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September 26, 2023 7 mins
Livabiliity Lab-Samantha Cornell
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is Talk of the Town,a news radio with thirteen hundred and one
oh six nine FM. I'm SteveKelly from West Michigan's Morning News along with
Brett Bakita and joining us on thelive line to talk about an event coming
up on Tuesday is Samantha Cornell,who is the director of Moskegan Community Health
Innovation Region. Samantha, thank youfor taking the time today. Thank you

so much. Happy to be here. The fourth cycle of the Moskegan County
Health Innovation Region initiative, Livability Labfour point oh is set to launch on
this Tuesday at Barkley Place. Let'stake a step back for those that don't
know or maybe miss the first three, talk to us a little bit about
this big event. Absolutely, weare really excited like you. Like you

mentioned, it's our first, fourthone and it's it's shaping up to be
our best yet. Ultimately, whatit is is Livability Lab is the spot
to be if you're somebody who's fromMoskegan cow and you have some ideas on
what would make Moskegan County even better. It's a place where folks come into

the room, we feed your breakfastand lunch some great food, from local
vendors and we talk about what yourcommunity shared, what's working, what's not
working, what's getting in the way, and then the afternoon is all about
putting that to action. I lovethis idea, Samantha, and right now,
you know, you see it whenyou go to Moskegan and Moskegan County.

It's growing, it's going through atransformation, and the timing of this
is perfect and this is to helpthat continue. Now going into this lab,
five hundred and seventy two surveys,a big gathered. So it's not
like, hey, we're just gonnahave this event and everyone show their ideas
and everything. This is to moveit forward, but you're doing it with
information, with statistics that has alreadybeen harvested from people in Moskegan County and

it could be anything from childcare toyou know, what the strategy is for
education or for different things going onin the entire county let alone the city
limits right absolutely, absolutely, that'sspot on. It is the entire county
and it is the sky's the limit. That's really one of the special things
about Livability Lab is we just setthe table. We're the host, but

we're not going to ever suggest ofa community, what should or should not
be the priorities. We're not puttinga box around it. It's up to
the community to decide what it shouldbe and what it is. And every
year the community comes into the laband they make it awesome again. Livability
Lab four point oh Launch Building aCommunity Together is Tuesday from eight thirty to

four at Barkley Place there on BerkeleyStreet in Miskegan. It's important to point
out that though there may be acouple of spots still with walk up,
if you want to make sure thatyou get in and be a part of
this important thing, you should registerbeforehand. Talk to us about that process,
Samantha. Absolutely, it's super easy. All you needed to do is

go to livability lab dot com andonce you're there you'll see a budget to
register. Just answer a few shortquestions, make sure we have breakfast and
lunch and a seat for you,and you'll be all set. Samantha.
To share with us if you can, because it is year four. Some
of the things that have come outof the labs in the previous years and
you're kind of seeing come to fruition. I know when we were there a

couple of years ago, we dida live broadcast just at the end of
the newly renovated Main Street as Ilike to call it, in the Dragon.
At that time, the convention centerwas going up the attachment to the
hotel. I mean, there's justbeen so many great things going on.
And that's just one example, letalone the events I think that have prospered
and grown in Moskegan to celebrate MoskeganCounty. Yeah, so some of the

great things that have happened in thelab, I'll speak to some of the
original labs really focused on building neighborhoodassociation, really supporting jobs and job training,
and that work has continued. Thechildcare access, that work has continued.
Looking at the most recent lab,we had fifteen incredible teams and they

tackled a wide range of things.One team decided that they had a priority
concern on birth outcomes, birth disparities, outcomes and birth disparities. So what
they did is they took an existingidea they brought into the lab and they
used the lab to accelerate and growtheir projects, which was creating a DULA

network within the county. So theynow within the past year have trained over
twenty dulahs. Right here in MoskegonCounty. Another team that came together.
They identified that there was a needfor folks to understand really the amenities that
were available and parks. So theywent out and they went park by park

and they did a survey to understandwhat was available and to help communicate that
to folks. So, as youcan see, it's a wide range of
whatever you see that you think wouldreally make Moskegan better, this is the
place for it. Yeah, it'skind of a responsibility, right if you
live there and maybe you're sitting onthe best idea ever and you're just having

figured out how it is that youget in front of some people to present
it. Get registered livability lab dotcom. That's livability lab dot com or
Facebook dot com, slash livability laband you'll get updates there as well.
As we mentioned, we're talking toSamantha Cornell. She's the director of the
Moskegan Community Health Innovation Region. Greatquestion by Brett about some of the great

ideas, but maybe the next andthe biggest idea will come on Tuesday,
Samantha. Yeah, yeah, wecan't wait. We are ready for it.
Samantha. One of the things thatwe need to talk about too out
of the lab and the teams thatyou talked about is the hundred day challenge?
Explain that at what these teams thendo? Yeah, what a great
question. So folks come into thelab and they either have an idea that

they brought into the lab, orthey have a project if they're already working
on, or they have a brandnew idea that they come up within the
lab. But within the lab,the beautiful thing is that you can have
folks from across the county, folksyou might not even know, who agree
with your idea, who want tohelp you make your idea come to fruition.

So teams form and each team hasa coach and it's a commitment is
one hundred days because that's something wecan all do, right. So within
those hundred days, you have acoach that helps move things along for you,
helps provide some support, and yourteam meets every week. Every other
week is up to the team.And then at the end of the hundred

days, we look at the workthat you've done and celebrate it. So
we all come back together and wecelebrate the progress that's been made. Some
teams choose to go on beyond onehundred days. Some are done at those
hundred days. All of that isperfect again. Find out more and register
livability lab dot com or Facebook dotcom, Slash Livability Lab. Director of

the Miskegan Community Health Innovation Region,Samantha Cornell, thank you so much for
your time today. Thank you
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