All Episodes

July 22, 2024 • 42 mins

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille as Myron Medcalf joins Ryan, Drew, and Shannon.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy Up Broadway in Lexington. Welcomes Greg Morton July eleven
through the thirteenth, Then catch Josh Sneive July nineteenth and
twenty eth and don't miss Jeff Allen July twenty fifth
through the twenty seventh. Comedy Off Broadway opened in downtown
Lexington in nineteen eighty seven, and they're still bringing the
best and stand up comedy through the area thirty seven

years later. Call eight five, nine, two seven one joke
or visit Comedy Off Broadway dot com Comedy Bay.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now
here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
No Matt Jones, but Black Jones is here. Yeah, Kentucky.
I have arrived. Fellas, there are people here at Ksbar.
That's such a cool theme. It's cool to do it live.
You know. We talked about like a month ago. I
had a trip plan but it got changed right, So

initially I was supposed to be her Friday to see
Mark Pope. He went to Peach Jam, so they had
to change my flight last week to go to Peach Jam.
Came back here. But it's good to be here. I'm
glad to be here. We're glad to have you here.
Marry Monday. Yeah, thank you all, thank you all for
having me. I showed up and there was food. But

you know I'm not a hard man to please. You know,
I came in. There was just food everywhere from Wild Eggs.
I've been talking about waffle House a lot, yes, you have.
You all know.

Speaker 4 (01:31):
I think it kind of was making them mad. They
want to prove to you that this is a better breakfast.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
Yeah. And then you know when Drew gave me directions,
He's sitting me by a waffle house, which I thought
was you know, what was that about it? You couldn't
give me a detour because you know now tempting that
was for me to stop.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
Well, at least I warned you that you were gonna
see one.

Speaker 6 (01:48):
I didn't want you to just be driving down Broadway
and see it, get distracted and have a collision or anything.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
His directions literally said, just so you know, there's a
waffle house on the way, so he knew, he knew
it was possible. I might stop, but I didn't because
I wanted to taste this. Wild Eggs Chris, their operations
managers here. I believe Meyen is the chef. Yes, back
in the kitchen. Let me tell you all something, right,

I put this pancake in my mouth and it was
a spiritual experience. We could tell you need a moment
to yourself. I wanted some privacy, to be honest. It
was just it was special. And then I had this
what is this chicken florentine crape? I think it was.
And that was another moment where I felt like, you know,
am I doing the show or am I just gonna
take care of all this food? Because it was that good.

So thanks to all the folks at Wild egg I
really appreciate it. This is my favorite pancake. This is
my favorite pancake of all time.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
Well we'll give it our whiskey thief pancake of the day.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
I'm with it, all right, I'm with it because it's
you know, it's like a real pancake. Somebody's mama made
this pancake. Like this isn't one of those like you're
just throwing a bunch of pancakes. This was made for us, yes, ma'am.
And you can just tell I really appreciate that. So
thank you. Would get in to the folks and Wild Eggs.
How have you all been this week.

Speaker 6 (03:05):
I've enjoyed seeing you. I got to see you yesterday
and we'll talk all about your busy weekend. You've had
a basketball fans dream. But I mean this morning, I
took you up to KS office. I haven't been up
there myself in a while. I had to tidy the
place up. Apologies for that mess, but you're jumping from this.
This ends at eleven fifty seven. We're gonna run you
up the stairs where you're already set up to do

ESPN at noon.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
So you've got a busy day here at kspar.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
Yeah, it's interesting. I got like some deadlines I have
to hit right, so I'm here on the show that
I'll sprint upstairs, you know, to try to make my
ESPN show from twelve to three. And then here's the thing. Yes,
I got a five twenty six pm flight out of
the Cincinnati Airport, right, I'll probably get out of here
what three fifteen after I pack up? Probably, so everything,

what are my realistic chances of making that flight? Just
be honest with me so I can brace for the
best and worst case scenario.

Speaker 6 (03:58):
First of all, I would try to get that three
fifteen down to three oh five, Those ten minutes could
go a long way in your journey because you were
gonna be cutting it close.

Speaker 5 (04:06):
It's it's possible.

Speaker 6 (04:07):
I've done the leave Lexington with a short window to
get on a plane at CVG and uh it worked
out for me.

Speaker 5 (04:14):
But you will be you don't want to hit any hiccups.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
Okay, because you added, not only do you have this
flight at five twinty six, you have to turn in
a rental car.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Yeah, and you have to check one bag. Yeah. Yeah,
that's the lot. I should have checked the bath if
I leave it at my house and get it for me. Yeah,
I may have to do something like that, yeah, because
like and then it's like, you know, I'm gonna be
running through the airport. Yeah, probably so, and like once
you hit a certain age, like running is in a
pretty site, you know what I mean. I got multiple bags,

I probably drop one. I'm pushing my way through people,
you know. I don't want to be that person who's
like I gotta flight, everybody move out of the way
like I'm special. But with the deadline, I kind of
have to be that way a little bit. So I'm
gonna try to push my way to the front. Maybe
sweet talk some It helped me get to the front
of the line if possible. Maybe.

Speaker 6 (05:02):
I don't know if your airport's look pretty smooth right now, right?
No no issues whatsoever?

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Have you heard about this last a couple of days flying? Oh? Yes,
it has been terrible awful worldwide. It's not just the
United States. This has like been worldwide. So I wasn't
through the airports when they had the blue screens of death,
you know, they had didn't know where your flight was
leaving and coming, like everything was like glitchy. There were
lines throughout every airport in America. I flew through a

hair then I went to Charlotte, drove down to Augusta
for Peach Jam where they had, you know, a great
event down there, drove back. So now I'm in Charlotte
again and you literally like can't get through the airport
because there's people everywhere. Yeah, and you can't like push
through to get to your bags. Right, But I go
to TSA. It's already a mess of the day. It

took me ten hours to get to Charlotte by the
way from Chicago because we were delayed four hours. We
sat on the Tarmact for three hours and then whatever
they let us in. But like, I'm checking in the
TSA and they pulled my bag aside. All right, okay,
I don't have anything. It's probably that I have a
water or something like that. Yeah, so this dude opens
my bag and the he looks at the other TSA

agent and he goes, you know, what what am I
looking for? And she says, did you find the torch?
I said the torch? What torch? Torch? The torch? So
I'm like, wait a minute, what are you talking to
Then the guy's like, don't reach across, you know, as
I'm searching your bag, and I'm like, wait, did she

say torch? And then TSA talks about you like you're
not there, you know what I mean. It's like you
had a parent teacher conference and you're the kid. You're like,
why are you talking about me? And I'm sitting right here.
But he's like, yeah, the torch? Did you find it?
And then you get so nervous sometimes at the airport.
For a second, I'm like, did I pack a torch?
You know what I mean? I don't think I did,

but maybe I did. I don't even have a torch.
Might me something you remember? Right, But it makes you
feel guilty, right, I'm like, do I confess now to
try to make things easier on myself. But he searches
the bag and then he goes in and he's like, okay,
I found it, and he pulls out my inhaler and
I have asthma, you know what I mean. And I
didn't like the way he showed it to everybody, like okay, yeah,

I'm full. He like held it up so everybody can see. Look, everybody,
it's the kid who's wheezing all the time. I didn't
think that was necessary either. First, you accused me having
a torch, Which where would I get a torch? And
if I did take a torch, why would I pack
it in a bat that's true, Like, I mean, that'd
be a terrible idea. Then you hold up my in

halo so the whole world knows I have asthma. It
just felt like they were making an example of me
at some point, and I didn't like it. Fellas, I
just I didn't like. I didn't feel good about that
whole experience. You know what I mean? This is this is,
this is what we're looking for. But ladies, gentlemen, it's
it inhaler. The man has it in haler. There's no
torch he has and in haler for everyone to see.

First you accused me of having a torch, so people
are looking at me torch guy on the plane, and
then asthma guy. Now you're asthma guy. How about you
just get out of our airport right, And I'm like,
come on, man, let me just get onto the flight.

Speaker 6 (08:10):
Maybe maybe they gave you those complications on your flight here,
so it's smooth on your way to see you've already
paid your airport dues.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Hope. I like the way you think, right, because even
getting out of there. Another thing that happened with this
is never I've never heard of this before. We get
to the gate and they say sorry, everybody, but our
first officer, who I guess is like the co pilot.
Another flight stole him. I said, stole him, like he

was traded, like multiple picks. What do you mean, first
round pick next year? They said, another flight stole our
first officer, so we can't leave. We're on the flight like, okay,
I don't know what's going on, but we got another
guy coming, don't worry. Fifteen minutes later, they're like, sorry, everybody.
They just stole him to what So I guess there's

dealing pilots. I guess that's the whole thing, so to
get us off the plane. So now we're like, we
don't know what's gonna happen, Like do we have a
co pilot? What do we have? So an hour and
a half later, like we got a guy coming from
San Francisco. Now we can go was this guy a pilot?
A pilot? Okay, So we're waiting, right, We're all like,
we're all upset, like we've been sitting there for hours.

And then suddenly this guy like is walking through. He's
got kind of an open collar, kind of a messy shirt,
but he's got the pilot you know what I mean,
the wing thing. Yeah they do well, you know, yeah,
he's got a barrel of popcorn. Right, and then he
goes you all going to Charlotte. I'm your guy a movie. See,
it was like a movie scene right now. Here was

my challenge fellas. And I don't know if this is
too judgmental of me, because I was being selfish? Did
you have to stop for popcorn? Like I don't you know,
I didn't know how I felt about that. Right, because
we've been waiting for a long time, and he's got
the big bear, like, he's got the big barrel of popcorn. First,
I'm going where you're gonna put that? Yeah, you'll put
that with not enough room in the cockpit. And then

he goes, just wait, everybody, i gotta get dinner first. Now.
I'm like, right now, you're over doing now, so that's
a little much. And he comes back with this giant
pizza right, which I'm like, you can grab a couple
of slices, man, and just get us on with the flight.
But we finally took off and it was a wild day,
but I'm glad I ended up getting here and beat it.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
When you're in the cockpit, shouldn't you be paid attention
and have your hands on the controls, not with one
hand in a popcum barrel and another hand on a
pizza box, a full pizza.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
I don't where are you putting that? I didn't really
understand the space element of that.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
I'm worried about these poly kidnappings we're having, That's what
I'm thinking about. Or did you ever find out if
they're going to other planes and people were literally taking
our pilots from airports.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Well, my concern is like, do we did we get
a three star prospect and we were going after a five?

Speaker 5 (10:54):
You got the fourth best pilot.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
And I gotta be honest, you know, I kind of
have this image of a pilot like the movies, you
know what I mean, like Richard Gear or somebody like that.
They just look like a pilot.

Speaker 5 (11:05):
Big mustache, y'all have a mustache, starts playing.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
Yeah, like they look like they could fly you through
a hurricane. This guy didn't have that look.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
He was disheveled and carrying a big bucket, didn't he he?

Speaker 3 (11:16):
You know, he looked like one hundred and fifteen prospect
maybe in the class in nine to ten, and not
that that's okay because one fifteen could become a super
Did he get you where he was supposed to go?
We didn't. Well, there we go. We ended up getting
where we had to go, But it was a long,
wild day to actually get here. And then we get here.
Last night at the TVT and I realized how old

I was because I'm seeing Willie call his time and
Alex Poythrus and the Harrison Twins, guys I covered in
high school who are now almost thirty. Did you have
you ever had those moments? Did you have that moment
too yesterday, Drew.

Speaker 6 (11:49):
When you get those guys, well, we interviewed the whole
team last Wednesday. Yeah, and you know we used to
the interview these guys. It's all about NBA the cow.
Now it's like, well, me and my five kids, our
favorite movie be His Cars Too, and the wife and
I go golf on Sunday And it's just a completely
different conversation than it was ten years ago.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
It was unbelievable. I'm like, if you're thirty like Alex
Porth's some think said he's thirty. Like if Alex Porthos
is thirty, how old am I? Yeah? Because I covered
him in high school. In high school and Willie calling
Steyne and the Harrisons and ar Blitzel, like all those
guys were young guys when I started at ESPN, and
now here they are they're thirty years old. So that

aged me a little bit. Like you realize how old
you are when you see those guys, Uh that they're
now adults, like you said, with families and Everythingeah.

Speaker 4 (12:35):
There on the siding with their kids, come and watch
daddy play it? Was wild, but I Drew said he
walked around with you said he was walking around Royalty,
he said you. People were all coming up to you
the whole night.

Speaker 3 (12:45):
It was Drew. Now I was now Drew. Everybody wanted
to see Drew. A couple people, you know, wanted to
see me, But Drew was definitely I think the star
of the show.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
You've covered tbt's in the past, other other places. You're
telling me that crowd we're we should be pretty proud
of that. Yesterday by far the best crowd.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Really, I've covered the TVT title games, I've covered games
all over the country. By far the betst good. I
mean when you have the champ go big Blue and like,
I've never heard that like a TVT game, you know
what I mean. It was cool to see, especially you
know a lot of times these are like guys who
were D two guys low level D one, guys who
end up playing overseas and then they come back together.

I mean, this is the most decorated TBT team I
think we've ever seen. Ohio State had a good squad
a couple of years back, but you got Eric Bledsoe,
you know who was a star in the NBA. Yeah,
you got the Harrisons, who I think are the most
underrated players in recent Kentucky. Oh, I agree with you.
A lot of people agree with you. Yeah, we were
talking about this Drew like you talk about twenty fourteen

and twenty fifteen, Like those runs don't happen without the
Harrison twins Man.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
Most successful backcourt I think in UK history is incredible.
Go to a championship game, the next year you go
thirty eight and one. I mean, how you top that?

Speaker 6 (13:57):
And now another tournament format too, and oh I'm counting
this for their record. We go I just running through
another bracket and with the crowd. I don't think that
was our best work last night, I feel like, to
be honest, I was a little disappointed. Really, as good
as that looked, we got much better. I thought Friday
was a little better. Uh tomorrow night there they play
at nine o'clock. I think we're gonnae even better than that.
But it was so much fun. Yeah, seeing all those

guys back. Yeah, I mean guys, I cover man.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
I think Daniel Orton filed some guy and I was
fearful for his life because I was like, yeah, you
don't want to get filed by that dude. No, like
that's that's a that's a night night file. You know,
you might wake up somewhere else tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (14:31):

Speaker 5 (14:31):
That was Randy Orton, not Daniel or it looked like that.

Speaker 3 (14:34):
And then he did like the point to the scoreboard.
It did like two little things and I was like, yeah,
that a boy. So now they play what they played
Marshall right tomorrow night.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
Heard that a TBT fan favorite. I mean, you know
that they're kind of the team. Everyone really is familiar
with it all the years.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
They're good. They're one of those teams. They've been together
for a long time. Yeah, they played, you know, a
lot of basketball, whereas you know Kentucky, a lot of
these guys are playing together for the first time. I
didn't realize the Harrison Wins hadn't played together since Kentucky.
That's what they said. This is the first time they
played together. So like they're enjoying that as well for sure.
So be fun to watch that.

Speaker 6 (15:09):
Man, absolutely and talking to people that know them. You know,
they tried to pair up overseas a few times. It
didn't just work out, but they actually had a little
bit of an issue being separated because I mean their
entire lives. You look over and you're with your brother,
and now they're in different parts of the world. So
the TBT and those two playing together or while they
signed up, and why it's been so special to them.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
I was talking to Alice Porters on the sideline. He
was telling me because the Harrison Twins l like notoriously quiet,
like when you would interview them, they would never have
a whole lot to say, like pretty introverted guys. They've
seen that with. But on the court, they're trash talkers, right,
and you saw that, you know, yesterday they were talking
more than anybody. And I was talking to Alex Porthers
and he was like, listen, if you go at one
Harrison twin, the other one just automatically starts trash talking.

So he's like, it doesn't matter what the situation is,
if you're talking to one, the other one's gonna come
in and they're just gonna start chirping at you. But
it was amazing because I'd never seen them as trash
talkers because they were always such quiet guys when they
played here.

Speaker 6 (16:06):
So there was a moment last night. Uh the Atlanta
team then off that was the opponent. They were jawing
on the other end of the court from lat Familiar's bench,
and both Harrison stood up and said bring that stuff
down here. So yeah, that was getting a lot more
chippy than anyone expected there was. I thought we were
gonna have some fisticuffs at certain points.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
One thing you know is you fight the Harrison Twins,
it ain't gonna be a fair fight. You're fighting too
you get somebody else because they're gonna join forces.

Speaker 5 (16:31):
Daniel Orb was sitting next to him, like, yeah, bring
it down.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
Here, man. When he filed that guy, I was like, yeah, man,
just I would just stay down, you know what I mean,
Like I would just be like what am I gonna do?
Get up and do what? You know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (16:41):
When when the Orton was on the show, he I
think he scared people with the intensity about how he
was talking about this game in his program. So yeah,
I can see him bringing it to the floor for sure.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
And now I guess he's coaching like a middle school
team or something like youth youth basketball. Yeah awesome, back in, Yes, awesome?
Is it break time? Yeah? All right, we're gonna take
a break here and we'll be back.

Speaker 5 (17:05):
What song is this man Tom Petty learn to Fly?

Speaker 3 (17:09):
Oh, it's Tom Petty learning to Fly. So I grew
up with a kid who was Tom Petty's cousin, no joke,
And it was like his claim to fame, Like he
was just bringing up randomly all the time. I would
to You'd just be talking about you know, sports. He'd
be like, yeah, oh yeah, the Packers and Bears. By
the way, Tom Petty's my cousin. I'd be like, okay,

you know, but at some point it's like you got
anything else, you know? You know people like that who
their whole claim to fame is like someone they know
or someone they like related to.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
Well, there's a radio show host that I like really
a lot that told us the other day how he
was hanging out in the room with Prince and Madonna.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
Oh down, that was. But I wasn't like I didn't
know Prince and Madonna. I was at a party with them,
you know, But I wasn't like it was like one
on one you know, that whole thing. Yeah, it was
just like he was there the aura of Prince you know,
and Madonna.

Speaker 5 (18:07):
I'd still lead with that most conversations.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Yeah, people always ask me about it, But I don't
want to be that person again because it's not like
a personal store. I didn't like. I wasn't partying directly
with Prince. He was just there and I was in
the room with a bunch of other people and kid
you not, man, Madonna walked in. You couldn't you couldn't
make it up. And then a bunch of people were
just in the room watching kung fu movies like that's

Prince was into that. Like Prince for he would party
in one room and then he'd be playing like old
karate movies in another room. It was the weirdest scene
you have ever seen. Man, it was just a wild thing.
But yeah, my my buddy would always say, he's related
to Tom Petty. What's your biggest claim to fame?

Speaker 7 (18:47):

Speaker 3 (18:47):
Who you know? Who you related to?

Speaker 4 (18:50):
Well, when I was little, keep in mind who I am? Yeah,
my last name. I used to tell my friends I
was related to metal Arc Lemon, the Heart of Okay,
he's black, I'm white, but I but I would tell
all my friends that's I'm related to metal Ark Lemit.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
We had the same last name. How did you get
to that? Like, how'd you get to that? You know?
As a kid, Like, how did you decide he had
his last name? My last name is Lemon? Yeah, same, Jesse.
That's the leap. Didn't believe it. No, I don't think
any people believe it. Back in those days, I was wondering, Yeah,
that'd be a leap. I liked it though. I like
the confidence though. Yeah, you know what I mean. Well,

Matt and I we've said his lot on the show.

Speaker 4 (19:34):
You say something with confidence, yea, even if it's not true,
people are gonna believe you hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
Yeah. That's basically my show with Matt. You know, I
just say things, try to say a confident there you go,
and then maybe people by the way, I talked to
him this weekend. Oh yeah, he's around. People are just
asking me, like where he is. I'm like, I told
you all, he's in Europe. Yeah, you all don't believe it.
He's in Europe for too much.

Speaker 4 (19:52):
I he called me. So we talked for a little
bit and I said, dude, I said, you were on
a boat in the water. He goes, well, hold clear
it up. I was on a boat. Is not in
the water. He does not like water. He won't get
in weight like swimming. Doesn't like get in the water
at all. So he was on a boat, did not
get in the water, said make sure we understand that.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
But he's floating in the water, floating in the water,
but he didn't jump in. It's above water, above water,
which I mean, I don't just jump in the pool
of the water right like out in the ocean of
wherever he is. There's another fact.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
He said he's been in the city seven times that
that team played in the euro Cup seven soccer teams
soccer team seven times. He's seven and oh. Every time he's.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
In the town, they win. That's gonna become a thing.
That's going to become a thing.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
Like the three Spain went three and oh while he
was in Spain, or the Spain teams or something. So yeah,
he is seven and oh in the countries when he's
there and their team plays. And I think as we
draft Kings probably needs to take note of that, or
we need to probably work on draft Kings and set
up something when when they play again wherever he is,
I think.

Speaker 5 (20:59):
It's over, but he goes it over.

Speaker 6 (21:01):
He must be I didn't know you would talk to him,
but he must be getting a little lonely. Because this
is week nine. Week one through eight, I got two
text messages. One was a happy birthday and one was
about you running against jd Vance last week okay, but
this weekend the text turned up quite a bit. He's
calling you, texting me. I was in two different group
texts that he's in.

Speaker 5 (21:21):
I think he's starting to miss home a little bit.

Speaker 6 (21:23):
Yeah, it was radio silence all summer, but they're starting
to starting to show up frequently.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
I'll beget some texts and some face times. We have
a group chat with some other ESPN folks, and he's
quick to jump in that when he's got something like
he disagrees with. So he's been very active in the
group text. Uh so, Yeah, I'm sure it's been like
it feels like it's been a year. It has been
a long time.

Speaker 5 (21:43):
This is the ninth Monday without him. He's one more
next week.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
He's got to come back with some like you know,
I don't know, like some revelation or something right, Like,
he's got to come back with something that like he's
just really changed or thought about. If you're going for
two months and I wonder what that's gonna be. Yeah,
he's back to weeks from today.

Speaker 4 (22:00):
Yeah, so you got just this show and one more
show with us.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
That's it. He's back from two weeks very Mondays Man,
marry two more. It's been fun. Yeah, it's been a
lot of fun man to fill in on Mondays. It's
been cool.

Speaker 6 (22:11):
When Matt gets back, I have a feeling ron and
I'm not gonna have a lot of room to talk
on those first few shows. I think Matt's gonna have
a lot to say being gone for a lot of topics,
to catch up on a lot of stories.

Speaker 5 (22:22):
From his trip. I think Ryan I will be listeners
next to him.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
It's gonna be a castaway, you know what I mean.
It was on the island, you know, for like however
long it was Tom Hanks. Yeah, and then you know,
once they found him, you know, he's gonna be sharing
all the stories I think of what happened. Man. But yeah,
two months, that's good for you, man and living your
life having fun. Go do it, man, and definitely enjoy it.
We're gonna take some calls. I think we have some calls.

We got behind two eight h two two eight seven,
and then uh, we'll be back here on this Mary Monday,
here at KOs Bar and grill. TJ. Smith, personal injury
attorney called TJ. He'll make them. Hey.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
My remtcap here filling in for Matt Jones. Like I've
been doing all summer here on Mary Monday. You know
I like about doing the show. What's that is? You
get real time feedback yes on Twitter from people like
you know a lot of times I'll be doing the
show and I'll check my DMS or my mentions and
people will be commenting as they're listening to the show. Yeah,
that's just a really cool element. But uh, someone named

is it Jolie McClure. She says, Mayan Haler sets off
security too. I feel your pain, right, So, like, you know,
I told you Minehler TSA, So it's not just me.
I guess all of us has My people were just
setting off security all over America. I didn't realize I
wasn't alone in that. So it's good to know.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
It's making me think that TSA thinks all these people
are walking around with torches in their luggage.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Then yeah, like really, you know anybody that's got.

Speaker 6 (23:55):
A torch and when you said torch, I pictured like
medieval where you get the big thing and dip it
in the flame, hold it up to walk through the castle.
So I was wondering how how that would even trigger
the TSA going through there.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
And I'd like to believe that you don't say the
word torch unless you're sure. Yeah, we are in an airport,
Like why are you saying torch and you don't know
for sure it's a torch? Right, And they're like looking
at each other doing something like I cold thing like this,
I'm right here, everybody. No, I don't have a torch.
But to even say that sets things off, right, made
people a little jittery, you know. And I didn't have

a torch.

Speaker 4 (24:28):
Those little things that like they're kind of like cigarette lighters, Like,
is that what they're saying of the torches that they
look like you're inhaler.

Speaker 5 (24:34):
I think they thought he was a Game of Thrones.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Yeah, yeah, how many black folks on Game of Thrones?
By the way, it wasn't me, Okay, there's no torch, right,
But she didn't even wait to say, look in the bag,
let's confirm. And then he did the whole you know,
inhaler thing man like, I didn't like that.

Speaker 6 (24:49):
Anytime I see something like a silly law or rule
or something comes up like this, I think, well, that
had to have come up before. So maybe someone did
bring a torch through and they just they have their
guard up looking for torches.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
I thought that when I saw the sign fireworks can't fly,
because I'm going, are people loading their bags with fireworks?
Is that happening? Somebody obviously has done it, or they
would have to sign up, but like, clearly someone's doing it,
or else they wouldn't try to make you realize you
can't do that. But I'm like, who is loading their
bag with sparklers and like in sixties and thinking that

they're gonna be able to fly to Texas?

Speaker 5 (25:25):
Don't let them near your torch.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
That's an incident, clearly, clearly, maybe they're all some mistaken
things too. You know, they thought I had a torch.
It was a nailer. Who knows what's happening with that?

Speaker 5 (25:35):
The fireworks were Q tips.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
For your trip home? Then oh, it's it's in my
bag again, you know? Do you know maybe I should
carry it on me?

Speaker 5 (25:45):
Yeah, just not a torch.

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Yeah, I didn't like this thing they're like showing everybody. Yeah,
that was the kid who would weize three times a day,
like leave me alone, you know what I mean? Like
you have to tell everybody that I had asthma. We
got some calls, believe with Joe Joe. How you doing
here on this Mary Monday?

Speaker 7 (26:04):
Hey, I'm doing really good, Marn. Enjoyed, listen, enjoy, listen
to your your all your shows.

Speaker 5 (26:11):
I'm want to go.

Speaker 7 (26:12):
I'm going to go back to your first show, Marn
on June. On June third, I heard a lot of
glorification of Allegreen and and no offense al all the
part to the young gentleman. But on j Marn, do
you really know what happened on that day Dalla South
in Mississippi on j.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
I don't that specific day.

Speaker 7 (26:36):
That was the day that Billy Joe McAllister jumped off
the Towelhatchie fridge.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
I didn't know that. And all you was talking about
al Green?

Speaker 7 (26:45):
You know who I was thinking of, the beautiful girl
who sung that old to Billy Joe, Bobby Joe Gentry,
no offense Allegreen. All I was thinking about was Bobby
Joe Gentry. So marn would you give me that or
are you still sticking with Al Green over Bobby Joe Genders.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
You know, it's not a comparison with me. I just
love music in general. But I respect that we can
we can give him some of that.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
You know.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
It's not like Al Green is just a it's just
a presence for me, you know what I mean. It's
not over anybody. It's just it's just Al Green. But
I respect that that take. We'll give him a little
bit of that. I didn't know June third was that
I didn't either. Matt Jones will do that to me,
like he'd be like, you don't know this song. Like, Matt, no,
I don't know this song. You know what I mean?

Like inform me, that's all. Tell me what I don't know,
and then I'll know.

Speaker 4 (27:40):
We talked about that day on June third, you played
al Green. We expect to be a lot of babies
born in this state nine months from now.

Speaker 3 (27:46):
I got some interesting dms, I'll tell you that. And
I got some folks. Some folks will love it al Green,
maybe a little too much. It was a little bit.
It was a bit much, you know what I mean.
But that's what happens when al Green gets involved. I
didn't lie back. Al Green just kind of takes over.

Speaker 6 (28:02):
You mentioned Matt Jones music. Ron told me something during
the break that turned my life up side. Can you
mention what Matt Hinnadette. But our plans for the for
the winter, but.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
It will always take a road trip, usually in the
like December November. Like last year we went to Philadelphia
for the Kentucky basketball game when they played in Philadelphia.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
Now, of course to get there we go up.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
Through Canada, down through Mexico, through Florida to get to Philadelphia. Well,
this year Kentucky plays at Austin in late November, and
then like a week later, maybe two weeks there that
Kentucky basketball plays at Gonzaga plays in Seattle. So we
were talking about what trip to take, and he said,
it really does our show a better purpose to go

to Seattle. That's more content for a week's worth of
shows driving to Seattle than driving to Austin, where we
only drive two or three hours a day stop two
three hours a day stop, So the content might be
better to drive to Seattle.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
But then fly back learned.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
This for the first time. I was counting on Austin. Yeah,
I already got my airbnb.

Speaker 6 (29:04):
Yeah, it's less than half the distance of Seattle. I
googled that right away.

Speaker 5 (29:09):
But I learned this information from Ryan during the break
and it's really thrown me off.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
That's that's also two completely different trips.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
And Matt drives like you run from an alligator. You know,
it's not a straight like you gotta you gottaxact. That's
that's how we get from A to B.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
Yeah, you'll be about three years older once you get
to see you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (29:27):
It's still not decided, but we're just kind of just
talking it out because obviously that football game at Texas
is huge for this fan base, playing in for the
first time, you know, And yeah.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
How do y'a feel about Texas? I mean coming into
the ES. I mean, they getting a lot of buzz.
It's actually shocking to me how much praise they're getting
when you have, you know, the Georgia's and Alabamas and
the established programs. But I mean they have walked in.
They're not the new kid on the block, the cool kid,
it feels like, on the block right.

Speaker 6 (29:54):
Now, they're one of gonna be one of the best
teams uh hoighy ranked in the preseason. I kind of
feel like the SEC, even though we all have our
own rivalries, we're kind of gonna unite to not let
Oklahoma and Texas just come in here and think they
run the place. Like I will be rooting for teams
I don't like because they're playing for Texas Oklahoma, just
because we got to show this is the SEC.

Speaker 5 (30:13):
You're gonna to earn it a little bit.

Speaker 6 (30:15):
So I think in some ways it's uniting the other
fourteen schools. As we head into this first fall with
two new.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
Ones, you kind of have to be that way, right,
I think, right, yeah, you know, we got Georgia and
Texas on the schedule this year.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
Most people think that's.

Speaker 4 (30:28):
The number one and number two team in the country,
those two teams, and Kentucky's got to face them both
this year.

Speaker 3 (30:32):
Where they at? Where are they at?

Speaker 5 (30:34):
Georgia home, Texas Texas there? Okay, wow, that's I.

Speaker 3 (30:37):
Mean, that's the thing. You don't have any easy games
though in this league. If you measure the SEC teams
and what their records are at the end of the year.
Because I see a lot of people on Twitter, you'll
talk about Mark Steuds the last season. Like, if you
put Kentucky and I'm told Matt Jones is, if you
put them in the Big Ten and you gave them,
let's say, Minnesota schedule, they'd be a contender in the
Big Ten. Amen Like, it'd be a whole different thing

like that. I like, I'm a Big Ten guy, I'm
from obviously Wisconsin, live Minnesota. But every time you watch
these bowl games and it'd always be like some SEC
school versus like what you think is a good Big
Ten team, and then right away you see how much
faster that SEC team is. You're like, it's like a
different speed. It's like were we actually even running into
Big Ten? Were we jogging? Because what is this? Right?

And then you always see the gap between the two.
But I'm telling you, if you put the Gabe Kentucky
Minnesota schedule, it'd be a whole different thing. Like the
league is just that tough and it's only getting tougher
now that you had Texas in Oklahoma.

Speaker 6 (31:33):
Think how good Kentucky would be if they had like
a Louisville schedule, you know, just a random team louis schedule.
Like now you think we'd probably be undefeated the last
several years.

Speaker 4 (31:41):
The Lava Cardinals. Uh, I gotta read you something here.
This is from the Avision Glass text machine five O
two seven three five three six. Ahel basically says, tell
Myron don't feel bad about having his inhaler pulled out
at the airport security because on his honeymoon they pulled
out his wife's fuzzy handcuffs out of her and help
them up.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
That's a whole different kind of thing that happened. That
did happened to me?

Speaker 4 (32:05):
Yeah, wow, Yeah, your wife going on your honeymoon. They
pull out the fuzzy handcuffs. They've got them right here
here they are.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
Why did they have to pull it out of it?

Speaker 4 (32:13):

Speaker 3 (32:13):
Why did they have to hold it up in the
first place? Yeah? Why yeah? Can't you just like quietly
show it? You know what I mean? Hey, this is
what we got. You don't have to hold it up
for the whole airport to see that. I got someone here.
Pam Edmunds Baker says, I thought maybe you had the
Olympic torch. I wish that would have been cool. That

would have been cool if I had the Olympic torchy,
that would have been cool.

Speaker 5 (32:38):
We got that coming up Friday. You're a big opening ceremony.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Yeah, I'm all over it.

Speaker 5 (32:42):
Yeah me too, I'm all over the parade.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
I don't who's the dude with the shirt off? You
know what I'm talking about? From that, there's a dude
from some country in South America or Central America who
like his whole the whole country. He's like the only
athlete I think representing that country. I don't know what
sport it's in, but he just walks in in all
like oiled without his shirt off, and it goes viral
every single time he does it. But like that's his
lone thing and people go crazy over it. That's a

little much, I think, But I do like the pageantry
of the opening ceremony. Uh, it's just cool. I'm an
Olympics person, man.

Speaker 4 (33:14):
I guess they just announced that Lebron's gonna carry the
American flag for the United States.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Does he get that after almost losing the South Sudan.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
I don't know what happened over the weekend.

Speaker 6 (33:23):
I didn't watch till about five minutes left, but Wing
and Gabriel tried to take down America.

Speaker 3 (33:27):
It almost did, he almost did. I don't know, I
don't know how they picked. It has to be some
owned bials or something like that, right, Katie Ldeci you'd think,
But we'll see. Man, it's gonna be fun to watch.
It's a long ceremony. It is five hours, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 4 (33:42):
You know when you're kids, you're sitting there watching it
and you realize they're going in alphabetic order. Yeah, and
they're in the the g's in the United States is
a long way to go, and you fall asleep before
they even get there.

Speaker 6 (33:52):
If you need some good music to listen to during
the opening ceremonies, Uh, Shannon, anything going on this Friday?

Speaker 2 (33:57):
Oh yeah, my banded Alice Blue Gown will be there
Friday night eight alo.

Speaker 5 (34:01):
You get to pop in here listen to Alice.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
What's the name of the band, Alice?

Speaker 2 (34:05):
What Alice Blue Gown is the name of the band?

Speaker 3 (34:07):
How'd you come up with that? An Alice blue Gown?

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Yeah, so that was the name of a fighter jet,
like a bomber from World War Two. There was a
plane called the Alice Blue Gown. So that's what that's
named after. But yeah, Friday night, looking forward to playing
there for the first time, and I hope that hopefully
everybody will join us out.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
There Friday, nice right behind you're going to set up
a check them on the patio. I'll be at home
watching opening ceremonies and lets oiled up. It's a lot.
I mean they introduced every first off, you didn't realize
how many countries there are until you see the Olympics. Yes,
we're all these new countries coming from I even heard
of them. Are we are we adding new countries? So
I thought we were done with that? Yeah? Right. I

feel like if you were a country up until like
twenty fifteen, you're out. I'm sorry, Like that was the
application deadline. You don't get to just become a new
country in twenty nineteen. I don't know how I feel
about that.

Speaker 6 (34:55):
We're starting to have like playings and dayton to get
the Olympics, the brackets expanding.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
It's too much. We had a good format. Let's just
keep that.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
Country is on probation with post seasons bands. Like what
are we doing? Man? But I love the pageantry of
the Olympics. You know the breakdancing competition starting this year? Yeah?
Is it? Flag football? Flag Football's next Olympics. But breakdancing
is a new sport that will debut this year in

this Olympics, and we had better win. That's all I'm saying.
You better not losing breakdancing. For me, it's like basketball, swimming,
break breakdancing, Like those are the three sports where if
we don't have a gold medal, what are we doing? Fire? Everybody?
You know what I mean. If we don't get a
gold medal, how did.

Speaker 6 (35:39):
We form the breakdancing team? I did not see how
that came. Was there a tournament I missed or a
dance off somewhere? I'm very interested in seeing it.

Speaker 3 (35:48):
Yeah, so I wanted to be a breakdancer as a
young guy. I don't know if I told this story.
I walked up to We had a breakdancing club in
high school, and I actually walked up to it and
I was gonna join, right so, like they had an
after school practic. Uh huh. So I'm walking up, I'm
getting ready to join. I want to try to learn,
and then I walk up and this dude is spinning
on his head and I realized I wasn't at that level,

so I turned and walked away. So I still think
to this day, man, if I had gone to that practice.
Maybe it'd be me in Paris right now. Who knows.
But I gave up by my dreams too early.

Speaker 1 (36:21):

Speaker 3 (36:21):
I just he was spinning all he was like spinning
at a circle and moving at the same time. I
was like, I'm like a level one. That's a ten
right there. I don't want to get involved.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
I think in that maybe how did that tell they
picked the team. They just went to some local high
schools and picked up They let the kids and they
can do it.

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Yeah, yeah, man. Well we'll be back with more after
this break. It's a song. Sorry didn't play it on
June third. Fron Metcalf here feeling it for Matt Jones
ksru before we get some breaking news. We got a
live read here we do.

Speaker 6 (36:57):
This segment is sponsored by our friends at UK Federal
Credit Union, where I do my banking. I use the
u k f CU app to pay bills and check
balances with a touch of a button. I just had
a non month CD mature over the weekend, right, so
that's fun. But if you're like Matt and you like
to travel, you can use the app to locate the
nearest fee free at M I did that in Finland, Ohio.

Speaker 5 (37:15):
Two weeks ago. I'm just using all their features.

Speaker 6 (37:18):
Uk f c U is always with you and available,
and the mobile app just makes banking better. That's UK
Federal Credit Union Membership eligibility required Federally insured by n
c U a U k f c U.

Speaker 5 (37:29):
Check them out. Back to you, Myron, I appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (37:32):

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Now I've got some breaking news. It's not.

Speaker 5 (37:45):
Volume too high.

Speaker 3 (37:47):
Play it one more time with Fron shedded. Okay, you
got your volume turned down, Go down where it goes. Run,
that's your boy. That's okay.

Speaker 5 (37:58):
That's a lot.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
You gotta prepare me for some of this stuff. I
wasn't ready for that. Like I was, like, it's something happening,
freaking news, breaking news, and maybe not breaking news to everybody,
but I think to me, and you'll understand why. I
know the first exhibition game for Kentucky basketball. I don't
know if they've announced that yet, but I know it

because my friend is the head coach Minnesota State University.
Do you all know about Minnesota State University. It's in Mankato, Minnesota.
Do you know one of their most famous alumni, Prince
right here, my nice Alma Mata Minnesota State Cato will

play at Ropperena October twenty ninth, an exhibition game for
those who don't know, they won the Division two men's
and women's national championships last year. Really so really impressive run.
Matt Margan Thayer has been a friend of mine for
twenty years. So all I ask is when they come
to showed us some love. You know it's gonna be
that exhibition obviously, you know it's probably gonna be a

lopsided game, but give my guy, Matt Margan, Taylor and
the Mavericks a little bit of love if you wouldn't
mind doing that when they come to Rupperena on October
twenty nine. I want to come to that game. Say,
I guess you're coming back. I mean, that's like that's
my school. Yeah, it's cool when they get opportunities. I
was even let the tvt you know, watching the knof
Is that what their name is off? I was thinking

for some of those guys to play at Repperena must
be pretty special, big deal, you know, I mean to
be on that floor. Like, I think a lot of
people take some of this stuff for grint. I think
all of us who are attached to big sports and
we go to these big arenas and venues and you
almost take it for granted after a certain amount of time,
and you see the way that the opposing athletes, how

they feel about the mystique of a place like that.
It's got to be pretty cool, yeah, to compute on
that floor. And I know for these guys, uh a
Minnesota state man, they are gonna love the opportunity to
compete on a floor like that gets Kentucky, So obviously
you go cheer for Kentucky. I get it. But please
remember my guy, Matt Margan Thaylor and my alma mater

when they face off with Kentucky on October twenty.

Speaker 6 (40:09):
Nine, might be the first time UK gets to see
the Mark Pope team too, So I'd say it'll be
a good crowd. And to your point about just how
when guys get that opportunity, you know, they try to
do things they wouldn't normally do. Like maybe last night
guy thought he could dunk on Willie cally Stein. I'm
still laughing at what he was that man was trying
to do. He cocked it back, throwing up like he
was in slam ball, not knowing the greatest shot blocker

college basketball from years ago, right there in front of him.
That man did not own a TV in twenty fifteen.
There's no reason you should try that he didn't. But
you you know what, I had a stretch in my
life where I thought I'd marry halle Berry. This guy here,
I still think that it didn't happen. Yeah, it didn't happen.

Speaker 3 (40:46):
But one dream, yet one can dream, and I can
understand maybe he thought that was his dream. That was
his moment. I love how Willy calling Stein kind of
looked at him, like, what are you doing? Yeah? Really,
I mean like really, like, what did you think was
going down? Happened? Because he did to try to dunk it,
he copped it back, and he was trying to get
Sports Center top plays. Oh he got one, he did

not the one he thought he would get. And then
I remember sitting there, I was like, why where does
he think he's headed?

Speaker 6 (41:13):

Speaker 3 (41:14):
In this moment right now. At the same time, I
respect the hustle, I respect the the you know, the
opportunity and to say I gotta take to make the
most of it. But that was never gonna work out
in his favor.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
I can ask you one more question about Minnesota State.
Isn't that the school the old TV show coach.

Speaker 3 (41:30):
When we changed the name so it was Mankato State
University coach comes out in their Minnesota State. Minnesota State
rebrands as Minnesota State University. Really that's that's a big
part of it. It's where the Minnesota Vikings used to
have their training cam.

Speaker 5 (41:47):
So yeah, I think I'm putting this in a tweetown.

Speaker 3 (41:52):
Minnesota State will play Kentucky at Ropperina in an exhibition
game for you.

Speaker 4 (41:58):
It's it's basically for Meddy Cow's alma mater, Dwayne Peevi's
alma mater.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
They're bringing in your on the now. I gotta get
on the broadcast somehow. You got. I gotta get involved, man,
because that's my guy. Yeah, and uh that's fun man,
that up there coming down here to play Mark Pope.
I got a lot of information on him when we
come back.
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