All Episodes

May 22, 2024 35 mins

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • Our guest, Katy Grimes (California Globe) on how CA's Dems are protecting pedophiles...
  • Why Joe is OK with an infusion of the blood of the young...
  • Biden's divisive comments on race...
  • Final Thoughts! 

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington
Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty
Show coming up later in the hour.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
It is at least ironic that a great deal of
the mainstream media is making a big deal of the
fact that some Trump underling posted some video to the website,
an obscure portion of which used the German word Reich,
and by making a big deal about how that's the
language of Hitler. Well, yeah, literally, it's German, which she's

the language of Hitler.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
But that's pretty much where the similarity is.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
But the irony is that the old husk of a
president himself delivered a lengthy speech in the English language
to Morehouse College the other day that was utterly loathsome
it was disgusting. It was one of the worst speeches
to delivered in American history. More on that to come,

but right now, what a pleasure this is to welcome
back to the Armstrong and Getty Show. Katie Grimes the
editor in chief of the California Globe. Katie a long
time investigative journalist covering the California state capitol. She authored
a book California's war against Donald Trump, Who wins and
who loses? And is a just terrific read at the
California Globe recent article, Democrats don't want the public to

know they're protecting pedo files. Great, Scott, what is this
all about? Katie Grimes joins us, Hey, Katie, how are you?

Speaker 1 (01:30):

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Joe Getty doing well? How are you?

Speaker 1 (01:32):
I'm terrific for listening, folks.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Jack had to jet off to a follow up appointment
for his eye surgery, but he's doing great and he'll
be back tomorrow. But that's a hell of a headline.
Democrats don't want the public to know they're protecting pedal files.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
What are we talking about?

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Well, it is in quotes, and I quoted Assemblyman Bill
a Sale from a Assembly floor speech yesterday, or not
really necessarily a floor speech. He for the Assembly to
try and to vote, or he was trying to on
a bill that he has which would end sanctuary protections

for illegal aliens convicted of sex crimes against minors. So
it's kind of a mouthful, But the bottom line is
the Democrats, not one Democrat in the Assembly yesterday would
consider having a debate about this and voting on it all.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
Right, let's not jump past that the bedrock of this
too quickly. So California extends sanctuary status to illegal aliens
convicted of sex offenses against child, the children being child rapists.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
Essentially, well, essentially.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
What it is is California passed the law a few
years ago that prohibits law enforcement from working with ICE agents.
So even if they have a sex crime illegal alien
in their custody and ICE shows up, there's like no
cooperation happening. And so it essentially, according to assemblymen, as

Faily offers sanctuary protections for.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
These people, it's absolutely horrible.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
And the assemblyman just wanted his bill to be heard
and debated, but I understand it got kind of hairy
on the floor as he was trying to do that.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Yes, it was quite a sight. And when this happens
in the Assembly or the Senate, it's very telling. So
when he was just reading the motion that he was
making to allow the Assembly rules to be suspended so
that his bill could bypass the committee process because they
won't hear it in committee and instead be heard on

the floor, the Speaker pro Temp cut off his mic
and told him to stop it and accused him of
trying to debate, you know, the issue right then and there,
and they continued with his mic cut off. So he
had to yell his motion across the Assembly floor, for
which they did grant a vote, and that's what was

voted down, that the rules would not be suspended and
his bill would not be heard.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Wow wow, I think is that another quote from Assembly
in a sale he said it's been languishing as Democrats
in the Public Safety Committee refused.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
To hear it.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Quote because they know I'd bring angel moms and county
sheriffs to testify, and they just don't want the question
to be asked, right, That's exactly it.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
So the bill did sense, it did get assigned to
the Assembly Public Safety Committee, but the committee won't hear it.
They won't put it on the calendar or the agenda.
And so that's why he tried to force this yesterday.
He did have a mother there whose whose son was
killed twenty two years ago by an illegal alien, and

you know, she's a living, breathing testament to the fact
that this is, twenty two years later, a massive issue
in California.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Well, and it doesn't have a chance of getting out
of committee or getting voted on or anything like that,
which is just testament to the one party banana republic
politics that California is dealing with these days. Is there
more to that story, Katie or are you up for
moving on to other fair.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
We can move on. I will just one last little
note is there were thirty members of the Assembly yesterday
who refused to vote no. So thirty spineless human beings
who wouldn't even put their yes or no vote out there.
And I included that in the articles. People are interested to.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Know who California is ungovernable, so you write a fair amount.
I love reading you on California Globe. What recently has
really got your attention and fired up that you've written about?

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Well, all kinds of good news coming your way from
me to the California Sources Board is going to add
another fifty cents onto our gas taxes. It's their clean
air tax. Aren't you excited?

Speaker 1 (06:07):
Wow? Wow?

Speaker 2 (06:09):
How certain is that to happen? Is that one of
those aspirational uh plans? Or do you think that's actually
gonna hit the gas pumps? Oh?

Speaker 3 (06:18):
They already voted it. It's been approved by the unelected board,
which does not have the authority to pass taxes, but
they did. And yeah, it's it's supposed to hit the uh,
the tax board, I think in June.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
Yeah, I just it's it's it's so mountainous at this point,
the misgovernments of California and the the mobbed up feel
of the legislature and all.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I just I don't know, it's just so discouraging.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
Yeah, you're right, I find it extremely discouraging. It's it's
why I write the articles that I write. It just
trying to expose what they're doing or not doing. What
they're you know, the bs that they're addressing, you know,
on the Assembly for all kinds of you know, DEI
garbage and social welfare crap instead of what's going on

with the California economy. You know what the governor isn't doing.
You know, he's jetting off to you know, climate change
conferences with the Pope instead of staying here and governing
this horrific state.

Speaker 1 (07:20):

Speaker 2 (07:20):
R Katie Katie Green brought us a story just a
few minutes ago about the one hundred million dollars or
so being dumped into this anti hate hotline foolishness. And
I've tried to describe this to people in various ways,
and I'm sure you could do a better job or
a different job of explaining how government NHL menk and
my hero is.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
So great on this.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Government will identify a problem, real or imaginable or imagine rather,
and they will say, well.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
We must solve this. This is a terrible problem.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
We are going to devote this money to this solution,
including something is dopeys a phone line.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
But the point is not solving the problem. The point
is handing out the money, Isn't it exactly?

Speaker 3 (07:59):
And that is one of the things I focus on frequently.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
It's this.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
The story that Katie Green reported on is one I covered.
We actually have a division of the California Civil Rights
Department called California Versus Hate, and I wrote about it
last year when the governor and the first partner were
hawking this ridiculous hotline where you know, if you've been

the victim of hate, you can call and report it.
And I called it, you know, the Department of Snitches
again real or imagined hate, And they've got people investigating
this and so really what it's about. It just celebrated
its first anniversary. They did receive ninety one million dollars
in grants for to put a stop to hate, because

ninety one million dollars absolutely, you know, strikes the fear
of God in me and my hate. And really what
it's about, Joe, is they're ramping up for the twenty
twenty four election because anybody who doesn't vote the way
the Democrats in California vote are haters and they're anticipating
a lot of calls about.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Politics, right, and anybody does vote that way gets paid
through some phony program or another. I can't imagine what
hilariously dopey efforts they're going to make it eliminating hate.
Will it be posters or public service announcements or will
we just not ever see anything of that money? Will
it just kind of disappear into the pockets and cronies.

Speaker 3 (09:28):
Yeah, it disappears into NGOs, and in this case, some
of it might go to local governments for their efforts
to eradicate hate. Also, again, super subjective doesn't mean a
thing at all. You don't eradicate hate. You don't say,
oh I wish there would be no hate in California
and then spend money on it. So no, it's it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
So the snitch line.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
You got my attention, though, So if Jack annoys me
in particular, someday I can call the snitch line and
say that he's been discriminating against me because of my
Presbyterian heritage.

Speaker 1 (10:04):

Speaker 3 (10:05):
I don't know if that's a protected category, Joe, Well,
they might not be that interested.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Well they said that last year they received over two
thousand calls, a thousand of which were actual hate issues.
So plenty of people are I.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Mean, that's not fani.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
I would have thought there'd be millions of calls, but yeah,
ninety one million dollars for two thousand calls, half of
which were even qualifying for real hate.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
That that that well, that ought to be on the
California state flag instead of a bear. I'm not sure
how you would portray it, but what a beautiful symbol
of the current state of affairs. Katie Grimes of the
California Globe, you must, you must, you must bookmark California
Globe dot com.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Read it, follow it.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
It is realistic, it is not partisan, it's smart, and
it's a it's a fun read and a kind of
perverse way, just because you.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
Know, as Katy was discussing.

Speaker 2 (10:59):
They're getting away with it, but they're not getting away
with it completely because somebody's shining light on it.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
So well done, Katie. We really admire what you do.

Speaker 4 (11:08):
Thanks a lot, Joe.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
All Right, you got it, and let's talk again soon.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
Okay, please, yes, thank you, all right.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Thank you, the fabulous Katie Grimes.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Ah coming up the awful Biden speech, A lighter fair
in between. We promise you that these zillions of dollars
people are spending on eternal youth. I have expressed many
times my interest in getting infusions of the blood of
the young. I see it as a win win if
you two have that sort of interest, stay with.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Us, Armstrong and Getty.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
The booming business of eternal youth. He's the wellness industry
in the US. I'm trying to think what I do
that could be adequately described as this sort of thing.
The wellness industry is nearly five hundred billion dollars in
the US two trillion dollars globally, but a quarter of.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
It's the US. That's interesting.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Eighty two percent of Americans consumers say wellness is a
top priority in their everyday lives.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Whatever that means.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
The cost of keeping up with supplements and spa sessions
is rising. Per capita, spending on wellness in North America
is fifty one hundred dollars per person, Bloomberg reports in
Europe it's about sixteen hundred dollars. Fifty one hundred dollars,
sixteen hundred dollars, and Katie, the irony is like ninety

percent of American wellness products called themselves European, this, that
or the.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
Other, of course, because if it's European, they can charge
more for it.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
Yeah, I'm having a little trouble nailing down what exactly
is included in this supplements spa sessions. I get a
massage semi regularly, but I have ridiculous back problems.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
So I want to say if they like it, because
I want to huh, do you have a guy or
a girl? Do it a girl? These days?

Speaker 4 (13:05):

Speaker 1 (13:05):
I've had dudes though, who are fantastic. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
I tend to prefer the men because they're stronger usually.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
Uh yes, yeah, the gal who does it, she could
beat me in an arm wrestling contest ten times out
of ten. Sweetheart too, But yeah, I thought you were
going to make like some sort of like Jack.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
If you were here, he'd oh god, a guy touching me?

Speaker 4 (13:27):
Oh lord?

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Oh no, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Maybe it was because I was something of an athlete,
so having a dude workout kinks is not new to me.

Speaker 1 (13:34):

Speaker 4 (13:35):
No, when you're an athlete, you want somebody who can
get in there and really dig the knots out and
get to the problem. So I understand that I'm wondering
if this wellness thing, if it's like self care sorts
like getting your nails done and like pedicures and stuff,
fall into that category, I wonder.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
I think.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
So women are spending ridiculous amounts of money on their
nails right now, and I don't know what's happening, but
there are like one hundred and fifty dollars sets of
nails that are becoming a trend.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Yeah, my wife gets her nails done.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
She has terrible fingernails, like naturally Graham right, Yeah, so
she spends a couple of bucks on that, which is fine.
But I know one subcategory of the wellness thing is
like the longevity deal. And you've got longevity podcasters who've
built massive followings. I know a guy, he's a sweet
guy too, a very successful apartment building company. Guy's got

more money than I'll ever see in my life. But
he's a hell of a good man. But he's obsessed
with longevity, and he gets actual experimental treatments in South America.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Yes, transfusions of various sorts.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
That sounds like the opposite of longevity.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
It I'll kill you. Yeah, Well, so far, so good. Okay,
And again he's a wonderful guy. I really like him.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
But I want the whole infusion, the blood of the
young thing to come along, because if that actually does
use some good, everybody wins.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
I'm some college dip ass.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
I almost use the term I'm some college dude. I'm
looking for beer money for the weekend. I'm hailing hardy.
My marrow is cranking out blood cells as fast as
I need them. You're telling me I can get like
a grand for a pint of blood to give to
some old guy with more money than sense me.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
In this scenario, everybody wins. Nothing counts so much as blood.
You guys all be graining yourselves.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Oh yeah, yeah, I'd have been walking around pale and weak.
You'd have to like help me walk to class, exactly.
I'd given so much blood and never mind. If I
like saw a guitar, I really wanted, please, you need
my bones to uh So, anyway you got, then you've
got your luxury wellness market, which is the part I
really wanted to get to. This hilarious. I barely left

enough time. But think invite only pilates classes. It's seventy
five dollars a session, all right, who cares?

Speaker 1 (16:06):

Speaker 2 (16:06):
Two hundred thousand dollars facelifts, man, I said, wait what?
And sure enough, here's this gal sixty three years old
went to New York for this famed plastic surgeon. The
cost for her nip and tuck was two hundred and
thirty grand. Here's what she got. A brow lift, upper

and lower eyes.

Speaker 1 (16:29):

Speaker 2 (16:29):
I guess, facelift, lip lift, neck lift, ear low reconstruction,
and rhinoplastic geez.

Speaker 4 (16:41):
I will say, I think she got ripped off because
I think the eyelids and the lips should all just
be part of the face, right. Shouldn't that all just
be like a package deal the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
Goes up exactly. Just tighten the knot in the back
of your head and tighten everything up. But I'm thinking,
all right, browlift, eyelift, facelift, liptlift. Why don't you just
lower your neck relatively speaking?

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Is that right?

Speaker 4 (17:02):
Your problems just one show at a time?

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Wow, She says, I have a rolls rice, I have
three homes, I have everything I could possibly want, but
I was still depressed once she gives some freaking money
to charity.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
You crazy old bat. All right, we're out of time.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
Speaking of crazy old bats, Joe Biden's unforgivable speech to
Morouse College comment, up.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
Stay with us, Armstrong and getty.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
And unified Reich. That's Hittler's language. That's not America's.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
Republicans are Hitler. There's or Nazis. Certainly that's Joe Biden's
argument for you. Among others, some obscure Trump's staffer posted
a video to some website that somewhere in there included
the word Reich, which there was a quote from World
War One Germany. It's probably not a good idea Reich, no,
the pre Nazi Germany, but yeah, it just means realm

essentially country.

Speaker 6 (17:54):

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Then you got this Joe Biden babbling incoherently sixty one Michael.

Speaker 5 (18:01):
And by the way, I said, every young man thinking
you getting married, marrying a family.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
Of five or more daughters.

Speaker 7 (18:07):
I did.

Speaker 5 (18:08):
My wife sold us the five sisters. You know why.
One of them has always loved you, not the same one.
One of them is always be on your side. That's
the biggest advantage of marrying into five dollars.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Wow, that was odd and off putting.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
Uh, let's see do we have We'll go with the
Uh is sixty two just part of sixty three? The
Biden montage? Yeah, I think it is. Let's go with
sixty two. This is all from one speech in Detroit, and.

Speaker 5 (18:40):
When I was vice president, things were kind of bad
during the pandemic. I'm humbled to receive this organization. We're
truly aspires, saving millions of families, eight hundred thousand dollars
in premium, eight thousand dollars a year in premium, for cracking.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Down on corporate landlords.

Speaker 5 (18:56):
You keep rents down, the mortality rate for black moms
who have nearly three times more likely to die.

Speaker 8 (19:04):
He calls the directionist who stormed Capitol Hill patriots. Donald
Trumps said, if he loses again in November, there will
be quote bloodshed, daac spirited.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
Doors boys come for the gaffs and stay for the
incredible dishonesty. All right, that's a bit of a sample.
I'm tempted to go with sixty four, but I don't
want to run out of time. Jason Riley, who I
quoted earlier today, wrote a great piece for The Wall
Street Journal comparing and contrasting Biden's recent speech to Moorhouse

Grads Morehouse College, Atlanta area, historically black college for men.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
You know what, go ahead, hit us with sixty four, Michael,
and then we'll comment.

Speaker 5 (19:46):
Just as George Floyd was murdered, well, and there was
a reckoning on race. This not for the wonder democracy
you hear about actually.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Works for you.

Speaker 5 (20:00):
What is democracy if black matter being killed in the street?

Speaker 1 (20:05):
What is democracy?

Speaker 5 (20:07):
Portrayal of broken promises, silly black communities behind?

Speaker 1 (20:12):
What is democracy?

Speaker 5 (20:14):
You have to be ten times better than anyone else.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
To get a fair shot.

Speaker 7 (20:18):
Most of all, what does it mean, as you've heard before,
to be a black man who loves his country even
if it doesn't love him back in equal measure?

Speaker 2 (20:31):
So Jack and I have talked about that speech and
how despicable it was, how unpatriotic, ugly divisive.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
It was just terrible. Jason Riley, who is a black man.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
He writes for The Wall Street Journal, wrote a brilliant
piece I started to reference, comparing and contrasting Barack Obama's
speech to the very same college in twenty thirteen, and
how it could not have been more different than the
one Biden gave on Sunday. I mean, among other things,
Obama urged graduates of the college not to squander the

tremendous opportunities that twenty first century of America had offered them.
He highlighted quote that laws and hearts and minds had
changed significantly for the better over decades, his own election
being evidence of that. He said, quote, your generation is
uniquely poised for success, unlike any generation of African Americans
that came before it.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Wow, how different is that tone? He said?

Speaker 2 (21:23):
There are some things as black men we can only
do for ourselves. Among them was being a role model.
Just as morehouses tech taught you to expect more of yourselves,
inspire those who look up to you to expect more
of themselves.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Another great message.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
And it's funny this speech got buried at the time
because it wasn't politically correct. Out of the first black president,
he said two many young black men in the US
continue to make bad personal choices then blame others. Quote,
and I have to say it, growing up, I made
quite a few myself. Sometimes I wrought off my own
failings as just another example of the world trying to
keep a black man down. I had a tendency to

sometimes make excuses for me not doing the right thing.
But one of the things that y'all have learned over
the last four years is that there's no longer room
for any excuses.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Again, what a great message.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
The President said that while racism and discrimination still exists,
they should not be used as a crutch.

Speaker 1 (22:15):

Speaker 2 (22:16):
Nobody cares how tough your upbringing was. Nobody cares if
you suffered some discrimination. And moreover, you have to remember
that whatever you've gone through, it pales in comparison to
the hardship's previous generations endured, and they overcame them. And
if they overcame them, you can overcome them.

Speaker 1 (22:31):

Speaker 2 (22:33):
You know what my admiration for Barack Obama has risen.
I have tucked that away in my memory, granted all
of his sins and divisiveness, I haven't forgotten it. In
the terrible policies and the rest of it. But that's
a hell of a good message for young black men.
I appreciate it. Credit where it's due. When mister Biden
took the stage on Sunday, Riley writes, though he didn't
see an audience of black men with limitless opportunities awaiting them,

and stead he saw it an audience of black victims
that should question their prospects. References George Floyd, it's natural
to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you.
What is democracy if black men are being killed in
the street, Jason Riley writes, only in mister biden imagination
would it be quote natural for the black people in

that audience to wonder if democracy was working for the
many second and third college generation college graduates. Atlanta's had
black mayors going back to the nineteen seventies, George has
had a black Democratic senator who won reelection by defeating
a black Republican. Obama told the Moorhouse grads, if they
act responsibly and make good choices, they can live productive

and fulfilling lives. Mister Biden suggested that the graduates see
themselves in George Floyd.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
If black men are being killed on the streets. We
bear witness for me.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
That means to call out the poison of white supremacy,
to root out systemic racism, which is fine, Jason Riley writes,
but what is the connection between white supremacy and black
homicides when nearly all black murder victims are killed not
by white people or police officers, but by other black people.

Speaker 9 (24:00):

Speaker 2 (24:02):
It's It's some good writing by Jason Riley, and I
appreciate the thoughts.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
But then, you know, it's funny.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
I flipped over to the National Review and the editors
had an editorial about that same speech, and they kind
of pick up where Jason Riley left off, and they
make a more generalized point that Joe Biden does not
seem to hold the country that elected him especially high regard.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
In a speech to a group of newly.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Minted college graduates at Moorhouse College, Biden informed his audience
that it should abandon all hope. The forces of bigotry
are on the march, and we must conclude from the urgency.
In Biden's appeals, his feckless administration has been powerless to
stop them. Quote extremists close the doors of opportunity.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Biden told the students. WHOA, WHOA? What extremists closed? What
doors of opportunity? Are you kidding? He said.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Republicans in particular, are busily attacking quote, the values of diversity,
equality and include inequity, which is diversity is more Marxists
equity as Marxism, inclusion is including more Marxists. They're on
a tear in their permitted pursuit of quote, a national
effort to ban books and attack vauding rights, refusing to

allow water to be available. We're he online to vote
and charge it, which is completely untrue. What the hell
is that all about? As if he'd not had a
chance to look into it. Of course, not if it's
true anyway. But they don't see you in the future
of America, Biden said to the young black men. In
his sight, this egregious pronouncement, however, is attributable solely to

the disease of the soul that translates into Republicanism, according
to Biden. Rather, the President maintained that this campaign of
malicious right wing subterfuge would not be enjoying its present
successes but for the failures of American democracy. That he
goes into the whole, What does democracy mean, if you
got to be ten times better, trailer broke promises, etc.

And the editors that review point out this is an
odious package or passage. I'm sorry, it's an odious passage.
It is reflective of a particular fatalism that's overtaken the
progressive activist class.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
We're talking about this the other.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
Day, the members of which appear to regard any concession
to the notion of America's fundamental goodness as a species
of naivete. It must be genuine on their part because
Biden's articulation of the horrible ills that plague America run
directly counter to the usual imperative for an incumbent running
for reelection convincing voters that they're better off than they

were before he entered office. So since people are clearly not,
and this is a pretty astute observation by the editors,
he's pivoted instead to a things would.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Be so nightmarish and horrible.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
You'll be, as he said before, back in the plantation.
They want you back in chains. So instead of saying, hey,
look how much better you are, it's you'll be a
slave again if Republicans are elected.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
There's more to the National Review stuff.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
But I want to spare a little bit of time
for Bill Maher, who heard the same speech and had
a similar reaction.

Speaker 9 (27:15):
I think it's not helpful. First of all, it was anachronistic.
I mean that speech would have made sense some years ago.
I think we should acknowledge that racism still persists, and
we should always be making redeem medial remedies for it.
But we're not in the past. I always keep saying,
let's live in the year we're living in. We're not
living in the year where you have to be ten

times better to succeed if you're a person of color.
And in some instances it's an advantage, yea. In some
places it's not an advantage. But we're not living in
that world that he's talking about. And I don't think
that helps anybody.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
To wrap this up to Biden.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
White House's political strategy, energy is easy to recognize. The
President's campaign is embarked on a cynical effort to frighten
black voters who are disillusioned with his administration, and they're
not enthusiastic about his candidacy. They're increasingly disengaging from the
political process. Based on turnout estimates and polls and that

sort of thing.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
So instead of.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Promising a better future, or even a list of complaints
leavened with a bit of optimism and hey, we can
do it together, it's a pure negative, cynical effort to
frighten people into voting for him. Boy, what a desperate
ploy desperate and sad and on American We'll finish strong next.

I think it's so political, it's so obviously political, spathetic
to even watch it.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
A weaponization of our courts.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
Absolutely, the judge, obviously, the judges is biased against Trump.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
The district's caraternity is biased against Trump. I mean, I
hope they shouldn't never to be brought up in the
first place. I think he needs to pay the price
for what he.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
Did, and what did he do.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
I don't know what he did because I'm still trying
to figure it out.

Speaker 6 (29:20):
Aren't they prosecuting him for all the conspiracy lies he
talked about?

Speaker 5 (29:24):
No, I believe President Trump will be acquitted. But then again,
I didn't think we would go this far. I think,
if you're going to vote for him, you're not changing
your mind based on the outcome of this case.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
So I don't think it's actually don't think it matters
at all.

Speaker 5 (29:35):
If I'm being completely honest.

Speaker 7 (29:36):
This is just all be us, it really is, and
I just it's sad case for America and the legal system.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
This is going on means that means it's.

Speaker 7 (29:50):
By sleeping shows.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
New Yorkers on the street commenting on the Manhattan Trump
trial than the man himself with a comment are.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
Dumb as a rock president?

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Final note probably on the craziness the other day in
the trial, as the trial's now going to take a
week off, as the jurors go eat and drink and
are merry on Memorial Day weekend, then come back to
hear the closing arguments, then deliberate. Alan Dershowitz was commenting
on the Francas the other day with that Costello fellow
who testified and got in the starring match with the judge,

and Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, has said some
really interesting things. He mentioned that he's been in courtrooms
all over the world, He's never seen a spectacle like this,
and that's why it should have been on television so
the American publicans see just how outrageous this.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
Judge it is.

Speaker 2 (30:46):
And then for some reason he goes off on CNN
doing his bidding. CNN lies through their teeth, but then
he gets into what he's talking about. Bob Costello testifies,
and remember Costello's inexperienced to New York attorney.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Try lawyer.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Of the rest of it, Costello testifies, Merchan rules against
him at every point, keeps out his testimony, makes outrageous
rulings that any first year student taking evidence would know
is wrong. And Bob Costello does what I did. He
rolled his eyes, and I rolled my eyes. I said,
I couldn't believe the judge was making these rulings. I
should did I explain. Dershowitz was in the courtroom. He

was like, right be behind the defense team, and the judge,
thinking as a tyrant clears the courtroom, throws everybody out
from the media. For some reason, they allowed me to stay.
He later said he thought the judge thought he's part.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
Of the defense team.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
But and I watched as the judge berated him Costello,
and the judge said something I have never seen in
a courtroom in my sixty years of observing. He threatened
to strike the testimony of the main witness for the
defendant as a punishment for the witness staring at the judge. Now,

now you might not get the signific against that, But
Dershwitz goes on, can you imagine the violation of the
sixth Amendment. The sixth Amendment allows any defendant to confront
witnesses and to present evidence in his defense. Can you
imagine if the judge had actually struck the testimony of
Bob Costello, it would result in an automatic mistrial, a
new trial, and averdict against the prosecution. The judge was bluffing.

You ought to be disciplined for making that threat. Because
the threat was an idol threat. He obviously didn't act
on it. You can't throw out a witness's testimony and
punish the defendant that way.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
It's just an outrageous threat. And we didn't see it.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Because television is allowed, not allowed in the courtroom, et cetera,
et cetera. So I thought that was an interesting point,
and it's an excellent one.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
I mean, if I'm accused.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Of murder and I've got a rock solid alibi witness,
but he's just rude, He's a rude bastard, and.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
The judge doesn't like him. And the judge says, you know,
what I don't like you.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
We're striking your testimony, Joe, you have any more alibi witnesses?
And I'm like, oh what, Judge Murchhan sucks?

Speaker 1 (33:08):
Man does he suck?

Speaker 8 (33:13):
You know?

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Jack Armstrong and ju Getti final.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
The haunting banjo, rave singing chicks sounds of anyway, Let's
get a final thought from everybody on the crew to
wrap things up for the day. There he is pressed
in the buttons. Our technical director, Mike Lanchelow Michael final thoughts.

Speaker 6 (33:38):
Yeah, we were talking about the costs of self care,
you know, like massages and paint your nails.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
My wife gets her nails.

Speaker 6 (33:43):
Done and she gets there's toes done and she gets
a massage. So I'm gonna tell her right now we
need to save some money. I'll walk on your back.
We got some deck stain. I'll paint your nails and toes.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
That's all deck stain. Beautiful, Katie Green are esteemed and used.
Woman has a final thought?

Speaker 1 (33:59):

Speaker 4 (34:00):
Well, first of all, Michael, good luck with that. Let
us know how that one goes. And second, I'm just
going to reiterate what I said earlier. Women, if you
have stopped shaving your armpits. Please please start that backup.
This is not a good book.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
Wow, women judging women. It's terrible. I hate to see it.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Proud Jack has had a follow up appointment for his
ideally oh he will be back tomorrow. My final thought
is I stopped taking the cough suppressent I was taking
because I'm more or less over the COVID completely.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
But I'm in that stage.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Where I have this constant little cough when I inhale,
and it sounds like I'm chuckling, And so I'll say
something completely innocuous.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
It sounds like a chuckling. I'm chuckling.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
People will chuck along. I'm like, no, I'm not laughing.
I'm coughing. That wasn't funny. I'm a professional. If I
intend to be funny, it'll be funny.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Don't chuckle along with never mind?

Speaker 2 (34:50):
All right, Armstrong and Geddy wrapping up another grueling four
hour workday. So many people, thanks so a little time.
Go to Armstrong Geddy dot com. We've got a lot
of great hot lengths for you. Pick out a T
shirt would you say? And T shirt and helps to
keep everybody on the payroll. Drop his line mail bag
at Armstrong and Getty dot com. We'll see you tomorrow.
God bless America.

Speaker 8 (35:08):
I'm strong and Getty girl, baby girl, this is insane.

Speaker 1 (35:13):
Down this road lies madness. I expected more. Oh really,
you have to pay attention to the cries that people have.
Should what now? So let's go with a bye, Robert, Right,
that's right, not just the word.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
They had a bed, that cabinet, heild Titan, heild titan heildon.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
That I know. Thank you all very much, arms Strong
and Getty
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