All Episodes

May 17, 2024 36 mins
GOP candidate Valdamar Archuleta in studio for a whole hour talking about his campaign.

This week's Fool of the Week also gets awarded.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Looking forward to hearing from you yourvotes for our Friday Fool of the Week
five seven, seven, three nine. Start them Ryan, if you would
please. Nicole from Kentucky says,it sounds like a Jerry Springer episode.
That's definitely number one. And thatwas the melee, of course on the
House Oversight Committee floor, a fightbetween Representative Marjorie Taylor Green Republican Georgia,

Representative Jasmine Crockett Democrat Texas and havingto get right in the middle of the
fray AOC Democrat New York. Andthat's where one of these votes is going.
So send those in, we'll tallythose up. Kelly, you'll keep
track, and we'll announce our winnerin quotes at the very Other nominees include
Michael Cohen for his text battle andWar with a fourteen year old prankster that

may totally unravel the entire case againstDonald Trump hilarious. And Eric Adams,
who claims that, hey, ifyou're a migrant and you a body of
water to get here Rio Grand comingover from Cuba through the Caribbean, then
that makes you a qualified expert swimmerworthy of lifeguard status in New York City.

Joining me in studio. He isa candidate in the first Congressional District
as a Republican Valdimore Archiletta. Youcan find out more about his campaign Archiletta
for Colorado dot com and you canfollow him on x at Archiletta the number
four c oh Valdemar. Welcome toit. Hey, thank you very much
for having me on today. It'sgood to be here. Always good to

have you in studio as well,and people are hearing First Congressional and the
first place my mind goes to whenI did research on your race. We've
talked about this. So I'm fortynine. I was born in nineteen seventy
four. Pat Schroeder preceded Diana deGett. He's only lived through two representatives
in city one and not and infact, you have to go back further

because Schroeder started in seventy three,the year before I was born. And
to your point, there's only beentwo in the first district for Colorado in
that entire span. I guess thatwould be an argument you would think for
term limits, right, Yeah,you would. And that's something I talk
about a lot with people when I'mout in the public and talking to the

folks. And that's a very bipartisanconcern. It doesn't matter if you're a
Republican, a Democrat, and independentand unaffiliated, a libertarian, whatever.
Everyone is concerned about what we're seeingin Washington, where we have people who
have become career politicians. And inthis country, career politician was not supposed
to be a thing. You weresupposed to go to Washington, do your

thing for a few years, andthen go back home and live your life.
But there are many people in Washingtonon both sides of the isle who
politics has been their career, that'stheir life. And I think when you
do that, you live in abubble. Your friends are politicians, you're
surrounded by politicians, and you forgetthe connection with the district that you represent

and the people that you represent.And so that is a problem that needs
to be addressed. I used tobe against term limits. I just thought,
you know, if the people votefro them and that's what they want,
that's what they should have. Ihave changed my thought on that because
I think the people are too easilyinfluenced into just voting for the incumbent without

really thinking about it. Like there'sfar too many people who just say well,
I know that person, I'll votefor them again. Well, it
goes back to the old Frank Zappaquote that I love, which is people
don't know what they like. Theylike what they know. So they see
a name that they recognize. Iguess I'll vote for that person. But
another they complain later? How comethis is happening in Washington? Why do
we have all these people there speakingof what's happening in Washington? An argument

for termaments maybe less than two years. I gotta get your reaction to this,
Valdemar. So let's say you springthe upset. You go Lake Placid,
the US Olympic hockey team, andyou oust the Red Army team told
be Diana to get in your triumphant, and you go and hey, Valdemar
Art, you Letta, you're inthe House Oversight Committee, you and you're
sitting there and then you witness thisunfold in front of your very eyes.

I'd like to know if any ofthe Democrats on this committee are employing Judge
Mershawn's daughter. Please tell me whatit has to do with Mary Garland.
Is she a porn stuff? OhGoldman, that's right, he's advising.
Okay, he's advising, what doyou do? You know what we're here

for? You know we're here,you know what you're here for. Well,
you don't want to talking about Ithink your fake eyelashes are messing up
nothing. Order, mister committee order. I do have a point of order,
and I would like to move toto take down miss Green's words.

That is absolute, lutely unacceptable.How dare you another person? Are your
feelings her words down? Girl?Baby girl? Oh? Really, don't
even play baby girl, and don't. We are gonna move and we're gonna
take your words down. The secondmotion, so so who will have that?

Miss Greene agrees to strick her words. I believe. Hold on.
Then after, mister Perry, youwill be recognized in mister I'm not apologized.
I am not apologizing. Well let'scome come on, guys, why
don't you debate me? Mister chairman, the minority RECOGNI you're not you're not

aboard, you don't have enough intelligence. Chair recognizes mister Perry. Okay,
lady's words again, that's too requeststo strike. That's two requests to they
cannot take the words. Another motionto strike your words again? Here and
here's the correct the correct part ofMiss Green. Do you ask, do

you agree to you nanimous consent tostrike your words? I repeat again for
the second time, Yes, mywords, But I'm not apologized that objection,
mister chair order, Who's it's me, Miss Crockett. I'm just curious,
just to better understand your ruling.If someone on this committee then starts

talking about somebody's bleach blonde, badbuilt, butch body, that would not
be engaging in personalities. Correct,what now, Chairman I make I make
a motion to strike those don't Idon't think that's all one part trying to
find clarification on what qualm bleach blonde, bad built, butch body. Now

I got to give Representative Crockett pointsfor a literation there if nothing else but
Voldemart. I've seen junior high studentcouncil that have gone better than this.
I would trust them more. Thatwas like you can do that as an
SNL sketch and not even just sayexactly word for a word, what happened
there? Yeah, I hadn't heardthat part. I I heard that something

like that happened, and I readlittle transcripts of it, but I hadn't
actually heard it. Are you sureyou want to be a part of that.
What's wrong with you that that?You know, politics is supposed to
be boring? That sounds like fun? Now? Could you have gotten in
some better? Uh? Verb Iwould just I'm not going to like engage
in that. I think that waskind of that doesn't make anyone involved there
look good. But also look atthe I don't know who the chairman was,

James Comer, but he has nocontrol what's going on. And I
heard there was one part at theend where he was like I can't hear
my hearing made or something like that. He's like, I don't know what's
going on. That whole thing isjust uh, illustration of why we need
new representation in Washington and why peopleare tired of right there's both extremes on

the right and the left not beingable to work together, and it's really
not new like we always Actually,oh, I can't believe this is happening
in Washington. You know, mymind's gone blank now. But you know
there was the guy who got beatwith the club on the floor at one
point back in the eighteen hundred civilYeah, you're right, like there's always

been Yeah, yeah, you knowyou know, I think like George Washington
when he was elected his his thoseelections were probably the last ones in our
country that were civil. Like immediatelyafter that, you know, you you
had Adams and Jefferson and it gotdirty right away, and so like that

kind of is politics. But thisis another level. And I think the
world we live in now, wherewe have cameras there where we can see
everything, it highlights it a littlemore and kind of should force our politicians
today to be a little more civiland respectful in those areas. But even
like you said with the chairman,it's like, we need people who are

gonna be able to be chairs ofthese committees that can maintain order. There
was a joke back in like Ithink the talk shows of the eighties where
I think exactly it was like Ithink it was Margaret cho who said,
like I love the Ricky Lake Showbecause she has no control over her audience.

Everyone on her show and the audienceare completely out of control. And
that's one thing when it's like realityTV entertainment. But it doesn't do well
for our country for us to seethat. So even though there is a
history of politics being a little roughwith all the cameras everywhere nowadays, like
our politicians need to understand that theyshould they should step up their game a

little bit and have a little morerespect, not just for each other,
but for the people they represent aswell, because if those are either one
your representatives, which they're not ours, so we can look at him like,
you know, that's Florida and Texas, they're they're reps. Isn't No,
it's Georgia, Georgia, Texas andNew York City. But to your

point, Representative Lauren Bobert, whodoes represent some of our listeners here and
might represent them in a different districtnext time around. From the third to
the fourth, she was right inthe middle of it, much closer to
home here. Well, she wasright in the middle of that and didn't
react. She did a sign ofthe cross at one point, I believe,
but I know I was actually veryimpressed by that, because again I
didn't I this is the first timeI've heard it, but I've seen pictures

of it, and I saw herjust like sitting there like, yeah,
not saying no words. You lookgood for her. Yeah, See That's
what I'm talking about. Now,He's Valdimorre Archiletta. You can find him
online Archie letter for Colorado dot com. He is, Now, do you
have opponents in your primary? Ido not. We have a very interesting
race in CD one because my Democratopponent does not have any primary opponents either.

I had. There were three ofus who were running as Republicans in
CD one, which is kind ofcrazy because normally they're like struggling to find
one. So this time we wereat three. But after assembly, I
was the only one who made itthrough. I was very grateful to our
assembly. I got seventy four percentof the did you go to the assembly?
I didn't see you? I did? You were there and I missed?

Tim? What's wrong about this?Was CD the CD one assembly,
but I was also at state Assembly. What did you think of that?
That was? Here's my thoughts.I personally like I I'm not a fan
of our caucaus system here in Colorado. And I can go on on that
for a long time as to why. And I'm saying this as somebody who

got on the ballot by the caucus. I went through assembly and that's how
I got on the ballot, andit worked for me just fine. But
I understand why that system isn't greatoverall, especially like Alex say, someone
lived in Grand Junction. I'm sorryto get off top, but if you
live in Grand Junction, you're inCongressional District three. You had your congressional
district the friday before a state Assembly. So I know people in Grand Junction.

They came here Thursday night to Pueblo, which is like a six hour
drive call there. They had tostay there overnight Thursday to go to their
assembly for CD one on Friday,then stay there Friday night to go to
the State Assembly. And some ofthem even stayed Saturday night. So that's
the travel, three days in ahotel, Like that's a lot of money.
That's a lot of expense just tobe to partake in this democratic process.

But anyway, I was at StateAssembly, going back to the point,
and again I personally like it justsimply because I know a lot of
our you know, Republican friends fromall over the state. So to me,
it's like a big family reunion.I get to see everyone, I
see all my friends, and it'sgood. The actual process of the Assembly

I wasn't completely thrilled with. Therewere things that happened there that I'm just
like, I don't see how thisis beneficial to our party. Oh you
can see, I think you knowfrom my experience there and I was there,
why we're having problems winning as aRepublican party in Colorado. Your race
removed from that equation. But we'reseeing unprecedented things happening. And you know,

I'm pretty good friends, i wouldsay with Christy Burton Brown, who's
the former chair, and now DaveWilliams is in that position. He's running
things a different way. And someof the floor votes that came up and
how those were conducted, and nowthey're offering up endorsements and primaries, which
when contested primaries, I don't thinkI've seen that before. To me,
it's like, you know, weare the party that is supposed to be
promoting individual thought, free thinking,and so we're going to have a lot

of different ideas, a lot ofdifferent viewpoints, and they're all going to
be there at State Assembly. Butit's kind of gone to the point,
I've called it like right wing Marxism, where it's like, all right,
we're almost becoming like a collective onthe right. This is what you must
believe, this is how you needto think and you need to get in
line, or you're not one ofus, and that kind of mentality.

I don't like one thing that happenedat State Assembly. I haven't heard a
lot of people talk about with theresolutions. I did kind of like that
we didn't have like twenty minute argumentson each resolution where everyone comes up,
but the way they were presented tothe audience is like, are you a
good person and you're gonna agree withthis? Are you a terrible horrible person
and you're gonna say no? AndI'm not really exaggerating, no, you're

not. It was presented like that, all right, who wants babies to
live? Stand up? Do youwant babies to die? All right?
Then stand up now? Like itwas presented to the people there that you
either agree with this and you're agood person, or you're gonna go the
other way and you're bad. Andso it almost made me wonder, like
how many people there? And Iactually agreed with most of the things they
were saying, but I still didn'tlike it because I'm like, if someone

disagrees with me, they should beable to free stand up and say I
disagree with that statement or that resolutionor whatever, and then some of them,
like the one with the endorsing greenprimaries. I think a lot of
people didn't know what they were standingup to because it happened so fast,
like all right, who wants toclose our primaries? Because typically in resolutions

like they don't become like locked.You know, this is a resolution,
is usually just this is something wewant to do, we want to make
it part of our platform, notthis is going to happen. So I
think a lot of people afterwards,because I heard people talking like what what
was that? What's happened? What'shappening now? And it was still in
that same kind of line of well, stand up if you are a good

person and agree with this, andso like a lot of people stood up
that one. I think there weremore people who didn't, but still like
the majority did and it happened,And I don't know, it's not it's
not my thing. I don't thinkthat, you know, the party should
take signes in the primary. ValdimarreArcholetta you can follow him on x at

Archiletta number four co. He's runningin the first congressional district. He's trying
to become the third member of Congressfrom that district since nineteen seventy three.
I'm gonna more details on that racein a moment, but you kind of
touched on something that's really had methinking Valdemar and that is why the purity
tests for these people that claim they'rejust, you know, lockstep with Donald

Trump. They support him, andthat's fine. Donald Trump himself, though,
wasn't a Republican for a long time. In fact, he donated to
Democrats for a long time. Hehas evolved, he has changed over the
years. He's not some died inthe world conservative or really in that level
politically motivated in any sense. Ithink he is shrewd and he makes evaluations

based on his perceptions of the issues. But I don't know how I square
those two things. Donald Trump beingthe way that he is kind of all
over the map, but you musthave fealty to all these positions. That's
not how Donald Trump runs his ballgame. But yes, it's not that.
That is what's interesting to me too, And I don't completely get it because

I've had people who were like theyhad asked me if I support Donald Trump,
and I was like, well,these are two options. I'm going
to vote for him. But thatstatement's not good enough. No, They're
like, unless I'm like out inthe street waving my Trump flag that They're
like, no, you're not.They're like, I'm not. I'm not
going to do that. Not thatI haven't done that in the past,

but you're doing that this round.But yeah, they're like, no,
that's not good enough. I'm notgoing to vote for you. Then I
vote for to get Yeah, isthat is that your solution? You're mad
that I am going to vote forhim, but I'm not going to.
I don't even know what they wanted. Like, I was like, I
don't know what more you want fromme? Then, like, real maggotypes

do you have in the first congressionaldistrict. I don't know what you're in
Denver, you know, it seemslike that'd be a small number of those
that are in the city's limits.Innocent. This was prior to Assembly because
then they were like, well,we need to look at some of the
other candidates we can support, buthonestly, well they didn't round up enough
of them to get them through.Now there is one. Valdimarre Archiletta is
our guest in studio for the fullhour. Appreciate his time. He is

the Republican candidate squaring off against Dianato get in the first congressional district.
It's a long shot race, buthe's in it to win it. We'll
get more details on that if youhave questions for and send them along five
seven, seven thirty nine. Startat Ryan right here on six thirty k
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online as well Master Ruter Dot Plumbing. That's Master Ruter Dot Plumbing for Master
Services, and tell them Ryan sentyou. Valdemar Archiletta, candidate for Congress
in the first congressional district against theincumbent Diana to get He is the Republican.
He is also the president of thelog Cabin Republicans. They've got an

event coming up tomorrow. You wantto talk about that real quick? Baltimore.
What's going on with that? Sure? Down in Colorado Springs, we
have our third Saturday Southern Colorado meetup, which is using in Colorado Springs sometimes
Pueblo. But we're going to theAdelweiss Restaurant. I love that place.
Six o'clock. You should come.Oh, my sister and I we stumbled

upon that place. We found itby accident, and what a happy little
surprise that one. Yeah, Ihear, it's amazing. I've all been
there myself, so it'll be myfirst time. It's so good that the
food's incredible, but then the atmosphere. They've got people in leader hosen they've
got accordions, playing their menus topnotch. Their desserts are out of this

world. So yeah, good choice. So every third Saturday, if you're
in the southern part of the state, I'm around Colorado Springs and that we
go down there and we do something. So yeah, come on over.
What time all start? Six o'clock, six o'clock. Okay, let's got
some texts five seven, seven,three nine from Patty point of information.

Did any of those congress members geta cat popped in their rear end?
I don't think so, and Ithink that was it was just a bunch
of you know, chitter chatter.They're all talk, they're all time,
good and good that you don't wantto dis erupting into something more. Patty
also continues saying, I have anothernominee for a fathered in fool Nancy Pelosi
saying good morning, Sunday morning.Do you think those were her safe words?

If George Stephanopoulos went too far?Wow, Patty a little spicy today?
What's going on there? Okay?Another text to Ryan, I don't
see what the big deal is aboutMTG's comments about Jazzy Crockett's I tarantulas.
Oh, that's harsh. My onlycomplaint is that she hasn't called out Auntie
mock scenes, ten dollars wig andbig plastic teeth. These are nasty.

Valdemar, whoa what are we waitingthrough here talking about the fight? Who
would win between these three? MaybeComedy Central needs to have like a roast
of the Congress, Oh the house? I mean, but how many minutes?
Like you know, we're gonna getit out, We're gonna put it
on Comedy Central. You just getfive minutes, come up here, say

whatever you want. Let's do this. We're gonna be over it all right.
Then we're all right, now,let's all move. It's a brilliant
idea. I would watch that.I don't know that any of these people
are self aware enough to realize theirridiculous one. But then to Voldemart to
have a sense of humor about oneself. It's a very strong shield to have,
and I think it says a lotabout your character. This one says

about the notion of a fight.MTG would win because as a Republican,
she probably works out and takes careof herself. Democrats don't work out because
they think going to the gym iswhite supremacy. Well, there's another joke
to be made there about MTG andthe local workout facility, if you know

what I mean, because okay,I'm just gonna come out with it.
It's Friday, we're gonna have somefun. Apparently she cheated on her husband,
not once, but twice with twodifferent men from the gym. If
I had that correctly, and Ibelieve that I do votes for your Friday
Fool Week if you're dating mpt Gout there. I know Shannon Scott's interested,

that's right, unless you're going withher, and even then, I
don't know votes for Fridays Full ofthe Week. AOC right there, and
it's actually trifecta triumvrit that you're watchingthere. The description of MTG was not
wrong. We'll get it back tothat in a moment. And then alexisays,
AOC oh girl, baby girl,my vote is for the Congress SmackDown.

Let's go back to the comments.This is from Representative Jasmine Crockett,
Texas about MTG. I believe thisis weird. It's me Crockett. I'm
just curious just to better understand yourruling. If someone on this Committee then
starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde,bad built, butch body that would not
be engaging in personalities. Correct,what now, Chairman, I make a

motion to strike those part. Idon't think that's all one to find clarification
on what qualk do you think?I think he's getting off too easy in
this is I think he is justas funny as all of them. The
fact that he has no idea what'sgoing on. He's so lost. I
mean, that's again part of thereason we need new people in Washington who

can, like you, understand what'shappening. Representative James. So you got
the Congress SmackDown, as Alexa callsit. We've got Eric Adams talking about
migrants being good swimmers and therefore theyshould be lifeguards in New York City.
And then Michael Cohen, what doyou make of that he gets here?
He did say they should be goodwith their good swimming. You want to

hear that, we have heard that. Let me just take your imagination for
a moment. If we had amigrant an asylum seeker plan that states those
jobs that we are in high demand, we could extradite. How do we

have a large body of people thatare in all city and country that are
excellent swimmers, and at the sametime we need lifeguards and the only obstacle
is that we won't give them theright to work to become a lifeguard.
That just doesn't make sense. Doyou think he was serious there or was

he being kind of snarky? Idon't even know, Like, I don't
know, how does he know they'regood swimmer? He doesn't know that is
making an assumption again, I veryI went back to like these individuals being
like SNL characters. I don't know. If you remember Tracy Morgan's Bryan Fellows.
Yes, that's what I think ofevery time I hear Eric Adams,
and that was probably terrible for meto say. I'll probably in trouble for

that. But I don't know.I don't think Bryan Fellows I was a
great sketch and I love Tracy Morgan. Yeah, good old days of SNL.
But health scare No, I don'tknow what he means. I think,
yeah, I don't know what hemeans by that, Like why why
does he assume they're good swimmers?Because they made it either across the real
Grand or the Caribbean. That isthat like it was. Did he insinuate

that somewhere else? I don't knowabout anywhere else but here, he certainly
seemed to. If he does insinuatethat, that's when. When's the last
time you got a prank phone call? Ottomar, when's the last time you've
been pranked on a phone call orin a text message from somebody you didn't
know. I get a lot ofweird text messages that I think are from
people I don't know and I don'tknow what they want, like just the

regular Hi, how are you justrandomly I don't know, I don't know
this number, or yeah, thoseare a lot of times those are bots.
If it's on social media, likewhat do you? What are you
doing today? Like who are you? I don't well, I mean I
wouldn't call that a prank. Idon't know what that is. Well.
A fourteen year old apparently texted MichaelCohen and got so under his skin that

it escalated to the point where hewanted to talk to the kid's parents and
threaten you know, I know theSecret Service, I'm going to send them
out. And you knew it wasa fourteen year old, or he knew
it was a kid, not itright at first, but then eventually he
did. He still yeah, andthen why about it? In terms of
what the phone call was that hemade to one of Trump's bodyguards, he

was in part inquiring about what todo about this fourteen year old prankster,
not about the payment to Stormy Danielsthat was being confirmed. So it's poketols
in his entire testimony. Now itmight ruin the entire case, and we
have this fourteen year old, fourteenyear old say, what was the I
don't even know. I don't evenknow that to be sure. But sad

when you're an adult and you're gettinginto a text battle with a fourteen year
old, you know, especially afteryou know like once you know, like
all right, this is a kid, right, but it go. The
one person that it doesn't surprise mewould do that is Michael Collen, just
the kind of guy that he seemsto be and just a real miserable human

and that it's just sad. He'sjust sad to me. And we'll take
it one more time out. We'lldo it right here, Jase, that
we got some time. On theother side. Valdemart Archiletta is in studio,
we'll talk a little bit more abouthis campaign in the first congressional district
between Now, he's already got thenomination locked up, so the primary won't
mean much. But then he goeson the stretch run for that race,
head to head with Diana de Gett, trying to spring the upset of the

century in Colorado politics. We'll comeback with more after this, Ryan Shuling
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they're all over the place. ThisTexter is saying MTG is a weightlifter.
She is? Anyway, I votefor mayor Mickadams. Yeah, Eric Adams.
There's no Mick in there, butyeah, to vote this is for
a Friday fool of the Week,and hark Adam's getting another vote right there,
and one that just popped up fromPatty She's spicy today. Well,
Saucy, my vote is for MichaelCohen fool and complete idiot Baltimore. We'll

give you a vote. Who wouldyou vote for the three nominees that we
had the Congressional Melee Michael Melee ishard to be right, and we were
talking all pretty good though, butyeah, that one. Everything about is
funny that both of them were sayingthings like, you know, funny,
not the right place, but funnyif it were like in a roast Con

in the middle doesn't Comber in themiddle, doesn't know what's going on,
Bobert just sitting there like the wholething is funny. God, I hope
it opens us now. It wouldbe one of the biggest misses ever.
If they don't, I don't evenMaybe they don't have a show this week,
I don't know, but whenever theirnext show is, they should I
think think you're right, probably couldbe it right at the end of the

season, although I don't know ifthat changes for an election year, like
a big election year like yeah,I'm not sure either what they're seeing.
Might do a few during the summer, but does You're right, it ends
right around this time every year,middle of May, Valdimar. I want
to give you a chance. Youknow, we talked so much about you
getting out there and getting name recognitionand people recognizing who you are and what
you're running for. You're having totell that story. Is Diana to get

to your knowledge even running against youright now? She even running a campaign.
She doesn't have to. Right whenI spoke once and I was at
one event and there was someone Iwas talking to was a Democrat, and
he even said to me that,like a lot of Democrats aren't really happy
with her because she liking that bigmelee. Where was she? She's not

adding to the conversation, right,She just kind of goes to d C
does her thing, doesn't really domuch. You know. I think a
lot of people in Denver, onthe Democrats, I would rather have someone
who is a fighter there mm hm. And she's not that. So I
asked, you know, why isn'tsomeone running against her? He told me,
well, she just has too muchof the machine behind her, like

the machine, so no one iseven on the Democrats side, they're not
going to go up against her,not even like a far left no one.
She had no challenges at all.And wow, it's just it's just
it's difficult for anyone to beat her. And she doesn't have to campaign much.
She doesn't have to do much,And like, when it comes to

my campaign and myself and I kindof don't blame her. Her best strategy
is to just pretend I don't exist. Do you think she knows who you
are? She's got it, sheknows who I am. I've had the
there was I met the chair ofthe Denver Democrats. He saw me somewhere
and he came up and said Hi. He was a very nice guy,

but he knew who I was.So I'm like, but there's not gonna
be a debate. No, weare gonna. I'm gonna try very hard
to push do a debate. I'vealready thrown a few things out on Twitter.
I know it's called x now,but I will probably always call it
Twitter for the rest of my lifeand always tag her in it, Like,
are we going to debate? Ithrew something out this week. I

think after Biden and Trump agree toa debate, I'm like, all right,
they're gonna debate. Are we goingto debate? Yeah, so as
time goes on, I will continueto do that. Poke, are we
going to debate? Are we goingto debate? Start tagging some media sources
and I don't care. We cando it on we can do it on
nine news. Let's moderator, Idon't care, moderator, choose whoever you

want, choose the place. Idon't care. Let's just let's do it.
The people of Denver deserve to hearoptions, and far too longly in
the city of Denver. They it'sso one sided when it comes to politics.
Oh that that's not healthy. Thepeople should at least be able to
hear other solutions to problems and issuesthat were fake in the community. What's

the biggest thing that would change ifwe take Diana to get out and plug
in Valdemar Archiletta instead. Well,I mean, I definitely want to get
Congress under control in the valley one. Spending is too much. Oh yeah,
I think the biggest complaint I hearfrom the people of Denver is the

high prices of things, the highprices of housing, and Congress has not
had a balanced budget since like twothousand and one. I think, you
know, it wasn't back. Youcan even go back to like Clinton Clinton
Ingridge Gingridge when they actually passed abalanced budget. Since then, like it

hasn't happened. And people just thinkthat the United States is too big to
have any kind of economic collapse,and that's not true. And so that
is one massive thing that I thinkneeds to come under control. Government has
gotten too big and it needs tobe reined in a little bit, and
I would definitely support various measures measuresto do that. In different regards.

I was having a conversation the otherday about the Department of Education because people
like to talk about, you know, we should abolish it, and I
think that wording kind of scares peoplebecause it's not kind of extreme. But
if you look at ways to doit, there are ways you can kind
of redistribute the department so that you'rereally just kind of reorganizing the federal government.

And that's just one example. Yeah, but I'm look, how many
departments there are in the federal government. Can some of them be consolidated together
so we don't have to have fullon administrative staff for all these different departments.
Things need to change the government justkeeps growing and growing and growing,
and it's time that that reverse andgo back the other way. And so

I think we need people in Congresswho are going to be responsible enough to
do what's right and not just like, oh, we and more, I
will give you more money because theythink, you know, it'll make people
happy, I'll get more votes,I'll get more support now. But our
politicians need to be adults now.And is that you need to do.
You need to do one and sometimesyou need to do things that might make

people unhappy, and making the governmentsmaller is one of them. Archiletta for
Colorado dot Com. Valtimore Archiletta,thank you so much for being here,
Kelly our winner Friday Fool of theWeek. The tally of the votes quickly,
we are running out of time,thanks for Congress Congressional melee that that
is what Valdemar is running to stuffout. So best of luck to you,

have a great weekend all of youas well. Stay tuned in.
Camplus is next
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