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May 21, 2024 191 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Mojo creaky. What you don't thinkmy god, let me take that back
to the beginning. Is alright,you ready you're listening to Mojo in the
Morning. You're right, do youhack? We go down shoot time,

Good morning and welcome to the Mojoin the Morning Show. Happy Tuesday to
you. And beautiful weather expected today. Maybe a thunder shower here or there,
but nothing like what some other peopleare getting. I heard that there
were some tornadoes that are expected tohit the Midwest. I think Chicago might

get something bad today. We actuallyget to a reprieve from that. It's
a Mojo in the Morning Show.Good to have you here with us.
Wore the roses coming up this morning, and this morning's one is an interesting
one. It's one of those couplesand I kind of got the feeling that
maybe Shannon and West might turn intothis sometime that likes to go to strip

clubs together. Do you think thatthat might wouldn't be me? That's not
gonna happen. You guys are notgoing to be the strip club couple.
Literally, the last couple. I'mnot going to say. I'm not going
to say it. No, Idon't think it's cav right, you listen.
I feel like Shannon is against it, but I do feel like if

she went one time, I couldsee her getting I'm talking about with West
like on some couple of Yeah.I think it's Uh, it's something that
I see it. Your ten years. You're ten years together, you guys,
So you know, let's spice itup a little bit. Where's the
flight club? Uh? Well,I think it's by the airport. I
think that's why they call it theflight club. Is that why they call
it the flight club? It's theonly one way to get MoU high?

Is that what it is? Buthere's this couple that does it, And
don't knock it till you try it, because when you hear these guys,
you'll probably say to yourself, thankgod, we're not one of those couples.
It's a couple that goes to thestrip clubs together and they have fun,
and then it turns out the husbandhas been doing it without his wife.

And here's the wildest part of thewhole deal. The stripper is calling
him out for it. So thestripper is the one that connected with the
wife and said, hey, youbetter watch your back or front or whatever
else is going on. Here andthis morning on the Mojo in the Morning
Show, we bust a cheater stickaround for that at seven forty here on

the Mojo in the Morning Show.And I don't think that there's anything wrong,
by the way, with you asa couple exploring fun things. But
I'm going to tell you this,I think there's something freaky about this.
I really do. I don't know. The couples that sit there and go,
you know, and do this,maybe might want to go to Applebee's
instead. It might be a littleless risky if you guys do that.

Eh, they got those one dollarmargarita. You know what happens enough of
those one dollar margaritas and it turnsinto a where's the light club at?
Exactly? So, all right,Mojo on the Morning Show. Shannon is
not a go to the strip clubkind of girl, but she is a
go to Costco kind of girl.I haven't been to Costco in forever and

ever. And yesterday Smith's swim practice, Lucy and Smith's swim practice got canceled,
and so I was like, youguys, we're going to Costco.
I had like a whole list ofthings that I needed to get, and
I thought, you know what,I'm going to skip the regular grocery store.
I'm gonna go to Costco because Ineeded to get some like big stuff
and then plants for my backyard patioand stuff. So we loaded up the

car and went to Costco after schooland we went to town. The worst
thing to do is go to Costcowith two kids because they see all the
snacks and they want every single thingthat they see and those and those boxes
are big, right, So Ihad a cart filled that up, got

a second cart, so Louse waspushing that one. Then Smith and I
pushed the second cart. That palettecards are the normal cart. Okay,
well we had two normal carts.But then on the way out, I
told Lucy, I go don't letme forget the reason we came here was
to get plants for the patio.So then I had the palette cart that
I was pushing with plants for mypatio. So we get up, we
check out. By the way,the two cashiers that were checking us out

were listeners. They were phenomenal.So good morning to you guys, and
we're pushing this stuff out to thecar. Now, mind you each of
us have a car. Right now, I'm driving a Traverse because I get
my new car from Marine Buick GMCon Thursday, so it's not like the
biggest vehicle in the whole entire world. We get to the car and I

look at Lucy and I just bustedout laughing. I go, lou there
is absolutely no way everything we boughtis gonna fit, especially these plants.
Like what was I thinking? SoI call Wes because I thought, Okay,
he has a ram, if he'sanywhere in the area, he can
come and get me and help usand take some of this stuff. He

was still kind of far away.He had trackway on the east side,
so loose and I went to towntrying to fit all this stuff in like
a puzzle. We got almost everythingin. I had to sacrifice one of
the plants until get back in theactually return it. I felt like the
biggest idiot. When I told thelady, I was like, I just
bought this ten minutes ago. Ican't fit in my car. She's like,

this happens all the time. SoI looked at Smith. I go,
it's either you coming home with meor it's this extra plant coming home
with me. And I choose you, Bubby, So we took to the
plant thing that our parents would doto us when we were kids and make
us hang in the back in theplant area. Oh, like we'd be
in the back of the trucks withno seatbelt on. And I have a
picture that's how it was. Yeah. By the way, they don't make

those traverses high enough that they likethey need you know what I mean,
Like you you know how it whereyou trying to get the plant in there.
It's like your plants all of asudden smushed or bent over because of
that. No, so we hadthe plant sideways anyway. I mean,
did the dirt come out of theplanter? No, because they're all wrapped
up. They wrap them up inlike this brown paper. So, by

the way, five shout out toLucy being able to push one of those
huge cards. Those cards are likeSmith had his own too, So Smith
Smith is also pushing his own card. I'm not helping you with yours.
Oh so you had all had threeof them. By the way, what
makes you think that you were goingto be able to get three cartloads of
stuff into what is it? Aclown card? You know what I mean?

Let me tell you something. Whenyou're in the thick of Costco and
you're so excited at these new itemsthat they have. You're not thinking about
whether or not it can fit.You're thinking about, oh my god,
I have so much money while spendingone thousand dollars. Yes, exactly,
cost Co illusion. Yes. Bythe way, the best is when you

ever see those people that are drivingon the highway and they got like the
mattress on their roof or the couch, you know, hanging out of the
back of their their suv, andyou're like, these bastards are going to
cause an accident because there is noway that those bat those uh, like
the mattress on the roof, youknow, is going to end up making

it all the way home without fallingoff the top of that car of theirs
and they're funny. Thing is myfavorite is the people who go mattress shopping
and they go mattress shopping in likeI don't know, like a little uh
like zach t. Yeah, youknow, it's like you can't, I
don't know how you're gonna fit thatthing. You're going to cover up your
eyes on the front windshield by havingit hanging over the front, or it's

going to be so hanging off theback that it's almost like, uh,
you know the people driving behind youare gonna be worried about it. Uh
yeah, eight four to four MojoLive. Let me give the phone number
out eight four four six six fivesix five four eight. The text is
nine to five five zero zero.Have you ever done this before where you
had your car and you went shoppingfor something, you bought it, and

then you realize, I don't thinkI'm a fit this thing in my car.
This happened to me, but Ihad to call my dad for backup.
Yeah he did. When I boughtmy last television, Uh, there
was a really good sale going on. They were doing a clearance, getting
rid of like all of the lastyear's models or whatever. When do they
do that big TV sale? Isit like right after Christmas? I think

a super bowlish time. Isn't that? Yeah? I was gonna say,
I feel like it's after Chris.It was New Year and I went and
I got a television that didn't fitinto my car. TV's are tough because
the boxes are so big. Correct. It wasn't even that big of a
television, And I was like,what does I have an SUV? Why
does this not fit, and mybrother in the whole the whole time are
on the show, was like,this is gonna fit your car, Like

it's gotta fit. We're gonna dain the car, got out to the
car, did not fit. Thecar. Had to call my dad to
bring his pickup truck, and thatwe had to plan for a day where
it was good weather to bring itup to my new apartment in the Troit
because there was no way to coverit up. So but I had this
happened to me picking up friends fromthe airport. I drove Luke's car,

not realizing these people way overpack andI thought they just had carry ons because
they were only coming in on aFriday and leaving on a Sunday. But
they all had like two checked piecesof luggage and they were so big.
I get to the airport, Ihad to and you could have done this,
Shannon, and at Costco. Ihad to get an uber to take
I took some of their bags,and then I had an uber take some

of their bags. And then whatSean went with me and Dave went with
the uber driver. And how funnyis that that all would have wasted time
for me? It could have justgone with the Uber driver. You could
have uber called for an uber foryour plants. Genius weeet shoot, I
could have gotten more plants. Theywere like twenty nine. Yeah, they

went to the Uber drive. TheUber driver shows up, but he's like,
all right, I'm here to getyou, and you just throw plants
at I know, I don't reallylook like to train out. What's going
on there? By the way,they're checking it big time now. She
did not check yesterday. I flashedthat it could have been any Well,
it's because of you. She knewwho you were right from the radios.
No. Well, no, theydidn't check it. They actually didn't check

it at checkout just when I walkedin. They're doing checkout now at the
Costco by me with Jane. Neverdid before. It used to be just
checking you when you walked in.What's going on? Katrina? Hey,
so I had what do idea tobuy a new like bed, brain,
mattress, all of it. Yeah, really that's thinking. When I get

I hold up everything, I hadto shove it all into my tiny cheap
liberty. Oh god, you're notthinking about that when you're in the store.
All I wasn't. That's everything comesin like pieces and small boxes,
but it definitely fits. I wantto see a bed in a jeep Liberty.
That had to be very that hadto be fun. Getting on two

seventy five one of the worst placesever to be driving. Absolutely what's happened,
David? Hi, Well, youguys are talking about mattress and stuff.
When I was younger, my grandfatherput a pony in the back of
his trunk. Life function, Comeon a pony. We picked a pony,

We picked it up and put itin the put it in the trunk
and shut the lid. And I'mlike, Grandpa, how are we going
to get that out of there?He's like, don't worry about that.
We cracked that. We got backto the house, opened up the trunk
and that thing shot out like abullet. That's awesome. Oh my god.
Mojo in the Morning Show, what'shappening? Misfit Ron? How are

you buddy? Hey? Good?First off, Shannon, the Traverse is
actually a good car because I haveI have a twenty fourteen and I've been
remodeling my house and sheets of drywallor sheets of like OSB, which is

like for like the walls on thefloor. You can fit a four by
eight sheet of OSB corner to cornerin the back of it, really,
so it slides on sitting down onthe thing. Huh well corner, Well
it's corner to corner, like,uh yeah, that's amazing. Twenty fourteen,

how many times I had to goto the lumfery yard. There's guys
with trucks and they can't get itin and no they're loading their stuff up
in their trucks and I'm loading thestuff up in my traverse. That's crazy.
I put a washer and a dryerend to end and shut the hatch
in the traverse washers. There's noway, no way you can fit a

washer and a driver in the backof a verse. I swear to God,
I don't believe it. I movedmy washer and dryer and I put
it in the back of the room. But yeah, zero, zero chance
point zero. They're nice cars.But I know you need to get ratchet
strapped. What do you think thatrack off the top the sport? Could
you see me doing that? Comeon, I love that. That would

be actually fun to hear and seeyou doing that. Mannie. What's up?
Hey? Uh So, one timeI went to go buy this seventy
inch TV. We have a FordExplorer, and I had my wife and
my daughter and me. Well,I didn't think about, uh, the
TV fitting in the car. Ihad to lay down all the seats and

I made my daughter lay down inthe back with the TV. Come home
with us. Oh man, Yeah, that funny. You take the TV.
Which one's more valuable, the TVor your daughter? Well, it
was early enough in the day.I could have gotten back to Best Buy
before they stay right here. Allright, How smart are you? It's

mutual in the mornings back in theday. We have to go back and
change before we give you a bunchof events and you tell us what year
it happened. Remember Barbara Walter.This was the year that Barbara Walters asked
Mariah Carey if this Nicki Minaj lyricis about her, and she says,
I'm quick to check a bitch ifshe is out of lack. You the

bitch she's singing about, don't know, don't know what she's sing I didn't
know she sang. I thought shewent or whatever. Kevin Spacey starred in
the Netflix original series House of Cards. I don't care how much it hurts
I don't care how controversial it is. Your job is to find a way.

That's a great series. And LadyGaga applause was on the radio.
What year was this? We'll setyou up with tickets to see Shakira Shakira,
good lie. What year did thesethings happen? Call us at eighty
four to four. Mojore live totell us eight four four six sixty five

six five four eight. It's yourmemory, it's Mojo in the mornings back
in the day. What you didthis stuff happen? Just hearing Barbara Walters
read this lyric makes me happy thismorning. It was the year that Mariah
was being interviewed by Barbara Walters.And what was the Nicki min I song
that they thought? Barbara thought thatwas about Mariah Carey. And she says,

I'm quick to check a bitch ifshe is out of lama. Are
you the bitch she's singing about?Don't know, don't know what she sing.
I didn't know she sang. Ithought she d or whatever or whatever.
Kevin Spacey starred in the Netflix documentoriginal series House of Cards. I

don't care how much it hurts,I don't care how controversial it is.
Your job is to find a wayand the big song from Lady Gaga applause
Monica. What year was that,two thousand and thirty. Yeah, congratulations,

you got your care of tickets.What gave it away? It was
the House of Cards for me?Yes, so good. And we talked
earlier this week in The Dirty aboutKevin Spacey wants his career back. I
wonder I think they killed him offon that show, if I'm not mistaken
spoilers, so I'm not sure Iended it. I ended it after I

think four seasons. But it was, honestly probably four of the best seasons
I've seen a show. Spoiler alert. They had to do something. The
guy was he was fondling boys,or allegedly fondling boys all over the place,
and they had to take them offthe show. But yeah, we're

gonna give you those tickets. Hangon the phone. We're gonna give way
some more tickets to Tate McCay tickets. Let's use the title of one of
her songs as the word to textxes text xes ex es to nine five
five zero zero and a chance towin sold out tickets. See Tate McCrae
standard text and data rates to applytoo. In the morning's Dirty on the

thirty, Shannon with what's trending inthe Dirty on the thirty. Guys,
remember who Cameron is? Yes?Heym hey mo okay. So last night
he was invited to speak on theshow CNN Newsnight with Abbie Philip to talk
about that horrific video of Ditty andCassie that went around the internet, and

Abby Philip, you know, askedhim do you recognize the man in this
video, to which Cameron was verytalkative and said, yes, it's Diddy,
you know. He mentioned that hefinds everything Diddy is accused of to
be egregious, to be things thathe does not support, saying he knows
him, you know, but Iwas definitely not friends with him. However,

when Abby asked him a similar questionlater in the interview, this is
how Cameron responded, is there somethingknown in the end industry about how did
he treated his artists? So I'mgonna get some cheeks after this Horsepowers joint?
What about the industry in general?I mean, so many people have

pointed out that did he couldn't getaway with this stuff if there weren't a
lot of people protecting him. Doyou think that's the case. Who the
talent agent for this joint? Like? Do you think I'll be sitting around
watching? What did he do?And all this? I didn't know this
was a Diddy joint that was invitedme to. Yoh who booked me for
this joint? All right? Thanks? Thanks for joining us, Thanks for

a sudden I just wanted to knowthem to do with it. Afterwards,
he wrote on Instagram if they inviteme on CNN for why would he even
think anybody would want to talk tohim other than that? Well, because
his co host is Mace, whowas signed to Diddy and signed to bad
Boy. I think that would understandwhat he did say during the interview.
Ask me, don't ask me.But it's interesting though he does the podcast

talking about Diddy, honest podcast.Why would he not think? What does
CNN want to talk to Cameron about? Right? I don't know, but
he used it as an opportunity tomark his horse power, which is his
Why acts why you heard him drinkingso loudly? I think that was his
goal. Is it like the pillsthat you get at speedway? I guess
I've never had it? But really, allegedly Ben Affleck has quote unquote come

to his senses about his marriage toJennifer Loquez and knows in his gut they
are headed for divorce. So Sour'stelling me, if there was a way
to divorce on the grounds of temporaryinsanity, he would do it ouch.
He feels like the last two yearshas just been like a fever dream,
and he's come to a census nowand understands there is no way this relationship

is going to work. We've toldyou he's been house hunting around la while
living separately from j Lo. Shewas doing the same, though. Somebody
told me she's actually looking for aninvestment property, not for a new home
for handing mystery st Johansson and saysthis song is so can we get up?
DJ four fingers Jan you have beenI can't. I can't do it.

I can't do it. I cannotto support somebody like j Lo who
should have turned in Diddy years ago. You literally just said I can't turn
this song. It's so good likethe song, and I'm, by the
way kidding, I'm just not wantingto do a j Loman. She can't
sell out her concert. Why wouldI want to do? She has records.

Yes, this is one of them. The only good thing that j
Loo has ever done in her careeris the movie Enough. That was my
favorite. I've seen that, OhGod, which is perfect for this particular
situation. All right, now backto Shannon. All right. Scarly Johanssen
says she turned down open Ay's requestfor her to lend her voice to chat

gpt to one of chat GPT's functions, but said she was shocked that the
company went ahead and essentially used avoice that is hers anyway, this morning,
open ai is pausing the use ofone of its chat GPT voices after
the actress Scarlett Johansson said the voicesounded eerily similar to her own. Johansson

said she was approached by open aiCEO Sam Altman about doing voice work for
the chatbot, but that she declinedafter hearing the release demo. She wrote,
I was shocked, angered, andin disbelief, adding my closest friends
and news outlets could not tell thedifference. The Oscar nominated actress hired lawyers
to inquire about the process of generatingthe voice. Hi, Hi, how

you doing. Johansson famously starred intwenty nineteen's her her voice assistant, much
like chat GPT's product. It seemslike I'm having so many new feelings.
I don't think I've ever been feltbefore. That was her actual voice from
the movie, and this is asample of chat GPT's AI generated chatbot Sky.

You've got me on the edge ofmy well, I don't really have
a seat, but you get theidea. Fans called out exactly that YouTube
video shared by open Ai. Thecompany disputed the comparison in a blog post,
writing AI should not deliberately mimic acelebrity's distinctive voice, and that the
voice of Sky belongs to a differentprofessional actress who they say was cast for

the voice before they reached out toJohansson. Okay, so come out.
Well that's interesting. If that's thecase, there's no lawsuit, right because
it's just a sound alike and notAI generated. Why not name? Yeah,
I don't know. Maybe they will, Maybe she'll come out, They
might go to it, they mighthave to. Yeah. And lastly,
Harry Styles is a single man again. He and his actress girl friend Taylor

Russell have called it quits after datingfor about fourteen months. She's one of
the stars of Netflix's Lost in Spacein case you don't know who she is,
but apparently they've been broken up fora couple of weeks. They broke
up after a trip to Japan thatlast month. The relationship's been strained,
so now they are taking some timeapart. Why did I just lo like
toned for Mario Kart. For allof Today's Dirty, you can catch up

on the podcast on the iHeartRadio appor Mojo in the Morning dot com.
Miss Something in the Dirty on thethirty This is not our podcast now at
Mojo in the Morning dot com.It's Mojo in the Morning five. It's
six fifty five five, six tofifty five, yoh five and six fifty

five. Good morning, It's Mojoin the Morning show five or six fifty
five. Coming up here in asecond. Megan with the embarrassing thing that
happened to her yesterday. We willget into that. And I had to
take an uber to work today,and I'll tell you how awkward that was.

The car ride with the driver thatthought I was doing something highly illegal.
That's on the way, and justa little bit first though, we're
gonna do the five of six fiftyfive. Billy's going for seven today?
Will seven be lucky for Billy?Billy say hello to Tanisha, your challenger.
Hello, we're good, Tannisia.Tanisha is a stay at home mom.

You are currently seven months pregnant.Do we know what we're having?
Tannisia, I'm having the boy?Yea? And what do we have?
Now? Do we? This is? Oh? No children? No children?
Oh? Okay, all right?I like that. So staying at
home during this pregnancy has been goodfor you. You've been feeling good?

Yes, yes, I have justextremely tired and hungry. I'm that man.
You know what that sounds like?Me and I be pregnant. I'm
gonna lock you up, Billy ina sound proof area, and then Tanisha
and I are gonna go to RedLobster before they file for their bankruptcy and
leave us. All right, Hereyou go. Five pop culture trivia questions
or I guess the most right wins. I always goes to the champion.

I cannot believe I just said that. I did not look at the questions.
But question number one this restaurant chainhome of Cheddar babeits just file for
Chapter eleven bankruptcy. Which one isit? Great lobster. All right,
we're going Question number two. Eminem'sdaughter shared photos yesterday of her recent wedding,
including the dance that she did withher dad. What's her name?

Question number three. This comedic actorsays that he's trying to get golfers Tiger
Woods and John Daly to star inHappy Gilmour two. Who is he?
Adam Taylor? Question number three?Jason Momoa went social media official with his

new girlfriend. Which superhero did Jasonplay? And Question number five. Actress
Scarlett Johanson is upset with chat GPTafter turning down an offer to use her
voice and then they ended up usinga voice that sounds just like her?
Which SNL? Comedian? Is Scarletmarried to? F seconds? You were

rolling on two? Pass on thatone. We're gonna pass in that one.
That's all right, Here we go, Here we go. How did
you still degreate? Tanisha? Fourout of five? Five? Four out
of five is what she did?Billy? Here you go? Question number
one. This restaurant chain, homeof the Cheddar Bay Biscuits, just filed
Chapter eleven bankruptcy. Which one isit? Yes one? Question number two.

Eminem's daughter shared photos yesterday of herwedding, including the dance that she
did with her dad. What's hername? By yes, beautiful by the
way, Eminem looks great. Stopwearing a hat. Eminem, you look
fantastic. Man. You're you're ina tux that look cool. Question number
three, This comedic actor says thathe's trying to get golfers Tiger Woods and

John Daly to start in Happy Gilmourtoo? Who is he? Adam say?
He's got to miss these next twoto make you a champion, Tanisha.
Question number four, Jason Momoa wentsocial media official with his new girlfriend.
Which superhero did Jason play? Yeah? What a boy and a clean

win And this is the only onethat Tanisha miss So you'll get a perfect
score if you get this one right. Actress Scarlett Johansson is upset with chat
GPT after turning down an offer touse her voice, and they ended up
using a voice that sounds just likeher which SNL comedian is Scarlet married to?
Yeah? This guy is good?Sally Billy All I do with Billy

back tomorrow for another round And ifyou want to take him on text,
I want to play to nine fivefive zero zero we'll get you on the
show. Congratulations to you, Tanisho. We're gonna set you up with a
nice gift card for Actually it's afiner dining fair. You're gonna go instead
of Red Lobster, You're gonna begoing to Chibo inside of the Cambria Hotel

in downtown Detroit. It's beautiful,great food. And do that before you
have that baby, because once youhave that baby, you're never eating at
Cheebo again. You're gonna be eatingevery place that has kids menus. Okay,
okay, all right, hang onthe phone. Congratulations to you.
We'll see tomorrow. Billy, Yeah, Billy, Billy. In the Mornings,

five is six fifty five Do Dodo? Meghan's new booty. Meghan's
new booty, Meghan's new booty,Mojo in the Morning show, what's Happening.
It's good to have you guys heresomething with Meghan's new booty, because

caused for an embarrassing moment for heryesterday. She just had like one of
those days happening to her and Igot to make light of it just to
make you laugh a little bit thismorning. But that was so good.
Yeah, you you don't have anew booty. But you got a new
body and we love it. Youlove every bit of it. Boody does
feel a little bit new because youcan tell I have one now. Well.

It's funny because I find that tobe kind of refreshing because I know
you complained in the past that youdidn't have a booty. No like you,
Yeah, exactly, you know anythingit is for me, it was
relative to the size of my belly, you know what I mean. So
I wish I could take the bellyand put it to the booty and be
happy. But it turns out whenyour tourso gets smaller, it looks like

you have the butt. Yeah.So what happened to you yesterday? I
am literally you brought up how I'mhaving a rough day yesterday, and I
really was because I'm just having somany difficulties with my car lately. It
just feels like every time I fixsomething, something else becomes a problem,
you know, kind of like itrains. A poor situation. Is where

I'm at right now. I'm actuallycurrently worried about a potential issue I might
be having with the undercarriage of mycar. And I say that only because
we don't get to use undercarriage.That the undercarriage, you know what I
mean. So every time I bark, I have to like squat down and
check and see what's happening underneath mycar, because you know, we love

to check for oils, bills andall sorts of other issues. And as
I'm squatting down underneath my car yesterday, I just feel Now we both know
that it was eight million degrees outsideyesterday, still felt a cool breeze,
and I thought that shouldn't be happening. And that's because when I squatted down,
my pants literally split at the sea. Shut up, no, not

kidding you. So not only ismy car leaking oil, but it felt
like my body was about to too, because the butthole puckered when I felt
the winds on my butt. AndI'm just thinking, okay, cool,
so happy that just happened. Iget to now walk a couple of blocks
to my apartment because my parking garageis not attached to my building. So

not only is my car leaking oil, my pants are ripped. And I
was like, you know what I'mdone with today. I'm real done.
I'm real sick of everything that's goingon, and I would like to go
to bed at four o'clock in theafternoon. Oh god, that sucks,
and now you have to buy newpants. Oh yeah, where did they
rip? Right down the butt crackscene. And by the way, that

is the worst when you have multiplethings happened to you. Like it's one
thing to have your you know,rip and your butt crack happened to you
one day, but then they havethe fact that the oil leak is going
on or whatever the leak is.That's just the is that anybody ever have
that happen to them, where it'slike one thing after another where you know,
it just becomes just like, oh, this is gonna be awful.

At least it's happened later in theday though, right, I mean does
that make it better? Well,because it happened in the morning, it
ruins the entire day. And thenyou're then you're really you know, no,
because at that point I have theexcuse if I have to go home
and change, so I got towork less. This was the same amount
of work and split pants. Youreally think that you would have less work
if your pants ripped? No,I cover you the same amount of work

after the show. Yeah, lesswork on this show and you have to
walk around here with you know,goofy guys like Hassan and Jay and all
these guys walking around and covering upyour butt. Yeah, oh my gosh.
Eight four four Mojo Live eight fourfour six six five six five four
eight Megan had a day yesterday.Who's had a day recently? Or or

remember that one day that you hadwhere it was like one thing after another
after another. It's like, Jesus, give me a break, please.
I had a wardrobe one malfunction.This isn't like it's piling on, but
it was one of those is thisreally happening right now moments? Yeah?
I was running home because I hadan event later and I needed to iron
some dress pants for it. AndI turn the iron oning, you know,

all the way up or whatever.I go in the other room try
to get this other thing handle.While the iron's eating up, I put
the iron on the pants and literallyburn a hole through the va O.
Yes, you're talking about what thef moment At that point, just hands
in the air like I'm not goinganymore. I'm tell you. My favorite

part about walking back to my apartmentthough, real quick, I had nothing
in my car but a winter jacketand it was eight million house, so
I was like, cool, wegetting sweaty too. Baby. You know
when somebody's wearing different clothing than theweather calls for, you're like something happened
with their pants, like their pantstripped or period. You're the period issue

shorts at wit a jacket, Jennifer, What happened? Jen? Oh my
god, good morning everybody morning.This was so embarrassing. So I was
at work. I was working atCBS in the pharmacy and I'm wearing scrubs.

I squatted to grab something on thebottom shelf to fill, and my
scrubs split exact same way at thetheme you could see my underwear. I
had to call my boyfriend ASA's timeto bring me a pair of scrubs through
the drive through because I would notmove at all. Wait, did they

fit in that little drawer that goesright in that drawer? Yes? Yes,
the drawer that's I always love.When I pull up the CBS,
it's like pulling up though VS.It's like the recorded guy that comes on
there and starts talking to what's upRachel. Oh, I'm on Monday Part
two and I split my pants today. So yesterday it was my kid was

a butthole, my car wouldn't start. I was late to work today.
It was the kid locked the keysor the kid locked the keys in the
car and my clarents. But MondayPart two it suck. How did your
pants split? I'm a small prettymuch everywhere, but my pants were just

a little small. By the way, you've got a hope on a day
day like today, you have cuteunderwear on Victoria's Secrets all day. Okay,
still doesn't make it better. Itdoesn't because the worst isn't worse is
when you got underwear that don't match, you know, or don't kind of

blend in a little bit. What'sup Ryan, how you doing? Hi?
Good morning, guys, Good morning. I worked at a hospital and
I got really upset. This littlekid patient I dropped lot made me really
upset, and I had an accidentin my pants, so I had to
throw everything away, and my coworkerbrought me eat a pair of like male
scrub pants with a hole in thecrotch. So I was showing my business

everybody at work. Oh no,I didn't know that there was a hole
in the scrubbans in the front.By the way, By the way,
when you get upset, you actuallyduty yourself. Yeah, I did.
It was it was bad. Ihad ibs as time as Oh, okay,
all right, that's understandable because it'sfunny because I like, if I
had that happen to me, Ifeel like I have to duty myself all
the time. And if that happenedto me where I get upset, it'd

be like, oh, oh,don't theybody make me upset? You're imagine
it. Run out of her husbandor whatever was like, hey, is
everything okay. She's like, yeah, it's fine, and he goes,
no, it's not mo Joe inthe Morning Show. So I had to
take an uber to work today becausemy car was here, and so I
had kind of a weird thing happenedto me. I had to call for

an uber and get the uber atfour forty five am. So it sounds
like, okay, are there goingto even be any ubers out of that
time? And if not, Iwas pretty much gonna say, all right,
I gotta like have my son orsomething, you know, let me
borrow his car or whatever. ButI called for the uber. The uber
comes and picks me up. Andwhen the uber came to pick me up,

and do we have any Uber driverslistening this morning, maybe driving to
the airport or doing something. Doyou guys just automatically assume that the people
who are getting ubers that early inthe morning but are not going to the
airport are criminals. Because I gotin the car and I figured I better
talk to the guy right away,which I always do anyway. I love
talking to the Uber drivers, andso I figured I better start talking to

him otherwise he's going to act kindof weird. And when I put in
the address, it doesn't come upon the Uber as the radio station.
I had to just put the actualphysical address in there, so he had
no idea where the hell he wasgoing. When he was driving me,
and as we were driving, helooked at me and he goes through his
rear view mare. I could seehis eyes piercing at me, and he

goes, you do something legal,And I said legal like a lawyer,
and he goes, no, likenot illegal. And I said to him,
I go, no, well,I know, yeah, I do
a legal thing. I mean Ithink it's kind of legal. And he
goes, you're delivering something to somebody, And I'm going, wait a second,
I think this guy thinks I'm adrug dealer, Like I think he's

thinking I'm going to because you know, it's not like our radio station is
in a sketchy area of town.But be honest with you, it might
be the middle of nowhere. Actually, it's not really like a place that
you would, you know, randomlygo to at four forty five in the
morning. Right. Yeah. Usuallywhen you're picking up and going somewhere at
four forty five in the morning,and it's not the airport, you're usually
going to A the hospital, Bthe airport, or c to do a

drug deal in Farmington Hills or it'slike, you don't want to do the
Walk of Shames, you do theUber of Shame. We take an uber
home from whomever's house you spent thenight at, you know. Yeah,
So I had the that it wasawkward the way through. And we're driving

to the station and the station's onlylike fifteen minutes away or twenty minutes away
with a little bit of traffic,and there was a little bit this morning.
And as we're driving, the conversationgot, oh, okay, so
what do you do? And Itold him eventually what I did. I
go listen. I'm you know,morning radio and stuff. And the guy
actually just moved here, so hehad no clue anything about our show,
so he was not you know,a person that had you know, ever

listened to any of our stations oriHeart or any of that stuff. Guy
was like sitting there telling me allthe thing he's like going into is what
he listens to. And I said, what do you listen to? And
he goes, I listened to classicalalternative rock, and I'm like, there
is classical alternative rock and he startsnaming artists I have no f and clue
about. I have no clue,and I'm looking around his car and stuff,

and I'm like going, okay,you know, the guy keeps it
kind of clean, so this isa nice ride. I don't want to
upset him, So tell me alittle bit about your music. And he
starts playing me his music and I'mlike, oh, christ, I should
have never done that. But itwas four in the morning or five in
the morning. I'm going, youknow what, this is the only ride
I'm gonna get. Roy, what'sgoing on? How are you good?
How you guys doing today? Good? Right? You're an uber? Roy?

What's happening. Welcome to Uber DriversMojo Live. Give us a beat
eight four four six six four eightyeah. Yeah, Well this is the
reason I'm not an uber driver anymore. I used to drive early morning and
I picked up somebody at five o'clockin the morning on the west side of
Grand Rapids and he's running to myUber like somebody's chasing him. He gets

in my car, we get ahalf mile away. Next thing you know,
I'm surrounded by at least eight policecars out at gunpoint. Come to
find out, he just committed anarmed robbery out of gas station ship loaded
wood, had a loaded gun inhis backpack. He got all the money

that he had just sole men literallylike ten minutes before that. Wow,
and he thought you wouldn't pull over. I don't know, but apparently they
thought I was an accomplice. Itold him my phone said I'm just the
Uber. I'm just trying to makeThat's what I'm telling you. This guy
thought that that was me. Thisguy was convinced that I was doing something

like that, that I robbed ahouse. I no long would dober anymore
because that that took it over theheads, Like I don't like gun drawn
had two cameine units, one inthe front one of the What I want
to know is did he just callit or was this like premeditated? Were
he scheduled it for like three minutes? Now's the time I opened the he

popped up. I pulled it up. He runs to the car with something.
Okay, he going from his babymama or something, and I'm in
his letter pop car pulling behind me. Then about six more pulled up behind
me. One pulled in front ofme, and here they pulled up.
I'm a grown man, grown andeverything you do mad? Yeah? Yeah,
what kind of rating did he giveyou? Levin? The Uber Driver?

What's going on? What's going on? I am a first time caller
in a short time listener, Levin, what did you listen to prior to
us? Classic Alternative? Yeah?Did you have another show that you used

to listen to or another station?No, I don't like I look forward
to nine five five in the morningwhen I'm doing my uber drive. I
love it. The only thing Ipray is that my passengers are offended by
some of the topics that oh jeez, yeah, don't let them be my
mirror, Like are you good?So? Levin would I be sketchy to
you if I called for an uberat four in the morning. Four thirty

in the morning, So at thathour, I always think someone's going to
work, Like, I don't reallythink anything ain't bad, but I've had
a weird experience. So if I'mpicking you up and you're not fully dressed,
I'm going to pull off. No. I was dressed. No.
I literally rolled up on somebody andthey had on pajamas and work boots and

they live like at the end ofa river. And I was like,
no, like, you are notgoing to put me in the water.
I am sorry, sir, You'regonna have to get another Uber. He
was just standing there with his handsin the air. And I always feel
so bad when I do that,but I have to say, first please
please be safe. Yes, thankyou, thank you for the call,

appreciate you. Wait, what aboutthe rest of us all? We're all
Uber customers too? Why everyone?All right? All right? She gets
five stars from me? What's goingon? Christina? Hi? Hi,
what's happening? Hear me? Yes? I got you. What's happened?

Then? Nothing? I was justcalling one time. I first of all,
in the mornings, it's always schoolor work drop offs. I never
really think they're criminals. Okay,this is Uber Christina, So okay,
so you usually pick up like kidsgoing to school. Yeah, It's crazy

how parents will send their kids toschool and they don't really like still use
their account. So I never noticedthe school. I just dropped somebody off
at school, like literally, asI'm telling you, I wish that Uber
would have been like something that Chelseawould have been cool with. I would
have thrown my kids ass in aUber. Isn't there a program now through
Uber like for this? Yeah?Uber teams, but I have THO was

turned off because I don't want abunch of kids in my car, but
I end up getting them anyway becausethey just send them. But I actually
called because last summer I had somebodysteel. I had a brand new Steve
matt In pers and shoesat in mytrunk and she stole them. I had

never even warn them or anything likethat. How does she get in your
trunk? Well, she had abunch of bags. She was coming from
a throost door. She had twolittle kids with her, So I let
her use my trunk because she hada okay traps on of bags and when
I dropped her off at the otherThrost store. I thought to myself,
like, yeah, I should probablycheck my trunk because she looked kind of

sketchy, and yeah, she definitelystole them. I had to call the
police. Nothing ever came of it. I never got my money back or
my belongings back. I don't knowwhere. That's nuts. That's the worst
experience. Other than that, it'sbeen good here. I really don't have
any bad ones. You almost haveto have, honestly, the person the
uber passenger, when they get outand put something in your trunk, you

have to get out with them tosee it because otherwise they're going to take
whatever they got back there, Dan, what's going on? How you doing?
Er? Dan picked up a guyon the run. Was he on
the run from Detroit police? SoI get a call to the gastion and
on liver noise in Detroit, gotin the car, didn't say nothing,
took him to like seven miles Hoover, gets out, goes away. Next

day, I'm driving around and likeMacombe Township, I get this nine oh
one number call me constantly, whichI have a nine oh one number.
Also, I thought it was aspam call. They called me twenty times.
But finally I'm sitting in someone's drivewaywaiting for them to come out of
the house and I answer it.It's the Detroit police looking and know her.
I took that guy that I pickedup with the night before. Wow,

the guy was wanted by the cops. Yeah, so I had to
pull over to tell him where Itook him. I could remember at the
time. And then he tells methat she was shoot at the cops in
the street in front of the gassI picked them up from, which was
blocked off by cops when I hadpulled him the gastition. You got my
contacted Do we know if the guygot caught? I don't know. They

got my contact information from uh theringers came into the gap station. See
I would I would have not toldhim anything because I would have said I
my name has Bennett, and Iain't in it because I don't want them
coming after the uber driver, youknow what I mean. Then four hours
later, the state police call me. He told me me in the local
police station to see if identify theguy. Did you go? I blame

but yeah, you random a thirtyyear old guy. It was eleven o'clock
at night. You were not helpfulwith them. That wasn't I gave him
the Uber I d ride numbers thatshould have enough regreason to find him.
Yeah, this is crazy. Theonly crime I doing in Uber is fart.
That's a pretty severe prime. Yeah, listen to this call, last

call in this one here sketchy ubers. Joe. Hey, what's going on?
Joe? Not for everybody? Nothingmuch, buddy, Hey, Joe,
tell everybody what some guy did inthe back of your Uber. Well,
I was working Saint Patti's day.It was crazy as normal, and

apparently a guy broke a bag ofbook of sugar in my back. How
did you know? Did you examineit? Well, first they were like,
oh, my bad. Was like, what do you mean my bad?
And then well, I was tryingto do a little bump here and

kind of broke all over me.What do you do? I had to
play it cool, and then Iremembered where I was in the Saint Clair
Shores area. No real spot todrop, but found a car wash and
I vacuumed the heck out of mycar as soon as I could. Do
you charge your cleaning fee for that? Because I feel like you deserve that

money. Uh, As I said, I was kind of playing it cool.
I was like, hey, justtip me pretty good and we'll see
what we can do. Guy endedup tipping me so so I was on
the move. It was they hadto make money, yeah, or do
you just go in the back onyour carpet and just go all over the
place, Mojo, I'm gonna comeon now, I know this guy,

all right, A little booger sugar. I love that. By the way,
I've never I've never heard it calledbooger sugar before, but I think
that's what this song is about,isn't it. Am I right? Or
now it's about drugs now I know? Yeah, exactly, all right,

Uber Joe, thanks for calling buddy. I appreciate it. Appreciate you guys.
Love you guys, We love you, Love you. Oh no,
you're talking about something Oh yeah,yeah, okay, the other like watermelon

sugar? Yeah yeah. I lovethe mornings Dirty on the thirty, Shannon
with what's trending in the Dirty onthe thirty and congratulations to Eminem and a
beautiful wedding. It looked like forhis daughter Hayley huh Hailey looked so stunning

everything about her and her dress andoh my gosh, she married her longtime
boyfriend Evan McClintock, surrounded by theirloved ones at a venue in Battle Creek,
Michigan. It looked like it wasGreen Crest manner to me. But
everything about the wedding was just absolutelygorgeous. And yes she did a dad
daughter dance with Marshall and you cansee those folks. We know the song

that they danced to. I don'tknow the song would be interesting. They
know what songs Butterfly Kiss. Iknow, Lena, I will die if
it was Butterfly Kiss. It's aaskar Lena because she is a fan of
the show, And we'll see you. What about that song? Eminem had?
That song beautiful? Was that thatwas a good song? Wasn't it?
Wasn't it? I never know ifany of the M and M songs
are actually like songs that you couldactually want to dance to your daughter too.

But I used to love that songbeautiful. How it was this one?
MACKI no, you know what hehated this song. I think after
a while Banger he didn't want thisone. And Cleaning Out my Closet played
on the radio for a while.Yeah, we used to get record label
people who were would always ask usto stop playing certain certain songs. Clean
Out Your Closet was one of thoseones where he was praying that that song

would just go away after a while. But I would be curious to know
what song it was. I know. So let's move on to Diddy.
Lots of Diddy and the Dirty again. Today, he was dragged over his
video apology apology in Quotations for notmentioning Cassie by name. We talked about
this yesterday. However that was onpurpose. I'm told Diddy and Cassie reached

a settlement a day after she filedher sexual assault lawsuit against him in November,
and it includes a very strict NDAwhich prevents both of them from speaking
about they're in public. So Diddy'sattorneys very closely reviewed his video apology before
it was posted to Instagram for acouple of reasons. One, they needed
to make sure it was in compliancewith the NDA, meaning absolutely no mention

of Cassie by name, so thatwas strategic. Also, Diddy's former bodyguard
Roger Bond sitting down with Piers Morganyesterday to talk about that video we all
saw over the weekend. It didn'tsurprise me when I saw it because I've
seen things to this nature before.I've gotten in between things of this nature

before, and this was back intwenty twelve. So that's why I was
so adamant on what I said yesterdayafter he posted that apology, because it
comes a time where it's like youcan't just say anything you want to say
and think that people going to acceptit. And again, he was not

surprised by that video because he's thathe saw a lot. How many times
did you personally witness him be violenttowards women? Around four or five times?
And was that all with Cassie orwas it Cassie and other women.
I've seen him with Cassie and I'veseen him with Kim Porter, his kid's

mother. Right, he's not,sadly no longer with us, But what
did you see him do? I'veseen him get physical. I've seen him
get really physical, grab him up. It was one time that Cassie mentioned
inside her lawsuit where she says shehad to go over to the London Hotel.
I was the one that was checkingon her every day at the London

Hotel. I have more from thatinterview. Next Hour, gymnist Simone Biles
calling out social media for criticizing herhusband, NFL star Jonathan Owens, who
claimed in an interview that he didn'tknow who she was before they started dating.
He also called himself the ca intheir relationship and then got slammed for
saying that. On her Instagram story, Simone said, I'm going to quickly

address this. The joke was nevera joke. Y'all are blatantly being disrespectful
to my relationship and my husband.So I'm gonna go ahead and say this
one time respectfully, f off andif you keep commenting or tweeting at me,
I'm just gonna block you, simpleas that. And also on social
media, Jason Momoa seemingly confirming hehas a new lady in his life.

He is eating a Puerto Rican actressnamed Adria Arciona. That came from an
Instagram post yesterday, so they arenow Instagram official. He called her Mia
More and he hangs out here inFerndale all the time with his best friends
in the world, so wasn't iton his story? I don't know,

I don't know, I saw thephoto. I don't know. If it
was on his story or it wason Instagram, is it gone now?
I'm trying to find her hang out. I'll show it to show because maybe
it's not that official. If heputs it on, if you put it
on only on your story, thenthat's not a real relationship. That's just
that's true. That is true.It's not. Listen, no, yes,

don't bow it on to these peoplewho think just because you post them
on social that that makes your relationship. That's it. It's crazy. For
all of today's dirty cuts up onthe podcast on the iHeartRadio wep ormote You
in the Morning dot Com celebrity Dirt'semotive in the Morning. It's dirty on
the thirty catching cheaters. I'm proudof it. I'm sorry. Get your

home for Boar of the Roses inthe Morning. Carly doesn't think that her
boyfriend's cheating on her, or atleast didn't until you were told that he
was cheating on you. And whowas it? Tell everybody who it was
that told you that he's cheating onyou? Is this super at the Prince
that he all the time? Oh? So you got you guys frequent a

like a strip club? Yeah,And what exactly did she tell you?
She told me that he's calling herall the time, that he has her
phone number. Your boyfriend has herphone number? I guess, so I
just loos And what does she saythat he's telling her talking to her about

they seem to have friends, andshe was saying that she's really into her
and that you know, he's justhe's not that interested and he doesn't really
have another thing going not of whatshe's not really interested in me. And
I don't I don't know. Idon't know what's really going on. Have

they ever met up or do youknow if they've ever met up outside of
the strip club? Or is thisjust like a text call type of thing
at this point, I'm not evensure. Like I kind of just pointed
her out after a while it didn'tsound like him. Let's talk to her
because we got around hold with usright now. Are you okay with us
saying your name or do you notwant us to say your name? Uh?

Which dam my strip our stripper friendthat's on the phone with us.
Okay, Yeah, that's totally fine. I can say your name. Your
name's Harper, Yeah, and Harper. We were just having a conversation with
Carly, some questions came up aboutCarly's boyfriend. Have you, guys ever

met outside of the strip club?Yeah, he's tried to give me a
call. I met up with himonce, but I uh did not stay
a long. Why would you sellhim out like this? Like, why
are you doing this? If thisis somebody that's a good customer of yours,

I don't know. I mean,I met his girlfriend. She seems
awesome. I really enjoyed her company, and I guess there's just it was
a moral conscience thing. And Carly, do you believe her that she's telling
you the truth? I think shebelieves what she's saying. Do you have

you confronted? Did you confront yourboyfriend to say hey, no? I'm
always just so confused when like yousay that you didn't want to confront him
because it's a lot, But thenyou're you're going to be confronting him either
way. This today, I knowit makes sense, but none of all,

Right, well, why don't wedo this. I'm going to have
you guys mute your phones. We'regoing to call up Carly's boyfriend while she's
listening. And the dancer who toldher that her boyfriend is cheating. Is

listening, But you guys have tobe quiet because it's going to be very
difficult to do this if he suspectsthat this is a bunch of bs.
If I got it, so,can you guys hit mute on your phone?
Yeah, all right, war theroses. We're calling up John and

we hope the flowers go to Carly. Hello. Hey is this John?

Yes, this is John. HiJohn. My name is Nicole and I'm
calling from a new online floral companycalled rosesloom dot com with an offer for
some free flowers. If you havelike thirty seconds to answer two very short
survey questions for me, we aregoing to give you a dozen long stemmed
red roses that you can tip.You can tip to the person of your
choice anywhere in the country, freeof charge. Not going to ask you
for your credit card info. Hey, listen, I just want you to

know I love Mojo in the Morning. I mean, do I get need
tickets with this is as well oranything like that? Hi? John?
Hello John? Yes, Hi,its Shannon. Okay, John, do
you listen? I mean, well, if I wasn't a listener, I

wouldn't have said anything, so John, you actually know the mojo on the
morning show, so you know thatwe do a thing called the War of
the Roses, which is what Shannonwas calling you up as with roses bloom
dot Com. Yeah, John,do you have any idea why we would
be calling you for War of theRoses? Because my girl wanted to know

where I was gonna send some flowersto. Exactly. And who's your girlfriend?
Uh, Carly? Okay, makingsure you got all the facts,
right, Carly? Are you there? Yeah? Carly is there, and
Carly John is a listener of theshow. So this isn't gonna work,

but maybe we can actually surprise Johnsome more. John, are you are
you up for some surprises this morning? I guess so I'm already in one.
All right, Well, we gotCarly on the phone, and so
you John, you would have sentthe flowers to Carly if you didn't listen
to us, right, correct?That warms your It's gotta warm your heart,

Carly, Yeah, right, exactly. John. There's something else though,
that we have to surprise you with. Okay, John, we have
another special guest on the phone withus right now that told Carly that you

are not to be trusted who it'sa person by the name of Harper's that
a guy or girl? I'm Harper? Oh you know Harper? Actually,
I don't think you know her asHarper? What does he know you as?

She knows he as Gaby? Okay, okay, John Gabby? Gabby?
Who is the professional entertainer that youand Carly like to go and see?

Told Carly something about your guys' relationship. Well, what does she know
about that? I don't know thatyou're sketchy that you like call up a
lot of the dancers that you triedto go out with me that we met
up and it was weird. No, no, I would I don't do

that. I'm sorry, I don't. I don't do that. I'm already
taking so I would I do thatfor other dancers? It's not just getting
you got no, not nothing like. That's of course not. That's a
total lie. That would I evensay that? Why would you put that

in her head? That's not true? Why you have an opportunity here to
like that's up and be a goodperson and now you're like an idiot and
that is what is your mot I'mnot looking like an idiot. I don't
understand your motive. You're making melook like an idiot, and I'm start

here's the thing, here, here'sthe thing. Why would she call us
up with your girlfriend and put herselfout on the line to say that she
knows that you're doing this? Ifshe didn't believe that, if this wasn't
true, because she has no lifeobviously, but wait, wait a second,

but she but she also and I'massuming this and it's Harper, not
Gabby, but her real name isHarper. But I'm assuming Harper that you
have proof of him calling your phoneand messages that are sent and any other
girls. Yeah, I mean I'vedeleted a lot of stuff, but I'm
sure that it's in the cloud.I'm sure that it's in the cloud.

What are you saying, So youdon't have it on your phone? No,
I don't have it on my phone. So you don't have any proof
of this. Did you do deletethings off your phone? Yeah? I
believe. Well, yeah, Igot rid of stuff because I don't pay
for all of that storage stuff.Wait so you don't. You don't pay
for all the storage stuff. It'sjust a text message or a or a

call log. Yeah, I liketo just like clear my stuff I don't
know, it's that weird. Idon't know. This just doesn't make any
sense. You said he was sketchedwith other girls too, so would they
be able to huh? I'm sure. Yeah, I'm not like the only
person like he is notorious around theclub and he like like, he was

really rude to one of my dearestfriends. She's an amazing dancer and she
really likes you, dude. Andoh my god, here's the deal.
I think that we I think weneed to get more proof than just the
of the the conversation that you know, you guys are having right now.

And I'm assuming and this is allup to to Carly. Carly, here
here's your boyfriend friend arguing with uh, you know a stripper hair? What?
What? What are you thinking?I need more than this? This
is really going on. Yeah,I need to talk to the other girls.

I need to know I can guaranteeyou she I don't know if I
didn't chip her well one night orwhat. Why don't we do this?
Why don't you guys hang on onesecond, We'll come back and we'll talk
more. This is the Homeros Mojoin the morning. Call the show now

eight four four Mojo Live eight fourfour six sixty five six five four eight.
Let me ask you real quick,Harper, the stripper whose alias is
Gabby, do you have any likestripper friends or anybody like that that we
could call to ask and verify allthose things that you just said. I

feel like that a lot. Idon't know. I think I wouldn't want
to, like, why don't youdo this? What if you pass on
their information to Carly, yes orno? Pass on to us the information
and or text them yourself and thencontact us and let us know what they
say? Okay, Okay, dothat right now? Start texting them.

Okay, we're the roses. Thoughtson this? What's going on in Jeremy?
How you doing? Joe? Howare you, buddy? We're for
recap purposes A boyfriend girlfriend who gotcontacted by the stripper. The girlfriend did

saying that her boyfriend says some reallybad things when they are together as a
couple at a strip club. Youjust heard the War of the Roses.
What are your thoughts? He justsounds extremely guilty. Just the way he
was talking, his tone of voice, it came off as super guilty.

Yeah. I felt the same waytoo, But I felt the same way
too, until I started realizing whatkind of non evidence that the stripper has.
I mean, I felt like,Okay, this guy's definitely doesn't sound
like he's, you know, tellingus the truth. But then when she
kind of got into the well,I really don't have any of these messages
anymore, and I don't save thesethings and all the rest of that stuff,

there's no proof. Yeah, Melissa, what's up? As much of
the morning wore the roses, Igotta tell you, he is a liar.
I've been in a situation similar toGabby. I'm not an answer,
but definitely he is hiding something,And Gabby, get your front, get
your friends, get that proof,because that's what you need to Well,

what were your situations? You don'twant to say what your situations were.
I can say what a situation was. At work. For instance, there
is someone I work with and heis always constantly flirting with me. He's
married. He's texted me like weirdthings. He got my phone number off
of work schedule, and I dodelete stuff because I don't want my husband

to see it, because I'm like, this is weird. He's not going
to want me to work there soI feel for Gabby. Yeah, I
really do. Thank you for thecall, appreciate it. What's going on,
Jamie? What's up? It's Mocheof the morning. Where the rose
is? Hey, Mojo Jamie?Oh yeah, it's just a quick comment.
As far as the whole Gabby thing, I think it's a little too

suspicious that she went for the lengthsto delete stuff, even though she's going
to the lengths to try to callhim out. I heard the previous callers
say that she should get her friends. So if there is legit like evidence
that he's doing this, then yeah, she should get a friend. But
I think personally, she's just goingthrough the links to try to get him
away her so she can have themall to herself. So then why would
she go to the link to deletethat if she was going to go to

the work. Wait, so you'resaying that the stripper wants the girlfriend,
No, not the boyfriend. Notthe girl, the boyfriend. Okay,
if she wanted him, why contactthe wife, get on her side,
and then call him out for hisgirlfriend? Yeah, well sorry girlfriend.
Mhmm. Isn't that what a homerecord does to create problems? Yeah?

And then that way you can getin when everything's all messed up, and
not to mention just previously, youguys are talking about the partner snatchers or
something like that. I mean,why would this not fit the description?
But she was already winning and herlike for the dancer, she was already
getting his attention. Why why,I don't know, why blow it up
when she already like that just seemsmore effort than just hooking up with the

guy mcgreb. Carly again here,Carly, are you believing any of this
stuff that that is being and what'shappened so far? To be honest with
no, why would all the girlsinspire against him? Well, and we
only have one that's that's talking rightnow, so we don't know about all

the girls yet. But hold ononce, hold on one second, John.
There's a lot of doubters, butthere's also some people that do agree
with you. We're going to tryto get into maybe possibly other people to
contact us to to tell us ifyou've been reaching out to them. Can
I ask a question you guys realquick? Both you and I got you

and uh Carly on the phone.Well, why do you guys go to
strip clubs like as a couple likewhat is the Is it just the thrill
of going there as a couple andfrom what you know? Harper Gabby uh
says to us, you guys eachgo back and get private dances without each

other anytime. Thing? Who getsmore private dances spy? I mean you
right right? I don't know.I mean, you know, we don't

out to keep track, I can'treally say I do. Okay, hang
on one second again, Dustin,what's up? It's moche in the morning,
heymojo. Hey, how you doing, buddy? Not too bad?
How are you doing today? Good? You dated a stripper, so you
know the drama that some of thiscan cause. Yes, I do.

Actually I had a situation where Iwas dating a stripper and I had another
stripper get jealous and try causing anissue, saying I was cheating with her.
So I kind of feel that sheis saying this having any of this
proof. I feel she is justbeing a jealous and trying to cause issues

because she wants to be with him, literally the same exact thing. That's
kind of what I get by this. What ended up happening in your situation?
Like, how did you and youwere cheating? I just she was
watching me, and I was justI never touched her like she would always
come over like my girlfriend would watchingme while coming because I would go up
there like the last two hours ofthe night to pick her up, and

she would watch me like she wouldcome over to talk to me, and
I would ignore her and she finallywould realized that, so she would realize
that she was lying trying to causeproblems. Can you make a stripper a
wife? I'm not going to sayno, but I'm gonna say it'd probably
be very hard. Yeah, Iwould have a hard time with that,

like you know what I mean,Like I would have a hard time,
especially if they wanted to stay inthe occupation you know. Well, I
mean if you if you can getthem, and when they're early in their
occerpation, probably, but once theyget into them private parties and everything,
no, because they like that money, they like the attention. Thank you
for the call, Marlene. What'sup? War of the Roses? Good

morning, beautiful people, Marlene.Okay, just hear me out here.
Okay, I got it here.The strippers got COO with the wife and
there's Ben. They all in thebackstage saying, man, we can't keep
doing her like this. The wife, you know, she tips us good.
She she comes in here, shesupports us. We got to let
her know what her husband is doing. So they probably don't care about other

husbands because they don't know the whisBut they have formed like a connection with
her because she comes to the strictjointso often. And if I was Gabby,
I would just let her keep beingcheated on. Get that money,
I mean, do what you do. Yeah, why do you think that
she's not just allowing that to happen. Maybe she does have a good moral

compass though, girl Marlene, Butwhen she brought it up, look what
happened. Oh well, why don'tyou have proof? Why would you do
it? Okay, I'm sorry Ieven said anything. You know, she
probably is like you know, thewife is good people, you guys.
We got to stop doing her likethis. I'm gonna let her know what's
been going on backstage or when shedoesn't come, when he comes by himself.

It could have started out like,oh, well, forget her,
We're gonna do what we do,and then they built that connection. Gonna
let me. I'm gonna bring herback on with us, the stripper,
So I'm gonna bring Harper back onwith us, and has the husband or
the boyfriend, John, has heever said anything to you that Carly should

like ever know that you haven't toldeither Carly ahead of time or even told
us right now? Oh yeah,what has he said to you? He
has said I want to try andtake you out again, because, like
I, I didn't. I thoughtthat he was like in an open thing

with Carly, and so that's whyI went out with him. And then
I found out that they were exclusive, and so I was like, wait,
that's super weird and why would Ido that because it's not like like
Carly's also like a customer. Shecomes through to the club all the time
with him, but like he comesalone. Carly. Did you know that

John goes alone to the club?No? I didn't know that. When
does she come alone? Like ittook one out like weird hours like business
hours, like during the day andstuff. John, Any truth to that,

Harry? You know? Yeah?You know? And how come that's
been a secret from Carly? Sheobviously was not aware. I've never tried
to make it a secret. It'sjust that's why it was, you know,
breaks out, I guess, Sohow much the trust you. How

are you supposed to trust me?Are you really much believe in Are you
believe in this person who calls?Yeah, people completely and totally saying that
you call during the day? Howdo you know that? Why did I
have to find out now? LikeI wouldn't think it's I mean, that's
like me going to get a burgeror something. You know. I don't
think that's a fair comparison. I'ma liar because I didn't tell you he

thought of police. You never askedme if I went there, So why
would I said no? I thoughtit was our saying why would I pass
you? Hold on one sec.We're going to let you guys talk off
there. I hate to say this, but I think we could go a
little longer with this war of theroses because, and I don't know,
you guys judge for yourselves in thisone, we got a ton of strippers
on the phone that want to talkto us, and they woke up early

for the Mojo in the morning show. I mean it does does normally does
not happen, by the way,dancers. I'm sorry because of the with
the whole conversation is are they strippers, dancers, performers? Entertainers. Yes,
so do we pick them up andget them because we didn't get into
any of them during that last one. I don't know thoughts. Go around

the room and vote, Shannon,I'd love to hear yes, okay,
Megan going to have a perspective,we don't good Yes, okay, all
right, Cav, I know whatyour votes, Cav, Yeah, yes,
okay, all right? Mike yayor native strippers always yes to strippers?
All right? Okay? Uh kpno I let them sleep in?

Oh okay? W uh Lydia,do you want to say goodbye to them?
Or what do you want to do? Yes? Okay? And then
last but not least, Zach,can I take him home? Not an
option? But no, no,no, we'll get him. We'll get
him on the phone. Here wego, Come on, all right,

Mojo in the Morning show on thephone with us right now? Is in
her entertainer name is Casey. Whatdo you like to be called Casey?
But what do you like to becalled? The title? Wise? Dancer?
Yeah, entertainer, dancer, entertainer. Okay, Casey's here talking about

this situation. Now, you're notone of the dancers that works with Gabby,
do you or Harper. Okay,we were just doing War of the
Roses and had a stripper dancer entertainertell a girlfriend that of a guy that

her guy was a no good sonof a bee and didn't really have something
to back it up other than juststories of what he has said to her.
And then we did find out thathe likes to go to the club
when she's not there. They usedto go. It's just a couple.
What do you have to say tothis, Well, typically when we have
customers that come into our club orregulars, sometimes there are other dancers.

When you walk into a club,it's basically about money, So other dancers
will pretend to be your friend,but we'll go after that customer. So
I'm assuming that Gabby here might havehad him as a potential customer when his
wife was not there, and thenmaybe another dancer had met him on an
off day and he came in anddecided to like a different dancer instead,

and maybe Gabby, you know,caught feelings for him and not jealous for
the fact that he's spending his moneyon a different dancer now instead of her.
So I feel like this might bebacklash towards it all revenge, right,
yep. Have you seen You've seenthat happen before? Yes, all
the time. Dancers will fight overcustomers as well, and they get very

very protective of their money when theyhave reoccurring customers coming. Have you ever
seen it though, where as wasthe case in this instance, a dancer
was reaching out to a spouse athome or a partner or whatever just out
of fight. I've never seen thatwhere a dancers actually reached out to a
customer or you know, their partner. This is something that I was totally

out of the blue. That's whyI'm calling in. I think that it
might just be out of pure jealousy, honestly, and maybe that once he
realized he's maybe have found a betterdancer or somebody that he likes that he's
going to her instead and getting hermoney. She's just upset and she's jealous.

Fact like cass Afferdental to also seeyou know where that creates of money
is going. That's a good point. Yeah, check the financial yeah and
see what's happening. Thank You've actuallyhad a customer's wife try reaching out on
me on Facebook when they saw thathe had cast at me and trying to
figure out like who are you,Like, why are you casting apping another

woman? You can cash app ata strip club. Yeah, that's what
a lot of dancers do nowadays.They use cash app in Mozelle. Wow,
that's the high tech way of goingto do making ra The ATM has
a service like ten dollars. Yeahtime what a little comment section. I

don't know. Yeah, in mymind, they have a QR code on
their body somewhere and you just scanit. Right, Do you have a
QR code that you'll just show themon your phone or anything. Yeah,
I just pulled up my cast appor my venmo and just have this let
him do it and then amazing,it's Mojo in the Morning show. Uhkev,
we get we're gonna get away fromtrippers right now. We're going to

talk about relationships right now, Mojoin the Morning. keV just had a
baby within the last year and saidthat yesterday you were on a walk with
Charrel and the baby and something cameup that I think it's like real talk
for our listeners that we should bringup on the air because I'm sure there's
a lot of women that feel thesame way. Yeah, we've started walking

like you said around our neighborhood,and it's been beautiful, not only getting
outside and getting in the sun andgetting some exercise stretching the legs, but
Charrell and I have used this timeas an opportunity to talk to one another.
And not to say that we don'thave the opportunity of the house,
but it's something about getting out andmoving and having that focused conversation without being

in the house and having a televisionon or whatever. The other distractions can
be, phones in our hands,whatever, Having that focused time to talk
has really been beneficial. And we'veonly started a couple of days years ago,
but one of the topics that wetalked about was Charelle's transition from being
a powerhouse, beautiful entrepreneur woman who'sfocused and driven driven in her business and

now that transition between that to beinga new mom and that being the biggest
and best job she could ever have. But she felt as though that she
has been losing herself and who she'sknown herself to be her entire life.
She's been losing that person and howis she navigating this new journey, so

to speak. And it was reallyeye opening because I think we've had,
you know, kind of discussions hereand there, and Sharilla's are real.
I got it. I'll figure itout. Like not to say that she's
masked. She's masked this emotion thatshe's been having, but she all she
knows is go go, go,go go. I'll get through it.
But it was really eye opening tosee where she's at right now. That's

in common, isn't it for justhaving a baby. Did you have any
those showings? Yeah, and it'snot. Your identity is changing. And
the one thing that I wanted tosay is she's not losing herself. She's
adding to her identity. But you'reyou're adding another full time job to that
identity, the most important one.And so I remember going through this so

much with Lucy, where I justdid not know who I was anymore,
and I didn't have postpartum or anythinglike that, but I think I had
some blues of like trying to navigatethat and figure that out. And honestly,
and Mojo, I don't know ifyou remember this, man, did
I have to cling to my faithduring that time? I actually got rebaptized

because that was that was you know, I had to lean on the things
that I that I knew were solidand true about me and use that as
the foundation to go, Okay,now I'm putting back the pieces together of
who is this new version of me? As I step into being a mom.
But don't you lose yourself as apriority rightfully, So you just have

to rearrange the pieces to make yourselfa priority in a different way. But
your baby becomes yeah, you're Imean, you're keeping this this little life
alive. And I would look atLucy and go, I don't think I
can do this, Like, howin the heck am I going to do
this? I loved her so much, but I looked at every other mom
and was like, she knows whatshe's doing. She knows what she's doing.
She's I don't know what I'm doing, And that is so scary.

How do you know that you're notgoing through postpartum? How did you know
that? I mean, I knowa lot of people who are therapists and
doctors, and so I was neverdiagnosed. It was it never got to
a point to me where I feltlike I was depressed. It was just
really going like really struggling with yeah, like this is a lot, and

also just figuring myself out again.Uh, Charrell is on the phone with
us right now. Hello, Cherrelle, Hello, good morning, Kearney.
Kat Are you okay with keV talkingabout this? I'm sure that he asked
you beforehand, right yeah, I'mokay. Good well, Charelle. I
love you as a mom. Ilove you. I look seriously, you

are meant to be a mom.I see anytime you're you know, around
Journey, and then I see picturesand I hear stories from Kevin. I'm
like, man, I cannot imagineyour world in Kev's world without this beautiful
little girl. She's my world.Literally. Yeah. But it's understandable that

this is this has got to bea little bit of struggle for you right
now too. Yeah, it's reallyhard because, like Kevin was saying,
all I did was just work,work, work, and I have you
know, I still have this hugeresponsibility from the organization that I found it
almost nine years ago, and nowthat I'm a mom. I don't know

if Shannon, maybe if you everfelt like this or any other mom,
but before I became a mom,I just always had this mentality, like
you know, as soon as Ibecome a mother, I'm going to work
ten times it's harder because I wantto make sure that my child never wants
her niece for anything. I thoughthaving Sharill was going to give me this
huge motivation to run back to work, but right now it's the total opposite.

Like I have no desire to work. I have no desire to do
anything else but mother Charille, andI know that can't last forever, right
because I have a team. Ihave hundreds of young people who dependent on
pere heart, and yeah, Ican't thank that because I'm a mom.
So I've been really having like thisidentity crisis because I know I'm purpose to

be a mom, but I knowI also have another purpose too, and
it's been extremely hard, like noteven gonna lie. And I'm literally fascinating
right now to Shannon's point, becauseI need to get reconnected with God for
him to give me that direction inclarity, because it's becoming so hard that
I can't no longer control it.I'm literally staring at emails and choosing not

to respond. Is there a wayCharrelle to take like a year and or
because that was the thing when wefirst had kids, we had financially we
were in the worst position possible Chelseaand I we could We couldn't even afford
a home. We were living withher family and stuff, and Chelsea did
not want to go back to work. She was an executive assistant for the

general manager of a Hilton hotel andshe just couldn't do it. It was
It was so tough, and shetook a good maternity leave, but I
wonder, is there time? Isthere something to just be able to say,
you know what, let me justgive it some more time or does
that make it hurt? So Ithink I can take more time, but

my team and my board tried toprepare me for this before and I'm like,
no, I would just take fivemonths. I'm good, and they're
like, Charrelle, it's okay,take more time, and I kind of
put my foot in my mouth becauseI'm like, no, I'll be good
after five months. And now thatI'm back, it is this expectation you're
back, right. I'm sure Icould have another conversation if needed, But

I don't know if I need totake time off. Maybe maybe I do,
but maybe I don't know. Ijust want to get over this hurdle.
Yeah, yeah, Shaye, what'sup? What's going on? It?
Is Mojo in the Morning. You'reon with Cherrelle and Calvin Chrelle opening
up this morning here to us what'sgoing on? Hi, Shay, Hi,

I'm sorry, I wasn't sure youwere talking to me. Yeah.
So I kind of on the oppositeend of the spectrum. I was a
young mom. I actually my boyfriendwe were fifteen, was my high school
sweetheart. Got married in eighteen,he was in the service, had our
first child at eighteen. We're marriedfor thirty years, and then I left,

I divorced him and started over,and you know, all I knew
was being a mom. I wasa stay at home mom. I worked
little crappy jobs, but he wentto college, you know, and I
watched stayed home with the kids,raise the family because we decided that that
was more economic. We had threechildren, so at forty seven, I
started all over by myself and endedup actually adopting my granddaughter. And so

it's it's kind of the same thing. I mean, I had no idea
who I still don't even know whoI am, kind of sort of,
but you know, but it's thesame thing. I mean, your identity.
My identity was a mom, andthat's all I knew y you know,
I was a mom and and Istill am. But it's just it's
completely different now I'm a grandma andyou know, and I'm a single mom
and I'm raising you know, afifteen year old, and it's just it's

it's it's different. I mean,it's completely different. It's hard to get
a grasp on that to figure out, you know, when your identity is
you're throwing yourself into, you know, it's a business woman. I threw
myself into just being a mom.So that's what I knew, you know,
And it's really hard to find anew identity as anything other that a
mom. I mean, well itwell, and that's in your life.

Example is that man, life isnot always easy, but it's just how
we try to navigate through it,you know. And it's also never how
you think it's supposed to be.Charrelle, you alluded to that you have
this idea in your head of whatyou're going to be like as a mom,
of what your daughter is going tobe like as a daughter, of
what life is going to be likeas a mom. It never goes that

way, it never and literally setourself up for such disappointment by having those
expectations in our head because we can'tcontrol those situations. Yeah, and literally
it's a full time by the timeI pumped eight times a day, nurse
her, clean bottles, do basicneeds for her, take care of our

home prepared like what email, I'mtired. Yeah, I will tell you
it is life changing when they stopnursing. It is wonderful that you're doing
it, but it gets a littlebit easier when you're out of that stage.
Ellen. Yeah, yes, I'mhere. Hi, what's going on.
I'm a Pure Heart mom, I'ma little I'm Helena and Malia's mom

Terrell. We love you and we'llwait for you as long as you need.
Ah. That's sweet. For thosethat don't know Pure Heart, can
we explain Pure Heart to the listenershere? You have the radio up there
by the way, turn your radiodown. Turn the radio down. That's
okay. Pure Heart is a foundationthat I got into when my sister got
my kids into it with Cherrelle someyears ago. I got in some trouble

and she entered my kids into PureHeart and they took care of my kids
so good. When I wasn't around. They stepped up and they did everything
with my kids, and when Icame back, I came back and I
told them I'm here, and theystill wouldn't let my kids go. Isn't
that beautiful? And she's so thisis so sweet, pure Heart Charrell's.

Charrell started Pure Heart the Foundation,Pure Heart Foundation to help out the kids
of parents who had to go awayand they were incarcerated, you know,
and she did not want the kidsto have to be punished for the parents.
And here is a mom on thephone with us right now that is

saying to you, Chirel, hey, we'll be here for you. You
take care of what you need totake care of, because you took care
of us when I wasn't there.You know. Yeah, that's sweet,
you know taking me out, That'sawesome. Haley, what's going on?
Is Mojoe in the morning? Hi? Hi's Halen. I was just calling

because I too went through some FoSTpart of my identity crisis, and I,
four years after my first head,still kind of struggle with that.
I work full time and have afull family at home, and I again
need more hours in my day.And I just had gut wrenching sensation with
Cherrell's, like I want to work, but I also want to be a

parent, and I struggle with thisevery day. My husband stayed the whole
part time with my kids, whichis a whole new feeling that I have
for my family that I didn't thinkI would have before. So I just
felt for you guys so bad thisstory. Yeah, it's a it's a
big You should see the phone lineshere at Cherrell. How many women are
feeling what you're feeling right now.So you either got a lot of people

that are that are there and giventheir their love to you. What's up,
Christina, Hi, guys, goodmorning morning. Well, I had
my first daughter three years ago.She just turned three on Saturday. And
let me tell you, Cherrell,when I came home from the hospital with
her, I and my husband wentto work soon after that, and I

said, wow, like life,like life as I know it is over
that this is and I felt like, I'm like, I can't. I
was and I am very independent.I could go wherever I want, I
could do whatever I wanted, andnow I couldn't do anything. I'm like
like Shannon's and I had to literallyfocus on keeping this baby alive. I
had no idea what I was doing. Breastfeeding was hard, but let me

tell you something, it gets somuch easier. And like Shanna said,
once you stop nursing, it's lifechanging. It's amazing that you're doing it,
and keep doing it for as longas you can. But once you
stop doing it, things change reallyquickly for you. You start feeling like
yourself. You start, you know, going out more because she's not constantly

on you all the time. Andthen she starts walking, and she starts
talking, and then she turns threeand then she starts talking back the bitch.
Oh my second daughter seven months ago, and it was completely night and
day difference between my first and mysecond. So it gets better, it

gets easier. Life was not over. I went back to work six weeks
after with my first and three monthsmy second. And once you've got to
start getting into a routine between workand being home and doing all the mommy
things that you're gonna love. Especiallywhen she starts walking or you can take
her out and you can take herto sports and you can do things with
her, it gets so much easier. Look at the energy she has right

now, She's got tons of energy. Well, it also is gonna be
interesting too that when uh Cherrell junior. When SJ gets to a point where
she's able to kind of just gether things going herself a little bit,
and she's you know, not inthe infant stage right now. You could
bring her with you to work,you know what I mean, ABSOLU wait
for that and she can be youknow, the coo of Pure Heart Foundation.

Kat comment here for Charrell, which, by the way, let me
just tell you something about Chirell.Not only is Charrell the best mom in
the world and the absolute best significantother in the world soon to be wife
of Kevin, she got this guyoff his ass playing video games and got
him out exercising and walking. Isthat unbelievable? It's real? Whose idea

was it was? Oh? Wow, okay, okay, all right,
I was I thought maybe I wasthinking myself, this guy's new do's nothing
but send me memes all day andsit on the couch playing video games with
Josiah. What did you want tosay? Yeah, really quick one to

start out. Communication is key,right, And Kevin and I had a
conversation. I mean we really saiddown and talk. And when I say
he heard me, he heard me, like total transformation. Been doing so
much to make sure that I feelseen and heard, and I just want
to shout you out. Listen,Listen, I love you and I see

you. And I don't want tojust be a person that's on lip service,
because that's honestly how I've been attimes in our relationship. And as
we take this new journey with journey, I want you to feel supporting and
I just you know, as I'mjust acknowledging you with my words, but
action speak louder. So that's mygoal right now is to show you I
appreciate you. I love you.Wow. Wow, Kat, don't ruin

it with something bad to say.Say something good here, Okay, because
I could have ended on that.I'm going to you, what do you
want to say? I really justwanted to compliment you, Charille. I
think that just hearing you speak andyou already know what path you need to
take, You're just in the middleof it, and I just wanted to
compliment you in affirm that everything thatyou're doing is right, the way you

feel is validated and always God first, family second, everything comes after.
So congratulations on everything. Yeah,that was good. Thank you? Ka.
All right, Charrelle does He walkwith his phone in his hand,
checking score and stuff and says he'slooking at his steps. He actually puts

it in his pocket. Why areyou lying? Yeah, tell us the
truth where he cuts on a timewhere to see how long it takes us
to like walk our trail and thatsaid he put his phone down. But
we're guys. That's good, Sowe love you, Churel. Thanks thanks
for sharing that, guys. Inthe Morning's Dirty on the thirty eight four

to four Mojo Live, ninety fifthCollar Wins twenty one Savage Tickets. What's
going on in this dirty? So? I think we're going to see this
happening more and more, particularly whenit comes to celebrities and their likeness and
their voices. Scarlett Johansson said sheturned down open AI's request for her to
lend her voice to one of chatGPT's programs, thought about it, ultimately

decided she wasn't going to do it, but was shocked that the company went
ahead, and I think essentially didit. Anyway, listen to this this
morning. Open ai is pausing theuse of one of its chat GPT voices
after actress Scarlett Johansson said the voicesounded eerily similar to her own. Johansson
said She was approached by open aiCEO Sam Altman about doing voice work for

the chatbot, but that she declinedafter hearing the release demo. She wrote,
I was shocked, angered, andin disbelief, adding my closest friends
and news outlets could not tell thedifference. The Oscar nominated actress hired lawyers
to inquire about the process of generatingthe voice. Hi, Hi, how
you doing. Johnson famously starred intwenty thirteen's Her playing an AI voice assistant

much like chat GPT's product. Itseems like I'm having so many new feelings
that I don't think I've ever beenfelt before. That was her actual voice
from the movie, and this isa sample of chat GPT's AI generated chatbot
Sky. You've got me on theedge of my well. I don't really
have a seat, but you getthe idea. Fans called out the similarity

and comments on that YouTube video sharedby open Ai. The company disputed the
comparison in a blog post, writingAI should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive
voice, and that the voice ofSky belongs to a different professional actress who
they say was cast for the voicebefore they reached out to Johansson, Allman
writing in a statement, we aresorry to miss Johansson that we didn't communicate
better. By the way, howdo you dispute the comparison? If Scarlett

Johanson is saying that sounds like me, you can't say no, it doesn't.
Right. But remember this is alsowhat their strike was about. Their
union strike was about this future specificallyand how this would drive them out of
work. Yes, but if youuse a voice actor to sound like them,
I think that they're going to wina lawsuit. But I'm wondering,

because they didn't name that voice actorwhat they actually sound like. Did that
voice actor record all of their lines? And then did they use AI to
make them sound more like Scarlotte Johannesand then they'd But they are saying,
but we hired an actor, that'snot our problem. They would have to
provide the actor then, right,They did it for sure. But what
I'm also saying is they're disputing Scargo'sclaim that it sounds like her. I'm

like, you can't, Yes,I can't tell somebody that it doesn't sound
like them when they think it soundslike them. That's crazy. Fanatics CEO
Michael Rubin hosted a luncheon I alwayslove with a luncheon, not just lunch.
It's a luncheon a little bit fancierwith six first round NFL draft picks
from April and Tom Brady alongside JayZ was there and gave a little advice

for these guys heading into their newprofessional lives. You have fifty three guys
on the team, and you thinkit's about you and about you. It's
about us, And the biggest problemI see with a lot of the young
players today, you guys are makingit too much about buying me, or
because of social media, because ofbranding and all that this mine, you're
not going to win. There wasa difference between being a star and being
a champion. I treated a preseasongame. I treated a rega team like

it was a super Bowl, Sowhen I got to the super Bowl,
it was just another day for me. Should be nobody in your life that
should have higher expectations for you thanyou. You're going to evolve or not.
You're going to keep evolving or not, and if you're not, the
world still spins. If you're forevercurious, you'll always keep getting better.
Great advice that Yeah. Peloton saysit will no longer use Diddy's music in

any of its programming, so nomusic for any of the classes or rides
You're taken. The company made thatdecision to take Ditty's material out of their
playlist after that Cassie video made therounds over the weekend. Peloton statement.
Part of it said, we takethis issue very seriously and can confirm Peloton
has paused the use of Sean Combs'smusic, as well as removed the Bad

Boy Entertainment Artist series on our platform. I think I think Diddy is done.
I don't think that there's anybody.I bet you that you'll see radio
stations like us never playing Diddy againlike R Kelly was for a while.
Everybody always goes back, but wehaven't gone back to R Kelly. I've
not heard any well. Chris Brownagain, Yes, Paramount announcing that Yellow

ruin those Paris artists. I'm goingcountry. I just want an artists that
throw things out of hotel windows.That's what I want. It was a
bar, or a bar, whateverit was. Yellowstone has started production in
Montana. The new episodes are slatedto come out in November. If you've
been waiting and waiting and waiting.It's been a long hiatus filled with behind

the scenes drama and feud allegations involvingthe show's star, Kevin Coosner. But
it's happening. This will be thesecond half of season five and will also
include the series finale. Show isnot going to be as good without Kevin
Boss. It's not gonna be thesame the shows about him. You can't
get rid of him. It'll belike way back when the Sopranos getting you

know, rid of Tony, youcan't do that? Or House of Cards
Roseanne getting rid of Roseanne. Rememberthey did that. That's still on those
It's seventh or eighth season. TheConners. Yeah yes. And lastly,
an emergency trip to the vet busteda cheater for one couple. This is
a crazy story. So this happenedin the UK and according to this vet

who was on her first day onthe job. By the way, this
sweet puppy was brought into the clinicwas really really ill. When he arrived,
X ray showed he had an obstructionin his tummy, so they put
him under. They had to dosurgery, and in doing so, they
removed a woman's song that was causingblockage in the dog. Said song did

not belong to the wife in thissituation. How did she know? She
doesn't wear thongs roops. So whenthey called it said, oh, we
found what it was. It wasa you know, women's song. Da
da da. She starts screaming ather husband because when her turns out he
had been cheating. That was agreat potential War of the roses. Huh,

that's got to be anybody anybody's dogsever catch somebody cheating. If they
have, you got to text cheaterto nine zero zero and tell us the
story. Text cheater ninety five fivezero zero, and then tell us the
story if your animal ever busted acheater. For all of Today's Dirty,
listen to those podcasts on the freeiHeartRadio app in the morning time. By

the way, the podcast this morningare on fire, you guys. I
don't know what the story is,but I'm already looking at the War of
the Roses from last hour, andthe downloads on that War of the Roses
are as big as we've ever had. A thank you for listening. We
appreciate you, guys. Wasn't medirty? On the thirty Mojo in the

morning. Shannon just did in thedirty story about how a dog busted a
owner of the dog cheating because thedog ate the mistress's thong underwear and uh,

the pet owner took the dog togo to the vet to get the
thong out and the thong ended upbeing exposed. And she doesn't wear thongs.
That's interesting, a woman that doesnot wear thongs. I did not
know that. I did not knowthat was possible, but that's interesting.
That's the one take I got forthat entire story. I know exactly to

be rather not that comfortable. Comfortable. We were talking about how did your
animal catch you cheating? And Igot some crazy text messages that Lydia call
up hold on chevon with us rightnow chevn Hi, Hey, what's going

on? We're talking about how didthe animal or the pet catch them cheating?
What happened? So when I workedat I'm a Vet Tech and when
I worked at a little day practice, we had a pug come in with
a bowel obstruction and we did theforem body surgery, removed a pair of
underwear, which is pretty common,and the next you know, the owner,

the doctor told the owners, youknow Hey, this is what I
found, and I didn't seem toconcerned. And then the next day when
we discharged the dog, he gavethem the bag with the underwear in it,
and then why looked at it,went those aren't mine? Same?
Okay, out of the room andleft the naive doctor with them, and

I had the house to the backof the clinic and I just lost it.
Oh my gosh, that's amazing.So so the the dog ate the
mist is his underwear like, justlike we were talking about, Yeah,
women know what their underwear looks like. Oh yeah, by by the way,

the dog got the dog. Huh, that's pretty amazing. I love
the But so we go to agreat vet clinic. We love them so
much, Union Lake Veterinary, Andthe guy who used to be the doctor
there that we would see all thetime was doctor Plink. I could not
imagine doctor Plank because he's very straightlaced. He doesn't seem like he's,

you know, one that would beable to handle a room of a wife
and a husband who just found outthat one of them was cheating. Do
most vets have the same personality?No, not like the one I currently
work for. He's like the brother, you never wanted so inappropriate things and
we give him crap back. Ohokay, so that would be a perfect

guy to have in that room becausehe would probably have fun with the whole
thing. Yeah, he probably would. Mojo in the morning, Is it
Sandra on the phone with a Hi? Sandra? Yeah, Hi, you're
also a vet assistant, right,correct? And what did you guys find
out about an animal that ended upbusting a cheater? We found condoms in

a dog's stomach and the couple didn'tuse condoms. God, So who did
you tell that it was condoms thatyou found and what was the reaction?
Well, we just I mean,once we get the surgery done, we
call them and tell them what wefind. And we ended up calling the
wife and they were actually trying toget pregnant at the time, so they

weren't using condoms, but the partnerhad been cheating. And just for my
sick mind, were these used condomsor were these like yeah, they were
tied up and everything. Oh mygod, did you bring condoms? That
is unbelievable. What a way togo out. By the way, does
that not make it's so much betterduring your day of normally you know,

boring crap that you have to dealwith with dogs and cats and ferrets and
all. That's definitely a turn tothe day, but it's not something the
doctor wanted to exactly pull out.Yeah, yeah, who got the who
got the the dog? And thedivorce? I don't remember. That's amazing.

Thank you for the call. Iappreciate you. All Right, bye,
Mojo in the morning show. SoKP from our radio program. We
all know KP? Right? Doyou guys all know KP? I don't
know. Welcome Uh. KP gota call from her axe because somebody contacted

him trying to get KP's nudes.Yeah, this was so so weird.
I got a text, and Ireally respect this person for telling me that
this is happening. Who the heckin Detroit is trying to get my new
dudes? Because they made a fakephone number, texted my ex? Found
my ex's phone number. I don'tknow how. Isn't that bizarre? Yeah?

Texted him tried to have like hewas trying to pretend like he was
somebody that he used to know.So I'm assuming this person went on his
social media and he have found somebodythat he'd been tagged in a photo with
or something and like was pretending tobe them, and then messaged him trying
to start a conversation, and thenstarted talking about this girl that he was

seeing and then asked for asked myex for my nudes in return, so
he sent a photo of said girl, hoping to get the same thing back
from my ex and hey, it'sisn't that crazy? I'm trying to follow
that. So he befriended your extalking about his girl and then said to

your ex, Hey, I'm goingto send you that girl that I'm having
issue is with nudes. Will yousend me your girl's nudes or specifically asked
for you in particular. So hesent this photo of a girl which her
face wasn't showing, and he senta picture saying this is my new girl,
like she's gorgeous. Look at herand he was like, oh cool,
And then he sent the exact samephoto except Ai naked and tried to

convince him that it was real,and my ex was like, bro,
that's Ai. She sent you anAi nude and he was like, no,
no, it's real, it's real. Did you get any from your
ex? KP? And He's likeno, why why would you ask me
that that is the weirdest thing ever. Do guys do this? Is this

like a trading card thing where they'relike, hey, I'm sending you a
picture. Am I my girl?And I'll show you a picture or you
show me a picture of yours?Like is that? I've never had a
guy show me his girl's nudes itwith his friends? Great, real quick,
quick though, how did how didwhen did you come up? Did
you come up at that moment withthe nudes? So he brought me up
like the dude pretending to be somebodybecause he heard on the radio that we

were at the draft. Okay,we started talking about the draft, saying
I heard your girl on the radio. Why okay, why was your ex?
And I know we're being careful aboutwhich ex. Why was your ex
even engaging with some like random stranger'snumber? And because he was posing as
someone that he used to know,he was like, Hi, it's blank,

do you remember me? Okay,so that's what you mean by he
probably went on his Facebook pest.Okay, Yeah, so he was pretending
to be this person that he knewlike eight years ago, and then texted
him did your X show you thesetexts? Yes, he well, we
weren't even even really speaking. Wewere you know, we're civil. But
he reached out to me and hesaid, something really weird is happening.

Somebody just sent me a message andI don't have the number saved, and
they're saying that this person, butthey're asking for photos of you. Because
the only reason why I asked thatis I would thought, okay, if
he didn't show you anything, thenthis is his way of just trying to
call you and talk to I thoughtit first, but he sent me a
whole screen recording of every message theysent back and forth. And it started

off as, Hey, what how'sit going, how are you man?
And it turned into oh, bythe way, can you send me this
person's nudes if you have. Igot to be honest with you. I
in this day and age of stalkersand weirdos and stuff like that, of
you know them deep diving and stuff, if a guy took that much effort
to get in contact with an exboyfriend of yours that he tracked down and

then to ask for your news,I think you got to report this to
human resources and to the company,because really, here's here's the reason why
I say that. I say thatbecause I don't think he stops at just
contacting your acts. I think hecontinues to go even further than that.
And we've all encountered in the past, you know, people that might be

a little over zealous, and that'sa nice way of putting stalkers, and
I think you got to protect yourself. I just don't think it. I
don't think that's that's right. Heis out to get your nudes, that
is specifically what he is looking for. Is really scary. It's an elaborate
rea. Well, what I'm concernedabout is that I know myself, I

don't take photos like that, soI wouldn't even have that available if someone
were to try and get that fromme. But the idea of AI becoming
so sophisticated where somebody could potentially takemy photo and make it nude, that
is what's scary. Like the TaylorSwift situation. Yeah, her going crazy
on Twitter, by the way,is that your way of throwing it out
there too? So your mom's listeningright now and she doesn't know you're sending

nudes right away? I'm going allright. It's also if you are someone
who thinks that they're seeing a nudethat's mine. It's not it's not real,
and I don't don't buy it,don't send it because it's not going
to be real, it's not goingto be authentic. Yeah, what's going
on, Jalen? What's going on? By you guys? Doing good?

What's happenings? You guys enjoying mytime? I appreciate you enjoying your time
listening to us. What's going on? You got a comment for this topic?
Oh? Yeah, I wanted tosay. It's definitely natural for friends
to trade naked pictures of their exesor girlfriends. Come on, I did,

but or a young person thing.But yeah, people trade all the
time. So just like back inthe day, you would with you know,
baseball cards or something, you tradepictures of your Yeah, basically now,
in high school, I will saythat was a thing people did where

they would show like, hey,look who I got. But after college,
I just think I think that thatthere's you know, so much uh
naked porn and stuff out online.I don't know why you got to show
like a person that you were dating, especially if it's somebody that you actually
cared about. That's all. Idon't think they do like people that you

know versus people who that you seeover like video is different. You know,
this is a person you can seein person versus a person that you
do. Not a very gentlemanly thingto do, though, I'm sorry,
all right, No, I appreciateyou at least admitting that. But somebody
does that. Somebody shows you anotherperson's nude to say to them, say,
dude, it's like somebody's sister orsomebody's you know, daughter, what's

going on? Sam I? Sam? Hi? I'm calling because I actually
had an ex to do this tome, and he not only sent pictures
of me, but videos of ustogether to a guy he worked with.
And the guy he worked with thatyou sent them to was married and that

couple were swingers. So how didyou find out? The guy he sent
them to ended up contacting me likeafter me and him had broken up and
like told me, and then Ididn't believe him, so I was like,
well, I don't think he wouldhave done that to me, and
he's like, oh no, Istill have them, and then he like
sent them back to me to showme that he had them. How did

you feel? I felt very awkward? Yeah, violated almost. Yeah,
I would definitely feel violated with that. Wow, Cody, what's up,
It's Mojo in the morning. Ihow are you guys doing? We're doing
good. What's going on, Cody? I don't know what? So I
had kind of the same thing thathappened to KP happened to me. Help

is you know, the exact sameway. But my, uh, this
girl I used to talk to justlike she randomly walked up and she smacked
me in my mouth one day,It's like really hard, and she basically
was like, why are you askingme for pictures? You know? And
then you're gonna sweet talk me andthen kind of bashed me at the end.
Well, I found out she sentme these pictures or she showed me

the pictures of the text messages.And I could tell rape from the second
I've seen the way that they weretyped that it was my cousin. Oh,
my cousin was pretending to be metrying to talk to this girl.
Yeah. And then but your cousinactually pretending to be you was able to
get her to send photos. Yeah, and she this girl like kind of
she fell in love with me,And I didn't really have the same feelings

towards her, So I broke itoff, and yeah, he was like
he was attracted to her the wholetime. I could tell. And then
yeah, you like sweet talked herin the pictures. And then I just
I knew who it was from thetext messages because that's the way he types.
That sounds the plot, doesn't it. Yeah, that sounds that sounds
weird. That sounds just wild.That Yeah, that was my first cousin

to him, and it was Yeah, she worked up and just snacked me
in them out and I had noidea what it was for. And that's
what it ended up being. Wow, isn't that wild that your friend,
your cousin posing as you and gothe got the girl, although it's not
the girl he wanted. What's upJamie? Hello? Hey, what's going
on? So my daughter dad wouldsend me news of to make me jealous,

Like when he would get mad orwhatever, he would send me pictures
of the naked girls that would tendhim pictures and say, look what I
got. I mean it's but yousaid, your ex's dad my daughter,
Okay, I'll what is going onhere? It's a manipulation thing, I

think, and that I mean Ifeel, you know, thankful that the
person i'm with is is not acreep or anything like that, because that
I was with. Excuse me,because you know, he could have even
said a lie. He could havesaid anything to this person. He could
have asked for money, he couldhave done anything, and he was respectful
and I appreciate that. That's cool. Now will he be back in your

life because it seems like he gotback here. Yeah, the door is
open. I was saying, you'realways right. My wife is on the
phone. I understand. Why areyou on the phone, Chelsea because I'm
calling BS on you because you havereceived photos from one of your friends before.

Wow, Chelsea, Chelsea, No, no, No, the topic
is Yes, listen, I don'tknow what you're talking about. I'm listen,
Linda, Yes you have What didhe do? What did he do
when he got these? What didI do with them? I showed him

to you? Yeah, he showedthem to me, and I was so
angry because my first of all,don't show me. I don't need to
see another woman's boobe. Second ofall, why is why is he sending
it to you? Yeah? Butwhy is he so comfortable? Let's talk
you the pos Second of all,why does he feel so comfortable to send

it to you? Well, becausehe was hoping I was going to send
him your nudes. Yeah, hewanted to see you, Chelsea. He
asked me for him, and Isaid, I don't do stuff like this.
I'm with you, though, I'mgonna show that's what I did,
because they know the way you aboutto find it. That's a great And
then I showed her. I deletedit, took what we got. I'm

a smart man, right, thankyou? No, you are not smart.
Come on all right, I'll talkto you later. It's time now
on Mojo in the morning for amI the A Hole? Don't say the
swear word. We've been good today. We have not had to dump anybody.
Yesterday was like a twelve dumper day. We don't need any dumps today.

We don't need to have to hitthe you know, the potty mouth
button. I'm phone with us rightnow. Is an alias. We'll call
him Austin because it's just a coolname. Am I the A Hole?
Austin wants to know if he's theA hole because and we'll title this one
I liked her better. Fat Austin, are you there? Good morning,

your voice disguised. What's going on, buddy? So my girlfriend lost a
whole bunch of weight. She's onthis whole ozempic kick, and you know
she's she's really proud of her newbody. You know, she's posting pictures,
you know, half naked on Instagram. And she stopped taking the shots

and she's still trying to eat,you know, like she's still taking a
shot. She's always hungry. She'spissed easily, she's easily aggravated. And
you know, I'm asking, amI d a hole? Because I just
want a normal again. I likedmy girlfriend on the heavier side. You
know, I'm not going to callher fat, but I prefer a voluptious

woman. And I miss my oldgirlfriend. She's not the same. You
miss her the way that she looked, or you missed her the way that
she acted. In love with her, Yeah, I mean I fell in
love with her body. I thoughther body is beautiful. She always had
issues where you know, she didn'tthink she knew he was right and she
was too heavy, and I highlydisagree. And I tell her all the
time how good lucky she is.And you know she she did this without

my consent, you know, notthat she needs it. I just I
was against it, and now she'sdifferent. I mean she's always grumpy and
you know, hungry and I listen, I just want them older. I'm
hungry. Okay. The posting picturestoo, that's a big one. Is
that? Is that a big dealfor you? Yeah, she's something she

never did. I mean, I'mnot like against that. I don't think
it's necessary at her age our age. I mean, you know, if
she's not twenty five anymore, Idon't think it's necessary for everybody to see
her body that. You know,that's whatever, all right, here's the
question. But she doesn't feel good. She's she's a she's a beast,
and you know it's god, she'sa she's a beast. You don't mean

size wise, you mean just herpersonality, Yes, rumpy and angry and
it's you know, thrown her allout of whack and is alias Austin an
a hole because he likes his hisold girl compared to his new girl.
His uh, his girl that isuh on on a diet and watching out
for herself and losing weight. Andshe did it through she what did you

say? Throw a zampeg we knowyou all right? Eight four four mojo

I've eight four four six six fivesixty five four eight. I remember there
was a time when Chelse would saythat she liked me, when I,
you know, not would be besidewise, but she said that I was
a had an attitude, complaining andangry and kind of a jerk. But
I don't know. In this casehere, I think he's handled it pretty
well. First off, he's usedthe right words. He said, not

that I liked her fat, Iliked her before she did the diet.
Well, he liked her as thegirl that he fell in love with.
Yes, And I think that that'ssweet that he'd fell in love with that.
But what do you think, amI the A hole? Is a
ahole? I would say no.I think that it's amazing that she is,
you know, on a health journeyand she is doing that for herself.
But I could totally see your pointof like, I miss this this

woman that I fell in love with. I miss her personality. I miss
when she didn't care so much about, you know, counting calories. And
I don't know, I don't thinkyou're an I actually want to go around
the room and just grab a quickahole, no a whole from everybody,
and get your opinions on this one. But Megan, your thoughts on this

one. Oh, he makes memassively angry. I think he's a huge
ahole because I don't like the wayhe approached all the topics that he's upset
with. I think that if somebodyis changing the way that they look for
themselves, because let's be honest,whoever you marry is not going to be

the person that you die with.If you live to be old and stay
together, your bodies are going tochange, your personalities are going to change.
You've decided to make that commitment tostick with that person and support them,
and you don't sound supportive at all. I really really hated the whole
posting the photos up online because whenyou are bigger and you lose a lot

of weight, you receive so muchhate for so many different reasons. And
if you're finally confident and happy inwho you are and that brings you joy,
and then then you're supposed to beclosest with says I don't like this
about you. It's wrong. It'sI don't like that you have found this
happiness and I don't want you tohave that joy. I wonder if he

and maybe you would will answer this, but I wonder if you feel that
you're worried about your relationship because sheis posting those pictures. Austin, Am
I worried about mine? Yeah?Yeah, I'm sure if I sat down
and thought long enough about it,I probably am that. Ay, she's

changed and now this knew her isgoing to want somebody else. Yeah,
I wouldn't. I wouldn't disagree withthat at all, all right, keV
am I the a hole. Idon't think he's in a whole. I
think his heart is in the rightplace. He wants to be with the
person he fell in love with,and he doesn't feel that that is who

she is now, regardless of everythingelse. On top of that, I
think at the core of his concern, that's what it is. And I
don't think he's an a hole forthat. Mike Am I the a hole.
I think half in, half out. I think that he kind of
is because if he was doing thisthe other way around, and it was
he wants her to get skinny,he likes her better when she's skinny,
he would be a huge a hole. So I think the the other way

around makes him just as big ofan a hole, Like it's her body.
Let her do whatever she wants,whatever makes her, whatever makes her
happy really at the end of theday. But I don't think I agree
with Kevin that it sounds like hisheart is trying to be in the right
place. Misty, am I thea hole? What are your thoughts?
Misty? Sorry, I think he'ssomewhat of an a whole. But at

the same time, it kind ofsounds like he's just concerned for her.
If she like she might be havingside effects she needs to talk to her
doctor about if she's noticing she's sodifferent, you know, grumpy and not
who she was before, she mightnot notice it and just think, oh,
hey I look good, Okay,all right, So he's health wise
concerned for her. Uh amar amI A hole? What do you think?

Yeah, well, Joe, goodmorning. I don't think he's in
an a hall because my girl saidthose ones, which is exactly like those
six sun dollar ones, which isexactly like the ones the or zembic one
edible effect for her personality is verybad. She's angry sometimes, she says,
when she's sitting by herself crying,and mad and you know, so

that's what he's So that's been theside effect that your girl has from from
doing these things. Huh. Yeah, she's always gonna, she's always mad.
She you know, she had avery bad attitude. Sometimes she cried
by herself. And I noticed whenshe's taking those shots, that's what keeps
happening. So I took them alland I throw him in the garbage.

Wait a second, now, wait, we got to do with you?
That's an a whole move. Yeah, because I to be honest, I
got to the point, which isI called her mom and I told her
she's keeps taking those shots and that'swhat it keeps doing for her, and
that's not good. Wow, youknow. And I'm like, she's like

her mom, you know, Ijust threw them away, not even listening
to me. And I'm like,okay, oh oh yeah. And by
the way, if you got himstill in the garbage, go grab him
for me. I'll take him.It's hard. Those are hard shots to
get. William, Am I thea hole? What are your thoughts?

Oh? First things first, firsttime, long time, will thank you.
I don't think he's a whole.I'm going through my own weight loss
journey. I've switched a lot ofjust my daily intake of food and everything
else, and my girlfriend has noticedthat my mood and stuff is changing,
and you know, it's just Ithink it's just the fact that she's going

through such a change with her bodythat he just has to stick around.
And I mean, I mean,obviously, if it gets aduced or anything
like that, you know, thenyou know, then something needs to change.
But I think he needs to stickit out and understand what she's going
through. So in a way,sort of kind of beets a little bit
of an able, but I don'tthink. I think his mind's and his

heart's in the right place. Ijust think he needs to stick it out
and see where it goes. Okay, well, listen, I wish you
well in your journey, and Ithink that that's awesome that you're doing this
because the truth of the whole dealis, and this is something for Austin
too. It's not about just looks. It's about health too. It's not

healthy. You know, if aperson was over drinking, we wouldn't say,
well, I like them drunk.They were better drunks, you know,
or they were you know, abusingdrugs. We wouldn't say, oh,
well, the guy was better whenhe was like, you know,
strung out like that. So wegot to look at that too and say,
hey, we're trying to keep peoplehealthy too. What's up, Kelly

High? Good? Am I ahole? And not to me? But
yeah, no, I don't thinkyou're a hell. I don't think anybody's
in a hole in this situation.It sounds like, I mean, I
guess, you know, we don'tknow all the details and how their relationship
is normally, but it sounds likethat, you know, maybe she's not

treating him as well anymore, beinggrumpy and stuff like that, and I
think that's okay to be like,hey, you know, I'm not happy
with the way that I'm being treatednow that this change has occurred. Whatever
the reason is. Maybe it's notso much that, you know, she
lost the weight, but maybe she'streating him badly now or something. I
mean, I'm not really sure.Well, let me ask that question,

autin. Is it because is shenot nice to you? I wouldn't say
she's not nice. I would say, you know, there are moments where
I'll say, sixty forty not nice, if that makes sense, sixty not
nice, forty nice? Yeah,sixty not nice? And before she was
what, oh twenty not nice?I mean, yeah, listen, we're

all human. We go through daywhere we have tough time stuff. But
you just more things are irritating herthat never did before. Interesting, All
right, what's up, Marie?What's going on? Am I the A
hole? I say partially just becausebeing supportive about like the medication journey in
the beginning, I feel like thatshould have been like a saying, hey,

I want you to be happy.But she's also changing on him personality
wise, and I feel like that'smaking it not the not the A hole
when it comes to that, andwith her not eating properly according to him,
that's very concerning and dangerous and canalso cause a lot of the side

effects, like when when I don'teat, I become very angry. Right,
your blood shirtar is different. Yeah, it's natural. It's natural that
you would be that way. Listen. I think that there's a lot of
people that are looking at Austin inthe way that he was as Okay,
I don't know if I like whathe's saying about her, but I think
he says it all in a goodway. Now the guy that threw out

the meds. I don't know.I might have been pushed over the edge,
so maybe I'm judging him off ofthat. But am I the a
hole on the mojo in the Morningshow? You can comment with us tax
nine five five zero zero or hitus up in a DM Mojo in the
Morning. A couple of things Iwant to do bring up before the end
of the show. I had areally kind of awesome thing happened to me

yesterday and I did not know thatit happened until late in the day,
but I guess it came out inthe morning. And I think it shows
you that we don't read trade magazinesaround here because or that little thing that
the industry puts out in the morningthat ramp Yeah you an email I never

read. Every once in a whileyou'll say like, oh did you hear
about yeah, and I'll teck it, But no, I really don't.
I never never normally read the damnthing. Unless there's a big headline that
says, you know, Iheart's layingoff employees or something. I'm like,
oh crap, oh, what's goingon. Well, for those that hadn't

already heard for the third straight year, I've been nominated for the Radio Hall
of Fame. Yeah, two timeloser, so three. Oh, thank
you. It's been It's very niceto you know, it's nice to have
people reach out to you and stufflike this when it does happen where you

get nominated. But with that said, this year is a little bit different.
I ended up getting a friend ofmine, actually friend of the show.
We've really need to shout out SteveReynolds. Steve used to work with
our radio show back in the day. He's been a longtime friend of mine
for many, many years. Heput an ad in the trade magazine Ramp,

which is a mega seeing that alot of the people in the industry
who vote for this thing go andlook at and his ad that he put
in was congratulations to all the twentyfour nominees for the Radio Hall of Fame.
Now let's talk about this guy Mojoin the morning and put a nice
picture of myself, he wrote inthe ad. And can I tell you

this, I had somebody reach outto me. My buddy Tim Richards,
who hired me here at this radiostation yesterday, reach out to me.
He goes, did you see whatSteve did for you? And I go,
what did he do like? Ididn't know what he did like because
I was on an airplane to dayand I was traveling from Tampa. He
sent it to me, and Iwas on an airplane reading this, and
I started bawling. Sitting next toa woman with a dog and an old

man. Literally it was me,a woman, a dog, and an
old man. It says Mojo andDetroit have been in love for twenty four
years, carrying on a ratings dominancerarely seen. Mojo gives Detroit the pride
it deserves, mentors radios next generationof superstars, and reminds listeners and clients

each morning that radio works. Allthat success brings his usual great humility.
All that success, uh, bringshis usual great humility. I should add
you read it, Jane, becauseI can't lead. Now. We root
for him to the Radio Hall ofFame voting committee for all he has done

for radio in Detroit. I askyou to vote from shoe in the morning
and he put you know, hedoesn't add in there for his business,
which is the Reynolds Group, andhe and he put a name a photo.
I thought that was unbelievable. Yeah, I put an ar puts the
photo I to me. I wasso so so kind for him to do

that, And I don't know ifit will help get votes, but honestly,
it's kind of like you know whenpeople you know put up yard signs
or those pell or what are thosepelicans? Or what are those pink things
flamingos for your birthday or something likethat. I never want that ever done
to me. He carted your yard, but I could see I could see

where it is done to you,Like, Wow, that's pretty awesome that
somebody thought of that. Can youexplain, because I've had a few people
ask me, and I actually don'tknow the answer to this. I might
know part of it. But whenyou say, you're looking like you have
to be voted to win, right, you have to get a certain number
of votes. Who gets to vote? I don't know because I've been because

I've been getting reached out to byformer morning guys and current morning guys.
But I think they're in the Hallof Fame, like I had, so
people in the Hall of Fame getto vote. Don't find program directors get
a vote. Yes, program directorsgot Yesterday, I had I had four
program directors reach out to me thatsaid that they voted. I had the
guy who is the head of theCountry Radio Hall of Fame who said he

voted. I had Tommy Sablan,who we know was he's a Hall of
Fame morning show producer. He saidthat he voted. Don Anthony, who
does morning show boot camp, toldme that he voted. And I don't
know if these people want to wonderhow somebody gets to vote, So I
don't know. I think from whatI understand, it's radio industry, you

know, leaders like Tony's and Colleen'sand stuff of the world. And then
I think if you get into theHall of Fame, you all of a
sudden become a now a voter,Okay that you get to vote. I
don't know if you're into this,but I am. And certain things stick
out to me. Yeah, you'vebeen in Detroit for twenty four years.
Yeah, this is twenty twenty four. There are twenty four nominees. I

like where you're going, and inbetween two and four is the number three.
This is your third nomination. Ithink it's happening. I like it.
I like it. Buddy, thattook some time. Why did you
think of that? Literally when youjust read it and you said two thousand.
When you said the twenty four nominees, that's when he popped. I

was like, whoa, he said, twenty four years of the trade.
I'm like, WHOA. Wow,I've never honestly thought of that. It
makes sense to me. But also, this is the thing that I think
I got you guys with. WhenI talked to you about being nominated.
I told Chelsea specifically there was onecity I wanted to visit this year,
and then they announced where the inductionsare going to take place. The Hall

of Fame is in Chicago, theRadio Hall of Fame Chicago. This year's
induction is in Nashville. I toldChelsea I wanted to go to Nashville this
year. I've never been, soyeah, I don't know. It would
be interesting. But Kevin nicely putnow, if I don't get nominated,
I'm on this audio plane or getvoted in. What's up? Nancy High?

Hey Mom, Joe, how areyou good? What's going on?
I am so happy for you.And guess what, I've never been to
Nashville either. So you are gettingnominated and I'm going with you. Oh
my god. You gotta tell youwhat you're in my carry on, We'll
put you right in there. Soyou got my vote. I love it,
my kids to school listening to you. I watched you give to the

community. You and your team.You are the best person in the whole.
Whenever I go in the car,it's got to have you in the
morning. Well, thank you,and listen. I say this, it
would be an honor to be inthe Radio Hall of Fame. But also
I think for a bit of Detroit. Detroit is I think the greatest radio
city in the world, and westill care about radio. We still see

it in our amount of listeners thatlisten to us and all the other radio
shows here. I think Detroit deservesit. I think it's the radio capital
of the world. So we putmore radios out than anybody else, with
them all in their cars. Andof course I heard app too, So
thank you. In the Morning's Dirtyon the thirty, one of the roses
in just a little bit, ina few moments here, Carly and the

stripper bust the cheating boyfriend that's onthe way in just a few moments.
First though, let's get a lookat what's trending in The Dirty on the
thirty well, Hailey Dad, thegorgeous daughter of Eminem and his ex Kim
Scott, is a married lady.You become a lady after you get married.
Not a girl, just a lady. She married her longtime boyfriend Evan
mcclintogg, surrounded by their loved onesat a venue in Battle Creek, Michigan.

I think it's Green Crest Wanner.But it was just the most stunning
wedding, a stunning bride. Andyes she did a dad daughter dance with
Marshall. You can check out thosephotos on her social media. This was
the beautiful song that I was talkingabout. Do you guys remember she danced
too? But what is this?This was a song that Eminem put out

that Bo Bo the jammer, ourformer music director, the probably one of
the greatest people I've ever worked within radios. This was his first that
was the dirty version. But thesong is called beautiful and if you've never
heard that before, for that isa great song. So I want to
know what Marshall dances? You dotoo? I really do? Do you
think he danced to one of Haley'sfavorites artists where people that Eminem shouted out

in a negative Way and the songslike Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Yeah,
Britney Spears did. He's former bodyguard. His name is Roger Bond,
sitting down yesterday for an interview withPiers Morgan to talk about that horrific video
that we saw of him and Cassiethat went around the internet over the weekends.

It didn't surprise me when I sawit because I've seen things to this
nature before. I've gotten in betweenthings of this nature before, and this
was back in twenty twelve. Sothat's why I was so adamant on what
I said yesterday after he posted thatapology, because it comes a time where

it's like you can't just say anythingyou want to say and think that people
gonna accept it. Yeah, Andhe said, I mean he saw a
lot, a lot more than wegot a glimpse of on that video.
How many times did you personally witnesshim and be violent towards women? Around

four or five times? And wasthat all with Cassie or was it Cassie
and other women. I've seen himwith Cassie and I've seen him with Kim
Porter, his kid's mother. Right, He's now sadly no longer with us.
But what did you see him do? I've seen him get physical.

I've seen him get really physical,grab him up. It was one time
that Cassie mentioned inside her lawsuit whereshe says she had to go over to
the London Hotel. I was theone that was checking on her every day
at the London Hotel. Yeah.J Lo solo at the premiere of her
movie List at the Egyptian Theater inHollywood last night, No Ben walking the

red carpet by her side, andmade rumors that there is massive trouble in
paradise. And this is what Ikeep hearing from pretty much every single source
I talked to. They've hit arough patch in their marriage. They're living
in separate homes. Ben is rentinga place in Brentwood, while Jen is
staying at their sixty million dollar BeverlyHills mansion that they purchased together, and

friends are saying Ben has finally cometo his senses. He knows they're headed
for divorce. He feels like thelast two years have been okay, but
he understands very fully that there's noway this is going to work. Do
we think Jennifer Garner is just tackling. I don't know. I love her.
I don't want to even bring herinto this. I love her.

Lastly, Happy Gilmore to, asequel to the nineteen ninety six classic movie
Happy Gilmore is on the way.We told you that. Yeah. Adam
Sandler dropping a couple of more tidbitsyesterday. He said that legendary golfers Tiger
Woods and John Daly will potentially beincluded in the film. He's trying his

bomb for all of today. Sortadytook out the podcast on the iHeartRadio app
or Motive in the Morning dot com. Out of all the Adam Sandler movies,
I know, Megan, you're asuper fan of Heavy Gilmore. Specifically,
it's probably know what is your favoriteAdam Sandler movie all time? Probably
Happy Gilmore, but Billy Madison isclose. I love Billy Madison. Billy
Madison. I love the wedding.That's a great one. I thought water.

I think one Big Daddy. EightCrazy Nights, eight Crazy Nights.
I mean, listen, Adam Sandlerdoing anything is great, you know,
as long as it's not another oneof like I don't like, like part
fives and stuff of movies. Idon't know, what that is like when
they do you know, when it'she and uh David Spade and Chris Rock

and John Lovett and all the restof those guys. I like nostalgic throwbacks.
Though this is a nostalgic We're gonnapull out your heartstrings because you love
the movie throwback. And if weuh get another great movie like Happy Gilmore,
that's just a win. There isnothing better than the Bob Barker scene
and Happy gil Yes, yeah,you're listening to Mojo in the Morning Mojo

in the Morning on social media,it's Mojo in the Morning. He's dirty
on the thirty catching cheaters. I'mproud of it. Oh I'm sorry,
get your home for Boar of theRoses Mojo in the Morning. Carly doesn't
think that her boyfriend's cheating on her, or at least didn't until you were
told that he was cheating on you. And who was it? Tell everybody

who was that told you that he'scheating on you? Is this super at
the Prince that results all the time? Oh so you got you guys frequent
a like a strip club? Yeah, and what exactly did she tell you?
She told me that he's calling herall the time that he has her

phone number. Your boyfriend has herphone number? I guess, so,
I just mean, and what doesshe say that he's telling her talking to
her about they seem to have friends. She was saying that she's really into
her and that you know, he'sjust he's not that interested and he doesn't

really have an other thing going Inother words, she's not really interested in
me, And like, I don'tI don't know, I don't know what's
really going on. Have they evermet up or do you know if they've
ever met up outside of the stripclub or is this just like a text
call type of thing at this point, I'm not even sure. Like I
kind of just pointed her out aftera while because it doesn't sound like him.

Let's talk to her because we gotaround hold with us right now.
Are you okay with us saying yourname or do you not want us to
say your name? Uh? Whichname? My strip our stripper friend that's
on the phone with us. Okay, Yeah, that's totally fine. I
can say your name. Your name'sHarper, Yeah, and Harper. We

were just having a conversation with Carly. Some questions came up about Carly's boyfriend.
Have you, guys ever met outsideof the strip club? Yeah,
he's tried to give me a call. I met up with him once,

but I did not stay a long. Why would you sell him out like
this? Like? Why are youdoing this? If this is somebody that's
a good customer of yours, Idon't know. I mean I met his
girlfriend. She seems awesome. Ireally enjoyed her company, and I guess

there's just it was a moral consciencething. And Carly, do you believe
her that she's telling you the truth? I think she believes what she's saying.
Do you have you confronted? Didyou confront your boyfriend to say,
hey, I'm always just so confusedwhen like you say that you didn't want

to confront him because it's a lot, But then you're you're going to be
confronting him either way. This today, I know it's just make sense,
But none of this all right?Well, why don't we do this.
I'm going to have you guys muteyour phones. We're going to call up
Carly's boyfriend while she's listening and thedancer who told her that her boyfriend is

cheating is listening. But you guyshave to be quiet, because it's going
to be very difficult to do thisif he suspects that this is a bunch
of bs. If I thought,okay, so can you guys hit mute
on your phone? Yeah, allright, or the roses. We're calling

up John and we hope the flowersgo to Carly. Hello. Hey is
this John? Yes? This isJohn. Hi John. My name is

Nicole and I'm calling from a newonline floral company called rosesoom dot com with
an offer for some free flowers.If you have like thirty seconds to answer
two very short survey questions for me, we are going to give you a
dozen long stemmed red roses that youcan chip, you can tip to the
person of your choice anywhere in thecountry, free of charge. Not going
to ask you for your credit cardinfo. Hey, listen, I just

want you to know I love Mojoin the Morning. I mean, do
I get need tickets with this aswell or anything like that? Hi?
John? Hello John? Yes?Hi Itt Shannon. So kay John,
do you listen? I mean,well, if I wasn't a listener,

I wouldn't have said anything. SoJohn, you actually know the Mojo on
the Morning Show, so you knowthat we do a thing called the War
of the Roses, which is whatShannon was calling you up as with roses
bloom dot com. Yeah, John, do you have any idea why we
would be calling you for War ofthe Roses? Because my from one to

know where I was gonna send someflowers to exactly And who's your girlfriend?
Uh? Carly? Okay, makingsure you got all the facts, right,
Carly? Are you there? Yeah? Carly is there, And Carly
John is a listener of the show. So this isn't gonna work, but

maybe we can actually surprise John somemore. John, are you are you
up for some surprises this morning?I guess so, I'm already in one.
All right, Well, we gotCarly on the phone, and so
you John, you would have sentthe flowers to Carly if you didn't listen
to us, right? Uh?Correct? That warms your It's gotta warm

your heart, Carly, Yeah,right, exactly. John. There's something
else though, that we have tosurprise you with. Okay, John,
we have another special guest on thephone with us right now that told Carly

that you are not to be trusted. Who It's a person by the name
of Harper. I don't instead aguy or girl. Don't know Harper?
Oh you know Harper? Actually Idon't think you know her as Harper?
What does he know you as?She knows he as Gaby? Okay,

okay, John Gabby? Gabby?Who is the professional entertainer that you and
Carly like to go and see?Told Carly something about your guys' relationship.
Well, what does she know aboutthat? I don't know that you're sketchy

that you like call up a lotof the dancers that you tried to go
out with me that we met upand it was weird. No, no,
I would I don't do that.I'm sorry, I don't. I
don't do that. I'm already changing, so I would I do that the

other dancers? It's not just gettingyou go. No, not, nothing
like that. Of course not.That's a total lie a company. Would
I even say that? Why wouldyou even put that in her head?
That's not true. You have anopportunity here to like that's up and be

a good person, and now you'relike an idiot, and that is what
is your mot I'm not looking likean idiot. I don't understand your motive.
You're making me look like an idiotand I'm this. Here's the thing.
Here, here's the thing. Whywould she call us up with your

girlfriend and put herself out on theline to say that she knows that you're
doing this? If she didn't believethat, if this wasn't true, because
she has no life obviously, butwait, wait a second, but she
but she also and I'm assuming thisand it's Harper, not Gabby, but

her real name is Harper. ButI'm assuming Harper that you have proof of
him calling your phone and messages thatare sent and any other girls. Yeah,
I mean I've deleted a lot ofstuff, but I'm sure that it's
in the cloud. I'm sure thatit's in the cloud. What are you
saying, So you don't have iton your phone? No, I don't

have it on my phone. Soyou don't have any proof of this.
Did you do a delete things offyour phone? Yeah? I believe.
Well, yeah, I got ridof stuff because I don't pay for all
of that storage stuff. Wait soyou don't. You don't pay for all
the story stuff. It's just atext message or a or a call log.
Yeah, I like to just likeclear my stuff. I don't know,

it's that weird. I don't know. This just doesn't make any sense.
You said he was sketched with othergirls too, so would they be
able to Huh, I'm sure.Yeah, I'm not like the only person
like he is notorious around the club, and he like like, he was
really rude to one of my dearestfriends. She's an amazing dancer and she

really liked you, dude. Andoh my god, here's the deal.
I think that we I think weneed to get more proof than just the
of the the conversation that you know, you guys are having right now.
And I'm assuming and this is allup to Carly. Carly, here,
here's your boyfriend arguing with you know, a stripper hair what what? What

are you thinking? I need morethan this? This is really going on.
Yeah, I need to talk tothe other girls. I need to
know. I can guarantee you sheI don't know if I didn't chip her
well one night or what. Whydon't we do this? Why don't you
guys hang on one second, We'llcome back and we'll talk more in the

next fifteen minutes. You'll hear aboutthis on Mojo in the morning. Don't
go anywhere because coming up here nexttime. The War of the Roses.
Obviously, people are a little sketchyabout what she just said, but it's
something that John says next that completelychanges your opinion. War the Roses and

a chance for you to get yourbills paid. Next, tell your bills
be damn right. I don't needyour bills paid. We'll give you a
shot at one thousand dollars, isn'tit just a few minut on Mojo in
the Morning. QUI DETROITUSNX, MosquitoGreen reps Toledo. This is Mojo in

the Morning. Mojo. He's amazing. Live better give me that money.
Hey, we got some money foryou. Text green in right now on
our website Mojo on the Money dotcom. I guess it's not really texting,
it's entering. Enter the word greenon our website, Mojo on the

Morney dot com and you can winone thousand dollars. Green is the word.
Go Enter that on Mojo in theMorning dot com underpay your bills.
We do it now until nine o'clocktonight, So throughout the day listen and
get your money here one thousand dollars. Every single hour at about ten after

the hour or thereafter, call theShow Now eight four four Mojo Live eight
four four six six five six fivefour eight. Let me ask you real

quick, Harper, the stripper whosealias is Gabby h do you have any
like stripper friends or anybody like thatthat we could call to ask and verify
all those things that you just said. I feel like that a lot.

I don't know. I I wouldn'twant to like why don't you do that?
What? Did you pass on theirinformation to Carly? Yes? Or
what? Well? No, passon to us the information and or text
them yourself and then contact us andlet us know what what they say.
Okay, Okay, do that rightnow, start texting them. Okay,

we're the Roses. Thoughts on this? What's going on in Jeremy? How
you doing? Joe? How areyou, buddy? We're for recap purposes.
A boyfriend girlfriend who got contacted bythe stripper. The girlfriend did saying
that her boyfriend says some really badthings when they are together as a couple

at a strip club. You justheard the War of the Roses. What
are your thoughts? He just soundsextremely guilty. Just the way he was
talking, his ton of voice.They came off as super guilty. Yeah,
I felt the same way too.But I felt the same way too
until I started realizing what kind ofnon evidence that the stripper has. I

mean, I felt like, Okay, this guy's definitely doesn't sound like he's,
you know, telling us the truth. But then and when she kind
of got into the well, Ireally don't have any of these messages anymore,
and I don't save these things andall the rest of that stuff,
there's no proof. Yeah, Melissa, what's up as much of the morning
where the rose is? I gotto tell you he is a liar.

I've been in a situation similar toGabby. I'm not the answer, but
definitely he is hiding something, AndGabby, get your friends, get to
your friends, get that proof,because that's what you need. Girl,
what were your situations? You don'twant to say what your situations were?
I can say what a situation was. At work. For instance, there

is someone I work with and heis always constantly flirting with me. He's
married. He's texted me like weirdthings. He got my phone number off
of work schedule, and I dodelete stuff because I don't want my husband
to see it, because I'm like, this is weird. He's not going
to want me to work there,So I feel for Gabby. Yeah,
I really do. Thank you forthe call of appreciate it. What's going

on, Jamie? What's up?It's much of the morning. Where the
rose is? Hey Mojo Jamie.Yeah, it's just a quick comment.
As far as the whole Gavey thing, I think it's a little too suspicious
that she went to the lengths todelete stuff, even though she's going to
the lengths to try to call himout. Right. I heard the previous
caller say that she should get herfriends. So if there is legit like

evidence that he's doing this, thenyeah, she should get a friend.
But I think personally, she's justgoing through the lengths to try to get
him away from her so she canhave them all to herself. So then
why would you go to the lengthsto delete that if she was going to
go to the work. Wait,so you're saying that the stripper wants the
girlfriend, No, not the boyfriend. Not the girl the boyfriend. Okay,

if she wanted him, why contactthe wife, get on her side,
and then call him out for hisgirlfriend? Yeah, well sorry,
girlfriend, m Isn't that what ahome record does to create problems. Yeah,
and then that way you can getin when everything's all messed up.
But she was already winning and herlike for the dancer, she was already

getting his attention. Why why,I don't know, why blow it up
when she already like that? Justseems more effort than just hooking up with
the guy mcgreb. Carly again here, Carly, are you believing any of
this stuff that is being said andwhat's happened so far? No, why

would all the girls inspire against him? Well, and we only have one
that's that's talking right now, sowe don't know about all the girls yet.
But hold on once, hold onone second, John. There's a
lot of doubters, but there's alsosome people that do agree with you.
We're going to try to get intomaybe possibly other people to contact us to

to tell us if you've been reachingout to them. Can I ask question
you guys real quick? Both youand I got you and Carly on the
phone. Why do you guys goto strip clubs like as a couple?
Like? What is the Is itjust the thrill of going there as a
couple really fun? And from whatyou know Harper, Gabby uh says to

us. You guys each go backand get private dances without each other any
time between here off thing? Whogets more private dances? It's smarty?
I mean you right? You Johnright? I don't, I mean you

know, we don't. I don'tkeep track. I can't really say I
do. Okay, hang on onesecond again, Dustin, what's up?
It's moche in the morning. HeyMojo. Hey, how you doing,
buddy? Not too bad? Howyou doing today? Good? You dated
a stripper, so you know thatrama that some of this can cause.

Yes, I do. Actually Ihad a situation where I was dating a
stripper and I had another stripper getjealous and try causing an issue, saying
I was cheating with her. SoI kind of feel that she is saying
this with not having any of thisproof. I feel she's just being a
jealous and trying to cause issues becauseshe wants to be with him literally the

same exact thing. That's kind ofwhat I get by this. What ended
up happening in your situation? Like, how did you when you were cheating?
I just she was watching me,and I just I never touched her,
like she would always come over,like my girlfriend would watch me while
I come because I would go upthere, like the last two hours of
the night to pick her up,and she would watch me like, she

would come over to talk to me, and I would ignore her, and
she finally realized that, so shewould realize that she was lying trying to
cause problems. Can you make astriper a wife? I'm not gonna say
no, but I'm gonna say it'dprobably be very hard. Yeah, I
would have a hard time with that, like you know what I mean,

Like I would have a hard time, especially if they wanted to stay in
the occupation, you know, Imean, if you can get them,
and when they're early in the occupation, probably, but once they get into
them private parties and everything, no, because they like that money, they
like the attention. Thank you forthe call, Marlene. What's up where
the roses? Good morning, beautifulpeople, Marlene. Okay, just hear

me out here. Okay, Igotta hear the strippers? Got who with
the wife? And there's then theyall in the backstage saying, man,
we can't keep doing her like this. The wife, you know, she
tips us good, she she comesin here, she supports us. We
got to let her know what herhusband is doing. So they probably don't

care about other husbands because they don'tknow the wives. But they have formed
like a connection with her because shecomes to the strip joint so often.
And if I was Gabby, Iwould just let her keep being cheated on.
Get that money. I mean,do what you do. Yeah,
why do you think that she's notjust allowing that to happen. Maybe she

does have a good moral compass though, girl Marlene. But when she brought
it up, look what happened?Oh well, why don't you have proof?
Why would you do it? Okay, I'm sorry I even said anything.
You know, she probably is likeyou know, the wife is good
people. You guys, We've gotto stop doing her like this. I'm
gonna let her know what's been goingon backstage or when she doesn't come,

when he comes by himself. Itcould have started out like, oh,
well, forget her, We're gonnado what we do, and then they
built that connection. I'm gonna letme. I'm gonna bring her back on
with us, the stripper. SoI'm gonna bring Harper back on with us.
And has the husband or the boyfriend, John, has he ever said
anything to you that Carly should likeever know that you haven't told either Carly

ahead of time or even told usright now. Oh yeah, what has
he said to you? He hassaid I want to try and take you
out again, because like I,I didn't. I thought that he was
like in an open thing with Carleand so that's why I went out with

him. And then I found outthat they were exclusive, and so I
was like, wait, that's superweird and why would I do that because
it's not like like Carly's is alsolike a customer. She comes through to
the club all the time with him, but like he comes alone. Carly,
did you know that John goes aloneto the club? No? I

didn't know that. What then doesshe gome alone? Like it took one
out like weird hours like this,this hours like during the day and stuff.
John, any truth to that?Hey? You know? Yes,

I'm you know? And how comethat's been a secret from Carly? She
obviously was not aware. I've nevertried to make it a secret. It's
just that's how it, you know, breaks out. I guess. So
how much does it trust you?How are you supposed to trust me?

Are you really much believe in?Are you believe in this person who calls.
You're completely and totally saying that youtold during the day. How do
you know that? Why did Ihave to find out now? Like I
wouldn't think it's I mean, that'slike me going to get a burger or
something. You know. I don'tthink that's a fair comparison. I'm a

liar because I didn't tell you pleaseplease starting You never asked me if I
went there, So why would no? I thought it was our saying why
would I pass you? Hold onone secon We're gonna let you guys talk
off there. This is the homeof War of the Roses, Mosho in

the Morning or the Roses. Golisten to the podcast, Go check out
the TikTok later today too that we'llbe posted and of course on Instagram and
Facebook and all the rest of thatstuff. All right, it's Mojo in
the Morning Show. One of thecool things about being able to do this

radio show is that we give youmany different ways to listen to us.
You can listen to us live onChannel ninety five five one O four point
five and X ninety two point fiveKISSFM, or the podcasts that are available
on the iHeartRadio app. But youcan also listen to the after show stuff
that we do, which is theMore Mojo podcast and the Slightly Messy podcast

and the We Don't Podcast. AndI've got a big announcement to announce to
you that the More Mojo podcast iscoming back in June. So the More
Mojo podcast, which is the aftershow podcast, is coming back in June.
And there are going to be somethings that we're going to do a
little different than we did before.Before it used to be just us cracking

the mic and talking about that dayshow or whatever. We're going to do
it in a way where the membersof the show are going to each get
to host the More Mojo podcast andit will rotate them and then everybody else
will be on the show as cohosts of it, with the person who
is hosting that week leading the charge. And the topic that is brought up

or the things that we bring upon the show, it will be about
stuff that happens behind the scenes.It will be about something that's on your
mind, that might be something thatyou wanted to bring to the air but
maybe we're too embarrassed to do itand thought, you know what, I'll
bring it to the podcast or somethingthat might be too dirty in the case
of probably Kevin every week. Sothat will be coming in June to the

place that you get podcasts and getMojo in the morning podcast. You'll just
search more mojo for that, andwe'll make an announcement on the first day
and then what I think what we'lldo is we'll just do like a rotation
of it. So we'll start offand I don't even want to be in
the rotation because I always feel likeI'm hosting everything. I want to be
able to sit back and not haveto guide the path and end it.

I want to have you guys beable to do it too, which I
think will be fun. Well,yeah, it will be a good time.
So Chelsea and I do a podcasttogether called the We Don't Podcast.
In this week's podcast brought up someinteresting questions. It also brought up some
interesting stuff about the format of thispodcast. If you've never listened to the

podcast that I do with my wife, it's something that has gotten you know,
very I guess, very vulnerable momentsof our relationship and very honest moments
about our struggles in our relationship.And it's talked about, you know,

divorce, it's talked about hiring attorneys, It's talked about kids and our arguments
with our kids, it's talked aboutemotional times with our kids. Well.
It also has brought out some ofthe interesting parts of my wife in our
relationship when it comes to radio.In this week's episode, if you have
not heard it yet, Chelsea saysthat I prepare everything and she hates it

like that because of radio, andyou know how we do so much prep
on our show. I always wantto prepare pretty much all the stuff that
we do, including the stuff thatwe do, you know, on this
podcast. So we did something completelydifferent. We talked about how she hates

that I always have to say thatwe have to come with the topic,
and instead we started drinking and thendecided we were going to open up the
microphones and just start talking. Ohyeah, so fun. Can we do
that possibly with the more Mojo podcast, the one that that we're going to
remac Yeah, absolutely, that couldbe the drinking podcast before we go home.

It brought me so it brought meso much anxiety doing this because I
like to know where we're going withthings, and I like to also know
that there's going to be an endbecause I don't like podcasts that go two
hours long or three hours long.I think they're hard to listen to because
who's got an hour to two hoursto three hours day? I really,

okay, you like those podcasts.I like podcasts that are less than an
hour, especially if it's something thatyou know is on a weekly basis and
doesn't have like a crapload of commercialsin it, like when they have when
they're the longer they are, guesswhat, the longer the amount of commercials
are going to be in there becausethey're going to put a bunch of commercials
in it. So I like toknow that there's going to be an end

to it. But we talked aboutdifferent topics on this particular podcast, and
here were the topics, and Iwant to specifically highlight one of them.
One of the topics that we talkedabout is is it okay for a couple
to stay together if they aren't inlove? So we discussed that The next

one was is it fair for onepartner to have significantly more power than the
other? And that power could bein all kinds of different ways. That
power could be financial power because maybethey have the job that is supporting the
family, or it could be thesexual power. It could be also the

kids and raising the kids power.You know who makes the call on that.
And then, last, but notleast, was is it appropriate to
go through your partner's belongings without theirpermission? I loved that one because I
revealed that I did that for Chelseaand I went through for her wealthy what'd
you go through? Well? Iwas looking for her money because I knew

that she stashed money, and Iwent through her stuff and she was not
happy about it. But she didadmit to me that she does hide money
and there's only two people that knowabout it. One is one of our
children. I'm assuming Jacob because sheshares so much with them. If it
was Luke, the money would begone by now. And then she said
one of her best friends are theonly people that know where the money is

she had it for. Does shetalk about that she does? She would?
Well, we talked about that.That whole thing was the reason why
she started doing it. We alsotalked about what I found and how she
was pissed at me for my assumptionof something. So you can go check
that out. But the topic thatI wanted to bring up was is it
okay for a couple to stay togetherif they aren't in love? And I

know we don't have a ton oftime right now to get into this in
full fledge, in depth and playfor you our comment. But Chelsea's comment
on this was way different than mine. My comment was I believe, yes,
it's okay as long as you're doingit to protect your children if you
have kids. Hers was way differentthan mine, and I won't I won't

tell you if she said yes orno to it, but I will say
this that she surprised me with thewith what she said, the reason of
is it okay to stay together ifyou aren't in love? But I want
to ask you guys that question ifyou're in a relationship with somebody, if
you're in a marriage, okay,so not just a relationship, like a
commitment marriage where you you know,committed to that other person and said,

I do in the eyes of God, or you know, a fake god
pastor like you had, like nota pastor, but like a like a
fake person whatever that was there,I know, like a minister like I
do or not minister. I don'theah an efficient looking for Yeah, I
don't know what it was I wasthinking of this is why I always gotta

have a plan with Yes, isit okay to stay together even if you
aren't in love? What do youguys think? So my answer to that
would be, actually, I thinksurprising to you, I would say yes,
if you are good partners, ifthere's no animosity or fighting or violence

or anything like that, whether itbe for kids or not for kids.
If you are just truly like youlike doing life together but you're not in
love, I would say it's sad. I wouldn't want that to be me,
But I think it's okay. Yeah. I feel like if the first
two reasons why it would make sensein my mind were either for financial reasons

or for the kids. Outside ofthat, I don't really know why we
would still be together because I thinkinevitably it would get weird, especially if
we plan on dating, like Icould Who am I? Where am I
going to bring this person home to? Or like why do I have to
explain that you can't come over?Like? I think it just gets too
muddied and too confusing at that point. Yeah, have you ever been in
a relationship with somebody that you werenot in love with and held on.

Yeah, I think I, atmoments in my life have felt this though
that How do I want to wordthis? I don't know. I don't
believe that I was strong enough tolet the person go. Yeah, and
I think I was very wrong forthat by holding on to this person knowing
that I wasn't fully committed to thatrelationship. I was committed, but I

wasn't. My heart wasn't fully therefor that person. Yeah, and I've
I've I felt bad about that.I've done that. I think, well,
once in my life. What aboutyou, Megan, what do you
think? There's so many follow upquestions and caveats I would to Kevin,
No, like that the general idea, right, I think there's the I

think it's pretty normal to fall inand out of love during a relationship.
Yeah. I think that you canbe out of love and be working towards
being back into it. And Ithink at a certain point in some relationships,
even if it's not falling back inlove, kind of like what Shannon
said, if your partners and you'recomfortable together and you're still choosing each other
and only each other every day,which doesn't mean intimacy, but maybe that's

just a life partner that you nowlive and spend time with and whatever.
As long as everybody's happy, yeah, why not. But I think I
think if anybody's unhappy, that's whenit becomes unfair. And if you're not
willing, I know of your relationshiphas unhappiness, but if you're not willing
to work towards a solution to that, then it's not fair to your partner.

I will venture to guess that it'sa pretty large amount of people that
are in a relationship where they're notin love right now. I would agree,
and I think that in some cases, and Chelsea brings us up on
the podcast, one of the reasonswhy a lot of times you stay in
it is because of sure laziness ofthe complications of what it's going to take
and how much legwork it takes toget out of it, and and you

know, all the stuff that youhave to go through. But when she
gave me her explanation of what herfeelings were or whether or not you should
stay together, I actually was kindof shocked by it because it was different
than mine, actually considerably different thanmine. And I think the in love
part is the big thing, andyou can go check it out on the
We Don't podcast and listen to it. What's going on, Michelle, How

you doing good? How are yougood? What do you have to say
about that? Is it okay tostay together with someone that you're not in
love with? Absolutely not, absolutelynot. Especially I totally disagree with you
as the kid thing, Mojo.If you stay together for the kids and

you're not in love, you're teachingyour children that that should be their goal
for their relationship in the future.You got to listen to the podcast because
I didn't say I didn't say it'sspecific. Go listen to that We Don't
podcast because I'm gonna tell you this. I didn't say that, And now
you talk about this because I knowwhat you're gonna say that that's their example

of what a relationship is supposed tobe, right right, Yeah, here's
what I said. I think thatcouples should stay together if their kids are
at a vulnerable age for a divorce. And I know that there's some people
that say every age is vulnerable,but I think there are I think there
are more times that are more vulnerablethan others. I think preteen teen times

are some of the worst times ina kid's life. If you're talking like
middle schoolish times were to me theworst times ever that my kids dealt with.
And I think that there are certaintimes you almost have to you have
to put your happiness aside for yourkid's own sustainability. I will agree with
you on the age it is.It is a little rough. I have

done through divorce myself, and thatwas actually the age my kids were at.
So but I don't know, Idon't know. I will have to
listen to the podcast. It's avery bumpy situation. So are you in
it right now? Right again?No, you're better now. I came
back home to Michigan and married myhigh school sweetheart seven years ago. By

the way, I've got so manyfriends that are doing that. They they
divorced their first marriage and they're nowgoing back home to their person that they
were with when they were either inmiddle school or high school. Great,
because my high school is a Megan, Megan? What's going on? Hello?

Hi? So I believe that itabsolutely could work. I originally fell.
I've been with my husband now forover eight years originally, so I
haven't had over heels. I wasin in love with them for probably about
a good three years in the middlethere. I absolutely loved the cared for
him, but how that we bothwere just like in that very much like
roommate stage. We were not compatible. We were not conversing, we weren't

doing anything. We both worked onthings that we need to work on,
and now I am more in lovewith him than I've ever been. Wow,
that's not so you can't pull ittogether even after having a struggle.
I think really it depends on ifeverybody both parties want to addruss why you

like, why do you fell outof love in the first place? Yeah,
well, and I think a lotof it is honestly, you nurture
everything but your own relationship. Youknow, you water, you water plants,
you change the oil in your car. In a lot of cases,
you feed you know yourself food inyour children food, and you know,
you make sure that they're nourished,but you don't nourish your own relationship.

That's usually the thing that goes lastin a lot of people's lives. That
was our thing is I put everythinginto the kids, and he was more
worried about the financial provider part ofit, and we were not doing things
together, and that's where it's startedto fall apart and the once we realize
that we need to work on usprimarily and put everything else in with it
at the same time, it's comeback full forth. And I, like

I said, I'm more in lovewith that man that I've ever been and
I know that I can feel itfrom him ten times more than he ever
books. That's awesome, great tohear. Go check out all of our
podcasts. So the more Mojo podcastplatform you can go more Mojo, or
if you're searching specifically for any ofthe podcasts, you can search them basically

by using the keyword Mojo and thenthe name of the of the podcast are
available on the iHeartRadio app. Isuggest that you go to the iHeart Radio
app because it's a lot easier thansearching sometimes some of the other services like
Apple and Spotify and stuff. AllRight, that does it for today.
Tomorrow we will see you for moreMojo in the morning. I feel like

today was like an exhausting day.We need to get to have the topics
that we talked about in our partso meeting to talk about. Though I
know it's crazy, make sure you'relistening tomorrow because if I look at our
topic board, because we had sucha busy day. We didn't get to
any topic that was not scheduled aftereight thirty in the morning. Isn't that
Yeah, that's true. That's athat's a show twenty in the morning,

A twenty Oh my god. Allright, well we'll stay on for another
couple hours. What do you guyssay? Come on? All right?
I knew you'd love it. Allright, we'll see you tomorrow. By
twenty plus years of idiocy and stillgoing in Detroit, Toledo, in West
Michigan, it's mo show in themorning.
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