Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Not making this up. So yesterday, after the show and
after we'd informed you that he has come into uh
a possession of a real Captain America's shield, he then
shows up for our meeting with the Boss with the
damn thing on his arm, and Boss doesn't even say
anything right away, just like it's normal. Well, I'm just wanting.
I'm just wondering if you've figured out how to flip
and catch that.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
I've been throwing it repeatedly.
Speaker 1 (00:31):
Yes, you have, and that's probably you can you can
see on the wall over it. It's not coming back though.
It is the issue, not yet all right, but you
are worthy because you're able to hold it and pick
it up the like the like the hammer. Though.
Speaker 2 (00:46):
I did, like like our meeting of the city, you
mentioned that it was you know, over teams or whatever. Yeah,
so we had like, you know, like it was Trevor
and you, and then I just I thought it was
funny because like on my screen, on my square, it's
just a shield.
Speaker 1 (00:58):
Us never Trevor, our boss. Trevor was at his house
and then we have this little thing because he was
he was going to do something and so Ross never
turns his camera on.
Speaker 2 (01:08):
Though, right, because I'm always working in here during the meeting, and.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
Yet I get on the I jump on the thing
and there he is, and he's you's see him in
his studio there with his shield proudly on his arm
and all that stuff, and.
Speaker 2 (01:21):
You see like the hat behind it like peeking out.
Speaker 1 (01:24):
Yeah. Yeah, it was hard to hear you. And then
you claim the shield was blocking radio.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
It was hard to do the meeting, right, I could.
I barely heard what you guys were saying because I
believe the shield was over the phone.
Speaker 1 (01:35):
Yeah yeah, okay, all right, So that's that's the thing
that's going on. Here's another thing I saw this morning,
and I don't know why this has irritated me so
much this morning, but it has. Caitlin Clark is Time's
Athlete of the Year. Okay, so you know that's a
I mean, I guess we could get into a debate
over whether she should, but I feel like she definitely
definitely should have been in the running for it. And
if that's what they think, fine, say what you want.
Even though they weren't able to figure out in some
cases because they got in their own way over this
stuff because like they didn't want to remember like, they're like, well,
let's play at the bigger venue. And then some of
the NWNBA players were upset. They're like, no, we want
to play at our regular venue, which I do understand that,
But the reason they want to go to a bigger
venue is because they had sold out all the tickets
for your smaller venue, so then they could make more money,
which I thought was the goal here, and she has
definitely revolutionized that. That being said, Clark says she earned
her success, but says she has white privilege. What are
we doing? Why is Caitlin Clark out apologizing for being
really good at something? This is? This is? This is?
Did Michael Jordan ever apologize because he kicked everyone's butt
every time they showed up to play against him? Do
we have do we have Michael Jordan apologizing for his privilege?
Speaker 2 (03:18):
Is Josh?
Speaker 1 (03:19):
Did Josh Allen apologize for his privilege? After he what
was the new record? He said? What was it? Three
and three right? Three passing and three rushing in a
game which had never been done? Did he did he
apologize for his white privilege? After that? Ross? Did you
did I miss that? You're the He.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
Did apologize for the loss? He put on his own shoulders. Yes, yes,
which is completely insane.
Speaker 1 (03:42):
But he didn't do it for privilege, right, He didn't
say it was my privilege that got in the way
or any of that. He's just like you, just talking
about the sports man. Yeah kay, I don't know if
time goaded her into this, but don't do that. Don't
go out there and apologize for your white privilege, because
you're probably the asked that the thing you do amongst
your peers that's insane in no competitive environment is that
a positive? None? Zero, it's it's a struggle session. And
I and you made the comment before the show started.
Probably did it because she's sick of taken an elbow
twenty times a game. Well, maybe fix that. Maybe we
don't have players come in and you you give them
the Jackie Robinson treatment. Okay, maybe we could not do that,
I mean, especially when it's advantageous for you for her
to be good.
Speaker 2 (04:33):
I mean, but she's also you know, pretty pretty damn young,
right right, Yeah, so, and she went through a university
of college whatever, so maybe she she could possibly believe it.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Yeah, I have no doubt that she thinks that she
has to do this for some reason. That's why I'm
I'm gonna I've taken my airtime. And I know that
she'll probably never hear this, but don't And and for
the those of you out there, don't if you're being
a look, if she was running around being arrogant, then
then whatever, I've never seen that. And there's a little
arrogance you can't have. Michael Jordan was a little arrogant
at times. But is it arrogance when you go out
and back it up? The audacity to go play eighteen
holes of golf and then with your guys and and
then they're like, well, we're gonna go get ready for
the game. He's like, I'm gonna play another eighteen I'll
see you there, and then puts up forty some points
that night the Flu game. The I mean, I'm using
Jordans because we're in the world of basketball, but you
understand what I'm saying. Joe Namath pointing to the stands
that are pointing to the stands, pointing out to the reporter.
What the you know that we're gonna go ahead and
win this thing? And and then you know, doing that
that finger point ahead thing he did. If you're you
watch the video and and but he goes out and
wins it. So I mean that those are individual examples.
She's apologizing for everything and she has is no reason
to the only privilege she has, yeah, really is she
was born inherently talented at it, like she the athleticism
that it takes to be able to do that. But
you still have to have the skills and you gotta
work really hard. I don't care who you are, but
don't don't and who who the hell is time? I
mean they just does anybody? Those are like the weirdest
joke articles that end up in the stack. For me,
that place is a cesspool. Ah, but if you want
to be athlete of the year, we need you to
say something really really woke. Could you do that for us?
And uh? Yeah? As Rossa maybe she maybe she believes
all that all right? Eight eight eight nine three four
seven eight seven four. We got a crazy card story
out of Utah just saws through that little bad boy
in the stack there. I will say that the guy
in the story a man of his word, and that's
you know, that's hard to find these days, somebody who
says they're going to do something and then they do it.
Of course, what he did is kind of insane, but
he said he was going to do it. And I
don't know that I believe the car dealer in this
story here. I don't think they what happened to them
should happen, and I'll tell you about it here in
a moment. But their side of the story doesn't make
much sense to me. So we'll explore and the conspiracy
theories on the healthcare assassin. So I don't know, Ross,
did you go down any of the rabbit holes with this?
I had to stop yesterday. Everyone is like they're convinced
Nancy Pelosi ordered the hit. What Yeah, you didn't see this?
Speaker 2 (07:45):
No, I was reading a lot of stuff about his
back injury and his his his experiment with the hallucinogens
to relieve the back pain and then apparently like it
screwed up his brain like it did with Aaron Rodgers,
and it is what it is. Yeah, well you started
seeing like the shadow people and stuff and or or
you know it's the cover, you know.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
So the Pelosi thing is there's some his family's really rich,
and so they know really rich people and really rich
people who also are donors, including somebody who they're the
parents company did some business with another really wealthy family
from Maryland, and that family happens to be a big
Pelosi backer, and and so like, it's all these tenuous connections, right,
But what's what's not tenuous is in that deal that
tie this guy's family with this other rich family who's
a big Pelosi person. Pelosi's husband just happened to buy
stocks or put options rather at the perfect right time
on the business mergerer that went through. So like, I
don't think she probably ordered to hit, but it sure
sounds like another one of these situations where she and
her husband are very successful investors at the perfect time,
perfect time. He knew to get in there right after
a decision was rendered about those companies and what they're
going to be able to do should they merge. And
he guessed right or did he anyway? So yeah, there's
plenty of sanity, all right. I get the car story,
much more coming up six fifteen. Hang on, get going here,
all right? So this dude in Utah, he goes to
a Mazda dealership. He goes to a Mazda dealership. All right,
I'll address your remil here in just a moment. Hang on,
he goes to a Mazda dealership and he buys a
used It looks like he used Super ru or so
like an outback or something. I guess it's older. And
so he buys this used vehicle, and he says he
gets at home and like there was a there's clearly
a mechanical issue that he felt that the dealership didn't disclose. Now,
you also got to do your due diligence because you're
getting sold something as is, probably and I'm pretty sure
Utah probably has pretty firm laws on that. That being said,
whatever it was, he felt that the dealership not only
didn't disclose it but did something to hide it. And
then but the fix only lasted for a very temporary time,
so it's a little unclear there. That being said. That
being said, he calls the dealership and he's like, hell, no,
I'm bringing this thing back. You guys, there's this thing
and you didn't disclose it or you maybe maybe you
tried to hide it. And the dealership said no, the
management said they would not take the car back as is,
and because because it was sold as is, that's what
they tell him. So this dude, hours later, his name
is Michael Murray. He calls him back and he said, look,
this is a lemon it would and I guess you
ta is a lemon law of some sort, and so
he felt that that. The dealer said they didn't feel
that it was. And he said, well, I'm going to
return it whether you like it or not. And they
said what do you mean by that? He says, I'm
going to drive it into your car dealership if you
refuse to take it back. Being a man of his word,
what do you think he did? He drove the damn
thing right into the showroom, smashed into like the receptionist desk,
which was nobody was there, and I think he could
see that people had moved over the other side because
there were about seven people in there, and he just
gets out of the car. I retweeted the video at
Casey on the radio if you want to see it,
because they had moved out because they're like, that's that lunatic, right,
So he drives in there, doesn't anybody gets out of
the car, and he's like there you go, and they're
like you stay here, you can't leave, and he just
walks out of there, all right. So it pretty crazy video. Man,
So obviously the car. Also it now is it has
a few more cosmetic issues. Although it didn't look like
it smashed. The smashed through the glass pretty clean. The
dealership then says, when they're being interviewed, and this is
the part I don't believe you, they said that we
offered to take it back. We offered to take it back.
Here we go, all right. So Slade is the platform manager,
Tyler Slade, platform manager at the dealership. Slade claims the
dealership did offer Murray his money back or a different
car before he rammed it into the front of the building. Well,
then why would he drive This is the part where
I don't believe you. Then why would he go out?
If you were going to take it back, which is
seemingly what he wanted, and you offered him either his
money back or another vehicle, and then he drove it
into your dealership. I feel like there was a little
cya going here. I mean, he shouldn't have destroyed your dealership.
But also but also there's no way you told this
guy he could You were gonna make him hole and
then he did that anyway, unless he's just a complete lunatic.
And I saw there was just a really angry dude
acting like a lunatic. I just don't know if he's
a lunatic all the time. The dealership estimated he caused
what ten thousand in damages by you know, driving that
thing in there? Man? All right, six twenty six? So
how much how much jail time you think this dude
who attacked Nancy Mace's is gonna get? Did you say, Ross,
did you see this some lunatic attack Nancy Mace up
at the uh is the House of Office.
Speaker 2 (13:59):
Building two seconds ago? I read the headline.
Speaker 1 (14:02):
Yeah, yeah, a pro trans protester from Chicago allegedly assaulted
Nancy Mays. When I say assaulted, she's like she had
to get medical treatment, she's got a she got a
brace on her wrist, and she was she has some
ice packs or something.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
Is it bad that After hearing that, my initial reaction
is like, no time?
Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah, well this is what I'm sitting here thinking, like,
I bet this dude doesn't do more time than any
of those Jay sixers. Do you remember all the insanity
that it that surrounded Lewis to Joy when Trump appointed
him Postmaster General and they accused him of what was it?
What did he do? He shut down like literally some
some stuff that nobody was using. And then they screamed.
I remember they were screaming that he was stealing all
the drop boxes. You remember Ross, You remember that insanity.
They were accusing this guy of stealing. They had like
they had reports come out where they had pictures of
a bunch of them aiming together, like the chain shut
and they're like, look at that, he's changing, and then
the the and of course it was one of those
things that you know, reportedly social media didn't want random,
not true conspiracy theories out and would shut down anything
except that one. That one was allowed to permeate everywhere,
and it was just insane. It was like you and
you had politicians going, we need to we need to
get rid of this guy's and evil Republicans brought here
to steal the election, and then they kept him on
the under the Biden administration after the election or after
a transitioned to Biden. And I didn't say anything anymore,
but they had this guy as he was the postmaster killer, right,
he was coming in to kill the post office. That
was his job. Even though in reality d Joy has
business experience and turnaround experience, right, taking things that are
are either not working and and you know you've got
to make them work, or transitioning to something that is
more for you, so you know, letters to Grandma and
stuff like that. Obviously, with the advent of email that
that became a problem. So the Post Office, rightfully in
my opinion, decided that they were going to focus more
heavily on package shipping because at the same time, even
though you weren't mailing something to Grandma, you were emailing grandma.
If Grandma wanted to buy you something off Amazon for Christmas,
she had to ship it to you. So that's where
they turned their attention. I always thought it was weird,
and then yesterday he's in a House Oversight committee hearing
it's a Republican questioning him, Rich McCormick, who's from Georgia,
and he's it's contentious. Right, let's see here, McCormick said,
you were greater by the United States people, and they
don't use your service anymore. That is not true, Jajoy said,
And I think that joy half right here. They don't
use it in the way that they did use it,
but they do do a lot of package ship and
now they still lost money per se but the post
Office is is is a quasi government but not government
thing that they they have the oversight of government, but
they don't necessarily get the money from the government. Some
of it they do, but it's it's it's as strange.
It's it is not its competitors. Okay, it is not
FedEx ups or any of the rest. That being said,
Boston Paul is drunk already this morning. There's no other
I'm just ignoring your email, sir. Anyway, So like I
was the McCormick giving him a chance to explain it,
not really, but he had already had a lot of
time to talk, and McCormick is doing kind of performative
theater and and it probably wouldn't ended up on anybody's
radar because it was just a dumb back and forth.
And then did you Joy did the most childish thing
I've ever seen. While McCormick is talking, he puts his
hands over his ears so he can't hear McCormick like
a like a like your kid did right before you
got spanked, probably for being a little a little wise
h Weisenheimer, whatever, Who does that? Who do you think
that that makes the hearing not not you don't have
to answer anywhere. I can't hear you. I have my
hands over my ears, Like what you're You're a grown adult, sir.
I did I think McCormick was being necessarily fair to him. No,
but that's what these things are. Everybody, especially people liked
Joy who had to sit in these meetings before, and
I thought did a pretty good job when they were
accusing him of essentially trying to shut down the post
office to steal an election and posting photos that outlets
like NBC News and others had to issue corrections because
they just took the There was one photo where there's
like eight mailboxes and they have the lids literally tethered
shut so with extra restraints in there. Those ones were
not in commission. They were literally tethered together, probably so
crackheads didn't steal them. And then the one that they
had some ones that would look like they were bound
that were on a sidewalk, and they explained that the
reason was is because the crackheads keep breaking in and
stealing the mail out of there, and they and it
was this whole thing, and he got screened at I
thought hedt he did a pretty good job weathering it,
and I was blown away when Biden just left him
in there, because for a few short weeks, this guy
was the worst person in our country according to half
of the electorate. And now you have a member of
Congress who's asking you questions and obviously filibustering like some
of these cats do, and you put your hands on ears.
Make it make sense to me? What adult does that?
All right? Eight eight eight nine three four seven eight
seven four. All right, let's look, let's get into the
healthcare CEO alleged assassin. Uh it. I thought we did.
I thought the storyline yesterday of what we knew it
kind of held up. But they filled in a lot
of stuff. I'll tell you what was interesting is they
were talking about how this guy got like people don't
do any critical thought, and you really should try every
now and then because they're like, oh, you got busted
when you presented a fake idea to McDonald's. And people
are like they had all these conspiracies like why is
McDonald's asking for his ID? What is he doing there?
And it's clear that the you know, the person called
by the way that McDonald's has a one star rating
on Google now because other grown adults decided they were
going to go and destroy and as as punishment for
one of their employees maybe turning this dude in, Uh,
you've got to wreck that business because apparently that's how
we do politics these days. No, clearly, the officer showed
up and asked him for I D at which point
he presented a fake ID is the actual narrative And
it was very easy to figure that out. And and
then in addition to that, he had a notebook.
Speaker 3 (21:22):
He had.
Speaker 1 (21:26):
Like a like a creepy list of like to do
list was in there. There is with there some are
referring to as a manifesto, others or not. And the
whole thing is just crazier and crazier. I have a question,
based on this dude's age, do you think do you
think we might do you think it may be schizophrenic?
Because there's a lot of weirdness here and that's about
the age right when people tend to present right there
in the early to mid twenties. I don't know. Let's
see here, all right, So the what in one of
the notes here we go, yeah, here we go. On
his honest to do list, he has quote killed the
CEO at his own bean counting conference. Okay, that's that's
that's what they call evidence, sir, So I don't I
don't know, but like his his like disappearance and his
time in Hawaii and his back injury, and where were
you saying Ross You read that he was doing hallucinogenics
to treat his back injury. I read that he did those. Yeah,
that was the reason.
Speaker 2 (22:39):
But so it really messed up his back. And he
was really big into go into the gym and taking
care of himself and suddenly he couldn't do any of that.
So that outlet for like you know, energy or stress
whatever was completely gone.
Speaker 1 (22:49):
Speaker 2 (22:50):
Yeah, he's upset, so he's trying to find ways to
do it. In medication. He kept getetting denied for back
issues or ways to solve his back problem. So what
he ended up doing was experimenting with a hallucinogenics try
to fix the problem.
Speaker 1 (23:03):
Right, Yeah, I get that.
Speaker 2 (23:04):
Iahwuasha, his friend said, like when he did that, there
was like a turn. But believe it or not, it's
sort of you know, change his personality a bit.
Speaker 1 (23:13):
Yeah, yeah, no, it's we just well, one we just
had that story of that Mexican actress who died during
one of those things. So and then Aaron. A lot
of people look at Aaron Rodgers and and like his
interviews before he did start doing ayahuasca and then after.
But also I don't know, he's he's always been kind
of a strange dude. So yeah, maybe all of these
are possibilities. Obviously. Also, he's got to be the youngest
person I've ever seen name Luigi, So I'm not picking
on the name. It's just yeah, it's a name obviously
you don't see very often. I saw a picture of
his Italian family though there's like a hundred of them
at one Christmas dinner. Did you see they're doing the
Italian family thing? Did you see yesterday how many people
were buying the green Luigi hats? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (24:02):
You go.
Speaker 2 (24:02):
You can go on Amazon and look up a product
and see how many people bought a specific product that day. Right,
Like when you when you search something on Amazon, it'll
say like, you know, x X amount bought this day.
And it's like the green Luigi beanie from Mario Brothers
and it has the l on it, and yesterday it
was like over one hundred thousand were sold.
Speaker 1 (24:19):
I hate hipsters so much. I mean, I guess if
I if I own the Luigi hat plant, I'd be
be pretty stoked about that. So then what you're just
gonna walk around and evil eye people on Wall Street?
I mean, what, what's the what's the point of that?
All right? This is like I tell you that the
U And then if you're if now, if you are
named Luigi, I promise every time somebody meets you and
you tell them your name, they're gonna be like, oh,
like the guy remember the healthcare CEO? Allegedly right, So
that's no good. You see the guy Media Matters whose
name is also Matt Gates?
Speaker 2 (24:59):
Did you so there's a guy.
Speaker 1 (25:01):
At Media Matters, which is a slug organization of partisan
hacks who basically come after people like me. But one
of the dudes who works there is Matt Gates. And
then when Matt Gates was initially nod nominated, the guy
just tweeted he goes, oh Sward, And I did laugh.
But yeah, because you know, you don't run, you don't
meet a lot of Luigia. I don't know if I've
ever met another Luigi, So I don't know, maybe it
won't be that big of an issue. Who's the who's
the wrestler, who's the Luigi Primo? Yeah, how's that? How's
that guy handling it? Do we know? Well? Yeah.
Speaker 2 (25:38):
One of the comments I saw on social media when
the news is breaking about the guy's name with somebody
was like, what you're telling me that the wrestler with
the pizza killed a healthcare guy in Luigi Primo the wrestler,
that's the kaya he just he just quote tweeting was like,
it's not a me.
Speaker 1 (25:51):
That's quite the storyline. Like, yeah, there has been some
questionable storylines over the years, right, like remember when they
have the Russians come out, like at the height of
we were mad at Russia and then you know, and
of course I ran all the Iran stuff and.
Speaker 2 (26:07):
Angry dude at the at the healthcare sure the insurance companies.
Speaker 1 (26:11):
Comes out, he's just got a policy up. As part
of his walk on, does youself the piece loo got
the pizza?
Speaker 4 (26:17):
Speaker 1 (26:17):
Right? Okay? Also he wrote, and I don't know why
he write this stuff down, he write he would write
about all of the ways he was wanting to get retribution,
and he initially had talked about using a bomb, but
that might kill innocence, so he decided to go with
the the handgun there, so I don't know. Plus he's
screaming as they're hauling him in and out of jail
yesterday listen to what what what are you talking about?
So I don't know, dude. Maybe this dude's just colding,
calculating and he's putting on a show, or maybe he
did too many hallucinogenics, or maybe he has a mental disorder, which,
by the way, remember he fell off the grid essentially
to his family like two years ago. I read you
yesterday what I think was his dad or one of
his relatives on posting on social media spots where they
think he might see stuff saying please contact us. So
there's a lot more to this story, and I don't
know that a lot more is Nancy Pelosi order to
hit even though I saw about you weirdos on Twitter
were going in that direction. However, Rachel Maddow has decided
that she's going to link Luigi Mangioni to Donald Trump,
and that's what she used her show for yesterday. So
how is Donald Trump now at this is now on him?
I'll explain her logic if if I could use that
word loosely next here on the CaCO Day radio program,
How did how did Rachel Maddow decide that that's on Trump? Well,
here we go. So first you got to know Ken
Clipperstein is, who is a garbage garbage dude on Twitter. He's, uh,
he's like rupert Ruper or whatever, that idiot who is
constantly putting out videos that are insanely specifically clipped to
be taken out of context. In fact, it's it literally,
it's become a verb. Right, you're getting rupart. So, so
you're dealing with one of those cats. And so this
guy just sends a tweet out and in the tweet says,
you know what's interesting is uh, what's interesting is he
was a fan of the Unibarmer. Right, here we go.
This is the tweet. If it is him, MANGIONI, the
fact that he's a professed Unibomber fan is unsettling. I
might mention it's even more unsettling that Donald Trump's choice
to run the ATF is a self professed fan of
the Unibomber. Two. He's referring to Blake Masters, who ran
for Senate in Arizona a couple of years ago. Lost
who it's it's not official, but that is kind of
the name being floated out there that Trump is going
to have run the ATF. Obviously, you got to go
through all the process there and and Mattow made a
whole show out of the damn thing yesterday. Now what
did what did Masters actually say? Well, he referred to
the fact that he read Kazinski's book and he called
him a subversive thinker. All right, so how's that cannet? Well,
obviously Luigi there was reportedly enamored with the book. Heaven
left at a positive review and all of that. I have
a question, do you guys, uh, do you guys know
what's in Kazinski's book. I haven't read the whole thing,
but I read I have read parts of it. But
I remember I remember just being like, the story is
this guy they pulled out of the cabin is like, uh,
he's like a high level college professor. He's uh, you know,
he he was a guy who was you know where
was he? Tea was teaching at Berkeley right at one point,
like and then you have to comport that with where
he you know where it ended up with, you know,
three people killed, twenty injured, I think, and uh, and
but it was like there was a reason he was
living in a cabin in Lincoln, Montana with with not
not without the trappings of modern society, because this dude
was on a jihad against technology. And maybe that's not
even a fair way to phrase he was. He was screaming.
Everything he was doing he didn't feel was working, and
he was screaming. In fact, the book was his way
of getting his message out there. He was not a fan.
He did not have high hopes for our society as
we grew more technologically advanced. BANGIONI was found in possession
with a ghost of a gun. What does that mean?
You mean a ghost gun or a ghost of a
gun that died? What that does I I'm assuming you
mean ghost gun fake IDs, including the one he used
to check into the hostel where he's flirting with the
desk clerk there, let's see. And then this manifest where
they released it. By the way, they did release it's
two hundred and sixty two word handwritten manifesto. Which does
does that count as a manifesto? Two hundred and sixty
two words. That's a that's like a half, that's like
a really short newspaper article. Not a lot there. But
in the document he says, accept responsibility for my alleged crime.
Let's let's see here. It states explicitly, to save you
a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working
with anyone. He then accused healthcare companies of quote, exploiting
the country for profit. And then and it's the public
who enables such behavior. So yeah, because remember you could
we can exist in the world. Kids, We don't have to.
Even though Matt How's decided this is all a political
thing now and let's go get Donald Trump with it.
The reality is you can think that healthcare companies are
operating in a way that is inherently evil. You're you know,
free country can go ahead and feel that. And and
there are a lot of examples where you might convince
a lot of people love that. And frankly, this dude,
the guy who was killed, he and his one of
his partners are essentially being investigated for pulling the rug
doing what OCTAA girl kind of did, just in their
own way, basically unloading a bunch of shares of stock
at a very opportune time for them and not disclosing
it too. When you're when you're in a c suite
and you unload a bunch of stock, there's certain disclosures
that have to be made and so like. But also
you don't get to shoot CEOs on the street. And
what's really creepy is like what Ross just said with
the Luigi hats Ross, did you see the did you
see the GoFundMe or it's not go fund me, it's
one of the other ones, but did you see the
fundraiser for this dude? How it's doing gangbusters and the
insane comments from people donating. So they started and and
by the way, these Cowerds wanted to put their own
name on it. So it's reportedly being run by the
December fourth Legal Committee because this is what we do now,
we want every date it has to become the name
of the thing, right January sixth, December fourth, October seventh, Right,
So they opened a legal fund for him, initially setting
a fundraising goal of fifty thousand dollars. However, it all
of a sudden a bunch of people started donating, so
they actually raised I think currently the goald now is
two hundred thousand dollars and it's the comments are insane.
Thank you for here's somebody who gave twenty bucks. All anonymous,
by the way, so weird everyone's anonymous donating to this
one anonymous user gave twenty dollars in row. Thank you
for your service. I hope this is only the beginning.
Scrolling down here there's another thank you. Here's a ten
dollars donation. Governor's Hochel Hochel, whatever her stupid name is.
And Shapiro should pardon him right now because he's Cotton Pennsylvania.
So that's where the firearms. He's got a firearms charge there.
This hero deserves a fair trial. He needs to know
America has our back, a better society as possible. We're
all in this together. Most people just wrote stuff like
delay denied to pose, which was what was reportedly written
on the bullets. But yeah, and it probably won't get
taken down because it's give sen go. Aren't they the
ones who just they don't play the games with her?
So a bunch of lunatics are going to fund this lunatics.
I'm sure his family probably will kick in too, and
they're just like, naw, this is a good thing, man,
This is a good thing. As ross I was asking you,
the McDonald's potato hashbroun in the morning. You said those
are good? You do like those? Have you had one? Yes? Oh? Wow? Wow,
that's that's unfortunate. At the time of his arrest, Luigi
was mowing down on one of those potato hash brown things.
There's pictures, people start taking pictures of them. He's just
sitting there eating his potato hash brown. You know what's
hanging off his ear? A mask, And by Rachel Maddow's logic,
you're now basically in league with this dude. I myself,
I would never eat something that this guy would eat,
but some people don't care anyway. But what was interesting
was the mask. So the only reason he got seen
is because he needed to eat. The dude was running
around in one of those standard light blue COVID masks everywhere.
I don't think it's because he was scared of COVID.
That was clearly meant to hide his face. And what
happened he dropped it. It's hanging off his ear like
that time Roy Cooper went walking with the mostly peaceful
protesters and then you can see his face and that's
when they saw him, and that's when they started taking pictures.
Of him, and in one picture you can see him
staring squarely at the camera of the person who's taking
the photo, probably realizing, I don't think they're doing it
because they like my hat. I don't think that's why
they're doing that. So that's interesting because you know, I
myself have theorized on several occasions that there's a lot
of people who run around on those COVID masks and
it ain't about COVID, especially when they're running around I
don't know, ne're and mostly peaceful protests, and so it
normalizes the covering of the face. There. This guy was
clearly using it as a disguise. He's wearing bolt up clothing.
He's got a big old hat on toboggan some of
you weirdos like to call it, and his mask. He's
got the mask right there, but he's got to take
it down so he can shove hash brown in his face.
Speaker 2 (37:35):
I mean, he could have cut a hole in it,
like during COVID.
Speaker 1 (37:38):
Yeah. Well, or you remember you could buy those masks
or the lips open you're there, the.
Speaker 2 (37:42):
One when the kids were on their instruments in high.
Speaker 1 (37:44):
School, Yes, in their little bubbles, but with their instrument
mass on.
Speaker 2 (37:48):
We lived through the dumbest time ever.
Speaker 1 (37:50):
I did. We did. Yeah, I know, people be like, ah,
but do you remember when they were burning witches and stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but they didn't have all the stuff that we have now, right,
they didn't know all the stuff that we know now.
And it's like so with with you know, you go
from the dark ages technology to now, it should be
easier not to do insane stuff like make students who
play woodwind instruments cut holes in their masks and sitting there.
Remember the little bubbles, little like plastic.
Speaker 2 (38:19):
Covers everything about It was the dumbest time ever in
human existence when you consider the technology we had, or
like when you'd go to a restaurant you'd have to
wear the mask or walking to your table and then
you sit down and you can take off your mask.
It's so dumb and I did.
Speaker 1 (38:33):
I wasn't picking on her. I literally befuddled a bartender
because I was I like to sit at the bar
and eat and I'm sitting there and I realized is
because the bar is all elevated stools. I'm at the
same exact height I just was at so walking in here.
So I guess COVID is gonna get.
Speaker 2 (38:51):
Me if I'm ever blessed with grandchildren, Like if if
that ever happens, and there's a little you know baby
that I'm bopping up and down on my knee, and
they're like, pap, but tell me about the Great Plague
of twenty twenty. I tell me how scary and dangerous
it was. I'm gonna say it was the dumbest time
in human existence ever.
Speaker 1 (39:08):
Yeah, dumb, And have the many examples at the ready
to prove your point. But this guy's like, uh so
he got busted over McDonald's hash brown. I myself prefer
bow the bow rounds.
Speaker 2 (39:24):
Oh dude, Yeah, the bow rounds, says, there's no question
they're superior.
Speaker 1 (39:27):
If you're gonna go to jail forever and your last
free meal is either the McDonald's hash brown or boat rounds,
there's no choice to.
Speaker 2 (39:35):
I'll go through the boat you know, it's bow time
to drive through and order like, I'll have like ten
orders of bow rounds. They're like, you want ten I'm like, no,
I want ten orders.
Speaker 1 (39:43):
They're the greasiest things on them.
Speaker 2 (39:45):
They're not a dude, No, the McDonald's hash brown. So
like the grease through the bag, like they'll fall through
sometimes a bow.
Speaker 1 (39:51):
Rounds are pretty greasy. I don't know why. They just
taste better than I do. Maybe it's more salt or something.
But yeah, what a thing to go out on. All right?
So uh yeah, so if you like, you know what now?
My question what if they what he got busted at
Olive Garden? Right, try to shovel his soup, salad and
breadsticks in there like all the rest of these places.
They slipped the noose. This is this is McDonald's and
and and it's it's funny because they were now we're
canceling McDonald's. And it's not just the people who just
don't like the food there and they think it's unhealthy
for you. It's like, what if we've had McDonald's canceled
now for this guy eating there and an employee turning
him in and uh, remember they canceled the other McDonald's
where Trump was slinging fries.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
You know Google has uh they've taken down the one
star reviews.
Speaker 1 (40:43):
Oh they did take him down. Yeah they did. Yeah.
I figured they yelped. I figure they all kind of
have a plan and stuff.
Speaker 2 (40:49):
They looked at him and they removed him.
Speaker 1 (40:51):
Okay, good, good, good. Yeah, but like what so there
are people that you think are normal, maybe you don't
think normal, but whatever, there are people around you that,
at some point yesterday, due to the do all these
fundraising things, took time out of their day to both
one star of McDonald's they've never been to and we'll
never go to, and to donate twenty dollars and tell
them good job. And there's obviously a lot of people
because that fundraising goal keeps going up because the money
keeps coming in. That's pretty scary, man, that's pretty scary stuff.
So yeah, is it the dumbest time? Have we lived
through the dumbest time? Or can we do dumber? I
feel that we can do dumber. And now it's just
an element of danger here too, right where people are like, yeah,
that's good, and like, are any of them going to
go shoot a CEO? Most of them know, but all
takes is one or two more to go. Hey, that's
a good idea. That's a good idea. That lunatic at
Tance attacking Nancy mace Up up at the Capitol yesterday
right because he's so pad he doesn't like the bathroom thing,
and his words were failing him and he wasn't getting
his way, and he came all the way from Chicago
to attack attack a congressional member because you know that'll
learn her, that'll change your idea. Have you ever read
Nancy Mace's tweet or seen her speak? I believe she
tweeted back FAFO after the thing and said, you'll never
You'll never change me or something. Yeah. Absolute lunatics. And
they're able to cobble together a couple hundred thousand, I guess,
or maybe more. We'll wait and see. All right, seven seventeen,
let's go ahead. We'll go ahead and hit a break
And where did I Yeah, I did finish the madout story.
That was basically her stupid point. All right, so much
more to get into case O Day radio program, Hang
on thirty for thirty on the New York Sack Exchange.
There's a whole backstory. So if you don't if you
don't know what this is, So back when Michael Strahan
set the record for sacks in a season and he
was one short, right, he was a half short, I
think or something. Uh. And and so it's the very
last game of the season, it's they're basically it's basically
garbage time now, So there's really it really doesn't matter, right,
We're just we're there at the end of the game
and all of a sudden, the the it's like the
sky's open and Michael Strahan basically just kind of comes
around the end unblocked, and it it looked like slow motion.
So Strayhan comes cooking around. Nobody's blocking stray hand. Come on,
Michael's all they're talking about is is his sack record.
He's gonna set the record. Nobody's blocking this dude. He
then comes around, he wraps his arms like he's hugging
a long lost friend around Farv and then they just
kind of slowly fall to the turf together.
Speaker 2 (44:06):
I mean the impact though, the force needed to go
into slow motion like a slow motion brack has so
much for Do you ever watch a movie right and
you know stuff is about to happen here go down
when it goes into slow motion, right, So so.
Speaker 1 (44:23):
Yeah, it's a straight hand flex. Which was crazier about
that one. I watched it live and I've watched it
subsequently since then that he one hundred percent gave him
that sack. I don't care if Farv gets mad when
you say that, I don't care. And for those you
go with your Vikings fan, you guys had far for
a couple of years. The only reason I enjoyed Farv
there is because of how backcrap insane it drove everyone
across the river in Wisconsin. That's that's what I enjoyed.
Because Farv came in and he gun slinged us out
of the playoffs man throwing just one of the dumbest paths.
You know, no look passes, which you know that's but
that was part of his hallmark. He was a gunslinger
and it killed us against this. I think it was
the Saints we lost too, right.
Speaker 2 (45:08):
Anyway, the documentary Rocky three, there's a scene there where, yes,
they're competitors right in the past, and they run on
a beach and their short shorts and their big socks. Yeah,
and they're playing volleyball and you can tell Rocky is
about to beat the previous champion, Apollo Creed, because it
goes into what slow motion, right, And then afterwards they
become best friends.
Speaker 1 (45:33):
Straight hand and Farv we're also a very good friend.
Speaker 2 (45:36):
That's my point.
Speaker 1 (45:37):
But there's nobody who has more anger towards this. This
is the part most people don't know than the former
Jets Mark Gasno, right, because he's the one who held
the record, and so gasos watching this game like everybody else,
he sees what happens, and he he knows best of all.
I mean, obviously he's got a vested interest in this.
But like as a guy who got twenty two sacks
I think was his record, he got twenty two sacks
in one season and held that record, he understands how
it's supposed to look. And I played linebacker in high
school for a couple of years, right, that's like, and
I'm picking up on this thing. And so gas as
a result, never got into the Hall of Fame, and
he has that has has driven this man insane. In fact,
he and Farvard at a sports memorabilia show signing autographs,
you know, doing with panels or whatever, and Gasno saw
far of but he went over and just unloaded on him.
In fact, the trailer is part of it's in the trailer.
So I was just doing that football story and I
saw this other one I was going to share with you.
So there's this OnlyFans girl and allegedly she was. She
was provided front row ticket. It's at the Giants Saints game,
directly behind the Giant where the Saints were and she
and she has like chat transcripts that she's posted, although
you don't know who the player is. Basically the allegations
is that one of those Giants players who and I'll understand,
I'll explain why a player might know her. She said,
she's a little bit infamous. She's the one who flashed
at the Trump rally in NASA. And do you remember
that portal where there was an art installation where they
put a essentially it's just a big screen, uh and
with a and then people on the streets of New
York could essentially stand there and talk to people in
the streets of Dublin. And so they they put that
thing up there. It was gonna be you know, connecting
communities and we're gonna get you know, making a smaller world.
And what happened the first day? Ross, Do you remember
what happened literally the first day? What's the portal?
Speaker 2 (47:56):
It was supposed to be about, you know, sharing culture
and communication and yeah, and she fled bobs. Yeah, and
then she did it again. They moved it to it
believed Germany, and she was one of the first in
lines and she flashed her boobs. What if you're good
at something, I guess I mean these shows that you're
you know, you're welcoming. Listen, if you just mentioned the drones,
if these things landed right, the ones in New Jersey whatever, Yeah,
they were aliens. They're aliens, and they come out, We're like, oh,
they hostile or not? What's going on here? And if
the first thing the aliens did was flash their boobs,
would be like, oh, you're cool.
Speaker 1 (48:27):
Yeah, they come in. Well they some of them have
three I don't you know this. Yeah, I saw a documentary.
I think the ones on Mars actually have three. So uh,
game changer there. So anyway, so, because the way the
conversation's going, whoever this player is sounds like he's he
probably slid into her DMS when she was doing this
on the streets in New York being like, Hey, I'm
so and so I played for the Giants. Want to
hook up. So I don't know what's going on, but
but yeah, So she was tasked with there and then
flashing the Saints players at a predetermined time, Essentially if
there was. It didn't matter though, because the Giants are
not very good and they lost. But she showed up.
She did her thing sitting there right at front row. Man,
here you go. And and by the way, this is
tame compared to what especially with the Giants. You know
what Lawrence Taylor used to do.
Speaker 2 (49:19):
Right, I was about to say, I love this kind
of stuff, like the behind the scenes competitive stuff to
get an advantage in the field on game day.
Speaker 1 (49:25):
Okay, yeah, although some people are mad, like, ah, you know,
there's kids at the game, and I understand all that,
but you know they're young enough. What are you gonna
do make them hungry? I don't know. So anyway, Lawrence
Taylor back in the day would he would know where
the other team, So if the team was coming into
New York to play, he would know that, Okay, well
they're staying at the Plaza hotel or whatever it is,
and he'd go get himself like ten hookers and send
them over there, just being like, hey, anyone who looks
like they're on a football team, I need you to,
you know, go keep them up all night doing doing
hooker stuff. And that's what that's what he would do,
is what these guys would do. They would mess with
each other's food. You know, the Bills recently did that.
I think it was a few seasons ago. I believe
it was Miami. Miami came to town and somebody, maybe
it was Digs or somebody or not. I think it
was somebody on the defense. They sent a whole bunch
of like the spiciest wings they could find and stuff
to the hotel roops, hoping the next day they might
have some issues on the field. Uh yeah, they're in
their pants. Yeah, absolutely, Yeah, and and uh uh so
the way that the way that Taylor and then used
to mess with their food is they'd also figure out
who was catering for them, and then they would just
cancel the orders. So the team team would get there
and and whoever was supposed to be catering, which you
canceled the order. That's why we didn't bring the meal
over for the team. And then they'd have to rush
and figure out how to how to fix that. That
still happens today.
Speaker 2 (50:50):
Speaker 1 (50:50):
They, in fact, somebody got in trouble for that a
couple of years ago. I think it was an assistant coach,
though I'd have to look that story up. But yeah,
so yeah, sure, a competitive environment, man, no problem there.
But to your point, the drone thing in New Jersey,
how far down that rabbit hole do you go?
Speaker 2 (51:10):
It's quickly becoming like one of the only things in
my timeline. And to be honest, I've only watched maybe
one or two videos because they're all sort of the same,
and they look the ones that I've been looking at,
like these things when they assuming, they look more like
plasma like they're yeah, like.
Speaker 1 (51:22):
They I don't know, I've seen I've seen theories. Uh,
the one with the big threads I was reading this
morning is this guy is convinced and it's you know,
obviously it's been shared a whole bunch, so people seem
to like his theory that those are military drones. And
then the question is, well, what are they doing? And
of course he knows somebody who served in one of
the you know, the point of the Spear Special Forces
kind of situations, and of course that guy told him.
So now we're into the second hand land. But he
said that those are the military drones that are used
when they're trying to locate a nuclear weapon.
Speaker 2 (52:02):
What but that that's that's actually more terrifying, like if yeah,
more terrifying if that were true.
Speaker 1 (52:08):
I don't think it is.
Speaker 2 (52:09):
Unps that we've been seeing are actually like say, drones
or technology from China. That's more terrifying than if it's like,
because that would mean they are they have made a
huge leap above our technology. The way these things move, yeah,
and the way they just disappear like oh they're there
and something they cloak or whatever, like that's terrifying.
Speaker 1 (52:29):
Remember pun was claiming to have stuff like this. Remember
what was the what was the missile tactic?
Speaker 2 (52:34):
Well, no, they have the hypersonic missiles and they used to.
They recently used the ramjet, the ramjet stuff. He's claiming
to have mastered it. You don't think the US believes
he does, but no, they recently, he recently used it
as an example. He shot them, but they didn't have
the whatever they needed.
Speaker 1 (52:51):
No, no, no, no, yeah, no they didn't they didn't have. Yeah,
but he also claims to have something above and beyond
that thing that they fired, which this ramjet stuff, which
we've never really gotten or maybe we do and we
just keep it at Area fifty one. But Putin came
out like a year ago claiming that they had solved
whatever the issue was, and I don't think US officials
believed him. But it is a technology that if you.
Speaker 2 (53:13):
Were to be able to do that, they could wipe
out our carriers and no time at all, we have
no defense of our carriers, would be like horses during
World War One.
Speaker 1 (53:21):
Yeah, it's really scary stuff. So so now is that
what's happening in New Jersey? Does the military because some
special force, this guy you heard say, has drones whose
only job it is to find nukes? That doesn't make
any sense to me. One spotting, spotting nuclear material does
not require a drone. We have the technology to do that.
We do it every day. It's how we're able to
have those pictures of Iran right with their little inside
that mountain, remember that was there where they're just making
energy tech. Right, You could see the signature of what's
going on there, And so that's why we didn't believe them.
I remember Trump wanted to do something about and everyone's like,
you can't do anything about it, which I was just insane.
I'm like, if he if he's right, and he probably is,
they're weaponizing uranium in there, What do you think they're
gonna do with it when they're done. What do you
think the endgame is? I mean they're they they are,
they're literally the ones attacking Israel. They're just it's all
their little proxy's doing it. So that's, uh, that is
not good man. So I I I I don't know. Yes,
thank you, Yes, we use that. This is why we
have the SR seventy one. This is we have the
U two. That's how we that's how we see this
stuff we don't. And and the reason is do you
know why you know why you want those planes? Because
of how high they fly? What is the uh the
seventy one there's no there's nothing, there's no missile that
can catch it. That's that not that. It's not the
be too. It's a weirder looking one that we just retired.
I guess that thing what eighty thousand feet it flies
out or something seventy five eighty thousand feet and it
can't even cloak itself. But it has a very weak signal,
I guess, And which is advantageous. So if now we're
talking about drones and you're flying them that low, or
some redneck with a nine millimeter can pop a shot
at it like that gay and Florida Dead. That doesn't
seem like a very good way of doing that. And
if it's to find a lost nuke, is what is
this broken arrow? What's this happening here? I so I
don't know, sir. I'm gonna need some more evidence across
this point. The video stuff's weird.
Speaker 2 (55:42):
Yeah, so it could be the drone thing looking for
the nuke or the boobs, right, one of the two.
Speaker 1 (55:47):
Now, what if they're looking for a nuke topless? Did
you consider that?
Speaker 2 (55:52):
I sort of hope they're they're aliens, and I hope
they do come out, and I hope they're all wearing
red maga hats. Be fantastic. You do in the uh
South Park Indians?
Speaker 1 (56:02):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay, didn't it wasn't that Dane
Cook's joke too.
Speaker 2 (56:07):
I don't remember him doing it.
Speaker 1 (56:08):
He's like, yeah, he had a joke where he's like,
the aliens is gonna come down. They're gonna open it
up and they're gonna be seventy five foot Native Americans.
We're like, guys, we messed.
Speaker 2 (56:17):
Up just just to mess with everyone on the left.
It would be fantastic if they because you always hear. Oh,
the aliens would be atheists and they would make fun
of Christianity. They want to say. I hope they land
in their fundamental Christians wearing maga hats. It'd be fans
have a Southern accent.
Speaker 1 (56:33):
I don't know why that. I'll just make it far
worse for them. Gets so mad, all right, raced agic
from the Weather Channel. We're plotting which aliens we want
to pop out of those things in New Jersey. So
far we have maga hats and then the ones with
three boobs from uh uh yeah, oh yeah yeah.
Speaker 5 (56:53):
Then you see the answer when the guy was asked
like did you know about it, and he was basically no,
like that the old Defense department or something is crazy.
Speaker 1 (57:02):
I didn't even know about it.
Speaker 3 (57:03):
That's great. I feel safe now.
Speaker 1 (57:05):
Well, I mean it's just some of the other theories
that are going on. It's like, oh, there are military
drones looking for a lost nuke or something. I'm like that,
Oh yeah, that's sounds.
Speaker 5 (57:14):
Yeah, well yeah, yeah, but that's what they are.
Speaker 3 (57:18):
Hey, who knows right these days?
Speaker 1 (57:21):
Is a good?
Speaker 3 (57:22):
Speaker 5 (57:23):
I mean no, I mean I don't know what is
good nuke and weather anyway, it's a little tough out there.
Right now, I'm gonna hone in on some of the
hardest and heaviest rainfall and thunder lightning around carrying up
Church right across Raleigh as we speak, coming through town.
If you haven't gotten into heavy rain, heads up, heading
toward wake Forest and going into Franklin County around lake
View eventually, so that area of rain and thunder is
going north, heavy rainfall briefly, there might be some gusty
winds with the thunder and lightning in there too. Down
toward the south as you get down close to Fayette Fells,
and heavier showers with thunder and lightning even near Red Springs,
and off to the west as you get into the
try it heavier rainfall yat came in through Davidson County Lexington.
You're in that Yatkinville, also in Boonville, and more rain
extending down to the southwest. Say you get the picture,
kind of rainy, some heavy rain in thunder at times today,
tapering off mid to late afternoon, and then the temperatures
will fall late probably later today towards sunset mid sixties
early may end up in some spots in the upper
forties by later today with the winds starting to pick up,
but a good soaking rain in most of us around
an additional inch, then bigger changes. We're gonna cut the
temperatures in half by tomorrow morning, with up twenties, low
thirties around for the morning. A light breeze sun tomorrow
on your fifties. Same thing Friday, a little more cloud
close to fifty. Saturday looks good in the mid fifties,
and then a chance of showers and low sixties coming
in here on Sunday. So today the rainiest day, casey,
then colder briefly, and another chance of showers as we
get into the end of the weekend.
Speaker 1 (58:52):
Okay, all right, thank you much, sure do appreciate it.
We'll talk step in an hour. Uh all right, so
be sent me an email. Who gets the Oh you
know what, I don't know. I mean, I'm assuming the
reward money has to go to McDonald's person or if
it was too it's something. It might have been two
people they called, but I who knows. Yeah, what's crazy
is it's I think it's sixty thousand bucks. The FBI
had fifty and then there was a ten thousand one.
The NYPD did so, yeah, so sixty thousand dollars, which,
by the way, that's kind of cheap, isn't it. Sixty
thousand for solving the big old crime of the week.
I don't know about that. I mean, you have to
understand that right now, we're getting ready to back a
military a government run by a dude who our own
government put a ten million dollar reward bounty on because
he's a terrorist. And now we're gonna be like, hey,
and here's some aid money, like absolute sanity. Meanwhile, this
guy's murdering CEO in the in the middle of midtown Manhattan,
and sixty thousand that's it. I don't know, let's probably
get a little more, but yeah, yeah, no, they better
get it absolutely all right? Seven forty eight? Hang on,
what did some listener want to correct me?
Speaker 2 (01:00:05):
Yeah, you had mentioned that the uh, the alien had
three boobs in total. Recall. We had to listen and
apparently it's one of their favorite movies, and they were
saying this, actually she's a mutant.
Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
Wait is there isn't a dude run around with a
baby in his chest that's actually him or something like?
Did I so she's so she's an alien? And me
is that true. I don't know, maybe they've mentioned something
in there. All right, fine, sir, mutants with three breasts?
Are you happy? If that's what gets off that spacecraft?
You can go argue with them, be like yo, yoh,
you got the aliens are here And there's some guys like, no,
those are the mutants with three boots. She just got
out of that spacecraft over New Jersey.
Speaker 2 (01:00:49):
That sounds like that something that would really happen, Like
if we had the technology to you know, change ourselves genetically,
you'd be like, oh, you could be like a super
genius or or or you could add nextrip.
Speaker 1 (01:01:01):
She did that whole thing where she claimed that it
was it was one of the morning shows was punking people.
I think it was an iHeart morning show. And then
it didn't go with viral that this this girl had
had a third breast surgically attached, and and for like
two days, the story was everywhere. I remember that story
and I'm like, there's no way, and then they're like,
ha ha, it was a joke. But yeah, But what
was crazy is people going I'd do that, and guys
like going, you should.
Speaker 2 (01:01:28):
Do that, right, they would do that, and then they'd
create an oldie fans and they'd be rich.
Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Yeah you tell me, you tell me who makes more
money that that, the one who just made forty three
million or the chick with three hoots. I mean, I
there's enough. I don't understand how when there's free adult
content all over the internet, how a woman makes forty
three million dollars doing that? But hey, not my money.
Speaker 2 (01:01:56):
I mean total recall, ahead of its time.
Speaker 1 (01:01:59):
Absolutely absolutely, But some people are just no fun man.
And then we were telled, you remember one of our
favorite movies as a kid, Fly to the Navigator. Love
that movie. We've talked about it on the show.
Speaker 2 (01:02:11):
We just watched it with Lincoln like two months ago.
Speaker 1 (01:02:14):
Great movie. Great, still a great movie? Yeah? Is is
he got eighties five? Of course it does. It's arguably
Sarah Jessica Parker's masterpiece. Too. Apparently she does, she doesn't,
she doesn't like the movie or whatever? What did she say?
She consulted the movie? Right?
Speaker 2 (01:02:30):
But she's an idiot because that's her peak performance. Like
her greats accomplishments aren't that movie and bagging Ferris Bueller?
Speaker 1 (01:02:36):
That's about Yeah, she done anything else? I don't think
she's done anything else. So anyway. But like I saw this, say,
some dude do a takedown video of why Daniel would
be dead because the maneuvers that are going on in
the ship. David, David, I'm sorry David, Yeah, the maneuvers
that are going on in the ship, Like, yeah, he'd
be dead. And like the dude like had he had
beef with the movie he's like doing, He's like, this
isn't real. This isn't real. The the little character tries
to bite his finger, that's it looks so fake, and
I'm like, yeah, yeah, nobody, nobody was claiming that was real.
Speaker 2 (01:03:11):
So he's saying David couldn't survive because.
Speaker 1 (01:03:13):
He couldn't survive because the g force would kill him
with the maneuvers, turn him like jail or something essentially, yeah,
essentially cook his brain too. So and then I saw
people defether like no because there's technology in there, and
I'm like, yeah, what does that mean? But then I
realized it's a it's a movie. It's a it's a
it's a science fiction movie. So what so what you
think he's are? We are we trying to figure out
his politics here because I feel like there's some other
clues out there and I don't know that politics is
necessarily the thing here, right, but it could be like,
let me ask you, what's what do you what?
Speaker 2 (01:03:50):
Do you?
Speaker 1 (01:03:50):
What do you think might have motivated him more because
he likes elon ability to land a rocket, which I
think is uh. I honestly, I don't even know there's
sourcing on the stuff, or do you think it's because
we just had an entire presidential campaign where every single speech,
which was usually the same by one of the candidates,
it spent about twenty minutes on how all the CEOs
are evil and greedy and they're conspiring to rob you
and keep your fear. They want you to starve you.
That's why eggs are this much. And that was Remember,
that was the only thing I don't want to say
of substance because there wasn't really substance to it, but
it was the only concrete thing that she actually indicated
that she wanted to do. But it was very generic.
It was like, Ah, we're gonna stop, We're gonna stop
the greed. Well, how are you going to do that?
We're gonna stop it? Right? So I feel like, maybe
if you want to assign politics, which I hadn't done,
because this this thing transcends politics, really, But if you
want to go there, I'm gonna go in the other
direction because I know one there was one party walking
around talking about how all the CEOs are evil and
greedy and making your life worse. And I feel like
that would have been a message that he would have
probably responded to. Also, he used the term lived experience.
He says his arrest is an insult to Americans lived experience. Ross.
Do you find me tape of any Republican saying lived
experience or my truth or any of that garbage? No,
because it doesn't exist. Okay, that's very that's college campus lingo. There,
man who knows? All right, let me grab a call here, Chris, what's.
Speaker 6 (01:05:43):
Up, Hey, good morning, Casey. Thanks for taking my call.
Going back a little bit, whenever I hear like a
college educated person, I don't think they're really educated, more
like indoctrinated, like this guy probably was. You know, he's
college educated, he's probably more indoctrinated.
Speaker 1 (01:06:02):
Yeah, I just very smart dudes.
Speaker 4 (01:06:05):
Many right, But those very smart dudes aren't in the
positions where they need to be, because it seems like
we'd have all the wrong people in these positions, and
that's how we're seeing these effects. I mean, that's why
this guy was killed in cold blood is because we
don't have strong leadership. We have a bunch of morons,
like you said, just saying, oh, the CEO is this
the CEO is that. You know, the rich pay a
very fair share of taxes. If it wasn't for these
rich people, none of these nonprofits would be strong like
they are. I mean, they donate so much to charities.
I don't really want them paying taxes just because of
the charities.
Speaker 1 (01:06:37):
They don't. He's the answer. I want to be careful
not to lionize this dude who got shot. I mean,
he shouldn't have gotten shot. But everything that I've read
about him and this this this thing was selling the
stock and not disclosing which is a big deal, which
was clearly meant to extract about one hundred million for
him and the other dude is what they're accused him on.
That's aid dirt It's a dirt bag move, right. So
but also, you don't you don't get to shoot the
guy on the streets of New York.
Speaker 6 (01:07:09):
So well, you shouldn't shoot anybody on the streets, especially
in the back. I mean you could have faced his killer.
I mean that's cowardly.
Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
Sorry, I got it. No, I gotta I can't, Ross,
I got a guy. I got a roll, sir. You
can't swear on the air here, all right, you're in
time out. Rossi's in time out. Oh hey, you want
to hear something else. I think it's pretty funny. So,
I mean, it's not funny that it's because it sounds
like the relationship is over, but it's it's just it's
the whole train of events. So as you know, Don
Junior was dating him some Kimberly Guilfoyle formally a fox also,
and I'm surprised people don't know this. Do you know that? Gilfoyle?
You know who who ex husband is, right, Kimberly Gilfoyle.
I think probably a lot of you do, but maybe
some of you don't. Uh So, Kimberly guilt during her time,
She's from San Francisco, worked as a prosecutor in both
San Francisco and Los Angeles. A little background there was
then in two thousand and one got married to one
of the San Francisco City supervisors. His name Gavin Newsom.
That's right, Kimberly Gilfoyle was Gavin Newsom's x y, his
ex wife. Apparently it didn't work out, and he's he's
a little controlling, a little crazy at Corney Guilfoyle. But whatever.
You can see that watching Newsom just stand in front
of a camera and so so her and apparently the relationship,
even though they had announced they were engaged, kind of
fell apart over the last year. So but no harm,
no foul. Hey, you know you do whatever. So with
that in mind, I just thought it was I laughed
out loud yesterday when I saw that Guilfoyle has been
has been announced as Trump's selection to be the ambassador
to Greece. So so, your kid just broke up with
his girlfriend, and now you're gonna make sure that she's
You're gonna sent her to the other part of the world.
I don't know, man, And in Greece is that? I
guess maybe the islands are beautiful around Greece Anyway's there
been to Greece. There's no denying that, man, But I
don't know. This is kind of it's kind of weird.
Oh you're not dating my son anymore. Get to the
other side of the planet. So let's say your extensive
experience leadership, law, media pot. I don't know. I don't
think she's unqualified for it, but also, what are your
qualifications to be an ambassador? Should be a damn ambassador?
What do they do? What do they do? They go
to parties and they have parties and they shake hands,
they cut some ribbons. Yeah, I mean, obviously, you know,
there's day to day stuff and if there's a flare
up between the countries, you got to get in there.
And occasionally they just get left to die and be
beaten to death. But you know, in reality it's great, right,
So you canna eat a lot of seafood and it's
a nice weather there, maybe probably do some yachting, So
it probably should be an easy lift. It's not like
you're the you know, the ambassador to Haiti. Okay, So
with that in mind, uh no, she's probably qualified for it.
But also it's just it's the whole timing of the thing.
It's like, I don't want you around it. And by
the way, who is he? Who is he? Uh dating?
Now this Betina? This is somebody's gonna help me. Ross.
How do you get a job as a sociolite have
you ever seen an opening, because this sounds like a
sweet gig. Every time I see one of these sociolites.
It's code for a woman, and don't worry, guys have
their thing too, but it's usually used for a woman
who seemingly doesn't have a job but lives really well
and goes to all the right parties and anyways, So
that's who don Junior's dating now, because you know we
care about that stuff, I guess, but yeah, just describes
her as a sociolite's and I just I want to
get in on that gig. It's pretty sweet.
Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
It's like a female playboy, right, yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:11:04):
Although with a playboy it's always it's the part where
they don't seem to do anything, that's the thing, you know.
Speaker 2 (01:11:09):
Yeah, you're like Daisy from The Great Gatsby, just.
Speaker 1 (01:11:11):
Kind of yes, yeah, you're just you're there. You're just
and you're always there, and you're at the right parties
and you're you're Dirice. You're driving three hundred thousand dollars
cars and everything's going okay, but you don't really work
like that's a that's a hell of a gig, man,
I'm telling you, that's I should have gone into that
instead of this whole radio thing. You probably don't have
to get up so early. Any who, eight fourteen, hang
on back in just a few uh and send the ago,
Send the augo at least the send DIIAGO sector for
US Border Patrol. They had an incident, uh, basically, a
US Border Patrol truck that was moving along, you know,
along that road that's adjacent hit all right, as it was,
an suv hit a cartel member. So they're shown there.
They're coming in there, they're whipping in there because they
get a report that there's people coming through. I don't
know if it's a whole. I guess it's a whole
or a little tunnel thing there. And so they they
bust over in the suv to stop based on an
illegal entry attempt is what is classified as. And apparently
they run over some cartel dude who was making illegal entry.
But it looks like he was trying to, you know,
smuggle stuff in and I don't think they intentionally ran
him over, but they ran him over nonetheless, So that
made the cartel big mad. And apparently the cartel down there.
Why would you not put which cartel it is in
this story? It doesn't matter. It's one of the Mexican cartels.
So anyway, So now there's a report out that they
are they're on heightened alert over threats that the cartel
may retaliate and attack US Border Patrol agents. Hear me out,
if a single member of our US border patrol is
attacked by an organized in an organized attack by a
cartel missed, Okay, you turn you get all the military drones,
you know, you stop screwing with the people of New
Jersey or whatever. You fly him down there, you stick
the uh, you get those the like the instant miss
big ones. And then you just and then you go
and you figure out because we know where all your
stupid labs are, we know where your headquarter. We have
this stuff. You turn those to miss too, okay, and
then and then complain to me that all the cartel
members got turned to missed. I don't care. You don't
send any humans in there to do it. You let
them joystick it from Vegas, okay, and just and just
be done with this. Who's who's gonna be max, I mean,
Mexico will be mad. I don't care. I just don't care.
If you if you're gonna if a cartel. If any
organized group of criminals are going to plot an attack
on US government workers in any other scenario, people would
be outraged. They'd be absolutely livid. So I I hope
this doesn't happen. But if it does and you don't
drone strike one of these one of these uh haciendas,
screw that noise man, screw that. You remember that ross,
You remember l Chapo's house. They were trying to sell
down there in Acapulco, and no one would buy it
because it had been seized from him when he had
been taken in and buy that house, Yeah, murder.
Speaker 2 (01:14:26):
You did it come with the underground tunnels? I do not.
Speaker 1 (01:14:29):
I do not know if it has underground tunnels, it
is fortified. I remember reading that.
Speaker 2 (01:14:33):
So maybe remember they found out one where like all
the tunnels the rail system going in and out of
that house, like.
Speaker 1 (01:14:38):
The well, and then the and and then the prison
with the motorcycle. I mean geeze. Yeah. So apparently they
tried to sell that house. Nobody would buy it because
they just people live on fear. And then the mayor
or the mayor or some city official there. I remember
him saying, I remember in the story when we did
this story. He was saying that since nobody's gonna buy it,
we're gonna we'll raise it. Right, so it's not his
house anymore. It's just an empty lot and maybe somebody
else builds something. He said that, and like, apparently now
within just a few a very short period, he said, no,
we would never raise that house. It's going to say
it must be preserved. And I'm like, how many that did?
All of them threaten your kids? Is clearly something that
was said to you. And so when you have people
that that's how they want to act, then you can
show them what real force looks like. Okay, they're running
around with their gold Desert Eagle and dipping people in
barrels of acid, which is wow. That thing all became
a meme on this show. It was because remember, they
found a dude whose job it was was just to
dissolve people, and they went they went there, and what
did they say he had like dissolved ninety bodies or something.
These are the people you're dealing with. I couldn't I
couldn't find a better group of individuals to be absolutely
wiped off the face of this plant. If they want
to attack in an organized way, then that's that's what
you need to do.
Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
If the news broke Trump's an office and you know,
we see in the news and it's like Trump rained
down hellfire missiles and the cartels and they're all dead,
I'd be like, Wow, that's amazing. I'm gonna go check
out with the Bills game and do my homework for Sunday.
It what wouldn't even be dead's if that was your platform.
If you know how I'm going to run. My platform
is getting rid of daylight savings time, getting rid of
the income tax, and turning the cartels to miss manifesto. Right,
you're turning the cartels to miss. Most people would be like,
that's yes, I agree with all who would disagree with that?
Who would have?
Speaker 1 (01:16:32):
And for those of you going because because it's a
proximity thing, how many people knew that in Syria the
other day that we uh we destroyed a bunch of
targets with it with missiles. We took that opportunity with
a sod going to to Moscow to hit like a
bunch of a bunch of spots with really bad dudes
in it, and and we just rained down health fire
missiles because they were you know, had attacked obviously killed
US service members and nobody batted an eye over that.
What what makes Mexico different? Well, and what what's your
gi hot with the Daylight Savings? Do you think it
should be now or you.
Speaker 2 (01:17:11):
Think I mean, there's certain things that people agree that
most people don't like. That's why whenever you see this
thing going through Congress, they passed it. Everybody's like, both
sides the aisle, Yes, get rid of it. Most people
are not fans, and it's something you can you can
run on that is not going to be you know,
in danger of your campaign. That is something like and like, hey,
I'm going to murder everybody in the cartel in twenty
four hours with held fire missiles. That should be one
of those things.
Speaker 1 (01:17:33):
You know that. But you know, the Daylight Savings thing
was also called racist, right because of course it was okay,
just so we're just so we're clear, like somebody did
find something to be mad about there. But you know,
the drone thing, yeah, yeah, I think it's a proximity
thing because like we we love missil and stuff and
we're pretty good at it. I don't know if you
know this, we're pretty good at it, and we we
like that stuff. And it's just like and and the
problem is Mexico has a problem and they're not alone
in this, and to some extent, the US has a
little bit of this, but in Mexico is much more
pronounced in that. You know, when you look at the
financial structure, where does money come into Mexico? All Right,
Agriculture is big, obviously, and you know US obviously were
their biggest client for that, but we're also their biggest
client for drugs, and it is a significant thing. And
then the amount of moneies that then come back to
Mexico are substantial, just like the remittances right or at
the end of the week. Somebody who's here, they don't
have to be here illegally, it's not illegal versus illegal thing,
but somebody who's working here who has family members back
in Mexico. I believe it's their second largest revenue generator.
I got a question, how many of you watched American
Horror Story any any of the seasons there's been There's
been a ton of I enjoy I enjoy that show,
although there's a couple seasons where they there's just so
much woke garbage in there. I just can't. But but
even the season where they had somebody who was like
like a crazy cult I don't want to give too
much of it away, but there's a political aspect to it.
I thought it was going to be like a a
bash on Donald Trump season the way it was being positioned,
and it kind of wasn't. It was bashing on everybody.
But one of the unique things about American Horror Story
if you watch that, is they the same actors each
season for the most part. There's some that come and
some that go, but they retain them, but then they
play completely different characters or there have been some crossover
things in there were the same character, like the Witch
characters were in multiple seasons. But it's just really strange
because one season you're watching Kathy Bates, Like one season
she's an old racist slaver from like the sixteen hundreds
and she just murders them and it's just crazily in
New Orleans. And then the other season she's a doctor, right,
So it's like they do that and it's an odd thing,
but it's unique to American Horror Story and it's kind
of cool. I don't know if that works for Superhero
movies though, And I kind of feel like Marvel remember
the story we did where Marvel had that come to
Jesus meeting, and they're like, why is our first the
first series of Marvel movies so successful and this other
stuff's not. And you know, for a moment there was
a little bit of honesty. They're like, I don't know,
maybe we should stop crapping all over the source material
or putting woke stuff in there, or just you know,
making these decisions to take characters that most people have
never heard of and then make them a feature TV
show for some reason and commit all of that money
to it. Yeah, how the amount of money they spent
on like she Hulk is insane for a TV show,
especially one that doesn't require that many special effects. I
mean there's CGI obviously in there, but not to the
extent of because you know, it's a character that's not
always that color. So I think they looked at it
and I think maybe they might have course corrected too much.
So correct me if I'm wrong, ross with your understanding.
So in The Avengers Doomsday, Robert Downey Junior's back, but
not as Iron Man, probably doctor Doom. Right. We talked
about this on the show.
Speaker 2 (01:21:36):
Yeah, I believe.
Speaker 1 (01:21:36):
So. Now they're saying that Chris Evans, who played Captain America,
would would be joining the film, but I don't know
that he can because because it takes place after so
his character is not him anymore. It's the other dude
now in the new event, in the new Captain America movie.
So I'm very confused unless Evans is going to play
a different character, which in the article they kind of
intimate it that do you want to go see Robert
Downey Junior, Chris Evans, and god knows who else playing
different characters? Yep, Okay, you sure do. This is my masking.
Speaker 2 (01:22:10):
I don't know, because this face of Marvel has been
so awful that I will take that. I will take it. Look,
he was great. I enjoyed one division. I even like
the new ag of the show was good. H pretty
much the rest of it's all been garbage. I'm sure
I missed one or two things here that we're all right,
But I said it, I said last year. I'm at
the point where if they were just to put Thor
iron Man and Captain America on a park bench and
just shoot it one shot from the front.
Speaker 1 (01:22:37):
Fat pigeons and stuff.
Speaker 2 (01:22:39):
Yeah, just for two hours. No, not even no lines
in the movie. They're just staring at the cameras. They're
looking off and like you said, feeding the pigeons or whatever.
I would buy a ticket and I would watch that
because it would be far superior than anything they've produced
after after Endgame, I'd be all about it.
Speaker 1 (01:22:55):
Yeah, wow, and here's you can do the thing like
old man Cap was doing it the end of the movie,
staring off and yeah, have.
Speaker 2 (01:23:04):
You sid I don't want to spoil anything because it's
relatively you know, it's it's kind of a new movie,
the new Deadpool movie.
Speaker 1 (01:23:10):
Yeah, I watched that.
Speaker 2 (01:23:11):
Well, Chris Evans shows up in that, Yes, it does,
and I was super excited to see him. Now there's
a little you know.
Speaker 1 (01:23:18):
Like the character I did.
Speaker 2 (01:23:20):
I thought it was a great gag. I enjoyed what
they did to me. That was the highlight of the
movie especially. Yeah, so, yes, I think it'll work. I
think I think this movie is gonna make money.
Speaker 1 (01:23:31):
I just look, it probably will because it's just the
it's the Avengers and that is right, you know, that's
the that's the title there. I just it'll it'll be
I like, do you want to see Benedict Cumberbatch a
squirrel man or something like? I don't know, I'm just
making stuff up. Now that's probably a character.
Speaker 2 (01:23:46):
See right now, it's a speculation. I don't know if
they're gonna be playing variant or not. But at this
point it's been it's been so bad. I'll take it
all right. Look at that ross elite slop. If slops all.
Speaker 1 (01:23:56):
You show, asked an answered, Okay, yeah, it'll make money,
there's no question. And people do like the little cameos
and nostalgic stuff, but sometimes you do it wrong. Remember
how insulting the Women's Ghostbusters was to the original actors,
where they're like, yeah, you can come back and be
in the movie, but you can't be you. You gotta
be other random characters we just made up. And that
was just the cherry on the poop Sunday obviously, but
with that whole project. But like, people didn't respond well
to that. They found it really insulting that Bill Murray's
got to come back and be some random.
Speaker 2 (01:24:33):
Well, the entire movie was insulting because it was this
dumb zany sort of comedy and when you look at
the original Ghostbusters. It was a really smart movie.
Speaker 1 (01:24:41):
Yeah, and there's and there, there's there's morality lessons in there,
there's well there.
Speaker 2 (01:24:45):
I'm thinking about the one scene where they're they're sitting
outside and they're talking about how they're going to lose
their jobs and they have to go into the private sector,
and they go, they go, we're gonna you know, this
is different the private sector. You need results.
Speaker 1 (01:24:56):
Yeah, they actually want you to produce, So.
Speaker 2 (01:24:57):
I mean, they're making fun of the entire university system.
It was a smart movie, and the one they made
with the three women was awful and nothing to do
with the sex of who the Ghostbusters were. It was
just an insult to your intelligence.
Speaker 1 (01:25:09):
Yeah, and then they found out that though even though
they're all comedians and uh and people who I find
funny in other settings, to be quite honest with you,
they just decided they were just gonna riff the whole time.
Wasn't that the thing?
Speaker 2 (01:25:23):
Like they really I think they said like something like
eighty percent of the movie was improv just improved.
Speaker 1 (01:25:28):
Speaker 2 (01:25:30):
I love the Melisa McCarthy think she's hilarious, but.
Speaker 1 (01:25:32):
Yeah, that movie she did with Sandra Bullock is hilarious. Man,
I can't I can't remember the name of it is.
I was laughing the whole time for all you people like, goh,
these toxic people. By the way, these toxic people they
come review bomb these movies and whatnot, or maybe they
just don't like them. And by the way, you guys
review bomb to McDonald's, two of them, you guys a
review bomb to McDonald's in the last what two months?
One because guys turned in the Little Assassin for maybe
sixty thousand dollars maybe by the way, for those who
review bombing that McDonald's, and you're all ginned up because
you think this guy's a freedom fighter, because you're mad
at how much health insurance costs or the process. How
do you think health insurance is going for people who
work at the McDonald's you review bombing, if you successfully
get it shut down, maybe that woman who turned him
in needs the sixty thousand for back surgery. Did you
ever think of that, you absolute monsters. No, you didn't
get in at all because you were in this little
freedoms whatever you want to call it, I guess movement,
which I hate that that's the thing. But now you
guys are run around buying Luigi Hats on Amazon shud
review bombing McDonald's U contributing two hundred thousand dollars to
a GoFundMe with a little twenty dollars notes like good job, buddy,
here's twenty bucks and every one of you cowards is
anonymous too. I wonder why that is. That's that's that's
the scary stuff we at least from me, all right,
raced aging here. He's here to scare you with weather,
so yeah, terrified that it does have no or thunder,
lightning or snow, know, some crazy something.
Speaker 5 (01:27:22):
Jack Coldfrond already snowing in the mountains of North Carolina.
Has the front to the west of us, and the
transition transsition, excuse me, has begun rain thunder out ahead
of it east. Now as you head toward let's say,
into Wilson County edge going Franklin County's heavier rain and thunderstorms.
Speaker 3 (01:27:43):
Done severe, which is a chance or maybe some gusty
winds in there.
Speaker 5 (01:27:47):
I don't know about hall just as that kind of
set up in the atmosphere. But the rain heavy at times.
Going right across ninety five and then back to the west,
continue to see rain and thunderstorms all the way back
and into Wilkes County, Alexander County, Cadwell as you go
I forty westbound and some cross winds too on seventy
seven and on ninety five, so it could be a
little tough just with the general synoptic wind. So the
rain will continue. Few thunderstorms this morning. We're in the sixties.
But then as that front comes in, no snow, maybe
in the mountains, maybe into places like Hickory and Ashville,
but we'll see the rain go to showers and falling
into the forties as we get into the afternoon. Tomorrow
morning we'll wake up in the upper twenties to low thirties,
so you're back to the jacket Sun later fifty and
near fifty on Friday, Sun Saturday a little bit fifties
and a chance of showers on Sunday. Casey, so easily
today the worst of it. Heaviest rain first half of
the day with the thunderstorms, especially slow driving, high speed wipers,
low speed travel. But some better days I had as
high pressure settle back in before we get showers back
for the second half of the weekend, but kind of
up and down we're down. A couple of days, the
temperatures go back up and some of us back close
to our above sixty degrees, if not Sunday, certainly by Monday.
Speaker 1 (01:28:56):
Do you know they have a poll out this morning
and the large percentage of Americans since nineteen seventy say
they're not going out for New Year's Really. Yeah, they're like,
I'm not going out. The list all the reasons, just
but mostly they're just like, screw it. I want to
be at my house alone, with quiet and not get
beaten to death by cover charges and elbows and what.
I found myself nodding, and then I realized I'm one
hundred years old.
Speaker 5 (01:29:22):
So yeah, i'd say that to myself. Luckily, the parties
at my house. So if you want to come out
and take the trip, I mean, the New Year's Eve
party is always here, at least for now.
Speaker 3 (01:29:31):
But I know the drill it gets up, but then
I get.
Speaker 1 (01:29:34):
It gets old and I jump off your roof in
your pool, and then I have to sue your homeowners
and shirts all the things.
Speaker 5 (01:29:38):
So well, I mean, there is a midnight there is
a midnight polar swim. You know, usually the where we are,
the water doesn't get that cold, but cold enough, So I.
Speaker 3 (01:29:48):
Mean, whatever you want. Let's just say that may not
have happened before time or two.
Speaker 1 (01:29:52):
Okay, so that may Yeah, that's probably not good if
your insurance agents listening. All right, thank you, I appreciate it.
All right, there you go, raced age from the Weather Channel. Ross.
You're you're a stay at home guy. You don't like
the big crowd, so this is probably nothing new to you.
But yeah, I used to love going out for New
Year's man, and now just the thought of like the
last two times I went out, it was that exact
experience where everything's expensive. They had cover charges on bars
they normally don't, and it's fine, they can make money,
it'll be there. But then just people everywhere, I'm like,
why am I doing this? This is dumb. So I
think I'm going to join this movement. All right, we'll
be back hang on.
Speaker 7 (01:30:31):
Well, morning, Casey just got the latest reading on retail
level inflation from Washington and it was right in line
with Wall Street forecast. The Consumer Price Index rows three
tenths percent last month. The core CPI was also up
three tenths our. Mike McKee's instant analysis is there is
nothing too in the report to sway the Fed and
Central Bankers will most likely cut interest rates by a
quarter point when they meet next week. Stock market futures
all higher after that report.
Speaker 1 (01:30:59):
They were mixed.
Speaker 7 (01:31:00):
Until it came out. S and P futures are up
twenty one, Nasdaq futures are up one hundred and ten points,
and the Dow futures are up seventy five. You may
have been having trouble placing orders with Krispy Kreme. The
doughnut chain just revealed today that its systems were hacked
at the end of November and online ordering was disrupted
in some parts of the country. Krispy Kreme says stores
are open as usual, customers can place orders in person.
The company says it's working with law enforcement and cyber
security experts. Mortgage bankers stayed busy processing refi requests last week.
Applications to refinance existing home loans searched more than twenty
seven percent, but there was a four percent drop in
applications for new mortgages. In case, it is the end
of the line for crews, this is General Motors Autonomous
Vehicle subsidiary GM CEO Mary Barra originally and Vision Crews
to be a way to transform the automaker into a
multi platform technology company, having a fleet of robotaxis serving
several cities. But now the division is being shut down
in part because it's very expensive. This move is going
to save GM about one billion dollars a year.
Speaker 1 (01:32:08):
Casey, all right, thank you very much. We'll chat tomorrow, sir. Okay,
sounds good. Talk to you then, all right, there you go. Well,
why is this? Well, that's weird, dude, What is going
on with my phone? It's just started like playing a
video and I don't even have apps open. I can't
figure how to turn it off. Now, okay, that is weird, man.
It's just sitting there, it's blaying and it just starts
playing a Twitter video or something. They're spying on me.
Speaker 4 (01:32:38):
Speaker 1 (01:32:39):
All right, so we got to address this elephant in
the room. And it'll make Boston Paul happy. So we
have him a little joy. So the Guardian had Now
I don't know why a British newspaper would have this
big scoop, but you can decide whether you believe them.
So a reporter from the Guardian says, not only are
they not not simply with Belichick looking at the idea
of him coming to you UNC, but also that it's
quote unquote basically a done deal based on some contingencies,
one of which is Belichick would require the university to
adopt what he refers to as his four hundred page
performance bible. I don't know what that is. But the
way that I guess they're kind of selling it is
if you're a This is because universities are having to
figure out. You're watching what's going on with naming, image likeness,
Guys going through the transfer portal for the fifth time.
There's a quarterback who's gonna and he will have had
seven years he's been able to play. I don't even
know how it works in college, but that's a thing.
And you saw you saw like you saw a bunch
of like commitments to Alabama. They all simultaneously left or
they or they wouldn't commit unless there was money. I
mean that you have players telling these teams, yeah, hey totally,
I'll come play or you, but you have to guarantee
me a million dollars or something. This is what ty
and and they're getting it. And so now what do
what do organizations and teams do? And programs do that
aren't willing to pay that. They either they either have
to pay it or they got to get creative. And
so the way that they're selling Belichick is he'll run
an NFL program. And so if you are a young
aspirational player, probably you know, a top recruit, and you
want to be as NFL ready as possible, then come
to Carolina. And I think that that is that's kind
of where where it is. I don't know if I
necessarily believe this report that he's committed, because I think
Cunningham wanted to announce on Monday who the new coach
was going to be and obviously that's passed, so and
there are and then they say there's a board of
trustee members. Ri E l is of course now trying
to create a conspiracy here that are holding up the process.
Are you talking about the guy who said that you
guys shouldn't have canned Mac Brown right before that final game.
It was just really a weird time. I mean, a
way to do it that sounds like legitimate criticism. I'm
not I'm not I'm not a Carolina fan, I'm not
a Carolina hater. Make jokes and stuff, but like the
concept with Belichick is just like, I don't know how
Belichick operates on a college campus, man,