Episode Transcript
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Mentally, I can tune out andthen on Sunday around I don't know three
ish mentally tune back on. Look, what we do is not a physical
thing, right, It's not roofing, it's not welding, it's not hanging
dry wall. It's not things thatI have done in the past and things
that many of you are literally onyour way to do today. But you
have to believe me when I tellyou when there are weeks because of the
mental side of it where I feellike I am like it's it's bail and
weak right back on the ranch wherewe're having to literally do our round bails,
do our a pounders, do ourstandard toss bails, and it literally
was the worst week of the year. And I have to tell you mentally,
that's where I feel that I amright now. You can probably hear
it in my voice, but that'sits own thing. I mean, like
my brain yesterday evening as I amlaying down in bed at like seven thirty,
felt like it was one of thoseweeks where I used to do fill
in for Schnitch Show and there,you know, and I tried to just
do a couple fill ins during theweek, but sometimes it it required three
or four and if it's a busynews cycle, that's how it was.
I feel so physically mentally exhausted,which then you know is the physical exhaustion.
And it's hard to explain to peoplebecause they're like, you talk,
man, You just you go onthe radio and you talk, and you
know, even if they give youcredit for the prep, it's it's not
comparable to busting your ass ten dayspoor, you know, ten hours a
day poor in concrete. And Iagree from the physical side, but it's
a mental job to do this job, and I feel absolutely beat up.
Ross I have to sound like it. I know you as well, and
you've got a hundred things going on, not just from a job perspective,
but also with like some home stuffyou're doing. I if something happens this
weekend, I'm gonna lose my crap. I'm just putting everybody on. I
was, you know, I wassaying, I'm just looking forward to a
nice, stress news free weekend thatI would be amazing. I I I
woke up this morning and like I'munable to and it'll fire up here in
a little bit, because sometimes it'sjust having to do it, like I
woke up this morning and I'm like, what is wrong with me? I
know, I'm not sick. Ijust have hit my mental edge with this.
And even though I, you know, I try to wind down,
I intentionally didn't turn on any news. I I watched like weird documentary stuff
that was as non controversial as youcan get, just to mentally unplug.
Now. Granted, there were afew things on the Twitter that I saw.
We're gonna place some of the audiofor you and I had, you
know, and then you start toformulate thoughts and ways you're gonna to handle
it. The the acquisition of Twitterevery day by Elon Musk becomes more important
and you'll you'll you'll see what Imean. And every single time I see
something that I know would have fallenby the wayside, been been pulled right,
been uh uh, shadow buried,shadow bands not the right word,
but shadow buried where you wouldn't haveseen it. That now permeates the you
know, the the trending portion likethese are all positive things and they get
my brain going. But having towatch the like you know, yesterday we
played the audio of the borders areright where you had the same reporters you
you had the same outlets, youhad the same shows with you know before
and after who said, oh,she's borders are and then literally in the
last few days said she was neverborders are right, that'll hurt your brain.
And then yesterday there was a notecard, right, just a one
sheeter with bullet points on it thatwas posted right, that was literally provided
to Democrat politicians and apparently the mediabecause immediately you saw the talking points thing,
a memo, whatever you want tocall it, put into action.
Man. And as much as you'retrying to mentally unplug from this, it's
absolutely infuriating, like have you know. And it's not a new thing.
It's the it's the difference is thisstuff ends up now featured on social media,
at the very least on Twitter.And it's such a good thing because
people who would dip in previously maynot see it. They would see stuff
and it wouldn't have community notes attachedand and and they would feel researched on
this stuff. And now it appearswith community notes and the video showing this
appear. And you're not going tochange the mind of the hardcorees right who
actively accept this stuff, But maybethe person who normally is you know,
here for the sports or or herefor what the Kardashians are up to.
Maybe they'll see that stuff and maybethe media will have to adjust the way
that they do things. And thenit gets my brain chugging. Yesterday,
as I'm sitting there, like I'mgonna get eight hours and nine hours of
sleep, I'm ecstatic, And yetI wake up feeling that I as I'm
laying As I'm laying there last nighttrying to go to sleep and not pay
attention to it, It's all Ican think about, Like, how did
it get so bad? How didit get so brazen? You have to
you have to read the thing orwatch the video. We'll tweet it out.
I tweeted it again. We'll retweetit so you can see it.
And it's as brazen as you eversuspected it was. And I sit there
and I go with them, gettingcommunity notes and more people realizing like the
the literal lies and hoaxes, right, it's anecdotal, and I see more
of that stuff. Is a changeon the horizon, And I thought it
was, but I don't know.Man, we have a very short period.
By the way, this right here, so you don't have to read
the card? Is the media readingthe car? She was never actually borders
are borders are, which was notsomething that was formally conveyed upon her.
She's been labeled incorrectly by some membersof the right as this is bullet point
by bullet point, and this isan MSNBC. Just MSNBC and CNN.
It's like ABC News, CBS News. You know, like in the video
on the left you can see thecards. The yeah, it's right there,
and the rights. The news anchorsjust read, you know, you
get the reading enough the prompter likethey're like they're old the radio terms for
us inside baseball, it's like you'rean old top forty jock and you're reading
the liner cards. Yeah, yeah, we better you better read them.
You better read them, right,the liner cards back in the day.
Man, Your program directors like,why aren't you reading the liner cards?
The difference was those are like contestsand and and like things that you would
never deny that you're trying to read. This is shaping uh in in almost
verbatim terms, how they're presenting thestory. It's jarring. Man. I
think the reason that you're so tired, I think other people are feeling the
same way is you're just inundated andover encumbered by this propaganda that is soulless.
And we've had a really crazy fewweeks where we went from an assassin
assassination attempt on a former president tonow making Kamala Harris like the second coming
of Jesus or something like going onman. And I mean, there's so
much of this, but you cansee you we were talking about how Elon
Musk bought Twitter and now you cansort of call this garbage out, whereas
before you'd get even banned for mentioningthat it might be fake. Compare what
you're seeing on threads versus what you'reseeing on X and it is night and
day. And an example of thisMark Cuban even did you see the poll
he put out He said which campaignhas the has which which campaign is the
low energy campaign? And he putthe same poll up on threads in Twitter
and saw two completely different answers.On X it was like, Kamala is
the low energy by far it waslike seventy two to something and then seventy
two percent, and then on threadsit was, you know, Trump is
the low energy And he was likehow come there's such a major difference here,
And it's like, well, it'sa lot of it is, and
a lot of people that are onthreads though right around these different versions of
social media. They are like thepolitical soft refugees that when Elon Musk bought
they left because they couldn't stand anothervoice in. They couldn't stand being out
of their echo chamber, right right, But you're not going to convert them.
I'm not talking about you. I'moh, yeah, one hundred percent.
I'm talking about the people who normallydon't dip in except in a very
small window, and that's going tobe the experiment this time. The people
still have a Twitter account but useit mostly for sports, right yeah,
you know, or yeah, alittle bit of pop culture whatever. Inevitably,
there is a better chance that they'regoing to see the borders are stuff
with a community note, or perhapswith a suggestion that hey, here's a
video of them literally reading a linercard and you you didn't run that risk
because of the willingness to bury thatstuff one election cycle ago. So that's
the thing that keeps me hopeful,but that they'll stumble upon this and go,
why the hell does why the hellare they reading this thing from the
White House? Borders are Republicans namedher? The borders are Republicans have always
exaggerated what her job was at theborder. Republicans again have labeled where the
borders are. That's not exactly whatPresident Biden asked her to do. She
was never put in charge of theborder. That wasn't actually her task,
not to secure it, but toaddress the underlying roots of migration. She
was charged with leading the administration's effortsto address the root causes of migration,
the root causes of migration to theUS, the root causes, root causes,
Root causes are root causes, rootcauses of immigration. We also want
to point out that right now,apprehension numbers continue to decrease in our country,
especially over the last few months.And I just want to know that
border crossings have been going down andillegal border crossings are lower right now.
Migrant crossings continue to drop. Bordercrossings are way down. Border crossings are
down, Okay, And I wantyou to watch the video and because it
has the card next to it,and you know what, share it,
do whatever you gotta do, andwho knows, maybe now with the ability
of community notes to attach. Right, those are visible. Those are usually
very you know, within the firstline, very understandable, and maybe maybe
it shapes the way the media doesstuff, but for now it is,
it is how they've always done it, coupled with a much higher propensity for
people to see that they're full ofcrap. This isn't. I think this
is another reason you're feeling the wayyou're feeling because and I mentioned this a
few days ago, for about aspan of two weeks, we can have
two weeks, we got a glimpseof what it would be like if the
press was fair and balanced because theywere going out after the Democrats for once,
and we felt amazing about that thisside because we were not used to
that. We're so used to beingattacked the way that Biden was being attacked,
right, and we're like, thisfeels good, this feels different,
this feels fair. And as soonas they kicked the old man out,
as soon as they used that pressure, they went back, not only did
they turn on a turn on adime, but now it's like a full
full court press with this propaganda.Right. This it's not because you have
a very short window and out,yeah, right, exactly, So now
you have this feeling that was amazing, like, oh my god, this
is gonna be fair. We've neverfelt this before to going back to the
way it was, and it feelsand it feels like crap. I I
don't I don't know what it is. I am so mentally burned out.
I think that's what it is.And like I said, there's just so
much of this propaganda and you cansee it and it's it's just gross.
Man. Yeah, I well,look we'll we'll bang through it. I'm
gonna look, I'm gonna I'm gonnalean on you today. Okay, you
can you can hear where I'm at. Eight eight eight nine three four seven
eight seven four. Do you thinkthat it is? Do you think that
it's right to be hopeful that morethere is a higher probability that people who
are not real political people, butyou know, probably vote will we'll stumble
upon at the very least something thatwill raise questions in their mind. I
think we're in a lot better positionthan we're feeling. And I think the
only reason we're feeling the way we'refeeling right now is because that allude that
the two weeks that fairness was takenaway really quickly, and now we're back
to where we are and we knowwhat the we've seen in the past decade
or so, right where we getwhen the when the media does this and
we're used to feeling a certain way, Now we're back to that. I
don't know. I sat there andI think you're right. I hope that
you're right. An assassination attempt bya miracle from God, or or he
didn't or he didn't get hit bya bullet. As you'll I'm to find
out is the reporting by newsweek.And and by the way, as I'm
laying there, as I'm sitting therelast night for three four five hours,
not able to fall asleep, theseare all the things that I'm processing,
and I feel like that's going tobe a big thing. I'll explain in
a moment. Hang on, Iam, I am so, I am
so like mentally stretched after this week, last week, everything. So if
if things are a little slower today, if I deviate off of the red
meat news you want to hear itis just to keep my sanity. I
got some I got some chicken wingnews that we're going to get into.
Don't worry, we'll do the storiesof the day, and we'll touch on
the on the you know, theway that the media is continuing to do
things the way that they have donethem in the past. Yet I'm seeing
cracks in the facade, and that'sgoing to be a theme. And I
lay awake last night three four five. I don't even know what time I
fell asleep. And that's you know, that's something I do on the regular
when I'm putting prep together. AfterI send it off to Ross, generally
my brain is still like, allright, I sent the stories over,
here's how we're going to do it. And it's just everything's just been so
insane. So even though what wedo is not physical, you're you're getting
a glimpse into the mental pounding thatputting a show together takes. I would
challenge anyone to sit down and dostream of consciousness for three hours. It's
it's not easy. I saw somethingthis morning that might give you some hope.
It's not all. Here's the thing. It's not that I don't have
hope. It's that I literally,I I literally can't sit and and and
try to and and and the weekend. The weekend will cure this. Even
if something happens I can't sit andtry to think out all of the reasons
and the players and and the motivationsbecause everybody is being so scummy, right
yeah, no, I mean there'sthe reason that like world chess champions will
tend to go absolutely insane, rightbecause like your brain can only take so
much before it melts down. Wellwait, let's not go there, not
quite yet. Like I'm not I'mnot going on a shooting spree or anything.
But I'm sorry, what were yousaying you saw something? Yeah,
so Dane Cook? Did you seethe Dane Cook news? I haven't thought
about Dane Cooking forever. Please fillme in. Dane Cook, I guess
has been hanging out. He's stilldoing his Dane Cook thing, not nearly
as you know, popular as heused to be, or is you know,
Hi, remember when Dan Cook waslike, oh he had a moment
for sure, yea, Like hewas selling out like Madison Square Garden and
stuff. So he went on TikTok. And he is not a political person
at all in public, Like heis not one of the h Admittedly I
don't even know how he feels,right, and that's purposefully done. But
he went on and he put upa poll in his TikTok and he just
said he wasn't going to attack people. It wasn't to debate. He just
wants to know where people's heads areat in this country after the past few
weeks, because he was feeling alittle tired and a little weirded out as
well, and he's wanted to,you know, know where people were at.
The reason that you really want topay more attention to his poll than
say, other people's polls is because, like I said, he's not political,
and his algorithm isn't isn't skewed likeother people. For instance, if
kat Turd puts out a pole,it's going to be skewed one way because
his algorithm is one way. Orif Mark Cuban or even if he saw
one of the Krastin idiots had apoll this morning and I just I'm just
yeah, or the right or thecras and steeds, so their stuff is
going to be leading significantly in oneway or the other because of who they
are. But also it's because ofthe people that you bring in, like
what you see on your timeline,depending if you're on threads or you're on
even Facebook or or x right orTikTok. The content you're going to see
and the people that are going tobe drawn to you are drawn to you
because of an algorithm. So ifyou're super political, those people are going
to see you and probably follow you, and then it skews even worse in
one direction, where he is notthat way. So it's really a good
clean slate, right because he hashe's not political at all, so the
people just people aren't. So heputs out a poll and when you read
the comments there and when you seethe results of the poll knowing that it's
it's not skewed in one way inthis algorithm free in that respect, it's
really eye opening. The Trump Trumpwon his poll. It's the thing.
It's still going on by like overninety percent. And when you read the
comments, it's all people expressing sortof what you're expressing and just being like
they can't take any more of theleft. Like when you read the comments,
you would think that he was acat turd or somebody like that,
or somebody you know, like alike a right wing influencer, and he
is not. It's just people expressingtheir theirselves in the comments knowing that they're
not going to be attacked, andhe's not going to try to debate them
or put them in the spotlight andtry to shame them. It's just him
having a conversation, like you tellme how you feel right in the comments,
I'm gonna read it. I'm notgonna debate you. So you have
people freely expressing themselves in the comments, and what they're expressing is that they're
over it, They're over Kamala,and they're not believing any of the hype.
Well, you know, and wedidn't see a situation where somebody saw
the poll and then tried to jacketright right. As far as I know,
it hasn't been flipped in any ways. It's the first time I've seen
it today. Well good, ohwait, hold on, Austin pauls him
an email. I can just imaginea suck it. I'm trying, dude.
And and by the way, I'mnot telling you this too, so
you feel bad. I'm I'm tellingyou because I don't like giving you a
show that's not maximum effort. Okay, that's it. My voice makes it
sound worse than it is. It'sjust my voice has burned out from the
end of the week. So itit but I like sitting there and being
able to process and talk out whereI'm going to go was near impossible yesterday
and it's I'm almost never dealt withthat. So I am, I'm I'm
being honest with you, And likeI said, we got chicken wing news,
so my whole mood may turn around. In fact, you want to
know the chicken wing news. Ross, do you know the chicken wing news?
I do, yes, Okay,you probably have chicken wing keyword emails,
so that's a little unfair. Thiscould go to the Supreme Court.
Can boneless wings include bones? Iknow this sounds like a stupid topic,
but the Ohio the Ohio Supreme Courtjust weighed in on this yesterday and they
have fundamentally redefined what I guess theterm boneless means. And because of the
fact that they're split, and becauseof the fact that in another region of
the country there is literally a similarlawsuit going if that lawsuit comes out at
that I don't know what Ohio isOhio seventh District, I can't remember,
but you know, let's say thatand the other ones in California. So
if California and Ohio have split decisions, feasibly the Supreme Court could take up
whether boneless wings need to legally befree of bones. And it's not just
that. If you read the decision, which is rather amusing, they point
out that diners who know they're eatingchicken should know that there's a possibility of
bones, and then they get intowhy nuggets are not a thing. Let's
see here, boneless wings, accordingto the Ohio Supreme Court, refers to
a cooking style and consumers have aduty to be on guard against bones.
Basically, a dude was eating bonelesswings, he swallowed a low piece of
bone, got an infection, gotseriously injured and sick because he, in
typical dude fashion, is like,now, just drink some water, it'll
be fine. By the time hewent to the hospital, it required surgery.
So he filed the lawsuit. Accordingto the decision, just as a
person eating chicken fingers would know thatchickens don't have fingers. I have a
fun I have a fun story.I'll try to do on on this on
the chicken fingers thing, because Imet a I met somebody who thought that
chicken had fingers, and she wasa grown adult. She's not. She's
not listening. So I'll tell youshe's not the sharpest tool in the shed,
somebody I grew up with and sheended up getting a nickname over it.
But just as chicken tenders, chickennuggets, and chicken fingers are not
actually a part of the chicken thatis identifiable from an anatomical standpoint, the
word boneless falls within that, andyou eat boneless wings at your own caution.
And the fact that the Supreme Court, who literally has provided some of
the most important decisions over the lastfew years that many of us will likely
see in our life lifetime. Ilove the idea of Roberts and the wise
Latina and Gorsicch and all of themsitting down to adjudicate whether boneless wings and
frankly, this is part of alarger labeling of food. And when you
look at it from that perspective,there's a ton of crap that we eat
that are not actual literal names.And I apparently we're at a point where
half the justices, or I guessjust less than one of half the justices
on the Ohio Supreme Court think thatanything that is labeled and is not anatomically
correct requires changing of the names itwould be very impactful. Let's see here,
does anyone really believe that parents inthis country feed their kids boneless wings
or chicken? Oh, of courseyou're going to reload the page right now.
Don't even try me today Fox NewsThis is on Fox news is or
Fox Businesses website. Yes, justas parents in this country, if either
children boneless chicken wings or chicken tendersor nuggets, might expect that there to
be bones in the chicken. Ofcourse they don't, said Justice Michael Donnelly,
who wrote in The Descent. Sohe and three of his cohorts were
the it was close. It wasfive to four. So there you go.
Just know that chicken wing chicken wingcases may make their way to the
US Supreme Court. All right,unfortunately, all right, well hang on,
Oh by the way, we're onthe ap thing. In fact,
let me let me do this.The Associated Press has withdrawn a fact check.
And if you're if you're not fullyplugged in, you may have seen
people cracking jokes about the fact check. But I want to explain to you
why this is really important, andit has to do with Jade Vance and
a couch. I know some ofyou didn't think I'd do this story.
But now that Associated Press has literallyweighed in and then chosen to remove them
weighing in, it's just one morelayer of the bias that we don't talk
about. Right. It's easy toread a story and go, that's wrong,
that's wrong. She was. Bordersare, but what they choose to
cover and what they don't choose tocover, and especially as it pertains to
fact checks, is a big deal. And to the point where Associated Press
is apologized Orsi excuse me, issueda clarification. Well, it sounds like
an apology the morning casey, Yes, sir, I'd like to bring you
your attention. Another discrepancy between thechicken and the fast food industry is the
tenderloins tender oin tammus, or sometimesreferred to as chicken tenders. And I'd
like to point out that chicken.There's no tenderloin on the chicken. Yeah.
Well, and and they again,they they spoke to this. I
just I find something incredibly amusing thatthe US Supreme Court could be adjudicating this.
Absolutely it seems fact they would havebetter things, well one one would
think. But if you get andthanks for the call there, surf,
you get a couple lawsuits going backand forth. They've they've adjudicated stranger stuff,
but it speaks to a bigger issueof food labeling, and that's,
you know, that is really thechallenge. It just stems from somebody eating
boneless wings, which, by theway, why would you do that?
Can eat wings man up right,And it's one thing if you're you know,
you're giving it to a kid,but in this case, it's a
grown adult who opted for the garlicparmesan boneless wings. You know, I'll
say this as as somebody who likesto travel eating chicken in other countries,
you assume there's gonna be bones inthere. It's really weird. They don't
do the same level of de boning. Like if you get a boneless chicken
breast and you order that in arestaurant, especially in Latin America, I've
noticed there's probably bones in there,and so the first few times you eat
it, even if they say it'sboneless, you should be on the lookout
for bones. So it's it isa privilege in the United States too,
I guess generally assume there's not bonesin there. But it's also a labeling
thing, and no in California.They'll probably come down on the other side
of this, all right. Sothe Associated Press thing is weird, man.
So the associated and language is soimportant with these The Associated Press has
removed a fact check that they publishedon They published it Wednesday night. They
published it Wednesday, but they removedit yesterday evening, okay, and the
fact check is this was the headline. No jd Vance did not have sex
with the couch. I saw jokes. I didn't fully understand what it was
until I dug into this just day, and I'm sorry I did, but
it speaks to something important. Onestory selection, two wording within a story,
and you'll understand the difference after Iexplain it. So the Associated Press,
it did an official check, publishedit Wednesday. Again, that's the
headline, and you're thinking, well, how the why the hell are we
here, because there was there weretwo memes going around that in his book,
which now every reviewer hates quite inhis dreadful novel is literally how it's
worded, right, everyone who lovedit, all of these these mainstream reviewers
who loved the movie, loved thebook, now hate it because he's the
you know, VP nominee said thatin the novel, he talks about hooking
up with a couch, except hedoesn't. It's not in there anywhere,
was never part of the book letalone. The movie, well, the
Olympics with literally the opening ceremonies,just what hours away, that's going,
well, we have we have actualsabotage. I just want to be clear
before I say what it is,because I'm just digesting this story literally right
now. Good morning our number two. I I'm not gonna make a thing
of it, but I will tellyou what I told you at the beginning
of the show. You have tounderstand the process for doing the show.
So when I pull together stories inthe evening, I sent them over to
Ross. We put them in astack. But they're literally for reference.
They're for audio cuts we're gonna play. They're for numbers that I may need
access to. But I I don'tuse notes. I literally read and commit
to memory the vast majority of what'sin the stories. And I'm not telling
you this to brag, but like, it's a way of doing talk radio
that requires you to have mental acuityand bounce around. And I got to
tell you it started to set inlast night and I woke up this morning,
and I am mentally burned, andI think a lot of you are
as well. Like being able tobounce around and even remember stuff that I
put in the stack yesterday is ata bare minimum right now. So and
I and I'm telling you not tohave you feel bad for me. One,
I think a lot of you canmentally relate. But two, I
want you to know why the showsounds rough today. And what we've seen
over the last few weeks is wildman, you know. Uh And and
obviously Trump nearly getting assassinated was thewas the kickoff, it was the impetus,
but then Biden's out. The absolutelaid bare bias of the media that
you're seeing right now is mind boggling. What took place in Washington, d
C. Which we have some updatesfrom Capitol Police as to why they were
very minimal arrests and and you know, will that be the end of it?
Maybe maybe they basically said we didthat, we didn't have the staffing
to conduct the full scale arrests,and they're probably not wrong. And you
can call it defund the police andeverything, you know, whatever gets you
there. But it's another one ofthese situations where you're sitting there and you're
realizing that the full court press fromthe DOJ that you saw for over January
sixth, stuff just isn't going tomaterialize. And it's it, and it's
it's meant to beat you down.And don't worry. I'll I'll get,
I'll get, you know, fingerscrossed at least one day to mentally disconnect
over the weekend, and we'll beback champion at the bid on Monday.
But it it, it all hasan impact. And I want you to
know that if you're feeling that way, I appreciate you, you know,
sticking with sticking with us and andyou know, going on Twitter and there's
there's hopeful signs there. Man.I I I mentioned it yesterday as I
was just sitting there staring off intothe void after I had sent prep.
I don't know, I don't knowwhat it would it would have looked like,
and what this this shortened election wouldlook like if not for Elon's acquisition
of Twitter. Man, Because theamount of garbage that they are shoveling right
now. The TV station in MinneapolisWCCO is like wr L right, they're
the really in the bag bias stationIn fact, we used to call them
on the radio. In Minneapolis,we call them WDFL. And the reason
of the reason is is because inMinnesota, the Democrat Party is actually called
the DFL party. See it's theonly place I've ever worked where they're not
the Democrats, They're the DFL,which stands for Democrat, Farm and Labor.
So it fits very nicely when wantingto label a TV station. They
had the audacity to sit there andrun with their anchor yesterday that Kamala Harris
never participated or supported the bail fund. Well, obviously it happened to Minnesota.
There's tweets from her, and thereis video of her being interviewed by
the TV station throwing her support behindit. And then you couple that with
the she was never borders are asingle page memo thing that came out on
telling elected Democrats how to talk aboutit, how to lie about it.
I guess it would be more accurate. And then you realize as you're watching
the reporting yesterday evening that the mediais literally reading from it. Here is
point by point, so I don'thave to explain what was on this index
card. It's the media using it. And in many cases with verbatim language.
She was never actually borders are,borders are, which was not something
that was formally conveyed upon her.She's been labeled incorrectly by some members of
the right as the borders are.Republicans named her the borders are. Republicans
have always exaggerated what her job wasat the border. Republicans again have labeled
her the borders are. That's notexactly what President Biden asked her to do.
She was never put in charge ofthe border. That wasn't actually her
task, not to secure it,but to address the underlying roots of migration.
She was charged with leading the administration'sefforts to address the root causes of
migration, the root causes of migrationto the US, the root causes,
root causes, root causes, orroot causes root causes of immigration. We
also want to point out that rightnow, apprehension numbers continue to decrease in
our country, especially over the lastfew months. And I just want to
know that border crossings have been goingdown and illegal border crossings are lower.
Right now, Migrant crossings continue todrop. Border crossings are way down.
Border crossings are down. I remember, I remember when because every one of
those media outlets is saying that theylied, or they would say that they
had they were inaccurate. And sothe proof there is, do you believe
that every news outlet who reported heras the borders are and we played it
yesterday took Republican's word for it,that that that is the only that is
the only way that their previous reportinglines up with what they're now saying.
They're saying, one, we screwedit up, but also they're saying that
the only people that were saying thatare Republicans. Do you think that CBS,
ABC, NBC, MSNBC, thelot of them used Republican talking points?
Even when Republicans issue a statement thatis an opinion statement or in god
forbid, a factual statement that theymight have to check out, they don't
take that. They would never adaptto the Republican language, save maybe Fox
News, and they're willing to.They're willing to fall on this stord and
they're willing to run this and itis mind blowing to me. And the
only thing that I can hope asI'm sitting there mentally trying to process it,
is that more people who are casualson social media might see one of
the community notes, or see somebodywho very concisely explains something that doesn't process
in their brain. Because if thatdoesn't work and they're able to pull this
off, you'll never you'll never gettruth from them. They need to suffer
the consequences of I guess a furtherjetti singing of audience, or people at
the ballot box saying no, thisis hot garbage, We're not going to
do this. And you know,sixty percent of people in a poll that
I saw, and it's it's nota poll that is generally favorable to Republicans,
sixty percent believe that Kamala Harris wasamong those who was helping to cover
up what was going on with Biden. Well, from a journalistic standpoint of
sixty percent of people think there's somethingbeing covered up, then wouldn't sixty percent
of people not think that Biden's capableof being president right now? And you
know, this is this is thisis my process an extrap and then I
remember, all right, I'm goingto make that point, that point,
and it's it is a it isa process that yesterday my brain just said,
you know what, dude, youneed to think about anything, but
this, and so I know manyof you are there. I've seen the
frustration on social media and I tryto be the hopeful guy and I still
am, but I sound like Igot hit by a truck today. So
and I always want to be honestwith you. So that's where we're at.
Okay, all right, rock androll, and you know it's death
by a thousand cuts. Associated Presshas now backed off a fact check that
is one of the most absurd thingsI have ever seen, and you have
to understand the language in it.Associated Press issued a fact check Wednesday.
Yesterday, they redacted it and thefact check was titled ear muffs. I
guess we got a little kid around. You know. Jd Vance did not
have sex with a couch. Now, the absurdity of even choosing to do
this based on some like weird socialmedia post is nuts, but the way
that they worded it is the mostinstructive. They went point by point,
explaining that nowhere in his book he'llbill the elogy or elegy I can never
pronounce it. Is there a portionwhere he talked about securing a rubber glove
between cushions on a couch. Butthey don't say that what they say,
is we can't. We can't tellyou for sure that he didn't do it.
And the wording matters, right,because there's something you're throwing out there
that is easily fact checkable. Searchthe book, the pdf p used the
PDF version of the book, andsearch for keywords if you're too lazy to
read the damn thing, and thenyou know, go and say, no,
this doesn't appear in the book anywhere. But that's not what they said.
They said, and there is reallyno way for any of us to
prove that he didn't have sex witha couch. Well, by that standard,
there is no standard, right becauseI have no way to prove that
Ross didn't murder thirteen hobos in aspree in the late nineties. I've no
way to prove he didn't. Butmaybe he did. Wouldn't put it past
him, and that's the absurdity ofdoing it. Well. Associated Press now
says that it didn't go through thepropreditorial process, so they have removed it
from their wire offerings. And actuallythe way that they the way that AP
sends stuff out without getting technical,is how they're trying to explain, well,
it never went fully on the wire. It was only made available.
That's a cop out. And ifyou understand how the AP works, you
will understand why. But I'm notgoing to explain the whole thing. It's
absolute absurdities. But it tells youin in the minds of people who need
a reason and not like jd Vancethat well, look, AP couldn't find
that he did, but maybe hedid, and it it caused more and
more people to put this this weirdjoke or hit piece or whatever you want
to call it out and it literallystarted trending as a result. You tell
me that's not by design? Whythese errors always go in the same direction
that are are to smear Trump ortoo smear jd Vance And the the current
one you're seeing today is Trump doesn'twant a debate. Well we'll break that
down here in just a few minutes. Uh, Donna, what's up?
Good morning, I'm doing them all. Thank you? How are you?
Yeah? You know, it's Friday, so we're good. You You've got
a weekend coming up, so drinka lot of burbon and you'll better.
So this happened to me before Istarted using Twitter. I was an independent
and when the twenty sixteen election camealong, I voted for Trump because there's
no way I could vote for Hillary. So it really wasn't a vote for
her. For him, it wasa vote against her. But then I
started to really pay attention, andslowly it was like a veil was being
lifted off my eyes. And nowI can't believe, Like everything that you
just played is just it blows mymind. Yesterday, what was going around
was w CCO forgive me if youmentioned this, it's a yeah, yeah,
accuses Harris. I mean, weall know if you're but if you're
not on Twitter, you would notknow that. So yeah, yeah,
no, no, no. CCOwas the Ral of Minneapolis. They were
yeah, bring them absolutely and inthe bag. There was never a question,
which is why when I was onthe air in Minneapolis, it's who
we made fun of. So butwe're beyond, We're beyond making fun of
them, right it is. Itis downright criminal what they're doing, right,
it's insidious, it's very they're allDemocrat parrots. And listen to how
the language that they use is justparting each other and it's all live.
And if I swear, if itwasn't for Trump, I would have never
seen it. Well, don Iappreciate the call this warm up against the
clock here. Yeah, oh sorry, I didn't mean to hang up on
her quite that quickly. But andit's why, and I didn't do a
good job to explain. It's why, Like the language of the Associated Press
that matters. That matters, andit matters the way that they're spending the
Christopher Ray testimony. So we'll touchon that. I'll let you know what's
going on in the Olympics. There'ssome crazy stories, and we'll do that
coming up in just a few minuteshere on the Casey Radio program. I
go back and forth, but there'sjust a generic version of it. Are
Republicans Are they doing themselves a disservicecalling Kamala a DEI candidate? And the
answer is, I don't know.There's a lot of folks who think that
the the you know, the sexualstuff with Kamala Harris is is really dumb,
and I mostly agree with that.But also, has there been anything
that's off limits with Trump? Likewe just went through a trial over a
porn star and and and I understandthat, well, you know, the
other side does that. It doesn'tmake it necessarily right. I don't know.
Oh, what tracks and what doesn'tlike. I haven't seen individualize polling
on it, so you know,everything from the the Billy Bush tape to
everything. There has been nothing that'soff limits. So I understand why people
go in that direction. But Iseparate the DEI thing only because they made
such a big deal out of it. Right there's there is transcript and audio
and and you know, printed wordfrom the President literally saying that this is
why he's doing what he's doing.So I, I, you know,
I don't know if it's a winningstrategy, but I'm not going to begrudge
people on that. I tend toagree that maybe they're not going to get
anywhere with the that stupid logo rightwhere she's on her knees and the side
chick stuff. I think it's dumband I and while you can argue that
it's a curate and they did thesame to Trump, the question becomes does
it net you more votes? AndI don't know if independence you're you're literally
targeting here are going to have muchappetite for it. But the DEI stuff,
I'm truly on the fence with thatbecause they made such a big deal
out of it and literally explain thatthey were going to pick a black woman
to be president or to be avice president. So I hear you.
So I know I'm splitting the babythere, but that's where I'm at,
you know. And and now thelatest thing we're going to be dealing with
today is the narrative that Donald Trumpwon't debate her because he's terrified of her,
which of course the media is goingto run. And at no point
are they going to sit there andread the actual statement that the Trump put
out on Truth, which simply said, I have I have terms and conditions
to debate Joe Biden. Remember theywere basically his terms and conditions. I
don't even know if Kamala is goingto be that person. So at this
point we'll wait and see, whichsounds logical now from a strategy stand but
he's probably smart just saying yeah,I'll debate her under those terms following the
the the DEM convention in Chicago,because I don't think she does well in
a debate with him. I thinkthere's a lot of cackling. And you
know, no matter how biased themoderator is in that you saw the deer
in the headlights with her when shewas sitting now with ABC, and they
asked her, like, you're theyou're the most liberal senator and she's like,
well, Mike Pence said that,and then for whatever reason, the
ABC reporter was actually like, well, no, the you gov actually said
that the non partisan group, andshe was absolutely stymied. She didn't know
how to respond to that. Butwhen you see the story today that Donald
Trump's too much of a coward todebate her, he simply said, if
she's the nominee, we'll wait andsee and we'll figure it out from there.
But you know, just watch watchhow that gets handled, and I
think it'll be very eye opening.All right, let's get in on this,
Josh, what's up, Casey?Hey, I was I was wondering,
just like the jd Vance thing.Ye know, there's no proof for
no way you can say it didn'thappen. You know, maybe this,
uh, maybe this whole thing issaying, hey, Trump, don't go
after this, and senators don't goafter this. But they're putting it all
out in the news and it's onmy news feet every time I look on
my phone daily and it's already outthere or it's out there. Maybe that
was their playing all along that Trumpdoesn't have to do the starty work himself.
Well, but but but the theparameters for her being selected are not
up in the air like the jThe JD. Vans thing isn't even up
in the air. It's not inthe book. But you know, the
argument that he did or he didn'tdo the American Pie thing is is dumb
and and and in this case weknow because Joe Biden said, these are
the parameters for who he was selecting. So I can't treat the two is
the same thing, I guess.But is it Is it beneficial from a
vote standpoint? I don't know.I think I think it can be alienating
to women. And you know,he's he's he's gonna need women because that
is the direction going to go in. So I think absolutely right. They
are going to be people that's madif it's talked about, and there's going
to be people who are mad ifit's not talked about if it's talked about
in context, and thank you forthe call, Josha, it's talked about
in context where the person acknowledges,Hey, yeah, let me let me
watch the video of Joe Biden sayingit. Then then you're fine. But
if they just hear DEI stuff,Oh, he's only selected her because she's
she was a woman, people whowere only half plugged in, I think
are going to recoil. Some somepeople are smart enough to realize that that
is probably the case even without hearingthe quote, because they've seen it in
action in one hundred different news storiesthat we've done. So there you go.
And and also I also predict thatthe big conspiracy theory from the attempt
at Trump assassination, which isn't gettinga ton of esteem right now but they've
started to pick up, is goingto be the Donald Trump was never shot.
And that was because Christopher Ray deflectedright during the testimony. And I'll
play it for you. This wasjust a moment of testimony and it created
a whole narrative set of news stories. Newsweek ran in an article yesterday.
And I suspect that as you getfurther in time, this will be the
new good people on both sides,because well, let me play the Ray
thing and then I'll explain the partthat's missing. I think with respect to
former President Trump, there's there's somequestion about whether or not it's a bullet
or shrapnel that you know that hithis ear. So it's conceivable, as
I say here right now, Idon't know whether that bullet, in addition
to you know, clausing and thegrazing, could have also landed somewhere else.
But I believe you've accounted for allof the shots and the cartridges all
right. Well, And this wasalong the lines of where Secret Service deferred
to FBI investigation. Then when Raycame in, he deferred back to Secret
Service. According to the Secret Service, they do believe it was the bullet
that passed through. And absolutely coulda bullet pass through the very soft portion
of the of a quarter inch ofthe year, which is the description that
we have from the doctors, andcontinue on its path. Absolutely bullets passed
through straight through human bodies and endedup hitting other people. The absolute absurdity
of it. And Ray sitting thereand not he could have acknowledged that the
FBI didn't independently find because the SecretService was in charge of it. But
he threw out the well could havebeen shrapnel, and I don't think that
was unintentional. So news we gotthe ball rolling. There's such a ridiculous
version of what they used to bethat. That's a talking point that I
think is going to get carried forwardand become part of the lore. And
because the further you get away fromit, the further you are from being
able to prove or disprove it.Just my prediction. Let's grab speaking of
predictions, raced agent from the weatherChannel, and uh, you know what
we need. We need a calm, peaceful, good weather weekend. So
well, and that's the theory,right, And what's so funny? Yeah,
Well to say I'm hesitant for theweekend forecast, to say it's going
to be completely dry, I guessfor me it's an understatement. I mean
it is, it's close because highpressure to the north right now looks like
it's going to win this battle.And finally we get out of the rain
chances each afternoon, except as yougo west, I still think we're going
to have it today central parts ofthe state off to the east. So
again, if you are heading tothe beaches, they'll be rain around,
but don't worry. There will bedry hours too. And then as we
head on through tonight and tomorrow athigh is going to try to push in
and get some dryer air in here. And I think except into the mountains,
we may be rain free tomorrow,possibly even on Sunday, so that'll
be welcome news. Today, we'llstill get probably in the middle eighties,
and then as we look ahead towardthe weekend, I'm getting into the mid
maybe upper eighties. It'll stay inthe low to mid eighties, and the
try it in points west and earlynext week may start dry Monday, but
I think we'll get back into thewet weather as we can into Tuesday Wednesday
of next week. So today thebest rain chants, meaning the best coverage
this afternoon. I'm just going tosay from about the triangle east, you
go toward the west, a littleless coverage on the rainfall, but not
all afternoon, mid afternoon through thisevening and your Friday evening plans. And
then this weekend we're going dry.Fingers crossed right now, pretty confident that
there won't be much rain at all. Hopefully that'll work out and that could
last right on into Monday. Okay, well, yeah, I know if
you can crap on the work week, nobody cares, man, So yeah,
I agreat window a little window,so we'll see what happens. We'll
talk in the next hour. Appreciateit all right, speaking of the you
know, the DEI stuff for anyof that, is it helpful what Trump
said on Fox yesterday, well overthe flag thing or could he have couched
it into a specific scenario. I'llplay the audio, we'll ask the question
Pete Callander, he'll join us comingup at eight oh five. Lots to
get to hang on. You know, here in North Carolina we got our
own little angle with the unc fratbros. But if you watched in d
C what happened in front of UnionStation, it is absolutely rage inducing.
So Trump's on Fox, They're askinghim about flags, and I don't know
if this is the right answer.I feel like there's a better middle ground
here. But here's what he said. He took the American flag down.
They were riding Hamas on the belloutside of Union Station. What does a
Donald Trump do if he takes officeto these people on the street. Rarely
have we seen anything like this.And I think you should get a one
year jail sentence if you do anythingto desecrate the American flag. Now people
will say, oh, it's unconstitutional. Those are stupid people. Those are
stupid people that say that we haveto work in Congress to get a one
year jail sence when they're allowed tostomp on the flag and put lighter fluid
on the flag and set it afire. And when you're allowed to do
that, you get a one yearjail sence and you'll never see it again.
And all over the world Putin andPresident She of China, all over
the world, they're watching this.Kim Jong mun. He looks at us
like we're a bunch of babies.They see that that wouldn't happen in their
countries. Would it's impossible for thatto happen in their country where we have
we look so bad to the world. That was a disgraceful display yesterday,
all right. And and when youlisten to him, I think the important
clarifying point there is because they're paintingit as Trump thinks that if you go
buy a flag and you want toburn it in your yard, that you
should get a one year jail sentence. And I'm I don't know that,
I'm one hundred percent that's what he'ssaying. But he needs to clarify it's
not if it's not if it's notyour flag, it's the one in front
of Union Station or it's your neighbor'shouse or something like that. Then I'm
all for it, right, becausenow you've committed vandalism, you've committed arson.
We do have laws that are notenforced as much as they should be.
But I hope that he doesn't believethat you shouldn't be able to burn
a flag that you own in yourown yard. Ross. How did you
take it when you heard it?Because every time I listen to it,
I'm like, yeah, no,I was thinking the same thing. Like,
if you go purchase your own flag, I mean, you can burn
it. It's despicable and awful.You shouldn't, but you can do it
if you want to. Right,if you buy it, go down to
Walmart, would ever buy a flag? But if you go to like you
know, Union Station, if youtake down that flag and burn it,
first off, that's arson, right, So that's the charge of arson.
And if you put up another nation'sflag, I don't think it's treason,
But what would be like declaring anact of war whatever, Well, it'd
be continued vandalism because you're misusing theflag pole there. I don't know what
it looks like, but like theywere very quick to go ahead and get
significant charges ready for people who peeledout on rainbow crosswalks exactly. And the
argument was that that is public property. I mean, there are charges there
that you can charge them with.The issue is that we're not doing that,
and we when we do take themin, we instantly release them.
So and I hope that's what Trump'sindicating there. I'll be interested to see
if somebody attempts to clarify that withhim. But you know, he said
it before. He may think thathe may be of the opinion that even
you can't burn one you own,and I I feel like that's not helping
him. All right, Jamal,I got two minutes, go right ahead,
Okaykse, I hope you're feeling better. Case what, it's obvious what
President Trump was saying yesterday, becausewhen they was burning in Palm Luton and
trying to destroy statues, he saidthe same thing. It's just a continuation.
So they're purposely doing this to tryto say President Trump is trying to
be a fascist. Now to getto the point, also, KC,
we have to come a time wherepeople got to ask, what are these
precious independence that we keep hearing thatwhen Republicans push back, Oh, we're
about to lose them. I'm oneof those people who say Willie brownside hick.
I'm one of those people who whenI FoST on Twitter, I will
say two heels the arrow up andmoney for heels up Harris. Okay,
I'm one of those people. Now, if the Independent the only way Independence
will vote for a Republicans, ifwe stand there and get abating, is
that. If that's the only wayIndependence will both of us, then we
as Republicans got to say, wow, is it really worth it? Because
the Democrats can lie. The Democratscan literally go back in their same articles
they say they don't get hold ofcounter before you got one of the biggest
cools. It just happened. Theytook down a sitting president got took down
because they want to keep power.That doesn't push the precious independence away.
But if we call her Willie Brown'sside shit or we if we call her
that or we say something offensive,then oh, everybody's going to lead us.
I feel like we're not going topass up the opportunity that we have
on Fridays as we welcome in ourradio buddy from the South, Pete Calender
Pete, how are you doing thismorning? My voice sounds like crap,
deal with it? Okay, allright? So which which it's? You
know what it is? And Itry to honest, No, no,
no, it's not a medical thing. I try to be honest. I
just feel so mentally burned out,and because it's been NonStop for what like
three weeks now, and it's justevery day it's just one thing that's more
and more insane. And we'll talkabout some of that insanity because I'm curious
to pick your brain because it's obviouslybeen a crazy week. But you've no
doubt seen the two videos, onewhere it's the before and after of the
borders are stuff right where it's literallythe same show, the same person,
or the side by side of theDemocrat talking point card and the media literally
reciting it verbatim, which makes youwant to punch your monitor more if you
had to choose, Well, mymonitor didn't do anything to me, So
I feel like I've never had thedesire to just whip up on an innocent
bystander like that. So either thator I just have remarkable self control or
restraint. I'm not sure, butI've actually never been really known for that,
So that's not it, but sonot literally punch your monitor, but
you know what I mean, right, punch a person, a puppy or
a kitten or whatever whatever your thingis, yeah, whatever nearby, right,
So yeah, so it is.So I've been acquainting people with the
term retcon and you probably know verywell what that term means, retroactive continuity.
It's where, uh, you're likeif you're watching a TV series and
you know the origin story of themain character because you've been watching from the
very first season. But now you'resix seasons deep and all of a sudden,
you see something where it's like,well, wait a minute, that
doesn't square with the origin story fromthe first season. There's a conflict there
that wasn't the main character's girlfriend's nameor whatever. That called ret conning when
you change things now to make thestory make sense now, but it requires
you to change some of the originaldetails. And so basically everything Disney's been
doing for years. Okay, allright, exactly right, Well, and
so that's what we are all watching. And when you undertake this kind of
an operation in politics or in adebate about philosophy or policy or whatever,
it's a form of gaslighting. That'swhat's going on right now, and that's
why people are discombobulated and frustrated.It is a form of psychological abuse.
And you've got media outlets that areparticipating in this because the democracy. Right,
they are trying to save the democracybecause Joe Biden, apparently for some
reason quit We don't know why,but he quit. He's not going to
save our democracy for us, eventhough as I understand it, nobody did
a better job at saving the democracythan Joe Biden. So he's going to
step aside to allow somebody else todo it. The problem is that person
also did all of these awesome thingsthat Joe Biden did, and so is
trying to get some separation from himand all of the awesomeness that he was
and did and still is. Bythe way, he's not going anywhere,
Don't worry. He's still going tobe doing all of the awesome things,
but no more after December, right, he's out, not going to try
to do more awesomeness for us,And so now they're trying to create this
distance between him and Kamala Harris forsome reason. Then the borders are issue
was one of them. But likethe talked to Noah Rothman from National Review
yesterday and he makes several very goodpoints about this very media push, which
is that the reason she was assignedto do the things she was assigned to
do in the Biden administration was preciselybecause they wanted to recap her. Right,
all of the issues that right thatwere so harmful to Joe Biden's prospects
they gave to her and people insideher camp for years they've talked about this,
you know, off the record,leaking and anonymous sourcing and stuff,
that they were not happy that Joewas pushing off all of these things on
to her, which you could evenview his endorsement of her as sort of
a kiss of death as well.Right, that he fully endorses her,
but like the red conning going onright now is very obvious for all to
see. The borders Are thing isjust one example of it. But look,
if she doesn't want to be theborders are, doesn't like the term,
whatever, says she had nothing todo with the border, you know,
we'll find then that all that doesis proved then that Joe Biden put
her in charge of something with noreal authority to do anything, but got
touted as the way to do something. And she's like, Oh, I'm
gonna address the root causes. AndI could have told her what the root
cause of illegal immics is that Americais awesome. That's why everybody wants to
come here. That's a very goodpoint. The absurdity of the borders are
thing. And then I want toI want to try to figure out why
it seems so much more abrasive,and I have some theories right now.
But to fall on the sword asthe media is doing, they have to
accept two things. One they allgot it wrong, and two they they
base their reporting off of Republican talkingpoints, which would be an absolute first
right like a no planet will theyeven in many cases correctly quote a Republican
right. So to say that theyall got it wrong because the Republicans told
them and they took it at facevalue is lunacy. But most people don't
think that deep. So does itfeel so aggressive because of the shortened time
frame? Or and this is Iguess the positive thought? Is it because
when things end up on Twitter likethese videos, no longer do they get
shadow not banned, but you know, put off to the side. Or
in some cases taken down. Anddoes that vode for people who are casual
Twitter users who may plug in likethe week before they vote, of maybe
stumbling across this stuff. So theright, So I think part of it
is exactly what you just mentioned,is that it is the compressed time frame
where normally you would have more ofa landing pad, you know, a
runway to uh to start changing thesekinds of narratives. But because Joe Biden
has abandoned us and won't give usmore of the awesomeness of his first term
into a second term, we havea much shortened landing strip, and that
means they've got to do rush jobson all of this stuff because you know,
one of the things. Also keepin mind, they're not allowed to
any of the money yet because she'snot officially the nominee. So they've raised
a lot of money, and sowhat's happening now is the Republicans are just
pouring tens of millions of dollars intocampaign adds against her, trying to define
her, just like Obama did againstMitt Romney. Because their Republican convention was
a couple weeks after the Democrats won, and so they got to unleash all
of this money. So the Democratsare kind of frozen in place for a
couple of weeks. Now that's goingto change, obviously, and they'll catch
up. But if you are ableto define Kamala Harris negatively right now,
and by the way, like you'realready well on your way to that definition
because of her, you know,just the nature of who she is in
the campaign she has run and thethings she has said and done. So
you got the compressed timeline. Theother I think is correct that you've identified
on Twitter where you're not being throttledanymore. The content is not being restricted
or restrained, and things being elevatedto the degree that they were in the
last sidels. But as far asmost people go that are not on Twitter,
I don't know if they'll ever seethis stuff, right, And that's
why you've got to have You gottahave all these different prongs into different areas.
That's why they're all, you know, gushing over the TikTok videos and
the different songs and the Hollywood actorsand all that stuff. Right There's you
got to have all these different kindof entry points into different media platforms.
Now that being said, people sayTwitter is not real life, and that
is true. However, I wouldpoint out the President made his endorsement on
Twitter right the video, Like,so the idea that it's completely separate,
that's not true either. The peoplewho shape the news are on Twitter,
and that's what we're seeing is likethe mockery and the ridicule of the media.
People that are engaging in the kindof thing that we're seeing, that's
where they're being mocked and ridiculed.Does that breakthrough? Does that get through
to the casual voter? Not sure? But I just saw some polling that
even Democrats by like a super majority. I believe Kamala Harris knew about Joe
Biden's cognitive decline and didn't do anything, didn't say anything about it. So
that's like that whatever she does andsays from here on out, that does
not go away. It can't gosixty If it's the same poll we talked
about, I think it was sixtypercent, but by proxy, that means
sixty percent of people have to believethat Joe Biden shouldn't be president. Right,
if you thought that cognitive stuff wascovered up, and like, where
where do we have do you thinkRepublicans try to get him ousted or are
they comfortable with him serving it outand just feasting upon her as candidate.
I mean, I'm for the goodof the country. I think he does
need to step aside, but Idon't think he's going to and I don't
think there's going to be enough pressureon him from inside the Democratic Party in
the media. But I repeat myselfto do so only because they've already started
with the hay geography, Right,They've already started with the fainthood stories that
you know, he put the countryabove his own ambition and all this other
stuff. But of course now wefind out that the Democrat Party officials were
the ones that pushed him to dothe debate early. They were the ones
that were threatening him with the twentyfifth Amendment removal process. Right, So
like this was and look, I'mnot a conspiracy theorist. I tend not
to deal in like hyperbole when itcomes to this stuff. But this has
all of the hallmark definitional traits ofa coup from inside the Democrat Party leadership,
and that needs to be reckoned with. Yeah, but is that the
party that reckons with it if theyhave no look do you believe the Barack
Obama one of the Arizona senator andit's four dhs and Biden by coming out
and instantly getting behind Kamala in niecappedthe Obamas, which is why they only
gave their endorsement last week, becausethat's that's juicy stuff. But ultimately it
is conjecture. So how do youprove to the extent that you can prove
it without having to prove the wholetale? So the so I don't,
well, are you asking me toprove the Mark Kelly or the Obama fingerprints?
Because like, yeah, yeah,because that's that's how you're going to
hook people in, you know,simply saying that they threatened with the twenty
fifth Amendment that it becomes prove it, prove it, explain if it prove
it to me, And we alreadyhave well, we already have. I
mean, we have media reports ofyou know, unnamed sources of course that
said that this was threatened of Joe. Now, if the proof is going
to come, it's going to comefrom Democrats. It's not going to come
from Republicans. And so you're goingto have to have people that are close
to Biden. And when you haveinside the Democrat Party of these different factions,
one of which is the Obama wing, which you'll recall completely obliterated the
Clinton eastas in two thousand and eight. Right, So, but the Clinton
camp was then wooed back in byObama. They gave Clinton the Secretary of
State position, right with the ideathat she was going to run for president,
and so the Democrats then created thatlanding strip for her, and then
of course she lost. So thatweekened the Clinton machine. And so what
you're seeing also is a fight insidethe Democrat establishment between the Obama wing,
which is a far more progressive wing, and the Clinton wing, which you'll
recall they tacked back to the centerwith Bill in order to try to win
after having been blown out by Reaganand Bush for twenty years prior. Okay,
so the media reports though that areout there again. That was a
week long spat. You would agreethe media fought because they were getting thrown
under the bus. That seems toappealed. They kissed and made up.
So let's just say the New YorkTimes in New York Post, who was
running most of this, don't justcome out and go, oh those anonymously,
Yeah, those sources. Yeah,we got some other ones. They
said that never happened. So Iagree with you, it's going to have
to come from paulaeticians. All right, I got it here, I think,
yeah, real quick, real quick, I will say, here's the
things here, here's what we doknow. Joe Biden's been in mental decline
for a while, right, andpeople around him obviously had to have known
it. Therefore, people around himprotected him and tried to shield him and
his condition from us. And thenwhen he's saying I'm not dropping out,
and then a day later, IAm dropping out. What changed? They
won't say. And now here he'sendorsing Kamala Harris. That to me has
the hallmark that those are all thehallmarks of a coup. Okay, I'm
with you. I firmly believe thatyou're correct. It's just I'm so I'm
so beat down on the ability ofthem to prove it. And also then
we go about two and a halfminutes, I'm beat down on the Park
Service and the Capitol Police actually doinga DOJ style look at what transpired in
our capital this week. It wasit was far worse what we saw on
UNC's campus. The amount of lawenforcement assault easily far out paces January sixth.
So where do you think this goes? Nowhere? Yeah, I think
probably nowhere. I think everybody's alreadyout of jail. Everybody's already out right
as of the next morning seven amlast was released. Yes, yeah,
so they're all yeah, they're allout, and this is I mean,
but so it gets very difficult forme to deny the accusations from a lot
of people, or to try todispute the accusations, I should say,
from people on the right that claimthese types of protesters are the foot soldiers
and shock troops of the Democrat Partyand they are purposely allowed to run wild
in order to sow the chaos thatthen make people for Democrats so they will
stop the chaos. It gets verydifficult for me to try to dispute that
accusation when I keep being the samepattern over and over. Yet, well,
if it ain't broke, don't fixit, and yeah, your tinfoil
looks nice. First thing Trump's gottado is fire ray agree, disagree,
Yeah, definitely, Well yeah,our second or third, I mean,
I know there's gonna be a lotof first things. He's got to do,
but I would agree, yes,yeah, because I feel and we
got thirty seconds left, I feelthat the narrative that Trump wasn't shot is
going to be the uh, thedude on the ridge forever attack. Oh
yeah this yeah, oh yeah,yeah yeah, I called him they cleaned.
They were glass shards that hit himor something from the telepumkers that were
amazingly not damaged. But I calledthem sharters like truthers. But they're shards.
Oh that's so close to a word. I really wish it wasn't.
But you know what what oh youknow, look at that. We got
to go. Oh that's that's toobad. So all right, thanks for
putting up with my voice in mysour mood. We'll talk next week,
sir. All buddy, feel betterthe weekend and we'll be back. Hang
on. I was just looking atall the strength of schedules for the NFL
stuff, because I hadn't really lookedat the Vikings total schedule, and I'm
sorry, I don't think we havea middle of the road schedule. We
got to play AFC West. Ourown division is tough, but they got
us at sixteen. But then Iscroll up and Ross, how how is
it possible. You guys get screwedevery year. You are fifth or sixth,
depending on the list that I lookat for hardest schedule, and you
have by far the hardest in yourdivision, which should be opposite, right,
And because it's been that way inthe last few years, I think
this year is actually easier than lastyear. Yeah, yeah, because you
guys are you guys are I'm assumingyou're the favor to win your division right
there? Yeah? I would thinkso, yeah, yeah, so feasibly
because your division opponents play roughly thesame schedule as you. How are you
so far above everybody? Patriots arelike tenth? Well that and then I
mean the simple answer I don't wantto really get into, but the simple
answer is because the NFL is againstthe Bills. That'd be why, Yeah,
Chiefs or they have a middle ofthe road schedule. I don't know,
Man, Browns apparently have the hardest. I would argue though, that
the Browns always have the hardest becausethey're not good. But yeah, there's
Ravens, Steelers, Packers, Texans, and Bills, you know, right,
their strength. The schedule has beenreally tough to pass, like three
four seasons. But I saw astat this morning that was I thought was
impressive. The Bills have gone overforty games or forty straight now forty straight
games not losing a game by morethan six points. Really, how forty
games? I'm sorry? How manyforty game? Yeah, and that's the
NFL record, tied with the Packers. Dude, half list and that is
impressive. Dude. The Dolphins gota cake they got a cake walk.
What else is in your division?Yeah, don't happen in the Jets.
Jets, that's right, don't havea really you know, good first half
of the season the Dolphins because ofthe strength of their schedule, and then
they'll blow it out and lose itby the end of the year. It's
what happens every year. Oh good, So what happened last year? Peop
were like, oh, they're amazing, They're gonna win the Super Bowl this
year. It's like, yeah,but look at their schedule, and every
time they would play tough team ora playoff team, they would lose.
It's what. They had a losingrecord against playoff teams. And you know,
but the thing is too is youlook at you look at the strength
of the schedule. Because you canscroll back to twenty twenty threes, and
it seems to have had no bearingon how the season ended. So take
this stuff for what it's worth,all right, I promised you a couple
of things going on at the ParisOlympics. One, they're just they're rounding
up migrants. They're just driving aroundin buses and just snatching people off the
street. The train service has beenimperiled after they have sat boutaged two sections
of track. People are in factpooping in the river. So you know,
everyone getting pumped for the the openingceremonies, which, by the way,
Lebron is the dude carrying it forus in the final leg, really
has even shot an arrow before intoit? Really set it on fire?
Has he done that before? Oh? Is he having to do like a
Viking funeral thing that's gonna be likeBarcelona ninety two. Well, yeah,
hopefully it didn't set himself on fire. If he doesn't know what he's doing,
I said, hopefully he doesn't sethimself on fire and embarrassed states occur.
Okay, completely making sure, makingsure, but that is not the
funniest thing going on. So apparently, dude, you know what this is?
Firefest is Firefest. Right, it'sthey show up. Essentially, they're
in They're like an emerging see shelters, right, they got crap beds.
Uh No, actually Firefest had bettermattresses. I didn't realize something unce I
was reading an article about Firefest again, do you know what people were doing
so that they didn't have to sharethe limited shelters. I guess dozens of
people were running around and urinating onthe mattresses and then throwing them outside so
nobody could use them. So likeit like people are horrible in bad conditions
to other people at the drop ofa hat. Man, it's it was
a it's a there's a crazy articlebecause they literally are threatening to do a
firefest too, which I'm all for. I want. I want to read
tweets about people wanting to make spearsto stave off wild dogs, like I'm
here for it. But the Olympicsis providing us a little glimpse into it.
So we've we've talked about the livingconditions. Apparently the food situation is
already a disaster because remember they wantedto moon back this thing up, and
so they operated under the assumption thatrather than lean proteins such as grilled chicken
and eggs. What the folks,the world class athletes really would want is
fake meat. And believe it ornot, they don't want that. They
want grilled chicken and eggs, andthey are they have run out of it
within just a couple of days andthey're having to like scurry to go ahead
and get it. You can't putthese world class athletes on like a vegan
diet or the like fake meat.Come on, who, I promise the
person who made this decision is notan athlete. I'm not even an athlete,
and I know that these dudes theamount of protein that they eat,
especially grilled chicken. Dude, youwant to go to the gym, workout
for three or four hours, ortrain all day, and then you want
like a califlower or something. Comeon, get out of here. This
is so bad. I looked itup. Going back to your last point
real quick. You know that nineteenninety two, after accidentally setting himself on
fire, Jordan scored fifty seven points. It's true. And so if you
want to be the goat, Imean you got a Oh, dude,
if they lose to South Sudan orI don't know who they play anymore,
and he did, and he didset himself on fire. They would use
that as the excuse because remember hewas the hero for our one oh one
to one hundred victory over Solisterday andthey pulled it out last second. Yeah,
so I meet yesterday. It waslike what three would you want the
On the top it was Steph Curry, Kevin Durant and Lebron James and on
the bottom it was a bird magicand Jordan. I'm like, this is
the easiest decision I've ever made inmy entire life. Going back to the
Olympics, independent countries are now scramblingto get their athletes grilled chicken and eggs
after they ran out within the firsttwo days, including bringing in packed meals
back to the village for lunch,and then are recording the time of London.
They are completely out of drilled chickenand eggs and the opening ceremonies haven't
started yet, but they are swimmingin fake meat. And yes, a
decision to include a fifty percent allotmentof plant based options has proved problematic as
the athletes simply aren't eating it.Dude, how do you screw this up?
You know what you get everything youdeserve. Uh And the US has
decided to send in their own chefsso as not to use the catering.
And they will do now independent cateringgoing forward because they're just not going to
deal with this. That is wildman. Who you gotta you gotta,
you gotta name whoever this idea.I'm sure it's the mayor that's for all
these bright ideas. Whoever, whoeverthe Mayor of Paris is not. I
don't know this Nitwitz name, butevery one of these bad ideas we've seen
up to this point has had hername on it, even the even the
Hey, we're gonna we're gonna swimin the uh uh in in the in
the in the river, and thenthey had to stop it because all the
protesters were gonna poop in there.What a disaster. All right, well,
the opening So you know what,now, I feel like I should
watch the opening ceremonies. We'll justsee how bad the whole thing can get.
Raced agic from the Weather Channel.Do you have any interest in the
Olympics because it's not going well?Yes, I do. I did watch
women's soccer yesterday. Okay, yeah, they've already got a cheating scandal there,
I know. Yeah, they gotthat going in Canadians, right,
yeah, frying on New Zealand.Yeah right, right, yeah, And
I do it. It's not somuch the opening ceremonies. It's it's a
little drawn out for me. Idon't have the attention span. It's not
because I don't think it's but youknow, I'm looking forward to the break
dancing and uh oh, you know, things like some of the new things
out there. I want to seehow that goes. At least this thing
turned into firefest. I'm here forit. Well, they ran out of
drilled chicken and a's because they thoughtthe athletes wanted a vegan diet, which
is not what athletes want. Sono, Norman, somebody's gonna light themselves
on fire tonight. It's happening.As a matter of fact. It just
had some leftover pasta that'll But anyway, nothing, nothing at all, You
kidding me. I can eat anythingat any time of the day. Just
ask me. If you're doing stuffoutdoors. Maybe it is some outdoor activities.
The wet weather, we're gonna tryand get it out of the forecast
for the weekend. Still some moreshowers today, thunderstorms, best chance afternoon,
but seeing a few showers around townright now, mainly down toward the
south. And actually I missed itearlier. I didn't mention it. There
is a flood to watch. I'mdown to the south some of for southern
counties. That's for heavier rainfall whereit may be low mid eighties today,
that over the weekend we should getsome sunshine, temperatures in the low mid
eighties, could get into the uppereighties and the triangle on Sunday, and
then the wet weather starts coming backnext week. But right now looking pretty
good for the weekend, let's hope, as the showers should push down toward
the south of US with high pressureto the north. Okay, all right,
well, we'll see how you didand check back Monday. Have a
good one, and we will checkin with the folks from Bloomberg. It's
now it's who's filling in today.Jeff is not back and I don't think
we're going to be able to extractinformation out of Miss Pellegrini. So we'll
see who's there and get the verylatest. Here we go, Dan Dan
Schwartzman from Bloomberg will join us nexthang on, Hey, Dan Schwartzman in
for Jeff Bellinger. Dan, what'shappening today? Good morning, Casey Eli.
Lily's days as a poster child theweight loss Drugs could be coming to
an end, the company's market valuedropping by one hundred and twenty billion dollars
just over the past eight days.Two rivals, Viking Therapeutics and Roche Holdings,
both having shown promising results with latestage trials of their obesity drugs.
Now, how about this, Casey, the weight loss drug mark it expected
to hit one hundred and thirty billiondollars by two thousand and thirty a week
at Disappointing results from the auto industrycontinues, Mercedes ben supporting a drop in
profitability, the car maker announcing thatgroup earning slumped nineteen percent to four point
four billion dollars in the second quarter. Passenger car sales globally fell by three
point seven percent to less than fourhundred and ninety seven thousand compared to the
same period last year, sales offully electric models dropping by twenty five percent.
This week, Alon Stlantis, Nissan, and Ford announcing results that missed
expectations. Now that said Casey,GM unveiling the latest Corvette model, the
zr IE. The sports car isthe most powerful Vet yet, with a
top speed of two hundred and fifteenmiles per hour, the car coming in
both a coup and convertible model.Overall, GM they had a good week.
They reported profits are up sixty percentfrom a year ago. McDonald's new
five dollars meal aimed at bringing customersback well, it seems to be working.
According to Stifel Financial Corp. Lowerincome diners those making under forty thousand
dollars increase their visits in May andJune. Meanwhile, the total number of
purchases grew in three of the fourweeks since the launch of the five dollars
promotion. Open ai is testing achat GBT powered search engine that could put
the artificial intelligence company in direct competitionwith Google. Calling it search Shept,
open ai says it could provide userswith faster answers that include links to relevant
sources. I'll get ready. Hollywood'sabout to be dealing with another work stoppage,
video game performers announcing they would goon strike Thursday after talks for a
new contract with major game studios brokedown over artificial intelligence protections. Finally,
Casey, let's look at the futures. The Dow's up behalf of one percent,
nasdacs up one percent, the SMPmean while doing well as well,
it's up three quarters of one percent. Well, it's got the whole day
to go crazy like the rest ofthe week, so we shall see.
But thank you for the kickoff,Dan, appreciate it, my pleasure,
Casey. All right, there yougo. I'm Schwartzman, Bloomberg News.
So now so I'm sorry the videogame performers is this how much do they
like? How much do they make? But they can't they like bring in
some big names for some of thesevideo games. Don't they that like that?
Are you know, legitimate like bigHollywood actors? But I got to
think the majority of them are justdoing voiceover? Am I wrong on this
ross when they're developing video games?Or do they have like actors come in
and like the capture motion? Yeaha lot of times now, like the
people that do the voice will actuallydo it depends on the game and the
character, the little green suit thingthe motion yeah right, yeah, okay,
all right, Like when you lookat the guy that did the voice
for Arthur Morgan in Red Dead RedemptionToo. He looks like Arthur Morgan in
the game like you're the when yourcharacter starts, and he had to like
do all the motion caption and stufflike that. So it really depends on
who the actor is and who thevoice telling is. Didn't some okay,
so some chick it really mad becauseshe did the voice or she was the
actor for like a zombie dude andshe was upset that she looked like a
zombie. Because what they've started doingnow is sometimes they're like, oh,
well, this person or this femaleis too attractive, and we don't want
to cater to a certain member ofthe We don't want to make her just
we don't want to sexualize her,so we needed so we're gonna do is
We're gonna make it a little fuglyand just change her face a bit.
They did that. I think itwas for the new what game is it
coming out? I mean they wentsuper seeing the character, but it can
of zombies or like dead you know, it's got monsters in the game,
Like what do you think you're gonnalook like? Now? The thing that
fables the game of thing, butthat's the one like where you look at
her like the woman who did thevoice and did the looks like she's like
a beautiful woman and they just turnedher into like a messed her up a
bit. Yeah, well it's wouldyou rather have? Would you rather have
that? Or the how the devslike appear in games now right, like
the really angry feminists. They're justlike, oh no, that's totally not
it's it's you're you're wearing the sameshirt like Spider Man. Yeah, Mary
Jane. They're like, why doesMary Jane look like so like her face
looks wrect what happened? And thenyou like see the dev who created the
game, and like, you putyourself in the game, dude, I
mean why wouldn't you. Every characterwould be me. It'd be like just
just did a different outfit just inthe matrix. And uh, by the
way, real quick, because peopleare like, you know, Casey,
understand your frustration with the Olympics,but does everything have to be negative?
No? And it won't be Lookif we get to do a touchdown dance
on China's face, I'm all here, I'm here for it. Uh.
But the lead up and everything hasbeen going sideways thus far, okay,
and and screw the Olympic Committee.I don't know if you saw this.
So we got awarded the Winter Olympicstwenty thirty four. It's going to be
in Salt Lake two days ago,two days ago, and now the internet.
The Olympic Committee is threatening to withdrawit unless we sign a contract saying
that we will not independently investigate throughour DOJ or through our own Olympic Committee
doping allegations against China, which Idon't know if you know, is a
big thing. So they want usto sign away our ability to investigate independently
China's rampant cheating, which is aproblem every year ever, I guess every
four years or every two years.That's the amount of flex these people have.
And they can't even feed athletes rightnow. So yeah, on some
of this stuff, I'm going tobe negative because there is corrupt as FIFA
probably more so, and we'll highlightit, but also when we kick in
other countries. But we'll do thero Bra