Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Congressman Mike Waaltz of the Great State of Florida. Pleasure,
thank you for coming over. Appreciate it. So here's a
bit the non trivial trivial trivia for you. The congressman took.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
The seat of Ron Desantus. Yeah, how about that twenty eighteen.
Speaker 1 (00:16):
Florida is thriving by every measure right now.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Well, you know, I think one of the things that
came out of COVID obviously supply change matter, national health
policy kind of matters, but also I think federalism matters.
And Washington's so broken in so many ways. People ask
me all the time, what are you getting done up
in the House Representatives, And I tell them as little
as possible, trying to keep DC out of your life,
but that in terms of conservative governance and education and
you being able to keep more of your of your
own money, in terms of housing policy, environmental policy.
Speaker 3 (00:54):
I mean, we could walk down the list it's going
to be done at.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
The state level, these kind of new innovators and what
we talk about as conservatives and how we should govern.
Speaker 3 (01:04):
It's happening in Florida.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
I mean, just case in point, we have half the
state budget of new York despite now having a larger
population and then losing their tax base.
Speaker 3 (01:14):
Well, we're getting it done. We're a California show.
Speaker 4 (01:16):
So any contrast in comparison you want to do to
Sacramento and what we're doing.
Speaker 3 (01:20):
I just listen to you talking to me.
Speaker 4 (01:21):
This sounds so weird as a guy who drives to
work in Sacramento all the time, past the tent after
tent of homeless people and you can't afford to live there,
and blah blah blah blah blah and enormous budget deficits.
The mainstream media will now talk about Florida's fiscal house
as compared to say in Illinois or a California conservative
economic discipline or fiscal discipline.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
Is it still possible it's being done though, it's absolutely.
Speaker 3 (01:45):
We're debt free state.
Speaker 2 (01:46):
We're giving out bonuses to all of our teachers and
first responders. Were actually for cops that move in, they
get an additional hiring bonus. But this is not being
done on the backs of taxpayers. It's being done a
with a growth agenda. But can I just say one
other thing about the state budgets? And this is a
wonky point, but an important one because I asked myself,
how are these states getting away with it?
Speaker 3 (02:10):
I mean, they're upside down forever and ever and ever.
Speaker 2 (02:13):
And what I realized when I just saw Pelosi, Schumer,
and Biden having the three levers of power is they
basically bail all of those states out with federal dollars.
They did it with the COVID package, they did it
with IRA, and they reset the balance sheet for those states.
They just moved the dead on the federal So even
though people move think they're escaping by moving to Florida,
at the end of the day, we're all going to
have to pay.
Speaker 3 (02:38):
They're just paying through federal.
Speaker 4 (02:40):
So there's a resident of your state who had a
bandage on his ear, who came into the arena last night,
And were you there for that?
Speaker 3 (02:46):
I was that we were watching it on TV. That
must have been quite the moment. Oh my god, I
mean I saw.
Speaker 2 (02:51):
I can't tell you how many people I saw, literally
with tears streaming down their face. It's seeing him. I
do have one point. I wish he'd left the bandage off.
I'm a Green Beret. I've been shot at all over
the world.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
Let people see the wound.
Speaker 2 (03:05):
Let him see the raw meat and what and how
close that man was to losing his life. That was
a kill shot. I could tell you one hundred and
fifty yards. I mean a private and basic training has
to make a three hundred yard shot without a scope
in order to get out of basic training.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
If he had to turn his head, he was dead.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
So political rhetoric has always been if you're a student
of history, heated, we're not going to leave that behind.
Certainly there are limits that should not be crossed. Calling
somebody Hitler is wildly out of bounds. Yeah, what's the
Republican message going forward to the electorate?
Speaker 3 (03:37):
Is it going to be positive? Is going to be well,
that's what's so incredible.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
I mean, you know, we just have an assassination tipped
on this man, despite I think as a least partial
cause of the demonization of him. And what has been
the response. A message of love from the first lady
from Milania, a message of unity from the man who
almost died. And you couldn't have I mean, look at
the lineup last night. You had a union leader, you
had an African American celebrity, you had a priest holding
up across and you had a Hindu seek chanting a
Hindu prayer. I mean the left had to have been
losing their mind. MSNBC had been having a meltdown because
it doesn't fit into any of their boxes. It's a
big tent party talking about individual responsibility, equal opportunity. The
rising tide lifts all boats. Let's grow this country. Last
night was make it wealthy again today, make it safe again, tomorrow,
make it strong again.
Speaker 4 (04:36):
So, speaking of responsibility, how do we not have the
answer yet of where the failure happened on security?
Speaker 3 (04:42):
I'm glad you asked.
Speaker 2 (04:44):
The next morning, I had talked to a number of
agents directly involved.
Speaker 3 (04:50):
This was Sunday morning.
Speaker 2 (04:51):
They are frustrated, they're pissed, they're embarrassed, but mainly they're
upset because they have been repeatedly asking for more resources
for Trump's d detail and been denied by Secret Service
headquarters and denied by my orcis. My Orcus was just
read my tweet on air on CNN and denied it,
called it irresponsible.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
Speaker 2 (05:09):
Basically he's calling the agents.
Speaker 4 (05:12):
Well and me Ercus yesterday said I have one hundred
faith in.
Speaker 3 (05:15):
The person investigation. What the hell are you talking about?
Speaker 2 (05:18):
There's zero accountability in this administration. Look, tomorrow, I'm going
to be talking a lot about Afghanistan and that disgraceful debacle.
You're going to be hearing from gold Star families. There
is zero account how the President had his secretary of
Defense disappear for a week and not tell anybody, and
there was zero accountability.
Speaker 3 (05:38):
So I don't expect anywhere.
Speaker 4 (05:39):
I'm sure the president knows what's going on.
Speaker 2 (05:42):
I'm confident the president doesn't know what's going on, But
his secretary of Defense was a four star general, and
every private in the military knows. You got to tell
your supervisor if you're out for a week, us the
commander in chief.
Speaker 1 (05:54):
Sorry, we asked the same question to Jim Jordan. We're
going to ask again on behalf of the American people.
How hard is it to get accountability in Washington.
Speaker 3 (06:03):
Look, I share the frustration.
Speaker 2 (06:06):
At the end of the day, Constitutionally, we have the
power of the purse and we need to more aggressively
use it.
Speaker 3 (06:12):
Defund We defunded the UN.
Speaker 2 (06:14):
We defund but then we got to deal with the Senate.
Speaker 3 (06:17):
Yeah, and we've just got to win in November.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
But I don't expect to buy it at the end
of the day, it's Biden's call to fire his own people.
Speaker 1 (06:24):
Just I know enough about the military, coming from a
military family, especially at your upper levels. It's all about accountability.
There's no ask covering, there's no excuses. All there is
his accountability.
Speaker 2 (06:34):
It's about this, It's about leading by example. And what
I asked Secretary Austin after he disappeared for a week,
how can you impose any discipline on the force that
you lead? How can you court martial anyone if you
don't hold yourself to the same standard.
Speaker 3 (06:47):
Of course he had no answer.
Speaker 1 (06:48):
Mike Walls of Florida, great to talk to you, Thanks
so much for spending Happy to you guys.
Speaker 3 (06:53):
Have a great convention. Happy too. It's going to be
all right.
Speaker 4 (06:56):
Thank you. Ye