Episode Transcript
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Five oh five. If you aboutk r C the talk station Friday even
a va this is a tasty burger. It was a tasty burger yesterday,
thanks to the Turf Club for thosetasty burgers. Really really enjoyed mine wonderful
listener lunch yesterday. Thanks Alday madeit. We pretty much just kind of
filled the place. It was nice. Uh no standing outside, but no
table's empty. So really nice dayat the Turf Club, which is well,
it's listener lunch. I always havea great time, even though I
lost my cribbage game. The cribbageMike facts skunk. I will admit it
out loud. It's his first winfor this calendar year. But in any
event, lots of fun, goodseeing folks, and I just always enjoyed
that fellowship listener lunch. Jim andJackson. Next month is gonna be the
first Wednesday of August. Beat Jimand Jackson the River and Weedham and Brewery
in September. I can't remember wherethe last listener lunch before the election is
October. I think Anderson Pub andGirl, but I'll let you know for
sure, But Jim and Jackson onthe River first Wednesday up next month.
Always a great time in there aswell. Well, all the listener lunches
are a great time period and astory full stop. Well, we're waiting.
The sound by Joe is that we'rewaiting for Joe Biden to get substituted.
No, Joe's just waiting for theshow to start. I guess anyhow,
what is going on this morning?Big show? Thank you Joe Strecker.
There's nothing like coming in the morningand seeing a lineup like this one
beginning at six thirty through the endof the show. Got lots of guests
lined up, which I absolutely love, love talking to folks. Doctor m
Kelly McLean, president of Move BeyondThrough. We're gonna be talking to doctor
McLain at six thirty trying to raiseten thousand dollars for this organization. Learn
about the organization, Move Beyond Survivingbreast cancer Survivor's support group. So you
know me, cancer sucks and we'lldo anything we can to move beyond cancer,
hopefully a cure within my lifetime.And I'm thoroughly convinced that the direction
we're going to cancer research, Iwill see that day before I move on
to the Great Beyond seven oh fivespeaking of moving on after doctor Kelly McLain.
At six thirty, Brianna Morello returnsthe program down a Morello Show.
You can find her podcast, butyou're on the iHeartMedia Radio Software RNC Convention
preview see Drew Pappus is going Joe, did you see that? No,
they don't have a restraining order againstthem. I mean I said to have
someone like that on the ground thatcan call in if you're out there,
Drew, I'd love to hear fromyou when you're at the convince anyhow,
Brown Arel is going to give usa Morell is going to give us a
preview that at seven o five,followed by donovanum THEIL Americans for Prosperity launching
an ad campaign to support who BernieMoreno. Yeah, I've been a little
a myth that Bernie Marino is kindof on the on the down low.
Haven't seen anything adwise. I hadbeen on the program for a long time.
Don't know where Bernie's been, butwe need to elect Bernie Marino.
I think he's a solid guy.Of course, the alternative sucks shared Brown
Donovan and the Americans for Prosperty.We'll find out on Americans for Prosperity is
doing in connection with trying to elevateBernie Moreno's uh Well campaign to a visible
level. Eight oh five with WilliamCooper book How America Works and Why it
Doesn't. A brief guide to theUS political system that should be fun And
of course it is Thursday, meaningiHeartMedia aviation expert Jay Rattler. Today we'll
be talking about the TSA setting yetanother screening record, first time ever,
over three million travelers going through theTSA. Boeing accepting a plea deal for
the Boeing s Max seven thirty sevencrashes that killed so many people because they
didn't bother letting the pilots know.Wonder if the survivor, I wonder if
the relatives of the people who diedas a consequence of Boeing's negligence will get
any of the money in the pleadeal. Don't count an FAA ordering expection
Boeing seven thirty seven oxygen masks.And I saw just I think it was
just yesterday, yet another Boeing airplanehad a blowout just prior to take off.
One of the wheels blew out,which I imagine if you're taxi into
the runway getting ready to take off. That might freak you out if you're
somebody in the airplane. I knowI would. And scary near miss caught
on security camera in Syracuse. We'lltalk about that near miss again with Jay
Rattliff at eight thirty. I alwaysenjoy talking to YouTube five one three,
seven, four nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred eighty two three talk go
with pound five fifty on at andT phone. Well, George, he
lost, George Clooney, Does thatmean it's it? And so much so
much attention being paid to George Clooney'sopen letter saying it's no longer it's It's
not it's Joe Biden. Ain't thesame guy that was well around a couple
of decades ago. Three weeks afterco hosting a massive fundraiser that brought in
thirty million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign, Hollywood star George Clooney wrote a letter
to The New York Times. It'san op ed piece, basically a letter.
He said, It's devastating to say, but the Joe Biden I was
with three weeks ago at the fundraiserwas not the Joe big eving deal Biden
of twenty ten. He wasn't eventhe Joe Biden at twenty twenty. He
was the same man we all witnessedat the debate. Well, it took
Georgia while to come out and acknowledgethat, didn't it. He didn't say
that after the fundraiser. Yeah,I was having this fundraiser for Joe Biden,
and the guys out of it callingon Joe Biden to step down,
and the other one. The otherinteresting point about this, you know,
does anybody remember it was only amoment ago in time, Joe Biden wrote
a letter to basically Congress saying I'mnot going anywhere. He was unequivocal in
his statement, I'm sticking it out. I've got all these delegates who've already
just committed their support to me.I've got it all. I'm walking into
the DNC, the convention, withthe delegates that are going to nominate me.
They've already said they would. Therewere primaries, multiple multiple states had
primaries. Joe Biden the only nameon in many of them. But even
if other names were on the ballot, Joe Biden still won. He got
the delegates. He pointed it outin the letter. He didn't mince words,
he didn't say I'm thinking about leavingor anything. He was unequivocal in
his assertions. I am the guy, the only one that can be Trump.
And yet Nancy Pelosi just on Wednesdaysstill sort of saying, well,
she specifically said it's up to thepresident to decide if he's going to run.
We're all encouraging him to make thatdecision because time is running out.
That was just Wednesday. That wasa couple of days after Joe Biden specifically
said and a point out again unequivocallythat he was running. So this is
a big this is a train racket'sa mess, and they're starting to lose
donors as well. Widely reported inmany news outlets that the big money donors
are keeping their powder dry. They'renot any they're no longer offering there on
equivocal support for Joe Biden. They'rewaiting to see what happens this week or
next week. The implosion is ratherhilarious my perspective, but you know,
just being a political observer that Iam, but there was an interesting op
enity and I think a really astuteobservation. Peter Spiegel writing in the Financial
Times, and after you know,they're going through this whole process and where
we are and how he got here. But it makes this this interesting thing
and think about it moving forward.So defendants of Biden will argue that that
the assessments of him are unfair.The president has an admirable record of galvanizing
allies and Ukraine and maintaining pressures onthat, and yeah, blah blah blah,
foreign policy, a strong team tomanage crisis. Don't worry about it.
If somebody gets a phone call ateleven o'clock at night, somebody's going
to be there to take care ofit. We'll wake Joe Biden up.
He's got a strong team. Blahblah blah blah blah. But he's rights
in the the past two weeks orany indication. We already know what a
second Biden term would look like.Any public appearance would be subjected to forensic
examination for gaps in the president's memory. Any effort to shield him from the
public of the press we met witha ferocious backlash. We could then force
him to do even more public appearances, inevitably restarting the handwringing over his competence
should a slip up a car.And this for a politician who was gaff
prone in the best of times,going back to even prior to twenty ten,
when George Cliney was a really bigfan of Joe Biden. Policy initiatives
would be overshadowed by questions over who'spulling the president's strings. Calls for regular
cognitive and neurological tests will become aregular part of the political discourse. A
second presidential term that was already burdenedwith the political disadvantages that faced Biden's predecessors,
will be incalculably more difficult because thequestions about his age very valid points,
which is exactly what's been going overthe past two weeks, which for
among conservative commentators and individuals like myselfwho've observed Joe Biden and his cognitive weakness
over the past several years, havebeen pointing out and raising all along.
The chorus is just merely growing becausenow the mainstream media can no longer deny
his cognitive decline the entire world sawduring the debate. This, then,
is what the Biden loyalists are fightingfor. Seems one of the most poisoned
chalices ever, on offer to apolitician and his retinue. Perhaps they are
right that Trump's demagoguery and unpopularity willconvince voters that Biden to back Biden regardless
of doubts about his age. Butis this really the presidency they wanted?
Shouldn't they be asked in themselves thatvery question before they continue their campaign?
He ends rhetorically with a question.Yep, you can see the writing on
the wall. They're all asking themselvesthis question. Of course, George Clooney
obviously posed the question to himself andcoming out loud. I guess he's a
real power player. I don't understandthe influence of Hollywood. To me,
is just laughable that you and Ithat we would be influenced by any idiot
in Hollywood. Why just because they'rein the movies, just because they're a
familiar face to people who've never metthem. Opinions are like sphincters have all
got one. Why is it thattheir opinion matters more than anybody else?
Now? I know George Clooney's gotlike billions of dollars or whatever. I
think he made most of his money, not from Hollywood necessarily, but from
that tequila endeavor he was engaged in. He had some big business deal and
made a billion dollars on the saleof this I don't know tequila manufactured.
Bottom line is guy's got a lotof money, apparently has a lot of
influence. But ask yourself this,why in hell does he have so much
influence? Moving away from the money, why are any of these talking heads
regularly quoted about their political opinions?Barbara streisand for example, you know,
I'm a big fan of breitbarton News, have him on every Tuesday, bryitbarton
Inside Scoop. I love what theydo. But you know what they dwell
a lot on the talking heads outof Hollywood. They'll always have an article
Michael Moore says this, or Barbarastreisand says this. They elevate these idiots
to some status that I don't thinkthey're deserving of. Just even acknowledging what
any one of these people says istoo much of an acknowledgment, and it
hurts me. They even have tobring George Clooney up, but he's made
it across the whole national headlines thismorning, literally a dozen plus articles and
major news outlet's talking about this,most notably because he has said the quiet
stuff out loud. Biden's toast.He's done, he's fried. He needs
to be replaced. Now ask yourselfthis, who's going to take his spot?
How can they work? That's justlike we're all agreed the guys toast,
all right, let's just acknowledge,even the people who come out and
say we need to stand by him, like Fetterman. Another great illustration as
someone who's out of it. Butthis is what you've got. So we
all agree that the guy's toast,who's going to replace him? And how
are you going to work through thelogistics of that one? Charlie Foxtrot comes
to mind from my military friends outthere, five eighteen fifty five K Steve
Talk Station. You know, RepublicanParty has their own issues, but enjoy
it well lasts. They can't navigatethis challenge. Apparently affordable imaging. Imaging
can be affordable, you know,and it's not at a hospital imaging department.
Point this out all the time,thousands and thousands of dollars. Not
a single image mri CT scan ofcardigram ultra sound lung screening cardiacs going Not
a single image even closely approaches onethousand dollars at affordable Imaging Services when these
images could cost you five thousand dollarswhen you go to the imaging department of
the hospital. That's why affordable imagingservices exist, because you have a choice
when it comes to your medical care. They know these things shouldn't cost that
outradious amount, and they are stillmaking a profit. I will mind,
i will point out, I'll acknowledgethat affordable imaging services is a viable business.
They're entitled to some profit. Butan MRI with a contrast is six
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Affordable Imaging Services. Learn more onlineAffordable Medimaging dot com. The number to
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seven, five three eight thousand,fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio Station the exclusive
audio home on NBC's coverage of thetwenty twenty four Paris Olympics. It's officially
Summer break and have it. Youhave Krcdtalk station. It is five twenty
three on a Friday eve and abig show lined up today, beginning with
the guest starting at six thirty andconcluding all the way through iHeart Media Aviation
expert Jay Ratliffe. You can feelfree to call five one three, seven
four nine fifty five hundred eight hundredtwo three talk I don't know, but
at fifty five KRC dot com.Get try Heart Media app so you can
well enjoy the program wherever you happento be Get the podcast, listen wherever
you stand as long as you gotyour smart device with you, and check
out what Judge of Poulton I hadto say about a whole in the Constitution.
Another well not exactly uplifting conversation aboutour government and its complete refusal to
acknowledge that it swore to uphold theConstitution in the United States of America,
including the Fourth Amendment. Yes,another Fourth Amendment conversation with the judge.
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Got local stories coming up. Butalso if you want to call,
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call them up today, and ifyou do, please tell them. Brian
said, I fifty five KRC theTalks Station. The medal of Honor is
the higher by thirty. On eightyFriday, Eve ten, and over to
the local stories here, former congressionalcandidate Turney disbarred since our attorney convicted felon
for stealing money from clients, pleadedguilty to more phony charges this week.
Richard Crosby the third admitted Tuesday tousing false identities belonging to his father,
a girlfriend, and a dead man, as well as others, to get
high paying jobs from at least sevendifferent law firms. This according to a
statement from the US Department of Justice, pleaded guilty to three counts as Socials
Security Number fraud. Has agreed toa sentence recommendation of thirty seven months in
prison. Also has to pay onehundred and seventy one thousand dollars in restitutional
law firms that he defrauded. Mayrecall. Crosby ran as a Democrat in
twenty seventeen for election US House representOhio second Congressional District, with drew before
the primary May at twenty eighteen.Representative Brad Weinstrip holds that seat, although
he is retiring when his term expires. At the end of the year,
but shortly after state and federal courtfiling show began running a foul of the
law. Thank you Jennifer Baker Foxnineteen reportings since a bar association fought a
complaint against Crosby November of twenty twenty. April twenty one, he indicated his
intent to resign from the practice oflaw. Coincidence, I think not.
Crosby indicted in charge in Hamilton Countythat year with crimes related to stealing client
funds. Charged with two counts eacha theft and unauthorized use of property as
charges relate to his seventy five hundreddollars and more but less than one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars between February twentynineteenth and December twenty nineteen. According to
the indictment, he was previously employedby Strauss Troy law firm. During his
dealing with both clients, including anIndiana woman for whom he did a planning.
Other client operated a mount Eary beautybusiness, which had since sued him
and now former law firm Crosby andPost LLC. She won a ninety thousand
plus dollars judgment against the corner ofthe court records. One of lawsuits says
she retained Crosby to establish a newOhio corporation to act as a holding company.
He told her establishing a holding companywould have tax benefits for heirst,
so he gave him so She gavehim a check for forty five thousand,
two hundred dollars pail on our businessaccount to his law firm. Crosby was
quote unquote separated from Strauss and troyceSeptember of twenty nineteen and law firm confirmed
to Fox nineteen. Back in Countyyear twenty twenty one. Straleson Troy has
been working with Hamilin County Prosecutor's Office, in state and local bar associations concerning
this situation from beginning and will continueto do whatever is necessary to see that
justice is rightly served anyway. Obviouslyrunning a foul law a recidivist uh let
us see police in Woodlawn asking forhelp and finding a suspect who was caught
on surveillance camera setting a woman's caron fire. Video shows her shows dousing
the SUV with accelerant before lighting it. Quoted Woodlawn Police Apartment of Suspects set
her car on fire on Tuesday morningjust before sunrise. Please say two firefighters
extinguished the fire before the flame spreadto the apartment building. Looking for help
identifying the suspect, the woman,Carla Banister quoted, is saying she's upset
about not knowing why the person targetedher, not knowing who did it,
and knowing they're probably not in jail'sworst I asked for anybody on Wayne down
here that has a ring camera orhappened to be up at that time of
night, please contact Woodlawn Police forme. Victim of the suv fire completed
said she started to go fund mepage to help her and her help her
out and her daughter while she dealswith not having a vehicle. Do you
have any information on who set thesuv on fire? The Woodland Police Department
number five one, three, eighttwo five twenty two eighty Apparently skimming device
found a two Northern Kentucky stores inan attempt to steal customer information. This
still goes on. One skimmer foundat the Dollar General on Ridgeway Avenue,
the other at Wyatt's, a supermarket. It's a store in Falmouth Court to
the foula of police device was installedon July eighth at approximately five forty five
pm. Ah, I bet theyhave video surveillance of it being done.
Yeah, found of Police Chief MartyHart. It operates and once it's on
there, it looks like the deviceitself. It goes in the slot on
the side where you know you couldactually swipe the credit card. When the
device was found, a police calledpolice and gave them all the information.
Later discovered that no store or customerinformation was compromised, So you can exhale
and rest easy on that one.Anyway, skimmer devices are out there,
got to keep your eyes peeled forthat kind of nefarious activity. Still five
thirty five fifty five care see thetalk station stack is stupid coming up after
I mentioned Zimmer Zimmer heating and airconditioning. You got a air conditioning unit.
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KRC the Claremont County of Eve anda happy one to you. I was
just going over this story in theStacker stupid that I had, and I
was just shocked that Joe didn't havethis one. And there's not a whole
lot about it I can read otherthan to just observe that it appears as
the one more illustration of the downfallof mankind, brought to you, in
large part by social media and peoplelooking to lower the bar as low as
they possibly can on social media justto get clicks. Do you want to
be the person known for this act? Are you ready? A Georgia couple
were filmed engaging and what is describedas an explicit act with a margarita inside
a Mexican restaurant. Joel Boyett,that's the guy, and he'll be known
as the margharita guy. Along withhis uh with his wife Mary Sweats,
he took what is described as anow viral video of himself attempting to funnel
a margarita down Mary Sweats, hiswife's bottom inside inside the Rodeo, Mexican
restaurant in Waycross, Georgia. They'rein a booth in a public place,
in a restaurant, and yes he'sgot a funnel there, and yes he
is endeavoring to pour margarita into inhis wife's bottom. It didn't work,
so, as the article describes,he tossed the funnel and poured the beverage
from the picture quote straight down hiswife's rear end as she was on all
fours in the restaurant booth close quote. And since no one apparently knew about
this, what is really more interestingand brings it even to full foldness stack
as stupid miss sweats. The recipientof the margarita called the police to complain
about this video being leaked and goingviral online, which triggered the couples ultimately
triggered the couple's arrest. The policeshowed up, and that's when they're arrested.
Idiots doing idiot things, because itis true, but it's so much
beyond that. Can you imagine themgoing to work the next day. Hey,
saw you over at the Rodeo restaurantthe other night. Huh, congratulations,
you're fired, Right, you're fired. Golly moving away from that,
look it up yourself. New YorkPost or TMZ reported on the prior one.
If you want to get more ofthese salacious details involving that one,
anyway, moving over, Police saya man was hit by his girlfriend's car.
Started happening on Monday morning in SouthBrunswick, New Jersey. South Brunswick
Police said they called to the homeon Harvey Road seven thirty in the morning
for a pedestrian hit by a car. They say forty six year old man
was arguing with his girlfriend when hesat in the front of the car to
stop her from leaving bad idea.According to the police, thirty seven year
old girlfriend got out of the carto tell him to move out of the
way, but left the car indrive. It subsequently rolled over her boyfriend.
Please haven't released the identities of thepeople involved. The man was taken
to the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospitalwith what are described as serious injuries.
They're still investigating the crash. Inyet no charges have been filed. What
was the name of the hospital,Joe, to pull the article back out
of the garbage can the Robert woodJohnson University Hospital. Okay, that gave
you the opportunity. That's what youwere looking for. Wood Johnson. That's
what it was all about, wasit? It? Coming up forty five
fifty five care City the talk station. Get in touch with Foreign Exchange.
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Tom Brian said high five to onethree six four four twenty six,
twenty six, six four four twentysix, twenty six, fifty five KRC.
Time for the weather, isolated eveningstorms otherwise and mostly sunny day today
and going up to eighty five.Overnight low is sixty six, but this
is the slight chance of rain,mostly sun tomorrow, slight chance of storms
eighty nine for the high, justa few clouds overnight Friday, and sixty
nine for the low. Ninety twohigh on Saturday, sunny day and again
no rain in the forecast until Tuesday. Sixty five degrees right now. Time
for traffic update from the ucl TrafficCenter. The University of Cincinnati King Answer
Center is opening the most comprehensive bloodcenter in the nation. Future cancers here
called five one three, five eightyfive. U see CEE see highways in
great shape and start off on Thursdaymorning. And that includes getting passed to
work crew on northbound seventy one abovethe Jeremiah Morrow Bridge. Right lanes blocked
up, but I'm seeing no delayto get by. They're due to wrap
things up within the next few minutes. Chuck Ingramont fifty five krs the talk
station by fifty Friday eat, happyone to you. Thanks then again to
everybody at the Turf Club. Wonderfullunch yesterday. Listening to lunch outstanding,
great seating, everybody who may Iwas able to make it. Jim and
Jackson the River next month, firstWednesday in the month, looking forward to
another listener to lunch. Back overto the stack is stup. We've got
a pair of moms in Florida,of course, Okalla, Florida specifically arrested
on Friday, indeed for street racingat more than ninety miles per hour with
their children in their cars. Idiotsdoing idiot things because it is oh call
the police Department center statement that twentytwo year old Jamira Blunt and twenty two
year old Kiera Johnson arrested charged withhighway racing and child neglect. Booked in
the Marion County Jail. Police saidthat a Cadillac Saedan and Toyota Sedan were
racing in the thirty one hundred blockof the Southwest College Road one fifty am
on July fifth. Radar gun clockedthe cars going ninety three in this forty
five miles per hour zone. Officerpursued the vehicles and pulled excuse me.
Pulled over the Cadillac driven by Blunt. She had a fifteen year old passenger
in the front seat. Toyota alsopulled over. Another officer arrested arrived to
assist Johnson, who was driving theToyota had an eight month old baby in
the car in a rear facing childseat. Please said, racing presents a
serious danger, including increased risk ofsevere act accidents and death. We have
zero tolerance for highway racing and wewill do everything we can do ensure that
our roads are safe. Stayed inthe obvious. Both Blunt and Johnson released
from jail on one thousand dollars bonds. No wordy about chop protective services being
called. Utah father and daughter aredead after a bulldozer fell on top of
their pickup truck. I how youanticipated that one. Richard David Hendrickson,
CEO and president of outdoor furniture companyLifetime Products, and his sixteen year old
daughter, Sally, died in thecrash at Ogden Canyon, According the Utah
Highway Patrol Announcement. Court Athority said, the fatal accident happened about ten minutes
till one pm Saturday after a towtruck carrying the mini bulldozer encountered a steep
right hand curve while driving on ahighway that caused the bulldozer to break free
and slide off the tow truck towardHendrickson's GMC pick up. Hendrickson, man,
you never know when your number isgoing to come up. Call your
mom, Tell your loved ones thatyou love them. Hendrickson and Sally pronounced
dead at the scene. Two otheradult passengers left with non life threatening injuries.
Corner to the police. Lifetime Products, in a statement remembering the Hendrickson
says, more than a company leader. More than a company leader, there's
a visionary and a friend with manyof our businesses in the wider community,
well known for having a uniquely broadand extensive set of talents and interest.
The statement said, anyway, that'sjust an awful thing. Again, never
know when your numbers coming up,and this one should have been in the
earlier status. Stupid Joe, youhad like nine thousand articles about people blowing
things up on Fourth of July.Well we have another story along those lines.
Teenager lost his entire hand in afireworks incident happened to the Fourth of
July party. Riley Baumgardner said,you know, it was one of those
horror stories that I was always toldabout, stay away from the fireworks,
you'll blow your hand off. Hesaid. It was at the party where
fireworks were being set off. Someonethere was intoxicated and through what is described
as a sparkler bomb. Do whatthe heppened? He said. As soon
as I saw them light it andtoss it a few feet in front of
them, I was instantly scared andthought, as soon as this thing goes
off, they're blinder dead. Hesaid. Two young children ran toward that
device, so he jumped into actionand grabbed the lit fireworks. He said,
I went to throw it, andas soon as I got here,
got to hear boom, and Ilooked down and there was nothing there.
Ooh took him to Harvardview Medical Center. Surgeon had to amputate his damage right
hand, and he also suffered burnson his body. He said, I
put myself in front of it becauseI'd rather it be me than anyone else.
To the hospital and recovering that Ihave to learn to stretch my arm
out fully because if I don't,I could lose full mobility in my arms.
That he started realizing that life haschanged forever. Doctor said he cannot
work for two months. Well,at least it reflects some level of heroism
on this kid's part, trying toprotect children. He didn't light the firework
and place it on top of hishead, right Joe fifty five five care
see the talk station cautionary tales.Be careful with fireworks. Doctor Kelly McLean,
you're gonna raise some money for charitycoming up at six thirty. We'll
learn all about that at six thirty. Got some things to talk about between
now and then, And of courseyou can feel free to call. I'd
love to hear from you. Fiveone three seven nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred and eighty two three talk. I'll be back after the news.
Then we go again another news updates. We're going to get all the fix
in ear full of information at thetop of the hour and they'll break it
down fast. Fifty five krs HEthe talk station. You're twenty twenty four
election headquarters. Slewiden Administration is justdeconstructing this whole country. Fifty five krc
the Talk Station six x sixtivinty fiveKRCD Talk Station. Brian Thomas here,
wishing you a very happy Friday Eveand inviting you to stick around all morning.
You got some great guests lined upthanks to executive producer Jabs, director
doctor Kelly McLean, President Moved BeyondSurviving trying to raise ten thousand dollars three
Breast Cancer Organization. So we willtalk to doctor Kelly McLean covering at the
bottom of this hour six thirty.Follow by in one hour from now,
Brionna Morello The Brianna Morellos Show.You can find her on podcasts. We've
had her on before. We're goingto talk about the RNC convention. It's
coming up. Little Bird told methat former Anderson Township trustee Drew Pappas is
actually going to be at the convention. Maybe we'll get a live update or
something from him. Sure would beinteresting. I'm not quite sure what's going
to happen other than a hurrah festaround Donald Trump. So but not quite
as interesting as what's going on thedemocratics of the Ledger. We'll get to
that in a couple of minutes.Here Donovan O'Neil Americans for Prosperity. They're
finally launching an ad campaign and supportof Bernie Mourenho. And I've got no
criticism against Americans for Prosperity. Ijust have been saying out loud that you
know, where has Bernie Marino beenof late? See all kinds of campaign
ads and commercials for Shared Brown.Obviously he's got some money to spend and
is spending it. Just raises somequestions, and maybe Donovan O'Neil can answer
the questions about whether Bernie sort ofshort on cash and keeping his powder dry
till we get closer to November.I don't know. We just need to
get some messaging out in support ofBernie, and I'm glad to see AFP
is stepping up to the plate todo just that, a welcome alternative to
shared Brown. William Cooper got anew book, How America Works and Why
It Doesn't. William joined the programat eight oh five, And of course
it's Thursday, so we get iheardmedia aviation expert Jay Ratleff. Got some
fun things to talk about with Jay. Not so much fun. For Boeing
accepted a p deal on the Boeingseven thirty seven Max crashes that killed three
hundred and forty six people five yearsago. And now we have the FAA
ordering inspections of the Boeing seven thirtyseven oxygen masks. Apparently a lot of
airplanes got some problems with those.Their masks aren't working. Represented a bit
of a problem. We had ablowout of a of a wheel the other
day and Maureene sent me the linkI saw at Maureene before you sent it.
Some guy just the other day workingon the tarmac got sucked into an
engine. That's like the second timethat's happened over the last couple of weeks.
Anyway, if you want to callit, love to hear from you.
Five one, three, seven,four nine fifty five hundred eight hundred
and eight two to three taco withpound five fifty on AT and T phones.
And you know, I guess I'mjust staring at this, this train
record that's going on with the Democrats, and I'm not feeling sorry for them
or anything, but what I guess, I'm really wondering what the hell they're
going to do. So the bignews of the morning, apparently and yesterday
afternoon is George Clooney's open letter.I guess it was in the New York
Times telling Joe that you know it'snot your night, buddy. You were
great at one point, but youknow, the Joe I saw three weeks
ago at the fundraiser was not theJoe big effing deal Biden of twenty ten.
He wasn't even the Joe Biden oftwenty twenty. He was the same
man we all witnessed at the debate. In other words, somebody who appears
to be struggling cognitively cluding huge moneyraiser for the Democrats. Again, I
will express my opposition to anybody whoreally wants to listen to Hollywood movie actors
and what they have to say aboutanything. They're just actors, you know,
shut up and sing shut up andact. But look at what where
we've come on this, Biden saidin that letter to Congress. He said,
on to Stephanopoulos, he called intoJoe Scarborough, I'm running. I'm
not going anywhere. You want tochallenge me, knock yourself out, come
on and challenge me, big boy. I mean, there was no equivocation
and Joe Biden's statement about that.And yet still the Democrats, including Nancy
Pelosi, when asked about this,well, it's gonna be his decision.
We're gonna have to have him hurryup and make a decision. He already
made it, didn't he. Arewe not hearing the words that Joe Biden
said, but back away from Bidenas maybe an impediment to moving on,
because, as it has been observedacross the board, we are all just
waiting for the next gaff. Peopleare waiting for his speech tonight after this
NATO summit thing. We're all sittingon pins and needles to see if he
can make it through a prepared statementreading it off a teleprompter. That's the
future of the Democrats. That's thenext four years of Joe Biden's gonna get
elected. Just waiting for another indicationthat Joe Biden's mind has wasted away.
That's the practical reality of the currentcampaign, just waiting for the next event.
So now, if you're serious consideringget rid of Joe Biden, you've
got all kinds of logistical hurdles toovercome, not the least which is Vice
President Kamala Harris, who amazingly pullsworse than Joe Biden does in matchups against
Donald Trump. Actually that's not shockingto me. I mean, you listen
to anything Kamala Harris says and shedoesn't even have age to hang her hat
on. Well, that's just oldJoe. He is eighty one, you
know, and we all slip whenwe get a little bit older. But
no, he's still on his he'sstill on his best behavior behind the scenes.
He still knows what he's doing aslong as we reach him before eight
pm. Kamala Harris has no excuses. So she's a huge problem for the
Democrats. You can't turn your backon the black female. At least that's
their conclusion. Who can beat Trump? That's another one. Who are they
gonna run? Look at the backbench. If you think Gavin Newsom can come
out of the woodwork, and hedoesn't seem to have any inclination to want
to do it, but his namecomes up all the time. But he's
got a trained wreck of estate.He's got a terrible record. He can't
run on that. He can onlyrun on being mister used car salesman.
Gavin Newsome, the guy that everybodythinks is a good looking, great speaker,
but whose policies have run the stateof California into the toilet, and
included among those policies a lot ofpolicies that all the Democrats are now turning
their backs on, including look atNew York bipartisan legislation by a group of
New York City Council members made upprimarily of Democrats, as you might imagine,
kind of get rid of the sanctuarycity laws currently on the books.
Mayor Eric Adams supports the reform.The left wing sanctuary city realities of chickens
have come home to rust for somany sanctuary cities out there, They're overwhelmed.
They can't afford it. The residents, the constituents, these citizens are
irked beyond belief. Resources are shortmoney. Whan he's run out or has
been run out before the migrants evenshowed up. To be quite frank with
you, it's a massive problem.So what do they do. It's like
defund the police. After you've defundedthe police and you witnessed the aftermath of
that colossal train wreck you created interms of rampant crime in your city,
you start refunding the police and startsupporting them again. Whoops, we screwed
up. I guess we shouldn't havelistened to the Black Lives Matter folks and
made mockery of the police department andaccused them of systemic racism because we need
law enforcement or the place is goingto go to hell in a handbasket like
it has. Please, police,would you please come back. We're offering
you incentives to sign up for Thepolice department is signing bonuses. They screwed
up, and this sanctuary city thingthey screwed up as well. Their policies
are awful for America, which takesme back to who are they going to
run in Loui of Biden. Whowho's the person who's going to, you
know, take the mantle? Isthere anybody who can do it? They're
running the donors are running away.That's another you know theme coming in through
all the news this morning. Donorsdonor top Biden fundraisers. There's a dire
warning to the Democrats about about thecampaign again, George cloning a huge fundraise.
He's gone people again keeping the powderdry in terms of big fundraisers.
Are big donors because they're not quitesure that Biden's going to be the guy.
And there's that other component of thistrain wreck. The money one hundred
million dollars in Joe Biden's pocket.Apparently the finance campaign finance rules prevent him
from just handing that over to literallyanybody Kamala Harris or anybody else who might
pop up. He needs to bethe nominee formally nominated, not just you
know, symbolically, which is whathe currently is. Right now. The
delegates are in his pocket, buthe hasn't gotten formal nomination. Once that's
solidified, apparently that gives him theopportunity to step down if he is willing
to do that, and so farhe has said absolutely not. But after
that occurs, he could step downand then that frees the money up.
So it's a big money question.The floating around complicating the situation with the
Democrats even more than it already is. And then there's those pesky deadlines.
You got to have the nominee secured, so the states deadlines are met.
Here in Ohio, we already knowabout that one. There's already been some
concern that Biden might not be onthe ballot because their Democratic Convention is after
the deadline to make it on theballot in Ohio. That was that formal
or that informal designation that we're goingto do a telephone call where they just
symbolically annoint him as the as thedelegate or as the party nominee, and
that way he makes it on theballot. In Ohio and other states that
have similar deadlines, you got deadlinesdeal with. That's why this urgency is
going on right now. Oh mygod, I'm my god, my god.
We finally have a Senator, PeterWelch. He's the first Senator to
explicitly say Biden should not seek reelection. That on the heels of now eight
Democrats who've already openly called for himnot to seek election. You notice the
silence pretty deafening from the Senate onthis issue so far. Well, the
silence is no longer deafening because yougot at least one of them. Peter
Welch saying, for the good ofthe country, I'm calling on President Biden
to withdraw from the race. Thatin an op ed piece yesterday in the
Washington Post. So you know,seeing one senator come out, you know,
behind the scenes, more and moreof them out loud er expressing some
concerns. Even Chucky Schumer apparently behindthe scenes privately signaling to those donors he's
concerned about that he is open toa Democratic presidential ticket that is not led
by Biden, apparently been listening todonors ideas suggestions about the best way forward
for the hardy. He's one ofseveral Democrats, including former President Obama and
former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whodoes have the political and personal standing to
convince Biden to step aside. Atleast that's what it has been observed.
I saw Axio's commenting on that one. He Biden doesn't have to listen to
him. But people keep going backto Barry. Uh. It was a
Barry Goldwater going into Nixon's office theday before Nixon resigned, saying, listen,
dude, you've got to step down. You are going to be impeached.
That's because they had the votes todo it. Nixon listened to him,
I don't want to be the impeachedpresident. I'm going to quit.
That's not Joe Biden, at leastas of right now. Could he be
convinced. Maybe, But I sawwhat Joe I heard what Joe Biden said.
I read what he wrote, andhe was very clear. He says
he's not going anywhere. The puppetmasters, however, may have different ideas.
Five seven four nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred eight two three talks
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nine first twenty one forecast Today isolatedevening storms. Oh it's just a mostly
sunny day. Go on a eightyfive sixty six overnight with a slight chance
of rain, mostly sun Tomorrow witha slight chance of storms eighty nine from
the high down to sixty nine overnightand sunny on Saturday, with the forecast
indicating there is no rain until Tuesday, at least the cord of their forecast
ninety two the high on Saturday.Right now, my disappearing temperature is sixty
five. Time for traffic from theUCF Traffic Center. The University of Cincinnati
Cancer Center is opening the most comprehensiveone center in the nation. The future
of cancer is here called five onethree five eighty five U see see see.
Highway traffic's doing fine, no majorproblems to deal with as of yet,
including northbound seventy five through the cut, Cruizar working with a wreck and
Claremont County. It's He's found thirtytwo at Bower shuck Ingram on fifty five
KR. See the talk station fiftyfive ker CD talk station. Happy Friday
Eve yesterday, Very happy day becauselistener to lunch over Turf Club. Thanks
again to the folks at Turf Club. It's the awesome food and service and
for the great fellowship enjoyed by mebecause of course, one of the folks
in attendance was west Side. JimWes sayed, welcome to the program,
my friend, great scene yesterday,thanks for making and also thanks for taking
the pictures which you posted on yourFacebook page. Yeah, I don't know
what to deal is with mine inyour Facebook page. Yeah, the share
this is not working, he said. He you know, allowed sharing of
the photographs, although there's no sharelink when I look at them, so
I couldn't put them on my pageanyway. Jim just go to everybody's friends
with you, Jim so well,I hit the public buttons about twenty times
trying to make you happy, andit is kept kicking back to friends only.
So I guess you're not even consideredone of my friends on there.
I don't understand that. Well,we know better their Facebook, don't we.
Oh god, I know. Well. I want to say a couple
of things about yesterday lunch. Brianyou hit that. I know of three
new people there and all ladies.And the one lady with the mega hat
she said it was the first timeand she went there, and of course
she said I'd come here, butsee the people that come to listen lunch
because I listened to Brian Thomas.Yeah, she's a sweetheart, real nice
lady. Yeah she was. Shewas very nice. But I do have
a complaint about Turf Club. Imean, I think for the price that
I got, that hamburger should bea little bit bigger. I mean,
that's ridiculous. Pull your tongue outof your teach idea For those who have
not been to the Turf Club,it is a burgers as big as your
head man. It's got to beclose to a pound. I mean it
is a huge, huge hamburger.Actually I think it's eight and a half
ounces. Half of it's better thanhalf a pound. But yeah, a
substantial burger without question. And theydid great service those the ladies that work
there, I should say girls.I don't know what the aja are,
but I don't know what proper piecehe is anymore. But they did a
great job. Everybody had a goodtime, a lot of smiles. So
just keep the things going. Iknow next month you'll probably be guaranteed that
mister Smitherman will be there since Jimand Jackson's Jim Jackson's Smitherman, Yeah,
I know they should be called It'slike his remote office is basically Jim and
Jackson the River. They love himthere and he spends a lot of time
there. So yeah, that's I'mlooking forward to that one big place too.
Hopefully get some politicians there. Well, one quick thing about Biden.
I think the only thing that willever stop this campaign because he's so stubborn,
is the fact of donors. AndI think, you know, there's
supposed to be a large donor backedout, but and you said Clooney,
and you know, people are sayingit's got to be the small donors,
but also the big donors. He'snot listening to anybody with any bit of
credibility. So now the money drivesup up, he's gone. That's the
only thing going to stop this campaignwith him, his ego will not let
this campaign stop. And his wifewell, fair enough. I mean that's
you know, I guess that's wherethe Democrats find themselves. That certainly is
a fair statement. Whether it's truebehind the scenes, and whether they can
get you a Biden to pull theplug on himself or not, that remains
to be seen. It's certainly anoption that that could happen. But yes,
as of right now, it appearsthat he is locksteps saying I am
the guy I am not going anywhere, and all the people in the world,
all the King's sources and all theKing's men, cannot get me out.
They're stuck with it. Then thatmay have an impact on fundraising.
It may have an impact on Hollywooddonors and their perception. I mean,
they may have a broad and profoundimpact. It may cost them the election.
All of the above may may mayand may not. Well, let's
hope so well, let's hope hestays in because I got a really good
feeling that a little bit of alandslide could be coming because of the second
debate. If second debate turns outanything like the first debate, well,
let me ask you this, doyou think he's actually going to go through
with the second debate again with theego? I think though, they'll juice
him up to the point where helooks and sounds good until about forty five
minutes before the debate. Then thatstuff wears off whatever they're hitting with,
and then he comes out and he'sthe same old, mumble Joe. Certainly
possible. See this discussion we're having. I mean, this is actually right.
I know it's a little bit tonguein cheek, a little bit joking,
but seriously, many many, manypeople are of the mind that they
do juice the president up, thathe is in fact drug when he has
moments of clarity and when he islucid, it's not the real Joe Biden.
It is a drug induced Joe Biden. Now you know that may not
be true, but the idea thatwe're having this conversation, and going back
to the point earlier, if he'sthe guy, then every single micro minute
he is on television in the public'seye, We're all going to be looking
for signs of his cognitive impairment.It's a default mechanism now for everyone in
the country, regardless of political perspective. Is Joe Biden on his game today
or isn't he? And if heis, we're left with the question mark,
well, maybe he's on drugs.That is not a good position for
the Democrats and being period. Endof story on that. Jim love you
brother, had great scene yesterday,and thanks for calling in this morning.
Stick around because we're gonna hear fromdoctor Kelly McClain coming up next raising some
money for a great cause. First, so Lean Arrow Business Consultants. You're
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day mostly sunnyban isolated evening storms.Eighty five would be the high down low
sixty six overnight, just a slightchance mostly sunny skies tomorrow with a slight
chance of storms. Eighty nine forthe high down sixty nine overnight, which
is a few clouds and a sunnySaturday and no rain of the forecast until
Tuesday. Saturday is high ninety tworight now sixty five in time for traffic
from the uc Hout Traffic Center theUniversity of Cincinnati Cancer Center. It's opening
the most comprehensive blood center in thenation. Future of cancer is here called
five one three, five eighty five. UCC Seed Highway traffic is building just
a bit, but new major timedelays to deal with as of yet.
For your Thursday morning commute, crewsare working with an accident in Claremont County.
It's He's found on thirty two atthe Bower Chuck King ramon fifty five
krc the talk station six thirty threefifty five KRCD Talk Station. A very
happy Friday, EU to you.Welcome to the fifty five carris In Morning
Show. Move Beyond Surviving dot Orgis the name of the charity. My
guest today, doctor Kelly McClain.She's a surgical on College, has been
treating women with breast cancer for avery long time and sadly one in eight
women develop breast cancer in their lifetime. And I'm always enthusiasm and welcome to
the show, Doctor McClain. It'sa pleasure to have you on. There
have been wonderful advancements in the treatmentof breast cancer that it's no longer just
basically a death sentence when you findout about it. We've got some really
positive things happen in the world ofbreast cancer treatment, don't we Yeah,
definitely. It's amazing the advances thatwe've made, even in the past five
years, with diseases that people wouldhave died from before, and so now
women who have been diagnosed are livinglong lives, either cured or disease free,
or with disease, turning it moreinto a chronic issue. Well,
I'll tell you what, since Iwent along in the last segment, I'm
short on this one, I'm goingto just sort of tease what we'll be
talking about. I'll put you onpause and bring it back because the point
of your organization moved beyond surviving.The name suggests a little bit. It's
more than just beating cancer, whichis within the realm of possibility given modern
medicine. However, it ain't overif you've survived the cancer. There's more
beyond that, and that's what yourorganization is about. We're going to learn
about that when we come back withagain, Doctor Kelly McLain. Opportunity for
us to help this wonderful organization sixthirty five. Right now, if you
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odorrexit dot Com fifty five KRC.Today's gonna be mostly sunny with isolated evening
storms. High of eighty five,maybe maybe a little rain overnight. Otherwise
this partly cloudy sky is going downto sixty six. Tomorrow's high eighty nine
is the slight chance of storms.Otherwise mostly sunny overnight, a few clouds
sixty nine for the low, anda sunny Saturday with a high on ninety
two and no more rain in theforecast until Tuesday sixty five. Right now,
time for traffic from from the UCUTTraffic Center the University of Cincinnati Cancer
Center. It's opening the most comprehensiveblood center in the nation. The future
of cancer is here called five onethree, five eighty five u se se
See Highway. I think is buildingjust a bit, but no major time
delays to deal with as of yet. For your Thursday morning commute, crews
are working with an accident in ClaremontCounty. It's he's found on thirty two
at Power Chuck ing ramon fifty fiveKRC, the talk station sixty eight fifty
one KRC, the talk station MoveBeyond Surviving dot org is where you five
the UH, the charitable organization we'retalking to today with my guest doctor Kelly
McClain, surgical oncologists. He's beendealing with breast cancer treatment for a long
time, and breast cancer treatment mayheal the disease pause, but it's beyond
that. It's something that I,personally, doctor, haven't really given much
thought to. I think of,you know, the idea that you have
cured someone of breast cancer, you'vereached the finish line, you're waving the
checker flag, all is right inthe world, and you're moving on with
your life. It's not that easy, is it. No, it's not.
We've come a long way with ourtreatment, but it takes a toll
on the person. So surge changesthe way people look and feel. Radiation
tightened things so that people can't moveas well, and then the medical therapy
causes weight gain, joint aches,neuropathy where you can't feel your fingers and
toes. So even though you're donewith the quote unquote fight. You're left
with a new person and you haveto figure out who you are again and
how you're going to fit into theworld. So, in your experience,
how did you have this, thistherapy, this move beyond surviving dot org?
You get people involved in outdoor activitiesI mean, and I guess surrounding
you with fellow travelers in the sensethat other people who have been through this
experience and are struggling with the sameissues as you are. That emotional support
in and of itself has got tobe wonderful. But you're talking about getting
people out of the house and involvedin some outdoor activities. How do you
get that accomplished? Yeah, sowe need people to take the first step
and show up and we'll take itfrom there. But which can be a
tough job. That We've had peoplewho are driving on the way there and
they're thinking about turning around and youknow, not not doing it and when
the alarm goes off in the morning. But if you get yourself out there,
our whole goal is to get peopleback in touch with their bodies,
moving again in a safe and supportiveenvironment. And it's amazing just how you
said that you know, everyone hasthat's there has been through a similar experience
and struggling with reconnecting with themselves andrediscovering who they are. So it's amazing
when people just start trying and it'sokay to fail. We're not there saying
oh you can't do this. Youknow, try it again and you can
accomplish more. And it's just beenamazing what we've brought out in people.
Well, you have a long termexperience with this. My understanding is this
started back in twenty seventeen when youpartnered with North Carolina Outward Bound School and
went on an excursion. Was ita multi night backpacking and rock climbing adventure
for breast cancer survivors. That wasthe first time you ever did that.
Did you have this like sort ofmoment of clarity, like, oh my
god, this really does work.We look at what we've done for these
women. They have transformed even overthis short period of time. Well,
so when I was when I wasgrowing up, I worked for a ropes
course that an experiential learning and reallybelieved in it and saw how it could
bring out a lot of confidence inpeople. And so while I was going
through my medical training. I alwayskept it in the back of my mind
that this was a powerful tool tohelp people through their experiences and when the
time was right that the two couldcome together, that's what That's what we
did. And instead of reinventing thewheel, this is what outward Bound does.
I don't need to have the technicalexperience or tools. I bring the
medical knowledge and experiences. So webrought the group to them and they did
They did what they do best andbrought people out into the outdoors and allowed
them to discover how they approach thingsand what they were capable of doing.
Is the physical activity, the thethe the the event or you know,
whatever your wherever you're meeting to engagein this is that's the vehicle to bring
people together. I guess you know. It's a combination of maybe the activity,
but also again that that camaraderie andshared experience. I would think that
is maybe the primary driver to successfor move beyond surviving. Yes, definitely,
because when people finish treatment, they'redone, and they're supposed to be
relieved, and a lot of peopleare relieved and their friends and family want
them to be a whole again,but they don't have the same sorts of
experiences of what it's like to gothrough treatment, and so to come together
with other people who know what it'slike to not be able to feel your
fingers or your feet anymore, havebalance issues, or have tightness, where
in weakness because you've had surgery andradiation makes a huge difference. And it
creates a safe environment so that peopleare willing to try things that they're not
sure if they're going to be ableto do because they know that they're not
going to be laughed at, they'renot going to be looked down upon,
and people are going to encourage themto keep trying. Movie on surviving dot
org website. You can check itout now. This is this local Tri
state area events. I mean,we're speaking to the local community here and
breast cancer survivors. Yes, Sowe set up the activities to be accessible
mainly for people who are from Cincinnati. We've gone to Hockey Hills, We've
gone to Red River Gorge. Wepartner with Miami University's Outdoor Pursuit Centers.
So many activities are up in Oxford, Houston Woods. We've had It's not
limited to just Cincinnati. Anyone whocan get to the events as welcome to
come. So we've had people fromMichigan, Columbus, Indianapolis, Kentucky,
all around. Well that's fantastic.And I see on Saturday, July twentieth,
you're going to be sailing on ActingLate in Houston Woods. Yes,
I'm very excited, very excited.They have a learned to Sail program going
to be participating in that all neatSo my listeners who are in the category
of folks breast cancer survivors. Everybodyinvited to join this event just need to
go to the website and is therea sign up and registration that need to
go through. Yes. So,first of all, all of our events
are free to any breast cancer survivorany age, any stage, as long
as you're at a stable point inyour treatment. And currently what we do
is we have one event open ata time and we announce when we're going
to open up the sign up forit. Currently that event is full,
but there's always a wait list andpeople have things come up and cancel,
so always sign up on the waitlist. You may get in. There's
a twenty five dollars deposit which isrefundable as long as you show up and
it's just a guarantee of interests andwe've been having one event month, so
I always to look for the differentsign ups. Oh, that's wonderful thing.
It's nice to hear that you sellout because of course that shows a
sign of success and a desire toparticipate. And I know there's a lot
of breast cancer survivors out there whocould really benefit from your organization. So
thank you on behalf of all thebreast cancer survivors out there and their families
move beyond surviving. Dot org isa place to go, so you know,
doctor, my producer Joe will puta link to your organization on my
blog page fifty five careseea dot com. So if my listeners are like,
what was the name of that,they know to go to fifty five careseea
dot com and click on the linkand get engaged, get involved and enjoy
the fellowship and support you're going toget from your fellow breast cancer survivors.
Doctor, it's been a real pleasurehaving you on the program. I salute
you for the work that you're doingand keep up the fantastic work and helping
these survivors. Great. Thank youfor highlighting us and having me on your
show. It's been a real pleasure, Doctor McClain. Move beyond surviving dot
org stick around, folks. Gota little more talk about in this hour
after the top of their news thereturn of Briana Morello from the Brionna Morello
Show podcast. She's gonna give usa preview of the RNC convention, followed
by Donald and Eild. They're finallyAFP Americans for Prosperity launching an ad campaign
in support of Bernie Moreno, who, in my this has been sad that
he's been so quiet of late.Let's get his name elevated and get ready
to shared Brown that's coming up afterthe top of the oir news that we
can stick around for that. Inthe meantime, Cullen call Andrew Cullen and
the team at Colin Electric. Theyenjoy an A plus with a better business
career and have been in a successfulbusiness for twenty five plus years. Celebrating
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of the right connections get information online. Go to Cullen c U L L
E. M. Cullenelectric Cincinnati dotcom. Tell them. Brian said,
how any call five one three twotwo seven four one one two five one
three two two seven four one onetwo fifty five car the tox two time
for the nine first forty weather forecastis going to be a high of eighty
five today, isolated evening storms unleIt's just mostly sunny today, got partly
cloudy skuis every night only a slightchance of rain sixty six for the low
eighty nine. The height them allwith mostly Sunday skies along with a slight
chance of storms sixty nine every nightwith a few clowns and on Saturday a
high of ninety two. Sunday skisand no rain in the forecast until Tuesday.
Right now sixty five time for trafficfrom the UCLP Tramping Center at the
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center. It'sopening the most comprehensive blood center in the
nation. The future of cancer ishere called five one, three, five
eighty five U see see see.I'm not seeing any major problems to deal
with northbound seventy five or northbound fourseventy one into town as of yet.
Cruise are working with the wreck outsideof Batavia eastbound thirty two at Bauer and
just started a dispatch for a wreckon Westchester Road at Butler Warren Chuck Ingramont
fifty five kr A seat the talkstation going about six fifty three fifty about
car see the talk station, andof course, ever the top of there
it is I mentioned a moment AgoMorello, the Brouanda Morello Show podcast shall
be joining the program. But Ijust got done asking. Joey said,
should we give away the tickets afterthe top of the ur news before we
talked to Brianni. He said,no, Let's go ahead and do it
right now, so right now wewill. I got two tickets to a
Friday's show at Riverbane Music Center,Arido speed Wagon with Train. Tickets are
digital, so be caller number fiveand have your email address because you win
two tickets. Joe was sending anemail and there's your ticket, so no
having it. Well, Joe's notgonna personally Sorry Joe, I don't mean
to you know, overstate the case. They will be emailed to you.
How's that? But calling number fivefive, one, three, seven,
four, nine fifty five hundred,eight hundred eighty two to three talk pound
five fifty on AT and T phones. If you are calling number five,
you'll get two tickets. The showYain is the Friday the twelfth at Riverbed
Music Center, Rio Speedwagon with aTrain. So keep on rolling. After
Brandon Merrell, we're gonna hear fromDonovan Neil Americans for a Prosperity in support
of Bernie moreno, yay, betterlate than never. Although I know we
got some time between now November,and I hate to be overly critical,
it's just I have not heard aword in print or on the news about
Bernie's campaign. So launching we willwith Americans for Prosperity at seven thirty coming
up a little more than an hourWilliam Cooper with the book How America Works
and Why It Doesn't. And ofcourse it being Thursday Friday, Eve j
Ratliffe I heard Mediaba expert they seta record. TSA said three million.
The three million mark was passed onSunday, a record screening number, Boeing
accepting a plea deal, FAA inspectingBoeing aircrafts apparently got some oxygen mask issues,
a scary near miss. And ofcourse we always close with hub delays
with Jay Rattliffe or the aviation expert. So I hope you can stick around
and remember fifty five care sea dotcom when you want to get the information
like the charity information that I talkedabout with doctor McLain, podcast Judge Nitor
Paulatano from yesterday and an opportunity forcareer advancement and opportunities in the trades.
We'll have a valley associated builders andcontractors on yesterday about the apprentice programs that
are out there, not just foryoung people, but if you're in the
desire about changing careers, even atat older age, you can still do
it. Earn why you learn.It's a great opportunity for a great career.
Check the link out at fifty fivecare sea dot com. I'll be
right back after the news. Whenyou want to know, when you need
to know, when you have toknow, you can be in the know
right here on fifty five CARES talkstationseven O five fifty five dare CD talk
Station Friday. Even a very happyone too. What a pleasure to welcome
back to the fifty five KRC MorningShow. You find her online at Baradmarello
dot com. Follow her on Xat Brion Morello. Welcome back to the
host of the Briona Morello podcast,which makes perfect sense. Brionamerello is good
to have you back on the fiftyfive KRC Morning Show. Thank you so
having to be here. Good morning, and by way, a reminder,
she quit Fox News because they forcedher to We're going to force her to
take the COVID nineteen vaccine. Shesaid no, So she went out on
her own and she's been successful eversince. Again, follow her on X
and check her out online and hearwhat she has to say. And are
you going to be physically in Milwaukee? Which is comes from Millewalkee Algonquin for
The Good Lamb. A. Yes, I will be. It's exciting.
I will be broadcasting live the RumbleSet Rumble will be there and I will
be one of their content creators.They're broadcasting live, so we'll be there
from Tuesday till Thursday covering the events. I'm very excited about that. I
bet what is your expectation for theevent, because you know, as I
move away from the Republican Convention,which I would imagine in the grand scheme
of things, certainly not going tobe as action packed as Chicago and the
Democrat convention where we don't even knowif Bernie's or if Joe Biden's going to
be there, who the nominee is, and all the mess that they're facing.
But Trump's got it in the bag. This is Is this going to
be a big, cheerleading event?Do you think? Yeah? I think
it will be, And I thinkpeople have a lot of reasons to be
excited for this. I mean,obviously, Democrats, if you rarely get
to see, are going kind ofcrazy and turning on one another publicly.
We rarely see this. It's usuallythey're pretty instinct when it comes to messaging,
and unfortunately for them, that's notthe case right now. So I
think we're really comfortable heading in tothe rn C next week, but you
don't want to ever be too comfortablebecause you never know what they might have
up their sleeve. It feels likethey're waiting to see who Trump picks as
vice president to kind of make theirdecision on Joe, whether they kind of
ditch him completely or hold on tohim. But there's a lot of reports
out there right now suggesting that everymajor person in the Democratic Party and now
turned on Joe Biden, from NancyPelosi secretly kind of not publicly saying it,
was secretly telling him it's time tostep down. Chuck Schumer reportedly telling
donors that they're open to a newcandidate. So it's interesting to see how
this is all playing out. Butit's going to be exciting in Milwaukee,
so I'm looking forward to that interestingenough too. They just it's according to
reports, but Governor Rona Fancias originallydidn't have a time class to speak jurn
on R and C, which isvery controversial considering they gave Amber Rose slot
so she could speak at the event. But according to reports, from NBC
News. Now it looks like Santasdoes have a time slot Amber Rose.
Yes, did you have to googlethat? I give you a clean version,
former porn actress, right, didn't. I just read that yesterday in
the news that she was given aspot to speak at the RNC convention.
She's a yes. So she actuallyused to date Kanye West. Before she
dated Kanye West, the rapper shewas dating or sorry, she was a
stripper. And so she's from Philadelphiaand she has since kind of started making
herself very maga life now. Shewas very pro life. She posted events.
I don't know if I could sayit on airfall, I'll void it.
But she hosted events that everyone shouldprobably google in the path. And
so it was very strange to seethe rn C kind of welcomed her and
giving her a time slot. Althoughyou want to be welcoming and kind of
welcome everyone on board, the factthat she was given time slops for Governor
Ron santa it's pretty disturbing. Itis disturbing, and the messaging seems kind
of weird. I get your idea, your point about you know, everybody's
welcoming the Republican tent and look we'veopened the doors to this woman with a
rather salacious background. But messaging doesn'tseem right, particularly with a Republican Party
that has now moved away from avery, very firm anti abortion stance to
one that is a little bit moreopen minded. You know, Donald Trump
when now acknowledging he agrees with exceptionsfor abortion and incests in the life of
the mother the RNC platform, notreal opponent or not real strong about abortion.
But then again, it's no longera federal question. Is. I
keep pointing out to my listeners whothink there should be some sort of federal
ban or federal law all encompassing.The Supreme Court said no, this is
the state's right issue. So Isee the Republican Party on a national level
being able to move away from that. It takes the wind out of the
sales. But back to this AmberRose person, I mean, I wouldn't
think this is the best of alltimes to you know, promen or to
highlight her being there. Yeah,yeah, yeah, I mean it doesn't
feel like that. But again,they're trying to pull in moderates too right
now, and I think that's whythey think that it's the best way to
do so so they think that shemight be able to rally up some support.
I just do. It's not mypuppetea, So I don't. I
don't know that the justification for allof it. I just don't the R
and C the political event, andI think that those two can't talk politics
should be on the stage. Thosewho can't shouldn't, and something she could
uphold the conversation about politics without soundinglike a fool. Uh you know.
Yeah, there's a lot of picturesof her bathingtooths, wearing Maga hats and
stuff, which is great, butis it really So it's not. It's
not for me, but maybe there'syounger votabase, but yeah, Briandon Morella
says it's not for her. Brian, I'm the most broad minded guy on
the planet. You know, Idon't care. But I think it's a
terrible messaging idea. It's like,who in the hell thought of this?
It only I mean, Brianna,it invited this conversation we're having right now,
two people who are both in favorof Donald Trump being the next president,
for God's sake. So anyway,Dessantus at least has got a spot.
There is there going to be anycontroversy in terms of on the Republican
side. Now we can point tothe left. I can see Hamas protesters,
I can see anti Israel protesters.I can see people on the far
you know, the Kami perspective,and everybody else highlighting the divisions within the
Democrat Party people pro immigration, peopleanti immigration. I mean, we could
go on and on about the numberof groups that could be, you know,
yelling at their There would be electedofficials or or or people Party of
Phillips delegates at the convention about theDemocrats platform. There's there isn't any of
that on the Republican side of theledger Or is there, Brianna, I
think you might see some, butnothing too specific. I think you might
see some of those proloft protesters kindof building up outside. You know.
There was just actually rapport that cameout from d n I, the National
Intelligence Director put this out saying thata lot of those proofs protesters were actually
being paid by Iran. Yeah.I saw that, so I yeah,
I normally don't trust our federal governmentwith information, but it does sound very
plausible that it's been taking place alla lot because it's hard to understand why
all of these people were so passionateabout being against Israel. But again it's
just and then they were very aggressivelypassionate, I should say, but it
didn't come off as protesters. AndI know America First Legal was actually trying
to look into it to see howmany of these folks were on student visas
who were doing this at colleges andstuff. So it kind of makes sense.
So I think they'll be well fundedand be there because they're going to
want their voice and heard partly Trumpmight actually become if everything goes as plan,
might become the president of the UnitedStates again, and so I said,
they're going to try to wrap upfolks through that. It will be
interesting though you know, it's veryvery strict. There's gonna be a high
level of security, so it shouldbe it should be interesting how that takes
place. Yeah, I would expecta high level of security because you know,
we how many times have we beenwarned by the FBI director and others
about the terrorism event that is likelygoing to happen. The terror threat is
on you know, the very highlevel that and so we're all sort of
sitting on pins and needles sort ofkind of waiting around to see what happens.
It very well could happen at somethinglike the Republican Convention in Milwaukee next
week. Yeah yeah, I alwaysthey kind to warn people about this,
so they constantly are now saying,the FBI and CIA that they figure it's
potentially going to be a terrorist tacticto take place, and we need to
increase our security levels. I trulybelieve it's it's at this point it's intentional.
So when you have an open borderand you're allowing millions of poor into
our country, those with even Icisties to poor into our country, to
be ahs, is just letting themand releasing them into our country. At
this point, it gives the needhildon community and excuse to ask for more
spending so we con continue to expand. And so I can't help but think
it is intentional at this point,because the FBI just ask for more money
than then next fiscal year and it'sin the millions, and they continue to
do this why saying you know,there's an increased terror threat. So I
think people did to realize this isall intentionally thought during nine to eleven with
the Commission, and they sit thereand they expand these these agencies and create
new agencies whenever there's a terrorist threator a terrorst attacks and so but if
this is all man created, becauseat this point, we couldn't just you
know, do something radical and closetheir border exactly, She's not to Heaven
forbid. And that's one of thebiggest issues on it that going into November
is the fact that we do havean open border and all the problems that
it's brought. I mean, look, New York Cities wants to roll back.
It's uh, it's sanctuary city policies. Things that become so bad.
I mean, you know, youhave screwed up with policy. When New
York, that is as blue asa blue can be, uh, is
backpedaling on its own sanctuary city policies, I mean, it's almost laughable.
Yeah. Yeah, well that's oneof the great things that Greg Abbott did
by sending oh, Governor Greg Abbot, by all of those illegals to Blue
City. I think, and everyonethinks it's kind of crazy, but I
think actually New York is in playfor President Trump. You know, the
reality of it is in New YorkCity is feeling the burden of all of
this and although he might not winit by a landslide, he's definitely going
to get a big chunk of thosevotes because people are fed up. You
know, if you live in NewYork City, if you're looking for affordable
housing right now, or a UScitizen, there is none for you because
the illegal migrants that they shifted toyour area has taken over that. And
so there's a lot of frustrations there. And I also think the fact that
Upstate New York are Long Island,they've held the line and they're refusing to
take any illegals in now. They'rethey're pretty moderate to we're moderate Republicans,
so they're not really less leaning thatI would say, but they've held the
line. They refuse to take anyof these illegals from New York City.
Those that worshiped upstate New York havejust been shipped back down to New York
City because it's mostly temporary. Themayor thought they were going to send them
back, that they have and sothey've got that issue that they have to
deal with, right Yeah. SoI think a lot of New York City
residents they're looking at those and saying, we've got to get something out it.
You're gonna get this guy out ofhere because they're destroying the city.
I mean, there's an increase inthose individuals who are on mopheads committing crimes,
depending robberies, and the reality iswhen the police catch up with them,
they are illegal. And so they'reusing these mopheads to go out and
rob New Yorkers. And if you'rea New Yorker just walking at home at
night or at six o'clock in theafternoon, that is quiet street and you
get robbed in a mopead, Idon't think they're voting for Democrats anymore because
you know that they were the onesthat you up to get robbed. Yeah,
they own this. I mean thisis not something that they can point
to the Republican say your fault,you're a fault. We knew it was
like under the Trump administration with hisexecutive orders, and while we still had
illegal immigrants crossing the border nowhere nearthe numbers of the Biden administration, which
is basically opened a floodgate that we'reall now living with. You're right,
I am in your camp in termsof your predictions about how fed up New
Yorkers are with Immigrat same thing inChicago, too, the people taken to
the streets there. But I meanthe funding that I mean, just simply
looking at the dollars that have togo into dealing with the illegal immigrant crisis.
They're paying on average one hundred andfifty plus dollars per room per night
in these hotels. If you dothe math on that, multiplied times thirty,
you could get a really nice NewYork even in New York, a
really nice apartment for the four thousandplus dollars that amounts to every month at
New Yorkers can't even afford that.I mean, I mean, that's a
prime illustration of the unfairness of allthis. Yeah, and then if you
look at the hotels when they're forcedto leave, these legals they destroy them.
Oh yeah, I mean they gotThey've got a bunch of trash area.
And it's so heartbreaking because I rememberthe Row in New York City when
I'm interning at a sports magazine.We were there and it was gorgeous.
It was one of the most beautifulhotels in New York City. And then
illegals came by and you see thisphotos in your coosas codes of them,
and they subpletely destroyed the hotel that'sbrawled in front of the hotel every night.
It's all this crime, and it'sbecause you know why work you came
here to these these illegals were toldthat they would come here, get paid
and not have to do anything,and that's what they're doing. They're catching
in on that. So they're drinking, they're doing drugs in front of the
hotels, inside the hotels, andyou know, these hotels have accepted it
because they're getting paid at absurd amountof money at this point, but at
what point do you stop? Imean there's also the migrant shelters they've opened
up on Randell Island, and Imean there's multiple stabbings. There's been officers
who have been hurt, there's beensecurity guards who have been hurt there.
And it's not and again, andI think a lot of people are seeing
this now. It's not the themother holding her child, that's her child's
crimes because they're so hungry. It'sgrown men who are a fighting age,
military age, who are there andthey're committing crimes in our country. They
were jumped by the prison probably inVenezuela, and now they're arriving at their
front doors. And there's nothing todo with it. And there's all ring
doorbell camera footage too from Queens NewYork Presidence, and it's from Venezuelans who
are going door by door asking forfree, free food, free everything,
and their following residents at their ownhomes. I mean, at some point
you got to draw the line somewhere. Well, November is the time we
can draw the line. It beginsnext week at the Republican Convention. We'll
be hearing from Brionna Morella at theirRepublican Convention. Check her out online Briana
Morella Show and podcasts at Brionnamarella dotcom and follow again on accept at Brionna
Morello Brown. It's great having backon the program. I appreciate the time
you spent my listeners at me Today'vebeen looking forward to your reporting from the
convention and I wish you all thebest of health and safety next week.
Thank you so much. I'm lookingforward to I can't wait to talk to
you then, looking forward to itmyself. Take care, we'll talk soon.
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It's COVERSINCI dot com, fifty fiveKRC and iHeartRadio Station, the exclusive audio
home on the NBC's coverage of thetwenty twenty four Paris Olympics. Time of
the nine first one weather forecast twoday high of eighty five, mostly sunny
skies, but there's a possible isolatedevening storm floating around out there later overnight
sixty six for the low is justa slight chance of rain. Tomorrow mostly
sunny with a slight chance of storms, eighty nine for the high. Overnight
low is sixty nine with just afew clowns, and Saturday all sun and
no rain in the forecast until Tuesdayninety two. For the high on Saturday,
it's sixty five. Now time fortraffick update from the UC on Traffic
Center. The University of Cincinnati CancerCenter is opening the most comprehensive blood center
in the nation. The future ofcancer is here called five one three five
eighty five UC see see Highway trafficcontinues to look pretty good this morning.
Heaviest this northbound seventy five between Dixieand Kyle's. And even that's not going
to cost you a whole lot ofextra time. Chuck Ingram on fifty five
KRZEA the talk station. It's sevenpoint thirty here, fifty five k CED
Talk Station. In a very happyFriday Eve to you. Always a great
thing to welcome to fifty five KRCMorning show for Americans for Prosperity. Donovan
O'Neil Donovan, Happy Friday, Eve. Good to have you back on the
program, Brian. Always good tobe with you. It feels like it's
been forever. It has been alittle while. It has been a little
while, and you know, it'slike a long time. And I think
I last time I lamented to you, last time we talked about this.
And I'm so pleased to see thesubject matter on the plate for us today,
which is AFP launching an ad campaignin support of Bernie Moreno. The
silence from the Marino camp's been kindof deafening. I gotta be honest with
you. He's a good man,he's an outsider, he's a proven successful
businessman, articulates he's right on allthe issues, you know, securing the
border and everything across the board.But I haven't seen anything for him.
I see shared brown adds all thetime. It just drives me up a
wall. Donovan, You're kicking itoff, glad to see that. Yeah,
well, yeah, out with andthis This is across the number of
battleground Senate states, but AFP actionsup with a four million dollars ad by
a significant amount of that good cominginto Ohio. It's that targeted TV right,
It's getting to those swing voters,those voters who need to hear this
message. You need to understand what'sthe state in the selection. And our
team's not just doing it at thedoors, but we're also backing up on
the airwaves by getting that message infront, in front of eyeballs and in
folks of years over the summer months. What specific issues are you targeting the
way I see it, And Iknow I'm biased, but I was just
talking to Brionna Morello about the RNCconvention next week and the issue of immigration
and the insanity that the Biden administrationhas brought about. These left wing leaning
cities have become overwhelmed so much sothat even New York is now getting ready
to pass legislation reversing its sanctuary citylaws. And Eric Adams, of all
people, is in favor of thisbecause they're overwhelmed. So that's one issue
that's got a whole lot of Democratsconsidering even voting for Donald Trump, and
he's whittling away at the voters inNew York so much so that they're calling
it an in play state. Sowe win our side of the Ledger wins
all day long on that one issue. Are you going to be highlighting that?
Are you going to focus on otherissues? What's the direction of the
ad campaign, how you spoke,how do you get planning on reaching these
independent voters and convincing them. Well, we're finding whether it's the conversations are
folks at AFPI Action have on thedoor with voters, one to one focus
groups, pulling, you know,talking to folks across the state what voters
are really looking for and moving forthis way both camps. You've got your
Republican base, your Democrat base,They're going to turn out for their candidate
no matter what win. November comesaround, Right, we're talking about that
swing voter that independent voter believe ornot there out there. I've seen them,
I've talked to them. They exist. Oh sure. Here's what they
care about and what our ads aretargeting and focused on. They know Shared
Brown has been in office for fiftyyears. They know he's been a Senator
for a number of years. Whatthey don't know is his actual record and
how his record has helped or harmthem. And so what our opportunity here
to do that we're doing through theseads is communicating what his record has cost
Ohioans. It's a failed border policy. It's an open southern border and northern
border for that matter. It's trillionsin new spending that is driving up the
costs of everything from gasoline to grocerystores. But here's the trick, Brian,
and you got to do it allin fifteen to thirty seconds. If
I don't enough to just say withthe other guy's done wrong, you got
to communicate with the what your guy, right, Bernie Moreno is going to
do differently. And so that's partof what we're highlighting. As well.
As a businessman, as an immigrantwho came here legally at a young age,
he understands what the American dream canbe because he's lived it and he
knows he wants to make he wantsto insure it for the next generation.
But as a businessman, he's alsoseen that impact, the negative impact of
a government bureaucracy, a federal governmentout of control. And so that's part
of what we're communicating, is thatcontract that shared Brown through his time has
cost you more and put American thana less secure situation. We need someone
like Bernie Moreno who's in security,border and rain in the out of control
government spending. All right, Now, you're you're considered an AFP action and
you're considered a political action committee inthis regard. Yeah, so this is
all through AFP action. It's afive twenty seven. I serve as a
senior advisor. He're in Ohio forthat organization. Okay, so you're you're
you're operating independently of the Moreno camp. It's it's not coordinated in any way.
No, it can't be coordinated inany way. Right, Okay,
I just again, I'm going backto my you know, where's Bernie Moreno
been kind of thing? You know, you're being an independent political action community.
You guys could have hit the groundrunning last year, you're doing it
now. I get it. Yougot all the flexibility in the world.
And again, I'm glad that youare putting money and resources into the state
of Ohio for this very very importantcampaign. But I guess do you have
any concerns about Moreno's camp not gettingoff the dime here at least as I
perceive it, or do I havea misconception about the silence from that side.
Yeah, I'm hesitant to tell youyou're wrong, you're Brian, because
I respect you a lot. Butwhat I'll tell you is what I'm seeing,
and I think we see this.We've got to kind of refresh our
memory and talk to folks who've beenin the who've been in Ohio politics for
a long time. We're in thesummer months. Things really don't get going
in Ohio or really across the countryuntil especially in the presidential year, and
talk to the conventions are completed andwe really get over that Labor Day homp.
I think what you're going to seecome September is a candidate and Bernie
Moreno, who is criss crossing thestate doing the last roots event. He's
doing that now, just going tothe social media looking at where they're at.
There was a Young Professionals event lastnight. He's had colleagues from across
the state, senators from across thecountry coming to Ohio to help fundraise.
They're building a war chest and that'sreally what you need a candidate like Marine
are doing building a war chest.Is that the money in the outspending what's
going to occur because of Shared Brown'sability to raise funds from progressive groups across
the country. We need a candidatein Marino who's going to raise the money
right now, short up the Republicanbase and then get out there in the
fall and make it happen. Whatwe have our organization is the ability to
hit the ground running, and wedid immediately up to the primary to start
talking to voters. So it's it'sthe summer doldrums, Brian, Okay,
it feels like nothing's happening. Yeah, walking through in the rain, and
we'll hit the fall and it's goingto be fairs, festivals and non stop
in your eyes advertising. So youryour crying uncle. I'll concede that point.
And it's an excellent point. Imean, you know you and I
live politics every single day. Weeat, sleep, and breathe it.
It's always a presidential election here,at least as it feels in our minds.
Other people have and indeed tuned itout. So I understand the finite
resources need to be allocated appropriately.And when people get back from their summer
breaks and you know, they startplaying closer attention as we get closer to
November, that's when the real moneyand the real campaign he's going to start.
So I'll concede that point. Igot to ask you Forward part company
again today, Donovan and Neil Americansfor Prosperity actionafpaction dot com. To help
out, you can click on theBernie Morena link and take you right there.
There's a donate button to help AFPAction get this word out and spread
the money and the love for BernieMoreno. But what's your take on the
implosion that's going on on the Democratsside of the equation. You know,
Biden says unequivocally, I am theguy. He said it in no uncertain
terms, not only just in theletter, but he said it on television
during his Friday interview. He calledup what was it, Stephanoppolos interview,
but he called Joe Scarborough and pointedout again, I am running. What's
it with the Democrats? Schumer goingbehind the scenes. Oh, keep an
idea open that he might be replaced. Yet Nancy Pelosi's saying, well,
he needs to hurry up and makeup his mind, as if she didn't
hear those unequivocal words from Biden.The issue with the money. Biden's got
to be the nominee in order toeven free up one hundred million dollars that
they put together, because that's inhis pocket and he can't just give it
away. They are plagued with problems, and not the least of which their
convention takes place after the deadline inOhio and other states to get somebody on
the ballot. Do you have anyprediction to what's gonna happen on this.
I don't want to put you onthe spot, but I'm as interested in
your opinion as anybody else as Donovan. Well, yeah, you know,
it's been a it's been a rollercoasterride the last since the yeah, since
the debate. Oh yeah, Inever thought this. I never thought something
like this would happen, right,I see your look, they're they're they're
in they're gonna figure out a wayto get him across the finish line in
November if they could. Right,they're gonna they view him as their best
bet to beat Donald Trump. Idon't think he is. I think what
they're seeing is, yeah, that'sthat implosion. And what's funny to me
is you've got you know, you'vegot leaders in the Democrat Party saying,
hey, we wanna you know,we're gonna we're waiting for Joe Biden to
make a decision. And you pointedit out. He's made that decision.
He's made that decision several times,very clear, every day the last week
and a half. He's in he'srunning. He's there nominee unless they're going
to try to take him out atthe convention. You know, through that
process, and I think you alsohave folks like Shared Brown bringing it back
to Ohio and a center Shared Brown, you know who's who is significantly worried
because with Joe Biden at the topof the ticket, battleground states are brought
down, right Ohio will break forRepublicans. Donald Trump's pulling up eight points
here in the state right now.They've got a problem. And I think
it's the grave they dug of theirown they yeah, for a number of
years, and it's what they haveto accept. Voters do pay attention.
Americans do pay attention. And whenthe facade is broken, this is what
it looks like. Brian Oh.And so many people feel like they've been
lied to for so long. Imean, the media's credibility is shot.
You get George Clooney's hosted an eventthree weeks ago and then coming out just
yesterday saying, well, the guyI saw at the fund Rings event,
you know it's not the guy fromtwenty ten. He's the same guy I
saw in the debate. Well wherewas he three weeks ago? How come
he wasn't openly previous to that andall the other times he said he has
seen the guy and his cognitive decline. Same thing goes with the mainstream media
and every politician who's ever worked withBiden behind the scene, they all knew
it, they saw it coming,and yet they kept their mouths shut.
So I think a lot of peoplefeel as though their feelings have been very
substantially hurt, that they have beenlied to. It's another it's another Yeah,
it's another shame you to the traditionaltelevision news media and the folks you
know who supposedly lead our country.Right, Yeah, you're telling me one
or two things are true. EitherChuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader
Jeffries speaks with the President on aregular basis and would understand his cognitive abilities.
Or they don't and right in theirthird round speaking with the White House,
or he isn't. You know,either one of those is a scary
is a scary is a scary outcometo have arrived at and so you know,
it's it's more important than ever,right at the end of the day
for folks to get out there.None of this you victory in November of
the White House isn't guaranteed. Noneof this is guaranteed. It's a long
way from here till November. Onething that's importing. I'm going to keep
plugging this, Brian, because thisis what we can do in Ohio is
get Bernie Moreno elected. Get outthere, knock doors, make the voice
heard, get connected to the candidate, Tell your friends and neighbors. We've
got to be shared Brown in Novemberso we can secure a Republican majority.
Stop and most importantly stop it,progressive rule in Washington in the US Senate.
AFP actions all over you can helpthem out. Afpaction dot Com.
Donovan'il from the Ohio chapter, thankyou so much for what you're doing on
behalf of Bernie Moreno as well asthe rest of the races in Ohio.
And that's not the only one thatyou're working on. And I appreciate all
the effort and I'll courage my listenersto help you out by helping out these
candidates. Until we talk again.Donaldan'eil, great having you on the show.
Have a wonderful weekend. Be Ryan, Take care, Take care my
friends. Seven forty two fifty fivecare. See the talk station twenty two
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Brian said, how can you stopin to find them online? Just
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three spelled out dot com fifty fiveKRC the talk station Steve Perrin time for
the nine first oneing Wether forecasts notbad day to day. I got a
mostly sunny day high of eighty five, isolated evening storms over night. Partly
thought it was just a slight chanceerrain in a low of sixty six.
Tomorrow's high eighty nine, mostly suna slight chance for storms overnight, just
clouds in sixty nine. Saturday isgoing to be a sunny day with no
rain in the forecast until Tuesday.Saturday is high ninety two sixty seven degrees.
Right now, let's get enough downon traffic conditions. Chuck from the
ucl Traffic Center the University of CincinnatiCancer Center. It's opening the most comprehensive
blood center in the nation. Thefuture of cancers here called five one three
five eighty five UCCC North found seventyfive and an extra ten minutes out of
Errolinger into downtown southbound seventy five,getting close to that with break lights.
Now out of Evendale through Blachmann.There's an accident below Lebanon on southbound forty
eight, just above seventy one,and a wreck on Madison at Whatsall ingbram
on fifty five k see the talkstation seven fifty two fifty five kr CD,
talk Station five one three seven fournine fifty fire eight hundred two three
Talko Time five fifty on eight andT Funds and don't go away because aft
the top of the hour news WilliamCooper's got a book, How America Works
and Why It Doesn't, A briefguide to the US political system. Come
up with our own ideas on thatone, can't we anyhow, followed by,
of course it being Thursday slash Fridayeve I heard me the aviation expert
Jay Ratliffe, with a well halfa dozen different topics we're going to go
over with Jay today. Always anenjoyable conversation, a good way to close
out a Thursday and segue into Friday, when we'll hear from Tech Friday's Dave
Hatter. I'd been bringing it upa couple of times Morning New York,
of all places, it's a greatillustration of being on the right side of
policy. And if you look atall of the left leaning cities, the
ones that had embraced defund the police, that have embraced the the sanctuary city
as sanctuary state policies as the casemay be, their failures, out right
failures. The masses, as blueas they are, are reacting to the
Democrat philosophy of open borders. They'rereacting to the aftermath of defunding the police.
They're looking at their strained budgets willonly get worse every single year.
And Lord Almighty, the idea thatGovernor Pritsker of Illinois is even mentioned,
even in passing, as a potentialreplacement for Joe Biden is running for president
is just the comic joke. Youknow, the Prinsker family corrupt as hell.
I mean, it's just but thestate look at it. It is
a train wreck financially. So yeah, you're on the right side of the
policies and just keep running on them. Let the Democrats sort of well kill
themselves on their own policies. Let'stalk to Mary, Mary, thanks for
calling this morning. Happy Friday,Eve Hey, good morning, Brian.
Hey, I just wanted to Joesaid that you haven't talked about it yet,
but if there's another reason to votefor Orlando Sonza and against that idiot
Greg Landsman. So yesterday in theHouse they opened Mike Johnson and Ship Roy
put out of them a vote forallowing to not that you must be a
citizen to vote in federal election.Yeah, that seems like a lambunk.
Any normal person, functioning brain rightexactly say that right to say that's right.
So one hundred and ninety eight loserDemocrats voted no and Opposition five crossed
over in the and it pay us. One of the no votes was from
the Greg Landsman corrupt and horrible Gangof five member Greg Landsman. Yeah,
so it's people in the district one. If you need another reason to not
vote for that guy, it's obviouslyDemocrat. You don't want to vote for
it because he's a horrible, horribleperson, but you need to vote for
Orlandis sansa that vote. I mean, in this in this day and age,
was what's happening. The election iswhat you know. Hell are many
months away. It seems like evenif you didn't want to vote for you
would just throw a bone too it, because everybody in the America is looking
at this going what the hell exactly? I couldn't agree with you more and
I am certainly glad you brought thatone up to the top. And it's
heading over to the Senate where it'sgonna die Democrats are against it. Biden's
already said he's going to veto it, and go ahead, hang your hat
on that one, Joe Biden.But the Democrats, it's been reported that
the five Democrats who did vote forthis Save Act, which makes perfect sense,
just did so basically for cover,which they'll enjoy. They go,
hey, I voted for that,but also knowing full well that it's going
to die in the Senate, sothey're not going to end up with the
result that the Save Act would provideall of us, which is the well
that better security over the integrity theelection. So anyway, I appreciate that.
Yes, Orlando Sanza find him onlineat Orlandosanza dot com. He is
a terrific guy and a very qualifiedcandidate for that office. An excellent replacement
seven fifty six U at the topof the idea of the book by William
Cooper, How America Works and WhyIt Doesn't. That's next updates on the
twenty twenty four presidential campaign. Wehave to meet this moment as if our
freedoms are rant fifty five krs hethe talk station. This report is sponsored
by Stake for Chilias more chaouts hundredsof illegals busting through the border and get
more clarity on the day's news.Fifty five krs HE the talk station eight
o five here fifty five pair ceDE talk Station n Thomas wishing you a
very very happy Friday Eve, bottomof the area, as ever we do
every Thursday. I heard mediaviation expertJay Rather in the meantime, I am
pleased to welcome to the fifty fiveKRSS Morning Show, fellow attorney. He's
an author also national columnist. WilliamCooper's writings have appeared in hundreds of publications
globally, including I know that you'veheard of these, New York Times,
Wall Street Journal, USA Today,Newsweek, CNN, Washington Post, San
Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, Baltimore Sun. I could go on,
but we'd spend all the time talkingabout all the publications he's published in.
William Cooper, Welcome to the fiftyfive KRSSE Morning Shooter. Talk about
your book How America Works and whyit doesn't. Thank you great to be
here, my pleasure, William.Okay, let's just start with the initial
I think we can all come upin our minds with well works. What
does it mean when you think ofthe concept of America working versus in America
that is not working. What isworking? I think working is the government
functioning both that it's intended and ina way that helps the people and betters
the lives of the people. That'show I define working, Okay, And
why isn't it working? Is itour specific any given leader? Is it
the president currently? Is that thepresidential candidates? Is that the division between
the two party system that we seemto be stuck with with no alternative to
choose from. Where's your primary criticism? Where what are your primary criticisms?
William I think it's broadly the Americanpeople themselves, and this crosses the political
aisle. I think the partisanship,the short sightedness, the focus on myopic
political squabbles has been going on forso long and reach such intensity on both
sides of the aisle that that reallyis the root cause for why things aren't
working the way they're supposed to dowell. You know, it's interesting because
the Internet has exacerbated this beyond anybody'swildest dreams. Because that bright, shiny
moment in time object that we're allpaying attention to is really immaterial when it
comes to the grand scheme of things, and I go back to you know,
you talk about, you know,short sightedness of our elected officials.
Fine, they're bickering and moaning overone little minuscule point, but we are
on a fiscal train wreck here.We have incurred almost thirty trillion dollars in
a hole in the ground that wehave to pay debt service on. And
the CBO figures that just came outthe other day are horrific. I mean,
they only project out ten years,but they're projecting two trillion plus excess
spending beyond what they take in inrevenue. In other words, further deficit
digging into the foreseeable future. ThatI mean, that isn't an unsustainable reality,
William Absolutely, And that's a greatexample of what I'm talking about.
The headline, the tweets, thesocial media viral messages are talking about squabbles
between AOC and Marjorie Taylor Green orthings of that nature. And meanwhile,
there are numerous very large scale,very significant trends and problems the country's facing
that are just not being addressed ina rational way. And you provided a
great example of one. How dowe fix it? Though? I mean
you point to the American people,and I agree with you that you know
we're largely to blame because the vastmajority of us, unlike you or I,
I mean, I live politics.It's my job. I always have.
It's been my hobby for years,and that's why I got a political
science screen for my law degree.I just like it, so I pay
attention to it constantly. But thevast majority of Americans don't have any time
in their day for it. They'reeither too busy binge watching something on Netflix,
or they got kids they got totake to select soccer, trying to
live their lives and find enough timeto exhale and relax. Nobody wants to
dive into politics. I think everynjust has this expectation that what's in it
for me? I think that's apart of the equation, I think,
and I think one of the thingswe can do. You know, when
you don't really follow something closely andyou're not involved, you have some humility
about your opinions. Don't be soconfident that the other side is as terrible
as you think they are. Don'tbe so confident that that news story you
read, you know, slamming somepolitician actually gets it right, recognize that
you don't have enough time to followit closely, be a little more humble.
I also think it would be goodin a minimum way, and I
know it's hard and prescribing as broadlyis not practical, but in a minimum
way, if people starting from schoolall the way up, you know,
through their adulthood, could spend moretime than we as a nation have been
in the last several decades focusing oncivics and on the basics of how things
are supposed to work. I thinkthat would be helpful. It would be
helpful, but there have to betime in the day and within the curriculum
to focus on that. And that'sone of the big criticisms I have from
my listening audience and my personal criticism. Are education systems failing our children.
I mean, you just take Baltimorefor example, where only what five percent
of eighth graders can read at levelthat is a recipe for disaster. There
is no kid that can go throughK through twelve education without having a mastery
of reading that is going to beable to move on toward higher education or
even be able to fend for themselves. I mean, there's a fix just
waiting for waiting to happen that noone seems to want to address. Totally
agree. There's a chapter on thebook about public policy failures, and the
education systems one of them. It'svery high on the lesson. It's really
a shame. I mean, ifyou look at a nation's schools, you're
looking at that nation's present day contents, but you're also looking at their future,
right, that's the future of thecountry. And the fact that we
as as a nation have allowed somuch of our school system, not all
of it, but so much ofit to decay and be left behind.
It ignored to me. It's acondemnation both of what we're doing now and
really we need to adjust our prospectsfor the future if we don't fix it
fast. Well. I know,one of the things you highlight as one
of the more egregious, if notone of the most egregious public policy failures,
our current broken immigration system. Imean, they've had every opportunity,
both all Democrat administrations, all Republicanadministrations, mixed administrations to try and get
a solution and solve this problem.I know, the path to legal citizenship
is a very significant hurdle and challengeand the way our open border currently is,
what's the point if you're going toget into the United States and get
a court date twelve years down theroad, likely that you won't show up
when with no ramifications, there's nopoint in going through the legal process to
live here. I agree, andyou're right. That is another example of
a public policy failure. Now thatis a hard challenge, right. We
are a prosperous country. We sitabove a region that is riddled with hardship.
The idea that we can just pressa button and have some elegant,
efficient immigration system is not going tohappen. But we could do so much
better. And it's a debate.The debate didn't just descend into both sides
accusing the other of things that aren'ttrue and aren't happening. That would be
a good place to start. Wereally need to make progress, and sometimes
challenges that are overwhelming, like theimmigration system, we just need to put
one foot in front of the otherand make some progress, you know,
start with some incremental change, someincremental increases in the rationality of the system,
and then go from there. Butwe're not even doing that. Our
politics are so broken. We're noteven able to do that well. I
regularly make the point the fool isthe one who's not looking up for his
or her own best interest. Ithink that's built into our genetic makeup.
Sadly, it appears that if youare willing to and desirous of entering into
politics, most of them qualify fora DSM five malignant narcissism diagnosis, and
they are in it for themselves,which sort of negates the prospect that there's
going to be any willingness to reachacross the aisle and try to come up
with a solution that's good for everybody. Totally agree. And what we have
today, we have incredible rewards fornarcissists to enter public life. We've got
social media Instagram, Twitter, youcan build a very valuable platform by running
for office. So that tendency forpeople with egos to enter public life has
always been there. Now the rewardsfor them are ever greater. Yeah,
And you know, I hear thosewords, and it just I never have
understood that, sir, because Ihate social media. I'm on radio.
I mean, my employer would loveme to be on X and they'd love
me to be on Twitter and TikTokand all that. I just I can't
abide because I don't have it inmy DNA to self promote. I mean,
I detest narcissism on a level thatI can't even explain. So I
mean I'm on the lookout for typeof people like that all the time time,
And it's like, that's the firstwarning flag for me is if you
really have a huge media presence oryou're desirous of being that person who everyone
recognizes at the mall, then you'vegot a real psychological problem on your hands.
I agree. I'm old school too. I've never been big on social
media and I love love radio,so no, but I hear you.
And it's the self selection process.It really does attract people more focused on
Okay, what's my next tweet?Yeah, what's my next picture for Instagram?
And that's a big part of whythese huge problems aren't being solved.
I mean, you need really seriouspeople with lots of influence, casting their
votes the right way, building policiesthe right way. If we're going to
tackle these problems like education, likeimmigration, it's just not happening the way
it should. Name of the WILLCOUAmerica works and what it does in a
brief guide to the US Political Systemby my guest today, William Cooper.
Now, I'm going to have tohave a go with you on this one.
I am an owner of fire arms. I had to actually use my
concealed carry handgun in defense of myperson at one point. Thank god,
I didn't have to discharge the weapon, but some guy tried to murder me
at one basically boiling down the eventsof the day. So I was appreciative
of the fact that one there wasno police officer around, but two that
I was in a position with agreat equalizer in hand to deal with the
six foot four, almost three hundredpound guy that was trying to kill me.
So you don't like the Second Amendment, though, I noticed that you
think that's one of the worst provisionsin the Constitution. Can you explain to
my listeners your position on that,considering our framers dealt with an oppressive government
and use those firearms to fight themoff. Yeah, well, I do
say very clearly, and that sectionof the book angers everybody on both sides,
which in some ways means I gotmy point across. There you go.
But what I think about the secondone The first thing is, and
I say this it's a very validconstitutional provision, that there's a lot of
people on the left who want tointerpret it so narrow that it has no
force, or really just gut itwithout going through the actual constitutional amendment of
process. And I say that's that'snot appropriate. You can't just pick and
choose the constitutional provisions you like,interpret them broadly, and then if you
don't like something you know, interpretit narrowly. So I say it's valid
and it deserves respect. What Ialso say is that the consequences of our
system, and I think the SecondAmendment has played a huge role in this,
are very discouraging. This doesn't mean, and what I mean by discouraging
is the number of gun deaths percapita. The US has much higher gun
deaths per capita than other countries.That doesn't mean eliminate all guns. I'm
not saying there should be no guns. What I think there should be are
additional regulations and additional protections in placeso that people like you who want a
gun and are willing to register andapproach it the right way, can have
one. But we don't just floodthe marketplace across the country with unbelievable numbers
of guns, because I think whenyou have that many, if you have
a million extra guns on the streets, for example, if only one of
them is used for a bad purpose, that's a real problem. So don't
have to eliminate everything. But Ithink we could do a much better job
of tightening up our restrictions and ourregulations so we didn't have the consequences we
see. Well, we all knowbad guys are the ones that commit the
crimes. You look at Chicago,one hundred and eight people got shot between
the fourth and the Sunday after theIndependence Day holiday. Could it be then,
looking back, as your point isin the book to the American people,
that that is a reflection the gunviolence itself is a reflection of the
deterioration that someone would be willing toso arbitrarily or casually use a firearm like
that is a reflection of a breakdownof I argue regularly the nuclear family,
for example, you know, wehad rules, regulations, we had disciplined.
My parents raised me to you know, follow the rules, mind the
rules. There were consequences if youdidn't. And I think that that was
that's what worked, and that isa recipe for success, but so many
people do not have that in theirlives and they go astray as young people.
I totally agree. I think theroot cause of a lot of the
problems with guns have nothing to dowith guns themselves, but that's where we
find ourselves and we have, youknow, oversimplify it. You could have
one world like we have today,where there's just sort of an unlimited supply
of guns pouring into society with verylittle regulation, and an alternative would be
to have restrictions in place that limitthat flow and limit who gets them,
who has them in their hands.I think the latter is better, But
in either instance, you're exactactly right. The root cause of a lot of
our problems aren't the guns themselves,so the people. It's also mental health
challenges. I think there's actually amerit to that argument. I think a
lot of times people with mental healthare causing problems with guns where they attract
same gun in the hands of somebodywho didn't have those problems wouldn't be an
issue. What I would like tosee is stop the incessant flood, the
incessant, high volume flood of guns. I think that would help the problem
even though the root causes would stillbe there if that was the only change
you made, and I'll just leaveit out there the rhetorical question, can
the government and any capacity working functionalor not deal with that root cause,
which again goes back to the conductof the American people and how they live
their lives independently. My guest todayWilliam Cooper, the author of the book
we've been talking about this morning,How America Works and Why It Doesn't.
Got a copy of that book anda link for folks to get it your
book on my blog page fifty fiveCaresee dot com. Mister Cooper. I'll
encourage my listeners to do that andshare it with their friends. As I
always like to say, it's beengreat talking with you. Thanks for the
conversation. Like what, I reallyappreciate you having me on. You have
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eight one phone fifty five KRC ourhigh ard worky time for the nine first
warning weather forecast. UH mostly sunnyskies today, but there's possible evening storm
eighty five for the high down ofsixty six over night with a slight chain
to rain eighty nine to high tomorrowwith a slight chance of storms. Otherwise,
a mostly sunny Friday overnight down tosixty nine with a few clowns,
and a sunny Saturday with no rainin the forecast until Tuesday. Channel nine
says Saturday's high ninety two. Rightnow, it's seventy one, in time
for chuck with traffic from the UCLPTraffic Center. The University of Cincinnati Cancer
Centers opening the most comprehensive blood centerin the nation. The future of cancer
is here called five one, three, five eighty five. UCCC southbound seventy
five continues slow through Wachland southbound seventyone and northbound seventy one, both running
a bit heavy past the Reagan Highwaynorthbound seventy five and an extra five between
Buttermilk and Town. Chuck Ingram onfifty five KRC the talk station A twenty
nine on a Friday Eve. Regularlisteners, no, and if you are
not a regular listener, you're anew listener. You tuned in at the
right time because we get to talkwith iHeartMedia aviation expert Jay Ratliff. He
is nationwide. He's on programs allthroughout this country. Thee I Heart Media
network of seven hundred stations has themon right, Jay Rattliff, Good to
have you back, my friend,and it's my pleasure to be of service
when my schedule allows. Pleasant giveMarningtia. I hope you're having a great
day and got some fun stuff totalk about today. Let's start off with
a record being broken. You saidit was coming, and in fact it
did well. You know the youand I talked over the years. The
single busiest travel day of the yearis always the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The
second busiest travel day of the yeartypically is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. So
every year we approach November wondering,Okay, we're gonna break you know,
the all time record. Well,we kicked off the summer travel season on
in May and we saw that wehad on like the twenty seventh or whatever,
twenty sixth where they set a newrecord of two point nine I think
three million people flying as we kickedoff this summer travel season. That's nowhere
near November, and the thought was, wow, we broke a record normally
reserved for Thanksgiving at the beginning ofsummer. Brand that record lasted thirty one
days before we broke it again attwo point nine to five, and that
record lasted fifteen days until we brokeit again, going over just three million
passenger screen first time ever, overthree million last week. So it's indicative
of the fact that more people areflying than ever and goes to show why
a lot of these CEOs for airlinesare ticked at Boeing because they were supposed
to have many, many, manymany more airplanes. So silver revenue tubes
in service to take advantage of thisincreased demand for travel, and of course
Boeing has not been able to supplythose airplanes. They've had to cancel a
lot of routes, turn their backon a lot of needed revenue. And
it's needed because airlines are not goingto be raking in massive profits this summer
because they have an increase in fuel. They're fighting and many of them have
recently renegotiated their contracts with some oftheir key employee groups and as a resulting
more for that. So, youknow, just because you're seeing this demand
for travel doesn't necessarily equate to ohmy gosh, the airlines stocks must be
going through the roof. They're not, and that's the reason for it.
Well, you know, and thepopulation has increased too. I mean,
we just got to kind of rememberthat. I keep waiting, for example,
for highway traffic to go back tothe way quote unquote used to be,
because every time I get on theexpress for anymore, it seems like
it's like a rush hour, andit could be at any given time.
But there are a whole hell ofa lot more people living in the area
than there used to be, ifyou know what I mean. We've got
a population that's growing all the time, so of course the roadways as well
as the airways are going to beclogged with more people traveling. So moving
over to Boeing, I golly boy, I can't get out of the news.
They reached a plea deal to settlewhat the criminal allegations. Jay,
Yeah, it goes back to thetwo Boeing Max crashes five years ago.
They killed three hundred and forty sixpeople, and it was it was perhaps
going to go to try. Boeingdid not want that. Boeing big time
did not want that. So Departmentof Justice step Sward and says we're going
off you a plea deal. Boeingeagerly, if I can use that term,
accepted it quickly because it's going toforce them to pay two forty three
million dollars or something, and it'sgoing to prevent them from going to court,
which would have been more costly.I'm certain the punitive awards would have
been higher. You're the s areyou kidding me? Yes? But the
other thing they did not want tohave is a rehash of all the things
Boeing had done to intentionally lie,to cover up withhold information from key people
like FAA invest in inspectors as theairline pilots, the airlines themselves. Because
that Boeing doesn't want to have thatrehash that was a bunch of years ago.
They're hoping it's going to kind offade. And even though the families
are very, very disappointed here,it was expected. Look, Boeing has
teen billion dollars in defense contracts orsome some obscene number like that with the
government, and the influence Boeing hasin Washington, d C is a myths
and when the thought was this isgoing to go to try out, like
never going to happen, even thoughyou never want to say never, I
felt pretty confident in that because justgiven Boeing's history, and you know,
it's really unfortunate because I used tobe a huge fan of Boeing. They
were the example of safety, theywere example of engineering excellence. They were
the company everybody tried to be like. And sadly, over the last ten
to fifteen years, they've become acompany that's more interested in cutting a profit,
cutting corners, blah blah blah,as opposed to delivering the safest product
possible. And as a result,we're seeing more and more instances where their
aircraft are being required to have inspectionsbecause of things that they have had issues
with. Isn't it interesting day Inan effort to increase profitability, they have
put themselves in a position of ruiningtheir profitability. They do. But you
know, in the stock has dippedjust a little bit. I think it's
still one hundred and eighty eight,one hundred and eighty five somewhere in that
range right now, and it certainlyhasn't plummeted to obscene lows overall of this,
because people know Boeing is huge.They've got the deep pockets, They've
got more than five thousand planes onback order. It's not like they're going
to go out of business. AndI hate to use this term, but
I know it's used in legal circles, but it's the cost of doing business.
And I'm sorry, I can never, I can never, ever ever
accept that term when it comes tosafety, because when you take a position
that you are going to as manyof these whistleblowers from at Boeing have indicated
and the FAA has substantiated, whereBoeing has an airplane where they run out
of parts and they tell their employees, go to the scrap bin where the
parts are that we don't want touse, pick out the best of those
failed parts, bring them back andput it on the airplane so that we
can keep this aircraft on schedule.From a production standpoint, Brent, how
do you respond to that? Imean, is so deliberately insane that it
shouldn't be happening, and yet itwas a normal practice. Maybe still is.
I don't know it Boeing well,And that takes you back to the
whole point on punitive damages. Ifthey had gone to trial, if they
court a jury was allowed to deliberateon this, they would have been awarded
These poor people who have lost familymembers, they would have been awarded billions
of dollars. And I have afeeling that maybe this settlement, sweetheart deal
was negotiated and settled without the issueof punitive damage coming up, primarily because
maybe the future of Boeing might havebeen at stake had it actually gone to
trial and a jury awarded punitive damages, and it would have gone to appeal,
and it probably would have sent adecade trying to get things squared away,
and maybe they would have reached afurther plea deal after that. We
don't know, but the bottom lineis that it's really a shame that a
company that endangered the lives of peopleknew that they had an aircraft that was
had safety issues that they said wewill fix these in future sure editions of
this aircraft. It it just,it just is so insane when you look
at the decisions that were being madeby people that should have been looking out
for the safety of everybody that flies. But you know, complacency being what
it is, Brian, so often, if nothing's happened and we took shortcuts,
well maybe we can keep doing it. We'll continue with our media aviation
expert Jay Rattleft more ongoing plus scarynear miss and other stories. In a
moment, let me just mention chimneycare, fireplace and stove since a area's favorite
chimney fireplace and dryer event professionals,let me emphasize the drive event as I
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five KRC earning twenty five dollars.Now wouldn't be an Ihartmedia Aviation expert without
that sound bite, dare at love. It goes beyond the Boeing seven thirty
seven Max crashes and doors flying offand tires exploding. We now also have
the FA ordering oxygen mask inspections.What else could go wrong? Yeah,
what they're saying is the oxygen maskon some of the seven thirty sevens may
not deploy as they're supposed to duringan emergency. Okay, So the FAA
has ordered the inspection of twenty sixhundred seven thirty sevens to make sure that
those oxygen canisters there's a strap upthere that's giving them some problems, that
they work as they're supposed to.And of course, we had a United
Airlines flight that was coming across thepond there over the Atlantic that had an
emergency announcement that came over saying donyour oxygen mask immediately, and only a
third of them dropped from the ceiling. Everybody else is banging on the ceiling
trying to get theirs to drop.It was a mistake at the time,
but the panic certainly was warranted giveneverything that was going on. But Ryan,
this is one of the reasons thatI get emails from people around the
country saying, Jay, for thefirst time ever, I'm actually paying attention
to what kind of airplane I'm on, and I am looking for itineraries that
say air bus versus bowing. Andthis has been the case for the last
seven months. That was me whenI got on the airplane going to Jackson
Hole. Man, It's like,God, bless it, I'm on a
Boeing aircraft. It did not giveme. Yeah, at least you're not
sucking a space station with a Boeingticker on your spacecraft, right, true,
you knew you were tempting fate withthat one. Brother. I feel
that is just the strangest reality.I mean that you know, that's something
I don't even have to contemplate myworld. But it was bad enough getting
a bowing airplane, so uh,time after time, You're always bringing this
up, and it did not giveme comfort. So I'm sure that I'm
not the only one that's got tofeel that way. You just mentioned it
yourself. People are looking for alternativesto the Boeing aircraft. I'm uncomfortable on
a seven thirty seven Max. That'sthe only aircraft that I am uncomfortable with,
and if I can stay clear ofit, I'll do it. Now.
Will I change my itinerary completely?If it's the same day travel,
I'll change it. And I liketo catch the first light out in the
morning now. Fortunately, Delta ismy carrier of choice. They do not
yet have any seven thirty seven Maxaircraft, so I can book those without
really being worried about the aircraft thatJay just me personally is not comfortable with
right at this point in time.So that's just my personal preference now,
while I get on any other Boeingaircraft absolutely without hesitation. My parents,
my grandkids, my wife, noproblem with that. But yeah, I
expect Boeing to do a better job, and sadly they've simply not been doing
it. And even though they're givingus a lot of these promises that they
gave us five years ago, whichthey lied, then they may be lying
now, it's going to be yearsbefore we're really going to know if they
were serious about trying to turn thecorner. Here, Yeah, it sure
is. And that's just a sadreality real quick. Here, I saw
that we haven't we've talked about thisbefore. We have yet another mechanic gett
and sucked. And this is aBoeing engine, certainly not Boeing's fault.
But you guys kind of have towonder how in the hell that could possibly
happen. I mean doesn't isn't everyoneon the tarmac train to stay the hell
away from a jet engine when it'srunning. Yeah, but what happens is
complacency where you get used to itand you're around them, and initially you're
scared to death. Then you becomea little bit more comfortable, and then
you get to the point where youare running the risk of putting yourself in
harm's way. And this was amechanic, it was And I ran that
was working on a commercial jetliner andthey were doing a right engine test where
they were testing the covers. Youforgot a tool, went back to get
it, got too close to theengine and was killed. And when I
used to see my agents running onthe ramp, that was the only time
I'd pull them off to the sideand say I'm about to fire you because
you run faster than you think.And I'd rather have you spend the rest
of your life mad at me thanus having a situation where you're killed out
here on the ramp. The rampsare very dangerous place, and that's why
you have to be very, veryaware. But sadly there are times when
people forget that, and sadly theyput themselves inadvertently in harm's way. Yes
they do all right. Moving over, Speaking of harm's way, apparently there
was a scary near miss that ofcourse on security camera. Literally everything these
days is Syracuse. For this one, Jay, Yeah, it was sent
to me by the Syracuse station Iwork with. They said, Jay,
check this out, and I'm thinking, okay, it's probably going to be
a near miss kind of thing,and knowing everything was going to be okay,
watching this video, it took mybreath away. Really now I understood
the angle of it, I thought, well, okay, maybe the way
the camera. It was a securityfootage that showed one airplane to land thing,
one airplane taken off in Brian.I'm telling you, you look at
it and you think they're about tooccupy the same spot at the exact same
time. And I thought Okay,maybe it's just a camera angle, maybe
it's not this close. Then welistened to the air traffic control tapes between
air traffic Control and one of thedeparting Delta Connection carriers, and the pilots
were not happy. So it mademe say, Okay, something's going on
here. Once this went viral,the FAA stepped in and said, hey,
they're going to investigate this. Butif you've not had the chance to
check out that Syracuse Airport near miss, you need to because it's one thing
for you and I to talk about. Hey, we had an air miss
at Kennedy and air miss in Austinblah blah blah, more of them now
than we've had of late. Butto see something like it on video is
on real And hopefully this will ratchetup the discussions because look, the FAA
is still investigating other near misses thisyear, so you know, that's a
video you've got to check out.And this was one where they had cleared
an American flight, or rather theycleared a Delta flight to take off while
an American flight was getting ready toland. Is one of those circumstances.
Yeah, and you look at thatvideo and again you know everything's going to
be okay, you know the outcome, but it still took my breath away
because that was a very, veryparent close call. We'll see just how
close it was as the investigation continuesfrom the FAA. Yeah, no doubt
about it. Just reminds me ofa story I flew out to it.
It was a tiny little airport.It was a commercial flight, but there
was no tower. The planes woulddo a circle around the runway to see
if it was clear, and thenthey would take a running in land while
my plane was coming into land,and another plane gets on the runway to
take off, so they had topull out and do another loop. So
not as close nearly or anywhere nearthe one that you're talking about, but
it was. It was just astrange occurrence. I remember like it was
yesterday because it scared me a littlebit. Anie hub delays. We always
had on hub delayce let's do thatagain. Today. Best day of the
week to travel, bar none,because we had issues with hurricanes earlier this
year a week rather and we hadproblems as that storm system moved up through
It's all gone. So today looksto be from a at least from a
weather station almost a delay free standpoint. Now we'll still have other issues obviously,
but they needed today because still tryingto accommodate some of those people that
were stranded over the last couple ofdays. Yeah, so if you picked
today, you picked a good one. Just get to the airport walking in
the doors at least two hours beforedeparture. Do your job so that you
can make sure you get on thatflight, because yes, they are going
to be packed. Oh, theyare going to be packed. Okay,
because I was getting ready to say, well, coming off that record weekend,
maybe the holiday traffic's all over thatyou'll have fewer people standing around trying
to get you. Fore I getthe seat, you probably get the road
to yourself. Just playing on it. Don't show up early, not say
that, because that's all somebody's goingto hear that, And Joe's got that
on tape. I'm glad you saidit on me. You'll replay that every
week. Don't show up early day. It's always a pleasure having on the
show, my friend. I'll lookforward next Thursday. Already between now and
then, invest the health and yourbetter half and have a wonderful weekend.
Sir. You two my friends Thankyou. Thanks forty nine fifty five care
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