All Episodes

April 3, 2024 31 mins

Flash Shelton of The Squatter Hunters is here with his advice and expertise on how to rid homes of squatters who invade and take over properties which do not belong to them - sadly the law is not on our side. Recently we saw a woman in Queens trying to protect her home, handcuffed, and now we have armed migrants with a 7 year old in the basement apartment of a building in the Bronx;


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
We have come in.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Your saying you sound will be and if you want
a little I come along.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
The majority of Gaza has already been destroyed through acts
of collective punishment by this maniac Benjamin and Yahoo, I'm
one with Senator Schumer.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
It's Biden versus Trump. We know that. What do you
what do you say to voters who are upset that
those are the two choices? Get over yourself, those are
the two choices.

Speaker 4 (00:37):
Yeah. What do you say to those folks about the
economy and what's going on?

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Well, I say, we have the best economy in the world.
We got to make it better. Now, just two hundred
and sixteen days left.

Speaker 5 (00:53):
Election day, coming to your saying you a conco sock
from coast to coast, from border to border, from c
to Shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on. Stay right here

for our final news round up and information overload.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
All right, news round up and information overload. Our our
toll free numbers eight hundred and nine to four one, Sean,
if you want to be a part of the program. Now,
the issue of squatting gets to be a bigger and
bigger and bigger issue every single day, believe it or not,
there are tens of thousands, tens of thousands of homeowners
if they're on vacation or maybe they rent to somebody

where people will not pay and just stay in their
home for long periods of time. Now it's gone so
far crazy left and woke that homeowner. They're now the
ones getting arrested, not the people that are actually living
in their home rent free, pretty much stealing their home,

acting as though it is yours. Two alleged squatters suing
the owners of a duplex y because they were accused
of making themselves at home and a pricey queen's residence
and refusing to move out. The home is worth nine
hundred and thirty thousand dollars, I mean it is. The
New York City has permissive laws when it comes to

these situations. And you have the property owner now facing
four thousand dollars minimum and legal fees. Trust me, that's
going to go up way way higher before this is
all said and done. And if you note and you
look for example, in a state like New York, squatters
have legal protection if they occupy any property for thirty
days and anyway, social media users shared their thoughts and

this is sane because it's now a nightmare for anybody
that has to deal with this. You had, for exact sample,
two alleged squatters served up a twenty five dollars shake
shack receipt among several pieces of evidence that they claim
shows that they have the legal right to live in
this nine hundred and thirty thousand dollars New York home.
I mean, that's what they produced before the court. They

filed pieces of evidence in a court in Queens, New York,
including an application approval, letter of rental lease, and mail
that was addressed to them at the home. All great,
you just tell anybody to mail you something and you're
good to go. I mean, now we have the shake
shack defense, the shakeshack receipt defense, But there are ways

that you can fight back. Let me first play for
you if I can. A report, and this report talks
about us from ABC seven in New York about suspected
Venezuela and illegals squatting in a Bronx home. They have guns, ammunition, drugs, cocaine,
and a child.

Speaker 4 (03:57):
Listen, and we just obtained when police brought hung into action,
hopping out of their squad cars after they got a
call about a man with a gun. When they arrived,
they chased twenty four year old Hector the soso Viazza,
believed to be from Venezuela, into the basement of this
whole avenue home. Another man, twenty two year old Javier Alborno,

tried to get away with another gun before he was
also arrested. Playing on your screen, now are four of
the eight suspects that were under arrest being walked out
one by one from police. When a search warrant was
in place. Investigators recovered two more loaded guns, three loaded
extended magazines, a box of ammunition, and a bag of

ketamine mixed with cocaine.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Now, Flash Shelton, who's going to join us in a minute,
is with the squatter Hunters. We'll tell you about this
organization in a minute, but this is Flash talking about.
You know how we got started as a squatter hunter. Listen.

Speaker 6 (04:54):
In twenty nineteen, after my father passed away, and while
we were attempting to sell the home, I was notified
that there was a break in. I did what everyone
would do. I called the sheriff. I told them that
someone had broken into my parents' vacant home. The responding
deputy called me and verified a broken back door. Then

he said the words that every homeowner fears to hear.
You said it was a vacant home. It appears you
have squatters, and there's nothing we can do. I know
what it feels like to feel the helpless, hopeless feeling
when dealing with squatters and the law saying it's a
civil matter. Fearing that long drawn out and costly process,

I decided to lift my head up, stand up and fight.
I broke the law down to its knees and figured
out that if they could take a house, I could
take a house. I got my squatters out in less
than a day using the same system and their rights
against them. I started Squatter Hunters to start helping others

to shift the balance. We are making an impact nationwide
and I'm consulting in a few other countries. This is
a worldwide problem. My fight to change squatter laws started
one year ago, and I will not stop fighting until
squatters law, until squatter laws are changed from coast to coast,

and homeowners are free from their squatters. Thank you anyway.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
Joining us now is Flash Shelton of Squatter Hunters. He's
here with advice and expertise on how to rid home.
Rid your home of squatters who invade and take over
properties that don't belong to them. Sadly, the law is
not often on the side of the homeowner, which is
insane to me. And we talked about the woman in

Queen's trying to protect her home but she was handcuffed.
And now you have illegal immigrants with a seven year
old in the basement apartment and they're not paying any
rent and they can't get rid of them anyway. Flash Shelton,
thank you so much for being with us.

Speaker 7 (07:01):
Hey, thanks for having me all right.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
To tell us, first of all, how'd you get into
this issue? And how bad is it? I'm reading tens
of thousands of examples exist in this country today.

Speaker 7 (07:11):
Yeah, you know, just like everybody else, I was shocked
and blindsided by squatter's taking over my parents' home after
my father had passed away. I did like everyone, and
I called the sheriff and found out that there was
nothing they'd take to do. Well.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
I mean, it really is pretty amazing, isn't it. I mean,
you think about it. Whatever happened to owners' rights? Property owners' rights?
I mean, I could tell you, I'll give you use
myself as an example, when I was finally able to
buy my first home and I bought it in roswelld Georgia.

When I was on the radio in Georgia, and I
think I paid one hundred and fourteen or fifteen thousand
dollars for the home, I was the happiest person alive.
For me. The American dream literally came to life. I
ever thought i'd be successful, never really even dreamed about
when I might be able to own my own home.
And I was happy as can be when I was
able to get that home. And it means the world

to you. The idea that somebody can come in and
steal it from underneath you is unfathomable to me.

Speaker 7 (08:16):
Yeah, it's crazy. I don't know, you know, it's uh
you would you would assume that you have those rights,
and you know, it's it's it's just completely And I
think the reason why this is such a big deal
right now is because it just doesn't make any common
sense whatsoever.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
How do you help people that find themselves in this situation?

Speaker 7 (08:39):
Well, you know, my number one thing is I'm trying
to help with squatter a lot change. But but how
I help people is basically a system I figured out
to get the squatters out of my mom's house. I
got them. I got seven people out of my mom's
house in less than a day.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
And had had it. How specifically did you do it
and what state did you do it in?

Speaker 7 (08:58):
So the first one was in California, and I got
a lease from my mom in case they had a
fake lease, and I basically decided that if they could
or figured out that if they could take a house,
I could take a house. And I outsquatted them once
I can take possession. If I take possession before they
actually have established their squatter rights in civil court, then

possession is basically what matters. If I outsquat them, it's
my house. Then I forced them to fight in court
to prove that they were a legal tenant to get
back into the house, instead of fighting to get them
out of the house.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
I know somebody that spent four and a half years
in court in New York to finally finally get a
judge to kick these people out of their home. The
amount of money that was spent on legal fees was
in the hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time
all was said and done, and it took that long

to get rid of somebody. So you're saying that people,
you better catch it early. If you catch it early,
what you've got to outsquat the squatters. I mean, that's
your advice to them, that's the only advice you got.

Speaker 7 (10:08):
Well, what I'm telling them is that they, as the homeowner,
have no rights. Unfortunately. What I'm telling them is to
call law enforcement and as soon as they tell them
that they can't do anything, don't call an attorney. First
contact me at squatter hunters dot com and I will
assess you situation before you give them rights in the
civil process.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
All right, we appreciate you being with us slash Shelton
squatter Hunters. I mean, I can't believe another topic we're discussing.
But here we are. Welcome to the year twenty twenty four.
Only two hundred and sixteen days till election day. I'd
like a president that would take action against squatters and
stand up for homeowners' rights. By the way, they did

it down here in Florida. Governor DeSantis just in the
last two weeks signed a bill against squatting in the
state of Florida. Thank you, Governor DeSantis. I appreciate the
common sense. It's pretty unbelievable to me, it really is. Anyway,
eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn is our number. If
you want to be a part of the program. We'll
take a quick break. We'll get back to your calls

when we come back. Now, let's get to our busy pos.
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shaan our number if
you want to be a part of the program. Barb
is in the Free State of Florida, Barb High, How
are you, my fellow Floridian. What's going on?

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Oh, thank you so much for that nice introduction, Sean,
this is wonderful. I am so thrilled to be with you,
to be talking to you because I thank you my
journey on in Great Neck Long Island, New York, and
you've talked to a lot of people from the people
who would have been affected by the Massapequa incident, which
was horrible. Then my family moved to Connecticut and we

were in condominiums, and those are the best things to
live in if you don't want squatters to move into
your empty house. And we did have an empty house
because we were building our home, our retirement home in Florida.
And our condominium was vacant, had furniture in it, but
it was vacant for quite a period of time. And

thank goodness, we moved down in twenty eighteen and we're
now one hundred percent of the time in Florida with you.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Well, I got to tell you, you know what, I
you know what the difference is. I can tell you
it's it's very distinct. There is law and order down here.
There is a sense of safety that I definitely did
not feel. For example, in New York City. You know,
on the one hand, Linda and I compan her back
and forth about how I don't want her on the subway,

and I understand her position, appreciate the fact that she's
tough and is going to tough it out. On the
other hand, I worry about her security and her safety,
and I take it seriously, just like anybody else that
works for me. And but that's not a problem down here.

Speaker 7 (12:50):

Speaker 2 (12:51):
That doesn't mean there aren't pockets of problems in any state.
There are, but police are empowered here to do their job.
They don't have these idiotic no bets laws. They're not
talking about defunding, dismantling, and reimagining our police departments down here,
So there's a big difference, right.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
Oh, absolutely. And I come from a part of Florida
where the sheriff says that if he catches anybody doing
anything wrong, he's going to take them to the Green
Roof inn And believe it or not, in Banil, there
is a there is a green roof and it is
on top of the jail, and that's where they go
if they do something wrong. But we were very, very

fortunate because we left our snowbird agenda in twenty nine,
twenty eighteen, so we didn't get anyone.

Speaker 8 (13:41):
In our.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Kind of in Connecticut, which was wonderful, and we had
very close neighbors, so they wouldn't have allowed that to
happen anyway. But I just wanted to talk to you
because I feel that I am what I call one
of the twenty twenty four vvs or valued voters, because
I am I'm a suburban woman, and I want to

censor Joe Biden, a supposed Catholic, for what he did
to Easter. It was outrageous, you.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Know, it was even more outrageous he denied he did it,
and they actually had posted the proclamation online. I'm like, now,
did he forget that he did it, did he not
know that he did it? Or was he trying to
bes his way out of what he did?

Speaker 7 (14:28):

Speaker 1 (14:28):
I think it was all of the above. I think
his handlers have him. They are holding on to him
so close, and they keep whispering in his ear, and
maybe he's got some kind of an ear device and
he says these things. But he is such a week's inefficient,
horrific president. And Trump. I got to tell you, the

prices when we moved down here for gas were like
rock bottom. It was wonderful. But even down here prices
have gone up.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
I mean, you know, well, whatever it is here, and
I fill up my own tank like you do, it's
double in California. And what is the governor doing? But
he's suing the quote big oil companies. I'm like, great,
who do you think is going to pay for those lawsuits? Consumers, everybody,
all of us will pay the price. But they're very
expensive law firms that they now need to hire to

defend themselves to stay in business.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
Well, and the first thing that should go on by
whoever becomes president in twenty twenty four, and I hope
to goodness it is Donald Trump should start that pipeline again.
That was so wrong to stop that. If we had
all that gas, as my husband is fond of seeing
and he's former military served in Vietnam, we could pay

down the national debt. We could lower the price of gas.
We could sell fuel to all of our allies in Europe.
We could become a superpower again.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
We could Oh, I think, I absolutely believe we could
havebsolutely believe it, and I hope we will. I really do. Look,
there's so much on the line. If you don't like
what's happening at the border with the economy, and if
you don't like the squatter rights and you want law
and order and safety and security, if you don't like
America and the way the world looks having abandoned and

have abdicated our role on the world stage as the
leader of the free world. Well, in two hundred and
sixteen days, you can do something about it. And I
can't do it alone. I am one voice, I am
one person, I am one vote. But I am telling
you it's an all hands on deck moment. It is
an inflection point in the country, and it is a

tipping point election. Everything is on the line, and I
can't get any more serious than that. Anyway, I do
appreciate the good call. All right, quick break right back,
we'll continue. We do have the world's getting crazier and crazier.
I never thought we'd have to debate the issue of
squatting people that own homes now, tens of thousands of
them having them stolen. And there are more rights for

the squatters and the thieves than there are for the
homeowners that sacrificed pretty much everything to get into that
home that they dreamed of. And it's just, you know,
these things get more out of control by the day.
I mean, I have a pack of stuff every day
that I don't even have time to get to. You
have a leading feminist group now slam for defending inclusion

of trans athletes and female sports and calling any critic
quote white supremacists. Did you think we'd be discussing this.
I didn't think I'd be discussing these issues when I
started in radio and TV. I just didn't, you know,
how sad was it? LSU And I'm glad they got
their asses kicked by IOWA the NCAA women's basketball tournament,

and man, they didn't even come out for the national anthem, like,
here we go again. Is it any surprise five percent
drop in applications to Havid? Would you really want your
kids to go to woke Harvard at this point? I wouldn't.
I have no interest in it. You have children to
a child children's TV channel, the cartoon network celebrating transgender

Day of Visibility. A cartoon channel. We can't even let
kids watch cartoons without monitoring the content. Apparently not in
San Francisco. You have a drag group mocking Christians with
a quote Hunky Jesus and Foxy Mary contests on Easter Sunday.
A Minnesota school district seeking a hire one hundred to

two hundred thousand dollars anti racist official who can examine whiteness.
The job listing calls for an employee who cultivates a
culture of accountability for a systemic racial equality transformation. This
is now America. You know we have the mob, the media,
they're all in for all things. Biden, WHOOPI Goldberg are

all friend claiming that voters have memory issues and slamming
into this stupid question are you better off than you
were four years ago? What's so stupid about that question?
Are you now maybe Whoope's better off. Maybe her contract
went up, and maybe she's making more money. I don't know.
I'm sure she's paid very well working for the view
if a Florida Supreme Court now has allowed the six

week abortion band to stay in effect, but the voters
will have a final say and a referendum that will
be on the ballot in November, also one on legalization
I believe of marijuana will be there as well. Things
have gotten so bad in other countries, you know. I'm
looking at jk Rowling of the Harry Potter series and

her next book could be Harry Potter and the Prisoner
because JK Rowling is daring police in her native Scotland
to arrest her for misgendering transgender people after a new
woke hate crime law took effect on Monday, and she
said freedom of speech and believe are at the end

in Scotland. If if the accurate discription of biological sex
as deemed criminals. He wrote this on X I'm currently
out of the country, but if what I've written here
qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act,
I look forward to being arrested when I returned to
the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment. I mean, this is

the crazy world you now live in. This is the
crazy world we all live in, and it is getting
more insane hour by hour. All right, let's get back
to our busy phones. Let us say hi to Mike
and Virginia. Mike, how are you? Glad you called, sir.

Speaker 7 (20:33):
I'm doing fine. It's a pleasure to talk with you.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Sean, I appreciate it. Glad you're out there. Thanks for
checking in two hundred and sixteen days to go. What's
on your mind today?

Speaker 7 (20:44):
All right?

Speaker 8 (20:45):
Well, you know I originally thought about calling and saying,
you know, I'm worried about your reporting. Seems to be
not quite what it used to be. I mean, i'd
give you an a overall period. And this is not
to say that I'm I'm one hundred percent behind your period.
I think everybody feels the same. They love you, we

support you. Maybe this is time to get a second wind.
I know it's got to be frustrating.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Well, what is the butt here? What don't you like?
I mean, I'm willing to take constructive criticism from anybody,
but just tell me what it is?

Speaker 1 (21:17):
All right?

Speaker 8 (21:18):
Well, I have to say this that the more I
look at what's going on and I look at the
mission statement that Fox has, we provide a platform for
diverse perspective, voices in views, always supporting, relentless reporting, bold
thoughts and opinions.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Now, why are you worried about what an organization has
put out versus what I'm out there saying and doing
every day. I mean, did you ever hear me say that?

Speaker 8 (21:50):
Maybe concerned about it?

Speaker 4 (21:52):

Speaker 2 (21:52):
No, I'm asking you a question. Have you ever heard
me say any of that? Because I've never seen any
of this, to be very honest, and I know every
corporation you know, feels compelled because otherwise they're likely going
to get sued to put all this information out there.
How many times have you heard me say I'd eliminate
most HR departments? You could have a one page HR

statement and you know, and the first part of it
would be optional, love God with all your heart, mind
and soul, and your neighbor as yourself added and adding
treat others the way you want to be treated. If
you do that and you treat people nicely, I think
that covers all the issues and the rest of the
four thousand or four hundred thousand pages that end up

in HR books. So I've said that too.

Speaker 8 (22:37):
I think you're doing a great job.

Speaker 7 (22:40):
Don't take it's the wrong way.

Speaker 8 (22:41):
It's really just saying, you know, we'd like to see
some of the energy come back that you're known for. Maybe, uh,
you know, there's been a lot of things come your
way that have been unfair, you know, stories that you
had broken, maybe some have backfired. But I want to
know that.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Well, let me ask you a question. If I backed
off the Biden family syndicate. Have I backed off on
on the Justice Department and how they've weaponized the Justice Department?
Have I backed off on the FBI being politicized and weaponized?
Have I backed off on anything that you can mention
anything specific?

Speaker 8 (23:16):
Well, no, no, no.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
I want you to answer that, have I backed off
on any of it? Because the answer is no.

Speaker 8 (23:22):
I think about five or ten percent of the real
news out there get reported by Fox, and you can
only report what your people in the field are given
you and so forth. But there's a lot of other
news out readily.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Let me let me just give you something straight here,
because it's you're beginning to annoy me. Because I have
had and continue to have, and I've been very blessed
to work in an environment with both my radio and
TV partners that I get to choose the topics I
get to do, run my own show, and they depend
on me to be a responsible host and to fact check.

And believe me, you could ask Linda. We spend hours
fact checking a lot of things because we have a
desire to be accurate, unlike I guess many others in
the media mob. But if there's something, if there's some
some glaring omission in your mind, please just tell me
what it is and I'll maybe I can fix it.

Speaker 8 (24:14):
Yeah, I think the thing to do is to send
you an email. Some thoughts I have not to take
up are your time on the air, but because I
don't want you to take it the wrong way. Definitely
support and all that.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I just think that I appreciate the support, but I'm
trying to get you to be specific, and you don't
seem capable of doing that, and that's the part that
is annoying.

Speaker 8 (24:33):
Well, I can't do it on the air right now
in this format, but I can certainly put it in
an email to you that is more. You know, again,
I can address it better in an email, because I
don't want to read from something I've written. But I
can put an email to you and then see what
you think.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
All right, feel free send it. Linda will tell you
how to send us an email. But I have been
very blessed in as much as I work. I have
partners in radio, and I don't own the Fox News Channel.
I don't want to own the Well, actually I wouldn't
mind owning the Fox News Channel. It's a pretty profitable organization.

I have bosses like everybody else, but I will tell
you that from day one in October ninety six to
today that I have never been told what to say
or not to say, and I have free reigned to
have full editorial control of both my radio and TV show.
I have great radio partners that let me do the

show the way that I want to do the show.
And again, they trust my judgment and they trust my
ability to put on a good show. And we now
have built up a pretty good track record over the
years being a top show in radio and TV. I've
been able to maintain that for longer than anybody else

in both mediums, and I'm very grateful to all of
you for that, because all of you can fire me
every day. In terms of the energy, I can tell
you with full confidence, I work harder now than I've
ever worked in my life. Every year, I work harder
just to stay on top of things. The amount of
hours that goes into work behind the scenes on this

show and on TV, I can't even count them. From
the minute I open my eyes after my four or
five hours sleep, I'm go, go, go, go go. I
don't stop. And anybody in my life that knows me
can affirm that. Linda, is that a fair statement. Yes,
that's all you have to say. Yes, well, Role, and

I didn't want to interrupt.

Speaker 9 (26:36):
I didn't want to annoy you like what callers.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
So let me ask you, what what what time? Do
you get text messages from me throughout any given today.

Speaker 9 (26:42):
It's all the time, all the time, never stops.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
That's great. You're you're you're on a text chain with
TV and with radio, and so is sweet Baby James.
And the text can come in at two, three, four, five,
six am, seven am in the morning and can come
across any time of day and night. Correct, that is correct.
I'm a maniac. I can't help it. I don't think
it's actually.

Speaker 9 (27:06):
That you're a maniac. I think it's that the world
is really horrible under Joe Biden, and to use your expression,
it's like drinking from a fire hose. And I think
that I think that that gentleman's comment if I may pontificate,
and I'm not him and I don't know him and
I had nothing to do with him, but if I
had to speculate what he meant, because you know, I

was screening last week and I was talking to a
lot of callers and they're like, oh, you didn't cover this,
or you know, he didn't sound like he cared about this,
or we didn't talk about this. And one of the
things I said to people was like, yeah, we covered
that every day for like a week, and they were
like what, I'm like, See, the problem is there's so
much and none of it's good and none of it
is happy, and none of it is makes you like leave.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
The show going, Oh I have hope.

Speaker 9 (27:51):
So you know, it's it's hard to say like, no,
we did cover that, or we did talk to that person,
or we didn't make a comment about that, or we
interviewed that, and you know, it's it's difficult, and I
think people are they hear you, and they're like, Oh,
you don't sound energized about the border. You don't sound
energized about Officer Diller. You don't sound energized. And it's like,
I am energized, but I'm drowning in the deluge of

negative news every day.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
How could anybody hear me yesterday and not know how
viscerally angry I am about Officer Dillar.

Speaker 9 (28:24):
I mean, the guy on Thursday who didn't hear you
on Monday is going to say, man, he seems really apathetic,
you know what I'm saying, Like, I think that's being
that our audience has to understand.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
And if I will say this, and this is a
frustrating part of this job is that I bring in
all of this material. You have seen my desk four
years and I'm looking at it now. I cannot reach
across because I have them in stacks. I can't reach
to the end of the stack without going like that,
because that's how much information. I can only get maybe

ten percent of what I'd love to get in on
any given show and do as deep a dive analysis
as I want. And I try. I mean, we work
really hard to get the news information we know you're
not gonna get from the media mob. That's an added
pressure we have because I know that a lot of
what you're gonna hear here on this program and what

you're gonna see on Hannity at nine Eastern, you're not
gonna get from the mainstream media mob. They're all in
for Biden one hundred percent. They're going to be the
biggest donors to the Biden reelection campaign. They supported him
hiding out in his basement throughout the entire twenty twenty election.
They failed to report on even the most simple and

basic and fundamental issues involving the president, like his cognitive decline.
We've been on the front lines of pounding the crap
out of that for how long. Look, I'm just if
I'm failing in that regard. I can only tell you
it's not through lack of effort. It's not like I'm
sleeping my life because I don't. The only real time

I take for myself on any given day is the
time that I have allocated to work out so I
can live a little bit longer and do the best
job that I can do. And I'm thankful to do it.
I love it. It's my passion, but we're definitely open
for criticism. You ask any host, I don't. I have
no idea what other hosts do because I don't have
time to listen to them. I don't have time.

Speaker 9 (30:24):
Well, we know what Joe Scarborough does. He makes songs
about monkey houses.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Oh, you can control yourself.

Speaker 9 (30:29):
So can audience consider yourselves? Lucky?

Speaker 2 (30:32):
All right, eight hundred and ninety four one Shawn our
number as we continue.

Speaker 7 (30:36):

Speaker 2 (30:36):
That's going to wrap things up today Border Front and Center.
Today we'll check in with Steven Miller and Tommy Laren
Also Senator Tim Scott, Representative John James will join us.
Ryan's previous Mike Huckabee and Linda guess who else? The
one and only Mike Tyson is going to join us
and preview is big fight coming up. That's all happening tonight.

Say you DVR nine Eastern Hannity on Fox News. We'll
see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for making
the show possible.

The Sean Hannity Show News

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