All Episodes

June 17, 2021 37 mins

Hour 1 of the Thursday edition of Armstrong & Getty features an exciting temp record, a grumpy old man, some good advice, Mailbag, Lebron's concerns and coverage of the Biden/Putin Summit.

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George
Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and
Getty and j Armstrong and Getty live from the studio.

See signor deep within the bowels of the Armstrong and
Getty Innormation Complex. This is the Armstrong and Getty Show.
Share isn't r under the two ledge of our general manager,
Joe Biden, octogenarian champion of freedom, octogenari hidden champion Freedom.
That's funny, it's probably slightly disrespectful, and I apologize. Crank

up that music books an intimation party. People showed up
to the party. They brought death, they brought soda. Some
of them brought alcoholics, beverages, and then we're just gonna
provide them intermation during this intimation party. Permission to quibble? Yeah,
I believe technically he's acceptagenarian. I'm round around. Don't quibble

with me. I asked the permission. The deal wasn't granted.
This outfit has following apart completely, no discipline. She rounded
up to eighty. Well, how old is he? That's seventy eight,
He's seventy eight and a half. Quick quibbling, equibbler. You
know what story I'm most excited about today. There's a

chance a new world record hot might be set today
in Death Valley. The current world record is one hundred
and thirty four I think is it thirty seven? And anyway,
it's something in that area, and there's chance that's gonna
fall today, that record. So wow, hottest day ever on earth? Think, well,
certainly since temperatures have been collected, which is like a

hundred years, so saying ever is hilarious. But well, yeah,
I'm sure having made that clear four billion years ago
and it was just still a cooling bolton lava, boiling rock,
I'm sure it was hotter, but that doesn't count. There's
eight thousand degrees, isn't bag Dad? You know a regularly
around one hundred and thirty. Well, my brother when he

was in a rack a couple of times. It was
in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, it was regularly it's like
one hundred and twenty every day. Yeah, it was like
the regular temperature. Yikes, So if you got a crazy day,
you'd be higher than them. Not nearly as many nice
golf courses as Phoenix, either, you got that climate. I'd

like a couple of golf courses, Bagdad, very few. You
got the Sodom Hussein Links, you got the Sadam Hussein
country Club. Setting a record heat day probably today where
I live, and you know, crazy crazy hot in Phoenix
and just wondering if it's talking to a buddy yesterday.
You know, things are getting the weather is changing. No,

there's no doubt the weather has changed. Whether we cause
it or whether we could do anything to stop it,
I don't know, but there's no doubt the weather has changed.
At some point. Does Phoenix get unlivable where it's just
too hot or the modern conveniences people just you stay
inside living in Duluth only in reverse, exactly. Yeah, it's
a Duluth in the wintertime in Phoenix. I've spent a

fair amount of time in Phoenix in the summertime, and
granted another five degrees would be troubling, boy, but yeah,
you hide in your house where everybody has air conditioning.
Then you get to your car where everybody has air conditioning.
And you know, if you're parked outside, it's like getting
into an oven. But if if you're not, it's perfectly fine.
And like, yeah, I suppose eventually your car breaks down

then you die, but like it was regularly one hundred
and thirty in Phoenix. Yeah, I own our people and
still live there. But it might might be like Minneapolis.
If you've ever been to Minneapolis, you can travel all
around the city in like the Hamster Maze without ever
going outside. They just did. They have these tubes and
tunnels and everything like that can get you from building
to buildings. Walls aren't made of hamsters, no, terrifying, no,

but they do have wheels you can run on every
hundred yards or so. What do they call those hamster
things you put together with the tubes. They have a
name hamster tats or something like that. I think we
call them of the Hamster Maze honestly when we had them. Anyway,
they have that. Eventually they'll have that in Phoenix. Just
air conditioned tubes everywhere and you just don't go outside
and or people will just have to say air condition.

They're home to ninety degrees, so it's not prohibitively expensive.
You know, it'll still be hot as hell. You'll be
wearing tank top and flip flops inside because it's so
hot in your house. But you won't die, right, but
this is certainly less attractive. Yeah, you're thinking of moving
your company to either Phoenix or somewhere where it's not
as hot as the surf of the sun. I don't

like Phoenix's stances. Why did you make Joe Biden the
general manager today? I'm just reading all the mop up
on the big meeting with Putin. Five takeaways, key points.
You know that's sort of crap. Um. I wasn't very enthusiastic.
Do you have an alternate choice? No? I thought the
most interesting part of the was him giving a Putin
a list of sixteen things you can't hack, and uh,

like we were saying Condoleeza rices, don't don't pay attention
to the show reviews. Wait a couple of months and
see if there's any you know, any change in his behavior.
And it would be interesting to see if, you know,
if they hack any of the things on the list
of sixteen that you're not allowed to hack anymore, if
we're gonna go after him with some major cyber attack
that Biden threatened, or if Putin's gonna think, h probably
better not hack those things. Yeah, well we'll have to see.

He will probe that's what he does. He will probe
for weaknesses and of course if you didn't see it.
The other interesting part was after a long day of
being an old man and being angry and and missing
his nap, he got to kind of he held at
her reporter. That was kind of entertaining, so Hey chewed
out a couple of reporters. Really, he was really in
his a grumpy old man mode, which he gets to

pretty quickly. You remember to get your words straight, Jack.
That's some poor old fat guy who dared ask him
a question about his coach, Snarton's son straight Jack. Yeah,
he gets angry quick. Yeah. It's part of being old,
isn't it for some people. That's what they say. Yeah,
old fellas certain percentage old man just get angry and
stay angry. Well, the cranky old man isn't an archetype

that came out of nowhere. No, but get off my lawn,
is you know? Come on, comes from somewhere. Umbaya moment.
Let's introduce center surveying the squad for our own little
summit here. It's teamwork that makes the dream work. There's
our technical director, Michelangelo, President buttons flipping doggles occasionally pulls
a lever. How are you this morning, Migel? A pretty good?
Where I live, it's gonna be scorching hot now, depending

on where you're listening to us. Um, your weather conditions
will various to your local listener, right, don't don't right
the general manager and complaint, Okay, but I didn't know
whether will vary. Right. I didn't know what to do about.
You know, it's supposed to be one hundred twelve degrees.
Luckily I've happened to be flipping channels. I went on
to the local news and they gave me tips. So

you know, I'm supposed to drink plenty of fluids, find
shade whenever possible, you know, keep the AC going, and
close windows to block the sun. So I feel better
now because I wouldn't have been able to get through this.
I didn't know what to do. We were wondering the
other day how long will these last on local TV?
Will they be there forever? I who is that for? Oh? Yeah,
I show me show me the human that that is for.

I want you to show me one. You don't even
have to show me a bunch like you would take
a bunch to justify taking some of your airtime to
say this like it would almost have to be a
majority of your audience to make it, you know, better
than another feature you would do. But just sit That's okay.
You don't have to show me one, show me one
viewer of your morning TV show that needed to hear

stay in the show aid or indoors, drink more water. Well,
it's somebody who hasn't noticed that they get thirsty when
it's hot, and somebody who hasn't noticed that stepping out
of the direct sun feels better. And they have to
have it pointed out to them. And yet and yet
they're coaching's enough, they're cognizant enough to comprehend those sentences
and put them into action. That's a pretty narrow subset

of Americans. You ever driven by a fieldful of cable
on a hot day, they're all standing under the shade
of the tree. A dumb beast like a cow can
figure out to stand in the shade when it's hot. Right,
thank you local television for telling human beings to do it.
You know, we've along expressed the armstrong and getty principle
of who can be communicated with, and we've often used

the example of our hypothetical neighbor Steve, who if you
see him on his hands and knees in his backyard,
crawling around, And I really wish I'd come up with
a better metaphor in the beginning, because we've repeated this
so many times. But Steve is crawling around on his
hands and knees in his backyard eating his dog's pooh.
And you would like to say, Steve, you shouldn't do that,

but his doing it is proof that you can't communicate
with him. He can't be reasoned with, so there's no point.
What the TV news people are suggesting is that there
is a narrow, narrow subset of Steves that if you
lean over the fence and say, Steve, stop eating your
dog's pooh, get in the shade and drink some water,

he'll stand up and say, you know you're right. This
is a terrible idea, contradicting our great principle. There's positive Sean,
who's smile lights up to him. How are you, Sean?
Doing quite well? I had some plans to make some stew,
had some stew mey founder in the freezers, like you
know what, I'm gonna make some stew. But I think
I may have just miscalculated the calendar. I don't think

record setting hot temperatures is the right context to which
to make stew in. I may just have to pivot
and make fahitas or something, unless you're inside, in which
case your life is no different. To have buddy of
mind studs, he's like me. I eat everything outside. A
buddy of mine is like me. He's done a lot
of outside work and doesn't quite get the fascination by
people who are going to be inside with the heat.

And I said, the heat treating you stupidly when he
came to my house, and I said, fine, I walked
from my air conditioner car to your air conditioned house.
So I'm doing okay. And that's what most people are
gonna do. If you work outside, it's gonna be very hot. Yeah.
I'm Jack Armstrong. He's Joe Getty on this. It is Thursday,
January seventeenth. I'm sorry, June seventeenth, it's not January. You're

twenty twenty one, where I'm strong and getting. We approve
of this program. Let's beget now. Officially, according to FCC rules, legs,
the show begins at Mark That's right, President Biden and
Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Geneva today for about
four hours with a few breaks, but no meals because
nobody would volunteer to be the food taster. That's almost

a good joke. But Putin doesn't get poisoned. Putin poisons
other people, right, so he was gonna poison Biden. I
don't know. Huh. Trump is headed to the border. The
governor of Texas says they're gonna build their own wall
and has taken donations, gonna set up like a go
fund me or something. I'll bet he gets tons of
money flying into that thing. Oh yeah, and he makes

an excellent point. We'll play his explanation for you in
a bit. Yeah, that's gonna be what an interesting political move.
How's mail bag look? Oh it's good, it's very strong.
We have a great freedom loving quote of the day
as well. Is a state gonna build its own wall? Yeah?
I think so. And well, it's resources are being drained,
it's citizens are being impacted. They should And how's the

Biden administration gonna handle it anyway? Since it's their job,
it's the federal government's job. All that stuff on the way.
Our text line is four one, five, two nine five
KFTC The Armstrong and Jetty show, A confident he'll change

his behavior. Mister President, I'm not copid. What hell what
do you do over? So what did I say? It
was compid? I said, I said what I said. Look,
let's get it straight. I said, what will change for
behavior is that the rest of the world reacts to
them and they diminishes the shading to the world. I'm

not compid of anything. I just standing back, what the hell?
What down? Kind of question? Hey, what the hell? What
are you? Twenty years old? Kind of questions that stupid, stupid, stupid.
It probably was not a good question, but but reporters
asked questions like that all the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

he does get testy pretty quick. I would get that
way with him because of the questions are stupid often.
But uh yeah, yeah, more more angry Biden coming up.
Biden flies off the handle at summit. I almost shouted
mail bag sorry, wow, freedom loving. Quote of the name
first sent along by alert listener Can. It's from a

Scotus opinion by Justice Kennedy. It's a little longish, but
I thought it was good. When a student first encounters
our first, free speech jurisprudence. He or she might think
it is influenced by the philosophy that one idea is
as good as any other, that in art and literature,
objective standards of style, taste, decorum, beauty, and aesthetics are
deemed by the Constitution to be inappropriate, indeed unattainable. Quite

the opposite is true. The Constitution no more enforces a
relativistic philosophy or moral nihilism than it does any other
point of view. The Constitution exists precisely so that opinions
and judgments, including esthetic and moral judgments about art and literature,
can be formed, tested and expressed. What the Constitution says
is that these judgments are for the individual to make,

not for the government to decree, even with the mandate
or approval of a much jority. Well said, set Well said,
it's hate speech, is not free speech. I hate you.
That's hate speech, melback, and appropriately appropriate enough for Perny,
I sound like Joe Biden. According to Tsot, greeting this guys,

I thought would I would pass along a statement. I
read this evening out of my current book, as I
think it highlights beautifully the human conditions it's being hijacked
by critical race theory. AH human conditions. It's from Why
People Believe Weird Things by Michael Schermer. I'm not familiar
with the book. It sounds intriguing. Quote, but as soon
as the group sets itself up as the final moral

arbiter of other people's actions, especially when it's members believe
they have discovered absolute standards of right and wrong, it
marks the beginning of the end of tolerance and thus
reason and rationality holy craft. If that doesn't describe the
cult of critical race theory, I don't know what does. Yikes,
that's pretty good. Yeah, that is. I'm moving along to

the correspondence proper. William right, So, Michael, you probably want
to get a certain little bell ready. President Biden's comments
after the summit with Putin reminds me of when Neville
Chair Chamberlain returned to England after his conference with Adolph Hitler,
in which Chamberlain gave Hitler the green light to invade
Eastern Europe. I didn't remind me of that. Not much

didn't occur to me. It wasn't terribly strong, but well,
we'll talk about that more later. Guys. I'm listening to
the Today's show, and you're talking about the fire started
by bums and junkies. Here's how my Saturday afternoon went.
I'm in the wind watching this fire started by bumps
and junkies, head straight from my house, praying the fire
department would arrive soon. And in the time I had

to grab a few things my pad alert the neighbors
who were oblivious. It was surreal watching the flames, listening
to the whispers of the fire burning through dry grass
and weeds. Thank God for everything that went right, and
no one but the junkies their homes as it turns out,
commented yesterday the Los Angeles Fire Department, and it could
have been you know, La, the Bay Area, the Sacramento,

anywhere on the West coast because it's so dry, saying
that they respond to a dozen fires a day set
in the bumb and jump junkie encampments. And if you're
new to the show, yeah, bums and junkies, those are
not the families trying to get back on their feet.
You never see them. They're in the shelters, they're behaving themselves.

They're working as hard as they can to get their
lives going again. God bless them. I wish them well.
The tent cities, those are bums and junkies. A note
from Terry here. I cannot understand all of the mask
wearing people of all ages wearing mask outdoors yesterday. Is
this the result of a year of brainwashing by government
through every media outlet? The faucy fear drip was slow

and steady, but did the job. Then she named checks
a bunch of towns around where she lives, where people
are outdoors all owed wearing masks. I want to take.
I want to talk about that later because there's a
certain argument of well, why do you care if people
wear masks. I'll tell you why. I do care that
other people are wearing masks and they don't need to.
I think it's very important. But get into that later.
I'll stay tuned. And this from Jeff. Guys, I still

wear a mask outdoors, and I also keep an iron
lung in the spare bedroom just in case my polio
vaccine fails. kJ st keep joonas sock off Twitter Jeff
in Santa Rosa, California. Now that is funny, Jeff, You're
slaying me. That is too good. Sock off Twitter spreading

his misinforma here, oh Twitter Bandim is a state gonna
build a wall because the federal government won't. Looks like
Texas is. Stay doomed, Armstrong and get the Armstrong Getti show.

So I was just looking over my notes and patting
myself on the back. I did a good job yesterday
going through the news. I got a lot of good
stuff today. Excellent. I'll just kick my feet up and
be ntormed. Lebron James blast in the NBA for something
basketball related, not politics related, and he's probably right about this.

Get to that in just a few minutes. As the
NBA playoffs continue to go on without many of their
biggest stars, which is what Lebron is complaining about the
first This is an interesting development. The federal government won't
control the border, how about the states start doing it? Yeah,
Republican Governor Greg Abbott of Texas said they will begin
to build their own border barriers between Texas and Mexico,

which is a bold move. Do you suppose he's thinking
of running for potus? I think the only reason and
I'm not saying I agree with this or I supported
or anything. I think the only reason he's not mentioned
more frequently is that he's a handicapped, he's in a wheelchair.
I didn't know that. I had no idea. Well, yeah,
and it's it's ridiculous anyway, he's a brilliant guy. You know,

maybe you agree with him. Maybe you don't think aggressive.
That was strong getting more votes, not less, wouldn't it?
I don't know. I don't know. It depends. I think
the crowd of people would say no, you can't stand
up to putin might be a significant number again, but
no way, no way, what people are stupid? Why anybody
that's stupid and put him in a pen. I think

it's controversial. I think that'd be end up being a
positive rather than negative. But I don't have to pull it. Yeah,
it could be. Well, let's let the governor speak for himself.
Clip number fifty. Please. We know that temperate barriers and
fences won't be enough to slow the flow of the
record amount of illegal immigration that's taken place. That's why
today we are announcing that Texas will build a border

wall and our state to help secure our bordering. So
I suppose it's inevitable that the Biden administration says you
can't do that because it's a federal issue that this
has happened in the past. Remember it was Arizona that
was trying to do something about it back in the
Adbomb administration, and that was the cry, no, no, you're

not allowed to do that. That's a federal issue, to
which you respond as a state, well, you're not doing anything,
So what are we supposed to do, right, it's impacting
our people, it's impacting the state. Well, I think Greg
Abbott learned from that go around, because he's made it
clear with some of his rhetoric. For instance, he said
the barriers will in part enable state law enforcement to
arrest migrants for violations of state law. Blah blah. So

that's kind of repeating what he said earlier. The Del
Rio region is suffering some of the largest increases of
illegal immigrants. They're seeing a lot of very bad, dangerous
people across the border, people that they are afraid of encountering.
People are causing damage to their fences, their livestock, their crops,
their neighborhoods, and their homes. Bad things are happening around here,
and so they need help from the state to help

them address this exploding crisis. So the interesting thing to me,
The most interesting thing to me is he's setting up
a fund people can donate to, and that's a good
way to gauge its popularity. I mean, people are going
to send money to that as a gesture, a political gesture.
He's going to raise a gazillion dollars. Well. And of
course the percentage of people who believe the border should

be controlled is very, very high, right. It is not
what the mainstream media. I've vowed not to call the
mainstream media anymore. It's not what the left activist media
would have you believe at all. It's most people. According
to Abbot, court authorities will use existing state laws along
with the authority of the state of emergency declaration made

earlier this month, to crack down on those illegally crossing
the border. And then he goes into some detail. If
you come to text, you're subject to being arrested. You're
not going to have a pathway to roam the country.
You're gonna have a pathway directly into a jail cell.
We want to be very aggressive in working with local
officials and making mass arrests and working in collaboration with
large number of counties. That means we're going to be
arresting a lot more people. In the end, only the

federal government and Congress can fix this, because as it
stands right now, the state of Texas is going to
step up and we're going to start making arrests, sending
a message to anybody thinking about coming here, You're not
going to get a free pass to the US. You're
going to get a jail cell. Wow. It's going to
be interesting to see how this plays out politically, Yeah,
and judicially as well. You know, if it's if it's

a matter of building big walls so that instead of
the entirety of say, you know, a county is accessible
to illegalis and coyotes and everything that they can come
across anywhere. If you build big walls like you see
next to highways all the time, noise retaining walls. There's
nothing illegal or federally prohib about building walls. We're surrounded

by quite a few of them in a building as
we speak. So if he's just trying to build joke points,
if you will, where you have to pass through, and
then the state troopers are going to give you the eyeball.
You know that the Feds can't really do anything about that. Now,
if you start arresting people for immigration violations by your
state police citing the emergency declaration, here's where I'm in

over my head legally speaking. Just have to see that
play out. I don't know what it would look like,
right I like the idea, though. On that topic, A
couple of things that are absolutely related to give me
clip number fifty two and new disturbing information from Border Patrol,
the agency reporting this week right here in the Rio
Grand Valley they arrested a convicted child rapist from Peru

and a Mexican national with a conviction for sexual assault
of a child. Both men taken into custody after illegally
crossing into the United States. I'm reminded of the fake
outrage or or jinned up outrage when Trump said during
the campaign, they're sending us their murderers, their rapists, and
the left pretended that he had said all immigrants are

murderers and rapists. They pretended that for years, even though
he made clear at the time a lot of them
are good folks. But well, those are actual nasty child
rapists right there. So how many really bad ombres have
to be in the mix before you cut down on
illegal immigrations, just to eliminate the bad ombres. That's a

perfectly reasonable point of view, putting aside the interest, the
need for a country to control its borders and know
who's coming in and out. It's just a law enforcement thing.
And then finally, before we move on, this is significant
the speaking of presidential aspirants Clip fifty one talking about
Rhonda Santis of Florida, Florida's Republican governor, Rhonda Santis announcing

he is going to be sending Florida law enforcement to
Texas and Arizona to help supplement their border security. The
state of Florida is answering the call. We believe that
securing the southern border is important for our country. Meanwhile,
Donald Trump announced he will visit the border on June
thirtieth with Governor Greg Abbott, the former president saying Joe

Biden's handling of the border has turned it into a
quote unmitigated disaster zone. The phenomenon of a coalition of
Republican led states taking the place up. No, no, it's
not taking the place of because our border control folks
are enthusiastic about their jobs. It's it's providing the support

that should be coming from the federal government. Instead it's
coming from these Republican states. This is really wild. I
have no idea where this goes, but it's worth watching
for sure. Yeah, i'd say so. And again, I think
the money when it starts raising so much money, and
you know, the Biden administration sees that there's so much
political support out there that can be measured easily by

the amount of money being donated, I think you're gonna
have to play a little carefully with this one. Yeah.
You know, a lot of the go fund me pages
and fundraising emails and the rest of it that have
been trying to capitalize on outrage and pro Trump and
anti Trump and the rest of it. A lot of
them folks have been stealing your money. They got Trump's
name on it, they got an American flag, and they

lined their own pockets and play y'all for suckers. Having
said that, if it's clear that this is legit and
Greg Abbott is building the walls and it's forcing the issue,
and Ron DeSantis is joining in, I'd kicking one hundred
bucks if it's legit. Got a guy got arrested in Florida,
got pulled over for not using his turn signal. They

ran his license and realized that he had been behind
the wheel. As he's fifty five years and I guess,
can I guess he's got alligators in his pants. He's
smuggling steaks snakes, not steaks snakes. I'm saying it's a
weird animal thing. I think smuggling steaks in your pants
is every bit as weird as smuggling snakes in your

heat share at every grocery store. Takes a very different sort. Though.
Maybe he's dry aging them, well, mostly dry aging them, wow,
damp aging. It has nothing to do with anything like that.
So at eleven thirty in the morning and they pulled
him over for not signaling properly. I don't know, he
must have been doing something else or looked fishy, because yeah,
that's a pretty weak ticket right there, eleven thirty in

the morning. Anyway, fifty five year old gets pulled over,
They run his license, and they realize he's been behind
the wheel with ninety nine suspensions of his license in
his lifetime. Ninety nine suspensions. This guy probably at some
point shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore. Well, I was
gonna say, you'd think after I don't know, sixty seven

you wouldn't get to drive anymore. Yeah, or thirty eight,
I don't know. You pick the number. Once you're pasted
a dozen, I think you're pretty much not a good driver. Wow,
ninety nine suspensions. Has he ever killed anybody? I mean,
because this this story ends tragically sooner or later. Yeah, no, kidding,
It doesn't say anything bad. Maybe the reason he still

has his license is they're all, you know, small. And
then maybe he just doesn't show up the quarters, not
paying tickets, Yeah, doesn't register his car. Yeah, stuff like that,
I don't know. And then Lebron James so he slammed
the NBA yesterday, tweeted out a lot of caps, sounded
kind of angry, went on for a long time. I'll
give you a little bit, yes, John, No, I was

just laughing at your communication of the Caps equaling sound
sounded very shalloy. They all didn't want to listen to
me about the start of the season. I knew exactly
what was going to happen. I only wanted to protect
the well being of the players, and ultimately it's the
product and benefit of everyone involved that we stay healthy.

Saying that starting the season a month and a half
after the last season ended was gonna lead to your
best players having lots of injuries, and man, the best
players are falling apart here in the playoffs. Many of
the very best players that make you know it's the
whole point you tune in at all, are sitting on
the sidelines with injuries. Yeah, Ron says, you couldn't. You

shouldn't have done this to us. You shouldn't have made
us play like with no chance to rehab our bodies.
Two things. Number one, the NBA is dead to me,
but they take a terrible pounding. It's absolutely undeniable the
nature of the game. You're running up and down hardwood. Secondly, though,
I don't know, boof freaking who what what were you
going to do? Cancel the whole season? It's just it's

too complicated, there's too many people, too much money involved.
I don't know, but it is no fun to watch
the games when the stars are on the sidelines. Oh,
clearly true. Absolutely takes all the fun out of it.
I mean, there's only five players on the flour at
a time. You're usually tuning in for a couple of them,
and they're not playing, you know, at the risk of
seeming high ended, which you know, it's kind of my thing. Anyway, Um,

there was a global pandemic that killed millions of people,
and yes, it affected the NBA a little bit. It's
just the truth. See you next year. Yeah, this isn't
gonna They're not adapting this as the default status for
all seasons. There was a reaction to a hit an

extreme event. Yeah, how could it not be somewhat crappier. Yeah,
I think they should have done another shorter season, but
I'm sure they did the math on that for all
the games. What costs more money? Yeah, yeah, I'm not
saying they didn't make a mistake because the league's dead
to me and I'm not paying that much attention. But
I don't know. I tend to go to the vendors
and the restaurants all around the stadiums, and the taxi

drivers and everybody else who's affected by the industry. Is
interesting to see what the ratings are when you've got
all the best players sitting on the sidelines for your NBA,
your conference finals and finals, but any at all, Speaking
for myself, I really enjoy seeing the end of the
bench cleared out and now here's a young man. He
hasn't he had played this year. In fact, it appears
he doesn't know how to take off his warm up pants.

I want heart. The trainer is helping him unsnap his pants. Well,
this is a great moment in sports. Let's see some
playing below the rim for a while. Change your base.
Now they're pointing out to him, which basket he's going forward?
Look at that fundamental chest pass exactly? Let's get back
to fundamentals. Will be the slogan for the finals. Lay

sports chest passes exactly. Lots of ball movement, actually ball
movements good and a lot of heart. Hey have you
read anything about the Great Australian mice Plague? No? Oh,
it's horrendous. I mean it's horror movie horrendous. Well, we'll
have the tga MP details coming up. And also, do

you have anything to say about the summit? I got
a couple of tames away. I want to read you
New York Times takeaway on it, which I thought was
pretty good. I like New York Times version of the story,
which you know is not as glowing as a lot
of your lefty media was, you know, because they're doing
their whole room for my team thing, um, tell you
what that was coming up Armstrong and get the Armstrong

and Getty show. We know that there were cyber attacks,
for sure. A pipeline company in the United States go
to the state organisas rush I have to do with that.
We are encountering the state threats. What happens that ransom
fair outfit we're shitting in Florida or Maine and took action,

as I said, on their their their single lifeline to
their economy oil. It'd be devastating and they're like you
could see them kind of go how we do that?
But like whoa. So it's every it's and everybody's interested
these things be acting up. You know, I got what
he meant, But if you are hearing that clip for

the first time, you're probably completely mystified. He's just not clear.
I hope he was more clear to putin yesterday. That
was obviously President Biden and saying that he more or
less threatened to putin with Hey, how about if we
attack your bit major oil pipeline with a group out
of Florida. How about that? I mean, it was straight
out of the Godfather be ashamed. If something happened to

that new pipeline. Yeah, some more on that in a second.
I want to tease a few stories. One, Hey, if
you're a stargazer, the star Bella tiguis is okay, It's okay.
Orient fans stay tuned. I'm not sure you're pronouncing those
things right, which part sure I'm not And I know

I'm pronouncing this right. Red Red Lobster has made deceptive
claims about their lobsters. According to a lawsuit, they're pink
at best, a lying creep. I thought they're awful small.
Those are cockroaches, aren't They're Is you idiot? And that's
what brought us down. That's a lawsuit we'll get into later.

So what is the takeaway from the Biden Putin meeting yesterday?
While I read the article in the New York Times,
and I kind of expected some some you know, fanboys
stuff out of the New York Times, but it isn't
exactly the direction they went. Where's the one? Yes, So
somebody tweeted this yesterday, which I thought was really good.
Any analysis of President Biden that doesn't sound like praise

inspires people to leap to defend him by pointing out
he's not Trump he's not, but he's not made of
glass either. The most powerful person in the world doesn't
need to be cocooned from criticism, which got retweeted a
lot yesterday by a lot of news outlets, And I
would agree with that. And I was happy to see
that The New York Times, you know, gave it a
pretty fair look, I thought, partially because it was written
by David Sanger and others who tend to be serious journalists.

This paragraph stuck out to me yesterday from The New
York Times about Putin and Biden both expressed a desire
for a better relation ship, but announced no dramatic actions
that will arrest the downward spiral that has already hurdled
them toward the worst US Russian tensions since the Cold War. Yeah,

I would agree with that. Yeah, I thought that was
pretty good. Yeah, nothing happened that's going to stop the
spiral we're in toward the worst relations we've had since
we were all worried about the world being destroyed. A
little more from that, Mister Biden also said he had
handed the Russian leader a list of sixteen examples of
critical infrastructure and had made clear to that if they
were attacked, we have significant cyber capabilities and we would

respond in a cyber way. So that I thought that
was newsworthy and we'll hear here. Yeah, mister Biden said
there had been no hyperbolean, no talk of military invention
intervention in their exchanges, which he described as simple assertions,
but his warning that accelerating Russian cyber operations would get
an in kind response could signal a significant escalation in

the daily cyber conflict now underway among major lesser powers,
including China, Iran and North Korea. Hoping that they're going
to hear that message and think, okay, boy, now that
I say it out loud, I just don't feel like
China or North Korea or anybody else is going to
change their behavior based on that. Well, yeah, it's interesting,
they said. Could lead to a major escalation. It could
also lead to a major d escalation. It's just it's

difficult to say more. From The New York Times, American
officials have usually shied away from major cyber operations against Russia,
fearing that they might not be able to control the
escalation of strikes and counter strikes. While acknowledging the uncertainty ahead,
mister Putin quoted from Russian literature yesterday. Leo Tolstoy once said,
there's no happiness in life, there are only glimmers of it.

Putin said, I think that in this situation there can't
be any kind of family trust. But I think we've
seen some glimmers. I was unappreciate them. Yeah, going to Tolstoy,
I was unfamiliar with that quote. There's no happiness in life,
only glimmers of it. That's pretty good. Perhaps an hour
two we can address a couple of points that Jonah
Goldberg was writing out recently, and then I was contemplating

myself yesterday, and that's the similarities and differences between the
Cold War era, the Soviet era, and the current one,
and there are some significant differences that are worth mentioning. Cool. Also,
the gifts they gave each other always fun. What gifts
did Biden give to Putin? Stay tuned for that. Get
the podcast at Armstrong and Getty dot com Armstrong and
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