All Episodes

May 9, 2024 35 mins

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • Our guest, military analyst Mike Lyons on the Biden Admin's response to Israel...
  • A Stormy Daniels courtroom update--including a possum!...
  • A light spanking...
  • The next to emerge from the clown car...
  • Final Thoughts! 


Stupid Should Hurt:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington
Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty show.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
I know that you have paused, mister president, shipments of
two thousand pound US bombs to Israel due to concern
that they could be used in any offensive on Rafa.
Have those bombs, those powerful two thousand pound bombs been
used to kill civilians in Gaza?

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of
those bombs and other ways in which they go after
population centers. And I made it clear that if they
go into Rafa, they haven't gone on Rafa yet. If
they go into Rafa, I'm not supplying the weapons that
have been used historically to deal with Rafa, to deal

with the cities, to deal with that problem.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
So if an ally that you said on Tuesday that
we are rock solid standing behind, if their military judgment
is we need these weapons to win our war, We're
going to say no, no, we don't think so, So
we're not gonna let you do that.

Speaker 5 (01:12):
Well, And I despise the way he phrased at that,
the way they go into population centers, right, yeah, Yeah,
they're could get into population centers because that's where Hamas
is well.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
Again, every bit of the wording in that interview. If
you didn't, like, if you flew in from outer space
and didn't know the story, you'd think Israel was the
bad guy in this story because nothing bad was said
about Hamas at all or No, there are no red
lines for Hamas apparently, but I wanted to know. I
was just wondering the reality of these weapons. Does Israel

need them to go into Raford? Can they go into
Rafa without them? We else? We got to ask an expert.

Speaker 5 (01:50):
Yeah, So let's discuss that question the situation in a
broader context as well with Mike Leon's military analyst. Mike,
of course, served the United S States military and a
variety of capacities.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Throughout the world through his career. Mike, it's always a pleasure.
How are you?

Speaker 6 (02:06):
Thank you money guys, great to be back with you.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
How significant is this holding back of the heavy bombs.

Speaker 6 (02:13):
It's not if you're fighting a city war. If you're
fighting this urban conflict that the Israelis are going to
like to do, they're not stopping. I mean, this is
their only way to defeat Himas is to defeat the military,
get their leadership to surrender that this is the this
is how wars are won. What Joe Biden is doing
is pure politics. It's almost signaling to political forces in

our country. And to hear a president make the kind
of comments he's made about not killing another thirty thousand
civilians or so, it's just nonsense. I mean, the policy
is incoherent, it's asides a moral from a military perspective.
But the Israelis are faced with a situation that their
survival is at stake, so I think they're going to recalculate.

They might hold back a few more weeks, let's say,
but when the time comes, they will likely go into Rafa.
No one's dropping two thousand tom bombs on city centers
there and killing civilians. Wantonly these Jeli never not doing that.
But they're not stopping until they can they can completely
eradicate the military threat.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
And there's still.

Speaker 6 (03:21):
Battalions sitting inside that city that they're hiding because that's
that's the last fashion of the last place so they
can escape to.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
I don't want to make this a Biden bashing conversation necessarily,
but you're you're the you know, military historian, and you
participated in some of these things. So one thing Joe
Biden said yesterday is he'd warned bb Net and Yahoo,
don't do what we've done. We went after bin Laden
and then we went into Afghanistan with all these troops,
and we went into Rock with all these troops and

and don't do the same thing. And we were trying
to figure out what is the parallel between that and
going into Raffa and getting Hamas out.

Speaker 6 (03:58):
So it's totally different. Yeah, I just wonder who's putting
these thoughts and words in Joe Biden's mouth as he
spouts them out like that and yesterday, I mean and
things he says, because it's not the same analogy.

Speaker 4 (04:10):
We went.

Speaker 6 (04:10):
We went after Assamo bin Laden for the attack that
was made on nine to eleven, and it took us
almost ten eleven years, the same amount of time it
took the land of Man on the Moon it took
to capture, kill and capture him. But the Colon Powell rule,
once you you know, kind of you break it, you
buy it.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
You know.

Speaker 6 (04:25):
We tried to stand up a government Afghanistan. Then we
got distracted, We got distracted inside of the Rock that
was a you know, kind of a separate mission. So
you look back and the United States definitely committed mistakes
in now in those wars there, But it's not the
same thing. Israel fighting for its existence, it's fighting an
enemy on three fronts. This is not the same thing

as that. Right now, Hamas is just hoping that the
United States will continue to treat Israel the way they're
treating them, and because they're going to survive. They're going
to survive another day. They get a ceasefire, they got
a six week ceasefire there. They're going to do something
to try to survive and that's their goal here. And
if they do, then Israel doesn't win this war, and politically,

the Israeli leaders now look bad and Israel now continues
to spiral downward.

Speaker 5 (05:12):
Wow, it was my speculation that the Biden administration is
just desperate to get the accord going with the Saudi's
and the Amoradis, and that they're essentially saying, Israel, look,
what's in our best interests is for y'all to calm
down for a little while.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
Do you think that's more or less accurate?

Speaker 6 (05:32):
No, for sure, this is this is a political quid
pro quo. Right, did we have the last president get
pieced over this? I mean, trying to do me a favor,
stay out of rape a while I come the political
forces on my side here with regard to the situation here,
I'm not seeing the difference here that you want to
see a good analogy. There's a good analogy there, But
the bottom line is there's no legitimacy within the Biden

administration to do that, to create that diplomatic kind of environment.
They're not Anthony Blincoln, not when he whipsaws back and
forth between support for Israel and support for Hermas. Not
when we don't. We don't have the same level of
credit credibility with regard to what actually we're going to
do and who we're going to support. And the political

forces unfortunately against Joe Biden right now, are such that
they're threatened US national security.

Speaker 4 (06:22):
Look at that.

Speaker 6 (06:23):
If anybody doesn't think this is a challenge or a
problem inside our country with these pro Palestinian protests, you're
not paying attention way worse than white supremacist I mean,
where's the FBI, where's everybody you know concerned about this?
These college campuses are these places where these things are happening.
The Democrats are going to have this problem in the
summertime at their convention, and they're trying to do everything

they can to keep that from happening. But there's there's
this clear cross blurring up the line between national security,
what's the investments of the United States, and what's what's
going on politically right now? And right now the Democrats
and Joe Biden, particularly whatever's pretingly worth in his mouth,
are choosing the.

Speaker 4 (07:00):
Side of this. Since you said Bbe is going to
go in no matter what, maybe in a couple of weeks,
but it's still going to happen. What is that going
to look like? How likely is it that they're able
to wipe out those last couple of battalions, you know,
get the Osama bin laden of Hamas and be able
to feel like they won.

Speaker 6 (07:21):
Well, I think they're going to have to capture the
leaders sinwhar they're going to have to do show extensive
amount of kill and capture of the leadership there, and
that's one thing that they've tried to work on. Continue
to destroy the tunnels. I'd say this kind of court
on the kind of offensive operation where the city is
totally surrounded bill it. They'll probably start to limit humanitarian

supplies that go in. There'll be somewhat of a feeds there.
Hamas won't be able to hold off there for long.
And we're waiting for the tipping point for gods and
citizens to recognize that Hamas is not acting in their
best interests. But Israel is going to win this war
ationally kind of a good old fashioned way. They're going
to find somebody that says we surrender and the war's

going to stop it. Then they're not stopping just because
the United States is telling them to stop.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
Well, and you know, on that topic, you have an
enemy that began the fighting has vowed unequivocally to continue
it until you're wiped off the face of the earth.
And the Biden administration's obsession with what's escalatory is really frustrating.
And it's not like you knows, as a guy far

too old and sore of back to go fight. I
don't want to be talk show warmonger guy. It's a cliche,
but you know there's some people who are guilty of it.
But at the same time, if you intend to win
a conflict, and there's plainly a conflict, in front of us.

Speaker 4 (08:48):
You're going to have to escalate. That's what winning is.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
Yeah, and we've we've made assumptions about things that just
aren't true because we say they are. For example, you
know you can can't use force to change the ideology.
History shows that, yes, you can use sports to change ideology.
If you escalate that force, I think you're going to
see at the end of this Israel taking much more
control over gods. They're going to have to This two

state solution is now off the table from their perspective.
I know that our our administration still thinks that's some
kind of possibility. But the challenge is until the United
States puts pressure on Qatar and other governments that are
housing these Hamas leaders, you know, they continue to control
and operate this territory from outside Goslam. So that's that's
part of the problem. And if if we can't, if

we should be putting pressure on Hamas and the leaders
of these other countries in order to get our hostages
back number one, and then then having them not to
have the influence inside of the city, then then maybe
you'll see that Israel would would acquiesce and have new
leadership for the thousand people for the Palestinian people there.
But until that happens, you're you're not seeing any change.

Israel is going to continue to just raise the earth
down there.

Speaker 5 (09:59):
Military analysts Mike Lions, Mike, thanks so much. Really interesting.
We appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (10:04):
Thanks guys, thanks for having I mean.

Speaker 4 (10:06):
This is a serious policy disagreement. This is different than
should capital gains tax be this percent or that percent?
Biden is withholding weapons and saying don't go in. It's
a red line, whatever that means. The Wall Street Journal
editorial board says Israel must go in. I mean, that's
a serious policy difference between different factions.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
Boy, And it's a measure of how the Middle East
works that the leadership of Hamas are enjoying their billionaire
lifestyles in one of our alleged allies territory where we
have military basis. Just the idea of swooping in there
and saying, all right, now they're all dead, what are
you going to do on the ground, and the Kataris
will go crazy? And I know a good deal of

the world's energy and commerce is going to be running
through the Middle East for a very long time, and
so a presence there is important. I understand why you
don't lay waste your relationship with the Kataris, but it is.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
It's really frustrating. France has said going into Rafa would
be a crime, so I don't shut up Macron. I
don't know how many allies Bbi's gonna have, but he
might go Monoch him began and just think, I'm gonna
do whatever I gotta do and let history judge me,
and quite possibly history will judge you favorably. You get

a few years down the line.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
If I was on the ground on October seventh, that
would one hundred percent be on my list of choices.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
And a lot of it has to do, like Mike
Client said, is just the location thing. The reality of
it ours was, you know, Iraq and al Kaita and
his al Qaeda there, but I never felt a threat.
If you live in Israel, the distance from where you
are to Rafa is like this weekend when you go
to the pottery barn outlet. That's how far it is.

And they got a whole bunch of people over there
who would love to cut your head off and your
childre all. Can you imagine living like that? No, on,
there's people right over there that if they had the chance,
would set me on fire.

Speaker 5 (12:03):
And your military failed miserably to defend you the last
time they tried.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
Right, And now the United States, your biggest supporter, is saying, ah,
you better not. You better leave them alone, leave them
in the pottery barn outlet, all right, because it would
be super inconvenient if you were to kill them. Holy crap.
More Stormy Daniels trial updates is that ridiculous show continues,
Go on to a bunch of other stuff. Stay here.

The Stormy Daniels trial continues to amuse.

Speaker 5 (12:41):
Actually misfiling your business paperwork leading to a misdemeanor cover
up of a fraud of a paperwork.

Speaker 4 (12:49):
By my counting, Stormy has been on the stand for
seven or eight hours now. It's a long time to
talk to somebody who's just tangentially related to this case
at best. And asked herself if you know what the
case is about? And she said today, And she said no,
not really, and she admitted she doesn't know anything about
the how the money changed hands. Okay, that's wow. So

then what are we talking to you about for hours
and hours and hours? So Katie, you're going to really
enjoy this. No, So Katie Green brought us earlier the
fact that it opened with Trump's lawyers saying, you've written
and directed one hundred and fifty sex films. You have
a lot of experience in making phony stories about sex
appear real. Right, So just you know, I don't know

what the point is of that angle of questioning or whatever,
but I'm starting to understand what's going on here now.
By the way, the Wall Street General mentions Trump, who
is seventy seven, was hunched over and frowning periodically looking
at the porn star. Okay, Trump's lawyer pointed to jurors
to Daniel's work as a medium and self described paranormal investigator. Okay,

that's something I didn't know about. So they're trying to
make her look like a crack pot, and I think
they did a pretty good job of it today. So
what's getting my juices going is the idea of they
really put their time and effort into what the way
they're gonna make Cone look like a scumbag. I mean,
if they got this stuff dug up about Stormy, wait
till they get the Cone next week. But anyway, so

they pointed to jurors to Stormy Daniel's work as a
medium and a self described paranormal investigator. Daniels has said
that while living in New Orleans, while living a house there,
she believed it was haunted in that spirits had attacked
her boyfriend and held him underwater. Yes, pastured spirits. The
porn star told jurors today some indications of paranormal activity

at the household later attributed to a giant apostle.

Speaker 7 (14:49):
This jury just has to be gone.

Speaker 4 (14:51):
I stopped my life right right, God, I.

Speaker 7 (14:58):
Could be doing anything else on planet Earth, but I'm
listening to Stormy Daniels talk about her hauntings.

Speaker 8 (15:04):
So now he testified earlier that your lafe was disrupted
by an average size possum. Objection, Just this possum was
very large, very large.

Speaker 4 (15:19):
So I now I'm starting to get this. So they
wanted to put in the jury's mind. She's been in
one hundred and fifty porn movies, right, she believes in
spirits and ghosts. Thinks her boyfriend was held under water
by a ghost turned out to be a possum er something.
What was it possible holding her underwater or that that's

one nasty possum.

Speaker 8 (15:42):

Speaker 4 (15:42):
Attempted drowning by possum. Yeah, it's rare, but not unheard
of in New Orleans, kiddie. So I think what they're
trying to say is this chick has run a dozen
different ridiculous scams to make money. Yeah, she's just they're
just trying to make her look like she's a piece
of work. I mean she is. I mean, you know,
so far, so good. Yeah, it acts like a duck

and it walks like a dock. That is awesome.

Speaker 5 (16:07):
If there's any decency in the world, the prosecution to say,
your honor, can we all just go home?

Speaker 4 (16:13):
That is a sorry for wasting everybody's time. You gotta
love the Wall Street Journal, who has to, like, you know,
treat this like a serious story because they're the Wall
Street Journal. The porn star told jurors that some indications
of paranormal activity at the house were later attributed to
a giant opossum. Hmm, a g O or a GP.

Speaker 9 (16:32):
And we got the OT and the GP. Now, yeah,
that's right. That is awesome. So now I'm kind of
understanding where they're going with that. Their suggesting she made
up the story. Then they get into the paranormal Your
boyfriend was almost drowned by a ghost possum thing.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
Oh, we don't have time for that clip from Okay.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
Later we came up with a clip from an interview
she did with Anderson Cooper several years ago.

Speaker 4 (17:02):
Cool. You will find the tone interesting. And the Wall
Street Journal has a description of what it was like
outside the courthouse this morning as people were trying to
get in. That's pretty interesting and entertaining.

Speaker 5 (17:12):
Imagine being menaced by possums. The title of my new album.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Armstrong and Getty.

Speaker 4 (17:23):
Donald Trump understands media and narratives and stuff better than
practically anybody, and he had to think that whole Stormy
Daniel's possum testimony was just awesome.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
Oh yeah, yeah, he said, Oh, we got a punch
we are, we got our punchline, Sure.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
We got We did get a good text. If a
possum is trying to kill you, do you play possum
to get away or is it it knows all your tricks?
What a terrible question.

Speaker 8 (17:50):

Speaker 5 (17:50):
So this, you know, I'll just we'll set this up
and then we'll talk about it later. This is I
want to Stormy Daniel's first big interviews in twenty eighteen
with Anderson Cooper enjoy the tone of it.

Speaker 10 (18:04):
I was like, so, MU should take that magazine and
spank you with it. And I'll never forget the look
on his face. And he was like, just I don't
think anyone's ever spoken to him like that, especially you know,
a young woman who looked like me. And I said,
you know, give me that and I just remember why
you wouldn't.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
Hand it over.

Speaker 10 (18:26):
And so he did, and I was like, turn.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Around, drop him.

Speaker 5 (18:30):
You told Donald Trump to turn around and take off
his pants?

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Yes? And did he yes?

Speaker 10 (18:36):
So he turned around and pulled his pants down a little,
and you know, he had underwear on and stuff, and
I just gave him a.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
Couple of swats. This was done in a joking manner, yes, right,
And the way it's been portrayed as she put him
in his place, being disgusted with his rudeness. You don't
know flirting when you see it, or a sexual, flat
out sexual. Come on, you asked me to take my
pants down so you could spank me.

Speaker 5 (19:02):
And then she comes out of the bathroom and he
was there and is underpants.

Speaker 4 (19:06):
And getting to that. This is from the Wall Street Journal.
Trump's lawyer today argued that Daniel's account of sex with
Trump was not only inconsistent, but also didn't make sense
for a woman who had seen hundreds of people naked. Quote,
according to you, seeing a man sitting on a bed
in a T shirt and boxer shorts was so upsetting
that you got lightheaded. Trump's lawyer said, well, said, that's

a good point. They mentioned her reply. The porn star
said she hadn't expected to see Trump in his underwear.

Speaker 5 (19:34):
There you go, ah, right, So the reason any of
this matters, well, guys on trial. But I mentioned earlier
that there are thirty thousand plus das around America who
essentially have the same job as Calvin or Alvin Bragg.
They are plausibly fifty that are DA or county attorney

for a big enough city that they have the heft
and enough heavyweights to do business in their cities that
they could cook up a charge. And even if it's
only ten, there are ten local DA's. They could say,
you know, he did three speaking engagements in our city
over the last four years or ten years for that matter,

and we could easily say he evaded local taxes on those.
Plus he was paid through the event promoter, which is
a local company. Let's cook up an indictment for conspiracy
to evade taxes. Well, indict them, we'll drag him into court.
We'll waste his time to keep them off the campaign trail.
That would be easiest pie.

Speaker 4 (20:41):
For some reason, it flitted back into my mind the because,
as it says here in the Wall Street Journal, Daniel's
testimony is in some way superfluous to the case. Yes,
I'd say, so, there's that. So the media trying to
portray it is just so tawdry and awful that a
presidential candidate would pay a woman to be quiet so
that we didn't find about her sex. Whereas the Clintons,

this is known George Stephanopplis wrote about it in his book,
would destroy women. So rather than off from one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, they would paint them as insane slots, yes,
and ruin their lives. Yes. And Trump's the bad guy
for paying her off to try to protect themselves. So
you know, neither of them are good stories. How about
you don't run around on your wife, but come on,

Trump's toenail clippers or gold. Just got that detail. I
kind of assumed that not surprising. That's from when she
was going through his like a bathroom kit that he
had in the in the bathroom. Because she was in
his hotel room and saw that he uses pert old
spice and has gold tonail clips.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
I assumed he has like a gold toothbrush, right.

Speaker 4 (21:50):
I kind of like this detail. Outside the courthouse before
it started today, lines to enter were unusually long, with
more than one hundred members of the public seat to
watch Daniel's testimony. So they're gonna let one hundred people in,
so hopeful Trump watchers played the card game. Uker took
turns making coffee runs and swapped impressions of the former
president about half a dozen snag seats in the courtroom.

She's used to unusually long lines. This is a circus. Yes,
So of course everybody's lined up because Stormy is there.
Nobody was lined up earlier in the week. I'm guessing
to hear the head of bookkeeping discuss who signed the checks, well,
to hear the part that's gonna determine whether or not

he's guilty.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
Right, there's no way they get a conviction now. I
think the case is falling apart. Yeah, that's stuff today
that was really good. I didn't get it at first,
but so they're just trying to make it really, really clean.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
I mean clear that you've got a lot of wacky
stuff in your background, all of it, you know, trying
to figure out a way to money when she was
a paranormal investigator and stuff like that.

Speaker 5 (23:03):
Right, right, Speaking as a former juror, people don't dig
it when you insult their intelligence and waste their time.
Six and a half hours so far of miss Clifford
the Mattress actress testifying. Although you know it has been entertaining.

Oh yeah, I mean just from the jurors perspective.

Speaker 4 (23:26):
But somehow I'd missed the fact that she, for a
while was a self described paranormal investigator.

Speaker 5 (23:32):
Well it turns out she was a possome investigator. But
whatever the hell that is easy to get the too confused.

Speaker 4 (23:40):
Tell you what we've had.

Speaker 5 (23:41):
At one point, we had trees that hung over our roof,
very close to it, and roof rats will get onto
the roof, and once the roof rats on your roof,
unless you're really fortified, it's going to get into your attic.
And so we had rats ooching around in her attic
and scratching and making noises as we're trying to sleep

and stuff like that. It is a tad unnerving, But
I didn't fancy myself a paranormal investigator when I stuck
my head up there to see what was going on.

Speaker 4 (24:14):
Thursday's cross examination at the Times grew contentious, with Daniels
accusing the lawyer of reaching inaccurate conclusions. The two women
clashed to her good idea having a woman go after
he too, because a man will alway be a bad look. Yeah.
The two women clashed over what exactly Daniels meant when
she joked on social media about being the best person
to flush quote an orange turd down the toilet referring

to Trump. She tried to turn. She tried to claim
a couple of times that she wasn't necessarily referring to Trump.
Then she backed off that line for some reason.

Speaker 5 (24:44):
The jurors are full of contempt for her right now guaranteed,
and for.

Speaker 4 (24:49):
The prosecution in trotting out such a clown show. The lawyer.
Woman said Daniels had claimed she would be instrumental in
putting Trump in jail. You're putting words in my mouth,
retorted Daniels, Well, lots of things. I do like the
whole You've seen hundreds of people naked, but you were

so lightheaded when you saw Trump and his boxer shorts
you almost passed out. I guess her argument, and this
would be fair. I suppose there's a difference between I'm
expecting to see someone naked, that is my job, and
I thought I was in this guy's hotel room to
have dinner. No food ever showed up, so nobody's sure
about the dinner part, and he's in his boxer shorts,

and it became clear to me, Oh, he thinks I'm
willing to have sex with him. I'm having the vapors.

Speaker 8 (25:40):

Speaker 5 (25:40):
And then she was so shocked and outrage she well,
what's the phrase, had sex with him?

Speaker 4 (25:46):
Yeah? Willingly, she says yes again to her credit, I'm
really shocked that she hasn't decided to turn at some
point toward he forced himself on her. Oh.

Speaker 5 (25:58):
Why she hasn't, Probably because she's she's at least bright
enough to realize. She's on the record many many times
saying it was consensual.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
Over It's almost twenty years ago. All right, that's a
long time. But the elephant in the room or the
possum in the attic is that this has squat to
do with the charges. Right, six and a half hours
on something that is not even tangentially necessary. It's tangentially related,

but it's not necessary. Hey, nobody got temptation. I wanted
to get this on. Yeah, this is important. This is
how they wrapped up talking about the trial yesterday on
NBC News clip forty four.

Speaker 11 (26:45):
Michael, So, this appeal will slow down the Georgia case considerably.
With the DC election in her face disappearance case still
in limbo, and the Florida Classified Documents trial now and
definitely on hold, all this making it all but certain
that the ongoing Hushmunning trial will be the only case
done by November.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
They're reporting on the Fani Willis thing and where that's going.
As you heard there from NBC News, it's all but
certain that this trial, this ridiculous trial we're talking about
right now, is the only one that's going to happen,
which I, ah, geez, I don't know what the think
guy's about to say. It's a good thing for justice,
but there are some real cases, like the document's case.
I think he absolutely obstructed justice there, But that case

isn't going to happen before his president. This is the
stupid one that made.

Speaker 5 (27:30):
It January sixth. Case is probably worth hearing for a
number of different reasons.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
Nailed down a couple of things about immunity or whatever. Right, Yeah,
but it's not going to happen. Isn't that wild? They're
for a cup of coffee longer than a cup of coffee.
It looked like there are going to be four difficult
cases happen in an election year. Now you just got
this one, stupid one.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
There are so many times in life karma seems to
be out of the office when you need it the most.
But I think this Alvin Bragg case is going to
end precisely as it should, in humiliation, shame, and failure.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
Well, Trump's lawyers did a pretty good job of digging
up some stuff about Stormy to try to paint her
as a money motivated kind of nut job. What they
have on Cone because the whole case that is not superfluous.
He is the deal, and he is a scumbag and
has been his whole life. That's that's what he did

for a living. Imagine the stuff that they're going to
bring out next week when they cross examine him to
try to paint him as a guy who's willing to
say or do anything throughout his life for money. They're
going to hit him with the poll of Justice. Michael,
I think that could be really entertaining all of them. Okay, Okay, God,

I hope I was. For some reason, I saw her
on CNN yesterday, that woman, and I thought, if I
see her at the convention, I'm gonna run up to
her and say, I got to tell you, it's one
of the greatest moments. Oh, what's your face in cable
news history when you challenge going on the polls? You're
behind in the polls? What polls? All of them. I've

already answered your question. Polls. I think they're gonna buy it.
So they're going to bring up stuff with about him
that we've never heard that's going to be so entertaining
next week. I think he might he might just walk
off the sands say never mind, I've decided not to testify.
I exactly forget about it. Not worth it. We'll finish
strong next are strong?

Speaker 8 (29:29):
He yet?

Speaker 11 (29:34):
Can you say it's not a shakeup, but you guys
are down.

Speaker 4 (29:38):
And it makes sense that there would.

Speaker 11 (29:42):
Most of them, all of them.

Speaker 4 (29:48):
Says who polls.

Speaker 7 (29:50):
I just told you, I answered your question.

Speaker 4 (29:52):
Okay, which polls all of them okay, and your question
is okay. That's priceless. I know. That's why if I
see at the convention, I'm gonna run up to her
and say, that's the best thing ever. I love that
so much. The long pause.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
Who And it was obviously because they talked at the
same time, but it just it's so delicious.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
So perfect.

Speaker 5 (30:20):
So it's utterly clear at this point that the defense
is realized in the Alvin Bragg foisted fraud of a trial,
that they will so beclown this witness, that the entire
prosecution is beclowned. Keeping in mind that they have the
disbarred serial perjurer who we just heard from, to be

the next clown to emerge out of the prosecution's clown car,
and they are gonna tee him up like a golf
ball in him and hit him three hundred yards.

Speaker 4 (30:50):
That won't even be hard, I tell.

Speaker 5 (30:51):
You what, And I'm confident when I say this in
the defense attorney's room or office, they're saying, it's just
like halftime of a football game. Where you're up by
twenty eight points. The coach is saying, look, we've got
to stay focused. Got to stay focused. I know everything's
going our way and we're feeling like we're on top
of it. We got to stay focused because they're ahead

by fifty points.

Speaker 4 (31:14):
I think so. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (31:15):
Having said that, total change of topic. Breaking news from
the National Review. The maintenance workers Union in New York
is threatening to sue Columbia University for not protecting workers
trapped in the building seized by the protesters. And I've
been waiting the whole show to bring this up, but

we keep getting, you know, crazy Stormy Daniel's updates. The
maintenance workers. The custodians are saying they barricaded themselves in
the building.

Speaker 4 (31:50):
And chained the doors and all we were trapped. We
couldn't get out for a long time. When OJ Simpson said,
ain't nobody le in this room right? The other people
in the room were kidnapping victims and OJ went to
jail for a long time over his stupid memorabilia stuff.

You've got a couple of completely innocent janitors wanted to
get the hell out of there and go home, and
they weren't permitted to wait a minute. Hmmm. Interesting.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
I wonder how far the union will push this and
whether they're looking for justice or just a payoff. I
am waiting for well, Alvin Bragg would have to charge this. No,
he's Manhattan. Where's the Columbia's Columbia Manhattan?

Speaker 4 (32:39):
It is?

Speaker 5 (32:40):
Yeah, okay, But if anybody knows any different matter it has,
any thoughts, email us mail bag at Armstrong you getty
dot com.

Speaker 4 (33:04):
Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Geddy.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
Let's get a final thought from everybody on the crew
to wrap up the show.

Speaker 4 (33:09):
There is our technical director, Michael Angelo. Michael final thought.
You've heard of crazy cat women. I may be a
crazy cat guy. I love the kittens that we bought,
and I may dress them up. I hate to say it.
Oh wow, that's a step beyond Michael.

Speaker 5 (33:26):
Katie Green are esteemed Newswoman. As a final thought, Katie, Michael.

Speaker 7 (33:29):
The only acceptable outfit for a cat as if it's
riding in the co seat of a motorcycle with a helmet,
because I've seen that.

Speaker 4 (33:36):
On the internet and that was funny. It's a fair standard. Jack.
Final thought for us, you're longing to have children Michael,
your jeans are crying out to have children. That's what
your jeans are crying out. Let's see, it's just a
little personal, I must say. The Stormy Daniels testimony, in
which it turns out she was an amateur paranormal investigator

who thought a ghost trown tried to drown her boyfriend,
but it turned out the noises in her home or
a giant blossom, is definitely my favorite story of the week.
That was priceless.

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Yes, indeed, my final thought is how great was it
to talk to Katie's dad, who's a retired court judge
of great status and long experience talking about the Stormy
Daniels part of this trial, the trial in general. Really
enjoyed it and hope we can talk again. If you
miss that, it's an hour two grab the podcast Armstrong

and Getty on demand, hour two from today.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
He also does not understand how the two crimes come
together to make the felony that makes this whole thing work. No,
it's beyond a stretch, and we're now fifteen days into
the trial and they haven't brought it up yet. Armstrong
and Getty wrapping up another grueling four hour workday, so
many people of thanks so little time. Go to Armstrong
andgeddy dot com. Pick up a hat, a T shirt.

The sports Bras endorsed my daughter who will soon be
a lawyer and maybe you judge some day t shirt.
I mentioned that I'd email us hit the hot links.
Great stuff to read and look at. We will see tomorrow.
God to bless America.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
Whoa, whoa, Hang on, guys, I'm Strong and Getty.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
Screw it, I'm leaving. What a personal privilege? A little
too much? Docky doc? Do you understand? Can I understand
the word you're sharing?

Speaker 2 (35:24):
So it's not over your redline yet?

Speaker 4 (35:27):
Whatever, When it comes on for you to go, you'll
have to go. Get out of here. You more on,
take your turtle neck and kid that high note. Thanks
you all very much, Armstrong and Getty
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