Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
A Hi, twenty days to go. I told you this
would go fast, the tipping point election. You are the
ultimate jury voting now. Fourteen million people, it is estimated,
have already voted early voting. If you haven't registered, you
don't know how. We have an informational website on Hannity
dot com. Early voting dates for every state on Hannity
dot Com. Also, who is running for your congressional seat?
Very important down ticket race. Don't just put Donald Trump
in office and forget, you know, leave Nancy Pelosi in power.
That wouldn't be smart or wise. Same with the Senate.
We got a lot of tough Senate races. One senator
will join us Senator Perdue of Georgia today in the
course of the program. And also, what if you want
to vote absentee? How do you do it? The information
is on Hannity dot com. It's all there and available
for you. We do have a breaking news story. Look,
I have been told now for a while that this
all exists. I have had numerous sources tell me I've
not seen it myself. I have heard that what is
in this is even worse than what came out in
the New York Post today. Will only be the tip
of the iceberg, and I just have not been able
to independently confirm it myself. I've been following it, I've
been digging, I've been calling, I've been trying to do
my job as I'm supposed to do. There's a certain
level when Ron Johnson and Charles Grassley came out with
their interim report, as it relates to the activities of
the Bidens financially, it is so much deeper than zero
experience hunter who goes on GMA and says, any experience,
an oil, no gas, no energy, no, any experience, Ukraine. No.
Why do you think that Barissma Energy companies paying you
millions of dollars? I done? Is it because maybe your
father is in charge? Probably? Probably, that's the answer. And
of course Joe famously saying that you're not getting a
billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor investigating his zero
experienced son being paid millions. There was a real quid
pro quote. The media ignored it. Joe Biden was constantly
out there. The only he said is no credible person
is ever going to talk about this, And then he
made a spectacular lie that has now been exposed today
as a lie when he said I've never discussed with
my son, or my brother, or with anyone else anything
having to do with their businesses. I will remind you.
Let's go to the audio tape. I have never discussed
with my son, or my brother or anyone else and
being having to do with their businesses, period. Never discussed
anything to do with their business period. Never definitive statement.
All right, the headline New York Post, Well, first, it's
on the front cover. It is revealed Brainian executive thanked
Hunter Biden for the opportunity to meet his vice president Dad.
Biden's secret emails. Joe Biden has been saying that he
never discussed his son's business dealings with the Ukrainian gas
company Barisma while he was the vice president, but emails
obtained by The New York Post show, in fact, something
very different. An executive thanking Hunter zero experience Hunter for
the opportunity to meet his father, and at the time
Barissma was sparring with that prosecutor. The prosecutor's name is
Victor Shokin. I did come close to somebody on my
staff tried to book him and we came close to
getting an interview with him, but anyway, whom Joe Biden
later pressured the Ukrainian government to fire. Now, why have
it a vice president leverage a billion taxpayer dollars to
fire a prosecutor unless there's something they don't want to
have happened. By the way, we just got word that
there is a lid on Joe's campaign. Let me tell
you why the lit is really in place, not only
because of this story, but because Joe has had two
disastrous days on the campaign trail, with one gaff after another,
and he needs his sleep, he needs his rest, and
that too is being protected by the media mob, which
is a despicable disgrace. You want to talk about putting
this country into a crisis. Joe Biden gets elected, it
will be a crisis faster than you can blink an eyelash.
Then Facebook is now reduced as just broke by the way,
not that long ago on Fox Business. They're reducing distribution
of the Hunter Biden story in Today's New York Post.
Oh wow, I guess Facebook is all in for Joe. Also,
and Twitter's public policy director has now left Twitter to
join the Biden transition theme. Shocking. He hasn't transitioned into
anything as of this moment anyway, So the piece goes on.
They have the smoking gun email that Hunter Biden introduced
as then Vice president Joe Biden to a top executive
at this Ukrainian energy company that you've heard so much about,
Barisma Holdings. And that was before the elder Biden pressured
Ukrainian officials to fire the prosecutor, Victor Schokin. Now this
this was never before revealed meeting is mentioned in a
message of appreciation that this guy Vadium I'm never going
to say his name, right, Parashaski, an adviser of the
board of Barisma, allegedly sending the Hunter Biden on April seventeen,
twenty fifteen, which is about a year after Hunter joined
the Barisma board. You know, differing variations and what he
was being paid with a salary of at least fifty
grand a month, but he ended up making millions of dollars.
And remember the more recent Grassley and Ron Johnson memo
says it goes much deeper than just Ukraine. It's Ukrainian oligarchs,
it's Russian oligarchs, Kazakh nationals, Cranian nationals, Russian nationals. The
three point five million dollar wire transfer with the First
Lady of Moscow. Yeah, Donald Trump was right in the debate.
The one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree with a Chinese national. Yeah,
that happened too. All of it's chronicled in Ron Johnson's report.
But of course, the mob, the media, they're protecting the
ever forgetful Joe and his weak, frail state and his
cognitive struggling, so they'll protect everything else in between, including
all of this corruption, because it goes a lot deeper
than the one point five billion dollars deal with the
Bank of China. Anyway, this meeting is in this email,
and it says, dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me
to DC and giving me the opportunity to meet your
father and spend some time together. It's really an honor
and a pleasure. Earlier email May twenty fourteen shows that
this same guy, reportedly bis Bisma's number three executive, is
asking for Hunter's advice on how he could use his
influence on behalf of barismholdings. This correspondent flies exactly in
the face of Joe Biden's claim that he's never spoken
to his son about his overseas business dealings. This is
a blockbuster piece, Emma Joe Morris and Gabrielle forn Rouge
if I said it right, broke us in the New
York Post today and other Apparently material extracted from the
computer includes a raunchy twelve minute video appearing to show Hunter,
who has admitted struggling with addiction problems. I'm not even
you know that. This report says even smoking crack while
engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as
well as numerous other sexually explicit images. The customer was
brought in the water damaged MacBook pro for repair, never
paid for for the service or retrieved and retreat did
or the hard drive with the contents was stored, according
to the shop owner, who said that he tried repeatedly
to contact apparently Hunter Biden, and then the shop owner
couldn't positively identify the customers Hunter, but said the laptop
bore a sticker from both the bou Biden Foundation, named
after Hunter's lay brother from Delaware former Delaware Attorney general. Anyway,
Photos also of the Delaware federal court subpoena given to
the New York Posts show that the computer and the
hard drive were seized by the FBI in December after
the shop's owner says that he alerted the Feds to
their existence, which would mean that Director Ray had this
information and sat on it and didn't give it to anybody,
which you know, he better. He needs to start answering
questions for his behavior because he hasn't wanted to get
to the bottom of any of these things anyway, and
it just goes on from there. Photos of the Delaware
Federal Court subpoena given to the Post show that both
the computer and the hard drive in the FBI's possession,
But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says
he made a copy of the hard drive, gave it
to Rudy Giuliani and Julianni's lawyer Steve Bannon, who former
advisor to the President, told the Post about the existence
of the hard drive in late September, and Juliani provided
the Post with a copy of it this past Sunday,
unless than eight months after this guy thanked Hunter Biden
for the introduction to his dad, the then Vice president
admitted that he pressured then Ukrainian President Porshenko and the
Prime Minister into getting rid of the prosecutor General Victor Shokin,
and you've got six hours, and son of a bee,
they did it. I looked at him and I said,
I'm leaving in six hours. The prosecutors not fired, You're
not getting the money. Well, son of a bee, they
he got fired. And Chokin has given numerous interviews and
said at the time of his firing that he had
made specific plans to investigate Barisma that included interrogation of
other crime investigation procedures of all members of the executive board,
including Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, insisted that the US
wanted choke and removed over corruption concerns. Well, all of
this new information would appear to show that this is
none of this was ever true, and that we were
all lied to. And I guess they didn't expect this
laptop to show up at this point, but here it is.
And the message had the subject line urgent Issues sent
to Hunter Biden's business partner, Devin Archer, also sitting on
the Barisma board, and the same guy said third top
representative of Barisma that new authorities in power tend to
quite aggressively approach somebody unofficially with the aim to obtain
cash from him. And they're not identified in the email
the reference, but they think they think they know who
it is. When the alleged shakedown failed, they proceeded with
concrete actions in the form of one or more pre
trial proceedings. We urgently need your advice on how you
could use your influence to convey a message of signal
to stop a week consider to be politically motivated actions.
Hunter Biden responded by saying that he was with Devin
Archer and cut her and asked for more information about
the formal if any accusations being made against Barisma, and
who's ultimately behind these attacks on the company and who
in the current interiment government could put an end to
such attacks, he added, and the exchange then came the
day the Barisma announced that had expanded its board of directors,
adding Hunter Biden, who was put in charge of its
quote legal unit and will provide support for the company
among international organizations. According to a news release that was
then scrubbed from Barisma's website, the Hunter Biden actually joined
the board in April twenty fourteen. His lawyers said last
year that Hunter was not a member of the management
team and added at no time was Hunter in charge
of the company's legal affairs. Well, that's not what their
website said. Four months after Hunter Biden's correspondence anyway, his
partner Devin Archer, forwarded Hunter and email chain with the
subject tax raise impact on Barisma Production that included this
top executive at Barisma saying that the Ukrainian Cabinet had
submitted a new tax legislation in the country's parliament. Quote.
If enacted, the law would kill the entire private gas
production sector. And it goes on from there. I mean,
it's unbelievable. Now is does he get away with saying
no credible person has investigated this? Joe Biden? Is this
your son's laptop? Joe Biden? Did you or did you
not meet with this high ranking executive? Joe Biden, You
need to answer these questions. We the people have a
right to know. You won't tell if you're going to
pack the courts. You're not speaking out about DC Puerto
Rico statehood. You have it said you support amnesty. This
is one of the biggest power grabs ever. What did
you know and when did you know it? There was
a conference call that was leaked to BERESMA. The Obama
administration actually allowed a Democratic pr company that worked for
Beresma to take part in a conference call about the
upcoming visit of then Vice President Biden, According to emails
obtained by The Post, as an associate of this company
called Blue Star Strategies, then emailed the memo with the
minutes of the conference call hosted by the White House
to a top Beresma executive, as well as to Joe
Biden's son, hunter and business partner Devin Archer. All of
this we've been telling you about. I just didn't know
it went this deep. Well, it looks like veiled references
that they used Dad to cash in. I thought Democrats
cared about these things only if the last name is Trump.
That's how corrupt the mob is. The mob in the media,
they see he's weak and fraul They know he's not
answering any questioning. They know that he's struggling. But they
hate Donald Trump more than they do getting to the
truth and doing their job. That's where this election is.
With twenty days to go, you don't think it matters.
It matters. So a lawyer for Rudy Giuliani has told
the Fox News Today that he obtained this hard drive
containing forty thousand emails, thousands of text messages, photographs, videos
of zero experienced Hunter very compromising positions. The attorney, Robert Costello,
confirmed the explosive revelations first reported earlier today in The
New York Post. An Apple MacBook pro alleged to belong
to the younger Biden disassembled and an external hard drive
turned over to the FBI in December after the computer
repair shop owner in Biden, state of Delaware notified federal
investigators about its existence. He said the laptop was inoperable,
but it remained unclear if the FBI retrieved the contents
and if it still existed there they have a copy
of it. However, he did underscore that he had in
his possession a copy of the hard drives with tens
of thousands of damaging correspondents pertaining to Hunter Biden's Ukrainian dealings,
which also implicate implicate his high profile father, who is
now running for president. Among the deluge of documents, apparently
sexually explicit photographs, footage of Hunter Biden, as well as
email correspondence going back to maya, twenty fourteen. Now, the
question is what will the media mob do? Juliani has
a copy. Now the media has a copy. Now the
FBI has a copy. Now the laptop repairman is cooperated?
Would send it? Investigators, we're twenty days out of an election.
When do we get answers all right? Twenty five till
the top of the hour twenty day countdown? You are
the ultimate jury. Amazing to me that I make the
comment last night on TV, Like, for example, Rasmussen a
week ago had Donald Trump down by twelve points. Today
it's a five point race within the margin of error.
When you look at the Real Clear Politics average as
of one day last week, Donald Trump was about a
half a point better in terms of the average for
the swing state, the swing states that matter, better than
what he was in twenty sixteen. And all I'm saying
is all of the thirty three years that I have
been doing politics on radio, in the twenty five at Fox's,
the one thing I can tell you is I don't
think Donald Trump will ever be a political figure that
is going to poll like a traditional politician. He's not.
We have seen multiple polls. If you believe the polls
that show that people are not going to talk to posters,
they're just not, or if they do they're not going
to answer honestly. Now, there are ways and there's better
methodology out there, and a lot of these polls over
sampled Democrats. A lot of these polls go with registered
voters versus likely voters. One interesting phenomenon that is happening
at the Trump rallies is that upwards a twenty percent
of people that are attending never voted in twenty sixteen.
The one thing I could tell you is nobody knows,
and there's a lot of guessing going on, and there
are a lot of people that you know, they can
get it all wrong and it won't matter in the
end because nobody holds them accountable. But the you know,
I think that there is a psychological component. If you're
hearing every second, every minute, every hour, every day from
the mob and the media that Donald Trump's fifteen points behind,
you're thinking, oh, what's the point. Don't believe them, you know,
just assume that your vote is the one vote that
could tip the balance of power in Washington. And that's
how That's just how you have to look at it.
There is Otherwise, it's an emotional roller coaster ride and
an ebb and flow that you can't keep up with
and you're high one day and you're deflated the next day,
and it's just not worth the emotional energy that you
would expand. And if this is an important election year
and you were against court packing and amnesty and statehood
for DC and elsewhere, and if you're against liberal activist justices,
and if you're against higher taxes, and if you're against
the Green New Deal and the trillions that Joe has
pledged to spend on it, if you're against giving Iranian
Mullah's you know, billions of taxpayer dollars, and you want
you know, justices like Amy Coney Barrett, who's been phenomenal
on the bench, then just do your part and get
out and vote and understand that their stated policies would
literally turn this country up on its end, and it
would alter this country to its core. This is a
fundamentally this is a profound choice election. The strategy is clear.
You have institutional forces the Democratic Party. They hate Donald Trump.
It's not that they like Joe Biden at all. Joe
Biden is frankly a non factor for them in this.
You know, he's an empty vessels and they know it too.
That's another part of the aspect of all of this,
and he's viewed and people like AOC have even said
as much. They know they can easily manipulate him, and
that he's going to adopt Bolshevic Berney's economic plan to
AOC's new Green Deal. He takes the most liberal senator
from California, Kamala Harris, and everything that they're doing now
is about hiding Joe and the mob and the media
another massive institutional force against Donald Trump. It's not that
they love Joe Biden necessarily, they just hate Trump more
and their desire is to defeat Donald Trump. And they
think we are a bunch of ignorant Smellie Walmart shoppers,
irredeemable deplorables, clinging to our God, our Second Amendment, our
Bibles and religion. And frankly, if we really can get
to the deeper inner thoughts of a lot of these
institutions that are so forceful against Donald Trump, it's we,
the people that they hate as much as him and
have nothing but contempt that we elected Donald Trump as
a disruptor for the swamp in DC. I'm telling you
right now, I cannot tell you definitively what the outcome
of this this election in twenty days is going to be.
I wish I could, I can't. I don't have a
magic crystal ball, and I don't receive visions from above.
If I did, I probably would be in another line
of work. But I can tell you if you see
these policies, as stated by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Bolshevik,
Bernie Aoc, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer as dangerous to the country,
if you see their desire for the biggest power grab
through court packing, adding states amnesty for millions as a
means of creating voting blocks and incentives and something of
value in the hopes that they will remain loyal democrats
for generations to come, and the hopes that they'll have
a majority in the Senate and perpetuity, and the hopes
that everything they could never get done legislatively or get
done at the ballot box by appealing to your to
the American voters on the issue of ideas and convincing
you that packing the court is a good thing, it'll
literally usurp all the power of the other so called
coequal branches of government, and all the justices that they
would appoint will legislate from the bench. It will end
the legislative filibuster in the process, it'll all be a
fader complete. The only one who said it is Chuck Schumer.
He's honest. I'm not working this hard my ass off
to become the Senate majority leader, only to blah blah blah, which,
by the way, does bring into account that if you're voting.
By the way, if you need information about voting, we
have an interactive informational map on Hannity dot com. You know,
how do you register in your state? Registration is going
to end in some states very soon. If you haven't
you want to be a part of this, go to
Hannity dot com. All that information is there when early
voting starts or started already it has in many states,
when it ends. How do you vote absentee? If you
want to vote absentee this year, where do you vote?
Who is running in your congressional district? Do you have
an important Senate race Alabama does. It's the hopes of
the Republicans that Doug Jones will be sent packing. It's
the hope that Corey Gardner can hold on in Colorado,
which he's been actually a great senator it's the hope
that Martha McSally can hang on her opponent. By the way,
Mark Kelly now is involved in issues involving China himself apparently,
and now there's a big controversy there. And Martha McSally
has done a great job. None of these Democrats would
vote for Amy Coney Barrett, None of them. They would.
They want leftist, activist justices on the Supreme Court. They
will all go along with the court packing scheme. They
will all go along with amnesty. They will all go
along with a new Green deal. They will all go
along with higher taxes. They will all go along with
the most radical agenda of any major party ever in
the history of the country. There's an important race. Tom
Tillis's race in North Carolina is huge and right now,
even though apparently his competitor Cal Cunningham has been exposed
as having had multiple affairs, etc. Is down a little
bit in that race. Susan Collins and Maine, her race
is very important. Joni Earnst her race at her reelection
in Iowa's critical for the US Senate. In Montana. Steve
Danes's race as critical as well. At some point we're
going to get into the Kelly Loffler and Doug Collins
battle going on in Georgia. David Purdue's going to join
us later. His race is important down in the great
state of Georgia. You got a race in Kansas where
you have the Republican Congressman Roger Marshall, a great candidate.
Hopefully you know, that's a seat that we could win
with Roger Marshall Lindsey Graham. He's up about six in
the latest poll in South Carolina in spite of literally,
you know, like one hundred million dollars being sent by
the likes of Barbara Streisan and Rosie O'Donnell Michigan Senator.
I'll tell you John James would be a rock star
addition to the US Center. I think he's like my
favorite newcomer in all of politics. He's been on this program.
He's a great guy. He can win that race in Michigan.
I'm telling you right now that is a competitive race.
In Alaska, it's Dan Sullivan has got to win his race.
Apparently he's pretty close in the polling. John Cornan is
up in Texas. That's an important seat to hang on to.
Mitch McConnell's race in Kentucky that's going on. So there's
a lot of a lot of racists. We have it
all on Hannity dot com if you want to check
it out. But I don't let anybody take away your
enthusiasm because that's also part of it. Just if you
want to inform yourself, what we are facing is a
real radical, extreme socialist you know, out of the mainstream agenda.
They are not even trying to just say nothing and hide.
Joe Biden has another lid on his campaign already today,
another lid that means he's not going to talk for
the rest of the day. He did it for half
the month of September. He goes out on the campaign
trail the last two days and it has been a
fury of one one mess up after another. He can't
hold it together. The saddest thing in all of this
is the mob in the media knows it, but their
hatred of all things Donald Trump literally drives them to
ignore it and never do their job. It's it's beyond sick.
You want to know about America facing a constitutional crisis,
Joe Biden wins, This is not gonna be good for
the United States of America. This is they can see
he's weak in frail, and they can see that he's
struggling cognitively. Everybody sees it. Joe Biden when he was
Vice president was not this way. Obviously there's something going on,
and it's all being covered up, all of it. You know,
Axios had a great piece. Joe Biden's the luckiest, least
scrutinized front runner ever and it matters they rightly point out,
is that the media's obsession with hating Trump, and you
know that that is the driving force. It's basically, it's
not even a night. It's not become a referendum election
on the radicalism of Joe Biden, Kamala, Harris, Bolshevic Berney, AOC, Pelosi,
and Schumer as it should be. It's how much can
you hate Donald Trump? And their new strategy democratic strategy
is clear was in the hill, run out the clock,
run out the clock and hopefully get people to vote
before they see more cognitive decline in Joe Biden. So
that's what you wear up against here and at the
Trump campaign. For example, the rally this week in Florida,
thirty percent of rally attendees were not Republicans, twenty percent
did not vote in twenty sixteen. Rona McDaniel, who is
the RNC chairwoman, put out, I mean that is fat,
that's a fascinating. How do you pull that? How do
you factor that in as to what's going to happen.
The states that matter are obvious. It's always Florida, it's
always Georgia, North Carolina, the Buckeye state of Ohio, it's
it's always Arizona. Hopefully Nevada can be in play this year.
It should be. Democrats have not done a good job
out there. Then it's certainly Iowa is very important. Certainly.
Then now we get into Pennsylvania and Joe and Kamala
said it repeatedly, they're gonna end fracking. I'm not gonna
end fracking. They said it repeatedly, and I don't think
after the election they're going to care that they change
their mind again. Then it's Wisconsin and Michigan, maybe Minnesota,
I don't know. It's pretty close the last time. And
then you got to play in a state like New Hampshire.
The second congressional district domain matters a lot, and that's
what it comes down to. And those are the states
that are gonna matter their most assuming that you know,
California remains deeply blue, Oregon remains deeply blue, Washington remains
deeply blue. Illinois, New York, New Joysey deeply blue. I
mean that's a big, big electoral advantage every election for
any Democrat that's running for office. So now these rules
changes last minute or should scare everybody, But there's a
lot at stake for this country, and your vote's gonna matter. Ah.
It means simple man, that means Wednesday, that means Leonard Skinner.
The twenty days, our twenty days countdown to election days.
Zero experienced hunter is going to be in the fourth
front of the news in the days to come. It
is an avalanche of information that is coming out, a total,
complete avalanche. The smoking on email in the New York
Post today is only the tip of the iceberg. Let's start, though,
with Nancy Plosi having a melt down with Wolffee Blitzer
over at fake news CNN over the COVID relief bill.
Only tough question I've ever can remember a Democrat getting
at fake News CNN is that what this is all about?
Not allow the president to take credit if there's a
deal right now, he's not that important. But let me
say this with all due respect, with all due respect,
and you know we've known each other a long time.
You really don't know what you're talking about. I wish
you would respect the knowledge that goes into getting the
meeting the needs of the American people. But again, you've
been on a JAD defending the administration all this time
with no knowledge of the difference between our two bills.
And I thank you for giving me the opportunity to
say that to you. You have the matter of speaker,
but she hasn't at her finest moments lately anyway. Joining
us with twenty days to go, our twenty day countdown
to election Day. His latest number one best selling book,
part of his killing series, Killing Crazy Horse, Killing Hannity
apparently is number nineteen on the list. I'll be dead
by then, but you know, I wish you luck and
hope that becomes number one. Two. Mister O'Riley, how are you, sir?
I can't kill you, Hannity. You know too much kung
fu A. We're trying to figure out ways to get you,
but we came Oh gosh, it's not karate, it's not
kung fu. It's mixed martial arts. But then whatever, You're welcome.
By the way, you are very welcome if you'd like
to come train one day. But I'm afraid of Grasshopper.
I'm afraid. Remember the student is Grasshopper. You're going to
talk about the series somewhere. Oh jees oh, man, you
know have you ever heard of krabamagat kempu Japanese jiu jitsu?
You I ordered that at the Roku restaurant. Oh boy,
oh very good? Yeah, all right, you know what you
are at? Lost cause? All right, with twenty days out, um,
I want to get to the Hunter stuff in a second,
because it's gonna be big news now for the next
to the rest of the news cycle eating up to
election day. How do you see the race? What's your take?
I don't believe all the polling. They've been wrong so often.
I don't think anybody should think one way or the
other about them, look at them anecdotally, and just believe
that your vote matters, especially in a swing state. That's
what I'm telling everybody. Well, I analyze the Rasmus and
poll every day on Deloreilly dot com, and that is
the most accurate poll in my opinion today it's wide
and ahead of Trump fifty to forty five, which is
almost within the margin of error. But it doesn't really
matter because in twenty days, Donald Trump can close pretty
quickly if there is some kind of an event that
catches people's attention. So the Supreme Court hearing that's not
really catching anybody's attention is dull. It's a foregone conclusion
that Judge Barrett will be confirmed, and it's not going
to do it. The town halls tomorrow night, the dueling
town halls. The only thing interesting there is how vicious
NBC News is going to be and the contrast between
our NBC treats the president and what is it ABC
treats Joe Biden. That's fascinating, and we'll analyze that very
very closely. If there is a final debate a week
from tomorrow night in Tennessee at Belmont University, that is
a crucial moment for Donald Trump. He has got to
be very authoritative there, deal with his personal COVID experience
and then turn around and say that Joe Biden is
a real danger to the United States. And this is why,
very specifically. So there's plenty of things that can turn
a thing around. Well, I mean, this is the thing
about elections, that's why we have the election. What's different
a little bit this time is all this early voting,
in all these efforts to change just even in the
last one hundred days voting laws in many many states,
which is a little scary. Zogby had a poll of
the swing states that actually had Trump ahead in these
swing states. My honest assessment, just looking as an observer
and reading all of it, is that the race is
super super tight. There could be an event, as you say,
that could blow this out of the water for one
side or the other. I do have a lot of
knowledge about what is about to hit the Biden campaign,
and it is bad. It is about corruption on a
level with evidence and proof. And that's just the tip
of the iceberg. What broke in the New York Post today, Well,
it's got to be very vivid though, linking the son
to the father. See, nobody cares about Hunter Biden. Everybody's
pretty much well that that email, smoking gun email revealed
how Hunter Biden did introduce the Barisma people to Joe Biden,
and Joe Biden is on record denying you knew anything
about the business all right, and I'm not surprised about it,
but you've got to frame that not you, but the
Trump campaign and to say this is why it matters
to you, the American voter, all right, this is what
this is the big picture here, guys. Corrupt, all right,
Joe Biden is not only is he at the end
of the trail a man for no seasons, as I
call him, but he's corrupt. You've got to break it
down because once you say barisma, you know, the average
voter goes what I mean, They're just not dialed into that.
And remember, the New York Times in a Washington Post
are both holding stories back anti Trump stories that day
will drop the last week of the campaign. I both
newspapers are holding stories back. I don't know what they are,
all right, but I know that that is their final
attempt to destroy Donald Trump and it will happen. So again,
the next three weeks are going to be very exciting.
And if you're looking at it from that point of view,
I do believe Donald Trump can win, but he can't
make any more mistakes. I think that's the same for
Biden too. And now Biden has been out on the
campaign trail for two days, and it is he's been
nothing but a gaff machine. Ronnie Jackson, who used to
be President Obama's doctor and was a doctor for three presidents, says,
I've watched presidents. I know how hard that job is.
And he does not believe that Joe Biden is physically
mentally strong enough for the job based on what he's
observing every day on television, and I'm observing somebody that's
struggling cognitively most people. You know, it's interesting. They brought
it up about Reagan, they brought it up about McCain.
The mob in the media doesn't want to even touch
it as it relates to Joe, and they cover up
for him. But Bill, it is very obvious he's week
in his frail and he's struggling. It's it's very obvious
he does not seem up to the job. Your thoughts.
I saw doctor Jackson on your program, and what really
struck me about his analysis is that he was Barack
Obama's physician, and I didn't know that. I should have
known it. I should have, but I went, wow, that's
right now. If you're a physician to a president, you
are a trusted member of the entourage of which Joe
Biden was a part. So you know Jackson knew Biden
ten years ago. Okay, you know that he has a
basis of comparison now and that's what really struck me
about He wouldn't do that, Jackson. Jackson's got nothing to win.
He's got nothing to win by going on your program
and saying that other than he's a patriotic American, he
wants to tell the truth. That interview that you did
I thought was very, very instructive. But did you notice
that the New York Times and all of these network
news they didn't pick it up. And that just reinforces
what you just said. They're covering up for Biden, and
they're covering up for Biden because they don't believe old
Joe is going to be in charge. And we've discussed
this before. Do you think Kamala Harris is up to
the job? I wrote a column on Bill O'Reilly dot com.
You can read it now entitled she is speaking. This
woman is dangerous. She's day juris all right, because if
you look at her career, the arc of her career,
at one time she was a pretty responsible prosecutor, tough
on crime, told people that this was the origins of crime,
lack of education, lack of parental responsibility, father's abandoning families.
All those things are true, now totally different, one eighty
degrees different. So I've seen two people in my career
that have power written on their forehead. I want power.
One is Nancy Pelosi and the other is Kamala Harris.
It's naked power that they want. Now, once you get
a person in there who's going to do anything, literally
anything to build her power base, that frightens me. We
both know Trump, Okay, Now, Trump loves power, loves it,
but he doesn't love it more than money. Money is
his number one. But Trump won't do anything, all right,
he won't. There's a line that he's not going to cross.
I don't believe there is any line for Pelosi and Harris.
I could be wrong, but that's my believing. Why is
the hatred so visceral against him by so many institutions
like the media, like the Democratic Party, Rhino Republicans. I
can identify an answer that question, very very specifically. By
the way, it kind of reminds me of you. Yeah,
I mean exactly right. I went through it. So here
I come out of nowhere. By the way, now I'm
living in your you know, in your shadow, and it's
not fun. I was so much easier when you were
there taking all the hits, right, So you took the
mantle for me. So twenty four years I come out
of nowhere, all right, and then I build up a
success that was unprecedented on cable news and I speak
my mind every night. And the establishment network people they
hate me, all right. I used to work at the
networks and oh, Riley's go, We're gonna make it. But
so they'refore more powerful than they are. And then the
left in America they see a centrist, traditional guy like
me basically destroying their arguments. And then they see me
getting interviews with Barack Obama, all right and big ones,
you know, super Bowl interviews, and so they go, we
gotta destroy this guy, We gotta go after and we
gotta throw everything we can at him, and they did.
But I had protection, all right, in the form of
Roger Ells and the apparatus that he created. So I
know what Donald Trump is going through, and it's the
same reason. So Trump goes to get the power political power.
Everybody in the establishment they call it. The swamp says
he's not qualified, he's a game show host. Get him
out of here. And then he wins. He beats all
the establishment Republicans. Why do you think the Bush family
hates him so much? Because he destroyed Jeb Bush on
the debate stage, all right, and then the left hates
him as his constituency are conservatives, so they hate him.
So then everything they can do to him they do,
and that causes him to react and instead of like
cowering and saying, oh, I'm sorry, he goes back to
them and fake news. And if all right, let me
get to this question. When we come back, bill O'Reilly
with us his latest number one best selling book, Crazy Horse,
Killing Crazy Horse, part of his historical killing series that
he does, and some bookstores everywhere, and Amazon dot com
and bill O'Reilly dot com. And as we continue, bill
O'Reilly with us all things O'Reilly at bill O'Reilly dot com,
including his new number one bestseller Killing Crazy Horse. Congrats
again on the book. Okay, so we're talking about Donald
Trump fights back and it's become a big part of
the narrative. I don't know, I mean, maybe it's just
the way I was raised different time, different plays. But
I'm not offended when a president fights to keep promises
on judges and taxes and ending the bureaucracy and cleaning
those swamp and finding and fighting for the money for
the wall, and fighting for better trade deals, and not
afraid to fight and take out the Caliphate and Syrian
Solomoni and Baghdaddy and all the other things that Trump
has done. I don't expect him to turn that fighter
instinct off because people say, well, now is the moment
you must not fight. It doesn't make sense to me,
to be honest, No, I mean, I'm with you. I'm pugnacious,
and I don't want to give the enemy any quarter
and let them go on offense. Look, if you know,
Donald Trump is the way we do. I wrote a
book on him, The United States of Trump. He's always
been that way since he's ten years old. All Right,
that's him, and I accepted. I'm not offended by it.
I do believe the news agencies run by the corporations
are mostly corrupt, and he has a perfect right to
defend himself. But now as we come into the most
important day of his life, his reelection day, he's got
to be more deliberate, more methodical. He's got to look
into the eyes of the voters and say, you may
not like me, I understand my style is a bit rough.
But if these people win, every single American is going
to be hurt. And that's true. And then he lays
out how if he does that, and then says, this
is what I'm going to do. I think he's gonna win.
But if it's still you know this one said that
and I'm going after this one, that's not worth it anymore.
Got to do big picture. Now, all right, Bill O'Reilly,
all things Riley and Bill O'Reilly dot com start. Thank
you for being with us twenty days till you, the
viewer listener, you are the ultimate jurity. You get to decide.
We'll check in on the Senate race when we get back,
and we have more information on the smoking gun email
that was revealed in the New York Post and much
more as we continue, all right, twenty four now till
the top of the hour. There are really pivotal, very
important Senate races. Actually there's about fifteen of them that
will decide the power in the Senate assuming Democrats don't win.
And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't pack the courts
and add DC and other places like Puerto Rico's statehood,
which I think there's part of their power grab plan
again that they're not answering any questions. You got the
Alabama race that everybody's paying attention to. I would think
that Tommy what's his name Tuberville will be Doug Jones
in that particular race. The Corey Gardner race Colorado is
more blue than red. He's got an uphill battle in
that race where he's running, but he's still also very
well liked. Watching the Martha McSally race against Mark Kelly.
Mark Kelly now has some controversy as it relates to
China himself. We've got the huge controversy that emerged in
the North Carolina race with Tom Tillis and Cal Cunningham.
Cal Cunningham apparently, you know, having multiple affairs and it
just came out more recently. Susan Collins always has a
tough race in Maine. Joanie Earnest is up in Iowa,
although I think she's ahead in that race, and I
would think that she would win that race. Montani of
Steve Danes, He's running a tight race with Steve Bullock.
A lot of tough races Georgia. Now you've got the
primary runoff of Senator Kelly Lofler and Doug Collins. That'll
happen later, but you'll have on election day. David Purdue
is running and that race has done a great job,
by the way, as a senator from the great state
of Georgia, and he joins us. Now, Senator, how are
you welcome back to the program? Hi, John, thanks for
having me. How's your race going down in Georgia? Last
I saw you were ahead, but you know, George's seems
to have tightened a little bit. There's been in some
demographic shift to the Democratic Party have so Georgia was
obviously a little bit hard, a little bit harder than
it was in the past. How do you see that
playing a part in this race? And what did you
make of the first day in person voting numbers which
broke records. Well, the Georgia is the rated and best
state in the country in which to do business. So
we're attracting people from California, Illinois, and New York, New Jersey,
and you know they're mostly Democrats. We've betted two and
almost two and a half million new voter shun since
I was elected in fourteen in Georgia. These are active voters.
So george is a much more balanced red blue state
than it ever has been. Now. Our momentum is good,
it's coming to us right now. But it's been a
tight race because of those demographics. I run against somebody
though that has really he has no platform other than
the a rubber stamp for Joe Biden, and the fact
that the radical left seems to have gotten a foothold
in Georgia behind Stacy Abrams and now John Assaw. My
question is when you look at the areas of Georgia,
like when I lived there, Cobb County was a heavily
Republican county. That's changed somewhat. What's gone on, Well, it's
the Democratic move the same thing people moving into the
state of moving into these four or five counties around
Atlanta that are now moving to the Ottimore Blue. I
won Cobb County by double digits last time. I think
our governor lost the county. Same thing in a few
other counties around suburban Atlanta. So this race really hinges on.
I think women in the suburbs same thing for President Trump,
and we are obviously speaking to them about the hypocrisy
of the Democratic Party, the fact that they've pandered to
African Americans for the last fifty years and really ignored
women too. So when you look at their record, it's
really abysmal. Eight years under Barack Obama, Shawn, eight hundred
thousand Americans fell into poverty, and yet in three and
a half years pre COVID six point six million people
were lifted out of poverty because of what Donald Trump's
done with this economy. Well, I think that's the point.
How is Donald Trump doing down there? How are his
poll numbers doing in Georgia? Georgia as a musclin state
for the president, as well as North Carolina and Florida.
I think President Trump and I are going to win.
It's a tight race, but he's been in tight races before.
The polls don't pick up some of his support, and
they don't pick up some of mine either. Sean as
an outsider, when I ran in fourteen, they had me
down eight to ten points and we won by over
eight points. They had Trump down five or six points.
He won by five points without ever even coming to
the state. I was as chairman in the state, and
we kept him out primarily because we knew we were
going to win. Now I think it's much tighter. He's coming,
possibly even this week. He may be here a couple
of times. If Vanka was here yesterday. Don Junior has
been here. So they're making a full court push to
help make sure Georgia does not slide over to the
Blue side. But I think Donald Trump's gonna win Georgia.
I think He's gonna win the electoral College by a bunch.
I could not believe how impressive ACB is. Ammy Coney Barrett,
what are your thoughts on her? And I think the
Democrats came off as shallow and petty and mean spirited
as usual, certainly not as mean as they were to
Justice Kavanaugh. But I could not believe. I am beyond
impressive in terms of knowledge of the law and her
ability to handle all the incoming that the Democrats are
trying to throw at her. Two things. If every American
can meet ACB, they would absolutely march on Washington say,
of course, this needs to be our next justice of
Supreme Court. The Democrats are playing pure partisan politics. Sean,
you calling out every day multiple times, there's no reason
why she should not be confirmed. They're playing the game, oh,
well you said this in sixteen and now you want
to do this. Well, they reversed as well. But here's
the part for them, this is totally historic. Historical legacy
backs us up to go ahead and nominate and confirm.
And I think now having a conversation with our leadership,
we will actually get that done before the election to
get her confirmed well, which I think is and that
the Democrats are trying to redefine what the word court
packing is. Joe Biden Kamala Harris refused to answer on
court packing. We know they're both on record as supporting
amnesty for what eleven fifteen million people. I think that
is a power grab in and of itself. I think
appreciative people you give something of value like citizenship, might
entice people to vote for Democrats. I think it should
not happen. I don't think you reward people for not
respecting our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. You add
to that DC statehood and other elsewhere. I mean that
would be a Senate power grab in the minds of
I think the Democratic Party. And then packing the court,
do you think they'd actually do it. Oh, absolutely. I
believe Chuck Human when he says he's worked too hard
to get to be the majority leader not to get
things done. Not only will they do that, he only
had DC and Puerto Rico's the states and eventually wants
to get rid of the electoral College. I mean, what
he's talking about, Sean, and you've called this out before,
is that he really wants a one party state. By
packing the court, he will remove the balance that we've
enjoyed for two or thirty years between the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches. This is what they want. They want
a Supreme Court that will make law, not just apply law,
and goodness gracious, they don't want a Supreme Court that
will support the Constitution. They want to rewrite that the
Second Amendment is in play, and even the First Amendment
with court cases where sermon have it, servants have to
be approved by local judges and that sort of thing.
So yes, I believe absolutely Joe, Biden and HU will
pack the court. And that's probably the most dangerous thing
I hear coming out of that, besides just the extreme
spending they're talking about between the new New Grow Green Deal,
or whatever. And you know, medicare for all and all
of that, the socialized medicine thing is just a joke.
But what they also want and listen to this, This
is where they pander to their side. They are champions
against human trafficking. We have a human trafficking problem in Georgia.
And yet my opponent John us Off and Chuck Humor
and Joe Biden all one open borders in sanctuary cities.
Both of those things enable traffickers. This is the irony
and the hypocrisy of the Democrats. And if we can
show that to the people, I think we win big nationwide.
All right, Senator Purdue of the Great State of Georgia.
We're watching Georgia closely. We'll be watching on election night
only twenty days from now as we begin and kick
off our twenty day count out. We wish all the
best in your race. Senator. We'll be watching closely, and
stay in touch with us. Son. Thank you. People can
help us at produce Senate dot com, p r due
Senate dot com, Sean, thanks lot, You're the best. All right, Senator,
thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean News
Round Up Information Overload next hour the latest on Amy
Coney Barrett, and the latest on Hunter Biden and zero experience.
Hunter and his father did know about his business dealings.
All right, let's go to our busy telephones. Eight hundred
nine four one. Seawan is our number. All right, let's
say how to Valerie is in Florida. Valerie, you're on
the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called. That's a pleasure.
I just want to say to talk to you and
finally get through. I do want to actually set the
record straight. I was actually at the Donald Trump Junior
event on Sunday here in Orlando. Massive turnout. I've been
following Trump, of course since twenty sixteen. People in Florida
are totally engaged. So people at the Donald Trump Junior event,
we had a rain out, ninety five degree humidity. People
stood there and listened to every word he said. So
you know what, Florida is more engaged than ever. And
these polls saying you know, Biden's ahead and he's gonna
win Florida. I just gotta tell you, living in it,
there's no way. People. I haven't seen the excitement from
people like this ever in Florida. And I can tell
you driving through the Democrat communities that you typically drive through,
they're all Trump signs. There is not one Biden sign
in some of those communities. So I can just tell
straight hand, first hand. In Florida, the polls are definitely faked.
There are so many people out there. I tell you so.
Last night I said on TV, I don't believe the polls.
I didn't believe them in twenty sixteen. I've watched this
happen too often over the years. For example, the eggs
of polls in two thousand and four said John Kerry
was going to be the next president, that George W.
Bush lost his reelection race. Dick Cheney, the then Vice president,
called us on election Day on this very radio program
and was pleading with people in Ohio and Florida and
the Panhandle in particular in southwest Florida to get out
and vote. They were wrong. They were wrong. In twenty sixteen,
not only all the polls leading up to the election,
but the eggs of poles showed that Hillary Clinton was
elected president. I remember, poor Frank Luntz read the eggs
of poles, was in Times Square. He was on Fox
News saying it's over. Hillary's going to be the next
president didn't work out that way. And I think that
there is always an effort to deflate enthusiasm of people.
And I am telling my audience I cannot that I
don't know who's gonna win. I don't have a crystal ball.
I can tell you don't believe them because they don't
know either. And I don't think Donald Trump poles as
a traditional politician. I don't think he ever has. I
don't think he ever will. And by saying that they
were like Hannity's telling people he doesn't believe the polls,
I'm like, why should I? They're wrong all the time,
you know, to trust these people with agendas, I'm sorry,
I don't trust them. So I'm telling people you might
read the polls. Why am I even going to bother
the boat? Don't believe them? And that's I'm just telling you.
They've been wrong so often, why should we believe them? Well?
And you know, ask yourself this question. We had to
Stanford rally on Monday. People were in mine at five am.
That didn't even start until seven pm. Okay, so who
would stand the mind for Biden for how many hours?
In the ninety five degrees humidity. I mean, we haven't
cooled down here yet. And the devote to Trump miles
and miles and miles and thousands of people that are
engaged in waiting to see President Trump. I mean, come on,
look at Biden crowds. What do we get less than
twenty if you're lucky? I mean, come on. So, yeah,
the polls are just so super fas. I don't think
there's enthusiasm for Biden. I think there's hatred of Donald
Trump though, that is driving a lot of That's why
the media is covering for Joe Biden's cognitive weaknesses and
his frailty and everything in between. Why they won't talk
about zero experience hunter, why they won't talk about the
rest of his family getting rich, is because they're covering
for the whole family because they hate Donald Trump more
than they want to tell the people of this country
of the truth. And that's sad, and that's why they're
fake news. You have to ask yourself, though, do you
really do you hate socialism because that's what we're going
or even worse yet, communism if Biden gets in. So
you got to ask yourself that question. If you're a
hatred of Trump, goes that far to push us into communism.
Then you know, why what do I say, live free
or die exactly? I mean, it's just really sad that
you're right. Get out and vote, and I mean get
out in person, don't all right, Valerie? Thank you? Look,
I just I have to tell people the truth. It's
my job. I've seen this game before and I watched it,
and sometimes it's an effective tactic. They make you think
your candidate has no chance of winning. Now, I've also
seen and observed, you know, poles show somebody's fifteen points
down and the candidates there's poles are wrong, and you
know that they're usually right. The crowds when I'm talking
about Trump sized crowds, as they think one hundred people
is a big crowd. So you can they can be right,
but when they want to be wrong, they'll be wrong.
All right, glad you with us snooze round up in
information overloaded at an hour here on the Sean Hannity Show.
So we've been watching the petty Democrats just I mean,
just as rude and condescending as they can be. I
want to play some of the highlights of the last
two days regarding this and they're at their ACB as
we call her, Amy Coney Barrett. Apparently it drives liberals
crazy because that is disrespectful for RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. No,
it's not. I don't think ACB could have been any
more complementary of RBG. And it's a little easier to say,
and you can it's that simple. But anyway, long story short,
it is typical. We've watched what they've done to Robert
Bourke and Clarence Thomas more recently Justice Kavanaugh. But they're
just seething with anger, and they're falsely trying to say
this is court packing. It's not court packing. This has
happened twenty nine times in history where there has been
a Supreme Court opening during a presidential election year. All
twenty nine times presidents have made nominations to the court,
even honest Abe during the election year when the Senate
back in session. I guess dishonest Kamalaw didn't quite have
our history right. Here are some of the low lights,
if you will, of the Democrats from yesterday and today.
Does the Constitution give the President of the United States
the authority to unilaterally delay a general election under any
circumstances does federal law. If I give off the cuff answers,
then I would be basically a legal pundit. And I
don't think we want judges to be legal pundits. I
think we want judges to approach cases thoughtfully and with
an open mind. Is Roe a super precedent? How would
you define super precedent? I actually I might. I thought
someday i'd be sitting in that chair. I'm not. I'm
up here, so I'm asked, Okay, Well, people use super
precedent differently. Okay, are you willing to say that Roe
was correctly decided, because that's really the essence of the
question here. Well, Senator, as I've said to others of
your colleagues in response to questioning, that it's inconsistent with
the duties of a sitting judge, and therefore has been
the practice of every nominee that's sat in the seat
before me to take positions on cases that the court
has decided in the past. Since you became a legal adult,
have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or
committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a
sexual nature. No, Senator, Harno, Have you ever faced discipline
or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct. No, Senator,
But I want to just ask you very simply, I
imagine you'll give me a very short, resolute answer, But
you condemned white supremacy. Correct. Yes, thank you. I'm glad
to see that you said that. I wish our president
would say that so resolutely, unequivocally as well to share
Justice Gala's approach to text originalism and textualism. But in
the litany of cases that you've just identified, the particular
votes that he's a cast are a different question of
whether I would agree with the way that he applied
those principles in particular cases. And I've already said, you know,
and I hope that you aren't suggesting that I don't
have my own mind, or that I couldn't think independently,
or that I would just decide, like, let me see
what Justice Scalia has said about this in the past,
because I assure you I have my own mind. But
everything that he said is not necessarily what I would
agree with or what I would do if I were
Justice Barrett. That was Justice Scalia, all right? Joining us
now as Carrie Savarino. She's the Chief Council Policy Director
Judicial Crisis Network. Greg Jared, author of the best selling
books The Russia Hoax and witch Hunt, and host of
The Brief, which is his new podcast. By the way,
welcome both of you. You know, I was watching and
paying very close attention. They wanted, in this particular case,
Amy Coney Barrett to tell them specifically how she is
going to rule on cases which would violate the Ruth
Bader Ginsburg rule. No hans, no idea. You don't give
any telegraph of any way you might rule. And she
wasn't asked, And she was asked repeatedly and constantly harassing
Amy Coney Barrett into into saying whether she would recuse
herself should an issue involving the twenty twenty election come
into play. That would be ridiculous and absurd to me,
Greg Jarrett, your thoughts, Well, I expected, you know, Senator
or Sheldon Whitehouse to be a total goofball. He didn't
disappoint Maizie Herono to be you know, ignorant and assinine,
and she didn't disappoint either. Corey Booker, of course, who
you know, is intoxicated by his own self importance, reprised
his role as Spartacus, as he did in the kabinat hearing.
What I really didn't expect, John was for Kamela Harris,
the vice presidential nominee, to so badly stumble and fumble
and mumble her way through what was clearly a campaign
script written by somebody not her, and then Amy Coney
Barrett absolutely drop kicks her with ease. And so the
lesson here is that these rather two Democratic senators are
no match for the brilliance of Judge Barrett, because intelligence
always annuls hubris and malice, and that's been on full
display now this is the third day. As Democrats now
have said, everything is on the table Carrie savouryo, and
that means court packing. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris steadfastly
refused to answer a question. They even Joe Biden going
as far as to say we don't deserve an answer,
which kind of was a little shocking. Considering he wants
to be president, you'd think he'd be more honest and
open and transparent on where he would stand on such
a controversial issue that would literally destabilize the balance of
power between the executive brands. A legislative branch and the
judicial branch usurping the power of the other two branches,
if in fact they ever did this in many ways.
So I guess I have to believe that that is
their plan. Your thoughts absolutely. I think there's a reason
that Joe Biden he doesn't even want an October surprise here.
He's hoping for a November surprise. We're vote for me,
and then surprise, you find out what my actual positions are. Look,
if his position was to be respectful of the tripartite
system of government, he wouldn't have to be so evasive.
But what we know that Democrats want here. They don't
want someone like Barrett, who has been so clear that
she is a judge who could simply follow the law,
not politics. They just want a democratic super legislature on
the bench. And it sounds like, as you were said,
they're willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
That should be really chilling for Americans, and very chilling
that Harris and Biden aren't willing to reject such a
ridiculous proposal that even Ruth Bader Ginsburg, even Bernie Sanders
acknowledged this would be a really horrible idea, horrible for
the horrible for America. I see three specific power grab
opportunities for the Democrats. If God forbid, Joe Biden became president,
and I don't think he's qualified to be president, and
I don't think as the strength of stamina and the
mental alertness and acuity at this point in his life
to do the job. Greg Jarrett, that's my own humble opinion,
him stumbling and fumbling anytime he asked to speak off
the cuff as an embarrassment. But putting all that aside,
he's already said he supports amnesty in the United Sanctuary
States of America. While you'd be giving people that didn't
respect our borders, our laws, and sovereignty something of value,
I would assume you would hope that they might also
then vote for you. That would be a significant new
voting block that would impact impact elections in the future
DC Puerto Rico statehood, perhaps even more in the hopes
that Democrats would get a permanent majority in the United
States Senate court packing where they would get things done
that they could never get done at the ballot box
or legislatively. So to me, this would be the biggest
power grab at one hundred and fifty years. Am I
wrong on any of these three points? Oh, you're right
on all of them. Think of the arrogance of this.
I mean, the Democratic nominee for president of the United
States refuses to address some of the vital issues, saying that, well,
you'll find out about it after you elect me, my lord.
That's really quite stunning. The truth of the matter is
he doesn't want to tell you the truth because he
fears the fallout. Yes, of course he endorses packing the court.
Otherwise he would say no, I don't support that. Yes,
he wants to get rid of the filibuster to help
him if he's president, but he won't tell you that because, again,
he doesn't want to suffer the voter backlash. So this
is an outrageous power grab based on a refusal to
answer legitimate questions. Frankly, I mean, I've been covering for
four decades presidential elections. I have never seen anything like it.
I've never seen anything like it. It does not seem
and I've had a couple of friends of mine say,
you've got to explain it better, You got to explain
it better. Well, I'm carry I'm trying to the best
of my ability. You're the attorneys here. I'll let you
give it your best shot. Court packing would be we've
had nine Supreme Court justices for one hundred and fifty
plus years, to add additional justices that would be appointed
by liberal Democrats that have a judicial activism philosophy where
they can legislate from the bench executive fiat. There's no accountability.
It's a lifetime position that not responsible to the voters.
But it could literally, you know, they could get things
through the courts that ultimately could never change they could
ever change legislatively. Thereby altering America our constitution potentially are
bill of rights, potentially in ways that are frankly unimaginable.
But it's a real possibility, absolutely, And you know, there's
it's not in the constitution how many numbers of justices
there are, so all they would have to do is
pass a law to do it. But there's a reason
we haven't in a hundred and fifty years changed that
this is a norm that has there's an understanding you
can as a president nominate a justice to fill an
empty seat, but the idea that we're going to add
seats not because oh there's a there's a problem with
the workload or they need help. No, it's explicit. It's
explicitly we want more nominees who will bring our agenda
forward on the bench. Do you know, Look, the Supreme
Court is not the place to advance your part as
an agenda. These are judges who are supposed to be
a political and like Amy Coney Barrett, is supposed to
be looking on what the law says. If you had
fifteen twenty judges who are actually looking at the law,
it wouldn't be a risk. But what we're talking about
people trying to put on the court judges who would
effectively be reading their own law into the laws that
are elected representative path into the constitution, changing those and
that's not how our constitution works. We should be changing
those only by the will of the people, not by
the will of unelected judges. So they're going to try
to use those judges to lock in political gains in
a way that I think it's brazen and frightening. The
hearings with Amy Coney Barrett seem to be going very
very well, so her last day of testifying us today,
and then I guess they have, you know, whatever they
have internally that they need to do with the Senate
Judiciary Committee. That's next. They may not vote her out
of committee when that doesn't happen. If that doesn't happen,
what is next, Greg Jarrett, Well, it can go straight
to the four. It doesn't accordinate. The rules have to
come out of committee. And look what's going to happen tomorrow.
Diane Feinstein released the witnesses the Democrats are calling, and
these are all people, not scholars or lawyers talking about
the qualifications of the nominee. No, these are individuals who
will talk about the impact of overturning Obamacare, abortion, gun
control cases, other cases. This is a blatant attempt to
influence a future justice's decision making, and it's campaigning. It's
trying to sway voters. That's not the purpose and function
of a confirmation hearing. It's a bastardization of the process.
It is, in a word, shameful. What do you think,
Carrie from there? When do we get to a full
vote in the US Senate? I think we'll have the
vote before the end of this month. I think there's
a few moving pieces and Democrats we know have already
declared they know they don't have the vote to stop.
Their goal is delay, delay, delay. Whatever partisan reasons they
can do to delay, they're going to use them. But
I think we have a good team on the Senate
that's working to counter all those will have a vote
before the end of this month. And I think it's
going to be really hard for anyone who watched her
in those hearings, just masterful, really commanding the room, clearly
smarter than all the people on that bench asking her
these silly questions. It's gonna be hard for them to
really justify their answer, Againser. That's why they're turning it
into a campaign footage video rather than actually engaging with
the nominee, because they know they can't stand and held
the candle there. Yeah, Senator white House literally speaks for
you know thirty minutes, doesn't ask a single question, brings
a thousand charts, And I'm like, why are you forcing
us to listen to you ramble on and on forever?
I made it was like his chance to have his
own campaign commercial. Carrie Severino, thank you, Greg Jarrett, thank
you eight hundred and nine for one sewn you want
to be a part of the program, A developing blockbuster
story as relates to zero experience Hunter and Barisma and
Ukraine and apparently goes way beyond that. And that is
that the lie that Joe Biden told that he knew
nothing about Hunter Biden's business dealings has now been blown
out of the water. What impact this will have and
what else is coming next? Eight hundred nine four one seawn,
you want to be a part of the program. We'll
have that story for you on the other side as
we continue, all right twenty five now till the top
of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, sewn,
you want to be a part of the program. We
now have the smoking gun email as it relates to
zero experienced Hunter and Ukraine and Barisma. And you know,
let's just backtrack a little bit here. Everybody in the mob.
The media ignored Senator Grassley and Senator Ron Johnson's report
that talk at length about how much deeper the business
dealings were as it relates to Hunter Biden cashing in
on his then vice president's name with Russian oligarchs and
Ukrainian oligarchs and Chinese nationals, Russian nationals, Kazakh nationals, Ukrainian nationals,
and you have the three and a half million from
the Mayor of Moscow, or the first Lady of Moscow
as she was called the wife of the Mayor of Moscow,
all part of these business dealings. Peter Schweitzer's Secret Empires
goes into depth and detail as it relates to the
what ended up being one point five billion dollars deal
with the Bank of China immediately after a trip that
Hunter took with his father to Asia and visiting China,
and then of course Zero Experience Hunter getting paid millions
from Barisaholdings and Joe Biden bragging on tape that you're
not getting the billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire the
prosecutor that is investigating my zero experience son that's being
paid millions. It all happened, and everybody ignored it, and
Joe Biden repeatedly said, I don't know anything about my
son's business dealings, nothing whatsoever. Anyway, there is apparently emerging
a treasure trove of information. We're vetting through a lot
of it ourselves, a lot of it coming out today
in the New York Post, or what I'm told is
only going to be the first wave where Hunter Biden
in fact did introduce his father, then Vice President Joe Biden,
to a top executive at Barisma, the Ukrainian energy firm,
less than a year before. The elder Biden then pressured
government officials to fire the prosecutor that was in fact
investigating his zero experience son. Anyway, the never before revealed
meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation sent by
an adviser to the board of Barisma, allegedly sent to
Hunter Biden on April seventeen, twenty fifteen, about a year
after Hunter joined Barisma reported salary of at least fifty
thousand dollars a month. There's been some conflicting information about that.
The report in The New York Post says it says,
dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and
giving me the opportunity to meet your father and spend
some time together. It's it's really an honor and a pleasure.
An earlier email from maya, twenty fourteen also shows this
individual reportedly showing Barisman's number three executive, asking Hunter for
advice on how you could use your influence on the
company's behalf. This correspondence flies in the face of Joe
Biden's claim that he's never spoken to his son about
his overseas business dealings. Obviously, this is a big story,
and it's about corruption and abuse of power and influence
and a real quid pro quo on a higher level
than anybody ever imagined. Let me just remind you of
Joe Biden saying he's never discussed this with a son.
I have never discussed with my son, or my brother
or anyone else being having to do their businesses. Period. Oh, anyway,
here to weigh in on all of this, John Solomon
is back with us editor in chief just thenews dot
com Peter Schweitzer. He authored Secret Empires and was at
first and revealing a lot of this information about the
financial dealings of the Biden's abroad and cashing in on
the power of the then vice president and prior to
that senator from Delaware. I've now been hearing that there
is a treasure trove of information. I've confirmed that people
have it, people have told me what's in it, but
I haven't been able to confirm it all myself. Peter Schweitzer.
And if I know it, that means you must know it.
What do you know and what can you tell us? Yes?
There is a treasure trove of emails that come from
a laptop in Delaware that is believed to be Hunter
Biden's laptop that contains a lot of emails related to
his business activities and personal information. I can also stay
here Sean for the first time, and we'll be talking
more about this in the days ahead. That we were approached.
I was approached ten days ago by a former Hunter
Biden business partner who has given me access to twenty
six thousand emails, many of which pertained to business dealings
in China and elsewhere. So the mystery question that we
all knew the answer to of why did Hunter Biden
get these deals in China and Ukraine is now coming
forward and is being revealed he got those deals because
of whose father was and the fact that his father
was going to do favors for him and on behalf
of these clients that were paying Hunter Biden all this money. Now,
John Solomon, I know that you went way deeper than
I ever did in the issue of Ukraine. And you know,
the one thing that I've come to believe is that
in terms of business dealings, especially involved in politics, there
is a ton of corruption there. So I don't know
whether you know who to trust or believe on any
level as it relates to Ukraine. I know you've been
aware of this. What do you believe as it relates
to all of this, Well, listen, we can believe what
the State Department officials told us in sworn testimony, which
is they saw what Hunter Biden was doing and the
fact that his father continued to oversee Ukrainian policy while
his son was making all this money at Barisma as
a conflict of interest, the very thing an ethical government
official should avoid. Multiple officials, including George Kent, the guy
who made himself famous during the impeachment proceedings with his
little Boatie and his testimony made really clear that this
was a major problem. It was undercutting US policy trying
to fight corruption in Ukraine. How do you tell the
Ukrainians don't be corrupt when the Biden administration, the Obama bidenministration,
doesn't pursue this company and Joe Biden's son sits on
it making lots of money. And it was eighty three,
three hundred and thirty three dollars a month that came
into each of Devin Archer, his business partner, and Hunter Biden,
we know the records, how do we know that numbers
exact and right not conflicted? The FBI got these records
in a bank transaction. So the truth of the matter
is what we've been reporting, starting with Great Books, and
then the work guy did at the Hill is now
coming into clare focus. This was a bad, corrupt deal
in Ukraine that not only shamed the Biden family, it
undercut a US policy in trying to fight corruption in Ukraine.
That's no longer in dispute. It's a fact. Peter, what
are we going to find out here? How bad does
this get for Joe Biden in the next twenty days.
I think it's going to get very bad for Joe Biden.
You know, my regret is only that we didn't have
access to these emails earlier. But it's going to get
very bad because, look, everybody knows Hunter Biden was not
getting these deals on marriage, and a question was always
what role did Joe Biden play in any of his
son's business dealings. He has flat out said you played
the audio that he had no conversations. Ever, we're going
to be able to demonstrate with this new material that
he absolutely knew about his son's business dealings and that
he was even in some respects directly involved with them.
We're also going to be able to demonstrate that Joe
Biden's insistence that there was this wall between his son's
activities and his were flawed, and that Hunter Biden's business
partners saw him as the gateway to the administration, that
that's why he was actually involved in these ventures in
the first place, that he brought nothing else to the table.
So the question really becomes for me, Sean. You know,
John has done amazing legwork and reporting on this. We
expose it in the book. The real question is are
other members of the media going to demonstrate any curiosity
about this, because, let's be clear, it's not just about
what Joe Biden has done. The media needs to consider
that Joe Biden has lied to their faces. He has
told them there is nothing there, and the evidence is
going to concmpeter. They've been protecting him the whole time.
The whole idea now is to run out the clock.
He won't even answer a question about whether he'll pack
the US Supreme Court. He won't, They won't. Everything's on
the table. Chuck Schumer says it'll be the biggest power
grab ever. What of both of you make about the
Obama administration letting a Democratic PR company that worked for
Barissma take part in a conference call about an upcoming
visit to Ukraine by then Vice President Joe Biden. According
to some of these emails, John Solomon, listen, blue Star
is the key to this whole scandal. When people understand
what Blue Star was doing to try to force the
Ukrainian government to drop the corruption investigation of Hunter Biden's
firm Barisma, they'll understand how big a scandal it is.
And tomorrow I will have a story based on newly
released documents from the State Department that I FOY had
showing that after Joe Biden fired the prosecutor known as Shokin,
Victor Schokin, the guy that he got fired by making
that famous. You know, you don't get your billion dollars
unless he gets fired. The new guy comes in. And
as soon as the new guy comes in and gets
his feet on the ground in Ukraine, he's start to
take over the case. Blue Star starts courting him, offering
to take him to America to meet with Hillary Clinton's
campaign and the Biden administration and the Obama administration. We're
going to reveal the sort of influence pedaling that was
going on. And here's the funny thing. Once they did that,
once they tried to arrange that meeting in Washington for him,
what did that prosecutor do? He closed down the remaining
corruption cases, just like Hunter Biden and Barissma and Bluestar
wanted to do. We'll have that story for you tomorrow
with the actual documents released by the State Department. What
about the deals with Russian nationals, Kazakh nationals, Ukrainian nationals,
Chinese nationals, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, all the findings of
the preliminary findings and Ron Johnson and Senator Grassley's report.
Peter Schweitzer, Yeah, I mean, this is the thing. I mean,
the Bidens were not simply doing business deals with Barissma.
They were running a corrupt United Nations of commercial transactions.
They weren't doing business deals in Japan or in Great Britain.
They were doing deals on the fringes of the global
economy with corrupt governments and oligarchs. And that's what people
have to understand. Joe Biden's been involved in national politics
for five decades. He knows how business is done in
this way. He knows what these regimes are about. He
was the chairman of the Centapheign Relations Committee. He knows
who they're doing deals with. So there's no plausible deniability here.
He and Hunter are very close, They've always been very close,
and the documents now are proving that they were working
these deals together, that there was a corresponding series of
events in which they were both involved that made this
business model work for the benefit of the entire Biden family. Well,
what about the email I don't know if you saw
it from Robert Biden to Devin Archer. Oh, buy a
cell phone from a seven eleven or CBS tomorrow and
I'll do the same. Don't they call those burner phones
for a reason? And aren't a lot of people involved
in the farious act? It is? Isn't that a common
in practice, John Solomon? It is. Drop phones are well
known for people who are engaging in criminal conduct. Now,
there were a long way from proving that. Here's what
I'll say about one other thing. You mentioned all of
the suspicious activity reports that were flagged, that these are
Treasury warning reports that were given to senators Johnson and Grassley. Recently,
I am doing some reporting, and it appears that the
reason that those reports got flagged, the reason that those
were sent to the government saying something is amiss with
Hunter Biden's finances is there was a whistle blower or
a compliance officer inside one of the financial firms who
believed what he was watching amounted to money laundering or
illegal conduct, and he forced his financial institution to come
forward and reported to the Treasury Department. I think we're
going to learn more about that in the next week.
If financial people saw something wrong, the State Department saw
something wrong, the FBI saw something wrong because they obviously
arrested Hunter Biden's business partner, Devin Archer and convicted him
in twenty eighteen. Why doesn't the American people see something wrong?
And why doesn't Biden see something wrong with what his
son was doing? By the way, you just broke a story.
Also today, I think it's important to point out the
Bruce or just retired. Wasn't he one of the people
in August of twenty sixteen that even warned Comy not
to trust the dirty Russian dossier? And with the documents
I just put out reaffirming again that he warned them
that Christopher Steele was working for Hillary Clinton. It was
not in doubt they knew before they submitted their first
face and warn Why is Or's retirement so important it
allowed him to escape punishment. He was just notified there
was an imminent decision on whether he would be disciplined
for his role in the Russia case, and they allowed
him to retire rather than face discipline. Another example of
the dual system of accountability we seem to have in
the Justice Department. All Right, great work, John Solomon, just
Thenews dot Com. Peter Schweitzer his book Secret Empires. If
you haven't read it yet, it's it's eye opening. All
of this should be in play if the last name
was Trump, you know it would be Thank you both
for being with us. All right, that's gonna wrap things
up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News, Peter Schweitzer,
Rudy Giuliani, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Lindsey Graham, Kaylee mcinaney
will join us, add much much more. Saydev our best
election coverage, nine Eastern Hannity on Fox when we come
back tomorrow. Only nineteen days till you are the ultimate jury.
This election matters. Thanks for being with us, See you tonight,
back here tomorrow