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July 11, 2024 28 mins
On this weeks episode of the Slightly Messy Show Mike and Meaghan talk about the things that scared them the most when they were kids as well as what's scaring Mike's kids now. We also discuss our villain origin stories. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I have a problem, Michael,and I am so sorry that you faced
part of it. There is onejoy of being single with no kids,
and it's I have no real responsibilities. Go. This is the slightly Messy
Show with Mike and Megan. Opstate means a messy show, Messy,

messy Mike and Megan. It's aslightly messy show with Mike and Megan.
Yes, back after what feels likea three week vacation. You're welcome with

the slightly Messy Show. The lastone was the episode where I'm pretty sure
somebody on Ohio angrily sent my neighbor'smail and I don't know who it is
today, but the guy whose housethey sent it UPOUTU will not talk to
me. Oh no, that's okay, that's all right. I'm not that

genuinely. He just moved into theneighborhood. And it's fine actually because then
he didn't stop playing his guitar either, which I actually respect him more for
it, because if he actually playsit out there more than he did before.
And I'm like, okay, allright, it's a big screw you.
Yeah, oh yeah, yeah,And that's fine because I definitely wasn't

telling him to stop. I wasjust making an observation. Sure, for
sure, sure I would tell himto stop to his face, what are
you doing? I hate like Ihate those Fine. I'm so happy to
be here, Mike. I'm sohappy to be here. Everything's going okay
today. How are you? Howare things outside of the microphone breaking?
Been great? How bad is theweather in grund Rapids? It's raining,

but not not super bad. Isaw you guys are like flooding. Oh
let me tell you, Troy.Can I give you something for free right
now? Please? Here are myfeet They are a little naked right now.
And that's because this morning I hadto walk an ankle deep water to
get to my parking garage a coupleof blocks, and my shoes and socks
are still cold and wet. SoI am having a day. It's started

early, so it's raining. Actuallyright now, it's not raining, so
it's noon. I was gonna sayhere in West Michigan, I mean it's
also Noonroit. You know, we'rein the same state, but it's not
raining. It did rain a lotlast night, but right now, so
it's not bad. Is it stillraining over there? Pretty bad? I

can't so they put us in dungeonsthat don't have windows. I mean technically
our studio has windows, but frommy seat, I can't see out of
them. Too much stuff flocks them. So apparently the rain's been off and
on. But my favorite thing waswe post on social media video of KP
which I'm guessing is what you sawwalking to her car and her parking garage.
She moved to downtown to tray.Her parking garage was flooded, and

we posted that and called each otherthis morning. We're like, how cold
and what are you? How badthere is the water where you were Because
we both have unattached parking garages,so when the weather's bad, we got
we got truck to it. Itlooks like the beginning scene with the when
Titanic is sinking like it looks likewhen they're all walking through that water.
That's what it looks like. Sowe posted that video on social media this

morning, which we walked to ourcars at five o'clock in the morning,
and uh, all of these guyson the Facebook posts were like, it's
stuff flitting and I'm like, yeah, we made this out. We walked
like I have had cold, wetsocks and shoes all day. Just just
to lie to you on social medialike that was the that was the big

Aha? Got ya? Do youknow what? The one thing I wish
we could post sometimes it's just motherfucker, Like I just wish I could say
why the fuck would we lie aboutthis? That should be a whole podcast.
Somebody should host that. That thatpodcast the fuck up. Today on
the show, we're gonna talk alittle bit about kids from two different point

of views and two different topics here, so one of them being Megan.
Were you ever scared of anything likesomething specific as a child that literally haunts
you to this day, or maybenot even haunts you to this day,
but it did scare you as akid. So many things, so many
things. I was scared of,probably like clowns the most as a kid,

because the only real scary movie Ihad ever seen, and I didn't
even watch it, but I hadwalked into the room all my brother and
the neighbor kid was watching it wasPenny Wise, and so like that scared
the crap out of me. Ialso saw a part of Chucky. Oh
you know what scared me? Dolls? Dolls scared me, like, not
barbies or stuff like Penny or pollypockets. But those porcelain dolls, Oh yeah,

they were. I was forced tohave them in my room growing up,
and at night. Those porcelain dollswere terrifying. You're talking the ones
that when you move their heads,their eyes open and close. Yeah,
and they were. They had likefancy historical dresses on them and perfectly curled
hair, and you weren't allowed toplay with them. Uh. They look
like they look like they took anactual human and shrunk it down, like

somebody, some magician or wizard somewhereshrunk down an actual human and put them
into this body and they're stuck thereforever. They're terrifying. Ooh, I
don't like that. Yeah, it'sscary. I don't like that at all.
It's very scary. I just learnedmy one year old Sebastian, who
loves Miss Rachel. If you don'tknow who Miss Rachel is, go check
her out on YouTube. I thinkeverybody does. I love Miss Rachel.

Yeah, everybody loves Miss Rachel.And she's if you're a parent, you
know, she saves the day whenyou get when you're waking up at like
five o'clock in the morning, thebaby won't go back to sleep. You
just want to sleep, like fivemore minutes. You just throw on YouTube
and the baby will just sit thereand he smiles and he loves it.
Until and I learned that this ismister Rachel, this is miss miss Rachel's

husband. Which would her name bemissus Rachel? Then I thought it wouldn't
be miss Rachel. I think itwould be Oh yeah, but miss ms
is like both single and married.Oh I didn't know that. I learned
that today. Okay, so misterRachel, her husband terrifies my son to
no end. Yeah, no,Sebastian, Sebastian, I'm sorry, I'm

sorry. Yeah. Sebastian is justpetrified of this guy. And we're trying
to figure it out because he's justlike a normal looking dude. He's got
some very intense facial expressions when hedoes stuff, like very intense, and
his face is a little sunk init, like like a little sunk in
it, not like in a creepyway, but like a little like a

little sunken in got it. Andthen we noticed the dude doesn't have eyebrows.
He's missing I wish I could hearout google him right now, pull
him up on Google. Here helooks and I don't know why they don't
just throw it like maybe some makeupin it and fill it in. But
he looks like he's missing eyebrows completely. So I wonder if that throws off

like in a kid's world, ifthat throws off something? Here? Mean,
is he bald? No? No, no, I mean he's balding.
Let me flip the camera. Doeshe have alopecia just of the eyebrows?
I mean he may, he may. Oh oh oh no, I
see it and not him. He'sa fine looking guy. He's fine.

If you wouldn't have pointed out tome that he doesn't have eyebrows, I
probably wouldn't have noticed. But oh, I don't like that. There's only
one person that is allowed to nothave eyebrows, and that is a full
time drag queen. What okay?So why wouldn't he fill them in?
Because he's on TV? Like,what's the reason? Can I tell you

a secret? What? And you'venever noticed this and you're gonna want to
google it? Will be? Goldbergdoesn't have eyebrows either, Are you serious?
She has such a pronounced eyebrow boneand she has very expressive facial features.
Most people's brains fill in the eyebrowfor you, and nobody notices that
she doesn't have eyebrows until they're upclose to her. Are you serious?

I'm google it right now. WOOPIGoldberg eyebrows. She doesn't have any work,
she has glasses, She does nothave eyebrows, does not have eyebrows.
Has she never know because some ofthese pictures she does. But this
looks like she's posing for a likeshe's in a movie. I bet they
filled them in in the movie posters. I think she said she wore eyebrow
wigs for movies, but like inday to day life, she does not

have eyebrows. She doesn't. No, never why that that's never ever stuck
out to me. That's so wild, I know, I know, and
some people you just don't notice,and other people it's like that is the
most noticeable thing of your face.So I don't know if that is why.

But every time mister Aaron, Iguess is his name? That is,
every time this guy comes on,his face visibly changes from like super
happy with miss Rachel going ah,like he just sits there with a wide
smile, So like his face curlsdown, his lips starts to quiver,
and he starts to cry and wedon't know why because mister Aaron, I
guess is his name, doesn't doanything. He doesn't do anything different than

anybody else. But then in thethe worst part is mister Aaron is trying
to teach kids how to say data. So every time Miss Rachel goes can
you say mom, They're all likeyeah, yeah. Then mister Aaron comes
on and says, can you saydude? And then the kids start crying.
So now, yeah, so that'sassociated with the scary guy. He's

terrifying, which if if there isa uh something you know, medically wrong
with his eyebrows, I'm not makingfun of him, no, no,
no, but he is terrifying mychild. And if we could just have
like Blippy, you know, Blippyis kind of creepy too. Honestly,
Blippy is kind of creepy too,if I'm being ho, what's the one
mister mister mister Blippy. Yeah no, no, no, no, no,

no, mister Blobby, mister Blobby, Google mister Blobby right now.
It's like the English version of aterrifying teletubby, And it's wickedly popular in
England, and like, I findthat thing to be absolutely terrifying. It's
like pink with yellow spots y.Yeah, and it's got like a clown

face sort of. It's sort oflike a clown face if you took all
the fun parts out of it,but a clown face with anxiety is what
it looks like. And mister Blobbyis like very famous in England and it
scares the absolute shit out of me. Oh my god, I know,
I know, it's so creepy.That's children's programming. Like kids there grew
up and loved mister Blobby and I'mlike, that's that's nightmare fuel. Yeah.

What were you in the in thejust the lift and what were you
scared of as a child or whatyou knows still to this day are you
scared of as a child? Iwas scared of. You mentioned Dallas and
you mentioned the movie Chucky. Yeah, the movie Chucky I watched as a
cad. I went over to mydad every other weekend, my biological dad,
and so he would. He wasjust a he's just a great just

a great individual. Sat me downone day and said, hey, once
you watch this movie, it's Chucky. And I wear Child's Play or whatever
by myself, and I wanted tobe cool watch rated our movies. So
I watched that movie and had mybuddy at the time, remember the my
buddy, yeah, my buddy,yeah yeah. So I had one of
those at home, went home andwas so scared that I took one of

my parents' lighters because at that time, parents smoked. Inside again, it
was a whole different world, butmy parents smoked and they had a lighter.
I took a lighter and I waslike, he's alive. I know,
he's alive. So I turned iton and put it to his thumb
to see if he would move.Yeah, I know, I know,
almost started it didn't burn anything,but he didn't move. And then I

went upstairs and bought the lighter backor whatever, and I was convinced so
much so that he had moved whileI had gone upstairs that I threw him
in the trash and was terrified.I was terrified, my terrified. Oh
yeah, oh yeah, yeah,Well I guess, I guess, but
like I shouldn't have been watching ratedour movies at that point. Anyways,
that wasn't your fault, though,Yeah, well, what if he did.

I don't know to this day thathe didn't move to this day.
To this day, toy story iskind of scary if you think about it,
it could be. Yeah, yeah, I will also tell you,
And my dad is so much betterat telling this story than I am.
But I don't have the capability goodto call people anymore, which is a
total bummer. But my dad tellsthe story the best. When I was
in preschool, they had a bunny. Okay, it was like a preschool

daycare, right. It wasn't likeattached to a school. It was its
own freestanding thing. And it wason the campus of Yeah, I don't
go there anymore and I don't livethere anymore, Lord's University, and it
was like this tiny, tiny,little The school was known for two things
at the time. It's changed nowit's a much bigger school, but at
the time it was all education andnurses. So they had this preschool on

campus. And when you walked inthe first set of doors, they had
a pet bunny at the school.And this thing my dad describes as eighty
pounds, like it was just sonot but just like couldn't move, it
was so fat. He called itthe door stop bunny. That's what my
dad referred to it. Because thething couldn't physically move. Somebody picked it

up and took it somewhere. Itsat there. They picked it up,
they took it somewhere else. Itsat there. It never moved. I
was so terrified of this bunny thatI would sit at the front doors and
cry and cry and cry. Andevery day my dad thought he could just
drop me off and leave, butinstead he had to go park the car,
pick me up, carry me intothe second set of doors, set

me down, and then go walkback out to the car. I had
no problem going to I liked preschoolLike. It wasn't like I didn't want
to go. It was I didn'twant to walk past the bunny that was
so fat it didn't move. Whatdid you think that Bundy would do?
Eat? I guess like that's whathe had in his body right now as
another child who decided to test him. If a classmates didn't show up for

any day, I was like,I know where he is is in that
buddy's belly. Uh purchase Amy saysthe purple pie man Dow from Strawberry Shortcake
terrified me. I just googled thePurple Pie Man because I didn't know what
it was. It is a veryterrifying character. You know who it is.
No, I wasn't a Cabbage Patchkid. I wasn't either, That's

why I had to google. Ohthat thing looks menacing. Why yeah,
why is that a Why is thatany children's show? That character? I
know? Just laughs. The baggoing is the most I don't even know.
I didn't even want to do youwant to hear it? Purple Pie

man laugh? Oh my god.I hope you're close. I hope you're
I bet you're very close. Well, you're looking that up. Ashley's in
my comment section and she said it'sscared of the animatronics. Uh specifically at
check E Cheese, but mine andI'm still to this day scared of underwater
animatronics freak me out? Underwater?What animatronics? Oh? Really? Mm

hmm, Like, uh, wherehave you seen those? In Disney?
They used to have a ride thatwas like a like a submarine. It's
a Finding Nemo ride now, butit was something different before and they had
animatronics under the water and it freakedme out, like the Jaws ride at
Universal. Yes, Oh I lovethat. Oh, no, or the

Hall of Presidents at Disney World.Animatronics really scare me. Yeah. Yeah.
Is it just animatronics in general,or is it they have to be
in a specific setting for them toscare you. A specific set. The
underwater ones freak me out, andthen the whole president Some of them are
just so accurate looking that I'm like, I don't like this, Like the
Avatar one that's in Disney Now.They spent like a billion dollars on it,

and it looks like like I know, it's not a human, it's
an alien, but it looks soreal it freaks me out. Sasily just
went to well, not just itwas during school. She just went out
a field trip to Lancing and theygo to like the museum or something.
I forget what it is, butthey have all those basically wax figures of

like old soldiers or whatever. Shewould not yeah, exactly, And the
lighting is so perfect because it's likea dark it's like a dark tunnel they
walk through to get to this,to the next room, and she's like,
I won't walk by it, allright, exactly, here is the
what was his name, Purple something, Yeah, cabach guy. Yeah,
here's what he saunds like, myname's not man, I fuck your mind,

freak ye come on, pretty clone. That is almost fine. Oh
my god, I should do voiceover work. Uh. We're sitting here

talking about kids and what they're scaredof, and I feel like this is
in a conversation that you you actuallyhave with kids in the room. You
can't have that conversation because the realtrauma happens in that situation. But you
brought up a situation before we startedthe podcast where kids actually bring up the
conversation. I think this is abrilliant idea. We've kind of started doing

a new family rule. Okay,and I'm I'm I love my family.
I'm truly, truly not trying tolike bring anybody down, but I think
a lot of us and I knowthis is going to be so shocking,
Mike, are very hard headed inour opinions. Whow what No, I'm

right all of the time with nomistakes. Ever, I'm read it,
she says, and that goes totherapy And I'm like, I'm ever right
about that, am. But Iuh love this new rule that we've instituted,
because not everybody in my family seeseye to eye on things when it
comes to politics, and we're verygood at just avoiding it in general,

but it gets hard during election years. So we've stated a new rule and
it's my new favorite thing because thefirst time we kind of let it play
out was for the fourth of July. And on the fourth of July,
we had a whole bunch of peopleover at my dad's apartment because he has
a great view for the Toledo fireworksand uh, we weren't allowed to pick
any topics of conversation. My eightyear old cousin picked every single topic that

we all talked about. He gaveus all conversation starters of things he wanted
to discuss, and it was somuch fun, oh, I bet,
because they were the best conversations start. Like at one point, he was
like, tell me your favorite childhoodmemory, and it started this discussion with
everybody that just like it took likethirty or forty minutes. We talked about

all of our favorite childhood It's notanything we all would have brought up at
a normal just like dinner party gettogether and it was so much fun.
And you know what eight year old, nine year old ten year olds are
really good at two is a fois a question? Like once they have
the conversation starter or they're talking toyou about it. My daughter is incredible
at this. She'll immediately have likequestions to go along with it. And

I'm like, whoa, whoa.That as inquisitive as hell? What are
the Some of the other topics thatthey had. Some of the other topics
were like, tell me your favoritejoke, which I thought was cute.
You just wanted more jokes to taketo school. What was your joke?
Did you give him a dirty one? No? Because my favorite joke I
only have. Like I think I'mfunny in conversation, Like I think I

can tell a funny story, butI don't think I'm good at telling jokes.
And there are two kinds of commediLike Mitch Heedberg told jokes. Everything
was like one sentence. It wasfunny. Like whatever tonight, I am
working for half of the door.Tomorrow, I'm also working for half of
the door. By the end ofthe weekend, I will have a door.
I'm thinking about getting a screen doorbecause it says I'm open. But

now the mosquitoes, Like that's thejoke, Like I set up punchlines,
set up punch slide. I can'tdo that, but I feel like I
could do a stand up special whereit's really only five jokes, but there
are stories that are like correlated.Is that right? Yeah, yeah,
no, I know exactly what youmean. So anyway, my favorite joke
he didn't get, but I it'sso stupid. Two pretzels crossed the road.

One of them was assaulted. It'sso stupid assaulted pretzels. Yeah,
no, I like it. I'vegotten the same as you. I.
I did try stand up and Idid okay, but I don't like the
uh. I don't like what youlike the kind that you're saying. I
don't like to go up there andtell a story and be the only one
talking. I'm better in jokes whenit's conversational jokes, like when you're going

back and forth. I'm quick atlike if something was said in that moment,
in that moment, I could getsomething fast. But if you told
me might go up and stand upthere by yourself for an hour and just
talk, it wouldn't. I wouldhave to do what like what's his name?
Does that? It's really good atbringing some of the comedian or bringing
some of the audience into the Jeffrusa, is he all over your TikTok?

No, it's the new guy thathas like facial uh uh. He's
really buffed, really good looking,and he's uh he he looks like he's
got face surgery done. He's reallypopular. Thank you. Yeah, I
can't think it was damn name.Yeah, he does a lot of the
crowd work, so that would bethe type that I would have to do,
so I'd have to bring people on. But like if you told me,

hey, just tell a joke,my go to is like what kind
of pants to the Mario Brothers wear? Danim denim danim. This is the
go to every time. But theconversation that he did was who is the
kid you hated in school? Becausehe's having trouble with a bully right now,

And it started some of the funniestconversations of all the grudges we still
held from elementary school, and itwas so much bund Who was your well,
first off, what was his?Can you say? Or no,
I don't want to put him on, but he he and his mom listened
and followed a lot of our stuff. Okay, what was yours? Then?
What was your answer. Oh,okay, so mine was. I

don't want to say her name,but no, she's kind of tortox famous
now fathers. Oh no, she'sa little successful. She has a couple
hundred thousand followers on and I'm like, I hate you, and it's not
because she did anything specifically mean tome. And I think I told you
this on my thirteenth birthday. Mybirthday is in the middle of summer,
it's coming up here soon, andshe is Jewish and she had her is

it bar or bot metz? It'sbot if you're a girl, right,
sure, So she had a botmitzvah on my birthday. Her birthday was
like late July, early August,but it fell on a Saturday that year,
and I'm sure her parents booked avenue for it, and like it
was a really big deal for her. I'm very happy for her now as
an adult most of the time.But I'll never forget she invited all of

my friends to her bot mitzvah andnot me, And it was the day
of my birthday party and bot mitzvahsare very rare. It's once in a
lifetime for her, and so everybodyrightfully so prioritized her U bot mitzvah over
my birthday party, which we movedmy birthday party. It's fine, but

on my birthday, I was likethirteen years old, and I was like,
all of my friends are at aparty without me, and I'll never
let it go. It's so funny. It's not funny, it is.
It's not. Well, it's funnybecause it's a very uh, it's a
very like it's kind of a messedup situation. But also it got fixed

at thirteen, but at thirteen it'sthe end of the goddamn world. And
fuck everybody who went to that party, especially yeah, oh yeah, yeah,
fuck you Hale, fuck you Hannahfu A cedar What is a cedar
couple? Has the perfect line here. It sounds like a villain origin story.

That is exactly it. So it'sreally funny because I have the best
brother in the entire world, andeverybody was at this bot mitz but me
and I love the Cedar couple.They'll know. But my brother that day,
instead of me sitting home alone allday being like, are you kidding
me, he took me to CedarPoint and we are oh nice, had
a day of the two of us. My brother is the best person in

the entire world. So now doyou go to her TikTok and lurk?
Do you like any of her stuff? I have good stuff, But she
popped up all of the time onmy for you page when we live near
each other, and I was like, is her good? Is it any?
The annoying part is she's a greatstoryteller. I'm like, son of
a bitch, Tell hey, youknow I got a story for you.

Tell them about the time you stolemy birthday. Probably be like the fuck
are you talking about? Oh,she hasn't thought twice about it. And
I think all of us at somepoint, and I don't I could be
wrong here. I think we've alldone something to somebody, yes, not
knowing that. It's like a bullysituation, and you just did it because
you were a kid, or youdid it, you said something whatever,

and you walked away from it anddidn't think twice about it. But that
person is stewed and stewed and stewed. It made some some say not in
this situation, in your situation,but some make it their entire personality,
and then some become a villain.That's how their origin story has begun and

you had no idea. You literallywalked in and said three words and then
walked away. I'm sure of it. I'm sure everybody's done that. There's
a kid. I'm so stupid.I love that there's a kid out there.
I don't remember. I don't getthose all. My name's not the

fine man, I fuck, you'refine. Pick yeah, Joli bar mits
Tiffany. I don't know what hername was. But I love that.
He's got a little jazz flair too. That's bad players. He dances too.

That was his son talking. I'mgonna start laughing like that on the
show. There's a kid out therethe way you keep starting this up.
No, I don't care. Thisis funnier. Uh, there's a kid
out there. I went to Uh, when I went to church, who
we both snuck off during whatever thekids church service is called. I don't
even know. I haven't been therein a minute, but youth group.

Sure, yeah, let's go withthat. And we stuck off during youth
group and got caught. We werejust running around in the halls, goofing
around. Yeah I know it.And the people there they were like,
hey, you and your friend haveto go back to youth group, and
I will never forget this till theday I die, and it's probably eaten
me alive since then, and Iprobably should talk to somebody about it.

He goes, oh, that's notmy friend and then walked away. I'm
like, oh shit, Like Iknew we were best friends. But you
know, when you think you're likea buddy with somebody and you're like having
fun, you're like, oh,okay, I remember that to this day.
Couldn't remember where I was, whatchurch it was, or what the
kid's name was, but that thatstuck with me to this day. And

I don't say it like that that'sso sad. I guess, I guess,
but that was that was that's whereit all started. Yeah, we

need to clip that out. Weneed to clip that. We're editing it
there. That's perfect. We gotto do it together, all right,
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