All Episodes

May 10, 2024 36 mins

Hour 2 of A&G features...

  • Jack's death-defying story about wiping-out on his motorcycle...
  • Biden holds-back weapons shipments to Israel...
  • Joe brings us some listicles!  

Stupid Should Hurt:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George
Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Show, well, guys, Sunday is Mother's Day. So of course,
companies have been releasing many sentimental style commercials, and I
saw a few recently that really stuck out here to
take a look this first one I saw.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Look at this this Mother's Day.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Show mom your love, show mom your appreciation, and show mom.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
How dad lost the house draft games. Wow, beautiful. Here's
another heartwarming when I.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
Sell you this one at home, Depot, we care about
what mothers need the most blockable bathroom doorknops, because sometimes
you just need five fing minutes by yourself to stare
at your phone.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
No kidding, Depot, this.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Mother's Day Mommy needs them alone time.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
That's good.

Speaker 5 (01:05):
I remember that when the kids were younger. Jeez, can
I just be in here for like ninety seconds?

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Oh yeah yeah.

Speaker 6 (01:12):
And as Judy was mostly a stay at home mom,
I would get home from work and I would see
the look in her eyes and say, yeah, delighted to
take the children off your hands for a while. My
sweet Mother's Day is Sunday, do not forget. Yes, Yes
for your wife, for your mom, for you, whoever's a mom.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Yeah, indeed.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
So I want to talk about Biden pulling the bombs
from Israel and all the fallout from that, and the
New York Times editorial or an op ed calling it
the worst decision he's made in his presidency. Certain might
be the I mean, this might be a changing his
the view of him forever sort of move.

Speaker 6 (01:53):
And I would like to talk, speaking of foreign policy,
about this story. You may recall that China painted some
chow dogs to look like pandas to fool zoo patrons. Well,
I've seen video of these dogs, and by god, if
you could successfully breed them, you would be a trillionaire.

You would have like one hundred trillion dollars there. You
would sell them to every family on earth. Probably shouldn't
because the chow can be an aggressive dog, but man,
were they cute.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
So I'd like to shout out to the Uber driver
who I bled all over inside his car yesterday.

Speaker 5 (02:31):
Oh boy, I appreciate him giving me a ride after
my motorcycle wreck.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
I got lucky with the Uber driver that I decided
to call.

Speaker 5 (02:39):
After I wrecked my motorcycle because I could have been
a different person, and I don't think they'd picked me up.

Speaker 7 (02:44):

Speaker 1 (02:45):
So I've always wondered.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
I've been riding motorcycles since I was a little, tiny kid.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
I hadn't had a wreck in Gladys.

Speaker 6 (02:55):
It's not a specific memory, it's just a reference to
the past.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Stand down, I hadn't.

Speaker 7 (02:59):
Had a in uh forty years, wow, forty one years wow,
since I had a wreck, and uh I was due,
I guess anyway.

Speaker 5 (03:11):
I've always seen these videos or seen on the news
or wherever where somebody wrecks on a freeway and they're
either sliding or rolling along the freeway at high speed.
I've always wondered what that must be like, and I
got to find out. Yes, oh boy, but so I
completely operator area error, which I'm horrified and embarrassed and
it hurts my ego and my pride so much to say,

but it's just as true. It was completely my fault.
Your biggest worry is a motorcycle rider should be Your
biggest worry is somebody else always you can't control that. Yeah,
but I just direcked on my own for some reason.
I was daydreaming, just you can't be daydreaming on a motorcycle,
oh boy. And I hit the Uh it wasn't the
text I sent you wasn't. No, Okay, Luckily, I don't
read texts while I'm riding my motors.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Like I just didn't know if you had like an
ear thing er anyway.

Speaker 5 (03:56):
But I hit the on ramp fast, and I was
just dreaming or whatever. They had the metered lights on,
and somebody was stopped at the meter light, and I
just I looked up and I was going to smash
into the back of them, which would have been worse.
And I locked up the brakes and it was sand
all over the on ramp. Oh god, I'm going I
don't know, thirty forty miles an hour. I don't know

how fast I was going. Anyway, this all happened so fast.
I'm not exactly sure, but the motorcycle it hit the
sand and it turned sideways and it slammed down on
the pavement and slammed me down. And then I started
sliding down the on ramp and just started spinning so fast.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Oh wow.

Speaker 5 (04:34):
And I was just I was just the one thought
in my mind because I always thought this when I've
seen the videos of people spinning down the is you
got to be thinking, uh, this is bad. If I
don't hit a pole. Oh but if there's a pole
anywhere along air, that's going to stop my progress, this
is going to be really bad. That's what I was
thinking as I was spinning it.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Which poles, all of them? Oh boy, thank you, Michael.

Speaker 5 (04:56):
You know it's it's the number of it's It's amazing
the way the human brain works, the number of thoughts
you can have in which had to be a total
of two seconds from oh my god, I'm gonna wreck
until I stopped spinning.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Anything but a pole. No poles, please, no pole or
a wall or whatever.

Speaker 5 (05:16):
Yeah, or and then my first thought was I hope
I don't get run over from behind. Right Luckily the
person behind saw me go down and stop their car
and is like this twenty year old, like college dude,
and he was horrified because I got up and I'm
staggering around and I looked down and I got I'm
bleeding everywhere. Oh, and I couldn't tell how hurt I was.

You might relate to this, Katie. What might be the
worst part of this whole thing is I ruined my
favorite pair of jeans. You know how hard it is
to find a really good pair of jeans that just
fit perfect. They're the ones that I wore with everything tragic.
I had to have them cut off of me. So
unless I get the legs sown back on, those jeans
are gone.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Can jeans be cloned? I don't know if I can
get all the bloodut.

Speaker 5 (05:59):
But anyway, so I'm I'm like limping, and I was
that kind of like I should have just been worried
about myself at that point, but you're stunned and you don't.
It's like, uh, the famous video of Mike Tyson when
he's crawling around looking for his mouthpiece.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
That is not your problem, dude. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
So I was like, I was like, I gotta get
my motorcycle up. I gotta give the guy saying to me,
are you okay?

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I'm fine. We got to get this motorcycle.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
Out of here.

Speaker 5 (06:24):
Help me lift it up because I couldn't. I could
tell I couldn't use my shoulder and my knee. My
leg was really messed up and so bloody, and I
didn't want to see. I didn't want to look and see.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
How bad it was. I didn't know if like my
kneecap was hanging off or what.

Speaker 8 (06:37):
Oh boy, I just had a conversation about that the
other day, the self revealing of a wound. Yes, when
you just don't know right, you're.

Speaker 5 (06:47):
Going to see right, You like you cut yourself and
you covered.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
Up, and then at some point you gotta look.

Speaker 8 (06:52):
It's like either it's it's still attached or it's hanging
off back.

Speaker 9 (06:54):
All right.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
People are driving off the road right now, and there
are more accidents and more wounds.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
You two settle down, so I finally stop spinning on
my own. I get up.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
I'm staggering around. This guy comes over and helps me
lift up my motorcycle. I can't move it because it's
in gear. There's traffic everywhere. I want to get it
off the dang out of the dangway, and I'm just
sweating and I'm bleeding and I don't know how hurt
I am. And the gear shift got shaved off, so
there's no way to put it in neutral.

Speaker 1 (07:20):

Speaker 5 (07:20):
So I'm trying to use my hand to like move
this lever to get it into neutral so I can
get it out of there, and the engine's hot. I
burnt my fingers anyway, this was this was quite the
panic situation there for a while.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
I finally got it in neutral, and is this just
before you got attacked by bees? Job of the Bible
getting tired?

Speaker 5 (07:39):
So and then I got in neutral, I get it
off to the side, and then and then I wander
over to the side, and I've got it like a
second to grab, you know, try to collect my thoughts
of what's happening here. My next first thought was because
one of the reasons I was hurrying home is Henry
gets out of school. Sam Joe and I had a
long day cutting tease TV commercials and stuff like that,
and I was barely gonna get it home in time

for Henry to get home from school and let him
in the house and everything like that. So I got
to get home and I'm bleeding all over the place,
and I'm limping, and I don't want to look at
my knee because I don't know how bad it is.
I'm so sweaty, so I take my helmet off. Ninety
degree son beating down on my head. I'm feeling light headed,
and this is Joe Boyke, just stupidity. But my phone

is on like five percent and I'm it would be
a long drag my leg to a convenience store or
anything like that on this on ramp. So I dial
up an uber and I try to figure out how
to explain to the uber guy where I am, and
I go through that whole thing because they're not allowed
to pick up people on off ramps. But lucky, I
got lucky. I got a good guy. So finally he

finds me and picks me up. I probably waited there
five minutes, just bleeding and breathing hard and feeling sick
to my stomach. I get in his car. Dude, I'm
gonna get blood in your car, and he didn't care.
I luckily I got this big old boy, bearded guy.

Speaker 10 (08:56):

Speaker 1 (08:56):
If i'd gotten like the college girls, she would.

Speaker 5 (08:58):
Have like passed out not picked me up because I
looked like a crazy person.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
Yeah yeah, I.

Speaker 5 (09:03):
Get in there with my helmet. The side of my
helmet is just shaved down. My luck just block. I
wore my motorcycle jacket because it was hot yesterday, and
I wasn't gonna wear.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
It because it's warm outside.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
I don't need it, but I was afraid to get
stolen at the radio station, so I went and wore it.
It just is shredded on one side my motorcycle jacket.
So if I hadn't worn that, that would have been
a life changing experience.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
It's like super heavy duty kevlar reinforce that sort of thing.

Speaker 5 (09:29):
It's a real motorcycle jacket. And if I hadn't been
wearing that.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
I like a Fonsie jacket.

Speaker 5 (09:33):
Now i'd been, I'd have been getting like skin graft
surgery or whatever. So thank god I was wearing my
jacket and jeans. Anyway, I get in this guy's car
and I'm believing. He said no, no, no, don't worry about it,
and Babama, he said, shouldn't you go to a hospital
or something like that.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
I said, I gotta get home.

Speaker 5 (09:47):
So uh, now I'm sitting in the car and I
have a time to like try to collect, like what
are how bad are my wounds here? And and uh
and my shoulder hurts really bad. I can't my left
arm much. I still can't. But I try to go
to like peeling my jeans away to see how bad.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
My knee is, and I can't.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
It's just so like glued to my whole knee area
that I can't really look, but that weird other thing
is so the weird. The way time slows down and
you can have a million thoughts in a second is interesting.
And then the way your body protects you from pain.
So I didn't have hardly any pain until I got
into the uber and then we drove away in like
a couple of minutes in then the pain hit and

it was like, oh, my freaking god, Yes, this is horrible,
this is horrible.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
I've done something really horrible.

Speaker 5 (10:37):
And that's when all the pain started to uh to
soak in. Anyway, I got home, Henry saw me all bloody.
I was hoping to get home in time to try
to clean up. He saw me all bloody. He started crying.
I remember the only time I ever saw my dad
get injured. There's something about seeing your dad injured is
really horrifying. Yeah, yeah it is. I saw my dad
injured and bloody one time in his Lord and Henry

started crying. So I went to the emergency and blah
blah blah, nothing's broken, lots of tissue damage and ligament
this and that and everything. But I got really really
lucky Uber Driver. I got so lucky with the super Driver.
I gave him a really big tip for bleeding all
over the inside of his Toyota camera.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Nothing counts so much as blood.

Speaker 5 (11:17):
But he made the point because I was just like,
I can't believe I did this. I'm so stupid. I
hurt myself. He said, Yeah, a motorcycle wreckon. You're not dead,
You're not in a coma. Amen, is a decent point.

Speaker 6 (11:28):
Wow, some might see the hand of God in sending
that gentleman to your side.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Man, I get lucky with him.

Speaker 8 (11:35):
I felt like I was in the twilight zone yesterday
because I'm relatively a nube.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
So you riding motorcycles.

Speaker 8 (11:41):
I didn't know much about this, and so you sent
me a picture yesterday morning at seven thirty one of
the world's fastest motorcycles.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
My ride today, and then it is.

Speaker 8 (11:54):
A cool motorcycle less than twelve hours later.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Well, guys, yeah, I crashed. Operator mess up. I mean,
just stupid, stupid thing.

Speaker 5 (12:04):
I tell my son all the time, you got to
pay attention all the time, you got to learn how
to use your brakes, blah blah blah, and.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
I just just completely screw up.

Speaker 5 (12:12):
But you know, I could have hit my head in
a different way. There could have been a pole there
instead of just rolling down the freeway. Oh so you
said your shifter got shaved off. That could have been
your leg, yeah, Or I could have hit that car
head on and wrapping my head into it. So yeah,
I guess I should just say I'm lucky I only
am walking around Winsing and Bain today.

Speaker 6 (12:31):
I think it's great, Katie that we're still getting to
know each other. For instance, I'd be delighted if you
were to come to one of my polo matches. Hey,
quick word from our friends at Simply Save Home Security.
We're all going to be traveling this summer doing fun
vacation stuff, leaving our house alone for thieves and scumbags
to break in unless you have Simply Save Home Security,
named best home security system of twenty twenty four by

US News and World Report. It's great having cool motorcycles
is one of the reasons I like having Simply Safe
because you got that sort of protection all around your
house twenty four to seven for less than a dollar
a day, no contracts in a sixty day money back guarantee,
that's right, and the variety of indoor and outdoor cameras,
the sensors for break ins, fire's floods, and you customize it.
I mean, if floods are not an issue for you,
don't get those sensors. This is a great customizable system.

Simply Safe has given so many of us the real
peace of mind.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
I want you to have it.

Speaker 6 (13:20):
To get twenty percent off any new simply Safe system
when you sign up for fast protect monitoring, just visit
simply safe dot com slash Armstrong. That's simply safe dot
com slash Armstrong. There's no safe like simply safe. I
got to answer the question. I might talk about this later.
Do I ride motorcycles again? It's like cycle with my dad.
My dad gave up horse riding at eighty two after

an accident. Do I stop riding motorcycles? Do you stop
skiing after the big crash?

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Do you stop? You know whatever? It's a certain point.

Speaker 6 (13:49):
Yeah, yeah, Well, we have some serious analysis of the
Biden move denying the weapons to Israel or so.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
He's ever done, worst thing he's ever done. He's done
some bad things. There's some of the sort of analysis
you're about to hear. Stay with us, Armstrong. Hey, so we.

Speaker 5 (14:09):
Had Mike Lions on yesterday talk about the what difference
the bombs would make and all that sort of stuff
to go in into RAFA, and he didn't think the
bombs would would have that much of a role in
that particular operation.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
I've heard that a couple of times, which is.

Speaker 5 (14:20):
One interesting thing about him withholding the bombs. So you're
withholding weapons that they probably weren't going to use anyway.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
Yes, I think that means something.

Speaker 5 (14:30):
Okay, maybe we can talk about that coming up. But
Mike Lyons said something that hadn't occurred to me, and
then I read more about it yesterday. He said, isn't
this exact same thing Trump did with Zelensky?

Speaker 1 (14:42):
And I thought, okay, I haven't thought of that before.

Speaker 5 (14:44):
Andrew McCarthy, writing in the National Review yesterday, got into
that topic. He said, does Biden's sabotage of Israel remind
you of anything? I'm old enough to remember when House
Democrats impeached and Senate Democrats voted unanimously to con victed
remove a president for withholding congressionally approved taxpayer funded aid

from an allied country, because that's what these bombs are.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Congress approved this correct, and that was one.

Speaker 5 (15:15):
That desperately needed the aid while fighting a defensive war
against a barbaric enemy. We're talking about Ukraine, of course,
against Russia, in order to pressure that desperate ally to
help the president get re elected. That happens to be
five years ago when Donald Trump had his famous phone
call with President Zelenski threatening to withhold this congressionally approved

military aid unless Zelenski got him some information about Hunter
or Barisma or something like that. And the implication is
that Joe Biden is withholding See this would be impossible
to prove, but the implication is that Joe Biden is
withholding the bombs to shore up some of his college

kids they think were part of a genocide crowd.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
Yeah, it's simultaneously unprovable and undeniably true.

Speaker 5 (16:07):
Do you think that's Do you think that's it's in
the same category.

Speaker 1 (16:11):

Speaker 6 (16:12):
And at the time I thought the impeachment of Trump
was ridiculous because the executive branch is slow walks or
accelerates the execution of congressional policy and funding all the time,
to the point that Biden, for instance, didn't build the wall,
didn't enforce the border, I mean the most obvious example.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
So it was that was ridiculous at the time.

Speaker 6 (16:33):
But to point out politicians or hypocrites, like pointing out
the sun is hot, but the depths and the easily
understandable hypocrisy hares fordic.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
It's just it's unbelievable.

Speaker 5 (16:43):
Can I float a pro Joe Biden perhaps theory. I
don't know if I buy this or not.

Speaker 1 (16:48):

Speaker 5 (16:49):
Is he doing the thing where he acts like a
hard ass and withdraw and withholding things to cover for
the fact that we give Israel all kinds of stuff
and we'll continue to give Israel all kinds of stuff,
you know? Is he acting like we're gonna gun of bombs,
You're not gonna go into Rava like that, blah blah
blah blah. But we gave you everything you need to
go into Rafa, and obviously you can do it without

my approval. So I'm just, you know, shoring up the
I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. It's a
good cop, bad cop.

Speaker 6 (17:15):
Yeah, I would agree with that, except that Biden is
so like an echo of the Obama administration that was
so obsessed with, you know, reaching a deal with Iran
and not backing Israel at times, and and he's and
I mean this seriously, his incompetence makes it difficult to

discern what his strategy is. It's almost like it's a
it's an intentional headfake to throw you off.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
What he's trying to do, because whatever he's trying to do,
he's doing it badly.

Speaker 5 (17:48):
He's been so late on giving things to Ukraine the
entire time, and now the same with Israel. He's just
got a well, he's so against so called escalating against
the enemy, which is.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
How you win. You got it.

Speaker 5 (18:00):
You've got to like being able to escalate further than
them to win, and Biden's hellbent on making sure the
people were supposedly supporting can't escalate.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
Well, I hate to be uncharitable, but if you're giving
me a choice between feckless and incompetent or executing a
clever strategy, I know which one I'd go for.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
Huh, arm Strong and Getty.

Speaker 11 (18:22):
As President Biden threatens to further withhold US weapons from Israel,
Prime Minister Netan Yahoo defiant. If we have to stand alone,
we will stand alone, he said. Detan Yahoo already launching
what he says are limited operations inside RAFA. Biden already
halting the shipment of thirty five hundred US bombs. The
President says the US will continue to provide for Israel's defense,

even as he threatens to halt sending offensive weapons to them,
and those ceasefire talks are now stalled.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
The sticking point, we're told is.

Speaker 11 (18:50):
Rafa Israel insisting that any temporary ceasefire deal exclude their operations.
What they say is a Hama stronghold.

Speaker 5 (18:57):
I don't get this tightrope he thinks he's walking where
he says, we stand by under our closest ally unwavering,
ironclad But I'm not sending you the stuff you want.
I don't get how he thinks he's pulling that off.
Tim Sanderfer retweeted yesterday and this was a good one.
This is actually from Joe Biden's Twitter account yesterday.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
Middle of the day. He tweeted out a picture and
this was at.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
Someplace maybe caught this new story where they were talking
about an infrastructure project that he's going to get behind,
and Donald Trump came here and they dug a hole
with golden shovels.

Speaker 6 (19:36):
But nothing ever happened. Oh yeah in Wisconsin, right, the
Fox contract.

Speaker 5 (19:40):
Yeah, anyway, it was about an economic thing. But anyway,
the whole tweet was a picture of him in front
of the American flag and it said on my watch,
when we make promises, we keep them and we leave
no one behind. And Tim combined that with unless you're
Israel or Afghanistan or Ukraine.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Wow, that's just clearly true.

Speaker 6 (19:59):
Yeah, wow wow, speaking of the the fuddled old de man,
do we have that clip from yesterday we were talking about.

Speaker 9 (20:07):
Pavilions have been killed in Gaza. It's a consequence of
those bombs. But is this wrong? We're not going to
supply the weapons and artillery shells used. I've made it
clear to bb in the Warkhatine We're not going to
get our support. In fact, they're going these population centers.

Speaker 5 (20:22):
If we go into these population centers, so win the
war against Japan, but leave Tokyo out of it.

Speaker 6 (20:29):
Right, Yeah, what because too many civilians there and civilian
deaths and warfare are horrified, are horrifying, They're terrible. But
telling Israel you just got to live with Hamas.

Speaker 5 (20:40):
Next door, and particularly in the case of Hamas, where
they understand this dynamic and have driven half the population
of Gaza into this one area deliberately of course, to
hopefully get this very situation.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Right yes, yeah, human shields.

Speaker 6 (20:58):
Well, reaction to the presidents anouncement was swift and uncharitable.
I'm afraid we'll start with fifty two. This is Mitch McConnell.

Speaker 12 (21:05):
Obviously, I thought for months to secure a passage of
the National Security supplemental to support Israeli, Ukraine and vulnerable
Asian partners, and to make important investments in our own military.
I stood up to the opposition in my own party
to do the right thing. If the commander in chief

can't muster the political courage to stand up to the
radicals on his left line and stand up for an
ally at war, the consequences will be great.

Speaker 5 (21:39):
So obviously Mitch McConnell thinks Biden is making this decision
purely because of those college kid radicals in that crowd.

Speaker 6 (21:47):
Right yeah, I think that was well said, Although I
found myself thinking, do we have anybody around here who's
not eighty? They call him the kid? Here is Lindsey Graham,
who's really seventy fifty.

Speaker 10 (21:58):
What you're doing is your Hamas has put Palestinians into
the crosshairs of Israel, So stand Israel down. That's the
dumbest thing I've ever heard in my frigging life is
that you tell the person who's about to be wiped
off the map, you got to slow down because your
enemy is making it hard on the Palestinian people to

survive because they choose to put them in arms way
that is ass backwards.

Speaker 5 (22:24):
I'm sorry for laughing, but man Hansen, is that a
gold mine of clips we'll use for the rest of
our lives?

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Or what way to bring it? So? The weiest thing
I've ever heard in my freaking life, Well, bless my soul,
you've got.

Speaker 5 (22:36):
It ass backwards from a US senator.

Speaker 1 (22:40):

Speaker 6 (22:41):
Wow, I almost want to run it again so you
can listen without your horse laugh.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
Here's hilarious.

Speaker 6 (22:49):
Here's a montage of Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham again and
uh and Senator tune.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
What's what's Thune's first name? Just huh? What you got
a John? Okay, thank you told you? All right, he's talking.

Speaker 5 (23:07):
In our ear, but right, what I do want to
hear that Lindsay Graham clip again?

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Go ahead fifty three again, Michael.

Speaker 10 (23:16):
What you're doing is you're saying Hamas has put Palestinians
into the crosshairs of Israel.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
So stand Israel down.

Speaker 10 (23:24):
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my friggin life,
is that you tell the person who's about to be
wiped off the map, you got to slow down because
your enemy is making it hard on the Palestinian people
to survive because they choose to put them in arms away.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
That is ass.

Speaker 6 (23:40):
Backwards all right now, Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham, and Augie Thun.

Speaker 12 (23:47):
Joe Biden's day facto physician is for a Hamas victory
over Israel.

Speaker 13 (23:51):
This is all about President Biden and Lloyd Austin trying
to take over the war from Israel. I got one
message for Israel. Don't let them do it. It puts
Israel's national security interest at risk.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
This is insane. It is Brett Stevens.

Speaker 5 (24:16):
He's the kind of token conservative ish guy that writes
a column for The New York Times saying this is
the biggest blunder of Biden's presidency and goes through all
the reasons why and all the ways it helps Hamas
and is going to get more Palestinians killed, not fewer.

Speaker 6 (24:32):
Right again, to quote William T. Sherman, the quickest way
to end this misery is to win the war.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
And then I don't want to get off the topic.

Speaker 5 (24:42):
But if you do believe that Joe Biden is making
this decision based on what he hears out of the
college radicals in his own staffers who have the same
point of view in Rashida Talib, Hillary Clinton, in an
interview yesterday, said, I've had many conversations have you had
with a a lot of young people over the last
many months.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
They don't know very much.

Speaker 5 (25:03):
At all about the history of the Middle East, or frankly,
about history in general in many areas of the world,
including our own country. That's from Hillary Clinton talking about
those protesters, right. She went on to imply that young
people don't know that Yasser era Fat walked away from
a deal in which they could have had a two
state solution. They would have had it thirty years ago.

But I would guess that the college protesters see the
Clintons as like, you know, old white, straight out of
touch people. Well, and I would also point out to
Hillary the primary motivator to get the kids on the
campus and call for tearing down the university in the system,
it's Marxism, it's not the Palestinians, the Palestinians are just
the latest excuse George Floyd, transgender, whatever it all ends

up with. So we must tear down the system. It's Marxism.

Speaker 6 (25:53):
Now back to your pointing out the hypocrisy of impeaching
one president for a whole back aid for political purposes
than the next guy doing it. Here's Joe Biden commenting
on Donald Trump in twenty nineteen.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
Let'd be a tragic mistake.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
The idea that we would cut off military aid to
an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region,
is absolutely preposterous, just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that.

Speaker 6 (26:26):
How about that? That is something and unless you have
something you want to jump in with. I was going
to play one more point of view.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
I'm just reading more of this, the opinion piece by
Brett Stevens the New York Times. Well, yeah, really really
blasting Biden. He's going through point by point that the
munitions cut the munition cut off helps human hummas. I'm sorry,
I can't talk. I took a blow to the head yesterday.
I took a blow to my whole body. Yes, the
munitions cut off does help humas. It doesn't end the war.

It prolongs it, it diminishes Israel's deterrent power, and it's
a rest for a wider war. There will be unintended
foreign policy consequences. He goes through all that, it's a
political gift to Donald Trump. So even if all you
care about is the politics of it, it's bad.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Wow, that's a good point.

Speaker 5 (27:12):
Oh yeah, which brings me to Jonah Goldberg, who couldn't
who is a man of the right, who couldn't hate
Trump more.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
But he tweeted this last night.

Speaker 5 (27:21):
He said, for what it's worth, I've heard from a
lot of a reliable anti Trump people, I mean really
really anti Trump people who've had it with Joe Biden.
Now anecdotal, but very telling in my circle.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
Yeah, yep, fair enough.

Speaker 6 (27:37):
Then we'll give the final word on this topic, maybe
to the fabulous Kim Stressel or Strassel of the Wall
Street Journal.

Speaker 14 (27:44):
Well, for a president with a long history of poor
foreign policy decisions, this is one of the worst. He
is abandoning a key ally and sending a terrible message
to our own enemies, which puts our own national security
at risk. It's thwarting the will of Congress, including members
of his own party. Which just passed a bill specifically

so that we could send along these weapons over there.
And look, it's being done in the name of pandering
and domestic politics rather than any for sound reason. This
is a president who said he was backing Israel in
its goal of rooting out Hamas, and that cannot be
done without an operation in Rafa. So it's also inconsistent

with its own policy. I'm not quite sure how it's
sustainable given the growing pushback.

Speaker 6 (28:35):
Hard to come up with an argument in favor of it,
particularly because the weapons in question, Most of the weapons
in question would not be part of the incursion to
Rafa and the destruction of the tunnels the rest of
it mostly so it appears to be mostly symbolic, but

symbolic in a way that's not healthy at.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
But does I can't figure out if he knows this
or not. As Mike Liones told us yesterday, they were
going to use these bombs in this urban warfare situation anyway,
And that just makes sense to me, like intuitively without
being a military expert. So why does Joe Biden, why
did he make that comment about they've used these bombs
and killed so many people in urban areas they haven't,

So what is he talking about.

Speaker 6 (29:22):
Well, in the way he phrased it was horrible. It
sounded as if they were doing that deliberately.

Speaker 5 (29:26):
And again, as many people have pointed out, and we
did right away yesterday, maybe the most unconscionable thing of
that whole interview he gave the other day was not
nary one bad word to be said about Hamas. Correct,
not a single This is my red line for Hamas.
Lots of red lines for Israel, no red lines for Hamas.

Speaker 6 (29:46):
Not even we understand why Israel must wipe out Hamas's
military win, and.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
We will help them. But you know it's got to
be a different way or something. Okay, Well, then you
know people could disagree on that. But not a bad
word to say about Hamas. That is ass backwards, That's right, Lindsay.
My final final thought on the topic for now is
that there are so many historical examples of total victory

being the only choice. Mean to cite the obvious historical
president that people understand and know about it, even if
they don't know Jack Squad about history. You couldn't leave
the Nazis in charge of Germany. You just couldn't you
couldn't have Imperial Japan still running the show.

Speaker 6 (30:33):
You had to boot them out completely, and you have
got to boot humas out completely. But given the high
def camera in everybody's hand worldwide, and this post modern
view that we're beyond history, we're beyond the ugly things
that Homo sapiens do to each other, which I would

love that, folks, I would love that as much as
you would love that if there's going to be no
more war and death and torture and cruelty and the
rest of it, of course I would love that. It's
not the case, it's not even close to the In fact,
it's it's the sort of thing you auto outgrow by
the time you're fifteen.

Speaker 1 (31:11):

Speaker 5 (31:12):
I've also heard the argument that these big giant bombs
we're going to give them are super smart bombs. Yes,
and Israel have to use dumb bombs. Now, how does
that kill fewer Palestinians?

Speaker 6 (31:24):
So the angry nineteen year old little neo Marxist who
don't show up at the polls anyway won't vote against Biden.

Speaker 5 (31:31):
Great, Yeah, you're doing more harm than good politically. Also,
I just I don't get it. Any comment text line
four one five kftc.

Speaker 7 (31:40):
Arm Strong and it's south to go to Gumman or
Christy now and reportedly canceled a book tour interview today
with Real Clear Politics, dude to inclement weather, let me
get storm?

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Is it raining cats?

Speaker 5 (31:59):
And oh oh just cats. One thing I've learned, we've
all learned, is that you can be a flipping governor
of a state or a US senator and we still
don't have the slightest idea if you can handle the

stage that is running for president. Yeah, you would think
that that's proof that you're like pretty, but that that
making up lies for your book, then reading the audio
book then claiming you didn't know what was in the
book is one of the dumber things I've ever heard
in my life.

Speaker 6 (32:37):
Yeah, there are cases like Christy Nolme where it was like, oh,
you are so not ready for probable, And then they
are a case of like Ronda Santis. I would argue
that he's not terribly charismatic. He's just incredibly competent and
it's a shame you have to be a TV game
show host to be elected president. Yeah, but yeah, that
is that is flaming competence. I had another political thing

I was gonna do, but I lost the stomach for it.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
We'll do We'll do it. Next hour more.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
Just unbelievable testimony in front of Congress by a cabinet officer,
in this case the Secretary of Education. Why do we
have a giant federal Bureau of Education department? Next hour,
A couple of listicles. Everybody likes a nice listicle, right,
especially on a Friday. My favorite things in life? Number
one listicles. Here are your Here are your ten fattest states?

Does anybody even need to hear this list?

Speaker 5 (33:31):
Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia. Did you see in Louisiana?

Speaker 1 (33:36):
What are you cheating? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (33:38):
Counting up down from a number ten to number one.
Fattest state Kentucky, Delaware, Delaware. Delaware, Delaware, Joe Biden's home state.
That's interesting, it's all the ice cream they eat there, apparently. Indiana.
Another kind of mild surprise. Alabama, Ohio.

Speaker 4 (33:57):

Speaker 6 (33:57):
Then we get into the usual suspects Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma,
and number one.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
I just read this the other day.

Speaker 6 (34:07):
The only US state, if you can imagine this, that
has a lower population than it did in nineteen forty.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Wow, West Virginia. Wow.

Speaker 6 (34:18):
I did not independently verify that claim, but it was
from a reliable source. But yeah, there's so much everything
that made West Virginia thrive, mostly coal mining and just
everything in Appalachia.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
I've driven through there enough times. It's gorgeous.

Speaker 6 (34:35):
As jd Vance taught us before he lost his mind,
that so many millions of people flowed out of Appalachia
to the cities, the northern cities in particular, in the
middle twenty first or twentieth century, that they've populated.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
How is that not turned around with its beauty?

Speaker 5 (34:50):
I think you will, because the soil doesn't make you
illiterate and put you on fentanyl.

Speaker 1 (34:55):
I mean it's you know, more.

Speaker 6 (34:56):
Fattered in hells. Yes, it's a choice right now. I
think will because it is a gorgeous state. There are
so many places I would gladly live in West Virginia anyway.
So another listical worst cities in America to drive?

Speaker 1 (35:11):
Well, what was the fittest state? Do you know that
they don't have that? Okay?

Speaker 6 (35:15):
Yeah, Colorado almost certain, it always is. California is always
pretty high, although with a huge influx of Hispanic people
who tend toward obeasty blah blah less. So, so here's
your worst cities to drive Portland, Dallas, Atlanta, and there's details,
but we don't have time for them. Chicago, New York, Philly,

Houston is number four. San Fransico is number three. It's
rough number two. Throw the top down, have a my tie.
Who cares? Miami, Florida's number two and number one you're
hijacking capital of the world. Well like it probably or carjacking.
It's probably DC actually, now that there thinking about.

Speaker 5 (35:53):
But Oakland, Wil's in California, So they separate out Oakland
and San Francisco when it's all the same traffic.

Speaker 6 (35:58):
Really, Oh yeah, that's a good point. That is a
good point. So number one, number three or the two
big cities overall the worst place to drive.

Speaker 5 (36:06):
If you've never driven in the Bay Area on a
Friday afternoon at three o'clock, you don't know what traffic is.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
Yeah, yeah, And keep in mind you're paying the highest
prices in the world for the gasoline. They're certainly in
the nation, right and you're burning as you sit still
thinking why is traffic not moving?

Speaker 5 (36:26):
Armstrong and Getty
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