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May 23, 2024 30 mins

Governor Ron DeSantis fills in for Sean and sits down with Congressman Chip Roy and Thomas Massie and talks about the power Congress has to control our borders.  Congress can control President Biden if they stand up and flex their muscle!  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Well, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. This is our three
of a great experiment, and Sean Hannity has decided to
do a great risk to his career and show by
turning the reins over to his home state governor, which
is me, Governor Ron DeSantis. And I'm proud that Shawn
is a Florida resident after many years of haggling and
telling him he needed to do it. And I'm happy
to be with you here today. So I was down

during spring training in March. I was down in Fort
Myers for the Red Sox versus the Orioles. And I've
got a former I was a college baseball player, got
former college teammates who are involved in Major League Baseball
in the front office. I was down there seeing them
going to the game. Before I went to the game,
we stopped had a bite to eat, and I'm leaving

the restaurant. There's all these people around the bar and
I see they all have Red Sox stuff, and I hear,
you know, in the Boston accent, Governor, Governor, and I'm
looking and I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't know
what I'm in for. And they were like, send more
illegals to Matha's Vinya send more to Matha's vineyard. And
I was thinking to myself, you know, here, I am
the governor of Florida. We have this massive problem, you know,

with illegals pouring into this country because of what Biden's done.
And I'm one of the few Republicans that's done anything
about it. And we've done the boats to stop the
boats coming in on our coast, and we just did
a major legislation in the past banning centric cities, all
these other things. Texas has built wall, there's been the
other things. But really, we need the folks in Congress

to be fighting by on our behalf, by using the
power of the purse to defund Biden's unconstitutional immigration program.
And unfortunately, even though Republicans control the House of Representatives,
there are not enough Republicans who are willing to do
what James Madison and our founder said you needed to do,

which is use the purse strings and take that money
away from the executive so that the executive stops abusing
the constitute his office. Well, I'm happy to say I
have two congressmen that are here joining us who actually
get it, who have been who've been fighting the fight
and have been leaning in on all these battles on
their constituents. Behalf on your behalf. And so we're joined

by from Texas Congressman Chip Roy, and fresh off another
landslide victory, we have the electoral druggernaut himself, Congressman Thomas
Massey from Kentucky. So welcome, gentlemen, and well Thomas, since
you one yet another big election, I'll give it to
you first. You got a lot of folks out here

that are looking at this saying, wait a minute, Biden's
doing all this. Why are they giving him so much
money if Republicans control the House?

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Great, great question, Governor. There are seven things that Biden
can do. So let's just say, first of all, when
he says he can't do anything without us, he could
do seven different things without us. In kitchen release, reinstate,
remain in Mexico, regin in taxpayer front of benefits. It's
a big list of that. But Congress could stop him

right now using the power of the purse. I remember
having breakfast with Justice Scalia when Bayner was our speaker
and Obama was in the White House, and the question
at breakfast was what are you going to do, Scalia,
to rein in the constitutional balance of government or to
re establish it? And Scalia said, you're the most powerful branch.

Why are you asking me in the judiciary branch to
referee this? And one of our colleagues said, wait, impeachment's
too hard to pull off, you know, because Scalia said,
it's in the constitution everything you need. And Scalia said,
I'm not talking about impeachment. You guys have the power
of the purse and you're complaining about everything Obama is doing,

but you're funding it.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
And here we.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
Find ourselves in the same, very similar situation. Republicans control
the House, we have the power of the purse. There's
a Democrat in the White House, and we're complaining about
the things he's doing, but we are funding these things.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
So yeah, I mean, I you know, there was the
news about in twenty twenty three he would he and
I still think he's doing this, but we got the
data twenty twenty three he's granting parole to people in
other countries illegally doing this and then flying him into
the country, and he wouldn't be able to do that
if he didn't have funding. So so Chip Roy I

know you've been fight fighting this fight. It seems like
in the last few months the wheels have kind of
come off in terms of any type of spending restraint
or any type of constitutional accountability, and it seems like
you guys, and I know you were fighting the opposite
side of this, but seems like you guys have given
up your leverage between now and the election.

Speaker 4 (04:50):
That governor. Great to be on. Congratulations to Thomas on
the great win. Yeah, the only thing you know, risk
here for Sean's reputation of having you host governors is
inviting Thomas and I on that's gonna you know.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Amen to that.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
But look, Thomas is right, and obviously I feel this
very personally as a representative from Texas, as you know,
and we talked about together many times. But just consider
some fact that you know, Bill Malugison, who obviously reports
on this great for Fox. You know, last night report
at two am we had people from Iran, from Pakistan,

from numerous state sponsors of terror that were stopped in
California just last night with no Mexican nationals. This is
the reality of what's happening in our southern border. We
had a witness who came in and testified from Kinney County, Texas,
which is, you know, kind of west of San Antonio,
close to along the border, and they testified that in
twenty twenty one they had about one hundred and fifty

criminal prosecutions. Last year they had six thousand, seven hundred.
The reason I bring this up this is ongoing. We
still have like five thousand ish a day. We still
have what you alluded to, Governor, which a lot of
the listeners, you know, Shawn's audience is very smart and
knows this information. But you know, we've got people being
parolled into the United States with just blatant disregard to

the law, and they can end run the visuals of
having mountains of people down at the river all you know,
a mass, and so they're able to just fly them in,
like you said, often Frankly, a lot of those riekling
to Florida and Texas and all over the country, and
doing that hides it from the American people.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
So to the question, and in fact, it it it.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
You know, it's an illegitimate use of power. But they
are given documents. They are just put on commercial flights.
So if someone flies into Austin Texas or Miami, Florida,
or New York City. They have documents, they go through customs,
and you don't know at three hundred people who is
part of this program or not. It's just done and

they're not keeping track of it. So I and we
already know some of the people Biden has has done
this for are facing criminal charges for things like sexually
assaulting miners. So this is an absolute trackesty that this
is allowed to go on.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
The individual who was released into the United States that
ultimately killed Lake and Riley, that was the person that
was released under parole. So to the point that what
you asked, yes, we've given up all our leverage by
not using the power of the purse. When we passed
a massive omnibus spending build that busted the caps, we
said we wouldn't fund Ukraine without making sure our border
was secure first. Those were all things that we just did,

and we did it with majority Democrat votes. It was
a mistake. Thomas and I have been very vocal about this.
You know, I hope we can get back on track
and do the right thing between now and November. We've
got to convince Americans that will do what we said
we would do. But frankly, we're allowing the swamp to
do swamp things. The good news is many of us
are exposing it in ways that have never been exposed before.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
And now I think it's so we in Florida, for example,
we've been you know, suing Biden for years over this stuff.
We're suing them over catch and release, and we've actually
won some victories, but it gets tied up. We're suing
them on the elite parole program. We're doing that, We're
taking action in ordnance for example, We're saying, if you
bring in illegals to Florida, you're going to face consequences.

Court just enjoy that, believe it or not. So we're
fighting all these but it just seems to me that
our founders would look at that and they'd say, okay,
states can do this. But reality is if he does
not have the money to do it, that he can't
do it. I think you guys have been you two
have been very strong on this. So what does it

look like? You have massive amounts of debt inflationary spending.
It seems to me that the border issue chip, I
think you're right, it's raging worse than ever it seems
like the media is really working to downplay it. I
don't know that it's the same in the public consciousness
the way it was. I mean, when we did the
Martha's Vineyard that raised it. Something like Lake and Riley.

There's tragic situations raises the visibility. Seems like the media
is going to really work throughout the balance of this
election cycle to try to ignore what's happening at the
border in order to help Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Yeah, and you're going to have Republicans who are going
to make it sound more complicated that it than it is.
They're going to say, we can't do that. But Governor,
you were in Congress and you remember the appropriations process,
and you can stop any of these things with one
sentence and a bill. You just say, none of the
money hereby appropriated can't be used to fund and then
you put whatever you want to stop in the blank

in the catching. You know, none of the money can
be used to fund the catch and release policy, none
of the money can be used for this expanded parole authority,
none of the money can be used for the plane flights.
It's that simple, and they're going to try and make
it sound complicated. We've got another bite at the apple.
Unfortunately it's not until September when the funding comes due.

People say, how are you going to get this past
the Senate? The Senate always passes a funding bill. Just
put these sentences in there.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
You know, I hear. Oh, you guys have a narrow majority.
And trust me, I was working in Florida. We added
four Republicans to your delegation, just from Florida. You wouldn't
even have the majority now if it wasn't for that,
So I understand. You know it's important to have the majority.
They're called the majority's narrow. The Democrats, they had fifty senators.
Biden's first two years, he got almost everything he wanted through.

They have fifty one senators.

Speaker 3 (10:18):

Speaker 1 (10:18):
You don't ever hear them complain about narrow majority. They
just do what they want to do. And I guess
chip it goes down to, if you guys were to
send a funding bill like Thomas alluded to, defunding the
unconstitutional behavior, I guess the fear of Republican leadership is
the Democrats and the Senate would bock at it. It
could lead to a lapse in appropriations, and that somehow

that'd be a problem. But I think you guys win
that fight in terms of the border to say that
Biden's not willing to fund all the other things that
the American people would want, like military, because he's insisting
on an open border. You guys had the upper hand
in terms of the public debate on that, and you
didn't want to use it.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
Governor right. I think Thomas would agree with this. I
think the problem that you just had a key praise, right,
you know, we we could actually win that fight, you said.
But here's the key. You got to want to pick
the fight. You got to believe in what you're trying
to accomplish. And I think we're growing the number of
Republicans who actually believe in wanting to accomplish these things
and are willing to risk their precious to quote Lord

of the Rings, they're precious elections certificate if they you know,
to actually try to accomplish something.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
But if you can't fight on this, then what are
you going to fight on? This is an existential issue
for you're either a country or you're not. You can
allow all these hostile nations to send people here, and
so I wish more folks would follow your lead. Well,
we're gonna hold you over the over till the next break.
I want you guys, I know you're working on a
bunch of other stuff, So I'm going to give you
each thirty seconds to just talk about different initiatives. I mean,

I know Chip defunding the un Thomas is working on
a lot of stuff. So we'll have you back and
I will say this. You know, I know Chip is
from Texas and uh and Chip chips a golf for
if that would have happened in the PGA Championship with
Scotty Scheffler, if that's something like that happened in Florida,
we would have ended that controversy in thirty minutes. I mean,

I think it was just ridiculous, and so we would
have rolled with that and taken care of business. So
we'll be back on the other end of the break
and we'll hear from our congressman. Thanks. Well, we're back
on the Sean Hannity Show. This is Governor Rondy Santis.
I'm here with Congressman Thomas Massey from Kentucky and Congressman
Chip Roy from Texas, both of whom are very active.

They're both very strong constitutionalists. They understand what the country's
all about, and they're fighting to make sure that we
restore what's great about our country. They also have a
lot of good ideas and a lot of initiatives that
they want to push. I want to give each of
you sixty seconds to talk about some of the things
you're working on. I know, Chip, I've heard you talk

about defunding the United Nations and a bunch of other stuff.
I know Thomas has a lot of stuff. So Chip,
I'll start with you. What do you got in the hopper?
If you were speaker, what would you be bringing to
the floor.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
Well, well, thanks, Governor, and Thomas and I probably could
sponsor almost all of these bills with each other. I've
got a deepund the UN. He's been very big on that.
We do that and talk about it together. Mike Lee
has that in the Senate. I've got to build a
deep fund the World Health Organization. I've had that for
a long time. They're about to implement their crazy radical
stuff that interferes with our sovereignty and we ought to
be doing more about that. I think we have a

lead on that in the House. We also have a
legislation that I do. Hope we'll move to Save Act,
which will require proof of citizenship documentation if you vote
in federal elections. I think we've got to do that.
There's too many states, including and that also the nation's capital.
They're trying to end run the law of the current
law which requires you to be a citizen, but there's
no ability to enforce it. So we're working on that.

We've got other good bills that I think are critically important,
and you know, like Thomas has got some great bills.
I'll let him talk about that. I mean, deal with
the extent to which you've got this massive corporate croniism
taking over ability to have farmers and get food to
the table. But I'm strongly supportive, but I'll let him
talk more about that. There's a lot of things we
could do to break down this bureaucracy up here and

fight to get good policies if we're willing to do it.

Speaker 3 (14:11):

Speaker 1 (14:11):
No, Well, look in Florida, you don't have to worry
about illegals voting here because we prosecute that and we've
done that. We didn't do it before I was governor.
Now we do it, and it's made a huge, huge, impact.
All right, Congressman Massy, over to you. What do you
got on the agenda.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
Yeah, I'm ticking off the corporations up here, because when
I empower small farmers. I just reintroduced a bill that
you were a co sponsor of when you were in
Congress to get the FDA out of regulating and arresting
farmers for interstate commerce, for moving raw milk across state lines.
It seems like a simple thing. The federal government shouldn't

be involved in the food decisions and things like that.
So it's the Raw Milk Interstate Freedom Act. Another one
that I want to mention because I heard you advertise
gold and silver during the break. I just introduced the
bill this hasn't been introduced in ten years, to end
the Federal Reserve. Devalued the dollar in the last four

years twenty five percent, and they monetized the debt. They
rob the seniors. You've got a lot of those in
Florida of their savings by you know, running up inflation.
So I think, all.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Right, we're coming up on a break, but I know
a lot of people will be interested hearing about all
those issues. More from you guys. Thank you, Chip Roy
Thomas Massey for fighting the good fight. And we'll be
right back with Surgeon General Joseph Latipoe from this great
state of Florida. Well, welcome back. This is the third
hour of the Sean Hannity Show. I am filling in
for one of my newly minted constituents. I'm Governor Ron

Desantas from Florida. And there, you know, leadership, part of
that when you're fighting the left is to just look.
You can tell what they're up to if you really watch.
And there's certain groups and organizations that I think will
tip their hands, and groups like the World Economic Form.
These guys fly into Davos and they have a lot
of different plans to be able to control your behavior.

You look at the World Health Organization. There's a treaty
that's being proposed. They call it a Pandemic Treaty. It's
really a lockdown treaty. It would take American sovereignty and
transfer it to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats at the
World Health Organization. Now, in Florida, we've looked at things
like that and pass legislation to block that from ever

being implemented. In Florida, we block the pandemic, the lockdown
who Lockdown Treaty sign legislation saying we do not recognize
that in the State of Florida, no matter what Joe
Biden does. We've also taken action against things like ESG
and all the ideological joy rides that a lot of
these elites want to go on. The State of Florida

is not some chew toy for your ideological agenda. So
we're going to lean in on this and we're going
to make sure that we're doing it. This whole idea
of the lockdown Treaty brings up all the different things
that have been done over the last few years with
respect to medical and of course during COVID this was
so many different things, but we see it even to
the present and every single thing we did in Florida,

saying schools had to be open, saying we're not going
to force you to wear a mask, saying that they
can't force you to take an m and RA shot,
saying that you should talking about the risk of the
MNRA shot. Everything we would do, there'd be a massive
spasm by the media. A lot of the entrenched bureaucratic

class would go crazy, and then six nine months. A
year later, it would come out that Florida was right.
Nobody says that we were wrong to have schools open today.
They all said that at the time. Nobody says it now.
When we were saying you shouldn't be forced to take
an m and RA shot, we were roundly condemned in Florida.
We passed legislation blocking the mandates from both businesses and government.

And now you're in a situation where only the most
liberal universities are indulging in the nonsense that you would do.
And so there weren't a lot of people in the
medical profession who were willing to stand up and speak
the truth during the dark days of COVID and even
to the present. But one guy who's been willing to

do that is the Surgeon General of the State of Florida,
doctor Joseph Latipo. Now, Joe came to Florida from UCLA,
and he had a great career, you tenured research all
this stuff, mdphd from Harvard, and he came into Florida
during COVID and I told him, I said, you're going
to be the only surgeon general that's going to be

willing to take these tough stands. You better have thick skin,
and you better buckle up because they're going to come
after you, and they have come after him. But you
know what, He's been proven right on all these different things.
And so doctor Latipoe, welcome to the Sean Hannity Program.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Oh, thanks, governor, thank you. It's it's uh, this is
this is cool. We gotta do you gotta do this
more often.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
Well, you I remember being at a school with you
a few years ago, and we we were saying kids
needed to be in school. You don't uh if one
kid tests positive, you can't send healthy kids home for
two weeks. We said kids should not be wearing masks
in school. All these different things, and I think you

were attacked on every single one of them. Of course
I was attacked, uh, but but you were right on
those things. And then more recently, you were really the
only major, uh person in a position of authority, UH
that has sounded the alarm on some of the things
with these COVID jabs. So can you go into kind
of what the state of that is because I kind

of feel like the media is now more interested in acknowledging,
UH some of the risks associated in a way that
they weren't a year or two years ago. Uh, when
you were raising questions.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
Yeah, oh, thanks, Governor. I mean, I want to say,
I so appreciate you offering me the position, because I
you know, I'd still be out in LA right now,
dealing with all the craziness there and just turning my
head if you hadn't offered me the opportunity to be
the certain general of Florida.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
You'd be wearing a mask going to work every day
at UCLA. Probably, I'm sure a lot of your former
colleagues are doing that.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
Can you imagine? Well, you know these I mean these
m R and A COVID nineteen vaccine shots. You're right,
they're so unpopular. I mean, I mean only the most
like either liberal or older people who have kind of
they're on their fifth booster or something and they think
they just need to keep getting them are getting them
at this point. And and you know, and you're right now.

You hear Chris Cuomo talking about some risks and it
sounds like he may have had a bad reaction that
he attributes to the COVID nineteen vaccine doctor ashef's jaw.
One of my former professors actually when I was a
grad student at Harvard, he's talking about it on TV

about how well, you know, we should be doing more
for people who have been injured, and you know, these
these these little admissions are they're obviously totally dishonest. Right,
Where were these people when you know, different people were
complaining about not feeling they were being treated well when
they were forced to take them. People were complaining about

adverse reactions that were serious, and they were you know,
they were gasolate. They were told that, you know, they're
safe and affective, that's all you heard, and that's not
been the case. They're actually not safe. They're completely not safe.
That's part of the reason they're so unpopular. And in Florida,
we've based on the data, we don't think they're appropriate
for anyone because the benefits just do not outweigh the

risk for any populations at this point.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
And are you We're probably the only state where the
Surgeon General has been willing to say that that they
shouldn't be taken. I know some of the European countries
are aligned with you, but probably not in the United States.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Right. Yeah, it's just I mean, it's it's really sad
because it's not like it's really it's not a it's
not secret. I mean, everyone knows that they're almost no
one is actually a big fan of them. And that
actually goes believe it or not. The surveys from Rev.
Musin I think show that both both people who are
liberal and conservative, Democratic and Republican believe that they've injured people.

Considerable proportions of people even think that that they know
people who have died because of them. And I and
I'm there's no doubt that that's the case. That's absolutely
the case that these these m R and A COVID
nineteen vaccines have killed people. So it's not this is
not it's not secret data. It's it's just an open secret.

But unfortunately other medical leaders, I mean tonight, it's very disheartening,
but unfortunately they're just people are just afraid to speak.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Is that is that because of the power of the
pharmaceutical industry or I mean, is that part of it?
Some of it may be ideological because during COVID, one
of the frustrating things were is Florida would have kids
in school, We'd go two weeks, four weeks, six weeks.
The world didn't end, life went on and I figured, well,

every other state's going to have to follow suit. And
yet you had people six nine months a year in
chill trying to say schools needed to be closed against
all evidence. And so how would you assess the role
of both the power of big pharma but also the
role of ideology that has really gotten into the medical profession.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Big pharma is huge. They're not only in the medical profession,
but they're in medical education. And it's a say, it's
a it's a big problem. And you know, we wouldn't
we don't need to go into all of the details,
but people should understand that. Unfortunately, you know, when you
talk about these common problems like put a covid aside,

high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, everyone, you know, the
education pushes people to think meds first. But we shouldn't
be doing that. That's the effective pharma. Obviously, the thing
to do is is to think lifestyle changes first. But
pharma has such a powerful effect, and they have such

a powerful influence on education in the media, and in addition,
they're you know, people are just afraid to speak up
because they know that, you know, they're going to get
unfriendly articles written about them. In the media. You know,
they'll be called names, They'll be labeled anti science or
anti vacs or whatever. The you know, whatever. The label

isn't fad at the time. But you can't not do
the right thing because people are going to call you names.
You need to do the right thing. And you know,
Florida so lucky, I mean so lucky. The world is
lucky that they have you who was willing to do
the right thing and is willing to do the right
thing despite I mean, you were getting ham I remember
being in California and listen to the news, and I

mean they were just they were coming for you, hammered
with every step. But everything you did was absolutely the
right thing to do. And people just you know, I
wish I want more people. I wish more people were
willing to do that.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
So I mentioned at the top of this block the
WHO lockdown Treaty, and you know, we passed legislation in
Florida preventing that implementation in our state. But on what
possible planet would it be a good idea for the
United States of America to give up some of its

sovereignty to the unelected bureaucrats at the WHO who were
instrumental in pushing the failed lockdowns.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
It's completely nuts, and it's it's also sad because it's
very un American and anti American. I mean, these the
who you know. I've looked at drafts of these trees,
and they want this power to declear a pandemic, you know,
to to you know to and they use language that

makes it sound as if it's not ominous or not
threatening to sovereignty, but it absolutely is. And I don't
know how you can love people and love your country,
whatever country you're in, and want to be a part
of that. I mean, world government isn't the purpose of
the world. The purpose of the world is for human
beings to make the greatest impact they can while they're

on the planet. And you can't do that when people
are being forced to defer to some world government. And
this world government fantasy of people who you know don't
believe in human sovereignty and don't believe in human in
the independence and human autonomy is just a real it's

a real problem, and that's where this who nonsense comes from.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
Yeah, I remember when you first came on board, we
we did a press conference and you were talking about
what's important in public health are things like exercise, nutrition, freedom,
ability to pursue dreams. And the media was like looking
like cross eye because I think their view was public

health is all about jamming the m and ra vacks
down and down people, you know, in the arms or whatnot.
And that was not something that you thought it was appropriate.
And so you've they've come after you. And I always
tell people, I know Joe Ladipoe is doing a good job.
When he's being attacked by MSNBC and CNN and the

likes if they're going after him, I know he's doing
the right thing. So I appreciate your service to the
state of Florida. I kind of get a kick when
we're out on the road, you know, you get the
folks coming up to you thanking you, and you've made
a difference for our state. And so I know we've
got more work ahead. We do have this the COVID
Grand Jury that's meeting and will likely come out with

some reports very soon, and I know you and I
will be involved in that. So thanks for what you've
done for the state of Florida, and we will be
back on the other side of this break to wrap
things up. So twenty twenty four a big election coming up,
but also will be marked the year where Sean Hannity
decided to finally pull the trigger and move to the
great state of Florida's been an honor to fill in

for him as the governor of the state of Florida.
I want to thank everyone join, but look, why would
you not want to make the move that Sean did Florida.
Our budget we have millions of more people than New
York now, and our budget is half the size of
New York's budget. Yet our schools are better, our roads
are better, we have better services. Our total state debt
per capita is the lowest in the country. Your share

in Florida is about six hundred and sixty dollars per Floridian.
Your share of the federal that's over one hundred thousand
dollars per American. Or ranked number one in economy, number
one in education, number one in education freedom, number one
in parental rights. We have a fifty year low in
the crime rate, and of course have removed two Soros
backed prosecutors from office. Or rank number one in tourism,

number one in new business formations, and number one in
higher education. We have fought the fight, and we have
won victory after victory for the people the state of Florida,
and the result is we've never done better. It just
shows you this stuff can be done. I know there's
pessimism around the country you see some of these other states.

But if you stand up and you stand for what's
right and you fight for people, you know the media
is not going to like it. The Left's gonna have
a spasm. But folks that are out there working hard,
trying to raise their families, they're gonna have your back.
They're going to get your back. Is in a great
example of the state of Florida of what we've done.
I mean, I came in a razor thin state, fifty

to fifty state. Every election was one percent. I took
more incoming, especially during COVID than any governor in the country,
constantly taken the arrows, and yet when it came time
to stand for re election, we won by the biggest
victory that any Republican has ever won in the history
of the state of Florida, twenty point victory of million
and a half votes, and the state's only gotten more

read since November of twenty twenty two. So it can
be done. Have faith we're going to turn this country around.
Thank you all for joining us, and I hope you
all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. God bless

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