All Episodes

August 11, 2023 43 mins
  • If you have any unanswered questions, please contact Asset Growth Associates Tax & Retirement Advisors located at 1391 Calder Avenue in Beaumont. You can also email or phone (409) 840-6900.
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Episode Transcript

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We're just trying to turn ancle intoa time. That's the bottom line.
Welcome to real honest talk about money, politics, use and information you can
actually use. Buckle up and holdon tight. This is that's the bottom

line. The best day then lifeI free. But you can give them
to the breast and be that.That's that's Hello everyone everywhere, welcome,

this is that's the bottom line.You're with yours truly Jean Valerani. Your
weekly radio broadcast that tells it likeit is on k l d I five
sixty a m. Saturdays at sixin the morning and Sundays at eleven in
the morning. And we also welcomethose of you who listen to this weekly

report online by logging on to Savemy Retirement dot com. I have a
partner at Asset Growth Associates. Wehave offices located in Dallas, Houston,
and Beaumont, Texas, where weoffer investment, pension and retirement planning services,
as well as income tax returns forindividuals, families, and businesses.

We do it all at Asset GrowthAssociates, including representing our clients who may
be having difficulty with the irs,often being able to negotiate a settlement for
them where maybe they pay nothing atall, or sometimes negotiating a fresh start
as well. As I said,we do it all and have been serving

our clients in Texas and Louisiana fordecades now. On today's port among the
topics, we will share more informationabout Biden's continued bribe collection racket and the
ongoing betrayal of the United States fromwithin. Today's Dirty Little Secret exposes more

corruption and deceit. Yet we're goingto explain why the massive assaults being carried
out against Trump probably we're going toeventually fail. And today's solution segment offers
more insight and specific ways to bothgrow and boost your retirement income. We

all want to do that, don'twe. We have methods and plans to
help you accomplish that an Asset GrowthAssociates. And by the way, as
I just said, if you haven'tfiled your tax returns yet, or even
if you haven't filed them in afew years, we can help because we
know that those tax laws sometimes canbe pretty challenging to get through. Right.

By the way, when it comesto investing money for future use,
we want you to know what yourrisk number is. You can find out
what your number is by logging onto Save my Retirement dot com or log
onto what is my Risk Number dotcom? Neither one. Answer a few

questions, and the computerized program willassign you a risk number between one and
ninety nine and show you if you'recurrently investing according to your individual risk tolerance.
Hey, it's a free service thatwe offered. Why not logged on
to Save my Retirement dot Com today? And while you're there, sign up

for our free newsletter which offers alot of tax and investment tips. Well,
I've got a lot to cover herethis morning, so let's get started
once again. This is Gene VALERANDIMreporting. While the dishonest pro Democrat American
news media continues to splash anti Trumpheadlines across the front pages of American newspapers

and dishonest George Soros Democrat prosecutors continuegoing after mister Trump, the real news
stories being ignored is the decade's longcriminal activity being carried out by President Joe
Biden that remains ignored by the corruptnews media. Here's the truth, ladies

and gentlemen. Communist red China istoday's biggest threat to the United States,
and as everyone should know by now, is that President Joe Biden has been
taken in cash by the millions fromChina for decades, and of course by
other countries and from other countries alsounfriendly to US, which currently operate in

China's orbit up to the moment,up to what we know so far,
it's been around twenty million dollars inpayments through these illicit payments to Biden,
through his illicit lllcs that spreads thatmoney around in his crime family. You
know, they say it's the it'sthe Biden brand which has been selling to

our enemies and giving them access andinfluence on the world stage. In other
words, it's bribe. They bribethem and then in return they get access
to Biden being a spokesman forum.Here's something else that should be very alarming,
can we Americans? When Biden orderedthe US military withdrawal from Afghanistan early

in his administration, he left behindbillions of dollars and sophisticated US military tanks,
fighter jets, helicopters, and weaponsof all kind which are now in
the hands of communist China. Waspoor logistics or were these sophisticated armaments left
behind on purpose for a price.That's a good question to ask, and

if so, wouldn't such an act, if proven be tantamo the treason The
George Sorrows Democrats keep beating the drumsto attack Donald Trump with indictment after indictment.
Is it part of a plan totake out Trump and make sure Biden
remains on the take from foreign enemies? Why is the crooked news media protecting

Biden by ignoring his bride taking influencepeddling while continuing their disgraceful attacks on former
President Trump. Here's Biden's legacy sofar. Inflation, higher taxes, the
weakening of the US military, soaringcrime rates in American cities, and the

continued moral decline of American society.So I ask what's next? Meantime,
the persecution of Donald Trump is beingcarried out as a means to an end
to both weaken and prevent the UnitedStates from recovering its status as the leading
nation on Earth. Ladies and gentlemen, The Biden administration, as far as

that goes. The Democrat Party aswell in the United States has put us
up for sale. They put upa for sale sign for the sell out
of our country. That's how itlooks to me. What they're really attempting
to do is shrink the middle classout of existence and create a two tier
system of the hands and the havenots. And this is why the left

wing political class is trying so hardto destroy Donald Trump, Trumps the fly
in their apointment who wants to makeAmerica great again while they want to destroy
America economically. Washington, DC isnot the capitol for all Americans. It's
really the capital city of the farleft wing political class. And keep something

else in mind, much of what'shappening couldn't occur if we had an honest,
dedicated news media. Most of thenews media is really the mouthpiece for
the Democrats, no better than whatPravda was doing during the Stollen Area for
Communist Russia. At the moment,the Democrats want to put a gag order

on Donald Trump's campaign speeches, toliterally deprive him of his First Amendment right
to freedom of speech. They wantto lock him up and throw the key
away. And this is part ofthe reason they're trying to rush a trial
in Washington, DC, where theyknow it won't be a fair one from
an all Democrat jury. On thenonsensical false charges that he was leading it

insurrection during the January sixth in DCwhere agents Democrat agents were inspiring protesters to
riot. Remember they had them peopleembedded in the crowds. Keep something else
in mind that was once spoken andattributed to Thomas Jefferson, and I quote,

when the government fears the people,there's liberty. When the people fear
the government, there's tyranny. Youthink that may be going on right now?
I do, little by little orfundamental rights as Americans are being taken
from us. Believe me when Itell you this is what's happening to you
and your family by the enemies withinwho seek to take away your freedom and

replace it with servitude. You don'thave to be to have a doctorate in
political science to see what's happening now. This, then, is where I'm
beginning this morning's report, right herein the lone Star state. Listen,
care flee. Lawyers for Texas AttorneyGeneral Ken Paxton have made a motion to

dismiss impeedishment charges against him because theyoccurred before he was re elected to his
third term in twenty twenty two,and this could mean Paxton has already been
exonerated by the voters under the Texasprior term doctrine. Prior term doctrine,

I'm going to explain that to youhere. In the second Paxton, as
you know, was accused by employeesin the Attorney General's office of having of
having work done on his home thatwas allegedly paid for by an individual that
Paxton helped an i legal matter forwhich Paxton was sued by his workers.

Paxton fired the employees who sued him, and they won three point three million
dollars in judgments, and Paxton itpaid for with state funds. The Paxiston's
lawyers assert, since the opponents couldnot defeat him at the ballot box,
they're using this new impeachment tactic toremove him. Under the Texas prior term

doctrine, the charges against Paxixton mightautomatically already be considered dismissed by Texas voters
under that doctrine. Remember it's calledthe prior term doctrine, and they can
be used because since the voters reelected him and this was going on while
he was running for reelection, he'salready been exonerated. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick

supposedly will rule on this matter priorto Paxman Paxton's impeachment trial, which is
scheduled to begin on September the fifth. We'll be back with much more right
after this. We're just trying toturn a nickle into what die next.
The bottom line, if you owethe IRS five thousand dollars or more,

don't call an unknown eight hundred number. Instead personally meet with us to review
your IRS problem. And if youwant to pay the IRS nothing or less
than you owe, we can setup a fresh start agreement with the IRS.
We can help you. Ladies andgentlemen can call us whole free at

one eight six six seven two eightthree six nine seven. We're just trying
to turn an epple into one die. That's the BottomLine. We will will
down from them, They will willride. Can't even want the tree can

an when the word that boat.Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen you're listening
to. That's the bottom line.Your weekly radio broadcast on k l VII.

That tells it like it is.Special Council Jack Smith, who now
operates as Joe Biden's legal hit manto crush Donald Trump from seeking the presidency
once again, is threatening to destroythe First Amendment's right to free speech by
attempting to take it away from formerPresident Donald Trump and give the federal government

the unprecedented power to criminalize free speechin this country. At this juncture in
the twenty twenty four race for theUS presidency, the Biden administration, with
the help of Jack Smith and ahandful of George Soros backlow prosecutors, specifically
want to limit Donald Trump's right tofree speech is guaranteed by the US Constitution's

Bill of Rights. At this point, we all know Donald Trump and countless
other Americans believe the twenty twenty electionwas stolen by the Democrats for Joe Biden.
You're allowed to challenge elections in theUnited States of America, and Joe
Biden or Jack Smith can't do anythingabout it. And anyone who wants to

speak freely about the outcome of anelection and disagree or agree with it is
allowed to do so in this country. And the effort by Jack Smith to
seek a Democrat judge to rule againstTrump's freedom to speak freely is really not
legal, at least not in myopinion. I can't see how they can

do that. Among other things.Jack Smith was, with the encouragement of
President Joe Biden, is a temptingto say Trump cannot speak freely, and
so he wants to prosecute mister Trumpfor it, for speaking his mind.
I hope everyone listening to me today, whether you're a Trump supporter or not,

understands the gravity of what Biden andhis hitman Smith is attempting to do.
Well. Known attorney and law schoolprofessor John Turley also born that successfully
charging Trump in this way sets upthe dangerous president of giving the government the

power to determine what's true and whatisn't true. They can't do that.
Also, as I told you ourlisteners are told our listeners last week,
Alan Dershowitz said about this same subject. For Smith and Biden to try and
take away Trump's right to free speechwould be thrown out by the US Supreme

Court. Former President Trump post thata message the other day on truth Social
saying if you go after me,I'm coming after you. So Special Prosecutor
Jack Smith responded by seeking a protectionorder, claiming the message was aimed at

people connecting to the case. SoSmith wants to limit Trump's ability to speak
publicly from my perspective, they're goingto keep throwing things at Trump and the
hope that one of these days something'sgoing to stick and they'll be able to
lock him up and he can't campaignto be reelected. That's what they're trying
to do. That's intellect election interference, isn't it. The travesty in all

this is that by now everyone knowsthe deep corruption of the Biden crime syndicate
and their bride schemes to enrich theirentire family by accepting millions and millions of
dollars from Communist China, from Russia, other entities in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

So you be the judge, ladiesand gentlemen. Who's the bad guy
in this political drama? How thisall ends remains to be seen. That
it has already done severe damage tothe United States is standing in the world.
Of course, now that the FBIand Justice Department have gone the rogue,
we the people have also become victimsof government corruption, and the future

of the United States doesn't seem toobright, does it. It goes without
saying we probably have a crook inthe White House in Biden and a dishonorable
Attorney general in Merrick Garland, whosent armed police into school board meetings to
arrest parents who protested what their childrenwere being taught about sexual acts in school,

and who sent spies in the Catholicchurches to monitor what was being preached
on Sunday sermons. Did any ofus ever suspect that our wildest dreams that
the political class would become so corruptthat the news media would favor lies over
the truth in its reporting. Noneof this was happening when Trump was in

the White House. But it sure'shappening now, isn't it. So we
better all wake up, come toour senses before it's too late for all
of us and our children and grandchildrennot being able to grow up in a
decent, god fearing nation, enjoyingthe blessings of liberty and justice, because
that's where we are, ladies andgentlemen. That's the threat right now that's

being posed against us. Something elseJack Smith is conjuring up against former President
Trump is to base charges on theformer president as to what Trump was thinking,
what Trump believed after Biden was declaredthe winner in the twenty twenty election.
Smith wants to try and read Trump'smind he's accusing him, claiming that

Trump knew he had lost the electionand was trying to retake the presidency.
Half for all, Well, alot of people were challenging the twenty twenty
election, and you know, andnot only that, a lot of politicians
challenge elections. So how can yoube arrested and put on trial for that?

Smith is attempting to find more waysto charge Trump with crimes and says
if Trump knew he lost the electionand formed the Save America Political Action Committee
to raise funds, well that itwas illegal for him to do so.
Like I've said previously, Smith isgoing to keep throwing crap on the wall
against Trump and hope something, almostanything's gonna stick. So Smith is now

apparently resorted to reading Trump's mind asto what Trump believed. Can you believe
that? Well, it's something thingfor you to think about and listen.
While we're on the subject of thecrisis occurring in this country, there may
be another banking crisis brewing due toFederal Reserve regulators pressing for more regulations in

the banking industry. This is important. I want you to listen. Both
the US Congress and the federal Reservewant to increase bank capital requirements and plan
to accomplish this by requiring banks tohold more government bonds, of which many
have dropped in value as interest rateshave increased. Some analysts suggest this latest

plan will make it more difficult forsmall businesses to borrow money from banks,
which in turn can cause some smallerbanks to fail, and also make it
more difficult for many companies to obtainbusiness loans, leading to a further decline
mind in the US economy. Sothat's something else you're going to have to

keep your eyes wide open for.That's occurring right now, Ladies and gentlemen.
You know, when it comes toinvesting money for future use, there's
really no perfect plan. I've toldyou this for years, but I assure
you some are just better than othersand worth looking into. Because if you're

looking for growth coupled with peace ofmind, you need to call us an
Asset Growth Associates. Our name saysit all, folks, Asset Growth Associates.
We're just the phone call away fourO nine eight four h sixty nine
hundred one eight six six seven twoeight three six nine seven. Ladies and

gentlemen, we'll be back with muchmore of important news that you can use
right after this, just trying toturn a decle into what die next?
The bottom line, I want toinvite our listeners to find out what a
risk number can do for them.Visit what is My Risk Number? Dot

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Where just trying to turn a decleinto a dome. That's the bottom
line. Welcome back, ladies andgentlemen you're listening to. That's the bottom

line. Your weekly radio show onKLDI that tells it like it is.
And it's time right now for today'sdirty little secret. Thus far, everything
the Biden administration is doing to destroyformer President Trump, I believe is going
to fail. Even if a WashingtonDC jury would convict President Trump, it

would probably be thrown out on appealby this U S Supreme Court. Everything
Biden and his Special prosecutor Jack Smithare doing to prevent Trump from regaining the
presidency is probably going to turn outto be illegal election interference. And this
includes the document's case from the MoralLago raid in the Manhattan and Georgia state

charges as well. If every politicianwho lost an election and challenge the outcome
was found guilty of doing so,there wouldn't be enough prison cells to contain
all of them. Everything the criminalBiden administration is throwing at Donald Trump,
we'll probably not prevail and be thrownout. This doesn't mean a crooked all

Democrat jury in Washington, DC won'tconvict mister Trump, because they will if
he's forced to stay and trial there, but it will not survive an appeal,
so says famous attorney Helen Dersewitz,who adds not only freedom of speech,
but freedom to petition the government fora regressive grievances, including the freedom

that challenge elections, are fundamental rights. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is claiming that
Trump knew he lost the election andprotested anyhow. Democrat Stacy Abrams, who
ran for governor in Georgia and lost, still claim she's won, as in
many other politicians, including George W. Bush when he ran against down Gore

in the year two thousand. Youremember that, don't you. I could
go on and on. So theconviction of Donald Trump by DC grand jury
would probably convict Trump, but asAlan Dershowitz says, it would never survive
an appeal. All these trials willimpede Trump's opportunities to campaign, unless appeals

pushed the dates forward enough and heultimately wins the presidency, in which case
there would be no trials. Orperhaps Trump as president would grant himself a
parting. No one's ever done thatbefore. I don't even know if that's
legal, but no one said thatit isn't legal yet. But make no

mistake about it, what is whatis being done to Donald Trump is pure
political persecution, and the real criminal, Joe Biden, sits comfortably in the
White House. What lies ahead isgoing to be a massive challenge to the
US Constitution and whether or not itcan withstand the insult, withstand the assault

being carried out by real insurrectionists andthe communists embedded deeply within the Democrat Party.
Another problem we face are the RhinosRepublicans in name only that hate Trump
as much as the hardcore Democrats do. This country is at the crossroads right
now, ladies and gentlemen, andnext year's election outcome will certainly tell the

tale as to whether or not wethe people will remain free or be destined
to lose what so many American patriotshave fought and died for since seventeen seventy
six. Was the twenty twenty electionstolen? A lot of Americans besides Donald
Trump still think so. And whenTrump won twenty the Democrats were screaming,

I'm sorry. When President Trump wonin two thousand, prior to this,
when he ran in twenty sixteen,the Democrats were screaming the election was stolen
back then, and they did thesame thing when George W. Bush was
declared the winner back in two thousand. What's sad to me is how the

liberal news media takes the side ofthose who seek to destroy the United States.
They do, and we all knowthat they do. But we know
the press is also rooting for SpecialCounsel and the Biden crime family to destroy
your Trump as well. But bydoing so, the foolish liberal media is

really volunteering to lose their freedom too, and they're going to suffer the consequences
of looking under communism the same asthe rest of us will if we lose.
This fight for freedom now occurring inthe United States. We see it
right here before our eyes, andwe see how the crooked Biden administration is

carrying out its plan of flooding thecountry with illegal aliens to replace the innocent
babies they've destroyed through abortion, toreplace the ranks of Democrat votors who will
do as they're told by a corruptgovernment. We all better getting on our

knees and pray for divine intervention tosweep through our society before it's too late.
But then, two thousand years ago, Almighty God did not send us
a savior the people. He sentus a savior, and the people didn't
accept that savior. They nailed himto the cross. And I guess that's

the one consolation we have, andthat is that he's coming back. But
in the means, it's up tous to save our country because we don't
know when he's coming back, dowe. I know, I get a
little confused at times, ladies andgentlemen. I hope you forgive me for
that I've got to try to squeezeso much in here, and I only

have a limited time to do it. And I was talking to you about
maybe there's going to be another bankcrisis occurring pretty soon. When we hear
stories about the Federal Reserve making movesthat affect banking and the day to day
flow business and commerce, we knowultimately it impacts the entire economy and the

financial markets as well. For smallinvestors, this usually means a move to
less speculative and more dependable investment strategies. As you've heard me say time and
time again on this weekly broadcast thatthis is why listen to me carefully,
this is why it askst Growth Associates. We offer principal protection accounts, plans

index the financial markets, and plansthat also pay higher interest rates which are
designed to gather in gains without exposinginvestors to losses. To learn more about
such plans, I want you totake the time to call us an Asset
Growth Associates four O nine eight fourO sixty nine hundred. We have a

toll free number one eight six sixseven two eight three six nine seven.
Once you call that number, comein and talk to us. Learn more
about how you can maybe redesign yourinvestment strategy and use some principle or more
principal protection in it. And evenif you only do it in a short

period of time, maybe for afew years, it will at least give
you some growth, and it willalso wait to see what's going to happen,
and your money will be safe.It'll be there waiting for you when
the crisis is over, and you'llhave more opportunities to go back into the
market. The markets are not reallyyou know, in general, you're going

backwards, and we have these thesedownfalls, these declines, and they're very
dangerous because they're hard to make upand you never know what's going to happen
in the future. So a flightto safety might be a good plan right
now, because when it comes toinvesting money, we know the how to
help our clients that Asset Growth Associates. We have plans for the future and

we've got solutions for just about anyinvestment that you want to do. But
right now, the stock markets upone day but then down the next,
and so it has its challenges.We'll be back with more solutions right after
this. We're just trying to turna necle into what God, that's the

BottomLine. This is Gene Valerati ofAsset Growth Associates. If you've been watching
recent news, a few banks havehad a run where customers panic and withdraw
all their money at once, causingthe banks to fail. If that isn't
worrying enough. On January first,twenty twenty three, the Federal Reserve set

a new low reserve trump for nettransaction accounts to six hundred and ninety one
point seven million dollars, meaning thatbanks with net transaction account balances up to
this amount are subject to a reserverequirement ratio of zero percent. You heard

me right, zero reserve requirements.Forget fractional reserve banking. How about zero
reserve banking? Why would the FederalReserve create this environment of uncertainty? If
this is of concern to you,and it should be, we can show
you how to check yourself and howto locate and utilize financial institutions with very

real reserves, not zero reserves.Give us a call an Asset Growth Associates
one eight six six seven two eightthree six nine seven. That's eight six
six seven two eight three six ninetyseven. You can also reach us locally
in Beaumont, Texas by dialing fouroh nine eight four h sixty nine hundred.

Give us a call. You'll beglad that you did. Where just
trying to turn ancle into a die. That's the bottom line. Welcome back,
ladies and gentlemen you're listening to.That's the bottom line. Your weekly
radio show on KLBI. That tellsit like it is. Right before the
break, I was talking about investmentstrategies and here's a solution. The solution

segment that we do every week atthis time every week on this weekly broad
cast, we provide a solution foranyone listening to achieve a secure and dignified
retirement. Ask yourself, what doyou have in mind when you picture your
retirement. Do you look forward totraveling, maybe spending more time with your

family, or perhaps pursuing hobbies andinterests that you find enjoyable. Wouldn't that
be great hump? As anything inlife, to succeed, it takes a
little planning and Asset Growth Associates.We're here to help with solutions designed to
boost your income for retirement. That'swhat we do for a living. Ladies

and gentlemen, we have plans designedto protect your investment dollars from market losses.
They grow tax deferred with built inguarantees available for withdrawals as needed,
or guaranteed lifetime income. We offera variety of plans that provide retirement income,

either through fixed interest payments and orindex accounts and other crediting methods to
diversify your retirement strategy without the riskof loss caused by market downturns. For
example, right now, we canguarantee at ten percent guaranteed rate of return

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grows, and once money is addedto your account, the money remains.
They're immune from losses caused by marketdeclines. The contract resets annually and is

available for withdrawals or to produce asteady stream of income without the risks usually
associated with stock market volatility. Themain thing is you control your money coming
in or going directly to U asincome or unscheduled withdrawals. At Asset Growth

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investments in the stock market or indirectindex placements such as the S and P
five hundred another accumulation planning methods.Your money can grow without exposure to market
losses and come back to you asincome which cannot be outlived. To learn

more, you call us four Onine eight four O sixty nine hundred or
toll free one eight six six seventwo eight three six nine seven. You
call one of those numbers, makean appointments at an appointment an Asset Growth
Associates. I want you to knowthat we do it all and have been

operating for our clients for nearly fiftyyears now. We can also be reached
online by logging on to Save myretirement dot com. These accounts offer additional
features and benefits, providing cash paymentswhen you want or need to start receiving

them. And the one thing I'veexperienced over the years is how fast time
flies, and what seems like along time from now will be here before
you realize it. It's been said, the more things change, the more
they stay the same. And theneed for an enjoyable, dignified retirement requires

a plan of setting some money asidetoday for future use, right now,
financial planning can be challenging due toall the political intrigue we see happening on
a day to day basis and howpolitics can have a negative outcome on your

planning. We've solved that at AssetGrowth Associates by designing plans. Listen to
me designing plans based on individual riskanalysis, risk analysis with all our clients
and use this for the safe,predictable outcomes that can happen without exposing our

clients to the unnecessary market risks whichwe see happening all the time and often.
We can use these plans that containno risk at all. So either
way, you know you're going tohave a future where you're going to be
able to rely on some security.We can provide market link returns without exposure

to market risks. You've heard mesay this time and time again, and
we can do that. We haveplans that are designed to do exactly that.
So I want you to take thetime to call us four O nine
eight four O sixty nine one hundred. We have a troll free number one
eight six six seven two eight threesix nine seven and we can also be

reached by you logging onto your Internetlog on to save my retirement dot com.
We're interested parties can learn more aboutus and the work we do for
our clients. As they say,the journey of a thousand miles begins with
the first step. So you takethat first step today toward your financial future.

Call us four O nine eight fourh sixty nine hundred and don't forget
to sign up for free for ourfree electronic newsletter while you're visiting our website
at save my retirement dot com,because there you can receive investment ideas and
tips that will help you and yourfamily's future future planning. We're just trying

to turn a neckle into what next? The bottom line, We're just trying
to turn ancle into what dine next? The bottom line, people give it

up? Getting welcome back, ladiesand gentlemen. You're listening to that's the
bottom line. Your weekly show onk l v I Sundays at eleven a
m Saturday mornings at six am,and anytime you want to listen to if
you log on to save my retirementdot com. Everyone knows the economy has
been struggling since Biden took over thefederal government and his new era of tax

and spend has put a drain onprosperity. The antidote is to come in
and talk to us at Asset GrowthAssociates and consider moving investment funds into safe
principal protection account right now. Anew account can generate a guaranteed return of
ten percent in the first year andis something worth looking into. We're just

a phone call away, ladies andgentlemen four O nine eight four h sixty
nine hundred, or you can reachus online that Save my Retirement dot com.
For many number of reasons, thewind energy business is falling behind.

After months of warnings about rising pricesand logistical problems. Plans for more dependents
on wind mills to produce electricity arebeing scrapped. You heard me right there
being scrapped. A setbacks continue toemerge curtly. The US has been has

the largest market outside of China forproducing electricity with wind mills. As it
turns out, depending on the windto spin, the turbans keeps fall short
of expectations, not only in theUnited States but worldwide. And despite cost
overruns and falling short of expectations,the Biden administration, of course keeps pushing.

They want to keep pushing those windmillsand solar panels to generate the energy
that they just cannot produce. Ladiesand gentlemen, it's crazy. It's bizarro
world out there. Things are justnot going. Common sense is just not
It's thrown out the window when itcomes to investing a flight to safety.

However, I want you to callus an Ascent Growth Associates. We can
protect your nest. Dates. Clockon the walls telling me right now that
we're running out of time for thismorning's report. We'll be back next week,
of course, six am Saturday morningsand eleven o'clock on Sunday mornings.

In the meantime. God bless you, God bless your family, God bless
freedom loving Americans everywhere. We'll seeyou next week, same time, same
station, tuny. That's the BottomLine. You can reach Asset both associates by

calling one eight six six seven toeight thirty six ninety seven, are by
visiting save my retirement dot com.
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In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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