All Episodes

September 25, 2020 37 mins

Hour 4 of A&G is a perfect culmination of the week that was...including Clips of the Week!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:18):
For over two hundred and forty four years. We've always
had a No, I thought I had a thing, but
I that's not the thing I thought it was. It
went sideways. Oh hey, beloved listener sent this along. I
thought it was pretty funny. We ought to use this
clip number thirty Sean, if you would be so kind,
I'll be back. You can't keep the Democrats out of
the White House forever, and when they get in, I'm
back on the streets with all my criminal buddies. That

is a line from The Simpsons that would not be
written today. No, you can't game the Democrats out of
the White House forever, and I'll be back out of
the streets with all of my criminal friends. That's beautiful.
So yes, we will be wearing that one out. My
kids love the sideshow. Bob wants to kill Bart. Stuff.

Just love. That's what's not to like, exactly. It's I'm
amazed by how hilarious my kids think The Simpsons is.
The Simpsons is a TV show. What was the animating
factor that initially turned Sidehill Bob against Bart? Did you
did you go over that in your rewatch? I can't
remember what If there was a specific it's funny. Henry

said that. He said, can we see the episode where
we find out why sideshow Bob wants to kill Bart?
And I said, is there an episode? I thought they'll
have to go back to that because we joined he
was already trying to kill Bart when and he was
in prison. He had just gotten out of prison when
we joined it. And then we can learned it the
first episode that their enmity is shown. But I can't remembers.

It stems from doesn't Bart get him with a prank
or something? No, Sideshow Bob, having had enough of being
Krusty the clown sidekick, attempted to murder Crusty and was
the one who foiled it. We haven't watched that yet.
Bart foiled it and got him thrown in prison. That's right, yes, right,

you have die Bart die carved on your chest. So
it's German for the Bart. The well, nobody that's German
could be an awful man, says one of the jurors.
This is why, when my kids were little, I laid
down an edict, an executive action, if you will, saying

all right, no more Simpson's quotes at the table, Our
entire conversation consists of Simpson's quotes stop it, that's funny.
Chambe of Caitlin will try to slip one in. I'd
be like, wait a minute, I recognize that you're busted, kid.
We practically need transition music and wa, we actually do

need transition music, transitioning from silly to sirius. If you
could now this is serious to sell it. She saw
was a communist and that's serious, David, Communism caused the

deaths of many people, Jack, and that's serious. Yes. David
French is a constitutional lawyer, he writes for The Dispatch
Now his headline yesterday, a lawful decision in Kentucky, but
an unjust one, arguing that the grand jury's decision in
the Briona Taylor case, where one of the three officers
involved was indicted for one engagement but no one was

charged for her death, was both lawful and deeply unjust.
You know what I really like about David French is
I agree with him about a third of the time.
I'm neutral about a third at the time, and I
disagree with him about a third at the time. So
he's always thought provoking. Referencing something he'd written before, he
makes the case that although the police officers involved in

the specific case likely followed the laws written, the law
as written places police and lawfully armed citizens on a
violent collision course. This is what I've been asking about
in a series of opinions reaching back more than two decades.
The Supreme Court has permitted the use of no knock
police raids not just to preserve life, but also to
preserve evidence. It is also granted officers specific legal privileges

even when they've violated citizens constitutional rights, including exemptions from
a rule which blocks the use of unlawfully obtained evidence
in criminal trials, exemptions from attempts to impose heightened obligations.
Blah blah blah. Let me skip all that. Police departments
across the country have taken advantage of this wide latitude.
They've sought no knock warrants liberally, they've blurred the line

between no knock and knock and announce with quick knock practices,
and they've engaged in surprise, late night, violent entries into
private dwellings for the sole purpose of preserving evidence, which
David says should not happen. There is unquestionably an interest
in preserving evidence, but it has to be balanced against
creating that collision course you're talking about. Good point. David

French notes that the District of Columbia versus Hello Supreme
Court decision guaranteed citizens a constitutional right to defend themselves
at home with a handgun. Other states have enacted stand
your ground laws or laws recognizing the Castle doctrine, which
states that, in general, it holds that a person does
not have a duty to retreat when he is lawfully
present in a place and he reasonably believes he faces

an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm. The
result if cops are raiding a home in the middle
of the night, executing a no knock or a quick
knock warrant, but the armed homeowner is unaware they are
a police, he or she has a right to open fire,
and once police are fired a pawn, they can also
shoot back. A gun battle commence can commence with both

parties acting completely lawfully created. French rights correct. And I
don't want to be in a situation where I'm any
lawful gun bat with more guns and people who are
trained to use them versus my inadequate abilities right a
quick knock. That's exactly the question we were asking yeah, yesterday. Yeah,
and the young man involved, the current boyfriend, whom I

believe to be blameless. He's involved in no criminality, he
has no record, he was a legal gun owner, etc. Etc.
He clearly, Um, his reaction was, I didn't know it
was the cops, so it sounds like a quick knock
situation or whatever. Or he was groggy and just didn't

hear it, didn't comprehend it. But we should be exactly
the yeah yeah appears description That appears to be what
tragically occurred in the case of Brionna Taylor. Um, here's
the conclusion. In the contest between the rights of a
woman to sleep peacefully in her own home and for
her boyfriend to defend it against violent entry, and the
right of the state to make a violent entry, the
law should prefer the homeowner. No, that doesn't mean removing

from police the ability to defend themselves. It means dramatically
restricting their ability to make a violent entry. In the
first instance, it means revitalizing the Fourth Amendment and reviving
its importance in our constitutional republic. The right of the
people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects against unreasonable searches and Caesars shall not be violated,
and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, support

by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to
be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
You have to meet that standard. Yesterday, the grand jury
correctly applied the law to the facts and its decision
not to charge the officers who fired fatal shots. But
her death was still deeply unjust, and the injustices will
continue until the law is reformed. He's basically saying we

need to air more toward Look, this is my home
and I have a right to defend it. Then toward
you get to come into it, right, I would agree, Yeah,
one hundred percent. I'm a big fan of all the amendments,
but the fourth and it's been eroded awfully through the years.
Yeah yeah, yeah, Well, sometimes it takes a really unfortunate
situation to get people to take a serious look at

the way we're doing. Yeah, you know, you got you
gotta throw in though. The warrant, which was lawfully executed,
was part of an investigation into a drug ring that
was killing many, many people with fentyl, so it was
serious stuff. Um sure sounds like it to be a
difficult judgment call in all of these cases. Does this

rise to the level if we get to show up
in the middle of the night, knock on the door,
say we're police, going in knowing that that's not you know,
people who are portrayed as well, they knocked and announced
their police. What the hell does that mean to me?
Even if you gave me like three minutes to deal
with it? Okay, great, I got somebody pounding on my
door saying it's a police. I don't have any idea

for this police. I don't know why they're here, right,
I'm so shocked that they'd be here. I can hardly
comprehend it. Yeah, yeah, let me let me advocate for
the the police side of it though. All right, So
you get this dangerous fentinel ring. Hundreds of people have
died of overdoses just in the last year in a
middle size city like Louisville. This is the drug ring

that's selling a lot of it. If we can get
in the door before they flush it down the toilet,
we can bring these people to justice and save many,
many lives. If we not politely and say hello, your
local shurf's department Hello, is anyone home? Then the bad
guys will get to continue being really bad. Yeah. I
don't know the answer. It's a balancing act and it's

a hard one, but it certainly needs to be looked
at from all sides. Here's a question for you, my friends.
This is not the discussion they're having on cable news,
by the way, exactly. I was going to offer that
same thought in an allegedly clever way. Have you ever
heard this conversation on CNN, ABCNBCCBS, any of them. No,

of course not, of course not. It's not click baity enough.
White men are hunting down black people. They actually said
that on CNN. You can go ahead and kill all
the black people you want. Yeah, that's that's what we
take away from this. You know, the Republic did well
for so long. We had a great run. Don't say that.

It's like that used to be funny when we'd say
stuff like America. Yeah, I don't say that anymore because
it's too on the nose, too close actually happening. I
tell you what, though, I feel like I'm a San
Francisco Giants baseball fan. They won three World Series in
five years, and then they went down the tubes and uh,

I feel like we've had a great run. Front office
says we're gonna have a rebuilding year. I got this, uh,
second string right fielder from the Toronto Blue Jays. They
say it is pretty good. Maybe it'll work out. I
don't know, but maybe not. Ah Well, the best you
can do is the best you can do. We'll just

try to keep the country together and try to you know,
speak the truth. You work hard, take care of your family,
do your best. You have a happy life. We remember
you are not the economy and you are not the news.
You have a good life. We've got clips of the
week coming up, which we forgot about. Also, a man
pray because we're doomed. Thank you. A man died for
meeting too munch of black liquorice, which the FDA is

now out warning us all about. Is the race of
the liquorice necessary to the discussion the clips of the week? Next,
stay here Armstrong and get the Armstrong and Getty Show.

My house was declared uninhabitable by the insurance company. Have
ever had your home declare it uninhabitable? Wow? I apologize
for laughing. That's not good. I mean, I'm almost certain
mine is, but it's never been officially declared as such,
and I'm inhabiting it currently, which Scott law exactly. Maybe

we'll talk to you that after this. Maybe you gotta
get tasted. Yes, oh that's right. It's time to take
a fun look back at the week there was. It's
cow clips of the week. Philadelphia is roughly seven Democrats
for every one Republican. When we took a look at
who applied to vote by mail, that disparity was seventeen

to one to the Chinese Communist Party. I described their
approach as co option. Co opt us in with the
law of access to their market and short term profits,
and then coerce us, coerce us to adhere to the
worldview and to make concessions that allow them to achieve
competitive advantage against us. There couldnt have been a clearer

mandate because the American people didn't just re elect Republicans,
they expanded our majority. Attorney General bar is unfit for office.
We've got the vose to confirm Justice ginferg replacement before
the election. Who writes it off? I don't know the
government the right off people. Why are we having this conversation?

And somebody needs to tell that to Fart and Joe Biden.
They've got televisions and closets and bathrooms on the floor
of the ceilings. I think Democrats just cut to the
chase and make everyone in America the Supreme Court justice.
I mean, think about it. Because of Corona, most of
us are already comfortable working in roles anyway. So, oh,

you've got putslat Bee, the two a world of free comedies,
these antitute at conas, the vaticine, Bumblebee, rand Tuna, and
you can throw that soccer, you can put a curve
on it. You can do whatever that you want. Our

patented Brito elevator is a twist on the entire brito
eating experience. That's your side for life, right there. Oh,
I got throwed. I blew the call. Yeah, five o'clock tomorrow,
East Coast time. I assume Trump announces. I assume acb

Amy Corney Barrett as the next Supreme Court justice. She'll
speak a little bit and then the tearing her down begins,
and some quarters it already has Reuters a newsweek with
some really journalistically disqualifying hit pieces on her religion, with
the flimsiest of reasoning for saying the things they were saying.

Is it because it inspired Handmaid's Tale? Right? Just a
fee got some good stuff for you at Armstrong and
getty dot com, by the way, including yesterday's One More
Thing podcast and Today's hosted by Positive Sean. But yesterday's
was Everybody's top ten all time album list and it
was very interesting. If you like music, you might find

it interesting than you would expect in a top ten albums.
I was on my way home Jack when I was
seized with regret for forgetting a couple of my favorite albums.
But it's the nature of the thing. I think top
twenty five would have been a lot less painful than
Top ten anyway. Also, the wildly popular Jerry Nadler video
did he soil himself? Right? Cheek goes back into the left,

back into the left. You be the judge. Will I
soil myself? As? I have no working bathrooms in my home?
That is why the insurance company declared it uninhabitable, especially
for two adults and two kids to live there. We
maybe have heard me talk about this, we working bathrooms?
What are you the Queen of England? Come on, we
had a leak in our toilet have the plumbers come.

They they take up the toilet, they say, oh, it's
been leaking for a long time underneath. You might want
to have somebody look at this. Like four people later
find out I've got a huge black mold problem and
they have to like tear out both entire bathrooms. Like
a fifth of the house is being taken away. Boy,
and that's all plasticked off and everything like that. And
we have no bathrooms. And so I've been getting hold

of the insurance company trying to figure out, you know,
you really need to have a bathroom. As a first worlder,
you'd prefer it. And so that at that point they
declare your home uninhabitable and you have the option of
either living in a hotel, which insurance pays for. But
that's not really that handy for us with animals and
kids going to school and all that sort of stuff.

I just I don't want to do that. I have
to find a goat friendly hotel and we're using a
bathroom in the barn to get by. But they pay
you they figure out what your home would rent for.
I don't know why they do this. If you're gonna
if we're gonna rent out our home, and then they
pay you that much back. I'm not exactly sure why,
but at least I get some money for it. Continue there, Yeah,

I wonder how I can get that gone. And you
know that doesn't give me any place to pooh. You're
just going to gold mine jacket goldmine. Having an inhabitable home,
it's terrible. Have you rendered one of those fancy porta
John's yet? I haven't yet. I probably should. We've been
walking out through the barn and using the bathroom and
it's not that handy. Yeah. Also, the bathing situation isn't

that great. Well, you combine that with your power always
getting shut off because you live in cal Unicornia. You
really you're belieguered. We're counting the hot tub as a bath,
probably too often. A full boy the arm Strong and

Jetty Show, she says, Gray say, I don't care about
I've got a coronavirus. Update that is, it's kind of

like the old I'd rather be right than happy, who
never makes sense to me. I'd rather be happy than right,
But no, not me. Well, this is one of those
right makes me happy. Yes. A couple of Declin related notes.
First of all, my son Declan is celebrating his twenty
sixth birthday today. Wow. Yeah, wow, happy birthday, my lad.

Your son is now older than when you and I
started working together. That's crazy. That's right. Yeah, my gosh, yeah,
that's right. Wow. Anyway, M sorry I blacked out for
a moment, but happy birthday, big day. You're a fine man.
Declan Garvey of The Dispatch was in Twitter jail for

some time, and nobody can figure out why a number
of my favorite conservative thinkers have been panned temporarily from
Twitter lately. Very strange. Also a note to the Internet.
I will not watch a commercial that is longer than
the news video that I want to watch. The ratio

is off. Indeed, I will watch every fifteen second commercial
you want to throw at me. I will not watch
a thirty second commercial to get a thirty second video.
And I say that to be helpful. Fifteen yes, thirty No.
I mentioned the other day I subscribe to YouTube, which

I hadn't been a paying subscriber to. Like I'm yeah,
I'm paying for a subscription subscription and it's too mostly
to avoid the ads. I mean, there are other benefits
to it. I get a lot of news stuff and everything,
like that you get, you get to skip all the ads,
and I just don't know if I can handle another subscription.
You know, look at you add up? Yeah, they add up.

So I'm looking for another one to dump. But the
ads they kill me. I don't know why. Why does
that fifteen second ad just seem like it's gonna end
my life? I don't know. We run ads here and
people put up with him paid for your YouTube subscription? Huh,
think about it? Think about it. Robert Kraft, do you

remember him, the owner of the New England Patriots. They
dropped the charges in the hole. He went to a
spot to see a hooker. Thing that was such a
huge story. And was there a Trump angle to that?
I don't I don't even remember to Trumps. I don't
even understand what. I don't remember why that was a
big deal at all at one point? Why was that
a big deal? Rich guy gets busted for going to

see how Trump supporter? How is that a big There's
something else to that. We're missing. A part of the
flu from Kansas City on the day of the AFC
Championship game to go to this bizarre little mossuse parlor
in some small town in Florida. Oh yeah, one particular place,
Handy Torium. Yeah, and got caught up in some sort
of sting that was going on at that place. Yeah,

but there's a lot of weird Wait what you took
your jet across state? Why? Just that place? Yeah, there's
some sort of money laundering Piegau game going on in
the basement. They're breeding panda's. On the other hand, if
old men want to get handies at a strip wall
behind closed doors, seriously, if we're spending five dollars enforcing

those laws, it's too much. And this on the coronavirus.
For much of the past few months, critics of the
US's state and national coronavirus response have pointed to the
relavantive squashing of the virus in other regions across the globe,
particularly Europe. Oh have you why didn't we do it
like Europe did it total shut down, similar culture and climate,

and they did such a great job. Well, and you
can no longer point to Europe after months of compared
of calm, europe second wave of the virus appears to
be well underway. Spain and France have surpassed the United
States on a rate basis. New COVID nineteen cases per million,
and and it's let's getting harry over there. Last week

in England they outlawed social gatherings of more than six
people indoor or out six bo joe, which is really
something nationally banned across the whole Can you imagine doing
that in the United States? No gatherings of more than
six in the whole country. Wow. And Spain's capital of
Madrid began to enforce partial lockdowns earlier this week that

affect eight hundred and fifty thousand people, sparking protests. You know,
this is a really good illustration of how damn mark
political conversation is too, because there are left wing left
or wing right wing regimes and governments and officials involved
in those countries, not to mention all the states of

our Union that have tried differentferent things at different times,
and the fact that it's all pro Trump liberal conserva
just doesn't make any sense. It's a freaking disease. Can
we just try to figure out how to deal with
it and quit retreating into our ideological camps? I mean,
like bb net and Yahoo is a hard ass. Yeah,
that is a super conservative regime in most ways, and

they're in total lockdown mode right now, just trying to
defeat the VID. So I don't know nobody has any idea,
and we got this text. I decided to get on
a plane this weekend. I was on an American Airlines
flight that was packed, every seat taken, everybody's shoulder to shoulder.
Yet I can't go to the movies. Wow. Yeah, that's

surprising to me. I flew on American several weeks ago.
I assume they were all masked. Yeah, Southwest is still
reserving the middle seat for nobody. I wouldn't dig sitting
shoulder to shoulder and plane. No, I'm not real comfortable
with that idea. It's been pointed out that the airplane
air is much more filtered than most air you're exposed to.

But still, that's a lot of humans. Yeah, but then
not the immediate droplets from the person breathing beside me,
speaking moistly on you and moistly and don't let your
kid do the Benadrill TikTok challenge. The FD eight has
put out a warning both not to eat too much
black liquorice, which killed a guy in Ohio, and don't

gobble liquorice don't swig, Benadrill anything else. That's it. I've
got the pounded nail in your eye challenge. Watch me.
Kids are doing it all across America. Oh boy. Speaking
of Joe Biden and watching him, Katie says she heard
Barry Weiss, late of the New York Times student an

interview and the interviewers said, oh no. She brought it up.
She said, do you think Joe Biden's had work done?
And she was adamant. She thinks she's had worked under
his face. She he has that look, just saying interesting.
I know he's plugs, but I don't know. Would that
be our first president that's had plastic surgery? Did Reagan

have work? I don't think Reagan did. He dyed his hair.
But you can email us, by the way, mail bag
at Armstrong and Getty dot com anytime there's something we
ought to be talking about, or you have a comment.
Is that a disqualifier having plastic surgery near chin tucked?
I don't know why it would be from anonymous where
Trump's comments about peaceful transition of power absurd, absolutely, but

let's talk about this transition of power. Was it hashtag
not my president? Or possibly Hillary claiming the election was
stolen from her. I think I saw it when it
was popular to confront administration officials and kick them out
of restaurants and other establishments. Maybe we saw it as
the Democrats attempted to delegitimize Trump with years of Russia
collusion stories. I'll bet we saw it as Democrats attempted
to ruin the life and reputation to Brett Kavanaugh. And

I for sure see it happening when the Democrats burn
it down when Trump places a new Supreme Court justice
on the bench. So yes, Trump said something insane, But
how exactly as the other side shown any signs of
transitioning since twenty sixteen. That's a pretty good point, al Anonymous,
It's an excellent point. Yeah. Joe from Dayton says no

question that the unrequested ballots will impact the PoTA selection.
What I've yet to hear is the importance it could
have on which way the two houses swing. More importantly,
how will it impact my local drain commissioner contest drain commissioner. Well,
some places have a source commissioner, right. I feel bad

about not being more involved in local politics. That's where
you make the most difference. True, bottom up, not top down.
Yet I have never been involved enough to have any
opinion on city council members or school board members or
anything like that, and I'm ashamed of that. Including this year.
You get the voter guide, there's a section well right,

but it's not the same as like, you know, well,
actually being involved, knowing who these people are and paying
attention to them over the years, and whether or not
you want to keep them on there or not having
a sign in your yard, etc. Let's see, have a
one more, Mary, or i'd say Jack and Joe. Gavin Nussolini,

by eliminating the sale of gas powered cars is going
to have to figure out how to replace the enormous
revenue stream of the always increasing gas taxes. How will
California fix the roads? Sarcasm alert, sarcasm alert. Well that's
pretty good, Love you, Mary. You have the most expensive
gas by far in America, the biggest because of tax,
the biggest tax jumping gas in the history of the

nation at one time last year, and all that money
is not being spent on roads, It's being wasted on
all kinds of other crab every chance they get sure,
where's that going to come from? Another massive tax increase
on the ballot in cal Unicornia this time around two
and November is just unbelievable. It's relentless on the burn
it down thing. Referring to ressa Azelon. And I don't

know how many of people know who he is. He's
a blue check mark. He's an author, thinker. He wrote
a book several years ago that I talked about and
it was very controversial called Zellat about Jesus. And he's
got a PhD in a bunch of degrees and a
religion and a bunch of different things. And he is
and I've watched I don't know how many interviews with
this guy. Don't agree with all of his thoughts, but

very like normal smart guy, lefty smart guy. But for
whatever reason, he tweeted after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died that
if they if Trump tries to jam us Scotus through
before the election, we burned the effing thing down. And
that got a lot of attention. Shit should and then

so he tweeted this two days ago. Been a few
days since I tweeted that if GOP tries to jam
us Scotus through before election, we burned the effing thing down.
And since the death of and since the death threats
and bright bart headlines about my tweet have now stopped.
Let me just say that if the GOP tries to
jam the Scots through, we burned the effing thing down. Wow,

he's lost his mind. I don't know if he's I
saw one article where somebody was speculating that maybe he's
gone crazy, but I don't know. And as a lot
of people have asked, what thing are you talking about?
I mean, there's probably I'm certain there's nothing that should
be burnt down at all, But what thing are you
talking about? I'm thinking you're thinking of something fairly large

and important to people, perhaps the country itself. What are
you talking about? You know, you touted his academic qualifications,
and there are absolutely exceptions to this rule. But to me,
the more degrees somebody has, the more their mind's been
poisoned by the American Bizarro university system, and his obviously

has been Wow, that's sick stuff. Man. He's a Muslim
who became a Christian then went back to being a Muslim.
But you know, if this were however many years ago, um,
people'd be looking at the Islam angle of this. I
suppose say we go ahead, let's go ahead and look

at it. Look at any angle you want. You got
a guy threatening to burn the country down. Yeah, I
don't know what he's talking about. I think he's lost
his mind. Text ideology makes people do that. Text line
four one, five two nine five KFTC Armstrong and the

Armstrong and Getty Show. How rough is this unnecessary censorship?
It's not rough at all. That's the point. I guess
it depends on how twisted your mind is. Is that right? Yeah?
You're asking me, what what am I going to see

when I look in the mirror. I don't know, Jack,
what do you see? This is Jimmy Kimmel's unnecessary censorship.
No point of the bit is that they bleep out
clean words, because that makes it seem as if it
was dirt. Sometimes it's filthy dirty. Like I'm not sure
we should air this filthy dirty? I say, thank you, Arnold.

Actually in that quote, he says, I say build it.
Yeah exactly, I say this, I like our clip better. Okay,
well we're gonna air this. If you're if you hear
anything dirty, it's your own twisted mind. He should probably
see an analyst of some right. Billionaire Mike Bloomberg has

stepped in to help in Florida author death ahead of
election day. Lary de Blasio says he needs nine billion
dollars yesterday just thele This is completely overwhelming, and I
they gave him a big fat and he comes out

and for two hours he's better than ever before. All right,
Oh my, fill the budget hole. Oh that's what it was.
Oh my unfortunate. I don't know if you saw this

going around. I accept pay less than my worth just
to get a job. How the gig economy screwed over millennials.
That was a headline in BuzzFeed News was quoting somebody,
I accept pay less than my worth just to get
a job. How the gig economy screwed over millennials. And
of course the response to that was what you'd expect,

including things like because no one ever took a job
that paid less than they thought they were worth before
your generation, Right, you're the first, actually, she says our generation. Well,
and because she's young also, I'm sure somebody pointed out, well,
why don't we give every company you come in contact
with the opportunity to bid on your labor and see
what they think it's worth Yeah, that's a good one.

Oh we never did mention this either. One of the
most popular podcasts in the world, Joe Rogan. He went
to Sirius is that who hired him Spotify. Spotify hired
he sold out man for like one hundred million dollars.
One of the reasons half that, one of the reasons
he was so incredibly popular is just running his own podcast,
which all you need to own is a computer. You
don't even have to have a microphone. It helps the

sound quality. Actually, if you have a smartphone you could
do it. But anyway, he was doing his own podcast
and he could do or say anything because he didn't
advertisers really unless you know they wanted to. He had advertisers,
but only if they wanted to. They were very well
aware of what they were getting. Hey, we'd like to
be part of this, okay, cool um, And if you
decide you don't want to be, don't be. But I'm
gonna keep saying whatever I want to say. Well, so

he goes over to Spotify, where they paid him theoretically
one hundred million dollars, and now Staffords are reportedly pushing
to introduce direct editing oversight in which they will have
content flags, trigger warnings, references to fact checked information, or
not publish episodes at all if they beat them inappropriate. Wow.
Now whether or not Joe Rogan is going to agree
to that, or his contract allows that, or I don't know,

but that'd be interesting. Something tells me discussions are underway. Yeah,
onger warnings, you checkers, thoughts, thoughts that that haunting echo

at the end. Oh, it's all about the echo. Here's
your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty. Let's get a
final thought from everybody on the crew. Look at him
keeping us on the air in the control room. It's
Michael Angelo. Michael all right. Tuesday Night. Joe Biden says
he can't debate due to a prior commitment he forgot about,
sends his wife out to speak on his behalf. Oh boy,
oh boy. And Trump can attack a woman, so it

works perfectly, you know, positive Sean, our producer, with a
final thought. Yeah, it's one of the little things in
life that just always surprises me pleasantly. And that's how
Fridays always seemed to arrive just in time, don't they. Yeah, No,
amen to that, brother Jack. A final thought to share.
I was just counting the months on my fingers. So
one of the moms is put together a bunch of

the boys getting together for fun this afternoon. So Sam
will be with a whole bunch of his friends for
the first time in six months. Boy, hey, that he's
getting together with all these friends. Wow? What's that doing
to people across the country? Yeah? I know the kids? Oh,
the poor kids. Well, I don't want to launch into
my screen. How much time do I add, Michael yet?

About thirty seconds here. You remember when our old boss
Dennis told us that saying something to a single person
on the air was an FCC violation. Yeah, well I'm
going to violate it again. Private message to Matt the
animal trapper. Guy, Matt, I've screwed my courage to the
sticking place. I'm gonna go after the mole again today.
The mole is back and he's doing more damage than ever.

But the neighborhood coyote you just let run free as
a menace. Well, he's not digging up my yard. He
digs up my yard. I'll shoot him. Eat your children,
your cats eating my children? And I have no cats.
Armstrong and Getty or have I got another grueling four
hour workday. So many people think so little time. Good
Armstrong and Getty dot com. Man, we have a lot

of good podcasts there for you. Oh, let's see what else.
The wildly popular Jerry Nadler did he pooh himself video,
among other things. That's I'm not proud of that one.
Oh the great letter from a California principal saying get
the kids back in school. That's at Armstrong and Getty
dot com. If you see something over the weekend and

we ought to be talking about email a little along
mailbag at Armstrong and Getty dot com. I'm gonna do
the Bena Drill challenge. See you Monday. God bless America. Well, kid,
that's all the time we have for today. I'd like
to thank Sight Jill No, Tina Melrena owing from not planning,
Miss Dyna Mills or she was a sport. We've had
luck to light to lights, to light the lights of fun.

But now the time has come to go. If this
still come was containing his bed tomorrow, I'd been having
still doing this show, seeing some other time
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