All Episodes

May 3, 2024 32 mins

 David Fuentes, Campus Reform Correspondent and Senior at the University of Southern California (USC), Emily Sturge, Campus Reform Correspondent and Student at the University of Florida, and Michael Duke, Campus Reform Correspondent and student at Fordham University - talk about the total and complete take over at college campuses by Hamas terrorists an sympathizers.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, come in.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Your city, saying your consci zone will be.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
And if you want a little Magini.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Come along.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Move past the horse race numbers, magotcha moments and the distractions,
the sideshows.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
We should not have to tolerate anti semitism or bigotry.

Speaker 5 (00:30):
For all Jewish students, whether they are pro genocide or
anti genocide.

Speaker 6 (00:34):
I've been thinking that we really all need a tremendous
hug in the world right now, but in our country,
we need you to be Mamola of the country.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Block tea minus one hundred and eighty six days left
till you get to vote.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Are coming.

Speaker 7 (00:57):
To your city, going away.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Against and saying you a concert sock.

Speaker 7 (01:04):
From coast to coast, from border to border, from c
to Shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on stay right here
for our final news round up and information overload.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
My news rounds up.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
In information Overload, our toll free are number is eight
hundred and ninety four one.

Speaker 3 (01:28):

Speaker 2 (01:28):
If you want to be a part of the program, uh,
you know all these kids. You know one thing you
got to keep in mind. This is not entire campuses.

Speaker 1 (01:37):

Speaker 2 (01:37):
I know many many students that are gassed at what
is happening on their college campus?

Speaker 5 (01:44):

Speaker 2 (01:44):
And and they're they're shocked, They're horrified. We had a
we had a young woman last night that was where
was this I think it was in New York. I
think it was at Columbia or maybe Fordham May I
forget where. And one of the Fox reporters, Alexis, who
was doing a great job for us at the Fox

News Channel, she actually had an opportunity to interview a
young woman who is Jewish and she had the Israeli
flag with her, and she had other students with her,
and meanwhile, they are surrounded by nothing but pure, unadulterated hatred.
And you know, she was kind of petite, and all
I can think of, Please, God, make sure this girl

is going to be safe. I said that on the
one hand, and on the other hand, I'm like, Wow,
good for her. She's standing up to this hatred, she's
confronting it head on. She's putting herself in harm's way
doing this, And I just had nothing but great admiration
for her. And in my head, I was like praying
that she's safe in all of this. What is life

like for the kids on these campuses?

Speaker 7 (02:49):

Speaker 2 (02:49):
There is a group called Campus Reform. David Fuentes is
a part of it. He joins US now. He is
a correspondent and senior at the University of Southern California USC.
Emily Sturges with US Campus Reform. Correspondent and student at
the University of Florida. Michael Duke is with Campus Reform.
He's also a correspondent and he is a student at

Florida University. And anyway, they're here to talk about what
life is like on their campuses. They've all been experiencing
this over the last number of weeks. Emily, let's start
with you. The one good part about being in Florida
is that Florida is not putting up with this crap,
and whenever it pops its head up, it is stymied immediately.

Thankfully because of the leadership I would argue, starting at
the top of Governor DeSantis.

Speaker 8 (03:40):
Absolutely, thank you so much for having me on the show.
Earlier this week, Campus Reform reported that nine anti Israel
protesters were arrested at the University of Florida my school
after a week long protest. Now, the University of Florida
said a clear example of how university should be responding
to this type of violence intimidation happening on campuses. Anti

Israel agitators took over the center of our campus for
many days, right in front of one of our main libraries,
of course, during finals week, and protesters we're shouting and
causing massive disruptions for students like me who were just
trying to make it to our exams on time, and
we're just trying to get studying and we're being inconvenient
by these protesters. The arrests of these protesters sent a

clear message that this type of behavior is not tolerated
on our campus. It's not tolerated in Florida. Florida is
a law and order state, and the University of Florida
is upholding that standard. So I'm really proud of my
university for prioritizing the safety of its students and arresting
these protesters.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
All right, let's get your take, Michael Duke from Fordham.
We've seen a lot of hostility on your campus. I'm
sure you're not liking any of it.

Speaker 6 (04:52):
Yes, well, thank you for having me, Sean. It means
a law I think the video is speaking themself. I mean,
I've been on the ground in New York, I've been
reporting for the Leadership instituced Campus reform on violence, the
anti Semitism, everything in between that these prohomos protesters have
been pushing, and at the end of the day, what
we're really seeing is radical indoctrination because you have students

who are conforming to recent trends because they're sheep. They've
had college professors and administrators telling them specifically what to think,
as opposed to what higher education is supposed to do.
Higher education it's supposed to encourage students to prepare for
their futures, think or how to think critically and promote
a diversity of thought. But instead, as I've reported on

in New York, just to Fordham yesterday, students they're just
being radicalized to the point where they're just conformists at
this point. At Columbia, I was an identry into the
gause of solidarity encampment because I was reporting the facts
for what they are and the groups don't like that.
And even yesterday at for them as well, I saw
many of my peers yelling phrases at the NYPD such

as NYPDKKK, just because they're part of this mob mentality.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
That we're and eve like it was Alexis McAdams that
I was referring to earlier, and she's experiencing the same thing.
I mean, at a lot of these campuses, if you're Jewish,
they're telling you not to show up to school. I mean,
is this, you know Nazi Germany or the lead up
to Nazi Germany. Are we living back in the nineteen

thirties now, because that's what it's beginning to feel like.

Speaker 6 (06:27):
Yeah, you know, it's a very scary time for me,
my friends, my Jewish friends, especially because they are scared
and even at the new school. Just last week, last Thursday,
I was recording the encampment from outside on a public
sidewalk and a group surrounded me. They started yelling chance
at me and almost forced me into the street with
oncoming traffic. Thank god the light changed and the traffic stopped,

but I could have seriously been hurt just because I
was doing my job. And at the end of the day,
it really just falls onto the shoulders of administrators who
either choose not to act or don't know how to act.
They are the one who refusing to keep our campus
is safe and secure so students like me can go
about their daily lives without the fear of just living.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Yeah, it's really scary. It's such a scary time for kids.
I'm so grateful my kids are just getting out.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
I really am.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
I can't the stuff that they have told me. I
purposely keep my kids off. I don't talk about them
a lot on radio or TV. They're independent people, they
live their own lives, and I just I just never
wanted to drag them into my political world. They don't want,
they don't want any part of it, and I don't
really blame them. David Flints, you're at USC in southern California,

your rival school UCLA. Both schools have had a lot
of activity, especially last night at UCLA and into the
early morning this morning.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
Let's get your reaction. What's going on out there.

Speaker 9 (07:55):
Yeah, thanks again for having me, Sean. It's a pleasure
to be speaking with you and everyone else. Yeah, it's
been really scary here at USC. I'm not sure if
you saw. Our commencement ceremony was just canceled just due
to how horrible all the protesters and encampments have been.
I'm disgusted that we're not going to have a university
wide graduation the approaches have just essentially ruined this opportunity

for the rest of us because they care more about
their hateful activism than coming together as a community. Like
I'm not even able to take graduation pictures in front
of our iconic Tommy Trojan statue because protesters have vandalized
statue with free Palistine writing. And you know, we saw
at UCLA earlier, it's just it's almost turned to a
lawless society.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
We see these people just.

Speaker 9 (08:37):
Setting up these illegal encampments, taking objects from university, breaking
into university property, and it's just caused mass chaos and
it's truly gotten to a point where it's it's very
scary and almost again lawless.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Yeah, I mean when you saw the violence unfolding late
late last night your time and into the early morning
Eastern time, what were your what was your reaction to that?

Speaker 9 (09:05):
I mean, it was it was it was horrifying. You
know that this has gone to this point where you know,
these protesters are attacking attacking counter protesters, and that the
university isn't enforcing its policies. It's gone to that point
where they've basically allowed the protesters to dictate the situation.
And you know, I'm happy that they're, you know, at

least finally trying to fix all this, but I think
it's come way too late, and it's as a result.
We saw what happened last night. That's that's what happens
when these universities just let these protesters dictate the narrative
of what happens on their campus.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Yeah, Emily, let me ask you, at any point of
you felt genuine fear in either what you're seeing or
hearing or watching.

Speaker 8 (09:50):
Hearing the experiences that Jewish students have had on college
campuses around this country is absolutely devastating. It's sickening to
see college students my age across America that are still
out of touch with reality that they are actually celebrating
and rationalizing Hamas kidnapping children, raping women, and killing civilian
So yes, there are students like me on university campuses

across this country who feel so uncomfortable going to their
classes because they are faced with these protesters who are
shouting at them, yelling at them, and in some cases
even barricading buildings. This week's Campus Reform reported that I
used LA. The Los Angeles police actually arrested over one
hundred of the protesters because they held a Jewish student hostage.

They had been blocking campus building campus buildings, and they
had been denying Jewish students entury. So these are things
that should not be happening on university campuses. It's thickening
to see this chaos happening. But guess what, that's what
the left celebrates. That's how the left is pushing. The
left is pushing this radicalism on this impressionable group of

people because that's how they're indoctrinating the next generation of voters.
So I hope at the university administration stand ups as
my university did and put a stop to this radical behavior.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
All right, quick break, right back, we'll continue. We have
three members of the Campus Reform group. They're all correspondents
and seniors. One as a senior at the University of
Southern California. Emily Sturge is at the University of Florida.
Michael Duke also at Floridham University in New York. In
the bronx right our final moments with David Fuinty's, Emily

Sturge and Michael Duke. They're all with the group Campus Reform.
There are actually sensible, common sense kids that are on
our college campuses, but we never really hear their voices,
and we're trying to give them some time on the
air today to react to all that's happening. You know, recently,
I'll ask you this, Michael Duke, I've recently had an
opportunity to meet a college president. It was just a

chance meeting. I didn't know this person ahead of time.
It's a well known university. It is a huge sports
school and with a huge student population. And he told
me what his job was and I said, okay, how
are you dealing with this? He goes, we don't have
any problems on our campus and we're not going to
because I will not allow it.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Why aren't these why aren't.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
These presidents of these educational institutions, Why aren't they more bold?

Speaker 6 (12:21):
Well, I think it's a thing. You love to look
at what's happening in your neighbor's yard, but you never
think it can happen in your own. That happened at
Fordham yup right yesterday. You've been seeing in New York,
especially with all these schools that are incredibly close to
Fordham's campus by less than forty minutes, some of them
by train, you're seeing all these demonstrations happen and occur,
violence happen, antisemitism, anything you can name. And you would

think that at Fortedhem especially, they'd be well equipped to
prepare themselves for the eventuality of something like the encampment
that happened in the lobby the Lincoln Center campus yesterday.
You think that they'd be able to tackle it when
it happens, but they didn't. They didn't do it immediately.
They eventually did take care of it, but it was
only hours later. And assessments to the fact that I

think administrators and professors at universities they don't think it's
going to happen on their campus until it happens, but
also they don't want to because it's a pr nightmare
for them and they don't even want to think of
that eventuality.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Yeah, I really, I've just got to imagine. I wonder
what parents think they're paying, you know, a fortune for
the kids' education, and this is the environment now the
kids are living in, or they're being told to go
home because you're Jewish. That's not the America that I love,
in the America I believe in that that sounds to
me like you know, the most discriminatory practice has ever David,

you go to USC, are there a lot of Are
there a lot of rules on the college campus as
it relates to hate language or what if you use
the wrong pronoun or you know, God forbid you, you
know whatever, I mean, you you say something against the
LGBTQ community, you know what I mean?

Speaker 9 (14:02):
Yeah, I mean there's a lot of rules like that, Like,
for example, a lot of professors require us to say
our pronouns or you know what we want to go
by at you know, a class.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Yet they're completely.

Speaker 9 (14:12):
Fine with things like hateful things thrown at Jewish students.
Just for example, a couple of days ago, we had
a swashigat painted on one of our university properties by
one of the protesters. So it's kind of appalling that,
you know, they'd make a big view of that. I
sure a president issued a statement saying that shouldn't support that.
But yet they're going to make such a fuss about
pronouns and you know, properly calling someone by their gender

and everything like that, but they don't condemn things that
are truly anti Semitic and just hate crimes in general.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Yeah, it really is, I mean Emily, have you heard
examples of kids maybe getting suspended or expelled because of
something they might have said, using the wrong pronoun, attacking
a specific group in the past. Have you read about
that maybe in your college paper.

Speaker 8 (14:58):
At Campus or Form, we've reported specific instances of students
using words such as biological women a woman, and actually
receiving grade reduction.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Michael, let me ask you the same question.

Speaker 6 (15:10):
Sure, I mean I think every day it's something that's
always in college students' heads about. You know, if I
say one thing, how can it affect me the next day?
How can it affect my grade? Even That's something that
the Leadership Institute Campus Reform has reported well on and
will continue to because it's something that you're seeing university
administrators and professors continue to push because there's no diversity

of thought, there's no marketplace of ideas. That college is dead.
You are now looking at in America where colleges are
group think. It's just that simple.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
Yeah, it really is.

Speaker 5 (15:44):

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Look, I got to applaud all three of you.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
I mean, in many ways you're standing apart, you're standing
for your values. I'm sure you've all taken heat for
it at different times and this is the most insane
thing that I've ever witnessed in my life. We have
twelve hundred Israelis that were slaughtered, and they were murdered,
brutally burned to death, they were raped, they were beheaded,

many of them, even babies were beheaded. Hundreds taken hostage.
And this is all because of radical Islamic terrorists that
literally attacked Israel. And we have a president now that
has no moral clarity and is pressuring Israel to surrender
in their war on terrorism. Rather than just saying you
have every right to defend yourself and you have every

right to win that war and taking a stand as
the leader of the free world, Bill Biden has done
just the opposite. David Fuentes, Emily Sturge, Michael Duke, thank
you all for being with us. You are future leaders
and I think you do your generation proud.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Thank you all.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
Hi twenty five to the top of the hour, eight
hundred and nine foot one Sean. If you want to
be a part of the program, listen to Byron Donald's
the congressman from Florida, friend of ours, a friend of
the show, friend of TV, and just listen listen to
what he has to say here, this is this is
the world we're living in with the crazy, insane left.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
How much.

Speaker 10 (17:09):
How much is your race traitor George supremacist country outside?
The agitators aren't done loud. You're working for foreign entity.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
That you know, race trader Uncle Tom. Wow, this was
a pro Palestinian protester at Georgia Washington University. I mean,
it's so repulsive. I'm just trying to understand. You know,
how do people become this this sick and twisted in
their thinking and their logic?

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Deva, you know, this is the modern left.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
These are the voters that Joe Biden desperately needs in
one hundred and eighty six days. All right, let's get
to our busy phones. David in the Free State of Florida. David,
how are you glad you called my friend?

Speaker 3 (18:22):
What's up?

Speaker 5 (18:23):
But look, I said, I'm Sean, thank you for having
me and the young lady that I spoke to for
allowing me to be on your show. I am a
Jewish American citizen in America, of course, and I have
to say something. It was during pass Over Pessack. Last
week after Pessac, you had a guest on your show
speaking about the college students. Some of the college students
that were protesting that their kids, and they're ignorant. They

don't know. Well, I have to tell you. When I
heard that, Mayamica almost blew up the top of my head.
I'm like ignorant. Okay, I could understand being ignorant with history, because,
let's face it, we live in a society where history
is being denied. Even if you show the facts and
you're blue in the face, they don't want to believe it.
But knowing right from wrong, saying death to Israels get

to the Jewish people. Listen, my people have been to enough,
you know, and saying guest to Israel, get to the
Jewish people. I mean, that's knowing right or wrong. You
don't say that to somebody, you don't tell you wish
your death on them. And most of these people, which
makes me laugh, Sean, they wear the mask and they
say they're wearing the mask because of COVID, my foot
course of COVID. If you believe that, then you.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Believe they're wearing the mask to hide their faces. They're wearing,
you know, the same garb that you see people wearing
in Gaza and elsewhere. And absolutely let me, let me,
let me give you just a few examples, because you
got to ask yourself a question. And I brought this

up yesterday and both radio and TV, and don't bring
it up again, and that is okay. You have the
Palestinian people, people in Gaza, for example, or maybe the
West Bank. They're surrounded by Muslim dominated countries Egypt, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia, et cetera. And you have to ask why
have these countries been totally completely shut off? They will

not allow a single refugee into their country. Now that
speaks volumes, doesn't it. And when you go and you
look at what we now learned as in doctor Nation,
that young children in Gaza, for example, go through from
the earliest ages cartoons depicting, you know, Kuran based story
of Jews being transformed into apes.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
You get Hebrew.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
A Hebrew music video glorifying the killing of Israeli Jews
circulating on Palestinian social media, and a music video the
lyrics posted on the Palestinian YouTube channel, the footage you
know from stabbing and car ramming attacks, including lyrics like
we will attack you, tear you apart, stab you, and

I will cleanse my country of every Jew. Quote children
on Jumas TV, we want to weigh jihad and blow
up the Jews. A young boy reciting a song on
Hammas TV. The Jews are barbaric apes and the most
evil creatures. And I'm barely touching the surface here. I mean,

you got TV puppets encouraging kids to quote liberate Jerusalem.
I mean, well, the problem is now Joe Biden wants
to offer a place in this country for these refugees.
How will we ever ascertain or determined if they have
been indoctrinated, considering it is basically institutionalized in places like Gaza.

Speaker 3 (21:44):
That is the sad reality.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
And once you're indoctrinated into a sick, twisted, ugly ideology
and mindset, I don't know how you deprogram people out
of that mindset.

Speaker 5 (21:55):
Well, realistically showing I go to Israel every year, okay,
and if you look at Jordan, Lebanon, you look at Egypt,
you look at all surround the Arab state, Arab countries
around Israel, okay, and if you look at them, none
of them want the Paris in re They what they say,
I was just in Israel nine months ago. What they
say that this is not our problem, this and there's
a reason for it that Well, if you're sticking up

for them and you and you want them so much,
then why is this not your brothers than your sisters?
And and they don't see it that way. And most
of these people the only thing they know is hate.
And realistically, when you go through Israel as an Israeli,
if you're an Israeli citizen and you could be Arab,
well you could be a Jew, you have the same rights.
But there's certain places of issue that I can't even
go into as a Jew. Then I'm not welcomed, like

Bethlehem not more more because it's a Palistania occupied. I'm
not allowed in there, and unless I sneak in there
with with the tourist group basically you know, so there
is a double standard. And then to see what's going
on in America and the lives and the deceased lists,
and most of these people they hide their faces, like
you said before, because they don't want nobody to know.
And Gofer did that after all this blows over, they
got to go to get a job from a Jewish

boy and the truth us say, hey, weren't you one
of the ones that were anti Semitican death to my people.
You know, they're in complete denial, complete denial. And the
thing about is down here in Florida. You know, I
don't live in a predominantly Jewish area. You know, I'm
probably one of the only Jews in the area that
I do live in. But you would think that they
would be not not too much anti Semitism, But there
is everywhere you go.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
And the one thing all I can say is this,
I'm gonna I hear everything you're saying. What we need
is are people that have a conscience, a heart, and
a soulful heart, people that believe. Look, I'm a Christian
and I believe that every man, woman and child was
created by one God.

Speaker 3 (23:42):
That's what I believe. And I believe in Jesus the only,
the only Son of the Father.

Speaker 4 (23:48):

Speaker 2 (23:48):
And I believe in Judeo Christian values. That's the Old
and the New Testament. That's what I believe. And anybody
that thinks the way I do, you look at every
person as God's creature and it's really not any more
complicated than that. You know, you have all these hr
manuals and you've got you know, thousands and thousands of pages.

You know, go back to the simple stuff because that
kind of works, you know, in the case of the
Golden Rule. All right, maybe you don't want the first part.
Maybe you're an atheist or agnostic. Love God with all
your heart, mind, body and soul, and your neighbor as yourself,
and treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Speaker 4 (24:26):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
You can rip up the rest of the HR you know,
manuals for the most part, and I think that pretty
much covers everything. You know, we get around on this show.
But I got to tell you something. This is like
a family this show and everybody, Linda, true or false.
I mean when we love and we fight with each
other like we're brother and sister at times. But I mean,

for crying out loud, I care about everybody on this
show period, end of sentence. Decisions that I have to
make that will impact this show. I think about out
the people that I work with. Linda, you're not affirming
what I'm saying. Yes, that's true, it is true, But
you do the same thing. We all do the same

thing here, and I care about you know, everybody that
you know on my TV show.

Speaker 3 (25:14):
It's the same thing. Anyway, I got to run, man,
I appreciate the call. Listen.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
I want to remind you. Look, people have to keep
their cars longer than before. Why new cars are so expensive.
Used cars are so expensive, and you know Biden inflation
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This is why you want to make a call to
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Speaker 3 (26:35):
Get your free quote call.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Now eight hundred five eight seven five zero six zero
or go to carshield dot com slash Annity. All right,
back to our phones. Let's say hi to John. He's
in North Carolina.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
John, how are you doing well?

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Sean? How about you?

Speaker 2 (26:51):
Well, my heart's troubled. I don't like the state of
the world right now. I don't like the state of
our country. I don't like the state of the world.
I don't like what's happening on college campuses. I'm not
liking a lot of stuff right now.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Well, you're not going to like what I have to
say then, because I think that part of this is
just a big diversion from what else is going on
in the United States right now. We are in a
full time jobs recession. There are one point four million
fewer people with full time jobs right now than their
words in March of twenty twenty three.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
Actually it's one point seven If we're going to be precise,
but you are correct.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
And there are one point nine to nine million more
people working part time jobs, and that's a record level.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
And I'll add to that statistic.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
Most of those part time jobs have been going to
quote migrants or illegal immigrants would be the term I use.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
Yeah. And the other thing is that something that has
escaped attention for almost two years is that there's a
wonky little thing called the two year bond ten year
bond rate and version. And normally this happens right before recession. Well,
we had a rate and version that started the first
week of July of twenty twenty two. This is the

longest period of time that we've had a rate in
version like this since the nineteen eighties.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
It's almost a guaranteed indicator. You're right of what's to come.
You're one hundred percent right. That does not happen, and
it's not good when it does happen.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
And if you combine the two together, if you combine
having less full time jobs than we did a year
ago and this rate in version, it's more or less
not a matter of if we're going to go into
a recession, it's when, and it's not even a matter
of when, because I think we're already there because of
the jobs numbers. It's a matter of when will the

FED catch up with it?

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Well, that's that's I think We're headed for much tougher
economic times. And I'm not the only one that shares that.
When you have people and he's not a conservative, he's
not a Republican, people like Jamie Diamond making pretty much
the same prediction you're making, and I'm making you better
start paying attention. I've talked to some very smart people

that I've gotten to know on the economy, and they're
all saying the same thing.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
They see this as the.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
Middle of stagflation, and the economy is in a massive
decline and the FED has lost control of it. That's
why the expected interest rate cuts are not going to
happen this year. If one would happen, the earliest it
could happen is September. We'll have no impact on the
political race, which is one hundred and eighty six days away. Anyway,
good call, very informative. Thank you, eight hundred and nine

four one, Sewan. If you want to be a part
of the program, Pat in South Carolina. Next Sean Hannity.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
Show, Good afternoon, Sean, Thank you for taking my call.
My comment is that I think if Times Square would
run the video that Benjamin Netanya, who has that probably,
in my opinion.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Which I've seen them, you're talking about the forty nine
minute tape. Yes, yes, of the If I told you
how hard I have pushed and pushed and pushed for
permission to air that tape, uh, you probably wouldn't believe me.
I believe that politically, anybody that has any conscience, any soul,

or a heart would be moved to understand the pure
depravity and the utter evil that was October the seventh,
and they were bragging about it as they're beheading people,
murdering people, burning people alive, raping innocent women.

Speaker 3 (30:50):
Yeah, it's all on tape, all of it.

Speaker 11 (30:52):
Will need to see the evil of it.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
It's sort of like, you know, we didn't the Nazis.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
They hid most of their atrocities, and then it wasn't
until later that we fully understood the magnitude of what
happened in the Holocaust. And yet these Hamas terrorists were
proud of their murdering, their raping, their beheadings. They're burning
people to death, and they chronicled it. Themselves, and the

IDEF has that tape and they have shown it to
certain members of the media and other people as well,
but they won't allow it to be aired publicly. And
maybe it's out of respect for the families. I assume
that's probably the biggest reason. But you can pixel out
people's faces and hide their identity and still see and

here the magnitude of what has been recorded, and people need.

Speaker 11 (31:47):
To understand the ignorance sets on the campuses to your
call or two three callers ago, the Irishman in Florida.
This shows how ignorant these riers are in this country
and how much they're just getting away with all this
rather than knowing facts.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
Well, nobody's going to criticize them on the Democratic side,
just like they didn't criticize the mostly peaceful five hundred
and seventy four riots in the summer of twenty twenty.
They want their votes, got a run, appreciate a good call.
Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is our number.

Speaker 5 (32:18):

Speaker 3 (32:18):
That's going to wrap things up for today.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
We'll have full complete coverage of the madness going on
at college campuses all around the country. We have our
reporters on the East coast, Alexis McAdams on the West
Coast with UCLA and usc Byron Donalds tonight, Brooke Goldstein tonight,
also Governor Ron DeSantis.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
He's not going to put up with it.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
In the Free State of Florida, we have Jonathan Turley,
vivek Ramaswami, Sey You DVR Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on Fox.
We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for
making this show possible.

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