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December 8, 2023 45 mins
A FLEX ALERT before NFL Thursday Night Football. The guys with a story that got Fred Roggin to call-in to defend himself. MLB Network Host Matt Vasgersian on Ohtani Watch and MLB Free-Agency. Secret Textoso Roundup
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome three hours a great sports dotto the Petros and Money Show on air
at AM five seventy LA Sports withthe ability to really go anywhere and do
anything, streaming everywhere with the iHeartRadioapp hosted by Mad Money Smith. Check
out the fit and Petros papadakus.That's what we like to hear. Here.

They are on your home of theLA Dodgers in Think and down the
Green, petrosin Money, trosin Money, Drosin Money Rosne. The opposition of
love isn't hate, it's apathy.Probing out Vig Petros and Money A five

seven LA Sports live everywhere on theiHeartRadio app. It is a flex alert.
We're on an hour early because it'sa Thursday night Football day. We
will have Steelers versus Patriots coming upjust after five pm. So we'll do
a three hour show from now untilfive tomorrow three to six, going into
Clippers Jazz basketball today two until fiveleading in to Thursday Night Football Patriots Steelers

Trubisky ZAPPI here gonna be a heckof a matchup tonight and we will bow
out for that, but not beforewe promote every single thing we have been
tasked to promote, and those aremostly our two big remotes coming up next
week. That's right, Get intoChristmas spirit to see Matt and I in

the Christmas spirit, And by inthe Christmas spirit, we mean fulfilling our
obligations to sponsor exactly right, AllDodgers bounce from the postseason petros and money
dance, put on your performing pantsand get after it, you idiots swooping
in like Captain save a hoe,to save a ho. But speaking of

that, we got pure ho.Danny Canal joining us in our final hour.
Oh, as he was called byDeon Sanders Junior. Yeah, Pierre
Hole, you a pure hole.Danny Canell from CBS Sports and all that
stuff. Sirius XM BET Online willjoin us to talk about some big picture
problems in the world of college football. And we have another national guest this

hour to talk about the shoe aOtani situation. As David Vassa is back
snug in his bed from his adventureto Nashville. David Vassa like a peace
broker between Dodger factions. Dave Roberts, the front office, everybody coming together
at Brad Paisley's house under David Vassay'sDodger talk umbrella. They don't deserve Vassay.

The Dodgers don't deserve Assay fixing theirproblems for him like that. But
we're still on a Tawni watch,Matt. We are. Matt vas Kerzhen,
also back from Nashville, was downthere with Harold Reynolds doing a bang
up job every single day, withlittle to talk about because the Otani camp
not interested in signing just yet,so everything was in a holding pattern.

Last day, of course, gota little bit of love from the Jan
Soto to the Yankees trade from thePadres. But Vaskershon gonna join us in
the very next segment as he isback in Secaucus for the MLB Network.
Oh Toddy, watch is Matt.That's how big o' TODDI watch is that
Juan Soto gets traded to the Yankeesand nobody cares. Hije hale Toni Otani

watch all eye Otani, and wedo have vestcursion this hour a top story
of the day. I believe it'snews and notes next hour and then in
our final hour, Danny Knell NationalCollege Football problem perspective, and we are
hopeful that that's enough we know it'snot a peace brokering show from Brad Paisley's

man cave. But not everybody cando that, Matt. Not everybody can
be David Vassy that everybody can canbring Dave Roberts, who is simply being
honest when asked a question from areporter, perhaps having grown frustrated by the
silence demanded by the Otani camp,only to have his general manager, Brandon

Gomes suggests that he wasn't appreciative ofthose comments. His president of baseball Operations,
Andrew Friedman, suggests that he didn'twant to talk about it. Wasn't
sure what Dave Roberts was talking about. Who asked you, Gomes? Vassay
that probably somebody from like the USAtoday. Vassay gets them all on a
party bus limo twenty minutes out ofthe city, Brad Paistey's one hundred acre

farm, breaking bread, breaking bread, pouring some rye and next thing you
know, freaking headlocking noogies, justhaving a good old time like they were
old friends. They don't deserve Vassay, And that's the truth. You saved
the Dodgers people. We'll see whathappens with Otani and how Otawani watch ends.

But we are on early today becauseof that NFL contest with the low,
very sad, very upsetting over underthat everybody is talking about. Yeah,
that's kind of a rough ticket,but we do have two big things
to promote. Rough ticket, it'sthe lowest one in the history of the
sport. Yeah, and we hadit in college too. Isn't that number

calling your name though, Mat,I had thirty just calling your name.
You want to put a little moneydown on that, and due I would
I would like just to take it. It's now up to thirty and a
half. So some people are bettingthe over at this point. I always
remember this when you know, peopletalk about how you know offense is changing
and the game is becoming an offensivegame, and it's like, yeah,
there's there's there's still a lot ofclunkers out there. Oh yeah, get

a look at this. Here's football, here's Nebraska football, here's the Big
ten in November, and this inthe NFL. Right now, we have
a low scoring game on the station, at least it is projected to be
so, Matt, we are goingto score high in our remotes, our
holiday remotes with our slow holiday musicthat make everybody feel warm and nostalgic and

romantic toward each other and fuzzy andgregarious, make us think the best of
each other. That's what you andI are going to do on Monday and
Friday night, Monday's Standard Fair inthe City of Orange. BJ's Restaurant in
brew House side of our first localpolitics conversation with Pavu Lattis Joe three to

six thirty will be there. Willthey return, don't know. Up to
them local politician wants to roll upand demand airtime. Whe are we to
say no? More importantly, though, we'll be given away great prizes like
those Bjay's gift cards, tickets toour various play by play properties, and

most importantly, I think Tim Katsusing his own two hands on a little
bit of sweat equity. He's goingto assemble that lamp, a forest lamp
from Lamps Plus circa twenty nineteen.It's been in our prize closet for about
five years. It's brand new,by the way, people has not been

no brand new. You have toassemble it, Kates, and you have
to bring your own light bulb.Is that right? I don't think that's
fair. You get a four dollarslamp. I'll bring the light bulb from
home. Well, why don't youreach out to to you know, the
office manager and find out if wehave a light bulb at the station.

That would seem like a viable solution, right, I could do that,
or I could take one of Ronnie'slight bulbs from a string of lights here.
I think that's going to set.I think the Christmas lights have a
little bit you can borrow one ofthose. Yeah, I've trying to see
that. You know, this seemslike you out we're really split theirs,
Okay, right that this is likethat that asked the question at the end

of a Zoom meeting and it goesfor another ten minutes. Everybody's got to
figure out who's gonna bring the lightbulb. Listen, there's always an office
where the occupant of set office hasto be different and like they're not gonna
use the lights in the ceiling.They're gonna bring in their lamp. They're
gonna have a plant. You know, maybe some Christmas lights like from the
front gate that have the leaves attachedto them to give them a little bit

of ambiance. Matt, can Iremind you of something. But in our
studio there are two light bulbs thathave been out for going on two years
now. On my desk is twoof the three fluorescent lights are out.
Well, don't take those then,because they don't work. My point is

they don't really replace lights around herevery quickly. Well dan Patrick's show up.
Yeah, unless Dan Patrick's come inor calling coward, then we're gonna
get grapefruit juice and a guy makingoff in the corner. My only concern
is is that us bringing it toeverybody's attention is going to bring more lights,

and then that's going to get worseheadaches. It's true, gotcha,
gotcha. We keep it speakeasy levellighting. We really do. All right,
I'll find a light bulb problem solvedyears ago. I had a grip
go through the whole area, kindof figure it out. So we told
him about Bjays. Do we tellthem about Tarantula Hill? We have not.

That's the big one. What arewe talking about. We're talking about
a week from Friday. One weekfrom Friday, the Shembery. At this
point, a week from Friday,in a perfect world, that lamp has
been assembled, there is a workinglight bulb and it's been given to a
listener already, and now we're ontoFriday. Do we have a second forest

lamp that will make an appearance?If Kevin Figures is willing to give up
the one that's got his name onsharpie on the side of the box,
then yes, we'll have a secondone. Let's negotiate. Yeah, let's
figure it out, because it hasbeen sitting there for about four to five
years and he has yet to takeit out of the box, assemble it
and take it home. So let'sget five years. Matt and I have
been going for free on the FNApodcast even True Story, True Story,

Go Beyond the Forest Lamp. Asmuch of a desired prize as that is.
We will also have Doctor Sweet tickets, center court tickets for the Clippers,
UCLA basketball tickets, a Westinghouse TVand all that stuff is just like
you know, stuff you get atthe ninety nine cent store, and yeah,
like prize stocking stuffers as they callthem. What you really want is

the lamp. The lamp, andwe are giving away a grand price trip
to Hawaii. Whoa right, Soif you can make it out to Tarantia
Hill Brewing, one thousand oaks,three to seven pm. Bring your ugly
sweater, bring your sweet melodious voicefor carry ok holiday carry, Okay,

bring your gullet for the food andthe drinks, bring your dance pants for
the music, and bring a goodattitude all right, because it's the holiday
season and that's our last appearance liveof twenty twenty three. I can't wait
to be there, Matt. Ican't wait to be there with you.

Do you have your ugly sweater pickedout yet? I know I asked you
regularly. I just don't know ifyou've kind of sort of that. Yeah,
I've got one on for it.Okay. Good brought to you by
Barry's Tickets. Get the gift ofa sporting event, concert, or theater
event from Barry's Tickets dot com.Let Barry hook you up today. And
how about take this time to talkwith your older relatives, see how they're

doing, ask about their plans foraging. Visit aging dot CA dot gov
to learn more. Is that right? Yes, we are your aging show
of record, and speaking of oldMatt every day around this time, I
remember the most impactful story about PearlHarbor ever told in my lifetime. Of

course, December seventh, nineteen fortyone was the attack on Pearl Harbor by
the Imperial Japanese Air Force on theUS Navy at the base at Pearl Harbor
in Honolulu. A day that wouldlive in infamy, it was, was
said by the President, and launchedus into World War Two. And I'll
never forget Matt on the Challenge.Now, there are much more qualified people

working on the Challenge now than Fredand myself that would have been able to
navigate this situation. I guess,I don't know. Maybe they wouldn't try
it. They had Jason Negro onthe other night, and they had Barry
from Barry's Tickets the other night.And that's what was that, Matt.

Nothing Pearl Harbor. We were talkingabout the base. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, and you know,I remember being at the Challenge one night
and the hero of the night wasa guy that Fred had brought in who
was a survivor of Pearl Harbor.Now, this was probably about ten years

ago, maybe more, maybe alittle less. We get fewer and fewer
of those ladies and gentlemen every singleyear, of course, yeah, because
years old. Now, Yeah,it was eighty two years ago or something,
So it's been a long time.There was a guy there at Pearl
Harbor in Honolulu today I saw wasin the news, a survivor and a

very old but anyway, this guywas there. And if there's anything we've
talked about over the years and thechallenge, it's that Fred really likes to
manipulate the clock. You know,like, for example, you and I,
Matt, we are never ever everhaving enough time to do what we

want once the show starts. Weusually just don't have enough time. No,
we're constantly berated in our ears.Go to break, go to break.
The only time we have time isthis segment because Fred gets out so
damn early every single day point.It's the only consistent thing. Fred is
a clock manipulator. He might aswell be in the great movie of our

childhood, Time Bandits. So Fredloves to manipulate the clock, and sometimes
he wants to stretch, and sometimeshe wants to get out early. And
unfortunately, while this man was tryingto tell his story of what happened to
him December seventh at Pearl Harbor whenthe Japanese were attacking, and he was

about a minute thirty in, andFred played him off. And I'll never
forget the guy going and I wasone hand in front of the other in
the water, climbing a rope andthere was blood and fire and death all
around. Okay, thank you,earl, and we'll be back with more
Rogan's heroes. And it was,uh, I'll never forget it, Matt.

And they took the old man outand he complained about Fred all the
way into the parking lot and intoa wheelchair as they pushed him out.
Correct, I believe he could walkwhen he was a walker with like the
tennis balls, right and uh.And he complained about Fred all the way
into like the producer came back andHe's like, that guy wouldn't let me
go. God, he hates you, Fred. And Fred's like, as
long as we got out on time. That is my Pearl Harbor memory.

It's unfortunate of all the Pearl Harbormemories. I mean, the guy was
like was riveting, you know,like we were right ass ass so and
so on. And I was like, wow, this guy's really breaking down
the history. But I knew.I just saw Fred start twitching and twittering
in his chair, meth head inhis chair, and next thing you know,

they brought down the axe on theold man. No no, no,
no, no, no, nono no no, no, oh
god ah, I mean it wasreally something and a great stuff again,
let's go to break. And thefunny thing is is like you'd think telling
that story over the years, likeFred would be like, don't tell that

story. It's embarrassing, you know, like the message he left for Chris,
you know about the chair. ButFred does not cayless if he's proud
of the cutting of the Pearl Harborguy, Fred, Fred loves that story.
Oh yeah, I don't know why. It's it's obviously anniversary eighty two

years ago. It is, uh, you mentioned there was one hundred and
two and one hundred and three yearold there survivors. Perhaps one of them,
perhaps it was Ike Shop or sofrom like the Ie because like he's
like, I'm gonna drive home foran hour and a half for that.
For them, there is a onehundred and two year old lou Conter of

California. It's might have been louIs one of the few Pearl Harbor survivors
that was out there today. Thoseshows really, those shows kind of fall
by the wayside after they happen,and I don't remember them. I don't
remember the year. I don't remember. I mean, I remember when it
was, I remember the day after. I remember you talking about it on
Monday. I think I had missedit because I was on the call,

but I remember you telling the storythe first time and thinking, why would
you book it? Why would youbook that guy trivia? He wanted to
get out? You know, younever know. Fred doesn't know if he
wants to get out until the showstarts and he starts manipulating the clock for
the most advantageous ratings, most ratings. Yes, I've taken out here.

So it had to do with gettingcredit for the fifteen minute rating from the
NFL game. Oh there he is, Oh here he is. It's Fred
Rogan, Ladies and gentlemen, Fred, do you remember that night? All
right, now, let's be abundantlyclear, can we please? Yes?
All right? You know that guyhad talked for about five consecutives. No

he had not, he barely,no one of the bothers. That's not
fair. That is that is notfair. And you looked at me and
you started to laugh and you wererolling your eyes. I didn't you know,
my god, you pearl, that'sa terrible indictment. That is absolutely

the truth. And I started tolaugh and at that point I said,
that's that's great. You were laughingin the events of Pearl Harbor. No,
no, what happened, No,no, it is how it happened.
And the problem was and Petros,you do the voice incredibly well that

and I was climbing my roll whathand in front of the other across and
it went on and met. Therewas no way possible that we could air
all of that. And what happenedwas so we you know, we thanked
Earl and I think it was hisdaughter, that was William Petrose, It
was an I believe it was ason an enraged family member. An enraged

family member said he was just gettingstarted, and I said, well,
no, that's great, but wereally don't have the time to continue into
the entire story. But we reallygot the gist of it. And that
family member was very upset, andthat's when he took his walker with his
tennis balls and moved out of thestudio with the enraged family member. Jared

ran over and tried to console themand I looked at you and I said,
well, what should we have done? Was it? Steve Steve,
and that was the wrong guy tosend because he can't console anybody. No,
it was that that was the wrongguy to set the level of dis
resect rolling your eyes, laughing ashe's terrific events that transpired. That's alleged

by Matt. Matt. No,it's not alleged. And Matt he alleged
he had literally gone, I'll betyou it had to be ten minutes,
Petros. I remember it that way. I remember him literally going, and
I knew once he started that hewould never finish, that he was never
going to be allowed to finish.And he was never allowed to finish.

I don't have a very good gaugeon exactly how long he went, but
he was cut and he was veryunhappy. But me laughing rolling my eye
as some kind of instigator, Noway, no way, man. Yeah,
you were no man. You werecomplicit in that. Don't don't know
you were complicit, and you're wellaware of that. And the thing was,
remember we bring him on and we'dsay, you got like a minute

to thank somebody or say whatever youwanted to do, and we thought he'd
go and want to thank the peopleI served with. You know, the
memory of those that we lost.It's a special day for me and I
just you know what, Fred,I love that story. It's a it's
a great story and we certainly appreciateyou telling it. But we have got
Matt vasqu Gershon coming on next.Oh no, man, you can't do
that to Earl Poor. He's stillon hold talking, but he's still on

old talking. Well, that's agreat story, Fred, But we've got
Matt masqu Ursion coming on, andit's a hard clock like the Japanese Imperial
Forces. Fred Torpedo. That guystory, that's terrible. He was talking
for thirty four minutes. He wasgoing, all right, now, you

know, we all remember things differently. That was that was that whole show,
the affair, you know, right, different perspectives. Matt vasqu Kursion
will join us next for his perspectiveon the Winter Meetings. Metro Saying Money
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airing later today at five Pacific,The One and Only Matt Vesque Cursion After

a trip to Nashville, I believeback on the East Coast, Matt,
as you said, joining us onceagain on The Petrosen Money Show. And
I believe he's also going to bea guest on Mark Gubazza's holiday special on
Valley Sports. Oh. The Varietyshowsation. Oh it's one of the best.
I like it when they have theThousand Oaks Dance Troop on there too.

Matt, how are you? Ijust didn't talk to you, guys,
man. Only a great Greek Americansuch as yourself, Petros would recognize
a fellow swarthy, kind of pseudoMediterranean guy like me, So I appreciate
the ethnic shout out. Yeah,there's nothing like a lamb on a spit,
you know what I'm saying, massUrsion, we feel it, We

feel it until you've seen somebody walkup to it, take its eyeball out
and pop it in their mouth likea ball of gum. You haven't lived
now. It seemed as if Otaniwas kind of holding you guys hostage.
You know, Matt has made thosecomments the last couple not you, my
radio partner, the last couple ofdays, And did it feel like that
while you were out there, likelike it was Otani and no one knows

what's going on, so everybody's justkind of frozenm Yeah, it's it's ridiculous
too, Matt. Matt's spot on. It's it's really what it did for
me? Is it kind of furtheredthe need for at least more conversation about
like the NBA has just have asigning period, Like look, major League

Baseball teams, if you don't getyour business done by the end of business
hours on the final day of theWinter Meetings. You either get hit with
a tax or we're going to freezeyou out for two and a half months.
Like there has to be some urgencyhere for these clubs to get it
done. We had a whole week, right the Winter Meetings is supposed to
be a big deal, and nothinghappened outside of the Soto trade, which

everybody saw coming like a you know, like a long bounce pass into the
key. We knew that was goingdown. The Otani things should be pumped
up. I'm not saying, youknow, Jim Gray Lebron decision style,
but there's got to be a littlesizzled around the biggest international star in our
sport, maybe any sport, andwe're allowing the agent to completely hamstring the

process and dictate who and when weget conversations with him. I mean,
look the whole thing with the Dodgershaving a meeting with him and Dave Roberts,
bless his heart, he was veryhonest about it, and then he's
made to feel bad, like firstrule of fight club is, don't talk
about fight club. First rule ofshow Heo Tani Cording is you can't talk
about a meeting. What kind ofnonsense, is that the agent is making

this an unpleasant thing for everybody outoutside of show. Hey what I would
imagine prefers it like this, Butcome on, man, let us in
a little bit. Yeah, mylast straw, Matt, and it was
great. I've been watching every dayall day. I love the coverage,
I love MLB network inside outside ofthe winter meetings, and I just I

felt for you and Harold and nothingagainst his story about the haunted House,
but there's you know, there's cartoons, and you're furthering this story, and
I'm like, if Shoe Io Donniewould allow the and every time you brought
a general manager on or a manager, they have to talk around it.
And I felt I felt your pain. I felt the pain of baseball not

being able to celebrate the most excitingplayer that it's seen in fifty years.
And I just can't quite figure out. I appreciate that you brought that up
about trying to bring in some rules, but I don't know how to do
it, Like, how do youpull considering how powerful these agents are,
how much money there is involved,how do you pull? How do you
rest that power away from them andget it somewhere else? Yeah, I

mean, it's not an easy answer, and you're right about that, Matt,
because the first of all, theplayers Union would never go for a
signing period. The Players Union holdsa lot of power in baseball, as
it does for just about every prosport, but baseball in particular. I
don't know what the answer is,but boy, it really. I mean,
were watching paint right, you knowwe're going to our car insiders with

all this speculation here, we havelive production going on, and and all
the teams that are being rumored.Now. I still think for the Dodgers,
I don't know that Otani is thebest choice for them. I think
they should put all their eggs inthe Yamamoto basket and go get him.
He's twenty five, he's going topitch. The Dodgers don't have any pitching.
Get Yamamoto first, and then ifyou got a couple of shekels left

Sinotani or you know, about sixhundred and fifty million shekels. As it
is, but the fact that wehad no discourse, we had no conversation.
No nobody even knew what Shoh's voicesounded like until the New Balance commercial.
For heaven's sakes, the agent's gotsuch a stranglehold on his on his
appearances, like you know enough,Like let's enjoy this guy. He's a

good dude. He's the greatest playeron planet Earth. Let him out.
You've been around the Angels. MattVasquerzhon from MLB Network is our gast to
fabulous voice and sports and baseball iswhere he chooses to do most work,
and it's fabulous work. You've beenaround Otani. He doesn't seem like that

as a guy or a teammate,like a prima donna type of dude.
No, he's not. He's youknow, he's he's got his own program
for sure, but it has nothingto do with his being a prima donna.
He just believes in a lot ofdifferent kind of concepts. He's one
of the drive Line disciples that BaseballThink factory up in Seattle that's really turned

around a lot of careers. Sohe employs a lot of their pregame work.
It's different from what other guys do. He's always smiling, he's kind
and respectful. He's not a diva. He's a good dude, but unfortunately
he's being handled with such ridiculous kidgloves from a public presentation standpoint that I
don't I don't think we're getting allof him that we should. I mean,

why just the new Balance commercial thatguy's face should be smeared on every
product in the continental US. Youknow, I don't get it. I
don't get it. What do you, Matt, what do you make?
Because you know, we we've andit's been sort of half jokingly, but
we've we've been kidding around about howyou know a Tani's gonna be a Dodger,
enjoy him, you know he's gonnalook good. Oh he's here and

he's playing with Mooki and their hairfists bumping. Yeah, we'll see a
lot more of that, that sortof stuff. But at the same time,
it does feel like this Toronto thingis lines up very well with sort
of the way that the painting isbeing described of his time in Hokkaido and
how the you know, the thestadium's match and what he wants from an
organization and their facility in Florida,Like, is do you think the Dodgers

are the favorites? Because I certainlyfelt like that before this whole thing started,
like, oh, Dodgers eighty percent, everybody else split the twenty percent,
and it does not feel that wayanymore. Yeah, I hear you
on that, Matt. If theDodgers are favorites, it's not eighty percent.
I do wonder about I do wonderabout Toronto's recruiting efforts. I mean,

hey, we're going to get youto love Toronto and sign with the
Blue Jays. Come down to Dunedinand see our spring training home in Central
Florida. Enjoy a light bite atone of the you know, seniors diners
that closes at five thirty. Idon't know that that's that's the fruiting trip,
but they do have. You know, we've been hearing this for years
in the industry that the Blue Jaysare sitting on a mountain of Labatte's blue

generated free agent dollars that they haven'tbeen able to allocate the way they want.
So if they're like the giants whohave been kind of the bride'smaid for
every big free agent the last coupleof years, maybe this was the moment
they were waiting for. Maybe they'rekeeping all that money in a you know,
in a basket for this. Ialso think Atlanta, if geography doesn't

matter, and I'm a little skepticalof that, because I think the agent
put that out there because he justwants as many markets in play as possible,
even if most of them are goingto be straw men in this process.
But if geography doesn't matter, Ithink is interesting for show. Hey.
But like you guys, I thinkit just circles back to California,

conveniently halfway home for his new palatialspread that he just bought in Japan,
and he's familiar with southern California.Dodgers, Angels, giants to me make
more sense than anybody else. Butthis is this is why all we can
do is speculate, because there's noconversation coming from anyone else that I've had

this conspiracy theory. This is thefirst I've I've mentioned it because for whatever
reason, it finally popped back intomy head after Dave Roberts did it a
couple of days ago. Do youthink because of the way you described Oughtani
and the way Mark Gubasa has alwaysdescribed him to us about what a great
dude he is, do you thinkpossibly in his conversations with Dave Roberts,

he expressed his dismay over how thiswhole thing was being handled about how the
the you know, how he wasbeing portrayed, and it was Roberts saying,
you know what, I'm just goingto run with it. I don't
care. I had this. Ithought, maybe that because it just seems
like it's so obvious that every singleperson avoided except for Dave, and as
much as we love him and youlove him and we all do, it

just seems like, wow, thatis a if everyone else is avoiding this
the way they are, maybe there'ssomething more to this. And there was
a moment between those two that hedecided to exploit. There's some that's an
interesting theory. I wouldn't I wouldn'tcontest that that, you know, that's
really interesting. I also think apart of that is that Dave Roberts one

of the most comfortable spots of anymajor league manager. And if anybody's going
to be able to, you know, kind of speak his mind and say
what he wants, it's going tobe Doc because he is beloved internally,
he wins for them, he's great, and he feels he felt like he
was empowered enough to say that.Whether you know, whether that was doing

a little of show Hayes work ornot. I'm not sure of it.
That's a really interesting theory. Idon't think Shovey really cares about the conversation
that much or lack thereof. Ithink he really signs off on his guy,
on his agent, and it's theagent that's directing it this way.
Honestly, like when when Lebron didthe conversation thing, we all kind of
laughed at it. We thought itwas, I know a little bit much

the Jim Gray Special. But Ithink Jim Gray was onto something there and
and maybe it was too soon forthat as far as our sports culture is
concerned. But that I'd err moreon the side of being too public than
I would completely silent in this thingon an only Mad Bess version. You
helped us out with our high schooltease thing on Bally Sports, Matt,

and now you're on the Goubaza special. Any hints on what's going on in
the variety show there, Well,something may or may or may not involve
a puppet. Oh oh oh.People love puppets. They hate ventriloquists that
they love puppies. That's true.Why is that's true? I don't know.

I don't know. They're like astep above mimes on the on the
kind of Carnie tour like people reallydespise minds, but been triloquists are close.
I would uh, I would lovethat, Mart. Oh, there
we go, mister Rogers style.Oh no, that was Puppets. Yeah,

that's that's in there too, Matt. I would love to ask,
because we are very fortunate that,for whatever reason, the mad Dog likes
our show and he graces us withhis presence occasionally, and it's always a
blast for us to have him on. I would love to know, maybe
your favorite, if you can thinkof it off the top of your head,

the favorite name that mad Dog hasever uttered on High Heat on MLB
Network, which I believe comes oneither right after you or maybe at the
show after yours h Hot Stove,because I heard, I want to say
it was Yaka Numbah, Yama Meadow. I think it's what I got the
other day that I really really appreciatedfor some of those Yeah, yeah,

any of us are fired for someof those props. But whatever whatever he
said as far as a proper name, he just followed it by answering his
own question for thirty minutes. Howyou doing, Pat all right? Okay,
let's talk about that, Pat,Yeah, sure, well right,
Wow, it's a complete assault toyour sense. Nobody's better than Vasqucursion,

though. We sure appreciate you,vast Ursion. You're not a mime or
a ventriloquiest, but you're You're allright with us. We'll enjoy you on
him you guys Network, Thanks fordoing it, brother, great work down
there in Nashville. Thanks looking Floridabeing with you on the Gooby Special.
Somehow you go, there you go. I'm still waiting on my invit there

he goes, vast cushion. Ladiesand gentlemen, I'm the valet. I'll
park your car. Not easy toget into that event. No check out
Matt MLB Network's Hot Stove nine amEastern, so you get it at six
am, and then they replayed againat eight a m. Pacific. Check
it out on MLB Network's new Ohcheck out and this does look great.
It's happening tonight at five. TheGeorge Brett documentary is going to air tonight.

It'll make its debut tonight at fivepm. Reaction to Fred Rogan,
Matt, vasque Cursion and everything tocome next Big taking a mad vest cursion
MLB Network for joining us. Stillto come, Danny Canal gonna talk about
the college football playoff his alma mater, Florida State, getting absolutely host.

That'll be coming up in the fouro'clock hour about four thirty PM. Will
do three things Thursday on the NBAin the next hour. Get your word,
number and song, and a reminderthat a week from tomorrow is are
Tarantula Hill Brewing, Petrosen Money,Dysfunctional holiday office party, bunch of prizes
including a Dodger suite tickets, someCenter court tickets for the Clippers, UCLA
basketball tickets, a TV from Westinghouse, and the grand prize one PMS listener

going to win a trip to Hawaii. We'll have the Ugly Sweater Contest Kerry
Oka a DJ and it is allbrought to you in part by LA County.
Find your La County water plan atwaterfola dot com. That is water
for la dot com. All right, we have a few text osos here

on the Secret text OsO line soldout to Mark Christopher Auto Center in Ontario.
The Secret texts all Fine sold outto Mark Christopher Auto Center. If
I win the trip to Hawaii,can I trade it for the lamp.
Well, we've done it before.We had somebody win the Clippers whatever,

you know, center court seats andthe Hawaii trip's going going away at the
end, and the person is alreadygoing to have the lamp. Right,
But I think that's a trade withthat, right, you can barter with
the person who has won the lampand see if they like the Christmas party
thing too. Yeah, it's likethe white elephant, right, you pass

it along. I don't want thisnow, yours from somebody else, exactly
right. All right, great,so then, well it's not up to
us. I think you hit iton the head, right, that's not
us, it's not you can sellthe person that won the forest Lamp lamp
on the idea that they'd rather goto Hawaii for five minutes. I just
don't understand. If the lamp wassuch a hot commodity, why has it

just been collecting dust in our studiothe last five years, waiting for the
precise moment maximize to come back.It's value, I get it. I
heard that the Persian the Persian sturgeonversion of vescursion, drives and excursion.
That's pretty good. A big thankyou to Matt vest Kurshon Armenian Prince for

joining us in the very last segmentand his feelings, Matt were almost exactly,
if not even more inflamed than wewould have thought about the Otani situation
and how it's being handled. Andit feels like the agent is to blame.
Did you guys look in the boxand see if there's a light bulb

in there? And the answer isyes, there's a light bulb. Light
bulb in a box. But here'sthe problem, guys, here's the problem.
What so I'm putting together this lamp, which I'm starting to get a
little sweat, go one little leather. You haven't. You haven't put in
this kind of sweat equity as faras building something when it comes to the
show. Since the windmill during thepandemic for our ren fare, good point

by you. There is one lightbulb for a lamp that takes two light
bulbs. Oh, so we needanother light bulb. So we're halfway.
Are you sure there's only one lightbulb? You know what? I should
probably double check the box. Thatwould be my guest. I would say,
you know what, if there's one, I bet there's two. Now

the Pearl Harbor survivor that Fred calledin about. In the very first part
of the show. We were talkingabout how Fred played that guy off the
challenge that would have been December eighth, twenty fifteen. Cake eight years go
to the go, go to thetape time, not asolute the real heroes

that helped me keep us safe.It's our hero of the night in area
is well. Tomorrow, being theseventy fourth anniversary of the attack on Pearl
Harbor, we welcome ninety two yearold Neil. That's where it cuts off.
But that's what we found. That'sa freaking dead and a live guy
put out there. I can't findthe whole thing. I can't believe that's
out there. Yeah, that's theone we found, and we were trying

to play when Fred was on withus. So it was about eight years
ago, twenty fifteen when that happened, when Fred played that guy off,
and he was livid, and Freddid call in about it a little earlier,
and then we cut Fred off insteadof letting him promote his new job
out in Palm Springs and feeling thebeat of his desert heart. And this

Texte so is about that. Itsays your pearl Harbor memory is a daily
thing on Rogan and Rodney. Freddoes that to Vic all the time,
and then he writes feeling you batway to cut off Fred just like he
does, Vic leave him talking,just like Vic keeps rambling. What if
Fred runs into Neil down in apalm desert palm spread Indio. This text

says, what tell caates to doublecheck that box? Why would a lamp
only come with one bulb? Whata dumb ass? Oh, I don't
appreciate appreciate the dumb ass comment.If you're up late, Kate's, you
didn't spend last night in a holidayand express. You went to Disneyland with
all the rest of the radio typeslike Matt Smith and you guys are all

dragon asks Well, actually Matt seemsfine. I don't know. Yeah,
late we went. We had someMargarita's where were there? Which were sta
and a couple of beers. Soyeah, we had a good time.
Now Kate's is on. Ronnie hastweeted at Ronnie Fossio. Ronnie has tweeted

out a picture of Kate's putting thelamp together. Nice that we're gonna give
away. This is the lamp that'sgonna be given away on Monday, right,
And the lamp that we might giveaway on Friday at Thousand Oaks is
TBD. We got to get itfrom Kevin Figures. We got to negotiate
it away from Figures. But thislamp you're assembling right now. If you
want to see a picture of Kate'sputting it together, and somebody writes,

is he building a bong? Uh? That's Ronnie tweeted that quick one,
So check that out. And itis hollow in the mill of the court.
So you probably could take this apartand use it as it's water tight,
and yes you could, all right, So that's the latest insurance anybody.
There is one light bulb in here. I just went through the trash

box. There's one light bulb.See, that's how they get you.
You get all the way home,plus steel all locked up and you had
to open your mouth and it's afancy max light warm white eight point five
watt energy saving bulb which probably costslike nine thousand dollars. Now you've got

to get one to match it.Like you get that thing all the way
home, you open it up,you put it together, and you got
one bulb, drive back to thelamps, plus get the matching bulb.
See don't have two different We can'tgive away two different bulbs. We'd look
bush league. We got to matchthem bulbs, or we could just forget

about this light and match two otherbulbs. I can run up to the
Bay Harbor Bay Hardware, which isjust a couple of blocks away after we
sign off here, and maybe graba pair. Nothing's harder than the little
things on our show. You rememberwhen we were dying and like literally melting,
and they couldn't even assemble a fanfor us. I remember that,

and when they did, it wasso weak it didn't work. Should I
get black lights for it? No, Okay, we're not sexual freaks.
This is a lamp for a family. You want warm caliday light. It's
wicker on top, so you needyou want to make it red, Matt,
turn on the red light for thewhores. Is that what you want
to do? Exactly what I wantto do. Let's get freaky. Man

step on my poots, let's getweird, step on my poots, poop
on my chest, let's get crazy. Well all right, uh, we'll
ask Kevin Figures about that second lamp. And we'll figure out the bulb situation.
Word number song three. He thinksThursday, this hour coming up,
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