, or if you're

a witness in the investigated issue, which he would be,
or if you're affiliated or related to anybody that would
be there, which he would be because it was his
agency that he was overseeing. So, yeah, he has he
has a conflict in bright neon lights. And so yesterday
when I asked, I asked, Attorney General Sessions, you know,
do you even have a formal system but to evaluate

conflicts of interest? He said no, there is not one
in the Department of Justice. And I said, well, how
do we determine them? Who determines it? He says, the
individual attorney? So so are you telling me that, Mr Muller,
it's it's all up to Mr Mueller to determine whether
he has a conflict of interest. That's a problem, that's
a real problem. And that isn't the way it's done
in private practice. I can tell you that. So I

was very disappointed by that. Al Right, guys, I gotta
let you both go. I appreciate it. Jim Jordan and
uh Andy Beggs. One Shawn is a toll free telephone number.
You want to be a part of the program. What
are you doing to find out how the Ritian takeover
of the American uranium was allowed to occur despite criminal
conduct by the Ritian company that the Obama administration had

proved to make the purchase. MS Chairman uh Way, will
hear your concerns. The Department of Justice will take such
actions as is appropriate. I know, and I would would
offer that some people have gone to jail and that
transaction already. But the article talks about other issues. So

without confirming or denying the existence of any particular investigation,
I would say, I hear your concerns, and they will
be reviewed. I think I know why you're probably reluctant
to go into some detail on that, but I would
like to remind you that Deputy Attorney Rosenstein directly supervised
the criminal case when he was U S attorney in Maryland.

I don't think it would be proper for him to
supervise a review of his own conduct, do you? It
would be his decision. He's a man of integrity and ability.
If he feels that he has a uh inability to
proceed with any investigation, it would be his responsibility to
make that determination and should consult as I told you

I would, and as I have done with the senior
ethics people at the Department. Reports suggest that the Clinton
Foundation received millions of dollars from arrested parties in the
Transaction Bill. Clinton received five hundred thousand for a speech
in Moscow June from the Racian government aligned Bank. The
same month as a speech, Ratia Gate began the uranium

acquisition process. This fact pattern raises serious concerns about improper
political influence by the Clintons during the Obama administration. Has
the Justice Department fully investigated whether the Rasians compromised the
Obama administration's decisions to smooth a weight for transactions and

if not, why not? Mr Chairman. We're working hard to
maintain discipline in the department. It wouldn't be appropriate for
me to comment on any ongoing investigation. And Mr Attorney
General Um does your accusal from investigations related to the
interference by Russian and the two thousand sixteen presidential campaign

applied to any investigations regarding efforts by the Democratic National
Minty and the Clinton campaign UH to secretly fund a
squirrel us and widely discredited dossier on candidate Donald Trump.
Mr Chapman, Um, anything that arises in this nature, UH,

that maybe or may not be connected to the My
accusal on the question of the campaign in Russia would
be discussed between me the senior ethics advisor at the
Department of Justice. And that's how I make my decision.
That's what I promised to do when I was confirmed

before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And that's what I will do.
And I'm unable to provide information to you as to
what decision would be has been made in this matter.
Twenty four now till the top of the hour. That,
of course, Jeff Sessions back in October with Senator Grassley,
and that was him yesterday talking about whether or not

accusel took place, among other things. UH. The question is
what is the Attorney General doing. My sources had told
me that he has not refused himself from issues like
uranium one, and investigations are ongoing. Joining us now is
Fox News Legal analyst Greg Jarrett. Greg, welcome back to
the program. Um. Look, we heard his answer the exchange

yesterday with Jim Jordan, the Congressman from Ohio, and it
was pretty testy, and that was on the issue of
a special counsel. On the issue of whether or not
there's investigation, that's a whole different issue because he wouldn't
be able to comment on an investigation taking place. My
interpretation that also includes sources of mine, makes me conclude
that there has been and is an investigation ongoing. Well,

I think your sources are correct. And indeed, on Monday evening,
just before his Tuesday testimony, he did finally, belatedly three
and a half months later, respond to the House Judiciary
Committee's request for special counsel, and he said that he
had directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate whether there's a

special counsel needed. So he's, you know, he's dancing on
a very fine line here between his confirmation recusal and
actually being involved in the decision making an overseeing an investigation.
I think there is one. It's pretty clear there is one,
and he may be relying on those senior federal prosecutors

to make a decision for him as to whether a
special counsel is needed. You know, as you and I've
talked about it to no brainer, there is a plethora
of compelling evidence that Hillary Clinton appears to have used
her office to confer a benefit to the Russian government
in exchange for money, and that would be you know, bribery,
mail fraud, wire fraud, and probably racketeering. Let's go through

the specifics because one of the things that I love
when you do your columns, as you you take the
evidence of what we're looking at and the things that
we know and the facts that we know, and then
you you sort of marryed together with whatever the laws
that would be applicable in that case happened to be.
Let's stay on uranium one for a minute. Um, I
guess if we started at the beginning. Now we know

that there was an FBI informant that had infiltrated this
network that clearly at Vladimir Putin had set up in
America to get a foothold in the uranium market. And
that's where the FBI informant discovered bribery and kickbacks and
extortion and money laundering and a bunch of other racketeering issues.
That was in two thousand and nine. Robert Muller was

the FBI director, Eric Holder was the Attorney General. Um,
this guy stayed in there at the request of the
FBI for four plus years. He accumulates his own eyewitness
testimony because he's on the inside. He has documents, he
has emails, and he has tape recordings were told and
so all of this now is going to come out
because he's been under a gag order. Walk us through

how we would ever sell or allow and anyone have
any control over of our uranium knowing these of Vlada
mayor plutin actors that are involved in in this effort
to do it, Why would we ever do that? Well,
there's two answers to that. Stupidity and corruption. Stupidity. We
would be on the part of President Obama and the
Obama administration to think that it was a good idea

to sell the fundamental elements of nuclear bombs to your enemy,
which already has twelve hundred strategic nuclear missiles aimed at
the United States. So, I mean, that's just playing tom
but it's the so the whole kumbaya President Obama method
of dealing, you know, with foreign adversaries. You know. Uh.

The corruption part would be Hillary Clinton's involvement pay to
play scheme um, which, as I mentioned, violates all kinds
of anti corruption statutes. But it also involves the cover
up to which you just alluded. You're talking about three
or four people who knew about this within law enforcement,
Robert Muller, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissman. Uh. And they never

told Congress what they knew. That they knew of the
illegality by the Russians to secure the deal. They had
a legal duty to tell Congress. Congress, had they known,
would have stopped it. Uh. And I'm not sure they
told all the members of the Scythiust Committee, even though
Eric Holder sat on the committee and he is the
fourth person who knew, and yet they all hushed it up.

That strikes me as a cover up. It's clearly wrongful behavior.
And that is one of the reasons why Mueller and
rosen Stein and Weissman, all of whom are now involved
in the Trump Russia investigation, must recuse themselves. But it's
not happening because there's nobody to force them, although Paul

manaforts attorneys can file emotion now that they have legal
standing having been indicted, to argue to the judge that
that Mueller's appointment was unlawful and therefore he ought to
be removed and the indictments set aside. I wonder in
the end is that good or bad for everybody involved

in this, considering that would probably be a reset and
then we just start all over again, and who wants
to put the country through this again. Well, you make
a strong argument because so far it appears that there
is no evidence that touches Donald Trump. Wasn't that way.
I mean that there's another question. I mean you look
at the man of Ford indictment. What does that have
to do with Trump Russia collusion? Nothing, zero, nothing to

do with Russia now, it all deals with basically tax
fraud and his businesses that predate is involvement with President Trump.
So you're right about that, although you know, you do
wonder about people like Papadopoulos, um, which nobody had ever
really heard of. I'm not sure the president remembered that
he sat on a council that meant once, but um,

it's interesting Papadopolis was only charged with line to the FBI,
not charged with collusion. Why because his meetings with Russians
violating the laws. So, you know, it reminds me a
little bit of Patrick Fitzgerald. You know, spends all this
time with three years and the only thing he came
up with was Scooter Libby. And yet when he first

took the position, he was looking into who was the
leaker in terms of the valerie playing issue, and number one,
she wasn't even a covert agent. But number two, he
found out on day one that the leaker was Richard Armitage. Now,
in my mind, that was the express reason for the
special prosecutor in that case. And I don't know why
it encloses doors, close up shop and say okay, we

got the leaker, we know who it is, and move
on from there. That never happens. And the interesting thing
about the Special Council statute is that if the special
counsel finds evidence of unchargeable wrongdoing, he's not even allowed
to talk about it. He can only reveal and talk
about chargeable crime. So in the Scooter Libby case, that's

all he could ever talk about. And nobody ever found
out about Dick armatage later and you know, after after
it's all said and done, he knew from day one.
And then you know, this is the thing that I
worry about for people that go before, you know, grand
juries are they talked to the FBI, And I know
I don't have a perfect memory. I would have to

scan my memory deeply. And I don't even think I
could tell you who was on my TV show last
Thursday night if you asked me, I honestly could not
give you an honest answer. Now, if you want how
the statistics on how Ronald Reagan, you know what he
did for the economy and piece through strength and tear
down this wall, I can give you chapter in verse.
But I mean, you know, to ask somebody three years

later and let's say they don't remember accurately, then you're
charge him with perjury. That becomes, in my mind, a
perjury trapp it is, and it's it's been abused by
the federal government and especially the FBI. Look, if if
somebody's memory is different about a conversation, then how the

FBI interprets the conversation. That's not a crime. It never
should be. And yet the FBI uses that all the time.
To either bring frivolous prosecutions or they do it to
try to gain leverage to get somebody to flip. It's
reprehensible and it's illegal, but the FBI does it all

the time. And as we continue, Fox News legal analyst
Greg Jarrett is with us. All right, let me ask
that we talked about uranium one. What about the Fusion
GPS dossier. I mean, is it possible that the Hillary
Clinton d n C bought and paid for Sala Shous
lies on Donald Trump? Is it possible that that was
used as the pretense to go to a FISA court

and get surveillance on Donald Trump, the opposition candidate, either
Candidate Trump or President elect Trump. And what would that
mean if if that was the case, I mean, basically,
bought and paid for Hillary lies opens up wide open
surveillance against our opponent. If coming knew that the dossier
upon which he relied to get the face a warrant

was not valid, then he has committed a crime that
needs to be part of a second Special Council investigation,
as the House Judiciary Committee has demanded. And then, of course,
the d n C and Hillary Clinton campaign pay money
to a foreign national to gain this information in a
political campaign. That's a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

And clearly they didn't account for it uh in their
financial disclosure forms. That is also a crime. So the
d n C and Hillary Clinton could be charged with
two crimes. They're not to mention Komey's alleged criminal activity.
Where do we stand as it relates even to the
email SERVERCE scandal, because I mean, on all three uranium

one the Fusion GPS, and on the email SERVERCE scandal,
you have identified multiple multiple felonies. Is that would this
be under the heading of one special council too? Special councils?
Is there is there any way that we can Is
there any statute of limitations issues at this point? No,
there are no statute of limitations that were coming up

against And the House Judiciary Committee when they sent their
July letter demanding the Special Council, laid it out pretty nicely.
I reviewed it again last night. And insofar as the
email scandal is concerned, the committee has asked that the
Special Council reopened that case to determine whether Attorney General

Loretta Lynch and FBI Director Comy obstructed justice in an
effort to exonerate Clinton, and the exoneration letter that he
penned two months before he ever interviewed her is damning
evidence of that. All right, Greg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analysts,
thank you for being with us. We appreciate all your

expertise on all this. We've got a lot more to
cover here. We are expecting momentarily Roy Moore, uh as attorney.
I understand it is going to be given a press conference. Uh.
We'll find out what that is all about. I assume
it's to address, uh, the issues involving with Gloria all
read the fifth accuser, and we'll see what they have

to say, and we'll also get to your calls. Eight
hundred nine one, Shawn is our number. We go to
Alabama now where Bill Armistead, he is the campaign chairman
for Roy Moore and Roy Moore's attorney are now just
beginning a press conference. As you know, Judge Moore's been
also accused things that he did not do forty years ago.

This is a campaign, so you can expect most of
anything to come out. But you know, we can't just
stand by idly and let false charges go without some antoring.
We've had a lot of people tell us different things
about some of these stories, and we're checking them all out.
But one thing I can tell you is we do
have some information we're gonna share with you today, and
we know that you're gonna share it with those folks
that you're communicating with about some of these charges. I

am Bill Armistead, chairman of the campaign for Judge Moore,
and I want to introduce to you Philip Reggie, who
coincidentally what's chairman of Judge Moore's campaign for Chief Justice
back in two thousands. He's an attorney and he's representing
us in this case. And i'd like that to turn
this over to Mr Jeraggie and he'll make some comments. Billy,

appreciate you all being here today. This is very important.
Of course, there's been some serious, serious allegations and we
really appreciate the media and what you guys do to
help get the word out and spread the truth. Um.
Just as an aside, I've known Judge Moore for twenty
four years. When these allegations came out within the last week,
it was incredibly incredibly painful for him, for his wife,

his mom, his daughter, grandchildren. UM. You know, in these
types of cases, there's always someone who's alleging and the
other person. And in those cases, when it's true, it's
horrible for the person making the allegations. But when the
allegations are made and it's not true, it's also horrible
for the person who those allegations are directed against. Its

Back in two thousand, Judge Moore asked me to be
as campaign manager campaign chairman, and it was one of
the greatest honors and remains today and always will be
one of the greatest honors of my life. Um during
that time and afterwards, he asked me to be his attorney,
and I was one of the attorneys that represented him
in the Ten Commandments case. And as you know, there
have been some other cases over the last twenty years.

And I've traveled with Judge Moore all over the state,
different states, across the nation. I've been with him and
probably over a hundred different meetings and been around probably
an excess of ten thousand different ladies and Judge Moore's presence,
And not once, not one time, have I ever seen
him act even remotely inappropriate against any woman, toward any woman,

not when they were walking away, not when he and
I were in private afterwards. That's the man that I
know and that i've known for the last twenty four years. Now,
the allegations that have come out, I hope you understand
it takes time to work through this. We don't have
a twenty million dollar budget as a campaign. It takes time,
and we want to be correct. We want to make
sure that when we say something it's proper. Okay, So

we're still working through some things, but there are some
things that you need to know and that we want
to make you aware of. During the press conference that
Miss Nelson and Gloria already had on Monday, they both
said that Ms Nelson, after the allegations, had never seen
nor had any contact with Judge Moore. As it turns out,

in Miss Nelson filed a divorce action against her then
husband's Mr Harris gets you that case was before it
was filed in Ottawah County and the judge assigned was
Roy S. Moore, Circuit Judge of Edawah County. There was
contact Judge Moore signed in order in that case as well,

and we'll talk about that in a minute. We've also
had a handwriting expert looking at the that was submitted
you may remember on Monday, Miss Nelson and is All
Read in support. Really, the only piece of evidence they
had in addition to the allegations was a yearbook where
they claimed that it had been signed, and they said
very specifically, look back at what they said. Everything on

that page, they said was written by Judge Moore. Judge
Moore not only has denied everything she said before, but
now flatly denies that, and he says it's not true.
We have a handwriting expert, pardon me, that's looking at
those But here here's the problem. A handwriting expert can't
look at a copy on the internet, right, They've got

to look at an original. So right now, Trent Garment,
our attorney, has sent a letter or is sending a
letter to Glory all Read demanding that the yearbook be released.
Will send it to a neutral custodian who'll keep chain
of custody, and our professional expert will examine it and
we'll find out is it genuine or is it a fraud.

There are a couple of things also that you need
to know. I'm not going to go into everything that's
on that paper, because again we need to have our
handwriting expert draw some conclusions. I'm not going to draw
him today, and I'm not going to make any allegations
that we can't support with an expert. There are a
couple of things that you need to look at. Look
at the seventy seven after Marry Christmas, look at those
two sevens, and then look below at the seventy seven

And I want to ask you do you think it
was written by the same person. I want you to
look at Old Pickory House, which they say Judge Moore wrote.
Judge Moore says, there's no way in the world that's
his handwriting, and I want you to look at it,
look at some other writing of his, and make your
own determination. That's what our expert will be doing, but
for now I'm asking you all to take a look,

use your judgment. And then, finally, after Judge Moore's signature,
it has the initials capital D period A period. Remember
I told you about that. To force action. Judge Moore
looked at that D A after his signature, which they
alleged was because he was the district attorney. Will he wasn't.
He was the assistant district attorney. But Judge Moore says

he can't ever remember ever signing his name with D
A after it. But he had seen it before, you
know where he had seen it. When he was on
the bench. His assistant, whose initials are capital D period
a period, delbrah Adams, would stamp his signature on documents
and then put capital D period a period. That's exactly

how the signature appears on the divorce decree that Judge
Moore signed dismissing the divorce action. With Ms Nelson knowing
these things, I've got a question, Gloria already, and miss Nelson,
do you still hold that everything written in that yearbook
was written by Judge Moore, wasn't written by somebody else.

That's not an allegation, it's a question. And finally, we
demand that you immediately released the yearbook to a neutral
custodian so that our expert you can send your expert
as well, if you'd like to, so at our expert
can look at it and not a copy on the internet,
the actual documents, so that we can see the lettering,
we can see the ink on the page, we can

see the indentations, and we can see how old is
that ink. Is it forty years old or is it
a week old? Release the yearbook so that we can
determine is it genuine or is it a fraud? Thank
you very much. What you see, I have information and
I'll be happy to pass out to you guys. Uh,

we have First of all, you've probably seen a lot
of this on the internet. Please step up with the money.
You've probably seen a lot of this on the internet. Uh.
This these are copies of what was shown by Mrs
all Red. I'll just let you all pass them out
if that's okay. And also what we have here is
the copy of the divorce papers, not the entire thing.

We show cover page and then what's so important is
we show the final page. What has Judge Moore signature
on it with the D Two quick questions are there?
We have the Roy Moore signature here and the D
A which was added by his assistant, the same D

A initials that are written on the yearbook. Judge Moore
planned to testify under oath like and I'll be glad
to pass these on this side, he said, since it's
a legal matter, legal exports. Thank you very much. All right,

here you have it. There was the campaign manager for
Roy Moore as well as the attorney for Roy Moore.
The bottom line is is that they went through a
number of issues here. They want a handwriting expert to
look at the actual yearbook. Uh. These were the questions
that I said they had to answer. Uh, and they

want that book. Gloria Alread will be getting a letter
and she's they are saying on a quivocally it's not true.
They're demanding the release so a professional can actually look
at the letter and they won't draw a conclusion until
their expert has a chance to do that. Also encouraging
the media to get their own experts on that. And Uh.

Judge Roy Moore apparently had an assistant her name is
Deborah Adams who would sign for him and put d
A in the instances when they signed, and that he
wasn't the district attorney at that time. It was the
A D A Uh. And that's what they're saying at
this particular point in time now they did race. I've
seen all of this on the internet. I've seen an
analysis of the Seven's. One thing that any expert will

be able to tell is okay, was that ink old
or new? Very simple find out in seconds. This is
not gonna be That's not gonna be hard forensic discovery.
We actually brought on a we have a forensic I
told you earlier in the program. I knew what was
coming out today, but I you know, because I had

put this question out last night because people don't need
to know the truth. This is too serious, too serious
a time forty two years forensic document examiner specializing in
handwriting UH. Carl Schaffenburger is with us UH certified document examiner.
How are you, sir? How about forty two years you've
done this? Yes, sir, h am I right in saying

you'd be able to tell if the ink is new
year old. Well, that's that's really a specialty. This industry
is becoming very very specialized. And there is the person
we call the ink guy, and that's not something that
I would do. I would send it to him. But yes,
that's something that can be done, okay, And is it
done with a fair amount of accuracy? For example, would

you know if it's in the range of forty years
ago or say recently? Yes, if the issue was was
this done today or last week? I don't believe he
could do that, But when you're talking forty years, yes,
that's something could be done. Okay, let's talk about the
sevens that were referred to, the two two different versions

of seven seven on the document. I assume you've seen
it at least on the internet. Is that true. I've
just seen it on TV. I haven't had a real
real good look at it. Um. Is that is? I
look at him, and I've seen them on the internet.
I don't. This isn't what I do obviously. Um. Can
there be variations where you would know with a certainty
if it was if it was a forgery ir accurate? Well, uh, certainty,

I think so. Um. But you have to remember also
that this was allegedly written how many years ago? Forty
years ago? About thirty eight, forty years ago somewhere in there, yeah,
or forty years ago. If I were to do this case,
I would want contemporaneous standards. I wouldn't want to see
his handwriting now the way it was four. It was
the nineteen seventy seven, so it's forty years right. I
would want to see contemporaneous standards for his writing. I

would want to see how he wrote then. A person's
handwriting will love on over time, and uh, can standards
that he wrote today? Are samples? Of his handwriting from
today may not be helpful. You know, it's funny because
over the course of my career signed many books for people,
and then you know, by the time you start a
book signing three hours later, your signature is very different. Um.

But the bottom line is you think that what they
said today is this something that you think that you'll
get that that experts and professionals will get to the
truth and the bottom of that's what people. I think
the people of Alabama deserve and need the truth. Will
they be able to get to the bottom of it?
Based on what you just heard? I believe so. I
think if the powers that be are cooperative and give

whatever expert is dealing with this case what they need,
I absolutely think they could get to the to the
bottom of this. Yeah. Um, all right, but by the way,
forty two years wow, you must, um, you must really
be good at what you do. That's a long time.
I think it's fascinating that you can. It's an art,
it's a science, right, it's both an art and the science. Yes, yeah, well, Carl,

thank you for taking the time. We really appreciate it.
Eight nine one Shawn is a toll free telephone number
if you want to be a part of the program
as we roll along, Sean Hannity's show eight D nine
F one Sean, all right, if you missed it, now,
one other thing, if you didn't see this press conference
by the attorney for Roy Moore and his campaign manager.

One thing, they pointed out that Gloria all Read and
her client miss Nelson at this particular time after the allegations.
He says she had never had or had any contact
with Roy Moore. And in fact, Roy Moore's people now
claiming that well, in fact, he was the judge and
signed their divorce, that the divorce that Ms Nelson had

had sometime in nine and then now demanding a handwriting
expert enjoy more. Judge Moore says it's not true, and
they're demanding to look at the original copy of the yearbook. Um,
and this was the question I had yesterday. He said,
never knew or never met her. Never. Okay, Now there's
two instances with his contact, all right, so they address

that and now the second part to me, this has
now come down a simple science. Does anyone in there disagree,
because you're gonna be able to tell us. We just
had a forensic expert on on handwriting. You're gonna be
able to tell if the ink is old or new.
You're gonna be these handwriting experts. They are masterful. This
guy forty two years and he's a forensic document examiner.

This is what they do. Now. I look at it,
and I've seen these things on the internet. I'm looking
and I'm looking and I'm looking, and I'm like, I
can see a little difference. I don't what do I know.
But they're gonna be able to As he said, he
thinks it's a certainty that he is going to be
able to ascertain the truth. And what did I say
from day one? I said, the people of Alabama deserve

the truth. I said, the people of Alabama deserve the truth.
And ultimately, now this is all gonna be in their hands.
And you know, I will say one thing. It gets
very arrogant for the people in Washington, uh or people
in their comfortable studios in New York to make a
determination for the people of Alabama. But um, I have

great faith. I lived there. I love the people of Alabama.
I know some are asking roll Tide were ego war time.
We'll talk about that another day, all right, we'll come
back wide open phones. We'll get your reaction to all
of this. We're gonna take very fast calls next our
half hour of the program eight nine one Show, and
we have full details. And Bill Clinton, you can thank

him for a lot of the sexual harassment that's rampant today.
I'll explain tonight. Damn here relaxed, relax one s. If
you just missed the press conference, Roy Moore, what part
did you want to play? You want to play a
part of Which part did you want to play? I
just wanted to be just ran it at the top

of the last hour, but you know, I just wanted
to enumerate the one part. I just think it's it's there.
I mean, listen, they've put their cards on the table
and they're asking them to supply to your book and
they'll all examine it together. I think I think in
one sense they've now you can I think you can
argue they have now put themselves back themselves into a
scientific corner. Especially, how did you find this handwriting expert?

That guy's fascinated me. His name is Carl uh Schaffenburger
and we just had him on. If you just missed
the last half hour. You missed a lot. That's why
you gotta listen three hours a day every day. That's
all we ask. In other words, you've gotta be like
those Soros and and billionaire millionaire funder people, the paid
hit people out there. You gotta listen. They get paid

to listen to this pro Can you even getting paid
to listen to this program? And imagine if you hate
what I say every day? I uh you just it's
it's you know, it would be very hard. Oh hang on,
maybe breaking news here, let me see the da da
hold on on the top of judge. Okay, a new

Roy More accuser, just just breaking Gadsden whim. Woman says
Roy Moore groped her while she was in his law
office on legal business with her mother in one More
was married at the time. This is literally just broke
seconds ago. In the past week, More has been accused

by five other women. We all know what the charges
are anyway. Um So she says that a woman's name
they put it. I'm not gonna give her name. That
in the fall of ninety one, she sat in the
then law office of of then attorney Roy Moore. Gives
the street addressing Gadsden Alabama. Her mother sat in the

chair next to her. More sat behind his desk across
from them, and she remembers she was wearing a black
and white dress, and almost from the moment she walked
in Moore's office, More big and flirting with her. He
kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty and
I was, how nice I looked. He was saying that

my eyes were beautiful. It made her uncomfortable. I was thinking,
can we hurry up and and get out of here?
And she says she was twenty eight years old in
a difficult marriage, headed towards divorce, unemployed, she was at
the office to sign over custody of her twelve year
old son to her mother, with whom he had been living,
and her mother had hired More to handle the custody petition.

Al Right, so that's what they're saying. Now, Hang on
a second, let me get this picked this up here, um,
and so didn't in the custody position anyway. So it's
Johnson had two daughters at the time that we're young,
with her then husband and her son and wanted to
live and said the son wanted to live with his
grandmother at that point during the meeting, she said, More

came around the desk, sat on the front of it,
inchest from her. He was so close, she said that
you could smell his breath, and according to Johnson, he
asked questions about her young daughters, including what eye color
they had, if they were pretty as she was. She
said that made her feel uncomfortable. Once the papers were signed,
she and her mother got up to leave. After her

mother walked through the door, she said, More came up
behind her. It was at that point, she recalled, he
grabbed her buttocks. That's what it says. He didn't pinch it,
he grabbed it. She was so surprised she didn't say anything.
She didn't tell her mother. Okay, now this is that
just broke a few minutes ago. All right, let's get
to some phone calls here. Um, let's say hi to

Sherry Is in New Jersey. Sherry, Hi, how are you
glad you called? Hey? Sean? How are you? I'm good?
How are you all right? I just want to say
thank you for all that you're doing with bringing out
everything about the Clintons. It's just it's fantastic. And that
board that you had up last night was stunning and disgusting.
At the same time, I really appreciate looks, and you know,

I've I love to meet. You know, they put these
memes out on what do you call those things? And
uh Twitter, and they yeah, the meme. It's it's just
hilarious because you watch people that fill in this name
and that name, and this name and that people are funny.
People are so funny. I appreciate it. But you know what,
We're going to have more on that tonight as well.

On Hannity nine Eastern Fox News Channel. George is in
New York the All New AM seven ten w o R,
The Talk of New York, New Jersey, Long Island. What's up, George,
how are you? I'm doing well? Thank you, Sean. Just
one comment about Judge Moore, if he staidfastly denies all
these allegations, I think the simple rest speak or remedy
would be to take a light detector test test and

if he passes the thing, then he's passed the biggest test,
the court of public opinion. I think it would be
that simple. Uh. I know that's Look, there's mixed reviews
on light detector tests, but I actually think there's something
too it. But it's just not a precise I think
if it was me, I probably would do it. That's

that's what I would do. But I mean, you know,
I think, now, did you do you hear O our
forensic handwriting? Uh, document examiner, he's an expert. You know.
That to me is you know, he's now basically thrown
it in the hands of science and they said, this
is probably what happened, and we don't think this happened then,
and so on and so forth. And I think in

that sense, they just handed over to the scientists. And
if he's thinking he can get it done a dent certainty,
then I say, you know, I vom Gloria all read
and I would hand it right over and let them
absolutely have somebody that can monitor it, be with it
the whole time so it can't be altered, and let
it out there. Don't you think that would be one remedy?
But I again, I think they've come a long way

in polygraph detection as well. They have, they absolutely have.
But but it's not it's not perfect, that's the point. Well, no,
but they can get within a ten percent margin of
According to everything that I've said about it and about
it I'm sorry. No, no, I think you're right. I
think you're right, and I don't think it's a bad
idea when you're under fire like this. Good call George

Diana in Ohio. What's up, Diane? How are you? It's
a it's a it's an honor to speak, honor to
speak to you. Thank you, thank you. So I just
want someone one of these congress people. They asked Sessions
when he says on another Sunday and he says that
he conferred with senior ethics people at the FBI. The

question is, are those the same as senior ethics people
that didn't see anything wrong with one of the top
people at the FBI McCabe's wife getting around seven hundred
thousand dollars from Cherry mccalluf while he was supposed to
be investigating Hillary. His fine talking about mc McCabe. Yes,
that the wife of this guy, right, and then and

then finally, Sean, you ought to be up for a
politicer prise. You know the legacy of Woodward and Burns.
You're the only one doing It's truly not the Washington Post.
So thank you so much for what you're doing for
our country. All I want to do is get to
a lot of truth and we've made a lot of
of inroads on a lot of these issues. I appreciate it, Diane.
Thank you. Back to our telephones as we say hi

to Patricia and Sarah Toga Springs, New York. What's up, Patricia,
How are you hi? Sean, I hope you can hear me.
I can. I want to say thank you so much
for what you do and start putting the truth out there.
And this I'll make the short. I just thank you
for having our back. I think we should get to
the truth regarding to avoid more issue and move forward

with the handwriting analysis and see what happens. Yeah, listen,
I mean I think in that sense, scientifically, they boxed
themselves in in a lot of ways. And uh, I
don't know about this new accuser, but I'm sure all
of this needs to be vetted and he needs to
answer the questions. You know, it's this, This is so
important I've said, and then believe this should all all

transcend politics in my opinion. This you know, you know,
Ivanka Trump said today there's a special place in hell
for child predators. I agree with that there's a special
place in hell. And you know I've read Dante's Inferno.
I put it in a lower runk, lower circle, if
you will. And when you're talking about something this serious,

you want the truth. And the people of Alabama deserve
the truth. Uh, Jen and Cincinnati fifty KRC. What's up? Jen? Hey? Sean?
Thank you, thank you for remaining objective about Judge Barrymore.
I think you were the patterns were the less fights
harder than the right to take somebody else. And if

you remember from a Trinity General still klind, he was
the first prosecutor to go after planned parenthood with felonies.
Nobody related this because it's eight years later. They went
after licensed Trump at Trinity against him. They took him
out because he went after a billion dollar industry. Judge
Moore has stood up for the abortion issue, he stood
up for the game rights issue. And there's no question

in my mind this is a way of trying to
keep him out in the status proach on is. It's
a collaboration of the establishment Republicans that's going on with this.
He is buried and I believe he will end up
winning this race and his reputation is ruined. Wait till
you see tonight show I'm gonna do something. Obviously no

one else in the media will do. You know, I
think you can really think, you know, and this is
separate and apart from from Roy Moore. I'm not talking
about that issue here. You know, all these issues of
sexual harassment that are now rampant, and the left with
their feigned outrage, it is faint because you know what,

for all these years, they protected the biggest predator out there,
the president of the United States at the time, and
they defended and they lied, and they lied and defended,
and they mirrored, and they slandered, and they besmirched, and
they used character assassination against all these women. Well, now
finally this week the New York Times says, I believe

Jaunita Okay, progress a little late, a little late, um.
And that's why, you know, people say to me, well,
why did you ask for answers? Because the people of
Alabama deserve answers, They deserve truth, and they deserve to
know the truth before they go into the ballot box.
I love the people of Alabama and I want them

to know the truth. And you know, one of the
reasons these October surprises are so so sinister. You know,
all these last minutaure, Oh a d u I for
George W. Bush. The weekend before the two thousand election.
Oh access Hollywood, just a couple of weeks outside of
Trump's you know, election against Hillary. Oh, let's bring in

all of a sudden, Clarence Thomas is horrible. Don't forget
the borking of of Judge Robert Bork. You know, I've
said I have a pattern, and I've been very very
very consistent, and that is, you know, I wait, and
before I rushed to Joe, I don't believe in Russian
and judgment. And for that I've been excoriated. This, I've

been excoriated by everybody this week. I'm saying, not rush
the judgment and saying that more needs to answer these questions.
The people of Alabama have a right. They started the
process today. You know, listen to Let's go after. You know,
let's go after. Let's play this montage again of how
the left treated the women and the media treated the

women that accused Bill Clinton of his actions. If a
woman sleeps with your husband, you're not going to necessarily
embrace them. I think I wonder why she didn't have
That's why when he brought up this these allegations. I
wonder if she missed the opportunity to address it in
a way that the public would understand that that's just

not how you behaved. I would like to all DAWs
to those tramps that have slept with my husband. Whatever
she could have said that her husband's affair or affairs,
alleged affairs. He's going right for the juggler when it
comes to Hillary Clinton and going after Bill Clinton and
alleged misconduct with women. Last night, Trump fired a shot

squarely at Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton. In one case,
it's about exposure. In another case, it's about groping and
fondling and touching against the woman's will and rape and rape.
Donald Trump using that word unprompted during an interview last
night with Fox News. Is Sean Hannity bringing up a
discredited and long denied accusation against former president Bill Clinton

dating back to ninety eight when he was Arkansas attorney general.
I'm not going to let you all continue to say
that she allowed him. She totally no, she didn't. And
how does she still went on us? I don't know,
because it's not that that's rape culture. Kenny are blaming
someone who succumbs to you want committing adultery on her
where Christie, let's talk like that. She was accused of

facilitating it last night and she was definitely and she
did not deny it. But you know why every ridiculous.
It's so ridiculous. Do you think Donald Trump used you
as a political prop today? Now? There to scare Hillary Clinton?
Their presence at the debate seen as a political stunt
and distraction by top Clinton campaign officials. Do you worry

you're being used as a distraction by Donald Trumps? The
rape accusation is decades old and discredited. They were referring
to a trio of women who say Bill Clinton made
unwanted sexual advances in the eighties and nineties. Mr Clinton
denies it. Two of the cases were plagued by factual discrepancies.

The issue of Bill Clinton's past is that is that
fair game? And it would be if he were running
for president, but he isn't. Hillary Clinton is running for president,
but he's a chief surrogate for her. So it is
what do you do now that Trump has opened this up?
But I think that you stick with what is important
to the American people and what is important to American
people is their financial stability. That's what this election should

be about, not about what Bill Clinton did two decades ago.
She was not all right, I gotta bell out of
this because only for the uh constraints of time that
are on the program here, you know, wait, tonight's model
of all the breaking news. We have updates on uranium
one and the dossier. But more importantly, I'm gonna show
you how the media and liberals in this country, how

they defended to the ends of the earth, Bill Clinton
on the issue of what he did as a predator,
and and Menendez is another example. Well, in other words,
news and information you won't get anywhere else. But at
the end of the day, now it's going to be
the people of Alabama to take all this and then
they decide all these outside influences. You know what, I

trust the people of Alabama. They're gonna store through this,
all right, Hannity tonight at nine, Hey, guess who you
can thank for sexual harassment well being so widespread? Maybe
the left supporting Bill Clinton. Tonight at nine, see you then,

The Sean Hannity Show News

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