All Episodes

May 13, 2024 35 mins

Hour 2 of A&G features...

  • Trump on-fire in New Jersey...
  • Scam Alerts!...
  • Biden & Blinken on military aid for Israel...
  • Seinfeld faces protesters at Duke commencement. 

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio and the George Washington
Broadcast Center. Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty show.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
I'm more popular now than I've had, But then, can
you believe it?

Speaker 1 (00:20):
They rigged the whole.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Thing with the Department of Justice. And every time I've
been indicted more than the great Alphonse Capone, scarface. Al
Capone was so mean that if you went to dinner
with them or they didn't like you, you'd be dead
the next morning. And I got indicted more than him.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
On Bush too. Oh my god. People of this country
know that we're doing great. We've never done better. People
understand that.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
People normally that would be a negative, but for us
it's a positive because.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
People they get it.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
They need to do that in order to win, because
they've done nothing else. They have a bad everything.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
Everything about them.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
Think of one thing that's better.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
You look at the afghanistans Is, or you look at
the border.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
You look at the economy, the real economy, not the
fake economy.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
Everything they touch turns to what you shouldn't use that
kind of language. Look, look, you can't use the words okay.
So after his uh saying he's been indicted more than
a component. That's bull as. The entire crowd chanted bull

as bull as for quite some time.

Speaker 4 (01:37):
He I don't know if this is contempt to court,
where you go after the guy who's prosecuting you.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
I've come here from New York where I'm being forced
to endure a Biden show trial, all done by Biden,
carried out by radical Democrat district attorney.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
You know, he is fat out. Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
So between eighty and one hundred thousand people showed up
in Wildwood, New Jersey to watch Trump on Saturday night,
one of the bigger political rallies in US history, and
the crowd was digging his usual thing, and it seemed,
I mean, every once in a while he would go
to the prepared speech, but barely a He's a guy
that is obviously has always been perfectly comfortable winging it

up there and getting lots of laughter and everything.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
So on the heels of that tell you about that.
You have any comment on that? Oh, I was crazy
busy over the weekend. I was just going to ask
what was the setting? Was it a football stadium or what?

Speaker 5 (02:40):
You know?

Speaker 4 (02:41):
You know, I couldn't tell. I was just you know,
could have been scaffolding anywhere, So I don't know. The
New York Times poll came out today, and as I've
been mentioning, if you follow poles at all, they're a
pretty big deal. They put an awful lot of time
and money into their poll. They only release I think
four or five over a year, and then they compare.

They have the same questions and they compare, blah blah blah.
And it's one of the more respected polls that exists,
The New York Times poll. They hadn't done one since November,
and now they've got the new one out. And as
Mark Halprin writes and his analysis of it based on
the available data, last week is not the week that
Joe Biden caught up to Donald Trump in the battleground states.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
Trump has a.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
Small but durable lead over the incumbent in five of
the seven battleground states. We could get into the numbers,
but I'm not going to, because you know, they moved
this way, they moved that way, and other polls come
out and dispute them. But the analysis I thought from
the New York Times is what was most interesting.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
Jump to it here. The polls offer little indication that
any of these developments. Oops, I want to read the
other paragraph.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
The findings are mostly unchanged since the last series of
Times Siena polls in November. Since then, the stock market
has gained twenty five percent. I didn't realize the stock
market is up twenty five percent since no.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Yikes, boy, so.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
Mister Trump's criminal trial Manhattan has started. The Biden campaign
has unleashed tens of millions of dollars in advertisements across
the battleground states. The polls offer little indication that any
of these developments have helped mister Biden, hurt mister Trump,
or quelled the electric's discontent. So all that happened didn't
move the needle at all. Instead, the survey shows that

the cost of living, immigration, Israel's war and Gaza, and
a desire for change continue to be a drag on
the president's standing. While mister Biden benefited from a burst
of momentum in the wake of the State of Union address,
he continues to trail in the average of national and
battleground state polls. Here's some more of the analysis that
I think is really.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Good from the New York Times.

Speaker 4 (04:43):
The findings reveal widespread dissatisfaction with the state of our
country in serious doubts about mister Biden's ability to deliver
major improvements to American life. A majority of voters still
desire the return to normalcy promised by mister Biden the
last campaign, but voters in battleground states remained, particularly the anxious, unsettled,
and itching for change.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
I was just gonna say, I and this is probably
impossible to quantify, but I think if you get that
itch for change at a certain level, who the change
would be or what the change would be becomes the immaterial.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
That's that's why they always talk about it, is this
a change election? During change elections, people just want change.
Like you just said, you.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Just all right, And it could be argued, well, it
could be counter argued too that this is wrong. But
you think this is bad. Now they're telling me the
other guy's bad. I know this guy's bad because it's bad.
So let's roll the dice.

Speaker 4 (05:38):
Nearly seventy percent of voters say the country's political and
economic systems need major changes or even need to be
torn down Entirely seventy percent of people think our economic
and political systems need major changes. Yipes, because you can
interpet that and in a lot of different ways.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Yeah, I I would agree. I think that might be
just an animal cry of anguish because anybody with the
power to make any sort of significant changes would not
change it in the way you want them to, right,
They'd make it worse. I've got some changes that I
think would be perfectly okay.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
For instance, the primary system is awful, and you need
to go back to the smoke field rooms and let
parties choose their candidates.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
I think I think that'd be a change in the
right direction.

Speaker 4 (06:25):
The economic thing, well, less government intervention and everything I
think would be better.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Anyway, back to.

Speaker 4 (06:31):
This, mister Trump and mister Biden are essentially tied among
eighteen to twenty nine year olds and Hispanic voters, even
though each group gave mister Biden more than sixty percent
of their vote in twenty twenty, so it's gone from
sixty forty to fifty to fifty since then for young
people and Hispanic voters. Mister Trump also wins more than
twenty percent of Black voters, a tally that would be

the highest level of Black support for any Republican presidential
candidate since the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty four.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
These are some astounding numbers. Oh yeah, that's huge. That's
a huge shift, and it's going to keep moving in
that direction, I believe.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
So a different poll, but some some some more, you know,
stuff to chew on. This is a financial times pool
since Biden has become president. Would you say you are
financially better? Offer worse off? Worse off? Wins fifty one seventeen,
not even close, so about half. In general, do you
think President Biden's economic policies have helped the economy or

hurt the economy hurt forty nine to twenty eight, twenty
one point win for hurt. How would you rate the
overall economic conditions in the US right now? Positive or negative?
Seventy one to twenty seven negative, And yet they're tied,
And yet they're tied.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
That is a good point. Any maybe maybe you hate
Nikki Haley. That's fine, some lover, some hater. She would
win forty three states if not more right?

Speaker 4 (07:59):
I mean, yeah, you run just kind of a regular
candidate with no baggage. Oh my god, it is an
historic landslide win. Still mighty to.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Run those clips of Trump and hear the incredible level
of support among his hardcore and forget that. Oh that's right,
these support doesn't extend much beyond that hardcore God, so
what a might enough this time around, but it's limited.
What is that?

Speaker 4 (08:26):
A forty five point win for negative versus positive on
overall economic conditions in the US right now? And that
is interesting given the stock markets up twenty five percent
on employments and crazy low. But again, as we keep
pointing out, and for some reason Joe Biden can't wrap
his head around if everything you buy you go holy crap.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Which is the way it is right now. You have
a bad view of the economy. Well you've gotten poorer.
You are poorer than you were four years ago in
terms of buying power, which is the only terms that matter.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
Has that a car dealership for some reason the other day,
just walking around looking at the stickers on the windows and.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
Every one of them, I was like, what this is
what this kind of car costs? Now? What? Yeah? Having
just gone through the Wendy's drive through where it.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
Was like fifty five dollars for a couple burgers and fries.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
If that's why people feel that way, I don't know.
I can't I can't believe they don't get that. But
even if you love that clip, go ahead. Even if
you didn't get it, what are you gonna do about it?
I love that clip from last week where the campaign
that Biden campaign surrogate was doing an interview and the
person said, hey, there's a widespread perception that the economy's
terrible and people are down, they're feeling negative. And she

essentially said, well, they're too busy to be, you know,
sitting around watching cable news. But as soon as they
really tune into the election in our message, they'll feel
better about it, which was just hilarious, saying they're real
lives and the conclusions they're taking from the real lives
have misled them. As soon as they hear our ca

campaign messaging, we'll get them to believe what they should believe.
I mean, what a That's actually a pretty good statement
of what the Biden campaign has to do, and I
wish him luck.

Speaker 4 (10:10):
That was what Biden himself said in that one interview
he gave. He caused himself so many troubles in that
one interview, which is why you probably won't see a
heck of a lot more interviews before the election because
him claiming that people are wrong. They're just flat wrong
about the economy. Okay, you can tell seventy percent of

Americans who think the economy is bad that it's not.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
But that's not going to make them like you more.
It's hard to pick a worse campaign message than that
you're strong. What's the matter with you? Don't believe your
eyes on air? Oh? I keep in mind that come August,
during the Democratic Convention, they will keep Biden under wraps.
He will not be seen very much. But he's going
to be three months older or tired and senile than
he is now his mother's day. So I talked to

my mom on the phone last night.

Speaker 4 (10:56):
She's the same age as Biden within a week, not
even close to the same place like Mentley or ability
to talk or whatever. And that was watching sixty Minutes
last night, that first story on Israel, which was very,
very compelling. But Leslie Stall is that her name? Is
that the right person? Yeah, that's a person's name on
sixty minutes, the old blinde man.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Sure. I was watching her and thought how old is she?
I mean because she is walking.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
All over Israel in her you know, I'm a reporter
wearing my hiking boots sort of person. But she is
walking all over the place, talking fluently, conversations.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
About complicated dish everything like that.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
She's eighty two years old. She's Joe Biden's age. He
is an old eighty two. Not only the eighty two,
but he's an old eighty two.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
Did your mom tell you about the time she was
the overload over the road trucker? That's right. Who was
I talking to about that? But my mom? If my mom,
I was talking to my mom about that.

Speaker 4 (11:50):
If my mom ever ever just started making up stories
that I knew were false, I would think, holy crap.
Let alone, if she had like five different stories per conversation,
they were just completely made up.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
You know when I used to be a rodeo clown.
What mom? Well, in your mom's defense, when she was
really disturbed when she got arrested with Mandela, so that
really left him mark out right right? Yeah, confabulation, man,
He can't remember details, so he creates them. And and
your point being, it's not going to be better in
six months, so no, I mean a vote. Here's the

question that has not really been nailed down when it
crystallizes in people's minds, because you always have to win.
I'm talking to you good folks, because you pay more
attention to this sort of thing in the news in
general what's happening in the world than the average voter.
When the average voter really gets tuned in to Biden's age,
fatigue and sonility, and it becomes more and more clear

that a vote for Biden is a vote for President
Kamala Harris. What happens to the support then? If it
doesn't crater, God help the Union.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
I thought that was pretty good analysis by the New
York Times and pretty fair, but the numbers are not
good for their president. Many comment on any of that
text line four one, five, two nine five kftc Armstrong
and Yetie.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Switching gears.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
Following complaints about rising prices, McDonald's is launching a new
five dollars meal to bring back customers. Yet McDonald's won't
say how they've reduced costs. But on the menu the
word chicken is now in quotes.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
That's pretty funny.

Speaker 7 (13:29):

Speaker 4 (13:29):
We got to talk about that more later in this
article in the New York Times about Starbucks and what
they're doing and how it fits in with McDonald's and everything.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
That's pretty interesting.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
Culturally, this Babylon Bee headline teases what I want to
talk about coming up later, which is the whole Israel
Hamas thing. There were quite a few major developments on
that story, I feel like over the weekend. But the
Babylon b headline was research discovers women will support any cause,
no matter how murderous, so long as they get to
wear a scarf.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Wow. Wow, that's good. So a couple of scam alerts
for you. The first one is absolutely chilling. I got
to work my way up to this one, but I
want to make sure we have time. They start with
a video call between an American woman and a man
who is ostensibly allegedly an American fellow, but he's not. Wow,

you look great, says the man on the other side
of the screen, as video feed shows. He's a white man,
short hair, likely a few years younger than her. He's
sitting in front of his camera wearing a plaid shirt.
You look different with that beard gone, the woman says
in an American accent. Man doesn't miss a beat. I
told you I was going to shave so i'd look
good for you. Except he isn't who he claims to
be at all. His video feed is a lie, and

the beard or not the face the woman sees over
the video call is not his. It's a deep fake,
real time deep fake video conferencing to scam people. And
it used to be the lonely heart scam would be,
you know, you connect on some dating site and you
say you know, you correspond for a while, and then

you say, hey, my work's going to take me to Nigeria.
I'll message you when I can. A week later from Nigeria,
he says, Hey, I've run into a terrible problem. Blah
blah blah. I need two hundred dollars or I'm a photographer.
My camera broke. You got to send me a camera whatever.
That used to be the ruse, you'd have to unspoil it.
Now it's you jump on a video call and you

are cat fishing in real time. Wow, I car remba.
And they get into this gang of these guys who
are doing this around the globe Yahoo boys, and they
have a demonstration video. Here's this blackfella sitting there and
he's got the camera in his face and on the
screen he's a the white guy with a close crop beard,

but it's echoing his movements. His facial movements, his lips
and everything in real time perfect on hundred percent crazy.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
I was watching a podcast with Keenan Thompson, the guy
from Saturday Night Live. Anyway, he admitted, which who wants
to admit this, that he got caught in one of
those things where he got an email that was from
a friend's email address because somebody had gotten the account,
saying Teaz, I'm in Vegas. I got myself into a jam.
I need five hundred bucks or I'm never going to

be able to get out this down. And he went
and found a way to send the guy the money
and everything and got ripped.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
Off that way. Wow. Wow. And then here's another one.
This is a different sort of scam, but equally insidious.
I think new college grads eager to get their first
pro job or becoming targets of a bolder and more
personalized type or fraud scammers are using information available online
to claim a school dean or professor the student knows
has recommended them for a job opening. In some cases,

the scammers hacking the professor's emails, like Keenan Thompson creates
similar addresses to pose his faculty members, urging the student
to apply. Goal is to get the student to apply,
then steal the college student's ID or banking God.

Speaker 4 (17:00):
That one is doubly hurtful obviously, because you get your
info stolen and you don't have the internship or.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
Whatever right or the job. Because they can see your field,
they can see your professors, they can see all sorts
of stuff about you, Armstrong and getty.

Speaker 8 (17:17):
The administration even says they're withholding intelligence about the location
of senior Hamas leaders and therefore hostages to include potentially
American hostages from Israel to try to force Israel not
to go into Ratha.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
The one I.

Speaker 9 (17:31):
Restgnize that, and John Kirby brief the other day that
the US is sharing intelligence including the location of Yahya Sinwar,
who has not been killed in the seven months.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
Of this war.

Speaker 8 (17:41):
It was in the Washington Post with four officials familiar
with it. The Washington Post is like the message board
for this administration and the Democratic Party.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
That Senator Tom Cotton on face the nation. So this
was a Washington poast story. On Saturday, US offers Israel
intelligence supplies, Comma supplies an effort to avoid Ratha invasion.
The Biden administration working urgently to stave off a full
scale invasion of Rafa is offering Israel valuable assistance if
it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli

military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the
group's hidden tunnels. The Washington Post had said it had
four sources in the administration that told them that. So
now the White House has got to claim the Washington
Post does not have good sources.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
All of a sudden inside the White House. I need
to point out Margaret Brennan's tone of voice in saying
the White House has denied that, right, right, as if
you stupid Republican, if the White House says it didn't happen,
clearly it didn't happen. Right, You're wasting my time.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
Any other report in the Washington Post in which they
have sources, of course, is gospel. But on this one,
of course, it's not true because the White House said
it's not true.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
You know what's interesting about the English language and American
culture is that if you are going to insult a gentleman,
you might use a sex specific insult, or you might
use something more universal, like sorry to be coarse, but
you know you're an ale or a jackass, which is

general neutral, right exactly. Often when you're insulting a woman,
you go with a sex specific insult, which is I
don't know, that's the way language is. I'm not in
charge of it, so I'm not gonna judge it one
way or another. But I would like to be able
to say of someone like Margaret Brennan, you're a jackass,

because she's a jackass. She is a smug just self important,
utterly biased, yet adamantly denying that she's biased. Jackass.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
Now, I don't know what's actually going on because you
don't know if sources in the White House who hate
Joe Biden's policy leak that stuff and it's not true.
I mean, you never know what's going on in these stories.
And there is a story that came out today. I
think it's in the New York Times that we have
told Net and Yahoo that we know the location of

the Hamas leader, the head guy, and it ain't in RAFA,
which would be another way to try to keep them
from going to RAFA.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Which and so is that true or not?

Speaker 4 (20:21):
Who knows, don't know if the report's true, don't know
if we're giving the actual intelligence you know history will
write the stories of this years from now, I guess,
but I thought that was pretty interesting. I appreciated meet
the press presenting this contradiction of Joe Biden's statements, the
first statement from a while back, and then the follow

up here it.

Speaker 7 (20:42):
Is civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence
of those bombs and other ways in which they go
after population centers. I made it clear that if they
go into Rafa, they haven't gone on Raffa yet. If
they go into Rafa, I'm not applying the weapons that
have been use historically to deal with Ralpha to deal
with the city.

Speaker 10 (21:03):
It's a notable evolution from the way the President talked
about civilian deaths back in October.

Speaker 7 (21:09):
What did they say to me is I have no
notion that Palestinians are telling the truth about how many
people are killed. I'm sure innocence had been killed, and
there's the price of quasi war. I think we should
be incredibly careful. I think when that we ISRAELI should
be incredibly careful. But I have no confidence in the
number that the Paleston egeniorsing.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
That was in the very beginning when Joe Biden rightfully
pushed back against any numbers anybody was throwing at him, saying,
those numbers come from Hamas. We have no reason to
believe the numbers out of Hamas. So something changed between
those two things, and is there can you give him
any wiggle room on it not just being politics, it

not just being the active college student left who has
a lot of his staffers being upset about the number
of civilian deaths, and they take all these hamas Us
Ministry of Health.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
I can't believe numbers are now being printed without disclaimer,
even in the New York Times and the Bigfoot media.

Speaker 4 (22:10):
I can't believe Hamasque gets to have something called a
Ministry of health that people call it that with a
straight face. Their job is to kill all the Jews
on planet Earth, and they don't care how many tens
of thousands of other Muslims they have to kill to
eventually kill all the Jews. Yet they get to have

something called the Ministry of Health. And when a ministry
of health puts out a bunch of bogus numbers, everybody
repeats them like their gospel pardon.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
They did. They were obligated to form up something like
a government so they could be in charge to kill
all the Jews. Yeah, including a Ministry of health. But yeah,
the numbers are highly suspect. In answer to your question,
it could be argued that the Biden administration is honestly
shocked and horrified by the civilian devastation and they think
Israel could be more disciplined about it, and they're pissed

because it makes them look bad, and or they just
more in the loss of life. I don't know. Joe
Biden has no real principles other than we'd better not
so it's difficult to know what's motivating whom.

Speaker 4 (23:15):
So I tweeted this out over the weekend because it
was so bothersome to me. It happened late on Friday
with the Biden administration putting out a statement. The Biden
administration has concluded it's reasonable to assess that Israel's military
campaign in Gaza has violated international law. So they put
that statement out on Friday night, and I don't know

again if that was to appease a certain crowd, because
then they spent Anthony blink In, the Secretary of State
went on a whole bunch of talk shows yesterday and
walked back that statement that the Biden administration has decided
that Israel has violated international law in a bunch of
different ways. So I don't know what's going on. Well,

i'll tell you what I think is going on. They're
trying to have it both ways in at is just
not working. You're not pleasing anybody. You're trying to please
the radical college crowd who boo booed Jerry Seinfeld. Duke,
You're trying to please that crowd, and you're also trying
to please the majority of America who doesn't feel that way,
and you're I think you're making them both mad.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
I also think it's not only possible, but likely that
the administrations at war with its own State Department. I'll
bet once you get below Anthony Blincoln, because the State
Department is famously permanent bureaucrats and famously very very left,
I'll bet they're leaking like crazy and undermining the Biden
Administration's abilities to help Israel as much as they possibly can.

I do hope I live long enough to read the
history of this.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
As I mentioned, I took in a ton of Israeli
Palestinian conflict history over the weekend. As I'm kind of
laid up for my motorcycle wreck, watching a couple of
documentaries and everything, and it was many years, in some
cases decades before we got the true story of what
was going on and some of these negotiations and behind

the scenes and you know, the president being against the
State Department and all that sort of stuff. It takes
a long time to find that stuff out. But Anthony
blinkoln Man, he pushed back hard on a lot of
the shows yesterday. Let's make it clear here. He says,
all the time Hamas caused this, They're causing the civilian deads.
They bury themselves with the civilians so that Israel has
no choice. He's the only one I ever hear making

that argument. Yeah, and I think that's what he really feels.
And I think he's being handcuffed on that argument a
lot by his own.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Boss, right of the administration.

Speaker 4 (25:37):
As we pointed out many times, Joe Biden never had
a negative thing to say about Hamas last week in
that interview he did on CNN, Yeah, that was ridiculously
and confident worth mentioning that international law ought to be
called international suggestion because there's a sliding scale. International law
is lawng until the moment somebody powerful enough to violate
it decides to violate it, and it's not really the

law and him more and you won't like the new
international law if China and Russia get to run what
international law is?

Speaker 11 (26:07):
You know?

Speaker 1 (26:07):
I love that. We need to bottom line that more
and more often, folks. The US led international world order
is a hell of a lot better than anything that
would replace it. So stand up for it, including against
the angry little Marxist college children who've never even organized
their own softball game because they are so coddled and

veal capefied by US. No free range children, don't get
me started. So they can't even organize their own softball game.
An umpirate, and they're telling everybody how to run the world.
All right, great, thanks for your suggestion, or junior, now
go back to your social class.

Speaker 4 (26:44):
So what do you think is going to have? Oh
we got to play this because I thought this was
really good. This is Anthony Blincoln on Meet the Press
in the Whole Red Line Conversation sixty eight.

Speaker 10 (26:53):
Michael, I want to drill down with you on President
Biden's threat to withhold weapons. What exactly is his red line?
Mister Secretary what would trigger him to say, I am
now withholding weapons.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
Look, we don't talk about red lines when when it
comes to Israel. We talk again.

Speaker 10 (27:11):
President Biden did talk about a red line, though, mister secretary, respectfully.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Let me be yeah, let me be trigger him to.

Speaker 10 (27:17):
Make that decision.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Sure so first, okay, because he gets into just gobbledygook.

Speaker 4 (27:23):
But I thought that was pretty good. We don't talk
about red lines when it comes to Israel. The President
of the United States, he gives one interview a year,
and he mentioned a red line.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
With that they crossed his red line. Okay, let me
take you through Anthony Blincoln's day, mister secretary, the President
just said blah blah blah, Oh my god. Really. An
hour and a half later, mister secretary, the President did
an interview with a disc jockey in New York and
said blah blah blah, oh god. No, really, all day long,

every time the President speaks, blinken thinks, oh my god,
I gotta go out there and spends something. Poor little
KJP probably has the same problem, although she's incompetent.

Speaker 4 (28:04):
Right, Israel is going to go into Rafa and they're
gonna do what they think they got to do.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Well, let's play. We got time for one more. Well,
can you imagine if the United States were facing what
was close to or actually literally an existential threat and
somebody said, oh, sorry, America, you can't defend yourself the
way you see fit, because that would violate international law.
There would be something between a universal national war cry

and guffaw of laughter at that notion. Yeah, I think
we're going to go ahead.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
Journalist Douglas Murray was on Bill Maher's HBO show on
Friday night, and he's been in Israel now for a
while and this was his reporting. I thought it was
pretty interesting.

Speaker 12 (28:46):
I've been in Israel Gaza for the last six months
since the war began. I mean, of course, the situation
is terrible because you know, the situation could end at
any point if Hamas did what they've been asked to
do repeatedly for six months, which is to give back
the hostages. And now you know, I mean my view
is that there's and I've seen the conflict up close,

and I still believe that. I mean, first of all,
you can't just put out eighty percent of a fire.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
You have to put out the whole thing.

Speaker 12 (29:13):
You can't destroy eighty percent of Hamaz. You can't not
get the leader who masterminded the seventh Sinoa.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
And that's all in Rafa.

Speaker 12 (29:21):
And the second thing is, you know, I don't think
there's any law of war that says you can start
a war and then when you begin to lose it,
you say, let's pretend we didn't start it.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
But that is always what is real.

Speaker 12 (29:30):
Faces sure, I mean it's very strange. A year before
I was in Ukraine, I was with the Ukrainian Armed
Forces when they're retaking land from the Russians, and nobody
was saying or hold on, don't win too much.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Everyone was egging them on.

Speaker 12 (29:43):
Every Western leader gets a shot of testosterone whenever they
talk about the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and yet the Israelis never.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
Allowed to win. Yeah, very strange. There's adation point there
at the end. We don't we can't take what winning
looks like in the West anymore. In the developed world,
we're far too civilized.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
Well, BB's gonna go into rough and do what he's
got to do, and there's gonna be a whole bunch
of people die, probably a lot of IDF soldiers, a
whole bunch of civilians and hopefully all of hamas. And
I don't know what the fallout is going to be
that from that world opinion wise, but that might be
happening this week.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
Yeah. My final thought on the topic is it's amazing
and almost disturbed, not almost. It's disturbing how the hot,
hot topic about which people are bellowing at each other
can just vanish in the course of years, months, even weeks,
depending on what else happens. And I have a serious

feeling hunch that bb net, Yahoo's like, yeah, we're gonna
take hell for what it looks like as we clean
out the hornet's nest, it's gonna go. It's gonna be
pretty bad for us for a little while. Then everybody will.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
Move on to something else, right, and the hornet's nest
will be gone, the presidential election or whatever, Yeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Biden wanders off and is underpants down Pennsylvania Avenue, hospitalized.
President Kamala Harris announces that this is the most important
president of our lives, and the time to do what
we have to do is yesterday or something, and the
world the shockwaves for that will go around the world.
Nobody will care about what bb Net and Yahoo in
Israel taed yep.

Speaker 4 (31:25):
And he knows that because he's lived through it many times,
because he's very old. McDonald's influenced Starbucks, and it's pretty
interesting an article in New York Times.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
I want to talk about it at some point, and
a bunch of other stuff. Stay with us.

Speaker 9 (31:39):
Edie comedian Jerry Seinfeld taking the stage at Duke University
with You, where he was scheduled to deliver the commencement
address and receive an honorary degree. Soon after he was introduced,
students walked down, some waving posting in flace losing chance

erupt it to Seinfeld later delivering his speech.

Speaker 5 (32:04):
Again, a lot of you are thinking, I can't believe
they invited this guy.

Speaker 9 (32:09):
The sitcom crator taking to Instagram after the Hamas attack
on Israel October seventh, stating in part I will always
stand with Israel and the Jewish people.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
Jerry Seinfeld, who after high school went and worked in
one of those kibitza's that's now been destroyed and all
the people murdered, so he had personal experience of what
that's like to work to live in that environment, and
he has gotten political for the first time in his
comedy career, and this is the first time. It's like, really,
I don't know, run into the reality of the world.

I guess at the graduation speech at DU because he
got some booze and some complaints, but not a lot.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Yeah. Well, you see momentum building behind a philosophy that
wants to wipe people of your faith off the earth
the earth. That's a little concerning, even for the famously
apolitical mister Seinfeld. If you ask Jerry, Let's you're fifty two.
This is the man himself.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
Now, if you have been at this amazing place for
four years and still have no idea what you like,
what you're interested in, or what you want to do
in life, you are the luckiest ones here. Those of
you that think you know what you want to do
are very likely wrong and perhaps even overestimating your ability

to do it. You have convinced yourself that you know
who you are and what's going on in the world.
You don't know either. The less secure and confident you
feel in the direction, the more surprises and excitement you
will have in store.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
That's good. Well, that's an interesting angle. I don't think
I've ever heard anybody say that before. Yeah, I like it.
It's an excellent points it. Come on, you will learn
so much, you will see so much, so much will
change in your mind and your heart, and doors will
open and windows closed and the rest of it. Yeah, yeah,
I see this point. It's good. So here's how it

sounded in person. We'll go with fifty to fifty one,
Michael back to Baksifine.

Speaker 7 (34:20):
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.

Speaker 11 (34:23):
After these students walk out, and by the way, it's
only forty students they walked out, after they walked out
the entire state and started doing them and eventually started
chanting Jerry's name clearly and supportive and being our commencement seeker.

Speaker 4 (34:37):
Yeah, I think that's the well, the most Americans don't
feel the way these pro Homas protesters feel.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
So that's that.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
Jerry Seinfeld. His show ended in ninety eight. These people
are all twenty two.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Right, He's a legend of comedy.

Speaker 4 (34:54):
That was four years before they were born, or six
years before they were born when he show went off
the air.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
I mean so yeah, yeah, Oh hope coming to my graduation,
Oh that would have thrilled. That would have been because
I failed to sign up for my own graduation. So
didn't walk across the aisle which are the stage, which
is fine. De was I going to say, Oh? I
think the takeaway from this always be reminded this is
an incredibly small number of people, percentage wise, A bunch

of misguided twenty year olds who cares what they think.
I don't. You shouldn't go Armstrong and Getty
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