All Episodes

May 8, 2024 36 mins
Migrants in Denver have a new list of demands for the city's shelters.

Rockies Producer Jesse Thomas was on the road in Mexico and in Pittsburgh as he shares his adventures. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ryan schuling back with you on sixpoint thirty k how and I ran into
my counterpart, Mandy Connell, acrossthe hall and she saw him wearing a
Detroit Tiger's gear today and they lostto the Guardians, the Artists formerly known
as the Indians, and they lostthat series two games to one. Anyway,
she oh, It's been always beenmy dream to interview Tom Selleck.

Of course a noted Tiger's fan inhis own right. He's participated in spring
training a couple of times down inLakeland, Florida with the Tigers, and
of course the iconic Tiger's hat thathe were bore during Magnum Pi and I'm
wearing that right now. I donot look nearly as good as Tom Selleck,
including present day Tom Selleck, whichhe's in his seventies and he's handsome

as ever. Not rocking the mustachethough, and that was the perfect mustache,
I think. Ever, they haveMagnum p I nights still at Tiger's
games occasionally, and you'll get youngerguys dressing up in the Hawaiian shirt,
mustache, faker reel, sunglasses anda Tiger hat. And it made me
wonder which would be more extreme MandyConnell fangirling in an interview with Tom Selleck,

which would be off the charts orthe one that I'm following up on.
Cherie Curry, lead singer Runaways,who called me Sweetie in a direct
message on Twitter slash x me interviewingher fan boying for her. I don't
know. I think that's a closecall. That Kelly is going to be
as close of a call as wesaw in the Kentucky Derby over the weekend.

But I think they would rival oneanother's good. It would be good.
Yeah, she's selling her house though, Cheri Curry. So I gotta
be patient, can't. I can'tseem too eager. You know. It's
like I'm asking her to prom andit's like I do a caller. You
know, what do I say?You know, I don't want to come
on too strong. I don't wantto scare her away. But ultimately I

think I'll be victorious and Scheri Currywill appear on this program, and she's
got a lot to say. Youcheck out her x feed. To say
she's one of us is putting itmildly. I think she's one of Kelly
to the right of a till ofa hunt. As Michael Brown says,
over there, and I'm okay withthat. I'm a very big fan of
that. That would be a MayDecember romance for years, truly, because
I think she's available. So whoknows where it leads. I'm just saying,

I'm just trying to speak it intoexistence. That would be fun your
text. Let's get to some ofthose before I continue into our next topic,
which is you know, by thegrace of God, Jesus give me
strength. I'm just trying my bestto present this in a very straightforward manner
and have you react to it.Five seven, seven thirty nine. Start

the text, Ryan, if youwould please, This textor says, not
only do they hate the country,everyone else is racist. Five exclamation points
and they'll destroy you. I agreewith you. Text her with one exception.
You might have needed a sixth exclamationpoint. Racist just such a week
fallback, de facto argument. It'stheir way out of any kind of debate

whatsoever. They just shut you downor try to and it's ridiculous. And
you know, I gotta dig thisup too. So we got some nominees
this week. I don't know howwe're going to get down to three for
Friday, full of the week.But if you have a nominee, text
that to me five seven seven threenine. We had se cup from CNN
that said Trump voters they just don'thave very high standards, but Biden voters,

their standards are too high. That'sa great nomination. Well, let
me get to this so that wecan kind of lay out the where things
are going here. Representative Maxine Waters, I mean, this is gaslighting on
an infinite level. She has askedabout the protests on college campuses, but
she turns this right around and says, no, no, no, The
ones you gotta worry about are thoseMagya Republican patriots. This is a man

who we better be careful about.And I tell you what I'm going to
do. I'm going to ask theJustice Department, and I'm going to ask
the President to tell us what they'regoing to do to protect this country against
violence if he loses. I wantto know about all of those right wing
organizations that he's connected with who aretraining up in the hills somewhere and targeting,

you know, what communities they aregoing to attack. What training up
in the hills somewhere? Did Imiss something. Was there supposed to be
a meeting that I wasn't invited to? Or are we doing some training?
Are we going up in the hills? What the hell is she talking about?
We are watching these riots happen oncollege campuses in real time. But

the real threat, people is allof us mag is on the right.
We're gonna go training up in thehills like Rocky. Remember, we're gonna
have the theme music playing. IvanDrago is gonna be taking the steroids on
the treadmill. We're gonna be chasingchickens. We're gonna be pulling like a
sled in the snow. We're gonnago up to Aspen. We're gonna train.
We're gonna train. Okay, We'regonna train up in those hills,

and then we're gonna pounce. I'mnot sure we're gonna do one of the
other though, and we might doboth. If they really push us too
far, we might pounce and seasmy goodness, Representative Maxine Waters, God
bless her, Democrat California. Theother one, I'm mad at myself.
I didn't collect yet. Governor KathyHochel, who suggests that well, black

kids in the city they don't knowwhat a computer is. She literally said
that, and I gotta get thatsound, but that'll have to wait till
tomorrow, but you'll have it.And that's three nominees right there, Kelly.
Those are strong in early and Wednesday. There could be some Hall of
Fame nominees Thursday and Friday. I'mjust I'm excited about it. Really,

Howard Stern are defending champion all rightnow the serious stuff. I want to
thank Kelly. She was voicing overone of these packages. It'll be the
second one that you hear translating fromSpanish to English. And the reason I
was able to do not that I'mextremely fluent in Spanish. I took two
years in high school. I knowsome words. If people speak very slowly,

I can kind of break it down. I can write it, I
can speak it if I'm reading itfrom a page. The conversational back and
forth is you know, it's it'slike going what I've heard about English people
trying to learn this language, thatwe talked too fast, and that's how
I would feel in reverse. Butanyway, it was a nine News package

and the translated words were on thescreen, so I just typed those out
had Kelly read them. Because it'saudio only, you'll get to hear her
in just a moment at first.To set things up, Denver's illegal migrants,
they've built an encampment and they areprotesting the city's shelter system. It's

just not good enough. Further tothat point, they've made a list of
demands. Here's Fox thirty one,this wrong one. The camp as a
collective came up with a list ofdemands that came out after a petition by
city officials for migrants to move fromthis encampment near train tracks under a bridge
to indoor shelters funded by the city. This morning, they sent buses to

take people over without presenting that documentand without having any kind of signature for
accountability. That's what migrant advocate vReeves says the city responded with. Instead
of meeting the migrants' demands, we'vebeen offering time in shelter, basically just
trying to get families to leave thatcamp and come inside. John Ewing with
Denver Human Services says shelter comes withits perks, namely getting out of these

conditions outdoors. It comes with threesquare meals a day. You can cook
your own if you'd like to.That is one of the main demands by
these migrants who have had their grievancesin the past about the food provided by
the city. There have been somany complaints about the food being spoiled or
not being enough, and malnutrition amongstchildren. Migrants who do stay in shelters
are often put on a path towarda work permit. Reeves says, these

folks haven't received the same benefits,even any kind of official housing or immigration
document support, which is incredibly necessaryfor them to be able to navigate the
bureaucracy around these systems. The citysays its own offer comes with these benefits.
What do you qualify for? Whatdo you not qualify for? What
might be something that is a feasiblepath for you to success, That is

not saying on the streets of Denver. We try to compromise, We try
to figure something out. You know, at the end of the day,
what we do not want is familieson the streets of Denver. Yeah.
So, in all the Migrants Centerlist of thirteen demands to the city.
The city meanwhile says it is continuingto send buses to this encampment for any
migrants who change their mind and wantto take that offer for city funded shelter,

whether it be congregate or in ahotel. These are not migrants.
And I've been pushed very far tothe right on this issue. It wasn't
comfortable at first with the term illegalalien, although that is the legal,
accurate term. I'm per Michael D. Brown in the mornings, he's made
that point. But now now,since they banned such words on the floor

of the Colorado House, like nohuman is illegal in this house, no
human is illegal. That's not true. You can be in this country illegally,
and therefore you are here illegally,and therefore you are illegal. You
don't have a right to be here. There's a process, or there should
be. Do you becoming an American? Or do you working in America.

It's not a right, it's aprivilege that's granted to you, maybe but
maybe not. I get so workedup over this, you know, but
now they've made a list of demands, don't you know thirteen of them.
You come to this country with nomarketable skills, you don't know the language,

you aren't employable, and you haveno job prospects lined up. But
you've got your hand out, andyou want we American taxpayers to pay your
freight. How about no, howabout GT to the FO. You are
not our problem. We have problemsin America. We have people that are

struggling on our streets, homeless,drug addicted. We have veterans who have
served this country, put their liveson the line for this country, who
are disabled, who are mentally ill, who are addicted, who need help,
but we're going to forsake them.So no, let's accommodate you who

are in this country illegally, whohave no right to be here, who
have no prospects, no dreams,ambition to become an American, to have
that as a tangible goal. I'msorry, I can't go for this.
But here's the list of demands Iwant you to hear them. This is
from Chris Parente on x Migrant demandsto accept conditions at a shelter. So,

not only are they coming in herewith a handout, they're not happy
with what they have to offer theshelter. It needs to be better.
Here's how they want it to bebetter. Point one of thirteen. Migrants
will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the city.
That means you and me, Denvertax payers, all of us,

instead of pre made meals, rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter,
tomatoes, onions, et cetera.Also, people will not be punished
for bringing in and eating outside food. Okay, I can go with that
last point. But now culture,no, Now, you're in this country.
You're in this country. Pal,you're here, You're gonna eat what

we give you. I'm just gettingstarted. Okay. Two Shower access will
be available without time limits and canbe accessed whenever. We are not in
the military. We're civilians. That'sin the man. That last part I
didn't make that up. Okay.Point three Medical professional visits will happen regularly

and referrals connections for specialty care willbe made as needed. And guests who
gets to pay for that? Thatwould be you and me. Yep,
we're paying for a lot of crappiera lot. Point four. We're not
only one point four, there's thirteen. All will receive the same housing support
that has been offered to others.They cannot kick people out in thirty days
without something stable established. How aboutyou create your own housing arrangement. You

seek that out, You make thathappen. You find a job, you
earn some money, and you putdown a deposit on an apartment. And
if you can't do that, there'sthe border. Point five. There needs
to be a clear just process beforeexiting someone for any reason, including verbal,
written, and final warnings. Pointsix. All shelter residents will receive

connection to employment support, including workpermit applications for those who qualify, What
about those who don't? Point sevenConsultations for each person slash family with a
free immigration lawyer must be made.So lawyer consultation are they? Are they

going to do that pro bono?Maybe? But if not, we're paying
for it. Okay. Point sevenlet me see continuing now in that one
must be arranged to discuss progress theircases, and then the city will provide
ongoing legal support in the form ofimmigration document clinics and including transportation to relevant
court dates. People gonna provide uberand lift services for free notes, somebody's

gonna pay for that, and that'snot then that'll be US. Point eight.
The city will provide privacy for familiesand individuals within the shelter. Point
nine. No more verbal or physicalor mental abuse use will be permitted.
From the staff, including no sheriffsleeping inside and monitoring twenty four to seven
blank the police right. We arenot criminals and we won't be treated as

such. That's in the demand.That was Point number nine. Point ten.
Transportation for all children to and fromtheir schools will be provided until they
finish in three weeks. Again,transportation that comes up a couple of times.
They're number eleven. No separating families, regardless of if family members have

children or not. The camp willstay together. Point twelve. The city
must schedule a meeting with the mayorand those directly involved in running the newcomer
program. There's that term newcomer thatimplies their staying for good. They're gonna
asap to discuss further improvements and waysto support migrants ae ie illegal immigrants,

illegal aliens, people that are hereillegally, not here by virtue of legal
means. I feel like I haveto keep explaining that zero point thirteen.
The city must provide all residents witha document signed by a city official in
English and Spanish. No, you'rein this country, speak English. I
don't think that's too much task.If I go to Spain, am I
gonna expect everybody around me to speakEnglish, or in France, or in

Zimbabwe or anywhere else where English isnot the primary language China, Japan.
No, no, I would not. I would not be entitled to expect
that anyway. The city must provideall residents with a document signed by a
city official in English and Spanish,with all of these demands, that includes
a number to call to report mistreatmentor if they aren't met. You know,

Tony Soprano had to reply that Ithink is appropriate. Right now,
you're entitled, dish, that's whatyou're entitled to beat it. I know,
I don't know if you have enoughtime for this next one. Let's
go with it. Migrants living nearrailroad tracks in Denver's Central Park neighborhood are
going to be swept from that spottomorrow. The city has offered shelter and

the people living there have refused it. Our Angelay McCall explains why the migrants
here are not only fighting the elements. This is where the kids sleep and
meet with them, all of us. They're fighting for a chance at stability.
Well, it's not easy because youaren't accustomed to living like this,

but it's what I have to do. Mandy Pimental has been at the Central
Park Encounpment for a month with herfour kids. With this we warm up.
It's what we used to heat.Mandy wants to stay at this encampment,
but the city has a plan sweeptomorrow because it's on private railroad owned
property. Tomorrow, they've said thatwe will have to vacate. Denver Human

Services says, families here have beenoffered thirty days in congregate sheltering. All
of those offers turned down. Butmy experience here in Denver in the shelters
hasn't been good. Declined over distrust. Families here don't necessarily believe the offer
will become a reality. It's nota guarantee that they will just from their

work that we are going to ashelter. If they don't give me a
piece of paper that says they guaranteethat I'm going to stay for thirty days,
one month, two months in theshelter. Even advocates have different ideas
of what's best. Some want peopleto accept the sheltering, Others want the
city to improve shelter conditions before familiesaccept. My plan is to work in

partnership with the Mayor's office to figureout what we might be able to do
to keep folks from being sweat.Council member Chantell Lewis is working to find
a solution from feedback she heard today, Ultimately, it's no different than a
lot of the things that we hearfrom communities is that there's an ass to
stay together, which I think isa perfectly normal ass that we hear from

many folks who end up gathering inthis way. Families here want some kind
of when they can trust will forstability that won't put them in an even
worse position. I'm here with myfamily, with everyone. If tomorrow they
kick us out with force, Idon't know where I'll be, if I'll
be in a room or return toanother place to camp. This encampment has

been set up for weeks. Itwas run by All Souls and nonprofit that
is now asking people to move fromthe camp before the sweep tomorrow. Meanwhile,
Houski's Action Network has also been involved. They want those demands met thirteen
in total. That would include,for instance, letting migrants cook at the
shelter, creating more access to showers, and offering consultations for immigration. You
feel for the migrant family though thatare getting different pieces of advice from different

nonprofit partners who are all trying tokind of help in their own way,
right, And ultimately you also havecity partners like Vivay and Papagayo, you
know, trying to also step inoffer resources. The city says that they
have desperately tried to do outreach outthis camp. A spokesperson says when they've
been there, migrants have had water, for instance, so they wanted to
step in. They've also offered resourceslike vaccine clinics. They say advocates quote

have been preventing us from getting peopleinside. That's not a good situation,
all right, Angela McColl keep usupdated. Please the audacity to come to
this country. What was your plan? What did you think was going to
happen when you got here? Andthat answer makes me angrier because they didn't
have a plan. They thought theywould show up and we would take care

of them. And if you enablethat, there's just more on the way
any other country you'd go to onthis planet. And I know we like
to think of ourselves as the tiredand the poor, and we're welcoming them
here and that's fine. I loveimmigrants. My mom was an immigrant.
My grandparents came here brief recap ofthat story fleeing a Yugoslavian dictator Communism Tito

granted the asylum by President Truman nineteenfifty. But they had conditions when they
came here. They had a sponsorthat was already here, somebody that would
vouch for the them. They hadto go through either Ellis Island or Boston.
They had to have job prospects linedup. They had to have a
plan. In other words, theyhad to assimilate to American culture. They

had to commit to being an American. They had to learn English and speak
it here. And both of mygrandparents separately lived the American dream because they
came here and they wanted to contributeto it. They had a stake in
it, they had agency in it. They didn't just show up like welfare
cases and expect this country to takecare of them. There was no harder

worker on this planet than my grandfather, who ran his own farm in southern
Illinois, who worked for Anheuser Buschin Saint Louis, Missouri during the winners.
He worked himself literally to death atthe age of sixty nine. My
grandmother too, worked on the assemblyline at Detroit Diesel for General Motors.
She showed up every day on time. She worked hard in this country.

She didn't expect anyone to give heranything. My grandmother for a time was
here alone with my mother before shemarried. My mom's stepfather had two more
kids. You know which government assistancethey ever received? None? Zero.
Ever. They made their own liveshere in this country, and we should

demand the same of anybody else whocomes here. That's the pride in being
an immigrant. That's what I talkedabout with Greg Lopez and his parents,
who were migrant farmers here in Michiganand elsewhere. They worked hard, They
took being an American seriously. Thisis a joke, this is a mockery.
This is insulting, and it's notgood for the migrants to enable them

either. They've got to stand upon their own two feet now, they've
got to get there. But theyshouldn't have been let in in the first
place. Again, if they didn'thave a plan, and they don't any
other country, I would go toany other country, and I would not
expect that country as well fair programto take care of me. I would
go to Ireland. I want tobe Irish and I'm gonna work as hard

as I can to make that happenfor me. But no, we've then
fanalized these people. We condescend tothese people, we patronize these people,
and it's sick your reaction. Fiveseven to seven, three nine. Start
at Ryan. We go on theroad with the Rockies. He's back in
town. Jesse Thomas, radio engineerfor the Colorado Rockies. He'll talk to

us about his experience in Mexico,on the road in Miami and Pittsburgh as
well. Still to come after thisRyan schuling on six thirty k Houn.
There was a frost row warning lastnight. I had to cover my new
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thirty four thirty four oh six,Master Ruter Dot Plumbing. That's the website,

Master Ruter Dot Plumbing for Master Services, and tell them Ryan sent you.
Jesse Thomas does make music with hisfriends on the road. It's the
musical dulcet tones of Jack Corgan andJerry Shemel call in Colorado Rockies games both
at home and on the road.We got a lot to catch up on

with Jesse uh this week, thoughthey're at home in the midst of a
three game series against the San FranciscoGiants. First pitch Tonight's schedule for six
forty pm in the Mountain timesz On. I'm excited. I'm going to Saturday
night's game with my friend Kelly,her husband Adam and listener Summer. She's
coming down from the mountains. She'sa mountain person, but she's going to

come descend down de Coors Field andwe're all going to the game against the
defending World Series champion Texas Rangers.That'll be on Saturday night. So I
want to give credit to the Rockiestoo. Talk to you about Kelly and
I's misfortune with the last home standthat we were at, and that was
the Seattle Mariners. The weather wasbad, you know, we had some

issues with the ushers we did.But to the Rockies credit, they reached
out to me via email and itwasn't about what I just talked about.
It was about the weather and theysaid, look, we know Colorado rat
weather is terrible in April. Soas a reward for coming to the game
and toughing it out, here's fourfree passes for an upcoming home game in
May. And that's what we're doingon Saturday night. So thanks to the

Rockies for that. Joining us nowLive. Are you from the stadium,
Jesse, Yeah, I'm sitting herein the KOA booth as we speak.
It is good to be home.Yeah, I want to thank you again
because Kelly and I came gave youa visit. I know you're very busy
while those games are going on,but we had a great time. Oh
yeah, no sweat. You guysare welcome up here anytime. I'll let
you know. Now. You mentionedthe fact we previewed kind of the Mexico

City series that two gamer over theprevious weekend against the Houston Astros, and
you kind of gave us a sensefor what you were seeing, the sites
and sounds, et cetera. Takea look back though at that experience and
what do you reflect upon what standsout? It was an experience for sure,
tough broadcasting conditions for what I do. So we were right off the
main concourse and kind of like aportable construction tough shed type of operation,

oh with holes drilled in the floorwhere all our communication lines came from.
So it wasn't ideal. That said, I'm really glad we had an opportunity
to do it. We got knockedoff the air a couple times because of
the Internet. Such a situation downthere. But even with that we still
made the best of it and itwas a once in a lifetime opportunity.

That stadium is very unique, soit only holds about twenty thousand people,
and they were, let's just sayfestive. The beers were flowing, the
tequila was flowing, and they werehaving a very good time. Houston Astros
fans outnumbered Rockies fans about I wouldsay one hundred to one. That's expected,

but it was still a good time. So it really was like Kenny
Powers East found in down scenario.It was a totally different situation. Yeah,
and very similar, yes, forthose who know that reference, it
was very very similar. And whatwas crazy was like the vendors there carry
around. It's not you know,hot dogs and cracker jacks and peanuts.
They have like Mexican candy and likecup of noodles and just a mi solatas

like margarite. It was wild,but yeah, it was a good time.
Now Jesse Thomas joining us. Heis the on the road engineer in
it home of course, that's wherehe's joining us from right now coors Field
as he gets ready for the gameagainst the Giants tonight, and he joins
us on the road segment here.I got a couple of questions about each
of the last two venues that youwere at. First of all, the
Miami Marlins formerly known as the FloridaMarlins, And when I was there,

it was two thousand and seven JesseI was working for Florida Atlantic University in
nearby Boca Ratone, and they werestill kind of playing in a makeshift football
stadium. I think it was JoeRobbie at the time, and there was
a lot of issues with that interms of seating and the game experience.
But they've totally redone it. Theygot a nice new stadium. There.
Is it indoors or do they havea retractable room? Oh no, it's

it's definitely indoors. Now, yeah, they can open it and they have
giant glass windows in center field thatare kind of on rollers that kind of
retract if they want to open itup, but they rarely do it once
it passes. Once it gets intoMay, it was afternoon, thunderstorms pop
up so often that it's usually buttonedup pretty good. But they do have
the option to open it if Ithink a couple of years ago, they
were there for opening Day and that'sthe only time i've ever seen it open.
Lone Depot Park is what they're callingit now. That could change over

time, of course, with adifferent sponsor. But your reflections on the
experience in Miami, with these newaccun Tremont and everything that's going on in
South Florida, what were you ableto enjoy, Jesse, Well, unfortunately,
we had a significant delay going fromMexico City to Miami, so we
didn't get to the hotel until aboutseven am on our off day. But
that still didn't Everybody went on theirown ways and we're kind of used to

that anyway, so people played golf, people went fishing, all that.
Now, the stadium itself is reallyweird. It's kind of like broadcasting from
an terrarium, I'd like to referto it as, because there's nobody there
and the sound just bounces off allof those empty seats. So it's a
very weird place to mix the showfrom and very unique. Like the only
time I've ever seen that place fullwas for the World Baseball Classic a couple

of years ago, so it's veryunique in that way. They do have
a bobblehead museum there, which ispretty cool. That is cool, YEP,
what else do you need to knowa culinary highlight if there was one
in South Florida for you, Well, we stay out in Biscayne Bay,
so we're kind of at a resorttype place. But you can't go wrong

with fish tacos out there. AndSouth Florida's home of black and grouper,
So any place that has black andgrouper sandwiches, I think I ate about
five or six of those nice.So yeah. And then at the park
itself, they have like all theirconcession stands on the main concourse are all
kind of catching names like foul Pole, f w or Fowl. And then

there's a place called Intentional walk wOk that serves uh dumpy like the basketful.
I know it's corny, but thefood. Yeah, so you can
go get yourself some noodles in abig bucket full of dumplings. It's fantastic.
Yeah. Two things in South Floridathat you gotta get. The grouper
sandwich, as Jesse said, that'sa home run. And I don't know

if they have it in South Floridaas much as the Bay area, but
Stone Crab that's in Shumason, andyeah, I think it's in season until
Memorial Day or maybe a week fromnow. It's like mid May to late
May, and then it's not inseason for the whole summer. So you
gotta enjoy it. Why you ken? Final note on PNC Park, Pittsburgh,
Roberto Clemente Bridge, Jesse, Igotta say, this is one of
my favorite ballparks in all of MajorLeague Baseball. Your response agreed. It's

in my top two for sure.Wow. So when we were there,
we stayed just across the bridge,and we walk any place that we can
walk to. I'm a big fanof So yeah, you stay just across
the bridge there, you get upwhenever you want to go and get yourself
a cup of coffee, walk overthe Roberto Clemente Bridge, and you're at
the ballpark in about six minutes.So it is stunning. It's the highest
broadcast venue I think in Major LeagueBaseball. We are way up there.

If you want to check my Instagramstories at broadcast Jesse, I have a
few pictures of it. It's wild. We're way up there, but it's
beautiful. And for the first timeRyan in nine years going to Pittsburgh,
uh huh, we did not havea rain delay oh one, it was.
If you're living right, Ryan,I'm telling you in early May.
Now one more question before I'll letyou go. Yep, Permane Brothers,
did you go? Okay? Idid not. I am not a big

Permancy Brothers guy. Okay. Iused to get there. Too dry for
me. I think they're just toodry. Yep. There's a place called
Pepe's in Pittsburgh. I go instead, and that's way better in my opinion.
All Right, I'll keep that inmind. Pepees instead of Premento Brothers,
which they put the French fries onthe sandwich. And yes they do.
And to Jesse's point, it canbe a little dry. I love
your critiques because you give us thegood, you give us the bad,

you give us the ugly, andthen you give us ideas on where to
go. Jesse, great stuff.As always, we'll catch up on your
road to San Diego after this weekendseries against the Rangers. Sounds like a
plan, Thanks Ryan. All right. Jesse Thomas on the road with the
radio engineer of the Colorado Rockies andthey play tonight six forty pm, first
pitch in the Mountain time zone againstthe San Francisco Giants. The second of

three games there and then this weekendI'm going Saturday night. The world champion
Texas Rangers are in town, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One last break.
We'll be back. Wrap it upwith your text five seven seven three
nine start on Ryan Ryan schuling onsix point thirty k. How Master Services
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dot Plumbing for Master Services. Andtell them Ryan sent you here. We
are sprinting to the finish of thereal time update. The House has just
voted to table the recommendation and theoffering up to remove Speaker Mike Johnson by
Representative Marjorie Taylor Green. Her effortfails. They killed it. It's over.

We hope we'll see Ryan schooling backwith your text five seven seven three
nine. Always start them, Ryan, Ryan, all of this is one
hundred percent proof FJB has totally soughtout sold out this country. God help
us, Texter. You're right.He doesn't stand up for the border,
and that's intentional free shelter, freeunlimited showers, free food which is cultural
appropriate, which for me is steakand potatoes. Says this text, free

legal advice. How do I signup? Yeah, I don't get that.
I don't get that. I'm atax paying American born and raised here.
I don't get any while. Yeah, I can take free unlimited showers,
but I pay the rent. I'vegot a job that work very hard
to get here. Okay, Ryan, would you please what kind of jobs
will the illegals get to afford tolive here? Good luck? Well,
you're right, but I'm not theone that chose to come here. That'd

be them. And if it wasa bad decision, that's on them.
If you didn't have a plan.That's my whole thing. That's the theme
of the day. For an immigrantthat comes here, that has a plan,
that wants to succeed, that wantsto contribute to our society, that
wants to work hard. God lovethem. I want every immigrant here that's
like that. We need more immigrantslike that. But those aren't the people

that are coming here. The peoplethat are coming here have a handout and
they don't want to have any agencyin it. It's an accord. It's
one hundred one hundred. America willgive to you opportunity, but it's up
to you to take advantage of thatopportunity. We're not just gonna give you
free stuff. Unless you're the Democrats, then they will. Ryan. They
are here illegally, so they arecriminals by definition. You're right, they

cross the border, they committed acrime, they broke a law. Yes,
not all of them, and notmany of them are true asylum seekers
as that term is defined. That'sbeen bastardized, that's been abused, that's
been warped. That's not what's happening. Ryan. If these are all peaceful
migrants that are just looking for abetter life, then should these shelters be

some sort of kumbay a piece andlove shelters are not filled with violence and
distrust. That's a good point.But no, there are a lot of
let's say, marginal characters here,and they came here illegally for a reason.
If they had something to offer,if they brought something to the table,
marketable skills, they would come herethe right way. They get a
work visa, they go through theprocess, they'd spend the time, and

yes, sometimes it takes years.But you do that if it's a value
to you, and that's the thing. They have to have steak in the
game, skin in the game,something in it for them, but something
they give to get that. It'san arrangement. Finally, Alexa, So
will Kelly get any real wine onSaturday night? Does the booth have any
adult beverages for her? She's gotto work on that. It was a

total fail last time we were there. We'll see how that turns out on
Saturday night. Stay tuned. DanKapp was his next Back with you tomorrow.
Ryan Schuling here on six point thirtyk how
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